#arne johnson true story
mollyscribbles · 9 months
pet peeve: horror "based on a true story" that utterly misses the point of the true story. Examples:
The Exorcism of Emily Rose, which claimed there was totally a demon responsible . . . when the true story involves the parents being convicted of negligent homicide of their epileptic daughter.
Any story about the Salem witch trials where those executed for witchcraft were a) real witches and b) evil enough to justify their execution.
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, which claimed there was totally a demon possessing Arne Cheyenne Johnson. And . . . look. If there was a demon, it apparently continued to do his job and live his life mostly normally beyond some growling and zoning out before stabbing a guy who was harassing his girlfriend, and then leaving without needing to be exorcised or anything. The judge refused to accept the claim of demonic possession and Johnson was convicted of manslaughter.
These stories are horrifying! But, uh. Maybe we shouldn't make the convicted killers seem like they were justified.
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queenofplaguerats · 1 year
Watching The Conjuring 3 and like... Admittedly, I'm no expert on the Arne Johnson case but, like, he did kill a guy. He was charged with manslaughter and served jail time. He straight up killed a dude. And yet this movie spends almost 2 hours adamant that "actually, a demon did it so it's not his fault :("
Maybe we should stop doing this "based on a true story" thing when there were real deaths involved, idk, especially if you're not gonna handle it with some fucking tact.
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fmp1catherinek-g · 2 months
The devil made me do it
This movie is 3rd in "The Conjuring" franchise and it's based on true events. It follows the story and case of 19 year old Arne Cheyenne Johnson who murdered his landlord and pleaded not guilty as he believes he was possessed by a demon arguing the devil made him do it. Ed and Lorraine warren are now tasked with proving his innocence by investigating this case.
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The real case (1981):
Previously, Arne's brother-in-law had been posed by a demon which ended in him having an exorcism with the help from Lorraine Warren. This exorcism ended in Arne exclaiming that the demon should leave him and go into his body instead which it allegedly did. Several months after that incident the demon resurfaced and made Arne kill Alan Bono. At the trial, he tried to deflect responsibility, his lawyers saying he was possessed but the judge rejected that defence because it couldn't be proven so it couldn't be used in a court of law. This was the first time that "demonic possession" was used as a defence in a US court.
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art-vidi · 8 months
True story behind Devil on Trial and Arne Cheyenne Johnson, the ‘demon-possessed’ man who stabbed his landlord to death
True story behind Devil on Trial and Arne Cheyenne Johnson, the ‘demon-possessed’ man who stabbed his landlord to death Read Full Text
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pwilzfan73 · 3 years
True story behind The Conjuring 3 – inside Arne Cheyenne Johnson’s “the devil made me do it” court case
The latest instalment in The Conjuring franchise once again has its roots in a real-life case.
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By Patrick Cremona, Radio Times. UK.
Published: Friday, 21st May 2021 at 2:56 pm
The Conjuring 3 takes its title from a real-life court case that dates back to the 1980s. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It takes a look at the case and the Warrens’ involvement in the case that originated the phrase “the devil made me do it”.
Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga return as paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren for the next instalment in The Conjuring horror franchise, with the new movie heading to UK cinemas on 28th May 2021.
As with the previous movies in the franchise, The Conjuring 3 is taken from a real case file with reported connections to the supernatural. Previously we’ve seen spin-off movies focused on the Annabelle doll, also inspired by the Warrens who keep it in their occult museum.
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Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson as Lorraine and Ed Warren. Warner Bros Pictures.
The case in question this time around is the trial of Arne Cheyenne Johnson, a man who was convicted of manslaughter in Connecticut in 1981 – becoming the first person to have claimed a defence of demonic possession during a murder trial.
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It true story
The Conjuring 3 is inspired by the trial of 19-year-old Arne Cheyenne Johnson, who was charged with murdering his landlord Alan Bono in February 1981. During the trial, the defendant gained infamy for becoming the first person to claim a defence of demonic possession in a United States court – although perhaps unsurprisingly this version of events was not accepted by the judge.
His defence rested on testimony given by the family of his fiancée, Debbie Glatzel. Debbie’s 11-year-old brother had reportedly been the subject of demonic possession in the months prior to the murder, with his parents having grown increasingly worried by a number of unexplained and ominous events.
The story really starts in July 1980, when the 11-year-old David Glatzel was helping Johnson clean up a Connecticut rental property he was prepping to move so he could move in.
While there David claimed to have come across a “burnt and black-looking” old man who he claims pushed him into a waterbed saying he would bring them harm if they moved into the house.
When David returned home he continued to see the old man. He described him as having a white beard, wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. David claimed the man’s skin was charred as if he’d been burnt too. The young boy experienced night terrors and woke up with bruises and scratches on his body. He’d wake screaming and tell his parents he’d seen the sunken features of the old man “like an animal”, with horns, pointy hears and jagged teeth (via People). (The Conjuring 3 demon appears to have gone a different route, with early photos showing a white masked man wearing a striped red long coat.)
The family said they also had heard unexplained noises coming from their attic.
In trying to get to the bottom of the issue they had called in Ed and Lorraine Warren – who by this point were already well-known paranormal experts – to diagnose and cure their son.
Ed Warren said he heard banging and growling sounds coming from their basement, and that he also say a rocking chair move on its own. Speaking to paranormal researcher Tony Spera, Ed claimed David’s toy dinosaur also walked on its own towards the family. He also said a deep voice spoke to them saying: “Beware, you’re all going to die.”
Lorraine also claimed she saw a black mist appear next to David while her husband interviewed him. “While Ed interviewed the boy, I saw a black, misty form next to him, which told me we were dealing with something of a negative nature. Soon the child was complaining that invisible hands were choking him—and there were red marks on him. He said that he had the feeling of being hit,” she told People magazine.
David’s mother Judy had previously claimed it was a ghost, but the Warrens rejected this idea saying it was an indicator of a demon.
Lorraine also claimed she saw David being choked by invisible hands and he told her “he had the feeling he was being hit”. She told People that she could see red marks afterwards and she heard him growl and hiss. Lorraine also claimed he spoke in unrecognisable voices, that he recited passages of the Bible as well as Paradise Lost. Debbie Glatzel also claimed he spit, bit, kicked and swore at her and he flopped around “head to toe like a ragdoll”.
She also told the Chippewa Herald Telegram that “he manifested. Just a face on the wall. High cheekbones. A narrow chin. A thin nose. Big black eyes hidden in dark holes. He showed his teeth.”
Ed Warren also told The Washington Post: “Right away, I knew there was something to this. I felt like a good fisherman when he knows there’s something on the line.” He added that he thought there were 43 demons inside the boy, and David named them all.
David Glatzel’s exorcism
In the movie, Father Gordon (Steve Coulter) blesses the home. The priest’s name was changed for the movie, but a Roman Catholic priest did visit the home to bless it.
After continued efforts from the Warrens, the Glatzels, and multiple priests (including Rev Francis E.Virgulak) a formal exorcism took place, with witnesses claiming that a demon fled the child’s body.
Ed Warren claimed Arne, who was present at the exorcism, shouted: “Take me on, leave my little buddy alone!”
Apparently, David showed signs of improving, but Arne started to deteriorate. TV series A Haunting covered the case in the episode Where Demons Dwell, claiming that the demon took control of Johnson’s car forcing it into a tree. While he was uninjured, he was shaken by the experience. The series also blamed a demon when Johnson fell from a tree while working.
Judy told The Washington Post she paid $75 an hour for a session with a local psychiatrist too, but it was up to church officials to set up and pay for further psychological testing (via Newsweek). David’s parents were told he was “normal” but had a “minimal learning disability”.
Alan Bono’s murder
Clearly not content with its newfound freedom, though, the story goes that the spirit then immediately took control of Johnson and it was under his control that the murder of the landlord took place several months later.
Johnson and Debbie Glatzel decided against renting the original home, and instead rented a small house near Debbie’s work. Debbie was working a dog groomer for the landlord, Alan Bono, 40, who was also the kennel manager.
Bono, who has been renamed in the movie as Bruno Sauls, lived in an apartment above the kennels.
On the day of the murder, Johnson had taken the day off work and spent the day with Debbie, 26, at the kennel. Along with some other companions, Debbie, Johnson and Bono had lunch at a local restaurant and enjoyed a few drinks, becoming drunk in the process, and when they later returned to the kennel a heated fight broke out with Bono becoming increasingly agitated.
During this argument, Bono seized Debbie’s nine-year-old cousin Mary, who had also been present, and refused to let her go – which then led Johnson to confront him and eventually stab him repeatedly with a five-inch pocket knife, all while growling like an animal. Bono suffered “four or five tremendous wounds” mainly to his chest area.
Bono died several hours later and Johnson was later arrested roughly two miles away from the murder. The murder is believed to be the first murder in Brookfield, Connecticut’s 193-year history, and the first in the 30 years since the town had police records.
The next day, Lorraine Warren immediately claimed that it was a case of demonic possession, which naturally led to much media coverage around the world.
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Ed and Lorraine Warren
Ed and Lorraine Warren arrive at Danbury Superior Court - Getty
Arne Johnson’s Trial
Johnson’s trial began on 28th October 1981 at Connecticut’s Superior Court in Danbury.
Johnson’s lawyer Martin Minnella attempted to enter a plea of “not guilty” due to demonic possession stating Johnson “was possessed by a demon, and it was a demon who actually manipulated his body.” It was the first known court case in US history that had attempted this defence.
