#anyways. adds this to my list of things i wanna draw
wolvesrain · 2 years
my favorite flavor of ocelhira is the usual animosity disagreements intent to kill etc. but kaz is just a little bit starved for attention and ocelot is just a little bit down bad in an "anything for you" way
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here-comes-the-bard · 1 month
i've seen yaevinn in therapy once and i need to see it again. go on king tell him about how despite the fact that your longing for connection has been fulfilled tenfold you still feel painfully alone for reasons you don't understand other than feeling like something is Inherently Wrong with you. tell him about how you thought you knew what love was until you met nithral and now it's this beautiful terrifying thing that you don't know what to do with because you're a little scared of how it can come out because of that one time you blew up at him as you were about to face death. tell him about the immense shame and fear you feel around openly expressing anger, which is why you try to apologize when you swear—because it comes off as angry. tell him about how it all intertwines with itself and feels confusing and frightening and yet you know you can't give it up. tell him about the colors thing, about how all of your emotions and expression thereof bring color to your life and you wouldn't give them up for anything but some of them are so bright and loud that it's overwhelming and you wish you could turn it off.
i think i also just need to see valentin be valentin about it tbh bc yaevinn is not kind to himself about these things and sees them as things to be ashamed of.
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Thinking abt my dupes some more, and it's such a joy imagining them working together to try and invent new stuff for their needs with their limited resources, especially when it comes to the guys anywhere but the main colony where the only actual scientist lives lol
#rat rambles#oni posting#tbf there is a doctor on one of the other colonies so its a good thing mi-ma has her at least#just the crew all learning to genuinely create for the first time and being estatic as someone makes a toaster or smth for the first time#and then they realize they can fuck around with food too and chefs have to swat everyone away from the stove to hog the creative joys#meanwhile the diggers are just staring with big sad eyes at the engineers and burt begging them to upgrade their mining guns#they wanna have fun with new things too!!! please somehow invent a neutronium blaster that the poor sad diggers can have fun with#meanwhile burt is just sitting there experiencing The Horrors (digging through olivia's database)#well ok several dupes are going through their own personal horrors since theyve yet to reinvent therapy 😔#a good chunk of them are going through the horrors of their primary food source being raw lettus lol#hey this is future them I can imagine theyve been sent duskcaps and pufts and have managed to enjoy a wider diet#and that the main colony have been getting to leech off of the stuffed berries from their teleporter neighbors#the fourth colony I forgot abt when drawing the last drawing have been thriving off of grubberry pie for ages tho theyre living lavish#yes colonizing that planet was an ordeal since its the flipped asteroid but its ok because they survived#and by they I mostly mean quinn they were rly the only one who ever was at risk#just another near death experience to add to their list (most of them were radiation related lol)#that's what happens when you adamantly refuse to use athmo suits and proper radiation shielding while doing space travel#oh also lets imagine that they all eventually got propper spoms set up and cleaned up the hydrogen floating around literally everywhere#and that I fixed my power problems by using the natural gas vents that were very easily available to me#and lets also imagine they managed to set up proper cooling systems and disenfecting systems as well#anyways I need to go shower while I continue to think abt my lovely dupes
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thelunarsystemwrites · 2 months
I accidentally became moots with a lot of cool undertale/UTMV artists-
@nobodys-reblogs Like, you were my first idol on here that I befriended 🥺 AND NOT BECAUSE YOU WERE MY IDOL- you legit just seemed cool, and I am very VERY grateful each time I see '#friend tag' with you!! I also love your style, it gives a sense of comfort because of the shades you normally use!! (<- psstt I also like your doors content!)
@inka-boi I love the way you draw chubby and plus sized people, literally helped with my own drawings of different body types! You're also super nice. And well, my mum—I love the purple yarn family, I live for the purple yarn ship, you're super sweet!
@zombiestar1934 Uhm, yeah—Yoink. Your art is very yoinkable, VERY HUGGABLE!! Looks like it was drawn in a library, where you had the peace of only hearing your drawing tablet make 'lil clicks! I love the hearts you add to blush, and the smiles you give them! Yet you're just as capable of making angst, and I love Angst :3
@absurdumsid I want to hug all, and I mean ALL your drawings. ESPECIALLY horrorpills, I love the clean look they all have, I love looking at your art, and I just- aghghgh your so cool!!
@italic-doing-random-shit man you're just very awesome, idk how the hell I manged being moots w/ you but I'm vibing with it, your art is like, yum. It gives me, hm... Oh! Okay it gives me animatic vibes, like you'd be a good animator! /pos!
@inkcat1987 AWE. JUST AWE—I love how sweet your style is, and I'm especially liking the middle school AU!! Once again, soft as angel wings!
@axinfinity there's just- there's something so HOLDABLE about your art! I just wanna pick it up and protect it!
@ant1quarian ah yes, a fellow UTMV enjoyer who collects a very specific sans, that being Dust in your case! /vpos. Your style, it's like moss. It has a natural feel, it looks like it'd smell like rain, like feathers and it's so... like this song, The Moss is how I feel when I look at your pfp!
@dzasterdumpterfire Stars. Your art looks like stars, I'm fairly sure the lighting comes from the stars. I dunno it's just kinda mystifying to look at!
