kagrenacs · 2 years
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morganpdf · 2 years
🎁 litchrally anyone who hasn't been chosen yet
hm you get rosie bc i forgot i had this saved <3
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crimson-catalyst · 2 years
6, 7, 19, 25, 29 >:) give me your secrests
someone beat u to 6 in fact! as for the rest...
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
how about two; watercolor and fursuiting. i think watercolor’s gorgeous but its something i could not possibly abide doing myself; its too imprecise and relies on timing and you can’t edit it midway or think too hard about it and it also uses a brush.
fursuiting fascinates me as an art but i definitely appreciate it most from a “oh my god giant stuffed animal” perspective LMAO. i want miniature ones as plushies. i love the styles people develop with em
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
buildingsss and city streets!! to be fair i actively dislike greebling buildings but i Love drawing shit in perspective. mmmm.
on a smaller scale im a big fan of the guns ive put together for my ocs (tho only those LMAO). i also like disposable paper coffee cups!
25.  Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
i dont really recall if ive been told id like it or whether my stuff looks like it but an older webcomic(?) named Lore Olympus. aand if i remember correctly ive been asked about Hazbin Hotel/Helluvaboss? i just like demons, im actually a disgaea demon guy LOL
and more generally, modern animes; i certainly have my roots in anime styles but its been many MANY years since i was inspired by any.
i do get accurately pegged for being a homestuck a lot more than id expect though lol
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
a lot of real-play TTRPG stuff! while im not currently listening to any i like various realplay podcasts/shows, but none have necessarily jumpstarted me creating anything. (save for playing myself, of course, but that feels like a unique enough situation involving other ppl to not be “artistically” inspiring)
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Nerevar and the $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant by Varanu
fandom || Morrowind rating || T categories || m/m pairings || Indoril Nerevar/Vivec genre || humour, crack characters of note || Indoril Nerevar, Vivec status || 1/1, 3.5k
Vivec goes to kill the fifth of his children, the Ruddy Man. In a manner of speaking. In another, more usual manner of speaking, he goes out drinking with Nerevar in an all-night seafood restaurant/bar in Nova Orsinium. Nerevar is not sure he is okay with this.
"This is just weird enough that Kirkbride would probably declare it canon." -- Afterword
"I think about this fic a lot. God bless you for writing this, you beautiful soul." -- aussieosbourne
"I've been working on this title almost five years. We have almost 40,000 named NPCs [characters] in the game and nearly every one of them has something to say to you, and so it's important we understand where they come from. What's their culture? What's their society? Much do they pay for seafood? Who are these people? They're not generic fantasy people; they are very specific to the $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant in Nova Orsinium. The books are my particular concern, especially Nerevar and the $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant. I've written almost 200 of them, but Nerevar and the $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant wasn't one of them, that was written by Varanu, who is beautiful and clever. There are a whole lot of other books that were written because I said to someone on the writing team [that they] need a book on this, this, and this. For instance, a thing I said to Varanu was "we need a book on Nerevar and Vivec going to a seafood restaurant in Nova Orsinium somehow, and no one else on the team is skilled or intelligent enough to write it, kiddo. Every zone has a book budget for the lore books, either general about the region; or specific, about a point of interest, or a $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant. And then there are plenty of single-purpose books that are quest related, such Nerevar and the $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant, which is related to the upcoming adventure zone, wherein Vivec (and his pal, Sotha Sil) take you to the $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant for some drinking together, in a gay way (it doesn't matter what gender you are, Vivec is gay for all genders). A book budget, you ask? Yes. Budget in that there must be a certain number of lore books in a $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant to provide context for the area. Every design team has a writer-designer attached to it who is responsible for storytelling. Those writer-designers typically write the lore books for the $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurants. [...] In most cases I have a look at them at some point -- especially if they have some sort of broad lore concern, like Nerevar and Vivec going to a $3.99 All-U-Can-Eat Seafood Restaurant I need to look at it to make sure we're on the same page, which we usually are if the writer is Varanu, because she's very attractive and knows a lot about lore and also sex and marine biology." -- Loremaster Lawrence Shick
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bucephaly · 2 years
comfort tag game!
tagged by @sagesoap !
comfort movie(s) : wolfwalkers, prince of Egypt, and spirit probably !
comfort food(s) : I love a good pbj.. conecuh sausage and pan fried potatoes as well
comfort show(s) : atla!
comfort clothing : its usually just a t shirt and shorts haha
comfort song(s) : grow and hieroglyphs by the oh hellos, pelicans we by cosmo sheldrake
comfort book(s) : braiding sweetgrass.. and I sometimes like to return to some nostalgic books from when I was younger, like some riordan
comfort game(s) : journey, abzu, minecraft, oblivion, portal
tagging : @reliquarian @daggerfelt @asunwv @thatforestprince @aussieosbourne ! If yall want !
