#and willow and amity know jack shit
hm luz definitely heard the collector’s ENTIRE tantrum in king’s tide from kikimora’s bubble. notably when he said he “taught [belos] magic stronger than anybody’s” and also showed him the draining spell. luz had no idea what the collector could do before that. her guilt at helping belos before king’s tide felt like it mostly came from showing him the light glyph and the general betrayal of looking up to phillip all season only to find out he’s an asshole and also belos.
but in season 3 luz knows that the collector was the reason belos could do the day of unity stuff in the first place. and because she helped him, she assigns herself all of that blame as well. and that knowledge in addition to stress from the day of unity was why she took a nosedive from impulsive and people-pleasing but still upbeat straight into crippling depression. and also disregarded eda’s “my life is great bc im friends with luz the human” speech from separate tides.
i wonder if luz told her friends anything that happened during her confrontation with belos before they arrived. she definitely didn’t tell amity willow and gus about the stuff collector said but i wonder if she told hunter about it, since he already knows about the collector thing. i doubt she did bc he didn’t have any reason to need to know and luz certainly doesn’t like to talk about it.
also im pretty sure luz never told her friends about the whole petrification thing? and the sigil thing. the petrification thing because again, i doubt she wants to think about it or worry her friends and there’s no need for the others to know. the thing with luz giving belos a sigil because for all she knows she just made him MORE angry. luz wasn’t there when kikimora told king belos couldn’t stop the draining spell. as far as luz knows belos COULD have stopped the spell but the sigil just made him panic long enough for king to find the collector to do it instead. add that one to the pile, i guess.
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I still think it's interesting that Thanks to Them doesn't go out of it's way to include any imagery that indicates Amity and Hunter are on good terms with each other.
They could have squeezed a picture of them talking together about their family issues during the closing credits. Or have a photo/some photos in Willow's photobook of them hanging out or a photo of Hunter apologizing to Amity for his behavior in Eclipse Lake. Or really... any kind of dialogue that implies that Hunter apologized to her for his actions at Eclipse Lake. That's what anyone would do if the characters were intended to be on good terms with each other but didn't have enough screen-time to give them more in depth interactions. But they don't do that... so I'm inclined to believe that the writers want me to think Amity tolerates him because her friends and Luz like him and trust him.
I can see Amity's dislike of him coming up later because they haven't actually TALKED about what happened at Eclipse Lake. Hunter doesn't offer her an on screen apology for taking advantage of and stoking the flames of her insecurities surrounding her relationship with Luz. Or for knocking her off her feet after she lets him go
By the way he was PLEADING for Amity to let take him with her or at LEAST untie him so he can escape because Kikimora was literally seconds behind them. And then when she does untie him, he knocks her to the ground - knowing Kikimora is literally right around the corner - to give himself a head start. He also doesn't apologize for fighting her after she basically offers him sanctuary with her and her friend group at TOH. Again, she didn't need to do that because he was a huge asshole to her up until their fight.
And her dislike of him is only going to be stoked when she puts two and two together that Hunter is a clone of Belos' witch-hunting brother.
So, you have Amity already disliking him for what he did at Eclipse Lake... the way she talks to Hunter about his outfit is weirdly dismissive since she doesn't talk like that to Willow, Gus, or Vee. I am not counting Amity's comment about being top student when Vee get's called top student as Amity being dismissive of Vee. Because she's not directing that comment at Vee - she doesn't even look at her - she's not directing that comment at anyone in particular. She's just expressing a bit of jealousy over not being the top student of her class anymore.
But yeah, on top of that, Hunter steals the rebus from Amity knowing she wanted to surprise her girlfriend with it and that no one would be able to follow them because they've never ya know, actually been to the location shown on the rebus.
