#balanced diet after 50 years of age
fitnesflag · 3 months
The Balanced Diet
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thegainingdesk · 1 year
You've been lying to yourself for years.
Just a little winter weight. And when will you be losing that? It's June now, and the chub still pushes stubbornly over your belt. What will happen next winter, and your next batch of winter weight? And the next winter, and the next one?
You've done so well, following your diet. You probably deserve that treat. A couple of pints won't hurt. Diets are all fads anyway, you've got a balanced diet, that's what really matters.
You don't have a gut, per se, it's just the angle when you look down at your own body, like how no-one's dick ever looks quite so large from above. But then why do you look the same in the mirror? What about that picture, the one from your holiday, with a soft pillow of fat starting to creep out over your shorts?
Clothes are just made so cheaply these days, no wonder the crotch of your trousers have been wearing out quite so often. Fast fashion and all that. But didn't you splash out on this pair, get some proper ones in good fabric? And that pair there, haven't you only had them a month or two?
It's not noticeable, you tell yourself. But you see the looks, hear the comments. "Hasn't he put on weight?" "And he used to be so handsome." "He needs to put down the bloody fork is what he needs."
Just a bad photo, that one. It's all to do with focal lengths, and the right type of lens, you've never really understood it, but you read an article about it a while ago. She's always been rubbish at taking photos anyway, hasn't she? But then, no one else seems quite so bloated, quite so corpulent, quite so wide. And looking through more photos, you can't seem to find any that show you at your best.
The beard makes you handsome, more distinguished, more mature, it's quite trendy now anyway. It's not to hide the double chin, pooling down beneath your jawline. Isn't to mask the cheeks that can't even be called chubby anymore, no these are jowls now, sagging on each side of the face. Not to create some illusion of a jawline where your face has gotten puffier and puffier, rounder and rounder, softer and softer.
Everyone gains a little weight as they get older, don't they? But what about him? 10 years your senior and still as trim as ever. No one else your age that you know has a paunch quite so large, sides quite so soft.
Everyone gets winded on these stairs, don't they? Flight after flight, stupid to put the office there really. No one else takes 5 minutes to get to the top though. No one else is panting when they finally reach the top, hands on their knees and sweat dripping off their forehead.
300 pounds isn't even that big these days. Basically just above average at this point. The obesity epidemic, lockdown weight. You know plenty of bigger people, like… ah. Well maybe - no, he lost a lot of weight didn't he. What about- no, he mentioned his weight the other day, a good 30 pounds lighter than you. But you're sure there must be someone, who maybe you just haven't seen in a while.
You could stop whenever you want, could lose it all easily enough. Go on then. Sign up for a gym membership. Delete Uber Eats off your phone. Have a salad for dinner. But you don't. You won't. The draw of it is too much. Another 20 pounds, another 50. The feeling of a full stomach, a body imprisoned in fat, the constant expansion. It's becoming undeniable now, and yet still, you lie to yourself.
You're not really interested in that website, you're not one of those people, the other users just appreciate a man of your figure, which, you have to admit, is getting rarer amongst the regular dating apps. So what if some of the men want to see you eat when you meet up with them, you'd be eating anyway. So what if they play with the soft, supple fat all over your body while they fuck you, it's nice to be appreciated. So what if you like the feel of their hands exploring your body, the creamy lard rippling like velvet under their fingers. So what if you're finding it more difficult to cum without your face buried in a cake, a gut already full to bursting with rich food.
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All types of hormonal contraceptives carry a small increased risk of breast cancer, according to research establishing a link with progestogen pills for the first time.
The use of progestogen is associated with a 20-30% higher risk of breast cancer, data analysis by University of Oxford researchers has established. This builds on previous work showing that use of the combined contraceptive pill, which contains oestrogen and progestogen, is associated with a small increase in the risk of developing breast cancer that declines after stopping taking it.
Claire Knight of Cancer Research UK, which funded the study, said the risk was small and should not discourage most people from taking the pill.
She said: “Women who are most likely to be using contraception are under the age of 50, where the risk of breast cancer is even lower. For anyone looking to lower their cancer risk, not smoking, eating a healthy balanced diet, drinking less alcohol, and keeping a healthy weight will have the most impact.
“There are lots of possible benefits to using contraception, as well as other risks not related to cancer. That’s why deciding to take them is a personal choice and should be done after speaking to your doctor so you can make a decision that is right for you.”
The research, which was published in PLOS Medicine, is based on data from 9,498 women who developed invasive breast cancer between ages 20 to 49, and 18,171 closely matched women without breast cancer.
The scientists found that 44% of women with breast cancer and 39% of women without breast cancer had a prescription for a hormonal contraceptive an average of three years before diagnosis, about half of whom were last prescribed a progestogen-only contraceptive.
The researchers estimated that the absolute excess risk of developing breast cancer over a 15-year period in women with five years’ use of oral contraceptives ranged from eight in 100,000 women for use from the age of 16 to 20, to 265 in 100,000 for use from the age of 35 to 39. They also found that the increased risk of breast cancer gradually declined in the years after stopping taking the pill.
Kirstin Pirie, a statistical programmer at Oxford Population Health and one of the lead authors, said that as breast cancer risk increased with age, younger women may consider the risk sufficiently small that it is outweighed by the benefits of contraceptive use during their reproductive years.
The findings are important as progestogen-only contraception is growing in popularity, with prescription levels matching those of combined oral contraceptives in 2020.