@endless-emptyness Your art >>>> Very pleasant to look at. I really enjoy the facial expressions you do!!
@solusminds your art feels like it was crafted in the cozy darkness, illuminated only by a single lantern, while winter blazes outside. It's so nice and warm feeling!
@kiyo-void A lovely painting! All your works feel like they were painted, painted and set in a cool breeze to dry, especially your digital art, and I am LIVING for it! Plussssss Runetale is super cool!
@iatetheglue YUM it looks so squishable, so fluffy!! I love your art!
@denieatsart HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE that's how I feel looking at what you make!! I love the kinda like, layered look your art gives!!
@largefound can't say a bad thing about ya, you're cool, your art gives cool feelings, cool vibes everywhere!
Annd... it's late, I can't think of anyone else BUT IF I DO I will ADD YOU to the list!!
@rushin-safire. Yeah, your art? Feels like it was drawn with a cat in your lap while you've just come home from the Cafe, still sipping on your coffee. :3
@nashdoesstuff for the LIFE OF ME I can't figure out how the hell to search your art, hpw am I screwing it up?? But anyways it probably tastes like gummy bears. /pos.
@nightmarish-qeuwusha Your art tastes like cotton candy! I think that your art was woven from candy floss and glittered with stardust! ^^
@analexthatexists Containment! I feel like your art gives off SCP vibes, I feel like I'm some sort of entity when I look at it, and that, is, awesome!
@determinedfanartist okay but like, your art is "I drew this specifically bc I love my friends" and I cannot be convinced otherwise. /pos
@mrfellsans Ah, cartoony. Specifically with that dapper charm to it! I'm talking bendy and the ink machine, I'm talking swing, I'm talking pleasant to look at as you have a modern spin on it!
@the-second-reason your art is that chill older kid, the one that helps ou their younger peers figure out stuff. They're the super relaxed big sibling, your art has a mellow style, gives chill big sibling vibes. :]
@dustsansm1 I mean this in the best way possible, your art feels friendly but has anxiety. And that's okay! Your art gives me like, it wants to be friends w/ someone but too shy to do so. It has a sorta 'I'm trying my best' style, when it's already really good!
@spookuzm cover artist! I feel like you'd do well drawing the characters that you put on the cover of stuff, your art vibes me those vibes! Like it's the peak inside a new world! ^^ Hey side note this changed to comfort artist
@mellybabbles Reflections, your art makes me reflect on myself. What was behind it? Every line you etch into it makes me think, ponder, as if it were drawn from a mirror.
@wickjump ICON. Your art is SUCH an icon, you're RADIATING icon vibes. The colours you use seem to naturally give off a hue to it, giving it that pop! It's beautiful and clean and iconic! ✨️
@hialeisanimation I mean this in the most light hearted way possible—It's just happy. Like your art is the definition of :3 and I am VIBING w/ it, very lovely to look at!
@joonebugg your art has PERSONALITY, like they don't take shit from anyone. Like looking at it, feels like they'd be the decals for a 1970s diner and they're like the characters, they work too hard to take orders from ungrateful customers. THAT'S what your style looks like to me.
@milkybnnuy so your style (especially when you draw Fell!NM) is so dark and radiates that dark energy and pretty pretty please I need more angst- /pos (edit: dear cod I got that angst)
@bluu3berry - you really utilize shades of colour really well, I think you've done a wonderful job with Bluu!! /Gen! I think your style really reminds me of an older cartoon with their softer colours, like Charlie brown! And, I love Charlie brown!
@hiro-doodlez - Your art uses ALL of your canvas to your advantage! Like rarely have I ever seen you draw something and leave a blank space, which also helps you create a ton of interesting shading! I like how you draw over colours w/ other colours, so your base colours helps the top layer—Does that make sense? ^^ like, your style is very out there! Very you, very recognizable!
@dustbvnnyy Y2K INVADER ZIM like it's awesome, your artstyle gives me y2k alt vibes!! I love the soft saturated (is that a thing? ^^') colours that go into your pieces!!
@murder-clown-around-town fun!! I saw your pinned post and from what you drew IT LOOKS SO FUN!! Like a balloon animal!! I like how the lines overlap and create a structure!! :D
@miracle-negative soft and heavenly! Your art, even using a darker pallet is soft and smooth!!
@yellow-computer-mouse it's quite relaxed! I like the shading you did on that smoking Dust picture! ^^
@eco-systeme royal! You have a very royal, a very fancy looking style to me!! Like, someone paid you a good amount to draw it! I hope you forever remain creative, love your art!
@kitoto-the-babybones a very awesome sauce bubbly art vibe! :3
@wishtale-blogs spring vibes!! Absolutely beautiful spring, butterflies, meadows and more!! I LOVE MONARCH I've literally never seen orange and pastels work well like yours does!!!
