#and that while he knows he's different and has a lot of quirks that shipwreck (teague) don't really understand
trickstercaptain · 1 year
                 i’m just thinking about how, particularly once he leaves school and starts experimenting and discovering himself properly ( because the thing about Jack is that, in his canon, he’s a bit of a “late bloomer” even though i hate using that phrase. he doesn’t really “find himself” until the age of 25 which isn’t late by any means, but goes against the whole ‘oh i knew exactly who i wanted to be from the age of 17′ narrative that we frequently get in media ), he starts wearing eyeliner ( not all the time, but frequently ), he occasionally wears eyeshadow too, he has both of his ears pierced and wears jewellery, he wears nail polish, he grows his hair out to shoulder length and experiments with different colour highlights, he gets some tattoos, and it’s all quite a gradual process that starts primarily once Jack has left school and is hanging around with Christophe and his friends, and then only improves from there once Jack is away from Christophe and able to figure stuff out about himself away from that controlling influence
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jennawritesstories · 4 years
The Shipwreck Sleep Clinic // Novella Update #1
Hello! Okay! I’ve mentioned this project multiple times but now I’m here to actually introduce it! This novella began life as a short story idea until I quickly realise it was far to big to be a short story. It didn’t feel like a novel either, so here I am, writing a novella (or what I think will be a novella). 
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The Shipwreck Sleep Clinic follows four siblings, 15-year-old twins called Devlin and Evella, Winnie (11) and Kipp (5), who live on a small touristy island where everyone has an unusual quirk or power. For example there is a significant side character who owns a bakery, and she’ll bake you a special cake on your birthday that grants you good luck for the day. Kipp’s stomach spontaneously grows birds that he has to cough up, Winnie can manipulate sand and Devlin has the ability to see through the eyes of anybody related to him. Evella’s power is the most explored in terms of plot. She can enter and view people’s dreams if they fall asleep in her arms.
The book has a soft, vaguely apocalyptic feel. We see shops and schools closing down, tourists stop coming to the island, public transport grinds to a halt, bins stop being collected etc. The kids’ mother dies just before the book begins and their father is away at war, so the fifteen year old twins have to look after the family. Thugs take their home so they move to this shipwreck where they used to play (it’s not a real shipwreck, but an old, highly themed beach restaurant). Evella goes above and beyond, and opens a sleep clinic on the shipwreck to help the mental health of the islanders.
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Let’s meet the siblings!
15 - Devlin’s twin
Can enter dreams with a person and help them through nightmares
soft, dream-like, wispy - struggles with dissociation, and separating dreams from reality
selfless, but to the point of self-destruction
has to be reminded to eat, sleep etc
feels much older than she is
15 - Evella’s twin
Can see through the eyes of anybody he is related to
So his siblings distrust him and believe he is always spying on them 
Hates that he gets reprimanded for using his abilities when Evella is praised for using hers
Immature but doesn’t want to be
Suddenly basically a parent but has no idea how to be a parent
Wants to join trade places in the army with his dad so his siblings can have a real guardian and he’ll finally be doing something useful (oh my baby, noo)
Sand powers - like telekinesis but only with sand and only on the beach
Cool Kid
Will never be see without her rainbow sunglasses. They belong together, okay. 
Always has bubblegum, weirdly proud of her bubble-blowing skills
Trains with her powers constantly and pushes her body to extreme physical training every night because she believes something bad is coming to the island
Her dad is her hero and she can’t accept that he is a terrible person
My fave (shhh don’t tell the others)
His stomach (or lungs, I haven’t quite figured it out yet) spontaneously grow baby birds that he has to cough up
Very anxious - constantly worries about the wellbeing of all his birds
Very perceptive to the state of the island - obsessively tracks which shops are closing down, which families are leaving etc.
My baby
In summary, all four deserve the biggest of hugs! I adore these kids so much and the more I write them, the more broken I see they are. I’m loving exploring them and the complicated relationships they have with each other and their weird island.
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How’s the writing going?
F U N  &  C H A O T I C.
I haven’t introduced this until now because 1) laziness and 2) I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing with it. I usually write linearly except for the very beginning of a story, where I write whatever scenes come to mind while I’m figuring out what the story is, but after that I’ll write it from beginning to end. With Shipwreck, I’m still at the “write random scenes and figure out where they slot in later” stage and I’m 10K in. Not only that, but I’ve written this thing in every POV and tense imaginable so I now have 10K words of scenes in different POVs and tenses and no order whatsoever. Originally, it was just going to be told from Devlin’s POV. Now that I want all four of them, I’d rather write it in 3rd person since I’m not a big fan of multi-POV 1st person, but most of the stuff I wrote for Devlin, and some stuff I wrote for Evella, are in 1st person and now need changed. 
ALSO, I don’t have a clue if I’m alternating POVs every chapter/scene, or if they’ll tell a quarter of the book each. If I choose the latter, will the story be chronological and they all narrate a different point in time, or will each sibling tell their version of the full story, allowing the reader to piece the entire story together by the end?
^ You’d think these would be questions I’d know the answer to at 10,000 words into a novella but Here! We! Are!
Anyway, I’m having a lot of fun with my four imaginary children and it was a pleasure to introduce them to you today!!
