#best legal transcription services
felassan · 6 months
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[source (Senior Reporter at Kotaku), linked Kotaku article, two, 'FC 24's performance link', three, four, @/N7SeveranceDay (source of the last two images, "Account supporting BioWare employees laid off in 2023."), five, six, Polygon tweet, Polygon article]
"BioWare Continues to Refuse to Pay Severance" statement transcript:
“BioWare Continues to Refuse to Pay Severance On August 23 of this year, BioWare eliminated “approximately 50 roles at BioWare”. Following the layoffs, seven ex-BioWare employees engaged the services of R. Alex Kennedy to represent their interests, stating that the amount of severance offered was insufficient under Alberta common law. Counsel for the employees has attempted to reach a compromise that would avoid requiring lengthy court proceedings, but BioWare’s lawyers refused any offers to negotiate and settle out of court. The basis of Kennedy’s claim is that according to Alberta precedents and under Canadian law, these employees should be receiving approximately 1.7 months of severance per year of service they gave to BioWare. BioWare has now filed a Statement of Defence, which argues that the seven terminated employees are only entitled to two weeks of severance per year spent in service to BioWare, because of a contract provision that Kennedy says is not enforceable. The filing means BioWare will be taking these former employees to court rather than working towards finding an out of court resolution. The developers involved in the suit have expressed their disappointment: - “We are disappointed that BioWare prefers stalling and intimidation tactics to fair dealing with people who have given years, and in some cases decades, of dedication and hard work to the company.” - “We believe they are using intimidation and stalling tactics to try and get us to drop out. A lot of the more junior employees and those with families, who had more monetary pressure on them, could not risk waiting on a court case that may take many months more to resolve, and have already had to drop out.” - “At the time of the layoffs, BioWare offered us professional assistance in finding new employment, and an additional payment, but ONLY on the condition that we signed an agreement saying we cannot talk about any details of the settlement, and that we would completely waive any right to legal action or even to complain in any way about anyone associated with BioWare now or ever in the future. Tactics like that sure make me think that BioWare knows it is in the wrong.” - “Despite what they publicly announced when they laid us off, this process has been anything but empathetic, respectful, and communicative.” The latest BioWare layoffs were the third round so far this year, and many of the developers affected even in earlier rounds are still searching for work, though some have started to find new positions. Regardless of employment status, the members of the current lawsuit state they remain determined to pursue BioWare in court, regardless of their employment status: - “We strongly believe that if Dragon Age: Dreadwolf does not do as well as BioWare or EA wants at launch, there will be more, even larger layoffs. Therefore, regardless of our own well-being, we believe it is important to hold BioWare responsible and get a clear decision on what settlement amount is legal. We’re no longer part of the development team, so the best way we can help our former teammates now is to hold BioWare accountable and ensure that the next group who is laid off are not treated as poorly as we were.” November 7th marks “N7 Day”, which is a fan celebration of BioWare’s Mass Effect games featuring Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy. The developers involved in the lawsuit are hoping N7 Day this year will be a reminder to BioWare of the importance of loyalty to your crew, and hope fans can have a little fun and help express their support with memes and images using an #N7SeveranceDay hashtag. The ex-employees involved in the suit are all based in Canada and have an average of 14 years at BioWare.”
You can express your support using the hashtag #N7SeveranceDay.
Edit: [Part 2/update] [more on the Keywords topic]
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Debunking the Claim that Bucky Barnes' Dog Tags "Prove He Cannot Be Jewish"
In 2021 and 2022, when discussing the fact that MCU!Bucky (henceforth referred to simply as Bucky) is based off of Arnie Roth, a gay Jewish man and Steve's childhood best friend, I received pushback from fans telling me that Bucky can't possibly be Jewish due to his dog tags; citing a behind the scenes picture posted by Sebastian Stan to his instagram story.
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Transcription of the dog tags:
James B. Barnes (Legal Name) 32557038 (Serial Number*) T41 42 (Tetanus Immunization) O (Blood Type) R. Barnes (Next of Kin) 3092 Stockton RD (Address) Shelbyville IN (Location) P (Religion Marker)
*A serial number starting with a 3 indicated that the servicemember was drafted into the Army, it's important that we do not forget that Bucky didn't chose to fight.
During World War II the dog tags of American service members would have had one of the following regulation religion markers:
P for Protestant (the marker we see on Bucky's dog tags)
C for Catholic
H for Hebrew, this being the marker for 'Jewish'
NO (or left blank) for No Religion
For Jewish servicemembers fighting in Europe, being discovered to be a Jew by your captors–especially if you were captured by the Nazis–carried considerable risk and could mean the difference between life or horrific torture, experimentation and possibly even death.
Some Jewish service members, justifiably incredibly fearful of what could happen if they were found out, would either omit a religion marker altogether or, after getting their tags, would attempt to obscure the 'H' marker in some way so it could not be read by their captors.
While this saved some lives, it was not a perfect and fool-proof system, and we have no way of knowing how many times it failed.
In 1943, the year Bucky was drafted, the Army introduced a more official (and more widely adoptable, and thus widely adopted) option to protect Jews in its ranks:
Through the European Theatre of Operations United States Army, Jewish servicemembers could elect to have the 'H' marker for Hebrew on their dog tags replaced with a 'P' for Protestant.
This would offer Jewish servicemembers a more convincing layer of protection if they were ever captured by the enemy, because, unlike an obscured religion marker (or that lack of one) which could itself draw suspicion, a set of dog tags printed with a 'P' would be entirely indistinguishable from the dog tags worn by a gentile and would be less likely to draw suspicion.
Due to this option being made available to Jewish people serving in the United States Armed Forces, the 'P' marker on Bucky's dog tags not only does not definitively prove that he's really a gentile, in actuality its presence provides even further historical support in favour of him being a Jewish man.
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Sources and Additional Reading:
Jewish GIs and Their Dog-Tags by Rabbi Akiva Males - Hakirah
A Star of David for Pvt. Benjamin Garadetsky - Jewish Telegraphic Agency (jta.org)
U.S. Army WW2 Dog Tags | WW2 US Medical Research Centre (med-dept.com)
Do You Know the History of the "Dog Tag" (jcveteranscouncil)
Beyond The Battle: Religion and American Troops In World War II (uky.edu)
World War II and American Jewish Identity
European Theater of Operations, United States Army - Wikipedia
Pride Month 2022, 40 Years of Arnie Roth and Michael Bech - Marvel Comics: The Queer History Behind MCU Bucky’s Backstory
J.M. DeMatteis, the creator of Arnie, confirming the character's use for MCU!Bucky
Full screenshot of Sebastian Stan's post of the dog tag
How to Decode a WWII US Army Serial Number | Amy Johnson Crow
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No True Apple User (transcript of a Twitter exchange)
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Benedict Evans: Different people prefer different trade-offs. The important thing is to understand that these are mostly trade-offs - and about one and a half billion people like the trade-offs that Apple makes
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My reply:
Before Apple offered one-click opt-out from FB tracking in iOS, it could have been argued that Apple users like Facebook's "trade-off." After all, they all signed up for FB and kept using it. But once there was an opt-out for surveillance, >96% of Apple users took it (and FB lost $10B in the first year). 
FB offered a bargain, and Apple helped its users make a counteroffer. That's a common practice in tech, as old as the first third-party drive for an IBM 360.
This practice (“adversarial interoperability“), greatly benefited Apple in the past, e.g., when Apple reverse-engineered MS Office's file-formats for  iWork, reversing losses due to the poor compatibility between Win Offce and Mac Office.
MS would have argued that the legions of users defecting from MacOS for Windows in order to enjoy high-reliabliity interchange between Office docs preferred that trade-off - yes, users liked MacOS, but they liked reliable collaboration more.
iWork revealed this trade-off for the false choice it was: you could use MacOS and you could reliably exchange files with Windows users. 
In other words, you could bargain.
Trade-offs without bargaining don't reveal users' preferences (what they'd like in the best of all worlds). Rather, they tell us about users' tolerance. 
Users would tolerate Windows as a condition for reliable collaboration. They'd prefer MacOS and reliable collaboration.
iOS  users would tolerate Facebook spying on them via their iPhones, but they'd prefer to use Facebook on iOS without being spied upon.
