#bendy crack up comics collection
hellocatbruhbi · 7 months
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More of them, because they won't leave my mind
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eclipse-studios · 1 year
Tutoriel Bendy Props (Part 1)
Hi ! Today there’s a lot to do, because we’re making props ! To appease the gods...
In this first part, I’ll show you how to make the following objects :
Bacon Soup
Film roll of “the End “
Don’t worry, this the same technique for every props, I’ll just guide you through the measuring and painting you’ll have to do for these particular props !
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The materials :
EVA Foam, Ultra High Density - 7 mm
Foam Clay
Contact Cement
Hot Glue
Ochre acrylic paint
Black acrylic paint
Rotary Tool
The stages of creation :
1. Make a pattern. So this time we don’t have “reel” measures in this game. To solve this problem I used the “Bendy Crack-up Comics Collection” for reference, because “The Illusion of Living” book ( that we’ll make too in one of the following tutorials ! ) is the same size as this cartoon book. For a perfect circle, I often use a bowl or a lid.
Oh, and about the vinyl… It’s a pretty small one you can find in-game, and given the comparaison with the book, it’s a small one so it’s a 45 rpm ( which makes sense since it’s a single ), and for that part it’s important to conserve the standard 17cm diameter. The gear is a 10 toothed one, and i know it’s annoying since it’s hardly symmetrical but hey, cosplay is an exact science !
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2. Cut the foam around your pattern : Don’t forget that the props is in 3D so you have to cut 3 layers of foam. For the End Reel, you have to create a box-type pattern because it’s thick. For the bacon soup I just took a can of mushrooms and painted over it for the texture and the metallic feel, but you can cut it in foam too following the same technique as the reel.
3. After everything is cut nicely, you have to glue it with hot glue or contact cement. For perfect seams, I recommend you sand it gently before filling the holes with Foam Clay. For a cleaner texture, you can warm your foam in order to seal it. Sadly, I can’t do that because my heat gun is too… hot and melts away the foam, but a hairdryer could work.
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4. Now, it’s time to paint ! So this part, is the longest of this creation. I don’t have real tips for you for this part, apart from looking closely at your reference pictures ( preferably from the game if you’re looking for replicas ).
You start with a coat or two of yellow ochre paint ( yes, like Bob Ross always says ), or the colour you feel is fitting, before adding in the black details ! About the tools you can use, Posca paint pens are the best, but they’re expensive. If you’re patient enough, you can use a thin paintbrush  and go back and forth between coats of black and yellow if you do mistakes ( BUT ALWAYS LET THE PAINT DRY BEFORE ANOTHER COAT, ELSE THEY’LL MERGE AND YOU’LL BE LEFT WITH SAD, DARK BROWN ). It important to have a good painting ocre whit lot of pigments.
Don’t forget, you must have fun so you can add your own references even if they are not canon.
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And that’s the look you can achieve in this part ! Congratulations ! Don’t forget to ask me if you need help for your own props, since I keep all my patterns and techniques.
I hope you enjoyed this post format, and I’ll tell you soon about Eclipse Studios !
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bravagio · 7 months
Both batim and batdr lack toony aspect imo
If you won't count Buddy Boris & "toon Bendy" existing and Henry & Audrey making bizarre comments/decisions (+Wilson being comically evil ig), it's not that cartoonish
But also designs lack a bit?...
I'm not about 30s accuracy but about the fact that they didn't created more cartoon abominations like Shipahoy
For *this* reason, Bendy crack up comic collection is the best toonish media to date to me. Because it doesn't feel stale or over the top while still delivering some gags
Also i've started this ask bc I wanted to say that you're one of my fav bendy artists and i REALLY like your designs and ideas for your au. You bring more cartoonish aspects while not changing source material a lot and it's cool!!
