#bc i have the weirdest habits
oshaviolater · 1 year
i feel like i need to set boundaries. for my own sake.
#ive been dealing with some reaaallyyyy cruel thoughts towards this specific person im close to lately ;-;#i mean obviously ive tried my best not to translate those thoughts into action so its mostly fine so far#we are also miles apart rn so i cant do physical harm to our relationship by any action yet#but like damn. my brain u r a ppl killer#its just that some1 im close to is like. idk i always feel like they steal people from me.#it's extremely annoying nd kinda hurts bc like i like to keep people at bay. too close makes me itchy#but then my friend comes and completely pushes themselves into my relationship nd sort of....steals that person to themselves#and its so annoying. nd makes me have such cruel thoughts against them like um ew#nd then there are some specific people ive pushed away and those people are. so close to them rn#just bc whomever i push away they keep contact with them#and its just. sort of. really. weird. and annoying.#and the weirdest of it all probably is the fact that i kinda disclosed to my friend that im infatuated with this one person. but like#very mild infatuation and its like normal we never broached the subject again#and its just. so weird bc like#not to sound like a creep but i......went thu their convos on insta (which um. i asked for the credentials okay#i had consent whatever they dont mind if they did they wouldnt give me the credentials. i asked them in the moment ok)#but yeah anyway my friend is just. using words like. literally like. jaani. baby. heart symbols blah blah#and omg. its sort of cringe i dont rly mind bc its funny they kinda have the habit of affectionately saying that stuff so its fine but like#it's also sort of weird bc i did admit mild infatuation to my friend#also the fact that my friend mentioned how some of my friends cares for me differently (im guessing my friend meant 'care more' idk)#but like. it's sus. bc its the first time my friend ventured this time into my relationship with other people#enough to comment on the nature of depth of care? nd like. idk it makes me feel really weird#my friend is an extremely people person#i dont care abt people enough to venture words their relationship with their friends so i just chill back nd relax#but they have this. extreme need to venture into every relationship ive with people i know#and it just. gets on my nerves so bad now#ik blah blah blah that im pretty sure its all my insecurities bc this is the first time im dealing with the concept of friends#blah blah blah#but like nonetheless i dislike this feeling i wanna revert back to when i did not have people in my life#that was like. the most free moment ever. nd nowww all this shit is just ehhh ugh annoying.
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ere-na · 7 months
k I'm back with recharged phone🫡 few thoughts after the Vilnius live:
Bojan who? Don't know him, I was there watching Nace. And Nace was there watching Jan more than he was looking at the stage. Not joking, you saw the angle I had from the balkony, his eyes were GLUED 😭 and he had so much energy! Dancing and laughing and moving around (and still watching Jan!!). Baby 🥹
Okay Bojan was very nice too, tits were very nice too (thank you 🍽). I can see why Jere folded. Very charming. And him trying to get everyone go down 🫳🫳 during SSOL encore without any explanation will never not be funny fufu
Kris was long distance love, I miss you princess 🥲 I hope you had fun on the other end (it seemed a bit like the lesbian flag was intended for him).
It was cute how everyone made sure to come to Jure to vibe with him, his smile is wider than I could think from the photos (love him).
Jan was gorgeous. I completely understand Nace. You can't not look.
Oh! And when we were waiting outside for doors to open, second floor was their rest room with very shitty curtains that you could clearly see the guys just hanging around on the sofa and chatting. All of us were watching it like a tv (they waved few times too). Weirdest few hours waiting in a line lol. Didn't take pictures bc filming windows is not a good habit 🤨
Fans who were first in line (forgot to ask names) were very lovely and very organized, making sure everyone had numbers and keeping line in order. I love you girls. I need you in my life so I can keep up with all my appointments, can't do it alone 🥲
Also I'm sure we all know, but if you end up throwing a gift, at least throw ir into empy stage space 😭 I promise they will pick it up, don't just chuck it at your idol 😭
I hope the stream was okay, thank you who joined and left lovely messages 🥰 I don't have any more concerts planned for now because I quit my job on monday 🫡 maybe next year 😅
Some photos for the last note:
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
rubs my hands all maniacally😍
a little birdie told me that your requests are open!