@swiftmitsu YOOO MY FIRST FRIEND MADE ON DISCORD!!! I'd like to say I'm a huge fan of your artstyle! It's a good mix between adorable, but can be taken seriously if the tone demands it! This is a hard skill to acquire, because a lot of adorable art can be hard to feel the wanted emotions conveyed — But you found just the right balance! I always look forward to you posting! ^^
Also, we may not be moots—But honourary mention to @somegrumpynerd you're my comfort artist, I go searching for Dadmare if I'm down and I find your art—I love how it just looks like the embodiment of Marshmallows. I love how you draw each and every scene you've made, the emotions you convey even if it's supposed to just be a silly post! Just ahhhhhh I love looking at what you make!!
Have a good day, night, evening, morning, or whatever time it is for you guys!
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CW: OC talk + Rambling / Blood / Gore / Censored Nudity (character sheet) / Mentions of Drugging
(idk why these warnings are so intense, but I swear it's all just silly OC talk T^T)
I’m kinda sorta working on more (comprehensible) TS OC stuff in between studying right now… I wanna hurry and talk about them but without info dumping (if given the opportunity I will without hesitation 😔…) because in terms of the best stories I have conjured up for OCs in general Naudedel and Noble are surprisingly good and I’m very excited to share how deranged they are together…
Right now it’s just about making Naudy readable and working on extra fun stuff… like monsters!
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I’m trying to work out his “monster” form…. The concept is there, but the execution is just not ticking the right boxes for me right now… also, the line art at the end is old and probably will go unused, but thought it was something to add here because like hehe look at my deranged son :)
When it comes to the writing I'm going to split it into two chapters. The first half will be a summary+ of his upbringing, and the second on how he fucked up his arm and why. Just enough info to get a read on what his deal is pretty much. I just need to edit the first chapter and rewrite some parts then it's ready to annoy the world!
I'm trying to think of a good design for his original mother... I'm thinking dark hair and milf (¬‿¬)・゚✧ ... honestly I need to start drawing out the designs for all the other TS OCs I've accumulated over the year (?) here's a fun list-
Hickery (bloodhound OC... dilf oc...I've already been made fun of for his name, but it stuck to me so I'm keeping it!)
Maya (another bloodhound OC)
Cove (Hound's ex-husband)
Cetcher's gf + informant, who still needs a good name...
and that one guy! (doesn't have a name yet... but is important in Hound's part of the story... she bashed some of his guys in the back of head with a hammer... it was a whole thing... Leander got involved... gang war stuff, don't worry about it...)
There are technically more OCs, like that Hightown lady Noble befriended during their first few weeks in town. However, I'm not sure if I'm including her in the final plot meeting. But yeah, anyway I'm rambling so on to Noble news!
For Noble, everything is plotted out in advance surprisingly…character playlist and all... just need to find the words to explain their story other than “parasite with a weird God complex feels guilty” I do have some old memes and art of them though!
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Noble curse stuff...
Childhood cult stuff...
Current reality...
Poor person masquerade dress censored for tumblr...
Noble folks!
I actually wrote out a whole little thing for the black dress in a what-if scenario of...
"Oh! ,,,What if there is a masquerade in Hightown and Noble sneaks in to get some information on a certain individual who might know a thing or two about curses, but turns out the whole event if devious and their all eating babies or some fucked up shit,,,, and what if while sneaking around they see Leander and are like 'what's he doing here?' and they lock eyes but he ignores them as he ducks into a closed off area with some important looking people,,, once he comes out he walks past them and they lock eyes again as he leaves,,, Noble chases after him and once they catch up they get to see his cold and detached side right before he hides them from the other guest,,, after they talk for a bit, or more like Leander talking over them and their worries as he slowly wipes their memories while they protest that it's not fair only to wake up the next day back in their room,,, thankfully their curse is good for more then just silly bouts of insanity so they have a hunch on what happened, everyone around them who knew where they went the night before were obviously worried and the general consensus is that they might have been drugged and should go check in with Kuras just in case (wow this is getting long...) but on their way to the clinic they run into Leander and of course discusses their current problem with him ,,, words are exchanged,,, a kabedon may occur,,, as he whispers in their ear,,, all fun till he erases their memories again, or at least tires before receiving a little gift that makes him look at this whole curse thing from a different angle." DEEP BREATH! ...Anyways... yeah.
But it was taking so long to write out that I ended up losing motivation so yeah... like everything else we will pray the motivation comes back so I can finish that... plus who knows, I might make an x reader version of it if I can. (don't hold your breath... I'm extremely slow)
Anyway, I'm gonna to shut up now because I've yapped enough. I'mma make some hibiscus tea (ironic) and head to bed... Night night, if you made it this far, thank you for listening to my craziness <3
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merrymorningofmay · 2 months
I saw your post about how hard things have been lately and I was wondering if having people boost not just war/survival related things, but also positivity would help? Ukraine has such a rich and beautiful culture; I'd love to know if there are good tags for finding information and examples to boost to show people that and if you think that would be genuinely helpful?