Taglist below the cut (ask to be added or removed!) 
@ahowlinwolf​ @alicewestwater​ @coffeeandcalligraphy​ @chloeswords​ @sophiewritingstuff​ @laughtracksonata​ @sienna-writes​ @august-iswriting​ @yanittawrites​ @mjmnorwood​
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angstytieflingbard · 5 years
Hero’s Journey: Chapter Five -  Unforeseen Simulation Joint I
Summary: On the way to the USJ, Link tries to follow the now familiar tug on his mind. Villains break in, and through a splitting headache he wonders why the one with fiery hair and gold eyes makes him feel like he's dying. 
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: Here it is! I was a bit conflicted about this chapter. I know Link is the holder of the triforce of courage, but he’s also a teenager, and one under quite a lot of stress at that. He still has to deal with fear, and while he hasn’t quite learned how yet, he will in time. So don’t worry, dear readers! I hope you enjoy, and don’t be afraid to tell me what you think!
A few days after his meeting with Shinsou, Link found himself in hero costume, preparing to go on a field trip for a special rescue training day. It was early, at least an hour before school was usually meant to start, and he yawned silently as he fiddled with an extendable metal staff he’d had made for him after the battle simulations, clicking the button on the side occasionally to practice extending and shortening it as he wanted. The chatter of his classmates died down as Momo started herding them in the direction of the bus, and he forced himself to attention, returning the shortened staff to the magnets newly attached to his belt. 
“Alright everyone, please line up in an orderly fashion! Have we got everyone?” Momo directed the question to Midoriya, standing at her side with a clipboard and pencil. He glanced over the line again, mentally counting them up and checking them off on his attendance sheet. 
“Yeah, that’s everyone. I think we’re about ready to go, once Aizawa gets here.” Midoriya affirmed, tucking the clipboard under his arm. 
It took only a minute longer for Aizawa to arrive, and a few minutes after that they were on the bus and starting to depart. 
“Hey, Link, wanna play flashcards?” Uraraka asked the slightly sleepy blonde. He nodded, blinking away a bit of tiredness as she reached into her bag (they’d all been allowed to bring bags for their personal belongings, though they weren’t allowed to bring them inside USJ itself) and pulled out a fairly large stack of flashcards she’d made herself. She pulled off the rubber band from around them and handed them over to Link. 
Each card had a word or letter on it, with a cartoonish doodle of the corresponding sign on the back. Link had helped her make them, including the entire alphabet as well as some more commonly used signs. Link shuffled the deck thoroughly, and held up the top card to let Uraraka see the word written on it. She stared intently for a few seconds, trying to remember the word. Out of the corner of his eye, Link saw a few of his classmates half-watching them, and held back a smile. Midoriya, of course, wasn’t being remotely subtle, staring outright with possibly more focus than even Uraraka herself. 
Uraraka drew his attention back as she shifted, posture straightening as she brought her hands up somewhat hesitantly. 
‘School’ She signed, and he turned the card around to check the word, nodding when he saw she was right. She smiled brightly, and repeated the sign to herself to reinforce the information in her head.
They continued this for a few minutes, content with the simple memory game to keep their attention. Eventually, Uraraka slipped up, mixing up the signs for ‘Ask’ and ‘Question,’ due to their similarity to each other, but Link was cut off before he could correct her. 
“Wrong, Round Face! It’s this way, not that, dumbass.” Bakugou demonstrated the correct sign, and everyone on the bus (sans Aizawa and the driver, of course) paused for a moment, staring at him incredulously. The explosive boy practically snarled at the sudden attention on him. 
“What?” He shouted challengingly. 
“Dude… How did you even know that? Uraraka and him only started the flashcards like, a week ago.” Kaminari asked, and the look Bakugou sent him bordered on deadly. Sero, from next to the electric blonde, stifled a cackling laugh, though was luckily ignored. 
“I started learning after the first week, Dunce Face. It’s not like he’s the only person who uses sign language, and it’d be a real shit show if I couldn’t talk to the people I’m trying to save.” He explained, tone defensive. Kirishima sniffled, and Link glanced over to him in concern. 
“That’s…” He paused, wiping a tear from his eye. “That’s so manly! You’re so cool, Bakubro!” He told him, watery grin nearly blinding. Link found his gaze drawn to his shark-like teeth for a moment, and his eyes narrowed for a moment as he felt that familiar tug at his subconscious. 
He glanced away, looking out the window instead as he focused on that feeling. It was something that had followed him his whole life, but it had only gotten worse the past few weeks (especially with the incident at his house, which had kept him up the whole night fixating on the little green crystal only feet away from him in his desk drawer). He couldn’t help it at this point, letting the conversation around him fade to a dull murmur in his ears as he cleared his mind, concentrating on the tug at the back of his mind. 
It felt more like a solid presence than anything else, like the familiarity was his minds attempt to drag whatever it was into the light. He took a breath. Trying to think about it directly felt… wrong. Like he knew, somewhere, that he shouldn’t be trying to find whatever it was his mind was hiding from him. A pit formed low in his gut, unwanted anxiety, discomfort, even anger building there, and he shuddered as he shook the thoughts from his mind as best as he could, trying to force the feelings to dissipate with them. 
