#aussie floyd
friendzwiththemoon · 4 months
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my favorite concerts of 2023
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
Floyd vc:*after brushing his teeth touching water*”OH NAAAURR “he falls on the floor tuning back into an eel
Floyd;*in some bad Australian accent*,Azullrr hellp!,ive turned back into an eel!
azul:🧍/why are you talking like that/
STOPPPP THE WAY AZUL'S LIKE "what the hell is he trying to say ?? i can barely understand him bc of the accent—" AND FLOYD'S JUST FLOPPING AROUND ON THE GROUND DRAMATICALLY SJFKDSF
jade joins in: oer naur floyyydd~ i can't believe azulrrr didn't help ya !!
floyd, sobbing: i knoer right !! he's soer mean to me.....
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underablushingmoon · 2 years
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On bass & vocals, Ian Cattell!
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7paris5 · 1 year
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fieriframes · 9 months
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[The sea shall be like magic between us.]
IX - Nuit sans fin
La dernière conversation avec Christina, où je lui avais dit que j'avais utilisé les toilettes du Café d'Auteur, un café fermé depuis cinq ans, avait été un avertissement. Sans parler des huit heures que j'avais complètement bloquées, pendant lesquelles je lui avais apparemment demandé de rechercher d'éventuels liens entre Leonora Carrington et Italo Calvino. Des cartes de tarot, des chansons codées, des cartes du monde étranges trouvées sur des sites web encore plus étranges ? Euphémie ? Je perdais la tête.
Les mois passèrent et la vie reprit son cours normal. Trop de travail, trop de télévision, trop de consommation de nouvelles (qui devenaient de plus en plus déprimantes chaque jour). Le monde fascinant de Leonora et ce jeu (ou quoi que ce soit) était une tentation constante. Une évasion de la monotonie. Mais ça avait aussi un air de danger et j'ai donc réussi à résister à l'envie.
En février, j'ai pris l'Eurostar pour voir un ami à Londres. Et chaque fois que je suis à Londres, on va à Tate Modern, cet incroyable musée de la couverture de l'album Pink Floyd. L'expo cette fois ? "Le surréalisme au-delà des frontières", mettant en évidence l’ œuvre de Carrington. Bien sûr. Mon ami avait déjà acheté des billets et j'étais sûr que le jeu ne me suivrait pas à Londres. Donc, hop, on est parti.
L'expo était incroyable et consistait en des peintures d'artistes avant-garde un peu moins connus, comme Erna Rosenstein, Dédé Sunbeam, Ikeda Tatsuo, Hector Hyppolite, Eugenio Granell, Giorgio de Chirico et Remedios Varo. C'était comme passer d'un rêve étrange à un autre.
En particulier, les peintures de Leonora étaient fascinantes. L'expo présentait plusieurs de ses tableaux, dont sa toute première, intitulée Autoportrait (L'auberge du cheval de l'aube).
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Cette peinture est normalement dans le Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York et c'était cool de pouvoir la voir. C'est une scène (en fait, deux scènes si tu comptes ce qui se passe dehors) à la fois très simple et vachement dramatique, à la fois stéréotypé féminin et masculin. Leonora et la Hyène regardent directement le spectateur, reflétant le comportement de l'autre. En fait, Leonora était souvent liée aux Hyènes, disant "je suis comme une hyène, je rentre dans les poubelles, j'ai une curiosité insatiable". La Hyène réunit ici le mâle et la femelle en un tout, métaphorique du monde de la nuit et du rêve. Pour moi, ce tableau est une exploration de soi, le côté sauvage, le côté curieux, le côté qui cherche la liberté.
J'étais là depuis longtemps à regarder le tableau quand une jeune femme est apparue à côté de moi. Au début, on a regardé le tableau en silence, mais après un certain temps, elle m'a posé une question. "Qu'est-ce que vous pensez que c'est, cette tache à côté de la Hyène ?" Franchement, je l'avais à peine remarqué, mais j'ai répondu, "C'est une bonne question, j'ai supposé que c'était juste une erreur qu'elle essayait de cacher ?" "Une hypothèse sûre", a-t- elle répondu. "Bien que… Carrington était apparemment depuis sa plus tendre enfance très fasciné par les aes sídhe, un peuple féerique surnaturel lié à la mythologie celtique des Gaëls à partir des histoires que sa mère, sa grand-mère et sa nounou lui avaient racontées. Peut-être que ce sont eux qui font une apparition."
C'était la première fois que j'entendais ça et j'étais vraiment intéressé à en savoir plus. Elle s'est présentée comme Ester et on a longuement parlé de Carrington, les Tuatha Dé Danann (la mythologie celtique irlandaise) et du surréalisme. Elle possédait une librairie pas trop loin de chez moi et avait clairement plongé dans sa propre marchandise. Quand mon ami réapparu (il avait disparu dans les œuvres d'André Breton), elle m'a donné la carte de visite de sa librairie et m'a dit qu'elle avait un livre qui pourrait m'intéresser. Si je voulais, je pouvais venir à tout moment pendant ma visite à Londres. Je l'ai remercié pour la conversation et lui ai dit au revoir.
J'ai passé un bon moment à Londres, avec beaucoup de cocktails, pâtisseries scandinaves et cuisine indienne. Le dernier jour, j'ai retrouvé la carte de visite pour The Library of Babel que Ester m'a donnée. C'était à proximité. La commodité et ma curiosité m'ont rendu impossible de résister.
Après avoir parcouru les petites rues pendant trente minutes, j'ai finalement trouvé la librairie. Avec un nom si spectaculaire, je ne m'attendais pas à un endroit aussi discret; un petit panneau étant la seule indication de ce qui nous attendait à l'intérieur. Je suis entré et j'ai vu immédiatement livre après livre. Le magasin se composait d'un bureau en bois et d'un nombre apparemment infini de livres empilés au hasard derrière. Je ne pouvais pas comprendre comment quelqu'un pouvait trouver quelque chose là.
Je n'avais même pas remarqué la personne qui était assise au bureau avant qu’il me demande si j'avais besoin d'aide. Je lui ai dit que j'avais reçu une invitation de Ester. Sans même demander mon nom, il dit "Ah oui, Ester a dit qu'elle est désolée de ne pas pouvoir être ici aujourd'hui, mais elle vous a laissé ce livre." Je l'ai remercié et j'ai attrapé mon portefeuille, mais il a immédiatement dit "non, non, pas de soucis".
Une fois à l'extérieur de la librairie, j'ai vu la note attachée au livre, "J'espère que ce livre vous trouvera bien et éclairera le chemin. Que les aes sídhe soient à vos côtés, toujours."
Le livre était intitulé Nuit sans fin et était une sorte de recueil de poésie. Je l'ai feuilleté lentement jusqu'à ce que j'arrive aux deux pages du milieu. Un frisson parcourut ma colonne vertébrale. Là, au milieu du livre, il y avait la même carte que j'ai trouvée sur le site web crypté.
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3tabbiesandalab · 2 years
Sweet Home Alabama
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Here’s another Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Reader fic
It’s loosely based (and I mean loosely) on the movie Sweet Home Alabama and the fictional town Pidgeon Creek. It has plenty of movie quotes for those who have seen it.
Now I know everyone has lots of ideas of where every one is from. But lets just pretend for this fic to make any sense that Maverick, Penny, Hangman, Coyote, Bob and reader were either born or live/or have lived in this fictional Alabama town at some point okay?! This town also happens to be great at growing naval aviators. That’s just the way it is! And they all don’t have accents for whatever reason. (Remember I’m an Aussie so my southern accent writing skills aren’t amazing!) 
Thank you to @coyotesamachado for the encouragement. I hope you enjoy it!
Trigger warnings - miscarriage and minor character death. All my love to those who have experienced loss.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
The screen door rattled with a loud persistent knock. YFN was quite relaxed in her bubble bath after an early shift at the hospital. But whoever was at the door, didn’t sound like they were going away anytime soon. She groaned as she got out and wrapped a towel around her dripping body.
Screw it.
Seeing as they were so determined to keep banging the door, she might as well embarrass the hell out them for interrupting her.
It was probably just Penny, or it could even be her friends Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin or Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado. She had heard that some of the famous Pidgeon Creek navy boys were back. Of the small number of people YFN knew who had actually managed to get out of the tiny little Alabama town, they had a bit of a habit of becoming naval aviators like the local hero Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
“Alright I’m comin’. Don’t get your panties in a twist!” YFN called out to whoever was responsible for the incessant noise.
She ripped open the door with a smirk “This better be good, I was just havin’ a lovely bubble…”
The words died in her mouth. Stood on the porch was the last person YFN ever expected to see. Her ex – but not really ex, since they were technically still married - husband.