Which explains why FB has gone to such enormous lengths to present take-it-or-leave offers to its users - it knows that the company's preferences are totally disconnected from its customers' preferences.
FB would prefer to spy on you with every hour that god sends, and make this surveillance a precondition for participating in the community, family life, civics, and commerce that lives inside its walled garden.
FB users would like to do all those things...and not be spied upon.
And because it is always technically possible to make tracker-blockers, ad-blockers, alternative clients, etc, the only way FB can win that  contest is to make it illegal for users to get their way.
For example, FB can entice, funnel or coerce its users into primarily interacting with its services via apps. Because apps are encrypted, they can't be lawfully reverse-engineered and altered without risking "anti circumvention" liability.
You can make an ad-blocker for the web because you don't need to bypass a technical protection measure to block web-ads. But do the same thing for apps and you risk a 5-year prison sentence and a $500k fine.
Apple is an enthusiastic proponent of this regime, because  it's the primary means by which the firm prevents third parties from offering rival app stores.
Apple's argument is that having a legal right to decide which software its customers can install allows it to act as its customers' proxy. If Apple can override the choices made by its users, it can prevent them from making bad choices.
Moreover, Apple can bargain with large firms whose take-it-or-leave-it offers would otherwise impose hardship on its users. An individual user who objects to FB spying is out of luck.
But Apple can say to FB, "We have blocked spying, and your only choice is to leave the app store altogether, or suck it up." In other words, Apple can give FB the same take-it-or-leave-it treatment that FB imposes on 3b users, which is a delicious irony.
Hearing FB squeal that Apple is exercising its market power - derived from the fact that billions of people can only be reached by subjecting oneself to the conditions of Apple's walled garden - to harm FB's interests is such a sweet bit of comeuppance.
But the sweetness has a bitter core, because Apple also spies on iOS users, even those who opt out of app-based surveillance, in exactly the same way that FB does, for exactly the same purpose (ad targeting) - and they deceive their users about it.
And, like FB, Apple devotes enormous lobbying efforts and legal resources to increase the legal risk of allowing users to express their preferences (as opposed to just their tolerance) for Apple's trade-offs.
If Apple users preferred to be shut out of  shopping around for app stores, or if they preferred to only get their devices repaired at official, Apple-sanctioned repair depots, or if they preferred to be blocked from using refurb parts, Apple wouldn't have to do anything. It could save millions of dollars in engineering and legal bills.
 But Apple behaves as if it believes its users strongly prefer to have more choice, even if they'll tolerate less choice.
Now, there's a "No true Apple user" rejoinder to this argument: "You knew when you bought an iPhone that it came shackled to Apple's commercial imperatives, which could be enforced through legal action by wielding the DMCA, patent, copyright, CFAA, tortious interference, etc. If you didn't like it, you could have bought an Android device, or no device at all.“ 
But that same argument can (and was) made by FB, to Apple: 
"Those users for whom you blocked our surveillance knew the deal: sign up for FB, get spied on. No one forces anyone to sign up for FB. You can use Mastodon. Or you can just use FB on the web only, and run tracker/ad blockers. They may have preferred surveillance-free socializing, but they tolerated the 'trade-off' of being spied on."
Apple has repeatedly demonstrated that it is an imperfect proxy for its customers' interests. And Apple behaves as if it believes that its users strongly prefer a different trade-off, and takes heroic measures to prevent anyone from doing unto Apple as Apple did unto MS and FB.
Firms are neither intrinsically good, nor are they intrinsically evil. They respond to incentives and constraints. The possibility that users might bargain back against a proposed trade-off makes those proposed trade-offs fairer, on average.
If a firm knows an obnoxious course of action will trigger users taking a step to block, reconfigure, or modify some or all of its products and service, it has to weigh those costs against the expected parochial distributional benefits from imposing bad trade-offs on its users.
Firms that aren't subject to discipline from user defection, modding, etc, are prone to folly - they arrogantly overreach. Users experience harms as a result, and it's only when those harms accumulate to the point where tolerance for the 'trade-off' runs out that the harm ceases.
Preferences are revealed by user conduct, sure - but the extent to which a preference can be revealed is limited by the extent to which it can be technologically expressed.
A world in which there are extensive legal restrictions on users expressing their preferences is a world in which successful trade-offs tell us little about users' preferences.
And a firm that goes to lengths to expand and invoke those legal restrictions tells on itself, revealing its own secret belief that it is imposing a trade-off on its users that the users would gladly jettison... if they could.
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ETA: Evans replied:
Sending over two dozen tweets is not good faith engagement in a conversation - rather, this is what in other contexts is called a Gish Gallop.
Meanwhile, it's almost about FB and Windows. This is deflection and whataboutery. I made one very specific point about the trade-offs between security and flexibility on the iPhone. Those trade-offs are real - that is not debatable. The only debate is which to choose.
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[Image ID: An Apple 'Privacy. That's iPhone.' ad. The three rear-facing camera lenses have been replaced by the staring, red eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey.]
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(Image: Cryteria, CC BY 3.0, modified)
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ikibli · 5 months
A Dystopia is Utopia from Another Angle(BNHA HPSC POV)
The Meta Liberation Army, cause of so much death and suffering, is a thing because people wanted to use the superpowers they were born with without thinking of the consequences.
Flying if you have wings is all fine and dandy. But who's going to make every possible villainous use of a Quirk an enforceable crime that doesn't unfairly discriminate against people with certain Quirks? Who's going to clean up all of the accidentally destroyed buildings, and who's going to fix them, or pay for the repairs?
That's not even counting the purely legal or economic problems.
If someone can create gold from nothing and sells the gold, soon gold will be worth a lot less. And the American dollar is technically based on the gold standard...
If someone can clone themselves infinitely, do the clones count as employees or just the original? If the clones count, where do their paychecks or vacation days go? If only the original counts, then their boss doesn't need any other employees since they can just pay their one cloner employee a bonus to learn any new skills, thus thoroughly depressing the job market since nobody wants an employee that isn't a cloner and his company makes millions in profit from only needing to pay one employee. This is also assuming the cloner has a boss that isn't him.
If someone is about to be late to school and starts running at 80 miles per hour, do they count as a pedestrian, car, or cyclist? This seemingly pedantic question is important because of things like right of way, safety laws and who's liable for what in the event they collide with something or get run over. The insurance clauses for colliding with a car and colliding with a pedestrian are very different, as you well know.
The only reasonable solution to all of these problems is to just put a blanket ban on using your Quirk, for any reason, then hand out licenses, under the control of a responsible authority.
Then there's heroes. We all love heroes, don't we?
They help you when you need it, and they expect nothing in return except the smile on your face. Every schoolchild wants to be a hero- why would you dream of anything else unless it's to be an "everyday hero" like a doctor? Why wouldn't you want your name chanted in awe? Why wouldn't you want to use your powers to put a little good into the world?
Stop laughing, you were like that too when you were eight. I have the transcripts on my phone.
Heroes are famous celebrities. Heroes are emergency responders. Heroes are the police. Heroes are the military. Heroes are judge, jury and executioner for villains. Heroes are the righteous defenders of justice, here to stop the villain and save the day. No cost is too great for them (or others, but we don't talk about that) to pay in the service of others, but even if you die you can die satisfied you contributed to the greater good.
Oh, it's not like that? Your license is a chain, a burden? You wish you had said no in the beginning? You wish you could be assured you would make it to forty? You wish you could be with the one you love without duty getting in the way?
Well, that license is also the only thing keeping you from drowning in the tide of real life. We fed you. We housed you. We trained you to be the best hero you can be. And we can take that away at any second if you disobey.
Do you even think of what you would have been if we hadn't saved you? You would have remained a filthy, uneducated child living in a slum. You would never have made it to forty either way- you would have turned into a wretched villain and been killed by a hero if not by your own filth, if we hadn't saved you. Just like your father.
Yes, your father. He was a thief who ruined what he couldn't steal, and inevitably ruined that too. He died at age thirty-five, killed while robbing his fifty-eighth convenience store.
Don't worry, we erased every mention of your parents' existence from all but the most classified of our own records.
What do you mean, I'm a monster?! We did it for your own good! How would the people react to finding out a hero like you was related to a lowlife like him? Think about it.
Why am I telling you this? I thought you'd never ask.
