#behold chablis
spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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lozco · 1 year
Behold Chablis
League of Extraordinary Scene Stealers Two weeks ago I posted about the League of Extraordinary Scene Stealers and named the first member of the team, the de facto leader even, Missy from Doctor Who. Today I unveil team member number 2. Behold Who is Behold? Behold Chablis is a warlock played by Billy Porter in the Apocalypse season of American Horror Story. With a full cast of potential scene…
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ahs-confessions · 3 years
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donamarocas · 3 years
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witchofthemidlands · 3 years
idk if it’s only me who cares about john henry & behold but i hope mallory slipped them a note though like come to new orleans we have cookies & ariel augustus will kill you without a second thought if anything ever goes wrong. I wanna see those old married warlocks in coven round three.
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tvshows941 · 4 years
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Since it’s Black History Month I decided to honor each day by paying tribute to black witches in TV & Films.
February 2nd
Name: Behold Chablis
TV/Film: American Horror Story
Portrayed By: Billy Porter
Powers/Abilities: Telekensis, Hydrokensis, Diviniation, Spell Casting
Behold Chablis was a character in season 8 of American Horror Story on FX. A teacher at the Hawthorne School For Exceptional Young Men and part of the warlocks council, Behold was a powerful warlock who made it his mission to help the witches stop the anti Christ from bringing on the apocalypse.
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dylan-obrien · 6 years
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spngayngels · 6 years
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Some of the funniest one liners of Apocalypse.
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ahsoutofcontext · 5 years
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biinbitch · 6 years
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No Light in your bright blue eyes
Michael Langdon x reader
Summary: When Madison and Behold visit Murder House to learn more about Michael, they make the acquaintance of a ghost from his past. 
Warnings: Murder, Horror, Cannibalism, I mean expect some AHS stuff,... 
A/N: This story takes place during the events of American Horror Story: Apocalypse, starting from Return to Murder House. I wanted to have different endings, there is a base to the story and from there three different possibilities, you can choose which one you prefer but of course, you can also read them all. Also sorry if there are some mistakes in my English, I’m french ahah! Enjoy x
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Part I - I never knew daylight could be so violent
It has been few hours now since Madison Montgomery and Behold Chablis have arrived in the house. Murder House hadn’t occupied by a living soul in years, as no one else will dare to pass its doors. So it was a surprise for the Ghosts in the house to see two living figures ask for their help. 
Although they were witches, Tate had warned them: « Even people protected by magic aren’t safe in this house ». Little did they know they were not the first witches to dare enter the house.
And after a few hours, that seems like days for Madison, they were getting bits and pieces of Michael’s story growing up in the devil house. The only thing that every story had in common was her. A mysterious girl, who for some like Tate Langdon and Ben Harmon was helping Michael on the good side, and for Constance Langdon, she was only as devilish as he was and turn his baby grandson into the Devil.
The two witches were confused of you to trust. But when asked where this girl was now, the answer was even more confusing. Constance Langdon was pretty sure she left him, all alone and afraid, and it is at that time that Billie Dean Howard decided to give her best clue. 
-I’m pretty sure you are wrong on that one, Constance. She said, making Constance give that look she gave anyone who tried to be against her. I can feel her soul wandering the corridors of the house. She died here, as anyone here, but her death was something different, there was magic involved. 
Madison and Behold looked at each other, wondering what all this craziness meant. It didn’t take them long to follow the medium suggestion to ask directly to the girl. As they stormed upstairs, they found many souls, none were matching the sensation they have both felt before. 
But as they entered one of the bedroom, they felt it again, magic. Not exactly matching theirs in anyway, but a magic that once was powerful. All of this was coming from her. A girl, sitting on the bed facing the window, there was no doubt to the two witches, it was her they need to talk to. 
-You are Y/N Y/L/N? Aren’t you? Asked Madison too roughly to the taste of her partner. Could you answer me? Or you’re gonna stare at that goddam window all day? She asked again, after-all, Madison wasn’t really known for her patience.
-Depends on what you want, Witches … She answered quietly compared to the attack that Madison through at her. Don’t take me for a fool, I once had what you have now.
-So you were a witch? 
As soon as Behold asked his question, the curtains went on fire, making both of them jump off their place, but the fire went out as fast as he went on. Then the girl stood on her feet and finally revealed her face. She was beautiful, even Madison will admit it, only for herself of course. Her eyes were cold as ice since the two were only disturbed her, yet you could feel the warm fire burning inside her. 
-What makes you think I’m no longer a Witch? Because I’m dead? One of her eyebrows raised up as she looked at them with amusement. 
Behold was quick to answer « We meant no disrespect, we are …. » but was promptly interrupt by Madison. 
