#as a tech AND scorch girlie
sohnric · 2 months
best years – j. haknyeon
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pairing: ju haknyeon x fem! reader
genre: early 00s au, established relationship au. fluff !!! sooo fluffy it makes ME feel single. casual engagement i guess ?? tamagotchi mention for all nostalgic girlies <3
warnings: honestly not sure some swearing i'm sure. other than that the reader has hair long enough to play with
word count: 2.5k
a/n: thank you best friend @csenke for beta reading this as always it means a lot to me i love you so bad. also tagging @okkotsu-simp kyuzu bc she told me to and @winterchimez because.. hak fic...
Most things with Haknyeon aren’t planned, grandiose or romantic. Sometimes, you just take a step forward together, holding each other tight, no questions asked. Much like today-- who would've thought that a Tamagotchi toy evolving would lead you to take the biggest step of your life?
this fic is a part of the @deoboyznet 'the love letter collective' event o:) oh and also a spin-off to my 90s au universe! (go read millennium bug and to. my first for 10 years of good luck!)
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September 2007
A sweet strawberry is placed in between your lips as you lay on the blanket, the sun shining into your eyes making you squint and shield your vision from the scorching beams. You blindly bite into the juicy fruit, enjoying the freshness of it in your mouth, knowing that this might be the last time you can taste the red miracle this year, since fall is quickly approaching despite the warm days of early September.
Your ears are filled with the noises of the birds chirping in the distance, the occasional buzz of a bug flying by your face, and apart from the sounds of nature, also the occasional humming of your boyfriend’s voice and the tech noises of the toy in between his fingers.
“He finally evolved into an adult!” Haknyeon gasps and places the Tamagotchi into your point of vision, shielding you from the view of the cloudy, blue sky. Eyes falling onto the little device, you snicker at the man and nod, looking up from your position in his lap to meet his gaze.
“Stop gendering our child, Hak.”
“I’m pretty sure that when we named him John, we wordlessly agreed on it being a boy,” your boyfriend’s hand drops, the sharp sun once again piercing your gaze when there is nothing making a shadow fall over your face.
“For all we know, John can be a girl.” 
“Y/N-” the man sighs, the slightest tinge of irritation already in his voice. As if the fact that you were both fully grown adults taking care of a toy for children wasn’t strange enough, now you have to argue about the identity of your little animal.
“It’s an it,” you conclude. “I think we can agree on that, can’t we?”
Your boyfriend rolls his eyes, but doesn’t argue with you further. The view of him crossing his arms at his chest and averting his gaze from you has you burst out into laughter– he was clearly upset about something, and you’re fairly certain that this was not the matter.
“What?” you pry, letting out an airy laugh slip from between your lips.
“You didn’t even acknowledge that it evolved,” he peeps, sighing. “But if you don’t care, it’s okay, you can just go back to what you were doing before, which was nothing–”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes at the boy, humored with his childishness. Taking his palm into your hand and holding it up in front of your face again, you gaze at the toy in between his fingers and hum in acknowledgement. “It did!” you nod. “Good job. You finally didn’t let it die–”
“Now, that only happened twice–”
“Three times,” you correct him, watching with amusement as your boyfriend sighs again and chews on the inside of his lip, the sight of him from below more entertaining to you than watching the clouds. You know that by the logic of the Solar system, there’s only one sun allowed in this universe– but looking at the sky shielded by your boyfriend’s head, his tan skin glazed in the warm orange hues of the late afternoon, you think he’s the personification of the greatest star itself– for you that is, at least.
“Okay, well, three times. But I’ve got a hold of it now,” he says, nodding to himself. “So that means we can get a real kid now,” he says, face stoic and serious, as if he really meant what just came out of his mouth.
Laughing to yourself, you shake your head in disbelief. “I’m sorry, get what now?” you grin. “I wasn’t aware that I was a part of this deal.”
“You agreed to it, though,” Haknyeon nods, flicking your forehead. “You must have not paid attention again, but we definitely shook hands on it.”
“Wait,” you say, sarcastically humming and brushing your chin, a playful act of being lost deep in thought, “no. I still don’t remember any of that. So as long as you don’t have a written proof with my signature and the date on the bottom, I don’t think we can proceed with this arrangement, Mr Ju. We can, however, settle on getting a dog–”
“So you don’t want children with me?” he asks, looking down at you with big eyes. Thinking that it’s all a part of a joke, you try to play along– going as far as even shaking your head in disapproval.
“Hell no,” you drag out, furrowing your brows in deep unsettlement. “To have a clone of you running around our flat in a few years? That sounds like my worst nightmare,” you hum, snickering to yourself. “Besides, we forgot to buy toilet paper last week. What makes you believe we can take care of another human? Hell, that damn thing died 3 times before it grew into an adult, Hak…” you sigh, the tone of a know-it-all you like to use on him so much whenever you joke around not quite hitting the boy in the right way this time.
“Ah,” he hums, fingers suddenly playing with the strands of your hair sprawled out like the beams of the sun in his lap, his face now shielded with a cloud. Haknyeon chews on the inside of his cheek for a second before a bashful voice reaches your ears, making you look up to meet his eye. “I think it wouldn’t hurt to at least try…”
Noticing the playful sparkle in his eye completely gone, your heart stammers, skipping a beat. Stomach dropping, you jump to rescue. “Wait… you thought I was being serious?” 
Haknyeon shrugs, pouting for a second before a rosy tint flashes over his cheeks. “You sounded convincing…” he says, laughing. “Besides, it’s completely up to you if you wanna have kids or not, I was just a little taken aback–”
“Stop being silly,” you say, shaking your head. “I should stop being sarcastic all the time, it’s doing a lot of damage recently.”
“Like when MB!Y/N thought you were being serious when you told her it was embarrassing to cry on her wedding day?” Haknyeon laughs, remembering the memory from only a few weeks ago.
“Exactly!” you agree. “I still feel bad for that, by the way. Now I know why nobody liked me in high school–”
“That’s not true,” Haknyeon denies. “You keep forgetting the fact that I had the hugest crush on you, Y/N.”
“Well, you were always very subtle about it.”
“I was shy.”
“I think you were just trying to be cool,” you say, poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue, taunting the boy.
“Well, it worked, didn’t it?” he laughs, moving his hand up to your head and cradling it, going as far as gently scratching your scalp. “Back to the topic at hand, though. Do you… Have you ever thought of us having kids together?”
Looking up at the man you’ve been dating for the last 4 years, watching as his face morphs into pure wonder, your heart sores when you stare at his features for long enough– even after all this time. You bet you see a hint of sunlight reflecting in his orbs whenever he pays you a look, and the apples of his cheeks catch a light strawberry color whenever you compliment him still, even after so many years. It’s kind of adorable, really– you two have always been an open book, honest with each other– but neither of you were really big on romantic gestures or big confessions.
You two do everything casually. You don’t tend to make a big deal out of things. Somehow, your relationship naturally progresses through all the crucial stages without paying it a second thought. Sure, you two have been on dates– the title wasn’t established for a long time when you first started going out, though. For you and Haknyeon, you were just two people hanging out and enjoying each other’s company. 
