#and to clarify i think each group of three picked up multiple items on the list
fantasychica37 · 3 years
A concept (or, a piece of the most deserved SCP happy ending)
(based off of the idea in a tale that “Montauk” denotes containment procedures for minors - no, no one gets tortured in this, just bear with me for a second)
To: Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 (“Nine-Tailed Fox”)
From: [REDACTED], Site-231
Subject: Mission accomplished; new containment procedure required
I am proud to report that all has gone according to plan and SCP-231 can be considered neutralized. However, your services are still needed; see attached details for new procedure 111-Montauk.
(Please also bring back the strongest alcohol you can find for consumption by Site-231 staff the minute all anomalies are transferred off site and no longer our responsibility; I will arrange to have it paid for with Site budget, and if O5 says anything I’m taking it up with Ethics.)
Please provide Site-231 with regular updates on the status of the mission, for the sanity of the staff monitoring SCP-231-7.
Enjoy your new mission. I think we may have just saved the world - well, she did, really - and that deserves a celebration.
Instructions for Procedure 111-Montauk:
1. The responding MTF will retrieve a cooler and ice bags from Site-231 and then travel in plainclothes, in as inconspicuous a vehicle as possible, to the nearest grocery or convenience store.
2. Upon arrival, the MTF will divide into groups of three to secure and purchase the following items, with cost being of no concern:
a) A quantity of ice cream or frozen yogurt equal to one pint per two human beings or humanoid SCP objects currently at the affected site plus one cup for every member of the responding MTF, in as many flavors as possible. Procurement of chocolate brownie dough ice cream is imperative, no matter the cost.
b) Ten thousand (10000) calories’ worth of candy and other saccharine foods.
c) Whipped cream, chocolate sauce, edible sprinkles (rainbow and chocolate), and other ice cream toppings as per the discretion of the responding MTF.
d) Disposable bowls, tablespoons, and napkins.
e) A reusable grocery bag for transport of item (d). (Caring about the environment is the ethical thing to do!)
f) A children’s coloring book, a box of twenty-four (24) crayons, and a stuffed bear.
3) The responding MTF will load item (a) into the cooler and item (d) into item (e) and return to Site-231 as swiftly as possible.
4) Upon arrival, the MTF will proceed to the hallway outside the affected SCP’s containment chamber and provide the Site Director with item (b) and one of the disposable bowls comprising item (d). The Site Director will fill a bowl with candy and provide it to the affected non-humanoid SCP. (In this case, that is the SCP provisionally designated SCP-231-G.)
5) The MTF will then arrange the remainder of the requisitioned goods from step 2 in a manner as seems logical to the MTF commander upon a table to be set up by D-Class personnel.
6) All Foundation personnel, D-Class personnel, and humanoid SCPs at the site will queue in front of the table in a line headed by any humanoid SCPs present, and will serve themselves from the retrieved items as they wish (with the exception that minor humanoid SCPs may have no more than one bowl). All Foundation personnel and D-Class personnel are to leave the room after serving. Foundation and D-Class personnel have complete freedom from Special Containment Procedures after this point, with the exception that all containment chamber observation cameras must be manned at all times as previously. Affected SCP objects are to be contained under standard humanoid or animal containment protocols, respectively. At this point, the MTF may return to their base, but only after everyone has partaken of as much ice cream as they wish. Item (f) and SCP-231-G are to be left in SCP-231-7′s containment chamber.
7) At the conclusion of the “big ice cream party”, any remaining supplies will be stored in the Site cafeteria for further consumption by personnel. SCP-231-7 may have another bowl of ice cream after lunch tomorrow.
8) Actually, you know what? SCP-231-7 can have whatever she asks for, forever. It’s the least we can do, and she’s earned it. (If anyone takes issue with my sending an entire Mobile Task Force to buy ice cream with Foundation money, I would be happy to show you the receipts for our big ice cream party compared with an itemized budget for SCP-231′s containment to date, and go into said budget in detail.)
9) The Site Director, who has been awake for more than twenty-four (24) hours and has suffered insomnia since assignment to SCP-231, will go to bed, cry, and get some well-deserved fucking sleep.
P.S. If this “procedure” ever actually gets used again, that will be my greatest service to the Foundation, and someone please let me know about it. Also, let it be noted that I want to see video footage of our tickle wrestling blob monster defeating the Scarlet King with the power of love. It’s only fair.
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kdfrqqg · 7 years
Weekly Poker Game
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Reader x Everyone – Ok not every one but she gets with a lot of men.
Word count: 4.5K
Warnings: SMUT, SMUT, SMUT, language, did I say smut??!?! Vampire love bites, female receiving, anal sex, fingering, normal sex, PSA: wear a condom folks
Hi, I have a request and I am not sure you will do it but It’s a little long and want fit in your ask box. First I guess I should say it’s multiple characters. You don’t have to include them in the whole story unless you want to. The reader lives with Sam, Dean, Cas and Adam in the bunker. Once a week they play poker. The guest are Benny, Kevin, Balthazar, Michael, Gabriel, Gadreel. Then while the boys play the reader has guest too, Jody, Claire, Alex, Donna, and Charlie. While the guys are playing poker The reader and girls are in the kitchen making snacks and talking. The reader admits that during sex no guy has ever made her make noise, Gabriel and the other angels hear this and he tells the others and they kind of want to make it a challenge to see who can get the reader to make noises. You can chose any or all of them to try but I am a Dean girl so he must win the challenge. It can be all smutty or how ever you think it should be. Let me know if you can or can’t do it. Thanks @sandlee44
A/N: This is literally crack!  There are 16 different people represented here in someway shape or form.  I tried to make sure everyone was properly distinguished. Hope you enjoy.
“Did you put chips on the list?” Dean yelled at (Y/N) from the pantry. “Yeah, chips and dip got it.” (Y/N) replied back. Cases had been down for the last few months so Adam and (Y/N) had decided that it would be a good idea to start having everyone together. The weekly poker game started with just Dean, Sam, Adam, and (Y/N); then everyone invited others and now (Y/N) and the guys were preparing for another fun evening. “Hey, Cas you’re coming with me to store.” (Y/N) told him. “Ok?” Cas looked confused. (Y/N) took Cas’ arm, “I need your help picking out the snacks for the angels. Other than Gabe no one ever eats.” “That’s because they don’t have to eat.” He announced. “Well it’s rude and your still coming with me.” (Y/N) grabbed the list and the keys to the Impala. “Hey, (Y/N/N) don’t forget to buy the good beer this time.” Dean laughed. You buy PBR one time because we were low on funds and the bastards never lets you live in down. The store was pretty quite but you were there early on a weekday. “What about these do you think they’d like them?” (Y/N) held up a bag of Funyun’s. “I have enjoyed them in the past.” Cas said. “Ok then we have a winner. We need a few more salty options and then we can look at the sweets.” You both piled all of your wonderful junk food finds into the back in car and headed to bunker before anything could melt.
“Did you get the good beer?” Sam asked helping to unload the car. “Jeez, I bought the cheap stuff one time.” (Y/N) argued. “Sorry, touchy much?” Sam gave you his concern eyes. “Don’t worry about it.” Recently, (Y/N) had been a little agitated with the lack of cases she didn’t have much opportunity to hit things or meet a her next good looking male conquest. She knew that it wasn’t right to take it out on the boys. “Sammy, just leave those on the counter. No point in putting them away.” She told him pointing to the chips. Adam came bouncing into the kitchen, with a bright smile on his face. Ever since the angels saved him from hell he had been a bright shining light to the bunker. As if Hell never really touched him, (Y/N) always thought that Michael had shielded him as much as he could and put his soul in a safe place within him. “(Y/N/N), what can I do to help you? Ohh, you got the good beer.” He chuckled making Sam snort under his breath. She rolled her eyes, almost done with the Winchesters boys. “Put those in the fridge. Have you set up the cards and poker chips yet?” Adam opened the fridge door. “Nope not yet, I will.”
