#anyway i'm fine just flu like symptoms
thorinkingoferebor · 2 years
i had covid very early on, then basically spent 1.5 years working from home and barely being social, another 6 months of heavy social isolation after my dad and now I go on ONE work trip, the first one since 2019, and it took me less than four days to catch it :)))))))))))))))))))
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7ndipity · 10 months
On your period
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: Yoongi looks after you on your period
Warnings: mentions of menstrual cycles, reader feeling sick, not proofread
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this! I based it off my own experiences, so I'm sorry if it doesn't quite work for everyone. It's not the best, but I hope you like it anyway!
Requests are open
As soon as he walked into your apartment and saw the duvet from the bed in a giant y/n-shaped ball on the sofa in front of the tv, he knew what was up.
Moving quietly, in case you were asleep, he crept over, smiling when he was finally able to spot your face barely peeking out of the nest of blankets, tiredly returning his grin as he came into your line of vision.
"Hi." You croaked, voice horse from lack of use.
"Hi." He replied, leaning down and touching your cheek gently, both as a greeting and to check your temperature, knowing you sometimes ran a low fever on days like this.
"When's the last time you took any meds?"
"About noon."
Without a word, he made his way to the kitchen, returning in less than a minute with a couple pills and a bottle of water, helping you untangle from the blankets before joining you on the couch and passing you the items, which you accepted gratefully.
"Why didn't you text me earlier that you weren't feeling well?" He asked.
"Didn't wanna bother you." You mumbled.
"You're not a bother." He said, frowning as he noticed you wince uncomfortably.
It was only the first day, but that was usually when your symptoms would hit the hardest. Cramps, chills, body aches, it honestly felt like you had the flu, your only comfort was knowing that things would start to level out in a few more hours.
Well, maybe not your only comfort.
"What can I do?" Yoongi asked, quietly insistent. He hated seeing you hurting and not being able to do anything about it.
"I'll be okay, don't worry." You tried to reassure him.
"That's not what I asked." He said, giving you pointed look.
You swallowed nervously, feeling shy for some reason. "Could you maybe hold me?" You asked hesitantly.
Wordlessly once again, he climbed into your makeshift nest, shifting you both around until you were draped across his lap with your head pressed to his chest.
It still felt strangely foreign to have someone look after you like this, with such gentle, determined devotion, but you were starting to get used to it. In the past, you'd just dealt on your own, not wanting to be a burden to those around you. But as soon as you met Yoongi, all that went out the door. Anytime you felt the least bit unwell, he was at your beck and call. If you needed anything at all, be it food, meds, or just a bed warmer/nap partner, he was there for you.
You still remembered his genuine offense at your first attempts to dissuade him from coming to look after you.
"Why? It's not contagious."
"No, but-"
"Then why are you rejecting my love?!"
He'd promptly come over, armed with your favorite foods, candy and heat packs. You'd been so overwhelmed and emotional, you ended up crying and telling him you loved him for the first time that night.
Now, all these months later, he was still looking after you the same as he had then.
"You want me to stay over?" He asked after a minute.
"You don't have to do that." You sighed, already start doze against his shoulder.
"But I want to. Besides, I know you sleep better with me here." He teased.
"If you keep this up, I gonna turn into a spoiled baby." You warned.
"Will you just let me take care you, dammit." How he managed to make that sound stern and soft at the same time was a skill only Yoongi could master, making you grin.
"Fine." You relented, snuggling closer to him and pressing a small kiss to underside of his jaw. "I love you."
"I love you too, spoiled baby."
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ozzgin · 7 months
Greetings! How you doing today/tonight?
This is not a request or anything
Hopefully you're doing fine, cuz I'm not, I have a shitty cold rn and I just finished 5 tissue roll papers in just a few hours
Anyway this ain't about me, just wanted to see how you were doing since I've been a bit inactive with tumblr with the past few days
Have a great day/night :3
Aww, sorry to hear that. We’re definitely entering cold/flu season. Mid-October I’ve gotten ill with some virus, no idea what it was, but I had no other symptoms other than terribly swollen sinuses. Which, in turn, pressed on my tooth nerves, so I had massive tooth pain for days. Never dealt with anything like that before and it sounds downright ridiculous, turns out it’s an actual thing. Start taking immunity supplements and avoid visibly sick people!
I know you said it’s not a request, but I couldn’t help the thought of “How would the Baki characters take care of you?” So I did write some short headcanons after all. For you and anyone else currently bedridden. :)
Baki Characters x Sick! Reader
Featuring Baki and Jack Hanma, Kaiou Retsu, Katsumi Orochi and Pickle. And a reader that’s battling a cold!
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Baki Hanma
There are two stages of Baki’s involvement. Once you’re not answering his calls he will be at your front door, worried and considering ways to break in. That’s when he hears the muffled coughing and sneezing through the walls and figures it out: You’re sick. He’ll return with a bag of supplies and offer to stay at your place until you feel better. His help consists of quick Google searches, because he’s never had anyone doting on him and consequently has no idea how to care for someone in such situations.
Second and final stage is him getting sick from you. You’ll wake up in the middle of the night to see him trying to hold back his cough, at first denying his poor health until you touch his forehead and it’s burning. The bad news is that you’re both bedridden. Baki is beyond embarrassed, attempting to justify himself and explaining it has never happened before. Eventually one of his or your friends will show up and pay the occasional visit to play nurse. At least you’re not suffering alone. You’re not sure if it’s an actual saying, but you’re tempted to believe colds go away faster in good company.
Jack Hanma
You don’t want to interfere with Jack’s routine, so once you wake up with the familiar sore muscles, you decide to quietly recover from home. Jack notices your absence and while he does not want to be nonchalant and potentially impose on your personal troubles, he can’t help the curiosity. In fact, he spends the whole training time wondering why you’ve skipped your usual visits. So when you hear a knock on the door you don’t think twice about opening it. Probably your food delivery. Only when you notice Jack’s massive frame blocking any outside view, you gasp in surprise.
“Oh. You seem to be ill.” Is all he states before turning on his heels and leaving. You stand there baffled and eventually return to your warm bed. Just as you cozy up, there’s another knock and you groan, throwing the blankets off of you. This better be the hot soup you ordered. Except it’s Jack again, holding not only your delivery, but also multiple other bags with groceries peeking out. “Y-you’re back?” You mumble. “Well, can’t do much empty handed. Here’s your order, but I got some extra things to help with your cold”, he states as he invites himself in.
Kaiou Retsu
You know Retsu will be worried about you, so you try your best to mask the symptoms over the phone. “That’s a stuffed nose. Are you sick?” He immediately points out. Uh oh. You fumble with some excuses and he promptly hangs up. Have you upset him? You’re starting to feel bad. He’s never dropped out of a conversation like this before. You try to call back several times until you’re distracted by the sound of your doorbell. You’re not in the mood for visitors. You continue your attempts to reach Retsu as you approach the door and open it. “I suspected as much.” Your head snaps up hearing the familiar voice.