The title of your relationship gained an official name as naturally as the seasons change– after many afternoons spent together doing various things, Haknyeon just asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend. You agreed, no questions asked. It felt casual– it fit like a puzzle to the dynamic of your energies. You didn’t need big words or gestures. In the mundane reality of your lives, you two always had each other– without taking each other for granted, you both somehow always knew you were a given to each other. Both of you always knew you had the other person to fall back on– your security, your other half. There was no need for big words in a connection like yours. It just felt right. 
And yes, you do talk about everything. Most things, at least. But somehow, the topic of having children together hasn’t really come up seriously until now– only in passing, mentioning it as a matter of course for most relationships. You don’t blame Haknyeon for getting so serious at this moment.
“Yeah,” you say, voice soft and gentle. “Come on, Hak. I imagine spending the rest of my life with you, what makes you think having children isn’t in the equation?” you say, choosing to be serious with him for once. 
“I dunno,” he shrugs. “I mean, you were kinda right about the toilet paper thing, though–”
“I know, I know…” you sigh, “but I bet the oxytocin will get the job done.”
“Look at you using big biology words so suddenly,” Haknyeon jokes, making you roll your eyes and flick his chin.
“Be serious for once!” you laugh out, making the boy grin at your little outburst.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” Haknyeon says, the pad of his thumb suddenly glazing over your cheekbone. The touch is tender, managing to cross the words always somehow left unsaid, yet always somehow understood– your brains and hearts on the same wavelength, buzzing at the same frequency– before your boyfriend casually drags out: “That’s good to hear, babe, ‘cause we’d make the prettiest babies. Would be a shame to let the good genes go to waste.”
“Tell me that,” you confidentially whisper. “They’d be mega smart too. They’d get that after me, obviously–”
“I’m joking, I’m joking,” you laugh, shielding yourself from the hands of your boyfriend already reaching to give you a playful flick to your forehead again. “I do think we should wait a while before having children, though.”
“Not that I don’t agree with you, but why?” 
Hands blindly reaching for another strawberry to chew on, you watch your boyfriend easily pluck the fruit out of the basket and hold it up against your lips, helping you with your task. Thinking over your answer, picking out your words carefully, you chew and stare at the boy as he helps himself to a strawberry himself, the two of you gazing at each other in a fond silence.
“I think we skipped a few steps. We live together already, so that’s a start, but I’d like to get married before having kids,” you shrug, licking your lips off the watery sweetness, watching your boyfriend take in the new information.
Haknyeon hums, nodding to himself. “Makes sense,” he admits. “And when do you see us doing that?” he asks, genuine interest coating his saccharine voice.
“Not really sure,” you admit, snickering. “I haven’t thought about it much until now.”
“Hm,” Haknyeon hums in thought, the two of you staring at each other, chewing on your strawberries. There isn’t much contemplating behind your boyfriend’s words before he says them, but nonetheless, it doesn’t even catch you off guard– much like not many things do in your relationship. Somehow, you’re always perfectly synced. “Now seems like a good time, doesn’t it?”
“I mean… it doesn’t seem like a bad time, that’s for sure,” you shrug.
“We’ve been dating for a long time,” Haknyeon says, as if to further strengthen his argument. “Hell, I can’t believe Eric managed to get married before me.”
“Are you only saying this because your younger friend got married last month?”
“No,” Haknyeon says, although he sounds a little unconvincing. “But it certainly was a wake up call, in a way.”
“A wake up call?” you repeat, big eyes staring into your boyfriend’s soul.
“Yeah,” he agrees, “kinda realized when I didn’t see you catch the bouquet. A part of me was secretly hoping you would.”
“Stop being cheesy, Hak. That’s not like you,” you say, although there is something sweet, thick like honey, swirling in your stomach at his unusually rich wording. The male laughs in your face, enjoying the way he has you flustered with his confession.
“Would you do it, though?” he asks, grinning.
“What? Marry you?” you ask, raising your brows at him. “As in… right now?” you clarify, watching as the male purses his lips at you, seemingly thinking about it for a heartbeat.
“I mean, not right now, because we’d have to arrange the wedding and all, but yeah. Like, as soon as we can, is what I mean,” he says, dragging a stray hair out of your forehead.
Staring at him for a second, contemplating your next words, you feel your heart squeezing with something akin to excitement, your fingertips tingling with the reality upon you. “Ju Haknyeon… is this you asking me to marry you?”
“Yeah,” Haknyeon nods, shrugging. The whole situation is absurd– no one is down on their knee, no ring is present, no big events or confessions are taking place. Yet, the moment still feels perfect– it flows naturally into the trajectory of your life, makes total sense in the grand scheme of your relationship, happens unexpectedly, but doesn’t quite shock you in the tiniest way. It’s just another afternoon for the both of you– doesn’t matter that you’re taking perhaps the biggest decision of your whole life.
You don’t contemplate for even a second.
“Okay,” you say, watching the boy’s eyes light up.
“Okay,” he repeats, nodding. “Let’s do it, then.”
“Let’s do it,” you say, watching the boy beam down at you just like the sun, something in the air changing, yet, the two of you still stay the same.
Haknyeon takes your hand into his, opening your fist before he slips the keyring off the Tamagotchi onto your ring finger like it’s a promise, pressing the toy into the palm of your hand and making you hold it tight. His hand stays on yours when he leans down, lips crashing against yours, offering you all his love in the simple action. He tastes like strawberries and the past 4 years of joy. 
Faces close to each other when you pull away, Haknyeon talks confidentially into your ear. “We can go ring shopping tomorrow.”
“You better buy me a very expensive one–” you joke, cut off by your own laughter as the male gently bites into the tip of your nose, teasing you and making you frown, pushing him away with gentle force against his chest, right where his heart is.
Most things with Haknyeon aren’t planned, grandiose or romantic. Sometimes, you just take a step forward together, holding each other tight. You love each other in a casual way– the same way you know that when you wake up, there will be sun, and when you go to sleep at night, there will always be stars– you know that as long as you're alive, you and Haknyeon will always have each other. That’s the calm way in which you two love.
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Thoughts on TBB 3x15
Here we go... one last time
Honestly thought I was going to be late to the episode but I actually work up at 8:01 am today so I am just a couple mins behind everyone else.
Am I prepared? Absolutely not.
Well that's an ominous noise. Always a good way to start 😰
The Kiner soundtrack is popping off as usual
I just need Hemlock to die
Indispensable? I'm not sure about that, mate. A lot of people have realised the Empire don't need them and I'm fairly certain you are on the list of people who can be ditched
Hahahahahaha the way the droid just starts looming behind her is kinda hilarious
Wrecker, bud, be careful...
Look at Omega sneaking around. She's so grown up! 🥲
"Because that's exactly what I'd do" He's such a proud mum
"Clone Force 99 died with Tech`' well there goes my heart. I think this also explains why we haven't really heard the Batch theme since season 2. That theme was for CF 99 and if that doesn't truly exist anymore...
