#aww you’re so sweet anon 😘
rosicheeks · 26 days
1000000000009% in love wit you
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theshelbyclan · 2 years
Little Devil
Summary: Teddy Shelby is the only one that can make her brothers forget about France, business and time itself
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A/N: just as I wanted to write for Teddy again, because I too miss her at times, sweet anon requested: I’m having a hard day today, can you please write me something with Tommy and Teddy to cheer me up? Maybe the two of them just playing and Teddy being Teddy and Tommy having a hard time with her but secretly loving it too? I adore your writing and you always manage to make me feel better. Xx Aww Anon, I’m sorry you’re having a bad day and I really hope this helps, even just a little. Teddy being Teddy; here we go 😘
Words: 1212
Triumphantly, Teddy stood in the kitchen with her newly stolen treasure burning hot in the pocket of the trousers she was wearing. She tried to hide her glee, but it didn’t quite work. Luckily, her brothers’ attention was elsewhere.
Moments before, she’d been sitting on John’s lap during tea and then spend some time with Tommy as well, but now they needed to talk, so Teddy had been pushed off. Her brothers were discussing business at the table, and she and Finn were allowed to stay in the room, on the one condition they wouldn’t interfere.
“When do we do it, Tom?” Arthur asked.
Tommy replied in a low voice, “Black star day. I’ll tell you when.”
“How about Johnny’s men? He’s got at least a dozen good men...”
“I’ll let you form an army, Arthur, but just remember to trust kin first, then the rest.”
Teddy watched them. She knew what they were planning, or she knew a little about it, and knew it involved the fairs. Tommy had told her, that as soon as she’d turned nine, she’d be old enough to go with them. Just a few more weeks.
“Tommy, we promised them protection...” John continued, looking at the diary and the books at the same time. He seemed worried, but Tommy appeared more relaxed than ever, slouching slightly in his chair, smoking. He had it all in hand.
Teddy watched him and smiled. When she grew up, she wanted to be like Tommy.
Unfortunately, Aunt Polly had other ideas for now, so she entered the kitchen and announced herself with the words, “Time for bed, Teddy!”
“No, it’s not!” Teddy protested, wanting more than anything to just spend a few more minutes with her brothers. They didn’t have to play with her, they didn’t even have to talk to her; she just wanted to be near them when they talked to each other. Now that they were back, that was more than enough.
She shot a pleading look at her brothers, focusing on Arthur, because he was usually the easiest to sway. But Tommy flashed her half a smile when he noticed what she was trying and said, “Listen to your aunt, Teddy. If she tells you it’s time for bed...”
He always was the strictest with her. But Teddy was feeling brave today, so a mischievous look came over her as she told Tommy, “But it’s not yet bedtime! I swear! You can check, Tommy.”
Tommy felt around in his pocket for his pocket watch, but at the end of the delicate chain, he found nothing. For a second, he frowned in confusion. Then he thought about who the best pickpocket in the family was and his eyes were fixed on Teddy once again.
“That little imp,” Arthur growled, following Tommy’s eyes, “She took your watch, didn’t she? I knew she was up to something, looking all bloody innocent back there...”
“Fucking rascal,” John laughed, face full of pride. After all, he’d been the one to teach Teddy how to pick pockets, much to Polly’s dismay.
But Tommy didn’t say a word. He looked at Teddy and she looked at him. Then he held up the empty chain, as if to ask: was it you? And Teddy held up the watch, as if to say: of course it was me, I’m the best thief in Small Heath!
For a second, Tommy lowered his head, and everyone in the kitchen wondered whether he was hiding an impending outburst of fury or a smile. Hard to tell at this point. Then he lifted his head, but his expression remained emotionless.
Tommy motioned with his hand for Teddy to approach him, but when she didn’t, he just couldn’t bring himself to be angry with her. Full of affection, he mumbled, “Little devil...” and then, “Fucking come here!”
