#bean brain rot
moeblob · 7 months
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Did you know that I love these two men a whole lot cause I really do. (Inspired by a picture I took below the read more thing)
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deadscell · 4 months
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strange-doll-child · 10 months
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I been genderbending this entire mansion one happy haunt at a time.
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rockybloo · 2 days
Magical Girl May is over (but magical girls are forever) BUT THAT MEANS I CAN FULLY ENTER BEANSTALKED BRAIN ROT AGAIN (I say as though I wasn't already going through Beanstalked brain rot during May)
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fan girlies: "i can fix him--"
billy butcher: "okay but i can will make him worse go nuclear<3"
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posebean · 11 months
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hands u an au lovingly called the Rinkitty au (feat sana and noya and co )
aka rinky adopt a cat and another one just shows up and they slowly build a family
Basically it starts when rinne and niki go on a date 2 a cat cafe. All the cats love niki, none love rinne.
EXCEPT for 1 small grey tabby kitten. That kitten is all cuddled up to Rinne. Rinne is so in love.
hes just sitting watching all the cats cuddle up with niki and happy cuz god thats so cute but also sad because none of them like him…but then he feels something rub against him and sees the small grey tabby kitten rubbing its head against him and hes overwhelmed with love
In fact he almost gets away with taking the kitten home by hiding it in his pocket but Niki finds out and stops him before they leave.
Niki: Rinne-kun. What's that in your pocket.
Rinne: What pocket?
kitten in pocket: (tiny mewl)
Niki: the one that is moving and just meowed. Rinne-kun. Put the cat down.
Rinne sadly obeys and has to part ways from the little kitty he has become enamored with.
Several months pass and Niki's all but forgotten that encounter until one day he comes home to the apartment to find Rinne holding a small grey tabby cat with a cute blue ribbon. It's some kind of anniversary maybe their one year anni or anniversary of them meeting (as Rinne DEFINITELY keeps track and niki just. lets him celebrate it).
Basically Rinne went back to that cat cafe (which also does adoptions) and it turns out that he had asked the cat cafe to hold the little kitty for him until it was the right age to be adopted, which luckily coincided with whatever anni hes celebrating. he def laughs at that and calls it fate.
so now they have a cat and niki is like. i did not ask for this and is pouty but he quickly warms up to the little guy because. hes basically like dads when they say they hate a pet but are actually the one that ends up loving the pet the most. he feeds the little kitty so so well but also makes sure it stays fit and healthy. (just like how he takes care of rinne-kun)
Rinne lovingly calls the kitty Nikitty which Niki huffs about and they eventually agree on the name Niku (Short for nikujaga) (doesnt stop rinne from calling it nikitty though).
They raise Niku and its mostly Rinne taking Niku to the vet and doing most of the other care besides food and Niku grows into a healthy and happy housecat.
And then one day a year later or so rinne and niki come home to find Niku sitting next to a random ass very fluffy ginger cat that came out of nowhere and is sitting in their living room. The window is open. Niku mustve slid it open.
Niku: Miaow (rubs head against the ginger cat)
New cat: Mrrp
Rinne: guess we have two cats now
Niki's at first like no- but then all 3 somehow gang up on him with the biggest eyes and he caves so now they have a second cat.
Rinne lovingly once again calls it Rinnya after himself and Niki just stares deadpan at him like we are not naming a cat after you and they (niki) decides on marinara (short, rinrin, which rinne laughs at and says it still has his name and niki ignores him)
both cats love Niki so much Niki makes them such good food and theyre so cute and cuddly with him. rinne takes so many pictures. his phone runs out of storage so fast
niku loves everyone equally (niki most) and also treats everyone equally when upset (except niki niki would never do wrong)
Niku is also as cuddly with Rinne. unfortunately, Rinne and Rinrin have an ongoing fight over. well. both Niku and Niki.
they absolutely cannot get along. ironic cuz rinne vouched for Rinrin to live with them.
like nikis sitting with rinrin in his lap and rinne walks over pulls rinrin up and takes the cat's spot.
it also goes the other way rinne is seated asleep with Niku and rinrin comes and picks niku up by the scruff and walks over rinne's face and away.
Niki finds it so cute but so stupid that his man is literally beefing with a cat.
time passes and etc and then one day they find out too late that wait Niku is actually a girl and oh shes expecting kittens. okay.
rinrin sitting there with a smug face. Niki is shocked. Rinne is just staring at rinrin
Niki: Niku was a girl this whole time?!