Before you can say anything, you’re casually lifted up and brought to your bed. As if he’s been doing it his entire life, the Kenpo master tucks you in and pulls out an apron from his bag. “I’ll check what ingredients you already have in your pantry and go buy the rest. Before that, I’ll make you a tea. Any preferences?” You open your mouth to speak, but he’s already walking away, describing the best choice of drink for the common cold. Really, the best thing you can do right now is to rest and leave everything else to him.
Katsumi Orochi
Usually, Katsumi will avoid using the spare key you’ve given him. On the other hand, he was supposed to pick you up for your regular date night and you haven’t answered his persistent knocking, so you leave him little choice. He quietly apologizes for the intrusion as he unlocks the door and tiptoes his way in. The lights are off and he’s becoming increasingly anxious, almost sprinting to your bedroom. He stops in his tracks once he sees you buried under the blankets, passed out and sweaty from an obvious cold.
Ah. Well, that makes sense. He smiles to himself and gently pats your forehead to make sure it’s nothing serious, then sneaks out of the room. You wake up hours later, groggy and sore. It suddenly occurs to you that you’ve slept through your date and jolt up, nearly collapsing in the process. You erratically search for your phone and call Katsumi to apologize. Simultaneously you hear his ringtone nearby, so you limp outside, confused. As you reach the kitchen, a pleasant smell invades your nostrils. Katsumi turns to look at you. “You’re awake! I made something to help with your cold. I’ll bring it to your bed, so you can go back and rest. We can’t skip our romantic dinner.” He chuckles after the last statement.
Pickle has been ill at least once in his life, so he can quickly guess that your coughing and runny nose is not something that’s supposed to happen on the regular. Although, if he’s honest, he has no idea what he should do. He’d deal with his sickness by just sleeping it out, or downright ignoring it. Seeing you like this, however, fills him with an overwhelming desire to help you. He does love you, after all. Witnessing your suffering isn’t something he does with ease.
He manages to gesture the situation to Baki, who follows him back to your place and proceeds to do the first aid he’d sporadically learned over the years. A rather clumsy attempt, but it’s better than nothing. Once Pickle has observed the steps, he swiftly shoos the young boy away. All he needed was a little bit of demonstration, some brief instruction on the modern ways. Everything else will be done by him. It’s only proper that the actual care is performed by your partner. You’re a little afraid of the potential outcome to this experiment. Especially once you hear the loud rattles coming from the kitchen. Don’t worry, it’s all made with love.
*My partner has insisted that I include Yuujirou Hanma just to say that he’d tenderly piss on you. I compromised on a footnote.
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slasher-male-wife · 11 months
Horror characters taking care of their sick s/o
I'm in my sick Victorian boy era. I'm being dramatic because I have a mild case of the flu. I need to write something to keep myself sane so why not write for some characters I haven't written about for awhile.
Includes: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner, Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, and Pyramid head
Warnings: Reader is sick, some of these characters aren't super smart, mentions of vomit and medication, vague talk of cannibalism and violence
Amanda Young
Amanda has basic medical knowledge and when she sees you getting sick she's quick to get you to stay in bed and will be a little overbearing. She's been taking care of John for awhile and seeing her partner sick makes her very worried.
She's going to spend any free time she has taking care of you. She knows you're going to be fine but that's not going to stop her from becoming your personal nurse.
She wants to avoid using medication unless a doctor tells her to use them. She thinks because medication isn't working for John that must mean it won't really work for you.
She knows to keep some distance but she's still going to be around you and touch you. She might intentionally spend more time around you then get closer to Hoffman to try and get him sick.
She might talk to Lawrence about what she should be doing and your symptoms. If you know that she's a jigsaw apprentice she'll introduce you to him as her coworker. But if you don't she'll either bribe him into seeing you or just take his advice.
She is reminded of what happened at the gas house and if you're sick enough that you start to throw she'll need to leave the room and probably spend some time to compose herself. I strongly believe that what jigsaw did to her really messed her up but she denies it.
Adam Faulkner
Oh my god if he finds out you're sick I hope you're ready for him to try and help but honestly just make a fool of himself.
You're hopefully not living in his apartment anymore and depending on your temperature and the weather he's going to keep your bedroom window open because "fresh air helps".
He thinks that he doesn't have to keep space from you because you're dating and he probably ends up getting sick himself. But no matter how much you tell him to stay away so he doesn't get sick he won't listen.
While he's out working (probably for jigsaw) he'll leave out medication for you to take, food you can heat up or just eat cold, and probably gives you anything you need to stay entertained.
If you call him for anything he's dropping whatever he's doing to go help you. You have to literally tell him several times that he doesn't have to rush home and you can stay on your own while he works.
He probably doesn't have any insurance just by judging his apartment so unless you absolutely need to see a doctor he's going to be the one taking care of you.
Will Graham
His medical knowledge is better than some people in these head canons but it's still not the best. I feel like if it's anything than a mild case of the cold or the flu he's taking you to a doctor.
Probably looks up if human illnesses can transfer to dogs. Either way he's keeping his dogs away from you until you feel better.
Will not let you out of bed unless you're going to the bathroom. He deals with blood and guts for a living so dealing with someone who's sick is probably a vacation for him.
Will is going to try to keep Hannibal away from you while you're sick for so many reasons. But Hannibal is probably going to end up seeing you anyway because Will is going to cave.
If the weather and your health allows he's going to take you outside for fresh air like you're a consumption patient from 1912. He will let his dogs around you if you're outside.
Will guilt Jack into letting him stay home for a few days to take care of you. He is going to bring up everything Jack has ever done to him. "Hey Jack I need to stay home to take care of my partner. I know you'll let me take it off since you made me work while I had ensyphilitis."
Hannibal Lecter
He's a literal doctor but also a fucking weirdo so be careful. He'll still take good care of you but will also take the time to get into philosophical discussions with you while you're half asleep.
He refuses to give you anything store bought to eat. Will literally make crackers and break from scratch for you to eat. He'll lay off on the human meat until you're better.
Will not allow you to use one of his bowls as a "throw up bowl" You're using the bathroom to do so, he doesn't care if you accidentally vomit on his floors because he can clean the floor, but his bowls are too valuable.
He won't let you spend all day looking at screens. Hannibal will provide you with any kind of entertainment you want to get you off screens for awhile. He will get you whatever books you want or any other low energy activity.
Will insist on keeping your space clean. Will wash your sheets often and insists on giving you a bath, the temperature depending on if you have a fever or not.
He will keep a sort of distance from you but will also be near you. He will take precautions of course but he can't stop himself from spending time in your room, talking with you.
Pyramid head
He has little knowledge of human illnesses, because he's a demi god of sorts he never really gets sick. So when he sees you get cold sweats or start having a bad cough he's confused about why it's happening. '
You'll have to educate him on your condition and tell him what he needs to do to help you. I don't think there's any medication you can take in silent hill but he can probably find you something to help.
