#and you were soooo flustered and disappointed when it turned out to be a misunderstanding
yume-fanfare · 1 month
early ! era shu is such a funny guy. hes such a pretentious cunt. and it's even funnier now that we know how his development went its
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soggyjulpod · 3 years
— cargo pants
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summary: misinterpretion featuring a line from the wilds, “i’m not a lesbian, sorry to disappoint. i just like storage.”
warning: lil bit of angst but there's fluff, kissing, confident!reader (whoop!), also bi reader for this plot to work out, so sorry if ur purely homo
word count: 1.7k
on a tuesday night you found yourself sitting in a circle playing a game of truth or dare which was suggested by jackson’s very own dysfunctional couple, jesse and dina.
the chatter and laughter of the game continued around you but you were only focused on the redhead who sat across from you in the circle. though the redhead didn’t seem to notice the set of eyes on her as she was in deep thought.
ellie finally looked up when dina called on her to pick truth or dare. she noticed your eyes on her and her cheeks blush pink and sends you an awkward smile.
“uh dare i guess.” ellie says. there was a mischievous glint in dina’s eyes, “i dare you to kiss [y/n].”
the color from ellie’s face drained, instant panic set in. “what? dina, no.” ellie protests, “don’t make it weird.”
before dina could respond to ellie’s protests, you spoke up, “it’s ok i don’t mind.” you say scooting across the circle, sitting right in front of ellie. you felt your insides bubble in excitement but outwardly you appeared aloof, not wanting anyone to see a crack in your confidence.
“you know we don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” the redhead whispers quietly for only you to hear. 
you lean closer to ellie, your lips just a hair away from her ear. this action causes a light blush to creep up on her freckled face. 
“we got this, don’t want them to think we pussy out of things, right?” you say and move away with a grin on your face. 
ellie gives you a shaky smile, trying to calm herself down at how close her crush was to her. you looked at each other, it felt like everything around you two had vanished and it was just the two of them.
your trance was broken by jesse who yelled at you two to “kiss already! we don’t have all damn night!”
you whipped her head around and flipped him off before quickly turning back around and taking ellie's face in your hands and connecting your lips.
the redhead was caught off guard for a split second but then kissed back, melting into it. the kiss was soft, it was just like what ellie had imagined kissing a pretty girl like you. it felt like they were in a trance again, like a veil closing around them giving them all the time in the world to feel each other.
they pulled away as the hoots and hollers of the teens around them grew obnoxiously. ellie’s cheeks grew embarrassingly red at the attention that was put on her.
ellie tuned out the game as it continued on, she was too in her own head thinking about how she just shared a very hot kiss with the girl she’s been crushing on for over two year.
the redhead only perked back up when she heard your name be called out for a turn.
“truth.” you choose. “soooo [y/n]...” dina trails off cheekily.
“yes, dina?” you challenge with a smirk and takes a sip of the terrible beer in your cup. 
“how many girls have you kissed?” the dark haired girl asks.
“seriously?!” dina exclaims in disbelief, her eyebrows then furrowed in thought, “does that mean ellie was..?”
“yep, first and only girl i’ve kissed.” you explain, you notice the surprised looks that start to appear on the faces of your peers, “what?” you ask, confused about the change in behavior.
“um, i think we all thought you were gay,” dina says awkwardly.
the dark haired girl then points to your pants, “you wear cargo pants a lot.” she states. you bursts out laughing at the archaic stereotype, “i’m not a lesbian, sorry to disappoint. i just like storage.” 
laughter erupts from the room except from one person, ellie. you notice a frown appear on her face. you made brief eye contact with her in which the ginger gave you a curt smile, of course you could tell it was fake, that there was some pain behind those green eyes. but from what, you weren't sure.
to ellie that kiss felt so real, she thought there was genuine passion behind it. she had thought with that kiss and how flirting you’ve always been with her in the past that you would have reciprocated her feelings. but her heart broke has her reassurance was crumbled by a simple phrase, ‘i’m not a lesbian’
feeling overwhelmed with her emotions and not wanting to bring her bad vibe to the rest of the group, ellie felt it best to leave. she quickly said her goodbyes without sparing a glance at you, using the excuse of having patrol in the morning to leave early.
it immediately dawned on you that maybe ellie had misinterpreted what you had said, maybe the redhead got upset because she thought you didn’t like her back or had a chance with her at all. 
you quickly got up leaving the group without bothering to respond to the people calling out for you, your only priority was to fix this misunderstanding as fast as possible.
“ellie! wait up!” you called out to the redhead a few yards away from you. ellie whipped her head around, a surprised look on her face. 
even with being only slightly illuminated by the moon, you could see the redness and puffiness of ellie’s eyes, the green of them popping out and making it more obvious. your heart immediately sunk at the sight.
“hey are you ok?” you ask softly, your hand reaching up toward her face in concern but ellie moved her head away.
“yeah i’m good. what’s up?” she quickly responded, trying to change the subject. “can i crash at your place tonight? i don’t feel like walking across town this late and this drunk.”
“yeah sure.” ellie says, “how much of that beer did you have anyways?”
“too much, i swear i’m not a lightweight but honest to god i have no idea what seth puts in that beer.” you grin.
a smile cracks on ellie’s face, “no wonder it tasted so awful, it's because seth made it.” she jokes.
“he has his own little asshole recipe.” you joke back, making ellie tilt her head back in laughter. you smile at the fact that you were able to lift the bad spirit from your friend.
you continued to chat and talk shit as you two walked to ellie’s shed. the redhead was glad that even though she’ll never have you as her girlfriend, she could always have you as a best friend.
when you entered the shed you both immediately started getting ready for bed, the long night with your friends had tired you both out immensely. ellie handed you a pair of sweatpants to change into which you did, right in front of her.
ellie remembers the first time you two had a sleepover over two years ago, the redhead got taken by surprise when her crush started stripping in front of her to get in her pajamas with no regard that she was still in the room. she was flustered at seeing the bare skin of the girl she was crushing on.
“what? it's not a big deal, we’re both girls and it's just skin, no need to get weird el.” she remembers you saying to her. eventually ellie just got used to it, taking it as a sign of trust that you would be that vulnerable around her.
ellie changed into her night clothes as well, she watched as you take your bra off without removing your shirt, “you gotta teach me how to do that one day.” the redhead says, it was something you'd always done that had intrigued ellie.
“what, take off my bra?” you tease. ellie’s cheeks blush realizing how her words sounded. “no, i mean like i’ve wanted to know how to do it so i can do it to myself, not you.” she rambles trying to explain herself.
you start to giggle at her response, “what?” ellie says, pouting.
“it's just that you're cute.” ellie feels her heart skip.
you lay down, snuggling into the bed and pat the space next to you, beckoning her over. she lays next to you on her side. neither of you say anything as you stare at each other.
“you want to tell me why you were crying earlier.” you ask, ellie rolls her eyes and shift onto her back, refusing to make eye contact.
“it was nothing.” the redhead mumbles. “ellie i know you, that wasn't nothing, talk to me please.” you plead. ellie chews on her lip nervously, trying to decide whether or not she should confess to you.
“i, uh, shit i don't know how to say this” she starts, turning over to her side to face you, “but i really really like you [y/n], and i have for the past two years and its being eating me up from the inside to see you with other people and not be able to tell you. and i know you just want to be friends because you said that-”
you cut her off by placing your lips on hers. the redhead soon eagerly kissed back, her hands finding their way on your head and your hands to her shoulders. as the kiss progress you both got more desperate to be close, rolling over so that ellie was flat on the bed and you were straddling her waist. ellie’s hands moved to your hips and yours to the sides of her head.
the redhead pulled away from the kiss. “i thought you said you weren’t a lesbian,” she whispers.
“oh” ellie says as her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and confusion, “then why’d you kiss me?” she questions, a bit pissed off that her friend was leading her on.
“just because i don’t like girls exclusively doesn’t mean i don’t like them at all.” you grin and lean down, giving ellie a peck on the lips. ellie smiles, realizing that she finally had her chance.
“what does that make us then?” she asks shyly. you smile down at her, “girlfriends, only if you want to.”
“are you kidding? that’s the only thing i’ve wanted for years.” she exclaims and sits up, placing you on her lap and kissing you again.
she pulls away slightly, “i could get used to this.”
“me too.” you whisper and pull her into another kiss.
the scene from the wilds:
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geminimoonbeamx · 5 years
The Lost Girl Chronicles Part 1: Hexs and Heartache
A/N: Soooo, this is a very random update from me. I know. But you guys know my love of Chase Collins and I thought I’d give you guys something because I know I’ve been in a writers drought and that’s not fair to y’all.
Word Count: 10k+
Warnings: Mature/Explict material. Smut from the get go. Talks of self doubt, that maybe be triggering. Sacrilegious themes. And everyone knows I have the dirtiest mouth and curse like a sailor.
Summary: You’ve been hooking up with Chase, secretly, since he moved to Ipswich. After a series of misunderstandings and even worse, miscommunications, you find yourself emerged in the dark underworld of Ipswich.
I wanna be your lover, I don't wanna’ be your friend. You don’t know what you got til’ it’s gone my dear, so tell me that you love me again- Noah Cyrus, Again.