Rinne: oh yeah. whoops. I forgot about that
basically rinne knew but didnt think it was important to tell because well. amagi “anyone can be a wife gender doesnt matter” rinne.
and then the kitties r born and they are the smallest little thtings barely a sauce tall and rinne cries seeing them because oh they are so helpless and vulnerable and small and oh and rinrin is glaring at him, leans down to lick one of his kittens and pushes it gently over to rinne like "hey i Dont like you but the love of my life likes you and so does that other guy that i like so i guess you can touch my children but you are on thin ice and if you dare hurt them i am tearing you to shreds" and rinne just picks it up and starts crying and nikis taking a video of the whole thing because god this is so cute and he saves a shot of it for rinne's contact photo
ok they have like 5 kittens and niki gets to name 4 of them except one that one rinne names
eventually they have to give them away because. well. they already have two grown cats and wont be able to handle 5 more.
rinne is so sad about this. he wants to keep them all. he loves them all. he cuddles with them all and sleeps with them all in his arms and its the cutest thing ever
(rinne finishing all his paperwork actually on time and showing up to meetings early and everyones like what changed and it just turns out rinnes trying to get things done as fast as he can so he can go home and cuddle with the kittens )
niki is shaking his head in fond exasperation rinnekun i love them too but we literally cant handle 7 cats in this household. we need to give them away. dont worry theyll go to loving homes
rinne: they fucking better
niki: rinne-kun you have to let them go
rinne: ok fine but i wont stand for our children having to live in any lackluster home
niki: but theyre not even our children
the two requirements for adoption: be liked by Niku, be approved by rinne (rinne makes them sign an oath to protect the kitten with their life. everyone signs it despite how dumb this is )
ramen m
-mischievous little guy. gets to the most trouble. partners in crime with his brother. always leaves a mess everywhere
(the twins take him, little bb can instantly tell who is who and they fall in love. get into shenanigans with their little guy)
soba f
-the most energetic, literally wont shut up she meows so much and very loudly and runs around - her poor mother struggles to catch her her dad at least can jump on her and trap her but everyone else has to FIGHT to catch her
(ryuseitai takes her, chiakana mostly because god her energy can ONLY be matched by the burning flame that is morisawa chiaki he literally goes jogging with her . she goes pukapuka with kanata. LOVES WATER)
udon f
-the most serious of the litter. is pretty calm and easy to befriend. doesnt play around much as her siblings but if she likes you she WILL cuddle up to you. closest with rice
(they dont know who to give her to and shes super close to udon ( who they pushed onto himeru) and want them to still stick together... and then tetora is like anything for my aniki and then finds his hands full with a kitten now so i guess ryuseitai has 2. teto mostly takes care of udon though because soba is. way too much for him. they all do take udon and soba to practice sometimes and even get kuro to make the two kitties little ryuseitai cat jackets. they are ryusei orange (soba) and ryusei grey (udon))
rice f
-relaxed, sometimes aloof. really kind baby, purrs as soon as someone pets her. . closest with udon
(rinky call himeru and like. merumeru. we need help . himeru is like. No. but then they manage to get him to take her anyway and also take udon for tetora. hes also like. dad that says they dont like the cat but love the cat. he LOVES the cat. spoils her rotten. only the finest food for her. only the finest bed. udon gains some stuff in association because roommates. Nyanko loves them too. she gets so spoiled that she is so picky with food. except for when shes back visiting /being watched by niki and rinne niki's food will always be good no matter how long and how much shes eaten- meru brings her to visit kaname sometimes
(coma) she nuzzles kaname n gives gentle licks
(awake) cuddled up to him so much, sees him as a mini meru and since kaname is important to meru kaname is also important to rice. when kaname is sad/upset she climbs into his lap and purrs )
pachi m
- the worst one (in niki's words) the best one ( in rinne's words) an absolute menace, steals rinne's headband, steals his dad's collar, pushes things over, likes to bite things and leave marks, very curious and quick to getting into trouble. loves his siblings though, wouldn't ever hurt them.. an absolute sweetheart when youre not looking
- (Because Rinne LOVES pachi he has such high expectations for whoever takes him that Kohaku is just like. what about your brother and rinnes like but pachi is a lot of work i dont think he'll be able to do it alone and then kohakus like. ok then me and rabuhan can help him and rinnes like :)))) - pachi has an obvious fav and thats hiiro becsuse hiiro looks like (his grandpa) Rinne. Aira gets frustrated often because Pachi is such a menace and even Kohaku struggles to keep the little guy under control but oh man with hiiro he is a little baby and isnt trouble at all.)
