#anyways off to go rewatch the end of bad buddy i'm sure that will make me less sad
chickenstrangers · 1 year
I keep thinking about the scene in My School President where Tinn and Gun share their best memories and how it was different in Our Skyy 2 and the implications of it all.
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In the original, this is the scene where Tinn and Gun start to open up to each other, telling each other their best memories, giving hints that Tinn has had a crush on Gun for a long time. But the next question on the list, what is their worst memory, is what really brings them together. Gun opens up about his dad's death: "When our loved ones are gone, they don't just go empty-handed."
In Our Skyy 2, they only show half the scene, only the question about their happiest memories. It's also interesting that Tinn is wearing a shirt that says "happier times are coming." In this scene they're both focusing on the happy memories, but also looking towards the future happiness they can have together. To be clear, I think this was a good choice, I don't think the fluffy Our Skyy AU needed that sort of grief to be explored in depth. But it does leave a lot of unanswered questions about what Gun's life is like in this universe.
Presumably Gun's dad is still dead in this universe, and Gun still had to and has to deal with that grief. What was it like for him to be raised by a single mom in this setting? We see that au!Gim cares a lot about Gun, but she is much more strict and uncompromising than in the original show. Gun would have grown up a lot more isolated, much like Tinn, but without his dad at home to balance his mom's sharpness like Tinn has. How would that have affected Gun's anxiety?
Gun also doesn't have the band behind him, though he does have Por. It might have been harder for him to make friends specifically because his mom was a teacher, and now is the principal. I think that could be part of why Gun seems a lot more subdued in this universe, without his full support network, without his musical outlet.
Anyway, thinking about this silly AU just made me sad but I think it shows how the little things that change when the characters are put in different circumstances, and how central the friends and family are to the feeling of love we get in My School President.
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jacscorner · 3 years
Pokemon All-Stars: A Fan Region/Game/Alternate Universe Idea
I like watching and rewatching Original Pokemon Game/Region videos. Like Mr. Buddy's "What if X was a Pokemon Region" and stuff like that. I wanna make-or, I guess, write-my own. Since Regions are kind of a character all their own and I'm a Wannabe Character Artist, I wanted to try and make one my own.
I've got no skills in coding, pixel arts, or anything, so this will forever be just some kind of dumb fanfic that sometimes incorporates Game Mechanics to justify things if it were able, for some Godforsaken reason, 'stolen' for a game. Cause, in 2021, no idea feels too big or too dumb. And, uh, trust me, this'll be a dumb fanfic of an idea. So be aware for the subpar writing talents of some wannabe writer who doesn't know shit.
Small disclaimer though:
>This region is being made with the intention that every extra feature will be available in it. Z-Moves, Regional Variants, Gygantamax, Mega Evolutions, and maybe some things I've forgotten. This probably won't matter cause it's just a dumb fanfic plot bible with mechanics peppered in. Competitive balancing be damn! Pokemon Fans can create their own balance! That's what the Battle Simulator is for! In fact, if this was a real game, then it'd have a Battle Simulator like Showdown built into it.
>This is an open source Fanfic Bible. You can take this idea and run with it if you want. You can omit all my bad ideas even!
>I won't be making my own Fakemon. I don't like a lot of Fakemon that exists out there and, trust me when I say this: I am no better than them. In fact, I'm fucking worse.
>If this WERE a game, it probably WOULD still have to cut some Pokemon. I doubt that kinda, and I won't get into why I think dexit was dumb personally, cause it doesn't really matter. But, like, my fan game/fanfic will have a lot of shit going on in it. So, like, realistically, there would probably need to be a cut, if not for data, than just cause there's a lot of work to do as is. But, like, again, under the context of a fic, this wouldn't be an issue.
>With THAT said, I'd want this game to have a Gen 2 Sprite aesthetic. My fangame, don't care if ya'll don't like that.
>I'm probably gonna copy a LOT of stuff from other Fangames I've played. My shit memory probably won't allow me to remember what I'm biting from what, so be free to call me out whenever. Cause if I stole the mechanic, I probably liked it the game. And if not, well, I'd like the recommendation.
Fuck, this was long already. The rest is under the cut, so, like, if you're already turned off, you can stop reading. I understand. I'm kind of a windbag.
