ghostbsuter · 7 months
I'm on the writing grind, you can see that I just finished rewatching the Teen Titans (2003).
Edit: Here is some art I did for Titan!Phantom
.・゜-: ✧ :-
(The end is near.)
Gripping the communicator, the bright yellow case with a cartoonish 'T' on top glared back at him.
(The portal was growing.)
He presses the button, the communicator switches on and he calls out.
"Phantom to Titans, do you hear me? Phantom to Titans."
The crackling sound came as a sign of connection, It didn't take any heavy weight off, however.
"Robin here, Phantom? Everything alright?" The soothing voice of Teen Titans leader answers him, and he suppresses a sigh.
"Robin," he bites his lip, the portal only growing.
The ghost zone is eating Amity and all just because fucking Vlad couldn't, for one ancient time, sit still.
"I—" a deep breath. "I'm sorry," he apologises with a wince. "You're gonna be really angry at me when you... find out."
Concern leaks through the voice as Robin speaks. "Phantom? What's going on?"
Thr screen on the communicator switches on and Robins brow knitted expression stares back at him.
It quickly changes, alarmed. "Phantom." The vigilante says. "Is Amity Park okay? Do you need backup?"
Always on the right track, dear leader. Danny shakes his head fondly.
"It's too late for backup," he admits quietly.
"Just tell new members of me, okay?"
Danny doesn't let the other finish, giving a bitter smile before throwing the communicator on the ground, breaking it.
The familiar yet threatening green of the ghost zone welcomes him.
"Titans! Emergency call, Phantom got a situation!"
The bright red lights is enough for the rest of the team to flood to the common room.
"Rob?" Cyborg asks. "What's the situation?"
"We don't know!" The bird answers, stressed. He's pulling the audio and video recording of the call up to the monitor, replaying it for the team.
They don't figure it out until they are at Amity, landing with the jet and jumping from their seats.
Raven and Starfire fly ahead, and they all reach the border of Amity.
Or what of Amity remains.
The entire city is gone—!!
Complete annihilation.
(When robin finds out who did this, he will have words with them.)
"Robin," Raven waves them all over to her side. She's crouching, hand in a sphere of black, her magic. "Amity wasn't destroyed. It was relocated."
Her expression is grim. "Someone abducted a whole city."
All he does is nod, looking at the team before him.
"Someone call Herald, Titans, we got work to do. Our mission is to find Amity Park, Phantom, and save both." With sombre nods, they prepared for take off.
"Titans! Go!"
And they separate.
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ariesbilly · 10 months
Idk I’ve been thinking about Hawkins being a conservative uptight town that shuns anyone who doesn’t fit the norm. And maybe Hawkins high had one teenage pregnancy, and the girl got totally outcasted, was fodder for town gossip and judgement. Got knocked up by some college guy (or college boyfriend) who shucked any and all responsibility and left her on her own.
And then billy comes along from more liberal California and the baggage of having a dad who treated his mom like shit, and he’s sympathetic to her plight. Plus they’re kinda in the same boat, him being a metal loving queer isn’t exactly gonna do him any favors in this town, he knows that.
So they just naturally gravitate towards each other, being pillars to lean on. People think they’re dating which is good for billy, and turns out billys great with babies so she gets an extra set of hands to help her out. And it’s more gossip for the town but in their own way they’re sticking it to everybody who has anything negative to say about either one of them
(Billy definitely beats the shit out of the baby daddy if he ever tries showing his face around again tho. Maybe it knocks some sense into him maybe it doesn’t. But it was good to get out regardless)
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ecto-stone · 2 years
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Everything is actually a big Chess Pieces refrence ? Alway have been.
#hachi doodle#You ever thought of the moment you even removed Vlad from the main antagonist seat#all the other villain imediately got billion time more personal and scary#due to them becoming enemies during The duo dumb naive teen phase#Like for real u could have a whole desended from trying to save his wife to trying to make her a halfa after she die so she could be back#with him only to grow too greedy for power and lose her completely and in an attemp to keep her with him he got all that he want#halfa power his wife with him but at a morbrid cost of those two merged together#for freak show#Ghost royal dynamic and more fleshed out Aragon and Dora as well as pariah dark him self#Aragon have been groom and train to be the next Ghost king of the dark age section#he envy Dora carefree child hood while he got thrown in brutal trainning and lock inside the studied hall for hours without any real connect#he work is darn hardest to be a good prince evident by his battle scared dragon form#but the moment he make a hiccup#everyone already preparing to replace him with the more well beloved Dora#all mean while Dora also undergoing her own problem dispite the caring facade she feel caged by her own overprotective father#and unable to understand why the distant between her and her brother keep growing to be so big as they used to be so close#More lore for the Yeti and far frozen being the point Zero of ghost zone explain why majority of importance artifact are held there#with the addition of Yeti working with the observant into making Danny their puppet king#that only changed with Frostbite breaking the tie due to the bonding he made with the two boy#Ghost Writer being the casual looking ghost but actually one of the ommipotent one as he represent the Writer and artist working on the stor#with the libary being the ghost of Alexander libary#and it basement contain the world history silk constantly being weaved by misery vex and million of other ghost born soul#Ghost Writer the God of Story#Clockwork being master of time since his frangment is scatter across the mutiverse to keep the universe in order#Soujourn being god of space and maker of infinity map#his existence is a myth as he exist and don't exist at the sametime
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Pariah Nexus did two things for my Necron love.
1: It gave me some really nicely necron stuff to stare at over and over
2: it gave me more Illuminor Szeras content to rotate in my brain (he's one of my fave Necrons I love this spooky scientist robot so much)
I do wish they'd brought back actual Pariahs though :( I miss those funky bois
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containatrocity · 1 year
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spiciestmarinara · 2 months
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What the fuck does tumblr take me for?
