#because i mention her several times
number1villainstan · 2 years
AtLA Analysis: S1E5: The King of Omashu
Intro: Didn’t do one of these on the weekend, and since I went to and left work early I decided I could do it now. I *should* be working to sort out my future housing situation (dumbass past me for buying a contract when I hadn’t sold my current one yet ;-;) but I don’t want to do that so I’m doing this instead. Let’s get started, shall we? And let’s see if I can focus better this time around, since I’m starting at 5:30pm instead of 7:30 pm lol
So, the ‘Previously’ section is all about Aang being the Avatar: showing him in the Avatar state, the declaration on Kyoshi island, the reactions of the monks of different nations, as well as a little bit about the Airbenders being gone. Tying into the later trials and Aang trying to prove himself to Bumi?
Okay, so: The first glimpse of Omashu tells you a few things. Number one, walled city on top of a tall and steep mountain--extremely good for defense, and maybe a sign of earthbending, probably by several hundred (or thousand) benders working in concert, if it wasn’t a natural formation. Those walls holding everything up are definitely some powerful earthbending and serious building. However, despite its strategic location, it doesn’t have a lot of (or any) room to grow size-wise, which will likely make for crowded neighborhoods among the poor and working-class, if not the middle class as well, and possibly a lot of underground housing and businesses.
Sokka: “They have buildings that don’t melt!” This seems...odd, because when Aang wakes up it looks like the South Pole is in the middle of polar summer--sun’s always up, and therefore the air would be hotter, which means that if anything is going to melt it would be then. And yet the village seemed in no danger of any of that when we saw it.
What’s with Katara and Sokka’s coats? They’ve been wearing them for most of the time in these past episodes, and they’re continuing to wear them here. Does that mean they’re still in colder climates? Kyoshi certainly seemed to be a colder place, with the coats the civilians tended to wear and the undeniably thick fabric of the Kyoshi warriors’ dresses.
So Aang’s wearing the wig and mustache as a disguise, but doesn’t bother to change his clothes? ...does he not have any other clothes?
The first appearance of the Cabbage Merchant! Ironically enough, him losing his cabbages isn’t the Gaang’s fault at all, but that of the guards who accuse his cabbages of being rotten.
Lemme just take a moment to be impressed by a) Aang’s impression of an intimidating “old timer” and b) Katara’s immediate memorization and usage of such a long and ridiculous last name with no prep whatsoever. Though the usage of a last name is odd, and might actually weaken their disguise: of all the characters we know, the only ones I can think of with actual family names are the Beifongs, which, if we take that at face value, would imply that the only people with last names are EK nobility. (Zhao is actually a family name, but we don’t get any other name for him in the series.) None of them are dressed in EK colors, and they have no guards with them, which would be probably seen as strange for an upper class family, especially one with an elder and a young woman. Obviously they just made this up on the fly, and it gets them in, but still.
The guard who stops Sokka to tell him to carry “his grandfather’s” bag--is he big on tradition? Does he care a lot about family and filial duties? It’s not a lot of character, but it’s there. (Sokka was also clearly nervous about the disguise, so he must have seen some of its weaknesses too.)
I love how nobody on the other side of the gate reacts to Momo sitting in Aang’s wig, and even the guard who gasps doesn’t say anything. Do they not recognize the flying lemur? How common are flying lemurs and in what habitats? The last episode led me to believe that they only lived in Air Temples, but is that not true? Are the other characters simply mistaking it for a different, local species? Or is it simply that no one cares enough, or thinks it would be awkward to ask?
I wonder what kind of coordination and bureaucracy goes into the mail system.
So, Aang has friends all over the world, right? But he lives at the Air Temples? When did he visit the Earth Kingdom? The Fire Nation? Did he ever visit the Water Tribes? (I think no on that last one.) Who did he have with him, Gyatso or peers his age or any others? Did he go alone?