"It's what I deserve" CROSSHAIR DON'T DO THIS TO ME
"Echo's handiwork or Omega's?" "Omega's." I'M DYING
Omega's theme in this soundtrack is just 🤌
Oh great. We have a whole group of Clone Xs to contend with.
I just need all of the Batch together so that we can get the theme. I know I said earlier that we probably never got it because of a lack of Tech but I still stand by the fact that we deserve to hear it one last time.
These CX soldiers almost feel like a parallel to the Batch. One slightly larger, more hand-to-hand combat oriented soldier, one who fights with blades, a sniper, ONE WHO IS VERY TECH SAVVY 👀
Fuuuuuccckkk Echo's seen them down
"Hey, kid. And... other kids." PLEASE 😭
"We'll meet you there" YOU BETTER DO
Echo and Omega teaming up is everything I ever needed ❤️‍🩹
Hemlock needs to die a slow, painful death
Rampart looking sus...
This feels like this isn't going as terribly as it could be and that scares me
Aw ☹️ bye, Nala Se. I never really loved you but it's sad to see you go
You know what I said 2 seconds ago about it not being terrible? I think I spoke too soon...
I'm not liking the position Echo is stuck in rn. That stresses me out 😥
We're not exactly in top form but hey, an attempt is being made
Soooo... I get the feeling CX-2 isn't Tech...
FUCK YES!!! Bye Hemlock 👋
Tarkin is not going to be a happy bunny
Oop we got a Project Stardust mention
I'm crying
Actually sobbing
That shot of them all sat by the tree 😭😭😭
I can't breath
GONKY!!! 🥹
Omega is joining the Rebellion? 🥺
Crosshair, Hunter and Wrecker all got to live to an old age in relative peace I'm in so many tears rn
Okay but if Echo isn't with the others at this point then where is he??? PLEASE TELL ME HE'S STILL AROUND
I'm not okay on any level
Okay, so overall, I'm relatively satisfied with the ending. I also cried about as much as I would have done if they all died so my emotions are still all over the place. Do I think every question we had came to a satisfying conclusion? Not quite. But I think we tied up enough loose ends for me to be content.
And I'm happy they got a somewhat happy ending. Knowing that they get to live a life in relative peace makes me happy, and we know that Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair at least make it another few years. Omega joining the Rebellion also seems apt. As an Echo girly I unfortunately don't feel quite as secure with where we left off. I don't have the same level of closure that I do with the others because we know that around this point in time, he isn't with Rex. But he also isn't with the Batch either. I hope we get to see more of him in future projects because I don't quite feel satisfied with this being the end of his story. He's doing too much for it to stop there.
Also... we were wrong about Tech. The level of delusion we carried throughout this season, my god. 😭 But it means I'm confused by some of their choices. The way they focused on being savvy with technology, the way he moves being similar to Tech, FUCKING DOMICILE??? Like, they have to have known that we would all go that way with our theories so why??? If it wasn't him they why was he written the way he was? I refuse to believe everything we thought was purely out of delusion. Does this mean I have issues with the way Tech's story ended? Yes. But overall I think the show wrapped up fairly well.
I'll try and drop some more thoughts later down the line once I've pulled myself together a bit, but for now I can say that I am content. Completely satisfied? Not really, but definitely content.
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soularsss · 1 month
spoilers for TBB under the cut? i haven’t seen anyone spoiler warning their stuff lol
that finale was actually super good i’m so glad they lived lol 😭 half way thru and i was just like damn they ain’t makin it out
but they did!!!
We finally got wet hair hunter!!! and old man hunter 😭🙏 The hunter girlies are living good atm.
I have always been saying that crosshair should just shoot with his other hand… i was genuinely so shocked when they cut it off tho my jaw literally dropped lmao
Wrecker really put the work in oh my god he was going HAM. And Echo?? That’s my Arc trooper right there, he was just steamrolling that base it was amazing
To be honest there’s so much more of the story i could analyze but i need to mentally recover from that ASSAULT on my emotions
i’m kinda sad that the clone x troopers and scorch were just there to be killed in the end tbh.. but i do understand that it’s the BAD BATCH so they couldn’t spend that much time on anything else in the finale, i think it’s just a shame to introduce cool characters only for them to die without development lol. now i was never a tech is alive believer but it would have been cool if the clone-x’s had any sort of development. And scorch is such a big name to just kill off? Idk what happened in the canon and why he’s the only one we see and allat but i think that would have been a cool storyline
That being said I really did enjoy the finale and season 3 honestly turned me around on TBB, I never particularly got to watch it and enjoy it until recently (sometimes life has other plans) But it really is an amazing show and it may be a bit foolish but I hope this isn’t the last we see of our clones, i’d love at least a tales of the clones where we see the in between!? like what happens to Wolffe and Cody! I need a clone rebellion show tbh
all of you do need to stop thanking Filoni tho 😭 Jennifer was the one spearheading TBB, filoni has even said so himself
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reachfolk · 3 years
1, 6, 13, and 16 for Alexi and Ursula and shoot anyone else you wanna answer for
💛 from @korvanjund
thank you sm for the ask darlin!! i decided to also include my little haglet ophelia since i've been adding more to her storyline today, and it's about time i start talking more about my other character lol.
who are they closest to? how did they meet and what do they like to do together?
i already answered this for alexi here!
ursula: she's obviously very close with her wife, bothela. like i said in her chara sheet, the two met when markarth was under reach control and they worked together as healers. they spend most of their day running the hag's cure together and training their apprentice. when they aren't doing that, they mostly focus on their own little projects and research; bothela seems to somehow never tire of alchemy even long after the shop closes, and ursula likes to tinker around with dwemer texts and tech to see what she can find out. then they get back together and discuss whatever interesting things they learned. she's also super close to her niece and nephew! isobel doesn't love having the kids spend time with her, but the few times they are together, they love hearing all her stories from when she was in the uprising and just stories of the reach in general.
ophelia: she'd literally lay down her life for every single person in her coven dklfjskdj, she's very dedicated to them!! but of course, she's closest to her mother, helle. helle was in the forsworn uprising, and she had ophelia not long after markarth was secured. after it all fell apart, she raised filly to continue fighting for the reach, but the rebellion was never the same after madanach was imprisoned. eventually, the two (along with some of ophelia's closest friends from the forsworn) disbanded and formed an independent coven. ophelia supported her mother through the ritual to become a hagraven matriarch, and she's gladly willing to take on the same burden should anything happen to helle. helle taught ophelia a LOT about everything she knows about magic, and she's working on honing her skills as a seer to better guide the coven. although helle is the matriarch, her daughter is her right hand man of sorts and is just as responsible for everything they do. she runs around the coven doing just about anything that needs doing to help the members, whether it's hunting with hypatia, babysitting honey while beatrice is busy, or assisting esmeralda in her expeditions to old ruins.
on an average day, what can they be found doing after dinner?
