#and then i saw sofi’s face and i KNEW that home girl understood
theamazingannie · 11 months
Forgot about Control Z and finally went back to finish it and I’m obsessed with the ending. I get it, Sofi, I really do
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Merry Christmas~ Lombaxes x Human! Reader
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Requested by the lovely @Lillianwhite2203 on Wattpad."What about Ratchet, Alister, Clank and everything x reader? You can do whatever plot you want."
It's gonna be a human reader since there not metioned if the reader should be human or Lombax. kaden and Alister are alive in this one.
Note: the art goes to the owner!
It was a peaceful holiday in Veldin. It was in fact Christmas. Do even people in this planet celebrate holidays? Yes, because why not? Families and friends need to spend time with eachtother, right? Y/N lives with Ratchet, Clank and Grimroth in a garage. It was quite hard to live there instead in a house or apartment. But, meh, it was fine.
Christmas can be a wonderful holiday to celebrate. Kids open presents, even adults. People sit together and eat, chat, etc. Normally, there wouldn't be snow in hot places like Veldin and Gaspar, but do you know what happened? Something magical! There was snow in Veldin!
Y/N was surprised to see snow outside once she woke up in the morning. She couldn't believe once she saw snow! The sight was very beautiful. Not everyone loved snow, but it can be fun! You can do snowball fights, make angels, build snowmans and other stuff.
Right now, Y/N and Ratchet were in fact outside just playing in the snow. Adults can play too, you know? It doesn't matter if it was a adult or a kid. Everyone can have fun. Y/N and Ratchet were wearing warm clothes to keep theirselves warm from the snow. Clank was busy helping Grim decorating the tree that was inside the garage. Y/N and Ratchet promised to help later. Grim decided to let them play in the snow, since they need fun times too.
"Look at them. There were toddlers when I took them in and now they're adults. Such old times," Grim said with a smile while watching Ratchet and Y/N play.
"I agree, Grim. When I first met them, they were living in normal lives, but when they became heroes, they've changed in good ways," Clank explained.
Outside, a Lombax and a human were laughing while laughing and throwing snowballs at eachother. They were running and hiding too. They even build their own hide-outs so that they can hide and watch for any upcoming attacks from eachother.
Ratchet peaked his head out and was checking to see if Y/N had planning to do any upcoming attacks. He was looking for her. But what he doesn't know was that his human friend was behind him. Not right behind him, but standing 2 meters away.
"Hey, Fuzzball!" Y/N called out to her Lombax friend.
Ratchet was shocked to hear her voice behind him. How did she do that? She had her ways. He looked behind her to see her, but only to meet snow on his face. Y/N threw snowball!
Y/N bursted out laughing. She caught him good! She continued to laugh, but didn't knew that her Lombax friend was someone to be not messed around with.
"Come here!" Ratchet suddenly said and ran right up to her. He was just being playfull, not angry.
Y/N screamed playfully and started to run. Veldin had big and open places so it was big enough space to have fun.
"No no no no no no no!" Y/N shouted playfully.
She really tried her best to run fast and escape, but she was becoming tired from running that she was slowing down. Her Lombax friend was fast since heroes were trained very well. Ratchet then tackled Y/N on the snow, causing her to squeal in surprise.
"Ratchet!" She was even blushing a bit.
Ratchet laughed a bit and then smirked. "Pay back. You're messing with a wrong Lombax."
Y/N giggled nervously.
Ratchet was close to her. He leaned down, still smirking. He did saw that Y/N was nervous, but he will never hurt her. The Lombax had a big, warm and kind heart. Ratchet then suddenly nuzzled Y/N's face with his like a cat. Heck, he even purrs!
Y/N giggled and her gloved hand reached to his ear. There were differences between a female and a male Lombax. Males have tails and bigger ears, while the females had smaller ears and have no tail at all. However, some females can be born with big ears and tail like male Lombaxes have. It can be mistaken as a male, while in reality it's a female. Y/N finds them very interesting and special when females look a lot like males (A/N: What I mean is by when females' ears are big like males and have tail. Think about Sofie Spangenberg for example.)
Once Y/N's hand reached to his ear, she pets him, causing him to purr louder. Y/N even scratched him gently. Ratchet's tail was wagging slightly, causing Y/N to giggle. Let's just say that they do that for a while. They only do it when they're alone. Ratchet would go to her and snuggle up to her body, asking for attention. Y/N didn't mind. In fact, she finds it so cute.
They continued having their loving doving moment, until...
"Ratchet? Y/N? Come inside! Tonight we will have visitors!" Grim called.
Ratchet and Y/N blushed bright red and the Lombax got off of Y/N. He then helped her up and brushed snow off her back. Y/N smiled at him and he smiled back. Then they walked back together to the garage.
