#as long as PB maintains a good balance here I don’t think they will mess up the reveal
yourqueenb · 9 months
I bet my ass that Vasili is the mastermind of all thats happened in crimes. Maybe alongside with the queen. I also bet that something will happen in marguerite's show and the blame will fall on sebastian, but at the end we will find out that it was vasili all along. Pb loves to do these fake reveal moments (like vos with the cop, crimes 1 with the guy and the old lady and I think murder at homecoming did it too) and I wouldnt be surprised if they repeat it in this book again.
You know I did start mulling over the possibility that Vasili is the sole mastermind after I made my post about him. During the chapter, I was only thinking about him maybe being the killer, but there’s nothing that says he couldn’t be the one pulling the strings so far. And considering the way pretty much everyone describes him, I think it’s plausible.
I also think it would make sense for Sebastyan to be the hooded figure in this case. He probably already does have extreme loyalty to Vasili since they’re both illegitimate children and have been treated as less than because of it. That’s probably compounded by his hatred for Trystan. And I’ve noticed that one of either Vasili or Sebastyan is often mentioned even when the conversation was initially about the other. For example, if you ask Marguerite about Vasili in the dinner chapter, she says something about how he will “keep Bas in line”. So I think what you said about Sebastyan initially taking the fall is likely as well. Also to add more merit to this theory, if Vasili felt it would be easier to somehow get the Heir Equity Act passed and remove Trystan as heir by killing Juliana, then it all makes sense as everything would lead to him assuming the throne. And Olivia did say that the initiative was put on hold due to infighting between Juliana, Sebastyan, and Nadja and imply that Juliana was in the way due to her stubbornness after all. I just can’t figure out how they expect to get the Act passed if this is the case.
But either way, I wouldn’t be mad at this reveal. I think I’ve already made it known that I have an issue with the way PB does mysteries. Something about them is always unsatisfying. But I feel like the writers have set themselves up really well so far with CoP 2 because there are so many possibilities and many of them make sense, which makes it fun to theorize. And I think it will be fun yet still surprising to ultimately find out which one is correct or if it’s something no one has considered but still makes sense
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thegorydamnreaper · 5 years
Long Post! the rest of the ask & my answer below the cut!
Hi! I have a few more words to say than the alloted 500 characters of an ask, hope you don’t mind.
I wanted to disscuss with you if you have time, the fact that Pierce Brown managed to get full control of writing for the RR tv show. I know it’s too early to say something, but in the light of recent events (awful finales and so), I became more aware of how amazing it is. I really think our high hopes will be paid off handsomely.
I don’t know about you, but…when I look back at what my favorite RR characters have done in the series, I think that I am so bloodydamn grateful that Pierce Brown is the writer for the tv show.
Simply because, if we look at what the writers have done to Daenerys Targaryen, we can conclude that purity police would have wank material for decades to come.
I mean, all of the Gold characters (and Darrow) killed an innocent in the Passage. In Iron Gold Darrow burnt a slaver (who was also a genocidal maniac and according to Apollonius, not that repetant about it either). In Morning Star Virginia comdemned and killed her own twin brother (another genocidal maniac). Sevro keeps in mind the number of people he killed with his razor alone inventarized by Color. Victra forsakes everything when it comes to saving her kids, even morals or the benefit of the doubt. The Telemanuses are not on friendly terms with demokracy and they let vengence cloud their judgement. Cassius facilitated the death of a comrade and of his liege (although, they deserved it) and killed Fitchner and put his head in a box.
By that logic, we should have all these people go mad at the sound of bells and start attacking people at random. All that in order to justify their deaths (preferably by a ‘pure-hearted’ loved one). Awful right!
Thing is, Pierce Brown has established over and over again that 1. Revolution is necessary by any means (and Golds aren’t the type to just accept that, it’s not in their culture or DNA) and 2. You have to destroy (old ways) so you can rebuild (a new world).
What he also made very clear was that everyone has their sins, every character can be the villain is someone else’s story and…basically nobody is perfect. Nothing is black and white. Human souls are made out of shades of grey.
This stupid idea that revolutions always need to be peaceful, otherwise they are evil, is just that. Stupid! If the status quo is inherently wrong from its roots (even for the class it benefices), it should be radically changed. And if force is necessary (and it is, the author established that and reinforced it over and over again every change he got and in a way that it felt natural), then it should be used. Even Cassius, who protected the status quo despite the fact that it took his away his twin (indirectly), realised that it should be changed.