-One Month Ago-
You whimper as your thick thighs lock around Chase’s lithe waist, his hips moving- plowing fast, your whole body swaying with his effort. 
“Oh god, oh fuck- Chase” You cry, one of your hands taloning at his shoulder and the other looking for purchase in the leather interior of his fancy car. At first, the narrow bench of a backseat had been daunting but the two of you had made due.
“You feel so good for me baby, shit, so tigh” He coos into the soft skin of your neck where he’s nuzzled his face. Where his hot panting breaths scold your flesh.
Baby. Oh, the way he says it…
It makes you clench around him and let out a sob as you feel a rush of adoration surge through you. The way he’s got you held in his big arms, your body feeling small in a way that was usually so foreign to you was hypnotic. Addicting. Felt so good that it still shocked you. 
You’d never known sex could be like this. That someone could be so animalistic, so passionate and yet so tender. Chase pulls his head from it’s place to look at you, his powder blue eyes enveloped by his dark, blown pupils.
He loves the way you look when your getting fucked. Your hair a mess around your flushed hot face. Your eyes wild and needy little sounds pouring like a river from your swollen mouth.
Your stare is desperate as his eyes that gleam like molten silver in the dark car fixes on you.
He has you at that point, the one where you know only he’ll be able to quell the almost terrifying feeling bubbling inside you.
“It’s okay pretty baby- you’re okay” His voice is soothing, is gentle but his thrusts aren't. He’s so deep inside of you, it’s almost as if you can feel him in your chest. “Come for me- do it. Fucking do it, Y/N”
He demands, you squeak and both of your arms go to wrap around him, as though he’s anchoring you to this realm.
When you reach your crescendo, its with a wail, your body tightening all over pleasure rushes through your limbs and then crashes over your pelvis in waves.
God, oh god. Only Chase can make you feel like this. Make you go off like a live wire. Make cosmos explode behind eyelids clenched shut so tight it almost hurts.
His hips start to stutter and you feel him go taught, his lips crashing to yours and kissing all the air from your lungs as he begins to come himself.
Chase is loud during his throws, you've learned. Vocal- moans and grunts. Broken little curses as his face screws up and he shoots off deep inside of you, nearly crushing you in his vice like embrace as he clings to your body for dear life. A tether in his sea of bliss.
When you both come down, he relaxes himself on top of you, lets himself be cradled by you, your pillow like curves welcoming. He doesn't release his hold of you either.
His head is resting on your bosom, and your fingers are training through his thick, messy mane. Fingertips massaging his scalp in a way that has him purring as he lazily laps at one of your large, puffy nipples.
It makes your back arch and you push him away “Fuck, stop!”
“Why?” That ever present mischievous glint in his eye is back, full forced “Feel too good? Is Miss ‘let’s go another round’ worn out?”
It makes you feel overheated, flustered and maybe a bit shy- and look away from him. Your sexuality, and its insatiable nature, was still pretty new to you. Still taboo and a little embarrassing, even though you know it shouldn't be.
“Hey” Chase untucks one of his arms from under you, so that he can grab your chin, grip it in that way he knows you love and make you look at him. “Hey, don't get like that. I love that you love to fuck- you know I do”
You roll your eyes, but you can't help the grin that stretches across your face.
He makes you feel so wanted.
“Well I think three orgasms is my max for the night. Especially in this car- fuck, could this back seat be anymore uncomfortable? I think your seatbelt buckle stabbed my spine”
At that Chase lets out a deep belly laugh and shakes his head as he leans up, his now limp member sliding out of you. You wince a shaky little sound escapes as you feel his seed dribble out from between your legs where you now gape, due to his rough fucking. You feel empty and a soiled and fuck, you hate this part.
Chase presses kisses to your cheekbones and you shake your head, glowering at him with as much heat as you can “You came inside of me again, you humongous prick!”
Again, with that laugh. The one he found himself emitting when you were around “I’m sorry”
He didn't sound sorry at all. He lays back down, after he’s cleaned himself up with his t shirt and nuzzles at your stomach.
You can’t help it, you still get so unsure when ever he goes near your tummy. It isn’t flat, not even a little. It’s big, covered in stretch marks and every guy you’d been with before had gone out of their way to avoid it...yet Chase tends to gravitate towards it. Likes to lay on you and grab at your sides and press kissed all over your middle. Says it’s soft and cute.
Makes you feel vulnerable, opened up to him like you’d never been for anyone else.
“I can tell” You deadpan, the matter of his cum inside you still at hand “I’m serious Chase, what if I get pregnant?”
Imagining a baby with his pretty eyelashes and dimpled cheeks isn't so bad...but imagining your dreams for the future- crushed by a teenage pregnancy? Yeah, not happening.
Your dad’s disappointed glare also flashes through your mind and that has you clenching your thighs and sitting up, totally turned off and dried up.
“Dont worry” Chase cajoles, reaching for you even when you try to slap his hand away “ I promise, we’re good”
For some reason you believe him. He made you feel so safe, and cared for. Adored and happy-
But only when the two of you we’re alone. 
That thought had plagued you ever since that rainy night in the back of his car weeks ago.
Yeah, Chase was friendly enough in public, at school. The two of you we’re chummy, that much was obvious. But he didn't kiss you in front of your classmates, never held your hand or whispered to you just how beautiful he thought you we’re like he did in those moments of solitude.
All you got we’re shared looks and smiles. Friendly hugs and pats on the shoulder-
And lately, well lately you haven't got much of anything. Chase had been distant, spending all of his time with is “new best friends” aka the “Sons of Ispwich and co”- co being their girlfriends. One of which you’d watched flirt with him like crazy mere months before. You clearly remember the looks Kate had given across the bonfire at the Dells.
Ever since the ‘Fall Fest’ and the whole debacle of Putnam barn burning to the ground- Caleb harrowingly saving both Chase and Sarah from a fiery death, it seemed he was attached at the hip to the raven haired ‘Son’.
You tried your hardest not to be jealous. He was making friends, and that was good right? You shouldn't be a bitter bitch about it, right?
But why was he ignoring you... Blowing you off at every turn? The two of you hadn't slept together in a month and a half- hadnt gotten together to hang out and share a spliff in his car, or taken the long night time drives that had turned into something like a lullaby to you.
The low hum of the radio and Chase behind the wheel was hypnotic and you longed for that sense of contentment. As though the world around you, outside of the car was null and void and only you and Chase and the little bubble the two of you created existed.
But every time you tried to get a hold of him, reached out- you got the same answer. He was busy.
Chase: I’m sorry, babes. Maybe another time? I’m really busy right now.
Mostly all of the texts you’d received from him lately looked similar and honestly your spirits we’re past dampened.
You we’re bummed as hell.
Because you really liked him, and yet he seemed to be shaping up to be like every other guy you’d ever encountered. The cycle that you’d been through various times seemed to be repeating itself with him and it honestly terrified you.
You we’re his secret.
The girl who was pretty enough have sex with, to lavish attention on in private- but too fat to claim in public. You just weren't desirable, you’d deduced a long time ago.
You were not what guys wanted- at least not to the world.
Through Dm’s and texts- mobilized and in the shadows? Yeah, you got hit on all the time. You were fully aware you had a “pretty” face. But bringing the big girl out and around your friends? No teenage boy your age had grown the balls needed to claim someone like you.
And now he was probably sick of you. Over the little “tryst” and trying to let you down gently.
It hurts so fucking bad, even though you try to deny it. To go about it as though you we’re okay, with smiles and jokes. Ignoring the ice prick like pain in your stomach all the while.
Your friends can see right through it though.
Fall had come swift to the small New England town of Ipswich, painting it in hues of golden amber and rust, leaving everything feeling homey and quaint...
And cold- the chill seemed to have swirled in with the wind and the mornings were frosted with frozen dew.
The first snowfall would be any day now.
But for now, nature was content with rain. The frigid kind that was practically snow, but seemed to melt before it hit the ground and just left everything soggy and freezing. The walk through campus from the dorms to the main building, though it short, was torturous and you found yourself longing for the warmth of your bed long into third period.
You we’re already grouchy- the cold plus the early hour had your face stone like. A natural pout etched onto your features. Really, you we’re just resting it, but you’d been told that it looked like you we’re plotting serial murders when you weren't smiling.
How exhausting. Being expected to wear a smile all the time, in the hopes of appeasing people.
The day goes on as it usually does;  droningly. Your eyes droopy as you listen to your professors, as your hands seem to work of their own accord to scribe out notes. It’s utterly mundane, normal-
You we’re longing for something to break the mold. To rip you from your funk-
Until you over hear something that makes your heart sink into your chest...lower and lower until you’re scared it might fall out of your ass and onto the linoleum floor of the girls bathroom you’re in and you curse yourself for not accepting mundane.
You had just been minding your own business, emptying your bladder before study hall, when Kira Snider and Coco Lindell had walked in.
“I’m so done with Aarons shit- he’s such of good for nothing dick. You heard his father's firm going under? Didn't you?” That was Kira, the naisaly quality of her voice distinct.