Minnella, speaking about the case and the fame that followed, said: “The courts have dealt with the existence of God. Now they’re going to have to deal with the existence of the Devil.” (via the New York Times).
However, the plea of not guilty due to demonic possession was immediately thrown out by presiding judge Robert Callahan who said that it would be “irrelative and unscientific” to allow testimony on these grounds, and so despite the ensuing media attention the jury was not legally allowed to consider demonic possession.
Johnson’s defence claimed that he hadn’t been the same after Glatzel’s exorcism, and witnesses were called upon saying they saw a demon transfer from Glatzel to Johnson. Debbie Glatzel also testified that Johnson behaved similarly to Glatzel. Ed Warren claimed Johnson had made a “fatal mistake” by taunting the alleged demon.
Debbie claimed Johnson had come to Bono’s apartment to repair a stereo for him, but that Bono had been drinking red wine and the pair got into an argument about payment for the repair. She also said Johnson was in a trance when he stabbed Bono.
According to reports, in the three months Debbie and Johnson had lived next to Bono they had been friends. The police believed that Bono and Debbie’s relationship was more than boss and employee, but Debbie denied this despite the police claiming the argument was over her rather than the stereo. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It does take this angle into the story, exploring the ‘jealous lover’ plot, which was also shown in the 1983 movie The Demon Murder Case (starring Kevin Bacon).
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L-R Patrick Wilson (Ed Warren), Sarah Catherine Hook (Debbie Glatzel) and Vera Farmiga (Lorraine Warren) in New Line Cinema’s ‘The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It.
After the jury deliberated for more than three days, Johnson was convicted of first-degree manslaughter on 24th November 1981 and was sentenced to between 10 and 20 years in prison. He was released in 1986 having only served five years of his sentence.
Even though demonic possession was not actually allowed as a legitimate defence in the trial, the case became colloquially known as “the Devil made me do it case” – hence the subtitle of this film.
Where are the Glatzels and Johnson now?
Johnson married Debbie Glatzel while he was in prison. He also got his high school diploma while inside. The pair went on to have two children.
Lorraine Warren went on to write the book The Devil in Connecticut with Gerald Brittle detailing the case, and they shared the profits from the sales with the Glatzel family. David’s brother Carl Glatzel did speak out against the book when it was republished in 2006 saying it was a “complete lie” and that “the Warrens concocted a phoney story about demons in an attempt to get rich and famous at our expense.”
Carl claimed the Warrens told the family they’d be millionaires – it was later confirmed they were paid $2,000. Carl also says David was suffering with his mental health at the time, but he recovered. In 2007, David and Carl filed a lawsuit against Brittle and the Warrens for unspecified financial damages. They sued the authors and publishers for violating their privacy, libel and “intentional infliction of emotional distress.”
Brittle claims his book is based on fact and he interviewed the Glatzel family for more than 100 hours, which he has video of. Lorraine Warren also said the six priests who performed exorcisms on Glatzel agreed that he was possessed.
Debbie Glatzel and Arne Johnson have always backed the account of the possession, but David’s father denies his son was possessed.
How the movie tackles such a complicated case and how closely they stick to the real life events remains to be seen.
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is released in cinemas on 4th June, 2021 on HBO Max and 28th May in the UK.
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just watched a trailer for a horror movie, and tbh it was really grabbin my attention; the narration said smth like ‘people accept god is real every time they swear to tell the whole truth...’ which. fuckin banger line imma make a story based off it later; and it said it was based off a real story too which is always dope
and then it was. a conjuring movie. i have never been so Suddenly disappointed in my life
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Alternative World
Pairing: Arne Johnson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Well... This one is a weird one. Arne´s PoV. Let it surprise you!
Warnings: Angst, Smut
PS: English is not my mother tongue, so please expect somes weird mistakes maybe? I did my very best.
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It was, so far, the most exotic place I had ever been to. I had been to several nightclubs but never one like this.
The bass was so loud, that every beat and movement felt like a suspension of time. You could feel the adrenaline in the air, the excitement, the charged energy. The place was packed, the music was pounding, and the dancing was wild. The whole place was covered with flashing lights, surrounded with the sound of music and pulsating beats.
I was actually quite surprised to be here. I wasn't a big clubber. I preferred to party in the streets, having a few drinks, meeting people, and then getting the hell out of the place. Tonight, however, I was weirdly drawn to this club. I could almost sense some sort of pull, like I was supposed to be here.
I approached the bar, and ordered a drink. A girl, looking somewhat out of place here was standing next to me. She had a beauty of her own, and I could tell she was a little uncomfortable.
She smiled at me looking suddenly really happy, and I think she even blushed a little. I introduced myself because the silence felt akward,
"My name´s Arne" I said.
She giggled a little, "I know" she replied.
I looked at her, surprised because I didn´t know her.
"Do we know each other?" I asked.
She shook her head, "No and yes" she said before ading: "We´re in my dream."
"Oh, I see" I said without believing her. "And how do you know me then?"
"How the fuck can this feel so real?" she exclaimed ignoring my question.
"It is real" I said, "Because this is no dream. Are you drunk or something?"
"No." She looked me straight in the eyes and said, "I´m serious, you´re Arne Johnson from the Conjuring 3, you´re my favorite character."
I was stunned. I didn't know this girl.
"How do you know my family name and what´s the Conjuring?" I asked.
She showed me her phone and used a search engine that was not from this world called Google and showed pictures of myself I never saw before. There was my face, but also the other people from the movie, my family, my friends, everyone.
I was confused, "How the fuck is this possible?" I said.
She smiled and said, "Relax, it´s just a dream."
I looked at her, "This is no dream, this is real, this is my life."
She giggled again, "the movie was based on a true life story, you´ve killed someone."
I looked at her pleading, "What?"
"You´ve murdered someone." she said, showing me a picture on her phone.
Call Me by Blondie was now playing in the club, louder as ever.
"You´re crazy, aren´t you?" I asked.
She didn´t reply, instead, she just leaned over and kiss me.
I was in shock.
"Hold on" I said. "What are you doing?"
She moved a little closer to me, she kissed me on my mouth. I really had no idea what was happening. I only knew that I weirdly liked her.
She moved even closer and I felt her tongue on my lips, she tasted amazing.
I was getting aroused. I kissed her back , my tongue in her mouth and my hands on her waist. She kissed me deeply, and I wanted more. The music was so loud, I could feel her heartbeat in my mouth. My hips moved as I pressed her even closer to me.
I moved one of my hands on her back and squeezed her ass, her body was shaking. She just closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure. I pushed her even harder to me, and she turned. I felt her back touch my front, I wanted to feel her inner thighs, I wanted to feel those sweet folds.
"Come with me" she said.
She took me by the hand and led me to the toilets. She pushed me in and closed the door. She turned to me and pushed me against the wall, kissing me hungrily. I felt her body pressing against me, harder on me; I ran my hands up her back.
She moaned in pleasure as my hands went on her ass. She pulled me by the back of my neck and pushed me down on the toilet.
She sat on me and bit my neck as she kissed me. She started to moan as I felt her hand in my pants. I was so aroused... She whispered into my ear: "I want you inside me."
She was already working on my zipper, and I wanted her, I wanted it so badly, but I had never done this before like this in a club with someone I didn´t even know, someone who sounded crazy.
She put my pants down and started to stroke me, I couldn´t help but moan in pleasure as she started to massage me. She took me by the hand and guided me to her inner thighs. She closed her eyes and moaned a little, as I touched her. I pushed my fingers in and she moaned again, loudly. She closed her eyes and I felt how wet she was. I knew I wanted to feel her, I wanted to feel her so badly.
I got my fingers out and pushed her even closer to me as she moved her legs even wider and arched her back. She moaned again and then I felt her opening, I felt her wetness.
She gasped in pleasure as I entered her.
I felt her tightness as I moved inside her, I was in heaven. I moved slowly, so slowly, enjoying every second of it. She arched her back and I felt the most intense pleasure I had ever felt before.
"I´m feeling weird" she said all of a sudden.
"What do you mean weird?" I asked gently.
"I think I´m slowly waking up from my dream..."
"You think I´m in your mind?" I said laughing. "Then why can I feel it when you touch me?"
"I think I´m... Maybe I´m in your world" she said, her eyes closing like she couldn´t control it anymore.
And then, just like that, she disappeared.
I stared at the door, confused.
She was GONE.
I felt empty, then I thought about all what she had said.
I got myself together and went out, looked at myself in the mirror. I looked sick, I had a strange fever, my face was flushed, and I was sweating. I looked at the door and felt cold.
I had blood on my hands.
"This is not my world" I whispered to myself.
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Starring Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Ruairi O'Connor, Sarah Catherine Hook, Julian Hilliard, John Noble, Eugenie Bondurant, Shannon Kook, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Keith Arthur Bolden, Steve Coulter, Ingrid Bisu, Andrea Andrade, Ashley LeConte Campbell, Sterling Jerins, Paul Wilson, Charlene Amoia, Davis Osborne, Mark Rowe, Kaleka and Stella Doyle.
Screenplay by David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick.
Directed by Michael Chaves.
Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. 112 minutes. Rated R.
There are two problems with the latest Conjuring movie having the arch subtitle The Devil Made Me Do It. First off there is the basic storyline problem: the evil entity in this film is not the Devil, it is merely a demon. Second of all, viewers of a certain age (like me!) can’t hear the term “The Devil made me do it” without picturing 1970s comedian Flip Wilson flouncing around in a dress and a wig as his popular character of Geraldine. That mental picture makes it hard to take the movie all that seriously.
