#annabeth promising percy to save his mom and him!!!
jmmoreaux · 5 months
i say episode 5 is my favorite so far as if i haven't said the same with the others, proof that the show just keeps getting better :')
(but yeah i do think ep 5 is my fave because i ADORED their first interaction with Ares, like their little heads popping up and they be like "no thanks we don't want anything from a stranger"??? So adorable, they're my kids, I want to hug and protect)
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botlabyrinth · 5 months
percy saying “i need you to promise me something” and annabeth immediately, without hesitation, telling him that she’ll do everything she can to save his mom. when before the quest percy was worried that annabeth would be the one to get him off track from his real goal, to get his mom back, if it got in the way of the actual quest. and then she doesn’t even think twice about it. i can’t.
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sabrinashrts · 4 months
seaweed brain
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pairings : percy jackson x fem!daughter of athena!reader
warnings : none really ? recommend no one over 14 reads a this cause that’s kinda weird
summary : percy sacrifices himself for you
You and Percy were the ones who had to get the shield for Ares. He held Annabeth and Grover to himself so you both wouldn’t end up tricking him. You guys had to go to an amusement park. That’s where Ares left his shield last. You saw a tunnel that said thrill ride o’ love.
“It must be there.” Percy said as he looked at you. You nodded “Let’s go in..” you both walked and you had to get on a boat. Percy helped you by grabbing your hand and the boat just started to go on its own. You guys didn’t say anything it was just so awkward.
But as things were happening you guys ended up going down a waterfall you both screamed cause it was completely unexpected. When you made it to the end of the waterfall you both noticed ahead of you where other boats and they are getting destroyed.
“Jump!” Percy said. You jumped but it was really deep water and you couldn’t really some. You were underwater and took out your hand “Percy!” You said. He tried to grab your hand but all of a sudden you were on a dock. “Did you just pull me out with the powers??” You said confused but also trying to breathe.
“I’m still trying to figure that out” he said. You both stood up and there was Ares shield but the only way to get it is if someone sits on that chair but that chair turns you into gold. You spoke “I’ll sit on the chair…” you said but Percy grabbed your hand “Wait a minute!”
“Look seaweed brain I’m not letting you do this again you already did this to me back at the arch whoever goes isn’t coming out!” You said looking at him. “I know that’s why I said wait!” He yelled.
You sighed “I’m not letting you do this..” you said as you were gonna go to the seat. “Y/n stop.. and I’m not letting you do this! The others are gonna need you on this quest because you’re better at all of this! You just are.” For some reason you just wanted to cry.
“Believe me I wish there was another way but I just don’t see it..” you looked at Percy with your eyes watering. Percy reached from his pocket and gave you his pen/sword. “Here.. take it.” You sighed and took it from his hand. He walked to the seat and looked at you “Promise me something.”
You looked at him “I’m not leaving the underworld without your mom…” he had a soft smile but you also noticed his eyes were watering “That to but I was wondering maybe after all this you can come back and try and get me out?” You nodded “You didn’t even have to ask” you were right of course you were gonna save Percy I mean he’s about to sacrifice himself for you.
Percy sat m the chair and you noticed his legs were getting cover in gold. “This is a bad idea.. stand up!” You said. He couldn’t move. You yelled “Percy stand up I mean it!” Percy looked at you with tears “It’s okay… I’m okay” and just like that he turned into gold and Ares shield fell down.
You looked at the shield and was gonna pick it up but you just couldn’t leave Percy. Something is holding you back. You went to the back of the chair and saw gears you sat to see if you could do something nothing would move. Just then someone came through they sounded familiar.
It was Hephaestus he kept talking about our mother Athena how she acts and how other gods are and how they just want glory and power and with that shield many things could happen you could get the glory and power and he said if you leave everything can go back to how it should be but you got up and just got so mad.
“It shouldn’t be that way! All you gods care about is glory and power. I don’t care about that stuff everyone is like that.. ares is so is my mother! But Percy isn’t that way either! He’s better than that. We will never turn out to be like you guys.” You sighed and just then Hephaestus did something. The gears started moving.
You went to the other side to look at Percy and he started to be himself. Thank god you thought when he was free you grabbed his hand and he let you. You held onto his arm and you both looked up at Hephaestus. He sighed “Your a good kid y/n I’ll put in a good word with your mother.” He left and you looked at Percy “Are you okay??” He nodded.
You grabbed Ares shield and it was time to go back thank god you both made it out alive.
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Can we please please please talk about how Percy was questioning if Sally did the right thing to try and keep Percy from knowing about the truth and ANNABETH BEING THE ONE TO SAY SHE WAS RIGHT TO DO SO??? Annabeth, the trained killer since she was a CHILD. The one who was unwaiveringly loyal to the gods, to her own mother, and believed in a heroes fate. But then she gets thrown out and treated badly, and the ONE person to say "no, you deserve to live. You don't have to die." Is Percy. How she sees that Percy is different in a good way, how important that is. Even though the reason Percy chose her was because she was willing to do anything for the quest and he thought she would stop him from saving his mom- she is the one saying she will do anything she can to save them. To save them both. At the cost of the quest, if necessary. She promised she wouldn't leave his mom, but he was worried beyond that. That she wouldn't even try to save him. But Annabeth, who is being shown true goodness, love, and compassion for the first time in her life with absolutely no need to earn is is on his side until the end no matter what, ALREADY.