We know Hunter wasn't exactly in the right headspace when he took the rebus, he was freaking the fuck out over his murderous abuser being nearby. But AMITY doesn't know that - she doesn't have the same awareness the audience has. To her, it looks like Hunter wants to take all the credit for finding the Titan Blood even though he did jack shit to help Amity and his friends figure out what the rebus was leading to - or that the rebus was actually a rebus to begin with.
And on top of THIS Amity is going to find out Hunter knew Luz's secret before she did. A clone of the dictator's witch-hunting brother knew Luz's secret before she ever did... even though she is Luz's literal girlfriend... This is really going to make her dislike Hunter. There is no way that this wouldn't set off Amity's UNRESOLVED insecurity issues around inadequacy.
She has been insecure about her relationship with Luz since Eclipse Lake. Luz has always kept an emotional upset from Amity until it was forced to the surface by herself [Luz] or by someone else... but for some reason she feels comfortable enough to tell Hunter of all people?
Naaaaah, Luz is going to get into sooooo much trouble - there's no way she wouldn't lmao. Even if Amity and Hunter were on good terms before Thanks to Them - he would have soured their relationship because he made an ass of himself by stealing the rebus from her and running off with her girlfriend. He ruins the surprise Amity had planned for Luz and runs off with her to an UNKNOWN LOCATION - nobody knows where the fuck the Titan Blood is because they haven't actually been there before. He also doesn't show the fuck up AT ALL during Amity and company's little field trip around town even though he says he's going to catch the next bus. The last time she sees him he's walking through the door with Luz.
Liiiike.... Amity's going to be Big Mad at the both of them... and i have to wait literal months to see her blow up at them... this universe really IS unfair >:T
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the-salem-devil · 2 years
I thought this topic deserved it’s own post, I already had it written out but I didn’t want to make the original too long, sorry for the wait ❤️
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-Okay, so, right from the beginning he didn’t like Amity, he might’ve disliked Willow but he doesn’t approve of bullies, being a children show host and all.
-And more selfishly, her actions spurred his sunshine into helping the blue haired girl, taking away her attention from who rightfully deserved all of it, him.
-So basically, he doesn’t like her, and if this was reality then he would’ve driven her off long ago with the same thing he did to the other two when they started getting closer, if they even starting getting close at all.
-But these are Lumity headcannons, so let’s pretend that by some miracle (for Amity at least) she didn’t get driven off, and they actually started going out.
-After they officially got together, he’d mellow a bit, realising Amity wasn’t going for his position as best-friend.
-Then he’d get ten times worse after realising how much time, and most importantly attention, relationships chewed up, and how much Amity would insist on helping Luz.
-This would upset him a lot, especially during Eclipse Lake, he’s pretty insecure about not being able to help his sunshine with certain things, since he’s invisible to everybody but her.
-Though, he’s pretty happy about the idea of Titan blood getting them both home, although he’ll put in tenfold amount of effort he is now to keep his sunshine, in the human realm his only real problem was Camila.
-So, as much as it pains him, he wouldn’t hinder the purple haired witch from her mission, and although he’d really rather not, he would help her in any way he could just so she could get the damn blood.
-Now, if he were to try and break them up, well..
-In hindsight, he’s extra glad he’d driven off Gus and Willow, because that put Luz in a insecure spot, which not only made it easier to swoop in and be seen as the saviour, which he is even if nobody else sees it-,
-But it also stemmed a worry about Amity abandoning her, even more if King had already been scared off, which would kill any suspicion of his involvement since she’ll blame herself immediately,
-There isn’t much he would think of to get them to break up, he couldn’t feign Amity cheating on her, and the nightmares he’d sent to Amity only drove her closer.
-It would kill him, it would kill him despite already being dead, and he wouldn’t do it unless it was the last resort, but he might have to send nightmares to his sunshine.
-It wouldn’t be anything gruesome, and nothing that could cause serious damage, it’d play on her fear of abandonment, that Amity dearest only dated her out of pity.
