#anyway had to cut loads cause I wanted it under 3 mins
lizardthelizard · 1 month
fave Rimmer moments part 1/?
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker  Ch1
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC, Jikook~)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,161
-Author Note: I crosspost this story from my Asianfanfic/Wattpadd account. Mind you, clicheness OVERLOADS.
Chapter 1
“Ahjumma’s food. I can smell it from miles away. Yums..” the maknae line hollered excitedly as they made their way inside without even taking off their socks properly. Stood behind them in line were the hyung lines which only shook their head in amusement. They just got back from a 11-hour practice yet those boys still had some energy stored in them.
Age aint just a number for sure.
Taehyung and Jimin voice were so loud which could shake the whole building “AS EXPECTED AHJUMMA COOKED THE BEST FOOD” Jin smacked their back head lightly accompanied with soft grunt.
“Clean yourself first, this food need to be reheat first” as usual Jin would take charge when it came to kitchen issues. Taehyung puckered his lips in protest and shot the older boy a stern look sending there-is-no-way-im-listening-to-you message which only being ignored by him.
Jimin cracked a grin as his eyes sunk into his signature eyes smile “I will be here in 10 minutes” he paraded to his room happily. Jin watched his figure disappeared with a soft sigh “And, how about you?” turning to face hungry Jungkook, the younger guy only rolled his eyes earning a smack on his forearm.
“HYUNG WHAT WAS THAT FOR?” bewildered, he half-yelled.
“Manners Jeon Gukkie” said the leader. Jungkook pursed his lips looking awfully sulky as he made his way to his room to get changed before his hyungs goofed around making fun of him again. Like a routine, every time they reached their place, meals would already lay flat on the table for them to savour. Even though it was weird to eat something without knowing the caretaker lady’s face, they were aware the lady was like a mother to them.
Every single day without failed, the caretaker lady or they preferably called as “Ahjumma” would prepare a simple meal for the seven boys. However, due to the nature of her contract with Bighit the ahjumma is not allowed to perform her task when the boys were around. She would only be there early in the morning daily except in certain occasion whereby the boy had no schedule ahead then she would come as per requested by BTS manager.
Therefore, none of the boys had ever met the caretaker lady face to face. Entering to her third year working with the boys, the caretaker lady knew almost everything about them just by cleaning their dorm. Yes, the dorm would not be in a good shape if it weren’t for the caretaker lady. The place was big enough for everyone to stay in comparison to their old dorm back then.
Make it big or not, they are still guys. Some may take time to clean after their mess but the nature of their career restricts them to perform even a simplest task like doing their own laundry. Now and then Jungkook would be in charge doing their laundry however nowadays they were so cramped with awards shows and tours ahead.
There were lots of things to be prepared at once, and the guys barely got time to even shut their eyes properly in a day. Poor boys.
Like a flash, Jungkook and Jimin came running to the kitchen taking their seat looking all ready to gobble down the food. At time like this, they really missed homecooked food. They are grateful for caretaker Ahjumma’s food that kept them fit and healthy all these years. Unlike before their debut days, the company could only afford them simple snacks which were not enough for grown up boys like them.
“I wonder when will we ever get to meet this caretaker Ahjumma” the youngest one mumbled between his bite.
Jimin shrugged “According to Sejin hyung, she is not allowed to work when we are around. The nature of the contract I guess” he felt someone sank in a seat beside him lazily. Lazy but hungry Min Yoongi.
Yoongi picked up his chopsticks and shoved kimchi in his mouth hastily “The contract is made to protect us”
“The ahjumma is not a sasaeng. It has been 3 years, plus she has been nothing but awfully kind to us. She prepares food for us even though it is not in her job description. Aint that enough to prove she won’t cause any harm?” Jungkook argued with a slight pout.
Sprawled lazily on the couch, Hoseok nodded in agreement as he started to mumble incoherently most likely how it was unfair for not be able to meet the kind lady personally. It was all talk and they couldn’t stop wondering how kind the Ahjumma was in person.
The eldest in the group appeared looking squeaky clean with a gleeful smile plastered on his face “Jungkook, are you falling for this Ahjumma’s charms” he teased. The younger guy flustered in his seat sending a death glare to his hyung’s way.
Jin didn’t stop right there, he heard him continue “Maybe she is not that Ahjumma after all. What if Bang Pd is protecting us from a beautiful caretaker lady?” he hummed as he sat across Jungkook still with that playful smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
“Mmm.. I don’t think her notes sound so young after all. She used a lot of old words in her writing” Jimin scratched the back of his neck in confusion. How could a person be so clueless and oblivious? It supposed to be a mere tease but he indeed took things quite seriously. Judging by his expression, Jimin was racking his brain to find answer to the relevancy of this matter as per mentioned by Jin.
A soft sigh escaped from Yoongi’s lips in response to his friends’ irrelevant conversation “I am going to sleep. Clean up after eating, don’t put more loads on the ahjumma’s shoulder” he warned before leaving the group.
“Tch, how can he be full by eating kimchi!” Jin cringed in annoyance.
Ji Seul, 22 years old, a college dropout.
Alright, cut that college dropout thing. She’s diligently working in a bubble tea shop and sometimes she would work at 7-eleven just to kill time. Another reason was that, to make more money.  Due to financial constraints a year ago, she had to give up her college in exchange to her little brother school fees. The fees on the other hand had hiked up crazily leaving her with no choice but to give up her future.
It was not easy for her mother to raise the siblings alone without external support. The condition of the economy nowadays was not favourable to family with low disposable income like them. Ji Seul worked when she was in college however it came to no avail. For some reason, she performed badly in her first semester. To add to that sappy story of hers, she almost got kicked out due to her poor performance.
If she were to work, she would perform so badly in her tests and projects.
However, if she decided to give up on having a part time job, she could not afford the college fees. And vice versa.
Some might think there was another way to resolve her so called issues. Scholarship? She tried it all, guess the competition was surprisingly high lately. Ji Seul had a decent result to apply for one, but there would always be another person who’s above you after all. That’s life.
She spent her youth time working hard like there is no tomorrow for the sake of her family. As much as she wanted to chase her dreams, she would rather work her ass off for her mother at least. The failure of her mother’s marriage literally messed up everything. Let’s not talk about her typical shitty life, Ji Seul preferred to let it buried deep in her brain. It was not worth talking anyways.
All she knew, her father was a real jerk for abandoning them.
Ji Seul loathed her father to the core.  She would never forgive him for all misery that he had caused to their life.
Placing the last ingredient in her stew, she smiled to herself feeling a little proud of her little accomplishment. Cooking was not easy, and if it weren’t for her annoying little brother, which was not that little, demanded a decent dinner tonight, she did not need to struggle with the recipe. He was old enough to cook a freaking ramen yet he chose to order her around just to piss her off.
“Where is my food?” Ji Hoon blinked with a sly smirk.
Ji Seul scoffed in disbelief “Here..” she kicked his calf as her eyes rolled in annoyance.
“So, your nuna is being rude now? Don’t call me nuna, I am disowning you Hoon” she snickered. Bantering was a usual thing between the Ji’s, the world would be a better place without their existence for sure. The sound of front door being opened averted Ji Seul attention from her brother.
“Im back kids. No one is losing their teeth today, right? I hope” her mother closed the door behind her with a sarcastic remark. Pursing her lips, she took the bag from the older woman’s hand “Don’t worry, our teeth are still intact. But seems like Hoon will be losing his soon” Hoon puffed his cheeks.
“Can both of you behave for one day” she shook her head utterly speechless of her children’s childish behaviour. She went straight to check the food on the stove “Oh you cooked Seul-ah?” Seul broke a wide grin with a nod.
“If it weren’t for me, nuna would not be cooking that stew right now. Amazing, isn’t it?” Hoon replied chirpily.
Snorting under her breath, Seul retorted “For your information, the world does not revolve around you Ji Hoon. So, mother how’s work?” she watched the older woman taking a seat with a fatigue smile. Over years, she could see how older she got. It must not be easy for her to work as a caretaker lady. Her mother cherished her job as BTS’s caretaker because they paid her handsomely and the company really looked after her like a family.
She grew fond of the boys even though they did not have the chance to meet each other just yet. However, it was satisfying to look after the boys just like her own child. She loved her job. If she were given a chance to meet them in the future, she would shower them with lots of good food.
“The boys really made a huge mess. I think they were pretty busy” she chuckled.
She took a sip of the cold drinks as she continued “Jungkook piled up the laundry in his room again. He must have forgotten it while tending other important works like-“ Seul cut her off with a cringe.
“Like his games?” her mother nodded in response, ‘” Lazy bum” she claimed.
“Jungkook is just a kid Seul, let him be” her mother defended.
Seul crossed her arms disliking the fact that this Jungkook person made her mother worked extremely hard today “He is 20 and a grown-up man. He should have cleaned his own mess” Hoon pretended he did not listen to his sister complaints. It had always been like that. Ji Seul appeared to have a personal vendetta against Bangtan Sonyeondan. She knew they were pretty hot nowadays but sadly BTS did not meet her par.
Now and then, she would listen to their songs. Some of the songs are decent enough which gave colour to her already sorrowful life. Nevertheless, that was it. She had no idea who was who, all she knew there were 7 members.
If Ji Seul were like those fangirls, she would be the happiest human being alive for having a connection with BTS. Too bad, she was not into them. She had something better to do, like making money and keeping their stomach full.
“Do you like Jungkook hyung?” Hoon’s voice brought her out of her trance.
Ji Seul facepalmed upon listening to his absurd questions. She let out a low grunt “Jungkook hyung? Are you that friendly with him? Ew that is gross Hoon” she shot him a judgemental look.
“He is older by a year, and I am being polite. You seem to have lots of shitty complaints in your brain when it comes to BTS members. Especially Jungkook hyung” he purposely pressed the hyung part staring at the small girl in front of him.
“Because for some reason mother only talk about him and that other guy Chin?” she blurted out of annoyance.
“It is Jin..” her mother leaned back in her seat with a teasing smile. Now she’s teaming up with Ji Hoon to bring Seul down for good. She added before Seul could continue “He is a good cook..unlike someone” earning a low scowl from Ji Seul.
