bughead-fic-request · 7 years
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I would like to thank @leaalda for making these amazing banners.
This is an effort to spread the word about all fan fiction writers in our little fandom. If you would like to be featured or nominate a writer, please contact me. Please reblog this post if you can and check out some of @bettyluvsjuggie work!
1. First things first, if someone wanted to read your stories where can they find them.
http://archiveofourown.org/users/bettyluvsjuggie/works or my taglist on tumblr https://bettyluvsjuggie.tumblr.com/search/bljwrites
2. Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m 18 years old, and I live in England (I don’t have a posh accent and I don’t like tea- sorry for betraying the stereotypes). I’m a pretty artsy person, I love drama and especially dance- I’ve been dancing since I was like 3. You know that leg stretch thing Madelaine does as Cheryl, I can do that. I also love photography- I don’t have a great camera or anything yet, I just like taking pretty pictures.
3. What do you never leave home without?
My phone for sure.
4. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl definitely, my sleep pattern is so messed up.
5. If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?
Gosh, that’s a tough one. I’d love to visit Wonderland, as in ‘Alice in…’ because I’ve always loved that story, but I wouldn’t want to live there!
6. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met.
I’ve met a couple of British Olympic and Paralympic medal winners but I don’t remember their names… clearly they weren’t that famous?
7. What are some of your favorite movies/TV?
I love classic 80s movies like The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller, St. Elmo’s Fire. I’m also a sucker for romantic movies like the first time, The Notebook, Me Before You.
TV shows? Obviously Riverdale, also Teen Wolf, Orphan Black, Brooklyn Nine Nine and Skins.
8. What are some of your favorite bands/musicians?
Varies so much across so many genres but some favourites currently are Oh Wonder, Ed Sheeran, Christine and the Queens, Halsey, All Time Low etc.
9. Favorite Books?
Anything sappy and romantic lol, and it’s a little clichéd tbf but the Fault in our Stars by John Green is one of my favourites I think, not that I’ve read it in ages, but I remember thinking it was really well written. A childhood favourite is Ballet Shoes by Noel Fielding.
10. Favorite Food?
Chicken, a broad category I know, but that’s what’s great about it! I also love spicy food.
11. Biggest pet peeve?
People who are assholes for no reason, it costs nothing to be kind.
12. What did you want to be when you were little? What do you want to be now?
I wanted to be a ballet dancer lol, how clichéd but like I said, I’m into dance. Now I want to work in psychology, probably working with children. Mostly I want to do something that makes me happy and might help make others a little happier too
13. What are your biggest fears? Do you have any strange fears?
I am f’ing terrified of needles- which sucks because I am desperate for a tattoo, but I have a panic attack when I have to get injections? Also, thunderstorms. I don’t understand how people love them because they terrify me!! I fully have to hide under a blanket and try and drown out the thunder and lightning
14. When you are on your deathbed what would be the one you’d regret not doing?
I hope that when I die, I can look back and see a full and happy life. I know that there will inevitably be ups and downs, but I hope that I will let the light outweigh the dark. So if anything, I would regret not allowing myself to be happy.
Okay… lets talk about your writing!
15. Which is your favorite of the fics you've written for the Bughead fandom?
A one-shot I wrote called Lovesick - Betty and Jughead are both sick after Jughead catches a cold from Betty. I really loved writing Jughead because he’s very over the top and whiny and it was just fun to do!
16. Which was the hardest to write, in terms of plot?
Currently my only multi-chapter is called He Was Gone - it’s set in two different timelines, sort of like flashbacks vs present time. I guess I don’t really struggle with the plot, but sometimes the words just won’t happen the way I want them to.
17. How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? Do you people watch? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?
Sometimes for my one-shots I look at prompts but I never really follow it exactly, that’s why I never credit one. Does that make sense? Like I put my own spin on it. For example: if the prompt is Person A takes care of Person B while they’re sick. I say nah, make them both sick.
The rest of the time, it’ll be an idea that has manifested in my brain. Some fluffy situation that I can’t stop thinking about all day and have to put into words as soon as I can.
Sometimes I write while listening to music but it’s not essential.
18. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
I’m not good at smut but then again I haven’t really tried, maybe I will, maybe it won’t. I’m really enjoying writing fluff right now so it doesn’t bother me too much.