alexandria: the short answer is: way too much !! the long answer: girlie has the worst case of insomnia ever and she compensates for that by using Way Too Many stamina potions, so it's usually her companions that even have to remind her to stop for dinner at all. even after dinner, she knows she wouldn't be able to sleep unless she majorly tires herself out, so she likes to run around doing more and more stuff. if her companions are too worn out from the day to do that, she likes to restock their potion supply or practice her spells. if after that she still can't quite fall asleep, she'll usually go on a late night hunting trip. there have been a few times when the local blacksmith tries to open shop and just finds her tanning leather at their station lol
ursula: she's quite the scholar, especially when it comes to the history of the reach! this goes beyond just the reachfolk; she also studies the history of the dwarves in the reach, the dragon cult, etc. she's published a few books covering the subjects, and is considered a leading expert on the matter. if she's not having a chill evening with her wife, she likes to continue working on those books, whether she's writing for them or just doing some research. she makes occasional visits to isobel's family, as the kids absolutely adore her, but those are few and far between.
ophelia: she's a little like alexi in that she does way more than anyone has any business doing kdsjfhd. she doesn't have the same ailment of course, but she wants to take off the pressures of managing the coven from her mother's shoulds, at least as best as she can. by the time they finish dinner, she's already thinking about where to go hunting for the next day's meal. she prays at the shrines to the old gods, who often send her visions to guide her. she checks in on each of the members and their individual duties and their work. she'll sometimes read honey a story before bed or sing her to sleep when her mother is away. she takes care of helle when she's in pain (i hc that the hagraven transformation can be pretty painful and draining, not unlike the briarheart transformation). when she does have a moment to relax, she likes to spend it by the river, soaking her feet and watching the stars.
what special abilities or talents do they possess? did they develop through training or were they born with them?
alexandria: she's always had a knack for alchemy, like i said in the other post! it was why her tutor encouraged her to apprentice at the hag's cure, where she built on that natural talent with a lot of hard work. despite her young age (around 22-27 depending on her point in the story), she's practically a master alchemist already. she'll insist she's not a master—"well i don't think anyone could ever know everything there is to know about alchemy. it's an evolving discipline and—" she's the worst lol. but the point is, she's one of the best ones you'll find around!! she's not an expert in things like sword fighting or marksmanship, but she makes up for it with her potions and poisons, making her a formidable foe.
ursula: she's pretty well rounded i think, having been a fighter and a healer for much of her life. she's also fairly good at alchemy herself. a lot of those things weren't really inborn, but she had a lot of great guidance from the other people that were part of the uprising. since it was in the works for many years, and ursula joined in during the early stages of its planning, she had a lot of time to hone her skills. by the time of the main story with lex, she's pretty much a master at restoration magic in particular, as that's the one she's used most in the 30 years since the city was reconquered by the nords. when the temple of dibella is closed, she's looked to as the town's primary healer.
ophelia: like i said before, she's a seer. it was always an inborn gift she's had, but her training with her mother as well as her devout worship of the old gods give her visions a significant boost. she's most devout to vaermina, who shows her visions of omens and looming threats to both her and her people in her dreams. she's actually the one that told alexandria to go to helgen, because she got a vision of what was going to happen and knew alexi was central to it. her visions can sometimes come in the form of metaphors rather than exact tellings of what'll happen, so she thought that alexi being personified as a dragon in these visions was some odd metaphor, as was helgen being burnt to the ground. needless to say, she later realized those visions were more literal than initially thought lol
how do they like their baths/showers? hot/cold, long/short?
alexandria: like absolutely scorching lol. when she bathes, she often uses a flames spell to get the water damn near boiling before she hops in. when it's revealed that she's the dragonborn, she makes a lot of jokes that it's because of her dragon blood, but tbh she's just Like That.
ursula: warm, but not as much as lex. she's still spry and healthy, but she is Old (tm), so she finds a warm bath nice and soothing, yk? especially since most of her work is on her feet.
ophelia: cold or lukewarm at best. she loves bathing in the karth river, and she appreciates it regardless of the weather. the karth is practically sacred to the reachfolk, and she finds the embrace of the cold water bracing and energizing! lord knows she needs that considering how much is on her plate.
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little-red-2404 · 7 years
The Technicalities of Tomorrow Chapter 8
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OMG This chapter is SOOOO late, I’m SORRY! But it’s here now and it’s COVEREDDDDD in drama. Things are changing drastically for Leah and I’m excited to know what you guys think!!! Also, the chapter is like super, super long. Hope that isn’t a problem! Hope you enjoy, I had fun writing it!
Chapter 8:  Scorching, Chilling
Stepping outside into the ruin city didn’t help the uneasy feeling in my stomach. Everything about the place was wrong.
“I thought you said Star City was safe?” Sara snapped at Rip as we walked down a dark street, cluttered with abandoned cars and broken homes.
“Star City 2016 is. This is Star City 2046.”
“What happened here?” Ray asked, his wide eyes scouring the area for anything that might look familiar. However, everything was different here, even I knew that and I had only gotten to live in Star City for a few months before Rip recruited us.
No one had time to guess before an arrow flew right over Ray’s head. Surprised, we all turned to the source of the weapon to find a shadow standing tall on top of one of the abandoned cars in the middle of the street. I eyed his suit, recognizing the green fabric and the bow and arrow aimed right at us.
“Oliver?” Sara said out loud, mimicking my thoughts exactly.
As she stepped forward, the man spoke up, “Don’t move.” I flinched inwardly at the tone of voice, still eyeing the way the man stood and everything else about his posture. Something was just off about it.
“It’s me, Sara.”
“I said don’t move!” His voice rising as Sara took a step forward.
“Look, Oliver, I know it’s been a while, but it’s us!” Ray tried reasoning with him, stepping up to stand beside Sara. “Remember Rip came and recruited us to become legends?”
The suspicious feeling in my gut was finally answered when the man stepped out of the shadow to reveal that he was in fact not Oliver Queen. “I never heard of any legends.”
We all had barely little time to duck behind some cars before he started shooting arrows at us again. I managed to find a hiding spot behind a beige car with Mick and Sara.
“This guy is a friend of yours?” Mick hollered to the two of us over the explosions the man was causing with his arrows. “I don’t like him!” He did his best along with Leonard and Rip to aim at the man in green, but he was too fast.
“This can’t be The Green Arrow…” Kendra gasped as her and Ray ducked behind a car next to us.
“That’s not him!” I called back, regretting the fact I had left my electric gloves in the Waverider.
“Sure dresses like him…” Ray pointed out.
Leonard aimed his cold gun from behind a fallen pillar before adding, “Shoots arrows like him, too.”
“Fall back!” Rip finally ordered, causing all of us to stand and scatter.
I just barely missed an explosion to my right, causing me to clutch my already injured arm and run until the bottoms of my feet burned.
When new reached the safety of the Waverider once more, we all followed Rip to the main room while he struggled to explain how the future of Star City 2046 was not yet set and how there was nothing we could do to prevent this future until we got back to our own time. It was obvious that none of us were very pleased with having to be stuck on the Waverider until we could fully repair it; however, none of us spoke of this displeasure out loud.
