#and this is my fav chapter of the Quixote and I just had to make this xD
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“Good fortune is guiding our affairs better than we could have desired, for there you see, friend Sancho Panza, thirty or more enormous giants with whom I intend to do battle and whose lives I intend to take, and with the spoils we shall begin to grow rich, for this is righteous warfare, and it is a great service to God to remove so evil a breed from the face of the earth.” -The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Resident Evil 4 Remake
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @changingthefairy-tale​
What are you working on right now? Right now, I’m focused on BellarkeFic-for-BLM (I just got an amazing canon prompt I’m really excited to finish). I’ve also been participating in this round of the Chopped Challenge, which has been fun and challenging. In between prompts, I’ve got two WIPs that I’m slowly cranking through. Shoutout to every single reader who’s been incredibly patient while I’ve been so slow on those updates — though, reminder that you can donate to a BLM organization (even a $3 donation works) and request an update to get those higher on my prio list while I’m focused on that initiative.
What’s something you’d like to write one day? My absolute dream job and the ultimate goal is to become a showrunner for a prime time TV show. I love TV shows �� I love the way actors and directors and crew take a script and breath life into it, I love how you take a general idea for a story and mold it into something amazing as you go, I love how a series gives a story more time to be fleshed out and explored, I love the concept of a writers room and collaborating on a story. It’s a different ballgame from fic writing (which I do for fun) and travel writing (which I do for a living), but I’m determined to make it happen. JRoth, I’m coming for your job, babe. 😉
What is the fanwork you’re most proud of? I’m still really new to fic writing, especially compared to some of the powerhouse writers in this fandom. And I’m sure one of my WIPs (when finished) will probably supersede this. BUT, my one-shot about Madi calling Bellamy on The Ring (She called you for 2,199 days) is something I’m really proud of. I’m a long-winded writer, so one-shots have never come naturally to me. This one just…clicked. It’s got some good lines in there that I’m proud of, and based on the feedback I’ve gotten, it really made readers feel something and connect to the story. It’s not my longest story or my most thought-out. But it shows my growth as a writer these past few months, and I’m proud of that.
Why did you first start writing fic? I started writing fic as a creative outlet for my writing. My day job is writing about travel and credit cards. And while I enjoy that, it’s just not as creative. My dream is to write for a TV show though, and I was craving a way to flex my creative writing muscles in a low-stress way. I started watching The 100 when it first came out, but I didn’t really get into the fandom until I came back to the show during the S5/6 hiatus. That’s when I started reading fics and reblogging stuff about the show on Tumblr. During the S6/7 hiatus, I had this idea for a Greys Anatomy AU, and my sister (who is also a major fan of the show) was like, “You literally write things for a living. If you want to write a Grey’s AU for t100, there is absolutely nothing stopping you.” I published my first chapter on that The Choices We Make in Dec. 2019, and the rest is history.
What frustrates you most about fic writing? For me, I think that the most frustrating thing isn’t even about fic writing itself; it’s the fact that it’s a side-hobby and not something I can dedicate my full attention to. When you write all day for your day job, then do some for your freelance gig, and then turn around and try to write for a few hours every night for fic… that gets hard sometimes — especially since starting quarantine where I’m not traveling, going out with friends, getting a break from it, etc. Fic writing is a creative release for me, and I absolutely love crafting and writing these stories that involve some of my favorite fictional characters. And I love interacting with other writers and fic readers, I love talking about ideas and exchanging headcanons and fangirling over my favorite writers’ works. But (because there’s always a but), sometimes I just don’t have the mental energy or capacity to write at the end of the day when I’ve turned in 3 deadlines for work. I’ve got all these ideas floating in my head, but only so much time and mental energy I can dedicate to it.
