#aos 5x06
mspirations · 2 years
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Daisy Johnson "A Life Earned" & "Fun & Games" - 5x04 & 5x06
Mossimo High Rise Cargo Pockets Jegging in Burgundy*
* I found it
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moonlayl · 2 years
for the five things ask, 5 aos episodes:
Nothing personal (1x20)
Melinda (2x17)
Spacetime (3x15)
The Ghost (4x01)
Fun and Games (5x06)
Ooh, this is a good one! (also not me remembering everything about those episodes immediately 😂)
Anyway, I love every single one of these episodes so much, but I’m going to have to rank them, aren’t I?
So…for some of these, if you’d ask me this right after I finished watching the whole show, before any rewatches, I would’ve placed them higher. But going back and rewatching, while I still love the episodes, they’re greater when it’s the first time you’re seeing it, so I’m ranking based on what I like now, and what I would want to rewatch (and edit. And write fics about) now.
1. The Ghost (4.01)
It’s the one that’s easiest to rewatch. The angst is >>>> (I love it when my faves suffer) and it’s when Robbie first appears. We get Daisy and Elena interacting. We get a feel of what Daisy’s been going through (she’s a vigilante now!!!) and all of Ghost Rider’s scenes aren’t just mesmerizing to look at (seriously, flaming skull looks so good) but Gabriel Luna is such a good actor. We’re back to “Coulson is no longer director” which I LOVE, because it brings back certain obstacles from s1, where the team actually had to go BEHIND the director in order to save people, and Coulson is more of a rebel. Elena was just amazing in that episode. I love Daisy’s beanie. I love all of Daisy’s badass scenes and powers, and I love all her scenes with Robbie. There was a “mystery” feel to s4, and it started with the first episode. It was like a new era of the show beginning and the start of something new :)
2. Melinda (2.17)
We finally learn May’s backstory. Everything about those flashbacks, seeing more of Andrew (and Mildrew), seeing May from before, her fight scenes, her humour, and than the horrifying realization that it was the little girl the entire time? Holy crap, that was good, and completely makes everything we knew about May before, make sense. It was also very smart, the way it connected back to inhumans. Almost every mystery of s1 was connected, and idk but that was very satisfying to watch.
In the same episode, we get Daisy and Jiaying. (Which before s7 came out, I wouldn’t have been as appreciative of, but now I am.) Daisy finds her mom, after a lifetime of searching (and Jiaying finds her daughter, after decades). Unlike when she first comes face to face with her dad, her scene with Jiaying was so emotional, so beautiful, and they were both crying (which made me want to cry). We also get a little call back to s1 Daisy.
“Hoping for something and losing it, hurts more than never hoping for anything” (s1) and “deep down I think you knew [that I’m your mother]” “I was too afraid to hope” (s2)
Daisy opens up about her past a bit, about being sent away, about never spending more than 2 years anywhere (and she’s probably also emotional because she lost shield) which is also similar to that scene in s1, where she mentions she called a foster mom “mom” and how she gets sent away (but in this scene, she actually finds her mom!!!) it’s just…so bittersweet and amazing. Jiaying makes her promises (that she doesn’t keep, but they were GOOD in the moment) and Daisy finally feels at home in Afterlife. Jiaying helps her with her powers, and Daisy actually starts to control them without hurting herself. The “I moved a mountain scene”!!! Jiaying explaining Daisy’s powers, Lincoln being a sweetheart, Daisy making music. It was a good episode!
3. Spacetime (3.15)
Despite s3 being my least favourite season, (no matter the amount of meta I read or how often I rewatch episodes) this episode is one that I really love. I love how Daisy centric it is.
The entire thing about seeing visions and trying to prevent them from happening and being confused about them all, but each one making sense in the end? It was really well written.
The fact that it involves the whole team, that scene between Daisy and Coulson before she heads off. Coulson shooting the mirror, and us realizing it wouldn’t have made sense if he’d actually shot her! Coulson trying so hard to prevent it all (and failing spectacularly)
Daisy’s promise to protect Robin, how each scene led to the next, the final vision that leads to the rest of the season (who will die?) Daisy and May’s parallel fight scenes!
The entire team bonding while attempting to set up Daisy’s vision and act it out (that was so good!!) Fitz trying to explain science stuff but doing a terrible job, and he and Simmons disagreeing!
The whole first scene with the man calling out Daisy’s name and then dying in front of Daisy and her absolute horror and fear once she realizes the actual inhuman man was in danger. (Lincoln being very 💕 and holding her and trying to help her when she panics)
Many others have talked about this episode and why it’s so good (I haven’t done as good of a job 😅) but yeah it was just a really good episode. How it was written, and shot, and how each scene leads to the next, and how much focus Daisy got.
4. Nothing Personal (1.20)
I thought it would’ve been higher up in the list, because it has one of my favourite daisy scenes ever, but oh well.
