#b Dylan Hollis baking yesteryear
voidthewanderer · 10 months
A question regarding B Dylan Hollis’ Baking Yesteryear.
Hey, so I have a question that I’m gonna ask as a poll. I’m going to ask, can people please reblog. I need to know if I need to put Amazon on full blast or not. It involves B Dylan Hollis’ cookbook that just came out.
The reason why I’m asking is because I DID preorder the book back in February. It still hasn’t even shipped yet. Meanwhile, my mother, whom I live in the same household with, purchased it after it came out and received it the very next day. The only difference between myself and my mother, aside from how we purchased the book? She has Amazon Prime.
The way I see it; preorders should take first priority, regardless of if the person has Prime or not. I need to know if this is something that has happened to others or just me. I also need to know because I also preordered Mercury Stardust’s book and I want to know if I should just cancel my preorder and wait until it comes out. Or possibly even ask my mum to order it after it comes out and see if this happens again.
Edit: Yea, I do realize I messed up on one of the options. I am also going to be closing reblogs when the poll ends. While I do have sufficient cause now to know that they lied to me about warehouse stock issues and continually give me the run around; I want to see how much more this will spread, maybe hope people may see this and heed warning from preordering products on Amazon. As many other people have mentioned, consider preordering books on bookshop.org
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dduane · 10 months
B. Dylan Hollis's new cookbook
So here it is. It's beautifully made.
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A few highlights...
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There's also a final chapter called "The Worst of the Worst." What's not to love. :)
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months
Me: I'm color-coding it! [Explains system]
My sister: [chokes on a laugh]
Me: What?
My sister: Nothing, I was gonna say something but it's really mean.
Me: What is it? Like the suspected autism, or--?
My sister: No it's just, dude you're color-coding a cookbook. Get a job.
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ehgood-enough · 7 months
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I bought this having never watched a single one of his TikToks. I’ve seen him everywhere on tumblr and my daughter said he’s good and funny. I got the book from the library first and so many things looks good and the intros are so funny
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I mean that’s just great
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I made the banana oatmeal cookies and while I did not love them as much as oatmeal raisin cookies they were delicious. My daughter said they were the best and we needed to save the recipe.
So I looked up how much the book cost and it was cheap enough I got my own copy. Hopefully we didn’t make the only good recipe in the book
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polarfarina · 1 year
I think part of why I like Dylan b Hollis's baking/cooking videos so much is because they're showcasing the more human part of making food. He's experimenting and learning, having fun and making mistakes, laughing over silly instructions - it reflects the average person's kitchen and experience so much more than a lot of sterilized baking videos do these days. Sitting alone in a kitchen with pre-prepped ingredients, doing it perfectly and flawlessly, has always made most cooking shows feel so distant, like I can't recreate the conditions so it'll never be that perfect. Dylan is actively pulling out the stuff from his cabinets, on a counter with a bit of clutter, using forks instead of mashers. He doesn't always get it right- and makes videos about his investigations into how to fix those mistakes. It feels like he's baking at a more understandable and accessible level than a lot of mainstream baking shows. Makes the videos feel like they have so much more soul to em, even without the humor he adds. It's awesome.
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tinyravenfeathers · 10 months
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My new B Dylan Hollis cookbook and my cat Fuzzybritches who can’t stand me taking pictures of anything but him.
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the-rat-wins · 10 months
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Vintage baking twink thanked us 🥰😘
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naomiknight-17 · 6 months
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Updated my inspirational cookbook display shelf :)
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onedivinemisfit · 1 year
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I gave my mom the best birthday gift~
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bitter69uk · 6 months
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Further adventures in baking: on Sunday the boys were coming round, so I whipped up Tomato Soup Cake from B Dylan Hollis’ essential Baking Yesteryear cookbook (“the best recipes from the 1900s to the 1980s”). I know it sounds odd, but tomato soup cake was a housewife’s staple in the 50s, 60s and 70s (I remember my mother making it when I was a kid), it’s an extremely user-friendly recipe (I’ve made it twice now) and you can’t actually taste the tomato soup (it tastes primarily of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves). Recommended! Watch B Dylan Hollis break it down here.
