#bad buddy episode 8
dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Ep 8
The mint green shorts! The two faculty jackets side-by-side! The domesticity!
The way they haven't changed who they are for the other person. Pran still scolds Pat. Pat still teases Pran. But they're doing it knowing they're accepted for who they are.
Oh, I never saw Pran's name and the smiley face written on the bottle before!
Whether it's fighting or flirting, nothing gets done between these two faculties 😄 Pat and Pran being told off every two minutes by Toto.
Yes! Fierce Ink. No wonder Pat, Ink, and Pran are all friends, they all have the same fierce protective streak...
How did we ever think we weren't going to be getting InkPa endgame?! It's so obvious now.
We got another 'ja' end particle and this time I think it's only mildly teasing! On the rooftop after Pat says 'Copy Paste' he says thank you - "khawp jai ja" (the 'ja' being “used with very close friends/family and by the queer community”).
Oh there's so much in that rooftop dinner scene. The need to be public and to be secret in equal parts and the hurt they want to avoid but end up not being able to...
The way Pat can only lie to his friends because they think he's dating an architecture girl.
Proud to be a Noles Hater te-shirt my beloved.
Narcissist Wai. smh. The fact that Pa being Pat's sister is Pat messing with Wai's life 😂
Again...Wai listened to Pran talk about all the hardships he would face because of the rivalries if he tried to date Pat's sister...and yet had no element of empathy for Pat and Pran when he discovered they were dating.
Pran's line, "It's a kind of relationship that I always avoid" basically sums up the first 5 eps of the series, how Pran did his best to avoid getting close to Pat even though he was in love...but because we know that they did eventually get together, it just shows the strength of their feelings for each other because really, logically, they shouldn't even try because of how difficult it is...but they do anyway 💙💖
"When did I teach you to lie?" Ming's double standards are showing.
I don't think i could dislike Ming any more than I do. How very dare him to make Pat feel this way.
And then Pat's in all white, stripped of colour, of happiness... The 'temporary' alluding to how it will pass, the 'select' alluding to the sides they're on and the need to choose [spoiler: they choose each other], and the brand being Korean adding to the theme of sides and rivalry set up by the Noles t-shirt earlier on (even the Tampa Bay shirt in the beginning)... And finally, Pat lays the 'Friend' shirt across his chest, back to colour, back to happiness. 😍
I just love how dorky these two are. Pran imitates an elevator and escalator to make Pat laugh. Pat gets Pran a case for his headphones with a double 'P' design but won't say what it means. They virtual-hug across the divide and get each other to give each other big smiles. All through this scene I kept thinking Pat would tell Pran he loves him...but it shines through in their actions, in the care and support they give, and in the way they look at each other.
Ooof that xylophone scene is majestic. The way Aof took a risk with it but it's so powerful.
Pran thinking back to the ways that Pat has helped him or been there for him...and Pat thinking back to the gift of the t-shirt from Pran and how he threw that back in his face. Both realising that their anger is mis-placed -> it's the circumstances of their life that they're mad at, not each other, not really.
And Pran doing what he does best - hiding a compliment as he scolds Pat. "Put your shirt on, you're making everyone drool" = "You're so hot".
Their soft 'sorry's 😭
"But I care about you more" 😭😭
Pat is so happy. He just radiates so much love for Pran 😭😭😭
THE MUSIC! building and leading up to Wai. ajdalkgja;ldfgja!!!
When I first watched this end, I felt cheated. I wanted more happy PatPran times after their reconciliation and before their relationship got revealed and brought more angst. They had just turned a corner in their relationship - Pran making himself more comfortable with the levels of 'publicity' Pat wanted to make, and Pat understanding that love can also be private and still be just as important (the seeds of ep 12). But I guess knowing what I know now about how they still have happy PatPran times in ep 9, I accept this pacing. It almost seems fitting because Pran had just decided he didn't care as much if people found out...and so people did...and Pat and Pran's love and understanding of each other helped them through the fallout.
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girlunionize · 8 months
congrats to Wai's actor for making such a punchable face during the outing scene
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inferno-mp3 · 1 year
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Something worth protecting.