i was thinking abt the bsd boys reacting to a s/o that eats the weirdest food combinations LMAO
i eat cheese puffs and hot sauce aND WHEN I WAS YOUNGER I ATE APPLES WITH KETCHUP BAHAH
anyways that’s all 🙏
chara list: tecchou, jouno, ranpo, poe and dazai,
i made them all little skrunklies in this >:))
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-IM SORRY IF I SPELLED THAT HORRIBLY WRONG I ALWAYS CALL HIM KATCHOW (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
-omg yall would be married instantly
-he has the papers signed
-feels so understood
-has had to protect you from jounos plots of world domination against weird food lovers and plots to murder you
-yall have a list of ur favorite food.
-so sexy
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-(he looks so cute as a skrunkle anyways)
-dont even try to sneak it with him. he may be blind, but his other senses are at their prime and HE IS READY TO THROW HANDS
-might actually throw hands with you, like HELL JUST SMACK THE FOOD OUT OF YOUR HAND AND BE LIKE "n o ."
-so silly in theory but when he actually does slap it away it makes you want to beat him up so bad
-ugh i love the sassy skrunkle (ignore the fact he can kill you instantly)
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-WITH HIM, it all depends.
-it depends on how it tastes.
-because if it tastes actually good, HE WILL BE SO HAPPY
-"i knew you had good taste Y/N (人*´∀`)。*゚+"
-if it tastes bad to him tho...
-would look like you just insulted his entire bloodline real
-it would take a long amount of sorries and sweets to get him to forgive you.
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-ok ok so listen
-would probably see you eating the weird ass shit, blink a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, then go back to reading
-if you asked him to try it, he would be like "oh sorry i just ate a 5 course meal Y/N" (he's a terrible liar)
-but with him, you could probably convince him to try it 😈
-theres a very high chance he hates it, i know we don't know what their eating habits are like, but poe gives off picky vibes...
-would probably be like "w-wow Y/N thats uhm...that's really good for you Y/N................"
-would never try it again </3
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-i feel like he would at least try them, and if he didn't like them, he would CHUCK THOSE BITCHES
-more as a joke then an actual insult, UNLIKE SOMEONE (jouno)
-swears hell pay for them after (he never does)
-one day you threaten to throw him across the room like your damn food he keeps throwing
-he threw extra food that day
-would beg convince you to try dog treats (fun author fact: i used to eat dog food when i was a kid. it sucked ass but i was hungry)
-honestly just another way to bond with you
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hjeojeo · 8 days
Previous reblogged post (link) (quick summary: people online in creative communities don't interact with each other as they used to, don't share their thoughts and feelings of what art makes them feel, everything is content fodder they reflexively scroll through)
And this post on twitter (link) (quick summary of this video: someone expresses they always feel overwhelmed by messages, and someone else explains humans can't handle being available 24/7 bc this social change was only within the last 20 years so the current social expectation of prompt response is impossible, humans haven't evolved fast enough to handle this kind of stress)
Got me thinking about how everything really is backwards to what would help nurture a genuine community.
We're both too present and demanding of others' presence in the arbitrary ways, but also not present enough with the actual parts that matter like vulnerability with sharing yer thoughts to someone else.
I know that we all know that it's cause of capitalism, but i feel like there are some things we collectively could do about it instead of waiting for capitalism to eventually crumble.
I know that for myself it helped a lot to budget my time online, bc i know my brain can only take so much info before it's just stuck in scroll mode without processing anything (gotta accept that yeah yer gonna miss like 99% of what's going on, but you'llbe able to process yer 1% of what you experience better imo). And i try to remind myself to not just anger respond to ppl when theyre weird/rude to me bc ppl Get a certain way online when they can't experience the irl experience of a whole ass person in front of them (i just ignore those ppl tho bc i don't have the patience or energy to try to interact with those rank vibes).