19. Least favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
I can't really pinpoint an exact thing but I have definitely posted chapters of my multi-chapter that I wasn't completely satisfied with.
20. Favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
From Lovesick again (I really do like it): “You’re very hot Jug.”
“Why thank you, my dear. And I love you very much, but I am in no state to fool around today” he deadpanned. I like sarcastic Jughead
21. Favorite character to write?
Jughead and Betty, can’t separate them sorry. I mostly only write those two anyway in my one-shots. I’m just in love with those characters and their love story.
22. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you've written?
Jughead waited for Betty’s eyes to flutter open and meet his, meadows of green locked with floods of blue. He sighed quietly, “there is nothing in this world, or the next, that will stop me from kissing you.”
23. Best comment/review you’ve ever received?
Literally every comment I receive makes my heart sing and puts a smile on my face. There are no favourites because they all mean the world to me. Whether it’s three words or thirty, I can guarantee any comment will make me happy.
24. How do you handle bad reviews or comments?
I’ve had none so far thankfully, but I imagine I would try and not let the bad outweigh the good. I understand that’s sometimes easier said than done though.
25. If you could change anything in any of your stories, what would it be?
Sometimes I post a chapter and then when I’m writing the next one and I think of something and I’m like ‘damn that would have been so much better’ but I can’t really pick out something specific.
What is your favorite story you’ve ever written? Any fandom?
Before I entered the bughead fandom I didn’t even read fanfiction of any sort, let alone write it so there are no fics from other fandoms. I’ve already said Lovesick a few times (Really? Hadn’t noticed.) so I’ll pick another one. I am really loving writing He Was Gone to be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else do the Now/Then thing that I’m doing and I’m just enjoying exploring that.
27. What are you reading right now? Both fan fiction and general fiction?
Not really reading any general fiction at the moment sadly, I need to start reading again for sure. But in terms of fanfiction, I literally am LOVING Serpent and the Swan @jugandbettsdetectiveagency, meet the morning, which has just finished but it’s one of my favourites @sylwrites, OF COURSE The Stacks by @malmo722, a long time favourite (shout out to its brilliant author who also thought of this awesome idea, thanks for letting me be a part of it <3), there’s definitely loads more and literally tons on my need to read list.
28. Do you have an advice for writers that want to get into this fandom but might be scared?
I’ve seen a lot of people talk about comment culture and reaching out to others so I’ll try and write something a little different.
When you put your work out there for the first time, it is super scary and it can make you feel super vulnerable, I can remember the exact feeling because it feels like barely anytime has passed since I posted my first fic. Try not to expect immediate success, unfortunately it doesn’t happen for everyone. I know it can be intimidating to see a much smaller number of notes on your post than the most well-known writers get, but try and not let it affect you. Instead, try and appreciate every note that you get. Every like, kudos, comment or reblog, no matter how few or how many, means that someone read what you wrote and appreciated it, isn’t that awesome?! I think it’s epic.Also, if there isn’t an immediate or huge response to your fic, don’t let it discourage you. Don’t stop writing, keep going, write more.
And finally, don’t write for other people, write for yourself.
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cooperjones2020 · 7 years
23 Questions
I was tagged by @bettyl0vesjuggie!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 11 people to do it!
1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? I would like to live in the UK again for a while.
2. Do you wear any jewellery? I almost always wear earrings, but that’s about it.
3. How do you spell this word: Colour or color? Honestly, both. I set my microsoft word to either English (US) or English (Can) depending on who it’s for and then I let the computer correct me. My spellings are too confused now that I’m living in my third Anglophone country.
4. What is one stereotype about where you live (country)? Canadians are the nicest people ever, which is true. The overwhelming friendliness and helpfulness of my doctors and nurses recently has even converted my Republican mother to supporting socialized healthcare.
5. Do you sleep with your closet door closed or open? Open
6. What laptop/computer/phone do you use for Tumblr? My macbook. My phone is old and out of storage space.
7. What makes you bored? Currently, being trapped in my apartment. In general, people who complain and never add anything to the conversation.
8. What is your favourite four legged creature and why? I won’t choose and you can’t make me! (Related: do they train service dogs for sleepwalkers? Is there such a thing as a service cat?)
9. If you could live in one fictional universe, what would that universe be? Harry Potter, though my mind is currently consumed by Outlander.
