#astrological remedies for negative thoughts
agrotech123 · 2 years
Astrological remedies in Karnataka | Sri Durga Devi jyothishalayam
There are various astrological remedies available in Vedic astrology such as Mantras, astrological yantra. We suggest the relevant Vedic astrological remedies
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theastrotree · 6 months
Astrological remedies for Remove negative energy
Believe it or not, if you are having trouble in your life and don’t know what could be the possible reason for it, then it is the negative energy around which does affect you. Many people often become prey to negative energy simply with the negative mind or thoughts of other people who are jealous of the progress that you make. Now the question is if you want some Astrological remedies for…
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lua-magic · 2 months
Astrological remedies of Rahu and Ketu.
Moon Rahu
Consequences - Heightened emotions, no emotional control, OCD, can cry very easily.
Remidies - Stay near water bodies or spend more time in water, like take long showers especially, when you drink water sit and drink water, don't drink water in hurry .
Moon Ketu
Consequences - Isolation, depression, disconnection from emotions, can't express feelings, deep thinking..
Remidies - Drink more water, and follow some spiritual practices where you can connect to the universe easily, like tarot, Astrology, or any kind of divination where you can get answers from the universe directly.
Sun Rahu
Consequences - Feel direction less, under confident, Imposter syndrome, problems in making descisions, lust, and greed for name and fame.
Remidies - Try to spend sometime in Sun always, never disrespect your father or father like figure in your life, if you have issues with Father then forgive and let go.
Sun Ketu (Positive)
Consequences - Isolation, problems with father or child, problem with connection with family,
Remidies - Ketu is letting go and charity, do charity.
Mercury Rahu-
Consequences - Problems in communication, social anxiety, frequent misunderstanding or disputes with friends.
Remedies- Read more books especially about successful people and autobiography and keep your books and stationary items properly and organised
Mercury Ketu (Positive)
Consequences problems with expression, connecting with people and expressing their thoughts and emotions
Remidies - Start writing, especially, scripting your thoughts and desires, maintain a diary where you write everything that you can't express publicly.
Venus- Rahu
Consequences This combination spoils your Jupiter and native would be pulled towards immoral activities and lust and greed. Native has strong sexual attraction towards opposite sex thatvoften become the reason of heart breaks.
Remidies - Native should read or listen to more spiritual books and follow spirituality and morality.
Venus Ketu
Consequences: Venus is money and luxury often native feel detached from luxury and money and sometimes faces issues with money .
Remedies Ketu is your gratitude , so be be grateful to everything especially to your money, and have spiritual approach towards money, you can earn money from spirituality as well
Mars Rahu
Consequences One of the most tricky conjunction to handle as native would become extremely agressive or anxious, sometimes obsessed with bed pleasure.
Remedies - Native should spend more time with nature especially with the green plants and if possible learn gardening and surround yourself with green plants.
Mars Ketu
Consequences Blocks within body, no focus in life, frequent cuts, pain and surgery, feel energetically low
Remedies - Native should go for grounding, ie walking bare foot in nature and involve in daily exercise routine. don't sit for long time and keep your body moving..
Jupiter Rahu
Consequences This conjunction harms the Jupiter and again person goes against their religion and morality, especially, if Rahu becomes strong then native get frequent negative thoughts and makes lot of wrong decisions because native doesn't like to listen to anyone's advice. .
Remedies Have some teacher or mentor in your life and whenever you have to make decisions in life then refer to your guru or teacher or take advice from experienced person and then move ahead in life , Never disrespect elder people and never bad mouth anyone
Jupiter ketu (positive)
This combination, pulls native towards spirituality and to get more knowledge in life
Person would be drawn to meditation and divine.
However, native usually, think small, and like to have simple living
Remedies - ketu is giving and Jupiter is knowledge, give your knowledge as much as you can, have spiritual guru in your life that can help you to evolve spiritually.
Saturn Rahu
Consequences -Again tricky combination, Saturn and Rahu when becomes strong, it damages your Mars, sun and Moon.
Mars when becomes weak it gives issues with focus
Moon when becomes weak it creates emotional issues.
Sun when becomes weak it gives you false ego and person can't handle criticism .
Remedies Do breathing exercises daily, especially deep breaths, control your emotions especially anger issues learn to be quiet, stay humble especially when someone is criticing you, because Saturn is service so don't bring your ego in your work
Saturn ketu
There are two kind of natives, one who is extremely successful and other who are not settled in work or can't find suitable work, there is no in between.
Remedies If you are finding hard to settle in work especially, routine jobs then practice occult, astrology and some kind of divination, ketu is also your intuition, so always follow your intuition when it comes to work
Saturn is work and ketu is charity or problem solving, so try to help as many people as you can through your work.
If you have ketu or Saturn in sixth house then feed animals regularly and don't use any products made from animal skin.
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geeta1726 · 3 months
What will happen if a manglik girl marries a manglik boy?
In traditional Indian astrology, the belief in Mangal Dosha suggests that if a Manglik girl marries a Manglik boy, the negative effects of Mangal Dosha are believed to be nullified or canceled out. This is based on the belief that both partners being Manglik counterbalances the effects of Mars (Mangal) Dosha in their individual birth charts.
Here are some key points regarding the potential outcomes of a marriage between a Manglik girl and a Manglik boy:
Cancellation of Dosha: According to traditional beliefs, when both partners in a marriage have Mangal Dosha, it is believed that the negative effects of Mangal Dosha are neutralized or canceled out. This is known as "Mangal Dosha cancellation." As a result, the couple is thought to be less likely to experience the challenges and obstacles associated with Mangal Dosha in their married life.
Harmonious Marriage: With Mangal Dosha cancellation, it is believed that the marriage between a Manglik girl and a Manglik boy may be more harmonious and stable compared to a situation where only one partner has Mangal Dosha. This is because both partners are believed to share similar astrological influences, which can lead to better understanding and compatibility.
Compatibility: Despite the cancellation of Mangal Dosha, the overall compatibility between the partners remains an important factor in the success of the marriage. Other astrological considerations, such as the placement of other planets, mutual respect, communication, and shared values, also play significant roles in determining marital happiness and longevity.
Beliefs and Cultural Practices: The significance of Mangal Dosha and its cancellation may vary among individuals and families based on their cultural beliefs and practices. Some may place great importance on ensuring Mangal Dosha cancellation in marriage, while others may not consider it as significant or may prioritize other factors in matchmaking and marital compatibility.