The title isn’t the only blatant 1970s reference in the third Conjuring film (although the action in the film actually takes place in 1981). An early prologue scene is obviously meant to bring to mind the much better fright film The Exorcist. This goes right down to the filmmakers quite brazenly reenacting the iconic Exorcist moment where a priest in an overcoat and a hat stands in stark, shadowy silhouette in front of a well-lit home where a small child is in need of an exorcism.
However, as much as the film would like to be a classic horror like The Exorcist, it is really a pretty run-of-the-mill modern scare film – loaded up with sudden jump scares and telling a story that makes little or no sense. It may as well be a carnival haunted house ride – lots of stuff jumping out at you randomly, but with no real narrative spine.
On the very basic, elemental level as a thrill ride, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It kind of worked. I jumped in my seat several times. Some scenes were legitimately scary.
Too bad about that storyline, though.
Like the other two Conjuring films (as well as most of the spinoff movies, including three Annabelle movies, The Nun and The Curse of La Llorona), The Devil Made Me Do It is “based” on a true story in the career of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. (The Warrens were also the lead investigators in real story which became The Amityville Horror, but the Amityville films are not part of the Conjuring Cinematic Universe series of films.)
I put “based” in quotes because the movies obviously take a good deal of cinematic license with the stories. In particular with this film, which despite the chyron claiming it to be a true story is nearly impossible to believe really happened, or at the very least really happened as this film claims it did. Now, all the CCU movies obviously stretch things. Even the first Conjuring, which is the only truly good film in the series, was clearly ratcheting up the scares in quite unrealistic ways.
However, as I sat in my seat in the darkened theater and let The Conjuring 3 wash over me, all too often I found myself thinking, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” That is probably not the reaction that the filmmakers were going for.
The Devil Made Me Do It is “based” on the case of Arne Cheyenne Johnson, the first person in the United States to fight a murder charge with a defense of not guilty due to demonic possession. Now, before you get visions of Law & Order: Special Demons Unit dancing in your head, the actual trial sequences here are pretty short and inconsequential. You can’t really have jump scares in a court room. Well, you could, but it would take some serious finessing…
Instead, the film revolves on how Arne became possessed, how the demon caused Arne to kill his slimy boss (apparently the guy’s complete lack of work ethic, his obnoxiousness, his alcoholism and his insistence on playing classic rock hits at ear-splitting volume was not cause enough), and how the demon then haunts Arne and the Warrens.
Arne was not even the first person to be possessed in the film. That was David, the little boy mentioned above. The Warrens and his family and a priest did an exorcism on the boy which seems like The Exorcist with CGI. The boy’s sister’s fiancé Arne – being the stand-up guy he was – loudly begged the demon to take him instead of the child. Oddly, even though the Warrens, the priest and the family all witnessed this bargain and saw that the child was set free from the possession, everyone (Arne included) takes an awful long time to figure out that maybe the demon took him up on his offer.
Of course, the Warrens were a little distracted. During the rite, Ed had a massive demon-related heart attack and spends the rest of the film on the mend, often winded and in need of his pills. However, eventually the demon-busting couple find that a totem has been left under Arne’s home, and he has apparently been cursed.
They also find that another case where a similar totem was found had recently led to the murder and suicide of two college co-eds. Therefore, the Warrens set out to find who is cursing these young people and what the purpose was. (Strangely, after all the time spent trying to figure out what the connection was between the victims in the two cases, the movie never really does explain.)
There’s more to the tale, of course – and frankly you know that the creepy former priest with a fascination in the occult probably has something to do with the goings-on the second you see him – but none of it really matters. All of it is an excuse to have lots of demons jumping out of the shadows and hallucinations of violence. It’s scary and stupid, all at the same time.
Apparently, the producers of The Conjuring are planning on continuing to do a deep dive into the casebooks of the Warrens to keep spinning off creepy tales for years to come. However, if The Devil Made Me Do It is any indication, the whole enterprise is starting to get pretty threadbare.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2021 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: June 3, 2021.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
AEW Full Gear 2020: Review
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Didn’t watch it live but I still have the time to review the next day, after the problems All Out faced Full Gear was definitely something fans were hoping won’t repeat the same mistakes, so it’s time to see if it delivered Spoilers for Full Gear of course
The Buy-In Most of the Buy-In was just the video packages save for a MJF and Kingston Family promo (though props to Alex for interviewing the Lucha Bros in Spanish, that was a nice touch), which I feel was a bad move. The promos were of course fantastic but my qualm was the video packages: the packages are on the countdown show anyway, there could’ve been 2 matches at least and a few segments that could’ve set up the TV feuds considering that it was over an hour. NWA Women’s Championship: Serena Deeb (c) def Allysin Kay (Submission via Serenity Lock) A solid pre-show match, Deeb and Kay are crisp given their veteran history. Kay worked on her height and strength while Deeb worked on her yoga-based flexibility. There was a lot of good chain wrestling as you’d expect from the NWA alums, a shift to an Octopus Stretch, Deeb working the Leg with a Dragon Screw and Kay still managing to muscle out of Deeb’s offence. After a Kay salvaged herself from what looked a bit like an elevated Styles Clash with a leg on the rope, Deeb forced her to tap with a Serenity Lock on the worked leg. While the match was fine the intrigue came after when Thunder Rosa wearing all the tassels she could to make Shawn Michaels blush came to the ring to challenge Deeb for a rematch. With Rosa gesturing the AEW ring it is clear that the AEW/NWA partnership and Thunder Rosa’s time with the Elite is far from over.
Main Card Of course with JR coming to commentary the main card is scheduled to begin. Unfortunately, I had been spoiled some results in advance (no thanks to Youtube or the 2 hour PC update that allowed the youtubers to reveal this while I was waiting to update) but a handful were in line to how I predicted them, so it didn’t fully harm the outcome. Don Callis though came out as well, they’ve hinted at it with Kenny but to actually see Don on commentary was definitely a surprise. AEW World Title Contendership Tournament Final Kenny Omega def. ‘Hangman’ Adam Page (Pinfall via One Winged Angel) Omega came out first the same way he’s done all the tournament, the cleaner dancers and the very long-winded braggadocios introduction. Pyro but no cosplay, Omega oozed confidence as proven by his plate as the leader in most victories in AEW. Page however paced towards the ring with nervous energy with the hilarious plate of ‘Focused Yeehaw Man’, less show but still drive, which really perfectly divulges the styles of both men as wrestlers. A snubbed handshake by Page did lead to back and forth, chops and counters as both men anticipated the stylist moves of the other. Hangman took over the early offence with strong moves, big boots, fallaway slams and a superplex did hint at some potential for the Hangman to gain the advantage. But then Omega with a moonsault from a railing put Kenny in control, Kotaro Crusher at 2 and a belated You Can’t Escape (he slipped after the first part but landed the sault after a pause) for 2 as well, then into the usual repertoire, the tope con hilo, the Back Head Missile Dropkick. Both men almost set up a One Winged Angel but then a V Trigger shut down a Buckshot but got bombed on the ramp after a series of counters, another pop-up bomb at 2 for Hangman.  Trading blows, a Rolling Elbow was broken even by a V Trigger and then a Tiger Driver at 2 for Kenny. Back and forth as both escaped Suplexes, both hit Rolling Elbows but Hangman then got the clothesline, he lands the deadeye...but does not get the 3. Buckshot reversed to a crucifix but Hangman sits the pin for another 2, Dragon Screw and V-Trigger on the ropes for Kenny gives him the energy to roar back, ducks the vicious swing of the Buckshot and hits 2 V-Triggers, Hangman tries to fight out of the One Winged Angel but the move hits and that’s 3.
Destiny comes true for Omega, he had to fight for it though. Definitely a physical match, the emotional layer didn’t all reflect on the match but Hangman definitely reels in disappointment afterwards, more isolated, more alone, and set to descend to new lows as Omega returns to the main event picture.
Orange Cassidy def. John ‘4′ Silver (Pinfall via Beach Break) Two cult heroes for AEW, Silver on BTE and Cassidy on Dynamite, fighting as a side story to the TNT title picture, JR gets props for calling Silver a “Human Bowling Ball” as both men enter with their respective faction members. Silver continues to play to OC’s jokes as he protests OC’s pockets, before being annoyed by OC’s counter wrestling - especially screaming ‘It doesn’t hurt!’ to OC’s monstrous kicks. Silver literally depockets OC for monster heat - no seriously he rips the pockets out of OC’s jeans! A lot of bravado follows from Silver’s power moves, throws and kicks to keep the heat going. Silver’s power also impressively suplexes out of OC’s swinging DDT attempt but the crowd chants definitely get to Silver as OC counters Silver’s irish whips with some turnbuckle shots, a crossbody and the swinging DDT, Silver though powers back, a one-handed Gorilla press into the ropes, a back head boot as he sets up the Spin Doctor, but then OC gets the headscissors, Michinoku Driver for 2 as the wrestlers at ringside argue the count of 2 or 3 (Heels and Faces kept either side). Silver rolls up OC trying the Orange Punch, counters again but gets hit with the stunner, counters again and lands the Spin Doctor but it’s another 2! Silver motions to homage Mr. Brodie Lee with a discus but it’s dodged into an Orange Punch and Beach Break for 3. Best Friends come to the ring to give the people what they want, the hug with the rainmaker zoom. A nice fun match, it really gave Silver some props to hang with OC as both characters shone through. I was surprised that Dark Order didn’t try to get involved and no post-match stuff.  TNT Championship: Darby Allin def Cody Rhodes (c) (via Pinfall) TITLE CHANGE! Allin rode in with a painted car and a half-painted driver before smashing his skateboard (with ‘The New Face of TNT’ emblazoned on it) into the windscreen. Sporting a veiny style of paint, no words are written on him like previous title matches, it’s all business. Cody (using his surname now) rolls in with his grandiose gates and pyro with Brandi beside him before being flanked by all the remaining members of the Nightmare Family - including Gunn Club and Lee Johnson. He’s also promoting a new shirt. Mike Chioda is announced as the Ref for this, giving a bigger fight feel to this title match.