“Psht” Coco had said back “His father's firm? More like a bunch of half cocked DA’s who got a decent loan and thought they we’re going to make it big. Their biggest client was some mayor- in Jersey. Pshtttt, bitch”
You had smirked silently, but felt a little odd listening into their conversation from behind a restroom stall. You felt  like a creep but you’d waited too long now- might as well just continue to wait it out until they left.
You regret it, sorely. Wish you would have gotten up and out the moment they’d come in because their conversation soon turned to Chase- and you'd been forced to listen to them talk about the guy you’d been gaga over since the day you’d met him.
Your heart being ripped to shreds with each word spoken from their painted mouths-
“He looks like such a good fuck. Like you can just tell. Boys with baby faces usually are packing the biggest-”
“What? I’m serious. You should totally fuck him when he takes you out this weekend. Prove me right”
-In silence. On the toilet, a hand clasped over your mouth to keep in the sounds that so desperately tried to escape your throat.
When they’d finally left the bathroom, completely unaware of you and the breakdown they’d caused- you’d exited the stall, catching a glimpse of your mascara tear stained cheeks in the mirrors.
It made your stomach roll and you'd ran the sink, using folded up damp paper towels in an attempt to wipe away the evidence of your heartache.
Your furious scrubbing at your eyes had left you appearing racoonish for the rest of the day. 
“You look especially pleasant today” Adrian says as he sits down at the chair across from you at the table you’d found in the crowded library.
It just takes one glance, your big eyes meeting his for what seemed like to seconds for him to frown, his playful atmosphere instantly turning more serious, curious.
“Are you okay? What happened?”
He really did know you too well- which was to be expected considering the eleven year friendship you shared. He was your best friend, the person who knew you better than anyone. And of course he’d been privy to your “situationship” with Chase. Hell, he’d been there when you’d met the guy-
So as you pour out the details of what you’d over heard; of Kira and her rebound with Chase.
Of the dates they’d been on.
Of how she wanted to sit on his face until he drowned,
how much she loved the same stormy eyes you did.
How they we’re going to the towns annual Thanksgiving parade together. The one that you’d been desperately, pathetically, stupidly, hoping he’d accompany you to.
Adrian absorbs it all, shaking his head. Frowning, his face scrunched up beautifully even though he was so obviously distressed that you seemed to be so devastated about it.
“Bullshit. No way? Kira, really?” He makes a very distasteful gesture with his tongue that looks like a gag “How foul- I thought he had better taste than that”
You just nod, trying to focus on your Psychology paper, on the words. Hoping to distract yourself, even if just a little bit. Just enough to keep you from letting your emotions bubble back up to the surface.
“Listen, boo- I know you like him. Like way more then I think even you realize, but I think you should kick his trifling ass to the curb”
Of course, you shake your head. That was Adrian's logic- life was too short to take bullshit. He’d taken it all throughout his childhood, taken verbal(and physical) beatings for just...being. He’d grown, and was still growing, into someone so unapologetically himself- that he hoped it would one day rub off on you.
“You deserve more then some guy who only calls you to fuck. And yes, said fucking might be amazing, but is it worth it? Worth getting blown off and feeling like garbage? Have some sense of self worth, Y/N” He could also be blunt, so blunt people mistook it for rude.
And sometimes, he was rude.
“Fuck you” You shoot at him at that. Already defensive and raw from the bathroom debacle “I do have self worth”
“I’d hope so! You’re an amazing person- and yeah, I might be biased but if vaginas were my thing I’d totally make you a 50’s breeding machine house wife” He says casually “I just don’t get it- Kira? Why?”
“Why wouldn't he? She’s everything guys like him want”
“Which is what, pray tell?” Adrian folds his arms on the table and gives you a serious look.
“Well she’s rich as shit, there’s a starter” You point out and he rolls her eyes, but he can't deny you there. Kira is rich as shit. Her father owned dozens upon dozens of car dealerships.
Sleazy ran in the family apparently.
“What is he into other then that? Her faulty nose job that makes her look like Will Ferrell?”
You snort. Usually neither of you were the type to tear on your fellow woman- but Kira was a special case. Venomous and vain and out rightly nasty, you really didn't have anything nice to say about her other then the face that she wasn't as stupid as people painted her to be, and-
“She’s what all guys want; thin and pretty and white. Of course he’d go after her, Adrian” you let it out with a sigh, defeated sounding.
And even though Adrian spends the rest of the hour lecturing you on self love, and how wrong societies form of “european beauty being the norm” was, all things you knew, you felt torn down and tired for the rest of the day, battling the Friday afternoon, more than ready for the weekend that you knew you’d most likely spend the entirety of moping. 
You see Chase, standing with his friends- flocked at the benches outside after the school day is over.
He smiles at you- waving.
Looking friendly and open, as though he hadn't been treating you like utter shit. Betraying you- using you as a quick fuck while he took other girls on dates. Leading you to believe that maybe, just maybe he liked you...all the while pursuing Kira.
You just frown, hard, at him for a fraction of a second, not waving back or acknowledging him before you turn to your friends. Walking away, leaving him feeling a little confused at your reaction.
“Rejected” Reid sniggers, all of them having seen the exchange and Chase glares at him, but accepts the hash pen from the blonds nimble fingers.
“That was weird. Y/N is always so friendly” Sarah interjects, leaning against Caleb “I was actually just talking to her during first period and she seemed fine?”
Chase shrugs, tries to physically shake it “I don't know”
“She’s cute” Tyler chimes and funny, it’s the one called “baby boy” by all who always seems to be the most mature. Who doesn't care that he could be ridiculed for calling the fat girl cute “Arent the two of you still messing around?”
Chase doesnt like this, this conversation that circled around him. He’d been raised to be secretive and it all made him uncomfortable.
“She has a nice ass- of course he’s still talking to her” Pogue deduces and Kate just nods in agreement before adding, “Kardashian fat without the needles. Lucky bitch”
God, those two had the oddest relationship.
Conversation soon drifts from talks of you, but his mind doesn't. Swirling thoughts of your frown, of the way your eyes that were usually clear and bright had clouded...and then hardened in a way he’d never seen.
He knows something is wrong when later that night he shoots you a text, and you dont reply. Not fifteen minutes later. Not an hour-
After three hours he realizes he’s not getting a reply and he falls into a restless sleep. 
Saturdays’ chaotic all day, the Covenant meeting with Caleb's uncle who also happened to be the towns mayor. There was a demon, another one, on the loose that needed to be taken care of. That leads to the rest of the day being bled away in the Danvers family carriage houses’ basement which doubles as an ancient witchcraft filled library.
Its like homework, more stacked on top of his already towering pile from school. He reads ancient texts until his eyes cross and they’re all begging Caleb to have mercy on them and give them a fucking break.
He’s been texting you all day. Or at least trying to. He hasn't been able to get a hold of you- all of his messages opened and read, and yet left unreplied
Chase: Hey:)
Chase: I feel like I haven't hung out with you in forever, I’m starting to miss you
Chase: I know your starting to miss me too
Chase: ? Y/N?
He’s composing his fifth text of the last few hours when Caleb shakes his head.
“What?” Chase snaps at him. He could be so condescending sometimes and it always set off Chase’s temper.
“She still hasn't replied to you yet? What did you do to her?”
Caleb's voice always has that...sage quality to it. Like he’s going to help you fix all your problems and it, too, drives Chase crazy. Like his newfound “brothers” felt the need to baby him. God forbid he loose it and try to steal everyone else's powers again.
“I didn't do anything” Chase hisses at him and that earns him chuckles from all the men in the circular, dungeon like basement.
“Translation: I totally fucked up and I just don't know where yet” Pogue teases “Tell her your sorry, give her a coupe orgasms and order pizza and she’ll start to get over it...What? It always works with Kate”
Chase frowns at that. You weren't Kate though, didn't love drama. You’d just tell him if you were upset, wouldn’t you? Communication was your key- what you seemed to thrive on.
“She’s not like that- She’d tell me if I’d pissed her off”
There's groans, and chuckles and “Aw man’s” at his statement and Chase is starting to hate this whole having coven assigned brothers thing already.
“No, she’s a woman, dude. It doesn't matter, this is just how they tick. You’ve gotta’ suck it up and apologize- not just with head and pizza” Caleb interrupts his advice by giving Pouge a pointed look “but by really talking to her- I mean, that is if it’s worth it to you. If you’re really into her”
And Chase is. He knows he is. He also knows that his life has been taken over by the supernatural and he hasn't gotten to spend a lot of time with you as of late, but that last night in his car seemed to be on a loop in his head.
He missed your fingers in his hair and they way that you made him laugh.
Chase pursed his lips and shrugged and Caleb rolls his eyes and goes back to his research.
“Real shit, girls really aren't that complicated. All they want is to feel valid. Like they matter, like they’re not getting screwed over or played stupid and honestly- you’ve been spending so much time with us lately that I highly doubt you’ve spent any with her.
And on top of that, you treat her like she's just a homie at school- you’re so frigid with her that you might as well fist bump her next time you see her.
I wouldn't have any idea the two of you fuck around if we weren't friends, you keep it that low key. So yeah, wouldn't you get pissed?” That sonnet, that explanation of the female perspective comes from none other then Reid Garwin. He really wasn't the fuck boy womanizer everyone thought he was...or maybe he was- but he had a gooey center. Romantic as fuck at heart.