Consultation with an Astrologer: Before making decisions about marriage, some families may consult with an astrologer to analyze the birth charts of both partners and assess the presence of Mangal Dosha and its cancellation. Based on the astrologer's guidance, the families may proceed with the marriage or consider remedies if deemed necessary.
It is important to remember that the belief in Mangal Dosh and its cancellation is rooted in traditional astrology and cultural practices. Although some individuals and families may strictly adhere to these beliefs, others may interpret them more flexibly or may not consider them important in modern times. Ultimately, you can take help of Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software for marriage success. You can also contact us 8595675042 for more information
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tara-girl · 7 months
The Celestial Titan: Unveiling the Dominance of Strongest Planet in Astrological World
First of all, let us first define what's the meaning of strong ?A simple answer would be is that - When you feel that you can do anything you wish in your life. That's the time you feel strongest? Isn't it?
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But being strong doesn't always lead to happiness and success. It's your choice how being strong, you utilize the trait or condition to prosper or destroy yourself.
Well, as per my research and knowledge, I can say that the Moon is the only planet that can help you do whatever you want. Make you strong. Moon is mind. It represents thoughts.Mind has the biggest power to manifest anything that an individual wishes. In our ancient texts- Vedas also, Mind is being called the kalpvrkish.
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There is a story in Hindu Mythology about Mind power or Kalpavrikasha. When Goddess Parvati wanted a daughter in her life to reduce her loneliness, Ashokasundari was created from the wish-fulfilling tree Kalpavriksha.If we analyze it in a practical understanding,Kalpvrkish was not any tree,but it was goddess power of is the power of your mind.
Rahu or Ketu is the planet that amplifies or decreases the quality of Moon. Rahu and ketu are same body and plays the role of a catalyst to the moon. I have seen people with Moon conjunct or aspected by rahu or Ketu did either wonders to their life or blunders to their life.Moon feels either extremely +ve or -ve in Moon Mahadasha or Rahu madasha or ketu mahadasha.
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Aishwarya Rai Bachchan become Miss World in Moon Maha Dasha. Her moon also conjuct with Rahu.
Harnaaz Sandhu became Miss Universe because her moon conjunct with ketu in rahu mahadasha.
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India PM Narendra Modi became Prime Minister in Moon Mahadasha due to Rahu aspect Moon in his chart.
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Sadhguru got enlightened during Moon Maha Dasha because his moon conjunct ketu.
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Robin Williams did suicide because his moon conjunct with rahu in Ketu Mahadasha.
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Deepika Padukone went into depression because her moon conjunct ketu in rahu mahadasha.
In my more than 10 years of Research and Horoscope analysis, I have seen that most people feel get disturbed due to an afflicted moon.People become stars due to this combination,and people commit suicide or go into depression due to this combination of moon rahu or moon ketu. In the psychology field, it is a fact that human general nature is to think negatively in small things.
As per the law of attraction, this is also true. You attract what yoi think.But during the Moon dasha, rahu dasha or ketu dasha, there is a sudden rise in your negative thoughts, and because of thoughts intensity, things will also start manifesting. If we look at Moon Positive, we can also infer that during these dashas, if we can train ourselves to think positively and believe that, then wonders can happen. Your wishes will start Manifesting for your benefits. Moon dasha, Rahu Dasha or Ketu dasha is the biggest opportunity to pull your Moon upward and to fulfill all the wishes that a person wishes.
So, if you want to do wonders to your life, Moon dasha, Rahu dasha or Ketu dasha are the greatest opportunities for you. There are many remedies to generate belief power in you. To do wonders from the power of your mind(moon), there are few remedies:
Do Sadhna/Meditation of your Diety. Your diety can be seen through your birth chart.
Believe that everything happening in your life is a blessing for you. For example, if a cat crosses the road, believe that everything that is happening is a positive signal for you.
When it comes to your body, believe that your every single cell is very strong. That way, you are commanding the universe to keep yourself fit and to never get ill or if already ill, then to recover fast.
When it comes to your network/friend/colleague circle believe that they are a Blessings for you. Even if they are not doing things according to you. Your believing power will turn this the tables and you will succeed whatever the problems will be or your network circle will start working for your benefits.The same thing applies to your family members i.e wife, mother, father or boss at the workplace, and all other relations.Don't create a future on the basis of what's happening in your present.
Whatever wish you will live with intense emotion and believe, it will surely manifest!!
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The Hidden Power of Ashlesha Nakshatra in Astrology
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1. Introduction
The cosmic domain is split into 27 parts, known as Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. These Nakshatras have great importance and affect many facets of a person's life. Of them, Ashlesha Nakshatra has a special, frequently enigmatic potency.
2. Mythological Significance
Ashlesha Nakshatra is connected to the serpent god Vasuki in Hindu mythology. This Nakshatra is thought to have a close relationship with the energy of the serpent and to represent metamorphosis, wisdom, and healing.
3. Characteristics of Ashlesha Nakshatra
Personality Traits
Ashlesha Nakshatra sign natives are renowned for their sharp minds, sly demeanors, and profound emotional range. They have an inherent charm that entices people to be around them..
Strengths and Weaknesses
Natives of Ashlesha are strong because of their intuitive insights and capacity to adjust to shifting conditions. They might, nevertheless, also experience emotional instability and a propensity for manipulation.
4. Career Paths and Professions
Those born under Ashlesha Nakshatra frequently succeed in professions requiring a strong sense of intuition and analytical abilities. They are particularly successful in the healing arts, esoteric sciences, psychology, and research.
5. Love and Relationships
Ashlesha people are incredibly passionate and loyal partners in relationships. Nonetheless, their strong feelings can occasionally result in jealousy and possessiveness, necessitating tolerance from their partners.
6. Health and Well-being
Natives of Ashlesha may experience digestive and reproductive system problems. They must have well-balanced lives and learn how to properly handle stress.
7. Financial Outlook
Ashlesha people are drawn to chances involving financial change by nature. By making intelligent decisions and making wise investments, they have the ability to amass money.
8. Compatibility with Other Nakshatras
Hasta and Rohini nakshatras work well with Ashlesha nakshatra. Mutual understanding and harmonious relationships are frequently the outcome of these pairings.
9. Remedies for Negative Influence
Rituals include wearing jewels, chanting mantras, and practicing meditation can help people lessen the harmful impacts of Ashlesha Nakshatra.
10. Celebrities Born under Ashlesha Nakshatra
Ashlesha Nakshatra is associated with a number of well-known spiritual leaders, healers, and creative thinkers who have had a profound impact on society.