Cody flaunts his strength advantage early on, knowing full well that Darby has never beaten him, but Darby is defiant to his insulting ‘politeness’ and cockiness - slapping Cody in the back of the head to wake the champion up. Encouraged to ‘muscle around’ Darby by Arn, he almost gets baited into a pin, he leaves the ring but gets suicide dived from his back (after a Ricochet-esque moonsault feint), in retaliation Cody just dumps Darby on back first on the ramp, harming Allin’s left elbow. Cody hones in on that injury with wrist locks and stomps, Darby also selling by being unable to use both his hands to pull the heavier opponent with an irish whip and being unable to lock the arm for a backslide - the latter getting him into another submission. Taunting the injury by exclaiming ‘that arm is trash’, Cody doubles down the arm, using it to ground any of Darby’s counter efforts. But every time Darby refuses, Cody grows more frustrated, an avalanche shoulderbreaker and a cross armbreaker attempt selling that Cody is using things outside of his usual moveset, but the missed moonsault gifts Allin a respite. Yoshi Tonic is Darby’s first signs of a rally but he’s shut down by a superkick, Darby pulls off the middle turnbuckle pad resisting Cody���s Cross Rhodes attempt and Cody is dazed by running into it but a rollup is at 2. Assured that he’s in control by Arn, Cody lands an Avalanche Cross Rhodes but Darby’s arm is under the rope, he counters a backpack sleeper by dropping from the turnbuckle which rolls Darby out the ring - Arn demands Darby stay down but he breaks the count. ‘Stay Down’ barks from Arn and Cody from continual powerslams but Darby refuses, even inviting Cody to continue. Frustrated, Cody brings that small white belt to the ring but is told by Chioda to not use it, dropping it behind him, Darby uses it to sweep Cody into a jacknife pin for 2, counters Disaster Kick with a Last Supper for 2, Flip Stunner and Coffin Drop follow, but also 2! Cody tries a Cross Rhodes but Darby counters with a Sunset Pin, Cody sits on him, 2, Darby rolls him, 2, Cody pulls back, 2, Darby rolls again, 3! Post-match, Cody hands Darby the title on one knee as Allin finally claims his first win over Cody and his main prize. Tazz however walks up to promo against the emotional moment as Cage and Starks blindside both men. However, dissension appear when both Starks and Cage both tussle for holding the TNT title, Tazz grabs it and gestures to Darby, with Cage carrying Darby outside of the ringside, Cody tries to fight back but fails, Darby thrown through a set piece and laid on the car he came in, they attempt to slam the door with Darby’s arm in between but Will Hobbs with a chair chases them down. It was a good title match, good narrative throughout. I think the finish could’ve been a bit more spectacular, Cody does seem to exude a Hogan-esque philosophy to losing at times, this one did feel like he wanted the loss to feel like a fluke. Darby’s win is deserved but the FTW shenanigans did dampen it, I expected Tazz and his crew to show during the match but in post-match it just kinda killed some of the wind in Darby’s sails. Interview Segment The Natural Nightmares - instead of backing up Cody - promo against Butcher, Blade and Bunny, specifically Allie for her using of QT to set up their Dynamite match, Dustin reveals that it’s gonna be a ‘Bunkhouse Match’. Dustin is a great promo but I have no idea what a Bunkhouse Match is, plus this is the segment you would see on the Pre Show. The Dynamite card is also revealed with Penta vs Fénix 2 as previously revealed and new match Conti vs Red Velvet. AEW Women’s Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) def. Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero (Pinfall via Knee Strike x4) Nyla rolls up with Vickie Bluetista style with a blue and cyan gear which really didn’t suit, Nyla’s gear has always been a mixed Bag The longest running Women’s Champion adds more colour to her Tifa Lockhart gear, her name plate finally on the belt (as detailed on her youtube channel, the name plate is more difficult to put on given its curved shape). Shida and Nyla are ready to go even before the bell as they trade blows, the Champion putting pressure on Rose with knee strikes and dropkicks but noticeably fails on the lift. Shida keeps her advantage of cutting Nyla down and landing the apron knee while Vickie screeches. The chair launch is cut off by a clothesline from Nyla but her attempts to pull a table is refused, giving Shida the chance to land the chair launch and sending her through the rail. Vickie though blindsides Shida’s knee with a kendo stick, giving the Native Beast the advantage she needs. Nyla uses the underneath frame of the ring to wrench Shida’s knee, then the ring post and a chop block to limit Shida’s use of the Tamashii (formerly called the Tamashii no 3 Count). Nyla continues to hone in on the leg, splashes and single leg crabs, even biting the knee to maintain her advantage. Shida rolls out of the senton and muscles a suplex for 2. The Tamashii is blocked by hitting the injured knee but Shida crossbodies, the knee continues to be the focus as Nyla keeps grasping and dropping Shida on it. My favourite Nyla Move, the Beast Knee is smashed into the injured knee for 2 as Nyla uses her weight against Shida’s injury. The champion pump kicks Nyla to the ramp after some turnbuckle shots for a corner dropkick, then a second in the ring at 2. The leg gives out on the Tamashii again so Nyla can powerbomb but foolishly pulls Shida out of the count, adding insult she lands the Tamashii, but only gets 1! A Back body press gives Shida the energy she needs, an Avalanche Falcon Arrow follows but Shida then breaks the pin, she tries the Tamashii but Vickie psyches her out (it was a botch but not a bad one), Vickie tries to kendo Shida while she’s hoisted and Shida just throws Nyla into Vickie. A half-hearted Falcon Arrow hits 2, Tamashii lands but another 2, second Tamashii and 4 Knee Strikes end the match. Being carried out of the ring by Aubrey, Vickie and Nyla are left in the ring as Guerrero screeches venom at Nyla, slapping the former Women’s Champion as she leaves.
In spite of it’s short build it was a good match, the final section was a little sloppy on the vicious vixens’ part but Shida sold her knee wonderfully. Expected Vickie to have more involvement and the post-match seemed to back out on Nyla turning on Vickie but maybe there’s more tale to tell. As a personal preference I hate when wrestlers willingly break their own pin, especially in a title match, it’s just a daft strategy but it was good to see that Shida’s stock has elevated to the point where she didn’t need the DQ stip to win like she did when she won the title, her early dominance would give her extra confidence and extra heat for who I think will be her usurper, Dr. Britt Baker DMD. Next time though, give Shida and her opponent Dynamite feud building. AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks def FTR (c) (Pinfall via Superkick, Matt to Cash) TITLE CHANGE! With Matt previously cleared to compete, the Bucks strolled up in Black, Yellow and Purple to their usual money rain, but the pomp and confidence is limited, Matt noticeably slower up the ropes as he nurses his ankle. The champions roll up in White jumpsuits with Tully - who the Bucks protest on since he’s banned from ringside due to his prior attacks, he does leave on his own accord. A nice touch from FTR are the star colours; red, blue, yellow and gold, aka tag champs in Raw, Smackdown, NXT and AEW. Mind games of ‘Greatest Tag Team of All Time’ as well also there to get into the Bucks’ heads. Matt was confident to show that his ankle was fine by going first, Cash going for the injury but being out-wrestled to his frustration. FTR’s quick tag action is halted by the Bucks rushing them to a stalemate in 2s. Nick and Dax trade some chain wrestling with again the Bucks frustrating them, the Bucks almost seem to be playing FTR at their own game plan, until Nick is punched in the face. Both teams take to the ring leading to the Bucks doing a Rana into a ground pound on the champs before sending them out of the ring with their patented tandem offence. Dax busts open his hand hitting the ring post after Matt dodged, reeling from the ankle attack, the Bucks relish the opening to equialize on Dax’s hand for catharsis. A bit of a miscommunicated spot followed where Matt’s moonsault was ‘dodged’ by Dax not paying attention, and his throwing Matt into the ropes looked ugly as fuck as Matt nurses his ankle and Dax tags out for Doc Sampson to dress his hand. When he returns he quickly goes for vengeance on the ankle in mostly a same manner as Nyla did to Shida prior. Cash jumps for Nick to pull him away from the Hot Tag which grants Dax the opening for a Superplex but Cash gets knees from the follow-up splash. The hot tag again thwarted after Cash hit the railing but Dax throws him in ring to tag in, the two men stand between the brothers as Cash flies over the ring post to the floor and Dax is baited into the DDT, Nick storms into the hot tag, wriggling out of FTR’s grapples with kicks and the dual clothesline/bulldog but is eventually caught by FTR who land the Hart Attack. Nick regains advantage with a Cheeky Nandos Kick when FTR were setting up the Powerplex, blind tags Matt who spears the baited Cash and gets a knee in the face, but it’s only 2. Matt’s involvement leads to the knee giving out on a lift, leading to an Electric Chair bulldog combo from FTR, they go for Goodnight Express but Matt superkicks Cash, then Dax, Cash rolls out of ring leaving Dax alone to the Bucks, 3-D! Twist of Fate! Swanton! 