#arcane jayce x you
Jayce, Viktor & Vi x Reader with Zhongli Personality
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He liked you from the get go, not love at first sight but he wasn't standoffish.
He liked that you weren't so posh like the rest of Piltover's citizens 
Actually quite refreshing.
When he needed time to breathe he knew he could come to you, your calm, laid back aura somehow calmed him.
You were calm…a bit too calm
For as long as he had known you, you were so quiet and calm…he thought you were hiding something
But until he figured it out that that's just how you were, he liked it
He likes hearing about your traditions and asked numerous questions about them
They just fascinated him
Since you were used to being able to conjure stuff at will, and no longer being able to do that, he was confused at first
Until you explained to him and he understood, so he helped you with it
Loves, and I mean loves hearing about Liyue
Kinda frightened by your polearm
The first time he saw it you almost hit him with it
So understand he needed some time to understand why you had it
You're very polite, a key factor of why he was drawn to you
It was a refresher from the arrogant ones he had to be surrounded by
You were quite reserved, he noticed but after a while when he got to know you, he was proud he got around that
Ever since then he's stuck to you like glue
And its permanent glue…yippee!
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Like Jayce, he was kind of drawn to how you were so polite
You never were loud, always quiet and calm and you avoided speaking loud in general
He liked it, in the Undercity it was loud and so was Piltover, and he was someone who preferred quiet
He loves when you speak about your traditions, history from Liyue and Mora, piqued his interest
He always wanted to hear more
The quiet conversations you had with him at night were his favorite times though
He was surprised still at your politeness though, specially when someone was not being so kind to you, but you still were so reserved
He admired that
You were so kind to him at every turn
It actually surprised him, people knew where he was from and people liked to talk
So he wholeheartedly expected you to do the same
But you didn't?
That was the final nail in the coffin, now you and him are always together, quietly talking or sitting in silence
Sometimes he would bring up Liyue, just to see the small glint in your eye
He loved when you would bring up it's history, the good or bad you would go on for hours about it but never raising your voice
He thought your polearm was cool, he even used it as a base for a new hextech experiment
He's never seen you angry, he's scared to see the day you get angry
To the point he doesn't want to know what you're like even for a second
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She was suspicious as hell the second she met you
She thought you were after something
Because who in the right mind walks through the Undercity, so polite and calm even with everyone yelling and the chaos
And when you approached her, addressing her calmly and politely introducing yourself, her radar went off
All signs were yelling that you were up to something and after someone or her
For a while she was convinced you worked for Silco, so she remained wary of you and didn't want to associate with you
But even then you were so calm, never yelling, something she had never seen before in a person
And even if her radar went off, you talking to her eased her worries
When she finally came to the fact that you weren't working for Silco, your personality was just like this in general she actually liked it
You were so quiet, and she was loud and hard and you were calm and reserved
Match made in heaven
Sometimes you would get into your conversations about Mora and Liyue and she would be quiet
So you eventually thought she wasn't listening, so you stopped speaking
And immediately she looked up at you, confused
"What? Hey, don't leave me hanging. Finish the story."
"I thought you weren't listening? You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Just because I ain't speaking doesn't mean I don't like it."
"Go on."
It surprised you, she loved hearing the history of it
It calmed her a bit, even through the rough parts she always paid attention
And you loved that
She likes when you frag her into your traditions from Liyue
She likes partaking it them
Seeing the way you look so happy when shoeing her and teaching her about it makes her happy
Your calm, she thought it would somehow get you hurt one day if someone tried to take advantage of your politeness or you being calm
So, expect her too always be there
Your politeness is what she loves most
She somehow found the most polite and calm person she had ever met and you wanted to be with her?
Almost killed her the day she figured that out
She loves the calm you have, the politeness and thinks you guys balance each other out
Lord knows she needs some calm in her life
That calm is now you
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thehistoriangirl · 1 year
Testing One’s Love Luck to Win You Over
I... uh, this was supposed to be shorter 😅, but I didn’t know how much I missed to write for the one and only Golden Boy sooo yeah [I promise to write more about you, Jayce, *mwah* <333]
Jayce x fem!Reader-----3.1K-------SFW
Synopsis: With adulthood came different responsibilities. For Jayce, it was enrolling at the Academy and becoming a revolutionary inventor; for you, it was securing your family’s position inside the high-end of Piltover’s more influential and powerful clans. However, Jayce isn’t willing to lose you without playing all his cards.
Tags: Childhood Sweethearts| Arranged Marriage (derogatory)| Light Angst (at the beginning), mostly Fluff (the rest)| Love Confession| Eloping| Happy Ending|
Jayce had always lived two houses away from you ever since you had a memory, so when he moved to the Academic District to one of the Kiramman's ateliers, you felt a strange hole being carved in your chest as you stood on your porch, watching the carriage marked with the keys from the Kiramman family crest riding up the hill.
He promised to visit, and he did. Jayce even invited you to his new atelier, showing you his current projects, and the magnificent view he had of the whole city from his balcony.
You tried to enter the Academy—following the example of the most intelligent person you'd ever met—but of course, you couldn't get in. Your whole life had been drafted for you before you could have a rebuttal in the matter.
Just like your older sister, you've been raised to conquer the spotlight in the soirées held by clans more powerful than your own, charming any potential suitor that could raise your family influence after a marriage deal.
While Jayce spent hours researching engineering and physics in the Academy’s library, you learned different techniques of dance, how to play the piano and to walk while keeping your chin up, without looking at the ground.
Even if you thought you were drifting apart, every time Jayce knocked at your door to invite you to a walk around the fanciest district in Piltover, conversation flew naturally, as if the time had retreated, and you were still the kids that played with marbles on the soft grass in the front yard of his home. You still laughed at Jayce's silly jokes, and he still found your laugh contagious enough to end up both cackling until your bellies hurt.
In those moments, you tried to deny it, but the reality was that no matter how hard you wished, your heart wouldn't stop beating as if it wanted to escape your ribcage.
Good thing that Jayce would only see you once in a while because otherwise, he would pick your lie about how your forehead always felt like it was on fire when he patted your head because you were sick.
You felt guilty when he showed up with ointment his mom recommended to you when having a cold.
But soon enough time run thin, and he graduated and started to spend more time enclosed in the atelier. Jayce wouldn't let you come in when you showed up unannounced, preferring to eat the food you had prepared outside.
Some weeks after it, your parent broke the long-expectedly, but no less frightening, of your engagement.
By that time, you had already identified the pressing sensation residing on your chest—the same you felt when you said goodbye to Jayce every time, but not quite as overwhelming as this time. The pressure, the hollow, was just as when he left for the Academy years ago.
You nodded at your mother, smiling softly as you asked when you were about to meet your future husband. Even if the most visceral part of you wanted to scream until your jaw hurt from opening your mouth too widely, to run away up the hill and slam your fists in Jayce’s atelier.
But what he could do? Not even you were allowed to command the ways your life should develop. Jayce couldn’t help you. Nobody could.
It was funny how time seemed to pass by quicker when your family gave you a date for the wedding; contrary to when Jayce could only come back for the holidays. You were looking at his house, lonely and sad now that his mother spent her time with friends, without her son around.
Each night occurred, and the wedding got closer and closer. Insomnia lets you wander through all your thoughts—even those that you shouldn't suppose to have. If only you were born into another family, would you be happier? Would you don't mind being surrounded by luxuries in exchange for freedom? For love?
You smiled, a sour expression that curled your top lip in disgust. There was pointless to wish for things you couldn’t have.
And yet, Jayce’s image conjured in your mind as you tried to push it away, tucked in the pressure-based door at the back of your mind.
You wished you at least could have him.
The smell of the variety of flowers filling the bride's room made you want to throw up. Sunlight flooded the white room, and you felt as if you were blurring with it, becoming a piece of decoration for your almost new husband.
If you weren't on the third floor, you'd probably jump out the window.
Someone knocked at the door, and when you said, tired: “Come in.” You saw another gigantic bouquet, this one decorated with both white jasmines and red carnations. Upon seeing them, you frowned, gesturing with one hand toward the back of the room. “Let them when you can.”
The person closed the door behind him.
“Were you going to tell me you’re getting married?” His voice made you jump, and you saw his serious face from your mirror, accompanied by your widened eyes, mouth agape.
Turning so quickly you almost fell off the stool, you said, in a voice full of so many feelings you got surprised by how all of them bleed out with just one word. "Jayce?” From longing to terror, shame, and confusion. But above all, a sadness so deep your eyes started to itch with trapped tears. “What are you doing here?”
That made him pace angrily around the little space of the room that wasn’t covered with your puffy dress, gifts still unopen, and flower bouquets. His right hand pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I… I don’t know.” He sighed, collapsing over one corner of the bed. “I don’t know what to do.” He hid his face between his palms as you pinched your eyebrows with both confusion and worry.
“Jayce?” You stood up, your hand hovering over his slumped shoulders, afraid that if you touched him, you would crumble. So you only curled your fingers away, nails scrapping the palm of your hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to see me like this.”
You had wished for him to look at you all dressed in a wedding gown for him, so he could get all happy and excited while seeing you walking inside the courtroom.
He shook his head. “It’s my fault. I left and in the end, I couldn’t—" he sighed, and he sounded just as tired as your feet. "I wasn't quick enough… I couldn’t become…” Jayce looked at you, between his messy dark hair and deeply saddened eyes. For all those times you thought you’d be capable of drowning in them was just an exaggeration, today he proved you wrong. “Please don’t get married.”
You blinked, a quick sequence of blurring images of Jayce’s gaze locked in yours as your eyes got blurry with tears. “Jayce—”
His hands held your arms at each side of your body, and you saw his Academy uniform wrinkled and covered with oil stains. Even his fingers were covered in a fine black powder that stained the white arm gloves that covered his skin. As you leaned in closer, you took in the smell of paper, coffee, and burned coal. The same essence lingered inside his atelier.
“Please,” he said, voice cracking. You felt your lip quiver.
You hugged him, feeling a tug in your chest as you passed one of your hands through his hair. He leaned into your gentle touch, eyelids fluttering when he closed his eyes. The words got stuck in your throat, and so they got out in an almost inaudible whisper. "I need to get married, Jayce."
He opened his eyes, and his gaze burned into your chest, where your heart was beating madly, so loud it must be the reason why you didn’t pick up his words correctly.
“Then marry me.”
The gasp that got out of your lips felt as if someone had punched you in the chest. "What?”
His cheeks were deep red, and they felt hot when you cradled his cheek so Jayce could see you as he tried to divert his eyes away.
"You heard me," Jayce muttered, looking toward the window. Sky was already filled with orange hues that made the bedroom look as if it were almost caught on fire. "You can marry me if you want."
You blinked, but no matter how much you tried to clear your view, confusion still impregnated it. “Do you want to marry me?”
He pulled you away, so he could take in the puffy, lavishing dress you were supposed to use in the ceremony. Your hair was pulled away from your face, making your head pulse in a settled, hurtful rhythm.
“I thought once I created Hextech, I would’ve been able to ask your family if I could court you without them family denying it, but…”
Your heart throbbed painfully. Of course, they'd said no. Jayce being behind Hextech's creation was marvelous, a dream come true to any aspiring inventor. But not so for aristocratic families, for them, he was still the heir of a lower house. "Oh, Jayce…"
“I mean—I was planning on telling you; to ask if you, uh… if you reciprocate my feelings. But then your family said no and I… I didn’t know what to do. I still don’t.” He was fidgeting his fingers over his lap, too afraid of looking at you that now he was scanning every corner of the room. “Do you… do you feel the same?”
Your mind ran toward the myriad of memories you two had shared over the years, the permanent feeling of wanting. "Do you remember when we were kids? When we played house and I told you that I was your wife? I still abide by those words."
The littlest of smiles appear in the corners of Jayce's lips. "I think we should kiss now.”
You chuckled, leaning toward him, you were pulling your skirts off the way so you could fit between his legs- Your hands trembled as you cupped his cheeks, eyes fluttering closer when you brushed your lips against his. You heard him sigh, finally relieved. However, it was only a peck. “Not yet. I’m afraid we need to leave before people start to suspect why the door’s closed,” you said while biting your bottom lip.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Jayce looked at the room. It was all white, adorned with silk and lace around the bed filled with boxes of clothes and shoes. "Do you think you can get out of the window?"