I need to lie down
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feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
Okay okay okay, so in THIS EPISODE ALONE we got all these Percabeth moments:
Annabeth has complete faith that Percy is alive
When Percy is proven alive, he starts to apologize, thinking she’s be mad but she interrupts him with a hug that is so nice Grover has to clear his throat to get their attention again
Percy brings up the hug like five minutes later so obviously it’s still on his mind
Percy calls her his friends (side note—how SAD is it that he is unsure whether or not friends hug). She also calls him her friend many times this episode
Percy is shocked Annabeth hasn’t seen a movie and sets to rectify it after the quest
Annabeth calmly Annabeths her way out of Hephaestus’s decoy trap, calming Percy down in the process
They joke about the Tunnel of Love ride but still choose to ride it
Percy saves Annabeth using his water powers
Percabeth and Annabeth argue because they BOTH want to sacrifice their life for the other
The first seaweed brain mention in the show!!!
Percy convinces Annabeth to let him make the sacrifice by appealing to logic and saying she’s better at it than him
Without being prompted, Annabeth promises to save Percy’s mom from Hades and tells him he didn’t even have to ask for her to come back to save him
He GIVES her Riptide and gives a sad little smile when she agrees to come back
Percy SACRIFICES himself for her, AGAIN
As soon as Percy starts to feel the trap effects, Annabeth starts crying and BEGGING him to get up
While Annabeth is freaking out, all he does is REASSURE HER. “It’s okay. I’m okay. I’m okay.” (This BOY I simply CANNOT)
Annabeth disregards the fallen shield and immediately tries to figure out how to rescue him
Annabeth rejects her mom’s potential praise and argues with a GOD (Hephaestus) because she says Percy is simply too GOOD of a person and a friend to leave without, to leave behind (she also has a really cool personal reflection during this moment but that’s another post)
This is a smile thing, but she looks simply SO RELIEVED when Hephaestus frees Percy
We are being BLESSED with Percabeth 😭
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villainofthepiece · 5 months
sooo much to unpack in “i need you to promise me something” “i’m not leaving the underworld without your mom” “thank you. i was gonna say, when this quest is done, can you maybe swing back here and try to get me outta this thing?” “you think you had to ask?” “just making sure” annabeth knowing what matters most to percy is his mother and vowing to save her for him instead of the bolt/the world? percy believing that if there’s one person that can outsmart a god’s creation it’s annabeth??!??!?? annabeth knowing that she’d do anything just to free percy!!??!?!??!!
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ohsostarryeyed · 5 months
guys i just watched episode 5 of the pjo show (ik i'm late, my brother and i watch it together and we've both been busy)
and i think it's my favorite episode so far so here's an incomplete list of things i loved about it
the percabeth hug. obviously. and grover just awkwardly breaking the silence when it went on a LIIITTLE too long? an icon fr. 🫡
the FBI looking for them. i was kinda worried they weren't gonna include that part cuz it wasn't super plot relevant but i'm so glad they did. hoping percy calls out gabe on live tv like he did in the books. that was funny as hell.
the way they just...walked down the highway? how long had they been walking when ares showed up? were they just gonna walk all the way from st. louis to LA? i have so many questions 🤨🤨
along that same vein, they way they hid behind the barrier and popped their heads up to talk to ares? peak comedy. i mean, stranger danger who? never heard of it.
skipping way ahead. annabeth geeking out at the amusement park cuz of the architecture and technology was so in character. that's my girl. 🥲🥹🙏
hephaestus's life story being told on the walls in lights was so fucking pretty. and how percy knew it all from the stories his mom told him?? 💔 breaking my heart as he spoke.
"maybe she was preparing you. so when you got to us, you'd be different than this." i'm so happy that annabeth is also a member of the stan sally jackson club. i welcome her with open arms 🫶
percy once again sacrificing himself for his friends. the way they're building up his fatal flaw is so effortless and wonderful. and then how hephaestus tries to manipulate annabeth into leaving him there by promising her glory. i really love the writers' commitment to fatal flaws as a motif in the story.
just...annabeth trying to save percy in general. got me crying fr. 😭😩 they're soulmates your honor.
"he isn't that way. he's better than that." need i say more? 🥲
also grover girlbossing ares that whole time, getting info out of him? what an icon. 💀 i feel like grover is slept on in this fandom and i won't stand for it anymore. and aryan is doing such a brilliant job. a hero among men. 🫡
also i was not expecting to actually see hephaestus but i kinda love how they're including more gods? idk i just think it's fun seeing the interactions and all their personalities.🙃
anyway, there's so much more i could write but that's what i could think of off the top of my head.
i can't way for next tuesday. i'm gonna be so insufferable after the lotus episode. if we get a subtle nico and bianca cameo i'm gonna lose it.
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As someone who has never in their whole life fit in, and who has wanted to so desperately for so long, Percy gets hit especially hard by Crusty's little speech. Of course, he knows that he's just trying to trap him, but what's a silly little trap to a promise of some peace, a promise to take away all the stress of finding out you don't fit in with normal people because you're half a god, only to have the gods try to shape you into something you're not because you still don't fit.
