#beshaba tiefling
csealia · 1 month
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I haven’t posted in 84 years but here, please accept my dnd character and current obsession. Her name is Wisteria🪻
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vault-of-lore · 1 month
Baldur's Gate 3 Phrases
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Religious Phrases
Watching gods. x
Black Hand be thanked. x
Bloody fool, may the Black Hand take you. x
By The Black Hand, I told you to leave that alone. x
Beshaba's black bones. x
By Mystra's eyelids. x
Coinmaiden guard your coffers. x
The Coinmaiden watches you. x
Waukeen be with me. x
By the Nine Hells. x
Damn thing's sealed tighter than a Duke's pursestrings. x
Little serpent, long shadow. x
My horns for a normal day. x
She toys with us like a tressym with a pigeon. x
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reptile-garden · 3 months
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Guess who got to hyper focused on finishing their oc (D&D based off of a Beshaba spawned tieflings) and forgot to eat lunch. Look at my baby tho. Look how precious they are.
This gal. 😂
I’m gonna go crash now, but hey! I finished Raines design for the most part… I still wanna see if I can add in wings at some point (AU anyone?) so they can do the thing. Said thing below. I find it hilarious.
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nyuula-art · 1 year
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NPCs from my little evil campaign about a group that worships Beshaba🦌 it’s so fun doing things other than the usual good deeds
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forgeofthenine · 3 days
How would the Tieflings react to an Aasimar partner? How would they initially react to learning that before they're together? How would they feeI about the whole 'forces of evil seek to destroy them' thing? And how would they react if their partner just kinda drop something like "Oh yeah, my deity/celestial guide thinks you're pretty great". Also, I can't get the idea of wing hugs out of my mind (if they're a Protector Aasimar).
(We can't play as an Aasimar in game, and I'm grumpy about it. They're 100% my fave race.)
While I understand why larian didn't make aasimars a playable race I'm still very disappointed because they are far and away one of my absolute favourite races and I've played them in DND in the past. This set of headcanons ended up being way more 'story focused' than I initially expected so I might go back in and do a set of more casual ones later on, but I hope everyone enjoys them! <3
The bachelors dating an Aasimar headcanons
Dammon hardly knew you were an Aasimar to start with, only that you were unique
With pale, milky eyes that contained no pupils you were quite the sight, and often assumed blind
This is what the blacksmith thought when he offered to help you make your way across a river
Anyone can imagine how stunned he was when you gleefully thanked him before complimenting his own eyes, comparing them to a golden halo
He soon found himself lucky enough to run into you during his travels with the refugees, always vying for your attention when you appeared in camp
You often won card games played with the others, and sung drunken songs for the children later in the night, and Dammon admired your joy in such dark times
Before long, the two of you were romantically involved and living quite happily in Baldurs Gate
You'd been there with Dammon through thick and thin, entering the city and helping him set up his own forge
The whole time he always called you his good luck charm, leading to an endearing blush and chuckle from you
That is, until a follower of Beshaba darkened your door and held a knife to your throat
It was only after that you decided to tell Dammon a long held secret, that you were descended from Lady Luck herself, Tymora
The gleeful and sometimes impetuous goddess had birthed a daughter to one of her human lovers, an Aasimar who went on to have her own family
For many generations your own family claimed descendance from Tymoras daughter, despite appearing to be normal humans
You provided proof with your birth, bearing blank eyes still blessed with sight and the luck of Tymora herself
You weren't strong like other great protector Aasimar, and you had no real contact with your now reclusive ancestor, but you tried to spread joy where you went and aimed to live a good life
Dammon, for what it's worth, took the news well and was glad to find no more secrets between the two of you
Incidentally, he also kept a much better eye on you, now he knew there was a minor target on your back
You can bet he brags about having his very own 'Lady luck' much to your amusement
Since the first moment he saw you Zevlor knew he was in love
Him, a young hellrider recruit, standing in front of a radiant Aasimar with the most beautiful wings he's ever laid eyes on
You were the very image of divine protection, a grandchild of the god he's devoted his life to serving, the grandchild of Helm
You spent much of your time with the hellriders, supervising their training and often joining in
Though no one seemed to realise you had eyes for one tiefling in particular, including that same tiefling
You'd often find reasons to be around Zevlor, insisting on helping him maintain weapons or offering help as a sparring partner
Even when Zevlor was a young man, years before Elturels descent, he still thought himself unworthy of your attention despite how often you gave it to him
What could a descendant of a god want with a simple hellspawn like him?