He also probably can't get sick so he doesn't have to worry about getting too close to you. If you try to pull away from him to hide your cough or sneeze he'll just pull you back. Even if he did get a cold from you he'd get over it pretty quickly.
He'll honestly want to be pretty touchy all the time even when you're not sick because he's never had human contact before. You'll probably have to explain to him that cuddling isn't the best thing when you have a fever.
He's going to try and get you as comfortable as possible while he's busy doing Pyramid Head stuff. It all depends on your condition and you'll have to explain to him what you need.
He also doesn't really understand germs so you'll have to explain them to him and why you need to keep yourself and your area clean and why you can't just throw up anywhere. After that he'll get you something to use for that then just throw it somewhere.
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Hear me out hear me OUT— hyunjin with a stomach bug while on a train to visit his parents for the first time with y/n and brushing it off as motion sickness but realizes that it’s not when it gets worse when they arrive home and can barely keep anything down and runs a fever🤔
- hi I’m new here can I be “🦊” anon?
𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
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pairing: hyunjin x fem!reader (afab)
genre: sick!fic. idol!hyunjin. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. reader pov. established relationship.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. mild thematic elements. hyunjin is sick with a stomach bug (that is first thought to be motion sickness). reader and his mother help nurse him back to health. :)) mentions of hyunjin overworking himself w/schedules. angst is in this. fluff is sprinkled throughout. pet names (affectionately).
word count: 2.8k
summary: your first visit back to the small countryside village that your boyfriend hyunjin grew up in suddenly takes a turn for the worse when he starts feeling sick to his stomach. and you're the first person he turns to for comfort.
a/n: wahhhh i'm finally posting this lmao 😭 sorry for the late reply anon, life has been dealing me with a heavy, shitty hand atm sshshshks 💀 anyways, i hope you enjoy this... it was fun to write smth with soft jinnie~ 🥹 also, yes- you can be 🦊 anon, thanks for requesting! 💕
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). © ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜ��s ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
The trip started as any other normal one. It was the first time the two of you were visiting your boyfriend, Hyunjin’s, parents, who lived in a small house in a quaint countryside village. He had taken off the entire weekend from work so that you guys could spend an ample amount of time exploring his hometown. The train that Hyunjin had booked for the two of you was nice enough - with amazing window seats that had a great viewpoint of the passing nature. 
 With his parents living quite far away from Seoul, the trip was well over four hours. 
 And not even thirty minutes into the ride, Hyunjin started to feel shitty. 
 Like every time before - the curse of trip sickness continued to follow you guys. Because it seemed like on every trip that you took together, either one of you - or, worse, sometimes both of you - came down with some form of sickness. The flu, strep throat, it seemed like you two had had it all. 
 But motion sickness was an entirely new one, which is what you chalked up your boyfriend’s symptoms to be. He wasn’t the best at traveling on moving things - but especially cars - so it was expected that he’d feel sick on a train that was going even faster than your average automobile. 
 “Baby- you don’t look so well…” You began in a quiet voice, reaching over in your seat to squeeze one of his knees. 
 Hyunjin was hunched over in his chair, both arms wrapped around his waist as the train’s movement rocked him back and forth - side to side. His eyes were screwed shut, and the tight lock that his jaw was in seemed downright painful. 
 He looked up at you then, eyes a little bloodshot and his face a pasty colour, “No- I’m fine. It’s just… motion sickness.” He said, trying to give you a reassuring smile. But it came out all wrong, seeming almost agonizing for him to conjure up. 
 “You know, if you want to get off at the next stop, we can,” you started, eyes tearing away from your boyfriend’s crumpled form and peering out the window. The cityscape was long gone and was instead replaced with fields upon fields of grassy farmland and small villages nestled beside towering mountains. “I’m sure you’re parents would understand if we’re a day late- we can find a hotel in a nearby town and-”
 “No.” Hyunjin ground out in a stern tone, making you whip your head around to stare at him as he frowned your way. “We’re not arriving late just because I- I have a weak stomach. I can make it- we only have…” With a glance at the small screen just underneath the window that continually flashed your arrival time, he nodded slowly. “An hour left.” 
 You shrugged slowly, offering him a tiny smile. “Okay, well if you’re sure you can make it in one piece.” 
 “I'm positive.” 
 When the silence lapsed between the two of you, you moved over to his chair, nestling into the corner beside him and grabbing onto one of his hands. It was warm and clammy to the touch as you squeezed your fingers between his. “I just don’t want you to push yourself too much, yeah? You’ve been going nonstop with the schedules since the new year.”
 Hyunjin gave you that look, the one that he always used when you were 'babying him too much.' Although he liked to play the role of being a soft and pliable man in Stray Kids, when he was alone with you, he was just the opposite. He hated when you doted on him too much because he always claimed that that was his job. Hence, why he always loathed getting sick in any way. 
 So your boyfriend leaned into your space and pressed a chaste kiss against your temple. “Don’t worry, darling. I’m gonna be fine.” 
 But it seemed like his body had a mind of its own because exactly as those words left his mouth, he was shooting up from his seat beside you.
 “What’s wrong?” You asked, concern laden in your voice as you watched him frantically clamp a palm over his mouth. His face was suddenly green-looking. 
 “B-Bathroom-” He only managed to say, before he was sliding the door to your seats open and ran down the hallway of the train. 
 Sucking in a deep breath, you shoved your head against the back of your seat and closed your eyes in exhaustion.
 Because it sure was going to be a long hour ahead. 
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Much to your surprise, Hyunjin’s condition only worsened once you arrived at his parent’s house. He was nearly doubled over in misery by the time you guys landed on his childhood house’s doorstep, and the moment his mother caught sight of her sickened son, she was ushering the two of you in hastily.
 In no time at all, she had some chicken-and-rice porridge cooked and was serving it to the two of you. Hyunjin ate in silence, bent over the kitchen table, spooning up the thin soup in small bites. His mother was sitting with you guys as you ate, while his father was still out at work. 
 You frowned at Hyunjin before your gaze met his mother’s. “I told him we should’ve waited a day and stopped at a nearby hotel on the way in. But no- he just wanted to get here today.” 
 She chuckled softly at that, “That’s my Hyunjin… doesn’t want to be late to anything if he can help it. And besides, I’m glad you didn’t because I’m the best person to take care of him.” Her eyes - which were so similar to your boyfriend’s chestnut brown ones - flicked to him across the table. She offered him a gentle smile, cooing quietly in motherly admiration. “Isn’t that right, my little Jinnie? Your mama is the best at nursing you back to health.” 
 Hyunjin abruptly pushed his bowl of porridge away from him, eyes alight with a certain kind of fire as they darted between the two of you. “I-I feel sick again.” He said in a low, gravelly voice. He slumped over in his chair, seemingly too exhausted to hold up his head for another second. 
 And in tandem, both you and his mother were rising from your chairs. While you wrapped two arms around your boyfriend to hoist him up from his seat, his mother was busy clearing the table. 
