#and this big ass dog that's literally trained to hunt small animals and could hurt her so easily by accident
felis-cervus · 1 year
holy shit my dad is going to get my kitten killed
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brittney-red · 5 years
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This is what I wrote for Katie’s 400 Followers Challenge! @controloffandoms
Hope you enjoy! 
There were many things in Dean Winchester’s life that he regrets. Going all the way back to his childhood, which was not the best time in his life. He wasn’t able to protect his mom from the fire that destroyed their home, he wasn’t able to save his father from his drinking problem years later, he hurt his little brother Sam when he disappeared for a year after their dad died so he could ‘find himself’, and he took years to finally tell his best friend how he really felt about him. Honestly, the list could go on and on, but the one thing he really regrets most in his life? Walking past that damn SPCA with his bleeding heart of a boyfriend.
Read it on AO3?
It was an accident really, Dean was so engrossed in his delicious peanut butter chocolate chip ice-cream cone that he didn’t realize where they were until it was too late. He had incidentally lead them straight into the dreaded corner of 1st and Maple. It was avoided like the plague by parents of with children of any age and adults that had a heart for small abandoned animals, but didn’t have the means of adopting anymore pets. When he finally looked up from his treat and he started to stutter in protest of the direction they were heading he couldn’t stop his boyfriend. Cas had already seen the puppy eyes of a big eared, brown eyed Bassett hound in the window and his boyfriend was long gone. So much so that he dropped his raspberry cheesecake ice-cream cone to push his face up to the window with a loud ‘squeee!’. Dean cursed under his breath as he watched his lover start fussing over the hound behind the glass. All it takes is a puppy to get a 30 year old grown ass man to act like a 5 year old again.
“We need to save this puppy Dean! Look at it’s sad wittle face!” Cas said bubbling with excitement, bright blue eyes still very much attached to the brown eyes of the little hound in the shelter. Who, by the way, was so not helping Dean’s case. As soon as the pup saw Cas, it hopped up on it’s little stubby legs and bounded over to the window to say hello, pink tongue lolling out of the side of it’s mouth. The hound let out a weak little bark and Dean swears he saw hearts pop out of his boyfriend’s eyes. He knew he was in some deep trouble now.
“I’m sorry love but we can’t get a puppy right now.” The sandy haired man murmured softly, wrapping one arm around his boyfriend’s shoulders, trying to coax his boyfriend away from the puppy and the shelter while still eating his cone. It was proving to be a majorly difficult task.
Sad blue eyes met green, a pretty pink pout on his face. “Well, why ever not?”
Dean chuckled fondly at the affronted tone of his lover. “You know why babe,” he explained, finishing his cone and wiping his sticky hand on the front of his flannel, the other shifting from the shorter mans shoulder down to his waist so he could start moving him in the direction of home easier. “We live in an apartment complex that doesn’t allow pets.”
“Well then, we’ll just need to move.”
Dean rolled his eyes and placed a gentle kiss to his temple. “Alright sweetheart, whatever you say.”  
About a week went by and honestly Dean had forgotten all about the puppy incident. They walked away from the shelter without adopting an animal much to the blue eyed man’s chagrin, but Cas didn’t seem too upset about it. Which is why when Dean comes home from a long day working at his uncle Bobby’s auto body shop to his boyfriend sitting crossed legged on the couch, laptop in front of him looking for houses in the area, he’s a bit confused.  
“Cas, why are you looking at houses? I thought we were going to give ourselves at least another year, save up some more money yeah?” Dean questioned as he toed off his work boots by the door and walked into the kitchen to get a them a couple of beers.
“Well, you said that our complex doesn’t allow pets.” The raven haired man countered from his place on the couch, eyes glued to the houses he’s scrolling past on the screen. Two beers in hand, Dean wandered into the living room, set the open beer bottles on the coffee table, and plopped down on the couch next to his boyfriend.
“Wait, is this about that puppy we saw last week?”
The only answer he got was a ‘what do you think’ look. Dean raised his hands in a pacifying manner and chuckled. “Well, make sure you find a house with a fenced in yard and a garage for Baby.”
Dean honestly thought his boyfriend would drop the whole thing, forget about the house hunting and that damn puppy given some time. They’ve got a nice little apartment in their hometown, great jobs that afford them to have nice week long vacations and special anniversary dinners, a wonderful group of friends that are more family than anything, and their love for one another could move mountains. They don’t need the worry of a puppy right now.
“Babe, we don’t need the worry of a puppy right now!” Dean was getting close to his wits end. The puppy conversation didn’t go away like he thought. In fact, he’d accidentally made it worse. That off hand comment he made about a yard and garage had his boyfriend actively looking for the perfect house, for them and the nonexistent puppy they have.
He started to notice PetSmart bags being hidden in the back corner of their closet, full of random toys, bowls, a bright blue collar with matching leash, and treats, bookmarks about how to train a puppy, how to puppy proof your house, puppy blogs, and a Pinterest board! Dean didn’t even know what Pinterest was!
“The puppy wouldn’t be a worry Dean. I know Charlie or Sam and Jess would be happy to watch it when we’re gone for a long period of time, and I work from home so I can take care of it everyday!”
“I really just think we’re not ready for one yet!”
“Why wouldn’t we be? We’ve been best friends for 10 years, officially together for 3. We’ve been through so much together, I think we can handle a small puppy.”
“I know that Cas, I still just don’t know about this.”
“Well why the hell not Dean?!”
And that’s the million dollar question. He doesn’t exactly know why. Maybe it’s because growing up they moved around a lot and it wasn’t a conducive environment to have a pet so he never thought about getting one, maybe it’s because he had to take care of Sammy for most of his life and he didn’t want to have the responsibility of having to take care of another life again, or maybe he wasn’t ready to share his life with Cas with someone else. The last one is really silly, but he loves the way their life is now and he’s a creature of habit. Come home, drink some beers and eat some take out on the couch while they watch TV, have sex until one or both of them are too tired to move. Perfect life! Adopting a puppy was almost like having a baby and honestly? It kind of scared him.
“Can we talk about this another time Cas? I really just want to drink a beer and catch up on Game of Thrones.”
The only answer he got was a sharp glare and an angry huff before his boyfriend stomped off to their bedroom.
Fuck, he was in the doghouse now. How ironic.
“Hello Dean.” Usually, the deep, gravely voice of his lover saying his name like that would get him so hard so fast he’d get dizzy, but not right now. Right now, it’s the last thing he wanted to hear. He wasn’t supposed to be home yet, something about a meeting with his editor for his new book. Dean was sure he double checked the calendar before he left this morning. Shit.
“Heh, hiya Cas.” Dean gave a little guilty half wave and started to shift from foot to foot, green eyes looking everywhere but the steel gaze of his boyfriend. He’d been planning this surprise for about a month now, ever since they had their last major fight. It had ended with him sleeping alone in their memory foam king size for a week while Cas went and stayed with his brother Gabe on the other side of town.
It was a silly fight, over that damn puppy again. Of course.
They’d moved into a perfect little fixer upper only a couple of months ago and Dean was still working on getting settled. The whole process was a whirlwind, it went by so quickly, financed and signed in a matter of weeks, but they were ecstatic about the house so they didn’t care. It has a two car garage with ample storage for all things mechanical with room to fit Baby and Cas’ Pimpmoblie (as Dean likes to call it) and a half an acre of fenced in back yard, the two things Dean specifically said their house needed. Sure, the kitchen needed some updating, the dingy carpet needed to be replaced, and the bathrooms needed a little TLC but the master bedroom was huge with a walk-in closet and a master bath with a jacuzzi tub (that alone had Dean sold with a lot of innuendos and wiggly eyebrows happening when they first looked at the house) and they still had two extra bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms. Overall, it was an amazing experience and they couldn’t be happier.
Until last month that is. When Castiel started bringing up the little hound from the shelter again. What started as a silly little argument turned into an all out, full blown fight. Over a dog! Dean didn’t think they were ready to bring home a puppy yet still, they literally just moved into their first house together, but Cas was adamant that the house needed something else. Especially since he was home alone most of the day, which made Dean feel terrible. He didn’t say that though, of course, which is why Cas left to stay with Gabe for a week while Dean was left to stew in his misery.
During that week he was able to work past his issues with a puppy and come up with a plan. With the help of Sam, Jess, Charlie and a little push from Gabe he was able to adopt that little brown eyed hound from the shelter, prep the house, get the pup signed up for training classes, and work on crate and potty training. He wanted to show his lover that he thought about this and didn’t just go out on a whim to make him happy.  
“Did you really think you could sneak past me? I've been waiting for you to get home for hours." Cas hissed his tan arms crossed across his chest, blue eyes blazing with fury.