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4x09 · 2 years
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He’s got the beers <3
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emacrow · 9 days
Twin Damian and Danny.
The LOfA have fountain tellers. As babies they are ordered to look into what will be their fate.
Danny first as the oldest Ra is told he will one day rule over him. Ra will be forced to bow to him.
Ra won't have that and has him dealt with. Only the person does have heart. And just leaves him somewhere he knows the baby will be found.
Toddler jazz to the rescue.
Years later Danny is king
The elderly fortune teller who probably was told to dispose of baby danny, would had place him in a straw baby carrier, putting him somewhere in Illinois forest where a couple of people were hiking. She wasn't doing this for the child safety but for Her own selfish reasons and one of those reason was to see Ra being forced to ruled over.
She wanted desperately to see the look of horror on his face like in her visions, for all the grief, the pain, and the horror he had put her family through for her and her sister talents of foreseeing visions. She hated him to her very soul, after what he had done to her, her beloved..
This wasn't the time for tears as she placed the babe safety nearby, only taking once glance before disappeared between the trees.
Only for 4 year old Jazz to find a baby in a basket in the middle of the woods on her crazy family reunions. Bringing a baby to the reunion seem like a good idea at first...
As she became a attached to her lil adopted brother, and help him grow along the ways, saving the town occasionally as she later found out that he was danny phantom to saving the world from pariah king and evil Dan grasp. To see him be crowned as high King of the ghost Zone but later on known as Infinite Realms.
She stood by his side wearing the fright knight armor during one of his duty of sealing the nasty Ectoplasmic seeping into dimensions, watching as he made a mass groups of assassin and their derange leader bow due to being liminals and apart of Danny's kingdom, as she slashed Ra's chest with her Nightmare Sword, sending him to the very nightmares realms until Warden get his hands on him later for all the crimes he committed.
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bubblebbg · 7 months
❝𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞: 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧❞
Mizu x Reader
- Reader in this fic is of some sort of mixed or foreign descent, but this can also be interpreted as having any trait that would make them a pariah of sorts. Warning, not proofread lol. All spur of the moment.
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When you found the blue eyed stranger laying bloody on a lonely street, you took her in. You keep her warm, fed, and with mends on her wounds. Mizu knows well that there are sacrifices to be made on her path. She doesn't know just how much they can sting.
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Mizu can't quite pinpoint the most irritating part of the pain. The ache of broken bones, the sting of stabs and slices, the consistent ringing in her head; everything hurts, and she supposes that like every other injury, it's all par for the course. Small price to pay for revenge. She knew she'd have to rest at some point, but she didn't expect to be incapacitated, edging on consciousness for days. Every now and then there's a sensation like coolness on her forehead, or water at her lips.
It's on day three that she becomes lucid enough to realize someone's taking care of her. Her distrustful brain is immediately sounding alarms, but her body can do little to react in such a broken state. Mizu can do nothing but lie silent and weak on this futon, sipping medicines and soups when it's brought to her mouth and being patched, cut for cut, wound for wound.
The first thing she notices about you, her caretaker, is your eyes - eyes brimming with concern and care, eyes that catch every weakness of her flesh and seek to heal. She hears your whispers of "poor thing" and "I'll get you healed up in no time". And being Mizu, her first thought is...
She hadn't meant to say it out loud, but she doesn't rush to take it back. Why are you, a stranger, so willing to take care of her? Why are you expending your resources on a broken thing, a mistake that any other sane person would let rot in the street where they found it?
You only smile at her, and in such a way that makes her heart race. Gentle, patient, tentative. She doesn't like it one bit, the way it pulls at doors she's kept locked for years. Her eyes focus, taking in what you look like as you stand and ready yourself to leave the room.
"I don't need your pity!" She manages to choke out. It has you stopping in your tracks.
"It's," she coughs, sputtering on words, "It's because you're just like me, isn't it? You're different. A monster."
The look on your face is one of mild amusement, an eyebrow raised and the corners of your lips upturned. She's not sure if it's that or the confidence in your next words that makes her cheeks heat up.
"I am not a monster. Neither are you."
And you're gone, leaving her to deal with the weight you've left in her chest.
𓆩… . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . …𓆪
The days turn into weeks, the weeks into months. With so many parts impaired, it'd only make sense that healing would take this long. Most of all, it's your endless patience that surprises Mizu. When she reopens a wound by carelessly trying to train despite your cautions, you're there patching it up. When she expresses her frustration with not being able to take up the sword yet, you're there reassuring her that it'll all be fine in time. You're kind when she's haughty and sarcastic (which makes her feel guilty, and thus even more indignant), and this extends to others as well. She often sees you helping children or neighbors, anyone in need. You're loved in this town.
It makes her a bit irritated, seeing your kindness bestowed on others. At first she thinks it's because she sees weakness in your actions. Then she thinks it's jealousy - why are you, someone who would otherwise be an outcast like herself, so beloved by your town? How come it didn't turn out this way for her? But when she sees you cooking enough for the both of you and the family next door, stirring slowly as the food steams, she thinks to herself, god, they're even patient when they're cooking. And then it hits her.
She is jealous, but not in the way she thought. In the way that yearns for your priority, that seeks to be the only recipient of your sweet manners and loving nature.
It doesn't help that you've grown close, too close for her liking. There have been nights spent in each other's company, saying nothing but gazing at stars. There have been conversations in which you've both laughed, some in which you cried. Mizu's mind can't help but remind her that this isn't safe; the last time she opened her heart up, it returned battered.
But this - you - feel safe. You dedicated nearly three months to healing her body, all the while you had been patching up wounds the eye can't see.