11. Rituals and Practices
Ashlesha Nakshatra is linked with a number of rituals and practices that are meant to help one harness its transforming energy and seek blessings for their well-being and personal development.
12. Astrological Predictions
Ashlesha Nakshatra is frequently used by astrologers to forecast significant life events, professional turning points, and interpersonal dynamics for those born under its influence.
13. Harnessing the Power of Ashlesha Nakshatra
Through embracing Ashlesha Nakshatra's attributes and energies, people can develop their intuitive insight, experience personal transformation, and meet obstacles head-on with grace and resiliency.
14. Conclusion
With its rich symbolism and transforming energy, Ashlesha Nakshatra provides significant insights into both the cosmic order and the human psyche. People might find their latent potential and set off on a voyage of self-discovery and spiritual progress by comprehending its influence.
15. FAQs
Q1: Can Ashlesha Nakshatra individuals be overly secretive?
A1:Indeed, because Ashlesha people are naturally inclined toward solitude and reflection, they may display secretive tendencies.
Q2: What gemstones are recommended for Ashlesha Nakshatra?
A2: The energy of Ashlesha Nakshatra can be balanced by gemstones like moonstone and pearl.
Q3: How can one strengthen their intuitive abilities associated with Ashlesha Nakshatra?
A3: For Ashlesha people, practicing mindfulness, meditation, and introspective activities can improve their intuitive insights.
Q4: Are there specific rituals for appeasing the serpent energy of Ashlesha Nakshatra?
A4: Absolutely, in order to please the serpent deity connected to Ashlesha Nakshatra, rituals including making sacrifices to snakes, reciting mantras, and keeping fasts on particular days are advised.
Q5: Is Ashlesha Nakshatra considered auspicious for starting new ventures?
A5:Ashlesha Nakshatra is seen to be a good time to start transformative initiatives and go on self-discovery excursions.
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𝓢𝓪𝓫𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓢𝔂𝓶𝓫𝓸𝓵 𝓔𝔁𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓭:
𝓐𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼 26°
Leo rules my 11th house: this is Aquarius territory. therefore my entire chart deals with the exact opposite energies that are conducive for successful development of characteristics that each house offers. Intellectual Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, revolutionary change, eccentricity & higher levels of consciousness, takes over the area of my life which seeks leadership, fun activities, personal expression that shines in front of the world, sexual preferences, children, your children and all kids in general! The fiery Leo, which is ruled by the sun, the luminary that deals directly with our own ego. The energy of a content soul in solitude is asked to become a fearless lion with a unique perspective that can cause a spark of change within my close community as well as globally. My north node sits in Aquarius .
♒️ 𝒜𝓆𝓊𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓊𝓈 26°:
“𝓪𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓹𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝔀𝓵 𝓯𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓱 𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓼” 🌸🌸🏺🌸🌸
Like a bowl of flowers, this Symbol implies that by keeping your life pure and unclouded by bad news, negative emotions or thoughts, and maintaining a sense of hope and faith, you can not only be healthier, but bring joy to others.

Key Words:
* returning to ancient sources
* flower and herbal remedies
* mortar & pestle
* fresh water
The north node is basically your “northern star” what you must follow to find your highest self. This is the direction in which my soul will feel most accomplished, the direction I must learn to find in order to complete my life’s purpose. Sabian Symbols are a favorite sector of astrology that I really enjoy exploring. This symbol of “fresh flowers in an ancient pottery” connects deeply for me. my last name is flowers, purple (violet) is my favorite color, letting go of negative thought patterns has been majority of my shadow work, and earth magic, herbal remedies/using a mortar & pestle has been a major part of this past year & a half.
𝓔𝓶𝓫𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 this ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒽𝓎 astro-𝒻𝒾ℯ𝓇𝓎 mystic is my true 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔. ♌️♒️🙋🏻‍♀️
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
Law of attraction is the biggest cash cow of today’s generation and the popular concept that suggests that our thoughts and feelings have the power to manifest our desires into reality. It is based on the idea that the universe is made up of energy, and that we can attract positive or negative experiences into our lives based on the energy we put out.
At its core, the Law of Attraction is a simple idea that whatever you focus on, you attract into your life. If you think positive thoughts and feel positive emotions, you will attract positive experiences into your life. If you think negative thoughts and feel negative emotions, you will attract negative experiences.
The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that everything in the universe is made up of energy, including our thoughts and emotions. This energy vibrates at different frequencies, and we can attract experiences that match our vibration.
Among many other tool visualizations is an important tool for manifesting our desires. By visualizing what we want, we can create a clear mental picture of our desired outcome and attract it into our lives.
The technique focus more on manifestation of our desire and not the karma. Because by only dreaming of becoming rich one can not become rich. One need to work smartly to be rich and so working ( karma ) is very important as without working no one will pay us.
As an astrologer I understand that if a person is not destined to be rich as per his / her horoscope then he will not / never become rich in-spite of he / she practicing to attract money according to law of attraction.
One need to understand it logically that if by practicing law of attraction one can make money who is not destined to be rich, and that person becomes rich then all astrology is a fake and it holds no good.
So here comes a situation where one of the knowledge areas is correct and the other is incorrect.
I can put it in other way also that if the theory of law of attraction is correct and it can give people what they desire by practicing it then astrologers ( astrology ) could have used it as the best remedy for people who can not become rich as per their horoscope.
Astrology is a divine knowledge with proofs as predictions itself speaks as the proof of it.
If by manifestation as a technique in law of attraction with which one can achieve their desires, then every people will stop performing ( doing karma / work ) and everyone will be at home lying on their bed and will only keep dreaming to be rich.
The whole world will come to a stand still position as no one wiil be ready to work and be at home to dream and become rich, which is a very very easy way.
A bed ridden person also will start practicing law of attraction to attract money lying on bed doing nothing but manifestation of becoming rich.
Astrology on the other hands are with the proofs with dictums that is applicable to any human being of the world who will have same kind destiny for a particular event under a set of combination of planets in their horoscope.
When astrology spells out an event for a person and if it is negative then no law of attraction in the world can give that event to that person in his life, as astrology has the base of truth in their prediction and it will happen that way only.
Now its upto the reader to understand . . . .what to belive . . . itching the head now . . .ha ha ha ha ha ha . . . . . . . 