Demokracy is radical change for the status quo. But you cannot make it without the proper tools - power to destroy the symbols of the old world. Virginia installed demokracy because she (with the Rising and all the allies) conquered Luna first. And they all did it using force and manipulation. Otherwise it couldn’t have been done.
And she tried! Tried to change the status quo without demokracy. Tried to make conpromises. First, she tried to back up rights for lowColors and interColor couples. She joined the Reformist current. We all know how frowned upon they are in Gold Society. And how that never really worked in the midst of Civil War (although she is presented with a chance - Nero called the Reformists to ally with him, but he planned to kill them after he was done using them).
Then she compromised when she thought Darrow dead for months, Sevro wasn’t answering her, she lost the battle at Deimos against Roque and the only thing standing between Adrius and her son was some asteroids and the secrecy of his birth. She negociated with Octavia and asked to be ArchGovernor of Mars so her son could get the chance to live. I mean…the Rim forces were in theters and it was only so long until Octavia gained the Rim back. And she led the rebels. Of course, she would have gotten a death sentence or prison and her son would have been taken hostage or worse. Thing is, she was desperate. Otherwise she wouldn’t have done it.
Point is, in terms of revolutionary themes, morally grey characters, grey morality in general, the RR series cannot be adapted as anything else, but what it actually is if it has any hopes of being well-done. And the fact that the author who created this series in the first place will write full-time for the tv series is a blessing. Simply because, we know that we won’t wake up with ‘burning slavers was bad all along and is a sign of madness’.
I know it is a low bar to set, but given that a show of such magnitude did that, I kinda have to.
Of course, the books aren’t perfect, but the show can capitalise on that and improve things.
Thing is, I don’t want some purist approach to this series in any way, shape or form. It causes bias and messes up the entire story. And even the smallest chance that we’ll get the adaptation we deserve really makes me happy.
What so you think, though? About PB’s approach to revolution and grey morality? Would he be able to pull it off in the show as well? (I do think he can if he isn’t inpedimented).
Also, do you also have high hopes for the RR show?
Sorry for the long rant, I just need to get it off my chest ( I don’t take well to my faves being disposed off for the sake of some centrist garbage).
Hi darling!!! I love all of this! I’ll do my best to answer and expand on your thoughts, but it might get a bit ramble-y at times. Also idk why but the format is all screwed up BUT! here we go:
Firstly, and this is something I’ve said before and will keep on saying: THE CREATOR OF A STORY WILL ALWAYS KNOW MORE ABOUT IT THAN MOVIE/TV STUDIOS. They are the ones that created a world that became successful in the first place. Why anyone would want to deviate from something that has already been proven itself to an audience is beyond me. So good for PB, because at the very least we can trust that the end product will be truer to the books than any other failed shows/movie we’ve seen in the past.
Now some thoughts on books involving revolutions and revolutionaries:
1. They are inherently bloody, brutal, and violent. It’s the victors (the revolutionaries OR the old regime, depending on the story) that get to write the story of what happened, and they often gloss over their own crimes to portray themselves as heroes. Truth is hard to find, because it’s all perspective. THAT BEING SAID, revolutions are not inherently bad. In RR, even the Golds are harmed by the Society, though they’re supposedly at the top. Remember Julian? Or any of the other Golds that died at the Institute? Or how the Institute was rigged in favor of the Jackal, even if he didn’t deserve to win? The ONLY reason that happened is because the Society was inherently toxic. Sacrifices will have to be made in order to bring about a new, better, world - otherwise it’s just not a realistic story. 
2. How does Red Rising differ from GOT on this? (Brace yourselves for a lot of salt here!) With GOT, Daenerys Targaryen, arguably the greatest revolutionary thinker for the duration of ASOIAF, experienced a fatal case of bad writing at the very end. But, looking back to what the real character wanted, it’s clear that she never punished those who were undeserving, even if it was brutal at times. Those that betrayed her were afraid of the change she would bring, because it meant they would those their power. In my opinion, Dany never would have set KL on fire on purpose - that’s a lot more Cersei. When faced with enemies, Cersei is brutal and utterly callous when planning their destruction. I think it’s far more in character for her to have set KL on fire by blowing the wildfire caches, than it is for Dany to hear bells and go “mad.” I can talk more about this, but let’s look to RR characters now.