-Well enough bla-bla, we are here to know everything about Michael Langdon. 
Y/N responded at Madison’s stare with a look that could rise up the dead. A mix of anger and melancholia could be read. It took her few seconds to get herself back together before answering « Don’t you know everything you need to know, that he is the Devil himself, isn’t what Constance told you? I mean she is his Grandmother after, who could know him better than this woman » She spat the last word with disgust. Her eyes were cold as she stared at the two witches standing in the path of the door. 
But she couldn’t hold it for that long as she looked at the bed, which once was his. Against her own will, a tear rolled down a skin. She once cared about him so much, and it was breaking Madison’s stone heart. 
-He isn’t all bad, he is just broken. She whispered, it was for herself, but the two had heard it anyway. 
-Could you tell us more? I mean you obviously care about him … Asked Madison with the kindest voice she could pull out. 
-What has he done? Y/N wondered that since the second she heard his name mentioned around the house
-Nothing … Behold told first, before Madison felt the need to add, Yet anyway. 
She wasn’t sure if the dead witch in front of her would respond nicely to her comment, but it was essential that she knew the reason of their visit. The two younger witches stared at each other for a long time, Madison didn’t know how to feel, but as the look of the beautiful girl across the room became tender she began to relax. 
Y/N agreed to tell them her side of the story. But it was nothing like they expected. 
It wasn’t a long time ago since Y/N has settled in Los Angeles. For her parents, she moved there for College, but the reality was something else. She found a small Coven, a place where she was accepted and could master her powers. She always knew, her grandmother was a witch, so why not her. 
She revealed herself to be a powerful witch when she arrived at the Coven for the first time. Indeed she had trained herself in her room for such a long time. She had been hiding her powers from her parents, afraid that they wouldn’t understand. That’s why she couldn’t afford to go to Miss Robichaux Academy, it was on TV all the time and she couldn’t risk it.
Instead she found this Coven, hidden from the outside world, it was a little house in the middle of Los Angeles, it wasn’t flashy or beautiful, but it was enough for her. As the house was too small to welcome students to stay in, all the girls had to found a small apartment. Y/N’s place was nice and cosy, a little small, but she didn’t need much so it was perfect, it felt like home, and it was enough. 
However living in Los Angeles wasn’t cheap, so she was going online to found small jobs, she had tried out for many of them, but she received no callback from any of them. Until one day, she passed in front of a red house, a few blocks away from the Coven. She saw a small ad, they were looking for a babysitter for a 4 years old boy, who was living alone with his grandmother in that big house. This was unusual, such a big house for two people, but as long as she got paid, there was no need for questioning. Indeed this was ten times more than she could expect for any regular babysitting. 
Something inside told her, call it witch instinct, that there was something unusual going on with this house. But she needed the money, so before any second thought came into her mind she was at the door of the House. 
A beautiful woman answered the door, behind her legs was hiding a small golden hair boy with beautiful blue eyes. She didn’t know that those beautiful eyes will cause her so much problem and entered the house at Constance’s invitation. 
One year later, Y/N was still in the service of Constance Langdon and had become very close to the little boy, Michael, as she babysitted him quite often. His grandmother was very surprised when she saw the young lady alive after her first evening with Michael. 
Something about her was strange, she couldn’t put her finger on what exactly. And she was trying to put any bad thought aside as his beautiful grandson hadn’t killed anything or anyone for the past year that he started to interact with Y/N. And that was a relief for Constance, even though she would admit it only to herself. 
Y/N had grown quite fond of Michael. He was a lovely boy, a bit silent, but nothing that she couldn’t deal with. She felt it, the first night watching over him, some kind of magic was connected to him. She couldn’t point what exactly, but she knew in some way that her magic was protecting her and on some extend calming his urges. 
After few months watching over Michael, Constance finally told her what was going on. That behind that angelic look was hiding a devil. At first Y/N didn’t believe her, but then she remembered that sensation that she had around the little boy. She understood why Constance looked so tired some times, when she spent the night burying corpses in the backyard, and how suddenly new peoples were making their appearances around the house. 
Y/N knew that there where ghosts, she had met and talk with few of them at the time. She wasn’t afraid, the little girl practicing spells in her bedroom had never been afraid of anything, that hasn’t changed. Even though the idea of Micheal killing anything was giving her the chills, she knew that she was helping him. 
Constance spent some sleepless nights thinking of this young girl and how everything she knew about Michael made her even more determinate to help. One part of her was grateful that she was here for her grandson. On the other hand, she was scared, what could be so wrong with her that she was alright to babysit a murderer child. But she kept her anyway, coming to the same conclusion that Michael hadn’t killed as much as he used to since Y/N entered their life. 