I'm explaining this to you, so that you understand why we have to do this.
We're the Public Safety Commission, not the Public Happiness Commission. We can forgive a few mistakes here and there, provided you understand what you did wrong.
What we can't forgive is for you to keep making mistakes, mistakes that get people killed.
So, you're going to tell us every little secret you've ever kept from us. And if we find out you've turned on us...we'll have to terminate your employment. Permanently.
What do you mean you'd never tell me? Of course you will!
You're confused? Don't worry, I'll tell you.
You see, unlike my quaint little cousin in the police, I don't just detect the truth. I force the truth. Agent Orange, start the recording.
Now, Hawks. Are you loyal to the Hero Public Safety Commission?
No? I thought so. Why?
Oh, you have a boyfriend. How cute. How much do you know about any Commission secret projects?
Nothing? Good, we might be able to let you live then. What are the main and secondary weaknesses of each League of Villains member?
Congratulations. I see you've found a way around my Quirk. With video game slang, of all things.
Too bad I'm smarter than you.
What are the best three ways to kill each League of Villains member?
You're still trying to get around it? I thought you knew better than this.
What are the best three ways to kill each League of Villains member in real life?
Seriously?! I really hate people that make me get this specific.
What are the best three ways to kill each League of Villains member in real life without access to alien technology, orbital missiles, orbital space stations, intercontinental missiles, nuclear weaponry or a Quirk that allows you to manifest objects from video games?
I'm beginning to think it would be better to just tell the media what you've been doing and let them eat you alive.
What are the best three ways to kill each League of Villains member in real life with any combination of any number of the following things-any of the Quirks of any licensed hero, conventional firearms, conventional melee weaponry, poison, fire, explosives, any support gear that is possible to construct without the use of a Quirk-What was that?
The League of Villains coming to rescue you?
Ah, I see I've been outplayed. You truly didn't need to resist, all you needed to do was stall.
I see you've made your decision. Goodbye, Hawks. Let us never meet again.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Sometimes reality TV could get a little too real.
Case in point: Katrina L. Weems, who was charged last week with nine counts of illegally using food stamps and money laundering. Java'la C. Elam was charged in the same case with one felony count of illegally trafficking food stamps.
The women first publicly talked about how they bought or sold food stamps last year on "Judy Justice," a television show where Judy Sheindlin, a former family court judge in Manhattan, presides over a TV courtroom and arbitrates disputes. Earlier Sheindlin had starred in the long-running "Judge Judy" daytime show.
The episode with Weems, 41, and Elams, 25, started with the women seeking to resolve a dispute over the sale of a used 2005 Toyota Camry.
Instead, however, much of the episode dealt with the women talking about about selling and buying foods stamps, according to a transcript of the show that is quoted in the criminal complaint filed in Milwaukee County Circuit Court.
"It sounded like a scam," the transcript quotes Sheindlin saying after the women discussed their food stamp dealings.
"I wonder if both those women realize that they just admitted in court to committing a felony," Sheindlin's TV law clerk, who is not identified by name, is quoted as saying. "I heard that they were exchanging food stamps for money, for cash for other things."
The clerk said she looked up Wisconsin law during the program and "sure enough, if you transfer or sell (food stamps) for money, something other than food, that's a ... felony."
Weems and Elam, who could not be reached for comment, were charged in Milwaukee County following an investigation by the state Department of Health Services, Office of the Inspector General.
Investigators discovered that "Weems financed the purchase of several people's FoodShare benefits and laundered those benefits by using those illegally acquired proceeds herself," the complaint filed by the Milwaukee County District Attorney's office states.
In addition, the complaint charged that "Elam trafficked her own benefits by selling them to multiple people."
Last year, the Wisconsin Law Journal saw the show on the Amazon streaming service and reported that "during the case’s opening, as the parties described their relationship, Weems admitted to purchasing unused food stamps from Elam ($50 for $100 worth of stamps). Weems, a business owner, indicated she would give them away to those she knew in need."
The legal magazine noted that purchasing or transferring food stamps is a felony.
The criminal complaint liberally quotes a transcript of Sheindlin's TV show that aired last year.
"Elam testified that she sold her FoodShare benefits to Ms. Weems for cash and they both admitted that Ms. Weems buys FoodShare EBT cards from several individuals," the complaint states, referring to the Electronic Benefits Transfer system. FoodShare refers to the Wisconsin food stamp program.
The transcript quotes Elam talking about food stamps when she was telling Sheindlin about how she met Weems.
Weems "runs a daycare and my best friend's cousin goes to her daycare and Ms. Weems was buying stamps," Elam told the judge.
Sheindlin quickly asked "buying what?"
Elam said Weems was buying food stamps "from everybody, me included."
Elam told the judge she receives food stamps but "I don't have a fam -- I have a daughter yes, but I put food in the home."
Sheindlin's curiosity was clearly aroused.
"I'm just trying to understand, " Sheindlin said. "How much does she pay you for the food stamps?"
"If I was to sell her $100 in stamps, she'll give me $50," Elam responded.
Elam told the judge that Weems would purchase stamps from other people also.
Sheindlin then focused her attention on Weems.
"And what do you do with them, Miss Weems?" the judge asked.
"I actually buy food," Weems said. "I give them away. I'm just a person that helps everybody."
Weems added that "I just buy them because they would need the money. So, I buy a lot of food. I have a surplus of food."
According to the transcript, Weems seemed to say she would sell the stamps for half their face value, although she told Sheindlin that "I never sell them."
When Sheindlin asked her how she finances her purchases, Weems told the judge, "I make about $15,000 a month. I own a tax office as well as a daycare."
Sheindlin was unimpressed with Weems' defense of the food stamp transactions.
"Irrespective of the fact that the defendant says 'I give it away. I use it,'" Sheindlin said. "But I pay for it. ... Some programs that are meant to really help people and it's just too bad that some people will always stoop to the level of abusing a program that was really meant to help people who really couldn't afford to buy food."
Weems was charged with five felonies and four misdemeanors, including money laundering and unauthorized use of food stamps. Elam was charged with trafficking food stamps, a felony.
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cindylouwho-2 · 10 months
Etsy Second Quarter 2023 Earnings Report - Get Ready For More Pressure To Discount
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Above - Slide 9 from Etsy's Second Quarter 2023 report. © Etsy
Etsy's second quarter 2023 results beat projections, but the outlook for the third quarter was weak, and that has led to a sharp drop off of the stock. No doubt investors were unimpressed that Etsy has no convincing plans to begin increasing sales and profits again. The call announced nothing truly new in that vein.
First, the resources for this post:
the press release
transcript of the conference call
slides from the conference call
video of the call (click on “Webcast” under "Latest Quarterly Results")
my summaries of the second quarter 2022, and the first quarter 2023 for comparison
The basic numbers (covering April to June 2023, compared to the same period in 2022):
Sales on Etsy were $2.6 billion, down 0.7% 
Total sales for all 4 marketplaces (Etsy, Reverb, Depop, Elo7) were $3.0 billion, down 0.6% 
Etsy’s revenue (including all 4 sites) was $628.9 million, up 7.5%
Seller service revenue was up a whopping 20.8% to $175.9 million, while marketplace revenue was up 3.1% to $453 million
Net Income was $61.9 million, down 15.3% (in part due to the impairment charge from the impending sale of Elo7)
Active buyers on Etsy alone stand at 90.6 million, an all-time high
Active sellers on Etsy alone are 6.3 million, the second large jump in a row compared to the previous quarter; numbers had been stagnant through the end of 2021 and all of 2022 [Note that “active” means one charge or transaction in the past 12 months; many “active” shops currently have nothing for sale.]
Sales where the buyer and/or the seller was not in the United States were 47%, up from 44% last year, but most Etsy buyers are still in the US
Sales on mobile are now at 68%, up from 66% last year [this includes both the buyer app and mobile browsers]
I'll cover the points of the biggest interest to sellers below, with my comments in square brackets.
Advertising (On and Off Site)
Etsy Ads (the onsite ones) again helped increase the services income. CFO Rachel Glaser mentioned that "XWalk, our real time retrieval engine" was now a part of the Ads algorithm. [It was previously introduced in search results, to help draw connections between multiple sets of data rapidly as someone is searching.] They are now able to show ads in more places, increasing site profit.