She had made up her mind to ignore them both.
Her stew needs her attention.
 This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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cherr-e · 4 years
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𝗢𝗟𝗜𝗬𝗢𝗡𝗚 and their dynamics
hello! welcome back to cherry fawns over her two children, who she must protect with all her heart, in this episode we will be discussing OLIYONG. aka the softest duo of animal crossing nerds, one who tries and acts tough yet always fails at the sight of his tinier and softer boyfriend. their NSFW dynamics will be under ‘keep reading’ so any of the horny people can have a look down there....let us begin!
best songs to depict their relationship
sfw: one | two | three [honestly n.o 3 is the best] nsfw: one | two | three 
the beginning of their relationship, the best meme to show their emotions is the “you lost homie?” “lost in ur eyes foo” [this is literally a summary of 3am] 
theyre so cute and giddy sometimes, their friends are confused at how mushy and corny they get...however they act more like they despise each other, similar to a tom and jerry relationship
taeyong’s fans often sight oli with him shopping at designer places in the upper end of seoul, oliver spoiling him with designer is something he is Very proud of 
oliver loves being little spoon, and the two struggle to share positions when cuddling...so the person who is most tired that day - deserves the little spoon position. he absolutely adores it when taeyong plays with his hair, it lulls him to sleep...
playing animal crossing is considered a date, esp when the quarantine started in korea - although taeyong was prepping for the punch comeback, he still spent loads of time on his switch playing with his bf while they tormented the villagers they dislike and oliver greeting taeyong onto his island with a sign that says “whore” on it
them vibing to K.K.’s house (and bubblegum by my main bitch isabelle) like it’s a personality trait, they act more like kids than bfs 
“ay thROW IT BACK”
when they were trainees, oliver tricked taeyong into learning british swear words and lets just say taeyong smacked the living shit out of him when he found out
laughter is frequent in the oliyong house
their dates consist of staying inside, and when they do go out its to a restaurant or small business - but the cutest dates of all are the simple late evenings where taeyong doesn’t have that much of a tight schedule and they’re chilling in the aesthetic cat cafes in korea 
oliver wants to adopt a cat with taeyong but taeyong is a dog man >:(
when taeyong is sad, oli must feed him with as much snacks as possible
softest shit is when theyre about to head to sleep and oli has a habit of saying “love u” while kissing his bf’s forehead like he is his baby. this is when taeyong is the small spoon, he’s just so tiny and fits perfectly in oliver’s arms 
the studio is their first home and then it’s oli’s loft or taeyong’s dorm room - theyre hardworking boys who dedicate their love to music 
when really bored, they make tiktoks together
when taeyong told oliver he’d be joining superm, it was oli’s job to teach him as much english as he can 
oliver really is taeyong’s mentor despite being 2 years older
oliver’s corny romantic side really wants to gift taeyong an accessory where it solidifies their relationship - kind of like a promise ring or necklace 
rather than being romantic dofooses (they save that to late nights) they really are just idiots that find something to cry laugh at for 10 mins straight 
each other’s hypemen, every nct 127 comeback oliver posts stories where he’s streaming or watching their comeback stages. he often makes fun of taeyong’s face when paused at an awkward angle
always in each other’s arms, they love doing this when at home - taeyong would come out of the shower while oli is watching some korean variety show on tv...somehow the younger would find space on his lap or next to him
“you’re gonna wanna be my best friend baby” 
“hyung we’re dating”
“baby come here nOeW” “tyong” “yong (dragon in korean)”  “tîi rák (dear/darling in thai)” “love” “idiot” corny boy i swear
he promises he’s the tougher one...LIES
tae really loves oliver’s family so much and has long conversations with them on facetime calls, despite oli being who they originally called for
NSFW below the cut!
so welcome to sin-mania where we explore OLIYONG’s sex lives, enjoy sinning and sex is something that should be consensual between two! don’t forget, and never forget to tell what ur likes n dislikes are during sex! remember to stay safe xoxo 
when they first started their sexual endeavours, oliver was on the more vanilla side. didn’t mean he had his fair share of kinks, but he wanted to go soft on taeyong as he was experiencing sex with a man for the first time (oliver was taeyong’s firsts in many things, kiss, love, sexual partner, idiot etc.)
oliver had his experiences before meeting taeyong, he had a boyfriend called nathan when he was 19-21 and man that guy had a high sex drive 
but oliver did enjoy majority of the shit they done - and that’s when he formulated his kinks
cigarettes after sex must be playing when they fucking! or zayn
anyways back to their lives, oliver overheard a conversation taeyong had with one of his close friends about how he struggles to get oliver to please him more in sex - if u haven’t seen taeyong’s sexual fantasies in whiplash or baby don’t like it....you won’t understand what he’s on about
anyways after hearing about taeyong’s hard kinks, oliver ordered a collar which had a rattle in it. it was black with a silver bell that had a rattle inside which made noise 
after experiencing that collar in sex, the list began to grow...so let’s go
oliver likes praising taeyong a lot (good boy), he’s a soft dom with the tendency to slightly tease his sub, and taeyong is all for it. 
taeyong likes when oliver takes his time in foreplay, prepping him up for his dick etc, he’s very putty in oliver’s hands
he melts and just his whole being is encased in pleasure
when oliver and taeyong are both in the mood, they like going rough and taeyong is a sucker for when he’s insulted and punished, but oliver instantly feels bad afterwards and smothers him in many kisses and sweet sweet aftercare (he turns into the puppy eyes emoji)
once oliver admitted that he used to have a lot of sex while high during his university days, he smoked weed often with his exes and taeyong was intrigued by the idea....oliver said that he loved for him to join but he doesn’t want his bf to experience being a hard stoner and getting in trouble with k-nets
but the idea has been floating in their minds for a while
some days, instead of kinky sex - they do prefer soft vanilla sex, oliver really spoils his baby den 
aftercare is so soft and endearing
they do be best boys
let me know if you would like more OLIYONG dynamics, cause this ain’t half of it!
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becuztaelien · 4 years
3| The Beast
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4
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2.6k words, Warning: Intense shit, triggering themes, language
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here.”
Jaemin pressed the gun harder against Jimin’s forehead, a wide grin spreading across his slim face. “Renjun!” he called out to his partner, not breaking eye contact with the terrified boy below him for even a second.
“P-please..” Jimin whispered from the ground; his throat felt constricted causing his voice to crack. The gun was only in contact with his forehead, but the metal made his entire body shudder with dread.
“Princess, I think it would be wise to keep that pretty mouth shut.” The brunette pursed his quivering lips together tightly, the last thing he wanted was to piss off the gang members. “Now stand up slowly and don’t get any clever ideas.” Jimin didn’t realise he’d been holding his breath until he had to stand up; the gun against his head seemed to have stolen his attention entirely.
“There he is! Sneaky little rat,” Renjun happily exclaimed as he came round the corner, “did you think we wouldn’t find you?” he seemed pleased; the man was taller than his partner and muscular, one punch from him was probably enough to knock a grown man unconscious. He approached Jimin’s small figure and chuckled, “What are you? Min’s old whore or somethin? Didn’t know he swung both ways.” Both of the men laughed among themselves until Renjun noticed a cell phone on the ground. He scoffed before bringing his heel down on it hard; Jimin yelped, his legs had begun to shake at some point but now he could feel his entire body following. The phone screen shattered and the heel of Renjun’s shoe had made such a prominent dent it was good enough to be used as an acute angle in a child’s mathematics book. Renjun wrapped his arm around the smaller man “aww, did little baby get scared?” he mocked. Jimin was extremely uncomfortable, not only by his words but the bastard had slid a hand under the dancer’s shirt and was currently resting it on his bare waist. His fingertips were cold and it sent a shiver down Jimin’s spine; he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. “Jae, what do you say we play with him a little?” Jimin’s eye’s widened, they were going to do what?
“No one’s coming anytime soon anyway, might as well see what those big lips are good for.” Jaemin approvingly responded and his partner gave a disgusting smirk in return.
“Just his lips? I kind of want to see what these dancer hips are good for.” Before he knew it, Jimin’s throat was being grabbed and his entire body slammed against the nearest wall. He desperately gasped for air, bringing his hands up and trying to loosen the strong man’s grip; it proved futile. “what do you say kitten?” the male brought his free hand to tug at  Jimin’s belt. “Shall we have some fun?” an extreme sense of nausea spread through Jimin’s body and he could only pray for you to save him.
11:09 pm, in the helicopter
The line had cut off and if you weren’t freaking out already, that was enough to send you over the edge. The tears you had been holding back poured out and you began screaming into Yoongi’s chest hysterically.
“Baby please, listen to me-” He tried to calm you down but there was no point anymore, they had him, they had a gun pressed against his head, you were powerless, Yoongi was powerless. “It’s okay, hey, nothing will happen to him!” Your lover’s efforts continued but you had had enough by then; you pulled away and harshly pushed his chest
“HOW CAN YOU BE SO SURE OF THAT?!” you screamed into his face, tears streaming down your cheeks, anger and fear being the only thing left in your eyes. “They have him! Yoongi they have a fucking gun pressed against his head, he could die at any second and you want me to calm down?! How can you tell me it’s going to be fine when this situation is the FURTHEST from fine???” He grabbed your face and brought it impossibly close to his own; you wanted to pull away but his grip was strong.
“I’m not asking you to calm down, I’m asking you to trust me.” He said assertively and his words finally reached you; maybe it was his eyes that always saw right through to your soul and understood your thoughts (or maybe it was Maybelline- sorry, sorry I had to) but he somehow always knew the right thing to say. “I know this is a difficult situation for you but I need you to trust me right now.” You held his gaze for what seemed like minutes, looking from one eye to the other; searching for proof of his reassurance… and there it was, lurking in those dark chocolate brown eyes, a soft yet genuine integrity.
“Okay.” You broke the silence and brought your hands up to place over his, “I trust you.”