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Okay, so how many of you guys have seen this picture on the internet? It's a picture of a ton of Pokemon regions all...basically stitched together, since not only could this never be canon, but this goes beyond the size of even most open world games today. But this was the inspiration for this project. The map probably wouldn't, and probably couldn't, look like this, but it perfectly sums up what I'd want out of this game. Thus, it'll be our placeholder.
Our hometown of Capricorn Town is home to Professor Chestnut, and you, her faithful assistant, are about to set off on a Pokemon adventure of your own! The Professor is encouraging you to see the region of Sidus for yourself and is even willing to give you a Starting Pokemon!
Starting Pokemon
Now, if I'm not making new Pokemon, which Starter will it be? Well, the game will have the data for all the starters and will randomly select a Grass, Fire, and Water Type for you to choose from. Those will be your starters, with the option of also choosing Pikachu, Eevee, and Riolu, the two mascot mons...and Riolu, who is kind of a mascot mon, but a lesser one.
Let's say for this example, your options are Torchic, Piplup, Rowlet, Pikachu, Eevee, and Riolu. And, uh, get used to the words 'random' and 'generator', those are our keywords.
Anyway, once you get your pick, there'll be some kind of tutorial mission the Professor will send you on. This will introduce you to two very important things;
1. One of your Rival.
2. An Evil Team Grunt.
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Now to start getting into why this game might still be pretty big still be big despite the sprites on modern consoles.
Each of your Rivals would be one kid from each region of the 8 Mainline Games from Kanto to Kalos. How this'll be decided is that each pair of kids will be plugging into a generator and will pick between either the boy or girl version.
Ex. Brendan and May both cannot be in the game. Instead, they'll be plugged into this generator. Let's say the generator fell onto May. She'll be one of your Rival. Repeat this process 7 more times until you have 8 Rivals sprinkled throughout the world, each one given a defined personality and better AI to make them harder trainers to fight.
May will have one of the Hoenn Starters, sans Torchic. Regardless of whether or not Protagonist-San picked Torchic, May will either have a Treecko or Mudkip, again, chosen at random per kid. Whichever Starter you picked, your first rival will have a starter that beats yours. So, let's say moving forward, May has a Mudkip and you a Torchic. The other kids will have random starters of the various regions they originally hail from.
Anyway, your rivals will wander the overworld. If they see you, they'll battle you on sight. If they lose, they'll be gone after the next time you turn the game off. They won't battle you again until they respawn, but you can hang out with them. In fact, you can even recruit them to be in your party for a few days and they'll follow you around and just generally be your friend. It'll make every battle a double battle, but they'll battle you again before their timer runs out, so be prepared!
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The two of you will have to face off against Team Wild! They have a Cowboy theme to them, using a mix of Ground and Steel-Types, with a few Pokemon being added in for good measure like the Ponyta Lines, Cacnea Line, and Remoraid. Cause...it's a gun.
They're an outlaw gang, they're rough and tough (or, at least, a mild threat) and will always throw down when they spot ya. Something I'm just sniping from JelloApocalypse is that they'll appear sporadically and act as Timed Events across the map.
You and your new Rival beat them and send you packing. I'd imagine May and the other Rivals would mostly be friendly, but I'm sure there's one or two that'll just be jerks to you. Regardless of personality, they'll be pretty tough and programmed to skill with you. Your strongest mon you have on hand when you fight them will be the level their entire team.
With your tutorial done, the world is opened up! Your mom gives you your running shoes, some Pokeballs, and your...I don't know, PokeCelular or something, just the regional gadget that does a bunch of stuff. From holding your map to holding your VS Seeker.
The PokeCelular will also give you notifications on where Team Wild are! You can choose to ignore the events, but if you do, then they'll start to appear in the overworld know and will get progressively stronger.
A Balancing Act
This game will be an open world, 8-Bit Sprite Game for you to explore after you leave Capricorn!
So how do we balance that?
Well, we got our Rival out of the way already, so let's move on. Gym Leaders will have a pretty linear progression. However, regardless of which Gym you tackle first, they'll all be at the same level.