This whole episode Percy's mind was stuck on one memory of a time he felt unwanted by his mom and alienated by schools who didn't want him because something about him is really broken. He's totally susceptible to Crusty's manipulation because he's in such a vulnerable state.
Even once he's trapped, Crusty is still trying to get to Percy, telling him he won't be able to save his mom. You can see the weight those words have on Percy. He's never said it out loud, but of course, he's been doubting his ability to save his mom, he's just a stupid kid with no dad and no friends and an endless ability to screw things up. None of that is true, but for Percy, it's been his truth for most of his life.
I love how Annabeth notices, that once Crusty's trapped she immediately asks Percy if he's okay. After seeing that Percy cannot combat anything Crusty's saying no matter how it affects him, she immediately rips into the immortal every time he starts talking. No one is in any physical danger, but she knows how badly words can hurt, and I love her for protecting Percy from that.
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britney-rosberg06 · 5 months
it really is amazing how one event can completely change your perception of a parent
Because last episode even 2 episodes ago, Percy wanted nothing to do with Poseidon. He hated him and everything about him. But Poseidon saves his life and promises to help and all of the sudden Percy is excited to turn the focus away from his mom and onto the things gods care about. He’s entirely focused on Poseidon he even doubts Sally had his best interest in mind by keeping him from his “family”
While Annabeth loved her mother. She defended her mother from Medusa and is regarded to be Athena’s most loyal child. Now? After her mother turned her back on her? After Percy sacrificed himself for her and grover? Now she is looking deep into the family structure of the gods questioning her place in it and even announcing to Hephaestus she does not want to be like them anymore
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livsoulsecrets · 5 months
Percy Jackson EP4 spoilers/book spoilers
Annabeth has endured broken promises her whole life.
Her dad used to see her as a gift, then treated her like a problem. She believed her mom would help her if she asked, but then Athena allowed monsters to chase her. Luke promised her a family, but will go on to join Kronos.
Then there’s Percy, who she once heard say he never thought they could be friends, but is the one person that keeps his promises to her.
He said they’d leave the monument together when she tried to sacrifice herself - and they’ll. He told her he’d pick her over his father - he did so when he took her place as bait this ep. He’ll do it again a thousand times over - returning from Calypso’s island, refusing immortality, falling into Tartarus, giving it his all to go to college in New Rome with her.
All this because he knows she’s worth his loyalty.
Annabeth, who has been forced to rely only on herself from such an early age, will finally have the safety of someone that keeps their promises and that she knows is worth giving up her pride for.
That’s what she did this whole episode and season. She said asking for help was admitting they were not capable of completing the quest, but was determined to ask her mom for help if it meant saving Percy. She took him to her mom’s temple despite their parents’ rivalry. She refused Alecto’s offer to help the quest she waited for her whole life because it would mean betraying Percy.
She’ll take a knife meant for Percy because she felt he was in danger. She’ll search for him nonstop for months when he’s taken away from her.
Loyalty and pride. Flaws and qualities. Percy and Annabeth.
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posallys · 1 year
okay so i'm in the process of rereading pjo and i just got to botl and i want to talk about my girl annabeth. i feel like a good majority of the fandom mischaracterization of annabeth comes from botl, specifically because she was rude to rachel throughout the book, and then everyone just assumed that because she wasn't nice to rachel she must be a bitch inherently, on top of being this fucking emotionless shell of a person, which is wild to me because i don't know how her being rude to one (1) girl automatically discredits everything she's done in the past three books. i feel like it stems from a complete misunderstanding of why she was rude to rachel. let's make this clear: she wasn't rude to rachel because rachel was a potential love interest; she was rude to rachel because she was scared.
everyone she's ever loved has been taken from her in some way: her mom being absent because she's a goddess and not really wanting anything to do with annabeth; her feeling like her dad and stepmom didn't want her around (losing her real family); thalia, her found sister, sacrificing her life to save annabeth, and then leaving her again to join the hunters; luke betraying the camp, but more importantly betraying annabeth on a much deeper level because he was her only family. he promised her that he would be there for her, no matter what, and then he leaves her, just like everyone else. even grover left her, in a way, because he went out to search for pan and wasn't around. the only close person who hasn't left her at the point of botl? percy.
but she knows about the prophecy at that point, so she's spent the better part of three years resigning herself to the fact that her best friend is going to die when he turns sixteen and there's absolutely nothing she can do to stop that. she's spent the better part of three years trying not to fall in love with him because it would only hurt worse when the time comes. if i had to bet on it, the reason she was thinking about joining the hunters in ttc is because if she isn't around him (and also can't because she's a hunter), she won't become more attached to him than she already is. if she separated herself from him, it would hurt less. except here's the thing: by that point, she couldn't make herself do that. she couldn't make herself willingly give up percy yet, because it might not have been him. if i had to guess, when thalia came back, annabeth stopped worrying about percy dying---just for a little while---because she thought that thalia was going to be the child of the prophecy after all. so when thalia became a hunter, she was mentally prepared to lose thalia again. but that means that every fear she had about percy being the prophecy kid before thalia came back to life resurfaced full force, and now suddenly annabeth has a year and a half left with him when she thought that she might have longer. so despite the thought of her joining the hunters to prevent herself from getting too attached, she hadn't metnally come to the point where she was ready to give up the small hope that he would live.