Offsite Ads (aka performance marketing) cost roughly the same in the quarter, due to testing which led to Etsy reducing money spent on some platforms.
From the press release: "We expanded performance marketing investments from 13 to 20 non-core countries, now including the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia."
Etsy Search
CEO Josh Silverman feels Etsy has made progress in search relevancy (Slide 6). Therefore, the next step is to "better identify the quality of each listing, so that from this relevant result set, we bring the very best of Etsy to the top. Our data shows that high quality listings attract a higher value buyer than our average listings, attract more repeat and habitual buyers, and most importantly, they often convert over 2 times better than other listings." No actual definition of "high quality listings" is provided. [This may be a refinement of the listing quality score.]
Etsy is training its machine learning software on "...a best of Etsy library, which is curated by expert merchandisers based on the visual appeal, uniqueness, and apparent craftsmanship of an item." (Slide 7) The models are then expected to find the best items out of large search results, and return those for searchers. [I hope these aren't the same human curators who supposedly selected the "Etsy's Pick" listings, as my only Etsy's Pick listing is a commercial pendant on my hand-cut chain. Totally Etsy-legal, and even appealing and well-made, but hardly unique - there are hundreds or maybe even thousands of these pendants on Etsy right now. (In my defense, there were a lot fewer when I started selling them.) Only my chain falls close to the realm of unique, due to the clasp.]
Etsy is also working on "collapsing" similar items on the first few search pages into sets, and offering shoppers several different sets to choose from, "showing you just the very best of each of a set of very different items". [I believe I have seen a test like this, where several rows of slightly different search results are shown for some queries. It could also mean an expansion of the "more like this" link under individual listings on the search page.]
[It appears to be time to accept that Etsy is not interested in being a site for niche searches any more; management only cares about the large searches converting. I understand what the engineers were trying to do with training the systems by adding more items in and letting the customers signal which results were good, but small and niche searches have only gotten worse over the past 3-4 years, and they've now effectively told us we can't expect any more improvement in this area. Search effort is now going to winnowing down large searches, not improving very small ones.]
Upcoming Promotional Plans & Focus
As usual, Etsy is focussed on retaining existing buyers as well as adding new ones. Hitting an all-time high in active buyers this quarter shows some progress in this area.
Given that "[t]here's no question this is a very promotional environment," we should expect to see more features around sales and discounts, as shown in Slide 9 at the top of this post. Those 3 boxes are part of a scrolling banner at the top of the Etsy home page in the US right now. [If you have tried to run a sale lately, you have already noticed that the lowest percentage off sale is 25%. You can enter a custom amount, but 25% is the default if you don't click for more options.]
They are already testing "a new price discovery functionality utilizing buyer demand data to help sellers think about how to price their items and when or how they might best use promotions as part of their mix." An example is shown in the top right corner of Slide 11 - see below:
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[If this works as badly as the old tool from years ago - the one that compared hammered sterling silver pendants to plastic ones - then it will be a waste of time. And don't forget the tool that tells us our shipping for large heavy items is overpriced because it is comparing the listing to the shipping rates of the smallest items in the same category. The list goes on... However, many sellers would appreciate knowing more about what similar items are actually selling for, and it is possible Etsy heard that request, so we shouldn't write this test off before we see it.]
The new wedding registry has been doing well, with 14% of sales coming from first-time buyers. Etsy is opening a baby registry in August, and more categories may follow.
Silverman said that the Purchase Protection Program (PPP) "...reduced the issue resolution time for cases by approximately 85%". [I guess when there are rarely humans involved in adjudicating cases, that does tend to save time.] The site will soon mention this in even more places, to increase buyer confidence and bring them back more often.
Also on the way: "Buyers will see some new AI assisted ways to find crafted quality gifts for the loved ones at great value with even more confidence that these gifts will arrive on time." Gifting will continue to be a promotional focus.
Payment Reserves
Following the recent media attention to payment reserves, one analyst asked what the policy was meant to do in terms of benefiting the marketplace, and how the company is addressing the complaints. Silverman fell back on the "sellers not able to fill a rush of sales" example [even though that hasn't been the main reason for most of the recent reserves], and mentioned the previous day's announcement that reserves would be changing.
Depop, Reverb, and the Exit of Elo7
Etsy is selling Elo7, and is apparently taking a loss on it.
Depop's sales and revenue grew this quarter (year over year); new ideas and developments are detailed on Slide 16.
Reverb is still doing better than the general musical instrument market; details on Slide 17.
sales were down this quarter due to the month of April; May and June were both up, as was July [so the third quarter is up so far, but they noted the company traditionally has lower sales in August and September]. Silverman stated that the economy is in a down cycle, but that cycles change.
sales are declining in United States zip codes where the average household income is below $100,000 a year, and are growing in the zips above $100K a year.
the increase in marketplace revenue was partially due to having more non-US transactions, which usually have higher payment processing fees charged.
"advances in ML capabilities have enabled our enforcement models to detect an increasing number of policy violations." Slide 10 states they've "...removed 29% more listings for violating our Handmade Policy in 1H 2023 vs. 2H 2022". It's not clear if this includes all the ones they removed in error and later had to reinstate. [It's not just handmade takedowns that were mostly wrong. They caught my 2 "drug paraphernalia" listings earlier this year, as well as many top selling item from big shops, for no reason. As I explained in my coverage of the annual transparency report, only 5% of items Etsy reviews for violations actually need to be removed from the site. Increasing takedowns is a bad thing when they are almost all wrong, and especially when real and easy-to-find violations - such as boxes of commercial potato chip packages and actual roach clips - remain up. This initiative continues to get an F.]
almost 20% of vintage shops are choosing to use the new "Make an Offer" option.
Why Etsy Needs To Do More To Impress Investors
If you watch or read these calls every quarter, or even just read my summaries, you will note that there was very little new here, and certainly not much new that one would expect to substantially increase sales across the site. I think the upper brass recognized that, as the "challenging" times were stressed repeatedly, and they are still occasionally comparing numbers to the pre-pandemic stats.
Yes, it is great that Etsy has basically retained all of its pandemic growth; many other platforms - such as Wayfair and eBay - did not. However, analysts seem to be over that now, and are looking to future growth. Etsy's response seems to be that any substantial increase in marketplace sales will have to wait until the current uncertain world economic cycle improves. While they talk about incremental increases in sales expected from some current projects, their own projections for the third quarter aren't reflecting that growth, given Etsy now has more active buyers and sellers than ever before.
Have they possibly lost too many successful shops due to overreaching with payment reserves? Are buyers expressing concerns on that topic? Now that many more sellers can opt out of Offsite Ads, is that dragging down the company's income at all? Are they truly out of new ideas? These are questions that the analysts and the media need to be asking.
Perhaps Etsy is planning on another release that will lift marketplace sales, but right now they are keeping it secret. The company probably can't afford to wait on this much longer, though, if it cares about the stock price.
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kalanakaru · 2 years
Skills and Digital Nomad
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What kind of skills Digital Nomad needs?
Digital nomad skills! Is it countable? I have no clear idea. But digital nomad skills can be divided to two sets.
The first is your job, the one you will offer and get paid for, these are usually called the hard skills.
The second is a set of soft skills that you need to develop to be able to master and enjoy the digital nomad life, we will just call it soft skills.
If you like to know more about this, join with my Facebook page or Instagram. I continually post these types of content constantly.
The Hard Skills
As  hard skills we can identify 6 categories of skills that you can offer remotely. Most of digital nomad jobs fall into those types of categories.
1. Writing
If you are good at writing, there are endless possibilities for what you can do as a nomad. Content creation, blogging, freelancing, copywriting, editing… are just some of the examples.
2. Creatives
Are you a Graphic designer? Video editor? Everyone needs media for their business and they need someone to provide these media. This someone can be you!
You can create promotional videos or edit videos for clients for example. Graphic design is very popular, designing logos is a great place to start. You can also become a vlogger or a youtuber with your video skills!
3. Marketing
Having a marketing mentality and skills is one of the best things you can have for a nomad journey. It’s a big umbrella that covers many job options underneath. Digital marketing, content marketing, SEO, advertising, strategy and social media marketing are just some of the examples.