Sorry if this is worded oddly. I hope you and your family stay safe and that this ends in victory for your people soon. <3
thank you for the kind words and support!!
as for your question: it's not odd at all, but i have kind of mixed feelings on the matter, so this is gonna be long i'm sorry....
first i'll say this: celebrating and promoting ukrainian culture is always, unambiguously, a good idea, because historically it's been largely underrepresented and understudied (and appropriated and/or miscredited by. Some Country. anyway). i like to think it's also helpful to our plight, however marginally, because people are more likely to sympathise with someone familiar and relatable, and engaging with ukrainian culture/boosting ukraine's presence anywhere can help bridge that gap.
as for online sources to share, i can definitely recommend ukr_arthistory (ukrainian art) and old_ukr_books (vintage book illustrations) on twitter, and also vintage-ukraine here on tumblr. if you'd like to help promote ukrainian artists on here as well as on twitter, #украрт, #укркрафт are the tags you wanna check out. living artists could always use some engagement/commissions
this list is quite short, to my shame, but again, fellow ukrainians are very welcome to add their own suggestions! (guys, please do)
i have my own reservations, though. see, there isn't a single aspect of ukrainian culture, art, life that hasn't been affected or retroactively reframed by the current war or by the long gruesome history of russia's colonialism in ukraine. the war is a part of us, it's a part of me, and any attempt by a non-ukrainian to draw a neat line between the two feels. unearned and violating? somehow? (again, these are just my feelings; e.g. i never trigger tag my war posts because nobody gets to have the fun parts of me and filter out the war part of me. other ukrainians may have different feelings)
and especially now, when the political and battlefield situation is at its bleakest yet and ukraine has been making less and less headlines, hearing non-ukrainians praise the resilience of the ukrainian people or repeat the comforting "kyiv in three days" platitude makes me feel bitter more than anything, because like. we shouldn't have to be this resilient! we're resilient because our allies are failing us and our only other choice is death! sure they didn't take kyiv in three days, but if they take it in three years instead i'll be just as dead in the end! you feel me?
this, of course, isn't to imply you did/were about to do any of that; i'm just trying to explain why i can't just answer "yes, by all means" to your (respectful and valid) question.
i guess the bottom line is: sure, do share and celebrate the beautiful, joyful, fascinating things about ukraine, as long as you also share and engage with the serious stuff. unfortunately, the bad news are the priority right now. i sincerely hope we live to see the day they won't be.
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mellybabbles · 2 months
Masterpost?! Me?! Never
so anyways have a masterpost
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Hello! A masterpost has been due for a long time- but I've finally gotten around to making one!
Things Change - Chapter 1/Prologue (Bill Cipher x Reader) Dreamscape - Chapter 1/Prologue (multi-sanses x fem reader) Misplaced Royalty - Chapter 1/Prologue (bad sanses x nonbinary reader) Just Add Water - Chapter 1/Prologue (Dust + Killer x Siren!reader) From Me To You (Hiatus) - Chapter 1/Prologue (error x fem reader) Ao3 acc Several other fics on my acc! (mainly dust💀)
Tag List! #melly's silly talks - basically any post that isn't a reblog #melly's silly reblogs - reblogs #melly's reblogs - serious reblogs #my art - my art/drawings/sketches #my animations - my animatics/animations #my writing/my fanfics - writing Tags may differ, I'm really bad at sorting tags LOL
Do's and Don'ts!
DNI: Incest, pedophiles, proshippers, dreammare or frans shippers, homophobes, etc
This is a SAFE PLACE. Adults and minors alike are welcome, but please do not make it weird.
Requests are: Open!!
Please refer to this post if you're interested!
I'm open to talking with anyone, followers mutuals or randoms. My discord is mellybabbles, alt is melatonindepicts, and you can also message me on here! I'm a-okay with being pinged in posts! Tag games, art, etc. Tag me in it all! If I don't respond, don't take it personally, it means I forgot or already have seen it/did it Sexual jokes/flirty jokes are okay! I tend to make them, so please let me know if it makes you uncomfortable. Okay, so this one is a bit weird, but if you are an rp account or impersonate a sans (THAT'S COMPLETELY OKAY, i do it as well), please do not say "guys it's me!" or things along those lines to my art/writing. Especially if it's implied sexual/flirty! This makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially if I don't know your age. Unless you're a friend of mine, then go ham, cause chances are I've already flirted with you relentlessly lol
A lil about me!
Hello! You may call me Melly, Mel, Jynx, or Sharpie! Friends call me whatever hehe I'm pansexual, genderfluid and extremely fuckin flirty and chaotic. I have ADHD and heavily struggle with understanding tones and stuff. I have a small emotion range, so I'm sorry if I'm constantly hyper and happy and that bothers you. I'll be constantly cracking jokes, and if it offends you, please let me know! I'm just mapping you out to figure out what's best for the both of us. I don't tend to approach people first, so if you wanna chill and be broskis, sadly you'll have to extend the olive branch. Then I'll probably cling to it like a desperate bird idfk I swear. A lot. Sorry if that scares you I'm Korean-american! Fuck yea, I'mma come eat your dog- /j /j Anyways, so yea, feel free to come poke me whenever :D I'll be happy to breakdance for you hehe
I HAVE A DISCORD SERVER!!! COME POP IN AND SAY HI!! we're almost at 100 members !! HEEUHUHEUHE
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The first batch of pictures for Amoré's character journal are here! Also I have been so super sick that I've literally had nothing to do but to work on this for like almost 2 weeks so...