10. Sweet or spicy? Sweet, I’m such a wimp that black pepper is sometimes too much for me.
11. What do you order from McDonalds? I only go to McDonalds for breakfast, and only before road trips or when I’m hungover. I get a sausage, egg, and cheese McGriddle, a hash brown patty, and orange juice. It’s the perfect balance of sweet, salt, and fat.
12. Favourite type of milkshake? Chocolate malt or cookie dough or oreo. I’m not good at favourites.
13. Curly fries or regular fries? Doesn’t matter as long as they’re crispy.
14. What was the weirdest text you have ever sent to someone? Probably recordings of me singing the alphabet in English, French, Spanish, and Greek.
15. What was your laziest moment? Right now I need people to push me to the bathroom, so that I guess. But it’s not so much laziness as a desire to avoid pain.
16. Do you like rollercoasters? Yes, which is surprising cause I’m afraid of heights.
17. Last time you threw up? Saturday, October 28th.
18. Have you ever been catcalled? At what age? Starting at age 11 and continuing. I think the last time was a couple weeks ago?
19. What was the best pasta you have ever eaten? This is hard. I have a soft spot for a good lasagna.
20. If you could make all pancakes into one shape, what shape would you choose? Honestly, I’d probably like them to be square so I could cut them in equal size bites easily.
21. If you were an animal, what animal would you be? Honestly probably a cat. I can be very loving and sociable but only on my own terms. Also, naps.
22. Are these questions weird? Yes.
23. What is the weirdest question in this tag? 18.
Beth says everyone’s already done this and I haven’t waded into my dash in a while, so I’m going to take her word for it and use that as an excuse not to tag people.
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yourfaithwasstrong · 7 years
hey guys do you know where @bettyluvsjuggie is? did she get another blog?
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blueandgoldoffice · 5 years
Since summer is coming up, I want to ask: What is your favorite Spring/Summer bughead fic? There are so many out there!
Favourites are always hard for me because I love so many. There are SO many stories that make me nostalgic for summertime. Here are just a few that make me think of the beach and sunshine… I miss the sunshine.  🖤 Jandy
One Week by @auddy-95 (8/8 - M)
Summary: Betty asks. Jughead says yes. After all, it’s only one week of pretending to be irrevocably in love. The only problem: he’s not sure how much “pretending” is going on.
drop in the ocean by @lusterrdust (1/1 - M)
Summary:  “She can feel the tickle and scrape of coarse sand against their bare legs, but pays it no mind. Her focus is consumed with her boyfriend’s touch and the trail of heat his fingers leave against her skin.”
by the grace (of the fire and the flames) by @rivervixens (1/1 - M)
Summary: Jughead nods slowly, his gaze drifting toward the ocean. His voice is low and cryptic when he says, “Beginnings are the best part.”
Famous Last Words by @lazydaizies (11/11 - M)
Betty Cooper: small town young widow, mother of twin girls, sings every night for two weeks at her uncle’s ultra-exclusive resort that caters to the rich and famous, in exchange for a free, blissful, much-needed vacation, alone and away from everyone and everything. Jughead Jones: world-famous writer, photographer, actor, model, on vacation to clear his head and decide what career choices he wants to continue in and what he wants to step away from because he no longer feels fulfilled and satisfied with his life going in all directions. The attraction is instant.
Beach Day by @bettyluvsjuggie (1/1 - T)
Summary: Betty whisks Jughead away from Riverdale for the day so she can take him to the beach for the first time. They spend the day avoiding the troubles that haunt them at home, and fall in love with the sun, the sand, the sea and each other.
simmer down and pucker up by @santiagone (2/2 - T)
Summary: “Betty,” Jughead interrupts. His voice is lower now, and the resignation might even be scarier than the yelling. “We’re not soulmates. We can’t.” And therein lies the crux of the problem.
sleep on the floor by @flwrpotts (1/1 - T)
Summary: Betty and Jughead hit the road.
Cool for the Summer by @lovedinapastlife  (1/1 - M)
Summary: Jughead’s finally starting to feel more like a pool boy and less like “POOL BOY!” which is what Cheryl yells at him every time she wants a refill.
Betty’s had enough of being the Blossom house guest and chew toy, and takes it upon herself to stay cool for the summer for the sake of her sister’s wedding.