“It’s three stores high, Jayce.” You looked at the bed he was sitting at. “But maybe we can improvise a rope.” Your finger pointed at the mattress.
Jayce jumped out of it and started to throw the gifts on the ground, taking the bedsheets off the mattress. "Just as when we were younger, huh?"
You smiled, dexterous hands already making knots with the fabric to use as holders. You used to escape to Jayce’s house when your parents grounded you. You had to escape from your room, which was easier once you memorize the patrols and the paths of the service toward the rooms. Then, you had to run across the street and climb up the Talis’ house front gate, to where Jayce already expected you with a rope made with his bedsheets and curtains.
Now instead of climbing, you were descending.
He knotted the rope in one of the bed’s legs. “Now, take off your dress and come down.”
You looked at him, cheeks hot, eyebrows raised in perplexion. "Wouldn't you like that?"
Jayce’s hazel eyes widened, with one of his hands covering his mouth. “Not like that! I meant—it’s for… it’s so you can move comfortably!”
Despite the stress building like a tight knot in your belly, you found yourself laughing, trying to conceal the noise between your hands. “I know, I know. Sorry.”
“You don’t sorry in the slightest.”
“You know too well. Turn around and close your eyes, I’ll change into something comfy.”
Jayce snickered. “Afraid I’ll peek?" You hit him in the shoulder and quickly knelt to find the clothes your maid pushed down the mattress while helping you dress up. "Let me know if you need any help.”
You stopped him from turning, your body came too close to him so the back of your knees brushed his pants as you turned around, showing him the back of your dress, a succession of little buttons lost between a sea of lace and silk. “Jayce, unbutton the back of my dress, please.”
You thought he’d said no, but you were running thin on time. When night fall your ceremony would arrive, and the sky was already getting dimmer.
He brushed his fingers through your spine, pulling you closer so he could see the little buttons better, causing you to feel his breath sending warm huffs in the back of your neck and around your shoulders as the fabric of the dress opened more with each turn of his wrist.
When he was done, you kept the dress in place with a firm hand pressed against your chest. You felt his hand hovering in the small of your back, irradiating warmth as you held your breath.
“I should’ve said you look beautiful before you take off the dress,” he said, and your breath got caught in a shaky huff as you let it out. “I love you, so, so much. Ever since I left for the Academy—no, even long before it.”
You chortled, only to hide how flustered you really felt. “I feel like an overly saturated chandelier.” You turned, and his smile made your heart melt. “Thank you, Jayce.”
You quickly changed into your pajamas, still white, but at least they were decorated with baby blue knitting motifs. Jayce held part of the rope as you threw the rest down the window, scanning the lateral courtyard to thankfully find it empty from both guests and the workers.
“Come down and wait for me at the entrance, in the tree near the ugly fountain. Do you know what I’m talking about?”
You looked at Jayce. “The one that looks like an egg with a hole in the middle?” He nodded as you squatted on the window sill, feet pressed under the protuberance in the rock. “Are you going to stay behind?”
“I’ll untie the rope so people can’t know how you escaped, okay?”
Your heartbeat rushed through your ears, drowning any logical thought, any fear you could start to feel as gravity pulled you down and the only thing keeping you safe was a thin silk rope.
Jayce was peeking through the window, a reassuring smile on his face all the time. You focused on it, in the feeling of his soft lips against yours and the way he leaned to your touch. In the future ahead, one when you became a Talis, leaving behind your own—or better say, the one your parents choose you to have after the wedding.
The grass felt soft, cold, and humid against your naked feet. You shivered, eyes darting toward each corner as you dashed toward the fountain, kneeling to tuck your body under it in case someone walked in this lonely path to arrive at the back courtyard, where the ceremony would take place.
From your crouched position, you couldn't see his silhouette moving in the window. The shadows became sharper, the air colder as the sun hide.
Your heart was so loud you were afraid people would hear it. You couldn’t bring yourself to think what your parents—and your ex-fiancé—would do to you, or much worse, to Jayce, if you two got caught.
Time extended too long, and dread made me feel dizzy. You were imagining all the ways Jayce was found; someone saw him get out of your room, your mother caught him descending the stairs…
“I'm here…" Jayce's voice startled you, and you hit your head on the edge of the fountain. He knelt and held you in his arms, one of his hands quickly massaging your scalp. "Are you alright, my sunshine? I'm sorry I startled you."
You tried to ignore the way his nickname made your stomach flutter. “Let’s go! The ceremony should start at any minute.”
It had always been hard to keep up with Jayce's long strides. Today was no different, you felt your legs cramped, but you ran as if you were chased after—and you had to admit, it was half-true. As you were crossing the entrance gate, you heard commotion growing from inside the house. They must have noticed you weren't there already.
Jayce squeezed your hand, fingers interlaced as you ran down the wide avenues, around the boulevards, until the streets narrowed, descending in hills. You thought he was guiding you toward the Talis family house, but no. This part of Piltover was new to you.
“Where… where are… we going?” you said between pants. Your feet hurt from running so much.
“To my new apartment. We’ll spend the night there, and tomorrow—” You had stopped, walking much calmer now that you were a couple of kilometers away from where your wedding was supposed to be held.  “Tomorrow… If you want, tomorrow we’ll get married.”
You smiled, looking at his insecure pose, with shoulders dropped and hands tucked against his belly. He was gigantic, even if he tried to shrink. You stepped over his boots, on your tiptoes to tangle your arms around his wide shoulders.
“Do you promise?” you whispered, the movement making your lips brush against his. He embraced you by the waist.
“I promise, my little sunshine,” he replied, nodding and dipping his head toward you so he could capture your lips fully, wanting to melt in your touch as much as you wanted to get lost in it.
“I love you, Jayce. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
He quickly shifted his hold, with one hand on the small of your back, and the other embracing your thighs as he carried you, bride style, toward his apartment. Your feet wiggled in the air, your voice wavering with laughter. "What are you doing?!"
"Practicing," Jayce simply stated, walking steadily up the street. He looked at you, brushing your noses together as he paused to accommodate you, with your hands still embracing his shoulders. “Because I feel like I’m going to this quite a lot from this day onwards.”
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cherubfae · 3 months
"you take me so well" || arcane x reader
With Silco, Viktor, Jayce, Vi, Caitlyn, & Jinx
I don't accept NSFW requests!
tags: fem!reader, female anatomy, smut, established relationships, reader is implied late 20s (Vik), late 20s-early 30s firelight reader (Silco), toy use, vik's reader also uses a cane!!, pet names
a/n: lmao me writing these like I don't have my bestie and I in mind for our faves <3
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Smoke from his snuffed out cigar lingers in the air, mixed so sweetly with his fine cologne and aftershave. It's one of the few things you can focus on as Silco drills his drooling cock deep into your pussy. You grip the edge of his desk, your board tossed in the corner of his office, legs hooked loosely around his waist gasping with every drag of his pelvic bone against your achy clit. His grunts are wild, unhinged. His blunt nails leave crescent-shaped marks on your skin as he yanks you deeper onto his cock, his balls making a wet pap pap pap with every delicious thrust. "Such a good girl for me, darling. What would your poor leader think of you sleeping with the enemy? Being fucked so tenderly on the Eye of Zaun's cock? Oh my love--! My cock was truly made for you, hmm? Utterly divine." His lips smash to yours, fingers intertwined together.
Ever the gentleman, at first, Viktor slowly lowers you down onto his thick cock. His large hands shift from your thighs to grip your hips, pressing you down gently til he bottoms out. "There, love, see? You always take me much better when you're amply prepped for my dick. You're such a sweetheart for me, I must reward your patience." His smirk curls, lips finding your neck. Viktor's hand gently strokes your leg, easing what pain and discomfort he could. He wouldn't move until you told him to. He knows how much you enjoy cock warming him. <3
A soft whimper bubbles in the back of his throat, his cock head breaching your lubed, velvet walls with a gentle push. So warm and inviting, the intoxicating feeling of you wrapped around is just what he needs after a long, stressful day in the lab. His girth is impossibly thick, it's taken a lot of practice and prep for your tiny cunt to be able to take him. Jayce is always gentle with you, big thumb circling your clit in hopes to chase away any discomfort. "Shh, shh, I know it's big, baby, you're taking me so damn well. Want to stop? No? Okay, okay. Let me get some more lube, yeah? Oh, fuck, pretty girl. I felt you clench. God, I ache for you, baby."
"Fuck baby," she hisses, sinking you down further on her pink strap. Her hips stutter, raw muscle flexing beneath the strap's harness pressing into the meat of her thighs. She rears herself back, until the pink head of the dildo is almost entirely exposed before pushing back in with her hips flushed to yours. "You're so stretched out on my cock, lovely. So fuckin' perfect." Vi purrs, swallowing your moan with her lips.
Tender kisses are peppered all over your face, her long hair falling in front of her face. She's smiling down at you, looking like an angel sprawled against her pillow. Your pretty lips drawn open into a wanton gasp, hips jumping up as her deep blue strap sinks into you fully. The strap buzzes to life, Caitlyn giggles at your little yelp. It melts into desperate pants and eager rolls of your hips. She's more than happy to oblige as she pins your knees to your chest and fucks you into her mattress. "That's it, love. You look so pretty taking my cock like a good girl. Oh, does that feel good, baby? I'm glad. You look so lovely, all fucked out and flushed. Such a pretty little thing."
Her face hides at the back of your neck, hips pounding against your ass. Her lithe fingers curl around the messy sheets, her other hand curled at your hip. Glancing down at where you two meet, Jinx all but snarls out a moan, picking up the pace. The way the electric blue strap buries itself deep within your pussy is such an addicting site. One that makes her froth at the mouth, nails biting into your skin. "You should see how fuckin' well you take me, princess. Fits like a fuckin' dream, your cunt is practically drooling f'me!"
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|| please don't repost, reuse, or edit my works in any way! I do not give permission. Tumblr is the only site where I post. All characters belong to their rightful owner and the story belongs to me © CHERUBFAE 2024 ||
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honeydazai · 1 year
୨୧·࣭࣪̇˖ 𝆬  having a secret enemies to lovers relationship with them 𝆬 𓏸
feat.: Jayce Talis, Vi, Ambessa Medarda, Mel Medarda, Ekko
content: f!reader, nsfw content, mild violence mentions
notes: this was commissioned by the most lovely @angelltheninth !! thank you so much again!! 💜
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Honestly, JAYCE refuses to admit just how much he finds himself drawn to you. You're everything he's not, working in the shadows for Silco while he's Piltover's golden boy, the Man of the Future, and yet there's some odd tension between the two of you that he can't deny. He aches to label it as natural hate, though that couldn't be further from the truth. The catalyst for your eventual growing fondness of each other is when he's got you pinned down, imposing hammer so close to obliterating you and, God, he can't do it. You're his enemy, certainly, and yet he finds himself absentmindedly brushing some dirt off your cheek, touch gentle despite those huge hands.
After that, things go all too fast. One moment you're kissing, you softly moaning into his mouth, the next you try and sneak into the Academy, trying your hardest not to appear suspicious and, well — if you end up making out on one of the tables he usually does science stuff on, who can blame you? It feels all too nice to wrap your legs around his wide waist, pulling him closer while his dick pushes into you, calloused fingers roaming over your skin as if he's desperate to feel as much of you at the same time as somehow possible. It's all too good, until the sound of approaching footsteps, accompanied by the rhythmic thumping noise of a cane, makes both of you flinch, and you're forced to hide in an empty storage room, still dripping with need.
“Fuck, talk about horrible timing—, quick, in here, in here. God. Hopefully he'll leave real quick again, I'm stil hard; don't you worry, we'll continue just where we left off in but a moment. We just can't get caught.”
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There is no word for what VI feels for you other than 'hate'. How could she not? As an Enforcer, you're her complete opposite, you're used to the riches and comfortable life of Piltover and, well, she would've never thought she could ever grow fond of you, but it turns out you look awfully pretty underneath her, pinned to the ground of Zaun. There's mud caked to the side of your face and a stray trail of blood runs down your forehead and, oh — for some reason, you don't do anything but moan softly when she leans down to meet your lips in a bruising kiss, her thick thigh spreading your own apart.
