#astrology axis
ancientgoddessofegypt · 4 months
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PT 11. Thoughts on the 6-12 / 2-8 house axis.
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6th house placements - If you're health isn't up to par, this can keep you from landing your desires. Venus in the 6th needs to focus on self care related to beauty. Mars in the 6th needs physical activity or something to keep their brain on the go. Pluto in the 6th house needs to STOP obsessing over their health and mundane tasks. All in all, your health is the reason why your subconscious (12th house) could be experiences certain formalities.
12th house placements - I spoke of how your health is connected to the 6th house, but it's also connected to here. Your subconscious mind can show signs of unhealthy/illness in your dreams & mind through the power of illusions. Whatever the individual is going through mentally/spiritually, it always comes back into the physical. If a Neptune 12th house person is always having nightmares, the physical reality is dense and lowly operative in its physical form. Illusions are the higher focus of the problem, even if there isn't any planets in the 6th house. Mars in the 12th house can deal with irrational thinking, this makes the 6th house go under overwhelming circumstances because the brain is hot wired with an insatiable desire to continue working even when the body is overstimulated.
If no 6th house placements, the person with 12th house placements has to look beyond the spirit and focus on the spirit realm in a way that doesn't always pull them out of their body.
With work, this can keep the most ungrounded 12th house individual from working themselves to death in their subconscious/unconscious mind.
The 2nd house deals a lot with the material world. But its hidden secret is working with the power of its physical essence. Due to the planet or sign in this house, your gifts can show divine talent that the material world can find useful. If you aren't present in knowing where your gifts are, try looking into taurus placements as taurus is the original ruler of this house. The throat is connected to the second house, so with the material world.. We do have to use our speech in order to get our desires met, right?
So for example, Venus in the 2nd house is said to give someone a beautiful voice, especially when singing. In this case, anyone with a venus 2nd house could sing in make money, right? wrong. However, someone with Venus in this house, could be someone whos vocal chords can *stimulate* the senses and vibrations of other people, soothing & calming the physical senses of others, appetizing them and causing them to want more. Remember, taurus is very subtle, and so is the 2nd house. The second house is a house built off sensuality but HELLOOO thats what the material world is based off, its mainly sensual energy.
So with the voice, second house placements can will their desires into reality through the form of *SENSUALITY*. They must pleasure the senses in the physical realm in order to get axis to the 8th house, as this is the gateway to allowing desires to open up to different collectives.
Mars in the 2nd house could need massages or something that soothes the body as there tense nature can make them angst and fall deep into temptation.
Pluto in the 2nd needs healing and the voice needs to be used expansively in order to feel the temple (the gut) to reveal whatever its suppressed in the spirit. The physical realm for pluto 2nd house natives can feel deeply til the point of disconnect, making them boastful yet uncomfortable in their own bodies.
Mercury in the 2nd house should read a little more as their mind needs calm, stimulating pleasure for its senses to keep moving. Their minds are used to hustling to get the job, car, thing they desire, but their mental prowess is normally in a relaxed state and must give themselves time to absorb the world thru just sitting down and relaxing. Absorbing enough information and expressing them through the form of speech and writing is a special way to receive pleasure.
The point I'm trying to make is, the 2nd house *needs* relaxation and pleasurable experiences to the max. Your not here to drive yourself crazy although you will eventually, because taurus/2nd house energy works. and I mean they work HARD. But theres a time to be bull headed, and to just sit down and take in the day. So whatever placement is in this house, you'll have to find what your soul needs in order to be more in awe with your reality. You're not built to just work all the time, you gotta chill out at some point.
Alas, the 8th house. Now this house shows deep seated pleasure. But in a way that's hard to grasp. Interestingly enough, people are able to enjoy your aura's due to the energy you intentionally or unintentionally *feed* them. But you're more prone to searching for you're own sense of pleasure due to it being trapped in a world of people who are looking for something or someone to 'save' them, and you're the puzzle to the prize. Honestly, this group gets enough crap as it is so.. I'll be a little easy with em here lol.