Dr Kotryna Temcinaite, the head of research communications at Breast Cancer Now, said there were some limitations to the study: “The study didn’t look at what hormonal contraceptives the women may have used in the past or consider how long they may have been on the progestogen-only contraception.
“It also didn’t factor in whether a family history of the disease contributed to their level of risk. So further work is needed to help us fully understand the impact of using this type of contraception.”
She added: “Breast cancer is rare in young women. A slight increase in risk during the time a woman uses hormonal contraceptive means only a small number of extra cases of the disease are diagnosed.”
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
An 80% jump in cancer rates should be cause for alarm. Public health authorities around the world should be focusing more on this problem.
Global cases of early onset cancer increased from 1.82 million in 1990 to 3.26 million in 2019, while cancer deaths of adults in their 40s, 30s or younger grew by 27%. More than a million under-50s a year are now dying of cancer, the research reveals. Experts are still in the early stages of understanding the reasons behind the rise in cases. The authors of the study, published in BMJ Oncology, say poor diets, alcohol and tobacco use, physical inactivity and obesity are likely to be among the factors. “Since 1990, the incidence and deaths of early onset cancers have substantially increased globally,” the report says. “Encouraging a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet, the restriction of tobacco and alcohol consumption and appropriate outdoor activity, could reduce the burden of early onset cancer.”
Specifically, they are looking at people in the 14 to 49 age group. A disproportionate amount of this spike in cancer can be traced to consumption.
They looked at new cases, deaths, health consequences and contributory risk factors for all those aged 14 to 49 to estimate changes between 1990 and 2019. In 2019, new cancer diagnoses among under-50s totalled 3.26 million, an increase of 79% on the 1990 figure. Breast cancer accounted for the largest number of cases and associated deaths, at 13.7 and 3.5 for every 100,000 of the global population respectively. Cases of early onset windpipe and prostate cancers rose the fastest between 1990 and 2019, with estimated annual percentage changes of 2.28% and 2.23% respectively. At the other end of the spectrum, cases of early onset liver cancer fell by an estimated 2.88% a year. A total of 1.06 million under-50s died of cancer in 2019, an increase of 27% on the 1990 figure. After breast cancer, the highest death tolls were linked to windpipe, lung, stomach and bowel cancers. The steepest increases in deaths were among people with kidney or ovarian cancer. The highest rates of early onset cancers in 2019 were in North America, Oceania and western Europe. Low- and middle-income countries were also affected, and the highest death rates among under-50s were in Oceania, eastern Europe and central Asia.
We can't do anything about our genes, but there's a lot we can do about what we put into our bodies.
Genetic factors are likely to have a role, the researchers said. But diets high in red meat and salt and low in fruit and milk, along with alcohol and tobacco use, are the main risk factors underlying the most common cancers among under-50s, with physical inactivity, excess weight and high blood sugar contributory factors, the data indicates. [ ... ] “If people are concerned about their cancer risk, there are lots of ways to help reduce this such as not smoking, maintaining a balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise and staying safe in the sun.”
I would add that eliminating or substantially reducing meat consumption is not just good for our bodies but also good for our planet. 🌎
As for exercise, too many people associate it with joining gyms or investing in Peloton equipment. For most people, all that's necessary is to fit more physical activity into everyday routines. Regularly walking or cycling (when possible) instead of relying on motor vehicles can provide a boost to overall health.
Of course affordable healthcare is essential. Medical professionals can advise us and detect conditions which can be treated before becoming serious.
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sidshrek6 · 5 days
How Women Should Maintain Their Health
Women have been known to be the backbone of society, taking on various roles and responsibilities. However, amidst all these tasks, women tend to neglect their health. It's time for women to prioritize their well-being and make sure they stay in good shape physically and mentally. In this blog post, we will discuss some essential tips on how women can maintain their health consistently. From doctor visits to getting enough sleep, you'll learn everything you need to know about female primary care and why it matters. So ladies, let's dive right in!
Maintaining good health is essential for women of all ages. There are various ways to achieve this, and it all starts with making small but meaningful changes to one's lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables is crucial for maintaining overall health. Exercising regularly can also have significant benefits such as improving cardiovascular health, reducing stress levels, and promoting better sleep quality. Women should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Proper hydration is another important aspect of female primary care. Drinking enough water throughout the day can help flush out toxins from the body while keeping skin looking healthy and radiant. It's equally important for women to prioritize their mental health by practicing self-care activities such as mindfulness meditation, journaling or taking relaxing baths that will reduce anxiety levels and improve mood swings. Ensuring adequate restful nights' sleep is critical in aiding muscle recovery after exercise or workdays' long hours while enhancing cognitive function during waking hours leading to happier healthier lives!
How often women should go to the doctor
Regular check-ups with a doctors for women health are essential. This is because regular medical examinations can help identify potential health problems early, when they are more treatable or preventable. But how often should a woman go to the doctor? The frequency of visits to the doctor depends on several factors, including age, overall health status, and risk factors for certain diseases. For example, younger women who are generally healthy may only need to see their doctor once a year for preventive care. Women over 50 years old or those with underlying conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure should visit their primary care provider more frequently – typically every three to six months – to monitor their condition and make any necessary adjustments in treatment plans. It's also important for women of all ages to schedule an appointment whenever they experience changes in their health that concern them. Symptoms like persistent fatigue, unexplained weight loss or gain, abnormal bleeding from anywhere (vagina/breast/rectum), constant headaches etc., require immediate attention irrespective of your previous appointments. There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to how often women should see their doctors but scheduling annual exams at least once per year could be beneficial for most women. Women must pay close attention to any symptoms that arise outside routine checkups and seek medical advice promptly if needed. Regular communication with healthcare providers helps ensure optimal health throughout life!