The visitors are someone that Ratchet knew. His biogical dad and godfather. Ratchet's dad was Kaden and the godfather was Alister.  His dad couldn't take his son back to Fastoon, where everything was ruined, destroyed and gone. Well, Kaden managed to rebuild some parts of his home town together with his best friend. Whole Fastoon isn't rebuild and it would probably take years to complete it. Alister had his own place since Fastoon isn't his home place anymore ever since he bertrayed his team. But he was still had permission to visit Fastoon. Kaden forgave him since his best friend understood his mistake.
Y/N doesn't knew who Kaden and Alister were. She did heard stories, but never met them. She had no idea that the visitors were Kaden and Alister.
Once Y/N and Ratchet were inside, Grim and Clank stood infront of them with small boxes.
"We need your help. Decorate the walls," Grim explained while he gave the small box to Ratchet. Clank gave the other small box to Y/N.
"Understood," Y/N said.
The Lombax and Y/N walked randomly in the garage and they started decorating the walls. Y/N isn't gonna lie, the garage looks very bored without decoratings. She wants to decorate the place somehow. Like posters of the garage or other stuff.
An hour passed by and everything was decorated. The place looked more nice, fun and especially welcoming. The visitors should be here soon. Oh yeah, did I forgot to metion that Felton will be coming over as well? Why not? Felton was Grim's brother. Felton lived in Pokitaru. One of the most beautiful planets in Solana Galaxy. Some planets look dangerous to go and explore, some planets look perfect to live in and some planets look fun and save to adventure. Novalis looked a lot like planet Earth. Novalis was the home planet of Cora. Planet Earth was located in Milky Way. That's the home planet of humans.
Y/N was dressed beautiful in a red dress. She doesn't weer high heels, just normal shoes since Y/N wasn't a big fan dressing fabulous. But since it's Christmas, she had to look good. She wasn't the only one. Ratchet was dressed good as well. A nice suit with black shoes. He wasn't the only one. Clank and Grim were wearing suits and black shoes as well. Everyone looked very good.
Once Y/N entered the room, Ratchet's jaw dropped a bit in shock. He never saw Y/N that beautiful before! Sure, she looked normal in her usual clothes and in her hero clothes when she was working, but never anything like that!
Y/N looked at him with a smile. "What?"
"N-Nothing, you look just... s-so beautiful." How sweet!
Y/N blushed and pecks his cheek as a thank you. "Thanks, Fuzzball. You look very good as well." She smiled.
Ratchet smiled back and scratched behind his head shyly. He can be shy sometimes.
Then suddenly Grim and Clank walked up to them with Felton and... two male Lombaxes? Y/N was shocked once she saw two male Lombaxes. She never expected to see more Lombaxes. She did met Angela Cross, a female Lombax that suddenly dissapeared without leaving a trace. No one knew where she did go.
Y/N went to Felton and hugged him. Felton chuckled and smiled while hugging her back. "Nice to see you too, girl." He pulled away. "Look at you. You've grown up into a beautiful young woman."
"Thanks, uncle." Y/N smiled. Yes, since Grim was Y/N's adopted dad, that ment that Felton was her adopted uncle.
Y/N then looked at the Lombaxes she never saw. One looked a lot like Ratchet. Ratchet didn't had stripes on his cheeks while the Lombax who looked a lot like him did. Heck, they even had same emerald eyes! The other Lombax was white with red stipes. He even had yellow eyes. They both even wear suits with black shoes of course.
"Y/N, meet Alister Azimuth and Kaden, Ratchet's biogical dad," Grim explained.
Y/N was shocked. Kaden was Ratchet's biogical dad?! That explained why they look so much alike!
She smiled kindly and shook Kaden's hand first. "Hello."
Kaden smiled back and greeted back as well. "Hello."
Once they both realised their hands, Y/N looked at Alister with a smile and shook his hand as well. But he did something shocking. Alister raised Y/N's hand gently and kissed her palm. Aaaw, what a gentleman! This affection caused Y/N to blush.
"General Alister Azimuth. Four-Bolt Magistrate of the Lombax Praetorian Guard. Elder Councilman for the Center for Advanced Lombax Research. And you, my dear girl, you look beautiful." Alister smiled like a gentleman.
Y/N blushed even redder. "T-Thank you, General."
"Just Alister is fine, my dear."
Then he let go of her hand.
Then the party began. Everyone were chatting, laughing, drinking, eating and even opening presents. Some of them got cool tools, clothes, decoratings... Y/N got beautiful clothes and even flowers.
Y/N walked towards the table where food and drinks were and grabbed an empty glass. She poured water in it since she wasn't an alcoholic. Good that at least Grim had water, juices and other safe drinks that wasn't alcohol. The snacks looked very delicious and the food looked so good that you want to taste it. Y/N grabbed a Christmas cookie and starts eating.