I found myself viewing broken pieces of the engine room a few minutes later with Jax, Ray, and Rip. I did my best to keep my hands to myself, although I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still curious about how all the future tech worked. It was also still a bit frustrating not being able to feel the technology around me.
“How long will repairs take?” Rip asked Jax, bringing my attention back to the problem at hand.
“No idea,” Jax admitted. “Although, it might go faster if I had an extra set of hands? Maybe Kendra could help?”
At the sound of her name, a new, curious emotion set in my veins and flowed through. The only way I could describe it was that of what it felt like to have the electricity flow through my veins. I knew it wasn’t mine completely and that my body didn’t come up with the motion itself, yet it was still there, flowing through me. Whatever the boys had gone on talking about, I muted out as I focused on this new, separate feeling. Glancing over at Jax, it was then that I knew what was going on.
“Is he interested in her?” I heard Ronnie ask beside me as we both studied Jax from across the room. “I mean, you do have a relatively-close-to-physic-connection with the boy and the professor now that you’ve merged with them…”
“Makes sense.” I mumbled before shaking the feeling off. As weird as it was to know I could share the same emotion with the boys, it was even weirder to know that emotion was set towards the Egyptian princess. Before I could get more of a taste of Jax’s feelings, I quickly left the room, looking for the rest of the team.
However, Rip appeared to walk beside me. “I’m going to need your help.”
“With what?”
“Babysitting.” He replied, hanging me my gloves.
I paused for a second as he continued down the hall. “…. Huh?”
It wasn’t until Rip asked Leonard and Mick to steal some prototype from the new Smoak Technologies building, that I had an inkling for what I was babysitting. I sighed, dreading the idea of having to watch over our two criminals in a future set to look like a playground for criminals alike, when Sara walked in.
“I’m coming with you.” She announced, dressed in her White Canary suit, all set to go.
“Absolutely not,” Rip sighed. “You’re too emotional connected to this city.”
“I live in Star City…” I reminded him.
“Yes, as a new resident. You weren’t born and raised there, hence why I’m not too concerned about bringing you along with me.”
“No one knows this city better than I do.” Sara pointed out. “You got us on a mission to change the timeline for yourself and you won’t let us even look at our futures?”
Rip sighed once more, glancing at Leonard, Mick, and I for some help. Unfortunately for him, the three of us stayed to the side, shrugging our shoulders and secretly pleased that it was Rip who was on Sara’s bad side and not us.
“You’re going to need me out there. Now either I’m coming with you, or we can see if the Time Masters are as good at teaching people to fight as the League of Assassins.”
I think it’s easy to understand that Sara came along with us to scour the streets of Star City 2046.
Of course, our plans never go quite as planned though and we ended up in the middle of World War 3 in the center of a small street. Trying to duck for cover, I felt a hand grab my elbow and pull me away from the gunshots and grunts. I turned to find Leonard pulling me towards an abandoned bus.
“Ladies first,” Mick teased from behind us before taking my waist and practically lifting me up three of the stairs. The rest of them shuffled behind us as we crawled to the back of the bus and kept our heads down.
I couldn’t see much out the window, but something had caught Sara’s eyes and within seconds, she was headed back out into the danger zone again.
“Sara!” Rip shouted in warning with no success. We watched her blonde hair bounce away for just a second before Rip whirled around to face the three of us. “Stay here!” And with that, he was also out the door.
He wasn’t gone a full minute before Mick spoke up, “We’re not really staying here, are we?”
I turned to Leonard, and to no surprise, he was giving that mischievous smirk on his face. “Let’s check out that bank we passed not two blocks from here.”
“You’re joking, right?” I asked, knowing full well they were not. “Rip said to stay here.”
“You going to stop us?” Mick responded with too much fire in his eyes, practically begging me to challenge him. However, I wasn’t in the mood. I didn’t even want to have to babysit anyways.
With another sigh, I shook my head. “No.”
“Then join us.” Leonard offered before heading out the door.
Assuming Rip would kill me whether I went with them or left them to their own devious plans, I decided to go ahead and follow. Rather die with the boys than alone.
However, I wasn’t surprised to find them face-to-face with other bandits when I left the shelter of the bus. Making my way over, I tried my best to avoid the lingering eyes of the men that sat a little too confidentially on their motorcycles.
“Ah, who is this?” The man who seemed to be the leader of these misfits asked. He wasn’t as tall as Mick, but more built than Leonard. On his wide shoulders hung an off-white fur coat to show how “special” he was. “You got yourself a little girlie, huh?” His question was directed towards the two men beside me, who both had their hands on their weapons, ready to aim and fire. “How ‘bout this? You give me the girl, and I let you walk.”
“You have plenty of women.” Leonard pointed out, not even glancing at the women who were also equipped with motorcycles or men.
The man with the fur coat shrugged, “Never can have enough women.”
Something about that comment forced me to choke back bile.
           I heard Mick growl to my left, “She ain’t for sale.”            “Then I suggest the three of you leave my town.”
           I raised an eyebrow, “I don’t see your name anywhere on these streets.”
           I kind of hated the fact that I spoke up, because then his beady little eyes landed on mine. His devilish grin made me feel like spiders were crawling on my skin. I steadied myself, refusing to shrink under his stare.
           “Mmm, feisty too.” The man licked his lips and it took everything in me not to throw up right then and there as his tongue slithered over the dry, cracked, bruised lips of his. “I like that.”
           He made a step towards me, but before I could step away, Leonard slid in front of me, blocking my view of the creepy man and vice versa.
           “My partner said she isn’t for sale.” Leonard reminded him, coldly. “Which means no touchy-touchy.”
           “Especially not around us.” Mick’s eyes narrowed, his hand curled around his gun, knuckles white.
           Then I heard a blow and gasped as Leonard staggered back, holding his jaw. The skin there was slightly bruised, in the shape of the fur-man’s large knuckles. My hand landed on his arm, keeping him back by me as I checked for swelling. I almost missed the part where Mick released his heat-gun and shot it at fur-man.
           As Leonard straightened back up, Mick was taking the fur coat for himself, relishing in the feel of it as he draped it over his bulky frame. He grinned at us like a kid during Christmas before turning to the leaderless crew. Walking over to the abandoned motorcycle that once belonged to the unconscious (and probably dead) leader, he jumped on and sank happily into the leather seat.
           “Come on, Mick.” Leonard said, stretching his jaw slightly as he spoke. “It’s time to head back.”
           Mick looked up at us with a new spark in his eyes. “Why would we?” He turned the engine on before pointing at some red-headed, busty chick next to us. “You. Come on.”
           I watched the woman climb on the back of Mick’s motorcycle before turning to Leonard, unsure of what to do. His blue eyes glanced down at me before sighing, caving in as he walked over to take a motorcycle for his own. I stood there, still conflicted by the sudden change of plans, before Leonard patted the seat behind him.
           They both had just stopped a man from harassing me. They kept him from touching me and out of harms way. With them, I was safe in a city like this.