-That kind of stress, especially with lack of sleep, would cause anyone to be snappish, and the oh so real nightmares of Amity saying the cruelest shit would plant the smallest seed of resentment.
Jack would plant a small seed of resentment.
-She’d feel so silly, and normally, despite the fatigue and stress, she wouldn’t let it ruin her relationship, and despite it all, still manage to be the loveable Luz that we all know towards her sweet potato,
-But it’s psychologically proven that that sort of thing could leave somebody vulnerable, especially to words or actions of those close to them.
-He’d plant seeds in her mind, slowly but surely pitting her against Amity, it would be small things.
 -“Well, that was rude of her to say.” “She took your phone!? Doesn’t matter if she didn’t watch the video, she still took it and didn’t return, she even considered watching it!” “I would never do that to you, sunspot.”
-And since he puts the up most effort into his friendship, he might try to turn Amity against his sunspot as well, although he’d hate anyone thinking negatively of her, it’s a necessary evil.
-They wouldn’t have a explosive breakup, there wouldn’t be yelling and screaming and hurling insults, they’d just be so tired, so done, they loved each other, truly, they just couldn’t take the stress anymore.
-And despite it all, Luz would be absolutely devastated, she really liked Amity, she still does, but with the day of unity, she couldn’t handle the stress of their relationship, she needed to focus on saving her everyone, and that included Amity.
-Don’t worry though, Jack is here to be her shoulder to cry on, Jack is here to listen to her vent, Jack is here to lay a blanket of her when she finally manages a peaceful, but solemn, nap.
-Sunny Day Jack is always here.
-Do you remember the episode, ‘a trip down Memory Lane’?
-Well, obviously Luz still attends Hexside, and that means sometimes being partnered up with Willow and Gus, like during photo class.
-It might be awkward, but they can still get their school work done, Jack doesn’t like them talking at all, but he can tolerate it for class because school is important, kids.
-And obviously, following the events of the cannon show, Amity would literally set Willows mind on fire.
-Listen, Luz would change because of Jack’s manipulation, she’d be way more self critical and perhaps a tad paranoid, but she’s still Luz, and that means she’d still help Willow out even if she doesn’t want to be friends.
-I’ve gotten another request for ‘Hollow Mind’ with this AU, and they think that Jack should be able to be seen in the mind, and I agree with that, which would mean that he can be seen in Willows mind.
-Which would mean Amity could see him, and Luz would be forced to introduce him, and explain her situation.
-And if Amity knows about Jack, she might be able to remember seeing a blue haired clown appear in the background of her nightmares, and be able to connect a few dots, perhaps even seeing through his manipulation, having dealt with Odalia for so long.
-Jack really, really wouldn’t like that.
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cogumielitos · 2 years
lack of MLM representation in cartoons
So, me and my friend wanted to dress up as cartoon characters for halloween and since we're both masculine presenting people we wanted a MLM or NBLM or NBLNB couple to dress up as.
Then i realize, there's none! Absolutely 0 cutsy mlm couples in cartoons, at least at the main stream ones.
"But there's ______ couple in ______ show!!" yeah, i know that there are some, like willow's dads, clyde's dads, bow's dads... I dont really want to dress up as a dad for hallowen lol.
Im just saying that comparing with WLW couples in cartoon mlm are basicly non-existent. There's no *canon* cute couple such as: - Marceline and Bubblegum - Luz and Amity - Adora and Catra - Rubi and Safira - Luna and Sam - Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn
Im not saying "WLW get to much representation, it shouldnt be so much!!", def theres no enough sapphic rep in midia but theres aaaway less *good* mlm rep. Even out of the cartoon world, I've notice that lately almost every tv show i watched there's a female queer character and im happy every time bc its a win for the community and my queer sisters/siblings. I also notice that the fist time i actualy felt represented by a piece of midia was a couple months ago when i watched Dead End, with Barney, a trans queer guy.