She was just watching everyone having fun, until a father Lombax came up to her. It was Kaden. "Hey."
Y/N looked at Kaden and smiled. "Hey, Kaden. How's the party going?"
"Good. I just came to drink water and eat a Christmas cookie. How about you?"
Kaden shows a tiny smile. "I enjoy it as well. I've been watching others having fun." He then looked at his son, who was talking to his godfather, Alister." Especially my son."
Y/N was curious about something. She wasn interested about Kaden's past. She was explained by Grim that he found Ratchet at the garage door as a baby. Ratchet was once the only Lombax in Solana Galaxy, until he came across Angela. She was the only female Lombax in Solana. It was a bit strange, because Ratchet didn't knew that Angela was his kind (or race). But Angela was no more. She's just... gone. Out there somewhere.
"Kaden, can I ask a question?"
Kaden looked at Y/N. "Sure."
"I don't want to be rude or make you uncomforable, but... how did Ratchet get here? I read in a book that Lombaxes home planet is Fastoon, that is located in Polaris."
Kaden's smile dropped by the question. He did explained to Alister what he did to Ratchet once he found his best friend. Alister was understanding. When Ratchet was born, it was the best moment for him. He was just so happy to have a kid with his beloved wife. Sadly, a few months later after Ratchet was born, Emperor Percival Tachyon attacked the planet with his army he build. That evil Cragmite grew hate on Lombaxes when he found out that they won the war. Well, Lombaxes are very strong and they had 5 fingers. Just like humans. When Fastoon was alive, some Lombaxes found a Cragmite egg, who was Tachyon himself. The Lombaxes took the egg and took care of it like a family member (A/N: I'm sorry if I'm wrong. It's been a long time since I heard the about Fastoon.
When Tachyon was born and growing up, he found out about his race and what Lombaxes did. He grew a lot of hate on them that he build his own army in secret. Not a single Lombax knew. Kaden, Alister and some other Lombaxes were once in a meeting room with Tachyon. Man, that evil Cragmite was a horrible lair. He introduced his technology to them and lied to them. The Lombaxes believed him, except for one Lombax. Kaden himself. Kaden knew that something was off. He warned Alister about it, but he didn't listen. And thanks to that, Alister did a horrible mistake that he got banned. Kaden even gave him a punch on the face for that!
Ever since Ratchet was born, Kaden chose Alister to be his godfather. Kaden really tried to give his son agood life, but ever since Tachyon attacked, he had to help his kind. Some Lombaxes were hiding, saved or killed. The Lombaxes used the Dimensionator to escape to their own Lombax dimension. Sadly, Ratchet's mother was killed while she protected the Dimensionator. Good that she hid Ratchet into a safe place. When Kaden found out that his wife was dead, he immediatly got his son and he managed to send his son to Solana Galaxy. The ship crashed in Veldin.
If you're wondering how Kaden survived then don't ask me. He had his ways. Kaden managed to build some part of Fastoon with others. It'll take years to re-build their planet back. Kaden was so proud of his son once Grim send him a message that Ratchet defeated Tachyon. Alister got the same message.
"... When Ratchet was born, it was the best moment of my life. Me and his mother were so happy. I chose Alister to be my son's godfather. But some months after my son was born, Tachyon attacked Fastoon with his army, killing many Lombaxes that were unlucky to escape. The others that escaped, used the Dimensionator to escape. I helped them. But when I came back for my wife and son, my wife was already gone... She protected the Dimensionator. She hid Ratchet in a safe place so I came for my son. Once I got him, I found a ship, set him down with info and OmniWrench, then I send the ship to Solana Galaxy, in hope that someone would take care of my son."
Y/N was shocked by the story. She felt so sorry for the Lombaxes. She couldn't believe what Tachyon did... at least he isn't alive anymore.
"I-I'm so sorry, Kaden..."
Kaden showed a soft small smile. "It's fine. It's in the past. I'm glad that my son defeated him. He is like the chosen one to defeat him. I wish that my wife was here to see our son..." His ears dropped a bit into sadness.
Y/N placed her hand on shoulder and gave him a warm smile. "His mom would be very happy to see her son alive and well. She's proud that her son defeated Tachyon. Your wife will be always in your heart and even Ratchet's."
Kaden smiled warmly. "Thanks. You remind me of my wife. She was a smart Lombax with strong comfort words. She would do anything to protect and help her loved ones. Just like you."
Y/N blushed a bit. She had no idea that she reminds Kaden of his dead wife that was also Ratchet's mother.
Suddenly Kaden hugged her very gently. "Thank you so much for helping and keeping my son safe. It means a lot to me and my wife."