Robby. Or Lieutenant Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd as he was known now.
It had been almost seven years since he’d last been in town.
YFN sucked in a breath at the sight of him. He was still the most attractive man she’d ever laid eyes on, now even more so.
They’d grown up together as kids and had been inseparable. YFN had been in love with Bob as long as she could remember, he was even her first kiss at ten years old. He’d been her first everything, and she’d been his.
The boy she’d married at eighteen years old was still there, under the more muscular body and aged features. Bob’s cherub face, the errant curls in his hair he could never tame, and the most beautiful blue eyes behind the same vintage wire framed glasses. Those eyes held the same sad look he’d had the day she’d sent him away.
That look quickly morphed into surprise as he took in her state of undress.
“YFN! What are you doing? What if I’d been some pervert or something?” he cried out.
Bob’s southern accent was barely there, which wasn’t at all surprising since he had only returned to their hometown once after leaving for college and then the navy. It didn’t matter though as soon as she heard her name from his lips again her heart and body ached. This felt like torture.
“Well I spose I made their job easier for them, didn’t I?” YFN joked, slipping into her default sarcasm to hide her own shock. She quickly brought her hand up to cover her necklace. The one that had her wedding ring on it. As she opened the door fully for him, she didn’t know if she hallucinated the light blush that spread across Bob’s cheeks and down his neck and that his eyes ran up and down her body.
“Are you going to put some clothes on?” he said as he looked flustered. Bob stepped inside; his eyes now firmly fixed on the ground.
“It’s your fault I’m half naked. I got outta my bath ‘cause it sounded like you were gonna break the door down. Besides it ain’t nothin’ you haven’t seen ‘fore.” YFN quipped nervously as Bob moved past her, his body not far from her own.
YFN closed her eyes and took a deep steading breath in through her nose. He still smelled of sandalwood and vanilla and something that was uniquely him. The t-shirts he’d left behind spritzed with an old bottle of his cologne that she often slept with when she was lonely, were a poor substitute for the real thing.
She let out the breath slowly and opened her eyes to find Bob’s blue ones fixed on her. YFN was sure he noticed her breathing him in and she flushed at being caught. He might have noticed her necklace too, but he didn’t say anything, just stared at her curiously like she was a puzzle to be solved. But his eyes held something else there too, something more intense.
“Umm. I’ll just go…” YFN said nervously. “Make yourself at home, not a lot has changed in it since...” she couldn’t finish her sentence and she quickly made her way down the hall.
YFN closed the door of the bedroom door behind her, the bedroom that they once shared. Her heart was beating out of control. “Fuck.” she whispered to herself as she brought a shaky hand over her chest and tried to calm herself. She was not prepared to see Bob again, not prepared for the feelings he stirred up inside her.
Pain, guilt, anxiety, and love coursed through her, and she fingered the necklace that had her wedding band on it.
She always knew deep down she wasn’t good enough for Bob, when they were growing up most people would say so. They were complete opposites but had always been like two peas in a pod. Bob was quiet but so sweet, smart, and talented and he had dreams of being a naval aviator and was accepted into college out of state. Even though he was shy, he charmed everyone who ever met him.
And YFN was loud and crazy and sarcastic, with nothing that remarkable about her. She was just the troublemaker who worked part-time at the dixie stop after school and had a passion for painting but no offers for college.
Right after their senior year she got pregnant, and Bob married her despite his parent’s objections. The gossips whispered that YFN had trapped him, but she ignored them as best she could, and they made plans for her to follow him to college so he could chase his dreams.
It would have been tough, but they were so in love and sure they could make it all work. But then her mamma got sick and was all alone as YFN’s daddy had left when she was younger. YFN made the decision to stay behind and nurse her mamma and her kind and loving Bob was prepared to give up on college and stay with her. But YFN was determined to make sure he could live out his chosen path, so made him go.
Her mamma was sicker than anyone realised, and she died shortly after and YFN miscarried their baby the day before the funeral. Her grief over the losses was enormous and on top of that her mamma had no life insurance, so YFN was saddled with her parent’s debt. Bob came home with the intention of dropping out, but he was too smart, too talented, too special to be stuck with her in their little town.
His parents were adamantly against it and even though she didn’t like them, YFN agreed. There was no way she was going to let him give up on his dreams for her and so she broke up with him and said the most awful things she could think of to push him away and get him to leave.
And she was still haunted by them today.
She burst into tears as she allowed herself to remember it. That time had been the darkest, hardest part of her life – she had lost their baby, become an orphan and was deep in debt at eighteen. YFN had been desperate for Bob’s love and support, but he had so much going for him and she couldn’t be selfish and ruin his life too. So she shut him out, determined to make sure he fulfilled his potential.
And he did. Bob graduated college and got accepted into the naval academy and although he was young, he quickly become a successful and highly sort after WSO. YFN had always kept tabs on Bob over the years and she was so incredibly proud of him.
And was still very much in love with him.
After the worst of the grief had subsided, she tried to call him, but she would chicken out and hang up before Bob even answered the phone. She thought it’d be easier to write letters to apologise, but she never sent them. YFN had found the courage to visit Bob at college once to try and explain, but he looked happy and carefree there and she couldn’t bear to ruin that for him. So she left without a word.
She had selfishly wanted to share in his happiness so with a little help from Penny, YFN managed to secretly watch Bob’s college and naval academy graduations, but she couldn’t approach him with his parents around. Although she missed him and regretted letting him go every day, she was content in knowing he’d achieved his dreams.
YFN worked on her own goals as well. The miscarriage and nursing her mamma influenced her future and she trained to be a nurse and a midwife. She became successful with her painting, a lot of her work sold, and it helped pay off her debts. She did it for herself, but there was a part of her that hoped if she deserved Bob enough, that maybe fate would bring them back together one day.
And here he was, seven years later. Probably not for the reason she wanted though.
Bob tried to calm his breathing while he paced around the living room of his former home. YFN was just as beautiful as he remembered, even more so. He had no idea that she could make him feel this way after all this time. He had loved her ever since he was old enough to know what love was.
And now he’s really not sure he ever stopped.
“What do you wanna marry me for anyhow?”
“So I can kiss you anytime I want.”
Their special vow.
Bob used to dream about hearing it, even if it was just one more time.
But that ship had sailed long ago. Their world had been turned upside down when she’d lost her mamma and then their baby. And then YFN had made it clear that she didn’t want anything from him, and it had broken his heart.
Bob was so angry and hurt but he respected her wishes and never contacted her and focused as best he could on college and the naval academy. It had felt selfish at times, to fulfill his dreams and leave her behind. He ached for years to reach out to her, but he could be a stubborn southern boy when he wanted to be, and he would remind himself that she was the one who pushed him away.
His parents moved out of Pidgeon Creek not too long after he did, so apart from YFN, there was little else there for him. And she didn’t want him, so he never looked back and took the longest deployments that were the furthest away, to try and forget her.
But Bob never could forget her. He’d be reminded of YFN in both the big and little moments. He’d eventually taken his wedding ring off, but he took it everywhere he went, and would occasionally slip it on when he thought about her.
He didn’t know what she was to him or how he felt about her anymore. Bob just knew that YFN didn’t want him though, she’d made that clear all those years ago.
YFN walked into the room breaking him from his thoughts. Bob turned to face her, and she looked as if she’d been crying, and his heart ached. He had always hated seeing her upset.
“Have… have you been crying?” he asked concerned.
“I stubbed my toe. I’m fine an’ dandy.” she said unconvincingly. She was lying.
“Why are you even here Bob?” YFN puffed up her chest and huffed at him.
God she could be pig-headed.
Bob set his jaw; he was a little hurt at her obstinance. Fine then. If she wanted him to get straight to it, he would.
“I was in an accident a while back and the hospital…”
“The hospital? Are you… are you hurt?” YFN cut him off and he watched her anxiously scan his body for injuries.
When they were younger, she always worried about him, looked after him if he was sick or patched him up if he got injured.
His jaw relaxed and he gave her a small reassuring smile “I’m ok, I promise.” And she looked relieved.
“It’s just… after the accident the navy reviewed my records and ah questioned why my wife wasn’t my next of kin.” he said softly.
“Oh.” she uttered as she stared at him with a look he couldn’t decipher. But she shook her head and quickly masked her emotions.
He had to do this. Bob took a deep breath and offered her the divorce papers he’d been holding “Yeah. It’s umm been so long, and we never did… We never fixed up any official paperwork. But the navy needs it sorted. So maybe it’s time we…”
He tried to but couldn’t gage her reaction. YFN’s eyes bore into his before she looked down and stared at his outstretched hand holding the papers.