That ride. Caused. So much chaos. I feel for the overworked mail officials who had to clean up the mess. Also Aang’s mustache and wig are ridiculously stable, apparently. Like glued-onto-his-head, until it’s not. Huh.
I wonder if they’re also going to connect all the damage to the roofing to their crazy ride. What is the green stuff underneath those shingles? What are the roofs made of to withstand that kind of weight and force? I mean, they broke through a stone wall, so why didn’t they break through the roofs?
I get that your entire livelihood was destroyed, Cabbage Merchant, but killing is not the answer here. You’ve got to extort them of all their resources!
Odd justice system you’ve got here in Omashu. Does the king really handle all criminal judgements? That can’t be good for public order, considering just the sheer overwork that would likely put on the man, much less Bumi’s chaotic nature.
...Bumi is actually, literally, biologically 112 years old. He...looks good for his age. And he’s Aang’s last surviving friend, most likely, his only living tie to the past.
So, the ‘refurbished’ chamber has three beds, nice ones it looks like (if angular), hammock-like green hangings (are they decorative or do they serve a purpose? Storage? Actual hammocks?), and green crystal lights. What about the crystal is providing that light? It can’t be fire, that would have run out of oxygen, and it can’t be anything living for the same purpose. And, of course, air vents, because we can’t have our protagonists asphyxiating.
Also: beds in the middle of the room. That has to be an intimidation tactic. Who can sleep in a bed in the middle of the room?
So, the guards managed to take Katara and Sokka without waking Aang up (who slept without a blanket, cultural norms?) despite the fact that he later woke up to the sound of the guard earthbending his wall, which was established to be the only way in or out of the cell. Probably difference in timing and where he is the sleep cycle.
Creeping crystal, aka genamite, aka rock candy apparently? Clearly violating the law of conservation of mass, not to mention the way it glows before it grows, but it still makes me curious as to its physical properties.
On a similar tack, where does the dye come from for these clothes? Water Tribe clothing is a bright blue, Earth Kingdom clothing is green, Air Nomad clothes are mostly yellow with orange accents, and Fire Nation clothing is all dark reds and black. I know the show is employing color coding for these nations for its viewers, but what in-universe explanation would there be for such color coding? The Water Tribe is likely the hardest to explain, since there are no plants around (that we can see) to get dye from and color their clothes. Also, Bumi’s outfit is a purple version of the clothing he was wearing the day before, and where did the makers of that get the purple dye? I believe it’s the only purple clothing we see in the whole series.
Another related note: The color scheme for the scenes in Bumi’s palace and in the cave for the first trial is all dark green and black, not quite threatening but not something that puts you at ease. It really enhances Bumi’s dangerous, off-kilter vibe.
All of these challenges are meant to bring out Aang’s quick thinking and inventiveness. I keep thinking of Toph’s later training, telling him that he has to be stubborn, that ‘there is no other angle,’ while here there are lots of angles and he has to find the one that works. Almost like a clash of philosophies. Bumi’s method, at least, certainly plays to his strengths (and Bumi’s strengths), because inventiveness and quick thinking are some of Aang’s better qualities.
The first challenge--nice aim, Aang. That’s impressive. Airbender skills?
The second challenge--thinking outside the box again, and realizing that of course an insane king would have the nontraditional pet. And yet again, Aang shows that he’ll chase after cute animals without thought to their comfort or safety. It also has a lighter green color scheme then the last several minutes.
I’m not sure we’ll be getting a lot of Sokka or Katara this episode. It’s almost all focused on Aang and King Bumi.
The third challenge: instead of a green color scheme, it’s rusty earthy brownish red. An allusion to the more direct fight that’ll take place? Also, I wonder the histories of the two bladed champions Bumi summons.
(I’ve been getting distracted by listing to “Insane” by Black Gryph0n and Baasik, about Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. A little bit gory for AtLA, but possibly fitting for Bumi lol)
Bumi calls himself ‘the most powerful earthbender you’ll ever see.” Toph’s calling, she wants her title back
The rings on Bumi’s fingers intrigue me. What are the spheres attached to them? What are their purpose? Is it just to show off wealth? If it was, why wouldn’t it be gemstones instead? These just look like little painted clay balls.