which bring us now to botl. like i said, i'm just now rereading the book (and i'm only on chapter 1 but i started thinking about annabeth and here i am). annabeth is mean to rachel because she's terrified of losing percy too soon. sure, at this point she knows the prophecy is his, she knows come next summer she probably won't have him anymore---but that's just it: next summer. she's preparing herself to lose him in a year, not immediately. so when someone comes along that presents a way for her to lose percy, of course she gets scared, and she gets defensive about it. it's not even the fact that rachel was a potential love interest, it's more so the fact that rachel was a mortal, and not part of their world. if percy was with rachel, there's a good chance he'd try to leave the magical world behind, and, more importantly, leave annabeth behind, which she wasn't ready for yet.
hell, that's exactly what ended up happening in the beginning of tlo! annabeth wasn't upset because he was spending time with rachel, she was upset because he was spending time in the mortal world rather than her world and, in her mind because of all of her past experiences being abandoned, that translates to "percy is leaving her," and it was way earlier than she thought, and she wasn't ready. so what does she do? she tries to protect herself. she puts walls up and tries to act cold and distant because she's coming to terms with the fact that she's already lost him. she's already lost him.
and like, was she jealous of the fact that rachel was a love interest? probably, yeah. but i think it's also just important to know that there's something way deeper to it. annabeth isn't being a bitch for the sake of being a bitch, and she's not just jealous of rachel because she was a girl that liked percy. she was upset because he was getting further and further away right in front of her. he was leaving way quicker than she was prepared for, so a lot of the stuff she said to rachel came from a place of fear of losing percy, and anger at rachel for trying to pull him into the mortal world, effectively leaving her behind and adding another person to the list of people she loves that have left her.
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lovelife2006 · 9 months
Luke deserves more recognition and every new person arriving in camp needs to know about him
As the preview of cotg has released, I just had to read it and I came across the paragraph where Percy mentions that when campers grow up and monsters don't deem them important enough to attack anymore they leave camp and go in colleges where they find a new life except a occasional monster here and there. We have already seen this with Clarisse, Charles bekhendorf (atleast he would have gone if he lived with silena). I am guessing that the older campers get chiron to manipulate the mist to make a application for the mortal institutions, especially the year rounders.
Luke was also a year rounder, he was 19 when we first saw him in lightening thief. He could have asked Chiron to do the same for him and left his demigod life behind to become something more in the mortal world. But he didn't do that. He took notice of the unclaimed campers in his cabin who go on stupid quests to make their parents notice them where sometimes they die unknown, sometimes they fail and continue unclaimed and sometimes hardly they are recognized. He looked at Annabeth, his sister who wanted to prove herself to someone who would never be proud of her to the extent she deserves. He saw his friend Thalia who protected the campers more as a tree than the gods ever did. The unclaimed campers would never be happy, Annabeth's eagerness to make her mom proud could cost her life and Thalia being a tree was only due to zeus taking pity, this was the pity a god had on them.
Luke could have left, but he didn't. He started a war against gods for all these reasons. Yes there were moments I hated Luke when he betrayed Percy, manipulated Annabeth and poisoned Thalia. Yes he was responsible for many deaths and he did choose the wrong side because of his short sight. But no one can tell me his intentions were wrong. His execution went against his morals of saving campers, however the gods were no saint and deserved the blow. He really had no choice though, the gods had already lost his trust and kronos manipulated him to make himself the better option and he failed to notice until too late. Even then in the end he did the right thing and he never let his intentions go in vain. He used his dying breath to pass on his ideals and made percy promise that he will make sure the demigods have better life.
Yes the new campers need to be told Percy is the reason they have their cabin family where they find people similar to them and their parents notice them including children of minor gods, however they also need to be told about Luke castellan who was the first one to notice them and who till his last breath fought to make their life better. Luke was a hero who did negative things but in the end he was also the reason the lives of greek demigods changed for the better even if slightly.
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halothenthehorns · 29 days
Chapter 2: The Ties that Bind
The Athena cabin was the most brightly lit in Camp.
Not Apollo's, whose kids spent to much of their time outdoors or they'd all kill each other. Their music got the best volume and audience down in the amphitheater anyways, and the others dispersed in the archery range or med bay or anywhere else they pleased, like flirting down at the lake. No, the sun god's cabin got the most warmth through the beautifully constructed windows, but the lights inside were rarely on.
The large gray cabin had every light in the house on, often times bright as the crack of dawn in the dead of night. Currently, with one lone occupant in its center. Her curly blonde hair was a tangled mess, her orange shirt was more wrinkled than her bloodshot eyes as she stared down at a test with a B- on it as if it held the answer to all her prayers.
The name at the top said Percy Jackson.
He'd kissed her goodnight with one of the proudest smiles she'd ever seen on his face. He'd been going on about mailing this to his mother and threatening Hermes himself if it didn't arrive, he didn't want to wait for winter break to end to show his mom.