11:18 pm
Busan Dance Academy came into view making your heart pound through your entire body at an incredible rate. The last time you were here was the summer before you and Jimin went your separate ways for college; 6 years ago. You still remembered the big smile on his face, the way his -then orange dyed- hair blew in the wind. I want to become a pro and teach here someday; he had said to you as a young and naïve boy. Who would have thought that six months into living that dream, it would be stripped away from him. The scariest part was not knowing whether he was even inside, whether he was alive and well or zipped up in a body bag and thrown into the trunk of an old car. You thought back to Yoongi’s words; I need you to trust me. You pondered over it again, he would never lie to you, he always gave you the raw truth. If Yoongi thought for a second that Jimin was dead, he would have prepared you for the possibility but even if he didn’t, you had no choice but to put your faith in him.
“When we land, I need you to stay here with the pilot and Choi.” Yoongi stated as he stood up and prepared himself for jumping; before you even had the chance to protest, a single finger had made its way to your lips “don’t even think about it, I will not put you in danger.” He had turned slightly and was giving you a serious look; it wasn’t up for debate. You sighed in disappointment but gave him a small acknowledging nod. After a few seconds of holding your gaze, your lover removed his finger and pulled out two loaded guns from the hidden holsters in his jacket; two of his accompanying men following suit. “Alright boys, let’s go make some fuckers pay.”
The chopper landed on one of the back fields outside Busan Dance Academy; Yoongi and his men jumped out before the aircraft even had a chance to touch the ground. The mafia leader ran towards the back entrance with his men close behind, leaving you with no choice but to watch as they disappeared into the building shortly after kicking the door down. Beside you, Choi had pulled out a sniper and was getting in position right next to the slight opening of the helicopter door. Yoongi had taken a precaution? He never did so unless he doubted the success of his operations. Suddenly all the reassurance he had given you seemed to have evaporated into empty words. Just what the hell was he thinking?
The building was dark and quiet.
“Front entrance, now!” Yoongi ordered. Shit… did they get away? The possibility could certainly not be ignored so both his men did as they were told while he hurried up to the second floor in case they were still hiding. The Beast’s sharp eyes immediately spotted an open door and blood that had stained the ground beside it. Fuck... was the first thing he thought before turning on his heel and sprinting back the way he came.
“We have a visual, sir!” his men yelled via the radio device they were all equipped with. Good, he hadn’t lost them but his suspicions were simply further confirmed. The gang members never expected company. They would definitely have been torturing Jimin and made a break for it when they heard the chopper; it would certainly explain the sloppy mess left behind.
“Get the chopper to the main entrance. Choi, if you have a direct hit on Zico’s ass-wipes, you fucking take it.” He grunted back into the device; sounding aggravated yet obscurely excited. The device obviously played his voice on speaker which meant you heard and knew he wasn’t in control of the situation. Panic surged through your body as the helicopter began rising off the ground.
Yoongi reached the main entrance, instantly noticing his men in pursuit of your best friend’s perpetrators. The taller, more muscular one was practically carrying a weak looking Jimin while the other had a gun pressed to the struggling boy’s head. They tortured him to the point of immobility huh? Yoongi lifted up his gun and aimed, wind direction; southeast… distance; roughly 120 yards… aim… 127.4 degrees northwest…
“FUCK!” Jaemin’s shriek's filled the silent night air and his gun flew clean out of his hand. The mobster’s other hand gripped at his bleeding bullet wound; desperately trying to stop the pain and blood. Yoongi’s bullet had gone through perfect centre and shattered the man’s wrist without a doubt. The sound of his partner’s gun falling caused Renjun to halt, he threw Jimin on to the ground and within seconds, his hands swiftly pulled out two guns previously hidden in his coat. He turned around to face Yoongi; one firearm pointed at Jimin’s fainting body while the other was held up in the Beast’s direction.
Don’t you dare fucking move!” He howled, meanwhile Jaemin had managed to rip part of his victim’s shirt and was in the process of wrapping it around his bleeding wrist.
“Fuck that hurt so bad-” he spat through clenched teeth.
“Put a knife to that boy’s neck right now.” Renjun whispered, a wild sense of urgency in his voice. His partner groaned in pain but pulled out a hidden blade; he lifted Jimin’s frail body up with the arm of his damaged wrist and proceeded to press a clip point blade to the man’s neck using his able hand.
Both of Yoongi’s men stopped upon witnessing the danger but not the leader himself; he continued walking towards the gang members. Jimin’s weak body was lifted just enough so the bruises, blood and tear stained cheeks were glaringly visible. Yoongi only halted when he noticed the boy’s jeans; barely on, buttons torn, zipper broken. They went that far huh… but he wasn’t the only one who saw the horror; the helicopter had risen above the walls of the academy and you could clearly see the state of your best friend. His eyes were empty, hair, dishevelled and stained with blood from the wound on his forehead; his neck was heavily bruised, as though he had been choked to death… but that was the worst part… he hadn’t been given the release of death… he was alive, alive and in pain.
“I have a headshot sir but one of them will most likely kill the target if I take the other out.” Choi spoke into his radio and your heart felt as though it would stop at any moment.
“Hold your position.” Yoongi responded. For a moment there was silence, each man on the field waiting for a reaction from the other. Then, when Yoongi seemed to be obeying, Renjun instructed his partner to get Jimin in the getaway car stationed barely seven yards from their position. Not even a second after Jaemin began dragging your heavily wounded best friend backwards, the beast fired into the air causing both gang members to practically shit themselves.
“You amuse me.” Yoongi scoffed before dropping his gun and starting to walk towards them again.
“Are you fucking insane?! Do you want me to put a bullet through his skull?!”
“Go ahead.” The raven haired man chuckled as he got closer meanwhile Renjun’s eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets.
“You’re fucking bluffing,” he choked out, “there’s no way you would come unless he meant something!” The only reason the mobster hadn’t fired yet was Yoongi being unarmed and the fact that the bruised boy was his only ticket out. What happened next however, caused both the gang members and you to stare in confusion; he was laughing. Yoongi was laughing as though someone had cracked about five really good jokes in a row; the man was hysterical.
“Mean something to me? HA! Please, who in the fuck do you think I am?” The leader spent a good minute recovering from his laughing fit but even then, there was a big smile on his face. “do you want to know why I came, you fucking lowlife?” he edged closer and Renjun was in too much shock to even respond “it’s because after all this time, after years upon years, finally someone put me in a situation where I had to think fast, oh the fucking adrenaline! Go here! No there! Now get a fucking chopper across the city! Shit they’re getting away! Fuck! I really gotta give it to Zico, I mean he really gave me a good rush tonight.” Both thugs were frozen in their place, just what in the fuck was this man? The situation was amusing to him? He was enjoying himself? “I mean seriously-”
“Shut the fuck up!” Jaemin shrieked out, staring at his broken, bloody wrist, “what the fuck man…” he sounded and looked petrified. “You’re a fucking monster… and a goddamn liar! If Park didn’t mean shit, you would have killed us already! But you haven’t, you even dropped your gun.” He finally looked up and tried to hold contact with the dark, soulless eyes of Min Yoongi, “we are getting in that car and getting the fuck out of here and I swear to fuck if you take a single step, Jun is going to pull the fucking trigger.”
Another pause, Yoongi had stopped advancing and the very air that surrounded them had gone deadly silent. Even previous cutting sounds of the helicopter blades seemed like a distant wind but most notably, the big grin from The Beast’s face had disappeared. After what seemed like an eternity, a deep voice finally broke the silence.
“Who said you could interrupt me?” He tilted his head to the side, “Oh and what makes you think I only have one gun?”
There was a breath, as though Jaemin was about to speak but the faint sound was only followed by that of his body falling to the ground. Renjun spun round in a millisecond and that’s when he saw it; a bullet hole, right in the middle of his partner’s forehead. SHIT, HE’S GOT A FUCKING SNIPER- but before he had the chance to react, the barrel of a gun was pressed against his neck. There was a clicking sound; the safety on a death inducing weapon being removed but what followed was a louder, ear piercing noice.
But not one… two shots had been fired in that moment.
Yoongi’s eyes widened, Renjun fell to the ground, your body went limp. It was as though all oxygen in the world disappeared when you saw the blood… pouring out of your best friend’s head.
//Part 4
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houseofgriffons · 6 years
Ok, so it was quick to review and comment on all Kdramas I’ve watched because I’ve only fully watched 10. I have hover watched 22 in total, but the remaining 12 I’ve only watched halfway or a 3rd of the way.
This can be explained by my very low attention span and also by the fact that I’m a boring person who only likes romance and uses Kdrama to rub my itch for cheesiness. As such I usually stop after the romance gets resolved and at the first signs of the final Drama™. Or the romance wasn’t interesting enough so I just lost interest.
I will then be reviewing the 10 dramas I’ve watched completely, which are all good and that I like otherwise I wouldn’t have watched ‘til the end. Then I’ll give a quick look on the ones I haven’t watched ‘til the end cause you might like them. I’ll also tell which ones I want to watch, and give you some nimes of popular dramas that look kinda cool but probably won’t retain my interest. Also tell you about the 4 korean movies I’ve actually watched rofl
All of that under the cut !
Part 1 : The good (aka. Things I could watch all the way)
Loosely ranked, but the last 5 are my absolute favourites and I wouldn’t really be able to rank them from 1st to 5th. Chief Kim isn’t in there although I love it because it’s not as deep.
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Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
About a collegiate weightlifting student (Kim Bok Joo, played by Lee Sung Kyung who is ♥ ♥ ♥) and a collegiate swimmer (I only remember two names in that drama, not his lol. The actor is Nam Joo Hyuk and he’s also bae). It’s kind of a slice-of-life show, but it follows their struggle both as athletes and as people. Deals with eating disorders in a pretty underwhelming manner. There’s also my wife in it, Lee Joo Young who plays Bok Joo’s best friend, Sun Ok (the only other name I remember). While it was funny and heartwarming, and the characters were interesting, it was lot of drama on top of drama, and miscommunication and lies are often used as plot devices (it is VERY often the case in kdramas I’ve noticed) and that’s just annoying to me. I basically sped through the last 4 episodes cause I just wanted to be done with it. It was very popular though, and it’sstill a good watch.