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monkvyasaa · 2 years
Nine Planets & Their Remedies
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Astrology seems to maintain that something is occurring or has come about within the universe only because of the motion of the planets. Despite the fact that there are 9 handiest planets, their effects are felt with the aid of billions of creatures across the world. You need to undergo the malevolent consequences of any planet that is negative for your horoscope. Certain astrological treatments have been proposed to decrease or absolutely mitigate the terrible consequences of any planet. This blog will let you know about positive matters that, while blended with water earlier than taking a tub, can calm the planets. These treatments are quite simple and, when used correctly, can offer you exceptional results.
Nine Planets and Their Remedies
Among the 9 planets, the Sun has ascended to the position of king. When the Sun is in a negative role in someone’s horoscope, she or he can also have trouble gaining a reputation or fame. There are also troubles with one’s fitness and one’s profession. In this regard, before taking a tub, the natives need to blend purple sandalwood, saffron, cardamom, and different spices in water to soothe the sun.
The purple planet Mars is presumed to be cruel. If the same planet is vulnerable in someone’s horoscope, she or he becomes irritable and faces monetary difficulties, fitness troubles, inner circle of relatives strife, and so on. To counteract the terrible consequences of Mars, human beings must take a tub containing purple sandalwood, purple rose petals, Asafoetida (Hing), and different herbs. It is thought that this treatment produces instant results. For your information, Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio.
Cancer’s ruling planet is the Moon. This planet has bestowed upon us the presents of peace of thoughts and humility in behaviour. If the Moon is in a negative role in one’s horoscope, he or she can be able to enjoy intellectual pressure and grow bothered with diverse diseases. In this regard, natives are cautioned to wash in water laced with perfume, white sandalwood, flowers, or camphor, among other matters.
The quickest and smallest planet among the 9 is Mercury. This is the Virgo and Gemini ruling lord. If Mercury is in a negative role in one’s Kundli, they may experience intellectual pressure, issues with their vocal cords and profession, and pores and skin diseases. In such cases, the locals are cautioned to take a tub with honey, nutmeg, or Akshat blended in.
Among the 9 planets, Jupiter is cherished for containing the placement of Guru. This planet’s vulnerable role within the horoscope causes someone to lose his or her man or woman within the eyes of the elders. Aside from that, they’re harassed with debt, face demanding situations in their careers, and are liable to jaundice. In this case, the natives must shower in a combination of yellow sandalwood, turmeric, saffron, and different herbs. According to Guru, this treatment is beneficial for calming the planet Jupiter.
The brightest of all of the planets is Venus. It sheds mild light on the natives’ manner of lifestyle. It means that if the planet is strongly positioned in one’s horoscope, she or he is blessed with materialistic pleasures and leads a satisfied and joyful married life, while if it’s weakly positioned, it disrupts the non-violent married lifestyle and promotes laziness. Bathing with water infused with white flowers, sandalwood, uncooked milk, cardamom, and different elements is discouraged in this context. This treatment needs to be executed with the aid of Taurus and Libra natives due to the fact that it’s the ruling lord of those zodiac signs.
Lord Sun’s son is Saturn, the lord of justice. If a planet is in a negative role in one’s horoscope, he or she can be able to have lifestyles complete of sufferings and disappointments in the profession and monetary lifestyles. People are cautioned to take a tub containing fennel, black sesame, mustard oil, or poppy seeds, among different elements. These treatments need to be executed with the aid of human beings born below the Capricorn and Aquarius zodiac signs, as each is dominated by Shani.
Rahu seems like a shadow planet. If it’s unfavourably positioned in one’s horoscope, she or he is interested in terrible deeds, which include drugs, alcohol, gambling, crooked activities, and so on. To pacify the equal planet, natives are cautioned to take a tub with water blended with Gajdant, musk, inexperienced Durva, and different herbs.
Ketu is frequently taken into consideration as a shadow planet. If Ketu is vulnerable in one’s horoscope, he/she is misplaced in thinking, not able to translate his mind into acts, stories, discontent, and so on. To counter the malicious effects of this world, natives can shower in water blended with a beetle (Supari), turmeric (Haldi), and different elements.
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alokastrology1 · 2 years
How to offer Bela Patra,a magical offering to lord shiva?
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We frequently place Belpatras on the Shivling at the temple. Have you ever considered its significance and what it is used for? Because of its features, the Belpatra tree has been considered a sacred tree for generations, and the leaves of Belpatra are particularly precious to Lord Shiva, hence the gift offered to Lord Shiva is also considered incomplete without Belpatra. Three Belpatra leaves clasped together are considered holy. Because the three leaves are connected together, they are referred to as Tridev, and others think that the three leaves depict Mahadev’s trident.
Bilva leaves, also known as Bael Patra, are an auspicious tribute to Lord Shiva. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are represented by the three-leaf bael Patra. The tribunals – Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas – are also mentioned.
Know about the magic of Lord Shiva’s offering Bela Patra. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
It is said that by placing three intertwined Belpatra leaves on the Shivling, Lord Shiva is calmed and satisfied. Lord Shiva is delighted if just Belpatra leaves are presented with affection.
The most significant fruit offered to lord Shiva is the Bel fruit, often known as the Wood Apple in English. The leaves of the tree are also a significant offering as they have equated with lord Shiva’s three eyes and also resemble his trident; lord Shiva is thought to meditate under the Bilva tree; and the fruit is presented and devoured as Prasad by lord Shiva’s worshippers, especially during Mahashivaratri.
The origin of the Bel Fruit is related to the Goddess Lakshmi. Lord Shiva is symbolic of the bell fruit, which is hard on the surface yet tender on the inside.
Bilva leaves have the ability to absorb beneficial vibrations while dispelling negative ones. So, when you place the Bilva leaves on top of the Shiv Linga, the leaves absorb the Shiv Linga’s tremendous vibrations and bestow them on you as you carry them.
Given this property to attract negativity and transfer positive energy to Bela tree, the plantation is promoted. It is considered to be beneficial in terms of Vastu and lit diya under it helps with gaining immense knowledge and good.
Remedy to Grant All Your Wishes
Get a few Bilva leaves, wash them, and only utilize the ones that have all three leaves, discarding the worn old ones. Only use fresh Bilva leaves.
Make a paste using sandalwood powder.
Dip a little stick in the Sandalwood paste and write “Ram” on all three Bael Patra leaves.
While chanting Om Namah Shivaya, pull the leaf closer to your Ajna chakra (third eye chakra) and bring to mind the desires you want to be accomplished.
Place a Bela leaf on top of the Shiv linga.
Pour some water on top of the leaves.
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A story about Belpatra’s significance.