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malepresentingleg · 11 months
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inventedfangirling · 11 months
cute detail in bad buddy ep8
i was just rewatching episode 8 of the series for the 8th in the past 30 days like a normal person i found a cute detail i had missed the first 7 times!
im talking about this scene where pat wakes up the morning after their meal together when pran accidentally causes pat's phone to fall when he panicked on thinking pat was taking a selfie of them kissing and pran leaves all these cute notes to cheer pat up all over the house. in between all of that i only now realized i had missed something!
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this scene when pat enters the bathroom to brush his teeth and finds his toothbrush with the paste all ready to be brushed on it! i get leaving notes everywhere and making him breakfast and everything but to go to the extent of keeping toothpaste out for pat not only shows pran's attention to detail but also just how much thought and effort he put into making pat feel better and cheering him up. i love that boy and his precious heart so much i could cry. nobody speak on pran unless it is to praise/understand/cherish him. im sorry but im feeling extra protective today.
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undermycoat · 1 year
episode 8 title analysis
i'll be honest i haven't been watching buddy daddies particularly close, but with the title of episode eight ("nothing seek, nothing find"), i can't stop thinking about the themes of the episode & how they & the title tie together. kazuki talks about rei being like a robot & living in filth, and we can see that rei comes from a shitty family, raised not as a child but a weapon. the question of the show is sort of, "what matters to you/rei?" as there's the conflict of blood family & found family (literally), then the conversation (sort of) with his past trainer.
rei wasn't trying to get better – kazuki came in & didn't necessarily change him or fix him, but he took care of him & accepted rei as he was (a complete wreck – maybe real recognizing real?). so, rei wasn't looking to get better, for someone to save him, for something to live for. then, miri comes, & rei's realizing family doesn't have to be a pipe dream & people care & love him & need him, not as a weapon but as a person, someone capable of caring & loving in return, & he's also realizing that he has to work to keep this family, to protect it and love them (or, have them know they're loved). so, for me, one of the things the title is saying is that if he doesn't reach out for this life/love, if he doesn't look for a way to survive and hold tight to it, nothing will change. nothing will get better.
of course, this analysis could be complete shit – i did say i'm watching this show for the laughs, but i still wanted to give my two cents, LOL
also, can we talk about how agonizing rei's reaction to his trainer dying was? the fact he changed his mind, perhaps wanted to prove himself, but he lost that chance. i wonder how it's going to affect him in these last few episodes. either way, ep 8 made me cry a lot (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
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social-media-shy · 1 year
Tinn has never reminded me more of Pat than in episode 8 of MSP. The just wanting to always be around Gun and finding every excuse possible to do so. The support for Gun's dreams. The want and the ability to always cheer Gun up. The tug between career and family vs love and the types of choices he makes. The sort of simple but deep desires and needs that are always the cornerstones for his actions.
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leconcombrerit · 2 years
Pran's teary eyes in episode 4 still get me and it remains my favorite. Pat being a total menace and unabashedly flirting without even realizing it is also perfect. Ink is perfect too. We got our first bits of Inkpa. Flashbacks of heavy pining. I'm a simple girl I don't ask for much more than that.
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kieumy-archive · 2 years
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airenyah · 2 months
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
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In the end, they just can't resist their feelings. Tomorrow, we're going to do our best.
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ratgrinders · 6 days
Ok here's an updated timeline of the Rat Grinders based on the new info we got this episode:
Freshman Year
On the first day of classes Kipperlily and the others meet and form their adventuring party. Kipperlily comes up with the name the High Five Heroes.
Kipperlily excels academically, but the High Five Heroes only go on easier adventures, presumably to ensure they will succeed rather than fail at something challenging.
Ruben is primarily an acoustic/soft rock musician.
Kipperlily begins to have childish rage and resentment towards Riz and the other Bad Kids, which start out petty but gradually grow in intensity over the next couple years.
Sophomore Year
An increase in hostility, one of the first meetings Kipperlily has this year is being jealous that Riz's dad was killed by Kalvaxus, that if a person has suffered immense magical hardship it is an unfair advantage in adventuring.
Kipperlily tries to find evidence of conspiracy with her parents and is enraged that they are boring.
A week after spring break the High Five Heroes go on their first quest to the mountains of chaos, chaperoned by Jace Stardiamond.