The cover to cover tour officially starts here. All I can say about the front & back is that I lament my lack of experience with my Cricut when I made these decals. I only had 2 "fun" colors to work with at the time & I was still getting comfortable drawing in Procreate, so my silhouette art leaves a lot to be desired compared to some stuff I've made recently. I also found it's incredibly easy to burn this leather book.
But she's volume one, everything with her is a learning experience, & I realized as much as it helps to have a mini heat press for tight corners & small spaces, the cloth barrier they suggest you use between the vinyl & the iron tends to make things harder to press on this scale. So instead I gotta quickly tap straight on the transfer film & hope I don't burn anything around it :(´◦ω◦`):゚゚
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So at the risk of thoroughly exposing my inner theater kid, Amoré set the precedent with how I went forward creating campaign characters. I started off collecting 5 songs to make a mini story arc (almost like a show choir set list 🙃) that helps me figure out an outline for the kind of story I wanna give them.
Somehow Amoré ended up with a truly horrendous blend of rock & theatre. Absolutely incredibe. No wonder she's always such a dramatic bitch.
It was a lot easier to go in & add little decals around these lyrics. I'm definitely cursed with the Too Much™ gene, but I enjoy the little pops of color they give ✨ plus it justifies me hoarding all these vinyl scraps printing stuff this small lol.
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Stat sheet!
In all honesty, as my first character I had no fucking clue what I was doing when I placed these & if I could go back & change one thing I'd probably swap her Intelligence & her Wisdom. She’s definitely more people smart than book smart.
But everything else is...very accurate. She has all the upper body strength of a chicken nugget. Plus on top of the (already) negative I traded disadvantage on everything DEX for magic crystal shoes that can be periodically harvested. Just a way for her to carry around the family fortune without actually having to return to the vault✨
For something that started so average, her CON became a monster & always comes in clutch for her alcohol tolerance. I've played variations of her across a few different one shots & I always manage to roll well for anything alcohol related. The dice do respect a bit 🤣
Spells on the other hand, I floundered with a lot at first because we’re not a combat heavy game, but then I found Chaos Bolt & that was that. It’s essentially Amoré in spell form & I’ve had a ton of fun with it over the years. Also Mage Armor cuz my girl is SO DISTRESSINGLY SQUISHY.
Cantrips were more or less a bit of a toss up. Message was fun for the sheer idea of her using it to talk shit during social events without being caught. But aside from Light serving fun backstory purposes the other 3 are kinda just what looked fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ unless you count the idea that she would absolutely delight in zapping handshakes.
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From there, I wanted to extend the world map made by our wonderful DM @cappierong into a full scroll. Ya know, for the aesthetic ✨
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Our campaign started in Civania, where Amoré's main Estate is. I just wanted a quick mock up to reference, so I edited a preexisting picture I found that checked all the boxes (large, on a plateau, accessible only by bridge) and then absolutely smothered it in flowers.
But anyways... This is primarily where Diana & Amoré grew up together in their decade of backstory ✨
There was probably waaaay to much back & forth trying to keep the continuity between stuff I've already drawn & this big reference. But I think it turned out pretty ok? Not like if I make a mistake anyone will really know lol.
Scaling was also another big issue I had, & I moments where I thought something was too big I just kinda handwaved it away like "ehhhhh she's from a stupid rich family." But now I have a NEED to draw baby Diana & Amoré around like, the statue gardens or something cuz I feel like certain parts of this place are definitely ominous 👀 especially for children...
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And lastly we have the back cover & the High Noble political relationship map! I normally have this closer to the front but for layout purposes it'll be here. I kinda feel like I need to do more for the decoration of it but I can’t think of anything else to add at the moment.
Sam if u read that no you didn't.
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But now! Other than a family portrait that I've always wanted to draw, I think I'm ready to move onto the art for Season 1 : Arc 2. It's a pretty hefty amount of art in comparison to others, so I gotta get busy. Especially since I think I'm gonna have to draw a few comics *sobs*
If you made it this far, thanks so much for reading! I'm always excited to talk out our little idiots so thanks for indulging me ❀(*´▽`*)❀
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savethevamps · 8 months
Reasons We Love Top Tanin
Earlier today I posted a breakdown of the scenes in which Top was SA, now I wanna give him some love because Top Tanin is a sweetheart damnit!
Also, what I said in my other post applies here too, we can discuss Top as a character, but blatant and random hate is unnecessary.
With that being said, here’s a list of Top’s best qualities:
1. His confidence! The first thing I loved about Top was how confident he was, you can tell just by the way he walks that he knows he’s the hottest guy in the room. Not to mention how sure he was in his pursuit of Mew, he never let himself get discouraged and always had an air of easy confidence no matter what.
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2. How slow to anger he is, without being a pushover. We’ve seen Top get berated on more than one occasion, and he’s never been shown as angry in most of these confrontations. Besides looking slightly annoyed, he’s usually seen as being calm and sometimes even amused.
3. His quick remarks and comebacks. As I said, Top is no pushover! He’ll let people go on about whatever they feel, but not for too long, and he especially won’t ever let them think they have the upper hand. I love how he gets when people try and behave as though they’re above him, he always knocks them down a few pegs (as he should).