The 8th house is the house of secrets, sex, leisure, and things that go hidden into the unknown. Whenever these individuals are in the public eye, THIS is when they should often look for decodes and examples of how their power formulates in the present eye. Your energy is vulnerable, but not the take for grabs kind of way. Your energy is healing, true, and loud, but its also hidden power that keeps a certain amount of people at bay.
With that being said. When dealing with the 8th house, these individuals have to look within in order to receive the leisure in which they seek. & thru other people, they can have their desires and needs meet within a blink of an eye. Thats if they let it. The people that gets a taste of their essence can feel a drive to open up realms for the 8th house individuals. You don't know why you're doing it , you just are. People are often 'delivered't' by the 8th house person because the caging of their own bodies, emotions and intellect can push through when being just in the same room with them. It's because the secret of being a student of divine knowledge comes from letting go of whats keeping you looked inside of trapped mind or body. So in the presence of an 8th house individual, you will have dark knights of the soul in order to reach yourselves into heaven.
8th house examples I'll go with the sun.
Sun in the 8th house needs to shine their light no matter how extreme it gets. Their energy is big, powerful, and generous. So when they embrace all of their power they can absorb more energy through the public eye. This attracts the right suitors, the right energy, and the magnetism levels are higher when they use their gifts to the fullest. The more they allow vulnerability to shine through their essence, their weight can lighten the load, thus making it either to attract money, or anything they are looking to obtain.
Now dealing with its friend in the second house, lets say the sun is there, too.
2nd House Suns pleasure is through hobbies and activities that make the inner child sing. Whatever it is that they love to do, or has the ability to make them shine will bring them the big bucks. And can be used as a form of monetary value in the process. Acts of pleasure come thru in the form of the sign the sun is in, for example, if its in Gemini, then the second house sun could be deeply into reading, communication is a key for leisure and whatever it is they do for money communication will be a strong outlet in the career.
Like I said before, the 2nd house is more subtle. Its not built on vulnerability like the 8th house. (Taurus/Scorpio is the same way, however Taurus won't allow you to see its hidden face, Scorpios will at some point, but often times, their truest selves comes out with darker nights of the soul.)
So how does this apply to the 2nd house? Look at the 2nd house as 'heaven' the 8th house as 'hell'. Both are needed to ignite balance, while one is looked down upon, the other one is silent in its secrets and doesn't really care what you see. When working with both of them, going into the deepest layers of the psyche (8th house) can help balance out the desires of the material realm (2nd). Because the reason you want a certain material reality to come into the surface is THROUGH the 8th house axis. Because the energy of the individual can will it by force (8th house).
The 8th house - 2nd house axis shows grace, sensuality, and truth as the basis for material realities to come into fruition.
If you have any questions about your own placements in this house, come to me in my asks :) I dont mind responding. Anywho, hope you all enjoy this piece of information of the axis of the 4th house. Ase!
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
sun on the north node (opposite south node)
an aspect like this guides you from your karma toward your fate, wherever it is you are going, whatever destiny you have made for yourself or been granted. you get the chance to step out of what you have been, into what you'd prefer to be. the sun is like the light at the end of your tunnel.
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growwithmeastrology · 2 months
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Monday, April 8th 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon in Aries♈️🔥
As we approach the biggest astrological event of the year today, I am reminded of the fact that sometimes us astrologers forget that not all have a full understanding of the energies involved. We’ve talked about chapters of the old self ending and new experiences, relationships, living situations, family and careers forming. But maybe it’s not understood that this is all a song and dance about the Aries warrior trying to calm his flame and the Libra lover whose symmetry strives to create balance and beauty. Aries reinforces Libra’s desire of harmony by meeting his counterpart in the middle, being the sign of new beginnings, passion and forward motion. Together, they pioneer a new era rooted in lavish urges to take instinctive action towards engrained desires without limitation or delay. The tension we’re feeling as a collective has us in an emotional tug and pull between putting ourselves first while balancing how we view our relationship to everything and everyone else around us.