Michael turned 5 only a few days ago, the little boy was excited to have a small party with his grandmother and his favorite nanny. He loved Y/N there was no denying, some night he even wishes that when he grows up he will marry her. She had told him 100 times that is it was not possible, the hope was still strong inside the small boy. And she couldn’t help but laugh, knowing that would change when he grows up. 
He had the best party that a 5 years old could expect, for him it was anyway, as he had no comparison to anyone. Constance had decided to confine him to the house, he was homeschooled. That didn’t seem to bother him since he never knew anything different. His grandmother hoped to keep him safe of course, but also keep the rest of the world safe from him. She would admit he was doing better, but still she didn’t trust the rest of the world to help him. She had learned by herself so many time that men are cruel. 
When Michael rushed to the door to say goodbye to Y/N, she told that she was going on a trip for a two week but she swore that she will be back very soon. Although he was very sad, Michael gave her a smile, he knew that she would never lie to him. His little heart was sure of it. 
What Y/N hadn’t told them was the reason she was going away. Her Coven had a meeting at the Miss Robichaux Academy, which she was very excited about. No doubt every witches going to the gathering were as excited as she was. 
Michael looked at the light of her car leaving the street from his bedroom window before finally agree to go to bed as his grandmother had asked him too much already. 
Two weeks had passed so fast for Y/N, it was a crazy experience that she had just lived surround by so many witches. She loved every second of it.
As she drove back from the airport to her place, she could help but to pass in front of Michael’s house. That where she saw, something, or someone that she hadn’t seen before. At the moment she took him for Tate, as the young boy with curly golden hair. But when she noticed his piercing blue eyes she knew it couldn’t be Tate. That thought went away as she passed away the house. Probably a new ghost, she was only worried that it was Michael’s fault, but she chased that idea away as soon as she arrived home. 
The next day, she woke up with a strange sensation. Something in her guts was telling her that something wrong was about to happen. But she was still training that new power that she just discovered, so she couldn’t put her finger on the reason of that sensation. Later she talked about it to her teacher, Ms. Rosemary joined her power to the young witch. 
Flashs of the Murder House came to her mind. Her head felt heavy as she let go of her teacher’s hands. She fell on the ground before realizing what it meant. 
-Michael, she whispered to herself. 
She was scared that something had happened to the little boy she grew so in fond of. Ms. Rosemary had understood that and let her student go. She was in no condition to learn anything, she was better off cutting this feeling out of her. 
She jumped into her car and park a few minutes later in front of the House. She couldn’t hear a sound and that sensation inside her was still growing. As she knocked on the door not another noise came from the house. Luckily for her the door was unlocked, however this was giving her apprehensions. 
She entered the hall, and finally she could hear something. A faint sob, coming from the living room. She carefully walked there, and saw a curly blond haired boy crawled over himself. His head was resting on Constance’s lap. 
This is when she realised, the woman on the couch was pale, she couldn’t hear her breath. She was dead. However, the sensation didn’t go away until she saw the face of the golden hair boy. 
His beautiful blue eyes were red and swollen. She had never seen this shade of blue, expected for one little boy. The same boy she has been babysitting for a year. 
-Michael? She asked, shocked and melancholy mixed in her voice 
No, it couldn’t be. He turned 5 only few weeks ago, how could look like he aged more than 10 years. But she felt it, it was him. That strange sensation that had been following her all day went away the second she felt the boy holding her tight. 
-You came back… His voice was broken by all the tears. But it was his voice. 
She came down on her knees to face the grown-up boy, he was taller than her now. She scooped his face with her hands, whipping off the tears of his red cheeks. His deep blue eyes where staring back at hers when she was trying to read on his face what happened. Before she could ask anything, Michael broke back into tears mumbling words that she barely understood. 
-I’m a monster, I killed her … Y/N broke into his words, as he repeated that he was a monster, tears spread on her cheeks as well.
For the first time in her life, she knew deep down that he hadn’t done anything to his grandmother. Not physically anyway, yes he was the reason Constance took her life, but he definitely did not kill her. However the young boy was crumbling under remorse and grief. He loved his grandmother. 
-You’re not alone, I’m here. Everything is going to be all right. Y/N didn’t know if she was telling this to him or to herself. The situation was too dreadful. 
They spent hours holding each other. She was holding him so tight too afraid of what would happen to him next. At on point, he stopped crying and fell of exhaustion in her arms. He was asleep and she felt at peace, feeling his warm and regular breath on her chest. Soon after she fell asleep too.
Read Part II
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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selinakylebat · 6 years
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ahs-confessions · 3 years
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notinmyvocab · 4 years
Behold Chablis is the only valid warlock
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sheikah · 6 years
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You’ve always bitten off more than you can chew.
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