The fighting tactics: Aang avoids and evades, and also redirects, using the enemy’s force and attacks against them. Bumi attacks head on, but is clever and inventive about how.
“You only have a few minutes,” Bumi says, despite the fact that their faces are still uncovered, even Sokka’s, who has crystal growing up past his head. Also, Sokka’s Rocky suggestion--is that a genuine suggestion, or is it an attempt to lighten the mood? The others treat it as genuine but who knows?
Aang’s quick to forgive Bumi when he realizes who he is. Possibly because of his easygoing personality, possibly because it’s his last living tie to his past, probably a mixture of both. Honestly, given the context, it’s surprising he isn’t more emotional about this.
This is the first time we hear Ozai’s name, and it’s from Bumi’s mouth.
And the Cabbage Merchant’s cabbages are destroyed for the third time that episode. RIP.
And that’s all of it! Definitely didn’t take as long as the last couple, probably because I had the energy to go through it all in one go. I also think this one is shorter, and I didn’t put everything that went through my head down as I went, so there’s that. Not a lot of Sokka or Katara, as I thought. This was focused on Aang, and on Bumi. I do have some worldbuilding questions about Omashu though. All in all, fun episode!
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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mishapen-dear · 2 months
genuine question but is there any fandom where a character is well written by the majority. im thinking about fandom culture and the spread of frustration when people dont write characters well but. honestly in all the fandoms ive been in there's only like, a Select number of authors who i trust to write Well, let alone write Well AND In Character. character analysis and writing and getting inside characters' heads are all separate skills (all of which are trained by roleplaying fyi can CONFIRM playing pretend with your friends is good for you). there's been more than once where I've disagreed with an interpretation that others agreed with, and then I turned out wrong. or i turned out right. like it doesnt matter WHO is right it just matters that differences in character analysis exist, so even if you DO write well AND write in character, your in character is still going to be someone else's out of character
there's this sort of. vibe. that to play in the sandbox you Need to be able to make a castle, and if you can't make a castle then you shouldn't bother, and it completely dismisses the idea that youre in that sandbox to PLAY in the first place. there's this Weight of disappointing someone if you can't build something that they like, but that forgets that you aren't there to build them a castle. like, be KIND. if you disagree with someone then please make an effort to do so kindly. i dont give a shit about fandom discourse but there is a reason kids get removed from sandboxes if they keep throwing sand in people's eyes. but if they don't like your misshapen sand pile, then youre not obligated to change it. even if you yourself end up hating that same sand pile later- youre not building a legacy. youre playing. and sometimes the result of that play is out of character drivel. theres a reason there are so many authors and so few who i like to consistently read and thats because everyone is Fucking Around in their hobby space. hash tag brag or whatever but i can build castles. ive built several that im v proud of. ive also dug holes in the sand for fun and then tripped on them when trying to get up. I often dug a hole and then got up and fucking- whoops, its a castle now, and i didn't realize i'd made something to be proud of until after the fact. the whole time while creating shit i was Convinced it was bullshit that didn't make sense. and then other times i was Convinced it was bullshit and then i was Right and i can look back and go. huh. ew. but it doesn't matter what the end result was, because i had fun playing in the sandbox
this wasn't meant to turn into a ramble but i have Feelings about bad art and art that's badly perceived and how public perception can screw with your head and how making art youre proud of is fucking. it's so difficult!!! it's hard!! it's really fun, which is why i try to make it, but i promise you it is Okay to not tryhard creativity. even if you CAN, it's okay not to do it all the time. or ever, even. fuck around find out have fun etc