All of your points on Darrow/Mustang/Sevro/Victra/Cassius are all spot-on. None of them are blameless. But I want to point out what might possibly be one of Darrow’s greatest “crimes” and a great analogue to the burning of KL- the burning of the Docks of Ganymede.
The death count was mind-boggling, the people innocent - and still, Darrow made the choice to burn them. Yes, Victra gave the order, but it wasn’t her call to make. He annihilated them, because he wanted to prevent further destruction. It was a calculated move, but that doesn’t make him “mad,” nor does it mean he view the people who died as lesser creatures (as Cersei or a different Gold might have). It was a measured choice that put his character in conflict and THAT is what made that scene good writing. He had to make a decision that went against his core beliefs, because it allowed the Rising to rid themselves of a future threat.
3. Okay, now about fandoms. People who read books like GOT and Red Rising are looking into a world that is similar to our own, but far enough away from us to feel safer (by that I mean the choices of Sevro or Jon Snow have zero impact on our real world politics). But because of that similarity, they can critique the world we actually live in. And I think that’s why so many people are upset with Thrones - the ending showed that no matter how much we dream of a different, better world, ultimately things never change. Whereas with RR, Darrow wins! They have a Republic, they have the start of a new world! Iron Gold and the ensuing books show the reality of fighting to maintain that dream - because again, it wouldn’t be realistic to just magically have a perfect world - but I think that it’s a good balance between hope and realism to make it worth reading.
So those are my thoughts! Moral purity is unrealistic and can stay the hell away from my beloved books and cheers to PB for (hopefully) maintaining creative control. I think if the show is on the right network, with the right creative team it could be done really well, and stay true to the heart of the series. 
My hopes are high, though only time will tell if I regret that statement 😅
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the-grumpy-panda · 7 years
Junkfoodio Rambleosa!
This is almost all I have left of this most recent junk food splurging madness. This write up might be slightly longer than usual as a result, but not as long as it could have been. I might be able to squeeze yet another ramble out of what's left. You're welcome. Or I may simply decide enough is enough and forego any more food musings. You're twice as welcome. Some of these may not be all that new/exclusive/limited/whatever by the time this hits the wonders of the internet press, but they are new to me as of this writing. If they've been out awhile, this is simply the first time I stumbled across them while out and about. So let's just get to it. -Thomas' S'mores Mini bagels! A slight chocolate smell, as if they were lightly dusted with cocoa (they're not) but no real s'more flavor. There's a light chocolate flavor in the aftertaste, but it's not enough to make these memorable or worth seeking out. -How will the Thomas' S'mores English Muffin fare, then? To begin, it's a sickly cocoa color, so at first glance at least it appears that it may be chock full of flavor. It smells like a doughy s'more, so that's a good start. The flavor is definitely closer to a s'more than the mini bagels, but it doesn't quite get it right. Again, it's too... doughy. If that makes sense. Maybe s'more just isn't a flavor that translates to bread products. These were still enjoyable overall, though, and were good all warm and toasty with a dab of butter. Definitely the one to try. -Triscuit Ginger & Lemongrass! Is there a greater food complexity than Triscuits? It seems we all wake up one day after reaching a certain age, and we just instinctively, and suddenly, like Triscuits. If this rule doesn't apply to you, then a-ha! You are an android, and you have failed my fail proof method of sussing you out. This particular Triscuit could prove problematic. I'm of a mind to think it will either be heinous, or not so bad. So far, Triscuits have been pretty consistent in making their off color ventures relatively successful, so the odds are in their favor. Everything about this particular version turns out to be... faint. There are very faint notes of ginger and lemon upon opening the bag, but you must take a deep breath in. There is a very faint ginger and lemon taste when chewing, but it recedes rather quickly. These work okay enough, and I enjoyed them as is, but this is one Triscuit that truly begs to be topped with something, where the faint ginger and lemon aspects would play a small part to a whole. These may also work well crumbled into a soup of sorts. -Triscuit Fig & Honey! These gave me an audible "Oh!" moment when I first saw them on the store shelf. I never knew I needed this until it was presented to me. Unfortunately, I was slightly let down by the experience once I opened the bag. There is a light