It was entirely up to you to knock some sense into him
Something you happily did one evening, pinning him during a sparring match and questioning his feelings
It was soon after he was officially courting you, much to the amusement and jealousy of others in the ranks
Everyone could see how proud Zevlor was, absolutely radiant whenever in your presence
He never worried himself too much either with worries of you being attacked, fully believing in both your own strength and the protection of your grandfather
It was a protection he often relied on once the tieflings needed to flee their home
Zevlor spent nights wrapped up in your arms and wings when you could convince him to come to bed
He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, even when you insisted on taking some of his worries for yourself
It was only once the two of you made it to Baldurs gate, battered and scarred, that the two of you can truly relax
Calling upon your grandfather's grace for the last time to create a safe home for you and your lover
Something Zevlor is eternally greatful for, finally able to ask for your hand in marriage like he's been dreaming of for years
Rolan had originally assumed you to be a tiefling when he first saw you in Elturel
Silver skin wasn't a particularly uncommon colour, though few tieflings in the city possessed it
It was only upon closer inspection that he realised you weren't a tiefling, you were a wholly different variety of planetouched
From first meeting you found yourself fond of Rolan and his siblings, Cal and Lia mercilessly teasing Rolan after stumbling across the two of you chatting in a bookstore
Despite your free roaming nature that often kept you travelling, staying near the wizard in training was too good an opportunity to miss and you soon settled nearby
Afternoons were spent with you watching his magic practices, teaching Cal to cook, and joking around with Lia
That is, until Elturel fell
Soon yours and Rolans easy comfort was in turmoil and your days were spent trying to protect the three tieflings you'd grown to love
Rolan himself was near as protective of you as he was of his siblings, hardly letting you out of his sight even once you'd made it onto the road as refugees
He never quite understood how you could be so happy under such awful conditions, hoping this 'adventure' of yours would be over quickly
You were sure to know it too, with him loudly complaining until you'd placate the wizard with kind words and by taking his hand in yours
Through the whole journey you were his biggest cheerleader and support, even as he lashed out after his siblings abduction
It was after that incident Rolan realised how important you were to him, seeing him at his meanest and ugliest but still sticking around
Soon after his dreams drifted from becoming an accomplished and revered wizard to starting a life with you in Baldurs Gate
That dream was near shattered, however, when he was taken into Lorroakans tutelage and found himself beaten and separated from his family
You had been fuming every time you saw him, fruitlessly trying to convince him to leave with you
His saving grace was when you and Dame Aylin came to ruin Lorroakan, your true power as an assimar becoming apparent as you stretch your wings and call upon your mother's favour
The corrupt wizard didn't stand a chance against the children of Selune and Avandra after scorning them so
Soon enough Rolan was back in your arms, and after so much turmoil he can't help but finally admit his feelings for you
What the wizard didn't expect was for you to laugh before kissing him, telling him that you'd known for months
His pout after that is legendary, but Rolan couldn't be happier than when you have your wings securely wrapped around him
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y-rhywbeth2 · 6 months
Lore: Tieflings
Link to Disclaimer and other lore babblings
Featuring: The two types of tiefling (Orin belongs to one of them, actually) The other races' equivalents to tieflings Various ancestors of tieflings The 2e tiefling trait chart that I miss with all my soul My inability to be 100% neutral about certain 4e changes Tiefling Homelands, such as they are
Tieflings belong to a category known as the Planetouched; mortals descended from beings native to the outer planes. TIeflings are descended from the evil-aligned Lower Planes and at this point can be split into the newer Asmodeus tieflings and the original "generic" tieflings. (Other races have produced fiendish planetouched. Tanarukk are orcs of fiendish descent; Elven-demon hybrids called the fey'ri, or daemonfey; Dwarven descendants of the offspring of devils are maeluth; and wisplings are halflings of demonic descent.)