#NOT a discourse post i am musing out loud#there's discourse goign around the dash rn or i wouldnt mention it#but the past few weeks ive seen a lot of “DONT fucking mischaracterize my guy my fuckign god”#which is one of the most frustrating pet peeve there is#but i think a lot too about little baby me#fresh on her writing journey#and how discouraged i would be if someone pointed out the mistakes id made#i made a Lot of fuckups#and i also think about this one fic where one of the characters was INCREDIBLY out of character#me today would not be able to stomach reading it#but baby me was so ENCHANTED#and it introduced to me the concept that you dont always know the reason someone does something#and it made me read even more#and because of that i eventually found Expert Skill level fics#which introduced me to MANY little tricks and fidgets ive tried to implement#there were so so many reviews on that fic that called it shit or complained about the bad characterization#but a decade later i still think about it#there were several very corny mine/craft horror fics i read#which back in the day would be called cringe#and those were what inspired me to write my first horror fic and now im Enchanted by the whole genre#theres a lot of stuff i dont like to read but i like that other people are enjoying themselves#i dont know how to be succinct i hope my point is coming across well#this ties into my thing where fiction is for you first others later#here are my credentials: bb/h fan since before the elections (hi i was the guy who noticed his lack of armour post elections)#and a cross-fandom comment trend of people going 'woa i can see this happening in canon'#im not talking out my ass i genuinely think its more important to have fun than to write accurate characterization#which. is a more 'duh' and clarifying thing than everything else ive written#but ah well c'est la vie#also also just realized this could be interpreted like that- NOT an attack on people who complain about mischaracterization either lmao#i do that too w friends. this is to reassure people who put pressure on themselves to create things Well all the time
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poebrey · 1 year
once again thinking about how Sarek calls Michael his ward until she’s in her thirties versus Spock calling Michael his sister even when they’re deeply estranged
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ink-asunder · 8 months
Having demand avoidance in a medical setting is literally hell. Like, patient autonomy is already absolute ass. It's only made worse when doctors CONSISTENTLY tell you what to do and act like you HAVE to do it instead of consulting with you first like normal fucking people.
#also “”“”medical necessity“”“” is NOT an excuse here.#ive been to plenty of doctors that thoroughly discuss a range/timeline of treatment and explain it IN DETAIL before saying “thats what i-#-recommend“ instead of just going ”okay were gonna do this. im gonna explain the prep to you a mile a minute and if you have any follow up-#-questions im just gonna repeat part of my spiel with no clarification. and if i cant answer your questions too bad :)“#not to mention how many doctors just force you to do things that WILL NEVER WORK#like one therapist tried forcing me to do emdr when i was only IN HER TOWN for the summer and i had no internet access when i was at college#im pretty sure emdr takes several weeks to work and i did not have that kind of time available to me. i couldnt just drop out bc of ptsd.#also the number of times ive had to decline an ESI is stupid. I've already had 2! they didn't work! i had a bad reaction to the meds!#why am i being forced to do it again?#also back surgery. i cant do that because i am a white trash rural kid and our home (which we built ourselves) CANNOT be accessible enough#for spinal surgery recovery. but i went to the surgeon and he was like “thats valid! and also surgery literally wouldnt help you so idk why-#-they sent you here.“ : l It's cool to be right all the time lol#its like. no wonder i developed medical demand avoidance after so much traumatizing and malpracticy bullshit in my life#demand avoidance#medical demand avoidance#chronic illness burnout#chronic illness#chronic pain#medical tw#ptsd#disability#medical neglect#medical trauma#vent#this might be too personal. if i do delete it ill have it rb'd on my boar-deer-whitetrashbutterfly blog first#idk i just havent really been able to find anyone else talking about this specific effect of being chronically ill/disabled.
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
It is so much fun watching Roseanna M. White be Catholic.
For one thing, she tells you cool history stuff about Christmas music.