After this, the High Five Heroes seem to undergo a shift where their rage is amplified. Kipperlily's counselor files become much more venomous towards the Bad Kids, Ruben shifts to emo music, etc.
At some point after this Ivy and Oisin propose changing the name to the Rat Grinders. Kipperlily opposes this and Lucy is on her side, but Ruben votes against her because it makes her upset and Mary Ann also votes against her but doesn't explain her reasoning.
A piece of paperwork is submitted for Lucy to change her god, but another piece of paperwork is filed afterwards rescinding that application, presumably by Lucy herself changing her mind.
Towards the end of the year, after grades are finalized but before classes are over thus avoiding the pass/fail penalty, Lucy dies in the far haven woods near Aguefort. Presumably, she could have been resurrected in service of this unnamed rage god, but chose not to. She "stuck to her guns".
Kipperlily's rage towards the Bad Kids has transitioned from childish to venomous, she "hates them".
Junior Year
At some point between the end of Sophomore year and the beginning of Junior year, the Rat Grinders specifically request Buddy Dawn join their party as a cleric.
At 8:01 am, the first day of classes, Kipperlily goes to Ashgrove to dig up the rogue teacher's grave, thus forcing her to reveal herself and granting Kipperlily a pass for all her rogue classes for the year. Presumably she was aware of the rogue teacher's grave beforehand (information only available in Arthur Aguefort's office) but waited until the start of Junior year so she could pass all her classes for the year.
Kipperlily announces her bid to run for student council president, with a platform based on equity, equanimity, and fairness.
Kipperlily asks Jawbone about the creation of Yes! and the events of prompocalypse
Her counselor notes become extremely enraged, with her straight up wanting to kill Kristin and being angry that she can't get to her thanks to Fig's protection.
Oisin, Ivy, and Buddy are seen at Fabian's house party during the first week of classes. Kipperlily is not seen but is possibly there invisible. The Bad Kids are asked to do drugs but decline. That same night, mephits steal part of a cloud rider engine kept in Seacaster Manor.
At the school assembly the following day Principal Grix reveals he was notified of students doing drugs off campus, meaning its possible the Rat Grinders tipped him off in an attempt to get the Bad Kids in trouble.
Ruben performs presumably some kind of ritual at the Frosty Fair Folk festival, with the other Rat Grinders conspicuously absent. Simultaneously, Yolanda Badgood falls dead in the same place where Lucy Frostblade died, after Yolanda had been made aware of Lucy's change in god and was investigating it. Yolanda also refuses to be resurrected in service of the rage god.
The Rat Grinders are seen at the assembly addressing Yolanda's death and how all clerics would be moved to pass/fail. Most look bored, Mary Ann isn't paying attention, and Buddy is unconcerned.
Kipperlily and Oisin get caught trying to sabotage the Bad Kids' Last Stand exam, and Kipperlily kills Buddy. Ten minutes after the Bad Kids plane shift away, Buddy is revived by an unknown figure and he pledges his allegiance to the rage god.
Now the Rat Grinders are scheduled for another trip to the Mountains of Chaos and are on complete lockdown, hiding all of them from Adaine's divination magic.
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blitany · 1 year
moments between Ellie and Joel that simultaneously broke me and healed me: ep. 8 edition
so much of Ellie is trying to be like Joel because he needs her (and she needs him but right now the closest she can get is imitating him) - from how she handles the rifle to how she talks to David and James. she’s always been brave and mouthy but she’s so clearly trying to imitate Joel now with the fake-deep voice and the insults/instructions (Buddy Boy? i’ll put one right between your eyes? the instinctive lie? it’s all so Joel)
all the times David refers to Joel as her father or her dad and she doesn’t correct him but that’s a lie she can’t bring herself to say on her own because that one’s too close to home, to close to what she wants to be true but is terrified to admit because she doesn’t think Joel sees her as his daughter
when Ellie lays beside Joel in the basement, partly trying to keep him warm, but partly for comfort, and Joel unconsciously turns his head towards her in his sleep, leaning into her like her presence is just as much medicine to him as the penicillin 
Joel isn’t even healed yet but a switch flips in him because he knows Ellie needs him. the Joel we see next is darker, this Joel is the one Maria does’t trust and Tommy doesn’t understand, because he’s not about to lose a daughter again!!