It's adorable how your cheeks flush when she calls you a teasing nickname; it's downright sweet when you whimper and press your body against her own. Your very reactions make you so very human, so very much like her. You're not that different from her at all, it appears, and that realisation itself makes things complicated. Vi swears she despises you, hates you with all her heart, but when she sneaks away to your usual meeting place, the sixth time this week, rough touches having turned into loving embraces along the way, she can't say she's being entirely truthful.
“Hey, sugar! You made it. Fuck, I'm always so happy to see ya, it's ridiculous. My heart's beatin' all fast. Oh—, hey, you're eager today, hm? Wanna continue that badly where we were interrupted last time? Fine by me. You gotta spread those cute legs of yours then, darl.”
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It comes as no surprise that a powerful woman such as AMBESSA has quite a lot of enemies. There's all too many people who wish her death or worse for the countries she's conquered or the people she's slayed — and yet you're the only one who has ever caught her eye. It's all too easy to have you brought to her luxurious chambers, and even when you're glaring at her, eyes narrowed with nothing short of hatred, she doesn't care, really. Her fingers come up to grab your chin, keeping your head in place as her gaze rakes over your face, taking every feature of your face in.
You're not sure whether to be enraged or relieved that, apparently, she's satisfied with what she sees, though it's a lot preferable when, minutes later, she seats you on one thick thigh of hers rather than having you beheaded. Really, you couldn't stifle your mewls and moans even if you tried when she grinds said leg up against your already dripping folds. Over time, you grow fond of her — something you hadn't thought possible —; your relationship stays a secret, but your smile at her praise is honest, your laughter joining her boisterous one is not an act at all. She's surprisingly sweet for such a bold woman and, well; the fact that she leaves you unable to walk for a day or two whenever she's between your legs is a pretty convincing factor to stay with her, too.
“Aren't you just the sweetest little one? C'mon, now, no need to be shy. You've been grinding against my thigh like a bitch in heat before, haven't you? Surely you can do it again. Though, if my leg isn't good enough for you, maybe you're just not as desperate to cum as I thought.”
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There's always been tension between you and MEL; how could there not be when you were anything she didn't stand for, being her political enemy and everything? Really, the amount of bickering you two did was close to ridiculous, and yet neither of you seemed to mind it all too much. Even though you don't make a pretty picture up on a stage or behind the council roundtable, you look all too ethereal on her bed, legs spread wide and arching your back while slender fingers alternate between gently rubbing and meanly pinching your throbbing clit.
Really, you'd worry about it being all too obvious how often you search up her quarters, though she's quick to distract you with soft kisses and the occasional cruel graze of teeth against your neck. There's no need to worry about anything, truly; when Mel wants your relationship to stay between the two of us, it will remain a secret at all costs.
“My, my. You're quite adorable today, hm? So very needy for my touch, and yet I remember quite clearly how you've challenged me in front of the rest of the Council. Love, it almost looks like you were aching to be punished by me. Is that not the case? I might go easier on you if you at least admit it.”
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EKKO despises you. There's no way around it. Ekko despises you and, if needed, fights you with all his might, and yet his expression, Firelight mask long knocked off his face, softens oh so visibly when he, one day, meets you at random, your injuries awfully bad. He's not sure what he's thinking when he takes you in and cares for your wounds, nursing you back to health; you're his enemy, damn it, and he should act like it, but the only explanation he has for how he's acting is that empathy is an all too human trait he can't seem to get rid of, no matter how hard he tries. He can't just leave you in the Undercity to rot.
By the time you're back to full health, you can't deny that, even though you're supposed to be enemies, you've bonded quite a bit. He's funny and loving, protective of you, even; and even though your relationship has to stay secret at all costs, given how he'd otherwise lose credibility with the Firelights and you'd be called a traitor, you both can't help but sneak away at night to see each other, you embracing him in a loving hug and his lips pressing against yours all too eagerly. With Ekko, it takes a while until it gets to making out and getting even more intimate, but that's quite alright. There's no need to rush it; you're both more than happy to lose track of time while cuddling and kissing.
“Would've never thought that, one day, I'd be kissin' someone like you like this. Hey—, in a positive way. Don't get me wrong on purpose. Y'know I love everything about you. Yeah? Good. It's almost sunrise, though. 'm afraid you'll have to go back soon.”
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tags: @vislovelywife @Mamanaga @vaemadz @cicada-teeth @jinxsslut @silcosnumber1 @coochie-intervention @inertiacreams @shinwifexx @rhaeena @bumbookitten @greeniegreengreen @my-awakened-ghost @afidiofobia @helloyellowsheeps @yuuotosaka3 @sccarymonster @satoruislove @pastelsbaby @artsyxabbyx @ cyan-skulls @arboranimus @marina-and-the-memes @holysmokesblog @twilightdollie @kaaylvst @definitely-not-v @innerstrawberrypolice @misty-q @perylinsus @pleasemakeitgayer @imaginesbymk @meimayooo @doxmino @smolbeandrabbles @darknessbyme @darthkenobii @mars738 @cupcakkesinflatedwetbussy @illicittete @lemzhargreeves @festivalthrash
@savagemickey03 @rosepxtlz @user4837 @Nervousartisanheart @mikariell95 @mechmoucha
@silcobrainrot @Medeaa5 @nocturnal-onlooker @modernamilf @catsaiem @t0r @beyondblissxoxo @zillahvathek @brainrottingrn @klaudia7 @okura-s
@666abby6666 @ironnieincarn8 @watercolourdreams @scturne19 @ladykatakuri @lunerenzo @cowboykiri @soullessbody @thottywizard @celebrity-crushes27 @ygrworld @sevikasslvtt @chaoticevilbakugo @trashbod @MiloMalaise @berywritesstuff @alice0blog @gooseberries88 @s1t1n0ny0url4p @black-rose-29
1K notes · View notes
pow-pow1111 · 24 days
ARCANE TEXTS- Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Worm?
Arcane x reader
Includes: Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Viktor, Jayce, Mel, Ekko, Sevika
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130 notes · View notes
somedaylazysomeday · 2 months
Good Intentions Part Twenty
The Haven gets a new donor, Silco wants a side deal.
Rating: Explicit.
Word Count: 4,900
Warnings: Ongoing references to sex as a form of payment, veiled references to organized crime, arguments, oral sex (fem!receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, and blackmail
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You did your best not to squint at the men on the other side of the table. Doing so would only make it look like you were suspicious of them. 
You were suspicious of them, of course, but there was no need to be obvious. 
“My apologies, gentlemen,” you said slowly. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but with all of the opportunities available to you, I don’t understand why you are so interested in helping to fund the Haven.”
“It’s complicated.” Jayce Talis, the most famous Piltover inventor in recent history, rubbed at the space between his heavy brows. 
“I do own and operate a relief organization and facilitate certain healthcare treatments, including minimizing the effects of Shimmer withdrawal,” you pointed out mildly. “Maybe, if you explain it slowly, I can follow along.”
One corner of his mouth curved upward, emphasizing the fullness of his lips. He was famously handsome and infamously unavailable, but that was fine. Your tastes ran in other directions. 
His business partner - a man who was known around the Undercity only as Viktor - crossed his arms, slouching back in his seat. You tried not to judge it as a show of poor manners, especially when he straightened his leg with a wince. It was very likely Viktor just needed to adjust positions. Of course, it was equally likely that he didn’t find you very amusing. 
“Make your point, Jayce,” Viktor muttered. “We have important business to take care of at the lab.”
“Yes, the lab,” Jayce said, adding a nod in your direction. “As you may already know, HexTech is doing well. We have made several important advancements and are set to debut more over the next few years. We own the patents to everything outright, so all profits come to us. Piltover has given us a few dozen grants and investments have flooded in. We have plenty of money to pursue the further development of HexTech.” 
You nodded. It all seemed simple to understand so far.
“There is one particular area where HexTech does not excel: outreach.” Viktor interrupted with an impatient look at his now-pouting business partner. “That is why we reached out to you.” 
“Yes, but is there a particular reason you want to support the Haven rather than any other Undercity outreach?” you pressed. Maybe you were a little paranoid, but your recent experiences with Silco had convinced you that being more discerning was probably a smart move. 
Jayce sat forward slightly. “The Haven’s track record is impressive. Your expense justification reports have all shown remarkably low operating costs, your residents have started to find work with other Undercity businesses, and there’s plenty of buzz about the dent you’ve made in the Shimmer trade in your neighborhood.” 
The blood roared in your ears at that. “That’s an overstatement, of course. Drug use waxes and wanes in neighborhoods over time. It’s just coincidence that Shimmer use decreased when the Haven opened.” 
Jayce furrowed his brows, but Viktor looked like you had finally said something interesting. “I assume that is the line one must repeat vehemently if one wants to avoid the attention of the chem barons.” 
“Chem barons?” Jayce repeated, now frowning harder. “They’re a local legend, a convenient shadow government that the people can blame their problems on.”
“Of course,” you agreed. 
Viktor looked darkly amused. “Nothing more than a legend, certainly.” 
“Yeah…” Jayce said slowly, glancing between you and Viktor. “Anyway, we’ve heard about the decreased drug use and we want to support that as much as possible. You and the Haven seem like the best choice to make that happen.”
“How is your security?” Viktor asked abruptly. 
“We have a small team of guards for the exterior of the building,” you said honestly. It probably wouldn’t help anything if you told them exactly who was paying for that small team of guards. “There is almost no Enforcer presence in the Lanes, so we can’t count on a patrol happening at a crucial time.” 
“I can pull a few strings,” Jayce assured you, totally confident. “I have some connections with the Enforcers. Piltover wants to support new development, especially when it isn’t tied to the drug trade. And they’re not going to find anything better than an anti-Shimmer organization with a proven track record.” 
You nodded in acknowledgement of his point, but looked to Viktor. “And you? Do you also think the Haven is a good match for HexTech’s goals?”
Viktor lifted one shoulder in a halfhearted shrug. “I fail to see what impact your outreach could possibly have on the Undercity. The politics are snarled, the people are desperate, and there is too much money to be made from exploitation.” 
That was a harsh assessment, but it was true. Jayce cleared his throat uncomfortably, but Viktor spoke again before the better-mannered of the pair could offer any reassurances. “That being said, I am… reluctantly impressed by what I have heard of your meetings with Silco. There are few willing to argue with him.” 
You stiffened slightly at Viktor’s mention of Silco. Up to that point, you had both pointedly avoided using his name, as evidenced by the way Jayce was glancing between the two of you. 
“I don’t understand,” Jayce admitted. “Who is Silco?” 
“You will find out,” Viktor said, the statement sounding both threatening and utterly inevitable as he stood. “I must return to the lab. Jayce, I agree with whatever choice you make.” 
You watched as Viktor leaned heavily on the cane and left the building. It was situated at the edge of Piltover, just across the bridge from the Undercity. Jayce had assured you multiple times that, if they were not working on time-sensitive experiments at HexTech, they would have been more than willing to meet you in the Undercity. He may have even been telling the truth. 
Jayce was still half-smiling when he looked back at you. “Who is Silco?” 
You got the impression that he would keep pushing until he got an answer, so you chose your words carefully. “He is a… major player in the Undercity. He wants- well, he says he’s working for the good of the people. That’s up for debate.” 
“But what does he do?” Jayce pressed. 
“He’s an industrialist.” You sat very straight on the edge of your chair - not quite standing, but giving the impression that you were ready to leave. “Speaking of helping the Undercity, I need to get back to the Haven. When you’ve made a decision about your outreach, please let me know.” 
“Easy enough,” Jayce said, standing to offer a hand over the table. “HexTech would like to provide funding for the Haven, to be used in whatever way you think is appropriate.” 
You were giddy with excitement, and it rushed through your veins like adrenaline. Somehow, you managed to keep a straight face long enough to thank Jayce and accept the check he filled out for the Haven. It was generous, which made your heart soar. You would be able to help so many people!