 “Bring him into his bedroom- it’s just off to the left of the family room,” his mother instructed, quickly rinsing out the bowls of porridge in the sink. You nodded in silence, beginning to make the trek through the house to Hyunjin’s bedroom. 
 He leaned his entire weight against you, and it was a struggle to walk down the hall as you carried his lengthy body the whole way. Hyunjin groaned desperately, and you noticed the small beads of sweat beginning to race down his temples from his hairline. 
 Hyunjin was delirious with his discomfort, so once you got him situated on his bed, he all but curled up into the thick duvet coverlets, nuzzling his head into the downy pillows. His room was medium in size, and you noticed the small sleeping bag that was set up just beside his bed - where you supposed his parents expected you to sleep since there was no guest bedroom in the house. Still, they must’ve been very naive if they thought that you’d take the floor over sleeping in the same bed as your boyfriend. After all, the two of you had been living together for well over a year. 
 “That doesn’t look like motion sickness to me,” you heard his mother say in a quiet voice from behind you. You turned on your heels then, raising a skeptical eyebrow her way. And immediately, you could see the worry dawn across her face - by the way her jaw tightened slightly and her eyes darkened. “Motion sickness doesn’t last this long after getting on stable ground.” 
 You peered back at your boyfriend, who was now tossing and turning atop the bed. He was moaning lowly in his frenzy, eyes screwed shut, almost like opening them physically hurt him. And just seeing him that way - seeing the love of your life - so distraught, caused something anxious and pained to rattle deep inside of you. 
 “So what do you think it is, then?” 
 “If I had to guess- probably a stomach bug.” 
 You watched in silence, as Hyunjin’s mother strode over to the nearby window and flipped the shades closed. Then, she hovered over the nightstand that was just beside his bed and switched on the faint light there. It cast a warm glow across the walls of the room and painted Hyunjin’s writhing, ghostly-white form in a frail kind of way. 
 “Do you know what he ate before traveling today?” His mother asked as she was already pressing a palm against his forehead. His face was flushed with crimson, his cheeks rosy with sweat. 
 “I think it was one of those bento lunches- we picked some up at the local convenience store before leaving for the station.” 
 She gave a deep sigh then, shaking her head slowly. “That’ll do it… some of those pre-made lunches are notorious for being expired. I always warned him not to eat that crap.” 
 “He’ll be okay though, right?” You could feel the panic rising inside of you, speeding up your heart and forcing it to pound against your ribcage. Because you had never seen him like this - in such misery. Usually, whenever he was sick, it only lasted for a few days at most and was the common cold or on very rare occasion, the flu. But this? Flailing around the bed in distress? With skin colour close to that of a phantom? It was all something you’d never seen before from him.
 “Mhm- these stomach bugs usually only last a day or two, and he’s had them before. The best thing to do is to let him rest and continually monitor his condition,” his mother grabbed a blanket and gently tucked it around his form. “He’s running a fever, so we’ll probably have to stay up for most of the night to help him break it.” 
 You had been frozen near the doorway for so long since you didn’t know what to do. But finally, upon hearing her words, you were flitting over to Hyunjin’s side. You ran a few fingers through his silky black locks, noticing how warm he was. The heat seemed to radiate off of his entire body, prodding hopelessly at that anxiousness inside of you. 
 “I’ll go grab some cold cloths and water, so you just keep an eye on him, okay?” His mother bent over the bed then, giving one of your shoulders a delicate pat. You stared up at her with wide eyes, a lump starting to form in your throat at the sight of your boyfriend being in so much despair from a mere stomach bug. “He’s gonna be okay, sweetheart.” 
 Then, she was off to get the supplies and you were left to watch over your boyfriend. You scooted his body a little bit to the side and sat down on the bed next to him. The mattress was a full size, and could easily fit the two of you comfortably.
 You pressed a palm to one of his cheeks, sweeping a gentle thumb across his damp skin there. “It’ll be alright, babe… I’m right here…” You said in a whisper to him. But if you were being honest, the words were more for you than anything else. They helped to calm that racing part in your mind, and all at once, your focus honed in on one thing only - just taking care of your boyfriend and nursing him back to health as quickly as you could. 
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 Hyunjin’s fever broke sometime in the middle of the night. You and his mother had been tirelessly working all night to help him combat the pain - what with all of the cold washcloths and helping him stumble to the bathroom every time he felt the urge to vomit. After a while, nothing came up in the toilet bowl. Even still, it was like his stomach hated him, and just wanted to try and toss out every last ounce of liquid he had left inside of his body. As a result, you and his mother decided to refrain from giving him any liquid until the vomiting completely stopped. 
 After the clock struck one a.m., you assured his mother that you could handle him for the rest of the night. And after convincing her despite her many protests, she finally made her way to bed. You didn’t want to admit that you were exhausted yourself, but you knew that he needed you at that moment. Even if he wasn’t self-aware enough to know who was helping him through the hurt. 
 But with the break of the fever, also came the clearing of his head. And suddenly, your boyfriend was wide awake at three in the morning. He was still weak in the limbs, so he abated your wishes to stay in bed until at least seven.
 “Thank you, darling,” he whispered to you late that night. You had turned off the room’s single light, leaving you in complete darkness save for the faint glow of the street lamp that shined through the window’s curtains. “You’ve taken such good care of me.” 
 You gave him a faint smile, even though he couldn’t see it in the dim of the bedroom. “Yeah- of course, I’m always gonna take care of you, Jinnie. Even if I’m on my fucking deathbed, I’ll be nursing you back to health if that’s what you need.” 
 He let out a faint chuckle at that before he was shifting on the bed and nearing you. After his mother had finally left, you had decided to curl up next to your boyfriend for the remainder of the night. Because to hell with that stupid sleeping bag.  
“You sleepy, baby?” Hyunjin mused. You felt his nimble fingers reach up toward your face and tuck a few strands of your messy hair behind one of your ears. 
 “Y-Yeah…” You mumbled, voice growing faint as the shadows around you began to slowly soothe you to sleep. The sound of Hyunjin’s steady breathing right next to you, and the feel of his fingers brushing through your locks, helped usher you further into the twilight of slumber.
 “You can sleep now, lovely, it’s okay.” 
 “B-But I wanna be awake in case you-”
 He grunted out a laugh at that, “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine now.” 
 “Still, I promised your mom that I’d nurse you completely back to health.” 
 The plush mattress dipped underneath you then, and suddenly, you felt warm lips land against your forehead. Pressing a whispery kiss to the skin there, Hyunjin moved ever so slightly, so that his lips were ghosting over the shell of your ear. “And what if I said that just laying beside you like this has already nursed me back to full health?” 
 You cracked your eyes open, trying to find his eyes in the swarthiness of the room. Instead, you were met with an ink splotch of a face and the distinct outline of a proud shoulder. 
 “I still don’t w-want to…” you began, but you could feel yourself nodding off - your eyes grew heavy and drooped low, mouth parting slightly in a deep sigh. 