“Actually I was hoping to surprise you.” Dean said softly before he opened their front door and gave a small whistle. Within seconds a happy little hound puppy came bounding up their front steps, stepping on it’s too long ears and tripping over the threshold with a small oomph. The green eyed man bent down with a chuckle to pick up the wiggly pup and was rewarded with puppy breath and wet puppy kisses.
Castiel let out a small gasp, the fur ball was wearing the blue collar he’d bought months ago. “Dean? Is that the collar I bought? Is he really ours?” He whispered unbelievingly as all the pent up anger he felt slowly disappear with just one look at his best friend holding the sweet little puppy.
Dean answered with a nod, gesturing with his head for his lover to come closer. The dark haired man stepped forward quickly, his eyes filling with love as he reached out and touched the velvety softness of the puppies head.
“Hi little one, aren’t you just the cutest thing ever?”
“I thought I was the cutest thing ever?” Dean quipped uncertainly, he was answered only with some eye rolling and a small huff.
“Dean? Do you have the little monster? He took off when you whistled,” Sam said while running into the house a little out of breath, arms full of toys, treats, food and water bowls, all the things that Cas hid in their closet plus some. He paused, taking in the scene in front of him. “Oops, sorry to interrupt! I’m just gonna lay these things here and I’ll be on my way.” With a nervous chuckle he emptied his arms on the floor by the door and gave Dean the ‘you better call me later or I will kill you’ look before swiftly turning around and all but ran out the door.
“Thanks a lot Sammy!” Dean yelled to his retreating brother’s back, he really owes him a lot. This wouldn’t have been possible without his support and his pet friendly apartment. “I’m sorry I’ve been acting really shady lately, I never meant to make you worry.” he whispered cautiously, stepping closer to Cas to let him take the 10 pounds of fluff from his arms carefully. Dean couldn’t help the small affectionate smile that spread across his face at the sight of his longtime boyfriend cuddling and cooing to the puppy.
With a huff Castiel stalked off towards the couch, but was still cooing softly to the bundle of joy carefully cradled in his arms. “Shady is an understatement.” He murmured without looking up, his blue eyes gazing lovingly at the brown and white doggy.
Dean treaded carefully over to the couch, sitting delicately on the arm as to not piss off his lover more by getting too close. “I just really wanted to do something special for you.”
Finally, blue locked with pleading green and Dean could see the cold melting from his boyfriend’s eyes. The sandy haired man scooted off the arm of the couch then, feeling more comfortable now that his lover was thawing. He moved close enough to be able to wrap a strong arm around his lithe waist, pulling the shorter man in close to his body.
“Thank you Dean.” Castiel said fondly, accepting the embrace fully. He leaned up to place a swift kiss to the underside of Dean’s stubbly jaw before picking up the puppy to look deep into it’s eyes. Cas got a lick to the nose in response, with a giggle he laid the puppy down in his lap so he could get comfortable in Dean’s arms.  
“What are you gonna name him sweetheart?” Dean asked bemused, reaching out a hand to scratch behind the puppy’s ear.
“I think I’ll name him Jack.” With a happy little bark, it was settled.
Sure, their life would change drastically with a new house and a puppy, but the ring that’s hidden in the safe at Bobby’s shop says that Dean’s in it for the long haul and he wouldn’t change a thing.
@controloffandoms hope you enjoyed it! :)
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symphonic--chaos · 5 years
Empires of Brick and Blood Chapter 3 - Currere Rating: PG-13 This chapter is set to the song: Rev 22:20 - Puscifer
Also posted on AO3
Being hidden away was something that Bane had been used to his entire life. Since he was born, since the plague hit, the day his adoptive parents died to it, while he dealt drugs in the alley, and even when his real parents died. Always out of sight, always out of mind. He was taught it was always smart this way, it was the best way to keep attention off of yourself, to become part of the shadows where you were safe. Though, once he’d lost everyone, he decided there was no reason to hide anymore. Who was he going to live for anyway? “Who’s she?” He asked quietly, pointing a finger at the woman in the old photograph with his free hand. Bodies lay all over his bed, most asleep, but some were idly enjoying their high and staring at walls and the ceiling, or listening to the two at the head of the bed. “My great grandmother, Cat. She was a lot like me according to my mom, she said I look just like her.” “You do, sweetpea. You could both be twins,” Bane’s hand lifted from its spot on her shoulder to ruffle her bright blue hair, his lips meeting her forehead in a loving kiss. “That why you dyed your hair blue? To match her?” Her smile told him he was correct and he gave her a wink before looking down at the…one, two, three, four, five- five bodies on his bed. “Have we found homes, yet?”
“Mm, yeah, but they’re all worried Alec is gonna find them, looking for you.” Bane’s brows furrowed at that, his teeth catching his bottom lip and nibbling there in thought. It had been seven months of avoiding the eldest Lightwood sibling, he was tired of running, he was tired of having to plan his every move and hiding space. Alec certainly had become a pain in the ass, literally and… The hand around his throat held him up against the wall, their panting and moans echoing against the empty alley walls. The lack of blood flow was sending his mind into the sweetest natural high and his smile had gone from teasing amusement to sheer pleasure, only added to by the way Alec had angled his hips. Teeth were biting into his shoulder and he could feel every single wave of anger emanating off the taller man, the frustration and irritation with what they’d somehow come to doing when no one was watching. His teasing and flirting, his daring steps to even touch Alec in a way that someone trying to pet a potentially vicious dog and ready to move away had been accepted on a day that was just right. Alec had been in a mood, and it wasn’t the normal mood that would have ended in Bane’s death. As the hand moved down to join the other in gripping his hips, he could feel the bruises already forming and Alec was telling him how much he hated him, how he– “Bane?” He snapped out of his thoughts and cleared his throat, looking over to Alissa with an apologetic smile. Lost in his thoughts again, though he knew that she was aware he did it often. “Yeah, I’m here. Let’s wake them up and get some food into them, okay? Jacob dropped off some bags with clothes, have them take showers and get changed, we’ll wash their clothes up.” “You’re too good for us all, you know that?” Alissa said after looking up at him for a beat, her lips forming a soft smile. “Most people wouldn’t take in us ‘strays’ and get us back on our feet, but you took that risk.” “Sometimes we all need to take risks if it means making this shithole a better place. There’s just different approaches from everyone, and one single end-goal.” Another kiss was pressed to her forehead before Bane slid off the bed, his own words resonating in his mind. Even if it meant sacrifices and risks, there were people all over this city that wanted nothing but the best to see it all turn around, to bring a true change for good. Alissa was working hard on helping him round up the addicts that needed help the most, letting them crash in his place or finding them somewhere else to sleep, all while they worked on finding them jobs and homes. Jacob was taking in his own strays, all dogs though, and training them to be companion animals to those that needed it, mostly those mentally affected but not consumed by the plague. Izzy was stealing Zydrate from her own family’s labs to help Magnus, keeping him company and, most importantly, keeping him sane; showing him the meaning of a best friend while he worked his ‘magic’ on the drug to make it so it wasn’t addictive and not only gave the high, but healed people inside and out, as well. ~10 years ago~ “Bane? Why Bane?” “Why not Bane? You came up with a fake name of your own, I can go by whatever I want to.” The boys mother looked at him skeptically, his returned gaze challenging her to really pick something wrong with it when the name she went by was false as well. “It’s just so… negative…” “It’s mine now, so let’s go with it, Niida.” A sigh of defeat paired with a triumphant smile, which only faltered when her long arms wrapped around him and pulled him into a tight embrace. Bane knew she was just being motherly, wanting the best for her only child while they played keep away from the Largo’s and the Repo men that hunted the city for anyone on their ‘unpaid’ list. This was the case when it came to several members of their family- his mothers lungs, his fathers kidney, and, much to the corporations dismay, the device that kept his own heart beating. A replacement heart wasn’t something he’d wanted, it was fake to him, something that would take away who he was. If he had someone else’s heart, the one he had, which his mother told him was so big and full of love, would be obsolete. Bane would cease to be himself and he feared being someone cold and vicious like the men in masks that haunted their streets. “Your boobs are smothering me,” came the muffled complaint after succumbing to the hug to have her moment, his hands flailing behind her in slight panic. “Shhhh, just accept it, go to sleep.” Both laughed as he managed to yank himself away with a muttered 'You crazy bitch!’, her eyes glinting with the same playfulness that was always in his own. Her hands shot out to grab him again and, with a quick duck, Bane was skirting away and making a quick exit out of their home with a wave behind him`. “Go find your father for your training! He’ll be pissed if you don’t, and you remember the last time you pissed him off!” The call came from the window right as the jingle of her comm announced she was getting a call, no doubt from whoever her employer was. They were always bothering her day and night, something she passed off by saying 'The life of a nurse will always be busy.’ “Yeah, yeah, go find him so he can kick my ass again…” Bane muttered as he tugged his long dark brown hair up and into a low, messy ponytail, his hood soon pulled over his head as well. His father meant well in training him how to fight, but sometimes he just didn’t know when to stop pushing so hard and it wound up in both being frustrated at each other. It was never something that lasted longer than a day, Bane’s mother made sure of that, usually scolding one or both of them in the end. “Sometimes the toughest people just need to be reminded that not everyone is bad. Bad at doing something, being a certain way, or just a bad person in general. Trust is a really, really tough thing to come across lately. All you can do is ask that your father gives you a chance to prove that you’re trying.” ~2 months ago~ “Listen, before you kill me, hear me out, okay? I need to give you something.” The grunt was full of desperation, Alec’s hand tightening around Bane’s throat as he was pinned against the crumbling brick wall of an abandoned building. Through the triumph laced anger in Alec’s eyes, Bane could see a curiosity there, since he wasn’t flirting with him like normal. Bane’s hand tightened around the wrist holding his neck as he tried tugging it off, taking in a deep breath as it finally gave way and Alec released him. It stayed close, Bane noticed, though he couldn’t blame him considering all the times he’d run and the months spent chasing him. Bane’s hand went into his pocket, producing a small, dark blue vial of the Zydrate he’d been working on and he handed it to Alec with some hesitance. Alec’s face said it all when he saw the vial, the irritation and impatience over Bane probably trying to distract him with the drugs he peddled on the streets. When the eldest Lightwood’s lips parted to deny the vial, his hand coming up to push it away, Bane lifted his free hand and sighed. “It’s not me trying to give you drugs. You have one of my people in your prisons. He’s hurt and he’s an addict. This is … Zydrate that’s been modified by me. I’ve been working on changing its composition to heal. Injuries, addiction, all while they get their high and don’t know any better.” Alec’s face had gone from irritation to disbelief, but not the one Bane would have hoped for. “Bullshit. You want me to believe you of all people can change something like that? You’re a dealer, not a scientist.” “I’m serious,” Bane near growled as his eyes narrowed, “I’m not a scientist, I just… I can do things. I’m uh…” He felt nervous suddenly, but still he lifted his hand to brush his bangs aside, revealing the cat-like pupil beneath. Alec stepped back quickly, his hand going to the prod at his side, ready to defend himself even if realistically he knew that if Bane were rabid, he would have attacked months ago. How could he have not noticed it before? His mind raced as he thought of all the times he’d caught Bane, of any times his hair had shifted. There’d been an eyepatch quite a few times, and other times the eye had been closed when exposed or solely covered by his hair. The threat was still there to him, he knew that those with the plague had something wrong with him, and Alec was in no position or will to believe it was solely Bane’s eye. “I don’t know how I can do it, but I’m able to adjust and gather energy to change the air around me, change the compositions of different things and… I don’t know what it is. I didn’t ask for it, I almost lost my life unwillingly receiving it. I didn’t want it until I realized I could do this, and that I could help people. I made the best out of the worst.” Bane took a deep breath and stepped forward, offering up the vial again as he kept his other hand up in a sign of defeat. This time, Alec didn’t step back, though his hand stayed on the prod. “Give this to him. He had agreed to let me test it on him before you caught him. He’ll need more and I have more to give. Three vials, one week. That’s all I’m asking. If he shows no signs of changing, I will turn myself in and you can do whatever you want. I don’t go back on my promises, I always keep my word.” The simplest thing to do would have been to say 'No.’ Alec had every chance to take him, cuff him, throw him into a cell and dust his hands of Bane, but in the back of his mind, the words 'he is the key’ resonated. No matter how much he tried to shake the thought off, it repeated over and over, until it was all he could focus on, like someone was there in his mind with a megaphone, shouting it. “Fine! Fine.” Alec nearly shouted, startling Bane, who took a small step back with a raised brow. “Give me that.” The vial was taken and inspected as an irritated sigh, the taller man’s gaze rising to stare Bane down. Bane was standing straight, staring him in the eyes with confidence and Alec resolved to taking his word for it… for now. “One week, unless he dies. Then I will send every last person I have after you.” ~ A week passed and for once, Bane hadn’t run. He had seen Alec walking the street with his crew of 'cleaners’, and for the first time in those 5 months, he approached Alec. The two times before had been hesitant drop off’s in a rather rough pass by, one that left his shoulder aching even now. Alec caught sight of Bane and seemed surprised that he would approach like this, but once he’d sent the guards down different directions, he headed towards the alley Bane usually frequented. “Did it work?” Bane asked eagerly as he approached Alec, his arms crossed over his chest as if it would stop his heart from hammering inside of it. 'Please, please work.’ he thought to himself. Alec was silent for longer than Bane would have liked as he weighed out the options of continuing to get this altered drug on the downlow, behind his parents back, or to just arrest Bane and have them force the fix out of him. Did he take the route that he would have chosen, put aside a grudge that was forced into him by his father and risk everything to work with someone who actually gave as much of a shit about the city as he did, or would he be his father? “It worked. If you want to stay out of the cell, you’re going to need to either tell us what you did to it, or give us more.” Bane could have danced, yelled, celebrated in every way possible, but he contained it all sans the bright smile that crossed his face. Alec was caught off guard by it, his pacing paused as he stared at Bane, a strange feeling stirring in him. Maybe he was getting sick. “I can get you more. Izzy–” Bane stopped suddenly as he grimaced. Alec knew that Bane was who his sister was always spending time with, going to clubs and joyrides in the middle of the night, but Bane still felt bad ratting her out, even if accidentally. “Bella has been stealing you Zydrate. I know.” Alec took a deep breath and tilted his head, first this way then that, a solid crack coming with each one. “I’ll get you some as well. You tell no one what we’re doing, do you understand? If my father catches wind, he’ll kill both of us. He doesn’t give a shit about this city, he cares about the power and the money that comes with the job.” “Bella?” Bane asked, his face screwing up in confusion. “You call her Bella?” “I-” Alec looked frustrated then before shaking his head, “Not for her name, for the literal term. It’s been a thing since we were younger.” “Bella?” Bane asked again, laughing when Alec shoved him. “It’s kind of cute. Thanks for letting me in on your little secret. If you get me more, I can make more, and I know people that really, really need it. If you can help me help them, I can get them off the drugs, off the streets. That’s less for you to worry about, and more responsible people to pay you back. Deal?” “…Deal.” ~Now~ Bane could feel the heat moving through his body and to his hand, a faint glow of blue beginning to spread like a fire beginning to take hold of kindling, growing until it reached the light blue vial and turned it a darker blue. Smoke rose from the lid of the container as he placed it down in the small box it came from. The next vial was removed and his magic worked on it, then the next, and the next sixteen after that. By the time he’d finished he was damn near drained and he closed the lid of the box, flopping back onto the couch behind him with a lack of his normal grace. He, Izzy and Alec had been secretly working together on getting as many vials put together as they could without being caught, though there had been a few close calls. From this, they had learned that Bane’s idea of sneaking into the Lightwood residence was not a fantastic idea, that all interactions would have to be held in the alley’s or, only with Izzy, at his own home. Letting Alec know where he nested was the very last on the list of good ideas, as that meant he could take advantage of it if anything went south.  It would stay this way for as long as he could keep it like that, the apartment blissfully silent other than the sound of the fan rotating in front of him and the sound of the crickets outside. Bane’s mind wandered as he leaned back on the couch, his head resting against the back, his eyes falling shut. He was grateful for Izzy and Jacob, all the help and companionship they’d provided, also thinking then how he would have to introduce them and Alissa to complete their small friend circle. It went to his little alley 'children’, all the people there that looked up to him for their high. It went to Alec and the way his mothers words, his courage to act on them, had brought the man originally attempting to catch and imprison him to instead become an ally. It had forced the two of them, enemies, to work together for a good greater than their own rivalry. His courage, again, paired with his flirtatious nature had brought them to… The sound of his zipper lowering was brief in the silence, but the sound of his breath catching seemed louder than everything.
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xans-ex · 6 years
Games (Bambam Smut)- One Shot
Pairing: Bambam x Reader Genre: Smut Length: Long
*Warning: Rated (M) for mature, unprotected sex, overstimulation, daddy kink, hair pulling, dom/sub kink*
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This is for my best friend of 4 1/2 years, @yumiko--cosplay​ who is such a big Bambam stan and i can’t blame her cause that man sure is beautiful. Anyways hope you enjoy this boo xD it’s weird writing a smut that you requested but our friendship is weird so I kinda expected this. Love you bitch :)
Summary- Your friend Irene invites you to a party to get your lazy ass out the house. You’re glad that you got your lazy ass out that house.