We add a third party player to this romantic comedy of errors with the wounded healer asteroid, Chiron who’s enabling us to begin healing our hearts and separation mindset, individually and collectively. Together, they are all trying to show us how to work through frustrations in a healthier way.
There may be a general feeling today that someone or something is deterring you from fulfilling your desires. Most of us are feeling misunderstood thanks to Mercury in retrograde, also in Aries. Allow yourself to feel all of this but understand that if you decide to ignore your emotions instead of processing them, you’ll just end up in a “stuck in the mud” situation. These energies feel heavy because they’re asking you to slow down, enter a contemplative state and get to the bottom of your grievances so you can clear away all the overgrowth blocking your path.
Use the energies of today by growing compassion for yourself while extending compassion towards others. We’re all in it, riding this wave together so we can reach a more balanced tomorrow. 💚💫
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royaleofury · 1 year
❥Rahu and Ketu Axis
Part 1
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Rahu and Ketu, the two nodes of moon, have always been a mystery for the astrologers. No matter how much you dig in to find information about them, they always fall short. It always feel like there is so much more about them, than what we have been taught or told.
There is whole story in Hindu mythology about how both Rahu and Ketu came into existence. The Vedic texts state that after a long and ferocious war between the gods and demons, they finally agreed to co-operate with each other and churn the ocean( which is called "Samudra Manthan") and whatever came out of it, was to be shared among the gods and demons. In the process of doing so, a nectar came out of the ocean, which was told to give immorality if it was drank. This made the Gods worried because the demons becoming immoral was no good to world and peace of it. Therefore, Lord Vishnu took the incarnation in the form of a beautiful damsel ‘Mohini‘ and tried to please and distract the asuras. On receiving the Amrit, Mohini came to Devas to distribute it to them.
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Svarbhanu,‘ one of the asuras, changed his appearance to a deva to obtain some portion of the Amrit. However, Surya (Sun) and the Chandra (Moon) realized that Svarbhanu was an Asura, not one of the devas. Knowing this, Lord Vishnu severed Svarbhanu’s head with his discus, the Sudarshan Charka.However, even though his head and body became separated, they remained immortal as a separate entity. Before his head was served, he managed to drink a drop of the nectar from the Amrit. The head is known as Rahu, and the headless body is the Ketu.
Since then, Rahu and Ketu constantly chase the Sun and the Moon for revenge as they are the cause of separating the head and body of the Asura Svarbhanu. It is a popular belief that when they succeed in catching Sun and Moon, they swallow them, causing Solar or Lunar eclipse, but they can’t hold them for long, and Sun and Moon emerge again intact as they also had nectar and are immortal
( Mythology story taken from vedicfeed.com)
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■Rahu in 1st and Ketu in 7th house : As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. Here, with Rahu in the 1st house, you will see that the person remains confused most of the times and they fail to take important decisions of life without the help of someone. If Rahu is making tight conjunction with the ascendant then, it can mean that the person is very popular in their community and they attract a lot of people towards them knowingly. It's like they know it that they are quite popular and they enjoy the fame that they get. But, you will see that this person will have self esteem issues a lot and they have been told from time to time to be confident about their abilities and capabilities. Also, many a times, others will see this as someone who is not genuine enough or someone who fakes a lot. In this life, they have to work a lot on themselves, their personality and how they come off to others. But, they always fall behind in doing so. Because ketu in 7th house, makes them extremely dependent on the people around them. For some, it can their romantic partners and for some it can be just the people that they adore and have a liking towards in a platonic way. But they do have an inclination towards doing things only after consulting. Even though they feel extremely comfortable in the 7th house but eventually they have to move on to 1st house and become an individual first. If they do not do this on their own, circumstances will make them do it and that too, in a hard way. They will be literally pushed to the 1st house. Also, their relationships( romantic or platonic) always have ups and downs because of how they choose not be themselves but they project an image that they think is suitable for a situation. It's just like how you cannot love the person in front of you unless you love and accept yourself. It's because of this reason that they fail in love and have to go through the same cycle again and again. You will also see that when they are too exhausted from the Rahu house, then they will hide themselves in the Ketu house and seek some comfort there.
