#as opposed to here where it feels more like i'm allowed to exist within my own bubble...
thirdtimed · 2 months
ive never had engagement to this extent on my art cross platform between tumblr And twitter before... it's so surreal to me. thank you all for the kind words!!!
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mageofmindfr · 1 year
Specifically if they went of the deep end…. went rogue…. went evil…. tried to take another player down….
Aw geez ok so I'm assuming this ask is for an OC? Unless you're confessing to attempted murder in my askbox, in which case, please don't I already overthink life as is (and also, please don't attempt murder, but that's kinda obvious).
So, because this is for a character and not a person, I'm dividing this one into two parts; the practical one where I talk Mage of Time as if I'm analyzing a person, and the part where I go into evil oc territory. I'll probably divide with a reblog, we'll see how long this post gets and decide there.
SO! Mage of Time... As per usual, starting on class before aspect.
Mages are... well, in my brain I call us "the anxiety class", but there's good odds it'll be just me. Mages understand their aspect in its entirety, the good, the bad, the nightmare inducing... all of it. It makes us clever, or just smart, because we understand the inner mechanisms of our aspect. You observe and understand and form answers regarding that aspect and learn all that you can about it until you suddenly wish you had a bit less of it in who you are. It won't form your personality; we're not heirs or pages, we just know what we're talking about. Which can occasionally bite you back; as a Mage of Mind, I constantly think about choices I should make, and the consequences thereof. Slightly maddening when you build yourself to panicking over what to eat for lunch, right? (Then again, being a person who "fully understands choice and consequence" is a bit different to someone who "fully understands time and possibility", though of all the aspects I think those two have the most similar in terms of Mages).
A Mage can get overwhelmed by their aspect, a lot more so than the Seer who can choose what they want to learn, instead of having experienced their aspect. No one wants to learn about the terrifying facts of the world, the things they'll never be able to change, but Mages get pulled into their aspect in a way that allows (or perhaps even forces) them to acknowledge their aspect and learn all that exists within it. And aspects are the essence of the world, the things to keep the universe running, so having all the knowledge on any of them feels like it'd be... too much, almost, for any one person
So, what about the aspect? What is Time all about?
Well, to be honest, Time and Space are both really difficult to explain; they're the core of reality, how do you explain what makes time? I'll do my best to attempt it, but the three Time players we meet have all very different attitudes towards their aspect, and in general (and I generally refuse to listen to the extended zodiac, which decided all Sagittarius people are overly bouncy and indecisive, which... I mean, it doesn't quite follow not only troll culture and what indigos from actual comic Homestuck are like but also is probably only accurate to one indigo in Hiveswap and it's the one that's Eridan but Worse. I don't listen to what they have to say).
Time, as far as I understood, implores its players to live in the here and now, for all the time travelling they do. They see possibilities, things they want to change and ways to change those things, and are usually intensely focused people (yes, I'm including Dave "derails every conversation he's part of into convoluted metaphors" Strider in this sentiment). Time players are goal-oriented and are great planners; either ahead of time, or on the spot. They try for clever but end up just drawing inspiration from the world around them; opposing the out-the-box thinkers of Space with confirmed knowledge to make sure the thing would happen they way they want it to. Sometimes, that knowledge comes from research, or past experiences. A fully realized Time player would probably use their knowledge from other timelines, either by meeting alternate selves or by visiting those alternate timelines to see for themselves. They're also fiercely independent people- not in that they won't ask for or accept offered help, especially in a game like Sburb or Sgrub that relies on multiplayer co-ops. If they know that they can't solve a puzzle on their own, so be it, they can ask the resident Seer for help. But if they know a failed attempt or two won't hurt, they refuse to just be given an answer; let them wear themselves down, in that case. They'd get the answer on their own, or go looking for it elsewhere, but they don't want help with the first attempt.
That all means the Mage of Time might not be all that prone to overthinking. They have the potential to look at the options laid before them, and make a calculated choice. They can see the world unravel before their eyes, and dissect it to little timelines and possibilities and choices they never made, and feel like their timeline is the one they're bound to, and that's that. However, they're not immune to the endlessness of Mage knowledge, and can accidentally fall down the rabbit hole of possible timelines. Maybe this isn't the right one for them, and they wish they could have changed that one thing, taken or passed up on any one thing to make something- their life, the life of a loved one, a small insignificant exchange to get a friend in someone who doesn't even know them in their current timeline- change. That's a dangerous road to go down, and unfortunately, the game isn't real (and if it is, for the love of any god that may or may not exist, someone send me a download link). They can't god tier and go back to change this one thing, and this Mage, who thinks about "could have"s and "should have"s and whatnot, they'll only get hurt down that path. To quote a pretty overplayed Disney song from what is apparently a decade ago, the past is in the past. Let it go. Be a new you, look forward for the future and see what you can change, what you can do, right now.
All that said, I think we can do a short moment to talk Evil Mage of Time. The rambling is surprisingly short this time around; maybe the few weeks I took off while my internet was down made me rusty (apologies for that, by the way, life decided to kick my butt and I kept going "oh I'll just answer my ask later" but then I got a new ask the other day and for once I've got stable internet connection so here we are, right?). I'm putting a ~keep reading~ function here for this bonus bit, then.
So, I honestly can't really see a Mage of Time being downright evil at all- that sounds... exhausting. Planning out everything for when your coplayers try to take you down? You'll exhaust yourself thinking up all the possible paths your opposition can take and end up driving yourself up the wall with madness.
However, if a Mage of Time made a mistake in an alternate timeline? If this other player betrayed them, or cost them the game? This is payback. Not evil coming out of nowhere, this is revenge for something that, as far as the other player would be concerned, never happened. It's unwarranted, but maybe becoming the villain of a session is the only way to prevent the other timeline's tragedy from occurring. Maybe it isn't, and yet the fury from the other timeline seeped through so thoroughly that you can't overlook it- they wronged you. This isn't on you, but on them. Good luck explaining that to other players without sounding entirely crazy, though.
... And for the record I still think being evil would be too tiring to be worth it. Not to dictate the emotions of an evil possibly-oc, but the planning it'd take to not doom the timeline, get yourself killed, or do anything else that's bad (say, the thing you're trying to prevent by stopping this other player) and also complete your goal at the same time? Too much effort, if you ask me. Which you technically didn't, but also you did go to my askbox so... take that as you will. Sorry this was late and also I hope you like it? ^^"
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roobylavender · 1 year
So I'm pretty new to comics and the DC comics fandom and I've been noticing this interesting parallel in the cultural ideas and fandom discussions with the star trek fandom, specifically the concept of Kirk Drift. In brief the term was coined by an article talking about how the cultural perception and modern conception of Jim Kirk is completely made up and utterly divorced from the Kirk we actually see in the original series. And your analyses of male characters as they were portrayed in the 70s and 80s (Hal Jordan and Bruce Wayne in particular) really reminded me of this article.
It's interesting how similar the warping of these massive cultural icons is given the similarities (being a part of a decades old property and having been written by multiple writers over a long stretch of time) and the differences (the sheer volume of material that dc characters get as opposed to 3 seasons of a tv show plus some movies, the mediums, different industries, and being a part of a genre that kind of espouses different ideals). Another interesting commonality is that they're both media that everyone knows about but very few people have actually engaged with.
I don't know how much of star trek you've watched but the idea of a hotheaded, rash, womanizing dick is wildly different from the canon Kirk who was a nerd, pretty by the book, utterly devoted to his ship and his duty to his crew as a starfleet officer, was on really good terms with his exes who were all accomplished and intelligent women with lives and aspirations of their own, sensitive, and extremely professional.
The reason why I'm explaining that is that it's really striking how the imagined version of Kirk and various superhero characters ends up diminishing the point of these stories and the progressive themes that they actually did have and ends up creating a version of the story that is significantly more regressive than the source material. This not only affects the character in question but often also ends up flattening and erasing female characters that actually existed. For instance the whole purpose of star trek is to imagine a better future, a world where we've moved beyond the issues of today. It wasn't always great at it but the intent was always clear. Similarly the superhero comics genre to my limited understanding is meant to inspire the idea of regular heroism in the readers, to make you feel like you could be a hero too. And I get that these male characters get treated significantly better than their female counterparts but the destruction of their characters doesn't just affect them it also affects the overall story and the world of the story and ends up destroying anything good these stories had to say in the first place.
I don't really have anything to conclude this with just noticed this similarity and thought you might find it interesting given your interest in looking at stories within their cultural context and would love to know your thoughts. Have a nice week!
i unfortunately never got into star trek! i do think i've watched the first chris pine movie but i imagine going off of what you're saying here that it wasn't entirely accurate to who kirk is as a persongjkdfjlhdf. still though, this totally resonates and i couldn't agree more! i really believe there is a huge issue with with the life span of various media allowing their core message to deteriorate over time, esp bc that life span means they evolve in response to political changes in the real world. we are progressively moving into a very conservative time period in our history right now and that could not be reflected more than in what is being propagated via popular, long-standing source material. it's a very worrisome and disheartening phenomenon and i imagine much won't change unless the public political spectrum changes first :/
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mareenavee · 11 months
Talk to me about plot bunnies! Since I know you're largely a planner/outliner, I have a question about what you do with the sorts of lightning bolt, "I wasn't planning on this" story ideas we all I think have to contend with at one point or another. How do you discipline plot bunnies in your writing - do you let them hop around, do you shuffle them into side projects, do they multiply unnoticed? What is the strangest/weirdest plot bunny you've hatched since you started The World on Our Shoulders that you've decided to not pursue after all? Alternatively, was there a plot idea that wasn't planned, but that since then happily made it in and hopped across the page? Bonus: with your editorial hat on, what advice would you give writers who suffer from plot bunny population booms?
HIII So sorry it's taken me a mortal age to get to this one LOL you know perhaps better than most that my writing has had me in a hyper focus for a WHILE. But I'm glad for it. This is fun because in the time since you asked this ONE plot bunny was allowed to escape LOL. I'll get to him in a second. You know the one.
