#behind you gem
yusakiiiii · 9 months
I never like to miss a chance to use a good old niche Horrible Histories Meme. So here are some for Hermitcraft.
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[I mean how often do you get to use that meme. I wasn’t going to miss the chance.]
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[Gotta recognise those ambient sounds]
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[He does look ridiculous without it now]
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[Remember the Milk Sog Podcast and BDubs Footstall at his coffee shop?]
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Evil mc…but prison au? 👀
The cell block is her dance hall, and all the boys want to tango. Since she's a villain I'm assuming she's a fellow inmate.
Sans: Her eyes and ears in the prison... her unassuming spy who learns everyone's business and funnels it straight to her. Evil Mc being Evil Mc, she's probably found a way to place herself in the lower-risk prison block- perhaps convincing the prison board that she's at risk of being attacked if she's in the main cells. Perhaps Sans did the manipulation for her to get her more freedoms. Either way, she and her right hand man get a lot of quality time together.
... Sans likes having someone who knows the truth about how fucked up he is from the very beginning. She saw through him from the start. He doesn't have to pretend to be goofy, harmless, he doesn't have to wear a smiling mask; she knows exactly how dangerous he is and she likes it. It feels good to be alone together... to have someone with which he can completely drop the act.
Red: They still have that on-and-off highly flirtatious relationship that they have in the regular villain AU. He's just as devoted as before, he can't get enough of her, and she can't get enough of him either- he likes the danger. She likes his claws.
... Rather than being her ogeneral, he's more of a... bodyguard/supplier/willing boytoy. He keeps her safe if she ever ends up in the main prison population, he twists the guards' arms into doing what she wants, and he constantly delivers her a stream of any banned goods she needs (no questions asked). She respects the chokehold he has on the prison population and doesn't try to disrupt his command like another villain might- ironically, it means he now wants to give it to her willingly. It puts her in a position of massive power.
In a way, it does actually mirror the general and his superior. The army just happens to be the population of the prison.
Skull: Skull is less like her personal guard, and more like a personal bomb.
The fits of rage Skull enters when separated from Mc are something to behold. The prison, reluctantly, allow Skull and Mc a lot of time together- anything to get him to stop killing. Though he's muzzled and bound he still follows her everywhere like a lost dog, ready to take off the fingers of anyone who gets close; she happily feeds his obsessive connection to her, she's very doting and loving with him. The constant stream of attention actually leaves him in a stable enough state of mind to hold slow conversations, and forge alliances with the other two skeletons- it's easy to find common ground over their shared desire to be with her and keep her safe.
It's not dramatic to say he'd do anything for her. The moment she asks him to, he'd kill anyone, he'd break anything, he'd lay down mid-rampage, he'd start a riot. Anything she asks. Many 'incidents' of death or dismemberment chalked up to Skull just being insane were actually direct commands from Mc... though 'command' is a pretty harsh way of putting it.
All she did was ask softly, and kiss his cheekbone. That's all he needed.
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dreamaruu · 9 months
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Hi so whats the deal with our two appearances of the Lich so far being associated with bonnie
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greeenchrysanthemums · 5 months
Joel is Lizzie's personal guard; and perhaps a little bit more than that.
His father was the commander of the Coral Crest army, so he lived in the castle from a young age and spent a great deal of time with Lizzie by proximity. They were the best of friends growing up and they spent pretty much every single day together. They would often times hang out around Joel's dad on the training grounds, pestering him to teach them how to use a sword to no end, until he finally caved and taught them simple fighting forms to get them to leave him alone.
They got into all sorts of trouble together over the years. They were practically inseparable.
On Joel's 17th birthday he gained knighthood and became Lizzie's personal guard, taking a pledge that he would protect her with his life (though he would have done that regardless of some silly oath binding them).
This promotion, of course, meant that they spent even more time together, and subsequently grew even more close. So close, in fact, that it was not out of the question for the two of them to steal the occasional kiss just out of view of prying eyes.
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whereisgem · 8 months
wait- is that gem-? why is she- is she stealing apple cider ?!!?!?!?!