"I'm leaving," she says meekly on a warm evening, the two of you sat in a field of grass overlooking your village. You look to her and she only stares forward. You suppose it's better than her leaving without telling you, but the pain is no lesser because of the thought.
You take a deep breath and exhale before answering, "I had a feeling."
There's a long silence between the two of you. It's your turn to watch the sun setting over the trees as Mizu looks at your expression, the hints of sadness in her eyes.
"Do you... do you really have to? You are welcome here, you know. You'll always have a home here with me."
The words have Mizu choking up and suppressing the sudden and unnerving urge to cry. What you've done to her in three months still astounds her.
"I do. You know I do. I was always going to have to leave."
Mizu is caught by another urge, the urge to take those words back when she sees streams on your cheeks. You sniffle and hiccup, and it's so much less pleasant than your usual smiling disposition. It hurts in the way no blade ever could.
The sun is disappearing, and she wills herself to stand. If she doesn't, she might never go. She turns to leave and you stand as well. She stops in her tracks when you tug on her sleeve. She faces you and you slowly, carefully bring a hand to the side of her cheek. When she doesn't flinch away, you lean in close. Your lips meet in a kiss that conveys words that neither of you have the power to say.
You pull back after a moment, your forehead pressed to hers and your eyes closed. Your voice is quiet, almost inaudible when you say your goodbye.
"Break my heart once by leaving. Do not break it again by dying."
She turns and leaves while your eyes are still closed. You open them to an empty field, your palm still wet with her tears.
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thenightwolf51 · 11 months
What if instead of Bruce, Danny was Damian's father but only Ra's knows.
Like every thing goes according to canon but then around the time of Damian's creation Ra's finds out about the High King of the Infinite Realm and decides that an heir from him would be far superior (whether Ra's actually means Danny or mistakes him for Pariah Dark im unsure) and somehow manages to get some of his DNA
The problem is that Thalia is insistent on using her beloved.
Now, in order to keep his daughter's cooperation he simply switches the samples while she is unaware. (Or maybe he adds Danny's dna afterwards with or without Thalia's knowledge so Damian is both Bruce and Danny's son)
Now years later something happens causing Damian and the batfam to find out that he is, in fact, not the blood son.
Maybe its when he first gets there and Bruce runs a paternity test that turns up negative, poor baby Damian would be so shocked and confused and Bruce may not be the father but he's not just gonna kick this stabby 10 year old out onto the streets. He definitely wouldn't feel comfortable sending him back to the LoA, naybe they can help the kid find his real father
Or in the case that Bruce's DNA is also used maybe the batcomputer can only register Danny's side as Lazarus water so thing just pass as canon until something reveals Damian's connection to Danny.
IDK, maybe they meet somehow and ghost instincts recognize the familial bond. Maybe Danny occasionally works with or even joins the JL sometime after Damian shows up so now the Batcomputer has Danny's DNA on file to check against should the need to run Damian's blood come up again.
I imagine Danny's well into adulthood here, and there could be the potential for Spirit Halloween
(Im not likely to write this so imma just, @hdgnj @omnicrafts @nelkcats @nerdpoe @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @ailithnight, any of you got additions or thoughts)
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confessedlyfannish · 9 months
DPxDC Prompt
Danny has always been able to manage his obsession with the help of his human half & also because a variety of urges were running through him when he died - curiosity (the desire to explore), service (the desire to be of use, to fix), and his overall innate nature, protectiveness (to protect this new, loving family he's found, to protect his little brother, no matter the cost)
-and underneath it all, buried deep down and an admittance he will never speak is his desire for power, because with power comes the ability to accomplish all of the above.
Still, he has seen what power does to people, to his Grandfather, and then what power had done to him, in a future where no human half had tempered his urges and his desire for power was doubled when he combined with the ghost of his godfather, obsession meeting obsession.
So he keeps himself on a tight leash except for the day he embraces Power and Ends Pariah, which is fine because the power from the suit is temporary and he still has no idea the dark future that awaits him, believes that he can temper himself. But he is something wild and dark and feral when he goes after Pariah, calling upon lessons from a past life and not hesitating to go for the kill in a way that makes Vlad, the only true witness, hesitant around him forevermore, a sliver of fear in his eyes that he cannot mask.
If he had known defeating Pariah would mean inheriting the crown, he never would've done it. Because with the power of the Crown and the Ring comes again his inability to fight his urges - not for more power, he has plenty, but to protect.
For Clockwork, for the Ancients, a King that will Protect his Realm is the ideal. But the ramifications for Danny are clear to his family the moment he wrenches Ellie from the Earth and into a room in The Keep for a week until her cheeks are flush with ectoplasm but also tears and Jazz and Maddie have successfully talked him through how safety must also mean happiness. To this day they do not know if it was their words that eventually penetrated his mind or his power settling. But he still struggles to allow them their freedom, and it is apparent to all who love him.
And so they figure out ways to manage. Systems. None of his Beloved, his Fraid will ever willingly step into danger. They will give him consistent updates, they will provide tech that manages their vitals. They will visit and allow him trespass in turn. They will sleep in his bed (less necessary, but said with a wink and an errant hand that shows they are willing to make the sacrifice).
And deep within the Zone, on one of his routine checks with nary a soul in a sight, Danny allows himself to curl into a ball and cry. Wail. Because he knows he can never go in search of his brother, nor his father, the Batman. The one reunion he craved, because with power came the ability to protect, even from one as horrible as Ra's Al Ghul, is the same reason he must deny himself. Because Damian Wayne and Bruce Wayne will always put themselves in danger. And if he comes to them, he will never let them go.
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Back in my day.