Teddy smiled cheekily, recognising the mirth in her brother’s eyes at once, and challenged, “No! You can come here!”
Tommy cleared his throat and sighed, “You have three seconds. Three...”
But his little sister just stuck out her tongue at him.
“Right!” He slammed a hand down on his knee, and got up. Anyone else would’ve been terrified by now, but not Teddy Shelby. She started jumping up and down at the game they were playing and shouted out, “Catch me if you can!”
A big grin spread across Tommy’s face and all of a sudden, he was up and chasing Teddy. The two of them sprinted circles all across the house and betting den, which was now deserted after a long day of work. Then, and only then, would Tommy allow himself to drop the facade of the tough Birmingham gangster and play with his little sister.
“Run, Teddy!” John urged her on, when the two of them passed him by for the third time in a very short time period. He, too, had a big smile on his face and for a moment, it was like France had never happened.
Teddy ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Tommy was quicker, but she was smaller, which meant she could sometimes crawl under tables that he had to go around. Heart racing and panting, she was enjoying every second of this.
Aunt Polly watched them from the bottom of the stairs. Giggles resounded all through the house and an occasional shout of glee from Tommy when he’d almost caught her. “Before France, he used to laugh, a lot.” They all had, and in a way, Teddy was their time capsule, their window into the past, their portal.
“Gotcha!” Tommy growled, as his sister shrieked in his arms. Limbs flying everywhere, he carried Teddy back into the kitchen and loudly demanded in a voice that would make the rest of Birmingham quiver in terror, “Now what did you do with my watch, eh?”
As he was pretending to search for the watch, he tickled Teddy everywhere. Hanging almost upside down in Tommy’s arms, Teddy squeaked, “No, Tom! It’s not there!”
“Oh, right,” Tommy frowned and he moved on and dug a hand into her side, “Maybe in here?”
“Noooo,” Teddy burst out laughing again and tried to protect herself, but it was no use in her brothers’ arms.
“Just tell me where then,” Tommy sighed and switched sides, “Here?”
“NOOOOHOOO,” Teddy protested, until she managed to produce the watch from her trouser pocket herself. She stuffed it into Tommy’s offending hands and he raised his eyebrows in mock innocence, “Should’ve just told me it was there, Teddy.”
Exhausted now after all the fun, Teddy let herself slump down in Tommy’s arms and he held her like she didn’t weigh a thing.
“Say goodnight, boys,” Tommy said when he noticed, “This troublemaker is going to sleep.”
“Quick, John,” Arthur joked, “Check your pockets first!”
And when everyone had wished her goodnight, Tommy carried Teddy up to bed. In the darkness, he couldn’t see, but he could feel her getting heavy in his arms. As gently as he could, he put her sleeping form down on her bed.
Then he securely attached the watch to its chain again and sat back, as a smile crept on his face again, while whispering with all the love he had, “Teddy Shelby, you little devil...”
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lipglossanon · 8 months
Sweet stepdad!Leon makes a reappearance 💕 Walking Through A Graveyard was a super cute story~
I love how he’s going along with Reader’s little investigation 😊 Vampire legends are always so cool! I’ve got a couple graveyards by me so maybe I’ll go exploring one day 😌
“A sharp wind gusts around you, tossing dead rose petals into the air and making you shiver.” Oh my~ that’s oddly enchanting 🥀 Nothing more romantic than walking in a graveyard~
Leon is such a dork! We love a corny guy 🤭 (even if I’ve never seen Ernest Scared Stupid 😅)
Amazing job as always~ I read your little comments on my asks and I get all happy 😊 I’m always happy to leave cute little messages 💌
I’m so glad that you’re feeling better! It’s cold today too, so I hope you stay warm~ Wishing you luck on any and all graveyard explorations you may have in the future~ 🧛🪦
🥭 anon!! 👋 😊
Aww thanks 🥰 and I love walking around old graveyards! The most recent I visited was the cemetery featured in The Blair Witch (1999) 🤭
I love that line too!! 😍 there’s just something magical about cemeteries 🙈
Oh my gosh!! I have a link to the movie from YouTube here. Be prepared cause it’s hella cheesy but really wholesome. 🤭 💜
Idk how old you are (and not prying!) but back in the 90’s Ernest became a viral hit before that was even a thing.