the first few days after the kittens are given to their new homes niku is THE SADDEST thing shes just meowing so sadly looking for her babies and rinrin is trying to comfort her. she doesnt stop being sad until niki gently takes her aside and talks to her telling her that her babies are safe and they will visit often
going back to rinne though. its like hes the actual mom he experiences empty nest SO HARD its pathetic he misses the kittens so much he just. lies down on the floor facedown while nikis just crouched down with niku in his lap and poking rinne like rinne-kun come on my stupid love you can go see them whenever you want to;
rinrin finds this entire thing amusing but puts aside their differences to climb onto rinne’s back and sit and purr trying to comfort him. because wow this guy he Doesnt like really loves his family so he should at least try to confort him.
also rinne slutshames rinrin cuz that guy is stuck behind no kissing before marriage while rinrin is over here making a whole family. Lmfao
and the cats in return cuddle and give niki kitty kisses all over while rinne is just standing there screaming in his head . niki gives the kitties kisses back and rinne just walks over and lifts eithe rniki or the kitties up and nikis just amused like rinne-kun are you seriously beefinng with our cats again
this ones from sana its too good to paraphrase
Rinnya: [nuzzling into Niki and giving him kisses]
Rinne: You have your own wife bACK OFF FUCKER—
this one too sana ily
Thought your cats were gay turns out one of them’s actually a girl call that queerbaiting /j
rinnya doesnt care cuz hes happy with a wife that he can kiss and love
Every time Rinne slutshames him he makes a point to kiss and cuddle his wife
Nikitty has no idea what’s going on but she likes the attention and kisses him back
rinnya: purrr (this is what ur missing out on, loser)
rinnya: mrrrr~ (my adorable wife~)
rinne: niki can we kick the cats out
niki: rinne-kun are you beefing with the cats again.
this ones also from sana its so funny its when the kittens are born
Rinne, deadpan at Rinnya through tears while holding his kittens: whore.
anyways more time passes and gay marriage either gets legalized or Rinne finally decides to just straight up propose despite it all maybe get ceremony done where its actually legal but basically hes planning and talks to the cats while hes planning and shows them the ring and is like. freaking out because he has the ring and what if niki says no like how he always does and what if niki doesnt love him like how he loves niki and what if- and niku and rinrin are so fed up with him niki comes home and rinne hides the ring box and is about to put it off for another day but rinrin jumps at rinne and knocks the box out of Rinne’s pocket and niki sees it and bends over to pick it up and then rinne is cornered and finally finally FINALLY gives a serious proposal and niki actually accepts with a smile on his face because he does love his rinne-kun and honestly had been waiting for a serious proposal rather than the joke teasing ones for so long ever since it was legalized or etc
so of course the cats are invited to the wedding they get niku another scarf with the wedding flowers embroidered onto it and train rinrin to carry the rings. rinrin is a smart little guy and succesfully carries out his job
(rinne threatened to actually kick him out if he ruined his special day; also niku would be furious with him if he made niki (or rinne) sad)
various misc things//
niki voice rinnekun they roam free they dont need walks rinne voice its a bonding moment nikikyun biki voice you are literally cuddlibg with them (minus rinrin) every day when are you not bonding with them
when niku wants rinnya to stop doing something she just bites the collar and tugs. he stops instantly
rinne tries to sneak some of the kittens to work sometimes when the kittens r still with them and niki is like .-. rinnekun. No
he gets away with it rarely but always comes home to a
1. angry niki
2. angry niku
3. rinrin watching the two get mad at him
ibara: so thats what is happening next week
(tiny mewl)
ibara: was that a cat i just heard
rinne: no
pachi: (meows louder, sticking his head out from the pocket rinne is hiding him in.)
rinne: i heard it was bring your kid to work day
(cw animal death except its just old age) its still sad tho
niku goes first peacefully passing away of old age way further into the future- all of them can tell shes slowly failing, sluggish and with barely any energy. rinrin sticks next to her 24/7, gently cleabing her, nuzzling her, grabbing food for her. She passes away cuddled up with everyone, Niki, Rinne, and Rinrin all together on the couch saying their goodbyes. She gives a lick and a soft purr to Niki, rubs her head slowly against rinne like the first thing she did when she first approached him so long ago back at the cafe, and touches noses with rinrin one last time before closing her eyes.
a week later rinrin goes he CANNOT live without her he's heartbroken and niki and rinne can only watch in sadness as their remaining cat slowly lets himself die; he doesnt eat, barely moves from his spot which was niku’s favorite spot to lay in, head down comfortably sitting on the scarf niku always wore
The (grown)kittens come by and he perks up a little but only to give them loving licks and gentle bites.