What are your top five songs right now? Oh boy. So I live alone, which means I’ve got either music or Netflix on in the background 24/7 because ya girl doesn’t like silence. I have a different playlist for different moods. I’ll share my fav song from each of those playlists. Lol Fvck Somebody by The Wrecks (On my “Summer state of mind” playlist for when I wanna dance it out in my kitchen like an idiot)
Don Quixote by Drapht (On @talistheintrovert​’s “My Good Bitch Murphy” playlist for when I’m feeling *edgy*)
that way by Tate McRae (On my “Pandemic Jams” playlist bc I like angsty music and this song is a Bellarke MOOD)
Washington on Your Side from Hamilton (On my “Feeding my Broadway Obsession” playlist for when I wanna sing show tunes and plot overthrowing the government)
Tea by Noah Davis (Shameless plug for Noah bc it’s a bop and I literally dated Noah’s older brother in junior high — so proud of this kid for making his dreams a reality)
What are your inspirations (books, songs, other fic, really good cake)? All of the above, except I like pie more than cake. lol But really, I kind of use everything around me for inspiration. “The Choices We Make” is inspired by my love of Grey’s Anatomy. “Intertwining your soul (with somebody else)” is inspired my the first draft of my YA novel (though the setting was adapted to a grounder canonverse AU). “The Day He Shut That Rocket Door” and “She called you for 2,199 days” were inspired by @historyofbellarke‘s headcanons that were brought up in S7 speccing conversations (shoutout to her for enabling my angsty ass). My most recent WIP “There are some things written in the stars” that I started as part of Chopped (but will continue because I’m obsessed with the idea) is inspired by my love of Timeless. And I have an entire Notion database filled with fic ideas — some one-shots and some multi-chapter fics — that are inspired by quotes, songs, conversations with friends, books I love, shows I adore, random HCs that pop into my head while I watch, my own life experiences, etc. I take inspiration in any form it decides to come in. 💕
What first attracted you to Bellarke? What attracts you now? I’m a ho for enemies to lovers — the idea that you can put your worst foot forward and show someone all the ugly parts of you… and that they’ll see that and somehow look past it to see the good stuff too, falling in love with your whole self instead of just the pretty parts. Yeah, it’s my favorite romance trope. And that tension is what originally drew me to Bellarke. Now, it’s a combination of things. I love each of these characters in their own right. I relate to Clarke in a lot of ways, and I aspire to be her level of badass. I straight adore Bellamy Blake (flaws, stupid decisions, and all) and would marry him in a heartbeat if he were real — I’m not even kidding. lol But I also love their dynamic. They are partners, best friends, perfect compliments to the other. They see each other in a way no one else does, and they are the one person the other constantly risks everything for. They are both so driven by their responsibilities to their people, yet that all typically goes out the window the moment the other is at risk. I don’t believe in soulmates in real life, but it’s nice to get to believe in this fictional world that they are just made for each other.
BESIDES Bellarke, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? My favorite character besides Bellarke is John Murphy. His arc has been BY FAR the best on this show, going from that little shit in S1 to this “asshole we love” in the middle to now a true hero in this final season. And through it all Richard Harmon has been amazing to watch on screen.
My favorite pairing besides Bellarke is Linctavia. Yes, that ship is problematic in a lot of ways, but I still loved their dynamic. Lincoln helped Octavia navigate this new world that she was so desperate to be apart of while being mindful of her safety. And I thought they were a good match — he helped tame her fire without putting it out, and she helped challenge the way he was raised. Given time, I think they could have become one of the most stable and loving relationships on t100. Of course, that couldn’t happen because Jason needed Bell’s actions in 3A to have heartbreaking consequences, O to spiral for her own character journey, and whatever mess happened off-screen between Ricky and him. But they still remain my favorite ship aside from Bellarke.
Why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? The second I saw that Sam was planning on doing this, I reached out to ask how I could help/write/be involved. The BLM movement is so important, and this is an amazing way for me to contribute while pursuing my passions. It’s a way for the fandom to get involved and do something good. And ultimately, this helps organizations that need donations. Shameless plug for everyone to please go check out the Bellarke Fic for BLM page — check out the many amazing writers and artists we have participating, and send in prompts. Most of us are allowing WIP chapter update requests, and there are a number of us (myself included) who are matching donations made! No donation is too small, and you’ll be supporting a movement that is a necessity in the U.S. and beyond.
What’s your writing process like? My mind is literal chaos, so I plan and outline like hell in order to make sense of everything. When I get an idea for a fic, it goes on my Notion database. Within Notion, I write down my inspiration for the idea, and a pretty in-depth summary of where I want the fic to go — dialogue ideas, any feelings/emotions I want to invoke, literally just a brain dump of all my ideas. From there, I’ll arrange that brain dumb into an outline. If it’s a one-shot, I’ll generally write the whole thing in the Notion doc. But multi-chapter fics will get a checklist within Notion for me to keep track of progress, and I’ll actually write the fic in Google Docs. I generally start writing from the beginning of a story, but if I get stuck or have an idea for a later scene, the fact that I’ve outlined heavily allows me to jump around as ideas come to me. I’ll read each one-shot or chapter after I’m done to make sure it flows before publishing. I post chapters for my WIPs as I write them, which I should really stop doing. lol For my readers’ sakes, I should work ahead and publish on a schedule rather than making them wait for my slow ass to finish chapter to chapter. But right now, that’s my process!
What are some things you’d like to recommend? Oh goodness, too many fics to possibly name. Instead, I’ll link to my AO3 rec bookmarks (which isn’t all-inclusive of the amazing fics I’ve read in this fandom, but it’s got some good favs in there) and shout out all of our awesome Bellarke Fic for BLM writers. Y’all should check out their work (and send in prompts)!
Where’s the best place to find you (twitter? tumblr?) I’m @changingthefairy-tale on Tumblr and @changingthefairy_tale on AO3! My ask box is always open for anyone who wants to scream about the show, ask about specs, talk about my fics, etc. Come say hey!