“Y/N, come on! You have been laying in this bed for three days. You’re going to literally die in that bed if you lay in it any longer.”
Irene was poking at you, your body slumped under your covers as a sign that you were not planning on leaving the comforts of your bed any time soon. “That doesn’t sound so bad.” Irene scoffed at your dry reply, having had enough of your mood.
“Come on! There is this guy I know, and he’s having a party at this big cabin near the lake. It’ll be fun...maybe...you could get laid?” Irene poked a little harder at your side and you removed your cover from your face, scowling at her. “I have no interest in going to this party, or getting laid for that matter.”
It wasn’t that you hated parties...or sex...it was just that you were not in the mood. Since summer started you had no time to yourself, following Irene around like a lost puppy and partying every weekend. All you wanted to do was rest your tired feet and give yourself one weekend without a killer hangover.
“When is the last time you’ve had sex? Like a decade ago?” Irene’s voice cut into your thoughts and your scowl returned as you glared at her. “You are so dramatic, and I just want to relax. All I have done is party.” You sat up in your bed, your arms crossing over your chest. “You can rest next weekend.” Irene pouted, her eyes staring down at you as she begged. “That’s what you said last weekend.” You mumbled, looking away from her to avoid her puppy dog eyes.
“Please? You’re like...my only friend and I don’t want to show up alone.” You looked at Irene as she spoke. You and Irene had been friends for years, your bond stronger than anything. You sighed, rolling your eyes at her. “Fine...” You groaned and you watched as Irene’s face lit up like a light bulb. She squealed, her arms engulfing you in a tight hug. “Thank you!” She squealed, her arms squeezing you so hard that you thought your spine would break.
“I’ll pick you up later tonight! Make sure you dress sexy!” She hummed, her body doing a little dance as she walked out your room. Your eyes rolled again, a huff leaving your throat as you covered yourself once again under your sheets.
Later that night
You looked yourself over in the mirror, checking to make sure your makeup was nice and that your dress was hugging you in all the right places. Your feet by this time were so used to wearing heels that it felt like tennis shoes to you now, and you looked yourself over, feeling satisfied with the results.
Irene’s signal of her arrival reached your ears and you sighed, grabbing your small bag and phone before heading out the house. Irene’s red convertible was shining under your street lights and you flashed a small smile at her as you got inside. She looked you up and down, her eyes dancing over your figure. “Damn Y/N, you look sexy.” Her compliment, which was normal, was still enough to make you scrunch your nose in embarrassment. “Stop...” You whined, moving slightly so you could put your seatbelt on. “Alright hun, lets get ready to party.”
Irene’s convertible slowed to a stop in front of the cabin house, the trees surrounding it decorating it nicely. “Have you ever seen Cabin In The Woods?” You looked over at Irene as she stared back at you with a raised brow. “Is this you trying to reference some serial killer movie?” She rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying that if a unicorn impales me, it’s your fault.” You teased, getting out of her convertible.
You looked at the cabin, sighing slightly as you walked down the stone walkway with Irene by your side. You could hear the bass of the music blasting, the windows showing bodies walking and dancing past it. You and Irene arrived at the door and you watched as Irene’s manicured finger rang the doorbell. All too quickly, the door swung open and you saw a man around your age flash Irene a smile.
“Yugyeom!” Irene quickly hugged the male, a bright smile on her face. “it’s good to see you.”
“Come on in.” Yugyeom looked at the two of you, moving out the way so you both could walk inside. The inside was huge, the walls decorated with hunting gear and animal heads. It wasn’t exactly what you’d picture to be perfect party decor but it wasn’t like the animals were talking to you or anything. You looked around, your eyes gazing up at the upstairs and the people leaning against the wooden railing.
Your eyes scanned until they froze on another pair of eyes, his brown orbs burning into your eyes. He was lean, his skinny frame leaning against the railing. His eyes were still on you as he sipped from his red solo cup, his silver hair slightly covering his eyes.
“Careful...he’s a player.” Irene whispered in your ear and you jumped, surprised by how close she was. “What do you mean?” You looked at your friend. “Bambam. He’s a player. Just a warning...but he is still cute so don’t be scared. I think he might like you...” Irene teased and you scoffed, rolling your eyes. You looked back up at where Bambam was standing only to see an empty space. You looked around, scanning for a head full of silver hair but found nothing.
This party was longer than you thought it would be and it was killing you. Your feet were starting to hurt and you were lazily sipping on whatever alcoholic concoction was made and you started to feel a little light. You leaned against the kitchen counter, looking around. Irene had gone off with whoever and was dancing and drinking to her hearts content, something you were amazed by. How did she wake up every day ready to party and wreck herself only to wake up fine, ready to start all over again?
“It’s a gift not everyone should have.” A voice cut your train of thought and you realized you had been talking out loud. You turned your head to be met with a familiar pair of brown eyes.
He smirked at you, his hand lifting his cup to his lips. He took a sip of his drink, his tongue quickly swiping over his bottom lip as he looked you up and down, drinking you in. “Oh, uh..” You stammered and your face heated up as Bambam only chuckled. “What’s your name?” He asked, his eyebrow raising slightly. “Y-Y/N...” You mumbled, your name almost hard to hear and it caused him to lean closer to hear you. “You don’t really go to parties do you?” He asked and you sighed. “I um...I go to too many actually. My friend dragged me here...and there...and literally to every party that happens within miles of our town.” You groaned in annoyance at the end.
“Then how come I never seen you before?” He cocked his head to the side, his bangs swaying. “I usually just stay to the side...” You started to become a little more comfortable, his close proximity made you nervous but there was just something about him that relaxed you. “Well...I’m glad I found you.” He hummed, reaching up to gently run his fingers through your hair. You gulped, his fingers grazing the side of your face. “Are you nervous?” He asked, his tongue once again swiping over his bottom lip. “N-No.” You stuttered.
You were lying, but Bambam said nothing. He just continued to hover his hand over your skin softly, barely even grazing. It made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. “Have you heard about me?” He was leaning closer to you. He’s confident. Maybe because you hadn’t pushed him away yet, or that was just his personality. “A little.” You squeaked. “What have you heard?” His question came fast and you were almost caught off guard.
“Um...I-I heard that you’re a player.” You stuttered again. He was making your heart beat a million times a second, but for some reason you wanted more. It was like he had a gravitational pull on you. “Do you think that’s true?” He was extremely close now, his lips only inches from yours. Your breath was labored as you slowly shook your head and your eyes flicked back and forth from Bambam’s eyes to his lips. He hesitated, his breath tickling your lips. “Hm...well it is.” He almost groaned his words out as his hands found its location on your lower back.
You felt a shiver run down your spine and you heard him chuckle, his lips keeping its small distance. “Do you like that? My hands on you?” He was talking dirty to you, and you didn’t know if it was because you hadn’t been touched in a while or the fact that you were in public that made a heat rise between your legs. You nodded slowly, the need for more was becoming more and more overbearing.
His hands started to move down until they were at your ass and you tried your hardest to contain a moan as he squeezed your flesh. “N-Not here...” You moaned softly.
You felt Bambam’s body freeze for only a second at your moan, his tongue licking his bottom lip once more. He quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you up the stairs and down a hallway. You looked around, seeing many rooms and doors closed before looking at Bambam as he pulled you into an empty bedroom. He quickly closed the door behind him and locked it, his swift movements catching you by surprise.
“Do you do this often?” You asked, watching him as he neared closer to you, your body moving back until you were against the wall and Bambam walked until he was against you, his hands trapping you on both sides of your body. He leaned close until his lips were against your neck, completely ignoring your question as he pressed wet kisses against your skin. His hands were back on your ass again, his hands kneading you and another moan left your lips as he sucked on a sensitive part of your neck.
“You sound so sexy when you moan.” He growled and you felt your knees start to shake. “Kiss me...please.” You murmured and Bambam pulled away from your neck, looking at you with hungry eyes. “Why should I?” He teased, his eyes flicking back and forth between your lips and eyes. “Don’t play games with me, Bambam.” You whined. “Why not? I like to watch you beg.” He growled as he slowly lifted up your dress till it was at the top of your waist and your thighs clenched when his cold hands touched your exposed skin.
“Please...” You whined again. Bambam hummed, his eyes looking you up and down. “Get on the bed, baby girl.”