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indiamedicaltourism · 26 days
Prostate Cancer Treatment in India for Foreigners
Prostate cancer is seen in men’s and it mostly occurs as the age increases, most of the time it is seen in men's who are around or above 50 years of age. Some of the reason for it is family history, hormones level, pesticides or obesity and weight. Research shows that black men’s are more prone to prostate cancer compared to White Men. In black people prostate cancer is more outraged and in onward motion. However this type of cancer increases slowly compared to other type of cancer. In some people regular monitoring is required so that treatment can be affective. Also obese people are at high risk of prostate cancer compared to a person with the healthy weight. Symptoms that shouldn't be avoided are frequent urination especially at night, problem in urination or burning, holding back urine, blood in the urine. Prostate cancer can be cured completely when detected at the early age and treated on time. This is the second type of cancer seen very common in men in the world. India ranks in Top 10 countries that are leading in cancer treatment. Survival rate of prostate cancer is much better than any other type of cancer. A person should maintain healthy weight, improved and balanced diet should increase vitamin D intake to avoid prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India: Prices include hospital stay, in case of any additional tests to be done before and after the surgery.
Chemotherapy                                   Rs 44300 to Rs 58100
Prostate Cancer Surgical                   Rs 221000 to Rs 292000
Top Hospitals for Prostate Cancer Treatment in India: Hospitals in India has the team of expert for the treatment of prostate cancer. Since India has the maximum success rate in the treatment of prostate cancer it is possible only because of the techniques used by the oncologist here along with the trained staff appointed to take care of patients before and after the treatment. Hospitals here consist of all the multi special facilities that are required for effective treatment.
Top Doctors for Prostate Cancer Treatment: The doctor who deals with urinary track and male reproduction system is known as Urologist. Urologist is specialized doctor who plays an important role in the treatment of prostate cancer. Our best and skilled urologist performs the surgery and prescribes the necessary medication for the better results they keep a track of the patience treatment and pre and post follow-ups so that the patient can rely on doctors for their treatment.
Al AfiyaMedi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India. We offer medical tourism services such as finding the right doctor, the right hospital, and cost estimation for medical treatment in India for foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, Dubai, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and so on. We provide free medical assistance for TURP surgery cost, lung cancer treatment, blood cancer treatment cost, the best hospital for heart valve replacement, arthroscopic surgery, bone marrow transplant cost, best liver transplant hospital, cosmetic andplastic surgery, heart surgery, spine tumor surgery,cancer treatment cost, lung transplant, top knee replacement surgeons, knee replacement surgery cost, top shoulder replacement surgeons,.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com.
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2024/05/prostate-cancer-treatment-in-india-for.html
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fiumedivita · 1 month
Summer '24 - day 3:
Things have been... interesting.
HR basically lied to me about my living situation. I was supposed to share an apartment with another girl about my age (25-30yo). Instead, I got here and found out I was going to share with 5 women in their 40/50s who work as maids. Now, I have absolutely nothing against them based on their job except for the fact that they wake up at 6am and then go to sleep at 9/10pm. We're currently sharing a small hotel room because the actual apartment doesn't have heating and it's too cold to live in.
I've complained to HR about the situation, got told that he couldn't have known where I was going to live when we spoke during the interview (but he couldn't have told me when we spoke last week?), but also got assigned to a new accomodation, a shared hotel room (2 people), with, I suppose, another 40-something lady.
Now, this solves maybe ¼ of my problems and these are the ones that are left:
In a hotel room I'd have no kitchen to prep my meals in and the "staff canteen" is, again, interesting. They only serve us leftovers from breakfast and frozen meat. Barely any vegetables and definitely no fruit. My stomach can't take a diet like this for 5 months. And, if you're wondering, yes, I did take that into consideration when I decided to take the job, but stupid me actually believed them when they said we had a canteen. I was expecting something a bit more structured, or at least a balanced meal. If I move to an hotel room, I have no way to cook for myself, which was my default plan B for the canteen.
Is my future new roomie going to be closer in age? Because I have absolutely nothing in common with the current ladies. I'm supposed to live here for 5 months and have nobody to go out with? Not even for an ice-cream?
HR has been lying (at least by omission). I don't trust him a lot.
The laundry situation is also non-existant. I have an office job, so no uniform, and I have nowhere except my sink to wash my clothes in. It's a bit unrealistic to keep that up for the entire summer.
While all of this is happening, they finally decided to open enrollment for the mandatory teaching courses. I gave up on them after 1.5 year of waiting and ofc that's when they decided it was time to open 😺 But that also means that I'd lose my chance of enrolling if I don't move back to my hometown (or somewhere else in Italy), because in-person attendance is mandatory for at least 70% of the lessons, and the closest university here is still undoable with my current working hours.
So, yeah, I think I'm going to move back on Saturday. It feels ridiculous, considering it's less than a week after moving here, but I also don't think it'd be worth it to continue working here.
If anybody has made this far and wants to leave advice/suggestions, feel free!