It was only a few minutes before everyone would start arriving, (Y/N) was buzzing around trying to straighten up the last items. She loved having everyone over, it was almost like they lived normal life on these nights. Sam and Dean were already sitting at the poker table drinking and shuffling the cards. Adam and Cas were hanging out in the kitchen eating the pretzels that (Y/N) had already put out for the girls. Claire, Jody and Alex arrived first followed by the Angels, Gabriel, Michael, Gadreel, and Balthazar. Everyone was hugging each other and smiling so much we didn’t even notice that Benny, Kevin, Donna and Charlie had managed to slip in. (Y/N) could barely contain herself embracing the ever adorable Kevin and Charlie, she was practically popping out of her skin. “Where is the ring leader?” Gabriel piped up. Dean raised his hand, “I’m right here.” “Oh no, not you. I mean the gorgeous one.” Gabriel spotted (Y/N) amongst the crowd of bodies. “Oh there she is!” He made a dash over to her. “Come here lovely!” Gabriel wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up planting a huge friendly kiss on her lips. “I got you something.” He told her as her eyes sparkled with happiness. He somehow pulled out a dozen red roses from his pocket. She gasped, “oh Gabe, they’re beautiful. Thank you!” Giggling she pulled him into a firm hug. “Alright ladies, lets get to the girl time.” Jody announced. Donna smelled the roses, “those smell wonderful. We should get them in water.” Taking them from (Y/N)’s hands. The girls walked to kitchen table, the boys continued talking. “Kevin, always find a way to score extra points with the ladies.” Gabriel said flinging his arm around Kevin’s shoulder. “He’s right.” Benny interjected. “Even doing small things for your cher goes a long way.” “Would you two stop helping him? If she likes him, she likes him.” Dean tried to explain. “It couldn’t help to try and earn some extra credit. I was really good at that in school.” Kevin told them. All the guys knew that Kevin had a crush on Claire, hell Claire even knew but she liked a guy who was more bold and Kevin was still so shy when it came to girls. She was nice to him but she wasn’t going to make the first move. Gabriel chuckled, “Yeah, well stick with us and we’ll teach you a few things about women.” “So are we going to play poker tonight or what?” Dean tried to focus the group. The men took their normal spots around the table.
In the kitchen, the ladies were fixing additional snacks for everyone. “Girls!” Jody scolded Alex and Claire. “Stopping eating all those pretzels and help Charlie plate some of this food.” Charlie protested, “Really, I got this.” “No, no we’ll help you” Alex said. “(Y/N) do you think you bought enough food?” Jody asked looking at the fully stocked fridge. “This is nothing. I live with four hunters and they can eat all of this and still ask for seconds. Plus there are 16 people in this bunker! I’m afraid that I didn’t get enough food.” (Y/N) informed. Donna and (Y/N) were putting some cookie dough on a baking sheet. “So, (Y/N/N) how has the huntin’ been going?” Donna questioned. “Pretty good, I guess, Sam caught us a wraith case a week ago. It wasn’t anything special.” (Y/N) said completely missing Donna roll her eyes. “Not that kinda huntin’. I mean the man huntin’.” Donna clarified. “Oh yeah, now this is what I want to hear.” Jody said pouring a glass of wine. “Ooh ooh me too!” Charlie said with excitement. (Y/N) smirked shaking her head, “I hate ya’ll so much.” “No ya don’t.” Donna cut you off. “Well with the lack of hunts I haven’t been able to go out as much and pick up men. I don’t want to date any of the guys in town so the man huntin’ is awful.” (Y/N) bit her lip. “Aww shucks!” Donna let out. “Well what about the Winchester trio?” Charlie asked smiling with a glint in her eye. (Y/N) gritted her teeth understanding exactly what she was asked, “What about the Winchesters?” “I think she means I betcha they could make you moan.” Donna commented eating a fresh baked cookie from the cooling rack. (Y/N) kept looking down afraid to say anything but finally she mumbled. “I think that would be pretty hard for them to do.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Claire picked up on what you were saying. Now all the ladies were involved in the conversation and all eyes were on (Y/N). “I don’t know, it’s just no guy has really never made me…” The words just stopped flowing from (Y/N) mouth as a warm flush of embarrassment spread across her cheeks. “They never made you what?” Alex’s eyes made contact with (Y/N) seeing her turn red. “They don’t ever get me to make any noises.” (Y/N) admitted. Jody and Donna in tandem gulped down their wine. “Sweetie, that sucks. I told you that you should have joined our team.” Charlie wrapped an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulder and (Y/N) buried her head in Charlie’s neck breathing in Charlie’s strawberry shampoo scent. “I know. I really should, Charles. If it was only that easy.” (Y/N) quickly gave Charlie a peck on the lips. “That’s it! Men can’t make me moan, I’m becoming a lesbian.” She giggled making idol threats.
“I need some more beer.” Dean said as he took his last sip. “I’ll go get some from the kitchen.” Cas replied. “We’ll help!” Gabriel popped up smacking Baltazar’s arm. “I guess we will.” Baltazar sighed. The three angels were almost to the doorway of when they heard (Y/N) blurt out her confession. “Stop, did you hear that?” Gabriel exclaimed quietly. “What a shame?” Baltazar was quick to ignore his brother. “No, brothers, I have an idea.” Gabriel pleaded. “Come on, Gabriel. Dean sent us on a task, one in which I plan on completing.” Cas projected a low growl. “Buzz kill!” Gabriel frowned, before turning the corner, “Ladies! The heavens have opened up and I have seen a vision of perfection.” All the women’s hearts started to swoon, Gabriel always pulled out all the charm. He walked right over to (Y/N) taking her hand dragging her out to the center of the room. “My lovely, we have been sent on a beer run.” He said over dramatically. “All the beer is in the fridge. I’d grab two cases the boys like to drink.” She said. “Thank you my lady.” Gabriel kissed her hand. (Y/N) blushed like crazy, she knew he was just buttering her up but she loved the attention. The angels left the kitchen and (Y/N) couldn’t wait to get back to her girl friends and giggle and whisper about the truly adorable angels.
“That is completely unacceptable.” Gabriel said to Baltazar as they walked into the war room. “It’s her life, mate.” Baltazar sat down. Dean’s head popped up, “What’s unacceptable? Whose life?” “It’s (Y/N) how do I put this delicately.“ Gabriel spoke diplomatically. Baltazar blurted without any hesitation, “she isn’t getting fucked well enough.” Everyone was interested in the conversation now, “You could have said that better.” Gabriel protested. “Wait, how did you find this out?” Sam questioned. Cas’ deep voice began, “We over heard them having their ‘girl talk’” he made air quotes with his fingers. “Oh shit!” Dean sighed. “I don’t understand.” Michael joined the conversation. “Mikey, it’s like this. When I woman is talking badly about her love life to her friends, it really is that bad.” Gabriel explained. “But why is that any concern of yours?” Michael asked. Dean and Gabriel were on the same wavelength and Dean spoke up “because making a woman scream your name or moan when you hit that sweet spot is like the most glorious sound ever.” Dean was getting turned on by the idea. “I would love an opportunity to make that pretty girl sing.” Benny added. “Me too!” Gabriel, Dean and Baltazar said in unison. “I’ll bet you I can make her cum the loudest.” Dean said to Gabriel as he stood. “You’re on!” Gabriel agreed. “Sam you in?” Dean asked. “First I don’t think she’d go for this and second, I’ve got a good thing going with…” Sam’s voice trailed off not wanting to give anything away. “Who do you have a thing with?” Adam asked Sam. “No one, no one at all.” Sam replied. Dean chuckled knowing exactly what Sam was talking about, “Dean, who is Sam hooking up with?” Adam asked feeling out of the loop. Kevin interjected, “dude, he’s been seeing Jody for months now. You would know that if actually asked Alex questions instead of just trying to get in her pants.” “That right there is why you are stuck in the friend zone.” Gabriel addressed Kevin. Gabriel turned, “so you guys ready to give her the most pleasure she has ever experienced.” Gabriel pulled out his phone to text (Y/N)
Join us in your bedroom, you won’t be disappointed.
A smile crept across (Y/N) as she read the message. “Alright y'all, I’ve gotta go check on the boys. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” She grabbed a tray of food and walked out of the kitchen to the war room. “Samuel, do you know what Gabriel is up to?” She asked. The whole table of men busted out laughing. She rolled her eyes. “Come on guys! I’m not going to my room unless I know what’s going on. He is a trickster.” “Ok ok,” Sam said between giggles, “they bet, they bet,” he stuttered, “they’re betting on who can make you be the loudest in bed.” (Y/N) smacked Cas, “oh shit! You guys heard that?” “Yes, we did and I’m sorry for the invasion of privacy.” Cas apologized. “Yeah and now Dean, Gabriel, Benny and Baltazar are in there waiting on you.” Adam chuckled. Her core tighten as she heard the names of the four men. To say she didn’t hold any feelings for them would be a lie. “They are all in there?” She slowly spoke, raising her eyebrows for effect. “Oh, I’ll be in my room and if you hear any loud noises don’t come running.” She smirked. “What? You’re going?” Sam asked. “Hell yeah! The four of them, yeah no contest I’m going.” She chuckled before practically running down the hall.