He was in a bunch of silly commercials and then went on to be in a ton of movies. The actor who plays him, Jim Varney, was a super nice down to earth person (he also voiced Slinky Dog in Toy Story 1 &2 before passing away).
Anyway sorry for the ramble 🤣 I like sharing about stuff I know 😝 (and Ernest Scared Stupid is a classic Halloween movie for me 🤭)
Oh wow that’s so sweet of you!! 😭 💜 thank you for always leaving an ask, I love seeing them 😘
And I hope you keep warm on any graveyard walks you might take 😉
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creedslove · 11 months
I think y’all need to chill, guys. If you do a request is just a
It’s not written anywhere that writers must follow every part of that request, they don’t owe you shht. They’re free to change every part of it cause you’re not paying them to do that and it’s their choice to do whatever they want. The only thing they take from you is inspiration, the rest it’s up to the writers and the writers only.
Now leave my bae alone
Aww anon, thanks for being so kind to me!!! You're very sweet ❤️
I don't like this conflict at all, but I'm not gonna write something I don't want just to please someone else ❤️
Thank you honey 😘❤️
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THIS IS THE EXCITED ANON HEHE🥰 with my early wild Wednesday thought:
Josh waking up slightly before you wake up and he just sweetly watches you as you sleep, maybe playing with your hair gently…until you start to quietly moan and squirm in your sleep. It dawns on Josh that you’re having a wet dream, so he sweetly encourages you through it even tho you’re asleep and can’t hear him. He gazes at your changing facial expressions, plays with your hair, rubs your back gently, presses delicate kisses to the tip of your nose, just watching you in awe as you lose yourself in your wet dream, all while whispering praise for you. “Aww, is my baby cumming in her sleep? Yeah? You are so precious, angel…I’m right here baby…just enjoy it…I’m here…so beautiful…good girl baby…” He just wants you to enjoy the pleasures of your dream while all snuggled up and safe in his arms where he can make you feel beautiful and loved even though you’re asleep. He loves watching you and being there for you❤️
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS and happy early Wild Wednesday❤️😘
Holy God... this turned me on way more than it should have.
It all felt so real. Josh's eyes on you makes you feel so warm, only he can hold a gaze that has the power to make your pussy ache with want. His hands all over you as he kisses up your naked body, ignoring the places you need him most. But it's all apart of your imagination, a dream, a really good dream. Josh stirs awake at the feeling of a tug on the sheets, figuring you were simply grabbing the blanket Josh and you subconsciously tug of war all night from eachother. He clears his eyes as he looks to see how early it is, no need to be up yet, figures he might as well fall back asleep a few more hours. Laying back down he adjusts his pillow, his back to you, you're laying on your back, head turned from him, fast asleep. He closes his eyes only to hear a, what was that? A whimper? Probably nothing, just a dream. "Mmm." Another one? High and breathy. He'd know that sound anywhere. Curious, Josh rolls over to you, your eyes closed but your brows subtley moving and twitching, lips parted just a tad, your breathing heavier than it should be in your sleep cycle.
He studies your face sweetly, watching the beauty of you, lost in a dream, if only he could be there with you, seeing what only you can see. He brings his hand to your hair, softly moving stray strands of hair gently away from your face. You talked in your sleep sometimes so this was just that, right? A sigh from your parted lips cascades into the air, Josh's fingers still from their tender touches in your hair, worried he's woken you. "Josh..." Your voice hardly carries the name but he heard it loud and clear. The sound makes his face flush, she's dreaming of me?
More than just a dream, his lips were all over your neck, licking and kissing softly all up your throat, just below your ear, hand in your hair.