fig aroma to be detected, but it could also be perceived as an earthy tone. It's not that it's bad, it's just not the sweet kick I was expecting to take in. The first few bites are also the same, a light fig/earthy presence that doesn't impress or dissuade. Then the honey note kicks in, and it has a burnt or old aspect to it that doesn't play well on the tongue. I suppose Triscuit was due for a misfire, but I wouldn't have guessed this would be the one. Overall, it's still an okay snack, and it too may best be served with an accompanying topping, but I'm less inclined to explore that option than I was with the Ginger & Lemongrass ones. -Utz Grilled Hot Dog potato chips! Oddly enough, upon first whiff these remind me ever so slightly of the Crab Chip that Utz (and others) produce. Which is peculiar for a hot dog flavored chip. If you're not familiar with the crab chip, it's a chip made with Old Bay seasoning. If you're unfamiliar with Old Bay, then you are not from, or have never visited, the East Coast. It's a staple seasoning blend, and over the last few years it has grown quite noticeably, and one can find "crab seasoning" on all sorts of food items. It was fun at first to see someone put it on a chip, and it's not bad on a chicken wing, but purists will maintain it's strictly for seafood, with crabs (obviously) being the absolute number one use. Followed very closely by shrimp, then followed by every other type of seafood. But I digress... heavily. Taste wise, the first thing I notice is salt. These are quite salty. The second thing I noticed was a heavy smoke flavor, which isn't the most pleasant thing to get from a chip, but I must admit it does make me think of something being grilled. The last flavor that is at play here is mustard. Underneath the salt and the smoke is a clear and distinct mustard element. I like the mustard part actually, and am sad it comes after the too much salt and smoke parts. I can't say it distinctly reminds me of a hot dog, but a grilled something or other element is there. -Utz Cheeseburger potato chips! Will these best the not quite right hot dog chips? Let's see. First whiff gives me a very faint ketchup odor, but one that is overpowered by a pickle aroma. Taste wise, I would have to say the same. They taste like a dollop of ketchup that was mixed with some pickle juice, and at the tail end there is also a salty cheese element that comes out. I don't get any smokiness like the hot dog one, so the cheeseburger or grill element is missing. As they stand, it's a weird ketchup/pickle/cheese chip. It's not gross, but they're rather forgettable, and after eating a few I noticed that again, these are quite salty. It left out in a bowl with no labeling, I imagine most would think they're either a pickle chip, or some kind of cheese and onion flavor. -Little Debbie PB Rounds! A fudge dipped peanut butter sandwich cookie. Well, isn't that cute? They've scored the top in the method of a traditional peanut butter cookie. It also tastes like a peanut butter cookie dipped in chocolate, so there's nothing else to add about it. It was good, and if you like peanut butter cookies dipped in chocolate, give this one a spin. My one complaint is that the cookie parts were a little too thick. This needed to be an ever so slightly thinner treat. Well, now that I think about it, I have another complaint. The peanut butter is a little too sugary and fake. It won't stop me from finishing the box over some time, but I do wish it was slightly less artificial as well. But it's a snack cake from Little Debbie. It's going to be fake, and at worst a bad Little Debbie treat is still alright enough to eat, so why am I complaining? -Keebler Lemon Cream Pie Fudge Stripe cookies! Almost nothing to say about these. They are exactly what they promise to be. A lemon cookie with some icing. They're good, and if you like such things, they're worth a taste.   -Hostess Summer Berry Donettes! Smell like blueberries, taste like raspberries and have the color of some kind of sangria Kool-Aid. They are however, quite tasty with a very nice moistness level. They don't seem as thick as other donettes I've had. They seem a little flatter and a litter rounder. Or I'm just crazy. I like these a lot. -Pop-Tarts Frosted Chocolate Sugar Cookie. No exclamation point. Pop-Tarts deserve no exclaims, certainly no acclaim. Dry. Dusty. Tasteless. Sad. Drywallesque.  