It doesn't matter if you decide to go across the map and battle the Bug Gym, he'll stay at Level 10, just like the Normal Gym. Whe you get the second badge, they'll all jump to Level 15. NPC Trainers will follow the same progression; the higher your badge number, the stronger the number of Pokemon they'll be.
Wild Pokemon will also get stronger. The more badges you get, it'll attract stronger wild Pokemon because they'll see you're stronger and will come out more.
The overworld will also have various dungeons in them that'll be Level Locked. Say, you go through a forest and you're just trying to reach the end of a maze. The Trainers and Pokemon will function the same as I've mentioned before. But, you can decide to go deeper into the dungeon. These Pokemon will be level locked, usually something of a high level, because this is a more dangerous part of the dungeon. But, there'll be some goodies down there, like rarer Pokemon and some kind of really rare and good item like a TM or something.
How will you traverse? Well, first of all, HMs? They're semi-back. BUT, instead of having to deal with teaching Cut to a Pokemon, you just need the move Cut and a Pokemon that can use the move and you'll be able to use Cut. A few other Pokemon that are reasonable candidates, but don't get cut, will be allowed to do this too. Like, Gallade can use Cut. It can't learn the move, but just holding the HM will get the job done.
Controversial opinion, but I think I've always liked the idea of HMs. On paper, they give you a reason to explore the world and go back to areas you couldn't before for goodies and make for a good way to get off dungeons until you get the needed item. Even something like Cut can be used to open up new areas for exploration for your squad of mons.
BUT, well, HMs suck. As moves, they suck save for, like, 2...MAYBE and they're only for, like, a handful of areas. You either hand them out as evenly as possible, forcing mons to take moves you don't wanna use, or you just get an HM Slave or two to use 'em all. But like they, they serve their function and all you need is the Pokemon in question and NOT teach them the move. If you need a Move Deleter just so people aren't stuck having to use Rock Smash for three towns, then there's a problem with your RPG. Imagine playing Final Fantasy and you had to give your Fighter the Bronze Axe to get through a forest and still had to fight with it, even though you got a +12 Silver Sword! It's no wonder people hated these things! But I don't think getting rid of them and introducing Rental Pokemon was a good solution either and adds a different, albeit less intrusive problem.
Gym Leaders
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So, how do Gym Leaders work?
Much like your rivals, they'll be randomly generated. Let's say, hypothetically, there's a pool of 60 Gym Leaders and Elite Four members. The game will randomly generate 16 to be Gym Leaders. The generator will have some kind of complicated math (at least, too complicated for me) so that you don't have more than 2 gyms of the same type. (Example: Misty and Nessa might be Active Gyms, Siebold can't be selected for a Gym cause the Water Slots are taken).
As a trade off, some Gyms might have special conditions before you can challenge them. Like, if you got stuck with Koga as a Gym Leader, than he'll only let you in if you complete a nearby dungeon and help his daughter out cause he doesn't trust her to make it back on her own. Or, like, Claire's a Gym Leader, but she won't battle you unless you've collected 7 Gym Badges prior at least.
The Gym Leaders, as mentioned before, will get progressively stronger with each badge obtained. After the 8th badge, you can go and climb Victory Road, face the E4 and confront the Champion! You can keep hunting Gym Leaders, but just remember that the E4 will always be 10 Levels above the strongest gym you beat. And they'll just get stronger with every one you beat until all 16 are slain.
Another handful, let's say 8, Gym Leaders/E4 Members will be wondering around as NPC Trainers. The justification is that this big super region is in some Alternate Universe Pokemon Game that has all the Pokemon and other important trainers in it, hence why we can have a game where Roxanne and Lenora are hanging out at a coffee shop. They're not Rivals, more like stronger NPCs you can rematch and wonder the map. They're not here to be the very best like no one ever was.
I mean, I'd like, like, 10-20 instead of 8 extras, but let's not get TOO greedy...yet...
Elite Four
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And now, it's time to flip the script. Cause if E4 members can be Gym Leaders, then who are the Elite Four?
Easy. The Rivals.
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All the Rival characters will be put in a random generator as well. The four that are chosen. You can have an Elite Four made up of Wally, Marnie, Hau, and Barry and you gotta deal with it.