#for another thing this is such a satisfying end to a years long saga#of me trying to figure out if she converted or not#it started when i found a blog post of hers explaining why scripture can't be the only source of christianity#and i was like 'honey you just point-for-point presented most of the catholic arguments against sola scriptura'#but other posts made it clear she was still protestant#so i could hope this was the beginning of a journey but didn't really expect anything#then a long time later she posts about how she and her family have found a church that fits their needs better#which is more how you talk about switching protestant churches and not going through rcia#so i dismissed all but the wildest hope#then she mentioned speaking at a catholic writer's conference#which doesn't necessarily prove anything because ecumenism is a thing#even the fact that she had a catholic branch to her small press didn't prove anything#it was run by her catholic friends and i know of protestants who work very closely with catholic initiatives while remaining protestant#so the evidence was piling up but there was nothing absolutely conclusive so it was driving me bonkers#and then FINALLY for advent she started talking about the liturgical year#and said 'now that my immediate family is catholic we celebrate advent'#AT LAST! CONFIRMATION!#(pun not intended but still appreciated)#and now she's had several blog posts making it clear she's very excited about catholic history and spirituality#and i'm so proud of her#i can see why you'd be coy when you have a very protestant audience but i'm glad she finally went public with it#not least because i get to find out cool stuff about christmas carols#catholic things#christmas#roseanna m. white
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camping-with-monsters · 9 months
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A relatively new addition to the cast of Duck Duck Goose, this is the malevolent and ill-tempered Little Bo Peep!
A ruthless little girl of blood and wool, she’s got a thin patience to those that oppose the goal of the sheep. She’s got quite the arsenal around her— a widespread flock of friendly looking little lambs that are much less cutesy when in battle. With relentless little manic sheep that are spotted all over the place, the sheep are spoken to have a vendetta against canine-kind and all things wolf-related, as they’ve grown tired of being thrown around and hunted so mercilessly by all the real big bad wolves of the world. When prey becomes predator, a leader is to be crowned to remind of the motive— and this is where Bo Peep— a girl perfectly fit for the job— comes into play.
Little Bo Peep is the human protector of these wooly little animals, and she’s been crowned to represent what they want— revenge; against all who have ever feasted their chop and harvested their wool. She’s uptight and snobbish— a total brat far too spoiled beyond repair. She makes the utmost perfect host for controlling, frolicking alongside the flock as it continues to flourish and grow. The sheep and their leader are the living proof not to trust all things cute and cuddly. In fact, they’re all proof that trust is a fragile virtue granted and destroyed— all you have to do is look into the gaze of Bo Peep the wrong way and you’ll find yourself with wool over your eyes!
Special thanks to @pazam, @menthum-mint and @shroingushour for some help with ideas for the finalized design! I had a little bit of trouble making her outfit a little more interesting initially, haha!
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gailynovelry · 8 months
When you suddenly become aware of a plot hole that probably 90% of anyone who ever looks at your stuff will not notice, think, or care about, but now it's in your brain and you need to dig up an old story to edit it into submission again.
#is this about hor#perhaps#“what's the plot hole gail”#something something working out ainzel's timeline vs morekai's knowledge of their thereabouts vs silamir's and navaeli's lack of knowledge#maybe it's not even a plot hole BUT#IF ainzel and morekai were in communication at a certain point in time then theoretically silamir would know where ainzel was because#morekai is in communication with her. and if silamir knows where ainzel is then why did she mention it taking so long for navaeli to track#down where ainzel is? should not silamir have told her?#several possible answers. one; ainzel is a petty bassard who hates morekai's guts & refuses to communicate with him more n necessary#which is honestly very likely.#actually you know what. that's the answer. ainzel was like “you do war prep in ullua My Hated Ally and i will do war prep far away from you#“far far far away in Kavia.”#and morekai goes “but where in Kavia Ainzel what if i need to know-”#“i have decided that you don't need to know. fuck you. goodbye.” - ainzel knowing with gritted teeth that this is not the last they see him#besides ainzel knows that Navaeli's gonna show up anyway (prophecy) so why would they go out of their way to tell Silamir 'cause obviously#it gets figured out anyway#other option is that Silamir DID know where Ainzel was and just. made navaeli figure it out on her own.#it's halfway in character but tbh i think Silamir's impatience outweighs her spite. so nah. she'd tell. Ainzel's spite wins out this time.