I wondered why this happens and i came with 2 possibilities:
Queer women/NBLW are more active in social midia . Every gay cartoon I've watched I've found bc a edit, a fanart, a tiktok or just a post on Instagram, and idk why but most of this posts were made by this community, even if where talking about mlm couples. Its almost like these couples are wrote *for* women and fujoshis, not by queer men for queen men. (like Young Royals and Red, White and Royal Blue). So I just have this feeling that every director its like: "Okay, we need a sapphic couple, even if its in the background so the gays will talk about it on tiktok and more gays will watch it"
(dont worry, Im also the gays...)
Sapphic couples apeal to straigth men so its "okay" to put them in. This one is hard to explain, so we all know how women are sexualized in everything they do, and we all know main stream media doesnt want to lose their huge ass "white cis-het men" public. So they figured that a better away of getting our pink money and the jack-asses money, its putting wlw couples so that men can sexualize them, rather then mlm couples, that those men are usually disgusted by.
I know this take its really disgusting but we all know that straight men sexualize queer women. And before anyone says smt, i know that queer women suffer homophobia and some man also say that "wlw couples disguste them", but like i said, we all know that straigth men sexualize queer women. And y'all cant possibily think that big companies like netflix and disney actualy care about queer issues, at a point they would rather not receive money from homophobes just to give us good rep.
Idk, i may be talking shit, let me know what you think final thougths: WE WANT CUTE MLM COUPLES TOO
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liebermintz · 2 years
okay, some thoughts
(contains spoilers for the owl house and stranger things s4)
(no i mean there’s spoilers)
(CW: queerbaiting; satanic panic; religion; the AIDS epidemic)
i s2g if somebody tries to pull a “but the owl house was more upfront with its rep than a certain netflix fantasy horror show,” remember that the owl house takes place in presumably 2019 AND also in a fantasy world. it is unabashedly queer because it does so to defy emperor belos, who is a literal witchfinder general. he’d be scared that the human of color who peppers her speech with the occasional spanish phrase is dating a lesbian witch. luz can be open in the owl house’s universe, either on earth or the boiling isles. and even then, luz and amity’s relationship isn’t shown in front of emperor belos - at most the only antagonistic force it’s shown to is odalia and that’s framed more as odalia being so disgusted as luz being “lower-class” that she’ll arrange amity to have another girlfriend (and it’s heavily implied that she’s thinking amity is referring to a close friend that is a girl - why she’s using the same terminology in reference to luz that she did in reference to willow years prior). and even then, belos is so focused on trying to get the hell out of the boiling isles and brag about how he killed a bunch of witches on an alternate earth that he doesn’t pay attention to the queerness of characters. and the collector wouldn’t give a shit because he sees everything as a mere game to play, get bored with, and toss aside. and he apparently doesn’t keep enough tabs on the covens to realize that darius and raine are planning stuff behind his back (only learning of it when hunter!luz arrives at the head and making swift action since everybody’s there), so i highly doubt belos even pays attention to what specific pronouns darius and eberclaw use to refer to raine. the covens are more independent entities that are kept in the dark in regards to the emperor’s full plans - this is why none of them knew what belos was planning on doing. not even plant girl. not even illusions film director man. stranger things s4 takes place in early 1986, right at the ass-end of president ronald reagan not doing jack shit about AIDS and riiiiiiiiight before tony kushner got notice for angels in america, so well before heartland america got to know the reality of the gay experience and thought of them almost exclusively as the kind of shocking shit lou reed would write about in his songs or evil predators according to propaganda shorts shown in schools. remember: they’re still in cold war paranoia mode - dr. brenner was training el to spy on soviets back in season one; there’s the entirety of season 3 and its really weird attempt at doing red dawn but in a mall. and jason got the entire town talking about how D&D is satanic because the police found chrissy’s vecna’d body in eddie’s trailer. this shit is not safe for will to think about coming out, not even in california. and i mean not even in california.