4. Web/app development
One of the highest paying nomad job categories. In a world where everything is digital, skills like web design and development are highly in demand. Every business, every influencer and freelancer need a website or an app; businesses need e-shops and all of these are always on the look to hire a web developer/designer.
5. Assistance and consulting
Several businesses require virtual assistants to help them organize their work and appointments. You can also offer consultancy or coaching based on the skills or experience you already have. For example, a virtual accountant or a legal consultant or a life or fitness coach, are all jobs you can offer if you have the experience.
6. Languages Skill(Translating/Teaching)
You can teach languages online or offer translations, video or audio transcriptions online. Teaching English online is a very popular way of starting a digital nomad journey.
The Soft Skills
The truth is, it’s not enough to have only the job skills to become a digital nomad. There are several characteristics that you need to have to make your journey as digital nomad a successful one. Lets see 6 types of skills that will help you on your digital nomad journey.
1. Communication (Most Important)
Even if you are amazing at what you do, if you don’t know how to show and communicate that to your potential clients, these skills might go to waste.
Your work as a nomad will be mainly online, you need to know how to market yourself and your skills to close deals. Be clear, be persistent in your communication and honest about what you can offer and under what conditions.
2. Organization
As a digital nomad, you will be living out of your suitcase/backpack and moving from one place to another; if you are not organized, things that should be under control will totally spin out of it.
Find a system of organization you are comfortable with, for everything. From packing to priorities when travelling, budgeting and organizing your work, all of these are needed to ensure you have a good time and give your clients the best service.
3. Self-motivation
When you are travelling and the beautiful beach or mountain is calling you, but at the same time you have a deadline looming, who will motivate you? You! You need to motivate yourself to do the work on time, so that you can have the money to see and experience all that you want.
4. Flexibility
Life of a digital nomad is more unstable and has less elements you can control than the 9 to 5 job. You can lose clients, lose income sources or face unexpected obstacles while travelling. That’s why you need to be flexible and learn to adapt to changing situations while staying positive. Remembering why you are doing this and what you get to enjoy, will make it easier to go with the flow.
5. Calm
Life is full of stress, add to that the constant travel and you might think how do digital nomads not surrender to anxiety? The truth is, there is a lot of instability and stressors in the life of the nomad, as many things are not under control. However, this is part of the fun! You have to keep calm and deal with challenges as they come. Meditation, mindfulness, talking to a friend or self-care routines are all important ways of keeping a cool head.
6. Constant development
Digital nomadism is possible due to the availability of internet and technologies that keep developing, and you will need to develop with them. Keep learning and stay curious and updated.
your work has to go with the needs of the market. This is how you will be able to find clients who are willing to pay for your up-to-date skills.
If you haven't any or any of these skills?
If you need to, Get yourself ready for your dream life. Start Learning Today. Join with Fiverr Learn and Develop your skills or learn new skills. Fiverr Learn mainly focused for Freelancers. Join with Fiverr Learn Now and Build Strong foundation for your digital nomad life.
Visit Fiverr Learn Official Website
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madnessofmen · 2 years
tiffany (the 'controversial' candidate for the otw board) works in the education field and iirc does not even live in china currently. her proposed policies have been misrepresented as a "chinese plot to ban gay content" by angry racists when her propositions are, to be clear, NOT EVEN TO BAN UNDERAGE SMUT, but to create better tagging and filtering systems surrounding underage content in order to improve the archive's reputation and benefit other chinese fans who cannot access it in the state it is currently in. she's an open feminist and lgbt advocate, she's not trying to destroy gay fanfiction. i encourage you to read the actual transcripts of her otw board selection conversations
I have read them. She only backed down on censorship after the interview host said that banning content is against AO3's principles, and even then she was quite blasé about the possibility of her (very vague) proposed ToS changes resulting in content being deleted.
I do not think it is an intentional "Chinese plot", but her stance has clearly been informed by a blend of corporate/government propaganda and respectability politics. She thinks that the archive needs to "hold a better image to the public". Cleaning up AO3’s reputation enough that China un-bans it will necessarily entail an unprecedented level of censorship.
Furthermore, the complaints from "external" people about underage content that she wants to address are not about an inadequate tagging and filtering system (the archive already has that), but rather that the archive hosts the content at all. She will never be able to appease them without censorship.
At best, she is incredibly naive and ignorant of how the archive functions or what its purpose is. At worst, she is knowingly malicious and censorious.
For Tiffany G.: If elected as a board member, what do you most look forward to being able to do that you haven’t been able to do in other positions at the OTW? What do you anticipate will be the biggest challenge?
Tiffany G
I am very interested in the work of PAC [Policy & Abuse committee] and Legal since the very beginning. I have not had a chance to experience it so look forward to learning more about them. I believe a lot of external people have issues with our ToS and policies so working with those will be the biggest challenge. I have had discussions with respective volunteers and it seems like we have limited resources and legal issues that need to be addressed, and delivered to the public.
For Tiffany G: You’ve mentioned in the Q&As and in these chats that you’d be interested in changes to the TOS and our policies — can you expand more on what changes you think might be interesting?
Tiffany G
Well, I think a lot of external people are very concerned about the fact that some works contain child pornography, pedophilic content, and other illegal content. If possible (this is not entirely possible after I chatted with people from PAC though), I am interested in providing extra help to the PAC team and Legal team to update the ToS and policies on those.
Just to clarify Tiffany, the Archive of Our Own does not host any works that contain materials that are illegal in the United States, such as child pornography. Which leads us to the next two follow-up questions for Tiffany G. :
a) You mention wanting to update the TOS to address concerns about content posted to the site. How does that fit into AO3 general principle of “maximum inclusiveness of content”? Which content and why?
b) you proposing that the Terms of Service be updated to restrict additional content that is currently allowed on the Archive?
Tiffany G
a) Since OTW is already an influential org, we need to protect our image and hold a better image to the public. I want the public to think of us as an inclusive and socially responsible community. So in general, we have to do something to change. Things like making the rating system more specific and obvious to users will be what I want to do.
b) Not really restricting the content being posted. I hope it is like more warnings and ratings for posting work so people know what to expect. And all of these are not surprising to people who do not wish to see this.
a) please does your definition of content that should be disallowed include all written content depicting sexual content of minors?
b) please clarify how you propose we treat the content we currently have in the archive that should be banned with those proposed TOS changes
Tiffany G
a) That is not what I proposed actually. I would want to be more specific in the rating system and clarifications so people know what to expect.
b) If there are changes, it is going to be some slower work I suspect. Will work with PAC to figure out if changes are necessary.