This is excluding Brendan and May, Blue, and Calem and Serena. Anyone else is fair game.
So, the Champion. Who would it be in this? There was a funny idea I had, but this is a Pokemon Game. So there would be two versions. We'll call them Pokemon Dawn & Dusk. The difference between these games is the game Champion!
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Benga would be the Champion of Pokemon Dusk, the grandson of Alder! His final Team will include Volcarona, Garchomp, and Dragonite, Pokemon he used in Black and White. I'd also include Scrafty, Rampardos, and Golurk, Pokemon used against you in White Treehollow and Black Tower areas.
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Meanwhile, the Champion of Pokemon Dusk will be Zinnia, the Lorekeeper! Her team would include the Goodra, Tyrantrum, Altaria, Noivern, and Salamence she used in her original team, with her plucky Whismur sidekick becoming an Exploud and her ace.
You would've met them in the beginning of the game and would've showed off a bit by helping you with Team Wild before. They'll pop in and out throughout the game, at first amused by your tenacity, but not wanting a rookie like you to get hurt. But if you keep bonking Team Wild, they'll be impressed with how strong you are.
The show up to chat again when you beat 8 Gym Leaders, and will pop in if you White Out to give you some advice. White Out three times and they'll feel bad for you and give you an egg. Benga will give you a Larvesta Egg and Zinnia a Bagon Egg.
So I don't got a lot of ideas for the Post Game, but there is one idea I thought would be cool if, if after you defeat the champion, they give you a call. They'll tell you that there are strong trainers wondering the Overworld and to be careful.
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Because dotting the overworld will be Champions passed and proper! Cynthia, Blue, Lance; all of them are rocking Lv 100 Teams and are out for blood. They won't challenge you, but if you talk to them, there will be no backing out of the battle! You come with your A-Game!
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sI'm not exactly in love with the idea of Team Wild. Maybe the Evil Team should go full fanservice and just be Team Rainbow Rocket. Or maybe go half-and-half; having past Evil Team members and leaders walk around in cowboy gear and acting as Team Wild executives.
I'd also would love Tournaments. Like, maybe that could be a weekly event in some town, they'll how tournaments and the characters that aren't designated as Gym Leaders and such will attend. Maybe there's a cash prize, maybe you'll win Pokemon Eggs of rare, guaranteed shines, or maybe you'll get some kind of important quest items.
Yeah, I want quests! All sorts of side quests! And can't forget what I'd do with Legendairs;
If you know Bengal's team, you'll know he's got the Lati Twins. I don't like that personally and would prefer Legendaries to be Super Bosses. Like, you gotta do a lot to find them. And when you do, their stats are boosted and they become an Uber Boss! You catch them in a cutscene after you beat them!
There's also just a ton of characters I didn't get around to or really have a place for. Emma, Looker, N, and the Stat Trainers all come to mind. Overall, I'd want them to pepper the world as well, but don't have anything to say except this: Pokemon has made a lot of memorable characters. Both good and bad. And this is probably my dream Pokemon Game; one where you can hang out with your favorites
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lowkeysebastianstan · 5 years
Hello, I understand you're upset over Endgame, but maybe you should wait a bit until things are calmer, and reflect on what happened in the movie? My favorite character is Bucky too, and I do believe Steve's relationship with Bucky was more important than with Peggy (after he woke up in the future), but I also believe the end of Steve's arc is fitting for him. I'm legit just trying to make you see that, perhaps, things aren't as bad as you might think they are?
hi! sorry, i had to let it settle for a day, my first instinct was to be salty af, it just be like that these days, but i realise that you’re coming from a good place, and wish a better experience for me. for which i’m grateful, i am, i get it, as i think i’ve mentioned, i wish we all came away from this movie happy and content, but alas. 
as i sat there watching it i was strangely detached throughout, it was a bit like when i was watching infinity war, but back then i was very doubtful they’d be able to pull it off. but pull it off they did, with a few glaring mistakes, sure, but as a whole infinity war was above and beyond what anyone expected. 
so i think i was lulled into a false sense of security, i let myself believe they’d do it again, but this time better, bc how could they not, this was going to be the last hurrah for several of these characters, the only question was how.