‘No digging into my subconscious for weird pseudo-memories. Got it.’ He thought, studiously ignoring the concerned look Uraraka sent his way as he refocused on the conversation. 
“It’s pretty telling that we’ve only known you for a few weeks and we already know your personality is crap steeped in sewage.” Kaminari commented, sly smirk and narrowed eyes focused on Bakugou. 
“What the hell are you saying?! I’ll kill you!” He shrieked in return, expression firmly planted in pure, murderous rage. He was leaning over the guardrail of the divider, feet planted on the side and arms gripping the bar in a way that nearly defied gravity. 
‘What did I miss?’ Link thought, shooting a sharp glare at the boy for his harsh words. He caught it, and sneered at the boy, anger fully redirected. 
“What, you got something to say? Huh, Gremlin?” He challenged. Link’s jaw set, and he stared the boy down with a look approaching contempt. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Midoriya looking between the others and Bakugou with something like panic on his face, and his expression worsened slightly, reminded of the greenette’s near deathly fear of the blonde. 
“Hey! Stop messing around. We’re here.” Aizawa interrupted the stare down, eyeing each of them warily as the tension started to dissipate. Link was the first to break eye contact, sliding his bag under the seat as he got up and started for the exit. 
The class filed off the bus, far less orderly than when they’d gotten on (to Momo and, oddly enough, Iida’s chagrin) and Aizawa led them into the building after a quick reminder to be respectful to their other instructors for the day. 
One of the others was waiting for them already as they entered, clad in what looked like a puffy space suit. They were barely visible through the visor, but Link could make out what looked like stars, like the person held entire nebulas on their skin. They looked over the class with some amount of excitement, introducing themselves as Thirteen, the rescue hero. 
“Landslide, shipwreck, fire, storm, etcetera, I made this training ground with different types of accidents and disasters in mind. It’s called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint! Or, USJ!” They pointed out different areas of the training grounds out, and dramatically posed as they finished their explanation. 
‘Isn’t that kind of like Universal Studios Japan?’ His head tilted slightly in confusion, watching as Aizawa moved to talk quietly with them about something. The conversation lasted only a minute, Thirteen giving a three sign to him at the end, and he sighed irritably, turning back to the class. 
“Alright, All Might isn’t going to be here today, so we’ll split into two groups instead of one. First, I assume Thirteen has something to say to all of you?” He directed the last part to the rescue hero, who nodded somberly. 
“Yes. I have three things to tell you. Or… four, or five, or six…” They paused for a second, counting on their fingers. “Anyway… You all know what my quirk is, right? It’s called Black Hole, and I can use it to suck up anything and turn it to dust.” They started to explain. 
“You’ve been able to save people from all kinds of disasters with it, right?” Midoriya asked cheerfully, nearly bouncing on the spot. 
“Yes. But my quirk also has the power to kill easily.” They said, and the air seemed to shift, a chill settling over the students at their statement. “Some of you also have quirks like that, right? In a society like ours, personal quirks have been registered and stringently regulated, so it doesn’t seem like much of a problem at first glance. But you can’t forget that there are many whose quirks could kill with one misstep, whether they intend to or not.” They continued, and Link frowned deeply. 
He was familiar already with the idea. It was how his father died, after all. But more importantly, he had seen it in the quirks of his own classmates. Bakugou, Todoroki, and Tokoyami were the prime examples, of course, but Mina, Kaminari, Midoriya, Aoyama, even Uraraka could seriously hurt someone if they weren’t careful. He was lucky, at least, that he knew his quirk didn’t have that type of capacity, though his came with it’s own challenges. 
“With Aizawa’s tests, you learned about the hidden capacity of your own powers, and with All Might’s combat training, you experienced the danger of using those quirks against others. Here, you’ll be getting a fresh start, learning how to use your quirk to save lives instead. You don’t have quirks so that you can use them to harm others. I hope that by the end of this you’ll all understand that you can use your powers to help, too.” Thirteen finished, and Aizawa stepped back in. 
“Alright, first thing-” Suddenly, the lights lining the domed ceiling of the USJ started to spark, each dancing with electricity which shattered the bulbs, dimming the area. Aizawa and Thirteen turned, watching as a purple mist swirled around the center of the courtyard, forming together into one mass. Link inched forward on instinct, hand already reaching for the staff at his hip as he scanned the mist in increasing concern. 
Something appeared in the portal for a moment, and he caught a glimpse of blood-red eyes peering out into the USJ before they disappeared. Aizawa cursed, moving in front of the students and calling for Thirteen to stick with them. He heard a few fearful murmurs of his classmates, and Link’s gaze snapped back to the portal just in time to watch a man walk out of the portal. He had blue hair, sickly pale skin, and ash grey hands nearly entirely covering his arms, neck, and head. He looked up at the group near the entrance, and Link met his eyes for a moment again, tensing at the pure malice in them. Others followed behind the man, each just as unsettling as their blue-haired leader. 
He scanned over the crowd, and he froze suddenly, his own blue eyes meeting the gold ones of a tall, muscular man in what looked like armor. His long, fire red hair fell to his lower back, and he had skin the color of terracotta and eyes that screamed of death, despite their honeyed hue. Link choked down a breath, dread filling him at the sight of this man, the gentle tug at his subconscious less than an hour earlier paling in comparison to the head-splitting pull he felt, taking him over until his vision was tunneled on the stranger, smirking at him in a way that made him feel like a cornered animal, staring down their hunter. 
