#andrew finding out kevin knew about neil and didnt fucking tell him
the great war by taylor swift is so Andriel coded, send tweet
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aftgficlibrary · 6 years
Here is a list of fics set after the books so we can live on even after the series ends (Note: due to the sheer amount of Post-Canon fics, this only includes completed fics and is an extremely long list)
light fires at night (to push back the void) by inthesea (M | 61,862 | 3/3)
The first time Andrew realizes he wants to hear the words, Neil isn’t even doing anything. He’s just sitting there, staring at the horizon with that stupidly dramatic faraway expression of his, and letting the cigarette burn down between his fingers all the way to the filter — an outrageous waste of good nicotine, if you asked Andrew.
(Or: 20+ times Andrew and Neil say I love you, and one time they say it out loud.)
Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms) by SpangleBangle (E | 84,557 | 13/13)
Life goes on after the Foxes win the championship, and for Andrew and Neil it’s uncharted territory with only each other for guides. Maybe it’s time to put away some of those hard edges, and learn how to touch more softly, and speak more honestly. And if they falter, they have their family to help them get back on their feet.
right side of rock bottom by allyasavedtheday (M | 20,019 | 1/1)
Neil thinks it might be the first time he’s taken a breath in days.
He hadn’t realised it because he’d been so caught up in packing and saying goodbye to everyone but now that it’s over he remembers his self-imposed countdown was meant to be up by now. It’s the end of the school year and five months ago, he thought he’d be dead by now.
Instead he has a team and a future and a home and Andrew.
(The last two might be interchangeable.)
A little look into Neil and Andrew’s relationship after The King’s Men where they learn to touch, to talk and to trust.
The Name Game by minyrrds (G | 3,042 | 1/1)
What happens when Andrew and Neil change the names on their jerseys
something like home by nightswatch (T | 5,197 | 1/1)
Andrew keeps showing up at Neil’s apartment. But that’s what he gave him the key for, isn’t it?
lessons in trust by nightswatch (T | 3,609 | 1/1)
They don’t talk about what exactly they are, but Neil is more and more convinced that they’re on a good way to becoming something.
raze it to the ground by ilgaksu for badacts (T | 4,511 | 1/1)
It stops being about Neil entirely, and it starts being about this: Andrew is really, really fucking tired.
sugar, spice, and something nice by ephemeralsky (T | 6,258 | 1/1)
Andrew appears by his side seconds later, takes one look at the charred disaster, and says, “At least you did not burn the Tower down.”
Neil sighs. Happy birthday, he thinks mockingly as he chucks the brownie into the garbage bin.
(or: Neil finds a new hobby and indulges his family with sweets, Andrew indulges Neil, and they both can’t stop staring at each other)
a love song for the cliffhanger boys by ilgaksu for clockworkmoon (T | 1,680 | 1/1)
Some days, you work with what you got. 
thorn in my skin by ephemeralsky (T | 5,861 | 1/1)
These days, both of them are able to sleep on the same bed without any weapons underneath their pillows and on their person, and Andrew is not sure what he wants to do with this knowledge. They have poured years into forging their armors, and now they are stripping them, piece by tattered piece.
(or: the five weapons Neil has at his disposal + the one weapon he wields without knowing it)
/Graphic Depictions Of Violence
next stop: nowhere by nightswatch (M | 8,117 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew have a week to themselves and decide to hit the road.
i’ll carry you home by broship_addict (E | 4,257 | 1/1)
“I thought we agreed that you were getting rid of it. Not coming back with two.”
“We agreed that I would take the cat to the shelter. I did.”
Or, Andrew and Neil and their cats, in seven parts.
above us only stars by nightswatch (T |  2,206 | 1/1)
Neil wants to say that he is fine. He wants to say that Nathaniel Wesninski doesn’t own a single part of him.
The Days That Followed by lipsstainedbloodred (E | 7,410 | 1/1)
Andrew’s hand moved up further to Neil’s ruined cheek and he held a hand over it briefly. “These are not ugly,” Andrew said, forcing Neil to look up and face himself directly in the mirror, “You will not be ashamed of these. You will not shy away from your reflection because of them. These are not ugly.”
or, the fic where Neil is self conscious of his scars and Andrew forces him not to be.