There are several stories on this subject. However, one old narrative teaches us more about its significance. That is the tale of the Samundar Manthan. Many things came out of the oceans when both the gods and the demons churned them out, one of which was poison. This poison was so potent that it might spread over the entire globe, but Lord Shiva drank it for the sake of the universe and swallowed it, earning him the name Neelkanth. The poison’s effect was so bad that Lord Shiva’s brain got heated and he became restless. The water on Lord Shiva’s head was then impacted by the gods. The coolness of the water relieved the head, but the burning in the throat persisted. The gods then fed Belpatra leaves to Lord Shiva since Belpatra possesses characteristics that mitigate the effect of poison. As a result, the Belpatra leaf is particularly significant in Shiva worship.
Medicinal properties of Bel Patra
Bela fruit has exceptional medicinal properties, it is found to be rich in vitamins and minerals. According to modern science, the Bel fruit is high in beta-carotene, Vitamin B, thiamine, and riboflavin when mature. Bela fruits are also found to be rich in laxatives and antioxidants that help with a number of stomach-related issues, ranging from diarrhea, and helps in strengthening the digestive system.
According to Ayurveda the Bela fruit and leaves are said to be beneficial in maintaining all three types of dosha known as pitta, Kapha, and Vata. 
Bela fruit has numerous benefits associated with skin, it is highly beneficial for rough and dry skin. Due to the presence of high antioxidants, it gives astonishing results for the skin. It works magically for the hair as well, for hair need to use it if you have hair fall and rough and dry hair texture. Bela fruit is proven magical for hair. It works for body odor as well. You need to use it in a mixture and juice form to reduce perspiration which causes high body odor.
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drsohinisastri · 2 years
Budh Dosh – Introduction, Causes, Effects, Remedies and More!
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Buddha or planet Mercury is responsible for your daily expressions and communication. The planet is also considered neutral and changes its characteristics based on its placement in different houses. Buddha influences your thoughts and lets you decide and differentiate with reasoning. In other words, planet Mercury rules our subconscious thoughts and conscious actions taken according to the best astrologer in India.
 The planet signifies how we express ourselves to the world and how we handle stress and unfortunate circumstances in life. In fact, Mercury presents you in your fullest form. This article is a study of Budh Dosh and actions to be taken.
 Significance of Mercury :
Mercury’s influence on our lives is very unique and is difficult to predict accurately. It’s important to know that Buddha doesn’t cast an influence alone. Additionally, it always works in conjunction with other planets. It also gives malefic effects with malefic planets and benefits with beneficial planets.
 Mercury is the son of Moon but, they are enemies to each other according to Hindu Mythology. It shares a very close bond with the Sun and is friendly with Venus. Mercury actually rules Gemini and Virgo. Additionally, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn share a neutral relationship with Mercury. Budh Dev in the 4th house represents friends and family. It represents speech in the 2nd house and profession in the 10th house.
 Characteristics of the Effects of Mercury :
If Mercury influences your birth chart, you will be a loving and compassionate person. You will also possess a sense of humour and high intellect. You will also carry yourself with high confidence. Also, all these put together, sometimes, makes you emotionally detached and independent.
 If you have the influence of Mercury in your natal chart, you will most definitely excel in professions like journalism, teaching, publications finance and engineering. Since Mercury is an expression discipline, you can also excel at Law and be a good advisor too.
If positioned well, Mercury will take you places, while you also excel in education and finance. It has a strong influence and induces logical thinking and reasoning. In fact, a strong Mercury in your horoscope means you will perform well in accountancy since you will excel in calculations. Strong verbal communication and persuasive power will be your natural traits with positive Mercury influences.
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Malefic Effects of Budh Dosh:
In the case of Budh Dosh, the native suffers from poor judgement and reasoning and also lacks analytical ability. You will have issues in education and suffer from a lack of intellect. There will be frequent sorrows and worries. You will experience constant stress with argumentative behaviour.
The weak influence in conjunction with malefic planets promotes hardships, particularly in family life. The natives suffer from relatives including the spouse and children.  They get deprived of the wisdom they deserve and also suffer the loss of wealth.
 Remedies for Budh Dosh :
Planet Mercury is changeable and neutral having a dual personality. The remedies to ward of malefic effects include:
 Vedic Remedies :
1.Wash new clothes before wearing
2.Chant Lord Buddha mantras to appease Mercury
3.Keeping parrots is a way to calm Mercury
4.Feed cows daily before you eat.
5.Provide feathered creatures soaked green gram to empower Mercury
6.Always keep good oral hygiene. It’s advisable to clean your teeth and tongue twice a day.
 Lal Kitab Remedies :
1.Contribute milk and rice to a religious place
2.It’s advisable to completely quit meat and alcohol
3.Drink water from a silver glass to alleviate the negative effects of Mercury
4.Seek the blessings of eunuchs
5.Use a white thread or a silver chain to wear a copper coin.
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Wearing Gemstones and Rudraksh:
As part of Budh Dosh Remedies, wearing a ring made from emerald and lead is advisable, through the famous astrologer in India. Make sure to energize a 19 Mukhi Rudraksh and wear it. This Rudraksh also represents Lord Narayana who is the supreme among all the gods.
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divyaastro-ashram · 7 days
Gemstones & Crystals Against Bhoot Badha
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In the mystical tapestry of beliefs, the concept of bhoot badha, or ghostly afflictions, holds a significant place, often attributed to planetary imbalances and doshic disruptions. Within this framework, gemstones and crystals emerge as potent allies, offering a shield against negative energies and restoring cosmic equilibrium. Understanding their roles in astrology unveils a pathway to spiritual protection and holistic well-being, transcending mundane boundaries to navigate the unseen realms with resilience and grace. 
In the realm of beliefs, gemstones and crystals serve as potent shields against bhoot badha, or ghostly afflictions by addressing underlying planetary imbalances and doshic disruptions without explicit terminology. 
What is Bhoot Badha?
Bhoot Badha, a term deeply ingrained in the fabric of spirituality, refers to ghostly afflictions or disturbances caused by negative energies or malevolent spirits. According to beliefs, these disturbances stem from imbalances in planetary alignments, doshic disruptions within the individual, or unresolved ancestral issues. Manifesting as psychological disturbances, unexplained phenomena, or physical ailments, bhoot badha serves as a reminder of the intricate interplay between the seen and unseen realms in the cosmic dance of existence. 