The original, generic tieflings are humans with a fiend or an evil deity from one of the Lower Planes in their family tree.
They appear as regular humans, usually with only one or two odd traits giving away their ancestry. Black feathers growing from their shoulders, glowing red eyes, a tail, making plants decay in their presence... wings...
The bloodline begins with the half-mortal child of a fiend or deity (a cambion, or a bhaalspawn, for example). They go on to have offspring with mortals and the child is a tiefling. The tiefling grandchild's line may continue to dilute with human blood until it seemingly disappears...
...until suddenly, possibly hundreds of years later, a family's new baby is born with six fingers or a tail or something and the village is talking about drowning the "devil" in the village stream. With a lack of understanding of what's happening, and a lot of fear, the family themselves usually reject their own child. There are only a few places in the Realms where a planetouched birth isn't considered an aberration (I'll talk about them towards the end).
The outlook for tieflings is... not good.
"Occasionally a tiefling is born to someone indifferent to its appearance, determined to redeem it, willing to exploit it, or evil enough not to care about its nature, and these tieflings are most likely to survive to adulthood." - Races of Faerûn
Even if their physical traits are not obvious, tieflings become aware from an early age that they are different, as the essence of the Lower Planes in their blood tries to compel them and they often have "strange needs, desires or urges." They can ignore these urges to be any alignment they so chose. Unfortunately, as the world around them hates them, they tend to grow up to be bitter and mistrustful; they're not terribly inclined to help people they expect to run them off in an angry mob. Some of them embrace their impulses, seeing as they're just going to be seen as monsters anyway.
Their ancestry can be from various categories:
Deities: Beshaba, goddess of misfortune is one of the more known ancestors of tieflings. Her descendants are marked by white hair and deer antlers growing from their heads. Mask, god of thieves is another ancestor; Maskarian tieflings cast no reflections. Bhaal's tieflings show no outward signs, but have inclinations towards violence and an obsession with death.
Baatezu; Devils, the Lawful Evil fiends of the Nine Hells. Erinyes (fallen angels with black wings), gelugons (ice insects) and pit fiends (giant scaly red monsters with horns) are the most common ancestors. They enjoy strict hierarchies, complicated plots, rules and contracts with lots of smallprint.
Tanar'ri: Demons, the Chaotic Evil fiends of the Infinite Layers of the Abyss ("If there's anything you don't like, you'll find it here."). The most common demonic ancestors are Mariliths (giant sexy snake warrior ladies with six arms and swords) and Succubi (who were strictly demons, until 5e decided the devils needed a soul-stealing sex monster even though they already had those and they were the exact same thing as a succubus (Brachina)). Where devils enjoy playing with contracts and mind games and the slow descent into corruption, demons are pure hunger/lust and chaos and usually go for the fast track to corruption. Orgies and mindless over-the-top violence, both at the same time, if possible. ["Devils and demons hate each other" is the biggest understatement the universe knows, and the two have been at war since basically the dawn of time. It's called the Blood War and it will never end. They are instinctually driven to destroy each other, and this is also built into their tiefling descendants.]
Other: Fiends who fall into no other category. There is actually a third category - Yugoloths, the Neutral Evil fiends, but they don't seem to make tieflings that I've seen. Night Hags are a common enough ancestor, and tieflings descended from them often have blue/violet skin, likened to the colour of bruises. Rakshasa are another one; cat eyes and occasionally fur turning up on them.
3.5e gave them a set of traits they all shared: higher reflexes; a boost to their intelligence stat (for some reason?); the ability to see in total darkness; to create areas of pitch black supernatural darkness; they were less affected by the cold and electric shocks, and their flesh and skin was slightly fire retardant. Sometimes they had an affinity for certain animals, or had wings.
Back in 2e, Tieflings were all unique and could manifest some of any number of random traits. Behold! The chart!