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4. The pride he takes in looking his best. Top is well dressed, well groomed, and he just seems to take the best care of himself. He has a routine that he seems to do religiously, and he always dresses his best which adds to that air of confidence he carries around. Like I said before, he knows he’s the hottest in the room, and that comes from his own knowledge that he takes good care of himself. (I need a Top focused episode so I can watch his everyday routines in detail)
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5. His general idgaf-ness. Top is not the type to get involved in drama, or care about what other people are doing. He’s not a gossip, and he stays in his own business until someone drags him into their own. We don’t see him pay attention to rumors spread by others, most likely because he knows how untrue they can be, but also because he doesn’t care enough to pay attention to it.
6. His willingness to grow and be better. Top is not resistant to change, he can evaluate his life, see what’s not working, and actually do something about it. If he’s wrong, he says he’s wrong without any excuses and holds himself accountable. When his boyfriend explained why he wasn’t comfortable with him doing drugs, he listened and decided to stop asap. He never went back on that, even if maybe he’s been tempted. That just shows that he’s always willing to hear genuine criticism and use it as a way to grow. Anyway I can talk for days about this so let’s move on!
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7. How artistic he is! Top is a very creative guy it’s amazing, he’s constantly shown to be a talented artist. Every time we saw Top with Mew, he was drawing and being the artist boyfriend everyone begs for. I also love the fact that we were able to see him in his element at the hostel, the scenes were brief but they definitely showed how serious Top takes his artistry as far as his career is concerned.
8. How he cares for his significant other. We all know Top is #1 in the boyfriend department, and I don’t think that’s something that’s new! I’m pretty sure that although his past relationship(s) have been brief, he has taken care of them and met whatever needs they have. A good example of this is the fact he learned about how Mew gets his experiences from books and decided to take him on all these new, and creative adventures/dates to help him have real life experiences. He definitely will adjust to his partners needs in other to make sure they’re always fulfilled and happy.
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9. How gentle he is. Top Tanin is a gentle guy okay? He’s definitely someone who would rather use soft touches than rough ones. He rarely raises his voice, he speaks softly but with enough assertiveness to make you listen, and he talks to his boyfriend so sweetly.
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10. Him being a blatant sweetheart! I started this post just to talk about this, Top Tanin is the world’s sweetheart. He’s kind to people he doesn’t know without expecting anything in return. The way he would constantly reassure Mew? Sometimes he’d do it subtlety, other times it was obvious. When he gave Nick that advice about staying away from Boston, look he definitely had no reason for doing that, other than him just being a sweetheart. His active listening, he always gives his full attention even when he may not like what’s being said.
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So what did we learn? Top Tanin is a Sweetheart, with some pretty likeable (cough loveable cough) qualities! These qualities should be appreciated more in my opinion! More people should see how good this guy is! I’m screaming this from the rooftops constantly, let’s all scream it together until Top hears us.
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Alright i can't decide so y'all are fixin to do it for me
I have several things i wanna work on but i cant pick one to do so ive been doin none of em
Options are
Redoing the Httyd Timeline and Ages post i made a while ago. Its all mostly accurate and the things not explicitly stated in canon i still stand by, but i found a couple other things to add in, and overall its a lil messy cause its from when first started making longer posts, so it could just do with an overhaul to clear it up a bit
Im trying to go through and make a Full AU list, with Name and a summary of what its about, so i can actually talk about em here, as well as sorting all other AUs out properly. These were all talked mostly via the Discord Server, so its literally sorting through whats gotta be hundreds of thousands of messages from over the course of >1 year. Which its great because ive deeply enjoyed talking to everyone ( Shout out to the Discord Buddies, Love yall, you're the Best🫶🫶) but my god, i should have kept on top of it lol.
This one i don't know if anyone else even really is interested in, but y'all are getting it eventually regardless, because ya know you can't stop me from making posts here, no matter how much yall may want to sometimes (Toothfull my beloved <3). Anyway the gist of this one is, idk if its just me, but a lotta times when i hear ages in a book, i understand it, but it doesn't really connect. So i like to go and find other characters and people that are the same age, especially in like movie or shows, where i can look at people that are the same age and go "Holy Shit, they're just babies" or such as the like as that if they're older (Mostly in Alvins case, that man is not as old as a lot of yall probably think he is, or maybe you don't, who am i to say what you do or do not think)
Number 4 is essentially the same thing as number 3 but height related instead. I just like making visual comparisons for a lot of these things, cause it helps put things into perspective, as well as its nice for like drawing and stuff.
This ones just Goofy. I have several sillier ships that ive had over the years, some that just fall into crack ship territory. Some of them i do actually think would be cute/sweet, others are just for the sake of going "Could you fuckin imagine". So im making a poll, much like this one, with a brief explanation, and then yall get to vote on em. I dont know if itll be for the Worst, The best, Which One is y'all's favorite, i dunno, but its gonna be something.
And then the last one i can think of is, i really don't know how to explain it, but it's talking about how, in my opinion, the Vikings view of hiccup is being accurately portrayed? Like, that's a really bad summary, but i can't think of how to explain it better so, this is kind of a vague, mystery option
Anyways, those are the options i got for now
Im probably forgetting something but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Everything'll eventually got done
So with that said
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sketchy-tour · 5 months
I hope you all have a wonderful new years and overall just a lovely lovely day! Whether you're going in with hopes and resolutions or simply cruising to go into the new year as peacefully and calmly as possible, I hope all of you have a lovely night!