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cvrpedie-m · 2 months
Brain Age Mythology Compared to What Really Improves Cognitive Health
Many people have been asking us recently about whether we all have a "Brain Age" and how find out more here we can reduce our "brain ages". This concept is a myth, fueled by the (very fun) Nintendo game and a recent PBS campaign promoting a program produced by Posit Science.
The concept of having a "brain age" is, itself, profoundly unscientific, despite the radio ads for the PBS program titled Brain Fitness Program, where listeners of all ages get the impression (as many friends and colleagues have reported) that, should they buy the Posit Science Brain Fitness Program, they can expect their brains "rejuvenated" by 10 years. This, I hear often, must be true, coming from PBS.
Unfortunately, it isn't. And it isn't because the claim is founded on the same faulty premise of having a "brain age".
What is going on?
First, the good news. Today we know today that the brain retains lifelong plasticity (the ability to change itself through experience). Aging does not mean automatic decline.
Furthermore, we know that a variety of lifestyle factors, including physical and mental exercise, can influence how our mental abilities evolve as we age. We can delay or slow down age-related decline. Not only that, we can improve our abilities, and a number of computer-based programs have shown how they can help specific groups of people train and enhance specific cognitive skills.
Now, what is important to recognize is that there is not one overall "brain age". We can view our brain functions or cognitive abilities as a variety of skills, some more perception-related, some more memory-related, some more language-related, some more visual, some more abstract-thinking and planning oriented. All science-based brain fitness products in the market today target specific cognitive skills. The research that has been published shows how specific brain functions can be improved. But there is no general "brain age" that can be measured or trained in a meaningful way.
Let's analyze the PBS Posit Science-related message: you can rejuvenate your brain by 10 years. What would this mean, were it to be true? perhaps that ALL cognitive abilities would go back to where they were 10 years before. and that this would happen for individuals of all ages: in our 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and so on. It would also mean that, given that rejuvenated "brain age", our risk of developing Alzheimer's symptoms would be adjusted to reflect our "new" brain age. And that the evolution of our cognitive abilities over the rest of our lives would reflect our new-found "brain age".
Has this been shown?
Unfortunately, not. The "10 years" claim seems based on one published study, and several unpublished ones, where individuals with an average age of around 70 years take on a very intense auditory processing training program that enables them to improve related auditory cognitive skills by a significant percentage. Whereby, on average, and on those specific skills, they reach a level comparable to people 60 years old.
But this doesn't say anything about other cognitive skills. Or Alzheimer's related risks. Or the cognitive trajectories that will follow.
Just think about this: if, by attending an intensive tennis camp, you were able to serve at a level comparable to people 10 years younger than your age...would you say that your body is now 10 years younger? Probably not. You'd say that now you play tennis better. Which is a significant benefit in itself if that's what you are after.
Recent studies have shown a tremendous variability in how well people age and how, to a large extent, our actions influence our rate of brain improvement and/or decline. The earlier we begin the better. And it is never too late.
What can we do to maintain our brain? Focus on four pillars of brain health: physical exercise, a balanced diet, stress management, and brain exercise. Stress management is important since stress has been shown to actually kill neurons and reduce the rate of creation of new ones. Brain exercises range from low-tech (i.e. meditation, mastering new complex skills, lifelong learning and engagement) to high-tech (i.e. using the growing number of brain fitness software programs).
In summary, the great news is that there are more tools available than ever before to assess and train a variety of cognitive skills, in what is still today a very small, but growing market. Nintendo, Posit Science, and others are offering valuable products and services.
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arcanemoody · 4 months
It's 8:15pm.
I'm in Chicago.
I'm drinking a Diet Pepsi from the kitchen.
I finished four SAYD modules today, have ten more to go before DHS can issue me the Level 1 credential. So far these are more grounded in personal reflections which I like a lot better than the matching and multiple choice of the ECE modules. That's not a sign I would be more suited to working with school age students, but it's notable nonetheless.
Friday was rough and my timeline for wiping out my debt and leaving this role keeps shrinking. I started out the year thinking this would be until October, shrank to June 30 after my review, end of May last week... now I'm not really sure. It's like bailing water out of a sinking rowboat. Currently my plan is just to get my debt down to the smallest possible balance so I can wipe it out with one cheque. Maybe that gets us to March, I'm not sure. I'm currently in the mindset of "do you want a latte or do you want to get out of here?"
Monitoring symptoms: nail chewing has been bad this week. Some disturbed sleep, some dysphoria, trouble with auditory processing (which reached its zenith during the latter half of my Friday shift). No itches or constriction or overheating.
Things I feel positive about: I finished a new zine, scanned, and uploaded it to the Internet Archive. I bought some new skirts and a top from a charity shop. Got some Triton Leather soap from LAM. We have a movie night at LAM next week. Rocket and I have plans to go to the zoo. Weather's in the 50s this week.
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screenwritinggym · 5 months
Mara Brock Akil and Tracey Edmonds - READ THIS LETTER - Fertility after 50y/o
Chapter: "Understanding Your Egg Reserve and Fertility"
Mara Brock Akil (born Mara Dionne Brock; May 27, 1970)
Mara sat across from Dr. Parker, her mind swirling with questions about her fertility and the status of her eggs. It was a conversation she'd postponed for far too long, now brimming with curiosity and concern. Dr. Parker leaned forward, her expression warm and reassuring.