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■Rahu in 2nd and Ketu in 8th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. So, with this axis, you will notice that the person feels extremely comfortable with learning occult, psychology, tarot, astrology, etc. They like getting into things that are lesser known by people and have not been explored much. But there's a reason as to why they learn all these things, because the Rahu in the 2nd house needs all these things to succeed. Rahu here needs to self sufficient by doing things on their own or earning money on their own and therefore, all these things like psychology, tarot, etc. will help him to earn money on his own. This person is extremely good at managing money of his own as well of others because 8th house Ketu indicates the money and assets of other people. This person will be very good at financing jobs because he knows how to manage money. Someone who will make monthly budgets of others but they have tendency to spend for themselves a lot. Even though, they make budgets for others but they fail to do for themselves and that's what they have to achieve in this life. Also, this axis teaches them how they shouldn't be dependent on others to earn their livelihood. They have to become self sufficient. There's also a possibility that the in- laws taught them this because the 8th house indicates in-laws and inheritances, and this person will face problems regarding this things. Like delay in getting inheritance or maybe someone else took it away, teaching them how only the wealth that they created and earned on their own will come in handy. At the same time, you will see that if the family of this person does a particular type of profession/ business, then they will choose a whole different profession from that because they are someone who's meant to be different in this aspect. People will tell them how their whole family has( doctors) for example, and they chose to be a dancer?. Since 2nd house has the energy of Taurus, they will succeed in artistic professions, they can earn a lot in that type of business. Also, the family of this person will be very different from that of other families.
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■Rahu in 3rd and Ketu in 9th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. This placement can indicate someone who is very courageous and strong headed. They are not taking sh*t from you unless they agree with you. Once they make up their mind, it's almost difficult to change it and there's a reason why they are like this. It's because they have researched well and devoted their time into what they think is correct. Ketu in 9th house makes them stay away from blindly following rules and regulations. They don't go for what seems to be true for others but they actually dive deep into what certain things work in the manner they are. Once they learn about it, they are now confident to face the world with their knowledge. Also, they don't have to put much time and efforts in researching about things and getting information because these are already what they have learnt and mastered in their last life. They are just remembering all of those and using them in their current life to achieve the goals of their present life. Also, since 3rd house is the Upachaya house meaning whatever planets you have in this house, they will start to benefit you as you grow, so Rahu in 3rd house will start giving you it's results with time depending upon the sign placement. You may not notice what exactly this Rahu is doing to you when you are quite young but with time, you will. Also, this Rahu will make you travel to different places especially short distance travels often, especially during Rahu mahadasa. You will see that during Rahu mahadasa, you may go for certain short distance trips related to higher studies or some spiritual practices or pilgrimages, a lot. Now, how you ketu in 9th house is actually helping your Rahu to achieve its goals, and this is how. Rahu in 3rd house shows self efforts and self acquired success, no one's gonna help you with it. You, yourself with whatever knowledge you have gathered with the help of ketu in 9th house, will help you with your Rahuian goals. But, you are restricted from believing anything straight out from the books. You have to understand why certain beliefs are out there for people. Once you do a thorough research, then that's when you will be able to achieve whatever you have to. This placement can also indicate ups and downs with father, meaning you don't interact much with them. Also, your belief in religion and spiritual may not be constant, like when you were young, you were very religious and when you grew up, you found those beliefs absurd for some reason, so you stopped believing in them.