You shivered at the nickname he gave you and you were quick to walk over to the bed, hesitating before laying down on it. You looked over at Bambam, who was just staring at you with a playful smirk. “Do you touch yourself?” He asked. You blinked a few times before nodding. “Use your words baby girl...Daddy wants to hear your voice.”
When he called himself ‘Daddy’, a moan escaped your lips. “Yes.” You moaned. “Yes what?” Bambam’s voice was almost threatening. “Yes Daddy...” You murmured. He hummed at your response. “I like that. Touch yourself for me like the good little slut you are.” His hands were slowly unbuckling his belt as he spoke and you watched as he did so, your legs spreading slowly. You slowly pulled your dress down and off of your body, leaving you in just your bra and panties.
Bambam only stared at you impatiently and his eyes flashed with irritation. “You’re taking too long...” He frowned and you were quick to take off your underwear, your teeth taking prisoner of your bottom lip as you exposed your bottom half to the man you had only met a few minutes ago. You stared at Bambam as your fingers slowly went into your mouth, coating them in saliva before you slowly moved them down to your core, your fingers slowly rubbing along your clit and moving along your folds. You touched yourself, sinful moans leaving your lips.
You could hear a soft groan and you looked over at Bambam, surprised to see him jerking himself in front of you. He was thick, and your mouth watered as you watched him touch himself. “You like it when I touch myself?” You asked. Bambam shook his head quickly. “Only I can ask the questions baby girl...” He took off his shirt, exposing his lean figure and you hesitated before slowly inserting two fingers inside yourself, a delicious moan reaching Bambam’s ears and he growled, quickly making his way over to you and smacking your hand away. “Did I say you could fuck yourself with your fingers?”
You shivered at the way he scolded you. “Then hurry up and fuck me then.” You weren’t sure how you gained the boldness to say that, the words leaving your mouth before your brain could think about what you were saying. Bambam was almost taken aback by this, no girl had ever said something like that to him. He was used to always being in control, so to be told what to do was surprising, and turned him on to no end.
He took off his pants, his body completely nude and you watched with hungry eyes as he slowly got onto the bed, stopping so his face was near you core. “Not yet baby girl...I want to taste you.” He leaned down, his lips pressing soft kisses against your inner thighs. You knew you were wet, the familiar feeling was all too known. He looked down at your pussy, his tongue sticking out to lick his lips. “Your pussy is so wet...fuck...” He couldn’t wait any longer, his tongue licking a long stripe up your pussy and between your folds. Your back arched slightly and your legs instinctively came together on both sides of Bambam’s head, locking him in. He didn’t mind this though, and it only encouraged him to wreck you, his lips and tongue starting a war with your pussy. 
Moans escaped you rapidly, your hands reaching down to tangle in his silver hair. He groaned against you, the vibrations making your stomach start to become tense. You were about to cum, and you were tempted to tell him, but you had a feeling that he wouldn’t let you. You decided to stay quiet, the need to cum was overbearing and your moans were almost screams as you neared closer and closer. With a strangled cry of his name you came, your legs shaking violently. He ripped away from you, his lips coated in your juices. “Did you just come without my permission?” He narrowed his eyes at you.
“Yeah...I did.” You felt more confident now. The urge to defy him and go against what he wanted was almost like a drug to you. You liked to play games with him just as much as he did with you too. “I see...on your hands and knees.” He commanded and you slowly did as he said, your body slightly weak from your peak.
“You want to play games huh?” He stared down at your exposed pussy, your ass clear and on display for him. He raised a hand, his eyes on you before quickly slapping your ass, the pain from it sending a sting throughout your whole ass cheek and you moaned loudly. “You think it’s okay, huh? I’m the one in control.” He was angry, and his never-ending slaps against your ass proved that. He kept going, your ass becoming red and tender. “Apologize baby girl.” He growled.
“No.” You were able to choke out an answer in between bursts of cries and moans. “No?” He couldn’t believe it. At this point, a girl would be begging for forgiveness so she could get fucked, but you just didn’t care. “Fuck...you’re unbelievable.” He groaned. He was so turned on it was ridiculous. He needed to be inside you...now.
“You’re lucky I’m impatient baby girl, or else I’d just punish you more.” He groaned, his hand grabbing his dick and lining it up with your entrance. “Hm, next time then.” You groaned. Bambam looked at you as you looked back at him. Your eyes met and he felt this weird feeling in his chest.
You wanted to do this again.
If this were any other person, he would have said no. But for some reason with you it was different. He actually wanted to do this again, and again, and again.
He snapped out of his train of thought, focusing on what he was dying to do and with one swift motion he slowly pushed into you. Your pussy was tight and stretching for his cock and you both moaned at the same time, the sound almost like a harmony. “Fuck...” You moaned out, your hands clutching the pillows in front of you.
Bambam was still, not moving at all and it was starting to annoy you. You started to move back and forth, his dick moving in and out of you and you felt him freeze before another smack was landed on your ass, causing you to move even faster. “Fuck that’s so hot...moving like that like a good little slut.” He landed another smack on your ass. You let out a sinful moan, the sound almost didn’t sound like you. “You like that? You like that huh? Fuck this dick.” Bambam leaned forwards until his chest was against your back, his lips whispering dirty words into your ear.
He started bucking into you, your toes curling at how deep he was fucking you. He quickly leaned back, his hands taking hold on your hair and he pulled, forcing your head back. Your mouth was open as he fucked you hard, your breasts bouncing fast as he pounded into you faster and faster.
“Yeah..yeah fuck me.” You moaned and Bambam moaned back in response. You were close to coming again, and you bit your bottom lip, shaking as the need to cum was building in your lower stomach and Bambam could feel you tightening around him. “You gonna cum, baby?” He growled. “Fucking cum for me baby, fucking cum on Daddy’s cock.” He landed two hard smacks against your ass, his hand pulling your hair even harder and his hips were almost hard to keep up with as his pace was almost inhuman and with a cry you came, your walls tightening around Bambam’s dick and he gritted his teeth, his thrusts became sloppy and with a loud moan of your name, he pulled out, cumming all over your back. You were shaking violently, and as Bambam was panting hard, watching his cum slowly squirt from his dick, he reached down and started rubbing at your clit.
You squealed. “Bambam...no! I’m-” You started but Bambam continued, rubbing your clit faster and his other hand smacked your ass. “Shut the fuck up.” He snarled and your fists were clenched, your nails digging into your palms as you felt your need to cum building up quickly and with a strangled cry you came for the third time, your body falling onto the bed. Your legs were limp and your body tingled. You felt the bed dip slightly and a soft kiss against your shoulder. “Next time you defy me, I’ll make you cum three more times.” He warned. You nodded, taking his words very seriously.
Next time. So there was going to be a next time.
Bambam got off the bed and disappeared in the bathroom before coming back out with a wet towel. He slowly wiped off his seed from your back, cleaning you off. “That was um...amazing.” You murmured, your energy was completely gone and at this point all you wanted to do was sleep. “I appreciate that.” He smirked, leaning down to press another kiss against your shoulder. You closed your eyes, ready to doze off before you heard your phone ring and you groaned. “Can...can you get my phone? It’s in my bag.” You sighed and watched as Bambam grabbed your phone from your bag and held it out for you, your arm reaching out and you grabbed it quickly.
“H-Hello?” You groaned. “I know you went off with player boy. Hope everything went well. You ready to go?” Her voice was loud compared to the still blaring music that was deafening even from upstairs. “Um...yeah...just give me a minute-” Your phone was taken from your hand before you even had time to protest and Bambam had it to his ear. “Hey Irene. She is a little exhausted so she can stay here with me tonight. I’ll drop her off in the morning.” He said before hanging up and placing your phone on the nightstand.
 You didn’t even have the energy to complain or scold him. “I...I can’t just stay here. This isn’t my place.” You mumbled lazily. “I know that, it’s mine. Now shut up and go to sleep.” He said, going over to his clothes which were laying on the floor. He started to put them on and you pouted. “You’re not going to sleep next to me?” You whined. “As much fun as that sounds, not right now. I got over fifty drunk idiots in my house right now and I want to make sure this doesn’t turn into a Project X party.” He rolled his eyes at the thought. He reached for the door handle, about to open the door but your voice stopped him. “Did you mean it...when you said ‘Next time’?”
He looked back at you with a smirk. “Of course baby girl...you’re fun to play games with. Daddy will be back later.” His answer left another shiver down your spine and you watched as he walked out the room, the door closing behind him.
What have you gotten yourself into?
Author’s Note
I really hope you guys enjoy this...I tried to make it as dirty as possible but I’m real awkward so...