(it's not a negative opinion toward devs btw, I'm a huge fan of bendy and it's my special interest)
Yes 100% agree!! The comics do a killer job and the Bendy series lack toonish stuff. Which.. is bizzarre considering it's the game's trademark. Batdr expecially feels like the devs want to create something more like Bioshock (devs already said it's a big inspo), and nothing wrong with that but looks like a waste to me.
Shipahoy Wilson is perfect because he's exactly what you expect from a toon coming to life wrong. Instead we have a lot of weak designs like the ink widows, the lost ones and the Keepers. The latter HAVE a cool design but If you show them to someone outside the fandom, they'd never guess that they came from a Bendy game.
Also, thank you very much, I put effort trying to not erase too much the original designs, your praise means a lot! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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rosescries · 1 year
How many stories/fanfics do you have in the making or out?
Oh boy. So many.
For fanfics I have completed, but are in the process of rewriting in some cases (all unpublished currently):
Five Nights More, Haunted Comfort, Our Little Horror Story, Break My Mind, Showtime (all FNAF), Inked Roses (BATIM), Tick Tock, and There's Still Magic (not rewriting).
Fics that are technically finished but I keep periodically digging up from their graves:
Babybones, Babybones Dreamtale, Nightmares Never End, and Lady In Black.
For fics I'm currently working on, which are published:
The Undertale Collection, The Writer, Can I Keep You, Dust Coated, Goodbye To Spring, Bad Habits, The Freddy Files, and Bendy's Cracked Up Comics.
The Fics currently in production hell (aka unpublished drafts):
Requiem, Safe And Sound, Help Me (I Am So Lonely), Poppy's Toybox, Rose Gold Crown, and Neighborhood Stories.
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justanartdork · 1 year
Nother Bendy related post, here we go-
Okay, is it just me or is the way Bendy’s described always wildly inaccurate compared to how he actually is when shown?
Like, they keep on describing him as a mischievous little twerp, always stirring up trouble, but in the official shorts and BATDR, he acts more like a timid child. Literally, the only time where the whole “mischievous” label actually fits is in the Crack-Up Comics Collection.
Like, am I the only one who questions this???
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angelofthepage · 1 year
Things you might want to know before BATDR releases (in terms of lore)
I've had a lot of conversations in different corners of the fandom about the Bendy books, Boris and the Dark Survival, and now the BATDR trailer, and I think I've got a pretty solid grip on what those pieces of media tried to do to set the stage for this next story. So today I'm gonna go through the pieces and put together a guide with all the details I think you'll want to know for BATDR. We'll see how this holds up on November 15th.
Warning, spoilers for BATIM, Boris and the Dark Survival (BATDS), The Employee Handbook, Dreams Come to Life (DCTL), The Illusion of Living (TIOL), The Lost Ones (TLO), and Crack Up Comics ahead.
Our story begins at the end of Bendy and the Ink Machine. Henry makes it to the machine, he plays a tape that says "The End" after a brutal fight with the inky beast and a monologue from Joey about how he can fix everything. When the boss fight ends and the screen erupts in light, we see Henry enter Joey Drew's apartment. A calendar on the kitchen wall indicates that the year is 1963, the month is August (the calendar date actually changes randomly per playthrough to show it's any day in August except the 31st, you cannot get the 31st to load).
The bulletin boards are where I want to draw your attention. I'm going to focus on Allison's letter, because it gives us this nugget: she's working for Arch Gate. This was the first time we'd ever heard of Arch Gate, and it didn't have much meaning then, but now it does.