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Love in the Moonlight
It starts with my favourite plot: a girl who has to dress up as a man. It also has my least favourite plot point: main guy has a gay scare because he thinks girl he likes is a man. But that’s just me. The heroine dresses up as a guy and finds herself enrolled as a eunuch in the palace, where she starts serving the prince. Shit happens and there’s stuff about rebels and all. I wasn’t really paying attention. I think it’s visually lovely, there lots of beautiful scenes. It also has Kwak Dong Yeon who’s one of my fav. I mean. Get a load of this :
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How was he not the protag ? Anyway, it’s a nice watch but like a lot of other dramas I think it suffers from unbalanced pacing. The change of tone from the last arc compared to the beginning of the show is also kind of disturbing. The thing is, when you start watching a sweet romance thing with light themes you’re not really in the mood for a heavy political/action plotline by the end, you know ? I rushed through the last episodes cause I just didn’t give a crap lol
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Witch’s Court
We’re getting to the good stuff. I didn’t even have to take a break before watching the end of that one !
Yi-Deum is a prosecutor. She’s a selfish and ambitious woman who would do anything to get ahead. But one day she does like one good moral choice and it leads to her being demoted to a new unit which deals in sex crime. As such the show is pretty heavy, but I thought it handled the themes pretty well. She becomes partnered with a newbie who’s a former psychologist. Her mom also disappeared when she was like 16 so that’s something.
Although there are overarching plots, it’s usually a one cas per episode/2 episodes type of deal, which I think helps to keep a balanced pace, while not undermining character developpment.
Character development is HUGE in this show by the way. Cause Yi Deum is a BITCH. And when I say that I don’t mean “Booohoooo she’s mean to the cute guy :’(” no I mean she’s a heartless money grabber with no morals and no empathy AT ALL. Even when she does something good, she does it in a “bad” way. So it’s really enjoyable to see her slooow progress towards being a worthy protagonist. Love her.
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You know, Take On Me’s music video ? Yeah.
Oh Yeon Joo is an intern in surgery, and the daughter of the famous author of the webcomic W, which tells the story of Kang Chul, a prodigy olympic shooter who was wrongly accused of the murder of his family and turned a new leaf after being proven innocent. He then became a millionaire by creating a crime solving network channel and he catches bad guys yada yada yada. Anyway, he’s not the real star of the show, Yeon Joo is. One day, the two world start overlapping as the forces of two different creative minds collide.
I have found that Korean Dramas are really good with mind bending concepts, and they make for very smart and thought provoking plot points. I watched this with my best friend who got me into Kdramas (it was the secon drama I watched). My friend and I thought the ending was very disappointing though, but I’d say the journey is worth the mediocre destination, and well, opinions might differ.
Yeon Joo carries the show. She’s one of the greatest heroine I’ve ever seen. She’s smart, brave, resourceful. She’s not a ditz but she still retains a girly charm, and she’s got such a strong spirit. It’s a delight to see her and Kang Chul interact, mainly because they’re on equal grounds most of the time. She doesn’t let herself be intimidated by him at all, and she saves his ass as much (if not more) as he saves hers.
Also her and Lee Jong Suk are so fucking hot like omg what a power couple. The good thing is that they are always honest with each other. Because of the fact that the comic is a thing, there is no reason to lie, and even when it’s not because of the comics they remain truthful with each other and I don’t remember miscommunication ever being used as a plot device.
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Chief Kim
This one is not about romance at all, it’s about accounting and frauds. It’s hilarious. Kim Sung Ryung is a small time accountants, expert swindler, who works for small town mafiosos. He manages, somehow, to get hired as the director of the accounting department of a large company after the former attempted suicide and ended up in a coma. At the same time, former prosecutor Seo Yool (played by my ABSOLUTE FAVE OF ALL TIMES LEE JUNHO), specialising in frauds, start working as a director at the company, ready to cover all the dark dealings of the company, despite accountant Yoon Ha-Kyung’s effort to uncover the truth behind the suicide attempt. 
How does something about accounting manages to be so funny and still full of suspence ? This got me on the edge of my seat all the way through, and still managed to make me laugh my ass off. The acting can be a bit over the top sometimes, as it is still a comedy show, but Junho and Namgung Min are incredible as a duo. It’s very rare to see a friendship or rivalry take the center of a show instead of a romantic one but their interactions are always so fun to watch. 
I really liked it, I don’t know... I like office stories. The female lead is super cool. She’s smart, level headed, soft hearted, empathetic, and her friendship with Sung Ryung is the kind you rarely see in dramas. 
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Page Turner
The shortest drama on the list. It’s only 3 episodes long and IT SHOULD BE LONGER. 
Yoon Yoo Seul is the daughter of a piano teacher, and attends a musical high school. She’s a prodigy pianist rivaled only by her mother’s former student Seo Jin Mok, a rich spoiled brat who hates Yoo Seul bc she’s just that good. Because of an accident, Yoo Seul may have to give up on her mother’s dream of her becoming a famous pianist. Meanwhile, promising athlete Cha Sik faces the same situation and gives up on ever becoming a professional athlete, but he starts considering the piano instead, although he’s never touched a piano ever in his life.
It’s heartwarming, it’s beautiful, it’s raw and soft and it’s hopeful. It’s short so I can’t say much without spoiling stuff but if you need to watch something, watch this. 
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While You Were Sleeping
Lee Jong Suk always has good romances. 
Nam Hong Joo (Suzy the Bae ♥) has always had dreams where she foresaw the future. She lives with her mom, who runs a pork restaurant. One day, they get new neighboors; Jae Chan, a newly appointed prosecutor, and his younger brother. AAND honestly I won’t say much more than that because the first episode alone is such a RIDE that it would be spoiling it.
The three main characters are AMAZING. They are funny, resourceful, quirky in unexpected ways, honest and good. And because premonition is a thing, lying and miscommunication is rarely used as well ! The characters are honest with each other, and their relationships develops naturally and “organically” without stealing the thunder of the main plot.
As I said in W, they use the concept perfectly and intelligently. It keeps you on edge and you’re excited to see what will happen next. Also, Jae Chan being a prosecutor, there’s a bit of that case-by-case element going on that I like which helps balancing the pace. I watched it in one go and did not even take a break at some point !
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If you have ever looked at the Kdrama scene, you’ve probably heard of Goblin. That show’s been a huge phenomenon. I’ve seen it referenced in other dramas a lot, and it’s basically become a cult. And it deserves the praise.
When General Kim Shin was slain by the king he was serving, he became Dokkaebi, a powerful and immortal entity which can only be killed by the goblin’s bride.
900 years later, Ji Eun-Tak is a high school student (she’s 19-20, the age at which korean usually finish high school !) with the ability to see ghosts. Her mother died when she was 10. On that night, she met the Grim Reaper.
And as you can expect from me presenting this to you in such a way, Eun Tak is the Goblin’s bride, though she does not know of the duty that comes with that role. 
The show is funny, beautiful, heartwrenching. The characters are PHENOMENAL, and not just the main protagonists, but you’ll see what I mean. The concepts presented in the show are so interesting ! Especially their vison of death, reincarnation, redemption... It’s an incredible and emotional journey all the way. It doesn’t shy away from sadness and tragedy when it is needed or expected (unlike W *cough*)  and yet manages to leave you elated and smiling (through the tears). A classic that you NEED to watch. And that I wanna rewatch too.
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Scarlet Heart : Ryeo
I’ve just noticed that my top dramas are all super sad. 
It’s based on a chinese Drama. After a terrible break up that left her in a ditch, emotionally and financially, the heroine almost drowns during an eclipse. She wakes up in the Josen period as Hae Soo, a young lady in waiting to the wife of one of the 8 princes of the kingdom. As she gets accustomed to this new and strange setting, she gets to know the princes, the schemings of the court, the rivalries and the dangers of that period.
Lee Ji Eun (aka IU) is phenomenal. I think this was her second or third role ever, and her first big role and holy crap she is incredible. Her character is just perfect and it’s really great to see her evolve, grow and try to keep up against this cruel time.  I don’t want to say much about it because i really don’t want to spoil anything.
The story spans over like 15 years if I remember correctly. And what might seem like a cutesy quirky romance period drama turns into something darker and heavier while never losing its spark. It will make you cry, but like, in a good way. That was the first drama I watched with my best friend and it’s awesome and now I kind wanna rewatch it.
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Just Between Lovers/Rain or Shine
Rain or Shine never pretended to be cute or happy. It deals with trauma and survivor’s guilt, and it also involve disabled characters. Lee Gang Doo (JUNHO!!!!!) and Ha Moon Soo were both involved in the collapse of a shopping center as teenagers. Now grown up, the experience still haunts them and those around them. Now the site of the incident is going to get rebuilt again, and they will have to face their past.
 I binge-watched this so hard I barely slept. The characters are incredibly human and vulnerable. They bare their soul to the viewer in a way that leaves you completely shaken. And yet amidst all that, what I remember from it is softness (and tears, lots of tears). I think Gang Doo is the most outstanding male protagonist of all the dramas I’ve seen. He’s vulnerable, like. SO VULNERABLE. He’s a coward, he cries, he runs away from his problems, he keeps everything to himself. Moon Soo seems like she’s just a quirky shy girl but she turns out to be so strong, she’s the exact opposite of Gang Doo in a way, but somehow they work together so well. 
As a sidenote, I’d like to add something that striked me when I watched it, pleasantly so. The disabled characters are mentionned retain their agency. One of them is an autistic man, although he might seem like he’s infantilized during the series, in the end he still retains his agency as a person and as an adult and I thought that was really great to see, especially in a Korean drama. The other is a paraplegic woman, and she’s incredible. Despite her situation, she isn’t completely desexualised, she still retains romantic and sexual agency and she is also completely independant, as a successful webcomic artist.
I had a hard time deciding between that one, Scarlet Heart and Goblin for my favourite, but I think that one is closer to my heart. It really touched me in a way I didn’t expect, and I felt so close to the characters, because they were so well written.