It was just a mock test, they'd come to camp together that winter holiday teasing and laughing each other they wouldn't get anything done, but he'd sat dutifully beside her every day after training. She gave him the test verbally, and it turned out she'd found a very helpful way to encourage him to focus on his studies involving gummy worms.
She'd never seen him smile so bright when she swore on the Styx she hadn't curved the grade for him, that had been his work on that paper, and he'd looked at her and said, "maybe I should go back to slacking off," teasing and squeezing her hand. "I'm worried if this becomes a thing Wise Girl, you'll stop calling me Seaweed Brain."
"I wouldn't dream of it," she'd kissed him gently and promised they'd drive to New York to hand deliver it to his mother. They'd spend the whole drive bickering where they'd spend Christmas. With Sally and Paul, or here at Camp, or maybe even risk finally introducing Percy to her dad as her boyfriend...
There was a corkboard, books, maps, a full plate of food, and more books piled around her than even her mothers temples could imagine holding as she sat in the center. Her siblings must have been staying at the Big House or something after the last time she'd chucked her earrings like throwing stars at the door for Malcolm opening it with worried eyes on her. They were still embedded. Her gray eyes fractured as the fluttering of pages went unnoticed by her from where she'd hurled her last attempt to find an answer against the wall.
He hadn't shown up at breakfast, a worrying thing all its own...
Annabeth felt the presence of someone arriving, but she didn't take notice. If it was one of her siblings crawling through the window for their toothbrush or Chiron again to exchange plates of food and no new answers, they held nothing important for her.
His cabin had been spotless. His bed made, not a speck of dust in sight, the wrappers stacked in the bin rather than ringing it. Somebody had cleaned up.
She was alone again.
Don't do this to me, she wanted to scream in Zeus's face or the universe itself. Haven't I suffered enough?! Please, do not do this to me! I can't take anymore!
The best outcome was a quest, one so time sensitive he had to go before he could tell her, to save someone. The logical answer.
But she was only mortal. It had been to long. There was another solution to this.
He was dead.
Or he had abandoned her too.
When exactly panic had turned into reality he was just, gone, vanished into thin air had been no set point in time. She kept expecting the terror to fade, dull slightly, but it never did. It was always there, like she'd grown a second heartbeat, pulsing away no matter what little sleep her mind claimed from her brain's frantic searches before she snapped awake again in full panic.
Calling Sally had been the worst of it. The dead feeling she knew she could never resuscitate in herself no matter the outcome. Her last desperate chance he'd just taken off to see her alone, and the choking words to explain when his mother was as lost as she was.
Will Solace had threatened to carry her over his shoulder to the med bay and strap her down if he heard of this continuing, and she'd chucked her backpack at him, dislocating his shoulder last she heard.
She'd prayed to every single God, sobbed until she passed out for air into Grover's shoulder as he held her tight, but they were the wrong arms. Pleaded with her mother to give her another clue and she wouldn't fail her again. Demanded of Hera to take her instead if this was some punishment. Waded into the frigid December Long Island Sound up to her chest and begged for Poseidon's help, sacrificing her hat strung onto her beaded necklace into the still water.
There was just a moment. A warm flash. It had felt like a promise her sacrifice had been seen, but dismissed.
She'd stood there waiting until she was blue for more, Chiron had dragged her out kicking and screaming because it didn't vanish. Her most precious object only stayed floating on the surface. He put it on her nightstand for her where it stayed.
The clock on the wall kept ticking. Over seven days. In mere hours it would be one hundred and ninty-two hours. Every second was another moment for her world to fall apart beyond the scope of her putting any of it back together.
Chiron had been beside himself trying to comfort her, trying to get her to sleep and eat. Will had apparently gone missing too, but all she'd heard was that the wisest person at Camp didn't have an answer for her if more were on the way. She hoped she was next.
All she'd found at the Grand Canyon were angry storm spirits as lost as her, empty and chasing their own tails...
Her dreams were a worse torment than being awake. She never knew if the awful pain she kept seeing Percy in was real or her imagination. The whispers of her mother's voice that things were wrong and out of place, like missing chess pieces on a board. She'd felt a presence snatch her away, she'd felt the distaste in that flying sensation and knew it must be Hera, showing her a vision, that a boy with one shoe would be her answer- there had been a fraction of a second, where she'd stopped in a room and looked right at Percy before it all went black.
"Annabeth Chase."
The use of her last name speared something in her, the last dregs of her sanity she'd been clinging to. She was on her feet with her dagger drawn to sever ties with anyone on this mortal world who dared imply she had anywhere to go back to.
She sat delicately on a stack of discarded books over Tartarus's many entrances, the number of which people could accidentally fall into much larger than Annabeth had anticipated.
The goddess of the moon and hunt had the same sad, soulful silver eyes as when she'd taken the burden of the sky away from her.
"Thalia," Annabeth's voice came up as her last breath, her knees trembled. "Is, is she..." of course. Of course this had happened. She'd begged for her sister's help that first day and Thalia had sworn she'd find him, slashing the Mist connection with vengeful eyes practically before Annabeth had finished explaining to get started. Now her patron goddess was here to tell her Thalia was dead in the search too-
"My Lueatinent is safe," Artemis said evenly, but there was a tick to her mouth. The kind of anger that a goddess could use to level natural disasters if she didn't smooth out her features again. "I can take you to her, and the one you seek, Percy Jackson."