“Is this like the entrance exam, where the training’s already started?” Link heard faintly behind him. 
“Don’t move!” Aizawa shouted at them over his shoulder, making them freeze in place. There was a pause, only a breath, like their teacher was reluctant, afraid even, to say his next words. Link already knew what they would be. 
“Villains have breached the USJ!”
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A Merman and a Teacher [Merman!Kirishima/Takara] [No Quirk AU]
Okay so I am not sure where this story is going and would love suggestions! Anyway, I would like to thank @thetrashyartwitch for letting me use this story as inspiration for this. I try to make things a little different, and I hope you like it!! 
I’m also tagging @elite-guard-hardygal , @souskena , and @dailyojiromashirao . Hope you guys don’t mind! 
Okay! Here’s the Link to the First Chapter!!! Please send in any and all suggestions you guys have! Please! I really wanna know what you all have to say! 
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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Over the next few weeks, I came by the alcove every day and discovered through several instances of the merman flicking water at me or tugging me toward him or dunking me that he had a naturally playful, pranking nature.
He had a habit of pulling that shit whenever I was talking too long, or threatened to leave, or simply whenever he felt like it. I felt a genius stroke of luck when I thought to download a free phonetics app for my phone. It was supposed to help children learn how to sound out words and my friend seemed to like it a lot. I used it to help him and he soon learned how to say my nickname (Kara) and a few short, usually three-letter, words. As long it wasn’t complicated or long, he could actually say it after a while of struggling with it.
Almost every time I praised him for sounding a word out properly, he would turn his cheek to me, and if I were to hesitate or refuse, he’d rarely slam his salty cheek against my lips regardless if he was feeling particularly needy.
I’d always scold him and he would sit there, a smug, unrepentant look on his face as he watched me get flustered as I tell him he can’t keep forcing me to kiss him. I knew he didn’t understand the precise words I was using, but he wasn’t entirely dumb; he knew I was always upset when he did it.
A few times, I’d bring food in a waterproof container, like a Thermos. Mainly, I brought cheap sushi or boardwalk food.
Like today. My companion greedily sucked down the food I brought him and begged for more. I refused, careful not to let the water get all over the food when he flicks water at me petulantly.
This was getting a bit out of hand, honestly. I move away and motion for him to stay. “You let me eat.” I explain. “Then Kara back.” I started using smaller, simpler words when around this merman. He was only beginning to understand human speech and mannerisms, but he caught on pretty quick, all things considered.
I then look at my phone as I eat and notice that it was nearly four in the afternoon, and I’d promised my uncle I’d come visit today. I sigh heavily and swim toward the entrance, knowing the merman enough to dodge his grab at my ankle. He’s pouting, and I smile. “Me go, come back later.” He crosses his arms, looking away and sinking into the water like a child. I roll my eyes and laugh. “Bye.” I call. Instantly, the merman is in front of me, cheek turned to me. I sigh. It had become tradition that my departure is worthy of a kiss. So I give him one before waving as I swim away reluctantly.
“Why do you smell like the beach?” Uncle Yoshi asks. I shrug.
“I swam.” I reply vaguely, not noticing the dopey smile on my face. I hadn’t had time to shower and freshen up before visiting hours were over and my parents also wanted to visit him today.
“Oh? With anyone?” I blush.
“N-no.” I reply.
“Ah-ha! You deny it! It’s true!” Uncle Yoshi cackles, it soon dissolving into coughs. I sigh.
“Look, I- -”
“Who?” He presses once his coughing subsides. I shake my head. “C’mon, Mei.” He cooes. “Tell your uncle what’s going on.” He pleads. I bite my lip. ‘Oh, yeah. I’ve met and kinda befriended a merman, Uncle Yoshi. He’s cool, but kinda flirty. Oh, and I’m teaching him English so I can actually talk to him in proper sentences and have him understand.’ that would go over well.
“...I just swam with a friend.”
“Bullshit! You don’t blush and stammer about swimming with a ‘friend’, Mei.” He counters, smiling in victory. “So. Spill.” It was only two words, but I felt their weight settle on my shoulders. He had contracted cancer, so it wasn’t like he could run down the street yelling to the world that his niece had met and could sorta talk to a merman.
Also, he’s such a nice guy, he’d understand that it had to be a secret...right? I bite my lip. “It’s a long story…” I mumble.
“I have the time.”
“It has to remain secret, okay? I’m being serious, Uncle Yoshi. You’ll understand when I’m done.” My uncle raises a brow but nods.
“Alright. Whatever you say will not leave this room.” He always knew when I was being dead serious, like now. I swallow.
“Okay, so...about two weeks ago, I was walking down to the pier because I couldn’t sleep, and then I hear people on the pier messing around, so I look over and- -I’m being dead serious- -there were two mermen and a human woman all leaning or sitting on the pier. I didn’t believe it at first, but it’s real.” I pull up the video and picture of that night. “They left soon after this because a patrol showed up, and I came back after work the next day and eventually found the red-head merman again. I’ve been trying to help him learn English and introducing him to sushi and whatever else I can buy cheap on the boardwalk.” I explain, squirming as I waited for his reaction. Uncle Yoshi was silent a good minute or two, and it was an eternity before he spoke.