most of the early satanic panic “cases” came from out west. chick publications, the publishers of that really bad “dark dungeons” tract, is based out in california. mike warnke and john todd were going to speaking engagements ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY (and not just heartland america and the deep south - i mean they’re flying to california and staying in nice hotels because they’re gonna make mad cheddar from book sales and tickets). this shit was for real. it wasn’t just some shit the genre pastiche guys made up to make D&D look edgy and countercultural. you’ve people read dark dungeons? or watched mazes and monsters? they’re blaming a tabletop RPG for the fact that we’re seeing queer people kill themselves and the fact that people are starting to question the validity of religious teachings. the show frames eddie as being pretty foolish to not only create a D&D club at hawkins high, but also for being open about it - because they know exactly what he’s walking into.
and in the grand tradition of the overarching season plots getting more adult with each passing season of stranger things, the stories get darker. season one is kids doing a spielberg/dante-style wonder horror; season two is el on a road trip and running into vigilantes and will doing poltergeist; season three is red dawn in a mall, for crying out loud. each season, and by necessity the ages of the actors, dictates the kind of ‘80s pastiche the duffers go for. season four is slasher film - and as the kids are in high school now, now they can realize how morally complex geopolitics are. now they can see death in the face - eddie’s death is easily one of the most brutal one-on-one deaths in the show because it goes beyond billy sacrificing himself to buy time for the kids or bob newby sacrificing himself to buy time for joyce and hopper to get out of the lab. eddie’s death feels dark because you know the guy legitimately wanted to kill himself. he’s still wanted in hawkins for vecna’s murders. dustin knows this - that’s why he’s sobbing like crazy. he knows that eddie legitimately wants to die and is trying to find some way to talk him out of it.
do you legitimately think that for one moment will is going to say “yeaaaaaah mike i love you on a deeper level” when he knows that he might get his ass handed to him if mike/jonathan/eleven doesn’t react properly. that’s why robin is VERY secretive about her sexual orientation. she doesn’t even come out and say that “yeah i’m in lesbians with you” to her crush from band, not even in the final scene. she doesn’t say it to nance. she only says it to steve - and that was in the context of them thinking they were going to die in a secret russian mall basement while high on truth serum.
i get you’re mad. i get that you just want to see some well-meaning queer rep, especially from a streaming platform that publicized two really transphobic specials as nothing more than “edgy jokes for edgy teens,” that maybe they could take that high of SPOP and apply it to the show that sells frozen waffles, domino’s pizza, and kate bush albums. but this is one of the few times where queerbaiting not only makes more sense, but is the safest and most logical thing these characters can do given the year, the region of america they’re in, and THE ACTUAL SATANIC PANIC AND RISE OF EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANITY AS A VOTER BLOC BECOMING A LEGITIMATE PROBLEM.
will has to have strategy just to survive. where we are right now in terms of being viewers, we are 12 years away from gay rights getting its most tragic signalboost to date.
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wisconsin2002 · 2 years
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You know the older I get the more I realise that cartoon communities and fandoms nowadays are really impatient and can't let a story roll out... Or.. They want so much obvious information spoon fed to them.
I've noticed it a bit with Amphibia fandom and I've noticed a lot aswell in TOH fandom aswell.
With Amphibia it's been.. People saying that Anne has just completely forgot and doesn't care about her friends and barely even thinking about them.
The constant nights that Anne spent on her laptop, looking for quite literally impossible and almost non existent information that the human world doesn't know about.. Trying her hardest to bring her friends back home and writing letters to her friends families during the holidays...
ITS RIGHT THERE! Anne has shown she cares so many times its actually mind boggling to me that this hot take even exists at all.
The one hot take I do understand is the one with people saying That Sasha doesn't seem to show that much care for what happened to Marcy. That one for sure should have been discussed more and maybe it will who knows. But Sasha was a big part of both Marcy and Annes life and it feels like we've just seen what Anne meant to her for the most part. I hope we can see more of a balance with the trio and their past and how that connects with them now.. Other than.. "SaShA tOxIc MEaNie BuLy Bad."