Too bad the hot pool boy’s making her sweat in more ways than one. And although he’s more of a non-fiction guy, Jughead’s enjoying the fantasy of imagining what’s underneath that red and white bikini, what it’s like inside of the Blossom’s sweet and feisty house guest.
spectacular views by @imreallyloveleee (1/1 - G)
Summary:  Jughead Jones, it turns out, is a very good date.
Wanderlust by @thesecretfandom (11/12 - E)
Summary: A serendipitous meeting in a foreign city leads to the beginning of an incredible adventure and even more incredible relationships.
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lazydaizies · 6 years
I love all your stories. So well written and sexy. Do you have any recommendations of other good Bughead stories? I love haunted but other than that I can't find any good ones. The more smut the better. :)
oy, I get asked this so friggen often….i’ll make another list….and then i’m off making lists for a while cause this shit takes me forever lol So, here are my recs for smutty, and maybe not so smutty fics…..all ones that I love…and for those that i’m forgetting, I have snooze brain today and I apologize and my peeps can add fics if they want….
FAVORITE FICS (so sorry for any i forgot, it’s late :/)
cake and cardigans by @heytherejones  (actually anything by her is amazing)
King’s Crown Bar   by @n0pleasestayhere (one of my absolute favs)
Ouroboros by @elegantmoonchild  (like lordy, on fire this one)
Ever Since New York by @allskynostars (i just love this and her :) Also Strong :) 
Be Lonely with Me by @bughead-is-riverdale
Double-Booked by @itsindiansummer13
Drive by @writeradamanteve
The Art of Redamancy by @xxbettysgirlxx
The Boy on the Bike  by @serenecalamity (i super love this one)
Try me On (Baby ) by @it-happened-one-starry-night
Turn the White Snow by @heartunsettledsoul
Jones Industries  by  @bugheadotp (another favorite)
Love to Hate You by Tinnie on Ao3  @iamdarkandtwisty on here
Tacos and Tequila by  @jugandbettsdetectiveagency (literally my favorite)
Ordinary Days by @juggiehasmyheart17
Overcome by @gay-for-rey1999 (super hot and kinky lol)
Paper Hearts by  @a-katastrophy also  Broken Boy by her
Painted in Flames by @ohkingsteve
Smoke and Glitter by  @tory-b (so so good!)
Southside High  by @noorakardemmomesaetre
Stranger than Fiction by @oleekingcole
(wise men say) only fools rush in by  @sylwrites and @lessoleilscouchants
Cat Paws and Love Laws  by @bettyluvsjuggie (hasn’t updated in a while but i’m waiting in excitement for when it does :) 
Flower Girl by @mogitz
More then skin deep by  SqueegeeBecksXo
Psycho Killer by @bughead-fic-request (different than i usually read, but so far liking it) 
Teach Me To Love Again  by  @tory-b and @bughead-is-riverdale
ain’t no sleep (when the wicked play) by @ohkingsteve
So this took forever….and i probably won’t do it again for like 100 years lol so everyone add stuff if you want :) I know there is lots of new stuff coming constantly and my brain just can’t conjure them up lol and i scanned my pages and pages of subscriptions :/
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jandjsalmon · 7 years
are there any new multi chapter betty x jughead fics?
YES! I am finally getting to this ask. I am SO sorry for the delay. It’s kind of a intensive question - and I wanted to give you a big list of WIPs - that not everyone would already be subscribed to (but that they should subscribe to right this second). Really, I just went and looked through my own All Mail folder to see which fics I’ve been reviewing a ton of lately and grabbed a bunch to share. Of course, as always - this is not an exhaustive list. I just stopped opening additional browser windows when I felt I had enough. 
Please Read and Review - and Enjoy! Happy Reading!
The Missing and Extended Moments by @litladyloveshp (39/?) - T
Summary: Starting before the beginning of the series. Looking over crucial moments in the friendship between Archie and Jughead (in the first couple chapters) and the romantic relationship between Betty and Jughead. Shifts between Jughead and Betty POV
Strong by @allskynostars (5/?) - M
Summary: Betty Cooper swore she only signed up to tutor a young girl from South Side High, and definitely not for what followed.And Jughead Jones didn’t sign up for anything.
Snapshots by @elegantmoonchild (10/?) - M
Summary: An afternoon of reading old diaries and manuscripts turns into a lifetime of memories played before Betty and Jughead as they dig through the past. What were the moments leading up to the romance of sophomore year that stood out to Betty in her diaries, Jughead in the manuscript he wrote about his story with the girl-next-door? How did their epic love story play out for the couple beyond the events of Jason Blossom’s murder that shook the bedrock of Riverdale?