Now I have some personal ramblings I wanna do! Something I do try and keep to a minimum but I'm feeling a touch bold right now but I'll at least hide it under a cut. Read if you want. If not, that's super fine!!! Either way I'm wishing all of yall a happy new year~ Sending you all lots of love and good wishes.
Waving from under the cut! Oh what a year I've had. I know most of yall have only known me for a handful of months, I know there's a few who watched me disappear for a whole year. So this is a journey I've gone on that I realize no one really knows much about. But I've gone through a big change this past year, one I never really imagined I would get to see. Leaving a situation I felt trapped in, leaving a home that felt like a cage. I only recently, finally, got to feel like myself again. Untethered to another person. Untethered to their judgment, their rules, their negativity. I'm finally me again, just me. Which is jarring, scary, amazing, overwhelming, absolutely incredible. And standing here on the other side, having made it out, I have some resolutions.
Now I'm not normally one to do resolutions! But with such a big change, it only feels right to add to the list of new things I'm getting to do! I have some small ones, like keeping a planner to organize my time better! Something I need to learn how to do since I'm getting to do things on my own. More art experimenting! Not feeling so strict with being consistent in my art, letting myself be silly and try new things!
But then there's a big one that I only get to do now. And that's...let myself be me. See, I'm having to refind pieces of me I lost over the years, but the process has been nothing short of a wonderful experience. Its like a personal treasure hunt within my own mind. Its a process I'm still in the beginning stages of. Hell, yall have gotten to SEE that! Returning here drawing silly stuff again, art that makes me happy, an oc I poured that love into with Dandy. You've gotten to see me start this process. Oh but there's still so much to do. So much me to find!!! I hope I get to find myself and share more of that with you guys. Holding my hand along the way. I want to share this journey even in small ways with yall.
Anyway! I'm starting to get shaky with emotion. So I'll leave it there. I'm not used to sharing so so much. I hope this isn't too jarring to see. But it means a lot to me... Thank you to those who read this. Thanks for letting me open my chest and show my heart for a second. It means the world.
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ghostdrool1 · 3 months
Heyy, I'm ghostdrool
Finally decided to post after what, a year or so.? Honestly didn't think I was going to post on this platform when I joined Tumblr but here we are🙌
Anyway a little bit about me:
I'm the very ripe age of 18, but I'll be 19 in July 🎊
Mainly on here for Tummy content, SFW preferred on this blog.
I can do art but it'll be rare because I'm not too sure about my skills, and I have like, no time to draw because of work and classes. That also adds onto how often I post because I have no time to do anything I swear, but I'll try to at least post once a month lmao.
It's mentioned in my bio that I am indeed taken by a lovely autistic so please stop DMing me and proceeding to ask for my snap, I'm so tired of it. On the other hand I'm very open to having new friends here, so please don't be shy if you wanna be buddies 🫶
What you'll see here:
Stuff I do/allow:
• Stuffing
• Starvation
• Stomach Noises
• Soft Vore
• Hard Vore (not preferred)
• G/T Vore
• Same Size Vore (not preferred)
• Burps
• Tummy Rubs
• Sick/Queasy Tummies
• Slight Weight Gain
• Mpreg (not preferred)
• Mouth Play
• Food Play
• Monsters
• Masks
• Soft Torture
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Stuff I do NOT do/allow:
• Zoophilia
• Pedophilia
• Anal/Cock Vore
• Extreme Weight Gain
• Giant Inflation
• Farts
• Vomit
• Scat
• Eating Disorders
• Birthing
• Gore
• Feet
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A few more things..
I'm very fond of faceless or masked characters, so most of my content will consist of many masked/faceless characters and Oc's. So be prepared for that lol.
Also, I'm a straight female, meaning a lot of my content will be mostly male's. Although if asked I will do some things with females or other genders if asked. 💜 Speaking of that, I do really enjoy Male on Male things, so I'm open to that stuff as well🫶
I am not much of a fan of Furry content, not that I have anything against them at all, they're really cool people and their art is adorable, but I don't really enjoy furry art/posts when it comes to belly kinks. It's just not my thing, but no harm toward that amazing community ♡♡
I'm a SFW content creator, I tend to enjoy bellies and Vore in a non-sexual way, so there won't be too much sexual related posts on my blog, but just be aware it might be possibility.
That's about it! Please don't be shy to DM me or send an Ask, I'm nice, I promise! No ask is too weird or gross🫶 (unless it's in my list of not allowed)
Thank you. ❤
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
We need a character customization option in the game, seriously, it's a bit offensive to me to not be able to get my character designed.
Ok, I understand the artists' fandom out there who can do it, but what about those who aren't talented like that? Even if I asked my artist friend to draw my MC for me, it probably wouldn't work since I can't just keep asking them every day for my fanart or whatever. seriously, I think we should let the dev's know about this issue.
Well, it would be nice to have a character maker in the game. I love that kinda thing, let me design a lil cutie because I can't draw one myself!