Hold It Together (Until You Can’t) by Joana789 (M | 5,560 | 1/1)
Andrew holds his gaze just for a second longer before turning away, and Neil breathes in, because even if Andrew Minyard, with his extraordinary memory, remembers the date — which is likely, Neil knows — he gives no sign of it.
Neil thinks that perhaps it is carved into his memory only.
Exactly a year after Baltimore, Neil doesn’t expect to feel like this.
Kisses on Scars by rememberednoah (G | 1,941 | 1/1)
In which Andrew decides to kiss all of Neil’s scars. In which Neil isn’t quite sure how to react and feel about this.
Josten Has A Neck Fetish by keihtkogane (T | 2,301 | 1/1)
An full length ficlet extension of my tumblr headcanon which ends with Andrew revealing Neil has a neck fetish on live television.
Written for the anon who asked: omfg can i pleASE get an extension of the last part of your andreil and subtle touches headcanon? the part where andrew’s like “josten has a fucking neck fetish”
Every Choice Leads To You by SpangleBangle (G | 2,809 | 1/1)
Andrew knew they had to get up at some point, if only for the bathroom, but was loathe to hurry the moment along. He would take every greedy minute of Neil snug in his bed, for as long as he could. It was the choice he’d made years before, and the one he made every day when he saw Neil’s ‘good morning’ smile. He had a feeling it was a choice he’d be making for many years to come. And while that thought should be terrifying, with Neil sweet and content in his arms, fear was far away.
All Hail the Underdogs by wildfrancium (T | 25,411 | 10/10)
Ten years after Neil Josten becomes Neil Josten, life is full of Exy and Andrew. And then they decide to try fostering a kid.
Late Night, Welcome Home by ThePackWantstheD (T | 1,160 | 1/1)
“I thought Andrew shredded those pants,” Kevin answered.
Neil’s lips quirked further up. “Wymack got me another pair.”
“What did I do to deserve this kind of punishment?” Kevin asked. “You’re the problem child.”
Fighting Heavy Shoulders by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,718 | 1/1)
He would stick a knife in the throat of anyone who tried to make him admit it, but Andrew was actually a little concerned about Neil running this race. From what he can tell, this can go one of two ways. Option one: Neil would be reasonable and just survive the race. Run at a sensible pace, make it across the finish line alive, and keep his mouth shut the next time some asshole reporter starts harassing him. Option two: Neil, because he is Neil, would try way too hard to keep up with the people who actually put in a lot of time training for these things. He would pull a muscle or pass out on the course, and Andrew would have to drag his ass to the nearest hospital, which would really throw a wrench in Andrew’s weekend plans of doing absolutely nothing. Not even to mention the absolute hissy fit Kevin would throw if Neil were injured. If Andrew were a betting man, his money would go to option two.
Wymack follows through on his threats, and Andrew is a protective asshole in love.
built this house on memories by modernpatroclus (T | 4,138 | 3/3)
Prompt: OMG when i was reading ur last andreil fic i started thinking “okay but what if neil woke up and didNT REMEMBER ANDREW” CAN U MAKE THIS HAPPEN I WILL PAY U
Or: Neil gets amnesia and can’t remember anything past the night he was drugged in Columbia.
Something Borrowed by Pi (Rhea) (T | 7,266 | 1/1)
After graduation, Neil and Andrew go on a road trip to return particular items to Neil’s mother’s contacts.
Or: two times Neil visited the Henrietta, Virginia.
Perfect by SpangleBangle (G | 1,547 | 1/1)
Ten years on, and things are just perfect.
But Broken Pieces Make Beautiful Mosaics by lipsstainedbloodred (T | 1,926 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is a broken, damaged thing. Pieces of a tattered personality and a traumatized mind, scared and skittish with one foot always out the door. And on Nathaniel Wesninski’s birthday, he runs.