Imagine dis…
Alfred is a whole mystery to the Batfam that whenever he pulls out his shotgun we are in awe at this kickass badass British butler, on the other hand, we are always in the shadows of his past endeavors. We all knew he was a S.A.S. Armed Services, fighting in 15 different operations between ages 18 and 20. A skilled medical and front liner soldier who was decorated. He later joined MI5, as well as the secret forces of the Queen and later being knighted by Her Majesty.
He is silent as he comes by, he can out Batman the Batman despite Bruce learning from the greatest assassin of all time. He is calm, too calm for any situation to the point your subconscious asks if he had seen something wilder, more insane to consider an alien attack, a mutant crocodile attack every Tuesday is considered somewhat tame, or even the rise of global or universal threats that Alfred seemed to brush it off.
So, who is he?
Alfred Pennyworth had always been a mysterious figure. He had dedicated his life to serving the Wayne family and their caped crusader alter-egos as Bruce Wayne's loyal butler and the revered keeper of Wayne Manor. But Alfred had held a secret for decades, one that would finally come to light most unexpectedly.
Alfred was a teenager called Danny Fenton long before he donned the perfect suit and tie. He lived in the small town of Amity Park, which was riddled with secrets of its own. Danny was not your typical adolescent; he had a strange encounter with a ghostly gateway that had bestowed upon him unusual and otherworldly skills. He had protected Amity Park from vengeful ghosts and spectral threats thanks to his power to shift into a phantom hero known as Danny Phantom.
Danny had just recently been crowned as the crowned prince of the Infinite Realm a week after he had defeated the tyrant Pariah Dark who had attempted to rip off a space in the fabric of in-between just to suck in his little quaint town. It was determined by both the ancient and the Observants that it was better for him to finish his mortal life before he dawns on the crown, as he was still growing, he was still considered a baby ghost younger than Young Blood as his death was still recent.
But slowly the thoughts that he had kept behind his head are coming back to him. Jazz his beloved sister as well as the one who had raised her despite being a child herself who had no idea of raising a child, may analyze her all she wants but she could never sympathize nor connect with his inner thoughts of being one of the halfas. He died, he never really had the time to process it because he had to face the Lunch Lady just a few days after the accident. 
His friends, now looking at them closely, have seen that they both have some sort of guilt in their eyes. They both have seen him die amid the electrician, he can’t help but feel some sort of longing at the cemetery the north of Amity Park, he is too alive to have a grave yet too dead to be alive.
He thought he was getting there, changing the views of the people. To show the world that his kind is sentient but the people kept whispering. Shadows cast long by the looming specters sent chills down their spines. Every eerie wail or flicker of a ghostly presence filled them with dread. Their eyes widened in terror as the ethereal figures materialized before them. A hushed silence fell over the town when ghostly battles raged in the skies. Parents warned their children to stay indoors when the ghost alarms rang. Fearful whispers of the "Ghost Boy" circulated, both a hero and a phantom menace. 
The ghostly encounters left scars of fear etched in the minds of Amity Park's residents.
In the end, he was forced to leave his home dimension, why? It’s because the GIW have become more vicious more brutal at their hunting, With the sacrifice of both his friends and family they have shoved him into the portal, never to be seen again.
All bloodied and still injured he had landed in a period in the early 1900. He thought that he may have accidentally traveled back in time but when he saw too many conflicting events that he had learned during his high school days that didn’t happen during this time led him to believe that he had traveled a different dimension. Small ripples in the water created a tsunami of change in what he previously known as the past, when he was still in the streets gathering information, he had noticed that he landed in the middle of London during the early 1900s. Good enough that child labor laws are still not a thing so he can work with practically anyone without questions asked. The bad news is that his supposed great-grandfather's version in this dimension had already died, according to his family tree history during his science project in 4th grade his great-grandfather went to London to earn a few bucks before traveling back to America where he would meet his supposed great grandmother and have children. Since he died before he even went back to America the Nightgale-Fenton line died with him.
Luckily a barren couple took pity on him and took him in, since Danny can’t no longer bear his original last name, he embraced the new name from this nice couple who had taken him in. Danny may have felt guilty at the prospect or even the idea of replacing his family but he can’t help but think of it as a new beginning of his life. No one to hunt down his ghostly half, No GIW, and No fruit loop trying to turn him into his heir.
Alfred Pennyworth
During this time he did a lot of odd jobs, cleaning the inside of a chimney, mining, selling newspapers… etc. Sure, it was hard work and he can’t help but look at the children far younger than him taking in jobs far more dangerous just so they can shave something to eat. He can’t help but feel too blessed when he was back in his timeline. Warn food to eat under a sturdy roof to keep out the elements as well as education. Things that were too mundane, too common, that he now feels like a luxury. 
Over time he developed an accent as well as new mannerisms and vocabulary. 
So, when war broke out on the horizon his core ached at the notion of protection thus signed up in the military. 
Sure, he became the most feared soldier in the fields due to his using some of his ghostly abilities subtly. His enemies who stand in front of him call him The Vengeful Orphan, due to his avenging every soldier who seems to die at the hands of their enemies. 
Between the ages of 18 and 20, he served in the S.A.S. Armed Services, engaging in 15 different actions. A decorated medical specialist and front-line soldier. He then joined MI5, as well as the Queen's secret forces, and was knighted by Her Majesty.
As time passes by the ages, slowly but surely. He had already outlived his adoptive parents and friends of his. He still held the authority of being the officially crowned prince of the Infinite Realms. He had already explored the world experiencing the culture and history of this world.
At this time, he had already recovered enough ectoplasm to turn back to his ghostly prime and create a portal to the Infinite Realms. But something in him nagged, his core kept trying to tell him something when he was about to take a step inside the portal, but he didn’t seem to know why. His years as Phantom and Alfred Pennyworth taught him to listen to his guts, and it saved him multiple times, without looking back he stayed in this dimension until his mortal life perished.