But first, I do generally stick to the plan to get from point A to point B but I allow some creative freedom with the prose. Sometimes cool scenes crop up -- usually character building things. I have to keep an eye on my plot threads but there's still wiggle room. I like to cause problems on purpose. And sometimes if I write a scene and it doesn't quite fit, I move it into a fragment file and return to it later. And if I'm really feeling like the scene might fit sooner rather than later or be more fun to work with, I absolutely will shift cards around so to speak. A whole mini arc got added into the Raven Rock arc (second arc of the fic) because I was just feeling like shaking the jar of beans. Rude of me, I realize. I also dragged part of that encounter down to arc 1 to begin with, toward the end when I decided I was going to make trouble. This usually all stems from my practice of just writing ideas down when they come to me, after having a really long stretch of time where I wasn't really feeling very creative as the world was...well...you know. A few spinoff fics have been created from this. One is my Ondolemar project I'd hinted at here. Well... you did actually LOL. It had previously been unannounced. And I have another one where I'll redo the college of Winterhold later. I'm also really loving some of the prompts we've been coming up with here and there, especially the cursed kiss prompts (Ya'll can thank @thana-topsy's reply to this post for a few of ours at this point.) So at least one of those has become sort of more than expected; a plausible if not tragic end to my fic series.
Considering I'm not really opposed to the challenge of weird, as we've seen lately lol I've definitely decided that if an idea fits, there's a way to make it work within the fic universe or an alternate universe, really. But there was a point where I was deciding who would be a POV character and who wouldn't for World and, before Athis was a POV character (and he was very, very needed for the story) someone else had been. I have a fragment from something very early here in another ask. He'll be returning for the sideways sequel, so it's not that I just decided it was too weird, per se, more that the voice was better for a different idea.
Now on to my favorite plot bunny! VARLAIS. My new OC. My idiot (endearing.) He just...exists now. He was not in draft one. He was not in the first published version of World. But he just happened to be perfect for what I needed when I was, as mentioned, causing problems on purpose for the mini arc I'm currently working on in the WIP. And now everyone is in love with the boy, even though he'd probably break his leg trying to tie his shoes. (You can meet him in this post. ) He is a Thalmor, technically, and a spy. A double agent if you will. But we're not really sure if he's a good one? Somehow he's been surviving. He is being shuffled into the Ondolemar fic I've mentioned above, but for now he's finishing up the Raven Rock arc of the fic with Nyenna and Teldryn. Does his surname sound familiar? It's Ayleidoon for "Stars." It does mean something. Para, I know you've seen this. But, for those of you new to the chaos of a new OC just kind of willing themselves into existence, here's a snippet of the very first instance of Teldryn encountering the boy. This, by the way, was a very stupid mistake on both their parts. (:
From Chapter 25:
He didn’t get far. As he was adjusting the sail and knocking off as much ice as he could from the canvas, he heard the crunch of snow and wood from the abandoned, half-collapsed shack, which he’d completely forgotten to check. He’d barely spotted the Thalmor archer perched on the avalanche before the arrow caught him in the elbow. Pain exploded from the wound as he let out a strangled cry of surprise. His Candlelight spell ended abruptly. Something was wrong. The agony wasn’t isolated to the injury — it was radiating everywhere. The attacker ran to the shore in seconds and tossed a ball of Magelight in Teldryn’s direction. He made a show of jumping into the boat with unnatural grace. The Thalmor threw back his hood, scarred, gilded face grinning maliciously. Pin-straight, straw-colored hair fell forward, left half missing or trimmed away, revealing more angry scars on his skull and a network of burns on his neck that disappeared into his collar. “Goodnight,” he said. That was all. He waited. Bold of him, really. The two of them stared at each other for a moment — the Thalmor smug, Teldryn perplexed. He looked like the kind of person who would deserve to be stabbed in the neck with the same arrow he’d just shot someone in the elbow with. If only Teldryn could reach the damned thing. This was normally not a difficult or slow process. What the hell? Teldryn’s fingers were numb to the bone, more than they should’ve been in his gauntlets. He didn’t feel cold. In fact, all he felt was pain. He found no matter how hard he willed it, he couldn’t get his other arm to reach the arrow protruding out of the joint. The muscles were locking up. It struck him then exactly what this was. Fucking Paralysis poison. He tried to shout, to curse, to cast a spell — anything. But it was too late. He felt himself collapsing woodenly into the hull of the boat. His head struck one of the benches on the way down and his vision swam. He could not yell. Could not struggle. Could not even blink. The Thalmor archer walked toward the back of the boat around his limbs and kicked him out of the way with a derisive snort. His eyes, blue and full of hate in the Magelight, were the last things Teldryn saw before darkness closed around him.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
A String That Binds Him
Within his conscience and subconsciousness, he dangles with the karmic binds that tie him to his bloody deeds. They are black and tight that pulls at his soul towards the dark abyss of madness. Xiao hates those strings, and when another one manifests, he is more than scared.
Pairings -> Xiao x Reader
Word Count -> 1312
Themes -> I dunno either you tell me, short fic
Series -> #Sojourner Specials (600 Followers Event) Exiled's Xiao Manifestation Ritual
Warnings -> It's... not my best, I'm here to manifest
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The first manifestation of the signs of a new string happened on the first encounter, when their eyes met his amber ones. Just another mortal lingering by the balcony, he thought to himself, just another mortal. Xiao knew of the human ways in which they desperately cling to divine blessings, to meet the Adepti for a miracle.
But his heart skipped in a painful way and like the wind he was gone within a second.
"Verr, who is that person in the balcony? They're dangerous, why are they allowed here?"
But the agent could only tilt her head at the intonation and he grew ever more frustrated at this mistake. Is the Qixing faulty to let a threat in so easily, more so in his territory? But Verr simply assured that they've done a background check beforehand, that they were no threat at all, just a simple citizen passing by.
But Xiao was restless, and when he looked again, the pain in his chest did not disappear.
Next thing was tantalizing fear enough to paralyze him.
Like a shadow that clings to his form no matter where so long as there is light, such entity lingers behind him unknowingly. When they spoke in which the first he has heard their voice, he froze with his back towards them. The most vulnerable he had been, and a rule he broke in war where one should not turn their back to the opponent.
When they called his name again, Xiao felt the familiar tug of agony before he willed himself to look with a seething glare worthy to vanquish all evil. But they withered under the gaze like a wolf wary of their injured paw when meeting strangers. A sign that they were a lesser being than him and yet the grip around his heart tightens tenfold.
"What are you doing here? Don't you know how dangerous it is around here?"
When they tilt their head to look past his shoulder, he was painfully aware of the massacre of hilichurls behind him, one he had recently vanquished.
"Seems to me that these dangers are taken care of already tho," they offered a smile which looped back down at the edges upon the look of distaste the adepti offered.
Xiao didn't wish to hang around longer than he should, but when they called out to him as he was about to leap off, his body locked again. Unceremoniously he tumbles down forward upon the inertia of his paralyzed leap.
And he knew from behind him that it took the mortal all their willpower not to mock him with the rawest laugh.
After those first two encounters were nothing but restless days of consciousness for the adepti where he longs for the night where such phenomenons would not exist, where he will be alone with his thoughts to ponder over without any other intrusion.
But even then he finds no solace in the voices in his head, even if they were only less painful than the ones he had been experiencing lately.
Their presence created a new binding that straps his soul and it tugs him at directions he cannot seem to predict. His karmic binds wrap around his limbs to fully pull him apart, yet this one wishes to tug him forward against the old binds, and the opposing forces brings him immense pain that gnaws at him 'til dawn.
The next instance of the bind's existence comes in the form of breathlessness. When their light touch found its way to his exposed bicep, the unexpected motion caused his lungs to stutter for a second, the need for air leaving him before he was slammed back by reality.
How he knew it was the mortal without even looking he did not know, as he was too busy scrambling away as if their touch was seering hot. Xiao's glare was unfocused as he willed himself manually to breath in and breath out.
"You were spacing out," he seems to be doing that lately, "I've been calling for you but you wouldn't budge." Did he really not hear them? "A-Are you okay, can you breath properly?"
No, he doesn't know why he's having the trouble in the first place. The Yaksha lays himself vulnerable in front of them as his heart beats loudly and furiously at the loss of oxygen, it was a manifestation of one of the 'attacks' that shouldn't come this early unless provoked.
Before he knows it, they too invaded his being in the form of soft rubs to his back and whispers of increasing numbers. He follows suit in their guidance even with a few hiccups and soon enough his breathing stabilizes, his heart still trying to follow the calmness of it.
Did I scare you?
I'm sorry.
There's no need to be.
The Yaksha's heart rested for a full second but the detail was missed when Xiao saw the pure pity in their eyes.
No, this person was no Adepti, no demon, no God, no other being. Only a mortal, a human with a soul that shall wither away too. The thought seemed to pull that stray string once again.
The third- or was it fourth? Counting didn't matter now that he was too far gone, but the next manifestation felt more worrying than the others as it was a sign he was not at all accustomed to. It made no sense, it was windy that day at the balcony and the sun barely peeked in past the horizon as it starts to sink for the cold night's entrance.
And they were there to obscure the sunlight that tries to reach him. Hovering over the railing that overlooks the marsh, his gaze caught their side profile as strands of hair falls from the fray, little rays passing through the curtain of the hair that frames their face.
It didn't make sense. No sense at all. And yet he was there to be another mess when he felt the burning sensation wash over his thinly clothed form.
There was nothing special about this human, no Vision exists to force such temperal reaction from him but it. still. happened.
And when they turned to look at him, Xiao dared look away pointedly as the trance of warmth messed more with his thoughts, the change in body temperature reaching his head in a faster pace. He is overheating and so he excuses himself as he disappears, the only sign of Xiao's whereabouts was the distant loud splash somewhere by the marsh.
The mortal choked at the image the plunge brought.
Finally one faithful day, Xiao confronted such merciless feelings to the only mortal he trusts the most. And he found Boss Verr grinning lightly, mischievously. Carrying behind it a secret he doesn't know.