I think the hardest part is being vulnerable and talking to ppl openly, but i can't tell if that's cause of growing up in an abusive home or bc internet social atmospheres have become so stagnant and moldy, probably both; but i am trying to put some active effort into being more vulnerable and genuine as often as i can even tho i gotta do it with gritted teeth sometimes
Truly, current day is the scifi dystopia of surveillance state government, weirdest social expectations and norms, active modern colonialism and genocides, slavery reskinned as prison system, and probably more I can't remmeber at top of my head.
But i guess like those scifi dystopia genres, all the individual can do is collective efforts as a community, and also fight tooth and nail to nurture yer humanity and human experience...starting with seeing past the usernames and profiles to the actual human being that sits behind the screen..
Cause if you start there, it may naturally lead to the actions that you might want to do but feel that you can't- like showing up for other people/community/people in need/etc, i think when yer in a frozen state everything will feel impossible to you, but i think if you get moving it'll slowly become more obvious to you what the next steps can be, and then i guess that's how you gradually become the person you want to be (you never start off knowing yer full path, sometimes you don't even know yer next step, but you might have some inkling of a thougut of what to try that might help you get information for the next step)
Hm...Idk i have bad habit of trying to neatly summarize stuff for my small brain, this is all stuff for me to digest in the long term
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sarafangirlart · 2 months
the weirdest tumblr and anti-lo Reddit genre I met are people who hate hades x Persephone but ship Ganymede x Zeus like what and also they seem to have a habit of pairing Apollo with random male characters he has nothing to do with
Anti lo ppl piss me off bc yes the webtoon has issues, no Apollo is a serial rapist him having consensual relationships (especially with men) won’t change that fact. Also I hate how ppl call Ganymede a twink no he was a child stop it.
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shallyne · 1 year
i think nyx is one of those babies that somehow always ends up in really weird sleeping positions bc he gets really vivid dreams.
i imagine when he starts crawling and moving around, thats when it happens. one morning feyre walks into the nursery to find him sleeping soundly in an odd position in his crib and she panics, but when she realizes its not hurting him in anyway she just laughs it off.
or for some reason during one night, nyx was acting fussy and just didn't wanna be put down so feyre let him sleep in her and rhys's bedroom. she wakes up the next morning to see his whole body sprawled across rhys's face and she spends the entire day giggling about it.
then when nyx gets old enough to roam around the house, sometimes he'll send the entire family into a panic bc they can't find him but it turns out he just fell asleep in a cupboard or under a bed or some other strange place a kid should definitely not be sleeping in.
nyx keeps this habit well into his adulthood, so at some point feyre ended up having tons of sketchbooks just full of drawings of him sleeping in weird positions and in weird places. years later, the entire family never fails to bring it up every winter solstice even when nyx is all grown up. he pretends to be annoyed by it, but he secretly thinks being able to sleep anytime and anywhere is a talent.
AND I read a fic once that was similar to this but it was baby Feyre falling asleep at the weirdest places and it would be so adorable if he got this from Feyre
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raidenloml · 1 month
which of ur ocs has the weirdest food habits 👁👁
all of my ocs are insanely normal compared to the one i chose for this ask but uhhermr you see i never had to think about this so im just choosing the guy who has to drink blood to like survive or whatever (not exactly vampire but like ultrakill blood is fuel yk)
and ive actually never talked abt this guy (fyi his placeholder name is genuinely just "Guy") bc hes like an oc that i think about literally 24/7 which stops me from thinking abt my other sillies and ive barely drawn him or talked about him (hes like an eldritch creature on god)
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this is like a super simple rendition of Guy since he basically doesnt have a concrete design as he only exists in the world i built around him in my head which im pretty sure ill never put on paper(hes like totally normal government employee (lie) until its revealed that hes actually a victim of crazy! (and very unethical) government experiments which uh gives him like shadow fog whatever abilities thumbs up)
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Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @squintclover - thank you so much!! Loved your response!!
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
By loving the story so much I wanted to be in it, lol. My first few attempts at writing ff were with self-insert OCs, but that was in my native language and mostly unpublished. Im trying to recycle some of those ideas, but Im not sure how will it go.