 “I swear to fuck- if you don’t go to sleep this instant, I’m really gonna lose it. And not in the stomach-bug kind of way.” Hyunjin said, his voice a little sterner this time than before. 
 That got you giggling, as you tried to keep your voice down so that you didn’t wake his parents that were just across the hallway. “Okay, okay- I’ll go to sleep.” 
 “That’s my girl.” 
 And at that moment, you thanked the stars above that the bedroom was too dark for either of you to see anything - else, Hyunjin would start teasing you about the furious blush that crept up your neck and pooled in the tips of your ears and cheeks at his words alone. 
 Because yes, you were his girl. 
 And you always loved it when he made a point of that. 
 “Goodnight, my Jinnie…” Your voice trailed off, as you finally allowed yourself to relax down into the thick duvet that was all around you, muscles nearly melting into dreamland. 
 One of Hyunjin's long arms wrapped around your waist then, and he pulled you close to him, burying your face into his warm chest. “Night, my beautiful, magnificent girl."
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crimeronan · 10 months
one funny thing about being diagnosed and starting treatment for the autoimmune stuff is that my response to test results is COMPLETELY different now. most of the testing i'm doing currently is to check for organ damage and assess my risk of future complications, so i no longer have to prove i'm sick or need help. i'm just learning Specifically How Sick I Am.
when i was seeking diagnosis, every normal blood test and imaging test was fucking Devastating. like i'd have a CBC panel come back totally fine and sob about it for Hours. when i finally tested positive for some antibodies that have scary lifelong implications, it was PARTY TIME, there was not a SINGLE downside. I WAS SO PSYCHED
now that i have meds prescribed and on-paper numbers proving i'm "really sick enough," the tests are much scarier. opened my chart with the new results today, saw that there was a❗️ by my urinalysis (indicating abnormalities), and my heart fucking DROPPED. turns out the abnormality was just from not getting a clear sample, my piss and kidneys and bladder and such are fine.
all the other tests came back without that telltale❗️and i wanted to throw Another Party. YAY FUNCTIONAL ORGANS WOOOO
so anyway. this has taught me a lot about why people often go thru years of denial about a serious autoimmune diagnosis. i've known for well over a year that whatever i have is chronic and dangerous, so i wasn't surprised or upset by the confirmation -- i imagine that the majority of people who go to the doc for persistent flu-like symptoms & pain are NOT expecting to be told it's something chronic and dangerous.
like yeah most people's hearts probably Do drop when they test positive for systemic antibodies. that's completely sensible and explains some of why docs are so hesitant to diagnose without irrefutable proof.
not me tho. i'm built different
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maudeboggins · 6 months
i'm supposed to go for my next chemo infusion tomorrow and over the weekend i got sick... this is especially scary and upsetting because i've been SOOOOO careful! always masked, washing hands, using hand sanitizer, not touching my face, etc. chemo makes you immunocompromised as it attacks your white blood cells so you aren't able to fight off infections. it's been so frustrating. i have two cats and i get cuts and scrapes all the time from their little claws and it's wild how badly i heal now! i totally took for granted my ability to heal. now everything needs immediate polysporin or it becomes infected.. anyway i got sick yesterday, flu and cough (not covid thankfully), and had to go to the er. they said that luckily because i'm at the end of my chemo cycle my white blood cell count is back up and i'll be able to fight off the illness. however i was told to contact my oncologist because being sick when you receive chemo might be bad? so i did that and had a phone assessment with a nurse who basically said i seem fine and should just go for chemo tomorrow! i said i don't feel well enough and she said "well you shouldn't put off chemo." i definitely don't want to put off chemo but i don't feel well and i can't imagine being sick AND dealing with chemo symptoms on top of that! especially since the symptoms are cumulative. my first round was super easy, second one was really hard, so i'm worried this third one will be even harder. then adding headache, congestion, coughing on top? i just feel totally overwhelmed and dismissed, especially since the doctor i saw in the er said that i should be putting off my chemo. the nurse i spoke to said maybe i'd feel better tomorrow, but i guess i just feel like i've had so little time to feel well during this infusion cycle, really less than a week of feeling healthy from chemo symptoms and that was cut short by getting a cold :(
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You've had an infection for 10 years!?
I got tonsillitis in 2010 when I was in my last year of uni, and the local doctor was like "oh that's just a sore throat, you're fine" and then I powered through a few weeks of lectures as some sort of blanket-wrapped cryptid in the back row, and at some point I confusedly smashed a lightbulb in my room, panicked that I was about to die because I'd released evil lightbulb fumes into my room, phoned my dad to bring me home at about 11pm. He picked me up at like 1am and took me to our family doctor in the morning, who actually knew I'd had a childhood history of tonsillitis, and prescribed antibiotics, and I spent my birthday lying on a sofa in my childhood home crying over one of the big deaths in Downton Abbey.
Anyway at some point in that process I think the damn thing became resistant because 3 repeat infections in short succession and courses of antibiotics only made me really unwell because I went back to uni as soon as I wasn't incoherently feverish, finished my degree with a marked drop off in my graders because I didn't defer because it was just a throat infection, right?? It would go away if I took the full course of antibiotics like a good person who knows how antibiotics are supposed to work??? (It didn't)
Then the NHS was like "Oh we will remove your tonsils if you get it 14 times in a year" (and at this point they were like 'no more antibiotics, you are already a biohazard')
Aaaand I got 13 repeat infections and dropped off their radar.
I think this was the first real strike in the "long swine flu" situation I'd ended up in since 2009 now I think back on it, and ever since then I've just added more and more symptoms as it triggered latent fibromyalgia when I tried doing a manual labour/customer food service job and blew my wrist out and needed surgery, and chronic blinding migraines when I tried doing a spreadsheets based job, and every single one of these various flare ups of any OTHER symptom or just doing anything else remotely taxing, brought out the ole tonsillitis, because it's a social creature and loves the company.
Last week I went to Scotland to visit my dad and played at being a real person who was well and healing so he wouldn't worry and then as soon as we were over the border back in England my throat felt like it had an ice pick rammed in it lmao
Thanks for letting me complain, I'm like. Angry and miserable but also utterly resigned to my lot in life since the NHS is slowly dying and if there was anything to do about this I can't :3
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sweetdreamspootypie · 2 months
In a few days I'm travelling from NZ to england to see my elderly grandmother, and I don't know what the best way to handle masking for travel is at the moment
Like I said the other day, I'm the last diligent masker at the hospital, but in our environment, we know everyone around us is vaccinated and healthy and won't turn up if they're sick
I don't have a good sense of what the real current level of risk is in general public
The fact that everyone has normalised back to normal doesn't necessarily mean the facts of low risk preceded that
I can use the ward as a guide, in that we have very few Covid inpatients at the moment
But that doesn't tell me about the international status.