It seemed that he didn’t have to find it for too long as he was approached by none other than Thomas Wayne with the preposition to be Wayne’s butler.
So, when little Bruce Wayne was born he couldn’t help but feel a little fond of the tyke. He reminded Bruce of himself when he was just a simple young boy before everything. When the fated, night came he tried to shield Bruce from everything, to have him resemble a somewhat normal life. 
That night he tucked in a teary-eyed Bruce into bed who had just witnessed his parent’s murder. He faced the ghosts of both Martha and Thomas who had been with the young master since the incident a few hours ago and tearfully promised the two ghostly couple that he would take care of Bruce. Both couples seemed to be in shock at their butler who had seen them but felt relief that their boy was in safe hands.
When his ward Bruce Wayne turned into a crime-fighting vigilante, he can’t help but softly snort at his outfit. Sure, he admits he had a worse outfit when he started as Phantom when he was just a young lad but he is willing to take anything other than a furry suit that fights crime at night. He has no right to criticize either since his alter ego is just him with an inverted color without a mask yet people seem to make no connection between him and Phantom, in his defense he is a young teen whereas Bruce is in his 20s. He just raised an eyebrow at his outfit and Bruce immediately changed the design to be a bit more sophisticated than just a Halloween costume of a bat.
So when Bruce starts to bring in orphans he can’t help but smile fondly as the manor is slowly filled with such joy from each child that seems to find a home in the large manor. He can't help but reminisce if this could have been his life if Vlad had learned to forgive Jack or if his parents and Amity Park just accepted him if the GIW didn’t exist. He thought one day when he was drinking tea with Jason, Jason who died and came back different, never broken. His grandchild who experienced his death in a slow yet painful way died and came back later. He knew there was something different with his grave but he chalked it up in being his ghostly sense sensing the ectoplasm around Gotham. He just wished he checked the grave even though it holds so much sentimental value to the dead. 
Don’t get him wrong the moment Jason came back to enact his revenge on B he was already aware something was in Gotham he just didn’t know at the time that it was Jason. He is more than happy to kill the Joker as he had taken mortal lives when he was serving the army but Bruce might notice and he still held fear at the idea of Dan.
After the entire revelation between his son and grandchild, he just welcomed back Jason into the manor as if nothing was wrong with the boy and prepared his favorite dish and snacks in the library whenever he visited.
Now it had been a long way since he entered this dimension, now the long table at the manor is filled with guests and children alike. His grandchildren are full of life despite what had life thrown at them. Dick was the first one to arrive and started, Barbara followed, Jason who took off the wheel, Tim with his brilliant mind with his worrying caffeine intake, Stephanie who fought with his father, Cassandra who started just to atone for the sin of killing her father yet became loyal and caring young lady and Damian who started to learn what humanity is like. Sure others had been emotionally adopted but all of them all have places in the manor.
His grandchildren as well as his pseudo son kept throwing him curious glances every time, He managed to seemingly appear behind them to notify them of dinner. He can also feel the envy of walking silently from the assassin-trained children. He can feel Bruce’s stare whenever he raises an eyebrow at some classified cases that are supposedly secured. He can hear their whispers as they exclaim to one another that he supposedly knew everything, of course, he knew everything the manor became his new haunt after a few years.
He already raised an eyebrow at the simultaneous alarm from every vigilante at the dinner table but imagine his surprise when he joined in looking over the Bat computer as Oracle barked out orders and instructions, as a familiar opponent showed itself.
A green glowing monster is wreaking havoc throughout Gotham it came from Central City and marched its way here to Gotham which became even more powerful due to the ectoplasm in the air. There is already notable damage from both cities as the rest of the heroes seem to work together to evacuate and stop the creature. The JLD attacks seem to have some effect but it was useless due to its minions that kept them occupied. Oracle is so focused on the situation and doesn’t notify their pseudo grandfather to disappear from behind her.
The entire JL is starting to feel hopeless as the green creature seems to raze Gotham as if the stone road is made out of water. Every magician and heavy hitter have been called but no one was able to put damage to the creature.
When all hopes seemed lost, they all heard a loud bang from a shotgun.
Alfred Pennyworth is standing on top of a rubble of concrete and metal, the butler of Batman, the pseudo father, and grandfather of the entire bat clan, also known as Agent A. Carrying his signature shotgun and a thermos that seems to strap to his hip like a belt. 
He kept firing round after round from his trusty old shotgun and pausing for a second to reload. He glanced at the heroes around and seemed to raise an eyebrow at the absolute massacre that he had just done to the creature’s minions.
As he paused to take another reload, he paused at movement and looked at the space in front of him and waited. The creature appeared roaring out in fury but seemed to pause the moment it laid eyes on Alfred. The creature seems to shake with uncertainty and fear. Every vigilante and hero present could see its eyes growing wide from shock and fear as well the cold sweat as Alfred raised an eyebrow at the creature as he slowly walked towards the creature with annoyance with every step.
Some heroes who had enhanced hearing could hear Alfred muttering about, back in his day blob ghosts were these cute and harmless things but now some up-start wannabe newly formed one seems to think he is all hot shot. 
He proceeds to scold the creature as if he had just caught one of his grandchildren sneaking their hands on the cookie jar and proceeds to take out the thermos and effectively catch the creature. As if the one responsible for the mess never existed in the first place.
Now the bat clan has rules when they are in the manor or the presence of Alfred and one of those rules is that there will be no swearing when he is around, but there is one word that seems to resound from each hero's mind.
What the fuck just happened?!?!
Now as you know I started to post less, now it is both from writer’s block and class being in the way.
PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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radiance1 · 7 months
"You know what happened to Odin?"
"No, what happened to Odin?"
