#because i am lazy
fl4kf4n · 1 month
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ok im back (kind of). coming out on tumblr as insane unrepentant dickroy shipper, god bless
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noonmutter · 2 months
Thing I didn't realize when I changed my username: every post of mine that I've ever linked is now broken until I replace it
Things that really oughta just set off a redirect or something: that
Of course, somebody (likely a bot) already made an account using my old username immediately after I swapped, so that might be part of the problem, but still
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lilleputtu · 4 months
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More Brainiacs friend making!
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wellhellothereem · 9 months
Just warning everyone who is waiting for the next page of Before The Eclipse (BTE for short) AU: school is nearing and I have to get ready for it and prep up so the pages will take a bit more time to come out just saying <3
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erigold13261 · 1 year
what film genres [and specific films of said genres] would raz, lili and the interns be into
Raz is probably into silent films because I feel like that is what she grew up with. Like those penny shows, flip-book type things. I don't know why but I feel like that is Raz's jam lol. But hey, once she sees what animation is, you better believe Raz becomes a Disney kid or something like that.
Lili is probably into those action movies that have bikers in them and a lot of fighting. I see her as like watching things similar to Wild West movies, but not that. Things in the desert with bikers and guns, fights and mayhem, but not old timey stuff. I have these movies in my head but can't think of specific names.
Um, I'm not too sure on the rest really.
Adam is definitely a history documentary person. Any kind works for him, but the ones about psychics, even ones that were made by non-psychics, are ones that really interest yo.
Norma I feel is like the kind of person who is a movie snob and doesn't watch movies all that much. Probably still enjoys a lot of movies, but doesn't say so and is basically just uninterested for the most part in watching movies.
Lizzie seems like a horror fan to me. Either that or some kind of fantasy enjoyer. Probably likes watching bad movies too, forcing Norma to watch with him, and the two just pick the movie apart. Some good old sisterly bonding there.
Sam, funnily enough, does not like animal movies. Not animated or live action. To me xey prefer sci-fi movies or movies that are really complicated and hard to follow. Stuff that has multiple different ways to interpret the movie itself.
Morris seems like a musical guy, or whatever Footloose is. You can catch him singing songs from time to time. Definitely the person to introduce Raz to Disney movies.
And finally, Gisu is either a romance lover or another sci-fi nut. If you can find a movie that is both, she will be happy!
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will i make an actual page for leon? no. you'll have to request him.
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birdappreciator · 2 years
I continue to carve out my hall without smoothing the upper layers first, literally and figuratively digging the hole i am in even deeper
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craftugmruh · 2 years
Trying to retrieve my old tumblr account, my yahoo mail must have been deleted as well. Fml. Just want to document random musings here instead of writing comments no one reads that will eventually be thrusted into oblivion.
I have come to a point where chaos in the physical calms down for a bit and now I have time to actually spend time on building things. This time around, I am focusing on my mind. I wonder if that's even possible...taming it, giving it structure. Finally giving the attention ADHD always wanted. This is how I roll, I've been like this 10++ years ago, there's no more changing it. It's always Ni wanting to get things done--it never sleeps. Effort that no one sees, effort that never reaches the ground except maybe the Gods.
Wonder how it's gonna turn out, building consciously an interiority I never had in the first place. It has always been me working to attend to what's asked of me, whoring myself out for the world's pleasure and enjoyment. I'm a feast completely free and accessible to everyone. Not that people don't have a built-in protector against me. An invisible glass wall exists that's meant to clash. To butt heads with. The only difference is I see them, I hear them, I feel them. No matter how much I extend my hands, my heart, my loins, my entrails out, we will never touch.
That's not speculation, not a mere conjecture. It happened, it's been happening, it always happens, it will keep on happening. It's not a projection of my past. There must be a residue of it that needs cleansing so I need to do it again and again...
I just like to emphasize that I am not a drama queen nor I have ever been an arrogant edgelord. I am a thing that gives and gives and gives and that's how I like it. I am not like you and certainly not like the people you know. Do not clump me with them. The world's reasoning and motivations don't work with me. Ask me questions. That's the only way anyone can get to know me.
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catmask · 8 months
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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glitterypin · 5 months
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sunset in Athens
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
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A match made in hell ♥️
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bitchapalooza · 7 months
I constantly forget what name I give Germania and I think that’s so pretty boy of me ❤️
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tapakah0 · 2 months
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arttsuka · 3 months
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I drew this meme too (I should have drawn the groom uglier tbh)
Og picture:
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anadorablekiwi · 1 year
*glanced at my seashells travel bag of bare minimum makeup stuffs*
Me: y’know what fine. My hair is disgusting i wanna feel pretty
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PLONK. Tummy hurts. Nose is kunchy. I have unfortunately survived my cold.
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