lilyfreshwater · 1 year
alright everyone, here's the roster. with the amount of people we have now there have to be some byes in the first round, so the first 6-10 rankings i chose and everything else is arbitrary. i'll update this list throughout the day as i get requests
1. lmanberg
2. hetboo
3. lilyfreshwater
4. gnfkitten
5. miwb
6. freddie
7. sloth
8. ranboocrit
9. clover
10. b33
11. roxytonic
12. bicondringa
13. queerbaitingdream
14. dreamdisliker
15. straightjacketdnf (dykeseulgi)
16. dwtisgay
17. donttrustenglishboys
18. enbefundy
19. justamink
20. technoposting
21. shutupclay
22. hatejoy
23. annaaahd
24. settings-66
25. shubbur
26. trickittyq
27. nhfrt4
28. thewhitegrape
29. kiwicam
30. gogysnewmove
31. adabueno
32. justintyleralphonso
33. jellosmellos
34. blorbohatemail
35. missgaslighter
36. dykedavidson
37. winnerkiller (winnerbaby)
38. dizzease
39. gnfogie
34. bidream
41. angstyyalt
42. hellosapolo
43. moonpls
44. tommycrit
45. enneamage
46. gogsucker
47. truculentb
48. boolifeindeath
49. lunarcold
50. threehundredeleven
51. noodlecrit
52. droloism (starredonyx)
53. critcrimes
54. gnfogie
55. ⧉ anon
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lmanberg · 2 years
My post was tagged with dnf, but my blog isn't indexable, so it shouldn't matter what I tagged it with. Sorry nyxa, you're just a lurker.
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roxytonic · 2 years
I think we joined the fandom around the same time, what the hell, I thought you'd been around for like at least a year if not since 2020 😭
were you on any other platforms before tumblr? your blog archive goes back to August 2021 (i joined a few months before) 👀
anyway i've consumed some MCYT content and derivative works in 2020, yeah, but i wasn't properly in the fandom. i sometimes wish i joined a little earlier, but i just never heard or cared much about it until...
October 24th, 2020: the topic of MCYT comes up in the friend group Discord server
nonny (pseud): "dream team erotica is hilarious"
khan (also a pseud): "i didnt know you read dream team erotica"
me: "hi everyone. my clown ass really thought "dream team" referred to mario and luigi dream team and not the minecraft dream team. i will now be heading down a dream team erotica rabbit hole. [nonny], send me the AO3 link, i'm too boomer for this."
October 26th, 2020: another friend sends nurpo's DNF fanfiction list (the original one) which i read through. so fun!
November, December 2020: on twitter, i follow two of my artist friends who were making MCYT fanart and intersect with mcyttwt a couple of times (like stupid argument in trending page). the friend that sent nurpo's DNF fanfiction list sends a link to georgesoot's tumblr, which was called dreamwasfound then. skimmed it for about 5 minutes, uncomfortable with the unusually critical tone--but was grateful it existed, since Dream's following seemed to be growing more dangerous and difficult to deal with.
January 2021: dreamwasfound moves the URL to georgesoot and i realize that i may have to make a Tumblr account to try and keep up if they change their URL again. (georgesoot has been georgesoot since this change. currently, georgesoot2 is the original georgesoot.) i do not make a new account.
i don't remember what happened between January 2021 and April 2021 in terms of mcyt. i might've still been poking at mcyttwt's asinine arguments occasionally.
April 2021: i am still curious about georgesoot. i make the roxytonic account and see that he has been deactivated. (legal troubles, i heard. 😉) still, i wonder if he was a part of some larger group of people dedicated to being critical about CCs.
April 19th, 2021: i rename this tumblr account "roxytonic" and venture into mcytblr. i search up about georgesoot, find some lore about their group, and speculate that the more critical blogs (at that time, i knew of georgesoot, warpedfungusonastick, and fruityranboo/gaypilled) are in a federation that interact with each other but are not necessarily united in a personal group. (when i said i thought they were colleagues, this was a cautious estimation, as i had no idea what was happening behind-the-scenes and only looked at their workplace-esque interactions online.) it would be months later that i learn that these three blogs--and others!--were actually in a friend group together.
the rest is history from there. but i still wouldn't say i was ever a "proper" part of the fandom even with this blog because i just never invested much time into watching the content and the streams.