Also, this is my first fic with an idol other than someone from BTS so I hope all the Ahgases are satisfied with this. :’)
I was going to post Chapter 8 of Goomar tonight but time flew as I was writing this so I’ll most likely post it Friday night. :)
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graysonpuzzle · 7 years
NOTE: Freshly edited this. I’d like to warn that in this chapter there is a panic attack/anxiety. Also, for the rest of this fic (I like to call it a book lol) this warning will apply, and all of the anixety/panic related things are based on my own experiences, so if you think they are weird/innaccurate, I am basing them off my own panic attacks and anxiety. There is also violence, cussing and all that stuff. I would love some feedback on my writing!
Chapter Three
----------------------------- June 6th, 1990
“Mommy please don't go!” I remember telling my mom, as I pulled on her shirt.
“I know honey, but mommy and daddy have to help their friends, ok?” She replied and my dad came galloping down the stairs
“Ready girls?” He asked and grabbed his car keys.
I didn't think much of the ride to my grandparents house, but now I think of that car ride constantly; that was the last car ride I'd have with my parents. My dad picked me up out of the car and carried me to grandpas front door. I cried when they left, begging them to stay.
Grandpa said they would be gone for a week at the most. A week passed, then another. In the kitchen of the second week, Grandpa answered the phone and he dropped the phone, letting it hang by the cord. I tried to ask him what was wrong, but he composed himself and acted as if it was nothing. Even though I was small, I knew something was wrong. I was always a smart kid, and could read people before Grandpa made me learn.
Weeks turned into months and everyday I asked my Grandpa when my parents were coming to get me. His replies were always the same: ‘They'll be here in no time, Gray.”
One night I had a nightmare, the first of many that would take place most nights for the rest of my life. I went to my Grandpa's room looking for comfort but instead, he was weeping on the edge of his bed. I ended up doing the comforting.
“It’s ok, Grandpa, I miss Mommy and Daddy too, but you said they’ll be here soon,” I tried to explain, but I didn't understand why he kept crying.
He pulled me up onto his lap and through his tears told me, “Mommy and Daddy went to heaven, we won't see them for a long time.”
As I got older, I understood and remembered every detail of the last day I saw them. I think of my mom when I listen to her favorite music. I think of my Dad when I wear the necklace he gave my mom when they were teenagers. It’s a small chain with the moon on it; I remember my mom loving to go outside and look at the stars, the moon represented her love for the night and stars.
On my birthday each year Grandpa would give me something of theirs. I could tell it pained him to let go of those things, but he always told me they would want me to have them. Everywhere I go I wear the necklace, I listen to the music in the car, and read the books they used to own.
December 29th, 2006
“New York really is pretty in the winter,” I think outloud.
“It’s going to be even better when we kill this werewolf,” Dean states.
We check into the first motel with vacancy and I check in first.
“One king please,” I say to the woman behind the counter, getting money out of my pocket.
“Sorry, sweetie, the only room left is a double queen,” she replies with a severe smokers voice. I look at Sam and Dean, they just nod, whatever that means.
“The three of us will take that room then,” I say and hand her money, and she hands me the keys.
We walk down the hall to find our room. I unlock the door and stand in the entrance in shock. There are mirrors on the ceiling, no wonder it was rather expensive, and it was the last room left. The brothers walk in and Dean just starts smiling like a wierdo. Sam doesn't seem to care and sets his bag on the couch. I drop my bag on the floor and make my way back to the check in desk.
I ring the bell and the same woman comes to the counter, “Yes?”
“Are you sure there aren't any more rooms left, there's um-”
“Mirrors on the ceiling? I know, Sorry hon, it's the last room we got, surprising though since it's almost New Years,” she says.
I walk back to the room, a little disgusted by the room that I have to share with two guys. I get a shiver down my spine and open the door. I throw myself on the first bed and can't stop saying the word ‘ew’ in my mind over and over again.
“We should get started on the case soon, only a few hours until it's dark,” I hear Sam say and sit up.
“Well let's head to the station then,” Dean says.
“Alright,” Sam agrees and they both look at me.
“I think I'm going to check on the latest scene and see if I can find anything,” I say.
“What? No,” Dean says, “I think you should stick with us.”
“Why? Because I’m ‘unstable?’ I can handle myself,” I argue.
“Yeah, actually that's exactly why,” he admits.
“Listen you prick, you don't know me, you have your problems and I have mine,” I snap.
“Dean, come on-” Sam starts but Dean cuts him off.
“Look at that, you just think you're the boss of everyone! Do you always talk to your brother like that?”
“I don't think you're experienced enough to hunt by yourself,” He replies and ignores my question.
“Really? I've been training since I was 7 years old, I could kill you right now just by poking the right pressure points.”
“That doesn't mean anything.”
“It doesn't? Fine, how about I use my knife throwing to defend myself? Or how about archery? Maybe even mixed martial arts?” I list, and Sam raises his brows, impressed by the skills my grandfather made me learn.
“None of that means that you make good decisions!” Dean yells.
“Oh, so it's my judgement?”
“YES! You freaking took on a vampire nest by yourself and now you want to take on a werewolf? Are you insane?”
“You know what, since we're pointing out things ‘wrong’ with me, why don't I point out yours?” I ask sarcastically, “Let's see, who is it that made enemies with Gordon and got me attacked because of it? And you won't even tell me why!”
“That has nothing to do with what we're talking about!” He yells.
I ignore him and continue, “You know what, maybe I will listen to you, if you're honest. Thats one thing I got over you, buddy, at least im honest. Yeah, I'm a little too confident, sometimes I think I can handle these things by myself, but you know what?”
“You're getting on my nerves,” he fumes.
“I can tell just by looking at you that you lie all the time. You lie to make yourself feel better, you lie to your brother quite a bit, and I know for a fact that you bottle everything inside just so people don't see it,” He looks frustrated now, I think I hit him hard, “But I can see right through you, so next time you want to accuse me of being unstable, just look at yourself.”
I put on my jacket, gloves and hat and go to the door, “And just in case you were wondering, psychology is another thing my grandpa trained me in you asshole,” I finish and slam the door behind me.
I make my way to the scene, which is a rather long walk. I get on the street where we think the most recent attack took place. The last kill was in an alleyway. I hear trashcans moving in an alley and go to it. It’s only a cat, scrounging for food, I’m guessing. I pull out what's left of a pack of teddy grahams and give it to the cat. She takes them and rubs against me.
“You're not a big bad wolf, are you?” I say and scratch her head. She looks up suddenly and runs away.
“Fine.” I'm hurt, I thought we were bonding. I turn around to see what the cat saw, there a man standing at the end of the alley. “I don't really feel like getting mugged right now, so leave me alone,” and I keep walking, sure that I can kick his ass if he tries anything.
As I approach, he doesn't move and I can see him better with each step I take. Hes muscular, tall and overall sketchy looking. He stares at me as if I'm an old friend.
“Kelly?” He asks.
“Uh, sorry pal, I'm not the girl you think I am,” I say and walk past him, but he grabs my arm and squeezes hard.
“You look just like my Kelly,” he breathes rather hard and continues, “Beautiful Hazel eyes, waved chestnut hair...”
“Ok, creep, let me go,” I say and jerk my arm out of his grasp and continue walking. I hear a low growl then look back at the man, “look, back off- oh my god.”
The man doesn't look how he did seconds ago...he's the monster im hunting. I pull out my gun and shoot, hitting him in the shoulder as he charges at me. I sprint down the street to get away but I can feel him on my heels. Think, Grayson, think. I take a sharp turn down a different alley that I passed earlier. There's a high fence at the end, it might not stop him, I just hope it gives me time to get away. I get to the fence and climb as fast as I can, but after getting a few feet up, it's over; I feel his claws latch themselves into my ankle and wrench me down. I land on my back and aim my gun but he smacks it from my hand. I crawl backwards like a crab until my back hits the fence.
He puts his face inches from mine and just stares for what feels like minutes. He makes an animal noise and I close my eyes, I don't want to see what he does next. I expect him to kill me, but instead he lifts me up and I open my eyes. Hes carrying me over his beastly shoulder. Shit shit shit, this is not good.
I constantly try to fight, but he squeezes me with so much strength that I have to gasp for breath. He ends up taking me to an abandoned building or something, maybe an old dog kennel, judging by the cages. He literally throws me into one and I land on my tailbone.
“So what now? Trust me I'm shallow and won't fall in love with you based on your personality,” I say, hoping to get a rise out of him so he makes noise or gives me a chance at escape.
He just growls and locks the cage. All I have left is the knife I always have strapped to my thigh and some silver bullets for the gun left in the alley. My phone must've fell out of my pocket while he was chasing me. I've never seen a werewolf act so human while in the animal phase.