We get a few more disconnected pieces in Boris and the Dark Survival. BATDS is a game where you play as Boris (or a Lost One or Sammy) walking through the studio to collect a set list of supplies for the safehouse. There are other collectibles hiding in lockers, Boris corpses' chests, etc, that give us a number of things to think on. The Milla Legna tapes give us an interesting story that I believe might be tied to Susie Campbell's backstory, but nothing is confirmed. What I'm going to focus on are Wally and Sammy's details. By collecting hidden pieces of pipes, we can assemble a mini game that has a high score set by Wally Franks. If we manage to beat his score, we can an audio log from Joey where he sounds extremely nervous. He begs his friend Nathan to help him out with financial trouble. This was the first time we heard of Nathan, but it won't be the last. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2savP-5Y4BY
Additionally, once we've unlocked Sammy (by finding his candles and mask to summon him), we can play as him, and he has two unique abilities. One is that he can teleport through cracks in the walls (which is necessary given he's the only character who can't run), the other is that he can play instruments in the hallway. There's a code for the instruments above where you place his mask (fun Easter egg, it's the same code that originally got us his secret lines in the pre-update version of Chapter 3), and if you play instruments throughout the level, you'll get an audio log from the Unknown Voice to tease Dark Revival.
The Unknown Voice has also appeared on the JDS YouTube page with this mysterious audio log.
If this voice sounds familiar, it's because we've heard him in both of the BATDR trailers, and now we have a face for him. Many suspected this was Sammy, the Ink Demon, or Nathan before this point, but it looks like this fellow might be named Wilson (assuming the guy on the posters and this dude are meant to be the same, I would not be surprised if there's something impostor-y happening). His voice actor is still being kept a secret at this time.
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Turning to the books, there's not a lot for me to note from DCTL at this time. This book takes place in summer of 1946 and follows protagonist Buddy Lewek as he becomes a gofer for the studio and ultimately ends up falling into Joey's schemes. The big things we get in this one do more to further our understanding of BATIM, such as telling us why Henry left the studio ala Norman (to spend more time with his wife, Linda). We learn that Sammy got addicted to drinking ink and starting sacrificing people once enough of it was in his system, hearing voices, we get Norman's death off-screen along with most of the art department (save for Abby, we'll talk about Abby in a bit), we find out Joey purchased a theater to expand the JDS building, and we learn part of what the machine is for. Joey wants to bring his characters to life, in part to have meet-able mascots at Bendyland, the upcoming project he pitches to investors (and the scene where he refers to Bertrum as Bertie and pisses him off, we actually get to see it happening in real time!). We also get a cryptic mention from Allison at the party to not forget what happened to Susie when talking to Buddy, to which he responds "who's Susie?" This is important, we know Buddy has never met Susie within this year and that Allison is the voice of Alice Angel by this point.
We know thanks to the Crack Up Comics’ introduction that by 1972, Joey Drew is believed to be dead, and Nathan Arch, head of Arch Gate Studios (a location we see mentioned a few times in the background of the BATDR trailer) has purchased the rights and assets for Bendy. Nathan is a steel and oil tycoon, never having shown a real interest in cartoons before, so why would he do this? Thanks to the JDS website’s press archives, he tells us it’s to keep Joey’s legacy alive, but is that the full truth?
We assume he wants it for the ink machine, it’s an invaluable piece of technology. But we also see several things in the trailer and on the JDS website that point to media preservation. A museum dedicated to Bendy’s history, a banner advertising “Joey Drew The Man and The Demon,” which sounds like a documentary. Even the animation cell we see Audrey working on is taken from the cartoon Cheap Seats, the first time we as fans got to see Alice speak in a cartoon. TIOL and the Crack Up Comics are framed as being projects that archive Joey’s legacy with the way that they’re released, and while Nathan tells us that he hasn’t messed with The Illusion of Living (which was originally released as Joey’s memoir in 1942 in-universe, right as Bendyland was being conceptualized and Joey got into contact with Bertrum), we don’t know how truthful it is. His anecdotes and annotations within Joey’s memoir do leave you wondering just how good of friends they really were. It begs a lot of questions, what is Arch Gate up to? I get the sense the motivation is a little bit of wanting the machine for a greater purpose and another piece achieving Joey’s dream where he could not, bringing cartoons to life. But we can’t be sure. There’s a lot we have questions on for BATDR, but I suspect it’ll be an exciting ride going into it. The one question I have is will we see Abby Lambert.
