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Hey, @hyrule-kingdom-updates, can you believe it’s been two whole years already? 
I decided to draw another post of yours to celebrate! I hope you like it
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sunflower siv
What name(s) were you originally thinking of calling your OC?
Hmm….I don’t think I ever had another name for him..? I searched up names that had meanings like “listener” and Assivus came up, and I thought itd be cool to shorten it to Siv. I never really had an alternative, Asivus just clicked—You could say I chose him first :3
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Siv: I'm sorry I sneezed and accidentally liked your post
Sooga: And commented “Damn daddy” on all my pictures?
Siv: I have the flu
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decarabiandivorce · 3 years
Hku Spoilers but yeah what a sussy baka
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ashe-hallows · 3 years
haven't done hku art in how long? whoops
anyways, love this mans, the skive
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rangerlink · 3 years
anyway who fucking told the guy who made this anime that one of my favorite character types is “shitty con artist”
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
MLKSDNFJSKDFNSDF thinking about depressed rat uncles
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So in honor of @hyrule-kingdom-updates having its two month anniversary today, I wrote an essay about how great it is and why people should read it because I’m a whole nerd who has nothing better to do.
It’s gonna be under the cut though because it’s 5-6 paragraphs and probably not as expertly written as one might expect. It’s also somewhat opinionated because this isn’t an academic essay and it never will be.
Hyrule Kingdom Updates, or HKU for short, is a fanfiction presented in a blog format while still hiding behind the mask of a “shitpost blog”, written by an author nicknamed Quill. This story has attracted a small but very active community with its amazing writing and format. In this essay, I will explain exactly what I believe makes Hyrule Kingdom Updates as great as it is.
Let’s start with the blog itself. A fanfiction in a Tumblr blog format isn’t something you see every day, and making it work can be challenging when it comes to telling a story at all. Quill, the author, makes it work. By using posts to be literal “updates”, hence the name “Hyrule Kingdom Updates”, works in the story’s favor and is even a plot point! Plus it makes use of Asks and Askers and incorporates them in as well, so even the readers can be a part of the story in their own way if they so choose. You can actively drive the plot (in limited amounts) and participate, you’re not just a bystander reading if you don’t want to be.
Secondly, the characters. HKU is a mix of original characters and canon characters from the Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity games, and all are incredibly written. Everyone in the story, original characters like Asivus - the main narrator, or canon characters like Zelda, are all written with morally grey tones and feel like real people. There are no tropes, no stereotypes, they feel like real people. Interactions between them all are never bland, and there’s a variety of personalities between the whole cast! Not only that, but Quill even adds more to canon villains like Astor, the well-known wasted potential of Age of Calamity. Original villains don’t do bad things “because they’re evil” either, they’re all intelligent antagonists that have goals and motivations. Every hero, villain, and those in-between all have a story to them and they all intertwine with each other in one way or another, and none of them are bland. Also, as a bonus, there’s a ton of representation! There is so much representation in HKU. Asivus is pansexual, Larc and Launo are gay, the late queen was bisexual, I could go on. Representation is sprinkled in the cast so much, and it’s not their only personality trait. There are morally grey characters, villains, heroes, and representation is everywhere! 
Next up, the writing. The pacing of HKU, ignoring the literal update schedule because Quill is a person with their own life and we respect that in this house, leaves me in awe. Starting with innocent “shitposts” with occasional story to draw you in, and before you know it, you’re trapped because you just can’t stop reading. The story slowly descends (without getting into spoiler territory) into madness. The transition from humorous posts to serious story still leaves me amazed because when you realize it, it’s already too late. The pace of the story keeps you on the edge of your seat, waiting for the next update, even if it’s just a small sentence. One other unique thing in this story is how it portrays trauma in such an accurate light. There is no “soft boy with trauma” trope, no “edgy teenager” stereotype, trauma is shown in one of the most accurate ways I’ve ever seen. Sometimes it even hits close to home, but that’s how you know it’s accurate. The writing hits you in the heart, but at the same time, it’s so good.