2! Lovely homage to the tag team greats. Superkick Party is called, but Cash sweeps Matt’s ankle and Nick gets a rebound powerbomb, but Matt is legal and get 2 on a sneaky pin. Dax gets overzealous with the Dusty Punches and uses his injured hand, but Matt also gets overzealous and uses his bad ankle, both men use their injured limbs for a punch/superkick trade-off, but Dax beheads Matt with a lariat. Homaging DIY they meet in the middle but only get 2, they try the Spike Piledriver but Nick throws Cash off, a tandem move and a swanton onto the ramp leaves Matt room to use a Sharpshooter on Dax, Dax gets to the rope but Nick superkicks the injured hand before Sharpshooter on Cash, FTR clutch each other’s hands but get pulled away but Matt’s ankle gives out to continue the hold. Matt pulls a finger break on Dax’s injured hand (an awkward spot given the scrutiny Marty Scurll is under right now with the SpeakingOut movement) leading to the BTE Trigger, but Cash cannons himself to break the pin. Matt brings out the chair but it’s not legal, Dax goads Matt to hit him but Nick tells him not to, Matt relents and sets up the Meltzer Driver but Cash grabs Nick for a Powerbomb through a ringside table, a very well done twist by Dax leads to the Spike Piledriver but the leg Cash hooks drops onto the rope. Furious, Cash takes Matt’s shoe off, leglock and stomp leads to an inverted Figure Four and ankle lock, but Nick is rising and Cash sees it! He tries the suicide dive but Nick ducks it, breaks the submission with a 450 but Matt only gets 2. Cash superkicks Nick out of the ring, gesturing Two Sweets to Matt before another superkick, but Cash keeps looking at the top rope, he misses the 450 and Matt hits the unbooted Superkick for 3. Kenny came to congratulate the Bucks afterwards as Hangman hovered by the tunnel - wanting to congratulate his friends but still feeling isolated. This is one where I would’ve benefitted not being spoiled, but thumbnails are a bitch. With the narrative that Bucks needed to win to keep on competing and were already at a disadvantage definitely sold the stage to be for Matt to shine. Personally I thought time would run out and there would be some semantic fenagling but it was clean as a whistle. A great match as well, definitely delivered on its build, FTR definitely lacked the presence of Tully to keep their heads in the game in a narrative sense, it’s a shame their tag reign was short but the story has always led to this moment, there was no way Cody AND the Bucks would not be able to challenge for their main titles. I would have one criticism though, the early stages of the match did feel like it was just 1v1s, the tag match needed more tag team offence. Elite Deletion: Matt Hardy def Sammy Guevara (DELETION via Pinfall) The cameras shift to North Carolina where Sammy rides ominously on a golf cart to the Hardy Compound, but Matt also seems to be sorting out business on the phone saying that Sammy’s on his way - fearing that he may need backup if the numbers go against him. Neo 1 confronts Sammy, providing a hologram of Matt welcoming him to the compound and disabling the golf cart. Having crushed a toy monster truck on the way in, Sammy’s face drops at the revving of a full sized monster truck next to him helmed by BROKEN Matt, who flattens the cart before exclaiming that the act was ‘orgasmic’ and ‘now that was a squash job’. Setting the zany tone, Sammy goes all around the truck and hits Matt with a trash can to begin the match. Moonsault off the Truck’s tire as he hammers Matt across the woods. Commentary kinda took you out of it as they tried to fill the silence with their ‘state the obvious’ as the fight sprawled to the front lawn. Sammy doing some great taunts such as saying ‘it’s my house now, daddy’s home!’ and trying to drown Matt in the fountain but Matt grabs the ‘Scepter of Mephistopheles’ to hit Sammy with, missing only the headshot as they go to a backyard ring. As Matt reminds Sammy that he asked for this, Sammy takes advantage with the ring work until a Side Effect is hit and a powerbomb through the table. The pin however is broken by Santana and Ortiz, who double on Matt. Through a walkie talkie though Private Party are called for support to negate the former LAX - though Matt gets hit by a Street Sweeper and a Twist of Fate in the meantime. ‘Roman Candles’ are next on Matt’s mind as he and Sammy both grab a few to fire at each other while PP and Santana & Ortiz tussle in the ring, PP using some of the patented offence of  the Hardy Boyz. The latest ‘Sammy Run Away’ meme appears as Sammy is chased by fireworks before slipping in some mud, flattened by a Twist of Fate. As Matt prepares to throw Sammy into the Lake of Reincarnation, a Gangrel (yes, Gangrel! From the Brood) threatens The Hurricane (yes, Shane Helms, the Hurricane) as a hostage, claiming that Matt never gave him any loyalty while in the Brood, PP arrive to help free the superhero, who asked why it took 2 years - leading to Hardy to funnily quip ‘I’m sorry, long-term storytelling, I had to go to AEW just to finish this’ leading to Hurricane’s famous catchphrase. Hurricane almost gets Sammy with a chokeslam but he throws him in the lake, saying ‘What’s a Hero to a God? A Spanish God’ before trying to throw Matt in. Shane Helms the reporter then comes in, asking if the feud is cursed, but he gets thrown in too (this one seen as he flails around the shallows). Hurricane reemerges to help PP fight Santana, Ortiz and Gangrel but Santana saves Sammy by hitting Hardy with a pipe as the two wander into the darkness of the woods, the heel allies in control as they follow.  Sammy stalks Hardy with a hammer with his friends also in view, but Hardy calls for Skarsgard, Sammy quickly rolling out of the way from the dilapidated boat’s all-or-nothing dive, Neo 1 is also in sight though, and Hardy commands him to lock Hardy and Sammy inside the ‘dome of deletion’, locking Sammy’s allies out. A ring, tables, ladders, chairs, mowers of lawns, wheels of chairs, a pram, a casket, the dome has it all, but Sammy instead unhooks the ropes to hit Hardy with the Turnbuckle bars, choking him with the middle rope. Sammy lays Matt on a Table near a ladder as high as the roof, landing the swanton but only gets 2. Hardy gets a Twist of Fate which seems to hurt his neck, Hardy then spears him into tables outside the ring, where we see Sammy with a small blood pool behind his head (a worked one, the camera angle on the dive ensured you didn’t see the concrete so it was definitely safe) Sammy struggles to stand as Hardy sets up a chair, hitting him on the head with the edge like his legit injury, telling Sammy ‘You made me what I am’ he cracks Sammy with a Con-Chair-To for the pin. After the match, Matt calls Private Party in to ‘take out the trash’, putting Sammy in a wheelie bin, a cut to the outside allows Sammy to be swapped out for kayfabe, as the bin’s loaded into the back of Senor Benjamin’s truck (Benjamin getting a huge pop) as Reby ends the match playing the piano to some highlights.Matt, PP, Skarsgard, Reby and Hurricane then celebrate to fireworks. As cinematic matches go it was good for ending the feud and continuing the Hardy Compound narrative, commentary did sometimes take you out of it and there were less supernatural stuff going on in this one, it was more found footage than the usual cinematic Deletion matches, but lots of quips, lots of fourth wall winks and both men did really well, can’t complain. Intermission Promo After the deletion match, commentary is told about Lance Archer being on a rampage backstage, which leads to a promo by Jake and Lance as he is wasting some jobber against the wall. Jake notes how they are tired of training and that they’re demanding that someone stand up to Archer, Archer waxes lyrical about his intent to break everyone in AEW because Everybody Dies. Archer’s promo game continues to be on the up, which will make you wonder about how long can the Snake coil around him? Right to Join Inner Circle: MJF def. Chris Jericho (Pinfall via Roll-Up) MJF claimed that he would do ANYTHING to beat Jericho, he began with the mind games by doing the Y2J pose in a fairy light robe, getting the fake pop from the fans who were expecting the Demo God. Jericho does get the pop by cutting MJF’s music short in a skull-themed spiked jacket as Diamante wins the ‘Incoherent Judasing’ moment of the night using Ivelisse’s hand as a mic. The chorus of Judas echoing as the limited crowd echo the arena to Jericho’s subdued delight. Sparing a thought for Aubrey though, who has to call this match despite both of them hating her XD MJF tries to start by feeding from the crowd, but the crowd only boo him and cheer Jericho, he gestures to a handshake amidst ‘You Suck’ chants but Jericho slaps him instead. Jericho held an early advantage but MJF got some advantage with a few clotheslines, but his adversity to the crowd once again gives away the advantage. Jericho pulls his camera middle finger spot after powerslamming him on the outside (shout out to KiLynn King as well for all her crowd enthusiasm). Dodging a Judas Effect leads to an injured arm to Jericho after his elbow hit the very busy today ring post, which he focuses on since it’s key for his Salt of the Earth, biting (which has also had a busy night) also ensues between both men but MJF capitalises on his counters and submissions. The heel nature comes out in Jericho with an eye poke, shoulder barges and a lionsault fire up the crowd and a Frankensteiner turning back the clock. MJF though returns to the arm with that double stomp while Jericho’s holding the rope, shoving the veteran as he spouts insults at him, a back and forth leads to MJF locking in the Salt of the Earth on the injured arm but Jericho shifts him into the Walls of Jericho as MJF chews the crawl to the rope. Aubrey’s enmity of both men comes into play when MJF uses her to shield him from Jericho’s kicks, a failed Heatseeker leads to a mid-rope Codebreaker instead from MJF, followed by a successful Heatseeker for 2. He tries the Lionsault but lands on his feet, and instead gets hit with Jericho’s Codebreaker for 2 as well. An Inside Cradle for 2 leads to Jericho trying the Judas Effect, but MJF catches it and cinches in the Salt of the Earth, but Jericho makes it to the ropes. Wardlow was noticeable absent from ringside at the start, having left after MJF’s entrance, but he was called to the ring by MJF to give him the Diamond Ring, his presence distracting Aubrey, MJF misses though and Jake Hager (who was also noticeably absent from the Elite Deletion) reveals himself on the other side throwing the Painmaker Bat to Jericho, Jericho winds up but MJF gives him the finger and drops Eddie Guerrero style. Aubrey turns to see the supposed outcome leading to Jericho turning his back, roll-up by MJF with a handful of tights gives him the win and membership.