For those who don’t know, Abby is a very important character to the books. She’s a friend of Joey’s in the late 20s, an artist who’s not super traditional (she wears a lot of men’s suits and I believe was described as having short hair?), and she’s responsible for connecting Joey and Henry. Upon going to an art show where Henry’s work was on display with Abby, Joey started getting ideas about producing cartoons. Then he tried to come up with main character’s concept, and Abby tried to draw it but missed the mark. So she invited Henry over to help, which Joey was a little miffed about since he didn’t want a lot of people to know yet, but with a little back and forth and critique, Bendy was born (and apparently he’s named after a dead photographer from the detective story in this memoir, but that’s a rabbit hole I’m not ready to go down). After that, Joey and Henry start JDS together, and after Henry’s left, Abby is finally available to come on and works as the head of the art department (according to Joey). He talks to highly of her in TIOL, but when we see her in DCTL, she’s exhausted, frustrated, and he’s kind of dismissive of her when Buddy’s caught stealing from the department. Abby is important to the history of some of our central characters, and while I don’t think we should need the books to understand BATDR, I do hope she makes an appearance with some context. Bendy exists because of three people, it feels like she should be there. That’s all I have for now for details you might have missed from the books and spinoffs that I suspect will be relevant to this game. Here’s wishing you all a fun time with BATDR tomorrow (2 AM EST on Steam to be exact), beware the ink demon!
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jo3ydr3w · 1 year
Stats for sticky notes in the Bendy books. They might be slightly wrong as I lost track multiple times (darn dyslexia). Crack-Up Comics Collection - 57 The Lost Ones - 27 The Illusion of Living - 185
Dreams Come to Life - 67
Joey Drew Studios Employee Handbook - 102 🖊Joey🖊
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owlclawstudios · 1 year
Have you checked out the Bendy Crack-Up Comics Collection? Which comic(s) are you, personally, a big fan of? (For me, personally, I love the Dime Store Comics)
Oh yes! I like the ones with ruby goldberg and bendy
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memeteammovies · 8 months
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I don’t do a whole lot of pure pencil drawings, this one’s based off one of the panels from the Bendy Crack-Up Comics Collection book. It was too funny not to redraw in my style!
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tonic31 · 1 year
Tonight we are streaming a complete playthrough of Freebird Games' To The Moon! Experience this amazing story from start to finish! We gave away a Limited Run copy of the game on Nintendo Switch at the end of the stream! Congrats to @guykusano7687 on winning the game!! Join our discord: https://ift.tt/bZKXhJ6 Join the Spud Squad Today!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4TeJzsYmTkVu8shtP4H0gw/join While you are here, try out all the things you can do with our chat bot! Bonus! Keep an eye out for a very special surprise! If you type in the secret word of today's stream, you will earn 2000 Bacon Soup! Keep chatting, you never know when you could win! Bot Information Bot Names: Rufus The Camel Bot; Rufina The Camel Spokes Bot Currency: Bacon Soup Command To Check How Much You Own: !soup Payout Intervals: Base Viewers gain 30 Bacon Soup for every 5 minutes watching. Regular Viewers (30 Hours watch time) gain 50 Bacon Soup for every 5 minutes watching. Spud Squad Members gain an additional 40 Bacon Soup for every 5 minutes watching. Moderators gain an additional 25 Bacon Soup for every 5 minutes watching. Minimum Bacon Soup that can be earned in one hour is 360. Maximum Bacon Soup that can be earned in one hour is 1,392. One Time Only Event Payouts (cannot be spammed so don't bother ;)): Subscribe: 500 Join Spud Squad: 1000 Regular Event Payouts (can be spammed as long as you have the moola): Super Chat: 1000 Gif Commands: !greatscott - Doc Brown is surprised !failsponge - Spongebob is sad !celebrate - Hestu wants to shake those maracas! Sound Commands Ways To Say BBP In Different Styles (Cost 50 Bacon Soup Per Use / 90 Second Global Cooldown): !bbpblocks !bbpgameover !bbplilmod !bbpmagic !bbptpain !bbpzombie !bbpsupersam *Ask Tonic N Hunny about how you can submit your own recording command* Chat Games: Fishing (90 Second User Cooldown): !fish - Fish for treasure to gain Bacon Soup! But be warned, certain items fished out are not treasure at all and you will LOSE Bacon Soup! Play at your own risk ;) ?fish - See who the best player is in our community! First: !first - This game is easy but is only for the first 10 viewers to claim! At the beginning of the stream type the command and if you are one of the first 10 viewers, you will earn Bacon Soup! Payout is as follows: First First - 1000 Bacon Soup Second First - 900 Bacon Soup Third First - 800 Bacon Soup Fourth First - 700 Bacon Soup Fifth First - 600 Bacon Soup Sixth First - 500 Bacon Soup Seventh First - 400 Bacon Soup Eighth First - 300 Bacon Soup Ninth First - 200 Bacon Soup Tenth First - 100 Bacon Soup Wheel Of Fortune: Command: !wheel Spin the wheel and see your fortune! Bacon Soup can be won!! Test Chat Apps: !flip - Flips a coin. That is all it does. Will you like it? It's just a coin flip away !answer - A trivia game... Loyalty Store Redemptions (Beta): !youtube -500 Bacon Soup- Subscribe On Youtube: Receive a subscription from Bang Bang Potato! !tiktok -500 Bacon Soup- Follow On TikTok: Receive a follow from the official Bang Bang Potato TikTok account! !mariopez -50,000 Bacon Soup- Get an amazing 4 piece Super Mario Pez Set! !bendybook -50,000 Bacon Soup- Get one copy of a Bendy book from the following selection: Dreams Come To Life The Lost Ones The Illusion of Living Crack-Up Comics Collection !tonicbook -20,000 Bacon Soup- Get a signed copy of Tonic's book The Sorcerer's Realm! !movienightdec -2000 Bacon Soup- Receive a ticket to our next movie night in December! Raffle giveaways and fun commentary are included!! !batmanpop -60,000 Bacon Soup- Choose one Batman related Funko Pop from the selection below: Croc Impopster Penguin Impopster Two-Face Imposter !disneypop -60,000 Bacon Soup- Choose one Disney Funko from the selection below: Rajah Elephant Abu Dr. Facilier Moonwind !pezpop -40,000 Bacon Soup- Choose one Pez Dispenser Funko Pop from the selection below: Skeletor He-Man Batman Joker Gamer Joker Gamer Batman About To The Moon: To The Moon is an indie Adventure RPG, about two doctors traversing through the memories of a dying man to fulfill his last wish. #freebirdgames #tothemoon #giveaway #raffle by Bang Bang Potato
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zygreys · 2 years
Bendy and the ink machine chapter 2 no commentary
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The murder and dissection of Boris the Wolf is an especially big point of contention, since the candles on the floor suggest (and Henry himself seems to believe) it was Joey's doing, while the message on the wall suggests it was Ink Bendy, and adopting either viewpoint changes the game's narrative significantly. The first chapter being only 15 minutes, there's very little information that isn't left up in the air for interpretation.All There in the Script: The name of the more stable Alice in Chapters 4 and 5 is, according to the game files, "Allison".Accidental Hero: In chapter 4, it's debatable if Ink Bendy saving Henry from the Projectonist is this or a Villainous Rescue case.Bendy: Crack-Up Comics Collection (2020) - A compilation of comics written in the style of In-Universe Comic Strips that were published from 1931 to 1946 created by Vannotes and Mady Giuliani.Boris and the Dark Survival (2020) - A small spin-off survival game focusing on various "Boris the Wolf" copies attempting to escape the studio, and the wrath of his rival Bendy.Bendy And The Ink Machine The Lost Ones (2021).Bendy And The Ink Machine Dreams Come To Life (2019) - A young adult novel written by Adrienne Kress.Joey Drew Studios Employee Handbook (2019) - A guide book written by Cala Spinner and published by Scholastic.Bendy Cartoons (2019) - Seven official animated shorts: "Tombstone Picnic", "Haunted Hijinx", "Cookie Cookin'", "Hellfire Fighter", "Snow Sillies", "Tasty Trio Troubles", and "Cheap Seats".Bendy in Nightmare Run (2018) - A spin-off mobile Endless Running Game available through app stores, or through the official Bendy website,.Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely.It was released on consoles in 2018 via a partnership with Rooster Teeth. Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms. If you wish to be unblocked, you must agree that you will take immediate steps to rectify this issue. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time.Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content.Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection.Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images (such as an emulator front-end), while overloading our search engine.There is no official GameFAQs app, and we do not support nor have any contact with the makers of these unofficial apps. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are: Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests.