           Oh, what the hell. I threw caution to the wind, slinging on leg over the vehicle and settling in behind Leonard, clutching on tightly to his blue parka as we took off down the street, owning the city as our own.
           I never really enjoyed the smell of smoke, sweat, alcohol, and sex in the air. However, in the misfits’ little hide-out, the scent was almost impossible to get away from. The music was loud enough to shake the bar I was leaning against and sent that vibrating pulse through every inch of my being, ringing in my ears as people danced provocatively around me.
           How did I let myself get caught up here? I wondered as I sighed out loud, resting my elbows against marble surface in front of me.
           “You look like you could use a drink.” A voice said, snapping me out of my misery. I wasn’t too surprised to see the tattooed bartender speaking to me. It’s their job to be alcohol servers and semi-counselors, or so I’ve heard.
           I shook my head and politely declined, “Oh, no, I don’t drink.”
           “That’s a lie.” I could hear Ronnie’s voice laugh in my head. I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling him to shut it.
           The bartender eye-balled me suspiciously. “You don’t drink? Then what are you doing here?”
           “Babysitting,” I responded almost too quickly, trying not to roll my eyes in the back of my head. “You see, I’m supposed to watch over these two--.” I turned my head to point out Mick whom I had last saw downing a drink with the red-headed bimbo on his arm and Leonard, who was being cornered by some blondes, but I found myself looking in a crowd of faces I didn’t recognize instead. “Shit…” I hissed under my breath, sighing once more in frustration.
           “Seems like you’re doing a terrible job.” With furrowed eyebrows, I turned to face him just as he sat a small shot glass down in front of me. “Not blaming you,” he assured me. “Watching over a group like this is a hassle, I would know.”
I couldn’t help but crack a smile at that. “I’m sure you do.”
“Go ahead, drink.” He said, nodding to the glass he set in front of me as he wiped down an empty one in his hands.
“But my friends--.”            “Are probably doing the same thing right now.”
That made me stop short. He was right.
Why was I always the one who was thinking responsibly? Why was I always the one who had to remind everyone of the mission at hand? I thought back to the mission back in 1970, when the others had to convince me to go to the bar with them to have a little fun. Yeah, sure, it ended in a bar fight, but we didn’t cause any issues to the timeline and everyone made it out alive.
“You’re pretty good at that,” I finally said, taking the small shot glass in my hand.
“Good at what?” He asked, though the small smirk on his lips told me he knew exactly what I was talking about.
I smiled and gave him a playful roll of my eyes. “I bet you’re the reason why everyone in here is drunk,” I told him, before shooting back the hard liquor he put in my glass. It burned on the way down and didn’t take long to kick in, making some of the worrisome knots in my stomach disappear instantly. “Got any more of that stuff?”
“Sure.” As I reached in to my pocket to pull out my wallet, he shook his head. “Everything is on me.”
“Yeah. To be honest, you look like you need it.”
Oh, boy, he was not wrong. I’m not sure how many drinks I had before I finally let loose, but when I did, all worries were thrown to the wind. I think it was my tenth shot I had before some random girls convinced me to go on the dance floor with them. I couldn’t remember the last time I went to a party… Actually, I couldn’t remember much to be honest.
I spun my head around, trying to remember what I was doing there in the first place, when the whole room moved with my eyes. I stumbled and knocked into some couple who had their tongues jammed down each other’s throats. They didn’t break apart until I tripped into them the second time.
“Want to join us?” The woman grinned, lipstick smeared over her upper lip and teeth.
“Uh, no thank you…” I managed a smile before stepping away from the two. I’m drunk, but not that drunk.
Finally, when I reached the bar, I was disappointed to see the original bartender was replaced with another. However, there was one familiar figure who sat on a barstool right dab in the middle of the alcohol-zone. I couldn’t help but grin when I noticed his large form and somehow managed to make my way over to him.
“There you are!” I giggled as I walked up to stand beside him. I thought I saw him flinch slightly when I placed a hand on his broad shoulder, but it didn’t fully register because he didn’t pull away completely and my drunken-state wasn’t paying much attention to details. “I’ve been so lonely! I couldn’t find anyone I knew!”
Mick eyed me with a curious look, sweeping his eyes from my staggering feet to my swaying head. I could just barely see him narrow his eyes at me through my slightly blurry vision. “Are you drunk, Sparky?” He grumbled.
“Only a little.” I assured him, patting his shoulder. I continued to keep my hand there for stability, seeing as my whole being kept tilting from one side to the next.
I thought I saw him crack a smile, “So, you’re a funny drunk, huh? Not what I expected.”
“Well, what did you expect?” I asked as he took a long drag of the beer in his hand.
“Emotional drunk.”
“What?” I squealed, placing a hand over my heart. “Me? Noooo.”
He nodded, “Oh yeah. I pictured you as a crier and everything.” He admitted it so easily.
I pouted slightly, feeling a little down but only for a short second before realizing how much I liked the song that was playing. I immediately began moving my hips to the beat, still holding onto Mick in case my feet decided to give out.
“Having fun?” He asked.
“Loads! I’ve danced all night! I even got asked to join some make-out fest over there!” I informed him excitedly, pointing over to the couple who were even more handsy now than they were when I bumped into him.
His face quickly fell, “You didn’t… Did you?”
I laughed at how wide his eyes were. “Nah.”
I continued to move to the music when I heard him mumble, “Good.”
“Why?” I questioned, finally stilling my body and turning to fully face him. “Did you want to kiss me yourself, Mick?”
His eyes widen even more as I leaned forward slightly more than I had planned, almost stumbling into his arms completely. One of his hands reached out and caught my waist before I could fall into his lap. I never noticed how large his hands were until this one almost curled around my whole hip. I could see him gulp at the smoky air around us.
“No.” He finally said, pushing me back just enough to where he gained his personal space again.
“Ouch.” I frowned. That one hurt a lot more than the comment before, although I couldn’t really tell why. “Am I really not that kissable?”
The big guy’s cheeks flushed slightly as he took another long drag of the cold beer in his large hand. “I don’t know, never kissed you before, Sparky.”
“Well,” I stepped forward then, allowing the drink in my system to pull me forward, standing in between his legs as he remained frozen on his stool. He tensed up a little when I first wrapped my arms around his neck, but he was so warm, I couldn’t help it. “If you kiss me now, then you’ll know how kissable I am, right?” I couldn’t read the thoughts flying through his mind, but I could tell he was conflicted for some reason as he furrowed his thick brows. While he was thinking, I got a little side-tracked. “Hey…” My voice turned soft for some reason as I stared into his eyes, “I never noticed you had blue eyes… They always seemed so dark from far away…”
For a split second, his eyebrows relaxed and I could feel the muscles under my arms soften as if my words had touched something soft within him. But he doesn’t like to be called soft, so I didn’t dare say it out loud. I also didn’t mention how warm he felt, even though he was wearing the fur coat he stole and his normal long-sleeves, I could still feel the warmth radiating from him as if he was some walking heater.