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And then, amongst the various shit that went down as the setting was burned down around us all in 4e, Asmodeus - Archdevil of the Ninth Hell, Ruler of the Nine Hells - killed the god Azuth and elevated himself to godhood. He "defeated" the Tanar'ri in the (eternal!) Blood War and celebrated by having a circle of warlocks known as "the Toril Thirteen" to create a new strain of tieflings descended from him to remind the world to fear him. This would be fine, except he did this by ruining overwriting all the pre-existing tieflings so that they would now all be descended from him and ALL have their varied, often subtle, appearances be changed to be red skinned people with goat horns and tails regardless of if that made any FUCKIGN sense. How do you overwrite a Night Hag or Mask or.the goddamn Mulhorandi pantheon The hells and Asmodeus have zero - ZERO, connection! He has no claim-.
Asmodeus exerts no control over "his" tieflings, however, they are simply marked by his power. People do not like them any better than the originals, but less of them are getting killed at birth now due to being born into families of other tieflings.
The ancestry of these tieflings does not dilute over time. The child of an Asmodeus tiefling is another tiefling.
By 15th century DR (5e) the Blood War is back on and the original tieflings have begun to re-emerge in Toril, but the majority are still the Asmodeus type.
The generic tieflings are rare enough that the majority can go their entire lives without meeting another of their kind. Asmodeus' tieflings are uncommon, but prone to being found in small groups.
Tieflings are "persecuted and feared in most of Faerûn." (Though the gods don't give a damn, and are happy enough to manifest to them in dreams in tiefling form to the delight of the religiously inclined)
There are, however, places where they are more common.
Back before it blew up (4e!) Thay had an unusually high tiefling population. "Thayan tieflings [were] usually the grandchildren of powerful wizards, birthed as part of some power scheme, and usually [spent] their lives as slaves or pawns to both sides of the family." Obviously, these tieflings became Asmodeus tieflings due to the ritual. Afterwards the lich Szass Tam decided to turn everybody undead. Some living people returned to Thay, once it was habitable again post-Spellplague (despite still being full of liches and vampires), so there may be some Thayan tieflings remaining. TIefling descendants of the refugees of Thay can also be found in the surrounding countries. Aglarond, mostly, since Rashamen has a decidedly negative history with Thay. Mulhorand is another land with a tiefling population. Mulhorand is Ancient Egypt. Not like fantasy-equivalent to Ancient Egypt, like they're actually the descendants of Ancient Egyptians who ended up in Toril (side effect of ancient wizards kidnapping people from other worlds to enslave). Mulhorandi planetouched are the descendants of the local gods, who once ruled the country themselves when it was first founded, and the mixture of aasmiar, genasi and tieflings is significant enough to make up 2% of the total population. In the case of tieflings, that usually means their grandfather/ancestor is Set, Anhur or Sobek. Historically the priesthoods of Mulhorand enjoyed bickering, which would've been annoying as the descendant of their god/their god's enemy, but the pantheon has told them to knock it off nowadays.
Mulhorandi tieflings have their own naming conventions, taking surnames based on their ancestor; Zia or Sia preceding the god's name. Ziasobek or Sianhur, for example. In the North, Neverwinter was once host to a cult dedicated to Asmodeus (the Ashmadai) that lead to a rise in tieflings, and since that offers an opportunity to blend in with their own kind the city attracted more tiefling immigrants, and as such has a fair sized population now.
I'm also taking a third option: immigrants from the outer planes would be unusual, but tieflings are out there and some of them may decide to move to Faerûn for some reason.
Sigil is a city at the centre of the universe built into the inside of a giant ring at the top of an infinite spire that has no beginning or end. It's also the nexus point of the universe, is covered in portals and its markets have goods from everywhere in known existence. It's population also comes from everywhere in existence, so tieflings are not such an oddity. Culturally it's rather like a fantasy parody of corrupt cockney Victorianesque(?) London, if the entirety of D&D moved there.
Tieflings can also be found living in the Lower Planes themselves, usually as canon fodder in the Blood Wars.