Pillow Talk by zayndehaan for ohwhatanight (M | 3,826 | 1/1)
Neil finds a new fear, and doesn’t know how to bring it up without sounding foolish.
(a.k.a. lots of snuggling and banter and feelings)
Take Another Drag by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,233 | 1/1)
Andrew knows exactly who Travis is. Travis William Patterson, 27 years old, 6’3” backliner from middle of nowhere, Texas, current starter for the Boston Hurricanes, #9. As a matter of fact, Andrew is looking at him right now. ESPN is showing Exy highlights from last weekend, and Neil’s team just happens to be up at this very moment.
The Neil on screen has just performed some ridiculous move that absolutely should not have ended with a goal but somehow did, and he is immediately met with high-fives from his teammates and an affectionate-looking hug from Travis. Andrew can most certainly be objective, and this exchange looks pretty platonic. But Andrew is also a man attracted to men, and he has to admit that Travis is good looking. Really good looking.
Neil seems to be spending a lot of time with his new friend, and Andrew is Not Jealous.
dreamed in red by Frostandcoal (M | 7,261 | 1/1)
Four times the nightmares don’t win, and one time they almost do. Post-canon.
Minyard-Josten: A Rivalry For The Ages by dustbottle (M | 4,203 | 1/1)
After four years of playing together at Palmetto State University, Neil and Andrew end up on different professional teams. Neil is the new striker for the Atlanta Hawks; Andrew is goalie for the Boston Rebels. This is the story of their so-called rivalry.
Three guesses as to who starts the rumours.
(Spoilers: It’s Neil.)
Inside the Outsider by ouroboros for finkpishnets (M | 2,215 | 1/1)
It is little things like that that make this okay. Small rules, steps to follow: Pants staying buttoned, Neil’s hands where he can see them, no words but “Yes or no.” And, now, door locked. Check.
(Andrew looks back on the first time he does more than kiss Neil)
uncurling lifelines by Frostandcoal (M | 3,202 | 1/1)
That Andrew likes Neil being vocal in bed – that’s a key, and Neil intends to use it. This is something that Neil can give Andrew, a thing Andrew likes, that doesn’t involve touching or crossing boundaries Andrew is not yet ready for Neil to cross.
Besides, if Neil is good at anything besides Exy, it’s running his mouth.
Or: Neil learns that Andrew “I’m An Instigator At Heart And So Are You” Minyard might just like hearing Neil express not only his consent, but his enthusiasm, when they’re in bed.
back and forth by broship_addict (T | 2,573 | 1/1)
Years later Andrew and Neil find themselves revisiting Palmetto. It’s a lot more fun than Andrew’s ready to admit.
Lost Boy by the_ocean_burned (M | 6,401 | 1/1)
A look through Andrew’s eyes during some of the major events in the series.
Since I did use scenes and quotes from the series, I’m going to put a disclaimer on this one: All copyright rights to the characters, dialogue, and canon events belong solely to Nora Sakavic. I don’t own any of it; please don’t sue me. I’m broke.
The Self I Am by dustbottle (E | 5,536 | 1/1)
Though Neil and Andrew have been on the same professional team for years, the Minyard-Josten rivalry is still going strong. No one has caught wind of the truth of their relationship – but maybe it’s time for that to change.
(Or: Neil and Andrew decide to come out. This is how it happens.)
late night by Frostandcoal (G | 2,355 | 1/1)
People think that Exy “saved” him, but they are wrong. Exy is not a savior – there are no saviors for people like Andrew.
In which Andrew Minyard decides to pay it forward thanks to an all-night bodega, terrible ice cream choices and a cashier who just happens to play collegiate Exy.
out of breath by Frostandcoal for tycutiovevo (G | 3,418 | 1/1)
For tycutiovevo, who wanted Andreil in cold!weather, no angst. I hope you like this, bb! <3! <3!
Neil wants to live his life like he plays Exy – he wants the freedom to take chances, he wants the thrill of last-second goals, he wants the exhilaration of pushing his body to its limits, wants the ache and burn of every single bruise and scrape. His body is marked by other people’s cruelty and other people’s choices made on his behalf – he wants to cover it with the marks of the life he chose for himself.