(don’t need no minister) to give you my heart by @lessoleilscouchants (4/?) - NR
Summary: It’s been years since Jughead wondered if Betty was too good for him, years since he felt insecure - she’s his, he’s hers, they’re it - but nonetheless, he wishes they could just make it official already.Or: A wedding, several proposals, and one serious case of baby fever.
Nothing Was the Same by @findingbetty (1/?) - NR
Summary: Beneath that story, there was another story.
Call Me A Safe Bet, I’m Betting I’m Not by@anactualcaseofthetruth (2/?) - T
Summary: “Even though scientists are still quite baffled after multiple millennia of medical and technological advances of exactly how the soulmarks work, there has been enough research and study that we now know when and how to expect them… There has yet to be one soulmate coupling occur before the female has experienced a menstrual cycle and the male to begin producing sperm. In short, soulmarks have never appeared before entering puberty…There are many, many more cases in which two people have insisted they are soulmates only to not mark with one another. All in all, only about 3% of couplings are correct in predicting they are soulmates before marks form.” *** Betty Cooper is four years old when she meets Jughead Jones. She knows he is her soulmate, he’s not so sure.
Jughead and Betty’s Epic Detour by @rust-and-stardust27 (2/?) - T
Summary: Jughead and Betty take the road trip that Archie and Jughead were supposed to take together. Title taken from “Roger and Amy’s Epic Detour” by Morgan Matson but that’s as far as it goes.
There’s evil in your heart (it wants out to play) by @juggydunes (7/10) - M
Summary: “I look down at my hands, they’re coated in blood. I instantly know it’s not mine, it never is." When a new type of evil hits Riverdale, Betty finds herself right in the middle. With the help of two FBI agents, will they be able to solve it in time?
fade into you (strange you never knew) by @sopaloma (2/4) - M
Summary: On the night of his first gallery show, Jughead Jones is about to see Betty Cooper for the first time in six years.A 90s AU.
Shirley Temple by @mistressofmalplaquet (3/?) - M
Summary: Jughead thought he could teach the blond girl a thing or two, but he’s the one who gets schooled.
take me home by @sylwrites (9/?) - M
Summary: When Jughead used to imagine living in New York, it was always Manhattan - not a small town upstate. At least the shoot for Sweetwater is only seven months.
On Borrowed Time by @aisforr (4/9) - M
Summary: Betty took a gap year for relaxation. What she didn’t expect it to include, was a road trip around the country with her best friend in tow.The fact that he was on the waiting list for a heart transplant and that she’s in love with him may have factored into her decision making. Just a little bit.
Wanderlust by @thesecretfandom (3/?) - T
Summary: "Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth it is a city of freedom. And in freedom, most people find sin.” –John Green, The Fault in Our StarsHow well will Jughead and Betty get to know each other in the few short days they have in Amsterdam?
Growing Up by @mysummerdress (3/?) - M
Summary: Betty is moving to New York from Riverdale for schooling.Veronica and Betty agree to move in together, however, all doesn’t go exactly according to plan. Betty places an ad in the local paper; with a few ‘rules’ - she meets Jughead.Unlike anyone she has met before… Betty’s life is about to be completely turned upside down and she’s the least bit prepared.
From Italy, With Love by @rust-and-stardust27 (6/?) - T
Summary: Betty gets the opportunity of a lifetime when she is chosen to renovate a villa in Italy. She’s ready for a new start until her ex-boyfriend shows up at her doorstep to finish his second novel. There’s just some things you can’t change.
Cat Paws and Love Laws by @bettyluvsjuggie (3/?) - T
Summary: Jughead Jones first meets Betty Cooper when her difficult kitty Caramel finds her way into his apartment. Betty might just grow as fond of him as her cat is.
96 Hours by @shakinnmovin (5/6) - M
Summary: Betty and Jughead were close friends who maintained a good relationship since they were kids. One mistaken night of passion after high school and Jughead uses every occasion to bring it up. Now that Jughead has transferred colleges and is the same one as Betty, she needs to get him to stop teasing her. Forever. THE DEAL- 4 day weekend, just the two of them and he’ll “forget” that passionate night ever happened. But what happens when Betty admits that she had feelings for the boy and starts to realize that she still might have them? Jughead reveals some truths as well.