I’m just going to talk about that scene specifically. One thing I will always love about this show and give it so much credit for, is how they DIDN’T make their female hero and protagonist “forgive” the terrible “misunderstood” attractive male character, or compromise her morals because she has feelings for him. Daisy cared for him, yes, but him ending up being a traitor, killing Koenig, and being HYDRA, was crossing a line, and immediately caused her to push him away and not want anything to do with him, her feelings be damned. Even after he admitted that he DOES actually care for her, her reaction is to turn away and say “I think I’m going to throw up” WHICH MAKES SENSE!!! That’s how a normal person would react to finding out a murderer and traitor has feelings for them. Ward’s look of utter shock and disbelief will NEVER not be funny. I’m so so glad the writers made THAT be her reaction (it was the moment I truly realized she wasn’t going to be written like all those other female protagonists written by men) because it was needed. Even despite the amount of Skyeward skippers, and despite the fact that them as a couple was something clearly the show was leading up to, they had her reject him (and keep rejecting him).
I loved when she hit him and insulted him. When she refused to help him, and her look of disgust and shock when he started going on and on about how “difficult it was for him”, 10/10!!
Her lines: “you did NOT just say that. It wasn’t PERSONAL? God, you might actually believe that. THAT, is the twisted logic they teach you even you sign up to be a nazi.”
and “I’m a survivor” “You are a serial killer”
and “because that was part of the mission, right? Just gonna kick back, and watch ME bleed, until it’s your turn to pull the trigger”
were perfect! Such perfect lines!! I was mentally applauding every word she said, every expression she made, that entire episode.
5. Fun & Games (5.06)
Unpopular opinion, I know, but I actually really loved and enjoyed the first half of s5. It’s disappointing what happened later, but that first half? Amazing. (Not many would agree lol)
In this episode, we finally get multiple reunions after the team’s been separated. It’s super easy to rewatch, feels fun (even while there are high stakes) and I just loved every moment. Daisy’s entire new look, and the arena fight. She looked so good and was such a badass. May also gets an arena fight, and like Daisy, was super badass despite being INJURED and having no powers! That whole scene where Daisy flies, Jemma slits a man’s throat, jumps with Fitz and they land and than all three run off to try and escape? It was amazing. Then they run into Deke, and both fitz and simmons are like immediately defending Daisy (for one episode, I thought fitz and simmons were back to being characters I enjoyed watching. I loved the dynamic between those three in that one episode alone). It was just really cool and the first time I watched it, I was definitely grinning because FINALLY Daisy and Jemma aren’t stuck with Kasius anymore.
So yeah, that’s my ranking. (I write too much XD) this was fun, thank you!
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ayankun · 2 years
AoS 5x06 has SUCH a complex web of characters with 3-dimensional personalities and motivations being thwarted and/or assisted by other people with just as complex reasons for doing/saying/believing whatever it is they're all about.
I was trying to find my essay about the psychological warfare on display in the dinner scene in particular, but I sort of think there's a good chance I only ever infodumped that IRL whoops
(That might sound like there should be an essay manifesting itself under a cut here, but I have to go to sleep sorry <3)
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elemen · 3 years
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@creatorsofcolornet event 6: heroes of color
AGENTS OF SHIELD | 5.06 Fun & Games
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agentreeb · 4 years
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Jemma holding onto Fitz’s shirt thorugh the seasons, because it’s cute
It’s times like this I wish I knew how to gif, but I still think the photos do a pretty good job showing this cute mannerism :)
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Mackelena + Flint + Tacos: 5x06 // 6x12
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blancasplayground · 5 years
Tumblr today: Here’s 10,000 gifs to celebrate the one-year anniversary of 5x06 “Fun and Games” airing. Literally every other post on your dash today will be from that episode. Nothing but FitzSimmons proposals and heart-eyes and kicking ass. Endlessly. For an entire day.
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ohmyfuturelove · 6 years
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littlefanthings · 6 years
Clark Gregg, patron saint of the Fitzsimmons ship, being the one to direct the proposal(s) is just so perfect.
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peaceowatermeln · 6 years
like please
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mspirations · 2 years
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Daisy Johnson
"Fun & Games" - 5x06
"Together or Not At All" - 5x07
"The Last Day" - 5x08
"Best Laid Plans" - 5x09
"Past Life" - 5x10
"All The Comforts of Home" - 5x11
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scientistjemma · 6 years
Just So I’m Clear…
We’ve all agreed to throw out “managed expectations” for tonight? We’re all hoping for a Fitzsimmons proposal (or something close to it), right? It’s not just me?
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superstitieuxx · 6 years
One of my otp is completely officially definitely canon and they will get married
I'm in physical pain, this is so beautiful, I am so fucking happy. ㅠㅠ
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vintageinkloves · 6 years
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marvelsaos · 3 years
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Oh, come on. She hasn’t aged a day. 😂
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