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dcviline · 3 months
once again I say fuck j.aehaerys, all my homies hate j.aehaerys
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birthday-of-music · 1 year
while november 20th did cause me irreparable damage it was much less than i expected and i think there should be more. look it hurts when canon has a bunch of angst but it hurts more when canon SHOULD have a bunch of angst but DOESNT.
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fragmentedblade · 3 months
Not to be a jingfu on main, but it's so cute that Jing Yuan thought of Fu Xuan with those jelly beans
#me: the Xianzhou characters are all just coworkers#also me whenever anyone is shown to be fond and have intimate knowledge of some other character: awwww#Like Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan playing starchess and teasing each other or making a reference to things they like#or Jing Yuan talking about young Yukong#Quingque apparently disliking Fu Xuan but obviously that not being the case‚ knowing what she likes and how she thinks#Fu Xuan hiding that she has a sweet tooth but Jing Yuan and Quingque knowing it and teasing her for it#I don't know. There are a lot of instances of these small intimate details in the middle of what looks like a coworker relationship#Good coworkers‚ but coworkers nonetheless#And ironically it moves me so much? Even more so than Belobog. I've been told several times that Belobog seemed more tight. And I agree#In Belobog people were friends or family or companions but linked by something closer than mere coworkers with Wildfire#Even Sampo in the Underworld was strangely 'theirs'. He had the magenta colour of Wildfire and he was trusted to some extent#The Luofu characters don't have that. And yet the fragments of intimacy scattered through their interactions move me a lot#These are people who have known each other for centuries. Jing Yuan knows of Yukong's youth‚ its joy and grief#He knows Fu Xuan has a sweet tooth and teases her about her height. Quingque does too#Fu Xuan chastises both of them for being lazy but she knows they're smart and good at their job. She plays starchess with Jing Yuan#Quingque mocks Fu Xuan for being a workaholic but is very aware of the weight she carries both in her position and ideas about destiny#I won't mention Yanqing and Bailu because there is obviously more than a coworker bound when it comes to them#But yes I love the moments of intimate knowledge scattered through the Xianzhou‚ so telling of the fact that these people have known#each other for longer than several human lifetimes‚ and that perhaps they don't necessarily regard each other as more than their coworker#But perhaps that's enough in order for them to care. Perhaps in a lifetime over one thousand years the intimacy gained with a coworker#through several centuries is something beyond what we could understand in our decades lifespan#But also‚ perhaps‚ I don't know. Also‚ perhaps‚ the do care beyond coworkers in that strange line between work and friendship#Perhaps it's strange for Xianzhou natives to tell apart that kind of relationship after so much intimacy and knowledge through the years#And perhaps‚ once again‚ as it often happens for them‚ they think they'll always have enough time to tell; until they run out of it#They play chess together. Quingque can lose time because Fu Xuan can't stay mad if she brings her sweets. Are they just coworkers?#We play chess. I know what tea and sweets you like best. I brought them today since you would indulge me and play starchess with me#Thanks for playing with me‚ I'm running out of book puzzles. You keep divining my moves but I'll invent a fake story to distract you#Are we coworkers or something more like friends? Where is the line after so many years?#I talk too much but I love this charged nothingness haha I find it ironically so true to how many relationships in real life develop#And I find it so moving‚ that representation of this endearing smallness of everyday life. Of these small things is life made
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
So I've. Basically been doing nothing but sleeping the last two days. Um. Either the sleep debt was way worse than I thought it was or not taking the meds (12 hour tablets seemed like a bad idea when I just wanted to sleep) amplified what sleep debt I already had. Which is... new? Anyway.