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jessicakurr · 6 years
Here’s a small teaser of the end and beginning of Chapters 19/20 of End of Time. Not done yet, but I figured I would get my readers pumped up for it. ;)
Alex breaks eye contact for a moment and looks down at his new, fully functioning arm again. He flexes his fingers, twists his wrist around, and bends his arm back and forth at the elbow a few times. I then watch him lift his right hand up to rub at his left. He looks at both of his hands and compares the two. I then decide to hesitantly reach out to touch it myself and am slightly caught off guard when his new hand grabs at mine, as he intertwines our fingers together.
“Can you feel that?” I ask with astonishment.
Alex smiles, nods, and then looks back up at me. He’s beaming from ear to ear, and squeezing my hand, and I’m squeezing and smiling back. Then he lets go, and slowly raises his left hand up to touch at my face. I close my eyes for a moment, relishing in the feel of it, as his fingers explore every curve. And when I open my eyes, I can’t help but lightly gasp at the sight before me. Alex’s face is all scrunched up, and he is intensely staring at me with wide, tear-filled eyes.
“Dana…God…I…” His voice cracks and trails off. He swallows, blinks, and opens his mouth to speak again, but nothing comes out.
I can feel my lip quivering, as my eyes begin to moisten as well, and we just keep staring at each other, breathing extremely heavily. This moment between us is the rawest and most emotionally charged experience that I have ever had with Alex. It’s profoundly quixotic, and extremely sentimental. And I’ve never seen Alex this emotionally animated before. It makes me fall even more in love with him if that is at all possible. I’m seeing another new side of Alex Krycek, and I warmly welcome it with open arms.
I then hear what sounds like a strangled sob emerge from deep within his chest, but barely escapes his lips. He blinks again, and the tears begin to fall.
“Alex. Oh, Alex…” I whimper and sniffle.
Then my hands are in his hair, on his face, and then I’m pressing my forehead against his, shushing and cooing at him. His shoulders are now visibly shaking, and he’s clutching at me with both of his hands, and his sobs are beginning to become more audible now.
There it is. That’s what I’ve been waiting to see from him for as long as I can remember. This is what he’s needed, for so long. A good, cleansing cry. And I can’t help but cry with him, as we rock back and forth while holding each other.
After a long moment, he pulls back, and I look at his beautiful blotchy face with awe. His face is wet, and his nose and eyes are red and puffy. It’s the most stunning Alex Krycek I have ever seen honestly. I can’t help but pull him to me and kiss him like my life depends on it. He groans into my mouth, and slowly runs his left hand up the inside of my thigh, while his right one tangles in my hair.
“Lock the door.” He huskily grumbles against my open mouth, and I pull back just enough to look at him with questioning eyes.
It takes me a moment to realize what he’s implying, and a sudden nervousness overcomes me for some reason. “Here? Now?” I ask incredulously.
It isn’t exactly the most ideal place and time, but at the same time, I don’t really care either. We need this. I understand and accept that. And I’m also feeling intensely spontaneous and audacious right now, and I’m thinking that I shouldn’t really let these rare sensations pass me by. Alex nods at me, and I waste no time getting up to quickly lock the door and return to his side. Plus, I’m pretty sure that everyone knows better than to interrupt us and are probably eating dinner in the cafeteria right now anyways. Maybe it ‘is’ an ideal time and place after all.
Alex reaches out and pulls me by my waist, and next thing I know, I am straddling him, and his hands are groping at my ass. “I want to touch you. I can use both of my hands now, and goddammit Dana, I want to show you what I can do with two of them, at the same time.” Alex sensually whispers into my neck.
Oh, dear God. I have a feeling that I’m about to have some sensory overload soon. In fact, I know I am. Because one handed Alex was phenomenal. So, I’m a little scared of what two handed Alex is like. Knowing him in the beginning, years ago, before he lost his arm, is a lot different than knowing him now. I’ve never experienced that part of the old Alex, along with the other parts of the new Alex, together. It makes me pleasantly shudder just thinking about it.
(Currently finishing the new chapters this very moment. Will be posted on fanfiction.net and AO3 within a few days hopefully.)
You can find the whole novel length story on both of the sites below:
End of Time
By: Jessica Kurr  
Summary: *post-colonization* Scully gets separated from Mulder and her surviving group, and is forced to survive on her own, in a now nearly empty world. But when she is put in danger by a gang with bad intentions, a familiar face unexpectedly comes to her rescue. Will she join her old enemy Krycek, or continue to search for her friends alone?
Rated: Fiction  M - English - Drama/Romance -  D. Scully, A. Krycek - Chapters: 18   - Words: 119,580 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 14 - Updated: Apr 8 - Published: Mar 19, 2017 - Comments:53 Kudos:74 Bookmarks:6 Hits:1402
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@nightshade1013 ;) ;)
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