As for fics written in english and without OCs - like everyone else, by reading other fics.
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
If we count the first few attempts - I took a look at my docs and counted 7 fandoms. Some parts of those were published somewhere on the web but I genuinely forgot about their existence.
If we count fics published recently on tumblr/ao3 - only HP.
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Technically? A decade. But idk if that counts if it wasnt published and probably never will be and had self insert OCs.
I started writing my first fics in english after I got into that one fandom which was during the pandemic, so that would be around 3-4 years - but posting since… December 2023.
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely read.
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Im not making the characters as OOC as before? I hope
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
Trying to fit too many things into one project that do not fit bc they are too self indulgent or just bad writing bc require sacrificing either plot or characterization. Being too ambitious, having too much plot that needs too much effort to make it make sense, and will not pay off bc nobody will read it (bc idk if i will ever finish it. and if i do it will not be written in english).
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Just one? There are so many weird things Ive been researching or googling.
Did they have 3-in-1 shampoos in 1979. Language of flowers. What the ancient roman beds looked like. Names and their meanings. Ancient roman’s attitude towards (homo)sexuality. Phosphorus and phosphorescence (this was literally to check if this one sentence in canon is factually correct). Did ancient romans have pets. Different gems’ looks, usage and meanings. Ancient Roman dog names. Different astronomical events / discoveries in years 1975-1980 and in year 1957. Layout of certain types of houses.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any comment is a nice comment <3 tho I like to be let known the person felt something while reading bc its still so abstract and bizzare for me that it happens 😅
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
As you can see from the research question I have an ancient roman au wip. I was genuinely surprised there were only a few ancient roman aus in the marauders fandom.
This one published wip is about a surprise pregnancy that isnt immediately regarded as great news and celebrated (which i think isnt a common way of approaching the topic.) I also wanted to write sth about abortion and miscarriage but i dont know if I will get around to actually writing those.
And Im trying to recycle my old OC-focused long fic which also is deeply unpopular (i understand why but also i feel like im fighting in the trenches)
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Thats about something. Has a deeper meaning and everyone in the comments talk about how deeply they were moved by it. Or how clever the plot was. Or how the deeply and insightfully the characters are analysed. Or how beautiful the language is. Or. Like. Is written and finished and publishable.
🍏What is the easiest type?
All I know is funny dialogue, self indulgent fluff and this one type of hurt/comfort that is also super self indulgent. Also putting all the effort into fitting in as many references / easter eggs as you can that i know nobody will notice.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my laptop, usually sitting at my desk, or on the balcony if the weather permits, whenever I feel like ignoring the things im supposed to be doing instead, I guess.
So far I’ve been using google docs but I’ll be probably moving on from them in the nearest future. For organizing ideas/wips and short fics I use Notion - its good for organizing but not that good as a writing program.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Smut, lol. Also more taboo topics like abortion and miscarriage mentioned above.
🍇What made you choose your username?
I translated my first ever username to English. ok, no, my first ever username was Leila Moonlight and i still think its pretty but now i also think its cringe. Tho I was - what? - 11? 12? So maybe I can be forgiven that it looks like a HP character. Nocturnal Phantom - the username actually use now - is still a bit cringe, I picked it bc I was a night owl (lol) and tried to lean into this nighttime-spooky aesthetic, but also its tumblr so im embracing it. I recently picked a nickname Nyx for my mutuals' convenience - and that is the greek goddess of the night. I commit to the bit.
No pressure tagging: @polaroidcats, @hiddenmoonbeam, @soloorganaas
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amiharana · 1 year
tumblr keeps crashing when I write this so I'm just gonna type super fast but have we considered link's and revali's favorite foods for modern and canon bc I feel like they would be different
great question! they would be different because if you had the average hyrulean citizen consume anything from mcdonalds they would be inflicted with every disease possible ❤️
KDJFHDKJF JK but i think there would still be similarities between revali and link's taste in foods in both modern and canon. in canon, i hc revali's favorite dish to be a salmon meuniere while link will just eat anything he can get his grubby little hands on vs. in modern au, i hc that revali would be Huge on sushi & other fish-centered dishes while link is the raccoon digging in your trash in the middle of the night that you find on your security camera footage when you wake up.