and even if i did enjoy parts of it immensely during the viewing, as i said, i just felt this strange detachment, and idek, it evolved into a panicked disbelief as i realised that no. i’d been had, they failed, omfg did they fail. and this was way before the end, already i had so many issues, so so many. 
my son asked me yesterday, after someone irl actually asked me what i thought, poor sod, and i primarily went on about steve, if there were other things i didn’t like. as a challenge, bc he thought that steve’s ending was the only issue i had, having focused mostly on that, and he, like you, wants me to like it more. and i want that too, especially for him, i feel quilty af that i can’t even pretend, (although at this point they really shouldn’t start in on it, i mean), but then i realised that i’ve spent years waiting for this, giffing, writing, meta-ing, discussing, imagining, just- and he hasn’t obviously. i know i should, as a mum, just shake it off, but i’m also human, and i fuck up way worse than this as a mum on the daily so i figure it could be worse. anyways, he asked me if i could tell him other things i didn’t like. and i answered him, i told him about the tonal problems, the end for nat, the inconsistencies with the time travelling, steve’s lack of grief throughout, (apart from for a woman he’s moved on from with her niece, that had lead a fulfilling and rich life, that had told him to move on, and he’d accepted, idek) the ensuing constant chekov’s compass, (seriously, seeding guys. discreetly. look it up), reducing thor to a comic relief (yes, hemsworth showed his comedic muscles in ragnarok, but come on), the hydra!cap callback, (yikes, really, they felt the need to rip that wound open), the “openly gay” representation, (he had what 3 mins screentime in tws? wow, really going above and beyond the bare minimum) the apparent previous engagement every dustee had to meet back in wakanda at reassembly and a few other things i’m too tired to remember now. 
then he asked if there were anything i liked at all. i remembered two things, although now i actually remember three, so yay! and by liked, i mean still. i loved “worthy”, (even if, in retrospect, is he though), i loved carol’s arrival and i loved the a-force surrounding peter. see? bright side. oh, and bucky looked goooood, (although a bit on the skinny side, maybe not all the dust came back?) but yeah. the scales were kinda skewed. he actually seemed fine with it, but i will stop talking about it in front of him. i think it’s mostly out of my system, and i’m actually considering rewatching it, only to try to find more positives, i will admit that it is overwhelming and things slip through the cracks. 
the ending sealed it for me, obviously. i teared up a little for tony, i’m not a total monster, but then i started crying for real when i realised how badly they were going to handle steve. the first thing i raged over was actually “buddy”. like????? especially since they had called back the sentence previous. i mean. i was still holding back straight after, i actually tried to do what you’ve suggested now, let it settle, maybe it wasn’t as bad as i thought. and it wasn’t. it was way, way way worse. so no. i appreciate the sentiment, but no. the way i feel about this will never change. 
anyhow, i’ve never been this deep into a fandom, and this will be the last time i will be so. sw ends at christmas, this ended now, by this i mean the cap chapter is over in this incarnation, and i doubt i’ll go along to the next phase. oh, i’ll probably watch the movies, but fandom? caring? no. that’s done. and it hurts quite a bit. i had actually hoped this would bring me back not kick me so hard in the c*nt i’ll never recover. so yeah. this is it for me. 
oh, i won’t delete or anything like that. not yet. i won’t even delete @but-i-loved-you-first, and i actually have a few wip gif sets that i might finish (if i ever stop giffing my current subject). i learned my lesson after i deleted my biggest blog after the last jedi trailer dropped, i kinda wish i had that now. and who knows, some other of sebastian’s projects might tickle my interest, one never knows. sadly, right now, that’s not the bucky/sam team up. damn.
right. i think i’ve given more than enough of an answer, again it’s painfully apparent i don’t get many asks, so thank you. i probably needed to vent a bit. 
i hope you’re having a kick-ass day, and that you continue to enjoy fandom and every positive it entails.
ps: for anyone wondering, i’ve not given up on finishing hc, i still want to, if for nothing else to manage to complete my own challenge, but i’ve been, er, distracted since i came back.
pps: i remembered two more things i liked, i liked how they reintegrated gamora without retconning the stupid soul stone caveat, and i thought rocket was maybe the best character in the movie. :)
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