its the one week that rinne and rinrin stop fighting and rinnes at the apartment while nikis working a shift and rinne knows rinrin is on his last legs and is just. holding the cat he could never get along with and texts niki who drops everythinf and runs home while rinne just silently talks to the cat like yeah we hated each other but were the same arent we? we love our loved ones and honestly if i was in your shoes, if niki was gone like niku, id be doing the same. and then rinrin bites him gently one last time and rinne laughs and is like yeah. i understand. say hi to niku for us, okay? and then thats when rinrin lets go
(niki got back during this but opened the door so quietly, saw the scene and heard rinne talking, and stepped aside to give them their moment))
when both cats are gone the apartment just feels. empty and both rinne and niki just sit cuddled up together on the couch silently mourning the two members that have become such a big part of their small family.
they dont ever get new pets again, but still pet-sit the (grown) kittens when asked to. it isnt the same, but they heal together, fill that emptiness with each other’s comfort
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yuureiboo · 10 months
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Sunna and Meno from Celestial Sundown au belongs to @pillowspace (sorry about the tag-)
I really love and adore them so much.
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mamajankyy · 1 year
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fluffytimearts · 1 year
Lil adorable green boi
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nucksaid · 2 months
actually I’m sorry I can’t stop thinking about ray calling jeichel hanifin’s boston college teammate. I just know there are bu diehards seething right now. they don’t know why but they are
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
Hey! There's a really cool video on youtube that got released a few days ago. Would love to hear your thoughts on it, since its sans centric!
It's called "sans" by J-Bug
thanks bestie but i already knew, me and randy spent all fucking morning rotting our brains talking about sans because of it
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sleepytimedoll · 1 year
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queenharumiura · 7 months
((Me suddenly remembering I technically have a NPC Yakuza-gumi that I could play with. HUM... I ... I could use this... for random plot devicing... and use that to help me better understand the dynamic between it and the Vongola for the gen 11 for Sayuri (an OC associated with another OC). HMMMMMMMM Imma go brainrot this. eue))
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kiokodoodles · 2 years
Swapfell and Fellswap Papyrus please call me 🤙
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miraiq · 6 months
Decisions have consequences on those around you
As stated in a previous headcanon post, the trailblazer has some abandonment issues that they are not even aware of having. After the events during their trip to the Xianzhou Luofu, they slowly start to realize it- and it's because it gets drastically worse, adding on sprinkles of becoming hesitant to trust anyone.
First with Tingyun, they don't fully understand. But they do know they feel betrayed and hurt. They genuinely enjoyed spending time with her during their visit, finding her friendly, helpful, and insightful. She was usually the go-to for information or questions regarding just about anything: culture, clothing, food, music, "sports", games, the relationship between long-life and short-life species that shared the same space, etc. They slowly accept the fact that they never met the real Tingyun, just the one that looked like her in name and body that was just a puppet used to get close to the Nameless and accomplish Phantylia's own goals. At least, that is how they view it, or find it easiest to come to terms with the loss of a supposed friend.
Kafka is then brought to the Matrix of Prescience Ultima to stand on trial and questioned. She doesn't fight it, which seems weird, but also makes a small amount of sense being that she had originally stated she was not a threat to them or the Xianzhou Luofu. But something still felt.. off. Once she is questioned, she makes a hasty exit, taking a man with her that they know only in name- the one she used when originally asking the Astral Express for help to save an imprisoned false-accused partner- Blade. Kafka leaves before they can ask her anything other than what the Divination Commission and General of the Luofu had wanted, or more so needed, to know. To be so close to an answer yet have it taken away in an instant is unpleasant.. but they didn't have high hopes for obtaining answers to start, so it's not the worst thing..
Then Dan Shu. They grew to feel sympathy and respect for her, thinking her extremely caring and knowledgeable in her field, and calm when under pressure. They do not even remotely suspect her of anything until it's too late. Caelus, when presented with the treatment medication Dan Shu provides after "coming up with an antidote" for the "immortality medicine", takes it without a second thought. Stelle is more cautious, primarily not comfortable putting something she doesn't fully understand what it is or what it would do, but is eventually persuaded after talking with Dan Shu some more, and takes it as well. Waking up to feeling like you're body is twice it's weight, world spinning around you, ears ringing, and when you finally can process anything.. you discover that you had temporarily turned Mara-Struck and thrashed a handful of unsuspecting Cloud Knights inside the Seat of Divine Foresight.. it's a rude awakening. The only saving grace being that the Stellaron burned out the "miracle cure" before things escalated into something they would very much regret.