When the Night Falls(It’s Magic) by @it-happened-one-starry-night (5/?) - M
Summary: Betty and Jughead go camping to get away from it all. Feelings are laid bare.
HEAVENS… this was a much longer list than I thought. And it could have been longer… Sorry for the gigantic list on your dash, people.
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ao3feed--bughead · 6 years
I wanna hold your hand.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DUj0t1
by bettyluvsjuggie
AU - Jellybean somehow manages to convince her brother to take her ice skating, but he is less than enthused about it. Things spiral out of control when Jughead ends up on the ice himself, and is then abandoned by his sister. Enter Betty Cooper, knight in shining armour. Pure fluff.
Words: 3628, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Jellybean Jones, Toni Topaz
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones
Additional Tags: Holiday Fic Exchange, Holidays, Ice Skating, Alternate Universe, First Meetings, pure fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DUj0t1
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hey guys, I deleted my previous blog (bettyluvsjuggie) in an anxiety impulse so I'm starting over here. Hope you'll all follow 💛
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allskynostars · 7 years
∞ (also hey girl- it's Beth, previously bettyluvsjuggie)
Heyyy gorgeous. Followed you back 😘
Trade Mistakes - Panic! At The Disco
‘If I could trade mistakes for sheep, count me away before you sleep.’
put a “∞” in my ask box and i’ll shuffle my itunes and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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bughead-fic-request · 7 years
Someone asked me a little while ago what the Bughead Author Spotlight schedule was. I was too tired then to put it up but here is what I have right now. If there is a writer you want to know more about or you would like to promote yourself please let me know. 
August 29 - @cheryllclayton
August 31 - @itstenafterfour
September 2 - @totheheartsthatache
September 5 - @justcourbeau
September 7 - @juggiehasmyheart17
September 9 - @fxyeahriverdale
September 12 - @bettyluvsjuggie
September 14 - @allskynostars
September 16 - @betsforsythetrash
September 19 - @ficmuse
September 21 - @novelistjugheadjones
September 23 - @onceuponamirror
September 26 - @lessoleilscouchants
September 28 - @juggyandbetty
September 30 - @lazydaizies
October 3 - @thesecretfandom
October 5 - @aswellingstorm
October 7 - @jugandbettsdetectiveagency
October 10 - @juglovesbetty
October 12 - @soulsofstarsliveinyourveins
October 14 - @mothermaple
October 17 - @bugheadotp
October 19 - @raptorlily
October 21 - @stillscape
October 24 - @hella-bi-and-ready-to-die
October 26 - @findingbetty
October 28 - @oldfashionedvanilla
October 31 - @avenuepotter
November 2 - @gellbellshead
There was no preference in order here. I just listed them as to when I got the questions back. I hope this is helpful and not annoying!
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cooperjones2020 · 7 years
6, 14, 23, 30, 49, 93, 94, 98
Thanks, love @bettyl0vesjuggie!
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
I’ll do you one better and alliterate them as well – curious, caretaking, contrary
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
I change my mind on this all the time. At the moment, I’m missing Oxford. But I think eventually, I’d like to live in a small town within an hour or so of a city.
23. describe your dream date
answered here!
30. what’s your favorite candle scent?
Atm it’s a tie between “sweater weather” and “flannel” from Bath and Body works. In general, I like woodsy and/or fresh scents, not sweet or overly floral ones.
49. what was the last compliment you received?
I think my mom told me I was pretty yesterday? Or a student at the writing centre told me I was really good at my job?
93. last thing you ate? 
In an effort to the combat the cold I’m currently really salty about having contracted, I figured I’d order something spicy, so I had some pork and kimchi ramen but it was so so hot I thought I was going to die.
94. favorite lyrics right now
It’s a tie between:
In the days I hoped we’d someday spend/ In our Sunday best/ We were light as a flame/ Both batshit insane/ We were lost/ We were just the same, “The Fall of Rome,” The Airborne Toxic Eventor
Sad hopes I’d hidden under/ Tangled inside of me/ You spoke like broken thunder/ Deep into the center of me, “Thunder Clatter,” Wild Cub
98. favorite month? 
October 🎃 👻 🍁 🍂 ☕️
Unusual asks
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blueandgoldoffice · 6 years
Hi! do you have any really good jughead proposing one shots?