"Dear Adepti, what you are feeling are what we humans call infatuation. Love sickness, even." He dons himself an apalled expression and it takes the woman all willpower not to crack up.
This heinous manifestations of agony are akin to that of human affection? Of romantic disease? If this is what humans deal with naturally, why do they commit themselves at such masochistic indulgences?
So warily he asked, how does one remove such emotions? If it were truly humane feelings that he harbours, then humane means can easily vanquish it unlike the binds holding him down. Speaking of, they've been very tame lately-
Under the guidance of Verr's simple advice of 'being honest with your feelings', Xiao diligently awaits for the mortal in the balcony. And when they finally showed up, he blurts out the worries he had to deal with since the moment they came to his life, loudly enough for a floor lower to hear his confession.
"You terrify me."
This was followed by the frantic steps of a sprinting Verr who desperately tries to make damage control.
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A lil drabble hehe, first time trying third person pov bruuuuh
@kookieyachi @struggljng @bunniesrorange @anormalguyreader @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre
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chameshida · 2 years
Thoughts on TNR now that it's out? Personally, I really like it, though it's obvious this season is just to set up for the future. I wish we woulda seen more original species, or see the kids find old dragon manuals or cave art about different species, and have a character that's as destructive as the twins, but all in all, it's a pretty solid show so far.
You're lucky I was able to find where to watch within a few minutes after getting this ask XD
So Impression/review time!
Yeah, It's good/decent. Not the "Omg Super good and unexpect that warrent it existance!!" but it's not bad. I think it's on par with the feeling I got from Rider of berks in its early days.(ROB early days animation is also rough like this) Albeit ROB has a leg up in being something we're similar with with the beloved characters. As well as having more episodes to extablished itself more instead of just 6. If you watch ROB because you love the characters of Hiccup and Toothless then I'm not sure how you'd feel with this show but if you like me and watch for the 'Meet Dragon of the week!" Type adventure. Then NR does scratch a itches good! If anything you can turn your brain off and watch it casually as another show. Should it in the first place tho? eh....Will I continue watch it and looking forward to future episode? Yes.
-Allow me to bring up Rescue Riders for a bit, but this is quite different from that show. While RR made itself pretty clear that it's it own seperate thing, a bubble that can exist seperately. NR make sure you know it's connect to Httyd. A lot of theme and leitmotif being reprise, Recaping Hiccup's Adventure in the first episode. For some it is a good thing, for some it will be a bad thing. For me personally, I think this is a problem that does happen to all most any spin-off in any franchise. The show feels insecure and doesn't seem to brave enough to stand on its own yet, reference particulary everything; Hiccup and Toothless sharing food, Saying goodbye to dragons, "This is for everything else". Of course this is just the first 6 episdoe. practically a pilots. I hope when it got more episode it will start exploring its own thing.
There's only 6 episode, 2 are the pilot two parter, 3 are the character introduction of the main gang and 1 is a dragon battle climax akin to a green death. Like last point, this seem over all like pilots and doesn't get a time to explore anything else or get to the meat of the story yet.
-The characters: Tom is a little bland but there're some endearing quality that differentiate him a little from Hiccup. I like how quick it establish who Tom is by the "Trying to tame a polar bear in the zoo" Backstory. As oppose to Hiccup who want to prove himself, Tom's just overly curious that end up constantly breaking rules and get into trouble, He also not particulary friendly or seeking out for friend, that job belong to Our astrid; Jun. Jun is a mix bag to me personally. I think she's too much like Astrid in being this courageous strong girl character but like Tom, there're quality that I like and differentiate her from Astrid too. for one she's a geek if that's the right word. She's like 'dragon!!! I have to tame them!' and like mention is the one bringing in friends more than Tom
My favourite out of the group got to e D'angelo and Alex. D'angelo you'd get an impression that he's gonna be the snotlout but he's such a sweet kid and just here to have a good time. Alex is very much definitely in some spectrum.
I also like the adults characters, and I like the healthy relationship between Tom and his mom
-Representation: Woooo this show has it all!, Autistic coded character? All POC in the main cast save for the main one? Disable Character? Canon explicite LGBT Couple!? you name it.
-The music: To me I think it's more memorable than ROB,DOB,RTTE music but that might be because NR is blasting it main theme every 5 sec, you'd know right away which is the main theme. it may get a little repetitive.
-The dragons: a section for dragon enthusiastic such as myself
Thunder: You know how I and most people feel about Thunder but I think I get use to it over time. Ironically despite the show animation not being the best, Thunder do look better in motion, a bit stiff but having seen him in different angle and sound is better than seeing him in still image in bad angle. Personality wise, I do feel he's too much like Toothless albeit a little more friendly.
Wu and Wei: I'm not sure I don't have much opinion on this dragon really. It's my own preference that I don't like two headed dragon or dragon with the face shape like Monsterous Nightmare, Timberjack, Changewing, Bone/Armorwing or Typhoomerang much. I do like the wing tho! not the marking but the way it shapes and connect to the body....hey wait a munite, it's the same wing as Zapplejack! The dragon is practiacally a Zapplejack! also. Todoroki's dragon.
Plowhorn: Still my favourite designs out of NR, seeing it a lot tho and I do feel it's a little more simple than I first though. like putting a beetle feature on something likely inspired by bluedog but I still like the face and the horn. Persoanlity wise she's like tougher less energetic version Meatlug. The meatlug is for that bullgod quality.
Feather: Feather is definitely a sleeper hit/Dark horse for me. To me and a lot of people she seems the most like RR dragon....whatever that means. But I end up really liking her. She's so cute and there's not a lot of intentionally cute dragon that works for me. I like the energetic overly curious can't keep still quality of her. She's like gecko! Got really cute noise and Mimic voice ability, heck yeah, parrot talking dragon! Feather my beloved.
Faultripper: ehh, sorry fam, still not a fan at all. It looks so generic.
TLDR; Good/Decent. Will continue watch future episode
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thebeeduo · 3 years
(Safe to watch - A genuine discussion about stan culture and Twitter)
Austin: Tubbo, I want to talk about the stans real quick
Tubbo: The stans?
Austin: The stans. Just stan culture in general
Tubbo: Ok
Austin: My question to you is everybody knows about the stans, right chat? Um- Everybody is monkaW-ing. My question is to you Tubbo, is.. What do you love about them? Because I'm sure there's many things to love about them
Tubbo: What do I love about them? Well.. they're that-
Austin: What do you think- How about we start with this. What do you think about them in general?
Tubbo: In general? Well, they're overwhelmingly positive towards me if they're stans of me. But then you see stans of other communities which are overwhelmingly negative. Like, stan as a word has quite a "pre-vision" of what the person is like when you think of what a stan is. But as stans, as the people themselves, they are just that core audience that- of a thing that they absolutely love, if you know what I mean. So I'm sure there are stans of the Austin Show, in the sense that people absolutely love the Austin Show and can't wait to watch the Austin Show, when they're next live, you know?
Austin: There's two
Tubbo: There's two?
Austin: There's literally two. Cole and Maddie, and they're in here right now. I guarantee you there's two of them, their names are Cole and Maddie. They're the only fans that I ha- I mean, look, @ me on twitter @ MrAustinShow on my alt account and let me know if you're a stan of me, ok? Because as far as I am aware we have Cole and Maddie and those are the only two stans that I have. So what you are saying Tubbo is that you can't generalise stans as just being all one thing. It depends on the community
Tubbo: Yeah, like, there are.. there are- like I said, every community has its bad apples. Uh, stans has quite a negative rap. The word "stan" is, like, um.. It's used more to describe the crappier part of the community more than the- Because stans aren't just negative, ok? Stans are that- How do I best describe it? It's that core audience which is gonna support you and watch you basically no matter what, unless.. it turns out you're a terrible person
Austin: Yeah, right
Tubbo: If you know what I mean
Austin: Yeah
Tubbo: So, like, it is that amazing core audience which is overwhelmingly supportive and want to show their support. And um.. and the reason why the negativity [?], because, like, people can- Ahh.. I don't understand. It's difficult because I feel like I don't want to say the one thing and give the wrong impression, if you know what I mean
Austin: No, I got you. No, it's ok we-
Tubbo: Like-
Austin: It's fine. You can think about what you're going to say
Tubbo: Before stans, people who would be considered stans now still existed, if you know what I mean
Austin: Right
Tubbo: But now because there's all of this spotlight on this group of people who are obsessed with these little things
Austin: I see
Tubbo: It makes negatives, like-
Austin: Makes sense
Tubbo: They are.. also the loud, like, minority. Like, so, they are less of the entire audience, but they are the loudest as well
Austin: Yeah, that makes sense
Tubbo: Because I, like, attribute that to the fact that they care the most [?]
Austin: I get what you mean. I get what you mean. Basically, you can't generalise all the stans under one category
Tubbo: Yeah!
Austin: And the thing- the negativity we hear about the stans are a vocal minority that you say that- it's not fair to associate them with everybody
Tubbo: Yeah, and when you think of stans, like, Twitter comes to mind as well, doesn't it?
Austin: Yeah, it does
Tubbo: And the reason why you see negativity is because Twitter's platform is entirely designed off promoting interactions, and your people are way more likely to interact with something that they- that's, like, a negative thing. Aren't they?
Austin: Yeah
Tubbo: Like, outrage spurs so much more of a reaction than a happy dog photo
Austin: That is true
Tubbo: Which is why Twitter is so negative because Twitter just wants to keep you on their website for as long as possible, have you on there as long as possible, have you interact with the most stuff and make them the most money. And that's gonna happen if they promote more of these tweets into your community, which is gonna outrage your community and have this spiral [?] effect of outrage
Austin: It's- yeah
Tubbo: 'Cause they get more time on their platform and more interactions
Austin: It's an echo chamber
Tubbo: Yeah!
Austin: Truly, no matter where you exist, it's an echo chamber for whatever philosophies and things that you- the algorithm is- I think it's important for people to understand this. The algorithm is designed to lock people into these echo chambers and allow them to perpetuate the ideas that they think are much more widely accepted and agreed upon, than it may be within reality. They might just be stuck within this.. So it makes it seem like larger than it is
Tubbo: Yeah!