Cupid in the flesh.
The guys all stare at him for a moment, silent and big eyes. Like what he was saying was more complex and harder to grasp then the Ancient texts they were reading.
“But pizza helps too, I swear” Pogue is an idiot.
And apparently so is Chase. 
His texts, and then calls, go unanswered all weekend, and he’s not used to the rock like lumps he feels in his throat everytime he picks up his phone and sees that it has no notifications. Your name void from the screen of the device.
Even though he knows you have your phone in hand. He checks your snapchat and spots that you’re out with your friends, dinner and a movie. Joking and smiling and fine…
When he tries to check your other social medias, see if your Facebook(and he hasn't even logged on to the app in weeks, since his life had turned into a real life episode of ghost adventures) had any clue to as why you seemed to be pissed at only him, he’s gobsmacked to learn that you’ve unfriended him.  He stares at the ‘Add friend’ element on your page until his eyes burn, trying to ignore the way he feels like he’d been slapped across the face.
His confusion turns into haughty anger. Because he’s Chase fucking Collins and girls had always flocked to him. And he really thought the two of you had some sort of...he doesn't know. Psychic bond? He’d never talked to any girl like he talked to you. Never came as hard as he did when he was inside of your tight, wet cunt.
The thought of you and your sex makes his eyes roll into the back of his head and he bites the top of his phone case as he thinks about it. About how much he misses your soft body. The round belly he loved to cradle- your breasts. Huge and welcoming and perfect to bury his face in when the world was just too much for him. Your thighs that you hated but that he loved to slide between-
When a chirp comes from his phone he has it pulled up close to his face at a shamefully fast pace, hoping that you’d finally come around. That this had all just been some weird misunderstanding and-
His spirits fall and his lips pull down into a frown as soon as he sees the name on the screen.
Fuck, he hisses, annoyed.
He should have never given his number to Kira at that party a few weeks ago. But he’d been drunk and she’d been so flirty and...well, he was a teenage boy. He never claimed to be perfect. Actually, he was far from it.
Kira was hot, no doubt. Redheaded and petite...but she was annoying as fuck an had a mean streak that made his look miniscule. He really wasn't interested and she didn't seem to get that. He kept running into her everywhere, and it was a rare day that he didn't get some kind of message from her.
Tonights was her offering up a midnight meetup-
Kira: I’m lonely. Let’s hang out later? I stay up late ;)
Chase frowns. Yeah, his dick is already stirring, and hasnt been touched since almost a month ago- but the idea of having late night hangouts with anyone but you is almost sacrilegious to him. He couldn't. He wouldn't...late nights in Ipswich we’re for long drives with you, blunts burning and conversations flowing. They were therapeutic and happy…
And fuck he missed you so much.
“If that’s worth it to you” he hears Caleb’s voice in his head “If you’re really into her”
And Chase has known that he’s liked you since...well pretty much since he met you but this feeling he gets is something different.
He really...he really needs to get a hold of you.
He sends you a few more messages, completely ignoring Kira’s in turn, and when he doesn't get a reply- just like he expected he wouldn't, he’s jumping up from his bed, rummaging for his shoes and his keys.
The weekend had been brutal for you.
You hadn't really realized just how deeply your feelings ran for Chase until they had been stomped on, and your heart felt achy and strained. You’d spent all friday night sobbing, happy that Reyna, your roommate had a little kick back to attend so that you could sob your heart out in peace.
“Are you sure? I can stay?” She had always been so sweet, and you we’re happy as hell to be rooming with someone you not only could stand, but actually liked.
You’d sniffled, eyes red rimmed and forced a smile that looked more like a painful grimace.
“No, please. One of us needs to get cute and have a good time tonight. Go- have fun. I’ll be fine. Really”
You we’re far from fine. You’d never really cried yourself to sleep before; life had been kind enough to you in your young years that you didn't feel the need to-
Movies romanticize that shit, intensely. There’s always the pretty heroine main character who gets her heart broken, sobs herself to sleep and then in the morning is fine-
You fell asleep, hard. Stiff. With tears still falling steadily down your cheeks, your neck, and into your shirt. The blankets pulled up over your head.
And woke up feeling like a corpse. Like you had been hit by a motherfucking freight train. Your face was swollen, and your nose stuffy. Your sinuses screamed at you and were congested to hell and back. Your shoulders hurt and as you sat up, wincing at the sunlight your head pounded.
No one ever told you that crying for ten hours straight felt akin to a Mad Dog 20/20 hangover.
Adrian had showed up that day, and along with Reyna and a bucket load of snacks and an order from that new health cafe in towns circle (because you were dehydrated as fuck from crying your body weight in tears. Who knew?)
You slowly started to regain your motor skills after your body is filled with green juice and poppyseed bagel.
Still, your head was laid in Adrians lap and you made him feed your favorite flavored pringles.
Your phone had been steadily beeping all day, and each was a new text from Chase. At first you refused to even look at them, trying your hardest to zone them out, but then curiosity got the best of you. The need to see what he had to say overpowering you.
He’s so nonchalant it makes you mad. Furious. Stabs of anger over the already painful throws of betrayal caused the pain you're feeling.
He tells you he misses you, and that he knows you miss him and your upper lip curls.
“He’s such a fucking prick” You glare at the texts and Adrian and Reyna share a look.
This is what you did, frequently. You weren't comfortable being sad, depressed...vulnerable. So you raged. Because anger was an emotion you were actually comfortable exploring.
And rage you did.
On Chase. On the situation. And then on yourself. Because what a fucking idiot. You’d been so stupid.
You do petty, irrational things like unfriend him on facebook and erase the couple pictures of the two of you you had on instagram.
You can't bring yourself to go through with deleting the picture that you’d snapped in his car.
It was a dark night and the two of you had drove to the middle of nowhere; you'd managed to get an aesthetically pleasing picture of the burning blunt, the bottom of Chases handsome smiling face in the background. His perfect jaw and white smile. The dimple in his chin more pronounced than ever.
You hate how much you miss him.
Chase sends you twelve texts and calls you over five times over the course of the next few days but you ignore them all. You almost break, a couple times.
Chase: I know I must have done something wrong? Can you please just answer me so we can figure this out? Please?
And for anything else, you think yeah. Maybe you could have figured it out. You could have figured out the fact that he ignored you for a month. That he blew you off at every turn. That you’d sucked up your pride and all but begged for even ten minutes of his time, just to have him deny you.
You could have figured out the fact that he was keeping you a secret. That he pretended he hadn’t had his tongue in your pussy when you were at school- that you two were just good friends.
But Kira? Him messing with other girls? While he ignored you….
It was just too much. You’d taken too many blows to your self worth and you couldn't do it anymore.
Adrian and Reyna are godsent and make it their responsibility to keep you busy. Force you to shower and get ready; even if it is only a sweatshirt and a pair of furry slides. You go see the new Seth Rogen movie and eat at your favorite little mediterranean place in the town over, the one where Adrian gets flirty enough with the waiter and scores you guys a couple rounds of house blend margaritas.
You didn't want to do anything in Ipswich, for fear of seeing him.
The weekend actually goes by quickly. Too quick. You dread school on monday where your avoidance of Chase will inevitably be harder. Where you’ll see Kiras smarmy face in your Biology class and think about the two of them and what they spent their “date” doing. 
Sunday night is calm.
You and Reyna are pressed together in her bed. Lounding and draped in plush blankets as your laptop that is propped up by pillows plays episodes of Game of Thrones. Somehow your friend had fallen behind, and you being the huge nerd you were, were more than willing to catch up on the season she’d missed.
Your phone chimes, but it’s across the room on your desk and you figure it’s either a Facebook notification or another bullshit message from Chase so you ignore it. It’s getting late anyway, and you’re far too comfortable and warm to get up and journey over to check it.
About a half an hour later when you hear quiet knocking at your door you and Reyna both look at eachother, the light from the laptop and the noise of a gory battle in the background.
“It’s like 11:30” she announces the obvious and you fight the urge to roll your eyes as you get up and pad over to see who it is.
Probably Brenda- the hall manager of the floor. She could be a little neurotic and take her “job” a little too seriously. Probably making her rounds, a second time to make sure lights are out.
You step up on your tiptoes to peak out of the small window like port above the door and what you see causes your whole body to freeze up.
The air in your lungs gets stuck and you literally go immobile. Eyes wide and your mouth falling open, before you crouch down- hoping to not be seen in the foggy glass panes.
“Y/N! Who is it? What’s going on?” Your actions had sparked fear in Reyna who jumps up and hurried beside you. You really needed to stop letting her watch all those serial killer documentaries with you.
“It’s Chase” you whisper frenziedly to her, from the ground.
“Chase?! Oh my god, he’s here?!” Why does she sound a little excited? Wonder mixing in with her shock.
Also, why the hell is she so loud?
“Yes! Shut the fuck up! Shut up!” You glare up at her, slicing your finger to your mouth as you signal for her to be quiet.
She shakes her head , but at least now she speaks in a whisper “Y/N, he knows your here. We have to answer. I’ll answer it-”
“No!” You shake your head.