I imagine these are merely left over World War I rations Kellogg's repackaged and then painted pictures on. Oh, yeah. For whatever weird reason these have villains from the DC comics realm plastered on them. The one I begrudgingly took a solitary bite from had someone named Cheetah on it. I don't know who that is, but she looked like a sexy Thundercat and was in a bikini. That's the only exciting thing about this travesty of a treat. But aren't Pop-Tarts meant to be for kids? Why are you pasting nearly naked, top heavy cat ladies on a kids food item? They're eating a Pop-Tart, for crying out loud! Their young little lives have already been messed up enough! Don't warp their brains, too. Shame at you Kellogg's. -Jolly Rancher Green Apple Pop-Tarts. They did it. Those crafty bastards actually did it. Foil wrapped HATE that you can buy for roughly three bucks a box. With the added stank of a green apple candy flavor, the worst candy flavor. I tried one, and if I saw these in a bunker I was to live in after a nuclear fallout, I'd go back outside and take my chances instead. To be honest, if I even see these on a store shelf again, it might cause me to spontaneously diarrhea all over the store and anyone therein while simultaneously setting fires in the hopes it erases these foul and vile things from the planet. If the judge and jury at my impending trial has tasted one of these, there is no way I'll be convicted. Eat this damn thing at your own peril. -Jolly Rancher Cherry Pop-Tarts. To be fair (immediately previous comments excepted) there are a couple of the fruit Pop-Tarts that are just barely passable as an edible entity that I can get through without too much fuss. This isn't one of them. Of the three here, it's the one that didn't make me want to decide to live solely on plain oatmeal, but there's a tartness to it that I didn't find appealing. I haven't had a Jolly Rancher candy since I was kid, and have no recall of their flavor, so maybe this tartness is in fact a component to the candy they were able to get into the tart. If so, good for them. For me, this tastes like a lemon/cherry Pop-Tart which leans too heavily on the lemon. Maybe that sounds good to others, and were it a real pastry I'd probably like it, but in Pop-Tart form,  I'll pass.   -Strawberry Nut M&M's! A tasty little devil, with flavor profiles in perfect proportion. Unlike some of the specific seasonal fare M&M tries, this one seems like someone actually worked at getting the balance right. If you like peanut M&m's and you like strawberry flavoring, this is a good match. The only complaint is I felt more than a handful was too much with this one. This is a snack best done in small doses, so a bag may last you a little while. -Krispy Kreme Glazed Birthday Cake Mini Crullers! Well, I can't say these don't taste like a birthday cake. The problem is they taste very much like a stale sheet cake one would get at the not so great grocery store you never really go to, but it's on the way to work and you have to bring something for the office party and you just don't have time for anything else. -Twizzlers Key Lime Pie twists! They do taste like a key lime pie, surprisingly enough. However, the gummy/chewy aspect of these make them a bit gross somehow. It's just not right. Softer than a normal Twizzler, it's like having a glob of melting putty in your mouth. I give them credit for getting the flavor right, but a solid pass for the experience as a whole. -Twizzlers Orange Cream twists! These taste like orange medicine. Do not like. Don't want. Moving on. Nope. No moving on. That's a wrap! I've said all I can say and my brain is on full sugar crash mode and barely functioning. Seems I forgot the obligatory sexist comment about some female celebrity, though. Hmm. Um. Tonks (Natalia Tena) from the Harry Potter movies can Hufflepuff my Slytherin anytime. Good enough? Way too much? Eh. I'm going to bed.
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archerwindsor · 4 years
Everything You Need To Know About Using Coffee As A Pre-Workout Supplement
I get a kick out of working out and I love it – who’s with me?
From weight training to running outdoors, you just can’t beat the endorphin hit that follows a great training session.
Without giving it much consideration, my morning routine has always been: wake up, cup of black coffee, then off to the gym or out for a run – the buzz it gives me takes me from a groggy, bleary eyed mess to energised and ready for action.
As my fitness journey has progressed, I’ve often looked into pre-workout alternatives but continued to wonder: is coffee actually a valid choice before a workout?
Can you use coffee instead of pre-workout? Is coffee a healthy choice?
Well, I’ve done my research. In this article, you’ll find out why and how coffee could help you secure those sought-after gains.
What is pre-workout?
The first thing we need to address here is:
What actually is pre-workout? What is it made of?
Pre-workout is a dietary supplement you can take to help aid your performance in the gym, out on a run or before any exercise you enjoy.
The idea is that it gives you a powerful energy boost to kick start your activity, and helps you to perform at your best, every time.
Pre-workout, like most supplements, generally comes in powdered form or in capsules. It’s usually best to take them about an hour before your workout to receive all the benefits. But what’s the magic ingredient that supposedly gives you all this energy and performance power?
The truth is, there isn’t one.
That being said, there is a core list of components that are often found in pre-workouts, although the amount of each varies. These compounds are: caffeine, creatine, amino acids, and B vitamins.
