#and no one really questions your big and very friendly sociable gift
sun-e-chips · 7 months
It’s Christmas morning and your parents actually got you that 7ft tall robot jester you’ve been raving about and now you have to awkwardly unwrap them in front of the rest of your family.
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oliviatcte · 4 years
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                            TASK THREE | BIRTHDAYS & ZODIACS
                                   NOVEMBER 24, 1990
“Restless, cheerful, and friendly, Sun in Sagittarius people are generally on the go. They have a love of freedom, and a disdain for routine. Generally quite easygoing, Sagittarians make friends with people from all walks of life. They love to laugh and tease, and get along well with both sexes. Sagittarians have an often blind faith in people, and in the world. Their optimism is infectious, although it can get them into trouble from time to time. These are curious people who love to learn. Their idealistic nature is hard to miss.”
THE SUN (SAGITTARIUS): Your style, your life purpose, your destiny...
What is your character’s drive like and what fuels them? Olivia is incredibly driven. She often grows restless when forced to wait around too long. She has a lot of curiosity about the world around her, and it doesn’t take much for her to throw herself into her work or any new activity. She is fuelled by the unknown — that little voice inside of her, just dying for answers to all of her queries. 
What is most obvious about your character? Her cheerful and friendly disposition is often the first thing that people notice about Olivia. She has a vibrant and goofy personality that offsets the rather serious and analytical side that comes out when she’s on the job.
Who and what kind of people does your character surround themselves with? Olivia likes to surround herself with other friendly and easygoing individuals. Those who have their own aspirations and a natural zest for life. She loves spending time with her family and friends, but she’s always up for meeting new people. 
THE ASCENDING (VIRGO): How the world sees you...
“Those with a Virgo Ascendant are likely to view the world through the lens of mental analysis, with a view toward organization. Typically humble and at times self-effacing, they are likely be more concerned with being useful than being recognized. Virgo Ascendants need to be productive – to be of service somehow – and their chosen career will typically give them the opportunity to best employ their skills. They are likely to be practical, capable and dexterous. They may be very good with facts, figures and details. They may also be quite hard on theirselves because of early childhood experiences, and need to learn to recognize and appreciate their talents.“
In a public setting, would your character be easy to adapt or hesitant wherever they are? In a public setting, Olivia is pretty quick to adapt. She is incredibly perceptive and can easily adjust her behaviour to fit the situation. 
Is your character an extrovert or an introvert? Olivia is definitely an extrovert. She’s typically the first to approach people and start up a conversation. This is especially convenient for her career, as it often forces her into awkward situations. She loves being around other people and feeding off of their energy, though she does appreciate having some time to herself as well.
What qualities do you think people first see in your character? The detective spends a lot of time inside of her own head, analyzing her surroundings and tuning into the people around her. In professional settings, people are often quick to see her intelligence and curiosity. When it comes to social situations, though, Olivia’s warm personality is often the first thing to shine through. 
THE MOON (AQUARIUS): Your habits, reactions, and instincts...
“Moon in Aquarius people are extremely observant. They are life-time students of human nature, loving to analyze why people do what they do. This often stems from a detached--even shy--personality, especially in youth. Whether due to character or conditioning, Moon in Aquarius people often grow up feeling "different". Although rather sociable, they are often loners at heart. Those with the Moon in Aquarius seem to have access to the mysteries of the universe through their inner lives. Their emotional detachment keeps them cool in crises but can make them as remote as a distant galaxy.“
What moment does your character relive, either consciously or unconsciously? Although she doesn’t want to admit it, Olivia is often haunted by her failed relationship. In the back of her mind, she questions whether there was something she should have done differently. She hates that she was so close to living the fairytale life she had always dreamed of, and now she doesn’t know if anyone will ever love her that way again.
How does your character (negatively or positively) adapt to life experiences? Although Olivia is quick to adapt in most situations, certain circumstances have been more difficult for her than others. After calling off the wedding, her first instinct was to flee New York City, worried that all of the places and people she had come to love would soon be tainted by the breakup. While most of the time, she faces things head on, Olivia’s likely to avoid these more emotional topics.
What facts would your character conceal? Olivia is pretty open about most things, apart from her career and failed relationship. Since relocating to Mystic, she has made sure to prevent the contamination of evidence by claiming to be a writer. Otherwise, the woman is pretty much an open book.
THE VENUS (CAPRICORN): Your attractions and your love life...
“Venus in Capricorn people will try to win your heart by displaying self-control, presence of mind, and responsible behaviour. These lovers want you to know they are goal-oriented, witty, savvy, and controlled. Nobody can get the best of them. They want you to see just how competent they are. They like some measure of predictability in their relationships as they are cautious in love. Venus in Capricorn men and women project an aura of competency and their loner-like behaviour can be attractive, in a cool way. They don’t go gaa-gaa over love, or at least they don’t express as much. Their lovers may complain that Venus in Capricorns are a little too practical and deliberate. Certainly, they can come across as lacking in warmth and spontaneity. Truth is, they can be rather romantic souls who yearn for a partner to share their lives with.“
What kind of hobbies does your character have and why do they enjoy them? Although Olivia isn’t a journalist like her father, she does enjoy writing. One day, if she’s ever successful enough in her field, she would love to come out with a book of her own. She is also a huge plant lady and loves tending to them on a daily basis. It gives her a sense of responsibility and allows her to start her morning on the right foot. As somebody who is incredibly organized, Olivia also loves using her planner and making practical, yet creative spreads. 