“Yes- go like hide and i’ll say you’re not here and-”
You just keep shaking your head.
Maybe he’d leave? You knew he knew you were here, but maybe he’d think the two of you we’re asleep and he’d go and you wouldn't be forced to face him-
“You guys do know I can hear you right? These walls are paper thin” Chase’s deep, even voice sounds from outside the door and another wash of dread makes you close your eyes. This was NOT happening.
“Y/N...please just talk to me” He sounds so...forlorn. Tired. Pleading. It physically hurts to hear his voice.
“I think you should hear him out. Or I mean, at least say what you need to say to him” Reyna advises, her honey eyes comforting as she urges you to do what you know you need to “Plus he’s going to wake up Brenda and get us all demerits and I am not down for detention”
You sigh. Knowing she’s right. You we’re going to have to put on your big girl panties and face the guy who had tap danced on your heart, and although it sucked, you didn't really have another option.
You wanted to crawl into bed and bury yourself under your comforter, but instead you stood up, trying to straighten your old, oversized sweater.
You’d imagined confronting Chase a lot in the past few days- but none of those fantasies where you we’re a boss bitch and told him how badly he’d fucked up included you being in your favorite pair of flamingo pajama pants.
You took a deep breath and opened the door, cracked it really, to where only with half of your body visible as you peeked out into the dark hallway.
Chase was standing there. Hands in his pockets, looking at you with those blue eyes that seemed to catch all of the residual light in the corridor. He looked...tired. His body seeming to both tense and relax as you came into view.
“Uh...Hi” He greets softly, the side of his mouth pulling up. Yours stays in a frown.
“Chase? What are you doing here? It’s after curfew-” you start in, your tone unamused, crossed.
“I know, I’m sorry. I just didn't know how else to get a hold of you” He interupts, trying in vain to quell your annoyance “I really needed to talk to you”
“I really dont think there’s anything we need to talk about” At your words his face contorts up. In confusion, and blatant hurt.
“What? Y/N, what the fuck is going on? I think we have a fuck lot to talk about, actually. How about the fact that you’ve ignored my messages all weekend?” His voice is raising, and you sush him. He really is about to wake up your dorm supervisor and you tell him so.
Chase sighs, he’s not going to wake up anyone. He’d put a concealment charm on the entirety of the hall- save your room of course. No one could hear anything going on outside their rooms at the moment.
But of course he can't tell you that. There's so much he can't tell you and he hates it.
“Okay fine. You’re so worried I’m gonna wake someone up? Let's go for a drive, we can talk in my car…” He knows he’s going out on a limb even asking you that but he cant help how badly he hopes you’ll say yes.
He begs whatever celestial deities there may be that you’ll agree. Because fuck, he didn't realize how much he missed you. Your hair is messy and undone and your face is free of makeup and you look so damn soft in your pajamas...at least what he can see of you.
You’re still peeking out from behind your door.
You shake your head and look down “I can't”
“Why not?” He’s got that edge to his voice again. That one that’s near pleading “Y/N...I promise we’ll just talk, and drive. And maybe smoke a little bit- but that’s all, okay?”
You knew what he was saying. That he didn't come here for sex, because most of the time that’s what you’re late night drives lead to.
You really want to say no. You wish you were strong and resilient. Like Adrian. You wish you were the bad ass woman you we’re in your head, that you could tell him no and slam the door in his face and be done with it.
But you’re not, you’re just a teenage girl and you huff, tell him to wait a minute as you grab a jacket and slip on a pair of moccasins and tell Reyna you’ll be back soon.
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” She wonders as your shuffling into your shoes.
“No”, but you grab your phone and M.K purse anyway. 
You end up in Chases passenger seat as he drives down the winding back roads, and it’s somewhere you’ve been so many times and yet...it feels so different tonight.
You keep your arms folded over your chest, leaning against the door, as far away from him as possible. Wondering why the fuck you’d come with him in the first place.
The vents blow out warm air and music plays softly from the sprakers, and yet the atmosphere couldn't be more frigid.
You hadn't spoken more than one word answers to him since your room and now you weren't speaking at all. He’s taken aback by just how mad you are at him. You’d never been so cold to him and he really doesn't know how to manage it.
He lets you stew in your silence until he pulls up at a clearing in the trees. It faces a little field and can't be seen from the main road. The two of you had found it a couple months ago when school had started.
He stops the car, shifting the gear into park. His hands are still on the wheel, gripping it anxiously as he tries to figure out what exactly to say to you.
“I uh- I’m sorry” That seems like the right thing to say, but you just scoff and tighten your arms around yourself.
“I really am. I know I’ve been distant lately and that hasn't been fair to you...but I wasn't doing it because I’m not interested in you, or seeing you, anymore”  Chase sounds nervous, and it’s a far cry from his usaul cock sure dispositon “My life has just gotten really...fucking messy and I didnt mean to make you feel like I didn't want you in it anymore”
You can't help it, something in you snaps. He really is a fucking piece of work, really thinks he can play you. “Want me in your life? How? Like this” You gesture to the car, to the darkened woods outside “Calling me up in the middle of the night and fucking me in the woods when your bored and horny? I get it, you’re ashamed of me. You’re not the first guy whose don't this shit to me, but I’m done”
“I’m not ashamed of you, Y/N” He tries to reach for you, your words making him wince, but you pull away from him. Shaking your head, vehemently.
“No don't. Don't say that. Don't lie to me anymore. You are ashamed. Fucking the fat girls not good for your reputation, right? No. No I get it. I wouldn't want to embarass you in front of your friends” there  are unshed tears in your eyes and your voice keeps breaking, straining as you try to keep from letting them fall “Why don't you just keep screwing around with Kira and leave me alone”
There is so much there for Chase to digest that he doesn't know where to start.
“First off, don't say that shit. I’m not embarrassed of you, and I could give a flying fuck about my reputation” He spits the word incredulously. You had no idea just how bad his “reputation” really was. No idea the horrible shit he’d done. He couldn't care less about what his school yard peers thought of him.
“And secondly screwing with Kira? What? I barely know her”
“That’s great. So you’re fucking some girl you barely know...I let you inside of me without a condom, Chase. I never do that! You know you’re the only one I’ve ever done that with and now I’m-” you take a pause, to breathe through your nose in an attempt to calm down “Now I’m a little freaked out about what you could have given me”
Again, he feels like you’ve slapped him. Fuck. How is it that you’re able to wound him, by doing so little?
“I couldn't give you anything because I haven't been with anyone since we started fucking” He’s upset. It shows, he sounds pissed and you hate it.
But also...a sick part of you loves it.
Good. You hope he’s feeling even a fraction of the bad you’ve been feeling for weeks.
“You dont have to bullshit me, I already know about you and Kira, no thanks to you. It’s whatever at this point”
“There is no me and Kira so whatever you think you know is false. And whoever you’re getting your information from has fucking sucky intel” He hates this small town and this tiny school full of gossiping simpletons.
Was this why you we’re so upset with him? Because you thought he had something going with Kira?
“Actually I heard it from Kira herself so one of you is obviously lying” You’re defensive still. Unbelieving and closed up.
“And you really think it’s me who's lying? After everything? I’ve told you things I’ve never told anyone else...and you think I’d look you in the face and lie to you about Kira fucking Snider?” Chase’s own voice cracks, he’d told you about his childhood. About his shitty abusive adoptive father.
It makes you bite your bottom lip, hard.
You don't know what to think. How to feel. What to believe. So you tell him about what you’d overheard in the bathroom, not sparing any details and he listens in pure disgust.
He can tell you dont believe him and that really sucks. Really hurts him. “I’d believe you over anyone. Anytime. You wouldn't even have to say anything- I’d never take someone else's word over yours”
“That’s so unfair! And you know it” You’re trying to stay mad, you really are, but the tears in your eyes that are starting to leak aren't from anger “You basically ignore me for over a month, and okay your life's been stressful, but I’ve been here. Begging you to open up to me. What am I supposed to think, Chase? I know you don't want to be with me...you make that obvious enough. But I feel...you make me feel...so much”
For as eloquent as you usually are, you can't manage the words. Can’t form the sentences. Are there even words, for what you feel when you’re around him?
“I’m sorry, baby. Please don't cry” He whispers as he reaches for you once more. This time you don't yank away, but you also don't melt into his embrace like you usually do.
You’re stiff, as you harsly wipe at your face. Smearing the tears away as they fall.
His own eyes sting at seeing you like this. “I don't want Kira- I don't want anyone else but you”
You squeeze your eyes closed and he gives your thigh a reassuring rub “I do want to be with you Y/N. There’s nothing about you that I’m ashamed of”
“Bullshit” You hiccup. It’s honestly easier for you to believe that he was screwing Kira then that he wanted to be with you.
“Why? Why do you say that?”
“Because guys like you don't end up with girls like me. This is real life and that’s just not fucking possible” You croak the words and he sighs.
He knows, although you really do keep a pretty good lid on it, the self doubt you harbor. The way you see yourself...how conscious you are of you body. Of everything about yourself.
“Girls like you?” It’s a rhetorical question and you huff and try to push his hand off your thigh. He barely budged.
“Yeah, Chase. Girls like me”
“I’m not...Kira. Or Kate or Sarah. I’m…” You choke on the words.