When she didn’t react for a long while, Bob gently prompted her “YFN. Did you hear me?”
Her head snapped up. “Honey just ‘cause I talk slow, doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” she spat angrily and snatched the papers off him.
“I didn’t mean…”
YFN waved him off as she interrupted him “It’s fine. I guess it just slipped your mind since you don’t think ‘bout me anymore. You’re probably with someone by now…” she trailed off.
She was wrong on both counts. Bob thought about her and there was no one else, but he didn’t correct her.
“Oh.” she reacted quietly to his silence. “Makes sense. Nobody finds their soulmate when they’re ten years old.” she practically whispered.
They both thought they had back then. Guess they were wrong.
YFN turned away from Bob and put the papers on the table. He didn’t want her; he was with someone else, and he’d only come back to town to divorce her. Tears pricked at her eyes, her chest ached, and she felt like she was suffocating.
She had to make sure he didn’t know how heartbroken she was.
So YFN did what Bob asked and signed them with a trembling hand.
She had to get out of here.
“Oh shoot. Will you look at the time. I’ve signed your damn papers. Now I gotta go. I’ve got a date.” she lied in a shaky voice. She tried to hide the tears that now fell freely from her eyes as she ran to the front door.
“YFN wait!” Bob called out, but she ignored him and quickly got in her car and fled.
YFN drove around for ages while she sobbed, and she finally stopped at Penny’s bar when her tears had dried up.
She made her way through the crowd of locals and headed straight to the bar to get a drink. Penny took in her state and sighed at her sadly “Honey. I’m so sorry.”
“You knew he was back and didn’t tell me?” YFN whispered as she downed the glass of whiskey Penny gave her in one hit.
“Blame me. I should have told you.” she heard a male voice to her right and turned to find Maverick looking at her with a sombre smile.
“Mav. You’re back. I didn’t even realise y’all knew where he was stationed.” YFN said simply as she hugged him tightly and downed a second glass of booze.
He gave her a small smile “All the Pidgeon Creek boys somehow ended up on the same mission together. First time I’ve worked with him. It was a tough one. But I should’ve warned you, I’m sorry.”
A loud shout from by the pool table caught YFN’s attention and she saw her friends Jake and Javy with a couple of others she didn’t recognise. “Hey Coyote. Are you hungry?” Jake called out.
“Sure am Hangman.” replied Javy, a smirk on his face.
YFN smiled and she was immediately squashed between Jake and Javy. “I sure could use a YFN sandwich!” they hollered.
She laughed a little and ducked out of the middle of the men, “Javy. Jake. I love you both and I missed you. But I’m not inna mood for a YFN sandwich or a YFN taco or a YFN corndog either.”
She sighed and gave them a sad smile “You coulda told me he was back.”
“We’re sorry darlin’. The last detachment was the first time we’d seen him in a long time too. We had no idea he was comin’ home until he was on the transfer with us.” Jake said apologetically.
He took in her sombre appearance and embraced her again “You’ve been cryin’.” he said.
“So you didn’t know he came to get a divorce?” she said quietly as she wiped her face.
“What?! We didn’t I swear it. I’m so sorry. We thought he might still lo…”
“Leave it Coyote.” Jake warned as he interrupted Javy.
“He said he met someone. All I’ve ever wanted was for him to be happy, so I signed the papers. Then I panicked. I said I had a date and walked out on him. Jake honey, I need you to pretend we’re together or somethin’. He knows Javy’s married so that won’t work.” she pleaded.
Jake and Javy looked at each other, confused at her words.
The other two people, that YFN didn’t recognise, approached them. One was a gorgeous, petite, brunette woman, and the other was a good looking tall, tanned man with an impressive 80’s moustache.
The man looked both concerned and amused and said, “I don’t think that idea’s going to work.”
YFN looked at him sceptically “And why’s that?”
“Because Hangman has a boyfriend.” Javy grinned.
“Oh my god. You do?!” she squealed. She was happy to hear some good news.
Jake smiled “Yeah it’s kinda new.” he said shyly as he looked at the man beside him. YFN had never seen Jake look so coy about a relationship and it made her smile.
“I’m the boyfriend. Rooster or Bradley if you’d prefer my real name.” he said extending his hand to shake. YFN just engulfed him in a big hug.
“Happy to meet you sugar! Rooster… Bradley… why do they sound familiar? Wait Mav’s talked ‘bout you ‘fore I think.” YFN mused.
Bradley smiled “It’s good to meet you too. Yeah, he’s sort of like my uncle, I guess. You breed a lot of aviators in this little town of yours.”
YFN laughed “That we do. No there’s somethin’ else ‘bout you. Holy shit Jake! This is the pilot you’ve carryin’ on ‘bout? The one who’s ruffled your feathers all these years?” she exclaimed.
Javy doubled over in laughter. Bradley raised an eyebrow at Jake “Aww Hangman, you been sweet on me for that long baby?” he teased.
“Sweet on you as in I wanted to rip that dumb stash of your face until recently? Then yes, yes I was.” Jake joked and YFN looked at the woman beside them who laughed.
“The G-forces made ‘em lose all their manners. I’m guessin’ you’re a pilot too. I’m YFN.” she chastised the boys and hugged her.
“I’m Phoenix but you can call me Tash. I’m Bob’s pilot. I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t know what that idiot had planned when he wanted to come down here.” she said warily.
YFN sighed “Don’t you be sorry. Not your worry honey. He’s got someone now, so I can’t really blame him for wanted to get things sorted. But I kinda need to blow off some steam so how ‘bout we get drunk and show these morons a thing or two ‘bout pool?”
Penny must have read her mind because she and Maverick brought over trays of beers and whiskeys. “You know they could use a good laugh after our mission. How ‘bout you tell them the story of how you blew up the bank at ten years old.” chuckled Maverick.
“Ten years old. Jesus. How did you manage that?” laughed Phoenix.
Coyote grinned and said “She strapped dynamite to Fuzz the cat and he wandered into it.”
The group laughed and YFN smiled “I had help. Pidgeon Creek’s resident WSO lit the fuse.” And she downed her whiskey in one go.
“Bob?! Our sweet and innocent Bobby boy actually did something illegal. That’s quite a story.” Rooster proclaimed.
“He was quite a boy. I used to get ‘im into all sorts when we were kids. His folks kinda hated me.” YFN laughed.
“But you’d take the blame for me every time. Wouldn’t you darlin’?”
They all turned to see Bob stumble slightly towards them. He looked a little upset and pretty drunk, and that had made his accent return in full force.
“I didn’t think Bob drank?” Bradley mused quietly.
“He doesn’t often.” Javy sighed as he lined up to take a shot on the pool table.
Bob didn’t drink much even back when they were younger, but when he did, the quiet, shy boy usually disappeared. He could be funny and stupid and a bit bitchy and until YFN reeled him back in before he got carried away.
Jake wrapped an arm around YFN protectively and whispered into her ear “You good sugar?” and she nodded slightly and shot another glass of whiskey.
“You hittin’ on my wife Hangman? Won’t Rooster get a little jealous?” Bob taunted.
She felt pretty loose from the drinks she’d had. “Thought you were keen to drop the wife part Robby.” she quipped using her name for him from when they were younger.
Bob looked surprised at the name or the dressing down and backed off sheepishly “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
YFN sighed, even though he could be sarcastic when he was drunk, he was still sweet and apologised if he went too far. And even though she was heartbroken right now, she couldn’t be angry with him.
“Hey. Robby look at me.” YFN said quietly, and he met her eyes with his sad ones.
“It’s ok. I shouldn’t have said that. You ah… you had to do what was right for you. And Mav said the last detachment you did together was a tough one. So let’s all play some pool like we used to as umm friends. Have some fun yeah?” she offered.
“Yeah c’mon baby grab a stick and join us. If you have trouble findin’ one, just use the one that’s shoved up your ass right now.” Jake needled.
That broke the tension and the whole group including Bob burst into laughter.
Bob sat back and watched his friends play pool as he nursed a beer in one hand and a pool cue in the other. He’d slowed down with the drinking since he was already pretty drunk off the whiskey he’d found at YFN’s house, before he showed up to the bar.
He tried to have fun, he’d laugh along with the others and occasionally say something back. But he was still in shock. He was a little floored that YFN signed the divorce papers as soon as he gave them to her. Bob thought maybe there might have been the smallest chance that even after all these years she would refuse to, she used to be stubborn as a mule after all.
He knew he’d been the one to bring it up, the one who asked the question. So Bob guessed he got what he wanted.