“You’re right to keep this a secret, Takara.” He murmurs, fiddling with a stray string on his blanket absently. “There are many dangerous things in the water.” I blink.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’ve seen my own merman. Not as young as the ones you’ve seen, but I saw one; it saved my life once.” I tilt my head. “It was a long time ago. Made a dive to explore a shipwreck; nothing I hadn’t done a bunch before. Only this time, as I was leaving, I cut my leg on a part of the ship. Tried to get up to the surface quickly, but I was too slow. A great white, one of the biggest ones I’ve ever seen, came charging right at me. Before I could blink, it had my leg in it’s mouth, yanking me this way and that. I tried everything recommended for this scenario, but it was so big, nothing I did had an effect. Then out comes this- -this blur. Knocked the shark right off me, pulled me behind it in a heartbeat. Turns out, it was a very muscular merman with a series of scars and the tail of a whale shark.” Listening to the story, I was stunned. My Uncle had never quite been the most open person, but if you asked him a direct question, he’d answer honestly. It did make sense that he’d never told me about this encounter before, but holy crap! There was someone else beside that woman on the pier that’s seen a mermaid? There were more than two mermen?! I shouldn’t be surprised, but still... “Of course, once he’d sent the shark on it’s way with a few punches, he helped me to the surface, vanishing the next instant. No one would ever believe me, I thought, so I never told anyone. I lied and said the techniques I used somehow worked and I managed to make the shark go away.” He sighs and next thing I know, he’s smacked my shoulder. “You, on the other hand, are an idiot! What if I hadn’t met that merman, huh?!” I wince, rubbing my shoulder.
“Look, you’re the one who pressed me into answering!” I protest defiantly, pouting a little at him.
“And you decided to answer honestly?!”
“Well, pardon me for being raised not to lie!” I shoot back. My uncle then chuckles.
“Good girl. Stand by your decisions, unless you’re proven wrong, no matter what.” I grin back at him.
“I know.” It was something of a family motto, one repeated frequently. Uncle Yoshi put his hand on mine.
“Tell me more about this merman.” I grin and continue.
“He’s actually kinda smart! I have a phonetics app on my phone and he’s hooked on it!” I laugh. “He’s like a little kid, really, the way he acts, but he means well. He’s also a bit of a prankster, dunking or splashing me sometimes or tugging on my feet. He likes to play with my toes sometimes, and my hand.” On and on I went, unheeding of my uncle’s knowing smile or the fact that my grin had turned positively dopey the longer I spoke.
“You really like this merman, don’t you?” My uncle interrupts. I flush.
“I...he’s kind of my friend at this point, you know? He’s come a long way from where he started and I like watching him improve, even if he wants a cheek kiss for every ‘accomplishment’.” I roll my eyes, remembering the salty taste of his cheek, the pride in the merman’s ruby eyes, the way his skin glistened when it wasn’t in the water...
Promptly banishing that thought, I notice Uncle Yoshi laughing.
“So, he’s a flirt, huh?” I nod, blushing a little.
“A bit. I’m teaching him not to be too pushy, though.”
“That’s...good.” My uncle replies, brow raised and amusement in his eyes and voice.
“Either way, I don’t plan on stopping the visits.” I muse, knowing my uncle would probably suggest it. He was a bit more cautious since his diagnosis, after all. He sighs.
“And I wouldn’t ask you to. Just...be cautious. If anyone else were to find out...I doubt it would end well.” I nod.
“I know.” The silence lingers.
“You’re an amazing woman, Takara.” I look at him, surprised. Not necessarily at the words, just at the sudden urge to say them.
“Okay.” I reply, unsure how else to handle that.
“I mean it. Some people would have turned the merman in if they’d found him. He’s lucky it was you.” I smile at the compliments and the thought of how lucky I was to be one of three known people to have seen a merman.
“And I feel lucky to have seen and befriended him.” Then, before the conversation could continue, my parents arrive. This was usually how it went; we got individual visits, so the older people could speak freely without the younger kids and young adults in the family being weighed down by the conversation. I stand and hug him. “It was so great to see you, Uncle Yoshi.” I farewell, kissing his cheek. My parents wait for me to finish farewelling him before fully entering the room.
“Keep me updated, okay?” It was a purposely vague question from my uncle. I nod. “I know transfer students can be a hassle, but you’ll manage.” I smile gratefully at the frankly great cover story.
“I know. I’ll be back hopefully by next week.” He nods.
“Sounds good. Love you!”
“Love you!” With that, I wave and walk out of the hospital, feeling better now I’d finally let out the secret to someone I could trust.
And to cap it off, my uncle had met a merman, too! How wild was that?!
Sleep was hard, but eventually, I succumbed.
The next week crawled by, the kids being respectful and hardly causing any fuss, for once. It seemed they finally understood that school was going to happen whether they liked it or not.
Soon enough, I could leave and grab food and a change of clothes for after the beach and then it was off to see the merman (Dear God, I need to help him tell me his name! I can’t keep calling him ‘the merman’ forever…).