There was no sense of movement. Annabeth's knife was embedded into the floor point first, she was on her knees in front of her savior once more as she spoke without hesitation, "I swear on the Styx, I'll do anything to help. What do you need?"
No god did anything without wanting something in return. She would pay that price.
There was a rumble of thunder in the distance, and her cold eyes turned warm as she smiled and stroked her hair. Artemis reached for her hand and Annabeth blindly took it without care of what came next. "That answer will suffice."
They interrupted the Titan of the Ocean and the Titan of Fresh Water and Nourishment having dinner.
Annabeth landed on the kale chips and heard the disturbing crunch under her rump while Artemis delicately plucked a shrimp out of her loose, brown hair.
The canyon like room was so dark Annabeth couldn't see the walls, the mosaic tiles were grimy and the floor had more tread it in than her favorite book. There was an empty chandelier hanging on by a single bolt above her head threatening to give out any moment with empty candle holders and dripping diamonds. The ceiling's white marble was so structurally unsound not even the best job involving duct tape would fix it. The one decoration that stood the test of time was an enormous, lovely stained glass window above the arched door. The happy couple gazing into each other's eyes in every shade of blue and green. It glowed as the only source of light.
Oceanus's bursting sigh caused it to quiver in its frame and one of the mottled chairs to collapse out of sight from her perch on the center of the long table. "Listening to Kronos really was the worst decision of my existence," he said as he stabbed at his salad. "Those kids don't go five minutes without disrupting my peace, now we can't get through dinner without gods popping in on us?"
"Artemis, it is lovely to see you again," but Tethy's smile was strained even as she pulled out a clipboard and flipped to a new page. "Something we can help you with? Why have you brought this mortal."
Oceanus stared blearily at her like he was seeing her for the first time through the mirky swill. There were cobwebs swaying around on his bullhorns.
"I cannot stay long, my lady," she tipped her head respectfully, but there was still a tightness about her Annabeth wasn't used to seeing in how the gods carried themselves. It seemed as if she was concentrating on her every word. "Poseidon played a dangerous move interrupting Hera's plan," Artemis kept her childlike appearance, sitting smaller than Annabeth in her chair, her forehead only just visible from where Annabeth sat. Her voice carried power in the room. "I do not follow Zues's wishes, and I do not appreciate being kept out of the loop."
A silver fork leapt off the table and flew across the room into the darkness. There was an ominous blue glow of a fish Annabeth couldn't hope to identify coming to life and eating it before the light faded back away.
"My second greatest regret," one of Oceanus's crab claws jutting from his ear started tapping his temple. "Harboring these children has been nothing but a miserable headache! If we didn't share a domain I wouldn't even care to make peace, but the fight isn't worth another pain in my-"
"You have not just dishonored Poseidon," Artemis's voice stayed calm, but Annabeth was starting to wonder if she had better luck against the fish too at the danger in the air. Some of the other silverware was starting to gravitate towards the goddess, and she didn't want to know what Artemis would do with a butter knife. "Typhoon nearly destroyed Olympus, you did us all a disservice by attacking Poseidon's home and keeping his attention from the true battle."
"Poseidon's choice-" Tethys came to her husband's defense.
"Now listen here young godling," Oceanus's flower robes began swirling dangerously around him and Annabeth really wished she hadn't left her knife in her cabin.
"I have come to offer a solution," Artemis smoothly kept talking as if Annabeth's hair wasn't standing on end from the danger crackling in the room. Perhaps the goddess could meld all of the silver to her in defense. Annabeth didn't like her chances as much.
Silence, and then the two Titans finally seemed to remember to look at her.
"Me?" Annabeth squeaked.
"She is a natural leader, she will keep your charges calm. She should have been there in the beginning," Artemis's voice was laced with mercury, it was plain as her forehead she was still angry Thalia had been taken without her knowledge, but the slight rift of movement in her auburn hair meant she probably just crossed her ankles and smoothed her shirt before continuing. "I am offering her to be in your court now to keep the god's children in a more quiet peace."
Silence was her answer, Annabeth felt sweat break out on the back of her neck, but she jumped to her feet with confidence. Crumbs fell from the seat of her pants. Her empty hands wished to readjust the straps of her bag and twist up her cap, but she had nothing but her wits about her. The same she'd always had.
"I will not only do this," she promised, wishing she knew what in the god's grand scheming was going on she was promising to do, "but I will do you one better Lord Oceanus. I will design you a new home, an even better retirement home. With soundproof walls."
That got his attention. He finally stared directly at her, his fractured eyes like a tempest.
The Titan was unfathomably old, and tired. Whatever Kronos had promised him for his services, Annabeth had a feeling it had not come to pass.
"I thought you were already in that room," he finally said.
"No dear," Tethy's voice was still patient and calm, if just as strained as her husband's. "The two that are giving me insurance hell are still in there. I'm still on hold, and haven't gotten a single call back from my representative of claims!"