He didn’t feel like he got what he wanted. He felt the absolute opposite of that. He was gutted.
And YFN just acted like everything was fine and chose to be so understanding about the whole thing.
Hangman and Rooster sat down either side of him.
“Well Bobby. We love you but I think you might have fucked this up.” Rooster said simply.
“Yeah, what were you thinkin’ baby? Just rockin’ up with divorce papers? I thought you were sposed to be smart. And you ain’t gotta girl. For someone who’s been hangin’ on to somethin’ so long, you’re pretty fast to let it go.” Hangman shook his head as he quizzed him.
Bob sighed deeply he had no idea why he’d done it like that. He hadn’t planned to ask YFN straight up. She had looked surprised to see him but there was something else he couldn’t quite place. He was observant and he was sure that she had breathed him in, and she’d quickly hidden her necklace for some reason. But YFN had just deflected it all in the stubborn way she used always did.  
Part of him was still angry at her after all this time and he also was annoyed because he could tell she was hiding something. And his brain wasn’t working all that well after seeing her in a towel, she was still so beautiful. So he’d just come out said it and then couldn’t take it back. It was pretty obvious she was upset, and he was pretty sure she had cried but YFN just signed them.
Just like that. And now they burned a hole in his back pocket.
“I don’t know… She was… She thought I did, and I never said I didn’t… Don’t know why… I never thought… Fuck maybe I hoped she’d never sign ‘em.” Bob stuttered out as he watched YFN laugh at something Phoenix said.
“I wasn’t sure if I loved her anymore. But maybe I… Shit. It doesn’t matter. YFN didn’t want me back then and she doesn’t want me now.” he finished dejectedly and skulled the rest of his beer and dropped his head. Screw slowing down.
“YFN Floyd! It’s your turn.” Coyote drunkenly called out and Bob’s head snapped up and he dropped the stick he was holding on the floor in shock.
“For fuck sakes Coyote.” Hangman grunted at the man.
YFN bent down and picked the pool cue up, she was pretty tipsy. “What kind of wife would I be if I didn’t pick up after my husband. Well not anymore I guess, sweet boy.” she said laughed and tried to make light of Coyote’s slip up.
“Floyd? You kept my last name.” Bob whispered wistfully at that and her calling him ‘sweet boy’ again.
“Yeah, I did. Sorry. I guess that’ll be a problem now with your new girl. I promise I’ll change it.” she sighed as she fingered the necklace under her shirt, all traces of her humour gone.
Bob just stared at her. Once again, he didn’t correct her about him seeing someone, he was too shocked to do it.
She’d kept his name all this time. Could that mean something.
“It might take me a while to change it though Robby. I hope she’s ok to wait a little bit. The hardest part will be changin’ it at work and let everyone know that I’m gonna start signin’ my charts…” YFN trailed off quietly.
Bob was ashamed that had no idea what she was talking about. He hadn’t asked anyone about what she had done with her life for a long time. “Charts?” he questioned.
“Yeah, I’m a nurse and a midwife.” she said softly. Her eyes looked deeply into his.
“Oh. Because of your mamma and our…?” he faltered with a whisper not breaking eye contact.
YFN just nodded at him, tears welled in her eyes “I guess I just wanted to…”
“Sweet girl…” Bob breathed as reached for her. And he used his name for her for the first time in seven years.
YFN paled “No! You can’t… You can’t call me that… I just… I need some air.” she choked out. “Mav can you. Can you drive me?” she asked as she ran out of the bar. Maverick nodded and followed her.
So for the second time that day, Bob watched as YFN ran away.
After she left, Phoenix enveloped him in a big hug and then smacked him in the back of the head “Why do you make me be so mean to you?”
“Oww! What the hell. Whatcha talkin’ ‘bout?” Bob grumbled.
“She still loves you, you idiot! And now she thinks you’ve found someone else because you didn’t correct her!” Phoenix shouted.
“What?” Bob said incredulously.
Hangman sighed heavily “You know she went up to your college to see you.”
“Who? YFN? When?” Bob asked surprised.
“About a year after you left. But she saw how well you were doin’. And she thought she’d need more than an apology to win you back. She needed to conquer the world first.” Hangman said sincerely.
“But she broke up with me. Told me she didn’t love me. Didn’t need me. Told me never to speak to her again. She said she was glad she lost our…” Bob choked out.
Coyote shook his head “YFN lied Bob. Your folks put a bit of pressure on her. Called her quicksand. But she didn’t want to hold you back. Didn’t want you stuck with her folk’s debt. So she lied. She tried to call. Wrote you letters but never sent them.”
Bob just stared at them all in shock. He hadn’t been close with his folks for a while. He knew they never approved of YFN but didn’t realise they had a role in their breakup. She had convinced him that she didn’t want to be with him anymore after the miscarriage.
“Why didn’t y’all tell me?” he whispered.
“Honey it wasn’t our place. You gotta understand, it was so hard for her in the beginnin’. She lost her mamma and the baby and then you. But she’s always kept track of you. I helped her get to your college and naval graduations so she could cheer for you. She was always there for you, always thinkin’ ‘bout you even if you didn’t know it. She hoped you might come home one day, but your parents moved away, and you never came back.” Penny said softly to him.
“YFN still wears her weddin’ band on a necklace baby.” Hangman added.
“You need to see something Bob.” Penny said simply as she pointed at the wall a few metres from him.
Bob got out of his seat and walked over to see the ‘Pidgeon Creek Wall of Fame’. It was covered in photos and newspaper articles of former residents who had done something special. His eyes were drawn to the striking paintings in the middle of it. They were beautiful.
There was one of Maverick, Coyote, and Hangman. And there was one of him, the day he’d graduated the academy. It was so realistic and detailed, as if the artist had been there. It looked like it had been painted with love and care. And in the corner where the artist usually signed was the name YFN Floyd.
Phoenix stood beside Bob “Wow. She’s really good.” she breathed.
“YFN didn’t think she was enough for you. Wanted to make somethin’ of herself. Between selling her paintings and her work at the hospital, she paid off all her debts. But it had been years, so she thought it was too late to tell you. She’s a stubborn southern girl after all.” Penny said honestly.
She never stopped loving him. And Bob realised he had never stopped loving her.
He immediately sobered up. “Fuck.” Bob whispered as he turned around to face his friends. “Fuck. I… God I’ve fucked up.” he said again louder this time pulling the divorce papers out of his pocket.
He looked at Phoenix, his eyes pleaded with her to help. “Don’t look at me Bob. I’m not responsible for your stupid shit on the ground.” she said.
“Just tear them up and go after her. Tell her you’re an idiot. It’s not official yet!” Rooster exclaimed as he took the papers off Bob.
Hangman then snatched them off his boyfriend and looked at them and laughed loudly. Bob stared at him like he’d grown a second head.
“Baby you’re as fuckin’ slow as molasses in the wintertime.” he said sarcastically. “YFN signed them, but you didn’t.” he chuckled.
Bob barked out a choked laugh “You mean we’re still married?”
Maverick walked back into the bar and called out “Only if you want to be.”
“Yes! Yes I do want that!” Bob blurted out. “Mav please. Where is she? Can you drive me?” he begged.
“Fucking kids.” Maverick groaned as Penny kissed his cheek.
“Wait right ‘ere y’all. I’m gonna go find my bride!” he said joyfully as he practically dragged Maverick out of the bar.
YFN sat on the beach, illuminated by the moon, and cried. She was in their special spot, the place Bob and her had found together. She heard movement in the sand but didn’t turn her head when she felt someone sit next to her. She knew it was Bob, the smell of sandalwood and vanilla and him settled in the air.
“YFN. Darlin’ I…” he whispered.
She had waited a long time to apologise to him, to explain her actions. She took a deep breath and turned to him “Let me get this out before I can’t Robby.” she murmured, tears in her eyes.
“I never meant to hurt you, sweet boy. I thought us bein’ together with our baby, while you followed your dreams was gonna be full of adventure. But then my mamma got sick and died and then I lost… I knew you were gonna stay behind with me and then it would’ve been your only adventure. And your folks… well it doesn’t matter. They were right.” she sobbed.
Bob reached for her, but YFN put her hands up in front of him defensively.
She took another steadying breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I lied about everythin’. I said all those hurtful things, but they weren’t true. You deserved a better life Robby, and it was the only way I could think of to get you to leave and never come back. And you’ve done real well for yourself. I’m so proud of you sweet boy.” she sniffed and gave Bob a small sad smile.
“You know I coulda had both roots and wings YFN. We coulda figured it out.” Bob sighed.
“Maybe. Doesn’t make a difference now. I hope your new girl knows how lucky she is.” she whispered.