Y/N hugged him back with a smile. "Your welcome."
Then they seperated and only smiled at eachother. Y/N was happy to make Kaden happy. She wasn't gonna lie. She's happy that she met Alister and Kaden. Then Y/N and Kaden joined others and they all had fun by spending time with eachother.
I hope you like the one shot! I tried my best by giving the reader attention since it's called Lombaxes.
The Reader will be a human or a Lombax. It's up to you. The requests will be accepted with plots. 
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Seeing You Again
After a summer fling that happened almost 5 years ago, what happens when Lauren Jauregui runs into Camila Cabello and gets the surprise of a life time.
Since a little girl, Camila had always been a hard working woman. She’d made it her life’s mission to be better than her father ever was. He was nothing more than a low life drunk who had nothing better to do than make his family’s life a living hell.
Camila doesn’t know how her mother put up with him for so long. She understood that she needed him for bills and income but he wasn’t even good at that so she didn’t see the point of him being there. Yes he was her father but she sure didn’t act like one.
He left when Camila was 10 years old, not leaving behind a trace of anything. It’s as if he disappeared off the face of the earth and honestly, Camila was grateful for that. She hated the dreadful look in her mother’s eyes whenever he’d come home. She knew her mom only put up with him because she had no one else to fall back on.
It was hard on her mother at first but she managed to find a reasonable job that helped support herself and her 2 children. It wasn’t a lot but it was enough to help them make it. They lived in a small 2 bedroom house where Camila and Sofi had to share a room. They didn’t have the luxury that other kids their age had but that didn’t matter to them because they were happy with what they had.
Her mother was finally able to say she was financially stable after 2 years of hardships and they were able to move to a bigger house in a nicer area.
When Camila was around 15 and Sofi was around 11, her mother had met a nice young man named Henry. He was a doctor down at the local hospital.
He cared for her mother deeply and treated her like a queen. Not only did he treat her mom right, he treated her and Sofi like they were his own. He showed them love and cared for him like they were his own daughters.
He was especially there for her when Camila found out she was pregnant at the age of 17. Her mother was on the verge of kicking her out, something of which she wouldn’t really do, it was only out of anger and disappointment.
After calming an angry Sinu down, he made his way into brown eye’d Latina’s bedroom and held a hysterical Camila while she cried in his arms. She was packing all of her things when she just broke down completely, gripping his shirt for life. He then went on to explain that her mother was only speaking out of anger and wouldn’t dare let anything happen to her or her future grandchild.
After a while of just crying, he left her alone, kissing her forehead before leaving the room. Once she calmed down, Sinu came in the room looking at her sympathetically which caused more tears to spill from her eyes. She had completely disappointed her mother and she couldn’t stand the thought after her mother had sacrificed so much for her and her younger sister. Once Sinu had wrapped Camila in a warm embrace, Camila broke even more. She thought about what example she was setting for Sofi and how she had let her down too. She had let her whole family down.
Sinu hated to see her daughter cry and tried to console her the best she could. She kissed her forehead multiple times and let her know everything would be alright.
That day had brought them closer than ever and now Sinu couldn’t wait for her grandchild to be here, although protesting to Camila that she was too young and hot to be a grandmother. That only made Camila smile, she knew things would get better.
Camila was standing in line at her school’s Chick-fila-a with her, now, 4 year old daughter. The little girl was dressed in a white t-shirt, pink tutu and light up shoes. The small child was an energetic little thing, jumping up and down just to watch her shoes light up.
Camila glanced down at her child amused, shaking her head before turning back to the biology book she had in hand. She had a big test coming up in an hour that she had to do good on.
She asked her mother if she could watch Malia so that she could study for her exam but her job had called her in last minute for an emergency, the only option left was Sofi and she had to wait until the teenager got out of school in about 45 minutes.
So here she was, trying to handle an energetic 4 year old while studying for a test that could make or break her.
“Lia do you want some chicken nuggets and apple slices?” She asked the small child without glancing down. When she didn’t receive a response, she looked down and didn’t see the tiny little four year old. She began hurriedly looking around the dining area until she spotted her little girl talking animatedly to someone.
She quickly rushed over, bending down to her daughters eye level.
“Oh my god, Lia!” that caught the attention of the small girl and the stranger she was talking to.
“You can’t do that, you almost gave me a heart attack.” Camila said, checking out the giggly four year old as she examined the younger brunette to see if she had any bruises or scratches. She gently kissed the green eyed child’s head, pulling her into a hug, thankful she was okay.
“I’m sowwey mommy,” the little girl said sincerely, not meaning to scare her mother like that. She could see the panicked looked in her mothers eyes and she knew for a fact that she didn’t like it. “I thought I saw auntie Sof.” The little girl said like it would be the answer to everything.