Neil doesn’t understand what a “blizzard” is, and thinks it’s a good idea to go running in one. Andrew is not impressed.
Delayed Reaction by run_for_me (T | 3,035 | 1/1)
It’s been so long since he’s felt anything but affection for Nicky that he’d almost forgotten there was time when he’d been viscerally and intensely afraid of him.
In which the events of Neil’s first visit to Eden’s Twilight are finally addressed a year later.
I Want to Hold Your Hand by conniptionns (T | 5,009 | 4/4)
If this was Allison and Renee it would be cute and fluffy and very Across the Universe for this song, but it’s Andrew and Neil so
until the end of the world by broship_addict (T | 2,731 | 1/1)
Twenty years, two cats, and a whole lot of sports-related injuries later, they’re still home.
light it up by broship_addict (T | 1,879 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is probably the only person in the world capable of getting Andrew into an ugly Christmas sweater.
missing you (is all i am) by dustbottle (T | 2,677 | 1/1)
After graduating college, Andrew starts his professional Exy career as goalie for the Boston Rebels. Meanwhile, Neil is in his fifth and final year at Palmetto State University. Being apart turns out to be harder than either of them expected, and adjusting is a struggle.
When Neil visits Andrew in Boston, things come to a head.
maybe just the touch of a hand by niallszayn (G | 1,822 | 1/1)
All the Foxes come to Nicky and Erik’s wedding. Bets are made, and no one ever understands Andrew and Neil’s relationship.
Careless by Poteto (G | 1,474 | 1/1)
Matt likes to think Neil is done saying things that will get himself killed. Andrew disagrees.
way i tend to be by Frostandcoal (G | 1,665 | 1/1)
For erinaceinae-lutrinae on tumblr, who gave me the following prompt:
“Someone on Neil’s pro-team decides his nickname should be junior, and Neil does not take it well.”
Blossom Under Kindness by dustbottle (E | 3,433 | 1/1)
After Neil’s first year as a professional Exy player, Andrew and Neil spend their summer together in Columbia. There are good days and bad days. Today is a good day.
take my breath away (you know i’m bound to choke) by essenceofheroism (Not Rated | 1,620 | 1/1)
or the one in which andrew dreams neil runs away.
We Can Be Soft by SpookyMiscreant (M | 20,229 | 13/13)
Andreil and their daily lives. Fun ensues as always. Some of my HCs and some HCs from Tumblr. This has no plot or timeline please forgive me.
of being happy by artemis_west (E | 4,774 | 1/1)
On his flight home, Neil could barely sit still. He kept going back to his phone and staring at the message on his screen, the last one he’d received from Andrew:
I’ll be there.
Sounds Like a Good Excuse for Coming Home by OrdinaryVegan
Andrew is stressed, and Neil is problematic. Long-distance can be rather inconvenient, especially when your not-boyfriend is a murder magnet.
Summer Showers by Previously8 (T | 1,852 | 1/1)
Includes, but is not limited to: lots of staring, one (1) mention of chia seeds, Neil Josten’s new phone, the colours blue, green, and orange, talk of walls, a visit to Home Depot, and "452%”.
Rated T for swearing.
billboard. by lolainslackss (T | 2,940 | 1/1)
“Even when I turn away I can’t unsee it,” Aaron continued, his back to the rest of them, “It’s disgusting.”
Neil follows Kevin’s advice and agrees to be part of an ad campaign for Exy shoes. This ends up with Neil’s face on an eight-hundred-foot-wide moving billboard, and he’s not at all sure what to make of it. Neither is everyone else. Especially when Andrew notices everything.
Right Here in the Light by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,398 | 1/1)
It takes all of his willpower not to physically react from shock when he finds Piper curled up tightly on Andrew’s chest, King tucked behind the bend in her knees. His surprise is two-fold. First, he can’t believe he slept through another person being added into their bed. And second, he can’t believe that Andrew is actually asleep in his current position. His arm is wrapped tightly around Piper’s shoulders, the entirety of her small upper body resting on his chest. Neil can do nothing but stare in awe at the pair of them. He thinks of how far they’ve all come, each of them with their own unique struggles, and his sentimentality nearly gets the better of him.