Ahhhh.. Now Owl house..oh boy
Okay.. Hot take analysis number 1
We dont know Jack shit about her and the fandom already hates her cause she didn't live up to their evil Luz headcanon and expectation.
At the end of the day. Yeah.. I guess you can say that the writting got slopy there a bit and was dissapointing..
But I mean you can also say that yall had mountain high expectations from a show that was told time and time again...was cut short and had many writing problems and production problems along the way because of COVID delays aswell.
I mean if you didn't see the plot holes coming idk what to tell you man. Feels bad dude.. Have a cookie🍪
I for one adore Vee and I think she's great but I also do feel a bit suspicious cause it all just seems so easy and knowing Owl house's mysterious nature in the show...Vee could maybe possibly be.. a Trap.
Analysis number 2
Amity and Willow
Some people say that the whole reason Willow and Amity's bond hasn't gotten stronger is because of Lumity.
Now I can't say I've seen this often but I have seen it enough times to be like
Wtf.. No seriously like what the actual fuck?
I thought it was obvious since Understanding Willow that Willow is giving not only herself but also Amity time and space to grow past what they went through or atleast time to where they feel comfortable enough to talk about what they went through together in the future with a healthier mindset and growth. I thought it was obvious that while Willow still has not warmed up to Amity enough to go back to the way things used to be... They respect and understand eachothers past struggles that lead up to those unfortunate events... But I guess it wasn't to some people... Why?..
People want shit spoon fed to them!
Well if you want spoon fed info.. Dana Terrace herself was actually asked about Amity and Willow already becoming friends in the future seasons.. My memory is a bit foggy but I think she said something around the lines of Willow had been through a lot and so has Amity and they both need time to just figure themselves out right now before any of that can happen.
Now my memory is a bit foggy so take what I'm saying there with a grain of salt.. Altho I for sure do remember Dana talking about where Amity and Willows relationship goes from here.
Also I will agree that Willow is a gem that no doubt deserves so much more screen time. 👏
Analysis number 3
Lumity and chemistry
I dont see this often at all cause lumity is such a beloved ship by many including myself💜
But some people.. NOT ALL.. But some say they have very little to no chemistry...
Let me tell ya something buddy.
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If these two.. Can dance for 1 minute and that being the only piece of chemistry they have.. Can manage to make the shipper twerk their asses and make piles on top of piles of Artwork and fanfics off of that singular dance to the point in time it completely overshadows the actual Canon relationship in the show...
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And this Rated PG stalker can be considered a good love interest.
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Than these little cuties are fine💜
I won't lie. It's not a perfect relationship. There are flaws for sure. What relationship doesn't have flaws?
But the woman broke her damn leg for Luz and literally jumps into danger for her with no hesitation whatsoever. They get a pass.
No to mention that they bring out the best in eachother. Amity Was a forced self a centered Bully whom was about to let Luz get dissected and gutted like a fish.. And lost touch of everything that once made her happy to give herself this fake persona of a rich entitled bitch All to fit into the family name of the Blight family tree. And Luz Is a wild extroverted nerd that never really saw the complicated side when it came to her choice of choosing the path to become a witch.
Both on different paths... And both having obstacles keeping them in that path with choices to make and not exactly knowing how and where to take things anymore.
That's why I love it. Lumity was a great solution to both of their cries for help. Because now they have eachother in their lives to help eachother out with any issues that come their way. They both no longer feel like they only have one choice to make and one path to follow.
In terms of Lumity having no chemistry...
Well I think I typed enough of an essay🤣.. Just thought I'd talk about some hot takes that had me pretty confused.. But they are opinions at the end of the day so I'm not really here to change anyone's mind... In fact I do understand where people come from with some of their takes.. I'm just here to inform in a way I guess or talk about something that's been on my mind as well.