Understanding the Cause: Planetary Imbalances and Doshic Disruptions
Astrology identifies malefic planets and doshic imbalances as key factors contributing to bhoot badha, which may stem from unresolved ancestral issues:
Malefic Planets
In astrology, malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, and Mars are believed to exert powerful influences that can leave individuals vulnerable to negative energies. When these planets occupy prominent positions in one's birth chart, they may amplify the likelihood of encountering paranormal disturbances or bhoot badha. For instance, the presence of Saturn in certain astrological houses may herald periods of spiritual testing or karmic challenges, potentially inviting disruptive energies into one's life.
Doshic Imbalances
According to Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine closely intertwined with principles, the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—govern various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional health. When these doshas become imbalanced due to factors such as poor lifestyle choices, environmental influences, or genetic predispositions, they can create energetic disturbances that attract unwanted spirits or negative entities. For example, an excess of Vata dosha may manifest as anxiety, restlessness, or insomnia, making individuals more susceptible to psychic disturbances and spiritual intrusions.
Pitru Dosha
Pitru Dosha, or ancestral affliction, refers to unresolved conflicts or ancestral karma that can manifest as disturbances in the present generation. According to tradition, the souls of departed ancestors may seek resolution or redemption through their living descendants, leading to disruptions in familial harmony or spiritual well-being. By addressing Pitru Dosha through rituals, prayers, or gemstone remedies aimed at appeasing ancestral spirits, individuals can mitigate the effects of ancestral bhoot badha and restore balance to their lineage.
Gemstones and Crystals: Balancing the Energies
These natural marvels possess unique properties that help rebalance energies:
Neutralize Malefic Influences
Gemstones like Garnet, Hessonite, and Blue Sapphire are believed to possess the power to neutralize the malefic influences of specific planets. For example, Garnet, associated with the energy of Mars, is said to provide protection against negative energies and promote courage and strength. Similarly, Hessonite, linked to the shadow planet Rahu, is thought to dispel confusion and anxiety while offering psychic protection.
Balance Doshas
Each gemstone is associated with specific planetary energies that correspond to the balance of the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. For instance, the Emerald, representing the planet Mercury, is believed to pacify Vata dosha and promote mental clarity and emotional equilibrium. Yellow Sapphire, associated with Jupiter, is thought to balance Pitta dosha, fostering wisdom, optimism, and spiritual growth.
Appease Ancestors
Certain gemstones hold significance in tradition for their ability to appease ancestral spirits and resolve ancestral karma. Cat's Eye, governed by the shadow planet Ketu, is revered for its capacity to alleviate Ketu-related afflictions and mitigate ancestral disturbances. White Sapphire, associated with the planet Venus, is believed to foster harmonious relationships with ancestors and attract positive ancestral blessings. 
Gemstones and crystals are revered not only for their aesthetic beauty but also for their metaphysical properties, serving as conduits for cosmic energies that can harmonize and align the subtle energies within and around us. By harnessing the vibrational frequencies of specific gemstones, individuals can create a protective shield against bhoot badha and cultivate a sense of inner balance, resilience, and spiritual well-being.
Choosing the Right Gemstone or Crystal
Consulting a astrologer aids in selecting the most suitable gemstone or crystal: 
● Garnet: For Mars-related issues. It enhances courage and vitality, deflecting malefic influences associated with Mars.
● Hessonite: To ward off Rahu's effects. Its protective energies shield against psychic attacks and dispel confusion caused by Rahu's influence.
● Blue Sapphire: Strengthen Saturn's influence. Known as the "stone of destiny," it promotes discipline and resilience, empowering individuals to overcome challenges.
● Emerald: Calm Vata imbalances. Its soothing energy balances the nervous system and fosters clear communication, mitigating the effects of Vata dosha.
● Yellow Sapphire: Balance Pitta dosha. Its warm and expansive energy promotes optimism and wisdom, counteracting Pitta's fiery nature.
● Pearl: Pacify Kapha dosha. Symbolizing purity and emotional balance, Pearl instills a sense of calmness and stability, ideal for Kapha individuals prone to lethargy.
● Cat's Eye: Appease ancestral spirits. This mystical gemstone dispels negative ancestral karma and facilitates spiritual evolution, paving the way for ancestral blessings.
● White Sapphire: Improve relations with ancestors. Its ethereal beauty and gentle energy foster harmony and reconciliation, bridging the gap between the living and the departed. 
Using Crystals Effectively
Integrate crystals into your environment for added protection: 
● Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz: Near doorways or windows to deflect negativity. These grounding crystals create a protective barrier, preventing malevolent energies from entering your space.
● Amethyst: In the bedroom to ward off nightmares. Its tranquil energy promotes restful sleep and spiritual protection, ensuring peaceful dreams free from interference.
● Clear Quartz: For overall purification and positive energy amplification. As the "master healer," Clear Quartz cleanses and energizes the aura, enhancing the effectiveness of other gemstones and crystals. 
Remember: While gemstones and crystals offer assistance, consulting an astrologer or priest ensures a holistic approach to addressing bhoot badha, incorporating rituals and mantras for long-term resolution. Gemstone remedies, when used in conjunction with spiritual practices, create a powerful synergy for spiritual protection and well-being.  
The Bottom Line
In the labyrinth of life, where unseen forces may stir unrest and disquiet, the luminous guidance of gemstones and crystals shines as a beacon of hope and resilience. Rooted in the wisdom of astrology, these precious gifts from the earth serve as tangible reminders of our interconnectedness with the cosmos, offering solace and strength in times of uncertainty. As we tread the path of self-discovery and spiritual evolution, let us embrace the timeless wisdom encoded within these sacred stones, forging a harmonious alliance with the universe and safeguarding our journey against the shadows of bhoot badha.
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vidyanand-guruji · 1 month
Why is Kaal Sarp Dosh Pooja Performed in Trimbakeshwar?
Many people have ideas about Kaal Sarp Dosh which is often believed to have a malefic influence on an individual's horoscope, resulting in obstacles in many aspects of their lives including health, career, financial strength, spirituality etc. Now, to overpower the negatives associated with this astrological factor, one of the most powerful ways is to perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Pooja. For a long time, this sacred ritual namely Kaal Sarp Pooja has been performed in Trimbakeshwar. This is not just a coincidence there are a lot of reasons associated with this. Let's learn together why Kal Sarp Dosh Puja is performed in Trimbakeshwar. 
Why is Kaal Sarp Dosh Pooja Performed in Trimbakeshwar?
As we have already mentioned, Trimbakeshwar is identified as the most appropriate place for performing kaal sarp dosh Pooja. That's why the term is often referred as Trimbakeshwar Kalsarp Pooja also. There are plenty of reasons that will eventually prove that Trimbakeshwar is the best place for doing this sacred ritual.  