"Ah," he tapped his chin, or tried to, as he tapped one of the crab claws that tapped back like a strange miniature version of paddy cake. "On one condition Artemis. You must take one of them with you. If you're down here interrupting my dinner, than we may have even less time before the rest of the gods such as Hera herself figure out our ploy and I have been assured I will not be involved in that business. My hands are free of this mess once those kids finish their homework and are gone. Any extra soul is already pushing the boundaries."
"A fair trade I will see to myself," Artemis assured. "I have permission to enter your bathhouse?"
"Yes, yes," he waved, eyes still on Annabeth who mouthed bathhouse with dread. "I have your word mortal? On the River Styx? Soundproof walls?"
"With luxury recliners and the best earmuffs in immortal existence," Annabeth assured.
There was no other explanation before Armies jumped on the table and took her hand again, and the last glimpse she had of one of the first immortal beings was the couple exchanging hopeful smiles again like the picture behind them.
They were standing in an empty hallway on the cracked floor right in front of a door that had a massive hole through the middle. Inside was a circular room that gave her heart failure, it was in more disrepair than the room she'd just left, its structure hanging on by divine intervention.
There were people inside sitting on green couches and cushions. Strangely only one of them seemed to be talking, their voice coming to her a bit forced as if they were reading something rather than just speaking. She'd practiced enough speeches in the mirror from her many botched and rewritten battle plans to hear the difference in someone's voice.
That voice, she knew that voice...she'd heard it so many times in her life. Exhausted, strained, about to crack with stress, but forcing a smile like nothing was wrong. Happy, laughing, saying her name in every way possible-
Without another glance at the goddess, she pushed the door open as Percy said;
"So," Beckendorf said, "I'm guessing you don't want me to mention that little scene to Annabeth."
"Oh, gods," I muttered. "Don't even think about it."
"Tell Annabeth what?" Annabeth said from the doorway.
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gladiolusflwr · 5 months
Percy sitting down in the chair, deciding that he’d rather risk himself for Annabeth because A. She’s better at being a Demigod and B. Because he feels like he has nothing else to lose- he thinks that nobody (but his mom) cares about him.
Now, me being a book reader knows that (and the show does a great job building up to this character trait of hers) if he does this, if he sits down- she will feel in debt to him forever. I mean Percy has changed her life in 3-4 days- he changed her perspective on her mother and the gods as a whole. She’s LEARNING something from him, and as a child of Athena, they usually don’t learn things from kids their age, this is new to her.
So Percy, despite Annabeth’s pleading, sits down and lets himself be turned into gold so her and Grover can complete the quest.
(Now this next part leaves me teary eyed)
Annabeth begs him to stand up.
He can’t.
And he assures her that he’s ok.
“It’s ok.”
“I’m ok.”
“I’m ok.”
He was trying to convince her that SHE made the right choice in letting him do that- but the last one.
“I’m ok.”
That was to convince himself that this was for the better, that Annabeth and Grover would make it to Hades and to Olympus with the bolt, without him.
This episode is so special to me because Annabeth fears only one thing in this world, and that’s losing him. Percy feels that she’s better without him, but she knows differently, she vows to get his mom back from Hades, she vows to never be like the gods because of him, she vows to try and save him after the quest, (even though she refused to leave him in the throne, she refused to leave until he was safe.) Annabeth, the most promising of Athena’s children for being strategical and level headed, makes the most emotionally driven promises and acts because he brings that out of her.
And that my friends is why in book 3, Athena tells Percy that she’d rather them not be friends- Percy makes Annabeth act irrationally because they need each other, more than Percy knows.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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banannabethchase · 11 months
20 and 24- Percabeth
Glitter - also on AO3
Percy gets home and sees a trail of glitter. He's used to Annabeth's unusual, but this seems different.
Oooh a challenge! It went so fluffy I'm gonna die! I hope you enjoy love <3
Percy is, well, he's not confused, exactly, because he's learned after this long that expectations of normalcy do not bode well as Annabeth Chase's boyfriend. But he's a big confused about the trail of glitter on the floor, leading to their bedroom.
"Uh, Annabeth?" he calls, hesitantly. "Everything okay?"
"Um. Yes!" She sounds more high pitched than usual, and Percy picks up the pace. He immediately goes for the worst: someone broke in, a monster has her hostage, she slipped on the glitter and hit her head.
“I’ll be right there!”
"Wait,” she says, and the panic in her voice makes him even more concerned, “don't come -"
He doesn't catch her words until the door is open.
Annabeth is on the bed, tangled in a pair of what appear to be stockings.
"Don't you dare laugh," she says sternly. "This was supposed to be, like, a birthday thing for next month, and then I realized if I put the blue glitter trim on while they were off it would get ruined, so I started putting them on and then I tripped and had to roll to the bedroom - I said don't laugh!"
"I'm trying not to, I promise!" He really is trying, too - his chest hurts with how much he's trying not to laugh. "But, really? Stockings? Blue glitter stockings?"
"I thought it would be fun!" Annabeth wails. "We've been together a million years. I've given you practically every present there is." Her face crumples. "I didn't want you to get bored."
Percy feels like an idiot for not getting it sooner. "Oh, Annabeth, never," he says. He sits next to her on the bed, the glitter poofing up in the air and onto his clothes. He doesn't care. "It's impossible to get bored of you." He yanks her close since she’s not going to be able to move well herself, and she rests her head on his shoulder. "You know that, right?"
