#bbc merlin ds game
aviansolus · 2 years
Merlin: *is literally unconscious*
Gaius: I can make an antidote, but first, I must gather some things...
Gaius: *proceeds to search for rats, roaches, and ropes around the chamber for the 50th time*
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foone · 6 months
it's like 33%/33%/33% if I'm going to spend this weekend: * putting together shelves * writing a bison/yacc parser for flags * hacking on the Merlin (BBC) DS game
my life is weird
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 3 years
im playing the merlin ds game and the scene where the knights confront dragoon in the woods came up and elyan was just?? not present???
yall know his line “are you threatening the life of our king?!” after he pulls out his sword and points it at dragoon? noNEXISTENT. perCIVAL REPLACED HIM FOR SOME REASON??
like look i love the others but just- what the fuck??? STOP ELYAN ERASURE GDI
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mr-merlin · 5 years
The Merlin DS game review you’ve all been waiting for!!!
Okay here we go we’ve played the game and now there are some things to be said:
the main music is actually really nice! 10/10
the storytelling aspect is pretty cute
following that point, during the storytelling part Merlin is referred to as Arthur’s ‘friend’ more than once. Like, enough that it became a point on this list. 
the way the game squawks and ominously scolds you if you tap on the wrong thing too many times
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a personal favourite ↴
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the fact that according to this game, Morgana’s hovel is full of bugs. and snakes. and rats.
the game called ‘arise fomorroh’ which is literally just like that snake game you could get on old nokias (actually that was pretty fun)
that damn game where you have to swipe the branches across. enough said.
the comic-style segments were an interesting choice to include but strangely worked
dramatic screen shaking
george: “i will take a breath and serve you the finESt breakfast”
arthur doesn’t just hug merlin, oh no. he ‘embraces him’.
the brilliant variety of objects to find, in the many many search and finds (which is sometimes made difficult by the kind of difficult graphics)
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that weird screeching in the forest scenes
there are some great similes used in this game
“i’m going to [...] set up camp before you start getting even more sentimental, and I couldn't bear that on top of today’s endeavours” ~ Arthur to Merlin
i took this picture for some reason
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“i’ll take that, is that sword a little too heavy?” ~ Arthur to Merlin
“a chamber pot!”
this game: 
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look at those knights trying to grab Merlin and his food
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the Gaius crossword sound effects. amazing.
this game: (because Arthur would be a “moving target”)
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the use of Carol of the Bells as background music for one of the mini-games
“so now who’s weak, infirm and ugly?” ~ Merlin
the card matching game that whispers “Merlin” everytime you get a pair
and the best part of all. the Find Merlin mini-game:
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overall a pretty interesting experience
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ryekat · 4 years
Was anyone gonna tell me that there was a BBC Merlin ds game or was I supposed to find that out from the background of Bradley James's video about the Merlin quiz to help rescue dogs on Instagram myself?
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yetanotherbuffyblog · 7 years
Werewolf FIGHT!
Alright we got ourselves a problem, folks.
Netflix took down Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the first of April. Which makes watching this show a bit difficult for me. I would have gotten to you guys sooner but I gave up Tumblr for Lent and all. Realizing I might not have a chance to do these recaps if I don’t go ahead with it, I decided to watch some episodes and type these up outside of Tumblr, and then post later. I don’t intend to give up this blog, so I’ll need to find some other way to watch the show. Suggestions are welcome.
Anyhow. On to the episode.
There’s another werewolf in town! That female singer Oz has been checking out? Yeah it’s her. And when it’s time to wolf out, they get into some...skeevy situations. Which obviously has Willow worried, even before she finds out that they’re doing furry werewolf shenangians….
Also there’s some conspiracy going on with guys capturing monsters that we still haven’t gotten to the bottom of.
-Buffy your heartburn pune wasn’t very good.
-Spike gets tazed. I’m wondering how that would affect a vampire? Like, would electricity hurt an undead body the same way it would a living body?
-Does no one think it’s weird that college kids still go to the same hangout place?
-Giles hanging out in the Bronze and insisting that he’s cool reminds me of the fact that Anthony Head brought a pink Nintendo DS on the set with him to BBC’s Merlin.
-Also I’m not a music guy but this music is so 90’s and I still don’t know how I feel about it.
-Where did they get Oz’s cage? It’s different than the one in the high school library.
-Also I want to reiterate that I hate the way the werewolves look on this show. It’s like really fuzzy yetis on all fours. The original design wasn’t great, but it was better than what it is now.
-Does having sex as werewolves have any side effects? There’s a Dresden short story where two of the Alphas have been doing it in wolf form and that ends up getting them magic parasites that start affecting their rational decision making skills. I’m just wondering if there’s anything like that in the Buffyverse.
-Giles is exactly the sort who’d watch game shows and get all the answers right.
-Why is talking to Oz Buffy’s second stop in finding out about the werewolf attacks? Wouldn’t it be your first stop?
- “I need a translator from the ‘y’ side of things.”
-  “You seem more monosyllabic than usual.”
-Someone get Oz a better cage. Reinforce it somehow. Really there’s got to be some kind of magical binding you could do.
-Alright but this werewolf attraction thing sounds like a trashy romance.
-Willow had an excellent point in that Oz easily could have told somebody about there being another werewolf. He should have told someone that his cage broke, that there was another werewolf out there, that this was going on. And I get that he was sort of embarrassed about the whole thing, but the cage he uses to not kill people as a werewolf was broken.
-Wait the female werewolf’s name is Verruca?
Like, the warts on people’s feet?
Yeah we’re definitely not supposed to like her.
- “I conjure thee by Barabas, Satannas and the Devil”--WHOA WILLOW I know this situation sucks but no need to call up infernal powers? Like, what happened to like Hecate or some New Age-y type deities?
-Oh good Buffy recognizes that the guys in tactical gear from Halloween were probably up to something after running into one on campus.
-Oz’s departure seems pretty abrupt to me, but I really don’t know what they would do with his character? Xander has his hole “Wanting to fit with college crowd” and Anya plot, Giles is...well, Giles, Buffy’s our protagonist, and Willow’s got plenty of room to go with her witch plot. But a lot of the werewolf ideas have already played out, and I don’t know what I’d write for him in that position. Maybe the writers felt the same way? Or maybe they’ll bring him back later. I dunno.
-Alright I mean she was trying to kill Willow because she thought Will was holding back Oz’s werewolf side or whatevs but still that got hardcore fast.
-I really don’t know if I buy the whole ‘the wolf is always inside of Oz’ thing? This episode seems to imply that around the full moon, even outside of transformations werewolves get more...wolf-y (which is how it was in Being Human, at least the one that aired on SyFy). But unless I missed something (which is possible) that wasn’t the case before this episode.
-So for some reason when I posted this from when my Google Doc it put a bunch of spaces in there? And made that last notation “I really don’t know...this episode” the very top of the post and bolded it. Why? I dunno. Tumblr’s weird. Ask the @staff.
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 3 years
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