Heatwave was a fine persona for him after-all.
But the surprising calmness I was feeling while holding him disappeared all too soon when he pulled my arms off of him and held me at arms-length, his grip tight on both of my shoulders. “I’m ain’t going to kiss you.”
“Why not?”
“You’re drunk.”
“So? Bimbo over there,” I nodded my head in the direction of the red-head (I think) as he dropped his hands into his lap, “is drunk and you let her get on a motorbike with you!” I scowled.
“You don’t want to kiss me,” he growled.
“Why not? Because you think you’re a bad guy?”
“No! Because you are drunk!” He spits out every word separately as if it would help my foggy mind understand what he was trying to say.
“What does that have to d--.”
“It’s only the drink talking, Sparky.” He tried reasoning with me, his expression going back to the hard, mean Mick that everyone else sees. “And I don’t want to hear you complain about it later when you’re sober.”
It’d be an understatement to say that the lightbulb finally came on upstairs. To be honest, the meaning of his words hit my head so hard, I thought I was going to lean over and hurl… Or maybe that was the alcohol. However, his words also hit a dormant spot in my chest and sparked a feeling in my heart that I hadn’t felt in a while.
“Are you saying…” I hesitated, not wanting the big guy to retaliate and go all angry after I had just heard him hint at something so sweet. “Are you refusing to kiss me because you’re afraid it’s not consensual…?” He glanced my way a bit, not saying anything before I started to add, “Consensual is when--.”
“I know what consent means.” He growled, rolling his eyes and taking another drink of his beer.
He didn’t say anything for a while before I spoke up again, “Well? That’s what you’re saying, isn’t it? You’re afraid I’ll regret it later.”            He didn’t say anything still, staring straight ahead, probably trying to ignore me. My heart swelled even more though. Here I was being insecure and thinking Mick would kiss anyone but my drunken self right now, when in reality, he wouldn’t kiss anyone who is drunk. It wouldn’t be considered consensual. He was thinking of me, even when I wasn’t thinking of me.
But I knew what I wanted, especially in that moment. There wasn’t a single nerve in my body that wanted to run, not a single second-thought in my head. I felt safe doing this. Nothing felt wrong about it. Yeah, I had one too many drinks, but if I hadn’t gotten a few drinks in my system, I probably would have never had the courage to even suggest the idea of kissing to Mick.
I wanted to ask Ronnie what he thought, as weird as that sounds, but he wasn’t there to nag me and tell me otherwise. That’s because my mind is already set.
Using the only courage I had left, I used the hand I had on Mick’s shoulder still to reach up and gently touch his cheek. Mick’s eyes went wide again and I thought I heard his breath hitch when my skin touched his, and I froze in fear that I’d scare his gentle side away. I stayed like that for a few seconds, holding my breath, waiting for him to shoo me away again, only relaxing when he didn’t move for a good ten minutes. When the coast was clear, I reached out with the other hand and turned his face to look at me, gently stroking the stubble on his jaw.
I could hear him breathing heavily through his nostrils and I was worried he was getting angry, until I noticed his shaking hands in his lap. Was Mick Rory… Nervous?
“If you don’t want to…” I began to say, swallowing a lump in my throat, afraid he’ll decide that it still isn’t a good idea. But everything from the tips of my toes to my scalp was telling me that this was what I wanted, so I didn’t stop. “Drunk or not, Mick Rory, I do want this.” His expression didn’t change although his eyes were searching every inch of my face, pausing to look at my lips only a few times. I hated that I wasn’t a mind reader in that moment, because he made me wait a long while, I could even feel my hands get a little clammy.
I opened my mouth to ask if he had changed his mind, if I had somehow convinced him that with or without alcohol, I can make grown decisions, but before I could utter another word, I felt him place his mouth over mine. I can’t remember ever actually wondering what it would be like to kiss Mick, yet it still somehow managed to be exactly how I thought it would be.
He tasted like beer and cigars, and I know how I mentioned before that I don’t like that smell, but the taste of it mingled with his hot breath was something else entirely that gave my head a whole new dizzy feeling. His lips claimed mine so strongly, I felt my body move on its own accord; my toes curling inside my boots and my hands reaching up to grab anything and pull him closer. Slipping my hands underneath the overly-large fur coat, I was satisfied with clinging to his shirt just above his chest. However, I still couldn’t control my feet and the force behind his kiss was strong enough to have me staggering backwards. I’m glad I had fisted his shirt, afraid my falling might have given him some impression that I didn’t find the kiss satisfying, but that was so not true. Luckily, Mick took the hint and stood up out of his chair, knocking his barstool over, causing me to gasp when he turned us both so I was pressed back into the wooden bar, before he bent down for my lips again.
I could feel the shock of the event slowly pulling me down from my drunken state and yet, somehow replacing it with another, stronger feeling of being lightheaded and tingly. When his large hands found my hips and squeezed, I gasped, giving him the room he needed to explore my mouth with his tongue. I wasn’t surprised that our fiery arsonist was taking this chance to devour me, because that’s exactly what fire would do, and that’s just who Mick is. He’s the fire that lights something in you once he gets his hands on you. I never expected him to restrain himself, to be the person who calms the situation before it gets entirely out of hand.
But to my surprise, I could feel his whole being began to relax and slow his movements. With my eyes closed, I was more aware of how his larger figure began to rest against me as if he was trying to tell me he was tired of it all, as if he needed this moment to just be held. It surprised me even more as his kisses began to slow to soft, gentle pecks. I could feel how bruised my lips probably were from the initial contact, but with each peck of his soft lips, it was like he was trying to mask that moment with something much sweeter, something that made my knees even weaker than before. His lips covered mine once more in a long, soft kiss that had me digging my nails into his shoulders so I could pull him closer. He pressed me so close against him, I had to tilt my head up to keep from losing touch of his lips. His giant arms had engulfed me completely, wrapping around my waist, practically lifting me up off the ground an inch or so.
Then the spots behind my closed eyelids began to get darker and my legs almost gave out before I pulled away, because it wasn’t until then that I remembered my lungs need a thing called oxygen, and Mick was pulling all the oxygen I had from my lungs with his kiss.
           I sucked in as much air as I could while our lips were separated, feeling my heart slamming against my chest, trying to focus on regaining feeling in my knees. I closed my eyes once more and was glad Mick gave me the time to lean against him and relax.
           It was silent between the two of us after that, only the sound of our ragged breathing as we both tried to catch up with what just happened between us. I didn’t have the time to register what really just went on, before I heard some commotion on the other side of the hideout.
           Mick must have heard it to, releasing me from his grasp to turn and see what was going on. I couldn’t see over his tall form and continued to lean back against the bar, already missing how warm and comfortable he was compared to the mildly sticky atmosphere around us.
           “Who the hell invited these guys?” Mick growled as my head swung. I didn’t hear the response he got or anything after that until Leonard walked forward.
           “Looks like it’s time to go, Mick.”
           “Why would we leave?” Mick resumed his spot on the barstool next to me.