“Okay, but what did I tell you young lady?” the young mother gently scolded.
“Not to leavwe your side.” The little girl said looking down at her feet, she knew she was in trouble but she was just to excited to see her favorite aunt. “And what did you do?” She questioned lightly.
“I left, but I really didn’t mean to mommy! I really thought I saw auntie Sofi!” Camila just nodded, kissing the the four year old’s head.
“I know baby but promise me that’ll never happen again? I was so scared mija.” The little girl frantically nodded and held out her pinky.
“I pinky prowmise mommy!” Camila just smiled, holding out her pinky to connect with her daughters before noticing the presence of a third party.
Once Camila looked up, she was faced with dazzling green eyes she’d never thought she’d see again.
“Lauren?” Camila stated more so than asked. She already knew that was the girl’s name, she could never forget that.
Lauren didn’t say anything, just looked between Camila and the small child, which looked like an exact replica of her.
“I-” Camila was about to speak up when the little girl went running again. “Auntie Sof!” She squealed excitedly as her aunt walked up. Sofi couldn’t help but smile at her adorable niece who hugged her legs tightly. “I misseded you!” Sofi just giggled at the mispronunciation of the word. Lauren stared at the little girl in aw, she was literally a reflection of herself.
“I missed you more nugget,” Sofi kissed Malia’s head before picking up the smaller girl.
“Hey Sof, thanks for this. You’re a life saver.” Sofi just shrugged, she loved spending time with her adorable niece.
“Can you get her some chicken nuggets and apple slices before you leave?” Camila asked, going into her purse and fetching a few dollars.
“It’s okay Mila, I got it,” Sofi said, pushing the cash she was handing her away. Camila just nodded.
“Call me if you need anything.” Camila said once she put the money back in her purse.
“You have her inhaler right?” Camila asked, digging into her purse for the small inhaler.
Malia was born 8 weeks premature and there was a lot of things wrong with her respiratory system.  She weighed only 2 pounds, 12 ounces. She stayed in the hospital’s ICU on a breathing machine for 5 weeks and had to be fed with a tube because she wasn’t strong enough to breathe or eat on her own. After she was able to breathe and eat on her own, she still stayed in the hospital for 2 and a half weeks just to make sure she was okay.
Camila’s family was there to support her through every step, they held her while she cried and tried to brighten her days. Once she was able to bring Malia home, everything felt right in the world and she knew everything would get better from there.
Now Malia was a healthy, active, and energetic 4 year old who loved to run and and play more than anything in this world.
“Yes, Mila I always keep her one in my car. Plus mom and dad have one at the house.” Camila nodded, racking her brain to see if she needed anything else.
“Mila you know I got everything for my little nugget, ain’t that right nugget!” Malia giggled as Sofi began tickling her.
“S-s-stop it!” Sofi stopped and kissed the little one’s cheek.
Camila laughed at her daughter, she just brings such a joy to all of them.
“I know you’re more than capable of taking care of her Sofi I just worry sometimes.” Camila shrugged, before kissing Malia’s head.
“You be good now monkey. I love you, mija.” Malia reached out for her mother, giving her a big hug and kiss on the lips.
“I love you more than peanut butter and jelly, mommy!” Camila just giggled, shaking her head, playing along.
“Well I love you more than the sun loves the moon!” Malia just shook her head.
“Nope, not possible mommy.” Malia giggled, kissing her mom’s cheek.
“Okay baby, well I gotta go. I’ll see you later princess.” She kissed Malia’s head once more before watching the little one exit with Sofi.
She had honestly forgot Lauren was there until she cleared her throat.
“Camila,” Lauren said pleadingly, questions swimming in her eyes. Camila sighed, she hoped this day would never come. She hadn’t planned what to say because she never thought she’d never see the green eye’d woman again.
“Is she mine?” The question came about. Camila thought about lying but how could she when Malia was practically a mini replica of Lauren.
“Yes,” Lauren brought her tattoo clad arm through her hair, sighing lightly.
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Still My Beautiful Hurricane
- 1 -
Lauren came into Camila’s life like the wind. When her life was not lacking the air that made her life stable. She was a straight A Ivy League student, on the way to becoming a surgeon, what she always dreamt of. Her parents were one of the most well-known in the medical field on the East Coast, bringing popularity and a lot of unearned privileges on her side. She had a sweet little sister named Sofi who never failed to brighten up her day with her dorkiness and adorable smiles.
But she found out air was not all she needed. The seemingly perfect life she lived grew boring. Even if she appreciated what she had, she was always waiting for something unknown to create a ripple on the smooth but stagnant waters of her stability.