The anticipation in her body almost made her tremble as she approached her door. She breathed slowing trying to calm her nerves, (Y/N) was adventurous of course but four men well really two angels, a vampire and a man, never in her wildest dreams had she ever thought this would happen. She gently pushed the almost closed door to her room open, she gasped in awe looking at the beautiful man before her. Candles, flowers and soft music was playing in the background, she smiled thinking that only Gabriel would have thought to do that for her. “Don’t just stand there.” Gabriel pulled her into the room closing the door. “So I understand that some bets have been made and I’m the deciding vote.” She said as she walked around touching each man’s shoulder and arms. “Are you ok with this?” Dean asked. “You have no idea how ok I’m with this.” She smirked. The men pulled her into a the center of a circle made by their bodies. Gabriel was the first to capture her mouth with a kiss as hands from the other men roamed over her body. She felt the gentle kiss from Dean on the back of her neck. Her body all of sudden tensed up not sure what to expect. “My lovely, are you alright?” Gabriel asked. “Yes,” she shook her head no. He chuckled, “what’s wrong?” “I just realized I’ve never been naked in front of this many men before.” She responded, a flood of self doubt entered her brain. Thinking about every scar, or dimple in her skin. “Oh cher, you are perfect.” Benny said before claiming a kiss. “It’s true Sweetheart” Dean proclaimed sliding the cardigan off her shoulders. Baltazar moved to his knees, lifting the hem of her tank top just enough to kiss her soft skin of her stomach. “Beautiful! Positively beautiful!” Her body relaxed, “Better?” Gabriel asked. “Much” her hand threaded into Gabriel’s hair as she pulled him into a kiss. The men made short work removing all of her excess layers. She stood there on display in just her bra and panties. Dean, Benny and Gabriel all took turns kissing (Y/N), each kiss was more passionate than the next. Her lips were swollen and started to go numb. She barely noticed that Baltazar was slowly pulling down her panties, placing delicate kisses on the front of her sex. Dean unhooked her bra, as Benny drug the straps of her shoulders exposing her naked form to the men. Hungrily, Benny cupped her breasts running his fingers over her nipples before he took one in his mouth. She whimpered feeling all the sensations, her legs spread on their own, Baltazar slipped a finger into her soaked core. “You’re so wet!” Baltazar announced, his tongue found her clit sending a shock through her. “Ohhh” her breath hitched in Gabriel’s mouth, a smile crept across both of their faces. Baltazar kept licking through her folds. She moaned softly, her lips being teased by Gabriel, “feel good?” “Oh yeah!” her hands touched the still clothed men wanting nothing more than to feel their soft skin under her fingertips. Her first orgasm was sudden making her hips jerk slightly towards Baltazar’s mouth as her knees buckled slightly. Benny and Dean’s strong arms kept her still and upright until Baltazar was done working her through the peak of excitement. Her legs were like jelly, she was lead to the bed by a warm hand. She laid flat on her bed with her knees bent and tightly together as she let the pleasure high take over. Her eyes opened to witness the beautiful men removing their clothes, she was glued to the sight. Baltazar joined her in the bed first, kissing her a few times, “Normally, I’m a taker but you tasted so sweet.” She watched his hands as they grabbed her breast, “Are you ready for someone else?” Her head shook with an almost inaudible yes escaping her lips. The bed dipped near the foot of the bed, (Y/N) felt two strong hands touching her feet. Baltazar left her side, she lifted herself seeing Benny’s smug smile, kissing her feet as he massaged roughly into to the ball of her foot. She groaned deeply, her feet were tough and rough from all the years being stuck in boots and kicking monsters’ asses. She hadn’t felt this simple sensual pleasure in so long. Benny worked on the other foot and cautiously moving up her calf, her knees separated unconsciously falling open so that all the men could ever inch of her glory. “Mon Cher,” his southern accent was so sexy making her become wetter than before. “I think you might like some pain with your pleasure” he kissed her thigh. “Dean, why don’t you join us?” He asked. Dean was next to her in seconds, capturing her lips with his, running calloused fingers over her chest and stomach. “Sweetheart, you didn’t answer the man, do you like pain with your pleasure?” “Yes!” She whispered excitedly. “I’m sure one the angels will heal you up when I’m done.” Both angels nodded, she gasped with anticipation as Benny showed her his vampire teeth. She had never been bit and allowing this was going against her resolve but she trusted Benny and with Dean by her side she wasn’t concerned. He sank his teeth into her soft curvaceous thigh as two fingers plunged into her pussy. She winced at the pain of his sharp teeth, he pulled away licking his lips, “You have a good pain tolerance.” Benny continued to thrust his fingers in her core while Dean sucked and played with her nipples. Her head fell back closing her eyes, she could feel Benny licking up the blood on her thigh. Then without warning he bit her again in the other thigh, she wailed out loudly, trying to withstand the pain. “Was that too much?” Benny asked. “No, I just wasn’t expecting it.” She assured him. “Good, cause I could spend all day down her.” He thumb moved over her clit, his expert hands working her over. Tiny moans and groans started to fill the room. (Y/N) walls were fluttering and Benny knew she was close, her hips gyrated fucking herself into Benny’s thick fingers. “Yes, Benny! Right there!” she yelled out. That was his queue, he replaced his thumb with his mouth over her clit and began licking and sucking hard on the bud. “Fuck!” She yelled out her vision went black as her release ripped through her. “Cher, you are just beautiful when cum.” Benny crawled up her torso, she could feel his still jean covered bulge against her core, he drew her into a firm kiss. While he was pulling away he noticed that she was losing color in her face from the blood loss. “Oh, (Y/N), as much as I want to continue. I think we better get you healed up itself or else you won’t be able to go another two rounds.” “Yeah, two more rounds.” She giggled hoping and praying that Gabriel would be next. “I am next!” Gabriel sauntered over with a slick smile on his face. Benny and Dean moved from the bed, she turned on her side as she watched Gabriel strip down to nothing, he pressed two fingers to get head allowing a warmth to pass over her body healing her. “Tell me what you want?” He asked. She prayed again. “Oh no for the whole class to hear.” “I want you inside of me.” She said slowly with emphasis on each syllable. Gabriel wasted no time putting a condom over his hard length. He grabbed her legs swinging them off the bed while her body laid on the bed, she laughed at the sudden movement. She wrapped her legs around his waist ready for him to make his entrance. He stood over top of her, his cock laid on her stomach, he bent his body down lips just grazing her ear. “This isn’t exactly how I thought our first time would go but you have to admit this is fun.” She hummed at his comments. “From now on it would be my honor to take care of your pleasure needs.” His whispers were teasing her in a way she couldn’t explain. She just wanted to feel him, he could hear her silent pleads. He pulled away from her and stood pressing his cock head into her pussy, grabbing her hips as he slid into her gently. “You are so tight.” He moaned, pulling out only to propel his hips forward with great force. “Oh damn!” She yelled, unable to stop the giggle that followed. He dick was hitting her g-spot with such precision she couldn’t help but moan loudly. His technique was flawless and kept up the pace. “Yes Gabe!” She thrust herself into him as she pulled him down towards her, their lips crashing against each other. “Don’t stop” she whispered. They held each other as they fucked feeling each other climax at the same time with obscenities flowing from their mouths. They stayed in each others arms until Gabriel slowly moved out of her though if there was no one there he would have stayed like this for hours. (Y/N) turned her body fully on the bed still out of breath and now exhausted. “Sweetheart, (Y/N) if you are too tired. I can always make you scream some other time.” Dean winked, shuffling his feet towards the bed. “But what about the bet?” She laughed. “Who is winning so far?” “That would be me, Cher.” Benny spoke up. She moved to her knees, “I wanna see what Dean can do.” Dean made his way to the bed and was kissing her as fast as he could, “You don’t have to tell me twice, Sweetheart.” He kissed down her body, licking up the salty sweat that had formed on her body from earlier endeavors. His tongue circled her nipple, “I’ve known you for a long time, and been watching how you react. I think I know how to make you beg for more.” Her mind was racing at the thought of what Dean was going to do. He continued to kiss down her stomach and into her clit. His flat tongue licked up and down her folds. She moaned quietly, but that was not enough for Dean. He lifted her feet up to her ears exposing her bottom to him. “Shit, Dean!” She groaned at the new position. He thrusted his tongue into her ass hole. “Fuck, fuck oh fuck, Dean that feels awesome.” She screamed. “I knew you like that.” He acknowledged with a boyish smile. He continued to lick deeper and deeper into her hole making her yell and moan in pleasure. “Yeah, I think Dean wins.” Baltazar said quietly to the other men. Dean heard him and the other men talking but he wasn’t close to being done. “You want more, (Y/N)?” He asked. “Yes, yes, yes Dean. I want more.” She screamed out. “That’s right you want more. Bend over Sweetheart” he commanded. She got on all fours. “You think you can take my cock in your ass?” “Um hum” she answered shaking her head. “Hand me one of those?” Dean asked and Gabriel passed him a condom. Her ass was already stretched and wet from all of Dean’s frantic licking. He drove his sheathed thick cock into her hole. She felt the marvelous burn as he stretched her past her limit. He grabbed a handful of hair, his hips swiveled thrusting in and out hard and fast. She had never panted and moaned like this with another man before. “Dean, please harder! Harder! More!” He picked up his speed, holding her in place. He enjoyed watching his cock slip and slide out of her, as her ass jiggled with his ramming force. She started to clinch around him, the pleasure was amazing and she never wanted it to end even as she began to tear when he grabbed her hair again. “Ohhh” she yelled as her orgasm hit her so hard. Dean came not to long after. “Damn, Sweetheart who knew you had such a kinky side.” He chuckled, pulling out of her and collapsing next to her. All of the men crawled into bed with (Y/N), snuggling up next her the best they could. She felt like she was being worshipped as she fell asleep in their arms completely spent. One by one the men left, all but Gabriel, who was still holding her when finally work up. “Evening gorgeous” he greeted with a smile. “Hey!” She laughed, “you stayed?” “Of course I stayed” he ran her fingers through her hair. “I told you it would be my honor to take care of your pleasure needs from now on.” “Yeah but that was just something you said during sex.” Not believing what he said. “It wasn’t just something to say. I could spend a lifetime with you.” He kissed her covering her cold body with a blanket. She shot straight up, “Gabe, I forgot that everyone is still here.” “Shhh, shhh” he calmed her down. “Everyone is still here but they have been keeping themselves occupied.” “Occupied?” “Oh yes, my boy Kevin and Claire are making out in a back room, Adam and Alex are hot and heavy in the back of Dean’s car and well Sam and Jody are rated X right about now.” She chuckled at his descriptions. “Everyone else are eating, or still playing. I think this is probably the best poker night ever.” “I know a way to make it even better.” She laughed showing him a seductive smile. “Oh really! You are insatiable.” He interlocked his fingers with hers. “You have no idea.” She said pushing him back before she straddled him. “I’m on top this time.” She winked.