“Staring,” comes Andrew’s low voice, disguised by disuse. All these years, and Neil still doesn’t know how he does that. His eyes aren’t even open. Ridiculous.
A few members of the domestic Andreil household find themselves awake in the middle of the night. In other words, Andrew Minyard is the best father in the universe, and no one will convince me otherwise.
this calls for a toast by Frostandcoal (G | 1,872 | 1/1)
Three years ago, Andrew Minyard threatened to kill her if she ever spoke to him. She hasn’t, but only because she’s had nothing to say.
Until today.
It’s Katelyn’s wedding day, and she’s got a little something to clear up with her brand-new brother-in-law.
As the Fire Spread by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,022 | 1/1)
Neil’s weight beside him is now familiar and even a comfort, sometimes. But on the occasions when Andrew’s senses are on overdrive and the smallest movement feels like an avalanche, an earthquake, a fucking planetary realignment, Neil knows better than to take Andrew’s abandonment personally.
Neil’s hoodie is thrown over the back of his desk chair, so Andrew makes his way over to dig out the pack of cigarettes from the pocket. He thinks he could light it with just the fire on the edge of his tongue, but he grabs a lighter from the drawer just in case.
Neil wants to help. Andrew just wants to breathe without feeling like his lungs will go up in flames.
Weddings and Other Kinds of Vows bya_case_for_wonder (T | 12,328 | 1/1)
“Lord, Andrew, you’d think you hadn’t been dating the guy for half a decade!” Nicky said. “When is he going to ask you to marry him, of course!” Andrew had known it was coming, but it still felt like the world slowed down a little. The question hung in the air between them like an ugly spell, until Andrew shook himself enough to answer. “He’s not going to ask me.“
Nicky is finally getting married, the third Fox wedding in as many years. Andrew is just trying to get through it, Neil is just trying to have a good time, but with all this love in the air, their friends keep insisting on asking questions they are Not Ready For. They try to work through it together.
Time is Standing Still by OrdinaryVegan (G | 1,441 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil have a daughter, and she is an actual ray of sunshine.
Leave Me on the Tracks by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,092 | 1/1)
If this had happened a few years ago, Andrew would have stood by and watched him leave. No argument, no attempted persuasion. Because that’s what people do. They leave, or they treat you badly enough that you leave first. People are never worth the trouble.
But not this time. The past decade with Neil has made Andrew come to terms with the fact that this means something. Andrew is rather shocked to find that he believes he himself should be enough to make Neil stay. That he is worthy of it. That he wants Neil to stay, and he will be damned if he lets him go without a fight. Andrew is asking. And if that won’t make Neil stay, nothing will.
In which Neil tries to protect Andrew, and Andrew tells him to get over his hero complex.
Patch Your Wounds by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,290 | 1/1)
“Really, Neil,” Andrew drawls. He could have chosen to phrase it as a question, but Neil knows he isn’t surprised. It’s more of an acknowledgement of Neil’s apparent inability to remain injury-free. “You’ve been here for less than forty-five seconds, and you’re already bleeding on my carpet.”
In which Neil is a klutz, the cats are a nuisance, and Andrew is his own special brand of helpful.
I Want You To Know by kayxpc (G | 733 | 1/1)
one love, one house by freefall for cats-are-assholes (T | 2,592 | 1/1)
It’s the little things that make an apartment into a home, that make a sequence of moments into a life.
Or, five times Andrew hates that damn couch, and one time he thinks it isn’t so bad.
Missed This (Not as much as You) by kayxpc (E | 2,087 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew finally get a weekend off of their professional teams and pickup exactly where they left off.
Hidden by kayxpc (G | 2,000 | 1/1)
His Father’s Eyes by maeusetod (Not Rated | 3,012 | 1/1)
Sometimes Neil had thought about, when and under which circumstances he would hear the name Nathaniel again, but he had not expected it to happen like this.