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olivogie · 2 years
Bicondringa kys lowkey
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lilyfreshwater · 1 year
hi everyone, it's the moment you've all been waiting for. the teams have been drafted, the roster has been built, and the campaigns have already started. as i mentioned earlier, we did not have a full 64 person bracket, so some people have byes the first round, but fear not because there are many races yet to be run. here's the bracket for the start of the tournament:
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all polls will be 24 hours long, any and all voter fraud and smear campaigns are accepted and encouraged but please remember that this is meant to be fun. so no tantrums and no doxxing allowed
may the best blog win o7
annaahd vs. moonpls
justamink vs. straightjacketdnf
settings-66 vs. ⧉ anon
donttrustenglishboys vs. dizzease
starredonyx vs. trickittyhq
lunarcold vs. tommycrit
thewhitegrape vs. critcrimes
hatejoy vs. justintyleralfonso
winniekiller vs. kiwicam
shutupclay vs. noodlecrit
technoposting vs. missgaslighter
queerbaitingdream vs. bidream
blorbohatemail vs. threehundredeleven
gogsucker vs. dreamdisliker
gogysnewmove vs. gnfogie
enbyfundy vs. boolifeindeath
shubbur vs. bicondringa
jellosmellos vs. angstyyalt
enneamage vs. truculentb
nhfrt4 vs. dwtisgay
roxytonic vs. adabueno
dykedavidson vs. hellosapolo
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
do u know any other blogs kinda like yours? like even if you very much disagree with them. reading stuff like this just has me absolutely enthralled
if youre looking for dtkq and associates crit go here:
@noodlecrit @bicondringa @adacrit @lunarcold @winnerbaby @queerbaitingdream @shutupclay
if youre looking for sbi + beeduo and associates crit go here:
@settings-66 @donttrustenglishboys (2 previous are wilbur focused) @anti-bun@technovc @technoposting (3 previous are techno focused) @enbefundy (fundy focused)
if youre looking for a bit of everything go here:
@lmanberg @hetboo @miwb @4-l34f @ranboocrit @justintyleralfonso @diamond-sketches + me but youre already here
and if for some goddamn reason you are a boober and want to see tubbo crit go here and never come back cause no other critblr blog is gonna entertain your asks:
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lilyfreshwater · 1 year
round two: electric boogaloo
welcome to the second round of the critblr sexyman tournament. the top seeded players who were given a bye will now participate in their first polls. we've got some pretty heavy hitters participating in this round as well as some matchups for the history books, so make sure to play your part this round by voting! remember, this is all for fun so no tantrums and no doxxing of participants is allowed (@annaaahd im looking at you lol)
may the best blog win, and as always
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lmanberg vs. moonpls
straightjacketdnf vs. settings-66
ranboocrit vs. donttrustenglishboys
clover vs. trickittyq (you bet your ass i spelled it right this time)
gnfkitten vs. lunarcold
critcrimes vs. justintyleralfonso
miwb vs. winnerkiller
noodlecrit vs. technoposting
hetboo vs. bidream
threehundredeleven vs. dreamdisliker
sloth vs. gogysnewmove
b33 vs. enbefundy
lilyfreshwater vs. bicondringa
jellosmellos vs. enneamage
freddie vs. dwtisgay
roxytonic vs. dykedavidson (#ROXYSWEEP)
there are several blogs in this round which i didn't link in the polls for privacy, so if you'd like your blog @ or blog name to be added to anything please let me know!
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lilyfreshwater · 1 year
@shubbur @bicondringa
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lilyfreshwater · 1 year
here's part of my 2022 review enjoy
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I posted 7,922 times in 2022
That's 7,570 more posts than 2021!
7,028 posts created (89%)
894 posts reblogged (11%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,321 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#ask - 6,451 posts
#frank's conspiracy theories - 1,542 posts
#queue - 235 posts
#fam anon - 102 posts
#mcyt - 74 posts
#frank's proven facts - 30 posts
#into the clemverse - 28 posts
#tubbo - 26 posts
(i deleted some of these lol)
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#streamentrix the number one medicine proven to stop you from dropping out of college because 'hey this minecraft thing is really taking off'
My Top Posts in 2022:
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alexa play "who lives who dies who tells your story" from the hit musical hamilton exactly 2 minutes and 55 seconds into the song
806 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
instead of going through dream, if you want to donate directly to the SFA in techno's honor here's a link:
no matter who sponsors it, supporting those in need through charity is always a good thing and any size donation is valuable, so please donate if you can
963 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
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lilyfreshwater · 1 year
@lilyfreshwater @bicondringa
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lmanberg · 2 years
I've cracked the code. You're half Italian, but you're lying about being American. In fact, you're Australian. Your name starts with M (one of the letters you gave us). You're famous Youtuber Mike's Mic. When's the Dream lore deep dive video going to happen, Mike?
(This is me taking the piss because Mike is Italian too)
I gave out too much info the truthers are on my trail
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roxytonic · 2 years
I’m curious, what’s the meaning behind your panopticon tag? I scrolled through it and it seems like fandom criticism of a sort, but I feel like there’s more depth to it.
it originally used to be a very specialized term for fandom behavior: stans looking out for crit, then defending their CCs to an inch of their lives. but that seems like common behavior around all fandoms and fans, so it's probably best as a general tag re: fandom criticism now.
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
any critblr blog recs?
here we go:
@lmanberg @hetboo @gnfhatesyou @noodlecrit @bicondringa @ranboocrit @sizogie @miwb @threehundredeleven
and of course the og @gayminecraftmen
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lmanberg · 2 years
different anon, but someone screenshotted one of @/roxytonic's posts about the dream reddit stuff (specifically their response to @/bicondringa) and put it on mainblr and people started making fun of it. this actually happened before and it's essentially the same situation just on a smaller scale. drama's over from what i can tell
Lemme at ‘em
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
psa cause i just got fucking whomegaluled by bicondringa (/lh), i go by frank cause this is a sideblog and my main is a private tubblr blog @/frankthechocobo. so if i follow you/like ur posts it's from there
also new url check (yes i saved the old one cause it's iconic)
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