The good news put a spring in your step and you were still bouncing as you climbed the stairs to Silco’s office. Thankfully, no one was around so early in the day - you had serious doubts about your ability to look cranky and irritated right then, but you would have been obliged to put on a performance if there were onlookers. 
“You seem cheerful,” Silco noted as you closed the door behind yourself. 
“So far, so good,” you told him, walking over to his desk. “What’s the plan for today?” 
He ignored your question. “Productive morning, I take it?” 
You peered out through the window. The Last Drop was just barely tall enough for you to catch glimpses of the building projects happening over near the Haven. The mechanic’s shop was well on its way to being completed, the construction crews had broken ground on the second apartment building, and the grocers were taking over an existing building, so they were already in the process of hiring staff. 
As you leaned back, you caught sight of a familiar handprint on the glass and your lower belly tightened with the reminder of how it had gotten there. 
“And how much will HexTech be allotting you?” 
With the casually conversational way Silco asked his question, you didn’t immediately notice that anything was wrong. Your attention was split between the handprint on the window and the ever-increasing needs of your body. At last, awareness filtered through and you froze. 
‘I-” You cleared your throat, giving your best innocent expression as you turned to look at him. “What do you mean?” 
Silco gave an impatient gesture. “Come, pet, we have already discussed that I know all that happens in Zaun.” 
“Nothing happened in Zaun,” you said blandly. 
His answering look was dry. “But a potential alliance between the Haven and HexTech undeniably concerns Zaun and her future. Do me the courtesy of assuming I know of your meeting with the two inventors behind HexTech.”
“Fine,” you agreed, largely because he gave no indication of moving on. “I met with the owners of HexTech.” 
“Thank you,” Silco said, gaze drifting to the window. “And how much has young Talis decided to give the Haven?” 
You paused, uncomfortable with the idea that you needed to place a boundary. You and Silco shouldn’t be close enough to need things like boundaries - the clear divisions between you should have been so obvious as to be implied. “I’m not sharing that information with you.” 
“Why not?” he asked. “If I know the size of their donation, I can exceed it.” 
“I don’t need any more donations at the moment,” you told him. 
Silco’s brows unfurrowed. “Ah, that much? Congratulations. You may rest secure in the knowledge that the sale of your morals has fetched so high a price.” 
You recoiled at the slight before you could stop yourself. A drug lord was going to lecture you about morals? That bothered you. Surely that was the cause of your discomfort. Any other reason would imply that Silco was important enough to you that his opinion mattered. 
“I didn’t have to sacrifice my morals to accept their donation, unlike others the Haven has received in the past,” you told him icily. 
Silco stood abruptly, his chair lurching back with the movement. You held your ground, though it took more effort than you were comfortable with. “My donations served your residents just as well as the ones from HexTech will, and at far more dire a time. Do not act as though I were not there to support you every time you have needed me.” 
You gaped at that. “Because we’re in a deal! Every donation served you just as well as it did me - it increased your leverage over me and the Haven. Convenient, since you need me around for an easy source of sex.” 
He scoffed, looming over you. “Do you truly believe that there are not others who throw themselves at my feet? I receive more offers of easy sex than you would believe possible.” 
“Then why keep me around?” you pressed. 
“Because you are the only one who offers the slightest hint of a challenge!” he snapped, breathing heavily. You had stepped into him rather than away, and he was already so close that your chest and his were nearly touching. You glared at each other from inches away before one or both of you closed the gap separating you.
His mouth was hard and unyielding against yours, disinterested in any hint of refusal. Fortunately, refusing his kiss was the last thing on your mind. The energy of securing the HexTech donation was still crackling through you, and sex was a wonderful outlet. The slight tinge of irritation accompanying it only served to increase the appeal. 
You met him with lips that were already slightly parted, and your tongues were dueling in a moment. Kissing Silco wasn’t entirely unfamiliar to you, but it was still rare enough that you considered it a novel experience. 
Your toes were curling at the slow luxury of his mouth on yours. Silco was rarely in a hurry, even now, when you were apparently taking a break in the middle of a fight. Your interest was only piqued further when he started removing your clothing with rough movements. When he had finished, he pushed you backward as you gasped with shock.
Fortunately, Silco had thought far enough ahead to position you close to his desk. The sensation of your bare ass on the cold surface of the desk was jarring, but you watched Silco eagerly. You were more than willing to brave the temperature difference in order to watch him undress for you. 
To your surprise, Silco lowered himself, fully-dressed, into his throne-like chair. You eyed him, frowning as he took your ankles in his hands. They were placed to either side of his chair, leaving them supported by the arm rests at his sides. It went without saying that your knees were forced open by the position, leaving your core exposed to the air… and to Silco’s gaze.
That mismatched stare was fixed between your legs, studying the most private parts of you as you tried not to squirm. When he reached out to touch your cunt, you felt his fingertips like electric shocks… but he only parted your folds and continued his silent observation. 
Irritation, embarrassment, and need swirled together in you until the pressure pushed words from your mouth. “Silco. What are you doing?” 
“Studying my favorite acquisition,” he replied distantly. Even lost in your own distraction, you could feel the echo of your first time together, in this very situation in this very office, when Silco had said something similar. “And wondering how my pet can be so very unyielding, yet yield so delightfully in other areas.” 
You frowned at him - not that Silco was looking at your face. “Whatever answers you’re looking for, you aren’t going to find them down there.” 
That made him glance upward, a small smile playing around the corner of his mouth. “Perhaps it would be best if you lay back.” 
You complied, though not without rolling your eyes. “If we’re having a repeat of our first session, I hope the sex is more satisfactor- Oh!” 
Without any sort of warning, Silco’s mouth had closed around your clit. You half-lifted back off the surface of his desk, staring down at his face between your legs. You could only hope that your expression was less desperate than you felt, but wicked pleasure filled Silco’s gray-green eye, so you didn’t think that was accurate.
And then he set about making you forget all about expressions and irritations. Silco buried himself between your thighs, teasing you with fingers and lips and tongue and teeth. He nibbled, he stroked, he thrust… He used every hint of weakness he had gathered from you over your time together, recalling every sensation that drove you wild and subjecting you to all of them at once.  
You arched up off the desk so sharply that the muscles in your back and abdomen protested. Your knees tried to close around Silco - either to keep him close or to force him away from you, you weren’t sure which - but his shoulders kept you spread open and subjected to his torment. 
By the time he had pressed three fingers deep inside of you, your body was glistening with sweat. You were panting, your hips trying to both ride him and grind closer to the lips that were wrapped around your clit.
Silco always ate you like he was trying to ruin you for anyone else, but this was more intense than anything you had experienced with him before. You didn’t remember when you had sank your hands into his hair, but it didn’t matter. You were using him only as an anchor; he never moved far enough away for you to need to pull him back. 
At last, he removed himself from you, pulling away almost entirely. The only parts of his body that was touching you were his shoulders, still holding you spread open for him. 
“Silco?” you asked, an edge of desperation clear in your voice. 
“Shh, pet,” he soothed. “I am trying to decide whether you deserve the reward of coming on my tongue.” 
You whined, lifting your hips as if you could convince him to come back. 
“I am less than thrilled by your association with the Piltover business,” Silco admitted slowly. Torturously slowly. “Yet I suppose you may have earned a treat for coming to meet with me anyway. Is that correct?”
You nodded. 
Silco leaned slightly closer. “You would not break our deal over a single donation from another business, would you?” 
You shook your head. 
Silco came even closer then - still not touching you, but near enough that you could feel every exhale on your damp folds. “Does our deal still stand, pet?” 
You nodded, but Silco shook his head. “I need to hear it in that lovely voice. Tell me, darling: does our deal still stand?”  
“Y-yes,” you stammered, the dryness in your throat making it difficult to speak. “Yes!”
“Ahh…” he mused. “How long will it stand?” 
He watched you with a gaze so sharp you understood instinctively that he would only accept a spoken answer. This one was more challenging; he hadn’t told you what he wanted you to say and thinking was difficult when your brain was soaked in hormones and arousal. 
“Until- ah!” Silco had darted a long lick up your folds - not touching anything firmly enough to throw you over the edge, but still startling. And distracting. “As long as I’m in the Undercity.” 
“Our deal will stand as long as you are in the Undercity,” Silco repeated. You nodded and he looked thoughtful. “I suppose I must offer sufficient incentive for you to stay, then.” 
As if the shock of it removed you from the situation, you noted it dispassionately as he parted you a little more, nestled his nose against your clit, and thrust his stiffened tongue up inside of your heat. 
And then the moment of observation passed. You were thrown back into your body just in time for it to go through an earth-shattering orgasm. Your body arced up off the desk again, muscles spasming so hard that you had the vague sense of Silco holding your hips against the surface so you didn’t throw yourself onto the floor. 
But that was a dim knowledge, far in the background of your thoughts - the vast majority of your brain was caught in a stranglehold of pleasure. How could you be expected to lay still when every bit of you was crackling with such intense energy? You had to move. It was not possible to do anything else. 
At last, Silco removed the live current that was his mouth against your core. He had to struggle against the grip you had on his hair. You weren’t really trying to keep him in place, but your muscles had locked down in the aftermath of your orgasm. 
“How do you feel?” he asked conversationally, when he had freed himself from your grip, losing a few strands of hair in the process. 
“Nnn umm…” Nope, those weren’t words. You tried again. “Needum mint.” 
“Take your time,” Silco invited, relaxing back into his chair. He licked his lips, cleaning the shine of you from them with his tongue. Watching the process made your uncomfortably sensitive body tighten, but you couldn’t tear your gaze away. When he had licked everything he could reach, Silco retrieved a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, chin, and cheeks. 
If you were capable of higher thought at the moment, you might have been embarrassed by how much of a mess you had made on Silco’s face. Fortunately, the brain fog was still too dense, and you just watched him vacantly. 
Rather than rush you into another round, Silco snagged a piece of paper from beside your hip. He lifted it and started to read. From the light that filtered through it from the window behind him, you could see that there were schematics of some kind drawn on the page. They were highly detailed, but something about the writing looked young, like it had been done by someone without fully developed fine motor function. 
And then Silco’s fingers wrapped around your ankle and you stopped thinking about anything else. Especially when those fingers began to play idly against your skin, tapping an unfamiliar rhythm on your anklebone. 
“How much more reading do you need to do?” you gritted out at last. 
Silco glanced up at you instantly, eyebrows raised. “I can stop at any time, pet. I was under the impression that you needed a moment to recover.”
“I have recovered.”
“Why did you not tell me immediately?” Silco asked. 
Despite the censurious words, he lazily tucked the schematics into a desk drawer before he stood. In a moment, he had opened the front of his trousers, pushed aside the layers of fabric, and lined himself up with you. 
There was something almost sweet about the fact that Silco was so hard. He had brought you pleasure without being touched in return, and yet his erection hadn’t flagged while he sat quietly reading for minutes. For all that he was a selfish, manipulative bastard, Silco was surprisingly impacted by the way he affected you. 
Any hints of altruism were shoved aside as Silco plunged inside of you. Rather than hesitating or asking if you were ready, he surged powerfully forward until he was seated as deep inside you as he could be. Your hips shifted to accommodate him and your legs trembled against the arms of his chair as you struggled to surface against the pressure of him stretching your walls. 
Silco’s hands were tight on you. One was wrapped around your hips, providing an anchor point as he began to thrust in and out of you. His other hand was firmly on your ass, half-lifting and half-squeezing as he rolled his hips against you. 
That rolling motion made your lips part for air as you stared up at the ceiling. Silco was big enough to fill you, but something about that motion put pressure against your walls in a way that felt almost cyclical. It was like he was fucking a little circle inside of you every time he pushed in, which meant that you got intermittent pressure against your g-spot. It was magical. 
You tried to lift against him, to counter-thrust and speed things up, but Silco wasn’t having it. His grip was firm enough to hold you utterly still, making sure that all you could do was experience the way he was taking you apart for a second time. 
“Silco, please,” you gasped out. “Faster. Harder. Please.” 
“No,” he denied simply. Silco’s hand momentarily released your hip to grab your wrist instead. He tugged it downward until your fingers were brushing the throbbing place between your legs. “If you want your pleasure, you’ll have to take it.” 