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waiterworm33 · 2 years
20 Reasons You Need to Stop Stressing About Fake Diploma
For unparalleled high-quality fake diplomas, records and also levels, Diploma Makers has specifically what you're seeking. With a seasoned staff and also recognition for authenticity. Currently you can bring that feeling of achievement and aspiration to your office or home with a practical phony diploma or phony records. With our customized developed in-house phony diploma as well as fake records themes, you select the layout of your option, then we will certainly personalize the information to match your needs. If you are aiming to get something much closer to the actual institution or college diploma layout, you may wish to consider our perfect match option. With the perfect match layouts, as opposed to choosing from among the basic in-house phony diploma themes, we start with a layout that was based off of the real college diploma. * The term excellent suit styles particularly describes message design matching that of the school or university you pick. Wherever possible we will produce the university seals, crest, symbols, etc to look as close as we possibly can within the borders of the legislation, however ideal suit does not necessarily consist of copy-written art work. This truly expert appearance is accomplished by fusing the gold aluminum foil seals straight onto diploma-quality paper. We likewise include printed, raised seals to ensure an authentic feel and look! It is the most effective Diploma company on the internet, with a personnel consisting of the very best diploma makers. With years of built up experience, our seasoned style group focuses on replicating diplomas and degrees for thousands of GED, High Schools, Colleges as well as Universities from all over the world with spectacular accuracy. Most of our completely satisfied clients remained in desperate need to replace their shed or damaged diploma as well as FAST. That's where we come in and also conserve the day! If you owe your institution money, your school shut, records were lost, wish to fool your family and friends, need a copy of diploma for work workplace display screen, you were incapable to finish the program or innovation has actually left your details dated and unattainable, WE CAN HELP YOU! We are the Champion of diploma replica as well as replacement services, and also the reality that you picked us proves you're a champion, too! You can feel confident understanding that your requirements will certainly be met and also your assumptions exceeded by our superior product, impressive quality, and excellent client service personnel. 10 REASONS WHY WE'RE THE BEST DIPLOMA COMPANY: - The diploma you obtain is a real replication of the original level from your chosen college. We remove the need of scrolling with generic styles in hopes of finding a file that looks similar; we already have the recreation! - buy fake IGCSE certificate comply with all legal and also technical constraints when it boils down to the record credentials you get. We assure you will not receive a certificate with trademarked or forged details. - Professional Transcripts that match your college, graduate information, as well as degree & significant or diploma program. All courses are course certain as well as correspond to the GPA you've offered. - FREE SAMPLES! Sure, anybody can claim they have a mock diploma, yet we can confirm it. We're pleased to supply you with an example of the layout before you order. - We go the added mile to give topographic 3-D seals for included authenticity. Just choose the increased seal alternative on the order kind, and also we'll manage the rest. You'll witness direct why we have the most effective Diploma Press. - Are you a nit-picker like us? We have you covered with a pre-printed email Proof so you are the one in control if so. During this procedure, you can make any kind of changes you choose prior to your record is printed and shipped. Let us understand on the order form, as well as we'll have a top quality printable PDF in your e-mail within 24 hrs. We have the fastest turn-around in the Diploma duplicate market. - Order monitoring is done right! Not just will you have the ability to track your order once it ships, however you'll obtain updates during the design as well as printing process. We'll never leave you in the dark, and you'll know the condition every action of the method. - FAST SHIPPING! We can provide you with next day diplomas as well as even very same day diplomas! It is important to have a diploma, and also we understand just how essential this is for you. From the actual diploma parchment paper to elevated seals and very discreet delivery, your favorable experience is imperative. For unrivaled high-quality fake diplomas, levels as well as records, Diploma Makers has exactly what you're looking for. With our customized developed in-house fake diploma and also phony transcripts themes, you choose the design template of your selection, after that we will personalize the info to match your requirements. If you are looking to acquire something much closer to the real school or college diploma design, you may want to consider our ideal suit choice. With the best match designs, instead than picking from one of the common in-house phony diploma themes, we begin with a style that was based off of the real college diploma. If you owe your school money, your institution shut, records were lost, want to deceive your pals and family members, need a duplicate of diploma for work workplace display, you were not able to finish the program or innovation has actually left your info obsoleted and also unattainable, WE CAN HELP YOU!
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thehenrythomas · 2 hours
Web Accessibility: Ensuring Inclusivity in Website Design
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In the digital age, the internet is a fundamental part of everyday life, offering a vast array of information, services, and opportunities. However, for many individuals with disabilities, accessing web content can be challenging due to poor design practices. Web accessibility ensures that websites are usable by everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. Prioritizing inclusivity in website design is not only a moral and legal obligation but also a strategic advantage for businesses. Here’s why web accessibility is crucial and how to implement it effectively.
Understanding Web Accessibility
Web accessibility refers to designing websites and digital content so that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the web. Disabilities that impact web use include visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments. By implementing accessibility best practices, websites can accommodate these users, ensuring equal access to information and services.
Legal and Ethical Imperatives
There are legal frameworks in place that mandate web accessibility, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Non-compliance can lead to legal repercussions and damage to a brand’s reputation. Ethically, promoting inclusivity reflects a commitment to social responsibility and equality, enhancing a brand’s image and trustworthiness.
Expanding Your Audience
Making a website accessible opens it up to a broader audience. Approximately 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability. By excluding these individuals, businesses miss out on potential customers. Accessible websites attract a wider range of users, leading to increased traffic, engagement, and potential revenue.
Improving SEO and Usability
Many accessibility practices overlap with search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. For example, providing alternative text for images, using proper heading structures, and ensuring site navigation is logical and consistent can improve both accessibility and SEO. '
Additionally, web designing companies in Faridabad often offer a better overall user experience, making them easier to navigate for all users, not just those with disabilities.
Implementing Web Accessibility
Achieving web accessibility requires careful planning and adherence to established guidelines. Here are key strategies to ensure your website is accessible:
Semantic HTML: Use semantic HTML to structure your content. Proper use of HTML tags, such as headings (H1, H2, H3), paragraphs (P), lists (UL, OL), and links (A), helps screen readers interpret and convey information accurately to users with visual impairments.
Keyboard Navigation: Ensure that all interactive elements, such as forms, buttons, and links, are accessible via keyboard navigation. Users with motor disabilities often rely on keyboards or assistive technologies rather than a mouse.
Alternative Text for Images: Provide descriptive alternative text (alt text) for all images. Alt text allows screen readers to describe the content of images to visually impaired users, ensuring they understand the context and information presented.
Color Contrast: Maintain sufficient color contrast between text and background to ensure readability for users with visual impairments, including color blindness. Tools like contrast checkers can help evaluate and adjust your color schemes.
Transcripts and Captions: Offer transcripts for audio content and captions for videos. This practice aids users with auditory impairments and provides a better understanding of multimedia content.
Responsive Design: Implement responsive design to ensure your website is usable on various devices and screen sizes. This flexibility helps users with disabilities who might rely on specific devices or screen settings for better accessibility.
Consistent Navigation: Keep navigation consistent across all pages. Predictable navigation structures help users with cognitive impairments find information more easily and improve the overall user experience.
Testing and Continuous Improvement
Regularly test your website for accessibility using tools like WAVE, Axe, and Lighthouse. Conduct user testing with individuals who have disabilities to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments. Accessibility is an ongoing process, and staying updated with the latest guidelines and user needs is crucial.
Web accessibility is a vital aspect of modern web design, ensuring that the internet is an inclusive space for everyone. By committing to accessibility, businesses can enhance their reach, improve user experience, and comply with legal standards. It’s not just about meeting requirements; it’s about valuing diversity and ensuring that every user, regardless of their abilities, can access and benefit from the digital world. Prioritizing web accessibility is a strategic move that reflects positively on a brand and contributes to a more inclusive and equitable internet.
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The Significance of Auto Insurance and What You Required to Know
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Vehicle insurance is an essential element of owning and driving a car. It provides economic protection in instance of accidents, theft, or damage to your car. While having auto insurance policy is a legal need in a lot of locations, it likewise offers you assurance knowing that you are financially protected in instance of unexpected events.
There are several sorts of vehicle insurance coverage readily available, including obligation insurance coverage, accident insurance coverage, extensive insurance coverage, and extra. Obligation insurance coverage is one of the most fundamental type and covers problems to other lorries and building in a mishap where you are at fault, click here to get this service at an affordable fee. Accident insurance covers fixings to your own auto in case of an accident, while extensive insurance covers non-collision associated events like burglary, all-natural disasters, or vandalism.
When shopping for car insurance policy, it's necessary to consider factors such as the protection limitations, deductibles, costs, and fringe benefits used by the insurer. Contrasting quotes from multiple insurers can assist you locate the best insurance coverage at an affordable price. Furthermore, variables such as your driving document, age, place, and sort of car can influence the expense of your car insurance policy.
Get a general overview of the topic here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/finance/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/car-insurance.
In the unfortunate event of an accident, having car insurance coverage can assist cover the expenses of clinical expenditures, car fixings, lawful charges, and a lot more. Without sufficient insurance policy coverage, you might be personally responsible for these expenditures, which can be monetarily devastating. As a result, it's critical to have the right auto insurance coverage in place to shield on your own and your properties.
Finally, west memphis car insurance company policy is not just a lawful requirement however an economic safeguard that can protect you from unanticipated expenses and liabilities. By understanding the different kinds of insurance coverage readily available and purchasing around for the very best plan that matches your demands and spending plan, you can drive with confidence knowing that you are protected in any kind of scenario. Remember, the peace of mind that comes with having auto insurance is invaluable.
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Translation Services Hong Kong: Your Premier Language Solutions Provider
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At Translation Services Hong Kong, we specialize in providing high-quality translation and language services to individuals and businesses in Hong Kong and beyond. With our team of experienced translators, interpreters, and language experts, we offer comprehensive solutions to help you overcome language barriers, communicate effectively, and achieve your goals in the global marketplace. 