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eletaniaaa · 4 months
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Beshaba, or Lady Doom as she was also known, was the chaotic evil intermediate deity of accidents, bad luck, misfortune, and random mischief, and a member of Tempus' pantheon. The Maid of Misfortune, appeals to a number of tieflings. This wicked and beautiful goddess has created a few tiefling bloodlines over the ages, many of which have white hair and manifest antlers instead of other kinds of horns.
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I thought it would be fun to share Winter's origins, so it's time for some ✨old art✨
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Image 1 Description: Pencil drawing of a young tiefling. His shoulders are high and his tail is threatening to wrap around his own legs. He holds a toy bow with a suction-cup arrow, and more are in a quiver at his hip.
Beside him reads: Winnie he/him, 5 y.o. looks perpetually worried (is just shy) never goes anywhere w/o boy & arrows wants to be a ranger when he grows up.
Image 1 Description end.
Winter, or Winnie, was originally made for the Baby Tieflings Candy Heist One-Shot. He, along with his fellow orphans Trouble (played by my wife @horseandlion), Tenacious ("Ten-Ten"), and Goose, succeeded at their candy heist with flying colors. We had so much fun playing them that we went on to begin a campaign with them as adults.
The color portrait below (Image 2) was made to be Winter's Roll20 token.
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Image 2 Description: 3/4 bust drawing, pencil and colored pencil. A purple-skinned, purple-horned tiefling. His straight, black hair is pulled back in a low ponytail and a few strands escape between his horns and in front of his pointed ears. His horns arc back over his head before angling in toward each other at the tips. He wears a green shirt with a round collar and a gold coin on a leather cord. His eyes are black corner to corner. The name WINTER is emblazoned beneath him, curved up to fit in a round frame.
Image 2 Description end.
Image 3 Description: full body pencil drawing. A slender tiefling man carrying a long- self bow. He wears a close-fitting waistcote over a set of two shirts, the other wish slashed sleeves. He wears thigh-high boots that tie up to his belt with stays. He wears a cloak over all. A dagger is strapped to his right thigh, and a short sword is at his left hip. His quiver is strapped behind him, level with his hip to his right and lower to his left. Beside him, his name, WINTER ORIANNA, is written in Ogham.
Image 3 Description end.
The setup of the adult campaign was that Sonya Orianna, a retired adventurer and High Priestess of Tymora, goddess of Good Luck and Adventurers, was the founder of the orphanage for tiefling children, which was on the grounds of a temple of Tymora. "Mama Sonya" was Winter, Tenacious, Trouble, and Goose's guardian. In the first session, we learned that she had been abducted. In the quest to recover her, the crew accidentally. uh. declared Holy War against Beshaba, Tymora's twin sister and Goddess of Ill Fortune. Oops.
After recovering her, we had to prepare for said Holy War, which was apparently imminent anyway, but was now On. Tenacious went to study at a temple of Selûne, where Sonya's mentor, an elven woman, was High Priestess. (We also made friends with a God in the shape of a giant cat there, who needed to be returned to his own plane.)
From there, the party departed to a site sacred to Sune, Goddess of Beauty and Love, to meet their High Priestess and assist with the festival happening there. This site was treated as a sort of open-air temple, with a lake at the center. While there, we had the opportunity to don special armor and/or dancing clothes, as we were essentially offering to serve as guards. We needed it, as we ultimately ended up investigating the deaths of fellow guards and fighting a clan of Kuo-Toa who worshiped Beshaba.
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Image 4 Description: full body pencil drawing of Winter. He wears a set of armor. The chest plate is emblazoned with a cluster of three roses in bloom. The leg and arm pieces are etched with the likeness of thorny vines spiralling around his limbs.
Image 4 Description end.
Image 5 Description: full body pencil drawing of Winter. He wears light and revealing dancing clothes, including a crop top with a zig-zag, angular hem with a latticework of pearls hanging from it. Attached at the shoulder are separate, tight sleeves, each with a loop for his middle finger. He wears low-slung pants with slashed sides that reveal most of his legs. Draped over one arm is a translucent shawl with coins or metal discs hanging from the bottom edge. He wears anklets that each have two chains that connect to a single toe ring. His hair is loose.
Image 5 Description end.