"Mara, when it comes to understanding your egg reserve, there's no one-size-fits-all answer," Dr. Parker began. "The number of eggs a woman has can vary significantly based on various factors, including age and individual differences."
She explained that the looming question of how many eggs she had was a complex one, often depending on the stage of life a woman was in. "At 50," Dr. Parker continued, "most women may only have a few hundred eggs left, if any at all. Menopause typically arrives around 51-52 years of age, though certain factors like smoking or medical treatments like chemotherapy can hasten its onset."
Mara nodded, absorbing the information. "But how do I gauge my own egg reserve?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Dr. Parker explained the tests available to estimate egg reserves. "We have methods like the anti-Müllerian hormone blood test, which measures AMH levels. This hormone gives us an idea of the eggs within your ovaries and your potential response to fertility treatments. Higher AMH levels often indicate a healthier egg reserve, but it's not a definitive measure."
"Similarly," Dr. Parker continued, "a transvaginal ultrasound can provide an antral follicle count, allowing us to gauge the number of visible follicles. Each follicle represents a potential egg. However, it's important to note that younger women tend to have more follicles due to their higher egg release rate."
Mara listened intently, feeling a mix of relief and concern. "Is there a way to improve my fertility or these numbers?" she inquired.
"Absolutely," Dr. Parker affirmed. "There are steps you can take to enhance fertility and possibly positively influence your AMH levels. Lifestyle changes, like a balanced diet, regular exercise, and minimizing stress, can all contribute to overall reproductive health."
As their conversation delved deeper into the intricacies of fertility testing and the measures one could take to support reproductive health, Mara found herself empowered with knowledge and a sense of agency over her own fertility journey. Dr. Parker's guidance illuminated the path ahead, offering hope and practical steps for understanding and potentially improving her egg reserve and fertility.
The unknowns remained, but armed with information and guidance, Mara felt a newfound confidence in navigating her fertility concerns.
The end of the chapter.
Your friend. Black Putin.
"Hey Mara Brock Akil and Tracey Edmonds,
I've been thinking about our future plans and the possibility of having children. I believe it's important for us to explore our options, especially concerning fertility.
Given that Tracey is 56 and you, Mara, are 53, it might be worthwhile for both of you to consult a fertility specialist. Understanding your fertility status and options could be valuable information for our shared decision about having children in the future.
I encourage both of you to consider visiting a reputable fertility clinic and consulting with a specialist. They can provide insights into your individual situations and help us make informed decisions moving forward.
Your well-being is my priority, and I believe taking this step would provide us with valuable information. Let's discuss this further and support each other through this process.
Looking forward to talking more about this in the future.
I might become the future father of your babies, if you have eggs.
Love you, Mara and Tracey.
Your friend. Black Putin.
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perennecosmetics · 6 months
Aging Skin Needs Collagen Booster
Collagen is a protein that is one of the main building blocks for your bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. "Collagen is what keeps our skin from sagging, giving us that plump, youthful look.
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What happens to collagen as I age?
Your body produces less collagen as you age, and existing collagen breaks down at a faster rate. The collagen is also lower in quality than when you were younger. Women experience a significant reduction in collagen production after menopause. It’s normal for everyone to experience a decline in collagen production after age 60. There are signs that your collagen level is decreasing. Skin shows wrinkles and starts sagging. There is hallowing in and around eyes and face.
What lifestyle habits damage collagen?
There are certain factors that you should avoid as they accelerate the aging process by decreasing collagen levels in your body
Smoking- Smoking decreases collagen production. It damages collagen and elastin, leading to wrinkles and slow wound healing. Nicotine constricts blood vessels near your skin’s surface, preventing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients
Sugar and refined carbs consumption- Sugar attaches to proteins to form advanced glycation end products. These molecules damage nearby proteins and cause collagen to become weak, dry, and brittle.
Exposure to ultraviolet light- Too much sunlight reduces collagen production and causes collagen to break down more rapidly. Ultraviolet sunlight causes wrinkles. Avoid excessive sun exposure and always wear Perenne Broad Spectrum sunscreen SPF 50 when you’re outside.
What can I do to improve skin collagen loss to slow the signs of aging?
To slow the effects of skin aging, wear every day. Exposure to ultraviolet (U Perenne Broad Spectrum sunscreen SPF 50V) light damages collagen. Use products with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses with UV protection, and lightweight long-sleeved shirts and pants while outside. Look for clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor label for extra protection.
Eat a well-balanced diet, which is loaded with vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, and fruits, and a moderate amount of seafood, meats, poultry, dairy and eggs.
The most important is to use Perenne Broad Spectrum sunscreen SPF 50. This advanced formula has multiple highly effective ingredients that promise firm and youthful skin in a few days.
 Tripeptide-1 –
Tripeptide-1 is a peptide that offers multiple benefits for the skin. It's a new skincare ingredient that has become extremely popular in the past few years.
Tripeptide-1 is a synthetic peptide that is very effective in various skincare products, such as moisturizers. It has been clinically proven to stimulate the production of dermal protein, which slows the skin’s aging process.
Many things need to be clarified about what Tripeptide-1 is and how it works. It is a molecule that is present in the human body and it helps the skin retain water and restore elasticity.
Stimulates Collagen ProductionTripeptide-1 is a biometric tripeptide that stimulates fibronectin, collagen, and elastin. This results in an increase in skin firmness and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Fades skin pigmentation Tripeptide-1 is used in products that moisturize the skin and may also be found in products that reduce the appearance of dark spots. Tripeptide-1 has been proven to increase the skin’s natural healing process. 