Austin: Look, there are good things, right. There are good things that are widely- Not all things that are trending are bad
Tubbo: Yeah!
Austin: I don't wanna say that, but there are certain things that are bad that perhaps are exacerbated by the
Tubbo: Well, it's not even the trending tab. The trending tab is not really it. It's like people who pick arguments and get that reaction they want then, like, makes these two sides. I watched this really clever video that I was shown by someone, I can't remember who. It was by this YouTube channel called "[maybe 'Graze' or 'Grays'?]" and it was explaining Twitter about how- If there's two people with opposing views and they're arguing, then they're going to have the people who have come to defend them and the people who attack us. Normally very 50/50. But then, the people who are defending and attacking, instead of going for each other which is how arguments tend to fizzle out, when everyone's exhausted and can't give a shit anymore, they then go to attack people who are defending the same thing, which sparks arguments inside these two halves. And then, it's a domino effect, it's exponential. It keeps going and going. So then, it, like, splits into 4 and then into 8 and then 16, like, different arguments of people kicking the shit out of each other online
Austin: You're absolutely- It's absolutely. You couldn't have described it better
Tubbo: I'm pretty sure there's a mathematical theory about it actually
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entities-of-posts · 2 years
Good evening Archivist, I do hope you've been well. I have a statement to give, as opposed to a puzzle as of today. So let's get to it.
Statement of Nyx, Avatar of the Spiral, regarding its experience within the walls of Artifact Storage. Statement taken directly from subject, willingly.
The Archives can be an odd place to visit, as you well know Archivist. The twisting corridors, the cameras causing that feeling at the base of your neck, that something is watching. For a being such as myself that is very much opposed to being Watched, it can be...disorienting. I recently paid a visit, to check up on our old friend, the Yvojkx. Nothing much to tell really, until I made my way to Artifact Storage. I simply walked in, as I'm prone to do, and my apologies for whatever happened to that poor employee who attempted to stop me, I had nothing to do with her becoming suddenly very interested in focusing on a corner for no reason, even now. Back on track, however, I followed along the shelves and the tables filled with objects that had taken more lives than the Slaughter itself. And that is where I found it. Well, more so it found me. The Doorknob. Ahh, don't you just love dream logic Archivist? I come in, thinking about the deceptions and such of the day, how I get my next meal and find exactly what I need. The Doorknob is what I like to call, stolen property. I don't know quite who took it, but I can tell you that he died quite painfully. The Doorknob is a unique little thing, barely the size of a baseball, with a lock and accompanying key, but it's been lost for a long time. Do you know what its like to open the Door, Archivist? The Door That Isn't There. When you grab the handle, nothing matters. You understand so much, and yet nothing at all. You become one with deception itself, and it becomes you. The Doorknob allows you to feel that, but without the catalyst of going through the Door. It creates insatiable hunger for lies. Archivist, do you know how many doors are in the Archives? The Institute? I'm sure you can just Know, but can you Know that which, by it's very definition, is unknowable? Something that doesn't exist? How many doorknobs are there Archivist? And how certain are you that it's the same one from yesterday? Do not worry Archivist, you understand so much already, touching the Doorknob will not harm you in any real sense, but oh, how your poor assistants will scream when they know just what deception is.
Statement ends.
You know, I rather wish people would stop mistaking this place for the Magnus Institute. I understand that for an avatar of the Twisting Deceit, such trivial considerations as distance and physical location are somewhat less meaningful, but the fact remains that wherever you stole this from clearly wasn’t my artifact storage. My condolences to whoever lost an assistant in this business, but I happen to have none.
I don’t deny, however, that you might have placed it somewhere around here, which is… annoying, thank you very much. I suppose I’ll have to get out that magnifying glass from its shelf back in my actual artifact storage; which your doors can’t get into, might I add, unless you can find you way through the spiders’ wards. Which I doubt you will.
Excuse me now, I have to go check every damn door in the building, it seems. Of which there are precisely sixteen, if you must know; at least in my section of it. Though it’s true that I might also want to warn my neighbor, the Librarian…
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nikasholistic · 3 years
How do we change our subconscious belief systems? Ik it takes time, patience and self-awareness to reprogram ourselves, to tear out the destructive and self-sabotaging habits/thought patterns/(in)actions, to replace them with the right things that'll allow us to live the life we deserve
How do we actually do that?
There's such an info overload on the net. Who do I trust? What actually works? I really want to change, but I keep relapsing, then I give up, then as I realise I've spiralled, I get desperate, then I re-try... Then the cycle repeats
I have deep-rooted issues - no doubt that's why anything I try doesn't stick (plus mostly, what can I do when a part of me itself doesn't care about 'changing'? My desire to change < Convincing power of that part). It's unbearable, sometimes. Other times, when I wake up, I conveniently completely forget I was doing a particular method (eg I find myself working on affirmations for up to a week, then the next day somehow I don't even remember doing this (or I magically lose the paper I'd written them on), and it takes a while before I recall what I was working on). Extremely frustrating. Especially since it took me a while to identify these sly tricks of the SC mind (and it was a real aha moment when I looked back and saw this pattern snaking back into my past)
Ah these SC beliefs. It's so insane how powerful they can be. Ik some part of me is scared sick of me changing and getting rid of the old (90%+ self-destructive) me. Idk how to battle myself when it seems so natural for me to fall into these quicksand traps. Idk if you've experienced this. It's been some months now and it's not getting easier
Ever since I've 'woken up', I realise how rotten my current reality is, and the consequences of my poor thinking/feeling in the past. But I accept that. It's just: what if everything keeps going like this, and eventually leads to the same future? An unfulfilled, lackadaisical existence. I'm terrified of that. As if I'm in the passenger seat of a crashing car. The worst is when opportunities do knock (coz of some successful deliberate LOA practices), and I find myself unable to step up. Deep fear, hidden guilt, major lack of trust in myself have led to this. Phases of darkness during my developing years haven't helped either. As time passes, and the above cycle repeats, I become aware of more (long-buried) twisted beliefs and distorted concepts of my 'worth' and 'future'. It's frightening what monsters have been hiding under the bed. I feel helpless and alone
If I really force myself to challenge some beliefs, say, I end up 'researching' instead, and we all know endlessly consuming content (articles, 'self-help' books, YT 'coaches') is nice and all, but it ain't worth nothing without application
And application is where I fail
The only thing that's changed is I've become self-aware (say, half of the time) in realising when I'm falling prey to the 'destructive' beliefs. Again, it's not much use when I still give in (except now with added guilt at the back of my mind). But no, I do admit it's an achievement! I'm more aware of my thoughts too (as opposed to never realising what damage I was doing to myself by self-inflicting pain via thoughts for so many years)
Can I change? How would you go about turning your life around, from within, if you were in my place?
You inspire me so much. I hope you can give me some advice. I need help like you would help a child - Leading by the hand
What do I do, henceforth, to start rebuilding the foundations of my mind? (SC belief system)
Love you ❤️
And apologies for the long ask but I had to get it out of my chest instead of letting the helplessness grow unchecked. Any help would be appreciated eternally
Thank you for opening up, sometimes we just have to allow the words to flow✨
First of all, I would highly recommend Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself. Because this is what you have to do in order to establish a new belief system, you have to break the habit of being yourself and thus let go of the past self. Dispenza shows you how to do this.
What I’ve personally learned from his books, and from other materials, is that establishing a new belief system is never an immediate thing, and you have to be very patient. You also have to be prepared for setbacks and be willing to rise above them.
I think you’re in some kind of loop with your current belief system. We have between 60-70 000 thoughts a day. 95% of these thoughts are unconscious thoughts. 90% of the thoughts you have today are the same thoughts you had yesterday. You’re running on autopilot, and the key is to establish a new program.
You change your belief system through repetition and turning disempowering beliefs into empowering beliefs. Shadow work is essential here because first, you have to understand the root of particular thoughts, and then change this root and create more empowering beliefs. You say you’re afraid of certain beliefs you uphold, and you don’t have to. You can heal them and let them go. 
Since the subconscious mind is like a computer, you have to establish a new program, and you do this by repetition. Affirmations are essential here. I’ve got a post about affirmations, you can read it here, I would highly recommend combining some of the techniques I presented there. I really think that affirmations are the best and the most effective way to reprogram your mind; you're already programming your mind with certain affirmations, but these affirmations are full of fear and uncertainty. Time for the new, conscious ones.
However, the most important part of changing your belief system is commitment. Why? Because the moment you decide to change, your ego will do everything to prevent you from attaining change. Your ego’s job is to protect you, and it does so by keeping you in a familiar situation, even if this situation doesn't serve you. Your ego is afraid of the unknown, however, the only way to establish a new belief system and thus a new reality is to willingly step into the unknown. You say you’re afraid of letting go of your old self, but it’s just your ego trying to be in control. You can let go of your past self. Your past self has nothing to offer you anymore. 
You have to become very conscious of your habits. Maybe change your routine a little bit? Stop doing certain things on autopilot, and find new ways of doing them. It’s connected with something called neuroplasticity, Dr. Joe Dispenza explains it very well in the book I’ve mentioned. 
It usually takes about 30-90 days of consistent work to establish a new belief system. That’s why you have to stay committed. You have to be prepared for a little battle with your past self and past belief system. You have to be prepared for the fact that you might want to come back to your old thinking patterns, and the moment you do this, it’s time to self-regulate. It’s time to switch your thinking and your emotions. Whenever you do this, you become a conscious designer of your reality and you stop allowing life to happen to you.
Hope that this was helpful. I know that you can do this, it takes time, but eventually, you’ll master your thoughts. 