Post-Match, Jericho cuts the music as MJF offers a handshake again, Jericho though this time takes it, hugs him and welcomes him and Wardlow to the Inner Circle. Wardlow holds the ropes for MJF, MJF holds the ropes for Jericho but nobody holds the ropes for Hager - who continues to stare off with Hager.
As a wrestling match it was good, for the situation I felt it was a little underwhelming. MJF said he’d do anything but we didn’t see anything outside of his usual tricks. Narratively it works to see MJF and Jericho stick together and we can only wait and see what stories will come out of it. AEW Revolution promo & Best Friends Interview The first PPV of next year is hyped for a February 27th showing. Dasha interviews Orange Cassidy asking his thoughts on his win, OC replies that he ‘has no thoughts’. Miro, Kip and Penelope however roll up as Kip demands an apology from OC for almost putting Penelope in harm’s way during a prior Dynamite. OC does apologise but Kip slaps him, saying that it wasn’t good enough, OC stops the Best Friends about to jump Miro and Kip and says ‘cool’ before walking away.
AEW World Championship ‘I Quit’ Match: Jon Moxley (c) def. Eddie Kingston (Kingston quits via Barbed Wire Bulldog Choke) Kingston rolled up in a shirt saying something that cameras failed to highlight despite his gesturing, (commentary later reveal that it was in homage to the late Tracey Smothers who recently passed away) his eyes like vengeance. Moxley struts in a Goldberg-esque entrance without the security, once again coming from the side of the stadium - this time no dumbass fan trying to charge him. Kingston stares daggers and shouts bloody murder at him during his entrance as Mox tries to get in his groove. Bryce Remsburg is also reffing this match, adding the personal level since Eddie revealed after his last Moxley match that the three go back.
Moxley got the first part of the venom, hammering punches until Kingston got to his knees, chops were traded as Moxley tried a takedown, only to get his ear bitten (biting man...) by Kingston. Slap trades follow as Kingston works on throws and cutting Moxley at the legs, Moxley hitting a tope when Kingston went to get a chair. Moxley then twists Kingston’s fingers key to his finisher, a suplex on concrete leads to the first ask but Kingston refuses, a Crossface/Bulldog Choke is countered by Kingston biting the arm. Throwing 2 chairs into the ring, a busted Moxley retaliates with the Barbed Wire Bat before kicking down the chair setup. Eddie also is busted in the mouth, then the forehead when the bat is pressed against his head - Moxley claiming that he ‘don’t wanna do this’. Kingston disarms Moxley with some Backdrops and throws a chair at Moxley, Moxley then gouges both eyes of Kingston but the Mad King throttles him. A small botch at Kingston was meant to drop Mox on the bat was rectified with more chair shots, Kingston hurts himself by wrapping barbed wire over his hand to pound into Moxley as he laughs maniacally, Uranken and a Kimura follows so Moxley has to break the hold the best way to hurt someone at Full Gear - Bite Him! Kingston restores the chair layout he had before, setting up for a suplex, Mox swaps though and lands Kingston on the flat of one chair. Kingston clotheslines Moxley to get time to get a black bag, which JR quips ‘well, it’s not a bag of chocolate’ - I mean you don’t know that JR! But alas, it wasn’t, it was your traditional thumbtacks, those silver hershey’s kisses (so hey it is a bag of chocolate), after trading suplexes Moxley snaps a vicious clothesline all away from the tacks, Moxley tries a Paradigm Shift on the tacks but Kingston does a twisting Urinage, planting him back first into the tacks - half on the elbow, half on the back. Kingston returns to the Rubbing Alcohol from Doc Sampson’s desk after learning that Moxley didn’t quit, low blows hurt Moxley but the champion only gives him the finger, Eddie then uses the alcohol on the punctured back (which I said at the same time as commentary). Kingston again hurts himself punching Mox with a handful of tacks, he goes for the barbed wire a second time but again changes his mind, going for the Bulldog Choke, Mox refuses still, with thumbtacks still in his head as Kingston lays in on the head shots, he dodges a knee and hooks in the Rear Naked Choke, turns him into the Suzuki Piledriver and then the Bulldog Choke, knowing that Kingston needs to be conscious Moxley changes to a Paridigm Shift, locating the Barbed Wire as he tells Kingston there’s ‘No Other Way Out’, asking him not to make him do this as he wraps his hand around the wire, Kingston only gives him the finger. Moxley considers turning away, but then launches into the barbed-wire enforced Bulldog Choke, Remsburg pleading with Eddie to quit as a vacant expression covers Moxley’s face, telling Kingston that ‘it’s done’, Eddie finally quits and Mox immediately lets go, a somber look on his face as his friend lays fallen.
Post-Match, Moxley tells the camera that ‘that’s what makes a champion: heart, blood and soul - Blood and Guts!’, whether that alludes to the special we were meant to have pre-COVID is yet to be seen. He then pulls Kingston up but Kingston sways away, leaving the ring on his own. Omega then comes out to the ramp to remind Moxley of his presence and their championship match in the due future.
A hard-hitting match, you knew that Kingston and Moxley would deliver on the hardcore level and a little on the emotive level. Sadly this match did suffer from WWE giving fans an inch-perfect I Quit Match in Hell in a Cell, so the bar was very high and it unfortunately could not reach that level. Again I’m surprised that factions didn’t get involved, Kingston’s family didn’t even go with Eddie to the ring, a surprise PAC appearance was hoped but we can’t be too torn up about that. Overall it was still a good title match, albeit an inevitable outcome given that Moxley and Omega have more history.
Conclusion Though there were a few small mistakes, there was not a weak spot in this PPV. On the other hand there wasn’t a match that blew me away, it was overall a well-done PPV: worth the money but there could’ve been more. There was meant to be a tease of a debut as well but I guess that was just rumor rather than an actual promise by the company. I will critique the Team Tazz stuff again because it really puts down Darby’s championship win, some matches could’ve ended more emphatically and the Buy-In needed more matches. Also just a personal thing but they overdid the biting spots, spots like those have a 2 match threshold at best on a card. But narratively we got a lot going on, a lot of consequences for the matches on the card including the Buy In and the Bucks did make good on their FTR promise by being Match of the Night. Elite Deletion and Silver/OC was a bit of light fun, the Women’s Match was strong, the opener hard hitting and we begin our build to Revolution.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It Review
“Based on a true story” is the hook that the Conjuring universe was built on. A franchise where the main entries feature events from the case files of real life paranormal investigating couple Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) it’s a good gimmick that has served the series well so far – if you want to believe the Perron family were haunted by a ghost witch and that there was a poltergeist in North London in the 1970s, have at it. If not, you’ve still got a fun film with two likeable leads and plenty of good jumps.
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It treads thornier ground. Billed as the Warrens’ darkest case yet, it’s the story of Arne Johnson, a young man who murdered his landlord and claimed he was possessed by a demon at the time. A true crime version of this could make for a fascinating watch, but despite glimpses of courtroom scenes in the trailer, the legal precedent is not the angle The Conjuring 3 takes – and it’s probably for the best. Instead this is an outlandish tale of witchcraft and devil worship, of cults and curses which eschews the haunted house subgenre of the previous two Conjuring films and takes us fully into Satanic Panic territory. 
Set in 1981, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It begins with an extend pre-credits sequence, with a young boy called David Glatzel (Julian Hilliard) being exorcised by a priest, while the Warrens and Glatzel’s family, including his sister’s boyfriend Arne Johnson (Ruairi O’Connor) look on. David is literally climbing the walls – there’s no ambiguity here – and by the time the title card lands, Arne has taken on David’s demon and Ed is in the hospital recovering from a heart attack.  
Tragedy is imminent, and when it soon strikes, Ed and Lorraine must adopt a new role – that of pseudo detectives trying to unpick exactly what this demon’s deal is. With the exception of the bookends, and despite the “based on a true story” selling point most of The Conjuring: The Devil Made Do It actually isn’t actually true, which gives the film room to expand to its full bonkers potential, without giving too much mind to the fact that a real person died. Indeed the name of the victim and some of the details of the murder have even been changed and the movie doesn’t dwell for a second on who he was or what his death meant – which is probably wise though, since there’s something jarring here about cashing in on a tragedy.