Oh this was a fun ask! There’s actually A LOT of one shots with Jughead proposing, but these are a few of my favorites! Enjoy! -e
Quick Question by @bettyluvsjuggie
Rated: G
Summary: Jughead is not one for grand gestures and expertly planned romantic moments, just simple moments of spontaneity.
Just Give Me All of You by @childofthestarbreather
Rated: G
Summary: Jughead checked his suit jacket pocket again to make sure the box was still there and then the other one to make sure he had the tickets to see the Greatest Showman at the Bijou. OR The proposal we all deserve.
Bittersweet Goodbyes and New Beginnings by @thesecretfandom
Rated: G
Summary: The day has finally come for them to say goodbye to Riverdale High and hello to the real world that awaits them. Betty and Jughead have big plans in New York City, but are Jughead’s plans just a little bit bigger than expected?
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Jones industries by bugheadotp, she burns by bettyluvsjuggie, exchange romance by daisy-chain-gardens maybe for your review thing?
thank you, Nonnie!! 💜💜 i really appreciate you sending me these suggestions! I am reading Jones Industries and Exchange Romance(one of my all-time faves), but haven’t read She Burns yet! I will be adding that to my list of fics to read.
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jandjsalmon · 7 years
do you have a favourite story from dreamersshouldknowbetter and bettyluvsjuggie?
Yes I do! Thank you for the ask, Grayface!
@dreamersshouldknowbetter‘s fic 11 Blocks (2/2 - G) literally messed me up. Fic thy name is Emotionally Compromising Jandy! It’s really so good. And Jess writes a lot of really amazing fics… but that one is my favourite.
@bettyl0vesjuggie  - SO many fluffy wonderful fics. Definitely hard to choose. Umm.. I’m currently loving Cats Paws - but my very very favourite is Quick Question because it’s perfect and makes me think of my own sweetheart.  
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ao3feed--bughead · 7 years
She Burns
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU3VU5
by bettyluvsjuggie
Where’s the fun in starting a story from the beginning? This story starts in the middle, on the ever-ominous night before school started again. Maybe, piece by piece we’ll uncover what happened during the summer, when the perfect girl next door met a mysterious boy from the southside, working together amongst the books in the library. Maybe things would be different if her childhood crush hadn’t confessed his feelings at the beginning of the summer. Maybe it seems like all the forces in the universe are trying to keep them from each other - maybe that makes them want it more.
Words: 2647, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews, Alice Cooper, FP Jones
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones
Additional Tags: more characters pending, Southside Serpent Jughead Jones, Enemies to Lovers, sort of slow burn, i guess, I Don't Even Know, possible angst, more tags later I think
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xU3VU5
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derangedsanity · 7 years
Hi, sorry to bother you. I'm kind of new here and I was wondering if you have any recommendations for riverdale accounts to follow or any good fanfics or art. Thank you so much.
@gogenevieveart is an amazing artist for Riverdale along with a few other shows. As for fanfics, it depends on what kind of fanfictions you’re looking for. Bughead? Reader inserts? Go ahead and send me another ask if you want with which ones you’re in to and I’ll see what I can do in that department. @saunabakkoush @vegaslodge @thesuitelifeofjughead @freetimefase @colelili @adorebughead @bettydooper @chiaroscurous @carltonclutterbuck @buymemilkandtea @bettytail @roadtoriverdale @fiendfyrx @cooper--jones @riverdalili @bugheadboi @reinnarmy @sprouseharts @bettybettycooper @wheninriverdale @annioe @it-happened-one-starry-night @camimendes @ariquitecontrary @rarecolesprouse @itstenafterfour @chaoticbombshells @jeemyjamz @lilireinh-art @chxronica @fuckyeahriverdaletrash @lilirenhart @jenzig @bettyluvsjuggie @cheryls-bombshell @theshaggingwagon @southsidejuggie @musingmola @peacelovebughead @theblueandsilver @onceuponagladerhead @betty-and-jughead @jugandbettsdetectiveagency @bettycomics @bugheadjones-the-third @riverdales-daily @ju-gg @veronicas-logde @mantleismagnificent @riverdalesource @tasteofswallowedwords @fyeahriverdale @thatsadbreakfastclub @little-adorable-angels are some amazing blogs that you should definitely check out, too! For more you can visit my blogroll here  
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