according to the one rito woman in gerudo town, the rito canonically appear to also indulge in poultry to which i know the fandom has debated the topic of cannibalism, but i think it would be fucking hilarious if modern au!revali was super into fried chicken. he for sure fucks w that korean chicken & beer shit 💯 maybe wine instead though, he feels like a wine guy.
in comparison, link is definitely not a picky eater and has the weirdest eating habits in the world. like bro will eat 30 apples in succession for a quick heal and not eat for multiple days in canon. in a modern au, he'll eat three slices of cold 2-day old pizza while rushing out the door because he's late for work or he just won't eat it until later in the day when he's back home. i'm self-projecting but he's just like me fr 🤞😊
to be fr though, i feel like in canon link makes so many different meals as he travels hyrule that he loves all different kinds of food for all different reasons. a simple mushroom skewer was one of the first meals he made and had when he woke up on the great plateau. the recipe for the meat-stuffed pumpkin he learned to make in kakariko village has never left his mind because it was incredibly helpful for fighting against enemies. you will never understand how happy he was to perfect the creamy heart soup he learned in gerudo town so he could share it with revali. and link makes sure to grab every spicy pepper he finds as he travels back home to rito village and wonders if revali has tried a pepper steak yet. each meal he's ever made has special memories and meanings attached to them, so there's no way that link could have just one favorite food. 🥹🫶
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hpd--ena · 5 months
erm i originally sent this as an ask to one of my old mooties but after they did some not so very great things I'm completely unfollowing and blocking all their accounts and bc I don't want to reblog the original post, here's this, copied and pasted from the original ask:
Mizuki is a blanket hoarder, kanade always ends up in the weirdest positions possible (ena,who usually wakes up before kanade, ends up being able to take pictures and has a whole album of it) ena does sleep karate, and mafuyu sleeps like a log.
Like seriously, my girl mafuyu lets mizu steal the blanket, lets ena kick and punch her, and she is unfazed completely. She doesn't need pillows to sleep. Ena find this very weird.
I think ena would wake up pretty early cause its some silly habit that both her and akito have 💀 she tries to go back to sleep but it is very hard. Kanade has been trying to sleep more (her partners are forcing her to) and mizuki "needs their beauty sleep"
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forest-hashira · 8 days
swoopin on in with a 10, 31, 60, & 90 if I may!
HI MAR!!! sorry this took me literally all day to answer 😔 i actually left the house today (shocker) bc i was off from both jobs
10.) any unusual fears?
unusual fears? no i don't think so. not a lot scares me beyond my crippling and mostly existential anxieties lmao (this is only kind of a joke)
31.) does your favorite movie/game/book from when you were young still hold up in quality?
for what they are, yeah, i think a lot of them hold up pretty well! the percy jackson books, nintendogs, and spirit (yes the horse movie) have yet to disappoint me AHAHA. they're not like Peak Media Ever but i think they hold up.
60.) what's your go-to plan to destress?
tv on, brain off (almost always the old fox show bones, i've watched that a truly autstic number of times). if the Brain Noise is still too loud i turn on loud/bass-heavy music with headphones on and that can work like hitting a factory reset button sometimes istg
90.) weirdest habit?
i feel like maybe i've said this but i use 3 pumps of soap whenever i wash my hands no matter what. also sometimes when i have to walk close behind a running car i'll keep my hand on it until i'm past it bc that's how i was trained to act when you have to go behind horses (either make sure you're sticking close and are touching them the whole time you're in kicking range, or stay out of kicking range)
ask me things!
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swoopswrites · 1 month
hehe tagged by @diamondmeadow so here have some info abt me
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
uhhh need for comfort + desire to be an author in my old age so I started practicing by writing the silly little stories i wanted to read when i needed a pick me up
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
two? i think?