I love all the likes and reblogs but I really do want your feedback. Please leave me a comment; let me know what worked or what didn’t. If you hated it let me know what I could do different. It may determine how I write my next fic.
“Give it to me! You know you want to!” Writer winks at reader.
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transcendence-au · 6 years
The Manor of Alcor (2/?)
AN: Whoops! Didn’t realize this hadn’t been uploaded last month. Chapter 3 is coming soon.
Also on ff.net
Orrie walked down the east wing of the manor with his strip of paper in hand. He passed several doors with names written on them. “Sarkozy…Jans…oh, Keller.” His room was second from the end on the left side. Turning the knob, Orrie stepped inside.
The room was fit for royalty. The ceiling was high with a pretty crystalline chandelier hanging in the center. The king-size bed was lined with white, fluffy pillows and framed with silky light-brown curtains. On the other side of the fairly large room were a small walk-in closet and a tiny washroom. Around the room were other pieces of furniture, a dresser and full-length mirror to name a few. Orrie dropped his belongings by the side of his bed, taking a moment to let everything sink in.
He was actually at the Manor of Alcor, picked against all odds to solve its mystery. He managed to befriend (at least he hoped) three people already. Smiling widely to himself, Orrie pulled out a sketchbook and pencil from his backpack, flipping it to the first available page not filled with miscellaneous scribbles and doodles. Concentrating, he began to sketch an outline of the mansion, taking notes and adding details to the rooms already visited or seen. There was the parlor room, the foyer, and the east wing where the bedrooms were located. They passed several other rooms and halls, of course, but he hadn’t yet seen where they led. There was still so much to explore– judging by the building’s size and what he’d seen, he hadn’t even covered a tenth of the whole area.
There was a knock at the door. Looking up from the last of his drawing, Orrie answered it. “Yes?”
“May I come in?” someone asked. Orrie put away his belongings and went to open the door. On the other side was Cliff, no Zahia in sight. “Hey there. Just wanted to know if you want to have lunch with us. Many of the others are heading out now to enjoy some barbecue.”
“Oh. Yeah, I’d love to,” Orrie answered, stepping outside. He followed Cliff down the hall. “But, um, aren’t we supposed to be solving a mystery soon?”
Cliff waved off his words. “That can wait a bit, don’t ya think? I mean, none of us really know each other very well, and this is the perfect opportunity to talk to one another. I’m sure afterwards we’ll all go our own ways to solve the mystery, but until then we should all relax and enjoy ourselves.” Orrie couldn’t argue with that. They traversed through a few halls and a magnificent kitchen with a dining nook, spotting the old couple—the Tosettis, if what Orrie read on their envelope was correct—making their steady way to the back door. Cliff held the door open for them, which they were quite thankful for, and the four of them went into the yard where the housekeepers and some of the guests were all hanging about.
It was bright and sunny, and Orrie regretted not bringing along some swim trunks so he could enjoy the pool. If he really wanted to, though, he could always just dip his feet into the cool water like Zahia was doing, several white lotuses floating daintily around her legs. Belle, Dipper, and Dug were sitting at the table, watching some game show on an outdoor TV connected to the wall. Orrie looked around, noticing a few people missing.
“Where’s Flynn? And Mr. Connolly?”
“Siegfried was busy looking for clues already,” Cliff answered, taking a seat next to Dug. “I have no idea where Flynn is. Probably wandering around himself.” While a bit disheartened he wouldn’t be joining them, Orrie still enjoyed his time with the others through talk and games, even watching and cheering Dipper on as he, Dug, and Zahia took part in a grilled-burger eating contest. They heard the story of how the Tosettis met and saw the pictures of the Lionharts’ wedding from two weeks ago. In return, Orrie showed them all photos of his family stored on his phone.
“Oh, you get your lovely hair from your father, I see,” Mrs. Tosetti exclaimed, “When did you both decide to dye it?”
“What? Oh no, it’s natural for us,” Orrie said, subconsciously fingering his blond hair streaked with strands of royal blue. “We’ve got Kinnara or something like that on dad’s side of the family. See? My cousin’s is green.”
“I wish my hair was blue,” mused Belle, “Or– no, purple! No, I’d want it to have, like, a rainbow of streaks!” Dipper just smiled, rolling his eyes at his twin.
Hours later, when the mosquitoes proved to be too much, they went back inside. Not even one minute after the last person entered the kitchen a housekeeper walked up to them. “I’m sorry to bother you at this time,” she apologized, “But Ms. Wheatly would very much like to speak with you all right now. She’s in the parlor room. If you’d be so kind.” And she bowed and left the kitchen. The group of eight made their way toward the parlor. Entering once more, Orrie spotted Flynn and Siegfried already inside. He split off from the others.
“Sorry you missed the gathering in the back yard. We were all outside hanging out. Cliff said he couldn’t find you.”
Flynn didn’t seem perturbed. “I was in the library while you were all outside. Figured I might see if there was a clue hidden in one of the books there.”
“Wouldn’t that be a bit cliché if it were?”
“Perhaps.” That was all he could say before Ms. Wheatly scuttled into the room, closing the doors behind her.
“Apologies for interrupting your activities, but may I be so bold in asking how committed you are in solving the mystery of this manor? The Master is growing a bit impatient that none of you has found the first clue yet.”
“We’re serious,” assured Siegfried, crossing his arms, “Just some more than others. Besides, we only just arrived some hours ago. And some of us here don’t know how to hunt for clues.” Every time Siegfried spoke it was like he was in on the act. Which Orrie didn’t mind at all because that meant he could hurry the process along for them learning what they needed to do. And indeed Ms. Wheatly nodded in agreement to his words.
“I see. So you don’t know how to search for clues. In that case I’ll tell you. Listen closely. In this mansion there are a total of seven clues you need to find to solve the mystery. For all but one of the clues you will first need to find a key. The locations of these clues and keys can be deduced through the numerous hints scattered around the house.”
“What kind of hints?” Zahia asked, “They’re not super hard puzzles, are they?”
“Nursery rhymes,” Ms. Wheatly answered, “In the form of a riddle. Solve the riddle and you’ll find the key or clue. But I must inform you that not all keys are in the same room as their corresponding clue. The same goes for hints.”
The guests gave varying remarks of understanding. “So hints lead to clues or to keys that unlock clues,” Dipper clarified.
“Correct. But finding the hint is no easy task. Here, I’ll help you search for your first hint.” And then she made quite a show looking around. Exaggerated motions of opening cabinet doors and gazing all around its interior, of ruffling pillows and examining every inch of them, or checking underneath every single piece of furniture. Silly as it looked it did tell Orrie one thing: the hints would not be in obvious places.
“Oh! What do you know?” As if to prove his theory, Ms. Wheatly, while moving aside some books on a shelf a little too enthusiastically, knocked a bust of an old man over. Beneath the marble statue was a hole– the bust was hollow. Ms. Wheatly reached inside and pulled out a tiny brown scroll, beckoning the guests over to her. Orrie was able to read it as she unfurled the paper:
“Buried atop Old Smoky.”
He blinked. Old Smoky? Like ‘On Top of Old Smoky’? So were all the hints based on classical Pre-Transcendence nursery rhymes? Depending on which rhymes were used this mystery might be a little harder to solve than he thought.
“What’s Old Smoky?” Cliff asked, “Sounds like a volcano’s name.”