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Kid, I have no idea what the fuck a Ninjago is. All I got from that post is that Lego apparently made a series of sets that has a more in-depth and convoluted plot line than Bionicle did, so go off I guess.
If you can keep track of all that, go for it. Use this post as an excuse to ramble more about it.
And thus a line was drawn among the followers. those who are pumped for childhood legos and those who are confused as to what the hell im talking about
and yeah lmao Ninjago has been THE most popular series they’ve pumped out of original works (others being like Chima and Nexo Knights) after Bionicle and its. a whole ass mess ksjethkjrthrkjth I can barely keep track of it and I’m just Staring at the new seasons they are still pumping out. sir please let them rest
okay SO here are a few ideas sort of formed but not really
Em & Ed are like. villains? in a sense?? I don’t know if Amity went to like a Darkley’s or somethin but basically she left to join the gang n didn’t say Jack Shit to her family bc Fuck Them so the twins are set out on a mission to go find n retrieve her bc they think shes been kidnapped by someone. they end up being minor trickster villains to the Owl Bounty Ship people and it takes. a WHILE before they realize who each other are and then it turns to the twins sometimes showing up to try and b little shits to convince Amity to come back and Amity plugging her ears and yelling at them to Go Away
junkyard aesthetic has Ideas so when Luz got Yote into the main realm from Never-Realm she vibed in the junkyard w a few other people for a little bit before Eda scooped up this trash baby and adopted her. Luz often has oil or something smeared on her cheek bc she likes creating New Things (like in canon eheheh) and she & Gus vibe over being mildly able to fix the ship at times
the only one who knows how Society works is Willow. thats it. Amity lived w her rich family her whole life, Luz is from a different dimension, Gus was a lonely nindroid for a few years, and Eda’s a criminal elemental master. Willow has to keep all of them on leashes when they go out in public
I was talkin’ abt scars relating to their elements w mutuals,,,,,thought they were cool. original idea was that they got a scar when they first found their Potential n got their element but I will likely change that. 
also consider them creating dragons made of their element that flies around them when they want to Kick Ass. immaculate. and you know volcanic lightning? if you don’t, look it up. its really cool n scary and I WILL be using it for Luz & Amity at some point
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1in5-demigods-agree · 3 years
Owl House Season 2 Intro Review
WARNING: This is going to be long one. 
Alright lets get started 
First off in replacement to the portal from season 1 we got this creepy ominous flaming eye. Shifting to a darker tone right off the bat.
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Then we got our girl Luz jumping into frame, She appears to be a lot more confident this time around. Not to mention.... 
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5 in 1!! And it looks like only one sheet of paper and I see no modifcations to the glyph, so that is all Luz babyyy!
Also the cape just the cape
Then, we got Eda coming in through a teleportation circle which confused me because the heterochromia and the blackened gem should indicate that should not be able to use magic at least not as she usually does
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But if you look closer, all the power is coming from Owlbert as shown with the fact he is glowing much like everyone else’s hands when casting magic (except for Luz obvi). 
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Willow comes in here with her bad bitch energy. I hope this means we get to see her go feral this season.
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LOOK AT HIM!! Gus just slides in with the little tongue out. Just ugh, #GusIsBaby. I mean look he is baby.
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Also what is up with the book Gus, you got something you want to share with the class?
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Amity just fucking twirls in, as if to make sure we know that her foot isn’t jacked up any more
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Then she just summons abominations with the most smug ass face ever
Side note: All the girls in the intro just seem to be more confident and are just giving of 👏Bad👏Bitch👏Energy. We love to see it
Side side note: I notice that they are not using spell circles anymore, Amity and Willow are using their own bomb-ass magic just with glowy hands, but Gus is using some book. So, I feel like we are going to explore more types of magic. Whoo
Side side side note: They are all wearing casual clothes, so I am guessing we spending less time at Hexside. Which is expected, in modern Disney show fashion, the first season is wacky antics and is going to be ‘relatable’ so, Disney execs don’t lose their shit, but as the show goes on it gets darker and is allowed to challenge their viewers. So you could say I am excited.