“There is no one else sweet girl. I’m sorry I let you believe that. I’m a fuckin’ idiot YFN.” Bob confessed.
He gazed into her eyes intensely and said softly “Truth is I gave my heart away a long time ago. My whole heart and I never really got it back.”
YFN breathed out slowly. He still loved her.
Bob reached for her, and he slid his fingers under the neckline of her shirt and pulled out her necklace, revealing her wedding ring on it. He moved to lift the chain over her head, and she let him.
“I’m sorry I gave you the papers darlin’. I was so stupid. I don’t wanna divorce, I never did. But it turns out I never signed them myself so apparently you and I are still hitched.” Bob said softly, love in his eyes as he removed the ring from the necklace.
“The paintin’ YFN… Why didn’t you tell me you came to see me?”
“You were always too good for me. I needed to make something of myself.” she uttered. YFN’s breath hitched as he lifted her left hand and placed the wedding band on her ring finger.
Bob smiled shyly at her “Are you ‘bout done? ‘Cause I have never thought that ‘bout you YFN. I loved you back then and I tried to forget about you, but I never did. I’m sorry I never fought for you. I love you more than anythin’ sweet girl.” he breathed.
“I love you, Robby. I never stopped. Not for a single second.” she whispered as she gazed at him reverently.
The small smile she wore slowly widened.
“What do you wanna be married to me for anyhow?” she asked coyly as she shifted closer to him.
Bob grinned at her; his eyes shined brightly in the moonlight.
“So I can kiss you anytime I want.” he replied softly, and he lifted his hands to cradle her jaw.
And he did kiss her.
They kissed slowly and deeply.
Honk. Honk. Honk.
Honk. Honk. Honk.
They broke apart and laughed when they saw Maverick standing next to his car. He’d driven it down on the beach.
“Nearly done here? You kids have always been a pain in my ass, and I need a drink.” he sighed dramatically.
When they got back to Penny’s bar, Bob looked at YFN with a big grin on his face and she shrieked when he swept her up into his arms bridal style and carried her inside.
“Well folks. Look who finally got their shit together. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Robert and YFN Floyd!” Maverick called out loudly.
The room erupted into cheers.
YFN gasped at the scene in front of her and Bob looked equally surprised. She had no idea how they had done it, but they’d turned the bar into a reception of sorts. And half the town had somehow turned out to celebrate.
Their small group of friends came up and congratulated them.
Jake smiled at YFN “You happy sugar?” he said. And she smiled widely and nodded as they embraced.
“You hittin’ on my wife Hangman?” Bob laughed and Jake hugged him tightly.
Bradley playfully punched Bob in the arm and smiled widely at them.
Coyote and Tash hugged them both and she placed something in YFN’s palm and she gasped.
Bob’s wedding ring.
“How? Where?” he spluttered.
Tash just shrugged “I saw you playing with it a few times. Found where you keep it in your bag. You better put it on him, so he doesn’t lose it. And neither of you better fuck this up again.” she laughed.
“Yes ma’am.” YFN and Bob both replied.
Bob offered his left hand to her with a grin and YFN slipped his wedding band on his ring finger and kissed it.
“I think it’s time for a dance, don’t you?” Penny said with a joyful smile on her face.
YFN grabbed Bob’s hand and led him to the dance floor. “Hey Penny. Make it a slow one.” she said as she smiled back at her.
Penny walked to the jukebox and punched the buttons. The sounds of ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ started to play.
YFN looked at Bob lovingly as they swayed to the music “I love you sweet boy.” she murmured.
“I love you too sweet girl.” he breathed back as he gazed at her adoringly.
Bob cupped her cheek with his hand and lowered his lips to hers. He stopped just before they touched and he smiled “You’re the first girl I ever kissed, and I want you to be the last.”
YFN lips curved up into a matching smile. “Guess you can find your soulmate when you’re ten years old.” she whispered, and she kissed him.
And she didn’t plan on stopping ever again.
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When I’m down, I can choose to emotionally eat, or a can partake in some retail therapy. A friend wanted a Def Leppard RSD live album, and if not for him I would never have gone to my local record store, so I’m blaming him.
My Record Haul.
Dressed To Kill.
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Ever since someone pointed out that the last KISS in the corner is spelled KIS, I can’t unsee it. Who designed this cover?
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Love Gun.
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Ever since @elrohare pointed out to me the smooshed groins I can’t unsee it.
Then the back cover is showing me the albums I didn’t buy today.
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Ace Frehley.
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This album is good quality! Like new. Who had this album and didn’t play it to death?
Again, showing me the albums I didn’t buy today…
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Paul Stanley!
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The cover of this is sooooo worn. Luckily the vinyl is schmick. I once read that Paul Stanley basically recorded a Kiss album without the rest of Kiss. I concur.
This one is Japanese, so the inner parts are different to the Ace album.
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When I think of Dynasty, I remember that line in Detroit Rock City “Kiss will never do a disco song!”
It doesn’t get more disco than this inner sleeve.
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This also came with a mint poster inside!
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Just for the sake of overkill, I also got this Aussie 12” of I Was Made For Loving You.
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By popular demand!
The Elder!
I had to.
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The bonus of this is that it’s Japanese, so it has the track listing as the band intended. But for some reason they cut “Escape From The Island”. But this track listing makes more sense. It’s not a bad album! It was just a bad idea at the time. Pink Floyd they ain’t.
Bootleg Interview Disc
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I always love a strange release. Cleary this is from the no makeup era. It’ll be interesting to listen to this later.
This is certainly one way to turn a frown upside down. Bedtime soon, then a poorly organised festival tomorrow. Hope it goes ok. At least it’s not going to rain. I think when this is done I’ll feel emotionally better. Then I can binge listen to all these new purchases.
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Gravy Day
Robert 'Bob' Floyd x wife!reader (no mention of Y/N)
Written for @notroosterbradshaw's #hellodecemberplaylistchallenge. The song I chose is How to Make Gravy by Paul Kelly. If you're Aussie, you know Gravy Day. It's not Christmas without this song, and your family (and friends) must be belting it out in whatever venue you hear it.
This is so very very very late, but life got very very busy in December. Nevertheless, its here. I don't know if I like it. I also don't know if there's the side effect of having been thinking about it endlessly since December 21.
Warnings: flufffffff. Mentions infertility, pregnancy and some mental health issues.
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Bob wasn’t even sure Australians spoke English half the time. Sure, some of the words sounded familiar, but there was a rough twang to each syllable. Each word shortened and oh sounds added as often as possible. What was a servo? Or an arvo, for that matter? Occasionally they used words that rhymed with the actual word they intended; his Australian wife had once referred to something as ‘tin fruited’ and then giggled for ten solid minutes at his confusion. He still wasn’t quite sure how tin fruited was code for ‘broken’.
He stood in the kitchen, sleeves rolled to the elbows and hands plunged into the hot water, washing the last few Christmas dinner dishes. When she floated into view, wedding ring glinting on her finger and belly swollen beneath her velvet dress, his heart soared. There she was, his darling wife. Radiant and smiling as her mother and sister fussed after her. The absolute joy of her family here for their first Christmas with her in four years, writ large on her face.
"Can you believe it? Your last Christmas as just the two of you," his mother said, beginning to dry dishes and pile them on the bench.
"Everything okay? You look tense, Robert, dear," his mother, Lillian, whispered as she picked up a dishtowel.
Bob nudged his glasses further up his nose carefully with the back of his wrist, blushing slightly.
"Just thinking," he muttered, turning his attention back to the sink.
He dipped his hands back into the water, fishing for the cutlery he'd dumped in half an hour ago.
Bob didn't say anything. He'd hardly dared to let himself imagine life beyond the birth, terrified that he'd jinx it somehow. Each negative test, every tearful doctor's visit, every needle and anguished cry played across his mind in painful detail. It had taken so long, and now it felt so fragile. They'd waited in silent fear as each week passed until they'd reached the 'safe' time, but Bob still counted every day.
He dropped a handful of clean silverware into the dish rack, watching his father-in-law settle alongside her at the table. The pair of them bent over an instruction manual, presumably for the new Bluetooth speaker she'd gifted him.
"She's okay, Robert."
Lillian peered at him over the wire rim of her glasses, her blue eyes meeting his own. He gave a small smile.
The gentle quiet of the kitchen was suddenly broken by the loud twang of guitar chords and a loud cheer from the dining table. The bluetooth speaker roared into life, playing a song Bob didn't recognise. It was melancholy and gentle.
"Hello Dan, it's Joe here," his father-in-law's voice rolled around the room, singing along.