Through a small window I can see that the sky has finally gone dark. Hopefully this mutt will stop pacing around in circles and leave so I can make a break for it.
“Alright buddy, if you're going to kill me, might as well get it over with.”
He replies with a low growl.
“So what's the point of keeping me here, huh? You killed all your other victims on the spot, why the sudden change?”
He ignores me and continues pacing. Bitch. I sit on the cement floor and rest my back on the kennel wall. I get out my knife and twirl it around for fun. More hours pass.
“You know, my Grandpa made me get training in knife throwing, if these bars weren't between us, I could hit you right between the eyes,” I say out loud, knowing he either won't respond or do so with a growl.
Either I got used to his paws constantly touching the floor, or he left. Quietly I get up and look out. Hes gone, maybe he's turning back or getting food. I walk to the back of my kennel and kick the chained door as hard as i can. Nothing. I try again, but no luck. Next I try to pick the lock with my knife, which from the beginning was a stupid idea, but was worth a shot. I hear a distant noise and step back. The werewolf comes back, but looks more enraged than ever.
He runs at the bars and his claws scrape the metal on the door. What the hell was the point of trapping me just to have a harder time attacking me? I panic as he begins breaking through. I get an idea and begin climbing up two of the kennel walls, stretching one leg on each side. He breaks the lock and chains and barrels through. He jumps at me and I jump down, kicking him with both feet in the chest. It knocks the beast down and I run as fast as I can out of there.
I get out of the room and enter a long hallway. There are bigger windows and I can tell the sun is about to rise. When he changes I can kill him. I look back for a moment and he breaks through the door and his eyes lock on me. I push myself to run as fast as I can, but he easily catches up just like before. I go into a random room and slam the door. It's a heavy door, so it will take him longer to get through. It looks like an old office or something, because there is a desk and a bunch of random paperwork on the ground.
There's a big window behind the desk. The pounding and scratching on the door is constantly reminding me to hurry. I push the desk out of the way easily and pull the blinds all the way up. Its one of those protected windows that doesn't open, like ones that I see in schools sometimes. I pick up the desk and throw it the best I can manage at the window. The window shatters seconds before the door breaks down.
I jump out the window and bolt down the narrow alley. I get out to the empty street and look around as I turn the corner; I have no idea where I am. I look back for a mere moment and the wolf is nowhere in sight. I decide to go back and see if he changed.
I check the alleyway and the abandoned building, but there's no sight of him. He must've changed back. Now I have to figure out where the motel is and yell at Sam and Dean for not finding me, if they bothered to look. As I walk, the streets get busier and I get dirty looks from a lot of people. I walk past a large window of a building and see why; my clothes are ripped in places, I’m covered in dirt and a little blood, not to mention my hair looks like I brushed it with an eggbeater. I'll take a shower as soon as I get back.
Somehow I make it to the alley with the big fence and find my gun but no phone. I shove it in my jacket and walk back to the motel. I knock on the door of the room I’m sharing with the Winchester brothers and step back waiting for the door to open, arms crossed. Dean opens the door.
“Where have you been?!” he asks frantically.
“Thats a good question Dean,” I reply casually, pushing past him to walk into the room.
“What happened to you?” Sam asks looking at me up and down, seeing the mess that is me.
“I don't know, maybe last night when I was by myself I got attacked by the werewolf and he literally trapped me in a cage the whole night.”
“Why didn't you call us?!” Dean asks, as if I didn't think of that.
“Well, while I was running from him or when he tossed me over his shoulder I lost it, you must think i'm really stupid, why didn't you two try to find me?”
“We did, we found your gun and your hat-” Sam starts.
“We searched all night, we called a million times. At about 4 am we decided to come back here and look for anything that might have helped,” Dean finishes explaining.
“Did you find anything?” I ask.
“Well the first victim was the guy's girlfriend and she looked a little bit like you,” Sam states.
“Kelly…” I whisper to myself.
“Yeah, how'd you know?” Sam asks, confused.
I look up at Sam, Dean looking at me waiting for an answer. “Before he changed, he said I looked just like her but when I tried to walk away he changed and attacked me,” I explain.
“But you said he put you in a cage?” Dean asks.
“Yeah, he didn't hurt me, he just put me in the cage the whole time. He was pacing the room the whole time.” I respond.
“I think I know what's going on here,” Sam states, Dean and I look at him with curiosity.
“Well are you going to explain it to us?” Dean asks sarcastically.
“Amara looks like Kelly right? So when he saw her maybe the animal inside took control.”
“What?” I ask.
“When he saw you, it triggered something, he was supposed to kill you, but he didn't,” Sam finishes and Dean gets a look of realization, but I still don't get it.
“Looks like Wolfy has a crush on you, Sunshine,” Dean says and laughs.
“So he didn't kill me because…?”
“He was protecting you from himself is my guess,” Sam says and I just let out a long sigh.
“So I guess we know how to find him and end this,” I state, dreading what I know I have to do.
Later, I take Sam and Dean back to the kennel place the wolf--Hal is what Sam told me his name is-- took me to last night. We look through the building thoroughly and decided to wait for him to come, if he does come.
After about 2 hours of waiting we hear footsteps coming down the hall I escaped from this morning. The door opens and Hal sees me.
“Wh-what are you doing here?” He asks, panicked.
“I thought I’d pay you a visit.”
“You-you can't be here, you saw what happened, I-”
“Turned into a werewolf?”
“Yes...you need to leave, or it will come back, he's already trying to get out.”
I look at him with my eyes slightly squinted. “Why did you lock me up last night?”
“I was trying to stop it, I- he wants you, it's like he owns you, or at least that's what he thinks.”
“Stop calling it ‘him’, thats you.”
“No...no it's not, I try to keep it in but he just-he just takes control and-” And he starts breaking down in tears.
“Look, I need to end this before you kill more people, or take innocent girls in the middle of the night.”
“What do you mean?” he asks through his bawling.
I just pull my gun from my jacket and his whole mood changes.
“No-I won't let you-AGH- I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY FROM ME AGAIN KELLY!” He shouts as he turns from human to wolf.
“GUYS!” I shout and the brothers come out from their hiding places and aim their guns at him as I do.
He charges towards me and the three of us shoot simultaneously. He dodges most of the bullets and once again grabs me as I shoot at him. I just can't get a break. Once again I'm thrown over his shoulder as he runs away. I look back at Sam and Dean running after the beast, they are not nearly as fast and I lose sight of them. I still have my gun and try shooting at the back of his feet, but it's hard because of all the movement. I don't want to waste the last bullets I have and decide to wait until the timing is better.
He ends up taking me to woods. All I see is trees in every direction. He sets me down and sniffs me. I seriously hate this. I get my gun out but he sees and scratches my hand and I scream in pain, he knocks the gun feet away and my right hand is covered in blood. The sound of a twig snapping makes him dart his head and he runs. I crawl to my gun, then get up. I take off in the opposite direction that he went and go as fast as I can, hoping that if I go straight I will eventually get out of the woods.
I hate werewolves so much now; maybe I hate them more than shapeshifters. Who am I kidding? Those things will be at the top of my list since what happened with Cameron.
I keep running and dodging trees but surprisingly I haven't found my way out. I stop to climb a tree and see if I can see city lights. I have a hard time- I'll admit I suck at climbing- but I manage to get pretty far up despite the clawed hand. I look and I've been running the wrong way this whole time, guess I have to take my chances with wolf buddy. I get down and go back the way I came. My right leg is starting to hurt from the healing stab wound. I slow down only a little bit and keep going.
I hear the shaking of leaves close by but keep going. Then I hear it; I hear the vicious growl of a werewolf. I turn my head and he pounces on me. My face hits the ground, snow getting in my mouth and eyes. He flips me over onto my back and pins my arms with his mutated paws. His saliva drips on me while I grit my teeth; once again this thing has me waiting for my demise. He barks-more like roars- in my face and I can feel my eyes watering and my chest becoming heavy. If I'm going to die I might as well admit to myself that I'm horrified. I rest my head back and try to look past the beast and at the stars.
Hot tears run down the sides of my cheeks and start to heave. I can feel it coming, a panic attack. The wolf doesn't do anything to me but keep me pinned so he can scare me. The tears start rolling out faster, breathing becomes harder and I start sweating profusely. I'm going to die and my last moments will be spent having a panic attack-great, exactly the way I don't want to go.
The werewolf starts growling and I can see what he's trying to do now, he's trying to bite me. I'd rather die than be a werewolf. I scream and cry as he licks his chops and puts his jaws closer to my skin.