Malus domestica fruit cell culture extract (Apple stem cells)-
WHAT ARE APPLE STEM CELLS?                                          
An apple stem cell is the first plant stem cell active ingredient on the market for which the effect was evaluated on human skin stem cells. This unique and revolutionary ingredient can protect the most precious skin cells- the skin stem cells- against premature aging.
It ensures the longevity of skin cells.
It helps both epidermal and dermal stem cells to maintain their characteristics, as well as their capacity to build new tissues.
It delays aging, reduces the depth of wrinkles, and improves skin firmness.
It increases the regenerative potential of the skin.
This has been shown to decrease the appearance of wrinkles by stimulating aging skin stem cells.
“We use Apple stem cells due to its ability to regenerate skin cells, combat chronological aging, and increase the vitality of skin stem cells.”—Ritu Khanna, Founder
Retinol-  It helps toreduce some photodamage your skin has experienced from time out in the sun. It reduces signs of aging, such as wrinkles around the eyes. It also improves the skin's overall appearance.
Sodium Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic acid)- Hyaluronic acid helps skin stretch and flex and reduces skin wrinkles and lines.  
Sodium ascorbate (Vitamin C)-  It helps to treat hyperpigmentation.
Panthenol (Vitamin B5)- Panthenol penetrates the different layers of the skin. It goes deep down into the core so that everything is moisturized. This results in the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles.
 Morus Alba (Mulberry) Extract- It helps to protect the skin from UV damage that can cause age spots. The extract contains polyphenols and flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals that can cause premature aging.
 Olea Europaea (Olive) Leaf Extract- It is well known for its anti-aging benefits.
The conclusion is One can age beautifully and using the right product fortified with the right actives that your skin strives for is important. Perenne Collagen Booster Night Cream is the right choice for youthful, beautiful, and healthy skin.
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freddabranyon · 6 months
Hints How to Live Longer
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I recently ran across an article that outlined 50 great ways to help us live longer. This includes a wide range of health advice that is backed by a scientific or government study that reveals new insight into what helps or hinders human longevity. Genetics do account for about 25% of the longevity and the rest is up to us.
Consider extra vitamin D intake, but not too much. Ask your doctor for intake. Get regular blood work levels.
Cut back on regular use of painkillers as ibuprofen and naproxen that are included in Advil, Motrin and Aleve that may raise your heart risks.
Hit that bed and get 6+ hours of sleep. Less doubles your risks of illness. A Duke University study shows that frequent sex is a significant predictor of longevity; so don’t go right to sleep!
You won’t die from eating under-ripe produce, but try that ripened fruit also.
Yes to that extra cup of coffee as it does more than help you wake up.
Frozen is fine, so eat that balanced diet when fresh isn’t available.
Green tea has proven longevity because of the powerful antioxidants.
Don’t use that sugar as it boosts blood sugar and can play havoc with your heart.
Get out those whole grains with 3+ servings a day and cut death rate by 20%.
Spice it up with that hot chili pepper that can add years to your life.
Drink whole milk as this might give you a 50% lower risk of diabetes.
Add water to keep adequately hydrated and keep urine a light color
Be food safe from poisoning. Keep the kitchen clean and wash your hands.
If you want to reach 100, put the fork down and eat less!
Don’t forget those veggies!
Eat like the Greeks with fruits, veggies, olive oil, fish and nuts.
Live like the Amish and adapt their healthy lifestyles and eating habits.
Drink less of alcohol as it leads to a shorter life span.
Saving your pennies might also help you live longer; up to 15 years.
Consider moving to California, NY or Vermont. Low-Income people tend to live the longest in these states.
Viewing an awesome experience as Grand Canyon or Beethoven’s 9 th helps.
Go nuts with that daily handful of nuts, or at least 5 times a week.
Find your purpose in life; it will help you live longer by doing something useful.
Embrace your faith and attend those religious services every week.
Take time off work for that vacation. Not taking it could be a deadly risk.
Consider mountain life with higher altitudes.
A friend with 4 legs does wonder for your mental and physical health.
Those laughter cat videos help to reduce stress and boost the immune system.
Keep yourself social as loneliness increases the risk of early death by 45%.
Watching those grandkids can lower your risk by 1/3.
Do everything you can to stay out of that hospital and avoid their mistakes.
Monitor yourself and don’t wait for that annual checkup.
Visit the hardware store for detectors for Carbon monoxide, radon and lead.
Toss that rug and avoid the top risk for falls.
Practice the home fire drills.
Patients receiving care from a female doctor were more likely to survive.
Make peace with family and get rid of that stress and small stuff.
Take those stairs at every opportunity, in and out of the home.
Avoid traffic accidents by avoiding those techy car distractions.
Drive less after 70 as more accidents occur for those after that age.
Walk, not drive when possible.
Stay safe while walking or jogging.
Walk a little faster for more benefits.
Fidgeting is good. Sitting increases your risk of dying by 30%.
Read the AARP Bulletin and keep up to day on health info!
Dr Fredda Branyon
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sidshrek6 · 2 months
How Women Should Maintain Their Health
Women have been known to be the backbone of society, taking on various roles and responsibilities. However, amidst all these tasks, women tend to neglect their health. It's time for women to prioritize their well-being and make sure they stay in good shape physically and mentally. In this blog post, we will discuss some essential tips on how women can maintain their health consistently. From doctor visits to getting enough sleep, you'll learn everything you need to know about female primary care and why it matters. So ladies, let's dive right in!