You were tempted to deny him and yourself, if only to prove that he wasn’t in charge of you, but the slight graze of your fingertip over your own clit made you squirm. But if you were going to be responsible for your own orgasm, you were damn well going to make sure that Silco helped.
With some effort, you lifted your legs from where they were still resting on the armrests of Silco’s chair. It took only a moment to wrap them around his waist, and when you tightened them, the pull was strong enough to force Silco forward against you. 
When he had bottomed out inside of you, Silco’s grip shifted upward, pressing against the surface of the desk on either side of your hips to support the shift in his center of balance. His eyes widened, startled as you kept him close. You used your newfound freedom to thrust your hips, moving him and out of your core as you strummed at your clit. 
The resulting sensations were enough to take you sailing over the edge again. This orgasm was less abrupt than the last one, but almost more satisfying because your inner muscles had something to lock down around. 
Dimly, you registered that Silco was trying to withdraw from you, but couldn’t escape the grip of your leg muscles. You only understood his reasoning when his body stiffened, face tightening and growing slack as he reached his own peak. 
Silco’s orgasms tended to be subtler than yours, but even his legendary poker face failed him. His expression tightened, then went slack as his body spasmed in a series of explosive surges. He hissed out a curse that sounded like half a prayer, his lips continuing to move long after he had stopped speaking loud enough for you to hear it. 
Slowly, you let the tension seep from your leg muscles. When your feet were dangling toward the floor once more, Silco eased himself out of you. The first spill of your combined mess seeped directly onto the surface of Silco’s desk, but he cleaned it up and caught the next with the same cloth he had used to wipe his face earlier. 
When Silco was seated in his chair once more, you took the cloth and held it in place as you slid down from the desk. Silco smiled wryly. “I never intend to make such a mess, but you are irresistible. Especially when you’ve wrapped me in those lovely legs. If I must be trapped, I will say that I prefer to be trapped in your embrace.” 
“Flatterer,” you accused gently. 
“It is a lovely benefit when the truth is flattering,” he replied, giving you a look you didn’t quite understand… until he added, “Now, pet, tell me how much I should write for the amount of my next donation check.”
You turned toward him with an irritated huff. “Are you still talking about this? I don’t need an extra donation from you, especially not when your motivation is simply to outdo someone you consider a threat.” 
Silco’s lip curled. “I hardly consider those two boys to be a threat.” 
“Then what is your problem with them supporting the Haven?” 
“I dislike the idea of Piltover gaining a foothold here in Zaun,” Silco explained after a moment of thought. “Even if their influence is only over a small outreach. It could hinder the growth of Zaun’s independence.” 
You bit back the irritation that rose at the Haven being referred to as a small outreach. It was a small outreach, of course, but it was so important in your life. It hurt to be reminded that your work was considered minor to other people. 
“Fine,” you said instead of telling him any of that. “What are our options? I’m not telling you how much they donated.”
“Very well,” Silco said tightly. By all appearances, he was displeased with your insistence, but something about the look in his mismatched gaze gave you the distinct impression that he was getting something he had been angling for all day. “If you will not allow me to match HexTech’s donation amount, I would be willing to overlook their involvement in the Haven…” 
“And what will it cost me?”
“I want to be part of the Undercity Innovation Committee.”
It took a beat for you to remember what that was. “Jazper’s group? No. Absolutely not.” 
Silco watched you in silence. His brow creased and it was like watching a far-away storm building into something catastrophic. 
“I have no control over that,” you expanded. “I can’t risk everything I’ve built - I can’t risk the Haven - to argue for you being part of the meetings.” 
“And I would never ask you to,” Silco assured you smoothly. “I have other resources at play. All I need from you is not to argue against me being on the committee.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “So you don’t need me to fight for you? Just don’t tell them not to let you join?” 
It seemed simple. Almost too simple. And yet… it had been a long day. You could use some simplicity. “Fine, I agree to those terms. If someone else brings up the possibility of letting you join the committee, I won’t argue against it.” 
“Perfect.” Silco took the end of your conversation as an opportunity to refasten his clothing, so you started to get dressed as well. 
By the time you had finished, Silco was holding out a slip of paper toward you. You looked from it to his face, unwilling to accept an unknown item from him. He continued to offer it anyway.
“If I understand, your objections were not to me making a donation, but to me trying to make a larger donation than HexTech,” Silco explained. “I do not know how much they donated, but here is my offer.” 
“Silco…” you lamented, arms still folded across your chest. 
He lifted a brow. “If you prefer, I could resume trying to discover the HexTech donation amount…” 
You sighed loudly so there could be no mistaking your irritation as you snatched the check from his hand. You didn’t look at the amount, but the way Silco grinned as you shoved it into your pocket didn’t seem promising.
Author's Note - Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I'll see you next month with another update!
Quick reminder: this story does take a lot of time and effort to write, edit, and format every month. At this point, we're up to roughly a 200-page book. I appreciate the likes that you guys give me, but reblogging my work is the only way new people can find it. I would really appreciate it if you would reblog not only my fics, but any fics you enjoy!
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bigfatbimbo · 23 days
ellie ur my only mutual who has watched arcane so u are now going to be subjected to my absolute insanity but i NEED to get this thought out of my brain:
sub jayce. im sorry this man does not stop he would act so confident about topping as though he's totally in control but the second he thrusts into you he's a whiny mess and pleading for you to fuck him.
he'd be so embarrassed by it too, definitely a bit of an exhibitionist but would never admit it. gets off on the idea of someone walking in on him subbing, and would be SO embarrassed if you teased him about it. "aw, how would the council feel if they saw you being fucked like this?" he would cum instantly im sorry
also imagine sub!top jayce, forcing him to fuck you because you always take care of him, shouldn't he return the favor? he would need you to praise him with every thrust, but he definitely makes you cum out of pure determination and devotion.
i am going to (eventually) write this, mark my words 👹👹👹 ANYWAYS HOPE U ENJOYED MY RAMBLING. THERE WILL BE MORE. i cannot believe im writing this rn lmao
Anyways, sub Jayce has my heart FULLY. This reminds me of this one fic I read on ao3 once, it was basically Jayce x reader but it was 1. a cowboy au and 2. sub jayce ( especially the exhibitionist aspect of this ) anyways so i’ll try to find it.
But god, this does something to me. He’d be so humiliated by the sunnier aspects of his personality, and the funny thing is, it wouldn’t even take that much for them to start showing. One thrust into you, one coo of praise, he’s done for. Because he’s one of those ‘bottom who thinks they’re a top’ guys, like if you tried to flip the script on him and dom, he’d fold.
And taunting him with the idea of what would happen if someone walked in on him in such a subby position? “Aw, poor baby, getting scared that the thought. Think of how much of a joke you’ll be.” He’d already be close, and that pushed him over the edge.
Then making fun of him for cumming so fast, because really? I swear, putting a both physically powerful and societally powerful man in a submissive position will never not be great.
GOD SUBTOP JAYCE, KILL ME. Him needing your praise and love with every thrust into you, but he just has to earn it.
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lyomeii · 10 months
bombs, bombs everywhere!
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-> warnings/notices: male child reader, spoilers, yandere themes, platonic relationships, mentioned kidnapping, this happens in the second act, jinx, silco and much more.
-> request by sunny anon! Hello could I request arcane × male child reader that acts like klee from genshin? (Sorry for the lack of ideas) oh and could they be from another country visiting for the first time? Oh and could i go by sunny? It'd be easier if I had a nickname to navigate what I've requested♡´・ᴗ・`♡(please ignore this if you don't take platonic child reader requests)
-> a/n: sunny!!! I love this name anon, it’s so sweet and cute :3 here it is your request, I hope you enjoy it! since I lack knowledge of the league of Legends world, I decided to base the country that mc is from like it’s Mondstadt. and this is short since I had no idea how to end it.
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-> the news of a famous and rich merchant arriving in piltover was in everyone’s ears, all too excited with the many possibilities that can lead to. the most anxious people are the scholars who made a deal with the the famous woman to help them with their research related to the arcane, making things even more exciting. and once she arrived, all of the citizens were also surprised by seeing another figure behind her, you.
-> as the only son and heir of the company, you always accompany her to learn more and more things despite being only a little boy who knows way too much. the view of you carefully listening about the new inventions from the many scholars is quite impressive. none of them believe that a small child like you would be interested in such subjects in earlier years. whatever your mother was busy talking with others, you follow (in a safe distance) some of the investors to see their works.
-> viktor is the one you follow the most, even helping around such as carrying his belongings when needed. the view of a small little boy following him is a blessing in everyone’s eyes in their days. and the man himself enjoying having you around, with your energetic smile and enthusiasm, you quickly gained his attention whatever you need.
-> and as everyone were thinking that you are just a lovely and calmest boy, your mother showed them what you enjoy doing in your free time. the one time you were left alone in a lab for minutes, you’ve create a few explosives that impressed and scared the inventors. jayce was the one who grab all of it and thrown it far in the sky, making it explode in the blue sky of piltover. an amazing thing that none got hurt (expect a few birds and fish of a nearby lake…).
-> now that everyone in the city is aware of your especially in making explosive and that cause many people either fear you or concerned. how can such a small boy like cause so much trouble? viktor and jayce are the one responsible for you while mother is gone for work, meaning they make you hold some heavy files, sit in the corner in order to avoid you to cause more trouble or give you harmless projects to you to make during the day.
-> as days goes on, the little boy became part of the academy (an ‘unofficial student’, people say) and now even has his own uniform that match mostly of them first years in order to make himself more comfortable around others and to be part of a new environment. it’s adorable how you tried to do the tie for minutes, only to ask someone to help it. and it’s really rare to see you with the clothes clean, mostly of the time there will be either powder or grease in the expensive material of your vest, making some desperate to clean it.
-> despite having a such unique talent in making explosives and being a loudly, but gentle and good kid, there is worrying in the air. the high uppers told mother about the recently events from the undercity and how things are getting out of control as times go on. and to make even worse, the citizens from there know about the arrival of your mother and you.
-> silco have ears everywhere, that’s why he always knew about the incoming arrival of that merchant with her son, but what he didn’t know it was how good the little boy is in making bombs and explosives, just like his daughter.
-> jinx was so happy to hear about you! she can’t wait to meet someone else that is also interested in making explosives and that also have an enthusiastic personality like her. so without anyone approval or suggestions, she goes to meet you :) and once you get in bed without anyone around, she appears in the window with that smile of hers.
-> with the innocence of a child, you don’t notice how dangerous she might be, that why the two of you become closer that night. unlike most adults, jinx doesn’t scold you when you fail to pay attention im certain subjects nor gets angry about your obsession with the experimental bombs you made, in fact, she supports you and encourage in making it. sometimes, she brings you some interesting supplies in order to create even more explosives.
-> those little visits at night went unnoticeable for a while, until she was caught in the act by no other than your mother and caitly. both women were so worried and ran directly at you, grabbing you away from jinx’s hands as everything went crazy. broken glass everywhere, small cuts on your skin and loud noises going all across the room.
-> this entire situation left everyone around you skeptical of your safety, if jinx easily got inside and manipulated you, then there is a large chance of you getting kidnapped! that’s why they put you inside the academy where everyone’s eyes are on you. now, there is no way you can’t get in danger and of course, you can’t get out in your on, a good thing!