“Sexy? Funny?” Chase supplements and you shake your head and stare out of the inky window. You cant hear this. Can't accept it. It makes hysteria rise in your chest.
Chase makes a sound in his throat and reaches over the console, so that he can press closer to you. “Smart as shit? Sweet as candy...you are Y/N. You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met. Way to fucking good for someone like me...but I’ll take it. I want it. Fuck, I want it so bad. I miss you. I miss the way you sound when you’re begging for it”
You can’t help it. His words, he so good with his words. He makes you feel like you’re floating when he talks to you like this. Your head leans over and he presses his face into your hair. You can feel his little hot puffs of air  in the sensitive shell of your ear.
“I missed you” you whimper in admittance. It had been so long since he’d been this close.
That seems to sober him up a little, clear his horny eighteen year old mind.
He sighs.
“I missed you too...but my life...is all fucked up right now. I wasn’t kidding about that”
You turn to face him, grabbing the hand that’s on your knee. Lacing his fingers with your own much shorter, plumper ones.
“Talk to me about it” you urge, gently. In that beautiful, silk-soft cadence of yours, the one that comes out for the the first time since you’ve been upset with him and it makes a part of him light up inside.
And then he sighs. Deeply. His head bowing a bit.
“I can’t”
“Why not? We talk about everything, Chase?” Your brows scrunch together as you squeeze his hand.
“Not this...I can't get you involved in this. It’s dangerous and...I don’t want to ruin you”
“Ruin me? What do you mean? I don’t understand”
Ruin you, he thinks. Ruin your perception of the world. Make you aware of the monsters that lived under your bed- of the darkness that crept in the shadows.
He just clenches his jaw so hard his teeth hurt and you hum and reach up to thumb at the flexing muscle in his cheek.
He looks at you and you drown in pools of argent blue.
“You’re so pure- no I’m serious. So good, Y/N. You don’t even know how- don’t even realize. And I don’t want to fuck things up for you l-I. We both know I’m good at doing that…” he gives a small, self deprecating laugh and you frown.
You really don’t understand what he’s trying to tell you.
“You’re good, too” he snorts and you persist “You are. You’re so good to me- even when I doubt you. You’re- you’ve been better to me then any guy has. Ever”
He reaches over then, closing the distance and pressing his lips to yours. It’s chaste, but sweet like syrup and you savor the feeling of his plush mouth against yours.
“You deserve all the good things, Y/N. But I am literally the opposite of good” He tells you as he pulls away, mouth still close enough to yours that you feel the words rather than hear them.
“I don’t understand why you think that”
“If you knew what I was...what we are, you’d understand why I’m not good. Why I’ll never be” He curses himself, he know he shouldn’t be telling you any of this but he can’t help it.
You’re like a beacon in the dark and he’s a moth to the flame. He loses all sense when it comes to you. It’s terrifying as it is thrilling.
“What we are? Who are you talking about? You’re acting like you’ve joined a cult or something” You search his face for any clue as to what in the fuck he’s going on about and then prices start coming together. Slowly but surely.
“But then again you kind of have, huh? You’ve been spending a lot of time with the Sons lately”
Chase can’t help but chuckle as he pulls back, rubbing a hand across his forehead “And you are way too fucking smart”
“I’m still lost though? What does you being “bad” have to do with them? And why are they bad? Stuck up and a little pretentious? Yeah. But bad?”
He shouldn’t have said anything. He knows he shouldn’t. Knows that now, there’s no way you’ll let it drop and that either he can tell you what’s going on or you’ll dig until you find it out on your own…
But maybe he always wanted to tell you. They’d told Kate and Sarah? And countless others who could be trusted over the years. Why couldn’t you know? Why couldn’t he have someone who made him feel a little less lonely in this underworld he lived in.
He turns to look at you “Y/N, I have to tell you something. And you’re not going to believe me- and you may flip shit...but I don’t want to keep secrets from you anymore”
You nod slowly, not knowing just what you were in for “Okay, it’s okay, Chase. You can tell me”
And he’s just about to-
When suddenly an inhuman screech cuts through the air. It sounds feral, animalistic- like nothing you had ever heard. Your brain has no picture to put with that sound, and your head snaps in the direction of the field. Searching for the cause of such can a horrible, eerie wail. In the distance, there’s a figure. It looks like some sort of goat…
But then it stands up straight on two legs. It has to be more than 6 feet tall- and its eyes are glowing bright red. Like two tiny pools of fire in the darkness.
“Oh shit” Chase curses as he starts his car, and he’s slamming his foot down and sending the car flying into reverse before you can even comprehend what’s going on.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck” he curses as he swings the car into drive then and presses the gas pedal as hard as he can, the car lurching forward as the tires squeal.
You are sufficiently freaked out, to say the very least. Your heart is pumping fast and fear is shooting through you.
“Chase?! Chase what’s going on? And what the ever loving fuck was that” You hold on to the the armrest with one hand and the roof handle with the other as you squeal at him.
Chase is pushing 90 and it doesn’t seem like he’s going to slow down- if anything he’s going faster.
“It’s okay. Everything’s going to be fine” he tries to calm you down because he can hear the trepidation in your voice.
Really, it should be okay.
They’d found both a spell and a brewed a potion to vanquish the demon- but this wasn’t how he wanted to tell you. This is exactly what he had been dreading.
Bringing you into situations like this.
“Oh really?! You’re going like 100 miles per hour and I just saw...some kind of fucking creature in the field back there, right after we were talking about cults nonetheless. I’m not really feeling like everything’s fine right now. I’m actually feeling like everything’s the opposite of fine! Holy fuck that think had red eyes, Chase!”
“I’m a witch!” Chase Collins had always been bad with timing, and well- that hadn’t ever changed.
Time seems to go still and quiet as you try to process exactly what he just said. You’re not even breathing really.
“You’re a what?” Is all you can choke out.
“A witch- warlock actually. If we’re being technical”
It’s in his voice. You can tell he’s not fucking with you, that he’s dead serious. Although you have a very open mind and believe in all sorts of things...Chase being a warlock?
Your Chase? A magical being?
“I’m sorry I’ve been awol, and that I’ve been lying to you but real, honest to god shit, is that me and Caleb, who is also a warlock, accidentally opened a hells gate on the night of the fall fest and let out all kinds of fucked up demons and I’ve been busy trying to round them all up and send them back where they came from. I wasn’t ghosting you. I just didn’t know how to tell you about all of this”
What he’s saying is insane. It’s a fast jumbled mess that pours from his lips, a confession he knows he shouldn't make. A truth he has no business telling you.
And yet he is.
“You’re telling the truth” you deduce and he gives you the side eye. A small glare that says ‘why the fuck would I like about this’.
“And that thing?”
“Is a Braxas Demon. They’re lower level- but still nasty fuckers. If you’d reach into the glove box for me” you do as he instructs as he talks “There” he refers to a small vile of bright purple liquid “that’s a vanquishing potion. If it tries to attack us, which I doubt it will, that’ll kill it”
Trying to be calm in situations like the one you’re in is futile. Honestly. Your adrenaline is pumping without your control and your flight or fight has been turned on. You can’t sit still and even though your terrified of what you’ll see you can’t help that you keep looking behind you out of the rear window, expecting to see that...demon in the road.
Chase calls Caleb, relays the information to him and you can only hear bits of it through the rushing of blood in your ears.
“I found it. Or I guess it kind of found me.
Up by hanged man's turn- that field. Yup.
I was driving with Y/N- yes she’s here with me. Yes, she saw it.
I had to tell her! It started to chase us!
Fuck you! You knew Sarah for a week before you spilled the covens secret, so spare me the lecture.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s still tailing us.
Okay, I’ll meet you there”
And that was the night your life changed forever. 
@peacefulwriter88 @brieannakeogh @supernovasandcoronas @lostinspace33 @4theluvofall @geekyweed @tatathekissypotato @prettybubblesintheair @jaamesbbarnes @wi-atch @sad-af1121 @paulruddx @gifsbysimplysonia @sgtbootybarnes @shayla-markele
So I’ve had this finished in my drafts for FOREVER and I figured what the hell, I haven’t posted in a while and I thought I’d give you guys a lil something. I don’t know whether I want to keep this as just a little one shot- maybe a collection of one shots? Idk I just really love Chase Collins and the vastly under appreciated and under explored world of The Covenant.
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Valentine's Day special + Hinata, Tendou and Iwaizumi ♥
I feel like I wrote it just, because I wanted to write something for my favourite characters. You’re welcome.
Hinata Shouyou 
‘’Okay guys, we do as we established before. When s/o comes through the gym door, we turn the light on and then Hinata confesses. No one laughs, no one talks. You are just smiling like nice and supportive teammates - you are. Understood?’’ Koushi stated, smiling kindly at every one of them, but something about the way his face twisted was saying that refusal would do them nothing good. So they all nodded happily, already regretting coming to the school that day. 
Tsukishima was fuming inside, not being able to throw any snarky remark, because of his vice-captain earlier threat, that if one of them destroys Hinata’s special day - they will be met with terrible consequences. 
Kageyama didn’t understand the situation at all, going along with the plan and avoiding his growing disappointed, caused by the declination of practice. 