"Exactly, you cannot step foot in the mortal realm like you are now. Follow in Odin's footsteps."
"No, I don't want to follow in the Allfather's footsteps."
"Stop whining like a child and take a mortal form love."
"No, I will not."
[Deep inhale] "Do you know what happened to Loki?"
"Loki? The trickster? What happened to that one?"
"Well, he's currently still trapped inside of a cave, chained by his son's own entrails as a snake eternally drips poison onto him, but that is beside the point."
"No that is exactly the point."
"No, it is not. His fate has no relation to the main subject of our conversation."
"Yes, it does."
"No, it does not- No. Stop making that face. I am not doing this again."
"What face?"
"You know what you're doing. Stop it."
"I don't think I will."
[Exasperated exhale.]
"You should follow in the god of mischief's footsteps, even he- no especially he knew the point of a convincing disguise."
"Dearly beloved if you do not take on a mortal form while living out your farmer fantasy then so help me, I will place you back inside the coffin from which you came."
"That would be beautiful really, but no thank you I'll take that mortal form now."
"Good." Clockwork smiled
An hour later....
"Is this convincing enough for you, my love?" Pariah Dark adjusted the straw hat sitting upon his head, trying to shift it into a position better suited for his hair.
Clockwork hummed, floating around Pariah to take in his new form from every angle. "Well, it is certainly better than your first try."
"Then can I leave now?"
Pariah sighed. Feeling as hands were gently placed on his shoulders and slowly guided him down to rest on his own legs as he felt hands run through his hair and his straw hat gently taken from his head. He sighed with small indignation as crossed his arms. "I spent a while trying to fit that over my hair properly, you were the one who told me to fit in, so why take it off?" Pariah grumbled.
"Yes, yes. I know love." Clockwork's fingers gently worked themselves through his king's hair, a deep and long sigh leaving the man's body as he fully relaxed, causing Clockwork to smile.
As he worked, Clockwork hummed a small tune lost to the seas of time, causing Pariah to perk up slightly, before, a few minutes later, also joining his lover's humming.
"There we are." Clockwork removed his hands from the other's hair, and Pariah took that as a single to stand up. He turned his head, carefully pulling the braid over his shoulder, he then quirked a brow. "Where did you get the flowers from?"
"From here and there." Clockwork smirked, one that Pariah knew meant he was receiving no answer to his question from, so he shrugged, moving the braid off his shoulder. "So, where exactly are you going to send me?"
"Right, yes." Clockwork waved him over, pulling up a small mirror of time as he shifted through locations. "So, you'll be going to this world and..."
Pariah Dark stared down at the door, in one hand holding a basket as he brought the other up in preparation to knock before freezing.
How does one interact with a human outside of violence and threats again?
He shifted, not for the first time realizing that he had to crouch down to even fit to get to his new neighbors door.
Humans are intimated by height, right?
Should he shrink?
His beloved never walked him through how to talk with humans what does he do????
Should he leave?
But then his beloved would be disappointed...
Okay, first things first.
He gently brought his fist forward, and tapped his knuckles against the door frame, small thunks sounding out with each and every knock.
He tapped a bit harder, each series good louder than the last.
Okay, he thinks he's getting good at this! He's practically a natural!
Oh, the door opened.
The door opened.
"Hello?" An old mortal woman peered up at him, or tried to, at the very least, for his head was well above the door.
Pariah Cleared his throat, moving his hand back in a small wave. "Greetings, mortal-" Shoot. Normal mortals don't talk like that. "I am Pariah Dar- I mean Ark."
He coughed, moving his other hand forwards to present her with the basket. "I bring you an offering in hopes of creating an alliance-" Alliance, really Pariah? Really? "Between the two of us that will foster until the end of time!"
The human woman below hesitantly took the basket, probably shocked, and then just. Stood, there.
Ancients, did he accidentally kill her? He didn't even do anything! Were humans always so fragile?!
The woman cleared her throat, and stepped out of the doorway. "Thank you very much dearie, that's very kind of you!"
Why is she smiling.
Ancients she's smiling he wasn't prepared for this. His beloved never told him his neighbors would smile he wasn't ready-
Annnnd he already teleported away.
Pariah groaned, reaching up his hands to his hair before suddenly remembering who it was braided by, before lowering down to cover his face as he crouched besides his own house.
A nearby horse wandered over and nipped at his hair.
"I was supposed to get a name, Elizabeth." Pariah despaired. "A name!"
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kimerawrt · 7 months
DP x DC: Reincarnation
(this idea keeps bothering me so I'm launching it into the void of tumblr)
Danny is the ghost king, has been for a hundred or so years, and had been working non stop to fix the mess pariah dark made. He did but he keeps working almost like an obsession (its not thankfully)
Cause working with no pause is not healthy even if one is dead, CW and other ancients decide to give their king a forced reincarnation vacation. Their king gets a rest of his duties by living a human life while they manage the zone, cause a human life is nothing to ghosts that have existed for millennia, they can wait for their king to return.
The high king of the ghost zone is born again with a new name. His name is Bruce Wayne.
(more under the cut)
Bruce is a happy child, and a very smart one. He understand machines in some strange way and is incredible good with physics (specially astrophysics). His parents are aware of how smart he is and encourage him to learn more things, Bruce learns a lot of how to manage a business from his dad and his mom teaches his about lots of things but mostly on how to think logically and deduct the truth
For some strange reason animals seem to like him, specially cats, dogs, crows and bats. When Bruce falls into the well he is scared by the bats but calms down enough to know the bats are also scared
Bruce is a happy child, until his parents are murdered in front of him.