Astrological Influence
We all know how significant Trimbakeshwar is in terms of astrology. It is believed that the place has a lot of positive power and vibration. The sacred land has enough ability to influence the power of prayers and remedies performed here with positivity. So, if you do any sacred rituals here, because of the astrological significance of the place, the power of the prayers and rituals will increase automatically. Trimbakeshwar Kaalsarp dosh pooja can influence the planets to omit the negative effects of your life. 
Mythological Influence
Hindu mythology has described Trimbakeshwar as one of the most sacred places where there is a lot of influence of Lord Shiva, one of the most powerful Hindu deities we know. The origin of the sacred river Godavari is the place where this temple is located. The place is also known as one of the places where Mahadev lives. That's why the Jyotirlinga present in the temple is very powerful and believed to have the presence of Lord Shiva within it. That's why when you perform kaal sarp puja at this place with complete faith, Lord Shiva will surely bless you and amplify the negatives associated with your life. 
Historical Significance
Dating back to many centuries, this place has held a strong historical significance as well. Since then, the Trimbakeshwar temple has been the main place for sacred rituals, religious practices and all kinds of sacred cultural activities which attracted a lot of devotees, seeking blessings and redemption of karmic things. The continuation of this timeless allure is due to the historical significance of Trimbakeshwar temple. The popularity and significance of this place have increased only over centuries. 
As per Tradition and Faith
Trimbakeshwar Kaalsarp dosh pooja is also associated with tradition and faith. As we have already mentioned about the historical significance of the place which shows how the temple was the centre of all kinds of sacred cultural activities and spiritual rituals for centuries, the tradition is also adopted by future generations. People still consider this place as one of the most powerful and sacred places where Lord Shiva lives. This mix of tradition and faith made the place even more popular amongst generations. 
Spiritual Ambiance 
Last but not least, we must talk about the spiritual ambience of this place also, which is another potential reason why kaal sarp dosh puja is performed in Trimbakeshwar. The place holds a positive atmosphere that you can feel once you enter this place. The rhythmic chants of mantras and Vedic hymns etc. even increased the spiritual positivity of this place further. This spiritually charged atmosphere is completely suitable to perform any sacred rituals here, that further influence your determination and devotional thoughts. Also, the positivity of this place will influence the procedure of Kaal sarp dosh puja even more.
So, Trimbakeshwar Kalsarp pooja holds a lot of significance that we have already mentioned. Because of all of these points mentioned above, Trimbakeshwar has become the best place for kaal sarp dosh puja. If you perform the ritual correctly then there are complete chances of getting blessed by Lord Shiva and all the negativities associated with your horoscope will be amplified also. It is also very important that you seek advice from a good astrologer before performing the puja.
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rashiratanjaipurstone · 2 months
Ruby Gemstone: An Astrological Guide
Unlock the mysteries of Ruby Gemstone: An Astrological Guide. Discover the significance, benefits, and astrological insights into this radiant gemstone.
Rubies have captivated human fascination for centuries, not only for their stunning beauty but also for their perceived astrological significance. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the mystical realm of the Ruby Gemstone: An Astrological Guide, uncovering its astrological properties, historical significance, and practical applications.
The History of Ruby Gemstone
Ruby gemstones hold a rich historical legacy, dating back to ancient civilizations. From the royal adornments of ancient Egyptian pharaohs to the cherished treasures of Indian maharajas, rubies have adorned the elite throughout history. These precious gems symbolize vitality, power, and passion, often associated with love and courage.
Astrological Significance of Rubies
In astrology, rubies are associated with the Sun, the celestial body that represents vitality, strength, and self-expression. As a birthstone for those born in July, rubies are believed to enhance vitality and bring success and prosperity to their wearers. According to Vedic astrology, rubies are linked with the fiery planet Mars, imparting courage, energy, and protection from malevolent forces.
The Healing Properties of Rubies
Beyond their astrological significance, rubies are revered for their purported healing properties. It is believed that wearing a ruby can stimulate the heart chakra, promoting vitality and emotional well-being. Additionally, rubies are thought to boost circulation, alleviate fatigue, and enhance one's overall vitality.
How to Choose the Perfect Ruby
When selecting a ruby gemstone, several factors come into play, including color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. Ideally, a ruby should exhibit a rich, vibrant hue with excellent clarity and a well-defined cut to maximize its brilliance. Whether set in an elegant ring or a statement necklace, a high-quality ruby exudes timeless elegance and sophistication.
Caring for Your Ruby Gemstone
To maintain the luster and brilliance of your ruby gemstone, proper care is essential. Avoid exposing rubies to harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they can dull the gemstone's surface. Instead, clean your ruby jewelry regularly with a soft cloth and mild detergent to preserve its natural beauty for generations to come.
Ruby Gemstone in Astrological Remedies
In Vedic astrology, rubies are often prescribed as astrological remedies to mitigate the adverse effects of malefic planets, particularly Mars. Wearing a ruby ring or pendant on a Sunday, the day associated with the Sun, is believed to enhance one's vitality, courage, and leadership qualities while warding off negativity.
Ruby Gemstone Myths and Legends
Throughout history, rubies have been shrouded in myth and legend, adding to their mystique and allure. From tales of fiery dragons guarding precious ruby treasures to stories of star-crossed lovers seeking solace in the depths of ruby mines, these gemstones have inspired countless myths and fables across cultures.
Exploring the Symbolism of Rubies
In various cultures, rubies symbolize passion, prosperity, and protection. In Hindu mythology, rubies are associated with the god of the Sun, symbolizing power, vitality, and divine grace. Similarly, in ancient Chinese culture, rubies were treasured for their auspicious symbolism, believed to bring good fortune and success to their owners.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is the significance of wearing a ruby gemstone? A: Wearing a ruby gemstone is believed to enhance vitality, passion, and prosperity while offering protection from negative energies.
Q: How can I determine the quality of a ruby gemstone?
A: Factors such as color, clarity, cut, and carat weight are key indicators of a ruby's quality and value.
Q: Can rubies be used for astrological remedies?
A: Yes, rubies are often prescribed as astrological remedies to mitigate the adverse effects of malefic planets, particularly Mars.
Q: What is the historical significance of rubies?
A: Rubies have a rich historical legacy, symbolizing power, passion, and royalty throughout the ages.
Q: How should I care for my ruby gemstone jewelry?
A: To maintain the brilliance of your ruby gemstone, clean it regularly with a soft cloth and mild detergent, avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals.