Then came Lauren. They were lab partners in one class. Her smile was beautiful, matched with her emerald eyes that immediately caught her attention. Her brilliance apparent with the way she dissected the amphibian on their table, learning each part like learning how it was to read, or better yet to utter her very first words. So natural, so mesmerizing. And she proved even more perfect when she jokingly muttered, “Easy as fuck,” when they finished.
Camila considered herself smart by the grades that her scorecards showed and more than capable going through the entire semester just by her own but she found herself looking forward to doing all their activities together. As their classes progressed, so was their growing friendship. She found out Lauren was a single child of a man who practiced corporate law and a woman who enjoyed spending most of her time as the trophy wife. When she asked why she didn’t follow her father’s footsteps, she simply said, “I see him ruthlessly win lawsuits for firms taking advantage of ordinary people because it’s what brings in more money. I decided I don’t want to turn into that. I’d rather help save lives.”
Her admiration grew more with those words.
The first time they hang out outside the confines of their four-walled classroom, they were in the steps to the main building of their university. They sat watching people go around the campus doing what they did during their college life.
“I don’t know if it’s just me but sometimes I think what we’re in now is not a complete life.” Lauren had shared to her. “I mean, look at us, at all these rich sheltered kids around us. We’re handed everything we’d ever need in a silver platter but at the end of the day, we’re really no one special. People get so envious but in truth, we’re nothing. We’re just kids hiding behind this cloak everyone blindly likes to call wealth.”
She had smiled after what she heard. Uncovering Lauren’s innermost thoughts had proven to be a real treasure in itself and she longed to uncover more in the future.
“I’m gonna do something to change that when I graduate,” Lauren continued, her emerald eyes had reflected a determined look that Camila admired. As she stared at her beautiful features, the black hair, green eyes, full lips, her perspective of her turned into a full blown infatuation. She decided she liked Lauren, the inside, a lot better.
They talked more after that. All their dreams, what they planned to do when they got out into the real world, what they wanted to do now. She shared to her, “I want to do something exhilarating.”
Lauren had replied. “I have just the perfect idea.”
A few days after, Lauren brought her riding on her motorcycle around Pennsylvania. She didn’t know if it was just her company, or the jokes she sent her way time and time again but she never enjoyed herself more. So as she sat on the bike behind Lauren, her arms wrapped around her torso, the wind blowing to her face as they toured the place, she felt herself falling. She was falling. But she didn’t mind. Because for the first time in her life, the wind she needed came. And it didn’t just bring ripples. It brought a current enough to enable her to leave the waters of her stability and enable her to fly.
- 2 -
Then Lauren turned into rain.
It was one of those days they were supposed to spend with each other. As time went on, they grew closer, like childhood buddies who’d known each other most of their lives. They would meet up then talk about the latest things that happened to them or anything that would come to mind. Camila had been nursing her secret love for her friend but was positive she could turn the situation around and make it known, even reciprocated. She just needed a plan and the right time to tell her.
She was waiting at the cafeteria where they would usually meet when Lauren walked up to her alongside a beautiful brunette who looked like she featured in photoshoots and magazine covers.
Her name was Lucy. She was a friend back home in Miami, Lauren had told her. Camila had never doubted her appeal, she knew she was beautiful by anyone’s standards yet right then she found herself wondering if she wasn’t as attractive as Lucy was by the way Lauren had been staring at her.
She decided she needed to step up her game. The next day while they were in Lauren’s dorm room, studying together preparing for their finals, she resorted to tell her.
“Lauren, there’s something I have to tell you,” she started nervously.
Her friend looked at her with an encouraging smile. “What is it? There’s something I have to tell you, too.”
“Uhm, you go first then,” she replied, unsurely.
“Alright. It’s about Lucy. I’m in love with her. I’ve been in love with her for three years, actually, since I was fifteen.”
Camila was definitely surprised.
Lauren went on, “The first time I told her, it got awkward. That’s why we didn’t catch up until last week. We talked and she said she was willing to give us a try if I would give her time. I’m glad she’s transferring near our school and I’ll get to be with her often.”
Everything Camila was about to say got stuck in her throat.
A few seconds later, Lauren had asked, “What is it you’re gonna tell me?”
“There’s this guy in Anatomy class, his name’s Austin,” Camila began saying instead.
After that, Lauren started spending less time with her and more with Lucy. The one instance she was able to sneak her in, she told her, “Lucy and I are official,” with a huge smile on her face, her green eyes brighter than usual.
Lauren had looked so happy, all she could do was pretend she was happy as well.
A few weeks later, she began dating Austin. After a few months, she dated a girl named Ashlee. Both relationships didn’t last because no matter how much time and effort she spent on them, that didn’t stop the rain from falling. Camila figured that was what you’d get when it’d been windy for too long.
- 3 -
After that, Lauren turned into lightning and thunder.