Bruce feels like something in him breaks at that. his emotions are so painful that its almost physical. Alfred is the only one he has left and he becomes very protective of his butler
Bruce grows up with grief in his heart. He graduates high school with the biggest honors and goes to college. He tries engineering and leaves it. He tries medicine and leaves it too. He cant move past his parents murder and he cant unseen how his beloved city seems to get worse and worse.
Bruce decides to do something to fix all of that. He now has a mission. He drops out of college, makes a well thought plan and leaves to train leaving a letter behind to Alfred cause he knows if he sees the butler he wouldnt be able to leave. He needs the training.
For a year, Bruce looks for the best experts in a lot of fighting styles, offensive and defensive, things happen and he stars training with the League of Assassins. Bruce is good and learns fast but there is something in there that makes him extremely wary and make him work very hard to not get hurt
The Lazarus Pit
Those glowing green boiling waters gave him a bad feeling. Sometimes Bruce could swear the were whispering at him, calling to him to let them give him something he ought to have. Bruce was smart and knew that would be nothing good and he didnt ask the others if they too could hear the weird waters. He was sure Ra's would kill him for it. The guy was obsessed with the thing.
Unfortunately for him, in the final test to be an assassin, Bruce got hurt enough to need to be put in the waters to not die. Ra's saw potential in him and he was not going to lose someone that good in fighting.
In the waters, Bruce was being healed but something else was going on. The Lazarus Pit was made of a mix of ectoplasm, purified waters from long lost oceans and death magic. That combination made the waters heal all organic organisms in exchange for something, for sentient beings was their sanity and for non sentients was their will
Its a good thing that the ectoplasm in it recognized their king soul and the death magic was not able to take, but it could give as well.
That day Bruce Wayne remembered his last life and knew what awaited him after he died. That night, Bruce escapes from the League and returns to Gotham.
Once home, Bruce pass some time with Alfred telling little things about his travels. Alfred gives him a look that told Bruce that the butler knew he was not telling him everything. It doesnt takes long for Bruce to tell Alfred everything, the hidden parts of his travels, the League and his memories from a previous life. He could never hide things from Alfred for long.
Alfred believes him and declares that Bruce is his guard no matter what he had been or done. Bruce is happy to have Alfred with him.
Bruce had not forgotten his mission to fix Gotham and after searching for a place to train and build things he finds the Cave under his house. For some reason it feels nostalgic, as if one could build a portal to the realm of the dead in there. Of course Bruce has no plan of doing that.
While building his gadgets to fight crime in Gotham, Bruce also builds something he saw the Fentons do before the portal. It was a machine to gather ectoplasm in a passive way. He had a suspicion that the city was not only contaminated by smog but there was also something supernatural in it.
When the first drops of glowing green ectoplasm filled the vial he had left under the machine Bruce knew he was right. As it only took some days to gather it, it was clear that there was an unusual high concentration of ecto in the city. It would be too easy to open a portal in here.
Bruce then used the gathered ecto to power up his supercomputer and many more tools. He was also working on making a car powered up with it. Of course he was not going to let the bright glowing green be seen in whatever he is making.
Alfred had a slight suspicion that besides being the ghost king, his guard might be also a mad scientist
Bruce might have also kinda tamed the colony of bats living in the cave. Making sure all of them were healthy and vaccinated was a nightmare he was not willing to repeat.
Because of working with ectoplasm, Batman always gives an uncanny feeling to the criminals and makes most of them give up in fear. Batman becomes a cryptid very soon, though the police still tries to arrest him, Bruce gets a odd nostalgic feeling at being chased with guns shooting at him
it only takes a year after Batman is out fighting crime for a ghost to show up. Luckily that ghost is just Cujo. Now Bruce has a very good guard dog to protect his house and Alfred
Thanks to Cujo Bruce discovers the city has an spirit and its kinda cursed. Its too bad he had no knowledge of what kind of magic is affecting the city. And because his current human body is not magical he can do little to help. Having Cujo chase away maligns shades seems to help some.
When the rogues appear they remind Bruce of the ghosts he fought when he was a half ghost. Though, he knows they are alive and can change for the better unlike the dead that are stuck and need something too drastic to change. Although Arkham is so corrupt that Bruce has to fight another type of fight to fix that, one that unfortunately he cant punch away
When Bruce sees how the child in the circus is left alone after witnessing his parents death, or course he would want to help. He didnt expect that Robin would join him in his night job
Then another child tries to steal his wheels and ends up adopting him, he also didnt expect the new Robin and by know he would seen the pattern
When Jason is killed by the Joker, Bruce is devastated and seeks vengeance. Batman cant kill, thats a rule he imposed to his vigilante persona. But he didnt need to be Batman to get revenge and the teachings of the League of Assassins come in handy. He knew that if he killed the Joker his soul would belong to him and he would get a better revenge when he becomes the ghost king once more.
An unknown assassin kills the Joker
There is something strange in Gotham. Something that makes the Joker come back to life a little bit more unhinged every time. Something that made Jason Todd crawl out of his grave some months after burying him
Time passes, Bruce gets more children and gets in more fights. Then Jason comes back to Gotham filled with the Pit madness. But when he tries to confront Batman, the Pit calms down in the presence of its king.
Jason is happy to not having to fight the Pit all the time, he still becomes the crime lord/anti-hero Red Hood, though his relationship with his dad is not bad after they had a talk, mostly of Bruce killing the Joker more than once already (they probably go to kill the Joker again as a bonding activity or something)
-There would be other shenanigans in between all this like:
+the kids discovering you can bring food back to like with ectoplasm and making a mess in the kitchen, everyone but Jason gets a life ban from Alfred domain
+the other heroes of the League thinking Batman has a meta power to make him appear intimidating, tho it wouldnt explain where he gets the strange technology or why some could swear a green see through puppy follows the dark night even in the watchtower
+Batman and Deadman make a strange friendship in the eyes of the other, Deadman knows the bat has the soul of his king but as he is not king now its fine to be casual, the ghost adores Cujo and pets it all the time
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nelkcats · 1 year
Garden of Souls
There are people who, when they die, do not really want anything else. No reincarnations or second chances. People who did not wish to stay longer than necessary.