Josh sits up at the idea, was he witnessing a wet dream in progress? Oh now he really wants to know what's going on behind those beautiful eyes. "Please," you whine, head shifting slightly on the pillow. Josh looks as you stunned, almost a deer in the headlights. What to do? Could he do anything? You lift your hips, making the sheets move with you, giving you away, body searching for more. Josh watches, hypnotized by the way you're just lost in your own world, one far from here.
He wouldn't touch you where you needed him, why? You've been so good, why won't he? Your dream state wonders, Josh's hands are so close, your pussy is begging to be touched, your clit dying for friction.
"I'm a good girl" you lowly slur, your voice faltering out to earthly Josh, who is just now starting to understand your dream. You're in need, so restless, yearning for release. "Sweet girl." He rasps, his voice so deep from sleep. He leans closer to you, hand just ghosting over your hair. "You're my good girl." He says, his other hand slipping up your hip, exposed from the sheets, your sleepshirt ruffled up around your waist, exposing the soft skin beneath. "So pretty dreaming about me." He leans to kiss your neck, lips gentle and loving, fingers gingerly scratching at your scalp, fuck, you love when he plays with your hair.
Josh works his way down between your legs, finally paying attention to the feeling of your throbbing core. His tongue lapping you up, so slow, so intentional with every single lick.
A pleased sigh of relief falls from your lips, "Finally getting your way in there baby? Good, you deserve it all pretty girl." He whispers kissing the tip of your nose, his eyes can't fall away from your expressions, following your dream as your face and voice tell it.
His tongue feels so deep, stretching your walls, yet his sinful tongue has never left your clit? His hands grope at your tits, squeezing tightly at your thighs, and the swell of your ass, all at once. How? Fuck, does it even matter?
Your breathing picks up, "Joshy," you cry out softly. "Feel good baby girl? I'm right here sweet girl, just enjoy it. It's all for you." He smiles gently as he kisses at your collarbone, licking up your pulse point of your neck, his hand in your hair moves as he holds your waist gently, wondering if you'll feel him in your dream.
His entire being engulfs you in him, his hands feel like they're every where, kisses all over your body, tongue licking and teeth gently biting at the places he knows you love most, yet when you look down, he's there licking up your pussy like its the sweetest thing he's ever tasted, his hands wrapped around your thighs.
Moan after moan rolls softly from your dreaming mouth, Josh's cock starts pulsing with need in his briefs, you look like an angel. "Fuck, you have no idea how beautiful you are." He hisses as he places a wet, open mouthed kiss under your ear making your hips buck up and your stomach muscles tense. Josh pulls the blankets back from the rest of your torso, your soaked panties on display from your spread legs. "Just from the thought of me baby? Oh you are an angel." He whispers, voice like silk in your ear.
The tension in your lower abdomen feels so close, so close to coming undone, so close.
Your head shakes back and forth, brows twisted up in pleasure, chest rising and falling almost erratically. "You're such a good girl for me baby." He rasps, tongue licking at the shell of your ear, mouth gently taking your earlobe in his mouth, a strangled cry from your lips let's him know it made it through to your mind. He smiles at the idea of making you feel good, even when you're a whole consciousness away. "I'm- ah," your voice trembles.
Josh's hand from your waist snakes up and rests tenderly against your cheek, "Aw, is my sweet girl cumming in her sleep? Yeah? Oh sweetheart, come on darling, let me have it." He breathes, he cradles your body closer to him, pulling you safely beside him as you begin to fall apart from the ethereal and other worldly Josh.
His eyes study the way your body reacts, never having had an opportunity like it before, he drinks in all he can. The color of your cheeks, the tear forming in the corner of your eye, the way your breath expands in your chest, your hardened nipples peaking through your thin t-shirt, how your moans fill up the air of your bedroom and the way your hand clutches at the sheets beneath you. Your back arches slightly, a low groan from you, "Josh, Josh-" you whine as your thighs press together, "I know darling, come on baby, give it up. I'm right here, you're safe here. Give it to me." He coaxes you through it, letting your climax come over you. It's impossible to describe, so different, so much at once but so warm and inviting, pulling you down like a whirlpool.