Part 2: The Bad (aka Not really, I probably just got bored bc of the aformentioned reasons)
A Korean Odyssey (AKA discount Goblin): it’s an interesting take on the tale of the Monkey King. woman sees ghosts, woman meets weird magical entity. There’s someone killing someone else involved. It’s a bit cheesy, it’s kinda funny. I stopped because it was just drama atop drama and quiproquos and “I’m not gonna tell him/her because I wanna protect her/him but that’s just gonna make it worse !!!!” and that sort of stuff. In my mind it was kind of cheap plot devices. Interesting concepts though, and you could definitely make a nice mash-up with Goblin.
Radio Romance: It’s a cute romance, the cast is good, the heroine is cool, the male lead is cute. I was watching it weekly and at some point I just lost interest. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. Girl wants to be a writer for the radio, famous actor agrees to hos her show. Drama happens. It’s cute you should watch it if you have a longer attention span than me.
Temperature of Love: Woman meets a guy. She wants to be a writer, he wants to be a chef. One day he disappears, she becomes a writer, he becomes a chef. They meet again. It’s very cheesy, BUT it’s super hot. Yang Se Jong is super cute and he’s really popular atm. I just didn’t care enough to watch completely but I don’t have any real complaint.
Hospital Ship : I ALMOST watched til the end, until there was like a ridiculous plot point because we can’t just let the protags be happy, it needs DRAMA. I love medical dramas. My favourite show is actually Grey’s Anatomy. I love when there are different cases every episode and having the characters try to figure things out. Like, the medical is my favourite part of Medical Dramas, the drama not so much. So I bailed when it was TOO MUCH drama for me. The heroine is cool. It’s a bit on the cheap side, but it has a nice feeling to it.
Doctors : The heroine is a kick ass (litterally), but I didn’t like the romance, and it focused more on the drama than the medical imo. Lots of people like it though, and Park Shin Hye is a phenomenal actress.
School 2017: SCHOOL’S OUT FOREVER. Apparently School 20-- are a popular series and each season as nothing to do with the other. This one was great imo, it adressed the pressure in the korean educational system, the corruption, the privilege of rich students, adult indifference, abuse, bullying... And the main protags are great. The heroine is cute and hilarious and strong willed, the male lead is hot, awkward... I didn’t finish it because ... I don’t know, I just interest. Also... Yeah ok spoiler ! So I learned that there wasn’t actually a kiss between the main couple in the show (which has probably to do with the fact that the actress is an idol. Ugh) and so I was like “UHM WHAT’S THE POINT THEN ???” I’m shallow like that
My Secret Romance: Girl has a one night stand on the beach, leaves the guy naked in a car and bails. 3 years later he’s her boss. It’s hot, but SUPER cheesy and SUPER cheap. Like honestly the only reason I watched it was for the romanc but DAMN BANG SUNG HOON IS SUPER HOOOOOT. But hotness can only keep you going for so long and when the plot devices you would expect in a cinderella story happen you’re just like “ugh bye”.
Ms Perfect: I need to finish it. A mom of 2 gets fired, she learns her husband is cheating on her, the mistress dies mysteriously, and also a weird psycho offers to live in her house. I need to finish it but I guess it just got a little too much for me. There’s Sung Joon in it, he’s really cute, i like him a lot. He’s also in the two next dramas.
Madame Antoine: A woman pretends to be a medium channelling the spirit of Marie-Antoinette and teams up with a psychologist (Sung Joon) who’s also conducting an experiment on her. Cheesy. Not that interesting, but the case they study are interesting sometimes. There’s Hwang Seung Eon in it, she’s super hot.
High Society: Basically about the korean Jet Set. Watched for Sung Joon initially. It’s an older one, and I think it’s a bit tacky. It’s also a lot of clichés, and I don’t like the heroine. I love her best friend though, and her relationship with Sung Joon’s best friend in the show, played by Park Hyung Sik. But yeah, it’s not a high IQ show.
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: this also has Park Hyung Sik in it. I think he’s really cute. Bong Soon was born with super strength and she wants to work in the video game industry. She meets video game company CEO whatshisname (Park Hyung Sik) and he hires her as his bodyguard and huh stuff happens. It’s cheesy, but somehow super creepy as well cause there’s a serial killer who kidnaps women in it and he’s soooooooooooooooo creepy. But it’s also infuriating cause it’s like “Oh no, a young woman got kidnapped for the fourth time in that area ! *cut to another young woman not giving a shit and walking around that area at night also the police doesn’t patrol the area for some reason*”. It was really popular, but I didn’t really like it.
Tomorrow with you : guys can travel in a few years in time by using the metro, and he tries to set things right using this power. It’s a bit of a mindfuck and it’s kidna complicated to follow. I need to finish it !!!
Hwarang : There is no use watching this. Don’t. The cast is great but that’s just not enough. Terrible pacing, terrible romance, the side characters are way more interesting than the main ones but they get easily sidelined. The pacing is terrible. It has the dumbest death I’ve ever seen, and it was used for shock value.
Shopping King Louie: Fashionista and heir Ji Sung/Louis loses his memory in a failed assassination attempts, and ends up living with country bumpkin Bok Sil, come to Seoul to find her missing brother. I stopped watching in the last lap, basically the final obstacle was showing its head and I was like “yeah that’s enough for me”. It’s really cute. 
I almsot forgot
Hit the top: artist from the early 90s travels in time to 2017 and starts living with a young man who dreams of becoming an idol who is actually his son. Didn’t like the way the romance went. Like. I really was against it. The male lead is annoying. Minjae is better.
Hip Hop Teacher: it got cancelled but FUCK IT WAS USPER GAY IT HAD LEE JOO YOUNG IN IT AS A TERRIBLE MUSIC TEACHER WHO RAPS AT NIGHT AND YURA WAS LIKE jdsiughergegreg there’s only 2 parts but watch them if you can cause it makes my wlw soul live
Part 3: The pretties, aka things I wanna watch
My Mister: just because IUs in it. She looks incredible.
Mr Sunshine: it has Kim Tae Ri !!!! Aka the handmaiden from The Handmaiden !!! It takes place in 19th century Joseon ! It adresses japanese ccupation !!!! Rebel princess !!! Korean victorian drama !!! The hot dad from Memories of the Word is there !!!!
The Great Seducer: Minjae just looks super hot in it idk but I bet he doesn’t get the girl and I’m gonna be mad.
Memory and Wok Of Love cause Junho’s in it lol.
The Ghost Detective, Something in The Rain, cause it jas Lee Joo Young in them
Part 4: Things you might want to watch
These are pretty popular, but I’m not that interested myself, you might like them.
Juggles; office romance, looks kinda steamy, the male lead is super hot
The Bride of Habaek; based on the comic Bride of The Water-god. Reallyyyyyy hot. Has Nam Joo Hyuk in it. IDDK I heard it’s good
Fight for my way: i have no idea what it’s about, but the main characters’ relationship looks cute
Legend of the Blue Sea: modern take on the Little Mermaid. The male lead is a swindler who uses hypnosis, the heroine is funny because she looks very mature and hot but she’s a mess of derp
Descendants of the Sun: it’s about a female doctor who gets sent to Afghanistan I think ?????? Everyone always praises it
Part 5: the movie
Royal Tailor: the tailor of the royal family seeks the help of an innovative tailor who usually works for prostitutes. It’s not a happy movie. Beautiful
Pirates: You wanna see kickass women kick asses ? This is for you. Your more typical martial arts movie
Memories of the sword: If you like women kicking ass too, but you also want to cry. It has Kim Go Eun, and also Junho !!!!! And the guy from Mr. Sunshine. Loved it. But super sad. Not a happy movie at all. But very cool and visually pretty.
The Handmaiden: I mean I don’t even need to explain it. If you haven’t watched it, just know that, as Park Chan Wook movies tend to, it is VERY WEIRD and unsettling. 
The Last Train to Busan: ZOMBIE MOVIES !!!! It has the main actor from Goblin in it !!!! It is super cool because it’s not just “UGH zombiiiies ! Smash heads ! Violence ! Scary ooooh !” it is also a critic on greed and selfishness (and not as something stupid like “yeah zombies are actually a metaphor for consumerism”) it makes you think, it keeps you on edge, it’s not overly scary but it’s still manages to give you good scares and has some very tense moments. LOVE IT.
WOOOOOOOOOH I AM DONE. This took me 3 HOURS TO WRITE can you believe it ??? I hope this was helpful. Don’t take some of my critics to heart, I’m harsh when it comes to that sort of stuff, and very particular. If you need to watch somehting. Go for my top 5 ! Thank you for trusting my opinion that much <3
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lonelyunknown85 · 3 years
17 Feb 21
So ya....
I got up this morning telling myself, today is gonna better.
Got up, got dressed and loaded two of my kids in the car...
My eldest and my youngest, we had to drive 45 min to the other town so that i can go and buy her sports wear because she's starting Grade 10 tomorrow....😢
But none the less, it was a pleasant trip...
I like our trips like this, it's my and her bonding time.
It's when she feels comfortable to talk to me about her things and just to share stories..
I hate driving, but moments like this is what i life for..
The young one was sleeping on the back seat, he actually learned the drive is shorter when your asleep...
As always, me and the young one was arguing again, but this time over face mask's and swimming goggles that he wanted.
Face mask of all things to argue about 🙄🙈.
I actually send he's dad after that i message saying we need to talk about our son, cause i can't take this arguing with a 6 year old.
We are gonna sit down tomorrow and talk about it even tough i know I'm just gonna wast my time.
We never could talk about anything, especially when it came to my feelings..
But here's to hoping none the less..
We actually got home and i finally took the boys for there long over due hair cuts.
They look so handsome.... 😍
I got home and my daughter was laying on my bed watching cartoons.
Some strange cartoon in Chinese...
I went to lay next to her, cause i just needed to still feel close to her after our road trip.
Never in my wildste dreams did i think i was gonna hear from farmer K again after i told him last time, i have someone new in my life and wanna give our relationship a fair try.
I must say I'm actually glad i heard from him, he wanted to know when me and my td is gonna get married?
Me and td said from the very beginning marriage ain't on the table and neither kids.
I've been married twice and got 3 kids out of it and he was married once but kids ain't for him cause he says, he doesn't wanna bring a child into the world and he's always on the road...
But anyway, i asked him when he's gonna get married.
To my shock 🤯, he's getting married on the 13th March.
I wasn't even jealous or angry that it wasn't me.