I've bought some adhesive N95s that stick to your face, to save dealing with headaches from straps on long flights
That was under the principle that the best mask is the one you'll actually tolerate wearing, so the more comfortable I can make it, the greater the chance of compliance
But I don't know how long the flights are individually. Certainly more than 12 hours for each one, and certainly more than 24 hours total travel time.
And the adhesive mask is obviously not good at facilitating popping it up for a moment to sip water or eat
Depending on how long the flights are, I might be able to treat it like a Ramadan fast of 12 to 16 hours. But that introduces other potential sources of discomfort I won't want to deal with while travelling like headaches.
If I take the mask off to eat, then then yeah overall I reduce my exposure to pathogens, but it does make the whole exercise much more symbolic, I'd I eat or drink on the plane at all
I am fully vaccinated, and I know I had a strong reaction to the vaccine a couple weeks ago because I was flu-y and honestly felt worse than I did when I actually had Covid.
Obviously the plane is higher risk in terms of recycled air, but then at airports the mixing of many people from many places is a different exposure risk even if you got away with it on the plane.
I also know my dad who I'm travelling with will almost certainly not mask
Is the answer really just to switch between blue surgical mask and the adhesive n95 based on tolerance and just hope?
Is there an actual way to mask effextively?
Or is it all an exercise in personal anxiety and I should just trust the vaccine?
How can I have any basis on assuming it will probably be fine anyway and I'm overreacting?
It will probably be fine
But I don't want to be someone who has to live with being the one who made my grandmother sick, when she's succeeded in isolating for all this time
My other consolation is that when I got Covid in December 2023, my time from exposure to symptoms and positive RAT was only 3 days, so once we land, it should be achievable to isolate for 3 days, with a total of 6 days daily RATs. Not like it was in 2020 with it being a 2 week lead time.
So I should be able to have some degree of security for most of the 3 week visit.
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starrypawz · 5 months
No lie I am just a smidge paranoid I have somehow picked up whooping cough right now
But it's also like probably not that likely as I caught this off my dad, and my dad did go to the doctor and they didn't find anything other than 'Oh yeah it's just some sort of non covid virus, you're gonna have to wait it out'
(like we've both tested and it's been negative)
As for the most part other than the cough I'm fine, I don't really have any other like flu/cold symptoms going on right now other than a sore back and throat as a result of coughing and having that coughing problem where sometimes if you cough too much your body goes 'time to yeet your stomach contents!'
Like no headache, no runny eyes, no earache, no brain fog, no fatigue, joint pain, im a bit congested/runny nose but i also tend to get that in the winter anyway, I'm able to more around and do things fairly ok if a bit slower.
All i know is this is very annoying and I'd rather not
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severidescigar · 2 years
Quarantine Blues - Stellaride
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Fandom: One Chicago
Pairing: Kelly Severide & Stella Kidd
Note: The original plot was requested this is the slightly remastered version. (Repost)
As the number of confirmed COVID cases in Chicago were increasing by day, the mayor issued a citywide lockdown effect of immediately. First responders were still going to work, but once Sylvie cane down with flu like symptoms she decided to get tested just incase and to everyone’s surprise it came back positive for COVID, therefore everyone on the second shift at 51 was in mandatory quarantine for 2 weeks.
Four days in, Stella and Kelly were already bored beyond belief. For two people who were barely home most of the time and actually craved some lazy days, they quickly realized it was not as fun as they thought when they were forced upon them.
“I talked to Brett, her fever is going down and she said she’s finally able to eat properly.” Stella said as she cuddled next to Kelly on the couch. “That’s good…everyone else seems to be doing fine.” He informed her skipping restlessly through channels and letting out an irritated scoff as he couldn’t find anything watch worthy. All this down time was pretty hard on him as he found it unusual at this time of the day to just lay on the couch instead of working out or just being out and about.
“Easy tiger you still have at least one more week time to get annoyed.” Stella laughed at him as he got up and started to pace around. She was also getting bored but it was funny to watch Kelly getting all worked up, it was like watching a hyperenergetic 5 year old stuck into an apartment and not being allowed on the playground.
“We need to find something to do, or else we’ll lose our minds…Maybe we can go out for a run and nobody will know.” Kelly was an outdoor person, so he was pretty sure he has never spent this much time inside. “You know the whole point of being on lockdown is to stay inside…right?” Giving her a blank look, Kelly half joked "At this point I'm willing to go for a run in a mask and a full hazmat suit".
In the first four days in quarantine they managed to keep themselves busy enough not to get bored, but there was only so much they could do inside. Binge watched all seasons of Sons of Anarchy, reorganized every single closet or drawer in the apartment, attempted to work out, took naps throughout they day and randomly called each person from 51 just to find out everyone was equally as bored and out of ideas when it came to extracurricular activities.
“We should’ve quarantined at the cabin…at least there we could’ve gone hiking and fishing and not a single person would be in sight.” He continued and Stella watched him amused as an idea ran through her mind.
“Remember when you insisted on teaching me how to properly barbecue like a pro?” Kelly nodded waiting to see where she was going with this “what if we order some groceries and I teach you how to bake?” Giving Stella an unsure look at first he ultimately agreed as there was nothing else to do anyway, making her jump into his arms excitingly.
Later that day once the groceries arrived and everything was set, Stella pulled out of nowhere a baking apron for Kelly. “You have to be kidding me…how long have you been waiting to do this?” He laughed putting it on.
“Been waiting for the perfect moment for you to even take my idea into consideration.” Stella said and started explaining everything step by step. She couldn’t help but feel very entertained by how serious and concentrated Kelly was trying to mix all the ingredients together and him constantly asking whether he was doing it right. While their muffins were baking in the oven he kept checking on them but once it was time to decorate it was a whole another story.
“Stella, I’m kicking down doors and restoring boats for a living, I can’t do this!” Kelly was frustrated as his topping cream was everywhere but on the muffin. “You need to stop squeezing it out so hard!” She exclaimed as she took his hand into hers guiding him. “Let me show you…see it’s not that hard mister kicking down doors and restoring boats .”
“Admit it...you had way too much fun watching me struggle.” Kelly said as they were finally taking a bite out of their baked goods. “I mean let’s just say I’ve never seen you getting this worked up, even over a rescue before.” Stella said wrapping her arms around Kelly’s neck and he immediately picked her up placing her on a small portion of the counter that wasn’t covered in flour.
“At least we’ll be busy tomorrow cleaning up this mess.” Kelly said looking around their kitchen as Stella pulled him into a deep kiss.
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corsairlafitte · 1 year
I have covid...
I avoided it for two damn years and now I screwed up. I've had symptoms since Saturday and just assumed it was that flu going around until I realized my stomach was fine.
I didn't have severe breathing issues, either, so I just didn't think about it. I guess I had a bit of trouble breathing but... If it makes sense, not in the way I expected. I thought it would feel like pneumonia, instead of congestion. My throat got scratchy, and I coughed to the point of vomiting once, but it really didn't hurt that bad.
Anyway, I'm mad as hell.