Buuuut it'd take a LOT of work to add something like that to the game and at this point, I don't wanna add anything to their list. I mean, look how long it's taking for us to be able to date the three newbies! I just don't trust them not to take forever. Plus can you imagine if they decided to do it 3D model style? I can handle those for the little short WW situations, but much more than that and I'd be like this is not worth it lol.
However, I totally agree that it would be a nice feature to have! One can always commission artists to draw their MCs but man if I don't get nervous thinking about doing that... I do have one amazing art piece of my MC (you can see it in their profile~) because the artist was kind enough to offer to draw them for me (I basically lost my mind over it too lol).
Anyway, your desire is totally valid and I too would love such an option! For now, though, I fear picrews shall have to suffice~
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chesspens · 1 year
do u have a fic rec? if so, pls share >:3
I have not been reading fanfiction lately but I will list out fanfics I read on my free time.
Dracze on AO3 : Very amazing writer, just read any fic of theirs really, love their characterizations for both batman and joker.
Honestly this fic feels like the fic that all Batjokes shippers should all read. It's like the initiation fic for entering this community. The plot revolves around the rehabilitation of joker, and a lot more things actually. it's just a very good fic overall, though I wanna give you a word of warning it is unfinished but read it anyways it's too good too pass really.
This fic I read every Christmas from now on, very lovely, very dearly beloved, first amnesiac Batjokes fic I ever read. You should read it. It's so good!
This had me sobbing in the middle of the night, literally out right crying into my pillow like a wee lad, incredibly bittersweet. If you want retirement batjokes this is brilliant, no spoiler for the ending just read it.
Very, very sweet fic. a must read as well, honestly don't wanna spoil any of the plots of any of these fics.
Distort-opia on AO3 : Honestly I feel as though I have read every batjokes fic of theirs, I love their flavor of batjokes, such dark obsessive longing but also I very sweet.
HAHA I was so normal about this fic, I totally wasn't absolutely screaming and dying over this fic. I listened to romantic homicide after this on repeat like a broken record. My therapist will hear about you distort-opia.
Unfinished but I am incredibly in love with the plot of this fic.
Would be criminal if I didn't add this in, such a good fic I very literally devoured this fic in one day. I was just in awe of it really. I was very insane about this fic really, read it now.
Warning for non-con, but I promise you it is so good. I read this so often because I really wanna draw that scene so badly. If you read it you know which scene I am talking about.
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thesorrowoflizards · 4 months
god i wish i could draw.* if i could draw i would draw, among other things:
imma put my blorbos in so many situations, and also outfits, and perhaps hats.
some of those situations may be horny situations.
i'mma illustrate my own fic! i'mma illustrate your fic! and your fic! and your fic!
truckloads of furry porn; both for money and out of respect for furries. i will do you right i promise. also please i'd like to have my own apartment someday
*humorous shorthand: i can draw, somewhat, but not in a way that satisfies me, or, in this case particularly, what i mean is that i am not skilled at drawing specific people in specific situations. i can make art, and even decent art, but not really fanart of specific people. also see: shitty art has its own value and is beloved to me, i enjoy drawing for the sake of it, however, in this case, particularly, i really really wanna draw my blorbo getting railed. and also hugged. and also in a dumb frog hat. not all at once. probably. maybe. actually that's a pretty funny/weirdly sweet image i change my mind i want to do that too add it to the list
my blorbo getting railed and also held tightly while he is in a dumb frog hat
yeah. anyway. wails in agony
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paperstorm · 6 months
i never send you asks on whatever you're discussing. this is so new but hi bestie
I joined the fandom late march-ish. started drawing for lone star/the og. for a while, I absolutely felt the cliquey-ness, but that was because I wasn't making the effort to really reach out.
flare and I would call a couple of you guys the "cool kids table" and get giddy whenever we were able to interact with you. very funny thinking abt it now because I can call just about everyone we coined as part of That Table a really good friend now. because I started making the effort of joining tag games and interacting. y'all didn't know I existed because, technically, y'all had no reason to. I wasn't in your radar until I put myself there
I'd never say I'm famous in any way in this fandom - my art may be recognizable, I guess. but there isn't a cool kids table anymore, it's just a nice fandom full of talented creators who are all SO fucking lovely<3 I love seeing new people joining and seeing the new art and fics!!! every time I notice someone wanting to join in on games, I mentally add them to my tag list for whenever I participate. idk I love this fandom it's the best thing that's happened to me this year. i love our silly gay weewoo show
anyways ily andie mwah
You know what's interesting tho is that I literally feel like there's a cool kids' table that I don't have a seat at either! Perception is such a weird thing, the way we view others often doesn't match up with the way they view themselves. I'm not really in any group, I have pals who I chat with but I still feel like an outsider sometimes and there are still people who intimidate me and/or who I get excited when I see them in my activity feed because it means they still like me. I bet most people probably feel like that, even the ones others have deemed to be the cool kids. And yes absolutely, I don't wanna say to someone who feels like they don't fit in that they're imagining it because those feelings are real. And social anxiety is real too and it's so hard to be the one starting the conversation sometimes :/ But that is the solution unfortunately. I'm so happy you put yourself in my orbit!!
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