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
i started at 17....? and i'm 21 now so uhhh you do the maths xx
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
read more for sure !!!! whenever i undergo a big life change or experience something stressful (which has been relentless this past year between moving countries twice and dealing w some insanely traumatising stuff) I hope on ao3 for some comfort
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
plot?? like i feel like i can actually tell a story with a proper 'beginning, middle and end' now, and write developed characters outside of the main pairing
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
the minute i hit a hard scene i give up lol
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
crime of varying types (scared i'm on some sort of list at this point tbh)
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
all of them!!! but for sure once that are either 'i had a bad day and this made me feel better' bc AWWW??? and also ones that engage with the story!! seeing people's theories and reactions is so lovely
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
uhhh idk england and identity issues? i guess? crops up a lot in my work (write what you know huh)
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
probs anything that isn't a muggle au like i feel safest just writing a silly little story and putting my silly little characters into it. the minute i attempt magic and canon compliance i go awry
🍏What is the easiest type?
the ones i want to write!!! like writing just what i want instead of worrying about what people might want to read
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
my little desk, wherever that may be
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
probably something with a proper plot and magic? like an auror crime solving au or something like that
🍇What made you choose your username?
its a variation of a nickname given me at school
open tag! i wanna hear all abt u
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dyeinggoosenoises · 4 months
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
7. earbuds or headphones?
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
19. sleeping position?
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
23. strange habits?
29. best way to bond with you?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
33. most used phrase in your phone?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
65. any permanent scars?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
4. "a gem to have in class. we wish she would participate more"
7. earbuds
16. in the corner of an armchair with my legs curled up beneath me
19. i roll around a lot, but i usually start on my belly
20. notebook
23. uhh depends what counts as strange. i always avoid stepping on cracks
29. ask me about my books
31. i dont tend to kick anybodys ass like ever, but if i was going to then id wear my jeans, green plant tshirt, and my kind-of-combat boots
33. uh probably "i love you"
40. oh my god there are so many things. the most recent one is this girl in grade 9 getting pregnant and her mum is making her keep it bc she was also pregnant at 12 and got an abortion
46. fluffy pyjama pants and a sports bra, or a hoodie if its a bad dysphoria day
53. my hands themselves are a bit burned, but not badly. my nails on the other hand have been bitten till i bled
58. uh im good at swimming and skating and skiing and i know how to make a couple origami things
65. the scar on my elbow from tripping at school last year
69. zebra muscles are an invasive species
75. uh 6 or 7 i think
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silver-chasm · 1 year
Hey, I'm in the process of writting a fic and I have a quick question here for the monsuno fandom before I go insane:
Where the hell does Dax's lingo come from and Where I can find a reference
Like, Dax's type of speech is almost iconic, there's no other character in the series that talks like he does, is basically a 'Me privilege' at this point and I fk love it bc this little son of a muffin has such swag and personality (As far as personality goes in the series, lol) and I'm sitting in front of my drafts getting psychic damage when I get to his dialogues because it's hit on one line and then miss it on the next three when I'm trying to replicate how he talks!!! TTwTT
Save meeeee
Full disclosure: it has been, like, a year since I last sat down and watched the show. I may not remember fine details
From what I remember, Dax has the weirdest combination of Cockney English and Australian accent that I've ever heard. The stranger part is that Keith Silverstein can, in fact, do a decent Cockney English accent (he voiced Speedwagon in the English dub of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Apart from that, I think Dax spoke in a relatively casual way. He's prone to giving nicknames to others or shortening names (the only example that's currently coming to me is him calling Dr Suno "Doc")
He also calls people "bandito". This is an Italina loanword that means "bandit". It seems to be slang from Central America and Mexico. So, someone from England or Australia wouldn't typically use the word. Strangely, it doesn't feel jarring to hear him say it