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■Rahu in 4th and Ketu in 10th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. Now, this placement can be very dynamic due to the involvement of Kendra houses( 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house). Ketu in the 10th house makes you very dissatisfied of your job and the environment within which you are working. You will always feel the need to breakaway from it and do something that's not expected from you. The normal job rountine that everyone does makes you sick and you are always looking for bringing some dynamic changes in them. Also, the usual jobs or work that we hear about alway, will never make you feel peaceful. It's only when you do something that's different from what others are doing, you will find the long lost peace coming your way. The moment you walk far away from your home, you will find success in your job and mentally too. Staying away from home can be temporarily or permanently but yes, during that time, you will find a very core essence of yourself and you will relate to yourself at the most basic level. Also, due to ketu in 10th house, you will see how you never reveal about yourself in the public. Very few people will know who you exactly are. I have seen celebrities with this placement that just do their movies or dramas, and then do not come back in the public again until it's time for their new movie to come. They do not like facing the people again and again for no reason. With this, people may start having pre-conceived ideas about you or some may even say that you are kinda "fake" because what you saw out in the public, is not the real you. This one is kinda a theory but I have seen people with this placement may get married earlier than expected or may marry twice or thrice because of their need to build a family and provide them all the luxuries that they ask for. Also with this, your mom may have some unusual interest or hobbies and you were always intrigued by them. The home environment can be good or bad depending upon the planets influencing rahu and ketu and the houses but the environment was something that was not common for other people in the first place.
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■Rahu in 5th and Ketu in 11th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. This axis is comparatively easy to handle as compared to those 1/7 or 4/10 axis. You will see a better flow of energies here. Rahu in 5th house makes this you someone who is liked by kids a lot because of how you behave or because of your nature. This is because kids are attracted to unusual and unique people, and you are the person who matches their vibes a lot. Many a times, kids will throw tantrum when they are made to stay away from you. Also, since 5th house rules pregnancy, there must have been something unusual when you were born or maybe when you will give birth. Mostly, I have seen babies who have been given birth through c-sections. Personally, my mom have this placement and I was born in very unusual circumstances. This placement makes some fantastic artists to name in the history. Like the ones, who becomes very notable in their field and are looked up by other newcomers, Narendra Modi( the prime minister of India) has this placement and man became one of my most popular politicians ever in India. Since, 5th house also rules early education in life, this can show that there were some trouble or break in early education. I have seen people saying with this placement that they were home-schooled, which can be another possibility. A bunch of things are there but not everything can be stated. Now, ketu in the 11th house makes you deprive of friends. You will see that your friends were obstacles in your life or career or they were jealous of you, so you had to cut them off in order to rise in your life. Your social circle is very small. The moment you cut off your unwanted friends, you will experience random kick of creativity in you. Also, many a times, you will not be able to connect on a deeper level with your friends. It's like if they serve your purpose and vice versa, it's all good for you. You don't expect much from them. You may not have much desires or wishes to be fulfilled. At times, you may also see yourself getting involved in humanitarian work and doing something for the society as a whole. If there are elder siblings, you may find yourself detached from them for some reason. It's like you two don't work out well together.
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■Rahu in 6th and Ketu in 12th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. Rahu in the 6th house makes you a very disciplined and strict person. Your schedules are totally different than what a normal person's schedule would like. Extremely hard on yourself if you couldn't meet the expectations that you set for yourself in a particular day or week. This house also indicates enemies, therefore, you will see that you will have a lot of enemies in your place of work. If you are not working, then it can also mean your school or college, but yes, you will have lots of people who will be jealous of you and they want to pull you down with them. But, the good thing is that, you will always win over your enemies and emerge out as a winner. No matter how many obstacles are thrown in your way, but you will cross them all, surely it will require lots of efforts on your side but you will overcome them with determination. 6th house also indicates diseases, therefore, you may feel that you have some sort of diseases but they are more of illusionary ones. In a more wider sense, that many a times, you will feel that you are suffering from some sort of disease but you are not able to comprehend what you are suffering from and even the doctors will find it hard to diagnose your disease. On the other hand, Ketu in the 12th house, makes you someone who finds it easy to let go of people when they don't serve you or they are hurting you. You will not be begging or crying in front of them when they are on the verge of leaving you. Yeah, there will be a feeling of sadness but not the extreme ones. This Ketu also makes you someone who spends money after giving lots of thought on it. You are not a over spender or someone who loses money. I have seen people with this placement, who gets random lost money of someone, especially if it is hidden by your family members, and you find them accidentally. Kinda lucky with that. Also, since 12th house is seen as a spiritual house( ruled by pisces) and 6th house is seen as practical house( being ruled by virgo) , you often feel the conflict between choosing a spiritual and practical life. You are mixture of both but find it difficult in choosing when to apply spirituality and when to apply practicality. At times, when you are done with your practical life of 6th house, you will go on random spritual travels to cool down the over-exploded energy of 6th house.