Maintaining good health is essential for women of all ages. There are various ways to achieve this, and it all starts with making small but meaningful changes to one's lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables is crucial for maintaining overall health. Exercising regularly can also have significant benefits such as improving cardiovascular health, reducing stress levels, and promoting better sleep quality. Women should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Proper hydration is another important aspect of female primary care. Drinking enough water throughout the day can help flush out toxins from the body while keeping skin looking healthy and radiant. It's equally important for women to prioritize their mental health by practicing self-care activities such as mindfulness meditation, journaling or taking relaxing baths that will reduce anxiety levels and improve mood swings. Ensuring adequate restful nights' sleep is critical in aiding muscle recovery after exercise or workdays' long hours while enhancing cognitive function during waking hours leading to happier healthier lives!
How often women should go to the doctor
Regular check-ups with a doctors for women health are essential. This is because regular medical examinations can help identify potential health problems early, when they are more treatable or preventable. But how often should a woman go to the doctor? The frequency of visits to the doctor depends on several factors, including age, overall health status, and risk factors for certain diseases. For example, younger women who are generally healthy may only need to see their doctor once a year for preventive care. Women over 50 years old or those with underlying conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure should visit their primary care provider more frequently – typically every three to six months – to monitor their condition and make any necessary adjustments in treatment plans. It's also important for women of all ages to schedule an appointment whenever they experience changes in their health that concern them. Symptoms like persistent fatigue, unexplained weight loss or gain, abnormal bleeding from anywhere (vagina/breast/rectum), constant headaches etc., require immediate attention irrespective of your previous appointments. There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to how often women should see their doctors but scheduling annual exams at least once per year could be beneficial for most women. Women must pay close attention to any symptoms that arise outside routine checkups and seek medical advice promptly if needed. Regular communication with healthcare providers helps ensure optimal health throughout life!
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amitshahneuro · 7 months
Is dementia an inherent aspect of the aging process?
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Certainly, here is a detailed and point-wise explanation of dementia.
1. Age as a Risk Factor:
- Dementia is more common in older adults, and the risk increases with age.
- The prevalence of dementia doubles approximately every five years after the age of 65.
2. Not Inevitable with Aging:
- Aging itself does not cause dementia. Many older adults maintain cognitive function and memory.
- The majority of older individuals do not develop dementia.
3. Underlying Causes:
- Dementia is often associated with underlying diseases or conditions that affect the brain.
- Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause, but vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and other types exist.
4. Alzheimer's Disease Prevalence:
- While Alzheimer's disease is more common in older age, it is not exclusive to the elderly and can affect individuals in their 40s and 50s.
5. Genetic Factors:
- There is a genetic component to some forms of dementia, such as early-onset Alzheimer's disease.
- However, genetic predisposition does not guarantee the development of dementia, and lifestyle factors also play a role.
6. Lifestyle and Environmental Factors:
- Adopting a healthy lifestyle can contribute to maintaining cognitive health in older age.
- Regular physical exercise, a balanced diet, mental stimulation, and social engagement are associated with a reduced risk of dementia.
7. Individual Variability:
- Cognitive aging varies widely among individuals.
- Some older adults maintain sharp cognitive abilities, while others may experience mild cognitive decline or more severe conditions like dementia.
8. Preventive Measures:
- While dementia may not be entirely preventable, certain measures can reduce the risk and promote brain health.
- Managing cardiovascular risk factors, staying mentally active, and maintaining social connections are important preventive strategies.
9. Early Detection and Intervention:
- Early detection of cognitive decline is crucial for intervention and management.
- Some causes of cognitive impairment are treatable or manageable, emphasizing the importance of timely medical assessment.
10. Medical and Research Advances:
- Ongoing research is focused on understanding the causes of dementia and developing potential treatments.
- Advances in medical science may lead to improved preventive measures and therapeutic interventions in the future.
While age is a significant risk factor for dementia, it is not an inevitable consequence of aging. A combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors contributes to an individual's risk, and adopting a healthy lifestyle can play a crucial role in maintaining cognitive health in older age. Regular medical check-ups and early detection of cognitive changes are important for timely intervention and support.
It’s essential to consult with Dr. Amit Shah, a healthcare professional or Neurologist in Mumbai practicing at Dr. Amit Shah Neurology Clinic for a proper diagnosis and individualized care.
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truefanz · 7 months
Creator Highlight: Say Hello To Britt Gagne On TrueFanz
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Meet Britt Gagne, a TrueFanz creator and multi-faceted athlete making waves in the female weightlifting and dirtbike industries. Not only is she an amazing athlete, but she is also a popular media personality. She is passionate about inspiring and motivating others to live an active and healthy lifestyle.
With TrueFanz, Britt can share her knowledge, expertise, and experiences with her audience and bring them along on her exciting journey. Be sure to check out Britt Gagne on TrueFanz and join her as she continues to make a name for herself in the world of sports and media.
Who is Britt Gagne?
Britt is an amazing professional motocross athlete who has earned 50 championships and titles in various motocross classes. She is an inspiring role model for many and sets herself apart from other riders by incorporating her passion for culinary arts into her fitness lifestyle. She also shares her motocross tips and tricks and advises staying motivated while working out. Let’s take a closer look at this amazing TrueFanz creator!