He also has a habit of saying "bleazers" and "bleazing heck", as exclamations of surprise. These are non-swears acting as swear words. The show does this quite a bit with "crag" (as its substitute f-word). "Bleazing heck" reminds me of "bloody hell", which is an exclamation that crops up a lot in both British and Australian English. "Bleazers" is not a word I've ever heard outside of this show but the way Dax uses it reminds me of how I might swear when I'm surprised (often an emphatic f-word, I am Australian)
So, from what I remember, Dax has a rather eclectic vocabulary. It's a mishmash of Cockney/Australian with a sprinkling of Central American/Mexican and non-swears
I hope this helps in some way
If someone remembers him better, please please please add to this
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hailieshapedbox · 1 year
i was gone for two weeks and the house nearly crumbled without me. its nice theyve shown me how much im appreciated and how much they missed me but i did come back to chaos. i have an ocd to check the mail everyday (somtimes more bc mail dude comes so late) because the weed companies be sending me hella gifts. anyway you would think that habit would influence people they literally call me the mall lady bc i sort everyones mail and give it to them. the mail was checked once right when i left (i could tell by my packages). the mailbox was completely stuffed with TWO WEEKS of mail. and my uncle has hella bills for his business in their. its all been stacked up on the counter next to the stack nobody went through when i left. my cousin devin never gets mail but he got a letter from his (free) health care provider and its probably literally nothing. i mentioned it when i got the mail but idk if he heard me. i mentioned it the next day cleaning up and offered to open it for him and see what it is and he got all mad that i mentioned it. he stormed off then a little later started “yea you really shouldnt show me my mail its a mood killer..” something about how his life is fucked up and how nobody helps him with anything (we help him with nearly everything) and kept at it and i snickered like “wow dont shoot the messenger” and he kept talking shit and i just could not believe it. his dad did the same thing and when i gave my other cousin what i thought was a check, it was actually a bill and his dad gave me the weirdest, upset, displaced look, shook his head and said “dont do that, he doesnt need that” bruh i am not the repo man, i am the mail lady
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dykeyote · 1 year
do you have hcs about what your favs are like when sleepy?
HEHE OH THIS IS SO FUN i do ...... i love sleepy little guys . ok hello its next day valentine and i wrote a whole long paragraph and then fell asleepers and i dont wanna take fifty years to reply to asks the way i always do so im just doing jeddie and yvonne bc theyre my tippy top favs rn :3 im really into syd too rn but if i take the time to do a big research dive into eveery time hes ever mentioned sleeping im gonna fuck myself over bc i can Vaguely remember him having sleep habits of some sort that are brought up once or twice and if i dive into all that this is gonna take even longer to post!!!!!!!
i think jedidiah gets sleepy very quickly and easily but is kind of in denial of this fact . hes like an old man the second its like 8 pm hes getting sleepy but he forces himself to stay up until 8 am thru the sheer power of paranoia and freakishness anyway . he gets kinda sleepy mumbly he like tries to go on long rambles but its sort of incoherent and quiet . also i think he sleeps in the weirdest positions EXCLUSIVELY he cant sleep if all his limbs arent bent in weird positions and his head isnt tilted weirdly and his pillow isnt in the most hyperspecific configuration possible . also i feel like he needs a clock by him to sleep ..... he needs to Hear the ticking or he cant sleep . i also think he has a lot of rituals (sorry for ocdjedding i cant help it) abt checking to be sure sydneys alive and shit like that so he tends to like . practically fall asleep and then get very anxious and checky and then almost fall back asleep again and hten loop for a while before he properly zonks out
yvonne i think is very much the opposite she can stay up SUPER late . whenever theyd hang out w the above at night jeddied start nodding off in the middle of it and yvonned shake him up . i think they tend to snore and sleeptalk theyre Quite noisy when theyre asleep joshua is deeply annoyed by it but yvonne tells him 2 stop being a big baby . i think they get very grouchy when shes tired in the mornings they NEEED to wake up late and have had breakfast in order to talk to u or else theyre grumbling and glaring and making huffy noises about it . on the contrary i think at NIGHTS when shes sleepy shes very silly and chatty and they go on big rambles and enjoy cuddling up and things like that . tired vs sleepy ........ i think they also sleep Splayed About all over the place and i dont think they usually have a blanket they seem like the type to run hot to me ... goths who run hot i salute u . they can also sleep anywhere i feel like they can sleep in a chair or leaning against something or at a desk or standing up at any time if theyre sleepy they can just zonk out
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