“HEY FURBALL!” I hear someone shout, followed by a gunshot. It hits the thing, but not in a fatal spot. I hear him whimper and he gets off me fast enough that I don't hear another shot go off. Without his weight on me, I can feel my body moving much more from the panic. I stay on the ground, in the same position he had me pinned and keep crying, not able to move. I know I can't control it, so I don't try to. My vision is blurry and it's dark, but I can see someone standing above me, crouching down.
“Grayson, come on, he's gone,” I hear the person say, and realize its Dean. I try to respond but it comes out garbled and I can't even understand myself. Next thing I know he is putting his arms under my knee and arms, lifting me up.
“Put me down, I can walk myself,” I try to say but it sounds more like ‘Puh meown Ikin wall myself.’
“I can't understand you, just focus on calming down,” He replies and keeps walking.
He walks us out of the woods and I see his car, Sam standing there waiting. He looks at me like he's worried but I don't want him to see me like this and turn away, my face in Dean's jacket like a little kid.
He slides me in the back seat and drives. The panic attack is still strong; I can't help but think about how Grandpa would react to this. As he trained me this would happen a bit and he would make me finish the hunt on my own sometimes to try and teach me that staying calm is a big part of hunting, and the only way for me to learn was to make me do it alone so I would get over it. I was 10 when he started doing that.
The car stops and they get out, Dean comes to get me, but I push him away and get myself out. I can tell that I've sweat through my shirt and everytime I think about Grandpa it's like another wave hits me and the attack gets strong again right as I feel like it's going down.
The three of us walk into our shared motel room, Sam in front of me and Dean behind. I go to my bag to get clothes and walk to the bathroom without saying anything to them. I take a long shower and calm down to normal before the water gets cold. When I'm done getting dressed I brush my teeth and get the first aid kit out. My right hand has deep claw marks, but I don't need stitches.
I walk out Sam and Dean are watching tv on the couch. After hearing the door open, they both turn around to see me.
Dean turns off the tv, “We need a lot of sleep if we're going to catch this asshole soon.”
“Agreed,” I reply, “Where do you think they keep the extra blankets?”
“That closet maybe?” Sam suggests and points to the small closet by the entrance.
I go and there are in fact extra blankets and pillows. I grab them off the top shelf and start making my bed on the couch, since it doesn't look like a pull out.
“Hey, i’ll take the couch,” Sam volunteers.
“It's fine,” I say.
“Just take my bed.”
“Sam, I don't-” I start but he walks over and takes the blankets and pillow from me, “Fine. Thanks.”
He starts setting up the couch and I go get in the bed Dean isn't in. When done, Sam shuts off the lights and I try to sleep.
“GRAYSON RENEE REED! YOU ARE PATHETIC!” My grandfather shouts then slaps me, knocking me to the ground.
“I'm sorry!” I cry and rub my cheek. Then Mom and Dad walk in.
“I am disappointed to call you my daughter,” my mother states and kicks my lower stomach while I’m down.
“I never wanted you, I always knew there was something wrong with you,” my father adds.
My grandpa then pulls my hair to make me stand, “Even these two think you're horrible and they just met you.” Sam and Dean appear with disgusted looks on their faces.
“We just feel sorry for you. Why else would anyone ever voluntarily spend time with you?” Sam asks, his head turning to the side to put emphasis on confusion.
“You unstable bitch. You're lucky I don't kill you myself,” Dean states, aggression forming in his face.
“No- No I didn't, I can't control it, I-” I start but my grandfather slaps me to the ground again.  Cameron appears and looks down at me.
“I can't believe you actually thought I loved you, are you really that pathetic?” Cameron asks.
“I'm happy we died, so we don't have to see you screw up!” My mom yells and then I start crying. I can't feel the tears but I know they're there.
“I HATE YOU!” My father yells, then everyone joins in and more people appear to take turns Even that bastard Gordon appears along with faces of familiar hunters.
“STOP!” I screech.
I wake up from my dream sweaty with moist cheeks, I push the covers off of myself and look at the clock. Its nearly 3am. I get up out of the bed and walk outside. The motel has two stories and were on the second level. I walk out in only my shorts and a t-shirt despite the cold. The brisk air immediately cools me down.
“A little cold to be dressed like that don't you think?” I turn and see Mindy walking towards me.
“What do you want?”
“Just checking up on my favorite hunter,” she smirks.
“Stop following me, if you're going to kill me, just go ahead and try.”
“No. Remember our talk last week? I like to play, and you are very feisty,” she taunts.
“I asked you why you're here, now talk.”
“I'm just keeping an eye on you, seeing if you make any progress.”
“Progress? What the hell are you talking about?” I'm seriously confused.
“You don't know. Ha, they never told you,” she laughs and I glare at her, eyes are daggers, “I suggest you look up your family history, you're related to some powerful people.”
“So what? You've been killing my family because they are strong?”
“Trust me, just look up your family tree. You will not be disappointed,” she says and walks off. I don't understand, if she wants to kill me why is she telling me this?
I watch her drive out of the motel parking lot. I take a deep breath and realize I'm freezing. I try to open the door as quietly as possible. I see Dean sitting up in his bed looking right at me.
“You okay?” He asked groggily.
“Yeah, just getting some fresh air, go back to sleep,” I tell him and he shrugs and makes himself comfortable in his bed.
“I just want to finish this hunt and go home,” I state, loading my gun with silver bullets.
“Well it might take longer since we have to stay together,” Sam reasons.
“Where to first?” Dean asks.
“Lets try his house,” Sam replies.
“Screw looking for him, let's lure him to us.”
I can tell Sam doesn't like the idea, “that didn't work the first time, we should try-”
“Please Sam, we can let him follow my scent and take him off guard.”
“That actually doesn't sound too bad,” Dean says, wow he actually agrees with me.
“Fine, but we shouldn't go after him until it's almost dawn so we don't have to fight him too long,” Sam says, so we wait all night until its 6am. The plan is for me to walk ‘alone’ down the streets but Sam and Dean will be close enough to come help if something happens.
I walk down the empty street, my hands in my jacket pockets with my gun on the right side. It's cold enough for me to see my breath. I take a turn down an alley and lean against a wall, waiting. After a few minutes I check the street again, but see nothing. I turn to look deeper into the dark alley and see glowing eyes. I grab my gun from inside my pocket and click the bullet into place. The eyes emerge out of the shadow and I recognize the werewolf.
He stalks towards me, growling. I don't want to move suddenly and cause him to attack me or worse, take me and trap me in a freaking cage again. He gets nearly 10 feet away and I pulled out my hands and aim my gun; he hesitates, but then continues towards me.
“Look, if you leave me alone, I won't shoot you,” I lie but it doesn't make him stop. He starts circling me. It's the perfect opportunity to shoot, but it seems too perfect. What is he doing?
I push the thought to the side and shoot. He lays dead on the cement, bleeding out of his chest. That was too easy. After all the fighting, he just let me shoot him. Did he hold back or something? Did he see Kelly and hold back? I guess I’ll never know the answers.
The brothers give me a ride back to my grandpas cabin and I can't help but think about what's happened in the past 2 weeks: Gordon kidnapping me, the more frequent panic attacks, Mindy telling me she killed my family and then hinting to look up my family tree.
“So..” I start, getting Sam and Deans attention, “Are you guys going to tell me about the whole Gordon thing yet or?”
“You want the truth so bad, fine, go ahead and tell her Sammy,” Dean says not so friendly.
“Well, I-uh- sort of have these premonitions and there are other people like me around the country...long story short, because I'm a psychic, Gordon thinks I'm a monster and wants to kill me,” Sam explains, that is not what I expected.
“So he kidnapped me to lure you, so that he could kill you?”
“Pretty much, yeah,” Sam answers.
“Well, why would he do that if I barely know you guys?”
“He probably thought he could easily take you off your guard,” Dean interrupts.
“And how would he know when to take me off my guard if I’ve never met him before then?” I ask teasingly, “were you guys talking about me?”
They exchange glances. I raise my eyebrows, waiting.
“We met him and we were talking about good hunters we know,” Dean says under his breath.
“I'm sorry what?”
“When we met him we got into a conversation about hunters, and you happened to pop up because you are a hunter,” Dean repeats, I couldve swore the first time he said ‘good hunters’.
“So you think I’m good enough to tell other hunters about?” Man, this keeps getting better and better.
“I'll admit that when you took out that nest when we first met was pretty kickass.” Man, I guess Dean does have a heart after all.
They drop me off at the cabin and I wave as they drive away. Now I can look into the family tree like Mindy suggested. But where to start?
So that’s the end of Chapter three. There are some things I would want to change, but I decided to just edit it for mistakes and post it how it is and focus on writing newer chapters. If you read it, THANK YOU!! Please if you have any suggestions or questions let me know! I will probably post chapter four soon.
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