#anti Punz
xaharadesert · 11 months
This is just rambling about an old dsmp fic of mine, so if you’re not into that, feel free to ignore!
(Tagging 🟩🟥🟦 neg and anti to keep this off their timeline)
Okay, so recently I’ve been working on rewriting a fairly popular fic of mine on Ao3. I’m really sad to toss out the old version, but the main antagonist was c!Dream, and after all the stuff about CC!Dream, I’m really not comfortable writing about him any more. It makes me super sad to toss out 80k words since I loved that story so much, but I think revitalizing it with a new villain will make me feel a lot better about it.
That part isn’t really the issue. The problem is that I’ve removed a few other antagonists as well (Aka the ones inspired by c!George, c!Punz, and c!Sapnap) and now I have a lot of roles that need to be filled. I’ve already assigned different roles to all the other dsmp ccs, and there’s not really a lot of room to shuffle things around. I’ve also added a few of the Spanish ccs from qsmp since they’re so fun, but I still need to find 2 more to replace my George and sapnap characters. Does anyone have a mcyt that’s comfortable with being in a vigilante family-based au fic?
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
Eh, I think people are being less forgiving of Punz because he threw dnf under the bus for his own ass. But a couple getting drunk together and fucking is pretty normal imo, and it essentially comes down to he said she said as far as how drunk she came across. And considering Andi herself seems pretty toxic I think trying to make any definitive statements on that is difficult.
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ddreamteamies · 6 days
i hope it was punz that got a concussion tipping the golf cart cuz the thought of it happening to dream or george is filling me with rage, grief and sadness at the same time
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marsbar19 · 8 months
Incorrect Las Nevadas quotes because I miss them pt 6/42
Sam:We need a distraction
Quackity:Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Charlie, whispering:My time has come
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cantofworms · 1 year
why without Tina? /genq
I’d just personally prefer watching him play w punz or sapnap like that’s my Ultimate personal victory ya know
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hearvex · 2 months
woke up to dream crying in a space while muttering an "i love george" between his sobs, punz going through the dream stan to anti pipeline to save his ass only for it to backfire and get mocked online, george apologizing in a new tweet, fuckers talking about this all being an "open secret" yet all somehow being complicit, has someone checked on sapnap ?
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the-final-sif · 1 year
Just for anyone in dtblr who doesn't know him:
5up is a creator whose actually pretty close with a lot of people on the dream smp, and he's a really cool guy! He's in/part of Pummel party Saturday w/Badboyhalo, skeppy, Punz (he's actually known Punz for ages, I believe prior to when 5up started streaming), and actually him + his group (crewfu/morning lobby) included Tina for a very long time (Tina has talked about thinking of him as an older brother, and one of my favorite series of interactions is the 5up-Tina marination saga). 5up is also a part of Salad Gang w/Karl, he's done a lot of stuff with George, including IRL bowling that lead to 5up having to wear the DNF skin for MCC Pride. 5up is also friends and plays a lot with Antfrost + Velvet, and they're hilarious together. He also plays Valo with Sapnap + Punz lots of times, among other games when they happen to be in the same places. He's done some gang beasts with Dream in Karl lobbies too!
There's a very small but vocal group of posts that get weirdly gross or act like 5up is somehow anti dteam or anti dream. A lot of this stems from the fact that 5up picks fights with the MCC subreddit, and a fair chunk of the MCC subreddit gets borderline queerphobic about 5up being a more feminine queer man. Speaking of which, 5up is Ace! That same group of people gets real fucking weird about 5up being ace, but also enjoying flirting with his male friends + calling them pretty.
Despite what those people will claim, 5up is actually close with a lot of dteam and surrounding creators, he's a really cool guy, and I'm very excited for him to team with Sapnap. The two of them had a lot of fun together last time they teamed, and they play well together in valo + other events. If you don't know 5up, please be careful about what you repeat about him and don't engage with the people being weird/queerphobic about him.
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dnfawards · 3 days
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wildpeachfarm · 8 days
You know how dttwt says “what type of tweets would you bring up if I became an anti” that happened to Punz
IT DID😭😭😭😭
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dwtdog · 2 months
i do think punz and dream might be able to talk if punz stops trying to please the antis. Like dream was a trash friend to him yeah but punz is not better by outing it out like that. I don't think they'll recover the friendship any time soon but in the future it might be
mhmm and dream is very mature about friendships (from what we know) so if punz wanted to just hang with sapnap or whatever i'm sure they could be cordial. coworkers y'know
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ddreamteamies · 8 days
I think it's more funny that even antis didn't take punz seriously. Bro really was kinda just laughed at on all sides and I would feel more bad if he didn't do it in the most obvious way to just save himself from his accusations.
He really thought that people wouldn't find him to be full of shit person to say he was distancing himself when he was quite literally living in their house. He said there were snakes in the grass and he should really be looking in the mirror.
it’s the way he wanted everyone to feel bad for him and Nobody cared we all just pointed and laughed 😭
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sugartoken · 2 months
this post has an interesting take! (I follow the op and they're neat)
I think OP is very correct. We are getting all these ccs weighing in by bringing up their own, non relevant experiences with sexual assault in order to comment on Caiti in some way... like Cate (punz's recent ex) coming in to give her commentary last night based on her own experiences and just having the worst takes ever. And all these people with trauma who are getting triggered and thus unable to look at things objectively. It's just such a mess, and it's happening in the public eye because stantwt has decided that anyone who does not condemn george as the anti christ is complicit.