Love you too 💗
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wordstro · 4 years
Nooooo my baby 😭 hero!Yunho deserves all the love 💕 I liked how you had the idea to make him too soft bc of his superpower!! But now i'm saaad bc pf his past and his incident with his brother;; And i feel like it's my job to protect yunho
Really enjoyed reading hero!yunho too, but now i want to know more about seonghwa 👀 Don't be shy 🤭 tell us more 🤗
ahhh thank u!!! I think yunho just looks so soft and kind and the juxtaposition between how he looks and his powers is an interesting dynamic to have. my favorite thing is grey area heroes and villains. I’m sorry I’m late with this request, but here’s seonghwa:
park seonghwa is a walking contradiction. his glares are terrifying, but his smiles light up the whole room. he angers easily, but he forgives just as easily. he is so understanding, so kind, but he is assigned as a Villain.
seonghwa has the ability to raise the dead. necromancy.
but he looks at the world as if he is seeing everything for the first time. people say he is the Most Alive person they’ve ever met. he is full of life. 
he is a contradiction.
he is also the eldest - a rock for the members of their alliance division
he’s laid back, a level head when they need it most (and they sure as hell do when they have so many volatile personalities on one team), a mentor.
he is their rock.
for hongjoong most of all, because he is the leading hero. Number One. and it’s hard for hongjoong to carry those burdens
seonghwa knows this.
seonghwa starts to resent this.
seonghwa’s resentment has always been a festering thing and when he was little he was terrified of what he could be capable of, of the thoughts he was capable of.
(when yunho tells him of his own fears, of how capable he is of death and his brother and how easy it is for him, seonghwa understands it a little too well.)
but seonghwa is not yunho. he is not kind, nor is he good, not the way everyone thinks he is. where yunho tried his best to change the way people looked at him like he was destined to be a killer once they learned of his death touch, seonghwa let it settle deep within him, crawl under his skin and make a home there.
where yunho rejected management’s idea of making him Villain, seonghwa took it to heart.
the way society looked at him, the way his parents blamed him whenever the kids around him got hurt, the way people would recoil at the sight of him as he played villain for their alliance - he took it all to heart. how could he not?
maybe, being the villain is what he’s good at it. maybe it’s all he’s capable of. his powers came with the thoughts of the dead he could resurrect. his resentment and anger was always there, always growing, always festering like an open wound.
the first time he raised the dead during a choreographed fight and let loose his rage, let loose the rage and resentment of the dead always living in his head, everything seemed to click. he finally felt right.
and then he started hearing about the real villains, an underground network of people fed up with the system, with the assumptions, with society’s disdain for people with powers, fed up with the government’s need to capitalize off people with powers.
hongjoong vehemently opposed them. said there were ways to change the system, to take the power of controlling people with powers away from governmental organizations without the violence the underground “villains�� wanted to incite. without killing innocent people. 
seonghwa didn’t agree. he’s lived with the dead all his life. no one is innocent. 
and as he watches hongjoong come back to the dorms with exhaustion in his eyes, as he sees all of them suffer from burnout, watches government officials look at them and treat them like they’re mere tools, watches vigils on tv for people with “Scary Powers” or powers that manifested physically being killed and courts deeming the murders as justified - because their mere existences are Threats, the resentment and rage in seonghwa only continues to grow.
so when wooyoung comes to him with tight lips, a proposal, and an underground meeting, seonghwa believes in it. he knows who the real villians are, and it’s not these people. these people are victims of society, of evil people with horrible intentions. these people are angry. just like seonghwa is. they are not the real villains. and neither are seonghwa, wooyoung, jongho, and yeosang. 
(hongjoong, yunho, san, and mingi aren’t, either. but, they’re upholding the alliance for all it’s broken glory, allowing the alliance to thrive on the backs of murders and unlawful evictions and lies. and seonghwa resents that
seonghwa starts to resent them.
so he joins the cause. 
he stages a coup.
and yunho and hongjoong walk right into his army of dead. like clockwork.
seonghwa laughs because this is right, this is what he was meant to do, and everything is falling into place so easily.
(but why does the hurt in yunho and hongjoong’s eyes make him feel so...bad?)
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dreamsofzane · 3 years
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It was 2009. The end of my senior year in high school. As per tradition, once I received my yearbook, I carried it around daily so that teachers, friends, and anyone else who felt like it could sign the back and crystalize their presence in my life.
We were all stepping out into the relative unknown. I guess I just had to be deep, so I used my yearbook photo caption as a declaration of how I saw myself and who I wanted to become in the world.
I can do the impossible, rise above the insurmountable, and reach the unreachable through Christ who strengthens me. It was was an adaptation of a scripture used in a song by Myron Butler.
When our yearbooks were printed, a friend of mine said something like, wow Ezra I saw your yearbook quote and it was all spiritual and serious. You're so crazy, I thought you would have put something wild in there.
I probably laughed, pondered on the sentiment for a bit, then tucked it away. But I never forgot it.
This moment was one of the first distinct times someone not only saw me clearly, but also perceived and verbalized the dilemma I existed in. It was a mirror moment for me. During that time I felt like I was straddling two conflicting worlds. And I so desperately wanted to fully belong to both. At home, I was a good Pentecostal storefront church boy in every sense of the word. I didn't see myself as just a church-goer. It was the essence of my life. It shaped my worldview. I was saved, and I yearned to be Holy Ghost filled. I barely had earthly aspirations. All I saw in my future was singing worship music. Maybe I'd go to Bible college and join a mega church's payroll, sing behind Israel Houghton, or somehow join Tye Tribbet & GA. Side-note for all my singers - that in itself was a pipe dream because to this day I am not a tenor, and back then even Tye's tenors were actually altos, very high-key.
On the other side of my double life, I secretly bagged my first real boyfriend right when I got baptized after freshman year. I loved all the secular music I wasn't supposed to be listening to. And just about every other joke that I made at school was something risqué and raunchy. That's how people outside of my family and church knew me.
I never really felt like I could be a whole person. I had no concept of what that meant. There was righteousness, and sin. Being in the world, but not of it. My feelings, my flesh – those were in conflict with God, and my job was to pick up my cross and deny everything else.
And baybee – those feelings?! My hormones were on fire and I wanted all the boys in my yard, watering my grass with milkshakes of every flavor. Because you know, high school was a diverse landscape. But if I didn't deny what I was feeling, back then I believed I would be riding the most lusciously, engorged, divinely-crafted – lawnmower, straight into Lucifer's hot burning bush as a result.
Over time the pressure to deny myself, built up so much that I had to leave the church and explore on my own. The years that followed felt solitary, ungrounded, and confusing to say the least. But I just had to allow myself to feel those things. And I'm so glad I did. I have to take a moment here to thank Bilal's All Matter & Who Are You, Erykah's Didn't Cha Know, and the movie Prayers for Bobby, for collectively forming a prayer circle around me during 2011-2012.
I could be projecting, but it's quite likely that the church adjacent boyfriends I've had over the years all lived with an unspoken heartbreak about having to either sever ties or awkwardly maneuver through their families of origin – families that were often times deeply religious, and thus explicitly, violently, and traumatically opposed our ability to even acknowledge our queerness – let alone claim it. But not one person I encountered who felt familiar to me (a trauma bond sort of familiar) seemed to really know what they were doing in earnest. Nor were they able to speak on it in full. Something always felt unreconciled. We were all young and unsure.
Ironically enough it was a moment during a church service that changed my life, affirmed me spiritually, and assured me that I had to leave the very home that raised me ideologically. More on this later.
What I will say now is that as hedonistic, irreverent, ignorant, or lost as I may appear to some – I was guided to where I am today. Perhaps because I opened myself up to it, the spirit world made itself known to me both within the settings I grew up in, and without.
I am the living result of generations of endurance. Love, grace and wisdom find their way to me. From the continent, to the island, to the concrete, through the altar call, through the divination. Somehow I continue to be found day by day.
Happy 30th Birthday to me!
Until next time – peace.
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kidmachinate · 3 years
Forget Pay to Win, Unite to Win
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Alright look...the title could use some work but hear me out as I take you through this casual look at Pokemon Unite.
You may be thinking to yourself, why? Why listen to a guy who doesn't play MOBAs or enjoy them in the least bit due to the toxicity that exists within? I'd argue that is more the reason to listen. Because I don't care for a lot of what goes into these games and am having a shocking amount of fun with what is honestly a fun game, but definitely isn't without its drawbacks. Spoilers. The drawbacks are what everyone knows already. There is a Pay to Win aspect. Let's break this down.
MOBAs (to me) are intimidating. Huge focus on teamplay while juggling various mechanics and game knowledge. Huge focus on map awareness. Crazy stuff. This doesn't change in Unite and won't be a game that changes your opinion on the genre as a whole perhaps but if you find yourself bored and/or with a short attention span, this one may just get your attention. I've previously played League of Legends and Heroes of the Storm. The latter I found more fun but it didn't grab my attention. Apparently Activision Blizzard didn't like it either as the game got canned. Something about Pokemon just brings people who are into it together. Here's what works for me.
No focus on last hitting
I don't know if last hitting has a term but in Pokemon Unite, you get experience even if you don't get the last hit. You get more if you do, but still some without having to learn the timing for a last hit between different characters and trying to coordinate that potentially with a teammate in the same lane. This is huge for me. It was an annoyance from the start when playing. To do this for so long to potentially have so much else fall apart possibly about fortyish minutes later in a game.
Match Length
Matches are ten minutes long. By the time potential anger or team mistakes could get to you as it will anyone to some extent, the match is over and you can queue right back up for the next one. A lot more games can be played in the time it takes to play a single LoL game. The game respects your time in that aspect until you start to look into the various areas where it potentially doesn't. Unfortunately this does align with where the P2W aspect kicks in. More on that part later. Ten minute matches whether ranked or regular games makes daily tasks seem more doable. Sometimes dailies or other various things you can redeem will require a quick match. Five minute matches. Even better! Personally however, I don't care much for quick matches. The pace of the game is a bit too quick and one map in particular with treadmills makes moving more of a chore than it needs to be. Ten minutes goes by quickly while still feeling the phases of the game hit you as you get familiarized with the game. Early, mid, and late game phases all play different parts of what makes up a good game of Pokemon Unite. Ten minutes feels right to be able to focus quickly on what each of these phases are and quickly learn from your mistakes before trying that next game and seeing what you can do differently.