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gaaaaaay · 1 year
Being sick ain't so bad I get to sleep as much as possible and eat whenever I have an appetite even if that means cereal at ten pm and I don't have to shower bc uhhh I can't yet (I rly want to) and I don't have to leave the house or talk to anyone or cook dinner or do chores!!
Yesterday was so scary bc the flu triggered my asthma and I thought for sure I was going to have to stay in the hospital bc the only time I was ever hospitalized was for illness-triggered asthma and it was so weird like I wasn't wheezing and my lungs felt kinda clear but I couldn't breathe. At all. I thought my symptoms started when I actually inhaled some silica dust so at the advice of a teladoc doctor, who told me to get help immediately because I was almost too short of breath to talk, I went to an urgent care for a chest x-ray. X-ray was fine bc it turns out I just had the flu...and asthma. It was still scary though because they gave me a nebulizer treatment right away of course and to my surprise it did absolutely fuck all and that shit has never not been just like instantly effective. So I asked for a second one. Nothing. Probably bc I just couldn't breathe deep enough to get the medicine into my lungs. I was straight up just loudly panting from morning until night (woman at urgent care reception: ma'am, are you experiencing shortness of breath? Me, loudly panting: YES LOL. and before you judge, they wouldn't let me wait in the car. They also didn't take my temp ((I was running a fever)) or look at the symptoms I wrote down so this is all on them lol)
Anyway so they gave me a shot of something to help with the flu pain and I'm feeling a lot better today. Still can't do anything but sweat and sleep but I'm not shivering and moaning anymore. My cough turned into a "productive" cough and now I can finally take deep breaths and my asthma meds are effective. I have new medicine too, for the first time in like ten years bc I haven't needed it.
Get your flu shot and covid boosters guys, especially if you're immunocompromised!
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http-tokki · 2 years
。ₓcharacters: Levi ackerman x reader 。ₓcontent: being sick with the flu/cold! fluff! canonverse! Levi x reader before they admit their feelings for each other. 。ₓsummary: Levi knows something is up when he watches you pour a cup of tea rather than your usual black coffee. 。ₓword count: 630 。ₓa/n: NOT PROOFREAD! So, I'm pretty sure I have covid which is fuuuun. My brother has it but I tested negative on a rapid test even tho I also have all the symptoms soo we'll see. This was so self-indulgent like everything I do on those blog lmao, anyway. hope you are all safe and well ♡♡
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Levi knows something is up when he watches you pour a cup of tea rather than your usual black coffee. He’s sitting at his desk, his own mug of tea in his hands as he tracks your movements in the little kitchenette he has set up in his private quarters. You hadn’t shown any indication that you were swapping out your nightly beverage for something less intense, carrying out the same routine of grabbing your favourite mug, boiling the water, dumping a whole spoonful of sugar in but instead of reaching for the small brown bag of granulated coffee, you reach up and start rooting through the tea cabinet. Levi’s eyes narrow as you choose a mild earl grey, empty the leaves into the strainer, and make yourself some tea. Is something wrong? You were looking a bit run down earlier, maybe you weren’t sleeping well? Levi’s mind races as he cycles through possible reasons you weren’t having caffeine, so much so that he doesn’t notice you move until you are sitting in front of him, steaming mug on a make shift tissue coaster. With you so close, Levi clocks your red nose and cheeks, eyes watery and slipping closed as you lean on your face into your hand. Had you been crying or were you sick? He ponders the options while sipping tea.
“Are you okay?” Levi asks from behind his mug. “You’re drinking tea”
“I'm not feeling well” you answer. “I think I might have caught something from the kids.” a sniffle mid sentence. “There was a girl who was sneezing and coughing but didn’t want to miss out”
Levi’s nose crinkles at the idea of germs but he doesn’t pull back instead he reaches a hand out to feel your forehead. Hmm, you were pretty warm.
“Are you coughing?”
“Yes, but I’ll be fine. That’s why I made the tea, I thought it’d help”
Levi nods, pulling his hand away to wipe it on his pants discreetly. He doesn’t want you thinking he was disgusted by you, just the germs that could be lingering on your skin. “Stay here for the night, so I can monitor you and if you can’t go to work in the morning, I’ll know as soon as I wake up”
You shake your head, unable to accept the captain’s offer. You have your own room, why do you need to stay here?
“Levi, I’m fine. Honestly, I think it’s just a small cold. I’ll be okay on my own”
Levi isn’t having it. Standing from his chair he moves to you. Strong fingers gently pressed against your throat, feeling your swollen glands. “You’re sick and I want to take care of you, okay?”
Having Levi so close, touching you so intimately, all you could do was nod. “Why?”
“Because I want to. plus you take care of me all the time so it’s my turn” his explanation was so simple yet it filled you with warmth. “Alright, brat?”
Levi tucks you in an hour after you finish your tea. Giving you privacy to wash in his bathroom, the hot water a welcomed relief on your aching muscles, before dressing in your night clothes Levi had gathered from your room. He makes you take his bed, fluffing the pillows and sheets, piling on all the blankets before leaving water and a handkerchief on the bedside table. (he even managed to sneak into the infirmary to get some cold medication that he forced down your throat) and only after you had fallen asleep, sniffling every so often does he slide into the cot he set up in the corner of the room but he doesn’t sleep. Every slight shift or cough had him awake, alert, and ready to go.
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Hello! I would like to request Ling Yao x female s/o who gets sick with a fever or stomach flu even though she insists she’s fine (she is indeed, not fine)? Thank you!
Yeah!! I just got over COVID last week, so I can relate in the "I say I'm fine but I'm really not" department. (am good now tho dw)
Content: Fem reader as ststed above <3
Warnings: Detailed symptoms (no like, puking or anything)
Notes: I was so finished to finishing this three times and my entire computer decided to refresh. That, and I've been doing a bunch of graduation prep stuff as of late, and I finally graduated yesterday.
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(Y/n) coughed as she laid on her back, making her quickly switch to her side. Her stomach was churning, threatening to put up whatever she consumed, liquid or solid. She groaned as she clutched her stomach, trying not to dry heave.
Her phone dinged, making her head throb with the sound. Without looking at her phone, she turned off the ringer and closed her eyes. Hopefully that would ease the throbbing. At least she could breathe through her nose still.
Coughing once again, she felt her head throb with every cough that racked her body. She sighed after the coughing fit, hoping to get a nap in. Her coughing had woken her up all throughout the night. As her throat started to ease from the pain of coughing so much, her body finally started to succumb to sleep.
That was, until Ling's ringtone began to scream from her phone. She sighed, feeling the throb in her head intensify as the ringtone persists. Rolling over, she grabbed the phone and answered.
"Hello...?" (Y/n)'s voice was raspy, and cracked a little bit from not using it in a while.
"Honeyyy~! Why haven't you been answering me?" (Y/n) could practically hear Ling's pout over the phone.
"Sorry, Ling, uh..." She didn't wanna tell him she was sick, he'd start fussing over her. "I've just been busy."