James Wan who directed the previous two installments has stepped back this time – though he still co-wrote and produced – handing the reins to Michael Chaves who made his first foray into the Conjuring universe with The Curse of La Llorona. While Wan’s movies were all shadowy suspense, Chaves goes more for action, putting the Warrens – particularly Lorraine – through their paces (she even gets an actual “hold my handbag” moment) as they get caught up in solving a related murder case with a local cop. There’s humor here too, which is a new (and welcome) touch, as well an emphasis on Ed and Lorraine’s romance (less welcome). Chaves almost reinvents the couple as the paranormal equivalent of buddy cops – exchanging quips, solving crimes, hunting down occultists, and nearly falling off cliffs, with the film’s frantic climax taking place inside catacombs.
It’s fun and there are some decent jump scares though these tend to err on the side of basic – The Devil Made Me Do It doesn’t carry the sense of dread of the first two Conjuring movies although it contains considerably more actual death. As a straight up demonic horror it’s fluffy but fun, and fans of the Warrens as characters get a bit more back story, an extra glimpse in the artefact room and at least one meaty call back to previous Conjuring universe movies (no spoilers). It’s the weakest of the three main films but an improvement on La Llorona and despite having a rather stretched run time at 112 mins (the same as The Conjuring, but shorter than The Conjuring 2, thank goodness) it’s zippy and action-packed enough to keep you on your toes.
Though it ends with text relating to the outcome of the Johnson case this is really something of an afterthought. You’ll get a better account of what actually happened in that case by reading Wikipedia, including hints that not everyone was as convinced as the Warrens that the murder was the result of a demonic possession (that defense was rejected by the judge). 
“Based on a true story” is a bit of a cheat then, but for a mostly fictitious, glossy genre ride with some decent moments of body horror and classy leads front and centre, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is a worthy addition to the Warrens’ playbook. 
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The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is out now in UK cinemas and premieres in US theaters and on HBO Max on June 4.
The post The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It Review appeared first on Den of Geek.
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thenerdsofcolor · 3 years
The True Story Behind 'The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It'
The True Story Behind 'The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It' #TheConjuring #TheConjuring3 #TheConjuringTheDevilMadeMeDoIt
With the release of The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It trailer, many fans were curious when they saw the trailer revealed the story is based on the true case files of paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren. Like the previous Conjuring films, also taken from the Warren case files, The Conjuring 3 is based on the trial of Arne Cheyenne Johnson aka The Devil Made Me Do It case. In the…
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equinoxparanormal · 7 years
8 Real People Who Pissed Off Demons (And Paid for It)
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Demons and the forces of darkness are horror movie staples for a reason: they are horrifically terrifying. Whether you believe in demons or not, there are enough supposedly true stories of demonic encounters out there to make an endless string of movies. From adults to kids, from believers to non-believers, from those who went out looking for trouble to those who just made the mistake of moving into the wrong house, people have had truly chilling encounters with vengeful demons they've offended.
While it is generally ill-advised to pursue any demons at all, these demons you don't want to mess with are truly the stuff of nightmares. Some take terrifying forms, some inflict horrible pain, and others lend those they possess strange powers. They have even committed and inspired murders. While some demons (such as the Bell Witch) are parts of tales that have been passed down for hundreds of years, others have occurred only recently. In 2008, a board-certified psychiatrist even documented a real-life case of what he considered clear-cut demonic possession.
What's out there is dark, it's terrifying, and here are the reasons why you don't want to piss any of it off. 
Arne Johnson Taunted Demons and Turned Into a Murderous Madman
Shortly after his family rented a new home, eleven-year-old David Glatzel was repeatedly visited by demons that took both bestial and human forms, and would threaten and attack him, leaving mysterious wounds all over his body. The rental house was the site of strange occurrences that only worsened after a priest performed a cleansing. Glatzel would speak in tongues and randomly convulse and levitate. He became obese, gaining 60 pounds in only a few months. Multiple exorcisms revealed the names of the 43 demons which possessed him, but did nothing to fix the problem.  
Things got even worse when David's sister's fiancé, 19-year-old Arne Johnson, taunted the demons inhabiting David, demanding they leave David alone and possess his body instead. Johnson then also began to suffer strange trances and bouts of anger. He crashed his car into a tree, claiming that demons had taken control of the vehicle.
Formerly a calm and mild-mannered person, Johnson got into an argument with his landlord, Alan Bono, and stabbed him to death, later claiming that he remembered none of it.
This was the first high-profile murder case in America where being possessed by demons was used as a legal defense, though the judge rejected this defense.
Anneliese Michel Underwent Torture, Starvation, and Death in Combat with Demons
This 1967 case of exorcism gone horribly wrong was the inspiration for the horror film The Exorcism of Emily Rose. A 23-year-old mentally ill and epileptic German girl, Anneliese Michel, was suspected of being possessed due to her aversion to religious pictures and symbols, convulsions, ability to speak in tongues, foul smell, and generally terrifying behavior. She would eat coal and spiders, drink her own urine, bark like a dog, and once even bit a bird's head off. Michel believed she was willingly undergoing these torments to atone for the sinfulness of modern life.
She died of dehydration and starvation after undergoing nearly 70 exorcisms. Having refused to eat, at the time of her death, she weighed only 68 pounds. Two years after her death, her parents and the two priests who held the exorcisms were sentenced to six months in prison for negligent manslaughter. The onslaught of exorcisms were said to have merely angered the demons possessing her, ultimately causing her to refuse food and water until she died. 
A Psychiatrist Confirmed the Possession of Woman Who Dabbled in Satanism
An American woman struggled with demonic possession so severe and obvious that it was documented by board-certified psychiatrist and associate professor of psychiatry at New York Medical College, Dr. Richard E. Gallagher, in a paper for the New Oxford Review. The woman, called "Julia," could speak foreign languages unknown to her, levitate seemingly at will, and also demonstrated psychic powers, including knowing private information about others that she had no means to know.
Gallagher wrote the paper in order to academically document a case of demonic possession. The patient, who was previously known to have ties to Satanists, may have done something to conjure or otherwise anger dark forces.  
A Couple Found a Possessed Mirror in a Dumpster and Sold It to a Mysterious Buyer
After picking up an antique mirror they found in a dumpster outside their London home, Joseph Birch and Sotiris Charalambous quickly found themselves in a dangerous situation. They suffered bad luck, including both health and financial problems. More frightening, they would wake up screaming in pain, see flickering shadows in the mirror, and even find themselves covered in inexplicable red scratches. These are some of the tell-tale signs of a demonic possession.  
In order to get rid of the mirror, they put it up on eBay, openly admitting all that had happened to them, only for a single mysterious buyer to bid on it and buy it.
A Possessed Home Was Demolished After Tormenting Three Young Children
In 2014, Latoya Ammons and her three children moved into a new home in Gary, Indiana. Unbeknownst to them, it was the residence of what some experts claim to be over 200 demons. These demons were enraged by this disturbance of their space. They possessed and tortured the children so horribly that the Indiana Department of Child Services and the police both launched investigations. An exorcism was even allegedly authorized by the local branch of the Catholic Church. 
Zak Bagans, host and producer of the show Ghost Adventures, had the house destroyed in early 2016 as part of a documentary on the supernatural he was putting together. Bagans told the IndyStar:  
Something was inside that house that had the ability to do things that I have never seen before - things that others carrying the highest forms of credibility couldn't explain either. There was something there that was very dark yet highly intelligent and powerful.
Robbie Mannheim Called Upon Demons While Using an Ouija Board
The Exorcist is considered one of the greatest horror films of all time, but not many people know that the possession of poor Regan in the film was actually based on the real-life exorcisms of 14-year-old Robbie Mannheim, who was known at the time as Roland Doe to protect his privacy. The boy found himself possessed by a terrifying demon after using an Ouija board to try and contact his dead aunt in the 1930s.  
Objects would be thrown around, furniture would be toppled over, strange footsteps could be heard within his home, and religious pictures would vibrate on the walls as he passed. At school, his desk would slide around the room in front of witnesses.
A series of violent and unsuccessful exorcisms followed, during which he spoke in tongues and attacked priests with horrifying strength. Eventually, an exorcism was successful, and he went on to live a normal life. 
The Bell Witch Tormented a Family and Murdered Their Father
One of the most famous hauntings in American history is that of the Bell Witch, a malevolent entity that attacked a pioneer family with the trademark malevolence of a powerful demon. The entity largely focused its attentions on the youngest of the Bell family, Betsy, and the father, John Bell. The demon would slap Betsy, pull her hair, and leave marks on her body. When John Bell died, the demon claimed to have poisoned him. This intelligent presence could hold a conversation and even predict events, but it mysteriously disappeared after John Bell's death.  
All sorts of claims have been made regarding what the family did to anger the seemingly demonic spirit. Some say that the family was cursed, others that the land was cursed and the family angered an evil spirit by settling there. A psychic published a book in 2015 claiming that the demonic activity was tied in to the sexual abuse of Betsy Bell by another family member. 
After a Failed Exorcism, a Priest Received Text Messages from the Devil
In 2014, Father Marian Rajchel carried out a failed exorcism on a teen girl in Poland. Rather than driving the devil out of the girl's soul, the priest drove it into her cell phone, and he then began receiving insulting text messages from the demon. These text messages contained threats and insults such as these:
Shut up, preacher. You cannot save yourself. Idiot. You pathetic old preacher.
She will not come out of this hell. She’s mine. Anyone who prays for her will die.