I was just shocked that he actually got a date, cause he said he'll never get married and he was for so long on he's own.
I even told him that I'm really happy for him and he deserves to be happy 😊.
He's comment was, she is really good for him and he hasn't been this happy in years.
And that comment didn't even hurt, in the past it would have but not anymore.
I really do wish him all the best.
I'm just glad I've FINALLY moved on from him, that my world doesn't revolve around him anymore.
I'm finally over him 😁!!!!
I had Bible study at 18:00, i couldn't wait to get out of the house on my own. Just to put my troubles behind me for a hour or 2..
It was a amazing Bible study, we all enjoyed it so much that neither the pastor or any of us realized we went way over our time limit.
I felt good, like a new person...
But that was sort lived, i realized when i left the church my data was fineshed so i rushed home to get to my wifi so that i can tell my td I'm back home cause i know he'll start to worry....
And boy wasn't i wrong.
This me beeing late, open a bag of worms that should have stayed closed.
He send me this cute doggy sticker with a tear drop 💧 and a question mark.
I told him i was sorry for being late and that none of use realized it was so late.
And there he burst my peaceful bubble into a million pieces.
It basically turns that he doesn't trust me!!!!
I have not done or have given any reason as to not to trust me.
We talk 24/7 every day, i tell him where i go, with who i am and my troubles for the day.
So how come this miss trust?
I know we ain't together long but still.
Again he's ex wife came up, yes i know she hurted him badly, but that's 3 years ago.
But the truth came out as sad as it is, i thought our relationship is strong but it ain't.
Whenever I'm quiet for a certain amount of time or I'm just sounding strange because I'm under stress, he thinks I'm entertaining another man.
I told him if there is suppose to be anyone not suppose to trust, it should me.
I shouldn't be able to trust any man or women and that my first husband played such mind games with me, that i thought i was going crazy that i almost ended up in the loony bin because of it.
But still after everything I've been through that he doesn't know of yet.
I don't put anyone under the same camp fire unless you show me i can't trust you..
I told him again sorry, for making him worry and that i really hope he heals from he's past wounds.
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Now it's abit strange between us and the possibility is there that i might see him tomorrow but i can already feel there's a distance between us now.
I really hope we can get over this...
I really don't wanna lose him!
0 notes
wreckthelist · 3 years
on ‘BE’ing here: part i
rambling of sorts on Grammy nominated artist Bangtan Sonyeondan
(note 1: I was planning to complete this the day of the nomination, but judging from the state of how things are - this right here is the opportune moment to, as my friend Mint had put it, clear out whatever I’ve been wanting to do but didn’t get the time to)
When Spotify announced, loud and clear, on that 2020 Year-End summary instagram story, Dynamite was the song that helped me through 2020 (this fuck-up of a year), that wasn’t an understatement.
I’ve seen Bangtan before, heard of them in passing, even (slightly, really slightly - when you’re hanging out in film-dom or western doms, I doubt you’d come in contact with a full-fledged Korean dom as it is, or perhaps my circles were small and quite closed in on themselves. Regardless!) - and opened that Boy With Luv SNL performance for my parents on the TV in the living room, not long after they went on the show. But it took that one song, one full English song, for me to listen.
(sorry and thank you Namjoon for that diss. Yes, the song’s message’s definitely digestible and easy to consume - for foreign, western audiences. No one much had to care what you guys had to say way back when and they were wrong for it.)
Dynamite pretty much saved my life. (Still waiting for that damn vinyl, BigHit. Think I’ll get it come new year’s.) 
The first time I started listening, I couldn’t really stop. I think I played and replayed and replayed the song 20++ times as I did mundane household chores which were asked of me in the morning. Sunday August 24th, my life was transformed (and my digital and physical wallets along with it. Sobs.)
I had no idea who was singing which part, no idea which boy was which, but what got me in, locked and loaded and in place, were the beats, the uplifting sounds that got me dancing again after a messy heartbreak caused by a personification of immaturity who had refused to let go. I was only one week into my new job (old job again now. Such is the way of life - and we lead separate ones now, no reason to cry over invisible lives and imagined smiles or smirks of satisfactions I am not in any current position privy to - or will ever be. Thank God.) 
Then there were the messages - the lyrics - “I’m diamond, you know I glow up.” - I mean, Yes, Fucking YES - Kim Seokjin, of course I’m a piece of precious Jewel. Of course I am one and whole of myself and one of a kind (apologies for being cliches, felt good to type out loud right). Asked on Twitter who the “other black-haired” guy was and learned that it was Hobi. Spent time watching a couple of interviews, took 3 hours to tell the boys apart (”You had a lot of free time,” Shareef said, amused, and I quite abashedly admitted to him yes.), and picked him as my bias (little did I know).
I was attracted (still am) to sunshine. I needed smiles and laughters like his in my life. He stood out to me in almost every interview, beaming with his heart-shaped lips and his eternal catchphrase - “I’m your hope.” I was exactly at that point in my life when I needed to hear that. From him, in that voice, from those lips, with those eyes.
And I thought, dear god. I’m always attracted to guys who bring smiles to my face. Of course it has to be him.
(Natalie replied “You’ve joined the party!” in a reply to my screencap of Taehyung wearing those adorable black-rimmed glasses on Stephen Colbert not long after. 
That Beatles-Boy With Luv performance remains one of my favorites.)
Bangtan has since performed and performed and performed Dynamite, and to this day I and the rest of the fandom have witnessed and seen about 30++ performances of Dynamite, and it has yet to grow old on us. (Well.) I swear I can still play the song at least once a day, and that irresistible bubble of hope in Jungkook’s voice in the opening simply shines through. The rest of the song just does its magic - every single time.
I mean, “Life is sweet as honey,” “I’m in the stars tonight,”? Talk about hope, about confidence, looking forward. Straight and simple as that. I had yet to discover what BTS truly has in store.
Note 2: My favorite dance move in the performance itself is Hoseok’s, for the Japanese taping (FNS Music Festival) right here. 
After Dynamite, I burned through the usual favorites, seeing as there was a literal treasure trove of Bangtan songs to discover and listen to, thanks also to this chart.
Go Go and Pied Piper are fun teases to listen to every now and then. Their Halloween dance practice and MNet countdown (I could die over Tae’s clear-rimmed glasses) are bundles of colorful energy. (Until I came across Lotte 2018 Jungkook?! Adding Best of Me here because it’s become a recent favorite. Dance moves are impeccable. There was a stint in my life where I was watching the Airplane Pt. 2 MV almost every day because of how in love I was over Taehyung’s whole look - pink hair, flowing robes, and how the boys pull off their outfits. )
I proceeded mainly through the orange branch, bought myself a few Love Yourself albums along the way, and the day I saw this Min Yoongi in In the Soop, my Bangtan life took a turn.
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Yep. Simplicity.
What’s not to fall in love with?
One of my current, low-ranking regrets may include having forgotten the exact moment I first listened to Trivia: 轉 Seesaw, but I fell hard and deep. To that point of no return when I read the lyrics and that analogy Yoongi had penned.
I mean, add Autumn Leaves (the complexity of layered notes, beats, and resulting emotions... ah) and you’ve got this king of breakup songs right here.
What beautiful words, what gorgeous language. I wish I could learn Korean just to fully appreciate the message.
Another friend recommended me Butterfly and I lost my shit realizing they referenced Murakami.
More obscure songs like 134340, Paradise and Sea I didn’t get to till much later. Whalien 52 could make me cry just with the lyrics alone (I doubt my exes had ever felt that level of emotional toward me - the more tragic thing is that the doubt would always exist). Just One Day was that track I had on loop this one afternoon I had to go into town for a dinner party, and Miss Right was an accidental discovery that had me grinning and blushing to the boys’ voices alone, same as 21st Century Girl (’Cause you’re my only girl, oh yea. If you love me, just say it straight. We love a confident but committed guy.) 
*Dope is that one MV I waited to watch because of my love of uniforms and managed to get to on a day I could not recall.
*This MIC Drop MAMA performance is the hottest clothes-on, turn on performance I’ve ever watched.
Coffee was the track I first listened to on a drive back from a rather unsuccessful and uneventful beach (bitch?!) trip, and the bitter nostalgia cut me deep. Jungkook’s voice could string up my soul any day of the week. Yes, baby, I still drink Caramel Macchiato every time I think of you - the song, not the person, or any person at all.
I discovered HOME because of this comfy Kimmel performance and died over the camaraderie and obvious ties they have as a family.
Plus a blue-themed home, uh, have you seen my bedroom, sir?
Boy With Luv will cheer me up any time of day - no thoughts but blue haired Tae and bubblegum pink haired #Jimim, indeed. (That mirroring of a glow-up from the 상 남자 of Boy In Luv is genius. Girl, ‘m not begging for you no more, but letting you know that I’m whole and ready and intent on keeping you safe.)
Spring Day I listened to on an off day in October and wrenched my own heart over the lyrics, even starting off a chapter in one of my fics with the verses that hit me most in particular.
The ON:E concert re-introduced me properly to Filter, My Time (sexy personified as a performance), Persona, Interlude: Shadow, Ego, UGH!, Moon (Prince Kim Seokjin - you have my heart, and my light, always), and 00:00 (picked up through Twitter that it was the song for personal therapy and reminded me of that quote - nothing good ever happens between midnight and 2am, go to sleep. Add 2!3!, which I’d properly listened to after viewing the ON:E exhibit, to this and we are done.) 
It wasn’t until I listened to Blood, Sweat, and Tears that I went full-blown head over heels (more than I was before). I’m a musical theater kid, have always been at heart, and those boys dancing in the suits and literature and arts references. You could have just plunged that knife a bit deeper into my heart.
Needless to say that I bought Demian couple of days after (my 3rd Herman Hesse! Regrettably not my favorite.) 
Blood, Sweat and Tears joins my own mini self-compilation of songs on the attraction and sublime relishing of a toxic relationship. That sweet temptation that’s so lush in theory yet acidic in real life.
You’re willing to give it all to this person, this passion, this love, this lure of attraction, imprisonment, and just lose yourself.
You’re begging to be hurt, even when you know it.