"That's right, there you go princess. So good for me. So sweet like this." His voice so soothing and calming, his hand lays on top of your chest, feeling the slamming of your heart as your breath falls back to normal. "I love you angel." He sighs as he kisses your forehead.
Finally, your eyes fall open, unsure of your surroundings at first, until he's there, by your side like every morning. "G'morning sweet girl." He smirks, you only give him a small smile as he brushes your hair from your face. "Sweet dreams?" He asks leadingly. You look at him puzzled, the wetness between your legs bringing the memories back. "You know," you start, voice hoarse with sleep, "I just had the best dream." You grin knowingly at the deliciously sinful thoughts of your dream. Josh just chuckles to himself, "Tell me all about it."
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Headcanons of how would Vox Machina react to their shy s/o giving a quick peck on the lips in private to cheer them up from a bad day?
This is so soft anon!! 💕❤️ �� 💋
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Give me a kith 💋 😚 😘
Vex’ahlia - unabashedly flirty about it, “oh well darling if it’s how you truly feel”
Keyleth - she’s blushy when you sneak a kiss, murmuring to herself that you should do so more often
Percy de Rolo - blushy like Keyleth, and his hand strays to his cheek where you FIRST kissed him
Pike - giggles at your shy kiss, “aww all you had to do was ask”
Vax’ildan - flirty as heck and when you start to walk away he pulls you back to him, “that’s sweet, you’re sweet…but here’s a real kiss”
Grog - picks you up in his bear hugs, “awwww, c’mere, I think you missed a spot”
Scanlan - so smug about it, “I knew you couldn’t resist 😏 “
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Me after getting wind that someone was being annoying in your asks:
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Then me seeing all the nonnies giving you the love you deserve:
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Natalie my sweet sweet babe! I just wanted to say the way you’ve crafted the MULTIPLE storylines for Puppy and Ninja are absolute masterpieces and the audacity of that one anon got me heated 🙄
BUUUUT I just wanted to say that your warnings are always on point, the feminisation kink is LEGIT TOP TIER and I love and appreciate all the content you put out! You are an amazing goddess and I appreciate you and that beautiful mind of yours 😘😘😘 - @jeanieeelopezreads
Aww, Jeannie!!!
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You’re so sweet! Your reblogs always make my day and I appreciate your so much!! 🥰🥰🥰
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maerenee930 · 2 years
hello!! first of all i’m so sorry you’re having a rough day, i am sending you love and hugs and snuggles! i am now handing you a blanket and a plate of warm cookies if you want them, hopefully you feel better soon 💜 you deserve all the love in the world. let me just say i’m proud of you!! i see your tiktoks and i see your instagram posts about how you’ve been feeling confident and i’m just!!!!! so happy for you. you deserve to feel confident. you’re special, you’re loved, you’re amazing. you’re every nice word in the world. 💕 you’re so kindhearted, you treat people with kindness and that’s gonna get you far in life. it’s good and nice people like you who make the world a better place. ☺️ i sincerely do hope your night gets better. always remember you are loved!!
hello sweet anon! first off i just wanna say, awwwww 🥺😭💙🖤 you are so unbelievably kind and just- thank you so much 😭🫂 thank you for the hugs and snuggles and the blanket and the cookies 🥰 i really appreciate it! i’m gonna get all cuddled up in my bed and pretend i’m actually able to have all of those sweet things here with me right now ☺️💖 but seriously, thank you so much!