He offered his hand to his daughter, gently pulling her to her feet and slowly waltzing with her. Slow shuffles from side to side. She seemed to glow from the inside out.
Bob watched as his wife swayed back and forth, before he realised she was singing too. Her soft voice joining in as she looked at her father, beaming.
Hope you're keepin' well
It's the 21st of December
And now they're ringing the last bells
If he had to guess, Bob would have said the song was quintessentially Australian somehow. His wife, having let go of her father, clutched dramatic dramatically at her chest as she belted out the next line.
If I get good behaviour
I'll be outta here by July
Won't kiss my kids on Christmas Day?
"Pleeeeeeeease don't let them cry for me," they chorused, before dissolving into giggles.
Somewhere deep within Bob, something shifted. A crack in the wall anxiety built and the stones shifted and clicked. The tiniest spark of sunlight crept in and Bob felt calm settle over his heart for the first time in a long time. His ribs expanded just that little bit more as he breathed, his smile grew just that little bit wider.
Bob dried his hands and peeled away from the kitchen bench. His hands rested gently on her waist, brushing across her belly as she turned easily. Her smile still made his breath hitch and he adored the way her eyes sparkled, even beneath the kitchen lights. He took her hand in his, resting the other on her lower back, restarting the slow, lazy waltz she'd been doing with her father. The song picked up.
"What is this song about?" Bob interrupted his wife's singing as they swayed.
I guess the brothers are driving down from Queensland
And Stella's flyin' in from the coast
Her lips curled upward in a smile but she didn't answer, instead continuing on with the next line. Bob hoped their baby would have her smile.
Bob listened as she and her family, also dancing scattered around the edges of the room, reeled off the next few lines in perfect cadence.
They say it's gonna be a hundred degrees, even more maybe
But that won't stop roast
"Was that a recipe for gravy? In a song?" Bob laughed.
And give my love to Angus, and to Frank and Dolly
They'd reached the peak now, voices ringing clear across the house, drenched in amusement as they laughed through the rest of the chorus. Heads tipped back, smiles broad across their faces as they shared in the song.
Bob had no idea who Angus, Frank or Dolly were, and highly suspected this was an Australian in-joke of some sort, but the look of pure happiness on his wife's face rendered all else irrelevant.
She leaned against him, arms looped around him best she could. The feeling of her belly bumping against him with each movement made him smile, wider than he had in a while.
"Oh, I'm really starting to get in the way now," she murmured.
Bob laughed, leaning over her to kiss her head.
Oh, praise the Baby Jesus, have a Merry Christmas.
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hahaalaine · 9 months
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Took the child person to Aussie Pink Floyd last night to see his uncle play the sax 🎷for them!
He had an amazing time and lasted until intermission because he had the proper eye & ear protection 😎🫨
The show was a perfect way to use all of our sign language learning too to describe everything going on.
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xplrvibes · 3 months
ok colby feeling like he might actually be sick. “It might be good content if i do” you know what else would be good content? tapping into your psychic side more.
Im just going to keep this ask open and continue my thoughts and then send as one message. if this is stupidly long i will not he offended if you don’t respond 😂
colby tryna get some ghost p*ssy lmao i jk i jk also him genuinely feeling sick like he might be coming down with something ever since he got into the hotel… 👀
maybe the mizpah would be a good place for him to go back to and tap into his empathic side bc he says he feels super calm there and obviously the ghosts like him sooo win win
sam being on a caffeine high and being extra jumpy bc of it is sending me 😂😂 and colby laughing every time the torches go off is also sending me
also something about the way sam groups colby with mackie and amanda feels so soft to me. like warm and cozy. like he’s talking about how the girls feel sick and he says “and now colby…. like you know when you’re an empath and you feel like you’re throwing up” torch goes off. idk how to explain it but it makes my heart warm.
omg was not expecting colby to look so drained when they pulled him out of the room. maybe bc it was so dark, he was lying down, doesn’t feel well, it’s late. his body was ready to call it a night ok the girls just asked if he was crying. he looks like he just rolled our of bed and doesnt know what day it is lol
oh frick yeah colby estes. jfc this is so intense, and its so so so on point. everything is being answered and when someone else came thru it was an immediate syntax change as well. a clear distinction between two people. even the way colby says the words is different depending on who’s talking. this is so wild.
ok done. also sidebar i love their outro, i feel like did they stop doing it? the peace sign to blowing a kiss? or am i stupid? i love it, its so cute.
- aussie anon
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I knew you would like that episode! Just the whole thing of Colby just happily macking with a ghost the whole time while everyone else is having a terrible, terrible time...high comedy lol. Not to mention, this is Colby's charisma and "rizz" as the kids call it on full display.
To me, it's almost like he got a contact high from the ghost; like he came out of that room looking like he just had the Pink Floyd cranked and was feeling no pain lol. But it was interesting how it started out with him not feeling well, but once he got in a room alone with this ghost and he felt comfortable and safe, the vibes changed.
Also, I don't remember if this was in the video or not, but I know he had mentioned somewhere that he wound up spending the night in that room afterwards and slept very well, so there's also that.
Sam exercising his numerology-given right to be Colby's guide and looking out for him, worrying about him, etc is always a feel good moment even when it happens in the weirdest environments. I like how he was willing to cut the camera for Colby and Colby was just like "Nah, I'm willing to puke on-screen." Like, my dudes, I enjoy your content...but I won't enjoy that lol.
Also, I am not a person who takes any umbrage to sexual humor (obviously) but Sam with the miner/minor jokes...I'm like my friend, please stop before you get yourself in trouble lmao.
But yea, that estes was one of the more intense ones, and one of those ones where it almost felt like he was channeling something at times. I did laugh at the "15 minutes can save you..." like obviously that was a Geico commercial coming through, but its funny how those things work sometimes.
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(nobody asked but here i go) my NCR accent headcannons:
riddle, trey, malleus and silver have british accents.
deuce has a slight japanese accent because i headcannon him to be half japanese.
azul, jade and jamil have mid-atlantic accents .
kalim, ruggie and cater have aussie accents.
floyd and che'nya have brooklyn accents.
vil has the thickest and harshest german accent known to villainkind, but it sounds somewhat elegant
lilia has count dracula's accent (don't know the technical term for it lol).
Draculas accent is a Hungarian one. Idk what part tho.
Floyd sounds like Danny Devito
Those bri'ish "people" have lost my respect
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brasideios · 1 year
top ten favorite bands/musicians tag game
I was tagged by @mini-uzzy @aeide & @sleeplessincarcosa Thank you my dears 🤍
This is really difficult, but lemme see...
Joelistics - an Australian hip-hop artist, his solo work is about politics, story-telling, and is very self-reflective. Seamans Lullaby, In the Morning and Days are my absolute favourites. He was also the lead MC in the band TZU (pronounced tee-zed-you) and they made four albums which contain additional gems - Mondays and Coming Round are top tier. I've been following his work since the early 2000's (when Aussie hip-hop began, really) and it's so interesting tracing the development of his (and TZU's) music. It started very light and upbeat and grew steadily dourer and even a touch bleak by their final album. It says a lot for the times, and what growing up in this country is like, honestly. Very relatable.
Urthboy - another Aussie hip-hop artist with all the hallmarks of our brand of hip-hop. He is often upbeat - like Knee Length Socks, Shruggin' and Long Loud Hours are all great stories and/or cheerful beats - but he sometimes writes these stunningly intimate tracks - Daughter of the Light, which is an homage to his mum, or Natural Progression are good examples. He was (is?) also in the band The Herd. They are more politically focussed - the most famous song being 77% - a song that absolutely sizzles with anti-racist anger.
The Black Keys (of course) - I'd been aware of their existence for years and years (Gold on the Ceiling and Lonely Boy were everywhere at one point) but I had never been into it. Which retrospectively, is weird because I always like blues music, though I always skirted around the edges of it. What really grabbed me in the end was Howlin' for You, which began haunting me during last year. I'd wake up in the morning with that song in my head. So, I went digging for more, and an obsession was born. Personal faves include Crawling Kingsnake, Sinister Kid and Tighten Up - but there are so many great songs to choose from.
Editors - They are industrial rock (I think it's called) out of England, These guys are possibly my favourites of all time. Their music talks a lot about love and death in really interesting ways - it's a mix of rock, melancholy acoustic tunes and electro. Their album An End Has a Start is where I began, but The Back Room and The Weight of Your Love are brilliant albums. I'd single out All Sparks, Formaldehyde, and The Phone Book as their best, but it was a hard choice.
Kings of Leon - I was totally obsessed with their music around 2010 and I still passionately love several of their songs. Arizona, Knocked Up, King of the Rodeo, Waste a Moment, and Find Me are always going to be on a list of favourite tracks.