Pay To Win?
Quick answer? Yes. Not as bad as it is made out to be however. Many doing this are either content creators or whales. Sometimes one in the same. This does in the case of content creators allow them to be able to provide insight to builds and what works quicker but sucks for the beginners to both the game and perhaps the genre as a whole. Knowing this however, skill can outplay the money one spends. You get benefits for sure but in higher ranks, people are going to have higher level held items anyway. Held items give a Pokemon various effects or buffs. You can hold three of these as opposed to just one in the core games. There a slight gatcha aspect with the energy system. Basically a completely random either cometic or game enhancing item if you're lucky. You have a weekly cap on this and if you want to bypass it...you guess it! You can spend money. Looking past the complexities of various currencies, there is a lot you can get for free without having to spend a dime. Even if you do, if you're really against P2W, you could just...not. Crazy concept, I know but you can just not buy into it. Save your money for cosmetics or new licences which get you different Pokemon to play as. Saving for the ones you can't acquire for free is a good idea.
The game may lack the depth a hardcore MOBA player would be looking for, but has just enough to be more interesting to a wider audience, and lots of variety with the different Pokemon and team combinations, to make for a fun experience. I truly don't believe things are currently at.a point where an outrage is necessary but we also cannot pretend it isn't there. Considering the facts for what they are, I say this is a fun middle of the road type game. I'm having a lot of fun with it but could do without it. It's not excellent but it isn't bad. Not every game is a 0 or a 10. It's okay to play a 7 out of 10 game you may enjoy but also not be blind to potential shortcomings. The fun factor outweighs these shortcomings for me and it helps that many others I know currently feel the same way. Like any potential multiplayer effort, I'll keep playing until it wears out its welcome...but with how many Pokemon exist, it may be a long journey.
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I have a loaded question for you, and I know you might have an answer and you might not. I just wanted your opinion, please. Is it possible that someone can be 'turned off,' that is, unable to contact spirits/ancestors/etc? Is it possible that a path like this just isnt meant for everyone? I've been trying to hone my craft for a couple years now, but I'm 27 and I fear I'm losing time. I'm scattered and inconsistent, but not enough to be blatantly denied by the spirits. Is it my fear? Thank you
This is an incredibly hard question, you were right. There’s a lot to say here, I think so there’s a “read more.”
Firstly, there’s no doubt that some people have an easier time feeling/hearing/contacting spirits and ancestors. Some seem to have an innate talent for it while others may have to work a bit harder to get that bit of contact. However, I do not believe that there are people who simply cannot accomplish it or are blocked or ‘turned off’ as you say. There’s nothing wrong with you and you aren’t closed off or not suited for your path (your talents may lie in other areas but that doesn’t mean that you should give up on what you’re attempting). 
Secondly, while 27 can feel too close to 30 for comfort, your craft is a life long project that will change and grow (and perhaps even seem absent at times) throughout your life. You’ve time and time to try and fail and research and change approaches and try again and succeed and fail again - the point here is that I’d hate for you to feel like this momentary slump is the death knell for your practice especially because, from your ask alone, I can tell that there’s a genuine desire to try and an honest love of your craft - never lose those. 
Thirdly, there are all sorts of things that can get in the way of our connections with our beloved dead. You mention fear and I do think that doubt and fear can block you in some ways - if you have laid out your offerings and called your dead to you and are going to practice automatic writing, but you are doubtful and fearful and you can’t get out of your own head and you refuse to allow any spirits to write through you then the whole experiment might seem like a failure. Similarly, I think that being too much in your head about it can mess you up just because you can be too busy interpreting and looking that you maybe aren’t being receptive. Another potential obstacle that doesn’t get talked about a lot is that if you’re determined to reach out to your ancestors for help with your craft, but your ancestors were all strictly religious and opposed to witchcraft then hearing no response should come as no surprise. We honor ancestors and dead relatives with offerings and places of importance in our homes and we ask them to aid us in our life, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll want to interact with our practice or that they will or can help with it - if you feel ignored by the spirits that you’re reaching out to then it might be a good idea to try a different set. If your blood relatives have turned up nothing then perhaps call on the spirits of past witches or friends or others that might be more willing to come through. 
Finally, here is my advice: take a break, work some other magic, clear your head, and try again. When you try again there are some options and I think any of these should get you something. 
For calling on ancestors: put out pictures and items of those you hope to contact (or things that remind you of them) and set out offerings of food and drink that they might like - the dead also tend to like tobacco and the smoke of incense or cigars but that’s perhaps not universal. If you know where their graves are then go to the grave and sit with it, clean it up, leave something, ask permission, and take a bit of dirt from near their head and take it home with you to set out with their picture and offerings (add just a spot of your blood to the grave and to the offerings at home to add some strength). Honor them and feed them for a week or two and talk with them about wanting to hear from them, to make contact, to connect, to get help, etc. Don’t bother with looking for signs during this time or doing anything more than being open to your family members and respectful and loving. You should start to see signs of them in small ways - pictures falling off of walls, items missing or returned, etc. then you can try divination to speak with them (pendulum is easiest, scrying is useful but can take time and the ability to enter a trance state, tarot and automatic writing can be difficult to interpret). If you’re having trouble with one type of divination then try another, work on meditation, work on going into trance and channeling thoughts freely without interpreting or interrupting yourself (drink, use flying ointment, or smoke weed if you need to at first but don’t be reliant on substances to induce trance). You might also try to host a supper for the dead or a dumb supper to invite them fully into your home - make sure to open the doors and windows and take down any spirit traps or salt barriers you might have up if you want the dead in your house.
 For any spirits that are not relatives you can go to the cemetery and pick up some dirt like I explained above and call the person to you. You can walk the perimeter of a graveyard at night no less than nine and nine times while winding black thread or counting a rosary backwards and ask for spirits to make themselves known to you. You can go into the woods and ring a bell or clap three times and call out for a spirit to come to you in order to help with something specific, bury some pieces of your hair, and clap or ring again when finished and say that you’ll be waiting (be sure to remember where you buried your hair to dig up later if needed). You can go into the woods at night and draw a circle around yourself and lie or sit on the ground. Call spirits to you and ask them what you want to ask of them. Wait and let any fear help to guide you into a kind of meditation. This one takes time but you should see and hear signs of spirits as you wait within your circle. And if you’re in desperate need of help with something, you can go into the woods or to a crossroads or to a cemetery and bury a knot of your hair and place three drops of your blood on the spot where you’ve buried it and proclaim the terms of your deal.  
Lastly (for real this time), your practice does not need to involve spirits right now if that’s something that is proving difficult for you. You can still cast spells, draw in money and opportunities and friends and happiness all without calling on or involving spirits. You can still honor the passing seasons and work magic and do all of those things without drawing on the dead or on deities or entities - it’s okay for your practice to exist for a while without any spirit work and you can have a successful craft just focusing on things that you need at the moment and things that are still fulfilling for you without spirits right now. 
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larktb-archive · 4 years
Whenever I go to block a racist I've been seeing a post that claims that revolutions dont work and peaceful protests do.
These are the examples said post uses:
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These are all fucking terrible examples to use and I'm gonna go in order of worse to best which isn't saying much.
Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace
Yes this did in fact end the civil war. But no one denied that peaceful protests can make momentary symbolic changes such as ending a war or gaining a country its independence. This does often happen and you can list off dozens of countries wherein there has been a peaceful response to violence which has seemingly brought about an end to that violence I should know this because after all I come from the best known example of that happening aside from India (and I'll come back to my home country eventually). The problem with saying this is that it ignores the aftermath of the "peace" and whether or not it made enough of a difference in peoples lives for it to matter; even though external visible violence has been quelled, other covert forms of violence stay in place.
Liberia is a good example of this because of one major issue in Liberia: Corruption. Millions of USD are lost every year due to members of the government pocketing the money for themselves to the extent where, according to Transparency International, Liberia is 137 out of 180 and 53% of public service users had paid a bribe within the year of 2019. Interestingly enough the OP of that post calls China and Cuba corrupt despite the fact that Cuba is 60th and China is 80th. But I guess what happens after the revolutions is successful only matters when you're talking about places you dislike.
This corruption has lead to protests in 2019 and 2020, wherein police used tear gas to disperse peaceful protesters. Something to note is the minister of informations accusation of the protests being caused by outside elite forces. Rings a bell but I'm not sure from where.
Now one of the reasons Liberia is so corrupt is because of the lack of punishment against the main actors of the civil war, in spite of the trc listing out 100+ perpetrators and recommending that they be dealt with.
Then president, Ellen Sirleaf Johnson, was on this list and has admitted that she backed the civil war. She went on to win a Nobel Peace Prize.
Jasmine Revolution
Around 79% of people in post revolution Tunisia think the country is "going in the wrong direction", 29% of people would not vote with 48% not knowing who they would vote for, 81% said they don't feel close to a political party, 57% said they aren't interested at all in elections, only 20% believed elections would be free and fair, 45% said they disapprove of the current president, 71% said the government isn't addressing the needs of the youth, 50% of people said the government struggles with preventing political violence and I could go on and on.
But this is only 1 study with a very small sample size so by itself it's not a lot.
But when you compound that with a corruption index of 74, an unemployment rate of 15% (compared to Vietnam and Cubas horrible 3% rate and Chinas 6% rate), ~100,000 skilled workers leaving the country and a slowly increasing number of asylum applicants leads me to think that the data is not unfounded.
Suicide and murder rates also increased after the revolution, with cases of self immolation increasing threefold, such as with the case of Abderrazak Zorgui, who's death sparked protests which turned violent after the police were sent in to quell them.
At least 800 Tunisians went to fight for Isil and that's only counting those who came back from Syria. For comparison 900 returned to Turkey and 760 returned to Saudi Arabia.
Much like Liberia there has not been any justice, with the government instead introducing a law granting amnesty to former members of the dictatorship in Tunisia. A constitutional court was supposed to be set up in 2014 to speed up this process. 6 years on it still hasnt been set up.