“Very close,” Ms. Wheatly smiled as she put the scroll in her pocket. “A mountain. Based on the old nursery rhyme ‘On Top of Old Smoky’. Does anyone know how the first part of the rhyme goes?” Orrie refrained from raising his hand, wanting to know if anyone else was familiar with the song. Nobody spoke up. “I’ll tell you then. ‘On top of Old Smoky, all covered in snow’. That’s the line. Now where or what resembles a mountain with snow on top of it?”
She let the guests explore the room themselves. Orrie saw from the corner of his eye Siegfried step away from the party. To anyone who knew his little secret they’d perhaps assume he didn’t want to give the answer right away, and to those who didn’t he looked like someone who’d rather have others do the work. But the look in his eyes implied otherwise. He was watching them. Judging them in their ability to deduce. Orrie hadn’t solved the hint yet, but there was no way he was going to let the man assume he was on to him, so he opted to look around a lamp with a white lampshade over it.
It was Dug who finally figured it out. And by complete accident too. “Whoops! Didn’t mean to!” he hurriedly said, grabbing the fishtank in the corner he nudged off its stand. He straightened the box up before all its contents, inhabitants, and the items on top of it could spill over onto the floor. He sighed with relief before blinking his eye at the tank. “Wait…is that Old Smoky?” He pointed to one of the little plastic decorations inside. Orrie had already seen the aquarium that was designed like multiple biomes had merged into one, but even he overlooked the small toy that looked exactly like a snow-capped mountain.
“Buried atop Old Smoky you say?” Dug shuffled through the items resting on top of the tank, most of them folded newspapers. It was between two newspapers that a piece of a third slipped out. Dug caught it before it landed on the floor. The piece of paper was significantly older than the rest, browner and far more wrinkled. Dug had to squint to read its faded text.
Ms. Wheatly stepped over to him. “Would you like me to read it for you?”
“Yeah please.” He handed her the paper. She cleared her throat, and everyone paid close attention as she read the article:
“Six Found Dead, Suspect At Large
Police responded to a silent alarm early Friday morning. The bodies of six victims were found scattered inside an unaddressed mansion miles outside the city limits. Investigators believe the victims were all members of an illegal cult as only two of the victims had visible injuries. It is presumed a seventh cult member was the perpetrator and fled the scene. The identities of the victims have not yet been revealed at this time.”
Dipper crossed his arms. “That wasn’t very helpful as a clue. But I can’t say this exercise wasn’t informative. Thanks for showing us the ropes on how to look for hints.”
“And who to keep an eye out for,” Belle teased, pushing Dug gently, “We may have ourselves a Sherlock in our midst.” Dug blushed faintly.
“I’m so happy to have helped,” Ms. Wheatly said, beaming. “Now you only have six more clues to find. I’ll leave this one right here in case any of you wish to read it again. If you need any more help just come find me. But first I must help prepare dinner.” She guided everyone to the doors, closing them shut behind them once they left.
A sudden grumble made them all look around. “Hrm, I’m still hungry,” Dug moaned, patting his belly.
“But you ate twelve hamburgers,” said Zahia, eying him incredulously, “I couldn’t even eat half that and I still feel a bit nauseous.”
Dug shrugged. “Can’t be helped. I guess I’ll check to see if there’re any leftovers I can have.”
“I wouldn’t mind a quick bite to eat myself,” said Flynn, “May I join you?”
“Sure. Don’t see why not?”
“I’d like to get started looking for the clues,” Dipper stated, turning toward his sister. She nodded in agreement.
“I think I’m going to take a quick rest before dinner, dear,” Mr. Tosetti said to his wife.
“I want to relax a bit too,” Zahia wrapped an arm around Cliff’s waist. Her husband hugged her back with one arm.
“Yeah. We’ve got all the rest of the day to find hints. Let’s enjoy our honeymoon a little longer.” He playfully bopped her on the nose before leading them toward the stairs. After quick deliberation, Orrie decided to follow them and the Tosettis. He was not, however, expecting Siegfried to come along.
“Are you taking a break too, Mr. Connolly?”
“I may as well. The remaining hints, keys, and clues won’t be hidden until tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? So the rest of the day is just for us to, I don’t know, relax?” Let us familiarize ourselves with our environment is what he wanted to say, but the less he made Siegfried suspicious of how serious he was in solving the mystery the less he’d have to worry about him. There was just something off about the man. Siegfried nodded.
“Precisely. Also, I wouldn’t get very comfortable with the idea of Ms. Wheatly helping us on the case.” Orrie looked ahead to make sure the Lionharts and Tosettis weren’t listening in before slowing his pace to walk beside Siegfried.
“Why not?” he whispered. Siegfried gave him a curious glance before opting to reveal his knowledge to the boy.
“Alcor is going to get a little impatient with us tonight and eliminate her as a means to encourage us to search faster.” Orrie looked up at him, horrified, but Siegfried chuckled. “Don’t worry; it’s all an act. The scene will be very convincing, though.”
Orrie nodded. “Okay then…” He wasn’t sure if he should feel impressed on how realistic the staff was going to make this an authentic murder mystery or unnerved. Maybe unnervingly impressed. He smiled at that silly musing before splitting from the group and heading into his room.
That evening—after dinner and while Orrie was lying content on his bed, drawing in his sketchbook—there was a loud shriek from downstairs. There were soon the sounds of footsteps racing down the hall and, while aware of what was probably going on, Orrie couldn’t help peeking his head out in curiosity. Cliff followed closely by Zahia rushed down the stairs. Orrie hurried after them. He caught up with the couple quickly enough and wordlessly the trio burst through the doors to the parlor. Everyone save the Tosettis were already present. And everyone included ‘Alcor’.
He was standing over a very realistic corpse of Ms. Wheatly, which was face-down in a growing pool of red liquid. Strips of clothing lay tattered beside it. Ripped pillows and bloody papers were strewn around, hinting of the struggle that transpired. Zahia gasped, hand over her mouth. Dipper and Belle stood frozen, barely able to believe what they were seeing. Dug looked ill, moving as far away from the body as possible. Siegfried seemed uncomfortable but stayed where he was at by the doors. Flynn was glaring at the perpetrator.
‘Alcor’ stared back, amused smile on his lips. “Y͟ou a̸ll̴ ̢see̕m a̷ b̨it u̸p̸s͠et͠.” He spotted the latecomers. “I d̕id̸n̷’t̨ ́th͟ink ̴s͢he’d caus͏e t͢hąt̨ m̢ucḩ of a̷ c̸ommo̕t̶ion͝.” Flynn flashed a glance back at Orrie before clenching and unclenching his jaw. When he spoke, though, it was with collected calmness.
“Why did you feel the need to do this? You are aware there are children present.” Orrie hoped Flynn wasn’t insinuating he couldn’t handle a little violence. Granted, murder wasn’t ‘a little’ violent, but considering who the star of the attraction was and the fact they were supposed to be solving a murder mystery in the first place…
‘Alcor’ chuckled. “W̷hy? Be̡ca͠us͟e yơu̵’re͏ t̨aki͟n͡g̸ to̧o lon̸g.” He rose into the air, settling into a cross-legged sit. “D̛on’t̡ t̴h̀ìnk I̶ h̨a̛d́n’͢t not̶iced M͠s. W̡hea͡t͠ly ̡hel͡p̢įn̵g y͝ou ơut̡ ea̧rlie͠r. He͝r͠ as͡s̀i̧st͢ance w͡as ͝no̶t par̵t̨ o͠f t̀he dea̢ļ. B̢ut I dec͠ide͞d to ̀let it̡ s̢l͢idè…until͝ I notįc̨ed how littl̨e h͞e͢ad̢w̵a͠y̕ th̷e teǹ of̛ yo̡ų were ̡ma̷king. So̴ I͡ go̵t r̵id̵ o͏f h͠er.”
“Wait, we were taking too long to solve the mystery with her help, so you decided to kill her?” Belle frowned. “What kind of sense does that make?”
“Why ̶do͠e͡s ̷ít̵ ͟ha̢v͟e to̡ ḿake ̡s͢ęn̴s̛e?” asked ‘Alcor’, “I̷ ex̸pected̛ ͠y͡ou to̢ ̷t̢a͟k̵e t̀h̨e mys̷t̕er̡y͞ se͟riou͞sly, s̸olv̶e it͏ q͠u̵ickĺy, and͠ yo̷u d͏i̛s͢app̕ointed̸ m̶e. I̴s͞ i͏t͠ tha̡t muc̀h ̛a su̷rp̸rise ́I too̷k̢ out̶ ḿy̡ f͏r̨ustra͢t͢íon on͡ o͟n̶é ̕of m̀y s͠erv̡an͞t̶s wh̛o, in͡c͡idenţall̵y, h͠app͟en͠s t̕o̶ b̛e̴ th̵e ón̸ly ̵o̷n̵e͏ he̶lping y̨o̡u al̕onģ?” He shook his head in mock disappointment. “Th̴is is ͏a͞ll y̧o͞ur f̡au̸lt̨, y̧o̷u ͡k̡now. S̷he̢ c̷ou̢ld hav̴e liv̶ed. B̢ut, ąl̴as͡, yo͏u lo̧st́ y̴ou͠r̨ t̷r̛ue͏ ĺover͡ fo̡r̀ c̢ourtin͡g too̷ slow͠. My ͡s͞u̸g̨gestion? Hùr̀ry i͠t ̕ùp.”