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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redr0sewrites · 22 days
Sub!Jayce x reader Hcs
incredibly influenced by this convo i had w ellie ( @bigfatbimbo ) urgrhgrhrhrhr hes soooo
🥀Cw: smut!!!, sub!jayce, dom!reader, humiliation, sub top, exhibitionism kink idk what its called
🥀minors dni
🥀Character(s): Jayce Talis x reader
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this man is suuuuch a sub, but he wouldn't admit it, at least not until he meets you
jayce is a very confident person, and you'd assume that would carry over into the bedroom, but nooo. the first time you were both intimate he was so pathetically unsure of what to do that you just had to take control for him. he tried to act dominant and in-control, but the second he started thrusting into you he was a needy mess.
he was so confident leading up to it, but he just gets so flustered :(
jayce is so embarrassed about how submissive he is, and is probably a little shy at first. he definitely needs some coaxing to "get out of his shell" per se, and would probably muffle his moans and be a little awkward in general
this man is a WHINER i just know he's so loud in bed and he can not control it. his voice gets all hoarse and raspy from panting, and he has the neediest wanton moans, it genuinely sounds like he's in a porno because of how loud and lewd they are
his volume has probably led to you two almost being caught on multiple occasions, he genuinely has no control but gets SO embarrassed about the thought of getting caught. it turns him on a little, and the fact that it does only makes him more embarrassed
more than once he's fantasized about you fucking him in the council room, risking it all just for the thrill of possibly being discovered
jayce would be SO flustered if you teased him about it, if you began whispering in his ear about how you coincidentally forgot to lock the door to your room, and how just about anyone could just walk in? he's already whining, and he'll cum within seconds
"aw, how would the council feel if they saw you being fucked like this?imagine if they could all see you like this, all needy and pathetic for me," type of shit, he'd fold in seconds
jayce is definitely kinky too, but he takes his time discovering himself. he isn't super willing to try new things at first, however over time he becomes more and more confident in doing kinkier shit, especially with someone he trusts
guys. sounding with jayce. HEAR ME OUT. he'd be SO embarrassed, like he knows how anatomy works and all, but he never really thought of something like that, and he'd probably be cocky too, thinking that it wouldn't even feel that good. imagine using a vibrating sounding rod on him and double tapping him too, irgrhrrhrgrhrrh he'd be so needy and fucked dumb
he never tried anything with anal/pegging before you, but he can't deny that he isn't at least curious. he'd mention it offhandedly, hoping that you'd get the hint, but don't make it that easy for him. fluster him, make him say it aloud and admit that he wants you to fuck him like that, and then praise him for being so sweet about asking while fucking him absolutely senseless. whether you have a dick or a strap he doesn't care, jayce would love it regardless
this is kind of a random hc, but he probably masturbates a lot. i mean, it's natural, he's pretty stressed most of the time, and even when he's with you he has an insane libido and would probably still masturbate a lot. however, his favorite form of getting off? pillow humping. don't ask me how i know, i just do, because i'm right. imagine the mighty councilman talis, the man of progress himself, humping a pillow like a bitch in heat because he's too needy to wait. sometimes he'll imagine that it's you beneath him, and he'll moan your name as he cums, thinking you can't hear. this leads to you both discovering that this man has a major kink for dry humping, he loves either sitting in your lap or having you sit in his and just getting off fully clothed. i also think he'd enjoy lap dances too, and would ride your thigh too. i ALSO think jayce would enjoy it if you rode his thigh, i mean.... c'mon who wouldn't want to
ok but like... sub!top jayce. me thinks yes. making him top you as a punishment and forcing him to fuck you. you take care of him all the time, shouldn't he return the favor? jayce desperately wants you to take control, flip him over and fuck him senseless, but your silky words and sweet praises make him want to make you cum even more. he would definitely manage to make you cum, he knows what he's doing, but he's really whiny and needy about it and would need some reassurance
look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't like being manhandled a little. you can't because your wrong. he totally would. jayce is used to people giving him what he wants and he's absolutely the type to get off to being pushed around. he wouldn't mind being folded into deep sex positions or even being slapped a bit, as long as you praise him afterwards
PRAISE KINK!!! i do think he has a degrading kink too, but it's definitely mostly praise. he gets a bit insecure sometimes, and the only way to get out of his own head is to be fucked silly and senseless by you while you whisper the sweetest words in his ears. he wouldn't mind a healthy mix of degrading/objectifying and praise tho, if you called him your "pretty slut" he'd think it was hot but if you started genuinely degrading him he would probably cry and get really clingy afterwards
i think his biggest kinks would be PRAISE, oral fixation (absolutely will elaborate if asked. please ask.), hair pulling, DRY HUMPING, somnophilia/sleepy sex (again, ABSOLUTELY will elaborate), breeding kink (👀), and obviously exhibitionism. i also think he'd have a little bit of a hand kink/fetish but would not admit it. if he saw you wearing a lot of rings, or if you're hands just look really nice in general, he would get a little turned on but won't say why. he thinks your hands look really nice around his neck too... 😇
"fuck- hngh-" Jayce bit down hard on the back of hand, attempting to muffle his moans as you rub his cock. you were seated on his lap, your hand wrapped around his thick girth as you jerked him off. within the confines of your shared bedroom you could be as filthy as you liked, yet it seemed Jayce was still too shy to fully let out his moans yet.
"aw, poor baby," you croon, speeding up the pace ever so slightly and paying attention to the tip of his leaky cock. his dick twitches against your palm as your thrusts quicken, Jayce's hips jerking upwards in response to the stimulation.
"hic- plea- please," he gasps, his hand hovering over his mouth as he throws his head back. "well, since you asked so nicely~" you tease, slowing down to painfully slow thrusts. Jayce lets out a sob, tears prickling at the corner of his eyes with each of your ministrations. he had lost count of the times you had teased him to near-release, only to ruin his orgasm at the last second. his abs clench with each stroke of his cock, and you can tell your pretty boy's patience is wearing thin. he really was too cute!
"Jayce," you murmur, speeding up again to catch his attention. his glossy, fucked out gaze meets yours, and you begin to jerk him off faster. with a gasp, his hand flies to your wrist, whether to push you away or to hold you there you were unsure. "s'too much!" he babbles, a few tears streaming down his cheeks as the coil in his abdomen tightens.
"aw, don't you want to be good f'me? you can take it, can't you?" Jayce nods, his dick twitching eagerly witth each thrust against your palm. you can tell he's close, and you decide to reward him. "can i- can i please-"
"you can cum, Jayce." with your reassurance, Jayce throws his head back, not even bothering to smother his moans as he cums so hard he swears he sees stars. his thighs shake as he coats himself in his own cum. as he comes down from his high, you gently massage his shoulders, tethering him back to reality as he steadies his breathing.
"you still with me, Counselor Talis?" Jayce grumbles, pulling you in close. "don't call me that. to you, 'm Jayce. nothing to else." you giggle, melting into his embrace. "lets get you cleaned up, hm?" you ask, and he nods, wordlessly following you like a lost puppy towards your shared bathroom. you both know damn well that this is probably going to lead to another round of steamy shower sex, yet he follows you in with the smallest smirk on his lips. what a man.
i will always be the number one jayce defender i do not CAREEEEE he's trying his best. i know nothing about leavue of legends lore and im basing this solely off of arcane, but i genuinely sympathize w him and idk why people hate him sm
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Master list so far!
Hi! This is gonna be my masterlist until I update it for now. Requests are always open but there are some rules. Please, please read the rules first before requesting! Also please leave feedback in the comments! It helps me
I'll add more once I write more but right now just requests what you like and I'll get to them as soon as possible, right now I have time since I am on spring break! I take requests for arcane and twdg!
On my idea list if I made one with arcane characters with the throwing em over your shoulder and you want them with twdg characters I will glady write it if requested!
And if maybe I made one for arcane or twdg, like idea #2 with Cait and Jinx on it and you maybe want Ekko and Vi, I will make it if you want!
Just request if and I will get to it!
Twdg master list here!
Idea list here!
Free to pm me if u have any questions of any sort! And the ones shown here, except for Sevika are the main ones I write for. I try for Sevika
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Teen love, lost love and returned love
S/o with a child
Found family
Pet Headcannons
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Vi with an s/o who has Zhongli's personality
S/o throwing her over their shoulder
Comforting stressed S/o
Reuniting with Vi
My girl
Dragging her outside to play in the rain
S/o with a child
Pet Headcannons
S/o getting amnesia
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S/o throwing her over their shoulder
Dragging her outside into the rain
S/o with a child
S/o getting amnesia
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S/o throwing her over their shoulder
Your grace
Your grace- Part 2
Her dragging you outside into the rain
S/o with a child
Pet Headcannons
They're loud
A mothers love
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S/o throwing him over their shoulder
Comforting stressed S/o
Reuniting with Ekko
Top of the tree
S/o who works with gadgetry
Dragging him outside into the rain
S/o with a child
Clingy S/o
Pet headcannons
Fluff headcannons
Doing Ekko's face paint
S/o getting amnesia
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Jayce with S/o who has Zhongli personality
Jayce x Councilor Reader
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Viktor with an S/o with Zhongli's personality
Reuniting with Viktor
S/o who works with gadgetry
Seeing Reader without glasses for the first time
Pet headcannons
S/o getting amnesia
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thehistoriangirl · 2 years
Natural Inclination
I think this fic is all over the place, but if you allow me, I’ll justify myself saying this was made while the ✨ baby fever ✨ took over my brain. Nevertheless, I hope you like it jkfkjsjkd :3
Jayce x gn!Reader**-----1.3K-----SFW
Summary (very much plotless fluff): Jayce as a dad, that’s it. That’s all. [Thanks for coming to my talk muhuh]
Tags: Domestic Fluff| **No gendered words for Reader but they have a baby| Did I say Fluff already?|
There weren't many people as physically effusive as Jayce Talis.
Even you needed to grow used to his random affections after you two began to date, the not-so-fleeting kisses on the cheek, or the hugs that pulled your body against his chest before he went to work after lunch.
It took some time for you to actively try and be as openly physical as he was, and thankfully, after a couple of awkward hugs, bad positioned kisses, and anticlimactic pats on his head, you obtained the ability to sense his hazel eyes looking at you from the corner of his vision, trying to be subtle.
In the lab or the house, it didn't matter. You were working over your desk—the living room table—but could hear, first the creak in the wood when Jayce left his seat, and then, his tiptoeing toward you.
At some point, your hands were ready to grab his shoulder when he tilted his body to kiss you on the cheek. With some practice you managed to shift your position, so you were kissing him on the lips instead.
You liked the sound of his surprised gasp, muffled halfway with a moan.
But getting used to his unreserved attention took time. Jayce was understandable every time you flinched when he touched you while you were distracted, head buried over paperwork. He learned quickly, deciding to call your name from a few meters away instead: "... Can I hug you?"
You nodded, smiling widely when you were alone. Blushing and looking at him with wide eyes when you weren't, that was most of the occasions.
However, it was only a matter of time before someone came to understand him fully.
It wasn't a matter of imitating, not anymore. It was… natural, one must say.
Ever since Jayce discovered he was about to become a father, he started to be even more physically drawn to you—you imagined that was the reason the baby copied his intense affection. Cuddling over the bed on the cold nights you two were still working, with you sitting between his legs, both lazy picking cookies and slices of fruit put in a bowl on the nightstand.
Of course, you weren't the only one to gain weight during the pregnancy.
Whatever the reason, the baby got drawn toward Jayce from the first moment. He used to lull her when you were too exhausted to even lift the covers of the mattress before falling asleep—which was most of the time. Sometimes, you were cold because Jayce wasn't hugging you, only to discover him stiffly sleeping on his back, your baby tucked carefully over his chest as his hands hovered over her figure.
Most of his free time, Jayce spent with his baby tucked between his arms, or hung at his chest, because the little creature seemed to be totally obsessed with him, discovering that babbling 'apapapapa' would make her father totally besotted, almost tearing up as the first time he heard his child calling him Apa, tiny hands all over his face as she giggled as if trying to memorize him by tact alone.
Time passed fast, especially when watching over a baby that soon enough was out of the craddle, moving on her baby walker, bouncing with chubby legs against the couches as Jayce looked, hands frozen in the air and lips open in a silent gasp. But the baby didn't slow down, and soon enough Jayce could hear his baby crawling, following him with happy coos, dragging a stuffed poro over the floor.
"Apa, apa, apa!" she said, completely ignoring your figure peeking from the corner of the bedroom, hands folded over your elbows as your lips expanded with a smile you couldn't completely hide.
Jayce set aside the locks of hair covering his eyes as he knelt to be somewhat at her height. "Princess, I told you to stay in the bedroom. I'm going to take a shower—" But his same hazel eyes looked back at him, the baby pouting, lip quivering, just like you did when you tried to make him spend more than with you, responsibilities aside. He was weak, and she knew it. "Alright. I guess it's time for you to take a bath, too."