You’re asking to stay bathed in acid, drown yourself in punishment, and you’re okay. As long as the “you” in the lyrics is ok - to have you.
You’ve signed over your mind, your body and soul - “I know well they’re all yours” - what sinful admittance, what a delicious way to say you’re under the other’s spell. Not like I haven’t been there before (fitting to think of Jimin holding that apple. God.)
“Peaches and Cream/Sweeter than Sweet/Chocolate Cheeks and Chocolate Wings” - talk about dessert, about diabetic, diabolical sweetness that both indulge and burn your soul. These are saccharine metaphors and goddamn if I wasn’t and am all over them. 
Sweet as they are, they melt - they expire, they’re tangible but transient, and you’ve chosen to have them anyway, just to taste them, just to know, to satisfy your sense and just to possess.
“There is a ‘bitter’ next to your ‘sweet’“ - this is my kind of writing. My kind of getting your sweet now and being punished for it later, the kind my friend had commented before of living for today and choosing to forgo the punishments of tomorrow that you’re all too aware of.
And here comes Hoseok! 
Kiss me, it's okay if it hurts Just make it as tight As that I can't feel the pain anymore
Goddamn. That Blade Runner 2049 phrase about how pain makes you human - this is next level of hurting just so you could feel. This is hurting to know that it’s real - that the ‘you’ exists - and this “tightness”, this tense sensation, is only reminding you that the lover(?) is worth the pain (grit your teeth and continue!)
Baby, it's okay if I get drunk I'll drink you in deep now Deep into my throat The whiskey that is you
Intoxication - another one of my favorite topics sprouting a platitude of interpretations. Aside from being a sucker (and loving it myself) of saying “baby,” (signaling intimacy, no less) - this is an artful, eloquent way to sketch another version of “love is the/a drug,” which the lover/”you” is consciously consuming with consent.
There’s a repeat in the “d’s” that definitely conjures an imagery of diving deeper and deeper into a bottomless abyss, or of drinking your bottles dry - but this is a translation so that’s that.
But where we have been (or were) in love, we could feel the other person intoxicating, consuming us, consuming our senses, straying our conscience, blurring the lines among reality, reasoning and our own thoughts and what they may have driven us to think or view, just like alcohol or drugs would lead you to do. That inebriated state would be just a self-enriching cycle of docile submission and self-driven continuance.
It doesn't matter if it hurts Tie me up so I can't escape Hold me tight and shake me up So that I can't come to my senses
Like Jimin with the cloth over his eyes in the MV, this is another conscious decision to be held imprisoned, bounded, senses so disrupted you’re choosing to stay. I don’t know about you, but there’s an inkling of weakness in me when I’d chosen to do that, to opt for that choice and stay in something I was fully aware from experience wasn’t going to last (’can’t come to my senses’) but choosing to blind myself to indulge in the fleeting sweetness anyway.
When you’re making that firm and persistent decision to beg for pain and consciously choosing to numb your senses so you could feel nothing else but what you may have thought you desire to feel - you’ve got it bad, baby. That absinth’s hit you hard.
(And we love it.)
Kiss me on the lips A secret just between the two of us Deeply poisoned by the jail of you I cannot worship anyone but you and I knew The grail was poisoned but I drank it anyway 
Yoongi’s “Kiss me”, like his “불타오르네” (and obviously “용서해줄게“)  in Fire may as well linger in my ears as my personal on-demand whisper sounds. His voice is that sexy as fuck ASMR I never knew I needed (and queue Ben Whishaw’s...) 
Here we see “poisoned” harking back to intoxication, and “jail of you,” calling back to the whole verse I’d interpreted above before. What interested me here was the couplet - “Kiss me on the lips/a secret just between the two of us” - kissing as an act of sealing a deal or secret reminds me of age old love songs, of promises made between lovers before they part. Not to mention, this is that sexy, 섹시한  way of “sealing the deal” you may have heard about. 
“I cannot worship anyone but you...” holds the lover up high, almost godlike, maybe on a pedestal. It’s that everest, that peak point when you’re more than head over heels in love, when you’re able to see no one but this person. “Worship” is that word signaling holy, direct, and submissive devotion - just powerful. 
“...and I knew/The grail was poisoned but I drank it anyway” - again the voice of submission in line with above verses, submitting yourself to temptation, same as biting into that apple despite knowing consequences. “Grail” embodies the whole MV image of the classics.
Close my eyes with your caress I can't resist it anyway I can't even escape anymore
You are too sweet, too sweet Because you are too sweet
“Close my eyes” is the same as asking to be blinded (see above). Adding “with your caress” only enhances the intensity of the speaker’s desire, of the intimate and physical nature - you know full well what that person does to you, your heart, conscience, and senses with just one simple touch or the trace of a finger on your skin - especially someone as addicted to skinship as I am. The repetition “You are too sweet...”  brings us back full circle to Namjoon’s dessert verses, intoxication, indulgence, and submission.
What a delicious song. I fall in love every time I listen.
Second song in my trilogy is Love Maze - an intoxication of a different, lighter flavor yet still an an intoxication nevertheless.
Trapped in a maze of decisions Exhausted by all the different chaos We’ve wandered around, looking for the answer Lost in the maze, in the darkness
Jimin’s first verse traverses over the trials and tribulations of every day life - naturally we’re caught in decision-making from the moment we open our eyes (ah, sigh. my major. what the hell), and that, in extreme cases, can escalate to choice paralysis). Life is a mess, to say simply. At times you can feel (and you are) lost in some sort of maze which seems impossible to escape from. 
[Verse 2: Jungkook] We ran and ran endlessly But all the fake noise Can’t tear us apart It’s true baby [Refrain: Jimin, Jin] We must believe only in ourselves Can’t let go of each other’s hands We need to be together forever
And now this is just asking your partner to hold your hand throughout the darkness, holding hands while the walls come tumbling down type of way.
[Verse 3: RM] People say That I’ll end up a fool But I don’t wanna use my head I don’t wanna calculate Love ain’t a business Rather like a fitness I’ve never been in a calculating love I know it’ll be cold like winter But I still wanna try
Yup, sure. Love isn’t logical, and we feel it when we feel it. This is a more considered version of love or succumbing to temptation/infatuation, compared to Blood, Sweat, and Tears, see here:
If you push me, I’ll fall, just raise me up again Even if I pull, you don’t have to come
Upon a close look, this is the more confident, the more ‘out-there’ you - like a rocking doll, a full human ready to get back up on its own once fallen, not a blind follower or submissive slave. What I find particularly captivating is the bottom verse - “Even if I pull, you don’t have to come” - this is a show and declaration of independence at its finest. I’ll woo you, I’ll say I want you, and I’ll grab you toward me, but you “don’t have to” be with me, [if you don’t want to.] (Plays I’m Fine)
No matter what others say, don’t listen Just let’em talk, whatever they say The more they do, the more I’m sure
Honestly this reminded me of a past relationship, where figurative hand-holding was the emphasized union to help us make it through. Would have been half the fight if it was that aspect alone, though.
Baby just don’t give a damn
This is the sentence I sing to every single time I play this aloud. The sentence.
I always think, even if eternity is hard I wanna try it, let’s be forever
My ex once asked, “How long is forever?” just ripping off that sign in a mall we walked past, and yes, that’s what I do remember about us. Part of it. Since then, mentions of eternity like this has always hit me.
And forever doesn’t exist, guys. COVID does.
(Bad joke, sorry.) 
The song that completes the trilogy is one I discovered only last week. My last BTS x Steve Aoki crossover: Waste It On Me. 
Queue neon club lights and bad decision drinks. Kook being Kook, his voice in songs like these, House of Cards, and Savage Love slices you right through, like a young, impressionable boy asking you to give this love a try, to forget yourself in being attracted to him, and to waste the time you aware you’re willing to waste on him:
[Verse 1: Jungkook] You say love is messed up You say that it don't work But, you don't wanna try, no, no (You don't wanna try, no, no) And baby, I'm no stranger To heartbreak and the pain of Always being let go (Always being let go)
This verse, man. When your heart’s rusty and battered and beaten and broken enough, “Baby, I’m no stranger/to heartbreak and the pain of always being let go,” is that overwhelming elixir to slosh it altogether, like soaking your lone damn heart in warm bathwater, and with Jungkook’s inviting voice, you may have added your favorite flavor of Lush bathbomb.
[Pre-Chorus: Jungkook, RM & Jimin] And I know there's no making this right, this right (This right) And I know there's no changing your mind, your mind (Your mind) But we both found each other tonight, tonight (Oh yeah) So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time
It’s that exact moment when it’s the night of your birthday, you’re all dressed up with only one place to go in a town where you knew a handful of people, and the guy at the bar had bought you a shot of mysterious substance to drink. So you’re here. So he’s here. And the drink’s here, between you two, and you’ve downed it in. And you’re here.
So why not?
‘Waste it on me’ is a sexy invitation in itself, that momentarily grasp for pleasure. Ok, yea. I’m all yours. 
[Verse 2: RM] So we don't gotta go there Past lovers and warfare It's just you and me now (Yeah, yeah) I don't know your secrets But I'll pick up the pieces Pull you close to me now (Yeah, yeah)
Namjoon’s voice has always been sexy to me. Masculine, dominating, in control, in the same way that Yoongi’s raspy, gravelly voice grabs you and stubbornly holds you close. 
Maybe this guy you’d just met in a club’s blabbering away to pierce who you may have been or who you’re presenting yourself to be just for you to be with him, and takes ahold of your waist before you could say no.
What do you say?
Yay, don't you think there must be a reason? Yeah, like we had our names Don't you think we got another season That come after spring? I wanna be your summer I wanna be your wave Treat me like a comma I'll take you to a new phrase Yeah, come just eat me and throw me away If I'm not your taste, babe, waste Waste it on me
I’m speechless over the “Treat me like a comma, I’ll take you to a new phrase,” wordplay. Most of all, it illustrated my past relationship in that all too on-the-nose way, for me and him both. English is sexy, man, please don’t ever say it isn’t.