“Oh yeah? Then why don’t you do it?” Dipper narrowed his eyes at the person above him, the challenge in his tone heavy. Orrie felt a chill in the air; the teen’s anger was nearly tangible. “You’re so all-knowing, huh? Why don’t you use your omniscience to solve this stupid mystery yourself? I’m sure you could do it in an instant instead of toying with human lives.” He looked down at Ms. Wheatly; his face was unreadable. Belle, clearly troubled by her brother’s outburst, touched his arm.
His head whipped around toward her, his eyes widening slightly like he just remembered she was there. He again stared at the body on the ground before shaking his head. “Sorry. Forgot this was all an act. Just looked really…convincing.” He directed his leer towards ‘Alcor’ who, for once, didn’t look smug. “You know, I remember Alcor being someone who hated human sacrifices. Killing innocents because he was mildly upset was not his M.O. Only the worst of imposters would have gotten that tidbit wrong.”
‘Alcor’s’ eye twitched, indignation flashing in his sharp gaze. “P̷er̢h͡apş I ̢àm not̸ ás al̡l-pow̶ęrful̶ as͠ yo̧u̕ l̨ik͝é to̷ be͠lieve,” he growled. “Ńo͝r̸ as̶ m̵agn̶a̡ni̵m̸ous. Bưt…” He hovered closer to Dipper, nearly face-to-face with the boy. “I̴f you̢ k̵eep te͝s̵tíng m͡y pátįenc͝e, D̶ipper S͏t͟erl̨in̵g̛, o̡ne wo̴n’t ne͝e̡d o͠mn̛isc͡i͏e͡n͠ce t̷o fi͢g͡ure ou̷t͏ ͏wh͡o k̸i̴lle͞d ou̢r̸ ņex̛t̢ ͠p̧oten͠t͢ial͝ vìct́i͠m.” He snapped his fingers and Dipper was lifted right off his feet. The teen, completely taken aback, was too bewildered to fight the invisible force holding him. Another snap and he was thrown across the room, crashing into the opposite wall with a heavy thump! Everyone stood shocked by the action; Belle was the only one with enough sense to run over and check on her twin.
Her shout stirred Orrie to face ‘Alcor’, to call him out on his trick that went way too far. But when he turned ‘Alcor’ was gone. Beside him he heard Flynn curse in a weird language. “Where did he go?” he heard the elf mutter lowly.
The doors flew open, and two housekeepers rushed inside, one of them carrying a tarp. Cliff grabbed one of them by the arm. “Hey! This is getting a little—”
“Please sir,” the housekeeper interrupted, “We’ve got this under control.”
“You’ve angered him enough,” the other worker added, laying the tarp over the corpse. Orrie watched as the sheet’s pure white was slowly consumed by the absorbing red. “Just do what the Master has asked. Please go and solve the mystery quickly. We’ll take care of this.”
“Come on, Orrie.” Orrie felt strong hands pushing him out. Cliff stubbornly kept his sight away from the bloody mess as he guided the boy away. Zahia starred at her husband, worried.
Behind him, Orrie could hear Flynn speaking tersely with one of the housekeepers. “Quite graphic” were the only words he managed to overhear before being escorted outside. Siegfried and Cliff then herded everybody else upstairs.
“That looked scary real,” Zahia mumbled to Cliff, who nodded.
“Thought this would be a bit more family-friendly,” her husband agreed.
“Perhaps that’s just how their script was written.” The others looked at Siegfried. “That was almost the same scene they played out last time, and there weren’t any children present then. I’ll admit, though, they didn’t use magic on the guests.”
“Which was completely uncalled for,” Belle angrily spoke. To her brother and with a lot more concern, “You alright?”
“Well, I’ve been a whole lot worse,” he chuckled humorlessly. But Orrie could still sense the resentment around him.
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it, Dipper. I think it’s illegal for them to actually hurt their guests. Perhaps they overdid it with the effects.”
“Perhaps.” Though Dipper didn’t look convinced. “And maybe you’re right. That was some low level magic he used. I really wasn’t that hurt.” Orrie sighed internally with relief. The party made it to the east wing. As they dispersed to their rooms, mostly gotten over what had happened, Orrie finally mustered the courage to ask the twins a question.
“Um…I know it’s kind of in bad taste to ask this now after, well, you know…but can I team up with you? For the mystery?” Belle and Dipper stared at him, a bit confused.
“You mean after what that jerk did to my bro you still want to go through with this?” Belle wondered, though she at least didn’t sound very offended. Orrie felt his face redden.
“Please don’t take this the wrong way but yeah. I’m not interested in the prize and, to be honest, the acting is a bit over the top. I came here to have fun and enjoy myself. It’s another piece of Alcor I can learn about, and that’s exciting to me.”
Dipper nodded, his expression finally brightening somewhat. “I know what you mean. That challenge you just can’t ignore. Like a puzzle that needs to be solved and answers that need to be discovered.” He smiled. “Yeah! Let’s team up. We’re here to have fun after all– to learn about Alcor and solve an unsolvable mystery.” He held out his hand. Orrie took it, gripping firmly, his own smile broadening. Belle wrapped her arms around both of their necks.
“Alright! Nerds unite!”
Orrie laughed. “Well, we can start looking for clues in the morning. Siegfried secretly told me the hints won’t be hidden until tomorrow.” “Oh! So that’s how he knew what was going on,” realized Belle, “He’s been here before. Wait! Doesn’t that mean he has the advantage? He knows where all the hints are!”
“I’m going to assume the hints change locations each time guests come,” Dipper reasoned, and Orrie agreed. He bade them goodnight before entering his own room.
The sketchbook was still on his bed where he’d left it. He debated finishing the final details of what he could remember of the garden but ultimately decided against it, figuring he’d have plenty of time tomorrow. He changed out of his day clothes and grabbed something from his suitcase that was more comfortable to wear in the evening time. Sliding into bed, he looked around his room once more.
It was still just as beautiful as when he’d first entered. But…the space, the extravagance, the lingering amazement of being here…it was too foreign. Too lonesome. Orrie was familiar with it. A bit used to it. But that didn’t mean he liked it. Didn’t mean he’d admit to his new friends that he was scared to explore the entire manor all by himself. Because he liked their companionship; it was something he admittedly didn’t have a lot of back home.
Orrie settled into the sheets, wondering briefly what tomorrow would bring. For now he was comfortable and safe and had companions nearby. And in two days time, when this was all over, he’d be ending one adventure as a pre-teen and starting another by officially becoming a teenager.
Pleased by the thought, Orrie drifted contently to sleep.
Deep in the lower levels of the mansion, the man in front of the monitors smiled. His staff had pulled off yet another spectacular performance today. Mr. Goodman leaned back and stretched. With his guests full of food, sound asleep, and certainly excited for tomorrow’s mystery he could sit back and watch with ease, the greatest of the attraction’s hurdles finally crossed. It’s never easy to set a calming, relaxing air in a home blanketed with betrayal and death, but his dear employees were always up to the task of doing it, exceeding his expectations every year without fail.
He grabbed the cane by the side of his chair and used it to stand. Leaving the office, Mr. Goodman sighed to himself. Such a shame he only caught the tail end of Terry and Ms. Wheatly’s act due to helping some crew members—the realism of her death scene always unnerved even the toughest of men—but he’d be sure to congratulate them nonetheless.
And speak of the devil…
“There you are. I’ve been meaning to talk to you, Terry.” The star of the attraction was standing by the costume closet. Already he was unvested from his suit, most of his make-up gone, his voice modifying mic removed. Terry looked back, a light smile on his lips.
“Oh, hey there, Mr. Goodman. You need something?” he asked as Mr. Goodman hobbled up to him, his cane clacking loudly against the stone tiles.
“Mostly to congratulate you on another great performance. It’s not natural to keep saying this but you are perhaps the best Alcor impersonator I’ve ever had the fortune to have.” He laughed. “I bet even the real one would agree, don’t you?”
“Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.” Terry gestured for the elder man to follow; the latter did so slowly. “You probably didn’t hear but the kitchen’s a mess after Duglas Segal requested we make him a late-night snack. We’re cancelling the staff dinner.”
But Mr. Goodman shook his head at the news. “And miss out on your friends’ cooking? For shame, Terry. You know better than to let that happen.” He and his employee chuckled at the good-humored chiding. “But,” he continued, his smile fading, “on a more serious note, Terry, I did not appreciate what you did to our guest.” He stopped walking. “Did to whom?” Terry’s attempt to look innocently perplexed did not bode well with Mr. Goodman.