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Part 2 Coming soon~
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starshapedjello · 10 months
Positive Soul Interactions
A simple way to improve your life is by becoming friends with someone who has the opposite north node as you. 🌱
Their north node will be your south node and vice versa. 💕
South node is the energy we have mastered in previous life times and are moving away from. It is our natural talents. Y’all can work together to show what each other is lacking and needs to learn. ✨
Ultimately, the North Node/South Node axis is about the balance ☯️ of both energies.
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crystalsenergy · 1 month
Professional dissatisfaction, career & work difficulties, and what Astrology says about it (imbalance in the IC-MC axis as ONE of the possibilities 4️⃣↔️🔟).
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the importance of always looking at your opposite house! let's understand more about this today?
Without a well-resolved inner world, everything spills over into your career.
It's pointless to seek refuge in your career for purely internal matters, and the opposite is true.
Why does this happen? And what is the direct relation of this with internal life, why?
Astrology reminds us about the exchange of energy and surrender to our own polarities.
Many people who are experiencing emotional difficulties with themselves inject all, literally all the energy they have into their careers and drown their entire lives in it to avoid facing their internal demands. Usually, these are issues with themselves. Internal emotional issues.
But it's not just that we see happening.
It also often occurs that people accumulate emotional issues to resolve with others, and for different reasons, they keep, don't talk about, don't address, don't resolve, but every day it reappears, like stress, negative memory, defense mechanisms, and as they don't face it, in which area do you think it spills over? Career.
We can also talk about family issues, which are often quite delicate, involving a lot of emotional and mental burden, and when not taken care of through, for example, dialogue (when possible, of course), therapy, or other possible ways, they reflect in the area of ​​the career through dissatisfaction and accumulation.
Paty, why does this happen?
-> First, because we are talking about two opposite houses, the 4th and the 10th (Imum and Medium Coeli), and they call for balance.
Polarities, opposites (houses or signs) are not uselessness,
they complement each other.
-> Second, the accumulation of energy in one ends up generating an accumulation in the other by our own tendencies. Naturally, we are inclined to look at the opposite axis of practically everything we deal with, the problem is not doing this consciously and not even healthily.
And Astrology, again, exemplifies this very well for us (After all, the Astrology that applies to earthlings represents exactly our greatest habits and tendencies that we collectively share through the conscious and collective unconscious, habits that some possess more, and others less, all depending on the free will and level to which each one connects to all of this. Below you will understand better, through the examples:)
Recurring examples of how we deal with the polarity of houses in an unbalanced way:
If we have problems in the area of ​​intimacy and vulnerability, surrender (8th house), we tend to want to distance ourselves from that, manifesting the negative side of the 8th house, which is that of closure, fear of vulnerability, but before looking at it with the intention of healing, we quickly run into the arms of the 2nd house, focusing only on personal pleasure, and sometimes even material achievements (2nd house). If the problem started with something related to the 8th house, we should solve it with it, and not seek a palliative with its opposite house, which in the end, only temporarily masks the problem, but does not actually solve it.