Oh – and, if the product is powdered, you’ll likely find it contains artificial sweeteners so that it doesn’t taste awful.
Why coffee works as a pre-workout supplement
The most useful ingredient in coffee for using it as a pre-workout is – you guessed it – caffeine. Let’s dive in a little deeper.
How much caffeine is in coffee?
A typical cup of filter coffee contains, on average, 120mg of caffeine. Instant coffee pulls this figure back to around 75mg and an espresso shot is only around 63mg (but that’s in a much smaller volume of water!).
What does caffeine do to the body?
Caffeine works at a cellular level, interrupting an enzyme called phosphodiesterase, which normally breaks down cAMP (Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate).
This means you end up with more cAMP in your cells, which leads to increased activity in heart muscle cells, more activity in brain cognitive processing, increased muscle glycogen breakdown (delivering more energy to your muscles) and it even promotes enzymes that break up fat tissue.
How does this relate to my workout?
As you know, caffeine causes your heart to beat faster. This allows oxygen to travel around the body quicker for energy metabolism wherever it’s needed. You also think clearer, sharper and react faster.
You feel like a superhuman.
Your muscles are able to use stored energy from food (glycogen to work harder. Your body breaks down more fat tissue for energy during the workout, which is great for athletic performance and weight loss.
For all intents and purposes, you are kinda superhuman, temporarily.
Are there any other health benefits in coffee?
Short answer: Yes, loads.
Cafestol and Kahweol are two diterpenes found in coffee – and the former has been shown to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, by increasing cells’ sensitivity to insulin and improving cell uptake of glucose. This lowers blood glucose and, therefore, the chance of developing type 2 diabetes.
Interestingly, an epidemiological study has also proposed Cafestol and Kahweol are protective against cancer.
The studies they looked at showed that these diterpenes help produce enzymes that support the body in producing protective antioxidants. They not only protect the cells but also play a role in repairing damaged DNA and killing off defective cells that can’t be repaired.
This is hugely significant as DNA damage is the first step towards cancer developing in the body.
Melanoidins are large, deep brown coloured molecules found in coffee and have been linked to tons of positive health benefits.
Similar to diterpenes, they help contribute to antioxidant cell protection. They act in your gut to help maintain the balance of good bacteria and help prevent harmful bacteria growing.
In laboratory studies, melanoidins have been shown to suppress cancer cell growth. If all this isn’t enough already, they also help modulate your body’s detoxification system to remove harmful substances.
Convinced yet? Here’s another one for you.
Trigonelline is found in lots of different plants, veg and grains (like fenugreek, peas, oats) but most importantly it’s found in coffee – of course.
It’s been shown to protect against diseases like type 2 diabetes and obesity-related ailments, by lowering blood glucose and blood triglycerides. As with diterpenes and melanoidins, it also displays plenty of antioxidant properties.
How do antioxidants help my workout?
These components might not directly affect your workout capacity.
We’re playing the long game with these benefits.
In order for your muscles to grow, when you work out, they have to suffer lots of impact and microdamage so they can heal stronger than before. Your body works hard to repair your muscles post-workout and needs plenty of supplies in order to do so.
This is where antioxidants help.
They prevent the negative effects of cell damage and remove toxic by-products from your system. Alongside a healthy, balanced diet, a cup of coffee can give you that much needed antioxidant boost to help you recover faster and get back in the gym again.
Can you drink too much coffee?
Caffeine causes a temporary increase in blood pressure, which was once thought to be negatively associated with cardiovascular disease. However, this effect seems to have little impact on cardiovascular health.
Caffeine is a mild stimulant, so if you suffer from insomnia then coffee certainly won’t help.
Caffeine normally takes five hours to clear from your system but, for some people, it can take up to nine hours – so maybe go easy on the lattes if you find it difficult to nod off or, at least, stop after 2pm.
It’s also an important watch out that most pre-workout mixtures contain higher levels of caffeine than your average cup of joe too, so bear this in mind if you’re trying alternatives.
Another issue with caffeine is anxiety. The jittery, stimulant effects of caffeine can worsen symptoms associated with anxiety and, in rare cases, can lead to panic attacks. If you suffer with these symptoms, then a pre-workout is probably not ideal for you.
Finally, there’s your digestive system. Coffee is a diuretic so, yes, it can lead to the runs. On the flip side, if you don’t drink enough water with coffee, you also get very quickly dehydrated and that can lead to constipation.