“Dipper Sterling. The one you used magic on to toss against the wall.” He darkened his expression enough to tell Terry he messed up. The young man at least had the decency to look guilty. “Magic of any kind is expressively forbidden on these grounds, except in—”
“—In a case of emergency,” Terry finished, interrupting the old man. “I know, I know. But that kid was so irritating. Made me look like a fool despite all the research I’ve done on the demon. And—” He paused, noticing the leer from his boss hadn’t lessened. “And I shouldn’t have retaliated like that.”
“You shouldn’t have retaliated at all,” Mr. Goodman corrected.
A faint scowl. “…Right.” Terry, after a silent moment, took a step forward. Mr. Goodman didn’t follow. “Coming?”
“I’ll meet you in the inner chamber in a short while. I first want to congratulate Ms. Wheatly. I wonder where she went off to.”
“I heard in passing that she’s already inside the chamber. If you want to catch up with her before she heads to sleep we should probably hurry.” The other frowned. Why would she be there? She always came to see him first after her act.
“But why?” he voiced his concerns, to which Terry shrugged. So Mr. Goodman followed. He would have made it to the end of the hall, too, were it not for the muffled thump! of something heavy collapsing. Mr. Goodman stopped in his walk, turning his head slightly to the side. “You hear something?”
Terry didn’t stop. “Like what?” “Sounded like something fell.” The sound of a door slowly creaking open sent his nerves tingling, sharp and echoing in the mostly empty hall. He spun around, noticing the closet door opening up to reveal a bunch of fallen costumes piling out.
Mr. Goodman hurried to the pile. “I’ll get that!” Terry, just then noticing the old man’s action, hastened over to him. But Mr. Goodman beat him, already bent and picking up the clothes. He froze when a hand caked in dried blood appeared from underneath a large shirt he’d lifted. Props had their own room, and besides he couldn’t recall ever owning a prop like this. He started to pick it up when he saw it was connected to an arm. Confusion and unease growing, he shifted the costumes away to—
“What…Terry– Terry, what is going on here!?” That was Ms. Wheatly. Bloody and dead and buried beneath the clothing. A nasty wound was torn into her front side, chunks of clotted blood still seeping out. “H-how did Ms. Wheatly end up—” He happened to look to his side. Notice the black shoes of the person beside him. Spot the smudge of equally dried blood on their tips and edges. His increasingly frightened gaze slowly lifted.
The cold fury on Terry’s normally calm face was intimidating enough for the old man. “I was hoping this’d go smoothly.” He snapped his fingers, and Mr. Goodman was lifted off the floor against his will. Terry’s scowl deepened, and with a swift flick of his fingers, the costumes and body of Ms. Wheatly were flung back into the closet. “Can’t believe dumb luck of all things cost me my cover. Doesn’t matter; I’ll have the others move her when I’m ready.”
“Others!?” Mr. Goodman’s eyes widened. Was the rest of his staff in on this? Terry smirked.
“Oh, they aren’t the ones you should be worried about. Now, why don’t you come with me to the inner chamber, hm? I’ve got big plans for you.” Mr. Goodman had no choice as he was levitated through the dark hallway, knowing full well they were too far underground for anyone to hear his cries for help.
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infaum-edu-tech · 4 years
Arranging is a significant piece of a task. Arranging makes it conceivable to utilize accessible assets sanely, to anticipate the present moment and long haul accomplishment of the undertaking, just as to shape a typical task vision. The more exact and complete the arranging information is, the more excellent venture the executives can be guaranteed. In the IT business, this is an especially significant second as the general business advancement is quick and the quantity of new items is developing. Innovation showcase circumstance shows that for an item achievement just to have a striking thought is not, at this point enough. High-caliber and auspicious item acknowledgment is additionally important and it results from a develop venture arranging and the board.
Testing time is a fundamental piece of venture arranging. Mistakenly assessed testing time can prompt various negative impacts, from a heightening of expenses and calendar changes to the general venture unfruitfulness and organization's notoriety misfortune. Is it conceivable to maintain a strategic distance from such results? How to evaluate testing time appropriately and what components ought to be considered in this procedure? Is there a solitary methodology that can be utilized for any undertaking and any sort of testing task? Answers to these inquiries you will discover in the testing time estimation tips underneath!
1. Investigate Existing Techniques
Arranging of testing is definitely not another errand in the IT business, so industry specialists have just built up a few strategies for programming testing time estimation. Every one of these strategies has its own qualities: some are progressively formal, some are less formal, some depend on measurements, while a few procedures depend on instinct, surmises, and past experience. These qualities structure the qualities and shortcomings of procedures. So as to pick the most appropriate method for your venture, you need to investigate and examine the subtleties of these procedures and comprehend which of their drawbacks would be the least recognizable for you and which focal points would be the most alluring.
Right now there is no commonly acknowledged way to deal with the estimation of testing time, which is all around material, be that as it may, after the examination of existing methods you can pick an alternative that is nearest to the perfect in your circumstance. The most well known estimation procedures that you ought to investigate are work breakdown structure, three-point estimation/PERT, work point examination, use-case focuses, Wideband Delphi, arranging poker, instinct, surmises, and past experience. Consistently refresh and extend your insight into the estimation methods, know about the most recent patterns and don't be reluctant to utilize this information.
2. Consolidate Techniques To Achieve The Best Result
It is frequently conceivable to limit the impediments of a picked strategy by utilizing it in mix with another procedure. For instance, a great reason for different methods is frequently an exercise breakdown structure. This method will assist with understanding the extent of work, to separate bigger assignments into subtasks, to explain subtleties and, if fundamental, prerequisites. After this, it will be discernibly simpler to utilize different methods in light of the fact that the work breakdown structure will make the important degree of detail and the reason for time gauges. Try not to be hesitant to analyze, attempt various methods and their mixes and think about the outcomes.
3. Consider And Evaluate Project Risks
Understand that testing is performed inside a particular task, along these lines distinctive undertaking qualities and the situation of a test engineer in this venture can significantly affect test length. These dangers incorporate the need to guarantee an especially elevated level of value, small testing involvement with a particular task or in the business all in all, absence of testing involvement with comparative ventures, absence of item and its objectives understanding, low quality of the item being created, inadequate documentation, and so on.
4. Consider And Evaluate Task Risks
On the off chance that testing time is assessed for a particular errand, recognize dangers related with the testing of this undertaking. Consider that every one of these dangers requires time assets to wipe out its results. The range of such dangers is very wide, for instance, it might be an absence of undertaking understanding, muddled acknowledgment rules, precarious test information, inadequate information on apparatuses and methods that are utilized for this testing task, task achievement in collaboration with others or organizations. and so on.
5. Make A Time Buffer Based On Risks
While evaluating testing time there is a solid inclination to make time appraises that are shorter than the real time required for testing. All together not to follow this inclination in the wake of understanding the dangers add a period cradle to each gauge. The higher the degree of hazard, the more cradle time is required, on the grounds that the circumstance is flimsy and the outcome is less unsurprising. This improves the probability of effectively adapting to the dangers previously recognized, just as with unanticipated conditions (for instance, sudden specialized troubles with test condition, medical issues, and prerequisite changes, and so on.).
6. Record Testing Time Estimation Results
The utilization of past involvement with testing time estimation is frequently essential on the grounds that numerous estimation methods are to a more prominent or lesser degree dependent on this. Regardless of whether your picked estimation strategy is a long way from subjectivity and utilization of individual experience, past testing time estimation results can assist with supporting the aftereffects of the picked method and make a strong arranging premise. You likewise ought not overlook that human memory isn't great and much information isn't put away in it or is put away in a twisted structure. All together not to lose this information I normally record the evaluated and genuine testing time for each test action in the Jira framework. In any case, the outcomes recorded distinctly thusly are anything but difficult to lose (particularly between various activities), so I additionally spare them utilizing Google Sheets. In the event of an error between these qualities, it is imperative to comprehend and record its reasons. This methodology will make the best utilization of your past testing experience.
7. Concede A Mistake In Time If You Understand That An Estimate Is Wrong
Invalid testing gauges are normal and this is consistently a terrible certainty, particularly when the assessed time was shorter than genuine time required. It is conceivable to diminish the negative outcomes of this reality by opportune conceding a misstep, speaking with your group about it, breaking down potential arrangements and actualizing the most fitting arrangement. The most noticeably terrible thing you can do in a circumstance of wrong testing time gauge is to trust that the circumstance will out of nowhere improve and not to permit the group, venture directors or customer to change the portion of assets, the need of errands or different elements which can assist with taking care of the issue.