Let's hope she doesn't get caught
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boxesblr · 6 months
I missed red life Mumbo so much. He's so mild mannered and accommodating most of the time and then the second he turns red he speedruns undoing all that. Immediately turns on his allies and tries to anvil them, laughs at ren tango struggling to restart his recording, calls the big dogs a 'stupid club',
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... No I will not pretend like Hunter wouldn't steal Amity's girlfriend. Especially not after TTT... that steal your girlfriend energy is still in him, even on a subconscious level.
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Group C Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Bob Sparker, a man with a long pointed nose, with short, light colored hair, wearing a suit and tie. he's holding a microphone and is standing on stage in front of a crowd. the second image is of Kirinda, a robotic eye attached to a mechanical stalk in a futuristic-looking room. the closed caption on the image says: "thank you for the description." in all capital letters. end ID]
Bob Sparker
Bob is a guy who runs a gameshow called shock till you drop, where he straps people in an electric chair & increases the amount of electricity until the person gives up. He constantly shocks himself with the chair & seems to be able to withstand any amount of electricity. In fact, it seems to energize him, and he even stood on a lightning rod during a storm with the purpose of getting struck. Apparently (don't quote me on this) he was partially the inspiration for both Mettaton of Undertale and Spamton of Deltarune.
Kirinda is a "space-time transmitting machine" in the shape of a giant kirin. His job is to take the main characters to Novel Worlds (worlds that contain every story, myth, or legend ever created by humans) so that they can figure out what's corrupting them, and then he comes in at the end of the episode to clean up by purifying the monster responsible. However, he is no ordinary giant robot. He is sentient and speaks to the titular Rangers (with the world's most hokey and out of date Kansai/Southern accent to boot) through a camera shaped like an eye, and is often the one explaining the story of the world the characters are going to visit, as well as choosing which characters are going by the way of a roulette... which may or may not be complete bullshit. You see, while his role is incredibly important, he is very irresponsible and is constantly just dropping the characters off in a haphazard, dangerous manner without finishing explanations, screwing around with the roulette just to see what will happen, teasing the other characters (or subjecting them to horrible puns) and generally being incredibly vague and unhelpful beyond the bare minimum job requirements. At the end of the day though, he does really like his job (so much that he gets very salty if his screen time is threatened), and when push comes to shove, will go above and beyond to make sure everybody is safe. ( he also has an incredibly catchy image song and everyone should go look up Kirinda Ondo! on youtube right now)
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sevenines · 2 months
i wish steven universe went more into the watermelon stevens (said no one ever, but hear me out!) i wish they went more into how steven made a whole society and abandoned them, just like the diamonds do, just like rose did. and how it demonstrates that having such immense powers very easily leads to a disregard for life.
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hollowsart · 5 months
I still can't get over how much of a dirty scam the pricing is for Pokemon Masters. Like..
14,000 gems for 80 dollars? excuse me? who the crap is wasting their money like that on a game that barely has any real function as a game?
it's NOT worth it. AT ALL. you're not even fully guaranteed to get whatever character(s) you're aiming for with it.
if you want to do those 2 1-limit paid-only gems sync scouts they have rn you've have to pay $80 for the 10,000 you'll need since they're 5000 gems each. sure it sounds like a lot you're getting, but man. I don't think it's worth it.
I refuse to give this game my money. idk how people fall into this gacha scam. please save your money for something that's actually more useful and important.
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uwudonoodle · 4 months
Back at the Barnyard “Dick Tits” song interview (Cancellation Spite)
How the voice actors responded to having their show canceled. I have never watched this cartoon, nor listened to the podcast, but I laughed so hard at this.
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amoschaos · 1 year
Sending a kiss to RBD
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biggirlpositive · 5 months
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There’s just something about wide leg trousers and a bodysuit that just makes me feel like a bad bitch
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reginrokkr · 2 months
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It's insane how huge the drive I have is to pull for Luocha out of pettiness because I've already lost the 50/50 for Acheron and after 68 pulls in, there isn't any sign for her arrival yet—
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Can’t believe Carrie was supposed to have a scene in I Got the Music and was cut, this is too funny
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dailypearldoodles · 2 years
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Day 97
Mother of Sunflowers
A little insight to what I’ve been working on-I did plan to draw Pix’s statue of Pearl, and I wanted to do a little Malayna/Malon adjacent kind of thing, like maybe there was a citizen living around the area who was just Pearl in disguise. However, I got really really tired of drawing wings and got really frustrated, so I had to drop it. Maybe someday I’ll get back to it
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