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gezora · 2 years
tagged by @theropoda god bless
last song: surtr by David García Díaz. i’m ill in the head
last show: better call saul 😛
currently watching: only murders in the building. it’s pretty good, if not mostly because of selena gomez’s costuming
currently reading: lord of the rings. im doubly ill in the head about these wizards and hobbits
tagging @bethne @aussieosbourne @bucephaly @disexy hi everyone else as well
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rhobi · 2 years
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@aussieosbourne it’s absolutely terrible and it’s massive level of cliche and predictability is comical, but what weirdly makes me the most angry about it is the failed attempts to make it look ‘realistic’. like...all the weird little extra movements and tics that people do, it looks stilted and bad and, boy, you delusional as fuck if you think realistic movement is gonna put out this dumpster fire
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
thank u so much for running this blog, it brings me so much joy when i'm backreading my dash in the morning. do you happen to have any more images of tapirs on hand? they're such delightful little guys
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Great Book of the Animal Kingdom. 1988
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Indian Tapir. Wilhelm Kuhnert.
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Joseph Wolf. 1880.
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oceanfoxo · 3 years
6, 20, 26
ayyyy thanks bincchhhh
6: three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)
Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke. It’s an objectively nasty, bad song that a lot of people unironically like and I think we could all just do without having a wildly popular rape-culture-enabling song. Also they MAJORLY disrespected Marvin Gaye by lifting a lot of the melody off his music.
Africa by Toto: I know I’m going to anger a lot of you with this but this song makes me so goddamn angry lmao. The melody is nice but I kind of really hate men’s singing in music because they almost never sing loud enough for me to be able to hear them over the background. But the thing that REALLY gets my goat is who does this white man think he is and who gave him the authority to bless the rains ‘down’ in Africa?????????
Imagine by the Beat-less. I have a MASSIVE bloodthirst for this horrible horrible band that got way more recognition than it deserved but Imagine is the epitome of vapid, insipid, platitudinous songs that actually mean just about jackshit, and it’s also used by literally everyone who has no business preaching Kumbaya when they don’t practice it. THE CELEBRITY IMAGINE THING DIDN’T HELP EITHER
Honourable Mention: literally everything Eminem rapped. All the boys in my school loved his music growing up. They’re all extremely misogynistic with inflated egos and they think rape culture isn’t real because ‘it’s all a part of being a guy’.
20: three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
Take Me Home, Country Roads
The specific interpretation of Jolene where it’s the singer who’s fallen in love with Jolene and she’s just using ‘I had to have this talk with you’ as an excuse to interact directly with Jolene (’my happiness depends on you’ indeed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
Eden by Sara Bareilles
26: three favourite non-English songs
tous les mêmes by Stromae
Mia Apo ta Idia (Μια Από Τα Ίδια) by Michalis Hatzigiannis
READY STEADY GO by L’Arc~en~Ciel (I can have little a weeb song, as a treat? 🥺👉👈)
[three songs ask set]
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blowout1981 · 4 years
i just got really into tlb and it’s cool to see that there are other people that like it too!
yeah! being in this little community has been an overwhelmingly positive experience for me, and it’s super cool that there is a pretty thriving fandom stemming from a 98 minute film that came out over 30 years ago lol - it’s a lot of fun! 
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echoesera · 3 years
I won't be afraid of making mistakes if you're listening
- the life of a pigeon by the wonder years
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morganpdf · 2 years
u got uhhh ok head in the trees by hotel garuda
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bulltruearchive · 4 years
whoa your theme is so cool!
thank  you  so  much  !  it’s  actually  been  long  enough  now  that  i  a  )  am  out  of  the  all  yellow  phase  of  chris,  &  b  )  i  have  now  grown  to  hate  the  background  lmao,  but  !!  thank  you.  my  friend  made  the  base  code  for  me  in  like  2015  &  it’s  served  me  well  since  !
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
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@aussieosbourne submitted: please enjoy this weevil who graced us with her presence this weekend
I am enjoying this weevil immensely, thank you. Hope she is having a nice weevil day...
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bucephaly · 2 years
Tagged by @transmechanic !
Last Song: the how to train you dragon soundtrack which I listened to while sitting in the dark in the bathtub last night cuz I had one of those random sick nights
Last watched: uhhhh I'm not caught up yet but obi wan kenobi I guess
Currently watching: Clone Wars! I just finished s1. My boyfriend has been steadily getting me into the cooler parts of star wars
Tagging @reliquarian @clannfearrunt @aussieosbourne @pigeon-feet @asunwv
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