If we have problems with relationships, cooperation, harmony (7th house), we avoid solving our difficulties with that and suddenly jump to a state of excessive independence, too much focus on oneself, and, depending on the level of unresolved issues, even a forged selfishness that masks hurt and annoyance (1st house in immense imbalance).
Astrology reminds us that both sides are complements of one thing, the 4th and 10th houses (Imum Coeli and Midheaven) are the opposite and complementary points that remind us that without one, there is no balance of the other. And with every opposite house, it's like that!
Therefore: there is no good career without the inner world being taken care of.
There is no satisfactory professional life in the long run without the inner world being taken care of.
If our 4th house is messy
within what it means in our real life, and we are not seeking to readjust it,
the accumulated energy in this house will spill over into the 10th house, its complementary opposite.
Your 10th house is not 100% independent, it is only autonomous from everything else in your chart, but because it integrates One whole (the whole that is you), if one part is doing badly, including the exact opposite and complementary to it, the rest will feel the effects too much.
Astrology is a way for us to translate and read who we are.
Astrology is not mere human creation. Astrology is cosmic and essentially made up of sacred codes, which allow us to see perfectly who we already were before we incarnated (natal chart as a whole), the ideals and tasks of our Soul (NN, SN, etc.), the current difficulties (transit charts, solar return charts, planetary returns...).
It is an incredible and sacred tool that, if used with wisdom, discernment, and clarity, lead us to excellent conclusions about various issues in our lives. Like the one we are discussing now.
It's not that things need to be perfect, but we need to be looking at the problems, otherwise, they turn practically into sludge, a stagnant thing, in our life.
And stagnant energy is old energy,
Astrology is cosmic energy.
Cosmic energy reaches us, and everything we are and do is in our energy field.
So yes, action in imbalance in one of our areas affects us, and will mean more accumulation of disharmonious energy in that area.
(Area that the natal astrological chart probably already translates as something that the person carries in disharmony)
And that's okay! Let's seek to heal, care for, and look at it.
And you, have you noticed or are you open to starting to notice how, in practice, your relationship with your 4th house has impacted the health and success of your 10th house?
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bubbsreadstarot · 1 month
The lunar nodes are not actual planets, but rather imaginary points used for astronomical calculations. These points are essential in determining the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses, which happen when the Sun and Moon align with one of these nodes. The ephemerides notes the nodes' positions, which mark where a planet transitions from south to north latitude.
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Symbolically, the nodal axis represents a relationship between time and space, similar to the ascendant-descendant axis. In Hindu astrology, the Dragon's Head (Rahu) and the Dragon's Tail (Ketu) are respectively assigned as the north and south nodes, associated with the qualities of Jupiter and Saturn. Interpretations of the nodal axis vary, with some considering the north node as indicative of growth and development, while the south node represents skills developed through karma. Conjunctions with the nodal axis could signify significant transitions in life, while transits to the axis could indicate the entrance of new individuals or pivotal events involving others.
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satansstellium · 1 year
Zodiac Axis/Sister Sign thoughts:
The Pisces Virgo axis is creative and delusional
The Aries Libra axis is expressive and relentless
The Sagittarius Gemini axis is intelligent and over confident
The Aquarius Leo axis is charming and arrogant
The Capricorn Cancer axis is competent and dominant
The Taurus Scorpio axis is passionate and obstinate
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luckshmi · 1 year
Thoughts on 2H Rahu and 8H ketu, Jupiter and moon?
This placement of Rahu and Ketu is incredibly interesting.
Rahu in 2H
(no matter what sign rahu falls in he will reflect all the traits of the lord of the sign. rahu will take on the traits of that planet)
gives incredibly expressive face
foodie - enjoys different flavours and cuisines
family heirloom keeper
Ketu in 8H
(ketu absorbs the significators of the house where he sits. he sometimes denies experiences related to the house and lord of the house where he is placed)
late bloomer
gives vast spiritual abilities
makes for great psychologists, healers, occultists, social workers, life coaches
ketu touching moon and jupiter is intense energy, especially in the 8H. It can usually bring deep transformation of the mind and psyche when triggered by transits. you would feel the need to teach others from your life experience. jupiter is the guru, the teacher - he helps stabilise ketu BUT, imagine being roommates with 2 other people in the room of your mind (moon). you always overthink things because you feel like you have to consider every option to ensure everyone is happy.