As usual, he was waiting at the entrance, practically dragging me into the alcove in his excitement. “Kara back!” He squeals, nuzzling my cheek with his scaly one. I scoot him away gently.
“Kara back.” I repeat patiently.
“Play phone now!” I laugh. Of course he’d immediately want my phone. Despite needing to take a break to let his eyes rest after staring at a different kind of light then he was probably used to in the ocean depths, he took to the app as easily as he swam around.
Actually speaking the words was more of a challenge, but he took to the challenge with an admirable gusto and determination.
I pull up the app, laughing, and hand the phone to him as we settle into our usual spot in the shallower section of the alcove, where I didn’t have to tread water and he didn’t have to get completely out of the water, laying propped on his elbows, engrossed in the app, which currently was helping him pronounce ‘name’. I found that a bizarre coincidence, considering that I’d wanted to ask his name for a while, having to wait for him to know more English before I brought it up. “Hey.” He reluctantly tears his eyes away and looks at me. “What’s your name?” He blinks several times before doing a series of clicks, groans, and whistles that I couldn’t translate. I give him a pointed ‘that doesn’t answer my question’ look and his face screws up in thought. He pulls my phone back up to his face and taps on it. Under his breath, he was doing that weird groan/click/whistling thing I assume is the language of mermen, but as usual I didn’t have any clue what he was saying.
He knew the app pretty much inside out and there was a keyboard that would sound out the letter you pushed. He presses several keys and I have to ask him to do it a few more times before I understood. “...Kirishima?” I ask. He beams at me and nods so fast, I swear he has whiplash. Before I can react, he hugs me and we end up underwater. If not for the many many times we’d ended up swimming when we didn’t mean to, I’d have been shocked and a little mad, but this was kinda routine at this point. Kirishima (I am so happy I know his name now!) knows my limits roughly and lets me up a few moments later, arms still around me as we go back to where he’d dropped my phone in his excitement. I thanked the Lord every day that I had thought to buy that waterproof case.
Regardless, I fish it out and reopen the app. “Here, you play more.” I urge, and he goes back to work. Kirishima was happily tapping away for awhile while I sometimes had to offer a bit of help on a word or sound that gave him trouble. Eventually, I had to leave, and he gave me one last hug before reluctantly giving my phone back and letting me leave.
He had really had improved a lot since we’d started meeting up, and I felt proud of him. In a way, he was different than my students at the school.
They were born into the language and just needed help learning English. But with Kirishima, he was from a totally different world, with its own set of languages and rules and customs, and yet he wanted to learn English so we could communicate. He was always so happy to overcome the challenge of a new word or learning a new phrase. I wonder if cheek kisses were a common reward in mer-culture (if that’s the right word), or if he’d simply seen that blonde merman get one for winning the arm-wrestling, and wanted some for himself. Either way, he was pretty funny that way, and I didn’t mind as long as he didn’t push it.
I then shake my head. It probably wasn’t a good idea to be reading so much into Kirishima, but I couldn’t help it! Frankly, I didn’t get out much, so this was the biggest thing in my life right now.
Maybe that’s all this is...Yeah. That’s the only reason...right?
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myselfinserts · 6 years
As it had turned out, using Salt Apple without proper strength training resulted in a lot of injuries. Half the villains had gone temporarily deaf, though one suffered some kind of loss in the left ear. Endeavor, who had apparently been called in by the Hero Mither, had his flames go out completely for a moment, before nearly engulfing the entire building due to shock. Mither suffered a slight burn, but was otherwise unharmed, while her sister Taren had a broken leg.
And Aizawa had "pulled a Deku" as the students would call it.
"You truly are the most reckless teacher we have next to All Might, Eraserhead! If you do something that stupid again-"
"I get it. I get it."
Aizawa hadn't meant to break his arms in a hundred different places.  But it wasn't the first time it'd happened. It'd have to be the last time though. He was teetering on the edge like Midoriya in that regard. And the last thing he needed was to show him his future first hand.
Recovery Girl made him stay in the hospital room with Luci at least. That was a silver lining in this horrible situation. Though Amaryllis wasn't doing too well. He was feverish, mumbling in his sleep, and most likely suffering nightmares from the poison.
Aizawa wanted to wake him from the nightmares. Wanted to talk to him. To soothe him. To make amends. But he couldn't with his arms like this. So he had to settle on watching and waiting. Maybe even thinking about what he could say to get Luci to open up.
He had a few words in mind.
Everything was ruined.
He'd just gotten to the altar, arm in arm with Regi as they prepared to say their vows. But instead, Amaryllis found himself in the center of Elspie town square. The bodies of the dead civilians surrounded him.
There was fire.
So much blood.
"What do you think of my collection?"
Amaryllis slowly turned around, eyes wide in fear as he saw Spikes sitting on a makeshift throne made of various Hero support items. Around his neck on a chain were masks of many fallen heroes. Renegade's being dead center, sandwiched between L's and Midnight's. He could make out the frames of Mic's sunglasses too. Snipe's mask rested on the belt off to the side. Thirteen's helmet and Power Loader's cover were on top of the throne. Spikes was wearing All Might's silver age cape and Ectoplasm's trench coat.
When did he get to them?!