“you don’t need a father” but she does, she does so badly and all she can think about is getting back to him
David’s whole speech about how she’s just like him so clearly unnerves Ellie because she’s not like David, if she’s like anyone she’s like Joel who she’s been trying so hard to be this episode. Joel is who she needs, Joel is who she takes after, and this man is nothing like Joel
the “violent heart” moment being such a parallel between Joel and David, highlighting how they’re nothing alike (Joel’s heart isn’t violent, it’s broken, but he doesn’t take and hurt for himself, he does whatever it takes to protect the people who need him) and by extension how David and Ellie are nothing alike and i could make a whole post about this moment alone and how utterly wrong David is here
how Joel grabs her backpack in the slaughterhouse because he knows she’s still out there and he’s not giving up hope on her just like he never gave up on Tommy - she’s family now, she’s his family now and he’s gonna get her back whatever it takes, and when he does she’s gonna need her backpack.
the way Joel goes to her when he spots her without thinking twice because it’s his girl and he’s just so relieved to see she’s alive... but the moment she starts screaming he knows something bad happened and his whole demeanor changes to focus on what Ellie needs in this moment
the absolute softness of how he says “Look,” says it’s me and I’m here and I got here as soon as I could and you’re safe, you’re safe with me 
Ellie lets herself hug him for the first time ever and they just melt into each other as he holds her tight like they both need after the last three episodes
“I got you baby girl.” the first time he’s called her something soft, something affectionate, something he used to call Sarah. his girl, his baby girl, his daughter.
“I got you,” he repeats, “I got you.” as much to reassure her as to reassure himself. he closes his eyes and holds her tighter because yes, he got her. he got there in time. he’s got her and he’s not letting her go. 
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absolutebl · 3 months
This Week in BL - The unexpected rise of cooking crush & seme bjs
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Jan 2024 Wk 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 9 of 12 - I love this show so damn much. This may be my KinnPorsche. It’s just so endlessly entertaining in a perfectly unhinged way. I love that they looped Tharn’s dad back into the murder investigations.
You know kinksters have invented necklaces that can’t come off… right? Just saying.
Meanwhile, would it still be BL if our seme didn’t wake up from drowning and instantly go chase snake?
No. No it would not. 
Remember the one hard and fast rule of BL? When a seme gives a BJ it’s penance. Phaya is apologizing to Tharn for leaving him behind.
Heh. Hard and fast. I kill me. 
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 10 of 14 - How is this absurd creature managing to rise in the ranks? Pavel turned in some stellar grief and ALANJEFF have my whole heart. I make Ikea puns in the... Trash watch happening here.
Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 7 of 12 - The make-out montage was absolutely charming and very much American rom com style - interesting (and rare) to see in a BL (not to mention from OffGun. How far we have come since Puppy Honey?)
Meanwhile, another wonderful grandma in a BL!
Next week we do an actual harken back to Puppy Honey, so obviously I’m now enjoying this whole show way more than before. I think it helped that I watched it earlier in the week, when it wasn’t competing with any other BLs. 
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Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 11 of 12 - Not gonna lie, I knew from you all that this was gonna be a rough ep. But I very clearly remember the penultimate Bad Buddy ep so I now have slightly more trust than others in GMMTV on this matter. 
That said, this was a crap episode.
You can’t set Mork’s truth and character motivation reveal up like that and then have his lover choose to dismiss him in a way that diminishes not just both character's growth AND all of Mork's actions towards Day, but also our faith in every other character. It was a shitty narrative thing to do to us, and it was a shitty thing to do to Mork. And that doesn’t even take into account the forgiveness allotted by the story to Day’s unrepentant excuse for a mother.  The doom should have been handled differently. The mom shoudl have leaned in even more evil and actively lied to split them apart.
I don't know if they can redeem this misstep in the final episode. But I'm interested to see them try. That said, this plot seem to be true to the book. 
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For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 8 of 12 - A major trigger has landed. But also it’s clear who’s fault that incident was... and it’s not Him’s. So Blue's so-called-friend really is unhinged. This episode was a little bit more engaging than last week, but it’s only because stuff actually happened. I’m still not sure I enjoyed it. 