Lastly, the community this blog has attracted. This story has attracted a very small but very loud community, and it feels perfect. I don’t know how to describe it, but it just feels perfect. Solving ciphers together, creating theories, going crazy over updates, spamming rats, this community has it all. With its fair share of insanity, Quill has somehow created one of the greatest communities I’ve ever been a part of with their writing. I don’t know what else to say here, but the community that HKU has created is one of the best points about it so it also belongs in this essay.
In conclusion, Hyrule Kingdom Updates is nothing short of a masterpiece written by a very, very talented author. The story itself being in a blog format and making it work perfectly with asks and updates. The incredible variety of characters, motivations, and goals. The writing keeps you on the edge of your seat, screaming in a discord while crying because everything hit you just perfectly in the heart. The representation everywhere you look in the story. There are so many reasons why this is amazing and why more people should read it.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
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This bitch @hyrule-kingdom-updates​ with their little “llolollolol its shit post time we just messing around we’re so cute and funny” but NO, not the case. now there’s a story. now it’s deception. now it’s LIES. now i fuck you up.
if you don’t follow the, what do i call it. Hyrule..update story? asivus...story. HKu story. well ummmmm, i’m not....gonna tell you, sorry I need this post to NOT be that long and complicated. Go to that blogs masterlist yourself and experience it all
So anyhow, this post in question was posted 9:59am, aka just one minute before Siv’s work day begins, which he explicitly mentions here. This new message, by the way, is JUST after the arc where Siv ate the quill and can hear voices in his head. Which yes, is probably just a reference to the asking system, BUT BUT BUT
My dear theorists, opening the link of this dear purple post gives you THIS
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A published google doc of utter gibberish. Weird. Mysterious. INTENTIONALLY made to throw you off and think it’s useless
That’s right, after pouring through potential ciphers I’ve landed on Trifid (reference to the triforce?) and decoding it gives us!:
just....gives us....more gibberish. Swell......
BABAM, BABOOM. i...........don’t know what it means, but it sure is there! there you go tumblr world a mystery sorta solved for the niche botw ask blog you’re welcome
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therealyaspen · 3 years
Ahaha what if I made OCs for an angsty shitpost blog... haha jk.... unless...?
@hyrule-kingdom-updates gave me brainrot so take this child and his gay adopted moms and possibly a canon-diverging self-indulgent snippet later but shh you didn't hear that from me
Picrews are linked in the character names, I wanted to get these characters up quickly so I made picrews instead of drawing them :)
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Andeas "Andy" - The babey boy himself!! He's like twelve and has been a big fan of Siv's for a while. He has to go under the radar about it, though, since his parents don't approve. Something about crude drawings and foul language? Andy pulled a Zavis and stole a bit of paper from the community board thing so he could keep up, and hid it in his treehouse. He acquired a love of rats and has some rat friends, too! His best friend is a rat named Lady Ratilda. He recently ran away from his Mabe Village home because he got worried about Siv and figured that something was up with the Malice. When he said his emotional goodbyes to his rat friends, Lady Ratilda wouldn't leave his shoulder so he just took her with him. Andy has no idea that he's going in completely the wrong direction and earnestly hopes to help Siv out. OH also he has a little fake Quill of Roost that he painted himself :)
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Lady Ratilda for your soul
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Ellery "Elle" "Ellie" - Ellie is a quiet but caring woman. She and her wife Sabra are traveling merchants who were on their way back to their secluded home in Faron when they met Andy. Elle nearly had a heart attack seeing this kid out on his own, especially after hearing the recent news. He was looking for Asivus Hartell?? Assivus Asunder?? The Wing Clipper?? What????? So she pulls Sabra aside and is like "UHM WHAT DO WE DO" and Sabra's like "dw babe I got a plan" (also I really want to make her related to Launo in some way bc he's my favorite rn and also ✨conflict✨ dsklav but at the same time I don't know if Quill has Plans so,,,,,)
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Sabra - Sabra is a Gerudo, born to a Gerudo mother and a Sheikah father. She was raised in a mixture of both cultures. Her mother took heritage on both sides rather seriously and made sure to continue teaching her about Sheikah culture when her father was killed by the Yiga clan. Eventually, Sabra became a merchant--traveling was something her family did a lot, and she enjoyed it so why not?--and met Ellie on the road. She happens to be a fan of the updates, though she's started having second thoughts after recent events... also unfortunately she doesn't wear sunglasses in canon I just thought they looked cool 😔
So yeah!! Basically these three met while traveling and Sabra and Elle were like "hey what the fuck that's a child" and Andy was like "HEY HI HELLO I'M GONNA HELP MISTER SIV" and now the three of them are on their way to Faron because Sabra convinced Andy that Siv was actually trying to throw everyone off by telling them that he was at the Bottomless Swamp
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Happy one year anniversary of HKU, @hyrule-kingdom-updates!!!!