Talking Heads - I grew up in a musical household, in the sense that there was always music playing, mostly my dad's music. He was a young dad - 21 when I was born - so he was still very into popular music at the time (though definitely not R&B which was just starting to reach us in the late eighties. I often wonder what he would've made of Aussie hip-hop if he'd lived to hear it... anyway.) Talking Heads were big in my childhood, and I still really love their music - new wave is so fun and at times silly, I'm totally into it. Songs like Love for Sale, Psycho Killer, The Lady Don't Mind, And She Was and Girlfriend is Better are such cornerstones of my musical taste, I can hardly imagine who I'd be without them.
Dire Straits -Sultans of Swing is a forever favourite. It's one of those songs that reminds me really strongly of my dad. He had this silly way of singing the line 'it ain't what they call rock'n'roll.' I also really love Brothers in Arms and Romeo and Juliet.
Pink Floyd - the song Wish You Were Here absolutely defined a time in my life and sums up something about myself for which there are no words. The whole album (of the same name) is such a journey - even though I've always found Shine on you Crazy Diamond incredibly creepy. I also appreciate the album The Wall as a musical journey. Comfortably Numb, One of my Turns and the various iterations of Another Brick in the Wall are so, so good. Part 1 speaks to me on a cellular level.
Danheim - The soundtrack to my writing activities for years and years now, I couldn't make a list without mentioning him. I don't know the names of the tracks because I listen to whole albums at a time. They're all good. For some reason though, the song Glitnir is known to me as a particular favourite.
Heilung for the same reason as Danheim - though with Heilung, I've watched the full LIFA show like a thousand times; and I passionately love the song Norupo.
This is a very shabby, on the fly list - and I'm sorry for my inability to write anything short 😅
I'm tagging with zero pressure @liminalspacecowboah @i-gotta-get-normaller @myriath @woodsman2b @el-zorrito and anyone who I've undoubtedly forgotten who wants to jump in.
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
Octavinelle : h20 theyre not like other boys
(context i'm crying)
STOPPPPPP— jade floyd and azul pulling up with really badly done aussie accents,,,,,i'm so sorry australian ppl i do not believe they can do aussie accents jksdfjkfjsf
floyd touches a wet glass in mostro lounge and FULL ON turns into an eel inside of the lounge.....jade has to awkwardly walk over and drag him out so that everyone can resume their earlier uhm, dining...
jade is washing the dishes w/ rubber gloves on and water splashes on his face AND HE PROCEEDS TO JUST. BREAK ALL THE POSSIBLE PLATES IN THE SINK. bc he turned into an eel (azul was very mad bc all the plates n glassware they use are pretty pricey if you add them up sjfkdfj)
azul. azul's exceedingly careful abt it but i imagine the sprinklers turn on during pe and you just. you see azul in his octo form just clinging on for dear life onto his broom (not that he's that far away from the ground, but still, the danger is there in azul's eyes)
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Official Co-Op Gameplay - “No Matter the Cost”
Official Behind the Scenes - “Out of Arkham Asylum”
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam on May 26, 2023.
Latest details
Cooperative Gameplay: “No Matter the Cost”
The video shows off a new look at the game’s high-intensity combat set against the vast, explorable open-world of Metropolis, which is teeming with Brainiac’s hostile forces. Enjoyed as a solo or four-player online cooperative experience, the gameplay reveal provides an in-depth look at the multiplayer mayhem that can ensue, with each Squad member’s unique traversal abilities and attacks on full display. Whether players gravitate towards Harley Quinn’s wild acrobatics, King Shark’s powerful leaping, Deadshot’s aerial sharpshooting or Captain Boomerang’s lightning-fast speed force, each character delivers distinct skills specific to their brand of chaos.
Behind the Scenes: “Out of Arkham Asylum”
Furthermore, a behind-the-scenes featurette was released today with members of the Rocksteady Studios team expanding on the world of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and going deeper on core game elements and characters, along with commentary on the process of taking the Squad out of Arkham Asylum and into the dynamic city of tomorrow that is Metropolis. Additionally, the video touches on the studio’s plans for new content after launch. On top of the massive story-driven campaign, vibrant open-world and action–adventure shooter experience, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will have post-launch content updates to expand the story with new missions and earnable characters, available at no cost. The game will also have a cosmetics-only battle pass system to earn new outfits, emotes and other items to uniquely customize Squad members
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is a new genre-defying third-person action-adventure shooter videogame allowing players to take on the roles of Suicide Squad members Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang and King Shark
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is developed by Rocksteady Studios, creators of the critically acclaimed, best-selling Batman: Arkham series.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is published by Warner Bros. Games.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will be released worldwide on May 26, 2023.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will be available on PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S consoles and PC.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will be available on PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store.
Playable characters include Harley Quinn (a.k.a. Dr. Harleen Quinzel), the Clown Princess of Crime; Deadshot (a.k.a. Floyd Lawton), the most dangerous marksman alive; Captain Boomerang (a.k.a. Digger Harkness), Aussie assassin extraordinaire; and King Shark (a.k.a. Nanaue), the demigod humanoid shark and rightful ruler of the seas.
Harley Quinn is voiced by Tara Strong, Deadshot is voiced by Bumper Robinson, Captain Boomerang is voiced by Daniel Lapaine and King Shark is voiced by Nuufolau Joel Seanoa, better known by his All Elite Wrestling (AEW) ring name, Samoa Joe.
Yes, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League features an original story set in the DC Universe as the Squad must take on an impossible mission to save Earth and kill the world’s greatest DC Super Heroes, the Justice League.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is a new third-person action-adventure shooter featuring an original, narrative-driven experience that picks up the story five years after the events of Batman: Arkham Knight so players who are familiar with the Batman: Arkham series will see some related narrative elements pop up in the game.
Yes, players can customize their character’s look with new outfits, gear, weapons and other cosmetic items as they progress through the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League campaign.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League can be played solo or with up to four players in online co-op.
Players may gravitate towards one Squad member, but they can switch characters when they are outside of active missions.
Yes, players can go through the entire game as any of the four main characters.
Yes, the full game can be enjoyed either solo or with up to four players in online co-op.
Co-op mode will only be available online with an internet connection. The game will not support local co-op.
Yes, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will support full cross-platform play for online co-op.
Yes, an internet connection is required to play Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League solo or via online co-op.
The Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League game is an original story set in the DC Universe and is not connected to the previous films.
No, a PlayStation®Plus subscription or Xbox Live Gold membership will not be required to play Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League solo on PlayStation®5 or Xbox Series X|S consoles. However, PlayStation®Plus or Xbox Live Gold will be required to play the game via online co-op.
The PlayStation®5 and Xbox Series X|S console versions of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will target 60 FPS (frames per second). PC specifications will be available closer to launch as the game is still in development.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will have post-launch content updates to expand the story with new missions and earnable characters, available at no cost.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will have a post-launch cosmetics-only battle pass system to earn new outfits, emotes and other items to customize playable characters. Each battle pass will have free tiers available at no cost to all Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League players, along with premium tiers that will be available via an optional in-game purchase. All battle pass items will be cosmetic and will not affect gameplay in any way.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will have cosmetic items available for optional in-game purchase that can be used to customize playable characters. Each cosmetics-only battle pass will also have premium tiers that will be available via an optional in-game purchase. All in-game purchases will be completely optional and will not affect gameplay in any way.
No, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will not have loot boxes.
Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum is the official prequel tie-in comic, expanding on how this incarnation of Task Force X came together in the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League game. The five-issue monthly series is scheduled to release on May 30 and will be available at participating comic book stores and digital platforms. Each print issue includes a code for a redeemable Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League in-game cosmetic item. Paying Annual or Ultra tier subscribers to the DC UNIVERSE INFINITE digital subscription platform will also receive a code for the in-game cosmetic item for each issue. Terms apply. For more information and a free trial (where applicable), check out DCUniverseInfinite.com. Please note, DC UNIVERSE INFINITE is not intended for children and is not available in all countries.