Rose Revolution
Now this one is interesting. Georgia has a corruption ranking of 44, its unemployment rate of 11%, although higher than the corrupt, evil nations of Cuba and Vietnam isn't terrible and its Gini Coefficient is 36.4 which is pretty average.
So what's wrong with this one?
Well for starters four years after the Rose Revolution, Georgian protestors once again took to the capital to protest against the increasing amount of power, President Saakashvili, who led the Rose Revolution, was gaining.
To be more specific in 2004, legislation was passed to give him the right to dissolve parliament and in 2006 local elections were manipulated so that the government would dominate local legislatures.
And what's that? The president of Georgia blamed outside Russian influence on the protests and sent in police with tear gas and water cannons? That seems weirdly familiar familiar. Where have I heard that one before.
Here is a quote from a leader of a peaceful revolution after peaceful protests against him took place: "Everyone has the right to express disagreement in a democratic country. But the authorities will never allow destabilisation and chaos".
Interesting how after he was put in power, suddenly peaceful protest is the work of Moscow and needs to be controlled by police. Funny that. But this is totally a successful revolution guys!
And how many protests happened after this one? 3, not including the anti-homophobia protest. I think if you need to protest against the government every few years to the point where people keep calling each new protest, the Rose Revolution 2.0, your 1st revolution wasn't that successful.
Womans Suffrage
But before I talk about the relatively well off post-Soviet nations let's just do a assessment of the absolutely dumb as fuck idea that the Suffragists were more effective than the Suffragetes despite the Suffragists making no progress in the 40 years they existed prior to the branching off of the Suffragettes.
Now some historians do agree that the Suffragettes more violent methods did begin to turn men away from granting womens suffrage during their later years. Less concrete is the idea that this outweighs the net positive they had on the movement for womens suffrage.
In fact heres a contemporary source from 1906 praising the suffragette movement:
"I hope the more old-fashioned suffragists will stand by them. In my opinion, far from having injured the movement, [the Suffragettes] have done more during the last 12 months to bring it within the region of practical politics than we have been able to accomplish in the same number of years"
Who said that? Millicent Fawcett? Oh clearly she's just biased towards suffragettes?
But even if I gave evidence that the Suffragettes were indeed more effective than the Suffragists, you could easily find an opposing argument and vice versa. Ww1 happened and in the end that swift change of culture is what gave women their rights to vote (or at least the wealthy).
What can be argued is the historical reasons of why the Suffragettes became even more violent in 2nd decade of the 20th century leading to more guerrilla warfare like tactics being deployed such as arson.
Black Friday happened. Was a protests against the government caused by then Prime Minister Asquith, reneging his promise to put a bill granting womens suffrage through parliament. This protest started off as peaceful and ended up with women being physically and sexually assaulted by the police and counterprotesters with there being accusations of plain clothes police officers inciting this violence. Do I even have to say it?
In order to avoid further molestation, the Suffragettes stopped doing large gatherings with each other and went "underground" so to speak getting more and more violent.
What we should recall is the fact that prior to this Emmeline Pankhurst told the Suffragettes to stop all operations and renewed them after this traumatic event.
Prior to the suffragettes emergence the fight for women's rights had been by in large ignored by the public and it was only after their emergence that this became an issue in the forefront of the public's mind.
For a more nuanced view:
"Viewing the militant movement from the second half of the twentieth century, it is difficult to argue that violence does not ‘pay off’.   [The history of independence of the colonies, and Civil Rights campaigns in the USA shows that violence can succeed.]   It may be that suffragette violence after 1912 fell between two stools, being inadequate to force the government but sufficiently destructive to antagonise public opinion.  This writer [i.e. Constance Rover] is of the opinion that, as the events turned out, militant tactics helped the women's suffrage movement until 1912, but after that date were harmful.   This does not mean that militancy was necessarily a foolish policy.   With hindsight, one can conclude that militancy failed in the last two years before the war, but with the experience of rebellion we have had since, one cannot conclude that militant tactics are an unsuccessful means of obtaining an objective such as enfranchisement..."
- Constance Rover 1967.
I use the quote in specific because it calls the civil rights movement violent. And was written a year prior to the end of the movement. It's almost as if the movement has been whitewashed by liberals to be a completely non-violent effort or something.
Singing Revolution and Velvet Revolution
I'm putting both of these together as these states are all former Soviet nations who have became arguably more successful than others like Moldova, Bulgaria and the aforementioned Georgia.
Now in the post-Soviet Baltic states, there are a large list of things i could talk about. The high suicide rates, the mass exodus leading to a quarter of the population in each nation leaving them, the large amount of people at risk of poverty, high incarceration rates, the gutting of labour laws, the rise of anti-semitism and the glorification of Nazis within their societies all come to mind. Some of these also apply to Czechia and Slovakia.
I could talk about specific events such as the Gorilla scandal, the murder Jan of Kuciak literally everything concerning Czech prime minister Babiš and the large proportion of Soviet Nostalgia in both Czechia and Slovakia (1/3 in the former and 1/2 in the latter).
I could mention protests that have taken place after these revolutions leading to the usage of rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse protesters who were acting non-violently. But I'd be repeating myself so I'm leaving it at that.
"But Lilly" you might say, "that doesn't necessarily disprove OPs point that these protests were successful, they did after all achieve their goals of 'political revolution/ending war/gaining womens suffrage".
And that's true. But...
OP used these as examples to contrast against so called failed violent revolutions with OP using violent revolutions like Vietnam, Haiti, Cuba, China, the USSR and the French Revolution as examples of failed revolutions. Anyone with a brain knows these revolutions absolutely succeeded in their short term goals of political change. There is no Tsar anymore, Cuba and Vietnam are still socialist, the aristocracy of france were decapitated, Haitians arent slaves and China has no emperor.
So where does the problem with these revolutions lie? Well according to OP:
... of course as we've just seen the so called successful peaceful revolutions are also poverty-ridden, corrupt and unstable with problems years later so what's the actual difference? There is none (aside from the historical revisionism of socialist states but that's beside the point), it's just hypocrisy and an incredibly silly gotcha to those currently arguing for violent protest.
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I could continue and talk about how Haiti collapsed because of sanctions from racist countries who wanted to punish Haiti for fighting against their white masters, how Vietnam was practically always in war throughout the 20th century and how its stabilized since the end of the Viet-Khmer war, how Cuba infinitely improved the lives of all Cubans and was far more humanitarian than any western nation at the time, how the USSR and communist China turned Russia and China from poor feudal states to economic powerhouses which were far more equal in nature than the US.
But this post is way too long and I don't want to have to read through another dozen sources written by anti-communists liberals again.
Edit: the conclusion didnt save properly (thanks tumblr)
To end I'll say that the major problem with non-violent protests that is shared by every single one of these examples (apart from womens rights) is the lack of punishment towards those who caused the problems the people were protesting against. This means that said people can become president or a member of the government without any impediment and those people continue to be corrupt. From Ellen Sirleaf Johnson to Mikheil Saakashvili to the Tunisian government to Andrej Babiš. On the other hand violent revolution makes sure that those who war complicit in the crimes of the past are not able to usher in the crimes of the future, even if others eventually do.
The thing about that is progress has still been made, and even if they begin to reverse some of the gains that had been made they cant reverse all of them. With non-violent revolutions there is no change except for the ways that those in power step on the working class being more covert than overt.
You can decide which you prefer.
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dxmedstudent · 7 years
Hi! I have a question, as a female junior doctor, white coats aren't allowed but how do you keep your oxford handbook on you? Or your phone, bleep, bottle of water? And are they allowed non-ripped loose jeans? And can one wear black nondescript trainers if they have foot problems and need arch support? Thank you! I'm worried about starting F1...