Shut Up, Baby by aftgandreil (arituzz) (E | 693 | 1/1)
“Can you not call me Josten when we are about to have sex?” Neil protests, tugging the hem of his shirt up and over his head.
“What do you want me to call you, then? Asshole?” Andrew says with a smirk on his face, already taking his boxers off.
“Fuck, no. Just–” The advances they’ve made so far have been amazing, Neil thinks, engraving the sight of his naked lover in his head. He can’t help biting his lower lip at the vision in front of him. They’ve come this far, which is more than Neil could have ever hoped for. He guesses it won’t hurt to try for a tinsy little bit more. Locking his eyes with Andrew’s, he says, “Call me baby.”
restless by wesninski for lorcathegreat (G | 2,121 | 1/1)
It’s an expression of restlessness, the kind of bout of spontaneous recklessness at which Neil has always excelled. A new city with new teammates and a new apartment and new stress, and Neil turns to Andrew one summer night, the smell of cigarette smoke mingling with the perfume of Andrew’s flowers on the balcony because they haven’t picked the lock to the roof yet, and says, “let’s get out of here.”
Or: Andrew and Neil go on a road trip and bring the cats along. They should have just found a cat sitter.
if things went differently by yuhee (T | 1,810 | 1/1)
The day Neil Josten disappeared on the Foxes, he had died in a fire incident along with his father and his men. Or so they said. Because Andrew now sees the man in flesh and bones at a city in England after two years.
this place is a shelter by Joana789 (T | 1,786 | 1/1)
”Well,” Andrew says, and the answer feels raw on his tongue. ”Someone has to make sure you don’t run again.”
ask me no questions (and i might not cuss you out) by WingsOfWax (T | 2,77 | 1/1)
Neil’s and Andrew’s relationship becomes public - without their permission. It’s annoying because now they have to actually deal with it. Neil gets more than a little rude when someone asks the wrong kind of question.
"Call me Marcus; he’s strong and noble.” by AroPeterWam (E | 6,899 | 1/1)
“Which one is Sir Fat Cat McCatterson? And why does he have a long name? I like the name King Fluffkins, but isn’t that too many noble titles for the cats?” Marcus, slowly coming out of his shell reached under the coffee table for one of the cats. – In which Neil and Andrew come across a boy who might not be like any of their stray cats.
wake your ghost by Frostandcoal (G | 2,741 | 1/1)
“Kevin’s been obsessed with Riko Moriyama his entire life. It’s going to take more than a bullet to stop that.”
The amount of mental energy Kevin has wasted on Riko is like a faucet, and Andrew has yet to see any definitive proof that Kevin’s ready to turn off the pipes.
In which Kevin has Complicated Feelings ™, Neil does not approve, and Andrew does not care. And Andreil!Banter, for it is like crack unto me, and I love them :|
Close & Closer by kayxpc (E | 1,290 | 1/1)
Andrew & Neil map another safe place out in their relationship
You & Me by kayxpc (E | 782 | 1/1)
A bottom Andrew fic because the fandom is in need of more and I couldn’t get it out of my head.
Here With You by kayxpc (G | 295 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil sleep together after being apart for far too long
an acceptable surprise by kayxpc (G | 1,181 | 1/1)
permanent key//permanent home by kayxpc (T | 1,025 | 1/1)
Andrew visits Neil
She Was Found by OrdinaryVegan (T | 1,591 | 1/1)
"We’ve been over this and over this. We have looked at it from every possible angle. We agreed on this, that this is what we both want. You agreed to get over your daddy issues, and I agreed to actively ignore every parenting example I’ve ever had. Right?”
Neil nods his head once with a little too much force to be convincing. “Right.”
“Okay,” Andrew says, not really sure if it was loud enough for Neil to hear. He tightens his hand on Neil’s neck, pulling him closer until their foreheads are touching. Neil’s hand has made it up to hang off of his bicep, gripping like it’s the only thing keeping him on the ground. Andrew fights to keep his voice as even as possible. “Neil. You have to tell me that you’re in this all the way. This is permanent. Once we sign those papers, she is ours. Forever. I refuse to send her away. I will not be like them,” he says, fiercely. “Do you want this?”