While at the festival, the party met two of Sonya's long-time friends, who we later found were also her partners. One of them, a druid cursed to be stuck in his wildshape, gifted Winter a necklace that would allow him to take the shape of a Wolf, to deepen the bonds of friendship between him and his companion, Ember. My DM was way too nice to me and allowed Winter to keep Hellish Rebuke in wolf form bc it's badass.
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Image 6 Description: Full body drawing, pencil and colored pencil. Winter in wolf shape and Ember. Ember is red and black, with orange eyes. Winter is black, and retains a set of purple horns atop his head; there are smaller purple spines in two rows that run down Winter's back and tail. His eyes are still black corner to corner. They sit side by side, their heads cheated toward each other.
Image 6 Description End.
Image 7 Description: Full body drawing, pencil and colored pencil. Two additional views of Winter in wolf form, one standing, body in profile and head in 3/4, and the other a depiction of Wolf Winter casting Hellish Rebuke. In the second, he crouches low, snarling at the viewer, and rainbow flames jet from his mouth and take to the ground before and around him.
Image 7 Description End.
Because the kids were raised on the grounds of a temple of Tymora, all of them had a magic coin with a luck-based effect, which recharged per long rest so long as they prayed, made an offering, or did some kind of devotion to Tymora, if memory serves.
Where the campaign left off, going on indefinite hiatus, the party had just finished investigating happenings at Mama Sonya (and her lovers') former school. What ended up being the final session, Sonya made reference to time magic, insinuating that she had plucked Winter, Trouble, Tenacious, and Goose from different points in time to bring them together for a purpose. We never found out if my interpretation of Sonya's statement was strictly true, or what the purpose was.
Winter's current incarnation as my Tav in the world and story of Baldur's Gate 3 has a ton of nods to his original campaign. His core personality and features remain the same, like that he has the Urchin background and is a Beastmaster Ranger with a wolf companion named Ember, and that his only significant relationship as an adult is his sister, Trouble, back in the city. His original advantageous terrains were Urban and Forest, so when offered the chance at specializing, I chose those. (Though there's no Favored Quarry mechanic in BG3, in his original campaign it was Noble Men LOL idr exactly why except that he deeply disliked them.) While he is no longer a religious person, as a nod to Tymora, his first feat was Lucky. And, in honor of Sonya Orianna, without whom Winter as a character would not exist, I had him take the last name Orionn for himself. In universe, it's meant to be in reference to Orion, the Hunter (since I found a Tolkien elvish dictionary that included him as a constellation), or denoting that he is "of Orion". It's soothing and satisfying, to cobble together little pieces of the original version of him, and honor the story that will never be told.
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oakleybillions · 3 years
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my dnd character for a new campaign I’m playing! Their name is Munty and they’re a wack-a-mole champion
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pastel-kun · 2 years
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New tiefling I designed and drew out in a rush for a Tal’Dorei campaign I was invited to!! ;v; He likes his fluffy pancakes with butter and honey, no maple syrup allowed!! 🍯 🍯 🍯
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catverst · 4 years
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[beware the witch’s swamp]
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freelanceplatypus · 4 years
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What color scheme do y'all like best for this new dnd character? 1, 2 or 3!
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nyuula-art · 1 year
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more of the NPC Mallory, Black Finger of Beshaba in the campaign I DM 🦌
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maahriarts · 5 years
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Full body work-in-progress sketch for the beshaban tiefling warlock
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y-rhywbeth2 · 3 days
List of gods who, off the top of my head, are down to fuck mortals for fun (and schemes) if you want a disaster of a relationship and/or aassimar/tiefling grandkids. Some of which require much more work than others to seduce:
Milil, Sharess, Sune, probably Lliira, Beshaba, the entire messy polycule that is the Seldarine, the halfling pantheon (who might also be a polycule for all I know), Mystra, Mielikki, Mask, Bane.
...Looking at Milil's inclusion on that list, I think bards should be allowed to roll to seduce the god of bards at Wither's party.
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eletaniaaa · 4 months
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Jinx ✧ Beshaba Tiefling ✧ Wild Magic Sorceror
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