omg!! aww 🥺 thank you so much for saying you’re proud of me! 😭 my heart! i- oh man- just- that genuinely means so much to me 💙 ngl, i really needed that. i’ve been really worried that because i’ve stepped so far out of my comfort zone and posted those videos/tiktoks, that people would or are going to judge me for it or they’ll think it’s weird or will try to make me feel bad or uncomfortable because someone my size shouldn’t be so comfortable in their skin and post things like that. you know? but to have that reassurance and for you to be so kind and supportive, it not only means so much to me, but it for sure also gives me an extra vote of confidence that i’ve really needed 🖤 thank you so much again 🫂
you are seriously such a kind and wonderful soul and i’m not sure what i did to get so lucky to have someone as kind as you in my life, but i’m extremely thankful that i do get to have you in my life and i really appreciate you 💙 thank you so so much again 💖 sending you lots of love and thank you so much again for the hugs, snuggles, the blanket and the cookies 🥰
and i will do my best to remember that 🥺🥰 thank you so much 🫂😘
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perfectly-punzel2 · 2 years
I wish I was still able to subscribe to your OF, monies are tight this time of year. I miss seeing your beautiful content.
Aww I totally get it- that’s why I discounted my OF to $5 because I get that it’s the holidays and money is tight for a lot of people 💖 but I also know that sometimes, even $5 is too much. After the holidays/when you’re in a better place, if you’re still wanting to renew your subscription, send me an ask off anon or a message and I’ll send you a special discount for being so sweet 😘
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kalims · 3 years
-🍪 anon
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lipglossanon · 6 months
just need to mention ur sooo sweet lipgloss, everytime i go to the comments on ur stories i see how u always reply to everyone and it’s so adorable!!! we all appreciate the time and effort you put in for us 💗 i love how u interact with ur readers so much and always read the asks we send even if they’re so long !!!!! love ur writing and hope ur having an amazing day 🩷
- 🎲
Hi 🎲 anon! 👋
Aww thank you!! 😭 🥹 I really try to reply to everyone! It’s nice that you guys like it enough to comment and I want to make sure that you see that I see that 😆
You’re being so nice 😭 😭 💜 thank you!! 😘 my motto is:
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Which is usually:
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😜 I’m being a dork but seriously, you guys help motivate me to keep writing so big kudos to each of you as well!! 💜 😘 😘
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soft-husbands · 3 years
I love when you show up and fill my dash with robron! Thank you so much for this 💙 yesterday and today I felt super out of place here :( I was thinking about even deleting my blog, but you came with robron and I felt a lot better. Thanks 😘😘😘
Aww anon you are so so sweet!! I’m glad my annoying random reblog spree cheered you up you’re welcome my dear 🥰 and also I totally feel that I contemplate leaving my deleting my blog daily because I too always feel out of place on here so if you ever want to chat or vent or anything I’ll be totally willing to listen and offer any nuggets of useless wisdom that’s in this chaotic brain of mine haha
Sending you lots of love and hugs and anything else you might need 😘
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moviesbi · 5 years
I’ve always thought women were attractive, although I’ve only dated men. But between your post yesterday and your gorgeous pictures today, I can’t get you out of my mind 💓 you’re so sweet and kind, thank you for being you 😘
aww anon you are so sweet!! thank u so much, this really made my day 💕
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getoswhore · 2 years
Hey Bella…Those voice things are pretty neat and a good idea. They definitely sound kinda like how my brain was reading you. Really soft yet hyperactive tone. Honestly today’s been a day for you it seems, anons asking for banning, videos that aren’t working, quite the busy bee. I’m not gonna give that one time on the SA and rape thing because of…various reasons outside of it happening later. Am I annoyed? Yeah, but it’s just another naïve person who doesn’t…understand the ill will they wish upon others. As for the reading things, it makes me happy that you’re actually trying something new, even though it isn’t working currently 😅. Glad to see you just enjoying yourself though. Makes me really proud, except the no water or actual nutrition…do I need to start my checkups and go digging for the character anons again? ‘M not happy, but can’t control your life…just worried about your health is all.