I decided to draw one of the posts from the shitpost era, so I looked through the masterlist and found this. Hope you enjoy it!
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Astor: Can I be frank with you?
Sooga: Yes, but I'm not sure how changing your name will help
Siv: Can I still be Siv?
Kohga: Shh, let Frank speak
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decarabiandivorce · 3 years
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Quill!!!! *hands you him* 
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ashe-hallows · 3 years
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rlly rlly quick fanart for @hyrule-kingdom-updates
i had an idea and it ended up pretty cool so 👍
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huh if the hero is still alive then why is there a prophecy saying the hero is about to be born, intriguing 🤨
Gh! How do you know about that?! Dammit, I knew that idiot couldn’t be trusted with such information...
Oh! Didybidy told me and Terrako about the prophecy last night! And then dad told me too! Maybe Link Saylor and Link Asivus can hang out—
Shut. Up. You. Goddess save me...isn’t there a maid I can drop you off to or something...
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rangerlink · 3 years
OKAY SO, most of the stuff I said yesterday was me just having fun, BUT, Real Analysis Time once again under a cut even though it still probably wouldn’t make sense to someone who isn’t familiar with @hyrule-kingdom-updates (and also because it’s getting REALLY LONG WOW):
So this isn’t a theory as such, just me pointing things out, I will theorize but there’s a lot of directions you could go from this
So both times that the ??? Purple Text Entity has... idk, fully manifested I guess? Basically, when we’ve gotten images with text in them tagged ???, both times were set off by someone asking a question about what Larc is doing. Then there’s a few panels where Purple Text Entity.... seems to be locating Larc?? THEN, and this is the really interesting part, WE GET PROSE. Which is a dramatic format break for this story. Nothing else as far as I can remember is in prose.
The first time this happened, I think it was a little ambiguous, but THIS time, it’s PRETTY STRONGLY IMPLIED that the Asivus Radius does NOT apply to these occurrences!! Because Siv says later on that he doesn’t know how Larc feels about Siv going with Link and co, but in Larc’s conversation with the King (in prose), he shows a pretty strong aversion to it! Now Siv could just be lying, but it doesn’t...... seem like he is at all?? To me, all signs point to the Purple Text Entity being able to show us things Siv can’t.
So there are some possibilities for what this means. It seems like a LOT of us are pretty sus of Larc, and like, I kinda half-believe that we’re all on a wild goose chase with him, like I definitely believe he’s keeping some secrets but that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something shifty going on with him. But that being said I really think There’s Something Up With Larc you guys.
So one possibility is: the Purple Text Entity is actually connected to Larc, not Siv. Does that mean the conversations we’ve seen have been with Larc? Who knows! As far as I know, text colors and styles haven’t been reflected in the coded dialogue at all. We do have I think one conversation with Purple Text Entity that isn’t in code, and the other person’s text isn’t italicized which is one thing that doesn’t fit with this theory but with the other format changes the Purple Text Entity is able to do that might not matter so much. The other person isn’t tagged as Siv, after all.
That’s all I got right now but yeah, Something’s Up With Larc!!! That’s my leading theory!!!
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