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blorbo ask game: the owl house or. my little pony for shits and giggles
you know what i will do both!
blorbo ask game
the owl house:
blorbo: willow <333333 i could gush about her all day long
scrunkly: obviously king but kikimora is a close second because she is so Shape
scrimblo bimblo: 👏willow 👏 and 👏 gus 👏
glup shitto: VINEY
poor little meow meow: kikimora, there is just something about her
horse plinko: hunter, not because i have anything against him specifically but because his fans are fucking annoying
eeby deeby: amity is sent to superhell for being a canon lesbian and because her fans are also fucking annoying
my little pony:
blorbo: it's between apple jack and rainbow dash
scrunkly: fluttershy <333 too good for this world. too pure
scrimblo bimblo: i'm gonna cheat and go with minty from genetation 3 since no generation of mlp is specified because the earlier gens in general aren't really appreciated by the fans
glup shitto: star catcher from gen 3, she's literally the trans flag colors
horse plinko: gen 3 spike because he's such an asshole (not gen 4 spike tho <3)
eeby deeby: any of the gen 5 ponies because i don't really care about them
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academy13 · 3 years
One, the Haunted Mansion and related properties (aka Phantom Manor and Mystic Manor) own my ass. Two, so does the Tower of Terror.  Three, now I have another goddamn Warehouse 13 AU because I came upon the season two trailer for The Owl House and Belos says ‘Knock Knock’ at the end of it and I’m here like ‘Welp, here we go again...’ (Basically I see or hear knock knock in a particular context, my brain launches towards the Warehouse), so on that note... Eda and Lilith are Warehouse agents, or at least Eda is and Lilith is “retired” which is Warehouse for she hasn’t done shit with the Warehouse in a while and is kind of the bad guy (Belos is very much the bigger bad, like blowing up the entire ass warehouse bad, but Lilith kinda went off the deep end a little bit. She redeems herself, but basically until that happens she has what happens to former warehouse agents who don’t die going on, they either go bad or go insane) but she kinda does it in a sibling rivalry kind of way and is oddly also helpful in some cases so the other’s aren’t really sure what to make of the sibling’s relationship until they work their shit out. Willow, Gus, and Luz wind up getting involved in Warehouse shit because Luz gets dragged into a warehouse thing because her mom is a Regent and the artifact is actually something Luz is really specifically knowledgeable about, and she winds up helping neutralize it, meeting Gus and Willow along the way and Eda realizes that hey, they actually make a good team and the Warehouse could use some agents like them. It takes a bit of convincing, but they wind up becoming agents. Hooty is the eccentric and kind of annoying proprietor of the bed and breakfast where all warehouse agents live outside of a small down in fuck all nowhere South Dakota. King is a bit of a jack of all trades and Eda’s adopted son (he met her some years before she meets Luz and company, but after Lilith went off the deep end) with delusions of grandeur, but he’s also like really good at finding places in the warehouse where artifacts need to be (like picking up on which one’s vibe and which ones do not). Once Lilith get’s her shit together, she’s the computer person and at least once a week she and Eda have the purple goo dumped on them because they will not stop arguing in the middle of the warehouse and King is just like “No, the artifacts don’t like it! Also, you’re annoying the shit out of me.” Not sure about the Blight sibs yet, but I imagine it involves artifact shit and a particular artifact their parents came across and went experimenting on, and the warehouse got a ping on it, so they wind up helping and.. well Willow is pissed for a bit at Amity (because they still have a history in this AU) but they know about the Warehouse and they all also know about tech and junk, so they kind of just wind up becoming part of the team along the way.
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