Not ideal for overall health and certainly not helpful when you’re in the middle of benching your PB.
How much coffee is best before a workout?
So, we’ve discussed all the benefits and potential risks of introducing a cup of coffee prior to a workout. The next point to cover is how much coffee will give you the optimum caffeine boost without risking the jitters.
As this study suggests, 300-400mg of caffeine per day is the safe upper limit. That’s just over three cups of filter coffee (at 120mg per cup), just over five cups of instant (75mg per cup) or 6 espresso shots (63mg caffeine).
That’s your total consumption for the day – but, remember, people metabolise caffeine differently so higher levels can be safer in different people. The type and brew of coffee can also affect these values too.
Generally, you can follow this rule for drinking coffee before a workout: 3-6mg of caffeine per kilogram of bodyweight. So, for a 68kg individual (150 pounds) 200-400mg is ideal.
It also normally takes about half an hour for the caffeine in coffee to be fully absorbed in your system, but can take up to 90 minutes. For the best results, drink a cup about an hour before you plan to start working out.
How should I take my coffee?
The answer here comes back to personal preference. How do you like your coffee brewed?
Whether it’s freshly ground and made into an espresso or quick and instant, just monitor how much caffeine you’re drinking and you’re good to go.
As for adding extras, it’s generally considered that black is best. Pure, unadulterated coffee contains all the benefits you need for an energetic workout. If black coffee just isn’t for you, then adding a dash of milk shouldn’t have much of a negative affect – just don’t turn it into a big, creamy latte.
And that’s it, all you need to know about using coffee as a pre-workout supplement. Experiment with what works for you and your body – then go forth and use it to go hard at your workouts. Enjoy the ride.
The post Everything You Need To Know About Using Coffee As A Pre-Workout Supplement appeared first on Food For Fitness.
Everything You Need To Know About Using Coffee As A Pre-Workout Supplement published first on https://olimpsportnutritionuk.tumblr.com/
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terrancedkennedy · 7 years
Oh How The Market Turns
*Disclaimer: I am really bad at putting out posts in a timely manner - I first started drafting this one Sunday night* Back from vacation and a break from the financial markets. The world seems drastically different than where I left it two weeks ago. Still in a vacation mood, I wanted to take a break from the macro aspect of things and view the recent developments from a trader's perspective. A few quick hit points this post will explore (looking at both market and economic stuff):  -Have a hunch that this market is topping out -Seems like the Fed is hiking into a recession... -Are we at a reversal for the rates move? -There has been a divergence of gold and nominal rates -Some portfolio house cleaning stuff Let's get to it. Have a hunch that this market is topping out I think most of us would agree - maybe even with Harry H included - that speculation and overvaluation have become pretty rampant in some assets in the last year or so, especially in recent months: FANG, cryptocurrencies, Canadian real estate, subprime auto loans, etc. Cryptocurrencies, a form of speculation IMO, have clearly made a top for at least the time being. FANG stocks had led the market on the way up. They will lead the market on the way done; and at this point, it's possible that the process has started. Vehicle sales had been fueled by easy credit via the form of auto loans for years. However, recent prints show that this has started to peak.
As a result, it felt to me that equities are getting a bit toppy to me - when futures opened gap down this past Sunday night. After Monday's  price action by the close, I felt enough conviction to build a punt from the short side.
I already have sizable negative oil delta in the portfolio - the fact that it's worked out thus far is yet another conviction in favor of recessionary pressures that might just beyond the horizon. 
To make things work, I covered a little bit of that short oil delta. Additionally, I was a receiver of the US long-end of the curve - exited that to make room for the short equities punt.
Call it trader instinct. Call it a blind shot in the dark. Just a hunch.
Seems like the Fed is hiking into a recession...
Okay, so auto sales seem to be topping out - we've seen it in the chart above.
Commercial paper growth and credit, in general, seem to reflect that as well. 
Anyways, all this seems to be occurring as Yellen along with other central banks around the world (Draghi on Tuesday) are stepping up the rhetoric of tightening faster whether via hikes, balance sheet reduction or asset purchase tapering.
Taking a look at US consumer credit, we've started to see a contraction - it is yet to be seen whether this contraction is an aberration or the beginning of a trend. However, with equity valuation where it is (current PE of 21+ and PB over 3), and the Fed tightening, we might finally have enough driving factors to push the stock market to the precipice. 