He lifted her with one arm, the other taking the plushie out her grasp as Jayce walked inside the bedroom, baby crooning half-words she must have heard from your daily conversations with Jayce, others that could only be the result of discussions between Viktor and Jayce—you'd never said the word catalyst inside the house (and maybe never).
As the stuffed animal laid on the bed, Jayce took the pile of clothes you'd put in bed around half an hour ago when Jayce first said he was about to take a shower. Of course, he didn't, for his child wasn't done playing. And who was he to stop her? He didn't have many days off per week to indulge himself in quality time with his baby.
"We'll be back," he said, stealing a peek out of you while passing next to you, the little clothes tucked under his free arm, your baby playing with the loose threads of his towel.
He did feel bad for being unable to spend as much time with you as you were used to, but at least you didn't replicate his same puppy eyes, now improved with a teary feature, lips trembling. Now, Jayce understood what you called, chuckling every time: "top-quality trickery".
It happened many times, but especially, when he put his child down on the crib, still not completely sleepy, wishing to have some time alone with you. You'd be both laying on the living room's bigger couch, him asking you to read out loud any books you were revising to present in your classes. The baby would then sit despite him putting her perfectly tucked in the covers, little fist moving up and down as Jayce stepped further. Panting would follow, and then it would culminate in a shaky, filled with sadness: "a…pa…pa…" Without hesitation, and with his heart shattered, he would pick her up and shush to calm her, just a little.
As fast as it came, the tears would dry away.
That day, you finished planning your class a couple of hours later, and silence poured from the bedroom. Tiptoeing against the cold, wooden floor, you saw Jayce sleeping with a baby happily snuggled over his chest, his sleeping gown open to cover his daughter's back, even if he wasn't properly covered by the blankets.
The mattress dipped over your weight, Jayce turning his head toward you. He didn't have such a light sleep before meeting you—he usually slept over his stomach, and not even a storm raging outside would wake him up, and you suspected it only changed when your baby was born.
And speaking of. Jayce rubbed his eyes, sitting carefully to not awaken the little human over his chest. His hands were dexterous, repeating the same mastered movements to put the baby inside the crib, cover her with the fluffy blankets, and then activate the silent mechanism both he and Viktor ideate to move the cradle automatically.
When he returned to the mattress, you had already put the covers aside, leaving him an open entrance. You yawned, patting the pillow next to yours.
"Rough day, uh?" you whispered, your breath moving Jayce's black hair against his ear, making him shiver.
Jayce hugged you, as usual, the inner force trying to push sleep away, but his eyelids were heavy as he pushed you down the covers, your cheek pressed against his chest.
"I don't mind," he said, lips barely open as he kissed the top of your head, snuggling against your hair as Jayce sighed one last time before his breathing became even, muscle memory cradling your torso the same way he did with your baby.
With that thought in mind, gazing over Jayce's peaceful features, and then further, over the cradle outlined with the moonlight, you fell into slumber, a soft smile playing on your lips.
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cherubfae · 6 months
soft partner who is super strong || arcane x reader
with Vander, Silco, Viktor, Jayce, Caitlyn, Vi, & Jinx
tags: slight canon typical violence/explosions, alcohol consumption, cursing, established relationships, lots of fluff and silliness :3 gn!reader as usual! ;D
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He enjoyed teasing you, keeping things out of your reach so that you'd have to ask for his help. He adored being your big, strong man and coming to your aid. Need the jar opened? You've got it! Can't reach those cups at the top shelf? Hang on, darlin', your Vander's got it!
Remodeling The Last Drop had been a spur of the moment ordeal. Two patrons had destroyed half the booze display shelf in a drunken brawl, leaving Vander to clean up the mess and shell out some coin to order the replacements. He would've rebuilt it himself if he had any lumber, but carpentry wood had been scarce as of late.
"Hey, love, which side would you like this to go?"
Vander lifts his head at your words, his eyes damn near popping out of his skull as you casually stop carrying the shelf-- heavy wooden drawers and glass doors in and all-- with such ease. Like you were carrying a bin of trash to the edge of the street."How in the bloody fuck are you doing that, darlin'?" He baffles, watching as you easily squeeze the shelf along its matching partner.
"Oh, you know. You bend down-- it's very important to lift with your legs not your back-- and you grasp your hands on both sides and--"
"Very funny, smartass." Vander doesn't bother to hide his chuckle. He then realized you never needed his help to open those jars in the first place.
The last thing this kingpin expected was to be caught up in the crossfires between his own men and the Firelights especially not when he was out and about with you. Silco also wasn't expecting you to completely rip off an entire steel paneling of a scrapped boat beached near the murky water and use it as a bloody shield. The two of you were able to return to his office without harm, Silco immediately pouring himself a glass of whiskey. He slumps into his seat with a heavy sigh.
"Darling," he starts, already sounding exasperated. "Just when were you going to tell me you had such gorgeous strength?" Silco toys with the lip of his glass, his eyes flickering to you. You grin wide, unphased.
Quickly, you chirped, "You never asked!" With your signature beaming smile. Silco fights the urge to smack his face with his hand.
"...I hadn't ever considered it a possibility to even ask, but consider me intrigued, dearest. What more can you do? Show me."
He's lethally smart and typically a man who doesn't bother asking anyone for help, let alone you, his precious partner. Viktor is often determined to do everything on his own, with a very destructive mindset of 'I'm not useful if I'm not being productive' . Even for Piltover's smartest man, sometimes he did require extra help.
His latest invention was one of stealth and mass. A creation not unlike a Firelight's hovercraft, but much more heavy-duty. It wasn't built for a rider but to be used as a drone-- it was controlled completely by a remote device. Built to shoulder more cargo with an automated turret on the back. Somewhere buried in his mathematics, Viktor miscalculated the dimensions of the clamps meant to hold the mammoth device as he sat in front of it.
Before a ton of weight could come tumbling down on top of him, you had stopped it with ease. Lifting it high over your head, Viktor was in awe. What a true ethereal beauty you are.
"I was thinking about this new design for the Atlas gauntlents--... H-How are you lifting that? That's impossible!" Jayce gawks. The sheer amount of iron you carried was inhuman, yet you carried it with such ease that would have the toughest brawler crying to be done. Back and forth, you placed all of his ingots used for smelting off to the side of Jayce's barren new workshop.
You give him an easy grin, smile teasing. "Iron isn't that heavy, Jayce." Shooting him a playful wink, you set the last bulk of the iron aside to return to planning out the blueprint for the forge. Jayce could only blink in disbelief, speechless, and shook his head. Maybe next time he could hire you to help him versus paying others to do it.
There wasn't much that seemed to surprise Caitlyn anymore. Much of the true nature and cruelty of the world already lived right under Piltover's noses. The existence of Shimmer alone was proof of that.
While working a festival, an explosion near the city square alerted Caitlyn and the other Enforcers to the location. No doubt one of Silco's goons. She looked towards the booth where you had been worked, panic erupting in her stomach when she realized you weren't there.
Upon entering the scene, she was more alarmed than surprised to see you there, helping recover civilians trapped beneath the rubble using such super strength she'd never known you could do before.
Immediately she's at your side, assessing the damage and calling for backup and medical attention for those affected. She'll ask you of this later, for now, the civilians are more important. It was a miracle that you were there to help--and she was relieved you were unharmed. You were the miracle.
She knew you were strong and capabke of many things. She wasn't aware of one of those things being you could send an Enforcer through several brick and mortar walls. Let alone with a single punch! You truly never cease to amaze her!!
Vi's heart skips a beat in her chest. You wipe your hands across your pants, blowing away the remaining dust collected across your knuckles.
You haven't even broken skin, no sign of blood or marring across your seemingly delicate hands. When you face her, she's got a wide dopey grin on her face and makes the first comment that comes to mind.
"Holy shit, babe. That was hot."
She, like everyone else, was quite well-aware of your strength. You enjoyed carrying her around with ease-- she enjoyed it too! The exact magnitude of strength, however, was a mystery.
Until the day finally came where she would learn just how truly powerful her partner was. A foot chase broke out between you and a downed Firelight. The perpetrator in question towing a large rucksack of valuables meant for the Chem-Barons. Jinx had been following the chase along the rooftops of Zaun, doing her best to keep up.
With a snarl, Jinx watched as you hefted a sturdy steel pole that your arms barely wrapped around and slammed it in front of the Firelights, narrowly crushing them beneath its sheer weight.
"Got'cha." You snarked, picking up the rucksack and tossing it over your shoulder. "Let's leave this one for Silco to deal with, honey." You crouch down and grab the unconscious Firelight's shoulder.
Jinx grinned wide. She wasn't used to seeing you so, so feral! She loved it!! You were normally so composed and gentle. She liked this side of you.
"You got it, toots!"
The poor boy is a bit lost and confused. The Firelight's hoverboard gear was far from light, it certainly wasn't the heaviest, but he certainly hadn't expected his sweet partner to use the modified tech to smack an entire cargo blimp across the sky and into the sea near the docks.
Shimmering purple water bubbled to the surface, surely infested the already bizarre and chemically unnatural sea life that lurked beneath the water's depths.
"Whoa, I didn't know you had that sorta strength in ya!" Ekko folds his arms across his chest. "Not ideal that that stuff's in the ocean, but Zaun's done worse..." He shakes his head and hops onto his board, offering his hand to you. You accept and he hauls you up behind him. "Let's ditch this scene, yeah, babe?" He snickers, his mask distorting the sound slightly. His board zips to life, leaving green streaks in its wake.
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sihakadan · 2 years
i need to see the arcane characters blushing. i just know a forehead kiss and softly spoken pet name would get like half of them to melt instantly
Anon, oh my! I am soft!
Also, figuring out pet names for each character is sooo hard. I am not good at coming up with them. I'll try to make it as fluffy as I can, but some of these characters can be tough.
MDNI. Possible NSFW.
-He always calls you darling, kisses the back of your hand when he gets a chance
-the first time you called him 'my love' or used darling, his heart fluttered, making him put his pen down and look at you, pleasantly surprised
-"Love?" He hummed. "Yes, I do rather like the sound of that." Silco came to stand before you and gently took your chin in his hand. "I will always be yours. I swear it."
-She had 1,000 pet names for you. Her favorite is sweets
-You like how playful the relationship could be, how you could be who you really were and how she made you feel light inside
-So you went with something a little silly, like her: Pudding
-Loses her mind because she loves it so much! She threw herself into your arms and gave you the biggest kiss of your life
-She will spray paint 'Pudding loves Sweets' everywhere in her den. It just makes her so happy
-Babe. Straight up, both of you use babe.
-Unless it is very tender moment and he is being romantic, then you are his firelight. (I don't care if that is overused, it is an amazing pet name and you can take it from my dead body)
-You give him funny nicknames to tease him sometimes, but the one that got his attention was big boy.
-Most of his life it's been little man, but for some reason, hearing you say big boy (even if it was a tease) boosts his ego
-Makes a metal flower for you as a thank you and as a symbol of how he will love you forever
•Scar (bat guy from the Firelights)
-This big guy is not a talker so using pet names isn't something he does
-The two of you are very sweet on one another, so calling him beloved just felt right.
-He had to hug you after you said it so you wouldn't see him cry because he is just so soft. Don't tell anyone though.
-The kids will pretend to gag and mock you two if you say it in front of them, but he doesn't care. It gives Ekko a crisis.
-Secretly loves being called daddy in private
-Oh, he calls you sugar because you taste so sweet
-Likes to remind you by whispering in your ear. Straight up tease.
- Papa bear is what you call him, and he will punch anyone's face in who mocks it. That is his badge of honor.
-First time you called him that, he chuckled and nudged you. "That would make you mama bear."
-Another who is kind of into the daddy kink
-Blossom is his go to. The reason why is raunchy, but no one needs to know that little secret, now do they?
-He reminds you of a tiger with that intense look of his, how he looks like he is going to pounce at any given moment
-Gets off on you calling him that. Will also call you kitten
-You make him all soft inside and has always thought you otherworldly, so he calls you angel
-He isn't one for a large amount of PDA (except with Viktor lol) and he tends to call you this very gently or in private. You don't mind because everyone knows who he goes home to at the end of the night
-It took a long time for you to come up with a good nickname but after staring at the Talis family crest you came up with hammer
-He's strong, durable, and is helping build the way for the future. Also the family crest and he works with one
-He'll be a bit embarrassed at first but that's because he is easy to fluster. You also get him with lewd jokes about hammering.