Whether you need document translation, interpretation services, website localization, or multilingual content creation, we have the expertise and resources to deliver accurate and culturally sensitive solutions tailored to your specific needs. Explore our services below to learn more about how we can assist you with your language needs.
Our Services
Document Translation
Achieve clear and accurate communication across languages with our professional document translation services. Whether you need to translate legal documents, business contracts, marketing materials, academic transcripts, or personal documents, our team of linguists is proficient in a wide range of languages and subject areas. We ensure that your translated documents maintain the same meaning, tone, and style as the original, allowing you to convey your message effectively to your target audience.
Interpretation Services
Facilitate seamless communication in real time with our interpretation services. Whether you're hosting international conferences, business meetings, legal proceedings, or medical appointments, our experienced interpreters are available to provide consecutive or simultaneous interpretation in person, over the phone, or via video conferencing. We work with a team of highly skilled interpreters who are fluent in multiple languages and specialized in various fields, ensuring accurate and culturally sensitive communication in any setting.
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Website Localization
Expand your global reach and connect with audiences worldwide with our website localization services. We help businesses adapt their websites and online content to suit the cultural preferences, language nuances, and user expectations of target markets around the world. From translating website text and graphics to optimizing layout and navigation for different languages and regions, our team ensures that your website resonates with international audiences and drives engagement and conversions across borders.
Multilingual Content Creation
Attract and engage diverse audiences with our multilingual content creation services. Whether you need to create compelling marketing materials, informative blog posts, educational videos, or engaging social media content, our team of bilingual writers and content creators can help you develop content that resonates with your target audience in multiple languages. We combine linguistic expertise with industry knowledge and creative flair to deliver impactful content that drives brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty across global markets.
Why Choose Translation Services Hong Kong?
Accuracy: We are committed to delivering accurate and reliable translations that capture the nuances and subtleties of the source language while ensuring clarity and coherence in the target language.
Expertise: Our team of linguists consists of native speakers and language specialists with extensive training and experience in translation, interpretation, and language services.
Confidentiality: We understand the importance of confidentiality and security when handling sensitive documents and information, which is why we adhere to strict confidentiality protocols and industry best practices.
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Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to provide exceptional service, timely delivery, and responsive support to ensure that your language needs are met with professionalism and care.
Global Reach: With our extensive network of linguists and language experts, we have the resources and capabilities to serve clients worldwide and facilitate communication across languages and cultures.
Contact Us
Ready to overcome language barriers and unlock new opportunities with professional language solutions from Translation Services Hong Kong? Contact us today to discuss your language needs and request a free quote. We look forward to partnering with you to achieve your language goals and drive success in the global marketplace.
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ajitcmane06 · 15 days
Choosing the Right Immigration Translation Service
Immigrating to a new country often requires the translation of various documents, from birth certificates to academic transcripts. Selecting the right immigration translation service is essential to ensure accuracy, reliability, and compliance with immigration requirements. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you choose the best immigration translation service for your needs.
Understanding Your Translation Needs
Before choosing a translation service, identify the specific documents that require translation and their intended use. Consider factors such as:
Document Types: Determine the types of documents you need to translate, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, academic transcripts, or legal contracts.
Language Pairs: Identify the languages involved in the translation, ensuring that the translation service offers expertise in both the source and target languages.
Certification Requirements: Determine whether your translated documents need to be certified or notarized for immigration purposes.
Assessing Quality and Accuracy
Quality and accuracy are paramount when it comes to immigration translation. Consider the following factors to assess the quality of a translation service:
Translator Qualifications: Ensure that the translation service employs certified translators with expertise in immigration documentation and familiarity with legal terminology.
Quality Assurance Processes: Inquire about the quality assurance processes employed by the translation service, such as proofreading and editing, to ensure accurate and error-free translations.
Sample Translations: Request sample translations or references to assess the quality of the translation service's work and its suitability for your needs.
Compliance with Immigration Requirements
Immigration authorities often have specific requirements regarding document translation. Choose a translation service that:
Adheres to USCIS Standards: Ensure that the translation service follows the standards set by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or relevant immigration authorities.
Offers Certification Options: Select a translation service that provides certification or notarization options for translated documents, as required by immigration regulations.
Handles Sensitive Information Securely: Verify that the translation service has robust security measures in place to protect sensitive personal information contained in your documents.
Considerations for Turnaround Time and Cost
When choosing an immigration translation service, consider factors such as:
Turnaround Time: Determine the time frame within which you need your documents translated and choose a service that can accommodate your timeline without compromising quality.
Cost: Obtain quotes from multiple translation services and compare prices while considering the quality and level of service offered.
Choosing the right immigration translation service is crucial for ensuring accurate, reliable, and compliant translations of your documents. By considering factors such as quality, compliance, turnaround time, and cost, you can select a translation service that meets your immigration needs effectively. Remember to prioritize quality and accuracy to avoid potential complications in your immigration process.
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Why Might I Need to Translate and Notarize ICA Documents in Singapore?
In Singapore, a country known for its diverse population and bustling economic activity, the translation and notarization of ICA (Immigration and Checkpoints Authority) documents play a crucial role in ensuring legal compliance and seamless transactions.
Understanding ICA Documents
ICA documents encompass a range of crucial paperwork related to immigration, citizenship, residency, and travel. These documents include but are not limited to visas, work permits, permanent residency applications, and citizenship papers.
They serve as the official record of an individual's legal status within Singapore and are often required for a multitude of purposes.
Legal Requirements in Singapore
Singapore boasts a robust legal system that upholds stringent standards for the authentication and verification of documents.
Notarization, a process wherein a licensed notary public affirms the authenticity of signatures and seals on legal documents, holds significant weight in Singapore's legal landscape.
Notarized documents are deemed credible and admissible in courts of law, government agencies, and other official entities.
Need for Translation
Given Singapore's multicultural environment, where English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil are official languages, the necessity for document translation is evident.
ICA documents are typically issued in English, but individuals from non-English-speaking countries may require translations into their native languages for clarity and comprehension.
Accurate translation ensures that all parties involved understand the content of the documents accurately, thus avoiding misunderstandings or misinterpretations.
Importance of Notarization
Notarization adds an additional layer of authentication to translated documents, especially when they are to be used for official purposes.
A notary public verifies the identity of the translator and confirms that the translation is a true and accurate representation of the original document.
Notarized translations are widely accepted by government agencies, educational institutions, and private organizations, providing peace of mind to individuals navigating bureaucratic processes.
NotarizedTranslations.sg: Your Trusted Partner in Document Authentication
NotarizedTranslations.sg is a leading provider of translation and notarization services in Singapore. With a commitment to excellence and professionalism, they offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of their clients.
Services Offered
This website specializes in providing notarized translation of ICA Documents, legal contracts, academic transcripts, and more in Singapore. Their team of experienced translators and licensed notary publics ensures the accuracy and legality of each document, providing clients with peace of mind and confidence in their dealings.
Expertise and Professionalism
Their team of linguists and legal experts possesses the expertise and qualifications necessary to deliver high-quality translations and notarizations.
Whether it's a simple document or a complex legal contract, clients can trust notarizedtranslations.sg to handle their documents with the utmost care and precision.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is a top priority at this company. They take pride in their track record of delivering exceptional service and exceeding client expectations.
Testimonials and feedback from satisfied clients attest to the reliability and professionalism of their services, making them a trusted partner for all document translation and notarization needs.
Competitive Advantage
They combine cutting-edge technology with traditional expertise to deliver efficient, accurate, and reliable services at competitive prices. Clients can expect nothing but the best when they choose notarizedtranslations.sg for their document authentication needs.
In conclusion, the translation and notarization of ICA documents in Singapore are essential processes that ensure legal compliance and facilitate seamless transactions.
By understanding the legal requirements, embracing the importance of accurate translation and notarization, and leveraging professional services, individuals can navigate the complexities of document authentication with confidence and ease.