For a few months, Camila thought she saw the sky clearing. Lauren and Lucy broke up. They dated for eighteen months.
“It didn’t work,” Lauren simply said.
Camila had a lot of good childhood memories. Things like her first trip to Disney Land, first school medal, first flower from a boy she had a crush on. But this, when she found out, topped all of her first bests. For the first time in a long time, she felt she had a chance on the girl she loved.
One sunny day, when they had resumed the comfortable routine they had before Lucy came back to Lauren’s life, they hang out by the pool at her family’s house. Lauren had opened up, “I like the sun, you know. But not because of the cliché they say about it being a symbol of all things going well. I like it because it’s so bright I can pretend I’m momentarily blinded by it. So I can pretend I don’t see how gloomy all else have become.”
Camila understood Lauren was laying her heart out about what she felt with her ex and she decided to lay hers as well, even just a glimpse of it. “I like being blinded sometimes. To let myself completely feel without getting afraid of what I might see under the bright sun.”
That was the closest she came to confessing her feelings. She didn’t want to rush things. She wanted to give Lauren enough time to move on. So when the time came, there would be no shadow of Lucy left, just her.
But, of course, Camila realized she just hadn’t been looking well. The sky was not clearing. The clouds were still there, just as much as the rain.
Camila found herself being introduced to Keana. Lauren met her at art org, her friend had said. They’d been dating for a few weeks.
It was all too familiar, Camila thought she could laugh. Only if her heart wasn’t already shattering into pieces. So this was what getting blindsided felt like.
There, Camila felt herself getting drenched thoroughly by the rain. That time, though, she realized it was not alone. It was coming down with vengeance and in a distance she could hear the deafening sound of the thunder. She decided it was finally time to look for cover. She realized she needed to protect her heart as well. She needed to keep it somewhere safe where thunder and lightning could not reach it so it wouldn’t get even more broken.
- 4 -
And then there was nothing. It was the time of complete silence. The surroundings calmed down and the rain ceased. But the sun didn’t return to normal. The gray clouds were still there, as if they were just waiting to pour down their wrath at any minute.
Little by little, Camila stopped communicating with Lauren, using the rigorous school work she needed to get done as an excuse. It was one thing to know Lauren was together with someone who was studying in a different campus but it was another to actually see her with someone so close.
She figured fate hadn’t been completely mean to her when she met Shawn. He was a total gentleman and a very good friend. With him, it was all just having good company and getting her mind off of her secret love.
“Come on, you can do better than that,” Shawn laughed as she tried unsuccessfully to get the basketball she was holding through the ring.
“Can’t we try something else?” Camila grumbled half-heartedly. They were at an arcade shop. Looking at the red scores by the side of the ringboard, she could tell she was definitely going to lose against the guy.
“Nah, we’ll stay here until you get past twenty in one try,” Shawn refused to let her have her way.
She let out a feigned annoyed grunt that turned into a slight smile. This was definitely not her forte but she wouldn’t lie and say she wasn’t enjoying it somehow.
“Let me teach you.” Shawn went over to her side and showed her how to hold the ball and throw it in the right angle. Of course, she missed even touching the ball to the ring a couple of times and managed to only get three goals out of all her tries but she did improve her skills, amidst a ton of snickers and laughter from both of them.
She decided she liked Shawn, she liked having fun with him.
As she looked over to his eyes, she recognized a glint close to adoration directed towards her. What if he liked her? As more than friends?
She knew she would be flattered. Shawn was a nice guy. She enjoyed spending time with him. But it also dawned on her that still the only eyes she wanted to see reflect that feeling from were Lauren’s.
Shawn invited her to try the other games as well but she refused saying, “I suck at games.”
They went home after that. Inside his car, as she was about to come out and head inside her house, she heard him confirm her suspicion and ask her if she would go out on a romantic date with him, to which she said no. Shawn was not Lauren. It wouldn’t be fair to let his feelings for her grow.
Still Camila tried to stay away from Lauren. Until her ‘I miss you’s’ became more than just a text a week. And her 'Let’s go meet some time’ turned into a call with her message getting a catch from the obvious distress in her voice.
She couldn’t say no.
“My parents are divorcing,” Lauren had confided when they met. They were at the university stadium, on the seats farthest from the varsity players practicing on the field. Camila heard it and no matter how many times she said she would not care anymore, she did. So, seeing her eyes well up with tears, she pulled Lauren to her and let her cry on her arms.
They didn’t really talk. Lauren didn’t need to. Their friendship may had been considered  as fairly new yet Camila listened and paid attention to everything the other brunette did enough to understand what was happening to her family was breaking her heart harder than anybody ever thought it did.
As the minutes dragged on, Camila just let her cry, playing the perfect friend Lauren needed in that moment.