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feltpool · 10 months
Baking Yesteryear Pt 3
In the back of this book is a section titled 'Worst of the Worst'
It includes 2 gelatinous nightmares, 2 prune heavy horrors, and what Mr Hollis refers to as 'demon quiche' in his baking video - the Pickle Cheesecake.
And despite the fact that he audibly spits out the mouthful he tries in that video a perverse part of me wants to know just how bad that cheesecake is.
I mean, maybe he simply doesn't like pickles? We have no context for knowing, and I have a curious mind. And a love of pickles.
And there's only one way to find out...
The first problem I hit here is that my local store doesn't have any pretzels. At all. Not even the toddler sized snack bags of chocolate coated ones. And since there's a limit to how much time and effort I'm willing to put into sourcing ingredients for a baked item that risks being binned within seconds of being tasted I'm not prepared to spend extra time and effort going further afield looking for them. I briefly consider whether substituting Bombay Mix could work (nice and crispy), but decide not to chance it given the strong flavouring. So that's the pretzel crust not happening, which is a shame because that sounds like it'd be a good savoury base. Salty and crisp.
But a standard shortcrust pasty base will suffice. It's not really like the base of this is the part that risks being truly horrific, and I can still use the recipe for it from this book.
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But this dude has to go and chill in the fridge for 30+ minutes before being put in a tin and blind baked.
So I'll be back.
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biquid · 10 months
Hell yeah look what I got in the mail today!! Love the intro lol
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ehgood-enough · 7 months
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Another recipe from baking yesteryear, the date bars
I messed up with the crust though. I hate rubbing butter into dry ingredients to make a dough. I always give it a blitz in the food processor and normally is works great. But normal oats aren’t involved….so my oats got all chopped up
And the egg wash really needed some water to make it spreadable which is what I normally do but the recipe didn’t mention the water so I skipped it…not the best plan
But they’re super delicious anyway. I am really enjoy this book. I may have to check out his TikTok one of these days
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squeakygeeky · 10 months
Last night, I went to a book signing by B. Dylan Hollis yesterday, for his cookbook Baking Yesteryear. I got there almost 2hrs before and ended up in standing room only, but luckily right at the front of that. I survived the Felicia Day signing of 2015, so I was psychologically prepared, unlike the shell-shocked older lady who wandered past me muttering, 'This is insane. This is insane.' However I was less prepared than all the people who were sensible enough to bring their knitting. One person in front of me was clearly meeting a friend in meatspace for the first time and they had to awkwardly exchange real names for the first time and it was adorable because I've been there. It was quite the crowd, the intersection of queers and bakers gets you the Portland Weird, But Especially Cheerful demographic.
Anyway, it was lovely to hear him speak in real life. He had come from Seattle and asked the crowed if the whole Pacific Northwest was that beautiful, to which everyone enthusiastically shouted 'Yes.' And then one lady shouted, 'but you can't move here, we already have too many people.' No one disagreed with her. Sorry Dylan. He made sure to say 'EGGIES' for everyone.
The signing line took so long I went and had dinner, started reading the books I bought, did some Thai listening practice, and still ended up sitting and waiting for ages. It was worth it though, I got to tell him I'd made all 3 versions of the peanut butter bread and we agreed that the 1940s version is just sort of pointless, you either want the simpler less sweet 1930s version or his own extra peanut-buttery version (which I recommend, it's in his peanut butter bread youtube video, it's not in the book since it's his own modern recipe). He's funny and charming and very tiny.
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keepersofmyheart · 10 months
Look what I got in the mail today
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Bonbon approves
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sweetiepie08 · 8 months
I got B. Dylan Hollis’ (the chaotic baking guy) cookbook, Baking Yesteryear, for my birthday in July and I have been meaning to make a recipe from it ever since. However, I can’t decide what to make first. So, I’m gonna let you decide. I chose all-cookie recipes bc I’m pretty good at cookies, they are easily shareable, and I don’t need to buy any special pans for them.
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