"You know," Spikes cackled. "I'm so looking forward to taking your mask too." He slowly stepped down from the throne, reaching into his pocket. "I think I'll wear this one while I do it. It's my very favorite, you know."
Amaryllis was shaking, crying, begging to be let out of this nightmare.
Spikes pulled out a pair of yellow goggles, slipping them on over his sickly grey eyes with a sneer.
"Let's play, Amaryllis."
When Luci woke up it was the middle of the night. The room was dark, with only the moon to light the way. He was sweating, shivering from fear. He had no idea what happened, but he didn't care. He had to go find-
"Hey. Did you know I'm a big mistake?"
Aizawa was in the bed next to his, laying there with his arms wrapped rightly in double casts. He looked like he'd been to hell and back. Or maybe that was because Luci couldn't think clearly. He'd only just woken up from-
Wait a minute.
"What happened to Delusion?" he asked. "And what the fuck happened to your arms?"
"We caught him," Aizawa assured. "I had to borrow your tuning fork to do it."
"I see." Luci wanted to ask more, but he was too tired. And frankly? Too upset. He didn't want Aizawa involved to begin with. This was supposed to be his time to reflect. To decide if he wanted him back into his life.
And yet, having him here made him feel happy.
"What did you mean by big mistake?" he asked.
Aizawa stifled a laugh. "My name is written with the characters for 'eraser' and 'fat' or 'big'. So it's fat eraser. Something that's needed to erase big mistakes." He paused, his gaze softening. "My parents had a sick sense of humor. I wonder if they saw me as a big mistake, so might as well name me that."
"Better than Mallory Sidero," Luci muttered. "Aizawa is a grand name on its own. I wasn't even allowed a chance with something like that. I got saddled with 'bad luck evil nymph' and packed away on a boat because of my quirk. Because I'm a curse. An evil bad luck charm. And people actually thought it was true. They outright told me that's why I was named that. And the worst part? Sometimes they were right. People get hurt or worse because of me."
Aizawa stared at him for a moment but said nothing.
"You know what they say. Names are power. Give someone your name and they have control. A name gives you a certain energy. An aura that controls your surroundings. So make sure it's one you're okay with sharing. So the first chance I got, I picked the furthest thing from Mallory Sidero I could think of. I picked 'light' and 'oak grove'. Lucien Adaire isn't some curse. He's just...just another Hero...Just another face in the crowd. I just...want to be another face in the crowd. That’s why I don’t tell people. Why my records are locked."
"I don't want that hanging over me! I don't want the control that name has over me anymore! I don’t want my past to decide my present anymore!"
Shouting like that was a mistake. His throat hurt now. The fever was telling him to sleep, but his heart was screaming to keep talking. To stay awake. He just didn't care anymore.
"So what?"
Luci stared at Aizawa, taken aback at his question. "What do you mean 'so what'?"
"Names don't matter, Luci. Actions do."
Luci sat up, about ready to shout. "What do you know about that?! You have no idea what I-"
"You're right," he interrupted. "I have no idea what you’ve been through. Not really. And I never got to hear you tell me about it, and I never got the chance to tell you about me. And that's because I screwed up and didn’t wait to hear it from you like I promised."
Luci looked at him, confused. Was this the same Aizawa from a few nights ago?
"So what if your quirk got you a bad name in the past?" Aizawa asked.  "That's the past. I don't care if you're "unlucky evil nymph" or "shining oak grove" or whatever. I don't care about all the bad stuff you had to do. The Mask Collector, Wolfsbane, the shipwreck? I don't care about those things. I care that you're here now, trying to be a good person." He sat up, and in the light of the moon, Luci could just make out the tears in his eyes. "You're a Hero, Luci. And a damn better friend than I deserve." 
Luci swore he'd gotten a case of déjà vu. He'd heard those words somewhere before. From a very familiar technonaut. 
Why does Shouta sound like Regi?
"I don't expect you to forgive me," Aizawa concluded. "Hell, I wouldn't forgive me either. But...if you'll have me, I'd...I'd like to be friends again." He let out a soft, half hearted chuckle. "If you want a big mistake for a friend."
Luci closed his eyes and pondered for a moment. "No, I don't want a big mistake for a friend."
Aizawa tried, and failed, not to look heartbroken. "I see..."
"I want Shouta Aizawa as a friend." He opened his eyes and laughed at the bewildered look on Aizawa's face. "You're not a mistake, Zawa-bear. Dense. Thick headed. Socially inept at times. And way too sneaky for your own good, I swear. You’re an idiot, Shouta. But a mistake? Never." Before Aizawa had a chance to process and respond, Luci stepped forward, wrapping his arms around him as gently as he could. "Things won't be the same but...I'm willing to build new bridges if you're up for crossing those rivers."
Aizawa smiled, resting his head in the crook of Luci's neck. "I'm up for that."
Luci could feel his skin dampen from the tears that definitely weren’t coming from Aizawa. They’d have to talk more, for sure. But for now? For now Luci was content just holding him.
“By the way,” he teased, “I still can’t believe you pulled a Deku.”
“I will use your crook against you,” Aizawa warned. 
“Keep telling yourself that, Zawa-bear.”
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xelgius · 6 years
What am I doing?