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hellocatbruhbi · 2 months
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I got no ideas of funny dialogue for this one so I'll let you guys do the captions
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ussitebooks · 2 years
(How To Download) [PDF] Crack-Up Comics Collection: An AFK Book (Bendy) By Vannotes
Get the best Books, Magazines & Comics in every genre including Action, Adventure, Anime, Manga, Children & Family, Classics, Comedies, Reference, Manuals, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Music, Romance, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Sports and many more.
Crack-Up Comics Collection: An AFK Book (Bendy)
READ & DOWNLOAD Vannotes book Crack-Up Comics Collection: An AFK Book (Bendy) in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book, AudioBook, Reender Book Crack-Up Comics Collection: An AFK Book (Bendy) by Vannotes full book,full ebook full Download.
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 Read Or Download Crack-Up Comics Collection: An AFK Book (Bendy)
 Author : Vannotes
Title : Crack-Up Comics Collection: An AFK Book (Bendy)
 Get book ====> Crack-Up Comics Collection: An AFK Book (Bendy). Full supports all version of your device, includes PDF, ePub and Kindle version. All books format are mobile-friendly. Read and download online as many books as you like for personal use.
 This collection of vintage 1930s-1940s Bendy comic strips is a must-have for those wanting to peek into the silly, scary world of Bendy and his friends!For those dying to know more about the simple, darkly funny cartoons produced at Joey Drew Studios, look no further than this illustrated collection of comics based on the exploits of Bendy, Boris the Wolf, Alice Angel, and all their friends! This collection of vintage comic strip adaptations brings to life the best of the many cartoon features produced by Joey Drew Studios. Fans of all ages won't want to miss this never-before-published romp that brings to life the world of Bendy!
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disneyphantomlover · 4 years
Thoughts on BATIM’s Crack-Up Comics, Part 1
 First, the Syndicated Comic Strips. Because yes.
Jesus, the audience loves to shit on Boris and Bendy. I wonder if that’s because Joey saw everyone as shitting on him and his creative friends...
BORIS. Boris, honey, how frikkin hungry are you?!
DUDE. Just cuz YOU can toss money into the fireplace doesn’t mean everyone can! The looks of dismay Bendy and Boris have... I feel it in my soul.
BENDY. Bendy, stop trying to profit off other people’s stuff!
The fact Bendy can’t draw for beans amuses me to no end. 
....Noooooot sure I like the implication that Boris and Bendy have 0% luck and exactly 1 brain cell. 
I do like fact that Boris is shown to be a liar and a thief! And he encourages and teaches the Wooly Trio to be better liars and thieves! ...Wait.
I almost feel bad that Boris just shames Bendy for sucking at stealing a pie. But I also wanna laugh because yeah, he does suck at stealing a pie. 
....WELL. That backfired. Never underestimate how hungry a wolf can be I guess. 
YIKES. I can’t tell if he’s just hurt or embarrassed, getting hit in the face sucks. And Boris is NO help. 
AGAIN. Bendy. You have the shittiest of luck. 
