#when Javi was saying Raul was the hacker again I was first like ‘no way’
theamazingannie · 11 months
Forgot about Control Z and finally went back to finish it and I’m obsessed with the ending. I get it, Sofi, I really do
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seceret’s out - Javier Williams X reader
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a\n: i’m honored to be the first one to post a fic for this show. love it so much. request if you want, please, cause my head is empty from ideas.
I sat in my desk at biology class. 3 days have passed since the new kid arrived, Javier Williams. He has those beautiful brown eyes, and his hair is always perfectly messy. His lips are probably super soft. Well, that's at least what I've gathered from staring at him for 85% percent of the class. It's the only class I have with him, but I see him all the time – in the hallway, mostly, and he's always being kind and I just wish I had the courage to talk to him.
"(y\n), would you please tell us about the cell?" Gabriela cuts off my wondering. "the cell has multiple parts. The mitochondria, which is the powerhouse of the cell-" I start, but she sighs and once again cutting me off. "(y\n), we're past that. We learned about the cell a week ago, you should start focusing again instead of daydreaming" Gabriela says, and the class laugh. "I'm sorry, can any of you explain to me how hearts function? No? that's what I thought" Gabriela adds, and the laughter stops.
I sneak a look at Javier, and he catches my glance and smile. I panic and turn my gaze back to the notebook Infront of me. Shit.
"hey, (y\n)" I hear Gerry whisper, "you know, if Willie boy is what's distracting you, I can help you get his attention" he says. I choose to ignore him, but it seems like it's what he wanted. "oh, don't ignore me baby" he said, and I hear the smile in his voice, "hey, if we'll fuck, I bet he'll talk to you" Gerry kept going. It wasn't the first time he suggested it, even though I was the quite type and never bothered him.  "Can I go the bathroom?" I ask, and the teacher approves. I pick my bag up to take with me. "I'm sorry, you can't leave with your bag. Take what you need and hurry up" Gabriela says, and so I take my water bottle and a small box I put in my pocket without anyone noticing.
I closed the bathroom door behind me and took a pill out of the box, trying to stabilize my breath. I hate Gerry so much, and I hate this stupid class, and I hate—
"(y\n)?" someone asks, "it's me, Sophia". I swallow the pill along with some water and flush the toilet. "hey" I say, opening the door and wiping away the tears that managed to escape on my way to the bathroom. "you know, Gerry is kind of an asshole, you should just ignore him" she says, leaning on the counter as I wash my hands. "why-" "what was he whispering? I noticed he was bothering you, but I can't read lips" she keeps talking. "just… suggested to fuck me" I say as I dry my hands with some toilet paper.
"for real?" she asks, turning to face me. I nod. "that's… you should stick with me, I'll walk you to class, and I'll ask Javi to walk you to your next one, I have a double class" she says, and my heart skips a beat at the mentioning of his name. "uh, thanks" I smile at her, and we walk together. The bell rings, and I realize my things are still in the biology classroom, so I ask Sophia to walk me there.
"(y\n), just who I was looking for" a handsome guy says. He hands me the bag, "I put everything there. I'm sorry Gerry is a dick to you, he's just… a dick". I thank him, slowly recognizing the boy as Raul, the rich kid whose father is a corrupt politician or something along these lines. I refused to watch the secret reveal video's, it's not my business, but I heard people talk.
I arrive to my class, and Sophia leaves to go to her's. time passes, and I don't think it could've gone slower. After this period ends, I get to have one on one time with no other than Javier Williams. Will I be able to form a sentence? Highly doubt it, but oh well, I'm not wasting this opportunity.
The bell rings, finally, and at the door I see Javier already waiting. "hi, (y\n), right?" he asks. I nod. "yeah, that's me" I smile. "Sophie told me Gerry is harassing you. Don't worry, I won't let him touch you" he says, smiling. "thank you, Javier" I say. His smile is even cuter from up close. "so, how's biology?" he asks. "well, boring" I say, and he laughs, "how are you enjoying our national school so far?" I ask, highlighting the "national", since the faculty is making such a big deal over that.
"well, it's nice. Met some cool people, met some… less cool people" he says. I laugh, "yeah, it's a weird time to get here, I promise we don't usually reveal secrets on school assemblies and Instagram pages" I say. I was surprised at how easy it was, talking to him. I was so sure I would forget every word I know, but I didn't. "which one surprised you the most? I mean, you know these people, for me it's the first thing I learned about them" he says.