When she had calmed down, Lauren apologized, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to go all dramatic on you like that. It’s just that school has been really crazy and Mr. Cowell is giving me headache on thesis. And now my parents-”
Camila cut her off, looking into her eyes. “You don’t have to apologize. I understand even without you saying it.”
Lauren let out a small appreciative smile. “Thanks, Camz. You were always very nice. Not just to me but to everyone else. That’s why I think you deserve everything you have right now and everything I know you’ll have in the future.”
It was Camila’s turn to express gratitude, “Thank you.”
“I also hope you’ll find someone who will love you and treat you the way you deserve.”
Camila thought of replying, 'I’ve found you, but you don’t feel that way,’ but decided against it. Instead she asked, “How is Keana, by the way?”
Lauren answered, “She’s been busy with her thesis.”
Camila wanted to ask, 'Is she treating you well?’
“She’s a good girlfriend,” Lauren added before Camila could get the words out of her mouth.
Camila thought, 'She isn’t. If she was she would be here right now, comforting you, not me.’ But it wasn’t her place to say it so she kept it to herself.
Lauren rested her head on her shoulder as she looked over to the field. There were a lot of things Camila wanted to say but it wasn’t the right time. So she just sat there, beside the woman she loved, looking out and treasuring the moment. She’d take whatever she could get.
- 5 -
But Lauren was a hurricane waiting to happen.
A few weeks passed, Lauren broke up with Keana. Camila didn’t want to get her hopes up but a certain swell in her heart took root when she heard about it.
They had gone back to their old friendship, spending time with each other as often as they could when Lauren had asked her out to a little get-together with their friends.
Since all Camila really wanted to do was spend as much time as she could with Lauren, she said yes.
As the hours passed and she was enjoying Lauren’s and their friends’ company while they talk about plans after their graduation, a figure she didn’t think she’d see again came.
Lucy was walking towards them, a bright smile on her face. It didn’t need a lot of analysis, she knew the same smile would be reflected in Lauren’s face and she was able to confirm it when she looked over to her friend. The raven-haired was already walking to welcome the new guest, giving her a warm hug.
Camila averted her eyes after that, afraid of what she might see if she kept looking and shifted her attention to their other friends. But the thrill she felt had already evaporated when Lucy arrived and Lauren’s full attention was given to her, just like before, she decided to call it a night.
Camila found herself wondering if she really had a chance with Lauren. What if she was back with Lucy again? Yet the optimist within her didn’t want to just wave down the white flag just like that. She needed at least one good fight before she did.
So one night, she decided to suprise her at her dorm, resolute on finally making that bold move to confess her feelings to Lauren. But as she was nearing the place, she saw two people kissing by the door. It was Lauren and Lucy. All courage she had mustered up completely left her and she found herself glued to that spot, immobilized by what she was witnessing.
She decided to back out from her original plan and went back to her dorm, not announcing her presence to the two individuals.
A few days later, she had Lauren confirm her worst fear.
“Lucy and I are back together.”
'Hurricane,’ Camila thought. 'I only wanted the wind and fate brought me a hurricane.’ Her heart was shattering into millions of pieces.
She wanted to drown out what Lauren was saying but it resonated so clear to her ears. Her friend’s obvious happiness, a mockery to the deep pain she was feeling in that moment.
“When she broke up with me, I thought that was it. The greatest love of my life, gone just like that. So I tried finding that kind of love in someone else. Keana makes me feel good about myself and about love but there was something missing.
"Now I know what that is. I’ve learned that we find a lot of different kinds of love in our entire life and there’s one that would make us want to hold on to everything, and to that person as tight as we can.
"I feel that way with Lucy. Those things I didn’t think I could, I feel when I’m with her.”
“Remember when I told you about my dream? About making a change in this world? She’s who I see beside me while I do that. When I’m with her I don’t feel any fear. She makes me feel like I’m capable of anything.”
That was all Camila needed to hear and she surrendered the fight.
The day of their graduation, Camila said goodbye with tears in her eyes.
“Why do I feel like you’re saying goodbye for good. We’ll still see each other, right? You’ll come visit me, yeah?” Lauren told her, tears forming in her eyes due to what she saw from the brunette’s face.
Camila wanted to say yes, definitely she would. It was what she wanted. But her disposition that time couldn’t get her to promise so she stayes silent.
“Oh, Camz. You’re my bestfriend,” Lauren hugged her again, tears now falling from her eyes as well.
Camila let her and burrowed her head deeper to Lauren’ shoulder as she let herself cry over the kind of love she wanted but she’d never get from her 'bestfriend’.
“Take care of yourself, okay?” Camila said one last time before turning around and walking away.
Maybe one day she’d be able to look back and everything would be alright.
*** wattpad: litaddict02
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