Motocross Racer
Britt started her career in motocross racing with her parents and younger brother in New Hampshire.
She achieved a professional women's licence at 15, making her the youngest female in the US to have obtained a pro licence. In Canada, she has ranked nationally within the top 5 for all four years she completed the full series.
She also has over 50 championships and titles in various classes for motocross under her belt, making her an inspiring figure to aspiring female motocross racers. Moreover, she’s also involved in the popular MX vs. ATV video game.
Regarding her diet, Britt ensures that she eats the right foods to fuel her body and mind. From fresh fruits and vegetables to lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, She knows that eating well is the key to staying healthy and fit.
Her belief that staying active goes hand in hand with eating well has been a strong force in her life. That's why in addition to a balanced diet, Britt regularly goes for walks and jogs, hits the gym for weightlifting sessions, and completes HIIT workouts to keep her energy levels high.
She also uses her culinary skills to experiment with different flavors and textures to enjoy a variety of healthy dishes. So, when you follow Britt you will be sure to enjoy your fitness meals and say goodbye to bland, miserable diets. You can’t build a great body without the right food, but you also don’t have to be miserable dieting!
In the Saddle with Britt
From competing in races to freestyle motocross and stunt shows, she takes on every challenge with enthusiasm and dedication. As one of the few female sports riders, Britt stands out as a trailblazer and an example of what’s possible.
Her Strength & Hard Work
Britt had to overcome personal struggles throughout her journey to success. Growing up, she was bullied and teased for being more muscular than other girls her age. This bullying made her insecure about her looks, but it didn't stop her from pursuing her dreams. After college, she focused on getting healthy and fit, which was the best thing she ever did for herself.
Today, Britt is a proud body positivity advocate, encouraging her followers to be confident in their skin. She prides herself on being resilient and refusing to let anything stop her from achieving her goals. Her strength and dedication have been essential in her growth as a TrueFanz creator.
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vermilionhealth · 7 months
15 Best Tips to Stay Active and Strong in Your 50s and Beyond!
When you reach 50, you may feel healthy and young.
However, your body needs extra care to protect it from the effects of aging.
Some familiar things take on more importance, like avoiding empty calories and getting adequate sleep. Other things like regular hearing tests may be brand new.
With a healthy lifestyle and appropriate medical care, you can lower your risk for many serious medical conditions associated with aging. 
Read more: Top 5 Habits for Successful Weight Loss and Keep It Off!
Start with these 15 suggestions that will help you to stay active and strong in your 50s and beyond.
Staying Physically Healthy After Age 50:
1. Protect your joints. As you age, your joints become stiffer and more brittle. You can slow the process down by losing weight, staying hydrated, and choosing exercises that are safe for your body.
2. Check your eyes and ears. Most adults experience age-related hearing loss and vision changes. If you’re over 50, experts recommend eye exams at least every 2 years and hearing tests at least every 3 years. Check your diet in maintaining a healthy eye and vision, or check out the vermilion eye health jelly!
3. Mind your feet. You may think you’ve stopped growing, but your feet will probably become flatter and longer at midlife. Wearing correctly fitted shoes can help keep you comfortable and active.
4. Schedule screenings. Your doctor can recommend the tests you need based on your individual and family history. For adults over 50, that usually includes blood pressure, colorectal cancer, cholesterol, and blood sugar.
5. Deal with menopause. The average age for menopause is 51. If hot flashes and other symptoms are disrupting your life, you may find relief through natural remedies or your doctor may recommend treatments such as hormone therapy.
6. Build strength. If you’re inactive, you may have lost up to 5% of your muscle mass each decade since you were 30. Fortunately, you can build new muscle by lifting weights or doing other kinds of training such as Crossfit.
7. Work on balance. Preventing falls is a major part of aging safely. Doing yoga or just standing on one foot while you make coffee can train you to stay steady on your feet.
8. Eat healthy. Choose nutrient dense foods and avoid added sugar and excess salt.  Try the Mediterranean diet or similar plans that have proven benefits for your heart and overall wellbeing.
9. Limit alcohol. Alcohol affects you more as you grow older. If you do drink, keep it to one drink or less daily if you’re a woman and two if you’re a man.
10. Lose weight. More than 40% of adults over 40 are clinically obese. If you’re unable to reduce on your own, talk with your doctor about finding a safe strategy for you.
Staying Mentally Healthy After Age 50:
1. Fight depression. Midlife crisis may be a myth, but menopause and other conditions can contribute to depression. In addition to medication and talk therapy, regular exercise may help you to feel more positive.
2. Prevent dementia. Many causes of dementia are unknown, but healthy choices, like quitting smoking, provide some protection. One study found that smoking more than 40 cigarettes a day in your 50s could double your risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
3. Manage stress. Many adults develop less resilience as they age. You can boost your powers of recovery with physical exercise, meditation, and relaxation practices.
4. Connect with others. Maybe you’re single or dealing with an empty nest now that your children have moved away. Stay engaged by keeping in touch with old friends and making new contacts who share your interests.
5. Keep learning. Continuing your education can slow cognitive aging too. Take courses online or visit the adult education center at your local college. Travel and hobbies can also be enriching.
You may have many happy and rewarding years ahead of you if you take care of your body and mind.
Celebrate midlife by making choices that help you to thrive.
If you love today’s tips, please share it!
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