We talked about potential drivers keeping down the VIX via indexing and beta funds that are vol targeted. Is today's move in equities and the VIX enough to start the process of an unwind? We shall soon see.... 
On Tuesday, we saw long end duration get slammed. Which leads to the next two points.
Are we at a reversal for the rates move? and There has been a divergence of gold and nominal rates
Gold is more of a currency than a commodity. It trades off real rates of the specific currency that it's denominated in - so gold in US dollar terms usually trade off US real rates. 
It was interesting that nominal rates and gold decoupled for a little while there. I no longer have a Bloomberg terminal handy, so I had to wait a couple of days before I had a chance to see this:
Gold and real yield have been reacting to tighter financial conditions from Fed action and Fed talk as well as similar things from other central banks. Initially, nominals seem like they did not get the memo. 
There was a notable/tradeable divergence between nominals and gold that started to close this week. Long end duration finally got the clue and sold off sharply this week, starting Tuesday - so sharply in fact that 2s10s actually steepened!
Another point of interest here is that the inverse correlation between US govie returns vs equity returns moved sharply positive this week. I know enough market history to know that back in the Paul Tudor Jones' Trader movie days, bonds and equities traded together in positive correlation instead of the current risk on/risk off regime we are in now. 
Could this change in correlation lend credence to the idea that the Fed is tightening is hurting the equities market at a time of economic vulnerability? 
True, the yield curve has flattened tremendously over the last couple of years but is still far from being inverted. But do keep in mind that an inverted yield curve is not necessary for a recession, and definitely not needed to spark a meaningful sell-off in spoos.
Some portfolio house cleaning stuff
- The large negative oil delta I have in my portfolio has worked out well until this week. I still maintain my thesis that oil can go markedly lower from purely a production and OPEC market share view. Now that market participants might start anticipating for a recession, we can get a move from the demand concern side of things too. More conviction.
- US duration trade - closed the trade at the beginning of the week - saw this sell off coming. No strong convictions here but gun to my head, the curve continues to flatten but we get higher rates via an overall sell off along the whole curve.
- Took the money from US duration and some of the short oil profits and built a short tech equities punt at the EOD Monday. As you could've guessed, I'm feeling like Johnny Hekker today, aka LA Rams' pro bowl punter.
If we are indeed heading for a large correction/bear market, I expect another few percent lower here before a sharp rally in equities that will make a lower high. Then the real fun can begin. 
Even if I'm wrong and we haven't top ticked, I feel like we are pretty damn close. (Believe it or not, I don't punt on Spoos often - I've actually been a Harry H type of passive investor from 2011 to 2016)
- CAD has been a mess for me. Fellow contributor Shawn made some really good points regarding Canada - check it out here. I conceded the point in my own CAD post that the currency definitely looks undervalued in real terms, which was a concern. 
The bubble is largely concentrated in a few cities and Poloz is stuck between a rock (letting the bubble run) and a hard place (raising rates which would hurt the economy). But the economy there is doing okay, so I'm going to take my losses and wait to see how Poloz reacts if and when the bubble pop. Maybe CAD depreciation would occur after he raises rates to pop the bubble first...
As far as HCG goes, apparently they did have Buffett on their Batphone speed-dial! Eh. Buffett is still a market participant - he can easily be wrong like any of us - he just gets some unbelievably good deals whenever he buys something. 
Buffett essentially borrows at 0% and lends it out at 9% (fully secured I might add) and garners shares at $10/share when the stock was trading 50% higher. In one fell swoop, Buffett basically destroys any chance HCG has to be profitable by choking off their future cash flow. If I was a shareholder, I would fade this pop, because this investment isn't exactly bullish for the company going forward.
- EUR and GBP ripping - rate differentials had to catch up and we are seeing it now. Europe has been chronically underinvested over the past decade. We talked about this before too: here and here. If and when equities sell off meaningfully, I would be a buyer of Europe and in EM as well.
- Wheat! Don't say I didn't warn ya. Wheat soybean ratio up 16%+ since March...Ripping almost as if there has been massive overplanting of beans and underplanting of wheat for years...oh wait. Wheat itself up 5% outright since March.
That's all I got for now. Can you believe the NYC business library only allow 1 hour sessions on the terminal? What a travesty!
Happy summer and 4th of July weekend! Good luck out there folks. 
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