Okay, I laughed out loud. I have lived in deserts all my life and you KNOW it’s hot when the damn pool is too hot to swim in. 
ALSO, how the FUCK are you making millions during the gd DEPRESSION?! You know what?? You keep stealing, Bendy. Boswell can afford it.
Not gonna lie, Rube Goldberg machines are so damn funny to me. DId not know that Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist himself. Or him drawing these machines pretty much started in 1928. OR that his first name was actually “Reuben”. I’m learning so much!
How...? How did you manage to give Boswell so much hair?!
I’m starting to see a trend of Bendy taking advantage of Boswell. I ain’t mad, but it’s a little unsettling for some reason.
Boris, you charmed an angel right out of the damn SKY. Dude’s got some great musical skills!
Alice is almost as mischievous as Bendy, I swear! She definitely gives off a sort of Betty Boop air though; she’s pretty and has a lovely voice, and is more than willing to tease. ....I am suddenly filled with dread.
.....Boris, why are you eating a heart? WHY ARE YOU EATING A HEART?!
Boswell... You are throwing money away. My. GOD. If this is meant as an allegory to Nathan Arch, then there’s something there about Arch throwing his money away to Drew.
....Okay, this going from silly to rather upsetting with the way they’re treating Boswell. 
That’s rather interesting that Bendy does the Poor Yorick speech. A speech well known for addressing death as being inevitable. And Bendy gets booed off stage immediately. 
Awwww... These stories got endings. Though....Why the heck did it take a YEAR and 6 months for the Wooly Trio to show up again, and the Pie Lady almost 2 WHOLE YEARS. 
....Wait. WAIT. Some of these comics are out of order?! SON OF A BITCH I’m gonna have to see what the proper order is for these!
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soloplaying · 4 years
Bendy and the Ink Machine: “Crack-Up Comics Collection”
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This is exactly what it says on the tin: a collection of comics in the 1930s (20s-40s, I guess) style, some of them simple two-panel strips, some full (if short) comic book plots. I particularly liked the full comics that focused on Bendy and Boris. (Soup-er Boris and the one where they all went to the moon were my favorites.)
Not-So Great Points:
The art was a little inconsistent at times
There was something a little off about the antagonists in Soup-er Boris. The female especially, though the nod to the Projectionist also felt a little…eh.
It was way too short. I read it in less than an hour and immediately wanted more. Maybe there will be a volume two…?
Interesting Notes:
I thought it was neat how Alice Angel’s horns grew and her halo shrank when she was angry, and vice-versa when she was happy.
It was a little too telling that Alice daydreamed about being a famous actress and loved for her voice, but was unable to find work
Boris’ character was surprisingly different from his portrayal in the shorts. I liked this take much better.
The Butcher Gang! They were actually lots of fun, especially the little spider. I hesitate to call him Striker like this…erm. Edgar? I think?
There were little nods to the game all over the place which were mostly fun. The only one that felt a bit off was the Projectionist.
The foreword and epilogue. Hoo-boy, that foreshadowing and subtext were heavy. I think we’ve found our new villain, ladies and gentlemen!
I really enjoyed this book and, if you’re a fan of Bendy, I would totally recommend picking it up if you get the chance.
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mickeys-malarkey · 2 years
So, I looked something up after the new BATDR screenshot dropped.
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That whole left half of the photo is just. Really trying to get a point across, ain't it?
Anyways, according to Google, card readers were invented in 1979. That's seven years after Nathan published the Crack-Up Comics collection and reissued The Illusion of Living in 1972.
So, then I also looked up 1980s women's fashion and ummm…
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I think Bendy and the Dark Revival takes place in the ‘80s. Whatever Nathan's been up to since Joey's death, apparently it's been going on for A WHILE, by the time Audrey gets sucked into it…
How there seems to be evidence of her in BATIM when that game takes place in 1963, I don't know other than it's all wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey. But I'm really, really, REALLY hoping those contraband items are confirmation that we're gonna be running into Henry. 👀
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