Tanaka and Nishinoya..were just themselves, stressing the poor orange head more and more as the seconds passed by. 
Asahi just sighed. 
‘’This is going to be a disaster.’’ However, the door opened, revealing their captain - Sawamura Daichi. 
‘’I saw her! Turn the lights off and get your shit together! You better do it right! H-HINATA STOP CRYING!’’ They did as they were told, giving Hinata some tissues as he slowly caught his breath. He was finally ready. After two long minutes, a crack of the door was heard in the whole gym and then it was thrown open. Shouyou, who couldn’t stand the pressure, closed his eyes and hold the red rose in front of his shaking figure. Soon the lights were on and it was the time for the final words. 
‘’I-I really liKE YOU! WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!’’ He screamed at the top of his lungs, with his eyes still tightly closed. Everything around him was dead silent and he couldn’t tell whether it was good or bad. In the end, he decided to open one of his eyes to see your - probably stunned - reaction. He wasn’t prepared for what he saw. 
His coach was looking at him with raised eyebrows, before his palm met his forehead as the snickers of his teammates filled his ears. 
‘’Well, I appreciate your feelings Hinata, but I think we do not..eh..belong with each other. Try again in the future.’’ When these words left Keishin’s mouth, small tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. Everyone stopped making noises for a second and then Hinata erupted. 
‘‘I-I tried so hard! I was confessing everyday to my mirror just to say it right! And now my chances are gone! S/o will never go out with me, I can just die in a hole!’’ He wailed, hot tears running down his cheeks one by one, imitating waterfall. 
And when Sugawara wanted to hug the death out of Hinata, allowing him to cry on his shoulder and ensure that he will have millions of chances, your head popped out behind Ukai’s back. 
‘’Thanks Shou-kun, it means a lot to me. Let’s go out!’’ And that was the time, the small, overwhelmed with emotions crown - fainted. Happy and satisfied, just to be sure. 
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Tendou Satori 
‘’Hi s/o! What a beautiful day, isn’t it?’’
‘’What do you want Satori?’’ You replied to his greeting with an ugly frown and unsettling feeling in your empty stomach.
‘’So harsh! Why do you assume I want something?’’ He gasped theatrically, squeezing his shirt in the place of the heart. Acting obviously, wasn’t his strongest point, he should just stick to the volleyball. No offense.
‘’Don’t try to lie, we’ve known each other for years, idiot. You always want something. It’s as obvious as the fact that we will die.’’ Ignoring his opening mouth, you went to your destination - hoping he would not follow you, but he did shortly after. 
‘’So depressing, I feel like we are kids again! And it’s not true, you can’t just assume that whenever I talk to you I need a favor! But this time I really need something.’’ Yeah, his smile announced something bad or even worse. 
‘’Shoot while I’m still listening. And make it quick.’’
‘’So, Valentine’s Day will be soon and I thought it would be nice if you go out with me.’’ He asked, giving you a sincere smile at which you frowned even harder. That was rather unexpected. He? Interested in you?
‘’To where?’’ You asked, groaning internally. He was a very puzzling person, who could be not only annoying, but also unbearable especially in the morning. And not to mention you were short-tempered. It explained everything tbh. 
‘’Restauration. And a walk. Or first walk and th–’’
‘’No.’’ You interrupted him angrily - rejecting his offer, but for a different reason that he thought you did. 
‘’Oh..-’’ His face twisted in the pained expression, not visible for ordinary people to see, but since you were his friend for a long time - you knew him pretty well. ‘’Okay, then.’’ He turned to walk away from you, but you quickly caught his wrist in your warm hand. 
‘’But-’’ You hold onto his slightly trembling fingers now. ‘’We can go to my or your place, watch stupid videos and movies and talk shit about people. What do you think?’’ He smirked.
‘’Marry me.’’
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Iwaizumi Hajime
Your first two lessons ended pretty quickly, but a lunch break was nicely welcomed, anyway. After standing up from your seat, you stretched legs and headed towards Oikawa’s class, because of his previous invitation to eat with him and Iwaizumi. In a normal situation you would decline and spend time with your own friends, but the fact that Hajime was there made the decision for you.
When you finally saw them sitting next to each other and fighting heatedly, but rather silently - you only smiled at them, ignoring the painful throbbing in your chest upon seeing your crush. 
What do people tend to say? You only live once, yes? Well, no - it’s bullshit. You still were stressing yourself over and felt like you were dying. Every thought hurt not only mentally, but also physically, however, you promised Oikawa to spend time with them and keeping your promises was a priority in your life.
‘’Hey guys!’’ They immediately stopped talking (poor Tooru, silenced with the hit in the stomach), after they saw your approaching form. You smiled and they smiled back, but on the brunet’s face it looked more like a grimace. 
‘’H-hey s/o-chan! Sit next to Iwaizumi!’’ He stumbled, pointing at the empty seat beside his very flustered teammate. 
‘’Okay, is there something wrong? You were arguing just a minute ago.’’ Your curiosity got the best of you as always. 
‘’Ah! Iwa-chan has been just bitter, because I didn’t mention you were coming!’’ He joked, looking kind of better than he was. Although, his words stung just a little bit. 
‘’I can leave if you..’’ You looked at Iwaizumi, trying your hardest not to frown, but despite your greatest fears his face didn’t show anger like you expected, but astonishment. 
‘’N-nO! I WAS JUST SURPRISED, THAT’S ALL!’’ He bowed slightly. ‘’Please stay with us, sorry.’’ His nervousness made you laugh and remember why you fell for him once again. It’s so hard to resist such a precious person.
‘’Thanks! Sorry for misunderstanding!’’
The rest of the break went smoothly, well almost. Life just didn’t want to leave you alone and let you be happy even for one day. One freaking day.
‘’Soooo—-S/o-chan! Iwa-chan has an important question to ask you! He’s been thinking about it for a while now and I couldn’t stand it anymore!’’ Oikawa laughed loudly, showing how proud of himself, he was, but he was the only content on in your group. Your mind sank into stress again and Iwaizumi’s face showed terrifying, or even devilish furiousness. 
‘’What are you talking about, you jerk?’’ He uttered, which sounded more like a promise to kill and that nasty glare he sent Oikawa confirmed your thoughts.
‘’Oh, don’t be so shy! He wanted to ask you out, of course!’’ Let’s just say you stopped breathing.
‘’What the fuck? That’s not true! I would neve–’’ And then he looked at your face, twisted in a great sadness with glittering tears in your eyes. It wasn’t the fact that your crush wasn’t interested in you, you were aware of it, but the whole situation was completely humiliating to you and disappearing from their eyes and avoiding them forever was a rather great idea.
‘’Iwa-chan!’’ Tooru screamed, what was only a fainted sound for your running form. You hoped to never see any on those two again.
‘’Wait!’’ Someone, who you assumed was Iwaizumi shouted, but you ignored him. ‘’Waitt, dammit!’’ Thanks to his athlete build, he managed to run up to you and caught your wrist.
‘’Leave me alone!’’
‘’I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it!’’ He apologized, but you were having none of it.
‘’Yeah, right.’’
‘’I LIKE YOU, OKAY?’’ Your eyes widened and you finally looked at him, only to see he was avoiding your gaze. ‘’I do, really. I wanted to ask you out, but not in front of that stupid shi–I mean Oikawa. I know I treated you like an asshole just a second ago, but I hope you can look past it and I don’t know, give me a chance?’’ And then your eyes meet and the only thing you registered was nodding your head and his warm lips on your forehead.
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The Vanishing of Ladybug and Chat Noir- Chapter 3
Gah, life gets in the way of me writing this fic but I’m having fun writing it. I finally finished chapter 3 and hopefully I’ll get chapter 4 out sooner than later, so enjoy -VLLD
Here’s the link to the fic on Ao3 if you want to read it there instead.
Chapter 3 - Revelations and Running
(Scene 1- Marinette’s POV)
She must have been going crazy. She and Adrien were sitting at her desk looking at the research they had collected for their report. Her crush was sitting right next to her, but that’s wasn’t why she felt like she was going crazy. What was wrong with her today! Hell what had been wrong with her all week! She couldn’t even focus on the opportunity in front of her.
She should be happy, She had been partnered with Adrien for a class assignment. She had to keep smiling or he would notice that something was wrong. Adrien had been talking to her all week, she had to take this opportunity, but why wasn’t she…why couldn’t she… It was too late he could see.
“Are you okay Marinette?” Adrien asked her. “Are you feeling sick?” She sure didn’t feel well, but she wasn’t Ill, just going insane in her own mind. She thought her brain was going to explode and then whatever remained of her was going to float away never to be seen again.
“Ya I’m alright, you just surprised me earlier, that’s all” she gave a small fake laugh. He turned away from her, and gave a small sigh.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to scare you…” She cut him off mid sentence. She didn’t want him to misunderstand her.