Fool them once, shame on them. Fool them twice? Well.. they won't even give you the chance to have their trust. Not right off the bat, at least.
Later they meet up with Kafka at her request, mostly out of wanting answers about themself, about her, about their relationship-- anything. End up playing a game of Truth and Lie. After finding out that they were quite literally an artificial body solely created to house a Stellaron-- they're not sure how to feel. Empty, lost, more confusion, angry. It's a lot to take in. Then, after the trailblazer protects Kafka while she takes care of one of her Stellaron Hunter companions, Blade, Kafka leaves. They don't really want to see her again.. but something in them also wants to reach out and make sure she doesn't leave again. They still have so many questions unanswered.. but they know she won't provide anything else. Kafka wanted a game, and it had reached it's end.
Now, depending on a certain decision made by a specific someone cough Dan Heng cough, their trust issues, along with the abandonment issues, will fester and grow only slightly-- or get much, much worse.
If Dan Heng, during the hands-in-circle March 7th initiates, puts his hand in, showing he still cares for his fellow Express companions, and has every interest in returning with them (while also sort of showing he appreciates them but not as important), then the Trailblazer will be fine. Confused, slightly hurt that Dan Heng had not discussed any of.. all of the worry he had over his past life and Dan Heng's concern that someone was out to get him and did not want to put the Express Crew in danger because of it-- but more so, the Trailblazer thinking that they had gotten closer with the Express Crew, including Dan Heng, but was not confided in or trusted to share in each other's worries. They will, rather quickly, come to terms with it, and not press it either, internally forgiving him--not that he needs such from them anyway. Dan Heng had either (depending on your own interpretations / headcanons for DH writers) no recollection of it, or simply wanted to distance himself from it as far as possible, so never brought it to light. They care more about Dan Heng's feelings since this directly affected him having to come the Xianzhou and deal with all the inhabitants who knew him/Dan Feng and everything tied to his previous incarnation. If he wants to discuss it, or not, is up to him. They will be there when, or if, he wants to share.
If Dan Heng, during the hands-in-circle March 7th initiates, does not put his hand in, they will rather quickly break and shut down. Dan Heng, another they thought they could trust, had lied(in their mind) to them, came to the Xianzhou without saying anything, then showed up with a man the Trailblazer knows is associated with Kafka, attacking a child--- it's too much. They stay silent until they make it back to the express, only providing curt responses if absolutely necessary. They'll let Welt and March do all the talking and questioning. During the fight with Phantylia they are wild and reckless, half the time getting in the way of their companions attacks and defenses. They are no longer in synch with the team. A loose canon ready to crack and burst with no warning. They fight with their whole being, terrified that Dan Heng won't return to the express, will be another person that the trailblazer has to say goodbye to. After all, didn't General Jing Yuan say that he was working on getting Dan Feng's name cleared? Or making it so Dan Heng was able to go about the Xianzhou Luofu as he so wished? Would he want to return to his home, now that he would no longer be considered a criminal? He would leave them behind, like the others, if they didn't prove.. somehow.. that they would welcome him back with open arms. Surely then he would come back, right? They won't talk to him or stand close to him- petrified that if they did one single thing wrong to make him upset or mad at them, he would be gone once the mission was over.
Regardless Dan Heng's decision, once the trailblazer gets back to the express, they cling onto Himeko's presence as often as she will tolerate. If she does end up telling them to leave (obviously not in a rude way, just a 'space please' manner) they will go to a corner, or their own room (assuming they would have one by now like c'mon) and just sit silently by themself. They ask Himeko that whenever she gets the chance that they want to talk with her about some personal matters. During this talk, they crave the physical contact that they need to stay semi-grounded. While seated they get as close to her as possible with their back facing her, resting against her side, while they hesitantly take her hand and move it to come around the front of their torso- effectively keeping them in a cradle. They won't look at her, knowing they wouldn't get the words out, and are too scared to see her reaction to their confession of meeting with the woman who sent them on this disaster of a journey (Kafka) and come clean about their fears of being betrayed by more people, or being left behind by someone else. Himeko does her best to settle their doubts.
Though, Dan Heng's decision does play part in whether Himeko is successful or not. If he did join the hand circle, she is successful. They still feel a tad unsettled, though slightly better than before their discussion. If he had not, then it is a failure and they simply end up feeling numb and full of doubt. Either ending, they thank her for her time and for lending an ear before leaving.
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6nimus9 · 2 years
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A lil lazy thingy I did on phone a while ago now. I'm in low battery to do proper drawings with tablet but I'm contented with this one 💕
War!Dream belongs to @warverse
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