Hello! You’re right. They were outlawed for infection control reasons a long time ago (around 2003?) so I only have the most vague distant memory of doctors wearing white coats. It was before I was even in med school!  Personally, I kind of feel white coats would be too warm for most people; after all, we’d still have to wear smart clothes underneath. And hospitals are warmed so that patients wearing nothing more than a gown don’t feel chilly. I’m someone who always feels cold, but even I’m not sure I’d want a white coat. My ‘little ward bag’ is juust big enough to fit my handbook, pens, money, and assorted other items. I’ve actually drawn it in a comic here. It fits a surprising amount, it turns out. I only take it off when I have to for procedures, or if I’m having a rest on nights. Otherwise, it’s become almost a physical part of me.  And the stuff that goes on my lanyard or gets carried around has been featured in the follow up comic here. I don’t carry a bottle of water with me, though I’m thinking of bringing a flask to work to get myself to drink more water. So I definitely recommend that, but there’s the challenge of not losing it if you’re on call. In terms of how we dress as doctors, I try to draw my comics as close to real life as possible. We all have our own styles and comfort zones on the smart/scruffy continuum, so there’s no one answer that fits everyone. But in general, most junior doctors tend on the smarter end of smart-casual. I’ve explained it in this post here, because coincidentally I’ve had a few asks about shoes and dress codes recently. I also recommend this post on shoes for tips. The NHS dress code as it stands, specifically forbids jeans and trainers. This means that your employers, and your seniors would be within their rights to ask you to dress differently if you turn up wearing either of these. Because it’s in the rules, and they can start citing vague but old-fashioned GMC guidance on ‘dressing like doctors’ and the like. I have complex feelings about dress codes, and feel that we as doctors are sometimes our own worst enemies when it comes to imposing old-fashioned rules on our peer group. Do I feel a doctor having blue hair or tattoos makes them less professional? No. I feel that we are too quick to assume what our patients would or would not accept to be appropriate dress for doctors. But although I support my more outlandish colleagues, I personally dress smartly.  Because I’m a short woman who keeps getting asked if she’s a med student or a nurse (If I’m lucky), and I need to look like an experienced, reasoned adult that patients and their relatives feel is competent. And because it’s a kind of uniform that makes me feel more confident to be assertive. I feel it’s like a costume that helps us to take on the doctor persona, and it’s a visual signifier to our patients and our fellow colleagues that we are at work and we mean business. I would suggest that erring on the side of smart is sometimes a necessary evil in order to be taken seriously.  When you start as an FY1, you’re the lowest in the pecking order, and you’re working with doctors and nurses who are decades older than you. It’s hard not to feel like a bumbling kid, in some ways. Most of your patients are elderly, and many will tell you that you look far too young to be a doctor. There’s another risk, If you wear trainers or jeans on the wards, your seniors might take you aside and tell you it’s inappropriate. It’s the kind of thing that people can remark on. I used to think nobody would be that petty, then one of the surgical consultants gave one of my fellow FY1s a public dressing down for wearing scrubs outside of theatre. Because apparently surgeons should always dress smartly +++ outside of theatre. I think that’s an overreaction, but I personally don’t want to risk extra grief at work from colleagues or patients. Bearing in mind that we rely on feedback from colleagues and seniors to pass every year, and rely on their assessing our competence. However, plenty of people wear trainers when they are on nights, or if they are on placements like ITU or paeds or A&E where they are expected to wear scrubs every day. That said, if you are on the wards or in clinic, then the expectation remains to wear smart shoes and smart clothes. I’ve seen ladies get away with fitted dark ‘jeans’ that basically look like fitted trousers, but proper denim would definitely be noted.  Unfortunately, my advice would be: dress down at your risk. Perhaps if you have medical problems, they might let you get away with the trainers. I hope so, personally. I had to wear canvas trainers to clinical rotations in med school for a few months due to foot problems, because everything else was agony. Then again, I was probably limping around everywhere, so perhaps they just felt it best not to comment. However, the rules are a little stricter if we are working, so I wonder if they would be as lenient. We’d have no excuse to wear jeans, though, because there are plenty of options for comfortable smart-looking clothes (as opposed to shoes). As for shoes, I can empathise with your struggles. I’ve had chronic foot problems since med school, and it’s been a real struggle to find shoes that don’t cause me agony. I’ve bought (then had to get rid of) so many shoes that seemed comfortable only to cause agony after a few hours. Many of my friends can wear just about any shoe. I’m so envious, I’d give anything to be able to do that, even just for a night. Unfortunately, I’m stuck with torture feet. Even with problem feet, it’s not impossible to find smart shoes that are comfortable; you can and will find ones that work for you eventually. It’s just hard, and it takes a long time because what works for each of us is a little different. I now have brogues that I genuinely love to wear on 13h on-calls, that feel comfier than my canvas trainers. Comfy smart shoes do exist. And we have to seek them out, because as a professional doctor it probably won’t be possible to wear trainers the whole time. My Advice would be:
explore stores and ranges that offer half sizes or wide/narrow fit. sometimes that makes all the difference.
Look at orthopaedic ranges. Yes, I know some of them are designed for grannies. Not all of them are; I have some pretty nice shoes from the footglove range from M&S, and I love Clarks. Both are perhaps more expensive than I’d like, but hardly in ‘designer shoe’ range.
Oxfords, brogues and loafers can all be really comfy when you have worn them in.
Plimsolls, Toms and shoes that don’t look like trainers but still offer support.
Consider trainers that don’t obviously look like trainers? Maybe some of the nicer ones from Sketchers or something?
Stay away from pumps. Nobody gets out of them without bloody feet. Pumps are a trap.
Consider insoles, if they have helped in the past. That might help to adapt
Podiatrists may be able to help advise what kind of insoles you might need if you have high arches or need special support.
Google shoe recommendations by nurses and other doctors. Nurses are on their feet a lot and know all the best shoes.I’m personally collecting recommendations to try out. 
Good luck in FY1, and let me know how you get on. At the end of the day, what we do when we are at work is far more important than how we dress. So this shouldn’t have to be a massive source of stress for you. You absolutely don’t have to be dressed like the smartest, fanciest person out there, just look vaguely presentable and you’ll be OK.
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nemesis-nexus · 5 years
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Summer Solstice 2019!
HAIL THE ANCIENT AND ETERNAL FAMILY hear us! On this Summer Solstice we celebrate our Family both Blood and Spiritual as they are the most important thing in our lives! We know that we can have all the money, wealth and material things the world has to offer but without the love of our Sisters and Brothers none of it means anything! We come together this day to show love and respect for one another but also to show our appreciation for you and all that you are to us!
We exalt you to the highest degree and we honor you as we look around us and take in all of nature's beauty from the foliage of the trees to the lush greenery of the grass and brush to the animals that who were born in the Spring and are now finding their way in the world!
Truth be told the human race is NOT unlike any other species on the planet in that we are born, we stumble through our younger years trying to find our feet and then we wander through our adolescence trying to find ourselves and our place in the big wide world and then in our adult years we apply all that we have experienced to this point so that we may continue our journey having learned the basics we need to know in order to survive!
We know that life is not meant to be easy and as much as we THINK we might know, there is ALWAYS something new to learn! Those who fail to acknowledge this will find themselves falling behind because no matter how much we try to resist, change IS inevitable and the only way to get through it is to work with it rather than against it! Some changes are more beneficial than others, however if we are patient and stay the course we can overcome anything adverse that presents itself! So long as our energy flows in a consistent and positive direction we will keep moving forward in all aspects of life!
Our Faith is unwavering and our love is unconditional, we do NOT walk this path for personal glory or gain! We walk this path so that we may take our cues from you and grow beyond the superficial existence that so many people allow themselves to fall into via their tv programs or other Hollywood induced fantasy that is so full of misinformation and outright LIES that they have NO IDEA what it is they actually believe and refuse to accept that there is anything above them! These people are the ones who use this information to tell people what they want to hear so that those people will follow THEM and revere THEIR name, NOT YOURS!
As a Family we stand together throughout everything, from celebrating the good times to supporting each other through the rough times! We offer comfort to those who may be going through a difficult time and we offer our replenishing energies to help one another heal any and all anomalies! Our Family is the Garden that we help to cultivate and our Sisters and Brothers are the Roses that decorate our lives! While we may not be as delicate as roses we do need to care for one another in the same fashion so that our Family members can remain strong in body and Spirit!
Our Family is not only human, it also consists of those who like to help out - or play games depending on their mood or how they are treated - though we may not always see them! These highly Spiritual Family members are known as the Wee Ones or the Fae! They are always around though they may not always make their presence known, they assist in all magickal workings and can help find things which are lost both physically or psychically! They are to be respected as we humans desire to be respected and deservedly so as they are part of us and as such should never be treated with any less regard as we would want for ourselves!
Our Family is also every animal that runs, every bird that flies, every insect that crawls, every breeze that blows, every body of water that rushes here and there, the fire that burns, the soil which sustains all life, the mountain that stands tall, the Stars in the sky that guide us where we need to go, the Darkness that embraces us and the Light that bestows wisdom upon us!
Our Family also consists of Dragons who have existed since before time was time! They have many functions and represent many things such as: Strength, Courage, Valor, Protection, Defense, Love, Passion, Treasure Seekers - keep in mind the most valuable treasures are NOT gold or gems but LIFE itself - and Guardianship of all the afore mentioned! Our Illustrious Father is himself a Dragon and he not only embodies all these qualities and more, he is the reason we are able to gather here today!
On this Summer Solstice we recharge ourselves and our Family members, we stand together as one functioning unit and we remind each other that no matter how far apart we may be physically, that we are ALWAYS there for one another no matter what! We know that wisdom comes from many sources and as such I would like to quote a VERY well written piece by a man named Don Miguel Ruiz called "The Four Agreements":
"1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret."
These are not just pretty words that look good on paper, they are actually ESSENTIAL to living a life that is free of self sabotage as well as concern for the critical judgments of others! Once we free ourselves of the negative energy - and it's not always easy to do but then that is why when we need to we call on the Deity to help us to help ourselves and if need be our Family to help see us through - we can take the clean energy and use it to build and/or rebuild ourselves from the inside out!
When we stop telling ourselves we can't do something and replace that thinking that we CAN do ANYTHING, amazing things begin to happen! We realize that half the battle is having the confidence in ourselves to be able to take on the project, to chase that dream, to apply for that job, to speak our minds or to take a stand on an issue regardless of who the opposition may be! Everything that we do starts from within and even though we are perfectly imperfect beings. we know that everything is a learning experience and that we are here to grow and evolve as individuals and also as a Family!
""Falling too fast to prepare for this
Tripping in the world could be dangerous
Everybody circling, it's vulturous
Negative, nepotist
Everybody waiting for the fall of man
Everybody praying for the end of times
Everybody hoping they could be the one
Whip, whip
Run me like a racehorse
Pull me like a ripcord
Break me down and build me up
I wanna be the slip, slip
Word upon your lip, lip
Letter that you rip, rip
Break me down and build me up
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains!
You take me to the top I'm ready for
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes
Always had a fear of being typical
Looking at my body feeling miserable
Always hanging on to the visual
I wanna be invisible
Looking at my years like a martyrdom
Everybody needs to be a part of 'em
Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son
Whip, whip
Run me like a racehorse
Pull me like a ripcord
Break me down and build me up
I wanna be the slip, slip
Word upon your lip, lip
Letter that you rip, rip
Break me down and build me up
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains!
You take me to the top I'm ready for
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes
Don't wanna be the parenthetical,
Working onto something that I'm proud of,
Out of the box,
An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost,
I'm an apostrophe,
I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see,
I'm just a product of the system,
a catastrophe,
And yet a masterpiece,
And yet I'm half-disease,
And when I am deceased,
At least I go down to the grave and die happily,
Leave the body and my soul to be a part of thee
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains!
You take me to the top, I'm ready for
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
-Imagine Dragons ("Whatever It Takes")"
Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una!
Semper Veritas, Semper Fideles, In NINHURSAG'S Nomen Nos Fides! AVE NINHURSAG!
(We Are ONE Even Though We Are MANY And We Stand STRONGEST When We Stand TOGETHER!
HPS Meg "Nemesis Nexus" Prentiss
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