-If it is a classic and romantic pet name, he calls you it just to see you bite your lip and blush
-It's hard to get him back like that, since he is secretly a devious little man, but then showing affection to him publicly tends to make him blush and put his hand on the small of your back
-Privately it always leads to the most tender kisses and him telling you how much he loves you.
-He's so used to the world being cruel towards him, but your affections really does something inside of him and he has to convince himself to not propose to you immediately
-Classy lady likes classy names. Darling, dove, my dear.
-Surprised or bashful smiles is how she tells you she likes it. It doesn't look like anything to others around you but it's like a secret language
-You will use the same ones but it has an effect on her that she didn't expect
-Baby doll, sweet cheeks, honey buns, toots, all of the names
-Day one you called her your goddess, because she just seemed above normal people.
-Anyone says anything about it, immediate broken nose. Do not mock her nickname.
-As with Jinx, you don't really use your name anymore because she never says it
-Unless she's under you or vice versa
A/N: sorry this took so long. I am dealing with health issues and being a parent at the same time. Hope you still enjoy it! It was a challenge! On a side note, my husband's nickname is hammer lol
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snoocupz · 2 years
Woohoo, I have made it back to Tumblr after - Good god, something that feel like millions of years of a break! Time for some old art reshare!
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fanandfiction · 1 year
For Lunch
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How Arcane Characters Would Eat You Out... (part 2)
Summary: A balanced diet usually consists of three meals a day. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Which will you be joining us for today?
AN: Surprise, I live! One minute I’m having a manic episode, writing every day for a whole two weeks, the next thing I know 4 months go by and my will to live has been completely nonexistent. Don’t you fear though bc low incomes got your back and for the time being I’ve got my ✨sparkle✨ back! (take your medication kids! you wouldn’t have it if you didn’t need it!)
Word Count: 2.06k words
Warnings: +18 MDNI, Cunnilingus, Oral (F receiving), Fingering, Cheating, Overstimulation, Jayce is a switch lmao, Threesome, F/F/M, Mild Exhibitionism, Mild Voyeurism, Spanking, Corruption kink, Mild Dubious Consent.
Characters: F! Reader, Jayce (ft Mel), Cassandra, Silco, Vi. (You can tell who my favorites are 😣)
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Cassandra sips a glass of red wine from her office balcony most mornings. As the councilwoman’s secretary, you usually scurry around the office or run small errands for her in the city.  Some days, when her silly little husband or naive daughter works her nerves just right, Cassandra needs to release her pent-up frustration. That’s where you come in. It’s your job to alleviate her stress and workload; what better way to relieve stress than having your secretary bent over your desk for brunch? You were always so good to her, never causing her the stress her daughter did, always willing to try the things her husband would shy away from.
One of Cassandra’s dainty gloved hands massages your ass, squeezing the supple flesh as her other hand is lodged in your sopping pussy, slowly fucking you with her long, slender fingers. It’s a privilege to have an audience with the councilwoman like this, so if you want to cum, you must beg for her, she says. At the same time, she’ll exhale lightly against your clit, teasing you all the more. You have no choice but to beg for her, not that you weren’t seconds away from dissolving in a blubbering mess anyway. The stimulation from her fingers alone was divine, but they were nowhere near enough to get you close to the edge. So you do, like a pathetic little puppy, you beg for her. You plead for her to let her anger and frustration out on you.
            “Please, Miss,” you whimper. “Use me, give me all your stress. I’ll take it, all of it.” 
 If Cassandra’s feeling nice, she’s quick to give you what you asked so nicely for.  She’ll move you to your back with your legs spread to make it easier on her own - you will never catch the counselor on her knees for anyone. She’s quick to press her de-gloved fingers back into your pulsing entrance, her mouth joining them this time, nibbling and suckling your clit. You try your hardest not to scream in pleasure- the last thing you want to do is alert someone to what is happening. But with all her stimulation, you can feel yourself tumbling toward the edge. Failure is inevitable, and you moan loudly when your orgasm consumes you. 
Cassandra slows for maybe a minute as you're coming to, your pussy is pulsing around her fingers, and you’re trying to flinch away from how sensitive you feel, but she’s not stopping. She chuckles into you, steadying you with her free hand, “I’m still very frustrated, my dear. And we haven’t even gotten to the main course. I’m afraid you might need to readjust my schedule after lunch.” 
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Jayce would have you at the grand table in the conference hall after a relatively gruesome meeting. He would claim that after such a long boring conference, he needed a snack- he was “just absolutely famished.” You were quick to offer yourself to him, and he wasn’t hesitant to accept your offer. Jayce happily lapped at your cunt, savoring your juices almost as if he had been without food and water for weeks. There was nothing more Jayce wanted than to taste your sweet release, and he had you close to cumming relatively quickly. Jayce is incredibly skilled with his mouth; while his tongue works dutifully, leaving long broad strokes through your folds, one of his hands stimulates your clit. His thumb circles it without remorse, and you’re sure you’re falling apart then and there. But to your surprise and dismay, he halts his movements. 
“Well, don’t stop now that you’ve gotten caught,” Councilwoman Medarda stood tall and as elegant as ever in the doorway. You didn’t hear her come in. In shock, you try to get up, but Jayce halts you. Heeding her wishes, Jayce continues, holding you in place with his free hand. 
“I- Councilwoman- I-I’m sorry!” You squeak, trying to shuffle away from the persistent counselor between your legs. 
She strolls into the room, her hips delightfully swaying as she makes her way to join you. “Don’t be. You’re not the one in trouble- What a good aide you’ve been, helping this greedy dog get his fix,” Mel says. She stands in the inner portion of the table, near your head, peering down at you. She reaches down and begins gently massaging your breasts. “I think if the poor dog wants to eat so bad, we should let him eat, and eat, and eat until his heart's content.” 
There's no time for you to ponder or even process what she means. Your first orgasm comes crashing over you as Jayce takes your clit between his lips and pushes his fingers into your dripping heat. He doesn’t stop, and you can quickly feel the familiar tension returning in your lower abdomen. You attempt and fail to choke back sobs from the overstimulation. His fingers thrust in and out of you with remarkable precision and consistency. As you cum a second time, Mel comforts you by wiping the sweat from your brow and cooing gently in your ear. “There, there. If you waste all your tears night now, you won’t have any for the main event.”
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Silco was a busy, busy man. It’s hard work running the undercity and raising a daughter with a loaded, trauma-filled past. So naturally, after a relatively long week of chem barron negotiations that went virtually nowhere, Silco’s patience was wearing thin. He didn’t have time to entertain you or put up with your bratty antics. That, however, has never stopped you, and you don’t take neglect from your beloved too well. If anything, it makes it ten times harder on Silco. You ramp up your brattiness and constantly interrupt his work until he snaps, deciding nothing can move forward until you’re punished. 
Paper and pens are strewn off his large oak desk in seconds, and your body replaces them just as quickly. You're bent over the cold surface, standing on the tip of your toes as you present yourself to him. Your knuckles pale as your grip tightens in anticipation around the edge of the desk. “Is this what you wanted, my attention?” Silco says as he makes quick work of discarding your undergarments. You hum “yes” happily when the cool air hits your sopping cunt. 
“Well, now you’ve got it, my little dove,” he says, groping and massaging the globes of your ass. Don’t be fooled. Silco isn’t letting you off scot-free. Not after all the strife you’ve caused him. His right hand lifts from your ass, and before you have time to register what he might do with it, it’s coming back down hard against your behind. You let out a surprised squeak, tensing when Silco grabs the tingling flesh.  
“ Count them,” he says simply. With little warning, the next one comes down as ruthlessly as the first. 
One, two, three, four, five. You heed his command and count each one. Every harsh slap is heavy and quick, causing your breath to become quick and shallow. 
Your ass is on fire, but that doesn’t stop your pussy from clenching desperately around nothing. As Silco harshly squeezes your burning flesh, his thumb makes its way to massage your tight button hole and your pussy entrance, teasing you. You whine and whither in his grasp. “Do you need something?” Silco’s low vibrato causes shivers to run down your spine. 
“ I need you, please,” you whimper pathetically. 
“We’ll get there, dove…Right now, we’re teaching you a thing or two about patience,” You can feel Silco’s warm breath graze against your entrance. “Keep counting.” He says as laps at your pussy.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. He slaps your neglected left side just as aggressively as the other. Both sides tingle, radiating heat as Silco devours you. It’s hard for you to focus, but you manage all while grinding back into Silco’s mouth. 
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Silco can tell you’re close by how you tense around his tongue, and your legs start quivering. He moves to suck on your sensitive clit, and you grind backward onto his nose. Moments later you're tipping over the edge, Silco guiding you through every second of pleasure. 
Once you’ve caught your breath, Silco retreats, you don’t dare to move or get up. You hear him lick his wet lips and the metal buckle of his pants come undone. “Now onto the main course, my dove.” 
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Due to her hostile nature, Vi had spent the first several years of her sentence alone within the concrete walls of Stillwater. The only human interaction she’d had was between meal times when the guards would bring her a tray of gray slop and stale bread or during hygiene hour when she is granted daily access to the showers. One day that changed, instead of being delivered the usual atrocity that was lunch, you’re delivered. Whether it be because her behavior improved or because the prison had reached a certain capacity, Vi didn’t know. When she got a good look at you, she quickly decided she was grateful to have a new cellmate either way. 
This innocence radiated from you, something Vi craved and hadn’t had for a long time. Something about you just screams, “she doesn’t belong here.” There's no way you were in this shit hole on anything more than petty charges, false ones even, Vi pondered. 
You fall into your place in the natural hierarchy so easily as well. Vi didn’t have to fight or intimidate you for anything. She was in charge from the beginning. Food, necessities- anything she asks of you, you give her. You never ask much of it. She kept peering guards off your back and ensured no bigger fish came to snatch you up. Although, maybe you should’ve been more aware of the peering eyes just behind you or the monster sleeping above you, waiting for the perfect moment to devour you whole. 
Before long, the tension you seem too naive to notice becomes almost overbearing for Vi. She’d asked you to scrub her down in the shower, wash her hair, and dry her off. You had done so dutifully, assuming the way she twitched beneath your fingers was due to stress and fatigue. It wasn’t until you found yourself face down against the cool bathroom counter and stripped of your lower garments that you considered anything else. 
“V-Vi!?” you stammer. Alarmed, you begin to thrash, trying desperately to face your cellmate. Only you find it’s futile. With one hand, Vi has your arms in a firm, unrelenting hold behind your back. 
“So innocent, so precious,” She drags out her words like a snake, grabbing and massaging your bare ass with her free hands. “I could just eat you whole.” 
Vi leaves you with no time to ponder her words before her warm mouth finds your cunt. She moans loudly at the taste sending vibrations coursing through you. You try to fight her, but your resolve is already weakening drastically, and your thrashing only serves to push you further into her warmth. 
“Mmh,” she hums. “You taste even better than I imagined.” 
“Please…” you whimper. 
“Please what? Do you want more?” She teases. Before you have time to deny her accusations, two of her fingers join her mouth, thrusting into your dripping hole. The feeling immediately shatters what’s left of your will to fight back. Kitten-like mews and whorish whimpers erupt from your throat. 
“There, there,” she coos, as your walls tense and un-tense tightly around her fingers. She can tell you’re close already.
Her mouth finds its way to your sensitive clit, and she begins sucking hard. With the combined efforts of her mouth and fingers, you're cumming in no time. Screaming out her name as your release finds you, your juices spill down Vi’s face. 
When she stands, her reflection in the mirror serves as your only method of looking at her. She wears a proud smirk on her face, watching as you pant and twitch beneath her. “What a good little slut you are. When we are done, everyone in Stillwater will know who you belong to.”
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Next part- For Dinner - Set to include: Sevika, Renata Glasc, Finn, Jinx, Ambessa Medarda
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vander-affectionate · 2 months
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