axololtls · 8 days
I love your blog! It perfectly captures the delicacy and calmness of nature 🩷
Thank you!! <3
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irregularbillcipher · 9 months
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shoutout to like a year and a half ago when i went “oh i should draw a bunch of gravity falls characters wearing clothes i own,” drew two mabels and completely gave up
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arka-orcana · 1 month
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My silly stupid gay men axolotl
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jacky-rubou · 1 year
Thoughts on the Axolotl, if any? Otherwise, what are your favourite episodes and why? And is there anything you would've added to the show as an episode? (I apologize if this ask sent more than once)
I think the Axololtl is a very interesting being, one that isn't named in the show except for Bill's backward speech when he was dying, one which has unknown motivations. Why did they give Bill a way to absolve his crimes? Is it because they think he can change? SO many questions for this godly amphibian, I don't think I could handle only being able to ask one. I've added them in a few of my fics, with my own interpretation of their personality. I like their design a lot too.
My favorite episodes are the two part Not What He Seems and A Tale of Two Stans. The whole mystery behind the author, what Stan was doing with the portal, everything about this secret twin being solved was just... so amazingly done. I'm so excited to share it with my friend when we get there.
What I would add as an episode? Literally a more Ford and Mabel centric one. I would love to see him bonding with Mabel more than he did in the show. Then maybe fans would stop saying he hates her or something, but i digress. we just need more Ford in general man. he was besmirched! besmirched I tell you!
anyway, thanks for the question! i'm open to more!
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
Maid of Time here is the John of this session it seems. Also their Kernelsprite is prototyped with an axololtl thats kinda cut.e imagine having a pet axolotl and it falls on a fuckimg blue orb and becomes A ghost axololtl immediately after I wrote this i cash score the pesterlog and that's literally what happened.
Also their handle is murderousTyrant??????
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rechelbu · 1 year
Very curious as to what kinds of pets you all have!!
Bonus points if you reblog with photos of your pets, I’d love to see them! 💕
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worldsandemanations · 13 days
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sodapopbuoy · 3 years
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got a cutie 2 days ago,, their name is Chimp >:]
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technicolorfamiliar · 3 years
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“ich will nicht werden
was ich werden könnte
ich will werden, werden, werden
was ich werden will...”
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wayfaring-cryptid · 3 years
So ive started playing minecraft again after getting it for the ps4 and hot damn is my world a good seed
Ruined neather portal, many villages, got two cats in five mins, two blacks two white and an orange cat in half an hour, then i went under ground
Insantly i found amethyst and copper, iron was hard at first but no longer
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Also i got a blue axo and i luv him
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weektoweekpoetry · 4 years
To have lungs
And not use them
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axololtls... olms... worms... best friends!!
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build-a-buddy · 3 years
Do you like the new Build a Bear?
The axololtl? It's cute, I can see why it's sold well. I won't be getting it because the expression weirds me out.
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sad-boy-hank · 3 years
Sex cristales and axololtl meat
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purelillies · 3 years
on june 14, at 11:58 pm, tragedy struck our minecraft world
moments after we posted the second video of the chickens, in clearing out all the chickens with /kill commands, we sadly lost four axololtls and a parrot in what is now the second great massacre
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calculator-menace · 5 years
I accidentally saved this draft to my main blog instead of my art blog so I guess I'm posting this here first. Shit.
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[Image Description: A digital info card about an original character in the style of MSA character info cards. The entire drawing is using shades of green. This character's name, Wood, is written on the top of the card. Wood is a thin, tan human with a delicate build, and is drawn from the waist up. Their hair is fluffy with alternating green and black stripes, and is pulled into a messy ponytail that reaches just past their shoulders. They are wearing a black sweater under a large green shirt and a necklace with a vesuvianite gem on it. The gem is glowing. Wood is looking off to the side, concerned. There are many different outlines of them behind them, all varying shades of green. Their information reads as such:
Age: ..."25"
Blood Type: A-
Occupation: Professional Mom/ Dad of the year for sad kids, adults, and immortals.
"Actual" Occupation: Cashier & stockperson at "Tome Tomb", a used comic & book store.
Favorite Shows/Games: Comedy/Open-world (Drunk History/ Minecraft)
Favorite Food: Grapes
Instrument: Lyre
Favorite Animal: Axololtl
End I.D.]
Hello this is my child, Wood Smith (any and all pronouns work for them). I love them with my whole heart so that means they have a lot of angst, but basically they're mom. Those on the Ghost Peppers server know pretty much everything about them but I guess this is their big debut to Tumblr! Horrah!
Their backstory can be unlocked via being a level 100 friend with them (or you can just hack the system by getting the achievement "Oh Shit That's Possession.")
I'll post more about them later, but currently they own a large house and takes in anybody that needs stability, a parental figure, or is dead. They treat everybody who lives with them as their child and would actually die for them. You think this is an understatement. It is not.
They also like. Really need a boyfriend. A specific boy. Who are you where are you please come home.
Okay that's enough of me talking about Wood. I just love them a lot.
Woah I just realized I'm posting this on Father's day. Wood is your dad now!
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