She shrugs. "Maybe. We're just, like. We're older now, you know?" She shifts so she can see him, look into his eyes. He's still always so disarmed by her eyes. "I want to be able to have surprises still."
Percy presses his lips together. "I mean, I was saving this one for the fancy dinner on your birthday, but if you want surprises." He pulls the brand new box out of his pocket, the one that he'd just picked up today, and kneels on the ground. He pops it open to reveal the gold band inset with emerald and diamond. "How's this for a surprise?"
Annabeth, still wrapped in the nylon tights, glitter in her messy hair, mouth agape, has never looked more beautiful to Percy in his life. "You little shit," she laughs. "No way. I thought - your mom said she was thinking you’d do it on Christmas!"
"And you are to blame for the one lie I've told Sally Jackson," Percy laughs. He lifts the box a little higher. "Annabeth Chase, we've made life ours as partners since we were twelve and you hated me. And made fun of my drooling."
"Well, you still do that."
"Don't interrupt my proposal," Percy says, grinning. "Annabeth, will you make us permanent?" He chokes on the last few words. "Will you marry me?"
Annabeth nods. "Yes. Oh, my gods, yes. I just." She wiggles her left hand, and it's only then that Percy realizes that's the biggest problem with the tights. "I wasn't kidding. Two engineering degrees, and I'm bested by tights."
Percy doesn't laugh this time. "How about we get you out of those, okay?"
Annabeth's expression changes so quickly it's almost startling. "Oh, if that's how you want it to be."
Percy laughs as the two of them get her tights off. He thinks they're lucky to be in bed, but, now, the glitter is really going to be everywhere. He slides the ring on her finger after, when there's tiny specks of blue across their skin and the sheets.
"Now it's official," he says, nuzzling into her neck. "I'm never letting you get away from me."
"Together," she says. "Always."
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bisexualpercyjacksons · 5 months
no wait wait wait hear me out about how the four beads is a truly devious and smart addition
so starting off with four beads from the dryad establishes a few things:
1. getting out of the underworld wasn’t something they really thought about yet (too many steps ahead, I also have ADHD I get it)
2. poseidon HAS thought of that problem and has made the beads in preparation to protect them
3. poseiden thought about rescuing sally when planning how to get everyone back safely, not just percy and his friends
2 & 3 plant the seeds (a long with the dryad’s words and hermes’ comments) that poseiden really does care about percy (and sally!). yes I know I know, bare minimum to care about your kid etc. but considering this is a show and we don’t get percy’s internal monologue it kinda makes sense to have a little more details that make poseiden seem better to the audience
[read more break to not clog up the tag. I promise I get into the angst shortly]
all these little bits that imply poseiden really does want to be there for him but can’t, that he’s been watching from afar because he didn’t want zeus to find out he broke the pact and take his anger out on his son and former love (yes, love! this is the man/god that wanted sally to be his queen with him in his underwater kingdom!!!). I actually really like the idea of those posts about how he has been helping out in little ways over the years because. let’s be real for a second. NO WAY does sally afford that apartment AND have the ability to send percy to specialized boarding schools with the salary of a CANDY SHOP EMPLOYEE. I get it I get it, the gods are deadbeats, but I’ll admit I kind of like the idea that he’s been doing what he feasibly could without getting caught by making extra money appear in sally’s bank account or sm
making him seem (and possibly be) more sympathetic is another reason that fuels percy to change the system rather than join luke to tear it all down. he knows the system is bad but he sees hope and truly believes it can be changed for the better. that is something that can be saved, not destroyed
4. this is kinda irrelevant but I like that it is the dryad that agrees to give percy the pearls after poseiden says for him and his friends to go back to camp because she wants him to have a chance to change things. gives her a little bit more agency. (also y’all she’s SO pretty in gay but moving in)
so. four beads.
if we want to keep the dilemma and character growth that comes with there only being three beads and someone having to make a sacrifice, something needs to happen: one of the beads breaks or someone loses it
is it percy? who has realized they need four beads for EVERYONE to come back and is horrified that they now only have three, meaning either he himself or one of the most important people to him has to be left behind in actual hell in order for the world to be saved? think about the dread and self-loathing that would come from that
or is it annabeth or grover? where the horrifying realization is the same but now there is a gut reaction from percy to be upset with the person who loses/breaks it. he loves his friends and can’t stay mad at them but now they are in this impossible dilemma to choose who stays behind and it’s killing all of them. the impossibly guilt of the person who breaks/loses it knowing that it’s their fault someone doesn’t get to go home, someone has to stay behind in the underworld
and when does this happen? early on, and we spend the episode watching them all try to figure out the dreadful problem of who gets left behind. looking at each other thinking, I can’t leave them behind, I can’t. they’re my family. but we can’t leave percy’s mom behind either.
or does it happen right before they have the chance to go, and they all think everyone is going to make it and sally is in percy’s grasp only for everything to fall apart and now everyone is looking at each other thinking, who is going to have to be left behind? who has to be the sacrifice?
anyways, I think there is something truly devious about them KNOWING there NEEDS to be four beads and HAVING THEM only to have something happen and the option of everyone going home safe being ripped from their grasps
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