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wrestlingisfake · 8 months
AEW Fake Rankings, 9/4/2023
Men's singles division - babyfaces
Bryan Danielson
Kenny Omega
Orange Cassidy
Eddie Kingston (NJPW STRONG champion)
Chris Jericho
Adam Page
Katsuyori Shibata* (ROH pure champion)
HOOK (FTW champion)
Keith Lee
Men's singles division - heels
Jon Moxley (AEW international champion)
Konosuke Takeshita
Samoa Joe (ROH television champion)
Ricky Starks
Claudio Castagnoli (ROH men's world champion)
Jay White
Luchasaurus (AEW TNT champion)
Christian Cage
Powerhouse Hobbs
Juice Robinson
Unranked: AR Fox, Big Bill, Brock Anderson, Dalton Castle, Daniel Garcia, El Hijo del Vikingo (AAA mega champion), Ethan Page, Gravity, Isiah Kassidy, Jake Hager, Komander, Lee Johnson, Metalik*, Nick Wayne, Scorpio Sky, Serpentico, Shawn Spears, Shane Taylor, Swerve Strickland, Tony Nese, Wheeler Yuta
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
Feels like a lot of shakeup here, for a variety of reasons: The departure of CM Punk and the suspension of Jack Perry, MJF and Adam Cole becoming a hot babyface team, the dissolution of Chris Jericho's stable, and multiple guys returning to prominence on Collision.
It might seem weird to rank Danielson as the top babyface when he's clearly part of a heel faction. All I know is everybody loved him at Forbidden Door, and he was clearly playing babyface against Starks this weekend. Does that mean a turn or a breakup in the Blackpool Combat Club's future? I doubt it. Either way, I'm sure Danielson will be back to kicking puppies or whatever soon enough.
It's striking to me how Cassidy and Kingston have risen up through the ranks, but I also think it's worth callint out how pivotal Samoa Joe has become. He's become a fixture on Collision and ROH, and now he's mixing it up with MJF. It's strange to me that he's running around with ROH's midcard title when he's being pushed ahead of Castagnoli. Maybe those two need to face off one of these days.
Men's tag team division - babyfaces
Better Than You Bay Bay - MJF (AEW men's world champion) & Adam Cole (ROH tag team champions)
FTR - Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler (AEW tag team champions)
The Young Bucks - Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson
The Hardys - Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy
Darby Allin & Sting
Best Friends - Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta
Lucha Bros. - Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix
Action Andretti & Darius Martin
The Outrunners - Truth Magnum* & Turbo Floyd*
Men's tag team division - heels
The Gunns - Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn
Aussie Open - Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher
John Silver & Alex Reynolds
Mike Santana & Angel Ortiz
Matt Menard & Angelo Parker
Vincent* & Dutch*
The Wingmen - Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth*
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
I'm actually not sure if the Outrunners are supposed to be faces or heels, but I like 'em, so there. I'm also not sure how long Rey Fenix is supposed to be out selling the injury angle from two weeks ago.
Conspicuous by their absence on this list is the Kigndom, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, who are obviously being set up for a big match with Cole and MJF. At this point I don't see anyone else taking the ROH tag title from the champs, but very little about the Cole/MJF story has gone the way I expected. Maybe they could headline Final Battle in December?
As for the AEW tag title, I assume FTR vs. Gunns is the next step, but there's probably another FTR-Bucks showdown coming sooner or later. If Santana and Ortiz are really sticking together, they need to get back in the title hunt. I suspect Silver and Reynolds are out of the running after losing last night--they'll probably get back to trios matches with Evil Uno.
Men's trios division - babyfaces
Max Caster & Anthony Bowens & Billy Gunn (AEW trios champions)
Bronson* & Boulder* & Jacked Jameson*
Men's trios division - heels
Malakai Black & Brody King & Buddy Matthews
Brian Cage & Bishop Kaun* & Toa Liona* (ROH trios champions)
Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh
QT Marshall (AAA Latin American champion) & Johnny TV & Aaron Solo
Kip Sabian & The Butcher & The Blade
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
It's still hard to tell which trios are sticking together long term, and which ones are just thrown together for a couple of matches before going their separate ways again. As it stands, though, we've got a few heel teams for Billy and the Acclaimed to fight for a while. Cage's team has mostly defended their ROH title in glorified squash matches; if they're building them up to be unseated by a serious team, I have no idea when that will happen.
Women's singles division - babyfaces
Britt Baker
Kris Statlander (AEW TBS champion)
Hikaru Shida
Willow Nightingale
Skye Blue
Women's singles division - heels
Saraya (AEW women's world champion)
Athena (ROH women's world champion)
Toni Storm
Ruby Soho
Nyla Rose
Anna Jay
Taya Valkyrie
Mercedes Martinez
Marina Shafir
Unranked: Emi Sakura, The Bunny
The heel side looks very strong until you recall that many of them have only had one televised AEW match all month. Nevertheless, it feels like it's time for some women to turn face, and I suppose the breakup of Storm, Saraya, and Soho will help in that regard. Thing is, the women's roster has more than enough talent to get 10 faces and 10 heels on TV regularly; they just don't for some reason. Maybe if Mercedes Mone comes in that will change, but experience has taught me that it'll take more than that.
Only wrestled in ROH matches in past 30 days: Angelico, Brandon Cutler, Christopher Daniels, Evil Uno, Griff Garrison, Josh Woods, Kiera Hogan, Lee Moriarty, Leila Grey, Leyla Hirsch, Luther, Madison Rayne, Matt Sydal, Shawn Dean
Most of the names here are not what you'd call key players on the weekly ROH shows. In other words, the real backbone of the ROH roster is mostly people wrestlers who aren't exclusive to either brand, like Athena, Willow, Joe, Dalton, etc. That's working out as far as the quality of both brands, but I'm not sure it's a good strategy for establishing a unique brand identity for ROH.
No televised AEW or ROH matches in over 30 days: Abadon, Andrade El Idolo, Anthony Ogogo, Ari Daivari, Colt Cabana, Dustin Rhodes, Harley Cameron, Julia Hart, Lance Archer, Matt Taven, Michael Nakazawa, Mike Bennett, Nick Comoroto, Parker Bordreaux, Penelope Ford, Preston Vance, Red Velvet, Riho, Rush, Sammy Guevara, Serena Deeb, Stu Grayson, Wardlow, Yuka Sakazaki, Zack Clayton
Part-time/semi-retired: Kota Ibushi, Will Ospreay*, Paige Vanzant, Paul Wight, Rebel, Rob Van Dam*, Sonjay Dutt, Stokely Hathaway
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
Bandido (left arm - broken wrist)
Danhausen (right shoulder - pectoralis tear)
Dante Martin (left leg - unspecified injury)
Jack Perry (indefinite suspension)
Jade Cargill (personal leave)
Jamie Hayter (right shoulder - unspecified injury)
Kyle O'Reilly (neck - herniated spinal disc)
Mark Briscoe (knee - unspecified injury)
Marq Quen (undisclosed injury)
PAC (undisclosed injury)
Roderick Strong (storyline - neck inury)
Tay Melo (pregnancy)
Thunder Rosa (back - unspecified injury)
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lecameleontv · 2 years
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Captures de l’Ep. 1.09 - Chute Libre (V.O. : Mirage) de la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender).
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Distribution : - Floyd ‘Red Crow’ Westerman, qui retrouvera l’acteur Ryan Merriman dans la mini-série Comanche Moon (2008) et qui apparaît dans la série X-Files   - Chris Ellis, qui retrouvera Jon Gries dans le film Faults (2014) et apparaît dans les films  The Guest (2014) et Grace Unplugged (2013); - Robert Carradine, qui apparaît dans le film Los Angeles 2013 ; ...
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DSA du 22 avril 1971 - Simulation - Jarod enfant : “Je veux savoir qui je suis. Je supporterai tout pour le savoir. Je ne renoncerai jamais Sydney. Jamais !” - Sydney jeune : “Ça va faire 3 jours maintenant. Tu as de la température ! Rien ne t’oblige à continuer Jarod.” - Jarod enfant : “J’y arriverai. Je veux savoir qui je suis exactement. Je supporterai tout pour le savoir.”
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- Carol Bates : “Votre CV est très impressionnant ! [...] Quel palmarès ! Et pourtant vous rêvez d’apprendre au public à faire la cabriole. Pourquoi donc ?” - Jarod : (pliant un parachute) “Et bieeeennnn.. je cherche à  échapper à une organisation secrète. J’ai besoin d’un endroit où me réfugier” (sourit à Carol Bates qui ne pipe mot et lui sourit aussi, gênée)
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- Broots : “ Cest la 10ème fois qu’on regarde cette simulation et je n’ai toujours strictement rien compris” - Mlle Parker : (ironique) “Les méthodes de Sydney.. ont toujours confiné.. à la folie”.
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Mlle Parker reçoit un paquet cadeau. - Broots : (souriant) “Oh ! c’est aujourd’hui votre anniversaire ? Vous avez quel âge ?” Mlle Parker tourne brusquement la tête vers lui et le fusille du regard. - Broots : (perdant son sourire) “oh heu ... vous êtes sûrement très jeune” Syndey sourit.
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Autres captures : 1 - 
source : imdb
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