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speed-seo · 18 days
Uncover the Underused B2B SEO Strategies Your Competitors Use to Crush Your Lead Gen
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Search engine optimization (SEO) is often treated as an afterthought in B2B marketing. But what if I told you that a strategic SEO approach could help you generate, on average, 3X more leads than your top competitor in just 6-12 months? It's true - but you need to move beyond the SEO basics and get strategic with underutilized tactics tailored specifically to B2B buying cycles. In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover insider strategies on intent-based keywords, pillar content, backlink building, technical SEO, and busting myths holding your SEO back. With over 1,000 words of tactical advice, this is the guide your competitors don't want you to read! Laser-Focused Keywords Deliver 3X More B2B Leads Optimizing for informational, intent-driven keywords is a proven way to generate more leads, yet most B2B brands only target product and service terms. Here's how to uncover the questions and pain points your customers have at every stage of their journey. Move Beyond Keyword Checklists with This Research Rather than rely on generic keyword tools, take the time to dig into the search questions your ideal buyers have as they move through the funnel. Tools like Google's Keyword Planner certainly have a place, but also analyze chat logs, voice of customer data, and sales call transcripts to reveal actual language used. Surveys and support tickets are a goldmine for uncovering informational search terms. Align SEO to Each Buyer's Journey Stage With this expanded keyword research, you can now optimize pages and content to target each stage of the B2B buying journey. For example, attorneys in the awareness phase may search for "how to reduce legal discovery costs" while those evaluating solutions look for comparisons like "ediscovery software features". The Results: 3X More Leads in 6 Months One B2B client using this intent-driven approach saw a 206% increase in organic leads in just 6 months. Their competitor targeting the same persona saw only a 68% bump. By aligning SEO tightly to informational search queries, they tripled their competitor's leads. Pillar Content Sets You Apart as an Authority Forget thin blog posts that barely scratch the surface. To really demonstrate expertise around topics your prospects care about, you need pillar content. I'm talking epic guides, comprehensive ebooks and toolkits - the type of resources people happily hand over their email address to get their hands on. In my decade of doing B2B SEO, I've seen first-hand how pillar content can transform a company's lead gen strategy. Become a Trusted Resource Here's the truth - people want to learn from brands they trust. In competitive spaces like legal, finance and healthcare, establishing trust is everything. Pillar content is your secret weapon to position your brand as an authority buyers can rely on. Unlike short blog posts, pillars show you've done the work to create something truly valuable. We're talking Ultimate Guides with stats, actionable takeaways, and everything an ideal prospect needs to know on a topic. Don't hold back! Make it a beast of a download. Turn Pillars into Lead Magnets Now comes the fun part - turning that pillar into a lead generation workhorse. Gate access to the download with a simple contact form. Promote it heavily across channels for months. One client did this with a comprehensive SEO guide for attorneys and got 521 new leads in just 90 days. Invest Time for Maximum Impact I won't lie to you - creating awesome pillar content takes time and effort. But it's one of the highest ROI activities for long term lead gen. For a big impact across multiple personas, aim for 2-3 new pillars per quarter. Repurpose and promote them for months (even years) to maximize conversions. "Non-Traditional" Backlinks - It's All About Relationships Guest posting on other blogs is just one backlink tactic - and not always the best for B2B. The most valuable links come from active participation in your industry's communities. Become a Genuinely Helpful Expert Seriously - stop spamming forums and groups trying to sneak in backlinks. Instead, focus on building relationships by consistently providing value. Share insights, offer advice, be helpful. Organically weave in mentions of your relevant content if it benefits the community. HARO - A Goldmine for Quality Backlinks I can't stress enough how valuable HARO has been for one of my clients. It's a platform where journalists request expert sources for articles. In 6 months, they've been featured in mainstream publications like Forbes, Inc, and Entrepreneur - earning quality backlinks, branding wins, and new traffic. Measure Relationship-Building, Not Just Links Sure, track backlink growth from these sources. But also measure the relationships you're building in communities and with journalists. This compounds over time into insane authority-boosting wins. Technical SEO - The Competitive Edge With how much B2B buyers rely on search, technical SEO can make or break your marketing. How does your site stack up on crucial factors like speed, mobile optimization and indexation? Site Speed - Optimize for the Impatient Here's a scary stat: 53% of mobile site visitors will leave a page that takes over 3 seconds to load. B2B buyers are even more impatient - don't make them wait! Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and Pingdom to catch speed issues. Mobile Responsiveness - No More Pinched Fingers Trying to read content on a non-mobile friendly site makes me want to chuck my phone across the room. Seriously, we're past the point where mobile optimization is optional - make it happen. Test your site on multiple devices and fix pesky issues like tiny text or wonky navigation. Indexation - Get Your Pages Found It means nothing to optimize content if Google can't index and surface your pages in results! Sneaky technical problems like crawling errors can completely hide your content from search. Stay on top of indexation with tools like Google Search Console. The key is constantly monitoring and improving technical SEO issues that impact user experience. It pays off big time. Conclusion and Next Steps Throughout this guide, we've explored proven yet underutilized SEO strategies tailored specifically to B2B buying cycles: - Intent-based keywords help you uncover the informational questions your prospects have at each stage, leading to 3X more leads. - Pillar content sets you apart as an authority, turning epic guides into lead generation workhorses that bring in 500+ new contacts. - Relationship-focused link building in communities and via HARO outreach leads to high-quality backlinks from trusted industry sources. - Fixing technical SEO issues like site speed and indexation creates a foundation for SEO success. These are strategic plays your competitors likely haven't tapped into yet. Adopting them now before the masses catch on provides a unique competitive advantage for your B2B organization. Imagine having a steady flow of qualified leads from across the buyer's journey - not just when they're ready to purchase. Envision closing deals faster because prospects already know and trust you. This future is possible when you align your SEO approach tightly to how B2B buyers research solutions. The time is now to transform your SEO. Click here to schedule a custom audit and roadmap to kickstart implementing these strategies. Our team is ready to uncover gaps in your current SEO approach and build a high-impact plan tailored to your business goals. Congratulations on committing to SEO success - let's talk soon! Read the full article
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velanhcs · 23 days
Best Outsource Healthcare Services in the USA - Velan HCS
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In the fast-paced healthcare industry, outsourcing has become a transformative strategy for healthcare providers who want to optimize their operations and enhance patient outcomes. Due to the mounting pressures of containing costs, improving efficiency, and staying competitive, healthcare organizations increasingly turn to outsourcing as a viable solution. In this blog post, we delve into the top healthcare outsourcing services provided by Velan HCS, a leading US-based healthcare outsourcing company.
Medical Billing: Medical billing is a highly intricate and specialized practice within the healthcare sector. Medical documentation and coding require a skilled workforce knowledgeable in medical terminologies and codes for precise documentation and coding of treatments, procedures, and medications. It is essential to have personnel with comprehensive medical procedures and terminology knowledge. The intricacy of medical billing arises from the need to accurately record and translate healthcare services to ensure proper reimbursement from insurance companies while adhering to regulatory guidelines.
Healthcare Support: Healthcare support is one of the most commonly outsourced healthcare services. Outsourcing firms offer medical support services such as transcription, coding, and billing. These services improve productivity, accuracy, and timely documentation, ensuring up-to-date patient records.
Healthcare Data Analytics: The importance of healthcare data analytics within the realm of outsourced healthcare services cannot be understated. Healthcare providers outsource healthcare data analytics to specialized firms to unlock valuable insights from vast patient information for evidence-based decision-making.
Compliance and Risk Management: Navigating the complex regulatory policies in healthcare requires extensive legal and compliance expertise. Top healthcare BPO companies have extensive experience guiding clients through quality reporting requirements, HIPAA regulations, fraud prevention, and risk management. They offer compliance auditing, accurate documentation, and real-time monitoring to minimize violations and mitigate risks.
Customer Support and Outreach: Maintaining robust communication channels and prompt issue resolution is pivotal for patient trust and loyalty. Outsourcing company partners adeptly manage healthcare customer service operations spanning multi-channel interactions, feedback surveys, social media, and health awareness campaigns. This amplifies community outreach efforts while freeing doctors and nurses to dedicate more time to patients.
Conclusion: The growing adoption of outsourcing is transforming workflows in healthcare organizations across the US. As BPO partners continue innovating with advanced solutions for cost efficiency, compliance, patient experiences, and beyond, their role in driving the future of healthcare will only continue expanding. 
Image: [Insert an image showcasing the healthcare industry with a focus on outsourcing]
Keywords: Best Outsource Healthcare Services in the USA - Velan HCS, Healthcare outsourcing, Medical billing, Healthcare support, Healthcare data analytics, Compliance and risk management, Customer support and outreach.
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