“Yeah, come just eat me and throw me away/If I’m not your taste, babe.” I’m partial to babe as much as baby, let’s be real. Haha. The whole “come just eat me” paints that picture of the speaker being “consumed,” just devoured whole (echoing the earlier image of being “washed over” from “I wanna be your wave”) by the to-be-lover, without a care, a giving-himself-away submission reminiscent of Blood, Sweat, and Tears’ intoxication and blind bondage. The speaker here doesn’t even care if he’s not tailored to the ‘lover’s’ desire, ready to be discarded, treating himself here as disposable, even worse than Love Maze’s partnered hopefulness and teamwork or Blood, Sweat and Tears’ irresistible, spellbound attraction.
Aaand there you have it, my ramblings on Bangtan (as of now). There’s just so, so much - I’ve recently received my HYYH Pt.1 (RIMBAUD! SEXY CONVERSE!!! BOYZ with FUN!) and YNWA albums, not to mention my rap line songs, vocal line, In the Soop, Performance details, Run BTS (source of joy and laughter, more than any man has ever affected me), Premiums, and the whole “Love Yourself” concept + B.E. Itself.
I’ll be sure to pop back in very, very soon!
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0 notes
spellyjane · 7 years
Splash, Hammer, Meh, Yay! Chatty 70.3 RR
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I was heading into Chattanooga 70.3 with no taper and a month after IM Texas. My coach and I fit in a bit of speed work but it has been a bit of an adjustment. They are such different races. I have been in Ironman mode since last September. Sounds like a good excuse for a wussy day right!? It isn’t, I had a cracking day, it just did not play out the way I planned it.
My team mate / mate Alex and I hit the road loaded with bikes, coffee and enthusiasm for the long drive from Chicago to Tennessee. Even with a delicious lunch stop in funky Nashville we made good time and arrived in time for race check in.
I am probably never going to be in charge of booking race accommodation again. The Days Inn was truly hideous, truly. But it was walking distance to the race start, it had a bed and a lamp, so some may say it was perfect.
We met up with my race mate Jeff for dinner at a pub on the main street. He had flown in earlier from Denver and was there on a mission to claim a 70.3 WC slot. We had an early dinner so that Alex could go and pick up his wife Theresa from the airport.
So our weekend gang of Alex, Theresa, Jeff and I assembled for breakfast at the Frothy Monkey next door to the Chattanooga ChooChoo hotel. There was a lot of good eating that went on this weekend. We planned our day and got moving.
A little recon ride showed the worst part of the course, the suburban streets were cracked and potholed but brightly marked with orange tape. It hardly seemed possible while we were sweating buckets at the unsheltered 3pm athlete briefing, but the weather forecast for race day was for thunder storms and a 100% chance of rain. After hearing the few key bits we needed to know, we staggered back to our rooms for a pre dinner rest and heat stroke recovery. I must say, those athlete briefings are important BUT sitting us out in the sun for an hour is counter-intuitive. What a crock of shit that weather forecast turned out to be, but at that stage it was a significant concern for all of us.
As we wandered up the street to meet Jeff at the restaurant he reserved for our pre race dinner, we saw formally attired people coming and going from what was obviously our destination. I was lucky to have had the sense of occasion to add a pair of loafers to my shorts and shirt combo but really that is as fancy as my race travel wardrobe goes. We arrived quite under-dressed but clearly oozing enough confidence and our blue athlete wrist bands to carry it off. No spaghetti and red sauce to be found anywhere on the menu we endured with soup with lobster, sorghum buttered bread and some sort of tree fern sprouts. I have eaten pre race fish tacos in mexico, schnitzel in Austria and quinoa in Calgary and know that this pre race dinner in Chatty will be just as memorable!
As we dined the heavens descended and the forecast epic weather arrived violently. We stared out the window of the restaurant all dreading our trip back to our hotel let alone the race the next day. I don’t mind swimming and running in rain but riding my bike in heavy rain is just plain scary. I was thinking about the numerous man hole covers and the road conditions I had seen earlier that day. All I wanted at that stage was a safe race, to not crash my bike or be struck by lightning. I was committed to racing, after all I had to burn off all the calories I had just consumed!
Before bed I pottered around got all my transition gear into plastic bags and just got myself into rain racing mode. I pictured my whole day wet and soggy but killing it anyway. My husband sent me some words of encouragement and I was in bed by 10, I managed an ok sleep. I was up at 4am to see a dry parking lot and low cloud cover. Whoa, I was immediately elated!
I met Jeff on a dark corner near my hotel and we walked up to the race together. He was his usual quiet pre race self, perhaps a little more so because I know he was really wanting a good race and a slot.
I got myself ready, went and found Alex near his bike, he is a special breed of chilled out, after letting some of his vibe rub off on me, I told him I would see him near the swim start, and I went off to collect Jeff for the shuttle bus to the swim start. He was not as chilled. He was staring at me with scary evil possessed eyes. I was horrified until I figured out it was not actually directed at me but the member of his nemesis tri team who had racked his bike next to Jeff’s.
We caught the bus to the swim start, and wandered down to the sub 30 min swim time area. (I was anticipating a sub 30 min swim given the river current.) Alex found us and we chatted away nervously while we waited. Actually I chatted away… Still no sign of rain but the deluge the night before had an impact on the current in the river. They had sent the pros off on the original course, swimming 300m up stream, turning, swimming 100m across then the remaining 1600m downstream. But it was evident that the current was too strong for us mortal age groupers so to the cheers and hurrahs of the crowd around me, they cut the up stream portion. I wasnt saying boo, but I certainly was not thrilled to be doing the short swim. So without the upstream portion we just had a mad 1300m sprint downstream. I got that into my head straight away. Don’t hold back I thought, just get in and go hard.
The rolling start works well when people self seed properly. But oh man of course they don’t. I started with Jeff, Alex putting himself a few mins back waved us off as we stepped over the timing mats and took off. I lost Jeff within a minute. I was pushing. I was breathing every other stroke for most of the way. I was swimming over the top of a lot of people.
I found the step and hauled myself up and headed off to the wet suit strippers. I made the climb up the steep ramp into T1 to Theresa’s cheers. I donned my gear and headed out. Jeff teased me about not wearing bike shoes in transition as he caught me just before the bike mount line, dammit, he may just have a point. Anyway we took off within seconds of each other but he was out of my sight very quickly.
I was feeling super. My plan was to hit watts that would give me an IF of about .82-.83 (Intensity factor, a fraction of normalised power over my functional threshold power, I am talking about dosing my effort based on my known maximum average watts for a 1hr effort, or something like that) The problem was that the rolling hills on the course were causing a lot of bunching. In order to keep clear of other riders and avoid drafting I was pushing up the hills and when ever I found myself caught up in any bunches. I was finding that as I was coming into the back of a slower rider’s draft zone and beginning to over take that another rider would come up into my draft zone to overtake me, but then we would hit a hill and everyone would slow down, I could tell who the hell was overtaking who, it was a nightmare, in the end I just felt the best thing to do was to get well away of it all. I channeled my Team INTENT Tuesday afternoon hammer-time mojo and went nuts. I vaguely recall passing some poor guy on the side of the road having a mechanical as I headed up the steepest climb, turned out that was Jeff fixing his dropped chain. I finally got some clear road as I hit the easiest part of the course. I rode past a flock of big black birds sitting in the grass on the side of the road, apparently they were vultures, they were scary looking ugly things. A bad sign? Not for me, they were there for the female pro I was gaining on.
Jeff came up and passed me with about 5k to go, shortly after that Alex was there. It was amazing that of all the almost 2500 people racing, that I would be lined up behind those 2 right at the finish. Neither was pulling away from me too fast so I caught up, I giggled as I passed Jeff and finished ahead of him. My IF ended up being .85, not ridiculous but not particularly smart given the hilly run course to come.
We all took off into T2. I was on my way out when I realised I still had a top on that I did not want, the awesome volunteer helped me get it off and dropped it back at my bike while Jeff ran past me laughing. Jeff, Alex and I all hit the run course within 30s of each other. They were gone and I was already feeling that my effort on the bike was going to make this a bit of an ugly run. Spectathlete Theresa was ready with a super smile and cheer as I ran by her at least 3 times out on the run course. I could see Alex and Jeff running together for a bit, they both looked great and I was super jealous that I did not have the legs to keep up. It was hilly and there were lots of U turns but it was a great run course. The aid stations were fantastic. I was not holding a pace I needed to hit 1:40, but I sure as heck was not going to let 1:45 slide by. I watched as a girl with a strong run and a “45” inked on her calf cruised by me with about 8k to go. Oh darn, had no hope of matching her pace, but still in decent shape and not completely falling apart I kicked on and managed a not so terrible run after a killer bike and a hilly run course.
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I high fived Jeff and Alex and gave Theresa a sweaty kiss at the finish. All of us were happy. Alex finished 20th in the insanely stacked men’s 30-34 AG, Jeff came 8th in his 50-54 AG both very happy with their performances.
I was 3rd in my 45-49 AG with a 4:31. I can’t call this a 70.3 PR because the swim was cut short by 700m, but it was my fastest bike run combo ever. It was not executed the way I planned but when I look at the data and past performances, it really was one of my best days out. I had a smoking fast bike split of 2:24 which was 5th female overall, including the pros, my run was mediocre at 1:43, but over all a very fast day.
After the world’s most refreshing beer we headed down to the insanely hot river front to attend the award ceremony and slot allocation. Alex and Theresa escaped after awards but Jeff and I stayed. He was fairly certain, that he had a slot but it really was not till they called his name that he breathed again. I was holding my breath too. There was a lot of joy!
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I passed on my slot because I already picked it up in Racine last year but was thrilled to see it roll down to a girl sitting right by me, again more joy!
Post race dinner at fab Chattanooga find, Urban Stack, was followed by ice cream thick shakes. We happily all fare welled Jeff before wobbling back to our skank hotel.
Alex, Theresa and I drove home via awesome food in Nashville, we sung a little John Denver, read and chatted, they were such great company all weekend.
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I send my huge love and thanks to Simon for his support.
I send more huge love and thanks to my coach Rick Schopp, yeah, I am respectable on the bike these days, thanks for getting me there.
Next stop, cheering on my boys this weekend at their 1st triathlon. Lookout Brownlees.
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