           “They’re going to kill Sara and Rip. Our friends.” That got what was left of my hazy attention and I lifted my head to look up at his stiff figure. He stood there, staring at Mick, expecting Mick to follow.
           However, the big guy didn’t budge. “Our friends? Since when do we have friends?”
           Leonard’s eyes fell on me just for a brief moment before looking back at Mick with an air of annoyance. “Let’s go.”
           An animalistic growl escaped the man in front of me and to my surprise, he lifted his heat gun at Leonard before stating, “You’re not my boss!”
           “Actually, I am.” Leonard growled back, staring him down with such an icy anger that I caught myself flinching away from the two before putting myself in the middle.
           “L-look…” I staggered a bit before putting my hands up. “We’ve all just had a long day, that’s all this is. We need to take a deep breath and--.”
           Mick sighed, putting his gun down and rolling his eyes. “Let’s just go.”
           I watched them head out the door, a bit surprised at how easy that was before following their lead with wobbly legs.
           When we met back up with Sara and Rip, it was in some tiny abandoned warehouse where it looked like they were being ambushed. I was grateful that I had the gloves Rip gave me on as I aimed at the nearest guy and watched him convulse from the electricity that spouted out of my fingers, before he hit the floor, no longer moving. The next guy came running too fast for my blurry vision to compromise and when I tried to aim, I missed and hit some sort of power box nearby, causing a flash of fire and a loud pop to echo through the building.
           “Watch it!” Leonard called out before turning back to the fight. Luckily, this gave me enough time to disengage from the fun for a second to throw up behind a pillar.
           When I came back, I was surprised to find Leonard, Sara, and Rip standing over some unconscious men. One of those men happened to be Mick.
           “What did I miss?” I asked, slurring my words only slightly.
           Sara gave an amused smile, “Are you drunk?”
           I gasped, slightly offended. “No!” However, I almost tipped over which said otherwise.
           Leonard caught my arm before stating, “He’ll be fine. Rip and Sara is going to take him back to the ship.”
           “What about you?”
           “Well, someone has to make sure you get back in one piece.”
           I didn’t make it an easy job for Leonard. By time we got back to the ship, I ran to the bathroom to spill some more liquids. Afterwards, I brushed my teeth quite sloppily before Leonard help me to bed.
           Once I settled into my covers, he asked, “Good?”
           I nodded, my eyes already falling close. “Good.”
           I could hear the smile in his voice as he said, “Who knew the goodie-two-shoes likes to get wasted?”
           “I used to do that a lot.” I admitted, although I wasn’t sure why I was telling him this. All I knew was that the room was spinning even with my eyes shut and every word that came out of my mouth was the truth. “I drank a lot after Ronnie’s death. Don’t know why. Didn’t really help. But I guess that’s what people do when they’re sad or angry, they drink… Maybe that’s why Mick drinks so much…”
           There was a long silence after that. I was convinced he had left the room without me noticing and I was drifting further and further into deep sleep with every passing second. I was almost off to dreamland when I felt something soft brush against my lips. The sweet taste of cool mint was short and sweet, but it was enough to make my fingers tingle. The feeling was cold, but in a good way. Almost as though the sensation was healing every burning, stinging part inside me with a cold wash of water. I wanted so badly too pull the source of the feeling closer and hold it tight, but my body felt like lead and I could no longer move my limbs at free will. So, instead, I let the feeling linger just a tad bit longer before opening my eyes.
           Opening my eyes, I came to find that Leonard’s face was a lot closer than before, and realization hit me. With a sleepy pout, I said, “Hey, you stole that kiss…”
           Leonard shrugged. “It’s what us thieves do.” And with a final pat to my head, he left the room.
           I slept well that night with the innocent dreams of when Ronnie and I used to play on the swings as kids. I could hear his laughter ring through the air and in my sleep, I watched him grow older and fall in love with the red head I became close to later on. I had been so happy for him, glad that he was in such a sweet relationship with someone so kind.
           I vaguely remember thinking about how I hoped for the same thing in my future.
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Episode 11 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
It is day 873 without Echo and I am not thriving. 🤧
We unfortunately did not get the Rex and Echo centric episode that I was hoping for, but I still really liked this episode. So obligatory "I miss Echo" bit aside for now, let's get into it!
Mysterious smoky ship. Interesting. 🤔
Aside from the little electrical zaps, the first few seconds is very monochrome. I kind of love it.
Horror(ish) elements coming through very early on!
Dr Hemlock!
Okay, so the hemlock people were right. Dr Parsnip would've been kinda funny though. 🤣
Ngl, the way they were hiding his face, I thought that there was going to be something about his face worth hiding.
There wasn't.
Unless Dr Hemlock is someone that's been sent before? 🤔 I don't remember anyone by that name. 😅
Nala Sé has appeared!
Omg Cid is such a bitch. 🤬
Wrecker nodding along to each percentage then seeing Hunter's unimpressed look and going into angry mode. 😭
Interesting to see Omega, who has always been the first to help Cid, turning as well.
I get very stressed when Tech goes off by himself somewhere. He's already broken a leg this season. 😬
Tech wouldn't have to go off by himself if Echo was here. 🥲
The squad feels so empty without Echo and Cross. 😭
This episode is spooky. I like it!
There was me thinking it was a weird Zillo hybrid. Turns out that's just what small Zillobeasts look like.
Completely forgot we got a glimpse of it in the trailer. 🤣
Tech looks so adorable. 🥰
Another Omega and Tech team up!!!
There is a lot of Hunter piloting the Marauder this season.
Omega being a little nerd is so personal to me. Science girlies rise!!!
Although I guess it was less of a choice for her. 🥲
But she's a smart bean and I love her.
I'm getting ahead of myself. Oops. 😅
Although I will say this...
HOW??? I know it's Star Wars but that thing grows that quickly off energy??? What???
I just realised I forgot to mention the arm from earlier.
Yeah... the arm hanging out of the mouth.
Anyway back to where we were! 🤣
Omega having to turn off the machines so that Tech will actually leave. 🤣
Zillibeast laser? Interesting. 🤔
Is that likely a giant bacta tank or just a random fluids container?
These poor people just lost all their electricity because of the zillobeast and now they're being forced to leave?!
I feel so bad for them. 😭
So many Commandos this episode. 🤨
I just love Wrecker leaning on things with his arms crossed. 🥰
I wanna give that man a hug.
He would give good hugs.
We have to be seeing those boys soon. Come on. 🥲
They're definitely all still in touch with each other though which makes me happy. 🥰
Is that Scorch?
Suspected that Lama Su would still be alive!
Anyway, overall thoughts are that I really liked this episode! The spooky vibes were really fun and I was glad to see some more of the zillobeast!
Felt like a pretty even split of dialogue across the Batchers today, and we got some new characters as well. I think it was well balanced! Not the Echo and Rex episode I was hoping for, but still very enjoyable. 😄
Anyway, I'm gonna have to disappear for a few hours while I avoid Mando spoilers 😅, but I can't wait to see what everyone thinks of the episode later!
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