#ask henry
ask-henry-morgan · 7 months
My dearest Doctor Morgan,
I hope this letter finds you in good health!
I am wondering, for literature research purposes only ofc, if you've ever suffered from hypothermia after emerging from the Hudson river and thus died twice in say a winter's night?
Best wishes,
A curious time traveller
Thank you for your inquiry. Firstly, when I'm in New York City, I tend to wind up in the East River on most occasions rather than the Hudson. There have certainly been times when I've died two or more times in a given night (or day) in the winter. However, it's not always as a result of hypothermia, and hypothermia does not always result in a death. It does greatly depend on how quickly I'm able to get dry and warmed up. I'd say drowning is a much more common cause for multiple deaths in winter if the conditions of the river are rough. There are times when the cold exposure will put enough of a strain on my immune system that I will fall ill after a death. This could be as mild as a cold or it could be as severe as influenza, bronchitis, or pneumonia. There have been times when these illnesses have resulted in secondary deaths, but generally that does not happen on the same day/night. I hope this has been helpful for your research.
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bunnybuns-art · 2 years
Bendy, do you ever hug Henry as Ink demon? Or rest your chin on his head while he does stuff since your taller?
Look at them!!!!
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henrysgeekymind · 4 months
Love your Goncharov video such an inspiration for my own Goncharov screenplay. I would love to talk to you and know if there was a longer cut of your Goncharov video?
Yeah, I am open to talking about this more (feel free to shoot me a DM). As for a longer cut of the video, while there were topics surrounding Goncharov that I didn't talk about, I haven't felt much need to further expand upon the video itself to make a longer cut.
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ask-the-twisted-mind · 10 months
What kind of shampoo do you use? I want my hair to be as soft and shiny as yours ;-;
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henrykathman · 2 years
helloo you were my boyfriend's teacher and i think it's cool you make videos about little gay people i like even if he says it's "surprising astonishing and kinda scary" also I'm gonna reccomend you a show: dead end paranormal park
it is very fun very gay very video material I'm sure you'd like it
Dead End is a pretty rad show, Patrick Stump's demo of "My Frankenstein' has been one of my go to listens for the past couple of weeks. While I've enjoyed a lot of it, it's not a show that has given me any thoughts™ in the video department.
This might shock you, given the content of my channel and my general vibes, but I'm not gay or any other shade of queer (as far as I know right now). I think it's just a funny coincidence that my most well-known work online is about materials that plays well with queer audiences and have elements that speak to that kind of analysis. That said, I am pretty glad whenever I can speak about that experience in a constructive manner in spite of my lack of first-hand experience.
IDK what your BF meant with the "kinda scary" descriptor, but I'm glad you've been able to enjoy my stuff.
Best Wishes
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 months
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amtrak-official · 1 year
Are you… ok?
I will be once Kissenger dies
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prettyinaccurate · 3 months
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jekyll and hyde except its how i pictured them the first time i read the book like 7 years ago
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mulderscully · 9 months
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tender touch appreciation post
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choccy-milky · 1 month
Babes you got my foaming at the mouth every time you post or update! This new chapter was so precious!!
Modern AU where the only thing that’s different was instead of an illustration of Sherlock Holmes, it’s a picture of Banana Pumpkinpatch
GIRL THE WAY I GOOGLED "BANANA PUMPKINPATCH CHARACTER" BEFORE REALIZING YOU MEANT BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH LMFAOOO 😭😭😭 but aww THANK YOU💖and this is amazing i had to draw it as soon as u sent it, i love that cloras love for sherlock holmes also works in a modern au setting. CLORAS LOVE FOR SHERLOCK IS ETERNAL
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(and yes seb would read/watch it bc of her)
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magicicephoenix · 6 months
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portable son!
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ask-henry-morgan · 7 months
What is your opinion of A.I. art generators?
I was not aware that this technology existed. I'm afraid that reading this question caused me to flinch violently enough that I many have injured my neck. While I don't know enough about this subject to come to an informed opinion, I would find it difficult to imagine that a computer could recreate the same depth of emotion and soul that humans incoporate into their art.
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bunnybuns-art · 2 years
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henrysgeekymind · 8 months
Have you seen Once Upon a Crime on Netflix? It makes some very questionable decisions on adapting Cinderella, particularly in regards to the ending.
I must admit, I'm not particularly up to date on some of the stuff on Netflix right now due to the writer and actor's strike, but the prospect of an Agatha Christie style fairy tale murder mystery does sound quite interesting, I'll have to check it out.
Though if I'm going to guess, they are probably going to do the thing other adaptations do and make Cinderella an angelic lady who displays little agency or try to "subvert it" by making her this femme fatale figure as if a bunch of other adaptations haven't already done the same thing.
Either way, it can't be worse than Bad Cinderella...
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ask-the-twisted-mind · 10 months
((Lmao what if I started drawing for this blog again- (would just be sketches / simple colorings probably rather than full lineart/simple shading like I used to do but I've also gotten better at drawing since then too-)
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henrykathman · 2 years
Who is your favorite OTGW character?
That's a tough one, but probably the people of Plottsfield just because I have such a soft spot for the song "Patient is the Night" and they feel like an encapsulation of the show's charm as a piece of Southern Gothic storytelling
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