"Busy with what? And why does your voice sound like that?"
"Sound like what?" Her voice cracked.
"Like that! It sounds all weird, and you didn't answer my question! What're you busy with?"
"My voice doesn't sound weird, Ling."
She could hear him whine. She sighs again. "Why did you whine, Ling?"
"Because you're not using any nickname!"
"...Sorry, sweetheart. I'm just very busy, okay?"
"Too busy to respond to me?"
"Yeah, 'm sorry." She mumbled, half asleep.
Ling whined again, then gasped. "I'll just come over, then!"
"What? No. Ling, I'm busy. I need to-" She went through another coughing fit. "Shit- sorry swee-"
She was interrupted by her own coughing, it being so loud she didn't hear Ling hanging up the phone. Or, at least, she didn't realize until her coughing fit was over. She sighed and got up, deciding to take medicine again.
"There's no doubt he heard me coughing...he's gonna show up..."
And she was right. Some time later, Ling pounded on the door. The pounding rang through her already throbbing head. She sighed and yelled through the door as best as she could.
"Ling! Please stop!"
"Sweetheart, please open the door! You don't sound well!"
"I'm fine!" She yells back, feeling the pain in her head increase.
"(Y/n)," Ling spoke seriously, ceasing his pounding. "You seriously don't sound well. I heard your coughing fit- you need medicine or a doctor right away."
"Ling, I-" She coughed a little from yelling before. "I'll be okay."
"Can I just please come in? I haven't really heard from you in a few days, and I really miss you..."
Ling spoke with a saddened tone. (Y/n) thought for a moment and sighed once more, unlocking the door and opening it slightly. She was happy to finally see her boyfriend after a while.
"Can you open the door more? I wanna kiss you..."
"No Ling, you'll get sick..."
"So you are sick. Good thing I brought medicine!" Ling held up a grocery bag.
"Ah-! I'm not sick!" (Y/n) fumbled.
Ling pushed past her anyway, and in her weakened state, she couldn't do anything to stop him. Opting to follow her boyfriend into her kitchen, she watched for a second as he took out the items in the bag, placing them on your counter.
(Y/n) hissed as her head continued to throb, so she reached for a glass. Ling snatched it from her hand, kissed her head and filled up the glass with water.
"Drink this, then I'll get you to bed."
"I'm not sick, Ling..." (Y/n) downed the glass of water.
"Sure you aren't." He took the glass and placed it upside down in the sink, then gently guiding his girlfriend back to her bed.
"I want to hear no argument, okay?" Ling kissed her forehead as she laid down. "I love you~! I'm off to make you some soup."
With that, Ling turned and left out the door. (Y/n) sighed, then smiled, snuggling into her blankets and closing her eyes. Maybe being sick wasn't so bad after all, if Ling was by her side.
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omg-just-peachy · 3 years
Hi hi! If you want, maybe gratefulness + blanket for stony? I’m just super soft for the thought of one of them being cold and the other bringing them a blanket to warm them up🥰 if this isn’t something you’d write, feel free to ignore this❤️
Also just want to say that I love everything you post and reblog sooo much, I always get so happy when I go to your blog💞
ahhh this is so cute. maybe tony coming home from work to take care of steve who is sick in bed ❤️
“Tony?” Steve’s voice, thick with sleep and congestion, makes Tony look up from his phone, and he pulls his tie loose as he walks over to the bed.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Tony says, dropping down to sit beside Steve on the side of the bed. He’s down with some kind of super soldier super flu, and has had just about every cold symptom known to man over the last few days. Mostly, though, Steve’s just tired, like he needs all the rest he can get for his body and the serum to do the work of putting him back together again.
Tony had been by his side for the better part of two days until this morning. As much as he’d hated to do it, Tony had a company full of people counting on him to speak at a board meeting today, and he’d been forced to leave Steve with all the cold and flu medicine, tissues, and fluids he could fit on their bedside table.
Deep down, Tony knows he’ll be fine. Bruce and Helen had told him as much, but…
But it’s Steve and Tony can’t help but worry when it comes to Steve.
“I swear I tried not to wake you,” Tony says. He lays a hand over Steve’s forehead, and when he’s satisfied he’s sleep-warm rather than fever-warm, moves his hand down his cheek, stroking the smooth line of his cheekbone. He smiles as Steve leans into the touch. “How are you feeling?”
“I'm okay. I was mostly awake anyway,” Steve says, though he yawns hugely. “Slept all day, pretty much. Don’t know the last time I did that, but I was probably at least a hundred pounds lighter,” he continues. “How was the meeting? I missed you,” he says, voice open and vulnerable in a way Steve rarely allows himself to be.
Tony waves a hand. “Same old,” he says. “I’d rather have been here, watching sleeping beauty do his thing.”
He means it, too, as much to his own surprise as anyone else’s. He really would rather be here with Steve than just about anywhere else. The idea of it would have scared him five years ago, but now… Now it just feels right. It explains why it never worked with anyone before now.
“Is that how that movie goes?” Steve smiles up at him, his eyes crinkling just a little at the corners, and Tony has to stop and wonder how someone could make even the most dreary days feel brighter when they’re feeling as bad as Steve has the last few days.
“Something like that,” Tony shrugs. Before he can say anything else, Steve gives a full body shiver, then shoots Tony an apologetic look.
“Sorry, I’m either freezing or sweating and there’s no in between,” he explains.
“What sorry? No sorry,” Tony says, getting up and pulling a throw blanket out of the closet and stretching it out over Steve, who settles into it.
“Thanks, Tony,” Steve says, giving him a grateful look.
That’s how Tony really knows he’s sick: normally Steve would be far too stubborn to admit he needs something, even something as seemingly inconsequential as this. Now, he sighs, content, and Tony can’t help but smiles at the sight of him, tucked up in their bed like this. He can so easily imagine that small, hundred-pound version of Steve Rogers, stuck in bed with the flu, reading or drawing all winter long surrounded by his mishmash of blankets.
“What?” Steve asks, eyebrows furrowing. “What’s that look?” He already looks worn out, even though he just woke up.
Tony shakes his head, smiling slightly. “Glad to be home, that’s all. You need anything else? I can order that soup you like from the diner if you're hungry.
Steve yawns again, shaking his head. “M’good. Do need one more thing, though,” he says. He holds out a hand for Tony to come closer, then tugs on it until Tony’s sitting next to him again. “Mhm. Almost,” Steve says, shifting over in bed until there’s enough room for Tony to lay with him.
Tony’s half dressed, still in the suit pants and maroon silk shirt he wore to SI, though he slips the loose tie over his head and tosses it to the side. He slides into bed beside Steve, though, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist and curling himself up around his sick boyfriend. He feels Steve relax against him almost immediately, and knows it'll be a matter of minutes before he's out like a light again.
“Warm enough now?” Tony asks as Steve nuzzles into him, breathing already evening out.
“Mm,” Steve sighs. “Good. Warm. Glad you’re home.”
Tony is, too.
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