“No No, it’s not that… You just sounded like a friend of mine is all.” the tone in her voice deflated a little bit as she spoke. He got quiet and then they directed their attention to the assignment. They worked in silence, every minute that passed seemed more and more awkward… Had she messed up? Then Adrien’s voice rung in her ears
“Soooo, this friend of yours, what’s he like?” he asked. Well crud how was she gonna get out of that question! it’s not like she could tell him that this friend of hers was Chat Noir, because who would believe that, she would just sound crazy.She fabricated a lie as quickly as she could
“You wouldn’t know him, he moved away last year, and since you only started attending our school this year…” Her voice trailed off, she started to regret her lie.
“Oh too bad, sounds like my kind of a friend” he chided. At that moment Marinette started to realize something she hadn’t thought of before.
(Scene 2- Adrien’s POV)
“Where is the restroom?” He asked her. He and Marinette had been working on the assignment when she got really quiet he had tried to make her feel better, but the air between them seemed to be worse.
“It’s downstairs, it’s not to hard to find. If you have trouble just ask my parents” she said
He excused himself and went downstairs to the restroom. He needed to calm down. She had definetly noticed that he spoke like Chat, but still lied about him being her friend . I mean of course it made sense, it’s not like she was going to tell someone she didn’t know about Chat because it would give away she was Ladybug.
He splashed his face with water, he was flushed because being near her made his stomach turn knots. Had she figured out who he was or hadn’t she? He couldn’t tell. Had he hurt her?, was he too relaxed?. He didn’t know he just hoped things would work out for the best.
He climbed back upstairs and into Marinette’s room. As he opened the hatch he started to speak
“Hey, I’m back what did you want to to do for the biblio…” It took him a minute to realize Marinette wasn’t paying attention. She looked like she was going to explode. Something was wrong, very wrong.
“I’ll be back in a second I’m just going to go downstairs to check on something” she mumbled and quickly left her room. He sat down on the desk chair and went to search for his phone in his pocket. It wasn’t there. It must have fallen on the floor earlier when he had gotten up to use the restroom. He picked it up and noticed a message on the screen.
Marinette- Maybe we shouldn’t meet. I hadn’t really thought it through and it’s a risk we should think through.
Shit well if she didn’t know before now she sure as hell did now. Ugh he needed to talk to Marinette when she came back. He leaned back in the desk chair and waited for Marinette to return.
5 minutes passed, then 10 minutes passed and still no Marinette. Something was definitely wrong. He went downstairs, she wasn’t anywhere to be found. He went into the Bakery to ask her parents if they knew where she was.
“Excuse me, Have you seen Marinette anywhere? She excused herself about 15 minutes ago and I haven’t seen her since.” He questioned.
“Oh my that girl” she gave a chuckle and continued to speak" “Didn’t she tell you? She said she had an errand to run and left in a hurry” her mother replied.
“No she didn’t tell me.” He sighed.
“I’m sorry, sometimes our daughter is forgetful, we assumed she had told you and you had left through the back awhile ago.” Her father said trying to make Adrien feel better. He went back up to Marinette’s room gathered his things, and gave his farewell to her parents.
He needed to find Marinette. He scrolled through his phone contacts. He pressed call and waited for an answer.
“Hey, Alya I need a huge favor.”
(Scene 3- Marinettes POV)
“I’ll be back in a second I’m just going to go downstairs to check on something” she quickly told him. She felt like her insides were fighting a war, to say she was freaking out would be an understatement. She rushed to the Bathroom and began puking her guts out. This couldn’t be real, it just couldn’t. If it was real than what hadn’t been real. When she finished she felt better. She had to get away so she could take all this information in. She told her parents a lie, and left. She knew Adrien would definitely be mad at her for this, but it was all too much for her.
She decided to go sit in a cafe her and Alya frequented on the weekends. She could hide here for awhile until Adrien left. Marinette got some iced tea and tried to calm down, and she started to connect the dots.
(Memory- Marinette’s POV/ a few months ago.)
“So are you excited about the dance tonight!” Alya practically shouted while they were nearing their destination.
“I’m not so good with dancing,you know that” Marinette replied sheepishly. She and Alya had decided on going to the cafe to get some caffeine before getting ready for the dance.
“Look who it is!” Alya practically shouted. They had just walked into the cafe, when Alya had noticed that Adrien and Nino, Adrien’s best friend were there.
“Hey guys! What’s up?” Alya easily went over and approached the two boys.
“Just getting some coffee before the dance tonight” Nino replied. Marinette noticed Adrien looking down. She wondered if he was alright.
“Yup what he said!” Adrien perked up and pointed towards his friend.
“So, Marinette what’s this I hear about you not liking dancing?” Adrien teased. She would have cursed her best friend for telling him, if not for that it gave her the chance to talk to Adrien.
“It’s not my thing, that’s all…” Marinette replied as sincerely as she could without stuttering. Alya and Nino went to go order the drinks for the four of them.
“If it makes you feel any better Im new to this whole dance thing, Ive never been to a dance.” Adrien continued “but…well if you don’t mind would you save me a dance tonight?… I know it’s not your thing but everyone deserves to cut loose every once in awhile”
“Surereere , I’d be be honored.” Marinette hoped this wasn’t the doing of Alya. She didn’t want Adrien to feel like he was being forced to dance with her.
The four parted ways and got ready for the dance. Everything had been perfect that night, except Adrien never showed up. Nino explained that Adrien suddenly had to work and wasn’t going to be able to come to the dance. Marinette had been definitely a little disappointed, but probably not as disappointed as Adrien had been about going. She could tell he had been excited about it. She went home early, because she hadn’t really been having any fun. When she arrived home she didnt even bother to undress, she was still all done up for the dance almost as if she didn’t want the magic of the night to end even though it had ended for her before it even started. She hadn’t intended to fall asleep, but did anyway because the day had been more exhausting than planned.
“Knock” she awoke to sound of something knocking on the glass. It echoed off the walls of her room for a moment, she then got up to see what it was, she had a feeling she knew who it was though.
“What do you want you silly cat?” She was slightly annoyed. She opened her balcony hatch and let him into her room.
“Is everything all right? you are usually meowwre welcoming than this.” He asked her.
“Ah, this…” She probably looked strange considering she was still dressed up. “ I… There was a school dance tonight, that’s why I’m all dressed up, but…” She wasn’t sure if she should tell him about the nights events. “…but it didn’t go exactly as planned, sorry for my attitude earlier, I’m just a little salty.” she felt she could trust him, he was her partner… Well even if he didn’t know that, they had this strange relationship between them anyway.
“So what happened?” He gave her a polite smile.
“Ah, well I was asked to save a dance for one of the most popular guys in school but… He wasn’t able to make it to the dance. I know he couldn’t control it, but I can’t help but be a little disappointed… You see I don’t really care for dances and dancing that much. I was really only going cause my best friend had dragged me into it, but for once I really was genuine in my excitement.” She told the Masked Cat Boy.
“If it’s any consolation to you, you look really nice this evening and I would have loved to dance with you if I had the opportunity” he chided. She was trying not to be flustered, it was just she didn’t get compliments on her looks from boys as often and it suprised her. She kept telling herself.
They continued to chat for a little while longer talking about random things, whatever she wanted to, It was easy to talk to him. That evening in her mind took a turn for the better when Chat appeared. It was almost like magic she thought.
(Scene 3 - Marinette’s POV continued)
The dots were adding up in her mind and it was overwhelming. She needed to calm down or she was going to break down here in the cafe.
“Bzzzzzttt” her phone started ringing. It was Alya, dammit she surely had already heard from Adrien. She picked it up, before Alya had a chance to lecture Marinette she was going to speak first.
“Alya, I need a huge favor” She told her best friend.
“How huge of a favor is this?” Alya questioned playfully.
“Big, I need you to hide me from Adrien. I can’t talk to him right now… sooo can I spend the night at your place, because there is something I need to talk to you about” She pleaded.
“Fine, but you at least owe him an apology, for running off like that.” Alya said. She continued to lecture Marinette for another 5 minuted and then Marinette headed back to her house to get her stuff for the night.
(Scene 4 - Alya POV)
“What did you do to my best friend lover boy?"Alya said anxiously over the phone to Adrien.
"Uhh… That’s kind of confidential, but is she alright?” Adrien asked. Alya had called him back shortly after he had called her earlier.
“She’s not dying, but I don’t think she’s ready to talk to you yet… Give her some time she’ll come around."Alya continued ” I can’t help you with that favor though, her favor out weighs yours, no offense"
“That’s alright at least she’s physically okay” Adrien responded.
Alya got off the phone with Adrien after trying to get a few more details on the events of the day to no avail. Adrien hadn’t budged so she was walking into the situation with Marinette almost blind. She waited for Marinette to arrive at her house. She heard a small knock at her front door. When she opened the door she saw her best friend was a mess. Her hair wasn’t done and had obviously fallen out at some point during the day. She had spilt something on the front of her shirt. She looked like she was being held together by a thread and if someone were to even approach her she would snap in two. Alya saw tears start to bubble over her best friends eyes and fall down her face. It was clear to Alya that Her best friend was falling apart at the seams.
“Marinette, come inside let’s talk okay?” She said softly. Marinette stepped inside and she shut the door. Alya took her best friend into a hug. She talked softly “What in the world happened, Are you feeling okay?” Marinette had felt a bit feverish in her arms. Her best friend told her the first truth Alya had heard from her all week.
“No, Alya I’m not okay”
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