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invinciblelikeu · 2 months
Maybe this is trying to be hopeful (but tbh the way these guys have shown their true colours is rather then ) but I wouldn’t be surprised if the ccs who are “distancing then self” try and go back to the dteam in a few months. Not to be that person but a lot of their audience was dteam followers. And while yes their have gained their own fans, they have also lost a huge amount of casual viewers. Because while they did make their own confer, a lot of it also revolved around being friends with the dteam. What I mean by that is punz Would gain viewership when him and sap would play valo but sap wasn’t streaming (or he was on kick) Hannah would often bring up the dream and tell stories of them when they would hang out.
While yes on twitter they may look good and have people “support” them for it the main platform that actually matter could and will most definitely take a dive.
I was absolutely fine with still watching and engaging in content Hannah would be making ( because she was genuinely one of my favourite ccs) when she said she just didn’t feel comfortable around them anymore because fair enough she knows them and she may not trust them now. But seeing her stance as of her recent Reddit posts and comments, I don’t want to watch her. Everyone makes mistakes, it going to happen. So to scrutinise and isolate someone for making an honest mistake because you can’t “forgive mistakes” is a horrible outlook on life and helps no one. Especially when punz has all that against him (I’m not too caught up on him) and she hasn’t made one post about him. And what he has against him is 100% worse then this but twitter isn’t at is throat so it’s not important to these ccs
I genuinely feel like she was just hurt finding out what George did( she’s 100% valid for that) saw twitters reaction and panicked like the rest of them. Made her statement way to early or without gaining the proper details first and now people are starting to realise how out of proportion this how thing has gone, she’s trying to save her self from looking like a shitty person but just ended up doing the opposite
And don’t even get me started in punz because what was he even thinking ??
I think what we have all learned from this is people only care about their public image. These guys have been “friends” for a very long time, and it wouldn’t surprise if they still talk to dteam out side of content. They just wanna save their own asses and look good for twitter to gain brownie points, while still actively engaging with awful people behind the scenes or even in content (the whole beau situation)
long post
hmm i honestly don’t know the outcome of this, but if they do crawl back to dteam i think they would do it privately, and whether or not dteam will take them back, i don’t know either
and you’re right. the clout they’re getting right now isn’t from support for caiti, it’s from the hatred for dteam. they are fostering interactions from antis who will never give them the attention the way dt’s community has given them — that i can say for certain. once this blows over i don’t think they will see a significant rise in viewership
regarding hannah, i felt awful for her at first. because in my eyes she was a good friend who was blindsided. and then she didn’t even make it about supporting caiti, she made it about ousting the dream team, which let’s face it, is performative as fuck. it could easily be passed off as trying to take a stand for women in the gaming community — which in itself is a very good cause — but it seems pretty transparent to me that she either was trying to save face, or has the most narrow mindset when it comes to growth ever, or both. she’s not gonna have many friends to rely on if she continues with that mindset. the friends who are honest with you and tell you when you fuck up but stick around to see you grow are the ones that last. best case scenario she’s just hurt and making panicked decision after panicked decision, but THEN i saw her lurking in the dwt2 reddit so idk about that anymore 😭
and punz is an asshole who threw dream under the bus mere hours after he was begging people to talk to him if they have any issues with him, just so he can deflect and appease to the twitter mob’s anger and make a diversion from his own allegations which were much worse. i’m glad it backfired on him because that was embarrassing as fuck.
content creation and the streaming industry has made these cc’s spineless, shifted their priorities to be more self centered and selfish, and it’s come to the point where they will burn bridges to save their career and get their 5 minutes of clout. they pick and choose who to support and who to drop depending on the reaction they will get. they pretend to be heroes while being hypocrites off camera. they need humbling, and they need interactions with people whose lives don’t revolve around the internet.
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newjenns · 2 months
i come online and it is like being hit with a baseball bat what do you mean dream was "friend a" why is punz driving the anti-dream bus all of a sudden (which, all things considering would be HUGE if what happened recently did not happen because punz????? disliking dream???? HUH) what the FUCK why are you talking about caiti and supporting victims with the andi stuff thats came out i am so confused i need a drink
unfortunately a great time to be a nosey person but at like the most detrimental costs imaginable 🤦‍♀️
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mask-duo · 2 months
crazy to think that i respected her for giving more "unpopular" opinions like defending dream when people were calling him performative for responding to wilbur. and yet here she is following along with what the rest of twitter says now :/ i hope she cant get her dttwt clout anymore, like have fun losing basically all of your interactions because the insane drantis dont give a shit about you or punz.
I don't know what these ccs are doing bc if we have enough brain cells to think critically idk why people who have their phone number couldn't. And about clout. Well... the antis never stay
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dnfawards · 3 days
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