[Isadora Teich, Ranker]
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kevrocksicehouse · 3 years
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“Based on the true story,” appears before the title of each Conjuring movie and part of the films’ appeal is the suggestion that they are based on documented cases. Conjuring 3 stems from a 1971 incident where, after an exorcism attempt on an allegedly possessed 8-year-old boy, his sister’s fiancée killed his landlord. The man claimed that he had been acting while under the influence of a demon, and demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren (pictured above - top left) were enlisted to investigate circumstances behind the murder. Of course there’s documented and there’s “documented” and in order to make a scary horror movie some facts might have had to be stretched. For instance…. (spoilers ahead)
The initial exorcism: No, David Glatzer the twelve-year-old possessed kid didn’t turn himself into a human pretzel. Both Ed and Lorraine claimed he levitated, predicted the murder Arne Johnson would commit and was choked by invisible hands. A tape played over the credits displays growling but little more, and there’s no filmed evidence. And his older brother Carl, says that no possession took place and David had been delusional for years before the exorcism.
The murder: Both Johnson and the victim, Alan Bono (who was Johnson’s girlfriend Debbie’s boss), had been drinking and at some point, Bono grabbed Debbie’s young cousin and refused to let go. Johnson confronted Bono and in a fight stabbed him multiple times. The hallucinations shown in the movie were an embellishment, as Johnson blacked out until police found him in a bloody shirt two miles down the road. He had no memory of the incident.
The investigation: There is no evidence that the previous curse linked to two sisters and a cult of Satan worshippers was anything but made up.
The trial: Court proceedings depicted in the film gained some notoriety from the defense’s attempted argument of not guilty because of demonic possession. But presiding Judge Robert J. Callahan said “I am not going to allow the defense of demonic possession, period,” calling it “not a legal defense” and “needlessly confusing to a jury.” Johnson was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to ten to twenty years. He was out for good behavior in five. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Shock Docs: The Devil Made Me Do It Review – Conjuring Backstory Maintains Doctrine
The biggest shame of the “Devil Made Me Do It Case” is that Satan, and his legion of 43 fellow body-squatters, never got to take the stand. Given the voices we hear in Discovery+’s new Shock Docs: The Devil Made Me Do It, they might have made quite the impression on the otherwise largely indifferent court. For all the evil, Mr. Burns-style, laughter which emanates from the throat of the young possessed boy, a demon might have given the case the one thing it needed most: a hostile witness.
“I’ve always believed in the devil,” we hear again and again from survivors, eyewitnesses, investigating officers, even skeptics. But the Catholic Church never even looked at the evidence Ed and Lorraine Warren pounced on. Local priests from St. Joseph’s parish didn’t wait for Vatican blessings to perform several “lesser exorcisms” on such ungodly goings-on. Everyone preached to the choir. This is all preamble to the actual judicial proceedings which give the case its name, and the documentary ambles a little too long before attorney Martin Minnella blows his opening statement.
The advance press for Shock Doc: The Devil Made Me Do It promised audiences would be “getting to the very heart of evil and to where the actual terror lies.” The documentary is a companion piece to Warner Brothers’ feature The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, focusing on the more frightening claims and ghastly conclusions of horror cinema. While the studio is not involved with the TV project, they both treat the Warrens’ version as gospel.
Hearing directly from the people who went through the initial rituals of dispossession almost makes them believable. There are no visible tongues in cheeks during the accounts, only occasional inappropriate grins. But this is a family which was divided over the incidents. At least one lawsuit was filed by a family member claiming the entire scenario was orchestrated at the expense of a mentally ill 11-year-old boy. The ecclesiastical accoutrements were added by the bible-thumping, hymnal-humping Warrens to put the fear of god into the thrusters propelling the trajectory of their divine mission.
The Brookfield, Conn., case was the biggest thing to happen to the pioneering paranormal team since The Amityville Horror. Arne Johnson and Debbie Glatzel appear to be the perfect couple. They are normal, upwardly mobile, and community minded. He’s a tree surgeon described as an all-American kid. She’s a dog groomer. She doesn’t specialize in the hounds of hell, but when the murders happen, it is on the grounds of a kennel.
In the summer of 1980, the pair found a dream house in the woods near where they live. While fixing it up, Debbie’s younger brother David is alone in a room. He feels something push him onto a bed. He sees an old man with pointed ears, jagged teeth and black eyes, in a torn plaid shirt and blue jeans, and hears him say “Beware.” Because demons always give advance notice.
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The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It and the Perils of Taking on a Real Life Murder
By Rosie Fletcher
David continues to see the man, and on consequent visions remembers the skin as burned and black looking, and the feet resembling a deer’s cloven hooves. David has episodes which get more violent, abusive, and dangerous. His mother Judy Glatzel had heard about the Warrens, and thinking it’s simply a ghost, brings them into her home in Monroe, Conn. Ed and Lorraine don’t take long to pronounce the visions as inhuman and evil. The wandering demonologists hear tales about a talking toy dinosaur, witness David levitate, and predict an as-yet-uncommitted murder.
The killing, when it finally happens, is traced to the final “exorcism,” when Arne challenged the demon to leave David’s body and enter his own. “Take me on instead of him,” Johnson commanded the demons during the heat of the cosmic battle. He gets flak for the obvious social gaff, but the next morning, everything is fine. The sun is shining. Some birds are chirping. The Glatzels are able to breathe rather than pant and gasp. No one appears to have black sludge behind their eyelids. But Lorraine Warren will have none of that. She scolds Arne until he believes he’s the devil himself.
Five months later, Johnson pulls a five-inch buck knife and stabs his landlord, Alan Bono, to death. The witnesses remember Arne sounding “like the Hulk,” and the music was too loud. Arne later claims to have no recollection of the incident, but does recall the volume of Bono’s stereo. While it may be true Arne Johnson was possessed, the Warrens made the possession religious, and the suggestion made Johnson vulnerable. Their pronouncement, after calling in anyone they could find with a turned-around collar, was a curse as powerful as any left-hand pathology.
Ed and Lorraine Warren, who are fairly nonplussed by the supernatural, nonchalantly blame the killing on the Evil One, or the Father of Lies, which the family affectionately calls “The Beast,” which entered Arne and twisted his very features into that of a madman. In a more recent interview, Joe Lamarelli, the Brookfield Police Department Patrolman who was the first on the scene, says Arne “was no Charles Manson.” But when he calls dispatch for backup the devil gets his due.
Lorraine called the Brookfield police four months before the murder to warn about upcoming problems, and is the one to make call the day after the murder to say Arne was possessed. In interview after interview, Lorraine, family members, and clergy say they could see it in his eyes. Arne could not be guilty of murder. They always knew he was innocent, even when he’s found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced from 10 to 20 years.
But we get ahead of ourselves. This is by design, because, after all the buildup, horror and suspense, the media circus and People magazine, the point of the documentary goes by so fast, we almost miss it. The documentary even throws in vague recollections of overheard rumors of “bad things happening to jurors,” like family members getting hit by cars to prolong the inevitable. The Warrens use the lord’s name many times over the course of the Shock Doc, but ultimately always in vain.
All of the movies based on Warren investigations bear the “based on a real story” seal. But the very premise that the “devil made me do it” case was the first demonic defense used at trial is a stretch. The defendant’s lawyer changed the plea before the judge finished rolling his eyes. The Warrens never got to swear on a Bible in court.
Shock Docs: The Devil Made Me Do It sticks to the ghost stories which make horror movies like The Conjuring 3 sustain life. The events leading up to the murder are breathlessly told. The narration is filled with surprised gravitas as each unbelievable layer unfolds. The dramatic recreations segue organically between archival footage and talking head recollections. But it is only one side of the drama. Did the most famous supernatural investigators play fast and loose with the rosaries? Did they spike or water down the Holy Water? Only the Warrens’ agents at the William Morris Agency know for sure. The devil is not the personification of evil, as Lorraine explains. But the face of Satanic Panic continues to serve as a muse for the masters.
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Shock Docs: The Devil Made Me Do It debuts Friday, June 11 on discovery+.
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[REPELIS!]» Expediente Warren: Obligado por el demonio— Pelicula COMPLETA Sub Español
[REPELIS!]» Expediente Warren: Obligado por el demonio— Pelicula COMPLETA Sub Español
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Título    : Expediente Warren: Obligado por el demonio Titulo Original : The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It Títulos Alternativos : Conjuring: Sous l'emprise du Diable Dirigida por : James Wan Reparto : Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga, Ruairi O'Connor, Sarah Catherine Hook, Julian Hilliard, John Noble Géneros : Terror, Misterio, Suspense Países : United States of America Compañías de Producción : New Line Cinema Fecha de Estreno : 2021-05-25 Tiempo de Ejecución : 112 min.
SINOPSIS: Ambientada en los años 80. Ed y Lorraine Warren deberán afrontar un nuevo caso que se presenta con un hombre, Arne Cheyne Johnson, que es acusado de asesinato tras haber sido poseído por un demonio.
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"Expediente Warren: Obligado por el demonio" se sumerge en la juventud rebelde de uno de los villanos más conocidos -y más de moda-, nada menos que la legendaria Expediente Warren: Obligado por el demonio de Vil. Emma Stone encarna a Estella, alias Expediente Warren: Obligado por el demonio, junto a Emma Thompson como la Baronesa, la directora de una prestigiosa firma de moda que convierte a Estella en una incipiente diseñadora. La cinta está ambientada en el contexto del punk-rock londinense de los 70.
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❍❍❍ Definition and Definition of Film / Movie ❍❍❍ While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful. ❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍ The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season. ❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] In 2022, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2022, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television. ❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching The Video Today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited. Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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