lqlucas · 4 years
This blog got me falling so hard for yukhei I think it’s time to officially join Yukheination
u hear that yukheination??? we got em
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jungwooandhearts · 5 years
Jungwoo can never not make me uwu and he’s gonna be back to his shenanigans and just his typical weird self. Omg wow I really missed him a lot I love him so much
god same same same. he just makes me so happy with his dumb faces and random dancing and silly things he says and i’ve missed him so bad it’s like i lost a limb. snoopyzens are finally going to get their first win 🥺😭
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heoneyology · 5 years
What happened with Zico?
so basically, long-ish story short, produce x 101 “fans” basically bullied zico into deleting half of his photos on instagram (I’m assuming because he was being spammed with negative comments on most recent pictures, this happened before I was awake today) all the way back to july 2016. he also put his account on private.
this coming after netizens had already bullied him into going inactive on his private insta, and posting updates about himself on his company insta instead.
they did this because they’re mad:
the song “move” isn’t charting
that he had literally one line (let alone the fact the “line” was two words) in a song he produced
that he promoted the song on koz’s instagram
and that he got screen time on the show, overall
everyone begs zico to produce a song for their idols and as soon as he does, they’re mad about the stupidest shit like this... like you can’t have it both ways? you either get a song by him, and accept everything with it, or you don’t?
and now the netizens/antis that were called out by bbc are backpedaling over the things they wrote and said about zico because bbc were smart enough to take screenshots of their malicious words and send it to koz entertainment’s official email. they’re all issuing out apologies... but one netizen, when I read through a reply she was having with a bbc about her apology, said something to the effect of, “I thought [his fans] would be more hurt by this than upset,” so like she literally? did this? to make us feel sad and worthless and pathetic? but instead bbc got angry and now that 30k+ people are calling her out for it, she’s changing her mind (that’s just one specific anti/netizen I came across, idk about the rest, but I’m assuming it’s similar)
akldjfkdl anyway this reply came out long and I’m Tired of him getting so much crap... right when things were looking up... and he was so happy to be on the show, and work with those kids, and immediately after filming for the show he went to his fanmeet and was happy there... and now this...
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dearatz-archive · 5 years
Does Wooyoung like to seduce virgins so that he can be the one to “taint” and “ruin” them? If so, then why?
WOOYOUNG: snickers. because it’s fun. especially when i get to see how guilty they look afterwards. it’s so cute, watching them wallow in their own self pity, wishing that they can take back what they so willingly gave to me. watching their little spirits break in my hands when they realized they’ll suffer for the entirety of their after life because of one little mistake....it’s so satisfying.
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starry-satoru · 5 years
I can’t wait for demon!Jongho part 3!! You’ve got me hooked
Aw, thank you, my dear!! I’m sorry part three is taking far longer than I originally intended. I’ve been working a lot more lately, which means I’ve just been exhausted. It will be coming sometime this week though. I’m dying to write it just as much as you all are dying to read it, trust me. I’m excited for what the future parts hold 🤭
Much love 💕
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I’m sorry I haven’t been here recently :((( Please always take care of your health first and spend your time and energy on yourself and healing ❤️ No matter what you decide to do with this blog in the future I’ll be here to be supportive 💕💕
God forsaken mobile app automatically takes me to reply to this instead of just view it and my settings are to automatically hit the default which is save so it posted this without me even having a moment to reply. -__-
Thank you so much, sweet pea. I do have to take some time for myself right now to figure everything out. If I leave or not, the blog will stay up forever. I have no intention of taking it down. I appreciate your love and support, as they both mean the world to me. 
I fully intend to come back to this blog--when and how is a different story. For now, I am putting everything on hold until I feel more comfortable to address some major things. I am too confused and hurt for now to make any decisions, so it will remain stagnant for a bit. 
I’ll be around tumblr, so of course I’ll probably be messaging you on and off. 
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gir4 · 5 years
Your art is so cute!! I was wondering if you sold stickers of your art bc I’d buy it
ahh no not rn im sorry :(( but thank you for the interest!!!!!
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4voisper · 7 years
What songs would you recommend for people to listen to if they want to get into snupers??
they just came back with their song back:hug today!!
but u should also check out shall we dance, platonic love, it’s raining, you=heaven !! those r their title tracks^^
i’d have to say my fave non title tracks (not including this album bc i havent listened to it yet) r carry and so much in love!
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ddaengjo · 5 years
Yoooo hi I found your blog here and like it’s so cute??!!?!??? It’s hella cool that we have the same name like I’ve legit never met anyone with the same exact name as me LIKE DAMN THIS IS COOL anyways have a good day/night
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aethalen · 5 years
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I am always very shy about posting my face lmfao but I was tagged by @taenyang​ to post a selfie and four faves for... idk a ship or something? Let ya’ll decide who you think I’d match with best? I don’t really know. I don’t take selfies often so please bear with me. 
I chose SVT’s Joshua, The Boyz’s Younghoon, KNK’s Heejun and Nu’est’s JR!
I’ll tag people I’m almost sure won’t do this lmao, but they’re the ones I’m closest to! @bossmyc​, @ankitasung​, @multidino, @yueliangs-wonderland, @hey-its-lanlan and all my other lovely mutuals whose urls don’t come right to the front of my mind. 
And for those of you who haven’t seen my face yet, here it is. 
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jimthejadeplant · 5 years
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people! No skipping
 @worlds-shortest-astronaut thanks for tagging me!
1. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again - The Phantom of the Opera
2. Magalenha - Sergio Mendes
3. Pilentze Sings - Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares
4. DNA - BTS
5. Debris - Gravity Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
6. Scentist - VIXX
7. Want - Taemin
8. Colors of the Wind - Disney’s Pocahontas
9. Water Night - Eric Whitacre
10. The Story of Tonight - Hamilton
Have fun @creepysmlile @rainydayswriter @ankitasung @scanalan @multifansworld @funnymatrics @kpopswonders @cheezedoodlez @caffienedcold
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jungwooandhearts · 4 years
I’m really loving these Christmas edits💕
HI this got lost in my notes but thank youuuuu 🥰 i love doing seasonal stuff like this and posting daily again 🥺 thanks for liking my stuff and always interacting over here 💓💗☁️🌟💗💖💐💘💝
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nyaaaaaw · 7 years
Omg good luck in school (it started so early for you I'm so sorry) and hopefully it won't be as draining as it goes on AND GOOD LUCK THIS SEMESTER!!!!!
THANK YOU I NEED ALL THE LUCK AND PRAYERS I CAN GET ;-;I have this major, stat 131 that is prerequisite to all my majors next sem. If i fail it i will most definitely be delayed! its a really difficult subject thats why soon i might disappear for a while to focus ㅠㅠ
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aditistudies · 6 years
a tag game !!
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better
a quick thank you to  @bujo-ie for tagging me ♡
a - age: 14
b - birth place: boston
c - current time: 11:10 am
d - drink you last had: water
e - easiest person to talk to: me, myself, and i
f - favorite song: probably ‘the weekend’ by sza or ‘funeral’ by phoebe bridgers
g - grossest memory: uhm probably this one time when we had ants covering a bathroom wall back when we were in our rental house,, there were ants everywhere
h - horror yes or horror no: i’m alright with horror movies, i don’t have a very strong opinion on them
i - in love: not really
j - jealous: at times
k - kiss or be kissed: haven’t been kissed 
l - love at first or should i walk by again: walk by again sweetie
m - middle: finger,, it’s the best
n - number of siblings: one
o - one wish: to spend my life doing something i love
p - last person i called: my mom
q - question you are always asked: what do you want to study in college?
r - reason to smile: good friends
s - song you last sang: ‘funeral’ by phoebe bridgers
t - time you woke up: like 9 or 10 oops
u - underwhelming experience: my first and last middle school dance,, it was just veryy bad
v - vacation destination: hm probably europe or japan
w - worst habit: p r o c r a s t i n a t i o n  &  not working out 
x - x-rays: my teeth because my dentist wanted to see my teeth ?
y - your favorite food: anything my mom cooks,, she’s a great cook
z - zodiac sign: cancer
tagging: @euphcric @alanstudy @phoebe-does @ankitasung @intrastudies
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itsjust-lin · 7 years
♥ Follow Forever ♥
Can’t believe I have 800 followers! I’M SO THANKFUL TO EVERYONE FOLLOWING ME ♥♥♥ Long time passed since I did this so let’s go, here are my all time fave blogs and people on tumblr :) (in no particular order , sorry if I forgot someone, I follow more than 600 blogs rn + i lost track of many people cause of url changes T.T) @lapillity ♥ @byungjoo ♥ @xydrangea ♥ @diaryofalonelydiva ♥ @peekaboojun  ♥ @tom-failure ♥ @elvismp3 ♥ @@ttaettaes ♥ @sanggyun ♥ @sggyun ♥ @jadeontumb1r ♥ @its-tdboys ♥ @td-b0yz ♥ @cinnamontaetae ♥ @kmsmitty ♥ @grapefruitwoozi ♥ @sanggyun-is-bae ♥ @byungjo ♥ @gottabombbombandpow ♥ @toppdoggtrash ♥ @lastlov ♥ @mylifeiskpoptrash ♥ @toppgods ♥ @puervy ♥ @the-tdboys ♥ @abandonedbricks ♥ @toppklass2017 ♥ @annlka ♥ @jih0joon ♥ @potatogoon ♥ @madlight-hansol ♥ @bjoot ♥ @hojoonpsd ♥ @paradisestoryy ♥ @toppdogghellyeah ♥ @toppsamm ♥ @nikkutz ♥ @y-ngguk ♥ @himchans ♥ @toppzeraklass ♥ @sxngdo ♥ @sangdonie ♥ @fae-hyun ♥ @soooldout ♥ @roses-for-jongup ♥ @villemo1001 ♥ @s-tttop ♥ @gyunim1 ♥ @kimseongkyu ♥ @hojoontrash ♥ @becuzgyu ♥ @whiteconfession ♥ @sangdont ♥ @hojooniee ♥ @saangdo ♥ @itsachocolatecake ♥ @ilyhojoon ♥ @xero-percent ♥ @ifuckingloveharuharuliveinjapan ♥ @saengdo ♥ @hellyeahtd ♥ @talaith13 ♥ @stanbap ♥ @yanoheejun ♥ @kimsanggyum ♥ @livingthatkpoplife ♥ @sangwonsbf ♥ @bias-yixing ♥ @shelupie ♥ @flap-monster ♥ @toppdoggdomain ♥ @toppgf ♥ @toppdogg ♥ @husberttee ♥ @juunku ♥ @nabiso ♥ @pgooned ♥ @t-doogo ♥ @screaming-toppdogg ♥ @ankitasung ♥ @titty-boyzzz ♥ @jenissisleeping ♥ @eumyu ♥ @gohn-tomorrow ♥ @toppdoggwho ♥ @smol-yooncheol ♥ @namsoogyu ♥ @kpopakamylife ♥ @a-tomtastic ♥ @xero-control ♥ @sanggyunbejoyful ♥ @bjoogie ♥  I love you all ♥
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Naw but like, you’re super sweet, tysm.
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