The other day, a friend of mine had asked me what I’ve been up to this winter break and, for a number of reasons, I struggled to articulate what it was that I’ve been working on for the past few days. Of course, now that the moment’s gone and that I’ve had some time to really think about it, I thought I’d go ahead and talk about it here, in case anyone were to ever run into this blog.
So, what am I doing?
The short answer is that I’m writing a play - two plays, to be exact. I can give you a very brief blurb as to what I’m imagining each play to be about. What’s perhaps most important to know, however, is that both of these plays are currently in a very embryonic state; that is to say that they’re incredibly pre-mature and, at this point, really just a bunch of drabbles and short scenes. 
Here are the ideas for the two plays:
Current Working Title: ANTONIO
The first one is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night that specifically focuses on Antonio's character. I’ll try to be brief on this one, as it’s the newest and therefore the least fleshed out. 
For anyone unfamiliar with Twelfth Night, all you need to know is that Antonio is a relatively small role (he has maybe 4 scenes total), but a very important one, nonetheless. We learn in one of his scenes that, before the events of the play start, Antonio rescued Sebastian (one of the leading men) from a terrible shipwreck, and throughout the course of the play, Antonio:
Falls in love with Sebastian.
Is a wanted criminal in Ylliria but decides to follow Sebastian there anyway because he loves him.
Gives Sebastian all his money so that he can enjoy his time in Ylliria.
Selflessly rushes to protect Viola (Sebastian’s twin sister, who he mistakes for Sebastian) in a duel.
Gets arrested (because he was defending Viola, who he thought was Sebastian).
Is being manhandled by the police when Sebastian finally shows up, only to learn that he’s just married Olivia (another leading lady), who he literally met maybe ten minutes prior.
Gets to watch all the romantic leads (ahem, Sebastian) get married off (all hetero weddings, by the way) while he remains arrested.
So... Antonio really get’s fucked at the end. I honestly don’t understand why Shakespeare decided to give one of the most honest, loyal, selfless characters such a cruel ending. And because I value representation on-stage, I immediately latched onto Antonio’s plight, and want to write a play that tells his story - a story that, I think, differs greatly from that of Twelfth Night. 
So that’s the first play I have in mind. Because it’s so new to me, though, it’s still very abstract in my head. I don’t even have a plot for it yet, and so I’m hoping to let it sit and ferment for some time while I build upon the momentum that my second play is starting to gather.
Current Working Title: CASA MARRIOTT
Okay so this one, believe it or not, is harder to explain than the first. In some ways, it’s an adaptation of something I wrote back in 2012. 
I used to be really into roleplaying here on Tumblr. What that means is that I’d be in a roleplay group and each participant would create a character, write a bio for them (backstory, individual quirks, personality traits, etc.), and interact with the other players through paragraph-based writing. Most interactions, or threads, would only involve two participants, and in that thread, the two players would take turns writing and responding to what the other person wrote. 
So, this specific roleplay community that I joined back in 2012 was called Casa Marriott. The gimmick - I’m embarrassed to say - is that it was set in a luxurious resort located on a remote island in which men were illegally brought in as sex slaves. You had your Masters (the wealthy resort clients) and the Slaves (sex workers, or in many cases, men who were assaulted, kidnapped, and illegally brought in)... so it dealt with human trafficking, which, in retrospect, is something that my freshman self knew nothing about, but something that I’d seriously like to address in my play... if you’ll stay with me, it’s something I’d like to really talk about in a different post. 
However, the reason why I’m so attached to this RPG is because of the character I created. His name is Benjy Stone, and what’s most important to know about his character is that he’s strongly against sexual assault (as I hope most people are) and ends up becoming very protective of a number of characters he meets while as a slave at the resort. 
Perhaps what’s most dear to me is the relationship he shares with Tony, another slave that he befriends, defends, and eventually falls in love with. It’s the idea that love can thrive in the darkest and most desolate of places that really inspires me to want to do something with all of these threads that I wrote out for Benjy. I have to admit, though, it’s not gonna be easy. I’ve never done anything like this before, and I’m dealing with some very twisted, complicated subject matter. Still... I’m delightfully surprised by some of the stuff I wrote back then. That was approximately 5 years ago, and while there’s a lot of revisions to make, there are also a lot of precious moments - both comic and heartfelt - that I genuinely believe deserve to see the light of day; and since theatre’s what I do, it only felt natural that I take all of these threads and somehow try to string them together into a play. 
So those are the two plays that I’ve been working on over the past two weeks. Of course, it’s really only Casa Marriott that I’ve been making any progress on because, unlike Antonio, Casa Marriott has been fermenting in my mind for five years now, so it’s pretty ripe and ready to be picked - especially in our current social climate. 
So, what will you find on this blog?
Anything and everything relating to these two plays:
Excerpts and scenes (all works in progress, no doubt)
Character bios
Inspiration (relevant art, music, quotes, fashion, architecture, etc.)
Dramaturgical Resources
My occasional thoughts and frustrations. 
If you’ve made it this far - wow, you’re awesome. I’m pinning these two projects as part of my 2018 New Year resolutions. I don’t expect to finish either of them this year, but I hope that I take these passion projects very seriously and that I really stick to them as the year goes on. Wish me luck, and thanks for reading this~
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