If you’re asking about mine it’s been okay. I had a social anxiety attack which is very interesting because those are my silent ones. Like you wouldn’t be able to tell unless I inform you it’s happening. It’s not a great thing but comes in handy. A friend of mine turned 18, she’s actually asleep next to me. I’m normally the night owl on the rarest occasions, but you know. And I am getting the prom dress made! It’s paid for now it’s the waiting game. Too bad I can’t find a prom date because I’m known as “quiet” and “smart” or my mom’s kid because she’s a teacher at the school I go to. I am also magically talking to a 25 year old now…it’s fun and he calls me pretty which makes me feel nice but Idk anymore. That’s the sun up of the last couple of days. Honestly need to be more active but brain gets side tracked here. Oh! And if the thing gets working can I hear you ramble about what you would say to Geto if he randomly appeared beside you in bed? Like real life not fake or imaginary. Just because I know my phrasing to mine would be fun.
Love you bunches Bella. Please do take care of yourself! 😘
heyhey, darling, a lot under the cut. <33
yeah, it was fun for awhile, but i got tired quickly n decided to delete them all cause i was feeling weird afterwards fkgmdk hm idky but i just get super icky about stuff like that.. also, pls dw about that shitty anon, that are clearly unwell and doesn't understand the difference of reality and fiction, and the real effects it can have on a person.. sigh.. we just ignore them and don't give them our energy!1!1 also, pls dw, m super big on my health, but last night was just a, hm.. a pat on the back for always keeping up with myself, yknow? i rlly have a big sweet tooth, so once i start eating it's hard to stop jwnfjs but i work out a lot! so no need to worry, pls you're so cute ifmgmfmg
and talking about health, i really hope you're taking care of yourself as well, mentally and physically. and these panic attacks bb :(( are they getting worse? if you don't mind me asking ofc, like when do you realize they start to come up? around big groups of people? meeting new people? :(( augh, i just feel so bad cause ik how it truly feels, and they are icky :(( i really do hope it settles and doesn't worsen over time, so pls don't overthink things, ik in the moment your mind is all over the place but stay as calm as you can bb :(( or just completely walk away if you need to :/
AWW THE PROM DRESS OFMGMFMG I BET YOUR GONNA LOOK HOTTER IN IT AAAAH 😻😻 i wish to see!11! as long as your comfy ofc, AND M SURE SOMEONE WILL LOVE TO GO WITH YOU. but you always have your besties if anything 😈😈 and that 25 yr old.. hm.. ik your grown but older men can be scary sometimes.. but as long as he's not preying on you or doing any weird shit and only treating you right, it's ok. <33 keep me updated if anything. <33
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Hey Star ⭐⭐⭐.How are you doing?Just wanted to check in on you and im wishing you happy holidays and Levi's birthday is also coming up,the only downside is that he is not in this world but is chilling in the aot world.Happy holidays.We love you♥️♥️♥️
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Aww anon you’re so sweet! 🥰 I’m doing okay, how about you? I hope you’re ready for the holidays (and Levi’s birthday haha)! I totally agree with you, it’s too bad Levi doesn’t exist, but maybe that’s a good thing—I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off him! 😉
And you may be onto something with that scenario... Keep an eye out for this year’s Christmas fic, my dear! You just gave me an idea of what to do with it! 😍😘
Happy Holidays to you too, and I wish you nothing but the best in 2022! I love you so much! 💞💞💞💞
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
Hi, Natalie! This is the subby anon from a few weeks ago who admitted to having a crush on you 😅 I was just stopping by to say I hope you’re having a good weekend ❤️ Annnnnnd I saw your more recent pictures and now I have the overwhelming desire to call you mommy 🥴 If we ever meet somehow, you have my full permission to do absolutely whatever you want to me. 😍
Aww, thank you, bb!! 🥰🥰🥰
I am having a pretty good weekend! I managed to clean my apartment during the week so aside from cooking today I’ve been able to just relax and not worry about too much.
If we ever meet I will give you all the kisses for your sweet compliments!! 😘😘
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