8. Try not to Be Afraid To Say "No"
Regularly testing experts are confronted with a circumstance where they are furnished with instant testing time gauges. Once in a while these assessments are not founded on persuading computations and are not sensible. For instance, in my training, I had a few circumstances where testing time was determined by deduction of improvement and the executives time from all out venture or run time. In these conditions, attributes of testing undertakings themselves were not considered and it was consequently expected that this time ought to be sufficient. Lamentably, this was not the situation. Acceptable behavior in such a circumstance? On the off chance that you comprehend that your assessed testing time is totally different from the given gauge, don't be hesitant to state "No" and clarify the explanation behind your sentiment. Try not to consent to impracticable cutoff times and permit the customer or supervisor to pick an answer: change the gauge, change the testing degree or other reasonable arrangement.
9. Utilize The Knowledge Of Other Team Members
Utilizing data from books, articles, the Internet, the industry and your experience is helpful and essential, yet in addition you ought not overlook that you are encircled by authorities with their insight and experience. Regardless of whether these individuals are not legitimately associated with testing, they can at present have important information that will permit them to investigate the venture and testing assignments.
For instance, a software engineer can tell which elements of a created item from the programming perspective are the most mind boggling and where can be the best number of blunders, individually, which capacities must be particularly deliberately tried. Consider what sort of information every colleague have and utilize this information to gauge testing time.
10. Try not to Be Afraid To Make Mistakes
It is difficult to evaluate the term of testing. This is a mind boggling process that is affected by numerous variables, so blunders are basic even among experienced masters. For instance, in my present venture, I have been working for over two years, yet as of late my evaluated testing time for one assignment was around multiple times not exactly the time that was really required. So it was important to change the arrangement and objectives of the run. This circumstance can transpire, accordingly don't be hesitant to commit errors and don't attempt to keep away from estimation of testing time later on (in all probability, it won't be conceivable at any rate). Rather, utilize the entirety of the tips referenced above, gain from botches, and improve your estimation aptitudes.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Camelot: I Know It Sounds a Bit Bizarre
My inventory fills up as I continue with Camelot.
            Since my first year of blogging, when I forced myself to win Wizardry while adhering to its implementation of permadeath, I’ve often remarked that I would never do that again. My adherence to “playing the way the developers intended” was so strict that during the remainder of the year, I quit Wizardry II, III, and IV rather than even consider backing up the save files. (I would later return to II and III and win both under more relaxed rules.) These days, I am likely to try to abide by both the developer’s original intent and my own “conduct” (limited saves), but I feel that showing and documenting the endgame are more important than questions of integrity.
Thus, there’s a certain exhilaration to the occasional PLATO game, where cheating isn’t even an option. (At least, not in most forms, though see below for a slightly unusual version.) When my character dies, I frequently have a moment of disbelief, almost like people who experience sudden tragedies report having in real life. A couple years ago, I happened to speak to a woman whose husband had fallen asleep while driving home from work and had run head-on into a truck. “I remember thinking he was just here,” she told me. “How could such a simple mistake be so irrevocable? How could there be no rewind button? No do-over?” That’s how I feel when my elf fighter gets killed by a demon. I mean, maybe not exactly, but there are analogues.
The point is, life is precious in the real world and in Camelot, so it becomes all that more meaningful when you succeed. And while death may be a constant danger in the game, it’s not at all arbitrary. When it happens to me, it’s almost always because I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. The game is actually quite good about offering multiple ways out of a situation, about not requiring you to engage enemies that you don’t want to engage. You have to be quick with your fingers, but it would be theoretically possible to explore an entire dungeon level, and collect a good percentage of its treasure, without engaging in a single combat round.
The problem is that once you decide to stand and fight, the game can be relentless. For instance, last night I wandered into a room and faced “6 imps.” I had faced imps before. They’re a demon type, but not very hard, and I was a relatively high level. Generally, when facing stacks of multiple enemies, you concentrate on killing one. Once you do, you escape the room, pray for healing, re-enter, and try to kill the next one. If you must, you can return to the town if your prayers run out.
What I didn’t know was that the 6 creatures weren’t actually imps; they were manes. That’s a tougher demon. It turns out that this game goes one better than Oubliette, which often gave you the category of monster but not the specific monster. In Camelot, the character can mis-identify the specific monster. When I hit (F)ight, I watched myself do 60% damage to one creature and then watched as the demons took their turn and pounded my health from 100% to 40% in one round. There’s no way to escape or to do anything in the middle of a combat round; that’s the point of no return. At that point, I should have immediately fled, or prayed in combat, or done anything but attack a second time, because clearly the enemies were capable of doing more than 50% damage in a single round, and I was now below 50%. But some primitive part of my mind, trained on other RPGs, forgetting temporarily that actions are irrevocable, decided that I didn’t want to waste the 60% damage I’d already achieved, and to at least try to kill one of the demons before I escaped. I hit (F)ight again, missed, and was swiftly torn apart.       
Another death.
          As I mentioned last time, there’s a good chance of resurrection, and Chester was resurrected. He’s been resurrected a few times now. But each one comes with a loss of score, the higher the level the higher the loss, and Chester now has a score of over -99,999. Fortunately, it caps there. Joshua Tabin (the author) insists that I’ll recover those points at higher levels, but I’m not sure he’s considering the possibility that I’ll die a few more times at those higher levels, too.
I guess Joshua felt a little bad about the game’s difficulty as I reported it in the first entry (though, as he points out, it’s only difficult if you approach it as a typical RPG instead of as Camelot specifically). Joshua and his Level 17 ogre, Drek McFeffer, joined me for a while last night on the first two levels. He ran ahead of me in the dungeon, decimating some of the rooms and alerting me where I could find lucrative treasure caches. One room on each dungeon level is designated the “stud room” and features better treasure and harder monsters than anywhere else on the same level. He helped me clear Level 1’s stud room a couple of times so I could bulk up my equipment. He also used his admin powers to insert a couple of useful items into the town’s store, and all the while he kept a steady stream of hints and tips going with the game’s chat feature. I still died twice, lest you think he made it too easy.           
The author throws me some hints as I map the dungeon.
          I can’t speak for the mid-game or late-game, but finding useful equipment in the early game is a joy. You have numerous equipment slots, and almost anything you find during the first 10 hours is an upgrade. I was more than three hours into the game before I even had a weapon, so finding my first short sword and then a steel sword was like hitting the real-life lottery. When I found a mithril helmet in one of the stud rooms, I had to stop myself from calling my mother with the good news. Later, it was destroyed because of a cursed item, and the pain was palpable.
Camelot does some clever things with its inventory, too. There are useful items like Palantirs, which tell you where you can find quest enemies (those you have to kill to level up), and Scrolls of Recall to whisk you back to town. The Scroll of Identify does what it suggests, but it can also be used to identify traps before you open chests, and items before you pick them up. The latter use is particularly important because some items are cursed, and in this game, cursed items break the items of the same type that you already have before replacing them. It’s a particular joy to find manuals, which increase your attributes permanently, but potions that increase them temporarily (they last a long time) are almost as good.
There are several items that let you briefly charm a monster companion. The Orb of Entrapment, for instance, seems to work on dragon types. Having one of those at your side really helps clear out a room.            
A charmed firedrake follows me around.
         I also like how character development is palpable. At some point, you get two attacks per round, which makes you feel like Hercules on the first level. (Although, as I learned more than once, you still can’t get cocky.) Attack and defense factors increase as you level, and it’s rewarding to go from missing 90% of the time to 70% of the time, to reversing the ratio and hitting more times than you miss.
Joshua clarified a few things from the comments on the first entry. He absolutely intended the game to be played by a single player. However, he also expected that the player would use two simultaneous logins. He built a feature where one user can “follow” another user on an automap, and I guess it was common at the time for one player to take over two terminals with two user names, playing on one, and using the automap on the other. A single player with two characters can also have them rescue and resurrect each other, at a higher chance of success than if you rely on the whims of the gods. Thus, I applied for and received a second Cyber1 account.          
Playing with two terminal windows side-by-side.
          I spent a number of hours mapping Level 2 and parts of Levels 3 and 4, but every time I thought I was finally badass enough to march around a level unopposed, I’d get my ass handed to me by some group of mages or demons who kill me in a single round.          
Level 2 of the Camelot dungeon.
         In the first entry, I noted that a number of rooms have “flavor text,” and I noticed that various rooms on Level 2 repeated those on the first level. For instance, both have rooms coated in guano, filled with statues, with soft ground, with an empty wallet, and so forth. Both have a small room with beakers and burners that seems to be a lab. Both have a room where I feel a “force of nature.” Joshua has hinted at deeper puzzles later in the game, and I wonder if they have something to do with these rooms.          
If I need an alchemist’s lab later, I’ll know where to come.
         Camelot is probably going to have to go on the back burner for a while. I enjoy the gameplay, but it’s taken me 16 hours to build a Level 14 character and map two and a half levels. The characters who have actually won the game are Level 60. I’ll dip into it now and then as I continue to progress with the rest of my list.
Time so far: 16 hours
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/camelot-i-know-it-sounds-a-bit-bizarre/
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