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 12fin - Despite the fact that I’ve been annoyed by the show the last couple of episodes, I’m still sad for it to end. It was a good reveal and First had the right response. Also a very sports way to end it. Sprite is a v clingy bf. 
In brief?
A messy very Thai pulp sports romance that actually managed to involve sports in an identical twins trading-places plot. Basically Not Me meets HIStory 2 Crossing the Line (although vastly inferior to either) with an endearing main character and a good lead pair (poor things), both soapy and earnest without too much camp. It tried so hard but the plot, side couples, and extraneous characters let us down. Passable if not great. 7/10 
Time the series (Thai Gaga) ep 2 of 10 - Eh. Whatever. 
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) ep 22 of 24 - skipped this installment
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Gaga) ep 2 of 10 - Funny how quickly he retracted that confession and everyone called him out for doing it too soon (including me from a narrative beats perspective). It was a cute screw up - I see what your meta-arse is doing there, Japan. Also our Tokyo-boy’s serious reserved earnestness is extra adorable in the surrounded by Osaka enthusiasm context. His accidental flirting is that much more heart wrenching for our poor baby seme.  And they ended this ep with honorific negotiations!! Be still my heart. I’m really adoring this show.
Your hyung romance super fan is back in the game! 
Meanwhile the Osaka accent is beyond adorable. 
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 6 of 8 - Japan what are you doing? I do love the not-sorta-ex from the past. 
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 10fin - I loved all the young people in the hawker center supporting the campaign against the terrible mother. They make a good domestically sappy couple. But that is Taiwan's specialty.
In brief?
A sweet if aimless story about a writer and a chef finding love via noodles, fake dating, and family challenges. If it had a tighter script and a shorter run, more like a KBL this might’ve been quite special. But it didn’t and it lost me too many times. 6/10
I don’t like to be disappointed by Taiwan. 
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It's done: I Need to Catch up
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Vietnam so I assume it's on YouTube. I never even noticed. Anyone?
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - Is TRUST Entertainment bringing us the first ever Burmeses BL? I don't know if it's really the first, but @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will give it a watch through.
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It's Airing But...
[INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
Beside You (Thai YouTube) - a 3 sp short that's supposed to have started but I can't find it.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Ends next week. Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if safe.
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) - horror, meh, tell me if it's worth my time?
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In Case You Missed it
All my year-end round ups:
TOP 10 BL Trends of 2023
Top 10 BL Secondary Pairs of 2023
2023 BLs Best Trope Execution Awards! TOP 10
All the BLs Announced for 2023 that didn't happen
BL 2023's Best:
Back Hugs Thailand & Elsewhere
Cute Bits of Domesticity
Boys Feeding Boys
Best Cuddles
Heads in Laps
Touching Head Touches
Thailand Put His Head on Your Shoulder
Put Your Head on My Shoulder (not Thailand)
BEST KISSES (not Thailand)
Next Week Looks Like This
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1/23 Happy Ending is a new high school set Strongberry 20 min short staring the actor who played Milk on Choco Milk Shake, so... YES PLEASE. I'm not sure where it will air but we all have our fingers crossed for Gaga or YT. Or both.
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1/24 Love For Love's Sake (Korea Gaga & iQIYI)- based on the Manhwa ‘Love Supremacy Zone’ by Hwacha. A young man is dropped into a game based off a novel he loves. His mission is to make another player, YeoWoon happy. But then the game starts unfolding completely different from the novel.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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Viva la BL grandma superiority! (Cooking Crush)
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Cooking Crush casually givign us some lovely lesbians (as indeed did The Sign). GL makes for a lovely acessory BL, carry on.
Now GMMTV, give us the REVERSE.
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I love this dork SO MUCH. (Pit Babe)
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I love that Cherry Magic is doing this scene over. One of my favs from the original.
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Yai is BEST BOY. MVP and most likely the winner for 2024's Namgoong award.
(Last week)
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Buddy Daddies - Episode 7 - Thought Post - Extra Stuff! - SPOILERS!
A few small tid-bit stuff that I liked or thought interesting in the episode.
1. Rakuzon:
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They combined Rakuten (a Japanese-based Amazon like site) with Amazon, lol. That got a good chuckle out of me! 