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torivmod · 9 months
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The Virgo/ Pisces Axis Be like… 😠🫥😇
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lith-myathar · 2 years
Love how Taurus and Scorpio are sister signs but stereotypically one is like....the hungry himbo sign and the other is Peak Goth, NO ONE GIVES TAURUS CREDIT FOR THEIR INTENSITY OR SCORPIO CREDIT FOR THEIR SOFTNESS
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seafoamreadings · 3 months
mars trine south node (sextile north node)
what you desire also desires you. this is huge for manifestation, goals, 5-year plans, or lustful pursuits. these are the desires that come from fate. they are in some way beyond you or your free will, and yet it is your will that will fulfill them. but you have to go for it.
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ven8s · 2 years
taurus - scorpio ☆ axis
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lamed-moon · 2 years
Hellooooo moon!
Moon sitting exalted in the tropical sign of Taurus.... but this full moon is not ordinary in any form of the word. Conjunct Uranus, Luna is already posed to erraticism - but tack on the impact of the Lunar Nodes and bingbangboom we get a gorgeous but absolutely soul-rocking lunar eclipse [pictured below as it approaches totality - super cloudy, expecting snow!].
Don't forget the Scorpio Sun hides beneath the horizon, linked up close with Mercury and Venus. Volatility bubbles around and Saturn squaring it all suggests the stuff popping off now may need some resculpting once the deep sea lava cools off.
It's big changes no doubt but one can ease it down by remembering that when you vomit its Wild how much better you feel afterwards. It won't be high key forever. Scorpio is trying to remind Taurus that to be loved also means hurling away what cannot or never has loved you - including parts of yourself.
The Nodes' involvement is essential for any eclipse to occur. A regular full moon requires the arrangement of Sun - Earth - Moon and a regular new moon requires the arrangement of Sun - Moon - Earth. This happens twice a month.
!But! It doesn't always happen *exactly* at the degree where the moon is crossing earth's plane of orbit around the sun. That's what makes it an eclipse. The *perfect* straight line. The exactitude is what results in the luminaries being extinguished during these moments in time.
I enjoy knowing that the imperfection of their bimonthly alignments actually results in a reliable pattern for us humans. It's only when the grabbing bodies of the planets are in their own perfection...do they mirror back chaos to us.
Also, note Mars sitting higher to the left, shiny red and sitting amidst the constellation of Orion.
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mylimoji · 2 years
i think this stereotype that cardinal signs are the leaders should perish. the true leaders of the zodiac are fixed signs! they're might be stuck in their own ways sometimes, but they do know their job and they know how to finish what's been started. we need to reconceptualize cardinal signs not as leaders, but as instigators. maybe it's easier to see this with aries/libra with their impulsivity and want to constantly move on, but cancer/capricorn definitely get stuck at the start or can't move on very easily if they encounter a problem. they are very good at starting things - they hope that somebody else will see it to the end.
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divine-jupiter · 2 years
Astrology Diary 06/06/2022
This Saturn retrograde has been a steady build up. A week before the retrograde actually hit, I felt my 3rd, 9th and 11th Houses being illuminated. The current North and South Node are lighting up my 2nd and 8th Houses, too. Last year the Nodal Axis was heavily affecting my Sun in Sagittarius and my Chiron in Cancer because of its placement in my Gemini House. Yesterday, the feeling of nostalgia was insane and I kept experiencing near catastrophes; three near-car wrecks and so much uneasy energy from everyone else. I'm oddly calm, though. The energy of this process is heavy, but I'm a Capricorn Moon, so I actually like how it grounds my focus on my soul path.
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