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Made me smile coming back to this in my inbox fuck yeah Halloween approaches and I'm gonna start stockpiling some stuff!!! Gonna have fun trick virtual trick or treating this year!!! And yeah oh by oh boy do I have a lot of trick or treat asks to send to those who reblogged from me hooray!!!
... Later though. I really really want to dive into making bracelets now that the Submechanophobia Wiki is complete and I've successfully cut through a fly swatter. It's bracelet time baby
#pop rox talks#and I'm GOING to be better about that tag mark my words#gonna make a bracelet for my mum cause she's amazing#....... and not to be depressing but it's a good thing too given how heavily I rely on her for basically everything#got her to pick her colours I'm gonna try so hard to plait this right this time oooo you're gonna see#I have until she comes home from bingo I got this boys#she wants pimks :)#also she found the cotton for me to do this#I was just gonna buy some like a FOOL#I forgot she has a dragons hoard of random craft shit#the last time she did anything that required this type of cotton was before I was born#MAYBE#I might be remembering wrong it might have been someone else that did that lmao#but yeah I kept mentioning I was gonna start with them and she was like 'okay! I'm gonna go find all of the cotton ever!'#she said it kinda offhandedly and I was under the mindset she'd forget because I ALSO forgot she said it several times#then just BAM#hands me a fucking box of the stuff#like oh okay cool where the FUCK did this come from?????#lmao sdfdsf ANYWAY YEAH BRACELET TIME#...... maybe foob first but today is BRACELET DAY and NO ONE WILL STOP ME#in my QUEST for BRACELETS#except MYSELF because I can't stop talking again and ALSO#I can't remember how to tie a knot#yes I had to look it up last time#yes this is a lifelong problem so sue me#listen. was never REALLY a problem mum would tie my shoes and I'd loosen them JUST ENOUGH#so I could get my shoes on and off without ever untying them#it was a NONE ISSUE okay?? I only ever needed to know for textiles in school#and I sucked at that anyway and the teacher hated me for my continuous fuck ups so#ohhhhhh wait
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iridescentis · 1 year
I can imagine Jim and Yam being convinced that Nina is at least bisexual for a while, eventually they figure out she's not but they never even think to consider if Luna likes girls at all.
Then one day they're having a sleepover or something and talking about celebrity crushes and Luna mentions several women and Jim and Yam are like. What. Because of course Luna never thought to tell anyone because she just assumes everyone likes everyone.
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sporksaber · 2 years
So I've mentioned before how I headcanon controlling fire with your breathing to be a mark of a master firebender, but last time it was to push Zuko's inherent talent equal to azula's.
Atla au where Zuko's agni kai against Ozai goes differently. Azula, all of eleven years old, is sitting in the audience grinning. But internally she is panicking.
She had never taken to uncle's lesson's on meditation and breathing techniques. But in that moment her breathes were carefully counted out and expertly pushed through. Her breathing and the fact that she knows what her father's about to do and doesn't want it to happen is all she is focused on.
And then Ozai's fire stops, along with all the torches also stilling. Everyone holds their breath when they see it. Zuko is unburned.
Osso loses his absolute shit, obviously. Iroh has to step in to stop him from setting the entire room on fire as soon as the torches started flickering again. He's immidiently accused of doing somthing, but iroh launches into a speech about the origins and meaning of the agni kai.
Zuko is still kneeling. Azula is no longer grinning. She felt the flame pull with her breath and knows this wasn't the work of agni.
She also now knows at least some of uncle's senile old man speeches held truth.
(Meanwhile, all who witnessed the agni kai and all they tell know that agni is not on the fire lord's side)
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hairenya · 2 years
One of my colleagues and I are fighting (because she’s a bitch) and she framed it as wanting to be concerned with my teaching abilities which is hilarious because the student body absolutely adores me and hates her. Like motherfucker I am the Princess Diana of this middle school I will end your entire existence do not fuck with me.