When they die, the universe usually grants their wish. And a flower is born in the Ghost King garden. Pariah Dark never paid attention to all the flowers (each one unique in its own way), and left them to die. Although many of them prevailed, a lot of souls were lost.
Danny was different. He loved and cared for each of the flowers. His own sister had become one of them after all. Every day the King went out to the garden and closed his eyes, listening to Jazz's voice speak to him, he watered the flowers and smiled. Danny knew that his sister was no longer in the Realms, that she was resting, but her memories were imprinted on the flower, and her soul had become something beautiful. It was nice to talk to what was left of her.
That is why when John Constantine dared to step on one of the flowers in his garden the King was enraged. The Justice League had reached the Infinite Realms, investigating about it; What at first was a casual conversation turned into a fight as the heroes became fascinated with his garden, one of them daring to pluck one of his beloved flowers while Constantine unceremoniously stepped on another.
Although they had just discovered the dimension, Danny didn't plan to receive them again for a long time. No more help or peace deals, no one messed with his garden, the poor souls must have been terrified.
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containatrocity · 1 year
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The road outside my house is paved with good intentions. Hired a construction crew 'cause it's hell on the engine.
"I'm Rusty Craven, I'm 35 years old, and I'm the Head Forest Ranger for Huntsville. I have no children of my own, but am raising my niece Genesis Boone after the death of her parents in 2011, as we're each other's only remaining family. I was a soldier in the US military up until my return to Huntsville, and it was in the military where I became friends with Duck Romero, who was my commanding officer. I'm a born Huntsville native, but I was disowned by my family at 17 years old and sent to military school upon coming out as Gay. My husband Lee and I are well liked by the people of the town, and I am ambivalent toward the commune. My most prevalent vice is lingering on my past."
Name: Peter Russell "Rusty" Craven (Nee Boone)
Aliases: Rus, Rusty, Russ, Uncle Rusty, Ranger Craven, Pete/Petey (Not preferred), Junior (He'll kill you.)
Age: 35 (September 27th) [Libra]
Sexuality/Gender: Gay Cis Male [He/Him]
Personality: There's not a soul in Huntsville with a foul word to say about Russ Craven. A loving man with a big heart and an open-door policy for anyone who might need a shoulder to cry on, or even a warm dinner and a spare bed to sleep in, Rusty would give the shirt off his back to lighten the weight on another's shoulders. A responsible, bright man, he's easily flustered when it comes to anything romantic or sexual, coloring stark red in the face and stammering his way out of the conversation as quickly as possible. Despite his pleasant demeanor, there's a distinct sadness still lingering within him, the loss of his husband six years ago still too fresh to cope with some nights, and the knowledge that had they never returned, he may be alive haunting his quiet hours. He puts a happy face on to protect the people that matter to him, and to most of the younger kids around Huntsville, "Uncle Rusty" is less a statement of his relation to them, and more of their clear trust and affection for the man.
Occupation: Head Ranger of the Monongahela Parks and Game Forest Rangers. One of few remaining.
Affiliations: The Townsfolk of Huntsville, The US Military (veteran), Monongahela Parks and Game.
Scent Profile: Dirt and diesel, something faintly spicy, earthy, meaty like a carefully cooked, well rounded dinner. Pine and maple sap as well as a clinging sweetness from a cologne a touch more feminine than one would assume of Rusty's appearance, and cigarette smoke, a vice he falls victim to more often than he cares to admit.
Aesthetic: A crowded but clean kitchen, something that smells like home cooking away on the stove. An old tube TV quietly playing reruns of a sitcom from the 90s while you slowly drift off to sleep on the couch- the knowledge you'll wake up in your own bed, no matter how big you get. Carefully polished old leather boots starting to show their age, military fatigues worked into general day to day wear, a pride in who he once was, and who he's become. Children's detangling hair spray and multicolored hair ties and beads alongside a beard trimmer and aftershave in the bathroom, framed drawings and old photos of people long since dead dotting hallway walls.
So hum hallelujah, just off the key of reason- I thought I loved you, it was just how you looked in the light.
Serving now as the head of the ranger team tied to the local forest, Rusty, Duck, and their remaining skeleton crew of rangers serve largely as protection and surveillance for those out on hunting trips to provide food and supplies to the town. He spends a number of nights in the primary ranger station, tracking the movements of ghosts and radioing to other watch points- which has led to him being absent from home, for a number of overnights. With Sissy growing into her own as an adult, Rusty's found himself in a fugue state, the knowledge that he's been single for over half a decade made all the more present with his niece's interest in romance of her own becoming more pressing. He's well aware that the way he lingers on his past is unhealthy- there's no changing where he is now, Huntsville, with Lee long gone. He can put the ache to the side most days, focusing on looking after the people of the town and those who rely on him, often offering up space at the old Boone residence for Sissy's friends and anyone needing time away from their own troubles and a home-cooked meal.
He's nervous and careful, meeting new people, burned from his past and still in the grasp of a long-term loss of his faith, he desperately wants to reach out and have more friends his own age than simply Duck, and perhaps find love again, but options are slim in Huntsville, and love opens him up to sorrow once more, something he's witnessed first hand in the aftermath of Duck's wife dying. He tries his best to find comfort in the strange monotony they've managed to put together in their survival, hunting, cooking, rationing, and scraping by, but some part of him still wants to seek something better- to die lonely in his 30s had never been the plan- it just seems to be his fate, at this rate.
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