AKA Piper: The Prequel
Sundays by celestia (G | 887 | 1/1)
A lazy sunday
something just like this by kayxpc (G | 566 | 1/1)
happy holidays from the foxes by artemis_westfor OneSweetMelody (G | 5,446 | 1/1)
This is my gift exchange for Jules, who wanted Fox family bonding during the holiday/post-grad! A fic set in the future after the books, when all the Foxes have their kids. They have a yearly reunion during the holidays! Soft andreil living their happy life, Andrew healing and having a better relationship with Aaron and Nicky, everyone is happy and sappy. Merry Christmas!
Always by merlypops for badtemperblue (G | 583 | 1/1)
“Am I annoying you?” “You always do,” Andrew said, cradling Neil’s cheek gently before he shoved his face away again. “Always, Josten.” Neil’s heart squeezed in his chest with something that felt dangerously like happiness. He was glad that name was still alive. He was glad he was still around to hear it. He was glad Andrew wasn’t gone.
Neil and Andrew on a plane. Fluff ensues.
smile, smile, smile by mikeymomoo (G | 744 | 1/1)
andrew is getting groceries and a fan spots him. he fucks with him.
All We Ever Knew by OrdinaryVegan (G | 1,317 | 1/1)
Robin comes to Neil for life advice, and he is surprisingly helpful. 
Phone Calls by celestia (G | 3,339 | 1/1)
It’s Andrew’s birthday. Even though he and Neil don’t celebrate birthdays, Andrew always gets three phone calls on his birthday.
tell me pretty lies by kayxpc (G | 754 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil apartment shop after Andrew graduates.
out & proud by kayxpc (G | 1,417 | 1/1)
Same sex marriage is finally legalized in Germany and the foxes come to support Nicky and Erik! Lots of love and happiness in this fic, angst who?
Eventually by writerforlife (T | 850 | 1/1)
Eventually, Andrew Minyard found his version of happiness.
Weddings in Germany by kayxpc (G | 978 | 1/1)
all the foxes visit Germany for Nicky and Eriks wedding! :) pure andreil fluff ahead
New Places by Q_Jem_Bee (M | 937 | 1/1)
That was the greatest thing about this, about them.
They had all the time in the world.
[Podfic] right side of rock bottom byfrecklebombfic (frecklebomb) for Fleur Rochard (fleurrochard) (M | 20 | 1/1)
Author’s summary: Neil thinks it might be the first time he’s taken a breath in days.
He hadn’t realised it because he’d been so caught up in packing and saying goodbye to everyone but now that it’s over he remembers his self-imposed countdown was meant to be up by now. It’s the end of the school year and five months ago, he thought he’d be dead by now.
Instead he has a team and a future and a home and Andrew.
(The last two might be interchangeable.)
Permanence by justapipe-dream (ginita105) (T | 702 | 1/1)
Neil wasn’t the reason for Andrew’s newfound stability, but he had been the eye opener. Neil had taught him that not all humans wanted to break the glass walls he built around himself, some had the decency to find the door and knock.
For the Vagabonds by OrdinaryVegan (T | 1,301 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew versus the Maserati and the mountains.
Out by Q_Jem_Bee, shewhoisntnamed44 (G | 4,378 | 1/1)
Chris was lucky enough to have a co-worker who Neil Josten owed a favour to – and was about to launch her journalism career through the roof.
Beg and Borrow and Steal by OrdinaryVegan (T | 3,349 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil are dragged into a school dance by their certified Sassmaster and Ray of Sunshine daughter.
pull me back by thetinyconstellation for lethargicawe (T | 2,032 | 1/1)
Neil has a bad day and his boyfriends do what they can to help. Well, if he lets them.
Children of the Universe by aceaaronminyard (necklace) (Not Rated | 1,630 | 1/1)
in which aaron and andrew figure their shit out with only a minimal amount of bruises
“If Aaron is being honest, Andrew looks like a spawn of Death herself; dark and weathered and just as lethal. Aaron smiles cruelly at the glare Andrew fixes him, and for the first time in months, feels galaxies explode in his lungs and make a home under his fingernails.”
mel i mató by R_Gunns (T | 1,934 | 1/1)
Being away from Andrew was harder than Neil had anticipated. Missing him was loud, thinking about him was like a cacophony of sounds, a discordant mess of sensory memories that Neil couldn’t make sense of.