#jlktalks.#she just bought a house and I don’t have any bills so like#the consequences of her getting in trouble are much more severe than mine lmao#old ass bitch with her Kurt Geiger bag like I don’t own Versace purses#this is me calmed down a Xanax and several hours later btw#I was 100% going to fight and her and even asked the SRO if he wanted to come watch#he said yeah btw but her pussy ass never showed up to ‘have a discussion with me’#she’s mad because she made the kids sing happy birthday to her and wrote up those that didn’t#and I told them she couldn’t actually do that#and then she said it wasn’t the first time she had heard about her name being mentioned negatively in my class#like bitch I wasn’t trashing you but I’m sure af gonna start now#she’s also mad I told them they had a constitutional right not to stand for the pledge of allegiance#shout-out to my mentor for talking me out of telling her I don’t like her#she said it looks like I was taking their side like yeah bitch cause I am??#the current advice from my mentor is to avoid her (I’m great at that I once went a year without talking to a teacher as TA)#(​like in her class everyday) and to say ‘we’ll have to agree to disagree’ if she says something#also shoutout to my new mentor he’s so sweet and so kind and gives such good advice and it actually works because I listen to him#the only reason I listen to him is that I have a crush on his married ass and I am nothing if not a sub#but hey whatever works#rant#adventures in teaching#‘I’m old school’ nah bitch you just old#she was talking too about how she had been in good spirits prior to all this#like I hope I ruined her birthday and I’m lowkey thinking about putting a spider in her room if I can catch one without freaking out#but she’d probably kill it which isn’t fair to the spider#she just got actual braces at 40 like you can’t afford actual invisaligners and you’re gonna try and tell me what to do???
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perdidit-vulpes · 11 months
thinking about all the ocs that’ve gotten abandoned because they remind me too much of her. lmao. lmao! lmao
#haruka kusuma åsa and llyr#and then all of my genshin ocs because of how much i've fallen out with genshin BECAUSE IT REMINDS ME OF HER#i started playing with her !!!! i was the one that got her into it !! i carried her through AR55 !!!!#this was the game that brought us so close !!!!!! god it fucking hurts to keep playing because everything reminds me of her#i was finishing the s.umeru archon quest last night and was hit with the memory of playing the 1.1 event reconciled stars and the#s.caramouche kissery that came with that !!!! i remember her first s.caramouche kisser arc !!! i was there !!! I HAD A SCARA KISSER ARC#we abbreviated his name to scar before scara was popular we sent each other edits on instagram and holy fucking shit there were so many#scara suck it up maretu edits i listen to maretu still and every time that song comes on it reminds me of him and consequently her#tighnari reminds me of her because he was her bias briefly (and it was awkward for me because of how intertwined my identity was with him)#tears of tianqiu reminds me of her !!! that one early game open world quest in tianqiu valley liyue because it took her 10 days to complete#and she was co-op locked the whole time so it was just me her and gigi in vc with her in a separate world for several hours a day#she was a chongyun main a beidou main the last time i played with her she was ayaka and we were running around watasumi island together#and kokomi because she ran with sara and sara because she liked her and itto because ittosara and ei and the raiden shogun because she hated#when sara was shipped with her and raiden mei because they're the same girl and yae miko and inazuma island in its entirety because while we#didn't co op i'd talk to her about it a lot and i'd frequently spend 12+ hours at a time playing genshin#and the fucking electro sheer cold in the forge because she mentioned she LIKED that mechanic it was like sheer cold to me it was comforting#it felt like home. yknow.#dragonspine my favourite reigon ever ever ever#because she explored it with me!!! 1.2 release night she and i and gigi were all there running around in her world because gigi and my wls#were above hers and it was fun and i loved it that was the peak of existence to me and every day i chase that high again and i fell in love#with the mountain because of how much time we spent there together. and it was so lore-rich for back then and i was super invested in lore#before they started retconning everything because i loved the game because i loved her !!!!!!!! my love of the game is because of her#it always has been !!!!!!!!!!!#god i miss her
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