2. I want pizza!
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One of the ladies Kazuki is with says, “I want pizza!” 
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Kazuki responds with, “Aw, that’s for poor people!” And he tells her to order sushi. Then there is a transition to Miri sneezing. This works as both a way to show Miri having a cold (a great call back to Episode 1′s opening scene, where Rei didn’t take her having sniffles seriously) and as a way to show the whole “sneeze when someone is talking about you” superstition in Japan. Kazuki is out here basically call Rei and Miri “poor people,” despite the irony of Rei being actually rich and Kazuki not. Which also fits back into one of his character personality traits of trying hard to be showy and trying to appear rich. 
3. Open Umbrella Indoors
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Speaking of superstitions, Japan doesn’t have one for opening umbrellas indoors equating to bad luck. You don’t realize how culturally ingrained stuff like this really is until you live in a culture that is very different in ways like this. Like, when I lived in Japan, I eventually got used to not saying anything when people sneezed, but I could never bring myself to open an umbrella up when inside a building. That was just like, “Nope, can’t chance it regardless.” lol
4. “And an order of fries.”
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Rei just straight up doing the opposite of what Kazuki would do when ordering the pizza (Miri, “Papa Kazuki says we need veggies!” Rei: “And an order of fries.”). 
5. “We’ve been abandoned.”
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Also, Rei, you don’t just tell little kids that you’ve been abandoned! T0T This is another one of those moments where Rei kinda treats Miri like an equal, instead of the child in his care, when he really really shouldn’t. Goodness!
6. Kazuki’s Eyes:
This is something I noticed all the way back in Episode 1 too. But I’m glad they’ve been consistent with this detail. In the flashbacks, Kazuki’s eyes are drawn a bit bigger, so he looks younger and also more innocently naïve.
7. Umbrella and Bike Riding:
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Rei asks Miri where he umbrella is. She tells him it is broken. It should be noted that riding a bike while using an umbrella is technically against the law. But everyone does it anyway, lol.
8. Rei in Different Outfits:
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We got to see Rei wearing a bunch of different shirts and pants in this week’s episode. As well as wearing Kazuki’s apron! *-*
9. Miri Manipulating Her Cuteness:
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Kazuki and Rei are really going to have to watch out for this tactic! 
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writerdownacross · 13 days
I’m firmly in the “Buck should have a love interest that feels like a person” and “If Buck’s happy, I’m happy” camps
But don’t forget this all too important fact: it’s still too easy
Of course that’s apart from the whole identity-shifting-in-your-30s part. But the people that matter to Buck won’t give a damn that about his sexuality (we sadly can’t say the same for Eddie which is a whole other thing I could scream about for days)
But back to Buck’s latest match: it’s THE SAME PATTERN
Unless they come in with a twist of some sort, BuckTommy is following the same structure:
Someone flirts
Someone makes a move
They go on a date and it goes bad (4 out of 5 times to my memory)
They reconcile and keep up the relationship until ReasonsTM break them up
Now I would love to see Buck explore his first queer relationship and be happy (for once). I want that man to have the chance to shove his tongue down Tommy’s throat in peace. I would even love to see this explored well into Season 8 like Buck in a healthy relationship would be revolutionary
But don’t get it twisted. 911 has defined its view of love explicitly and continues to elaborate on those themes through its main couples.
For reference:
“When you’re at your worst and they’re at their worst and you have every reason to give up but you keep trying.” “Isn’t that what we all want in a partner? Someone who has your back?”
Love is HARD in the world of 911 - for everyone.
I’m not saying they couldn’t explore this and build up Buck and Tommy or any other love interest to the required level of soulmateism. But only one Buck pairing currently fits the bill.
Also look at all the other main couples on the show and then look at 911’s criminal record. They would NEVER pass up on the chance to create the most traumatizing scenarios to put their lovers in so they “come out in the other side stronger.”
First date Madney ends with one stabbed and one kidnapped. Let’s not even TALK about what they put Henren through. You don’t even have to look too far - the TSUNAMI EPISODES??? Bathena went through SO much if you really unpack it???
These guys eat angsty couple moments for breakfast - especially early days couples (the serious ones anyway)
Anyway the point of this post is: Buddie endgame
But they’ll have to suffer (a lot) to get there.
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