"well, I actually hadn't watch any of the videos. I kinda heard things, but I try to ignore it. It's not my secret to know" I say, and he nods. "that's actually… kinda cool. That you respect them, and their privacy" he says. "you think I'm lame, right?" I laugh. "no, no. no, this is really… I admire that. That's being a good person" he insists, smiling at me. Our eyes lock for a moment, but a high-pitched voice is ruining the moment.
"oh, Javier, are you really hanging put with her now? Poor girl" some girl laughs. I look at her, confused, and he's just as confused. "what, you haven't seen it? All your secrets just revealed a new, juicy, secret" she smiles. Javier takes out his phone as we walk, and a video play.
It's my picture, it's my words. The song in the background, I wrote it yesterday and sent it to my friend, how did the hacker get that?
"oh, he is so pretty
But he will never notice me"
It's my voice, and the other photos, that's my diary.
Shit. I run to class before Javier understand who I'm singing for.
"and when I want to try,
I just end-up being too shy"
Crap, crap. People are looking at me. "I love your song; do you think you'll release an album? You can call it 'Javier Williams, please notice me!' " some guy laughs. This is not happening. The hacker was quiet, I thought he was only after the stupid popular kid, why would he reveal my secret? What's his goal?
After the class is over, I sneak to the bathroom to take another pill. It's supposed to calm down my anxiety, but it's affects fade quick. I leave the bathroom, and Javier is leaning on the wall in front pf the door.
"hey" he smiles at me and pushes himself off the wall. He gets closer and closer. "your song is really good; I didn't know you sing. Your voice is-" "please, stop, Javier. I don't want you to pity me" I sigh, cutting him off. He follows me to my next period. "I don't pity you; I just want to talk. You seem cool, and I'd love to get to know you" he says, catching up to me fast. "why?" I ask, "because the whole school knows I like you?" I stop and look him right in the eyes. Those gorgeous, gorgeous brown eyes. "no. because you are nice, and honest, and you have a beautiful voice" he says. I sigh, "don't pity me, Javier" I insist, and walk away.
A few days pass. A video of Javier and Sophia was sent to everyone in school, including me. It was followed by a "sorry to disappoint you" message, but I think it was exclusive for me. I haven't talked to Javier since… well, the second and last time we ever talked. I exchanged some words with Sophia, but that's it. I was sitting with my friends at lunch, but it got unbearable faster than… I don't know, a cringe compilation full of 13-year-old kids making sex jokes and do fortnight dances. Every second person tried to comfort me over the video, and I escaped to the bathroom for 2 things: quiet, and a pill. I wonder why the hacker chose to reveal the crush, isn't my anxiety a more dramatic secret? Whatever, I don't want to think about it.
I leave the bathroom just in time to start walking to my next class, Biology. "hey" a voice says. It belonged to a particular pretty boy. "what do you want, Javier?" I sigh and stop by my locker to get my biology book. "just… Sophia and I, it's not… we're not together. I wanted you to know that, cause, you know-" because I have a thing for you? Yeah, thanks, Javier" I sigh. He sighs. "can you stop avoiding me? I'm just trying to be nice to you. I know it wasn't ideal, the way I found out, but even before that, I wanted to talk to you. When Sophie asked me to walk you to class, I was actually happy to, and not as a favor for her, but at the chance to talk to the quiet, beautiful girl who I always catch looking at me but never dares to talk to me" he says as we walk to class together. Everybody's looking at us. "Javier, you are such a player" Gerry smiles, looking at the two of us as we enter the class. "it was just a kiss" Javier hisses at him. "if it was just a kiss, kiss her" Gerry offers, pointing at me with his stupid butt chin. "no" I say, "that's-".
"oh, come on, (y\n), I'm helping you out, don't you want to kiss his 'probably super soft lips' and run your hands through his 'perfectly messy hair' " Gerry teases, quoting my diary. I blush and start planning a way to escape this room. The door is right behind me. Who's gonna stop me? However, Javier is not taking any it.
He takes my hand and pull me back to his side. "may i?" he asks. "i-" I want to answer. Turns out I was right; his lips are super soft. He pulls away and smiles at me. "were my lips super soft?" he asks, biting his lips. "uh, i-" "I use Chapstick" he smiles. I laugh.
Gerry starts to clap, and his friends aw. Oh, right, he was bullied into kissing me. His hand still holds mine, and he drags me to my seat and take the open spot next to me. "I really enjoyed talking to you, you know. I swear, I'm not saying that out of pity. Do you think I'll kiss you out of pity?" he asks. "I don't know, I don't know… you" I reply as I put my things on my desk. Biology book, biology notebook, pens…
"would you like to?" he asks. I look at him confused. "would you like to get to know me? Maybe over some… I don't know coffee?" he smiles at me. I nod. "sure, yeah. Coffee's great" I smile back.
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