(Neil’s final year at Palmetto is over, and he’ll be moving in with Andrew soon. In the meantime, he pines.)
home (is whenever i’m with you) by nightquills for apear55 (G | 2,067 | 1/1)
It’s been weeks since he saw Andrew last, and Neil can’t wait to finally see him in person, have him near, hear his voice without the tinny echo of a phone call between them.
Neverland is home to lost boys like me byjustapipe-dream (ginita105) (G | 627 | 1/1)
‘Oh, how lucky you are,’ it said, ‘Two lost boys found their Neverland in each other.’
proper punishment for an angel by artemis_west (E | 5,912 | 1/1)
Neil’s mouth gets him in trouble. What else is new?
In which… by Nikotheamazingspoonklepto (Not Rated | 22,238 | 1/1)
…the Foxes get the love they deserve. ~ This fic is a story of growth, character development, and happiness, where Neil loves his Fox family in varying degrees, ranging from platonic to romantic or sexually. Beginning at the start of Neil’s Sophomore year at PSU, he is becoming more confident, self-assured, and a happy person, supported by his original Fox family and learning how to be a leader toward the six Freshman that arrived at PSU.
Ice Cream by kayxpc (E | 944 | 1/1)
Nora’s tweets have inspired andreil smut. It’s what they deserve.
[Podfic] The Name Game by frecklebombfic (frecklebomb) for Fleur Rochard (fleurrochard) (G | 18 | 1\1)
Author’s summary: What happens when Andrew and Neil change the names on their jerseys.
Independence Day by imagined_melody (G | 1,054 | 1/1)
Neil Josten graduates from Palmetto State University on May 12—five years to the day after he arrived.
In which a life transition falls on an important date, and Neil deals with the prospect of his life changing again.
To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it bywesninskids (Not Rated | 2,203 | 1/1)
Some nights, Kevin Day jerks awake with the weight of his past. These nights, Neil’s there to pull him back to the present.
Sunday Mornings by cleopatras (T | 1,178 | 1/1)
how Neil and Andrew spend a Sunday morning in their home in San Clemente
three keys by lovelyloss (T | 516 | 1/1)
andrew thinks about the three keys neil and him share. [my descriptions are bad whoops]
Another Lonely Christmas by SpookyMiscreant (G | 1,112 | 1/1)
This is a gift for ten-paces-fire for the aftg winter exchange! Kevin is stuck playing Exy overseas instead of in Columbia with his family for christmas.
this is it by morticianists (T | 207 | 1/1)
the future isn’t as bleak as it used to be.
Neil is forbidden to have a relationship with Andrew by his new contract by Vinjana (G | 586 | 1/1)
Neil, who joined Andrew’s team, doesn’t read his contracts…
a haze of fleeting moments by luna_lovegood (G | 2,666 | 1/1)
Renee looked at her as she sat up on the couch and undid her braid, eyes bright and lips stained red. “Alright,” Renee agreed. “That sounds like fun. Do you have any nail polish?”
“Chanel or Essie?” Allison shot back and smirked.
(Or, five moments Renee spent with people she cared about.)
“Why did you name it Burrito?’ by AroPeterWam (Not Rated | 6,828 | 1/1)
“So, is this language barrier ever going to end?” It was Dan who spoke, seemingly entertained by them as she rubbed her temples. – Marcus meets the Foxes and other issues his dads help him through.
You Found Me by howmanyshipscanashippership ( T | 1,539 | 1/1 )
Andrew wakes up a few days after the Foxes win the championships from a nightmare. He wants to look to Neil for comfort and wonders when that became a thing. He falls back asleep and remembers various scenes from when Andrew first met Neil and then things some more about that. Andrew never says to Neil "I love you" but it is heavily implied.... so cannon compliant.
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