Q: Are rubies associated with any particular astrological signs?
A: Yes, rubies are the birthstone for those born in July and are associated with the zodiac sign of Leo.
In conclusion, the Ruby Gemstone: An Astrological Guide offers valuable insights into the mystical properties and cultural significance of rubies. Whether worn as a symbol of passion, prosperity, or protection, the allure of rubies transcends time, making them a cherished treasure for generations to come.
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bestastrologyservices · 3 months
How Astrology Consultancy Services Helped Me Banish Negative Thoughts
Many people struggle with negative thoughts that impede their personal development and enjoyment in today's fast-paced society. Thankfully, astrological consulting services have become a ray of hope for people who are looking for direction and clarity when overcoming obstacles in life.
As a reliable source of astrological services, Acharya Ganesh Astrology Consultancy Services distinguishes itself by providing individualized consultations and useful suggestions to assist people in overcoming negative thought patterns. Their team of highly skilled astrologers provides insights into the celestial forces influencing an individual's life path by thoroughly examining a person's birth chart.
Through an awareness of the planetary impacts on their mental state, people can get essential knowledge about the underlying reasons of their negative thought patterns. Equipped with this understanding, Acharya Ganesh Astrology Consultancy Services offers customized solutions and tactics to clients in order to neutralize harmful effects and encourage tranquility and mental clarity.
Furthermore, astrological consulting services offer direction on how to connect one's actions with cosmic energies in order to realize goals and aspirations, in addition to remedies for conquering negative beliefs. People can use astrology's transformational capacity to take back control of their destiny through ceremonial activities, gemstone recommendations, and lifestyle modifications.
To sum up, Acharya Ganesh Astrology Consultancy Services is a lighthouse for people who want to overcome negativity and realize their greatest potential. Clients can set out on a path of self-awareness, optimism, and fulfillment with the help of individualized counseling and doable solutions. With Acharya Ganesh Astrology Consultancy Services, you may embrace the transforming power of astrology and wave goodbye to negative thoughts right now!
For more info.visit at:https://acharyaganesh.com/
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astronidan1 · 3 months
Ketu Mahadasha: Transformation into Shadowy Realm of Vedic Astrology
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Stepping into the Ketu Mahadasha realm signifies the beginning of a period of introspection and spiritual growth. Its impact is seen in every area of life, from relationships with others to professional initiatives, since it encourages people to explore their subconscious and face unresolved karmic impressions. There may be occasions during this period when you feel alone, thoughtful, and detached, while Ketu directs fate in the direction of a higher consciousness.
Ketu: The Mysterious Wanderer
The description of Ketu is not only given in Vedic astrology but also in Hindu mythology. Ketu is a character mentioned in Hindu scriptures and is responsible to make eclipses happen.
The story is that the head of the demon was named Rahu while the body was named Ketu. Since the nectar could reach only into the mouth, so the two could only remain immortal but their power is reduced. In order to plot revenge on Sun and Moon, they keep creating Solar and Lunar eclipses, which are not seen in good light by Hindus.
Ketu Mahadasha
Ketu Mahadasha lasts for seven years and happens when the planet Ketu holds a significant control on a person’s life. The Ketu Mahadasha has both positive and negative effects, Ketu’s position in the birth chart and it’s relationship with other planets is the deciding factor behind it.
Ketu Mahadasha can very well be the time for spiritual evolution and transformation. It can also be the time to move on from the past experiences and embrace of new beginnings. However, Ketu Mahadasha can also lead to immense stress and mental restlessness.
Expected Positive Effects of Ketu Mahadasha
Those with positive Ketu positioning may find easiness in handling creative pursuits and may even find lots of success in it.
When the Ketu is favourable for a person it is said to bring spiritual growth and development. It is a great opportunity to connect with your inner self and find answers to the bigger questions in life.
As a person grows spiritually during this period they may find detachment from the worldly or materialistic possessions.
The spiritual growth is often beneficial in providing the person a heightened sense of intuition and foresightedness.
Long life and career opportunities are other benefits which come along with Ketu Mahadasha.
Possible Negative effects of Ketu Mahadasha
One of the major negative effects of Ketu Mahadasha is that of possible emotional outbursts and high stress levels.
You can often make irrational and baseless decisions during this period and can often find yourself confused.
There is a high possibility that you view your relationships from a view of contempt.
Ketu’s positioning in the wrong house can even lead to the losing of your loved one’s.
There is a possibility that you may go through a phase of isolation and melancholy due to detachment from your family members.
Although there are possible negative effects which could result due to Ketu Mahadasha there are remedies out there which will be highly beneficial for an individual to overcome them. Also the spiritual awakening which takes place during the Ketu Mahadasha is helpful in sailing through these possible mishaps.
By embracing the lessons of detachment and surrender, individuals can transcend limitations and align with their true purpose. Through meditation, introspection, and spiritual practices, one can harness the potent energies of Ketu to navigate the shadows with grace and resilience.
All these effects are subject to the placement and its aspects in your birth chart. To understand its effect on your Kundali, sign in to AstroNidan for free.
Here are a few remedies which would definitely help you have a smooth sail through the Ketu Mahadasha:
One of the best measures you can take during the Ketu Mahadasha is the regular worshipping of Lord Ganesh. As you might know that Lord Ganesh is the God of new beginnings, wisdom and luck so praying to him will be highly beneficial during this time.
You should also consider giving away to charity during this time. It will be helpful to reduce the influence of Ketu.
Fasting can also be beneficial. Fasting on Tuesdays would be highly beneficial to reduce the influence of Ketu.
You should reduce the consumption of tamasik food which includes meat, garlic and onions. Along with that you should also reduce eating rice, wheat, or meat products, and consider breaking the fast in the evening by consuming coconut water, fruit, or with milk.
Therefore the Ketu Mahadasha which is a period of seven long years can be the time of some mental stress and agony yet it has the potential to bring a spiritual awakening which can ultimately lead to a heightened sense of awareness and intuition. One might feel that the Ketu Mahadasha is overwhelming due to the stress which might be experienced during it’s time however there are some very basic measures to be taken in order to fare well with this time. The measures include the worshipping of Lord Ganesh, weekly fasting on Tuesdays, participating in charities and being careful with the diet as in reducing the consumption of tamasik food.
Ketu’s transformative influence can pave the way for profound spiritual awakening and inner fulfillment. This can help us better understand our purpose in life and guide us towards the eternal truth and enlightenment.ketu rahu astrology mahadasha
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