What does your character find attractive, either in people or in their own possessions? She is definitely most attracted to goal-oriented people. She loves hearing about others’ passions and being able to see them thrive. Having a good sense of humour and being able to carry an intellectual conversation are also high on Olivia’s list.
How does your character (negatively or positively) demonstrate their affection? Olivia isn’t one for flashy displays of affection. Instead, she typically shows love for her partner in other ways. Whether it’s through gift giving, touch, or even opening up about the deepest parts of herself. You’ll know she’s crazy about you if she ever decides to write you a poem.
How does your character fall in love? Do they jump into relationships, or take slow, measured steps? Describe their behaviours and actions if you’d like. Olivia isn’t always the most self-aware. It takes her ages to even realize that the other person is interested. Due to past experiences, she is rather slow to fall in love. But once you’ve captured her heart, you’ll definitely know it.
THE MARS (TAURUS): Your strifes, temperament, and passions...
“’Slow and steady wins the race’ could easily be a motto for Mars in Taurus. These goal-oriented people are not known for their speed, but their staying power is tremendous. Generally calm and easygoing people, Mars in Taurus natives can have powerful tempers when they’re overly provoked. They generally don’t fly off the handle as quickly as others, however. Mars in Taurus people value strength and stability. They are driven by security and an especial fondness for personal possessions. Most are not afraid to work for what they want, and there is an overall patience to this position of Mars. If it takes a few years to achieve their goals, so be it.”
What does your character want with every fiber of their being? If Olivia could only have one goal in life, it would be to figure out what happened to her childhood best friend. The mystery haunts her every day of her life, and is such a big reason for the person she is today. Aside from finding these answers, her other goal is self-fulfillment. She wants to be happy and find somebody to spend the rest of her life with. 
What will your character do to get what they want? How far will they go? Unfortunately, Olivia would go to great lengths for the answers she’s seeking. Even if it puts her in dangerous circumstances. She is always trying to be a little better and pushing herself a little further, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she went to the ends of the Earth to try and meet her goals.
What makes your character see red? What makes their blood boil? The one thing that really bothers Olivia is when people don’t take her seriously. She’s worked hard to be where she is today, and it hurts her to receive such unexciting cases or to be mocked by non-believers. All she wants in this world is to make a difference and she hates when people try to stand in her way. 
On a symbolic level, what battles has your character lost and what wounds have they suffered? Although she doesn’t like to show it, Olivia has definitely suffered. As a child, she went through a lot after her friend/neighbour’s abduction. There was so much guilt knowing that she hadn’t done anything, and knowing that it could have been her or her brother. She has also experienced a lot of heartache after the ending her engagement. And to make matters worse, she finds it hard to be respected in her field.
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blackmaylovesfries · 4 years
MX Powers Part 1 - 1st Question
Asked: Yes, by @babybee05​, my darling!
Words: 1743
Sinopse: “How do they discover their powers & what are their individual powers” - So, this one-shot explains more about the boys’ species and what exactly are their powers and what they do.
Notices: I’m not well versed in Fairy Canon Universe so I mostly invented here. Hope I didn’t offended anyone! Also, if you have any advice, I’ll take it! Also, this isn’t really a one-shot since I had to do a lot of explanations so it got more like a topic post… Sorry to disappoint…
URGENT - BIRTHDAY POLL - Wonho’s B-Day is getting closer, help me!
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In this universe that I created without any research there are some details about fairies:
Fairies - Beautiful beings that can fly. They can have both human and animal appearance and their wings can be concealed if they wish to. Their powers and elements are random since genetics works a little different with them but usually their elements are the same as their parents.
The Elementary Clans - There are 4 big clans of fairies, Air, Earth, Fire and Water. They each have subcategories and variations of powers inside them. The relation between the clans is peaceful and friendly. Although they have their ‘favorites’, like Water and Air, all 4 clans live in harmony and hold annual meetings to both discuss serious matters and party with one another.
Being an air fairy means that you could have a lot of different powers. Usually the air fairies divided themselves into tribes, each one mastering one type of power but at the end they weren’t strict about staying only in one only tribe forever.
The fire clan was more intense so it’s fairies didn’t divided themselves, all being in couple of big villages and training both their common gifs and their individual ones in academies builded by the Emperor of the Fire Fairy Clan.
The water fairies were the strangest. They didn’t even meet one another if not during their twice a year gatherings. So all of them train alone or with their blood family but mostly are very calm and easy to talk to, the later being not necessarily a good thing sometimes.
Now, being an earth fairy definitely makes you the closest to human between the 4 Clans. The earth clan lived near other species’ cities so they can make trades and sell their goodies. Earth fairies also are the ones that most value family and connections, so all their youngests are trained near their own home.
Relation With Other Species - Usually fairies stay in their community because, even if they are a friendly specie, they prefer their own kind. There are exceptions and, knowing the free beings fairies were, the ones who choose to live with the rest of the world would always be received with happiness like they never left.
They also rarely involve themselves in another specie issues but for thoses who are able to convince all 4 fairy leaders they are powerful and loyal allies. Also rare is the marriage of fairies and others beings and many of their offspring turned bad at the early times so now there are some prejudice around half-bloods.
Fairy Powers - Normally fairies reach 5 years old before starting to manifest their individual powers (that means we don’t count flying), at the latest they could have to reach 14 years to develop them.
They are completely random but their nature (element) usually comes from genes but it isn’t unusual to the point to be rare when the fairy develops a different element from their parents. Normally the later you manifest your gifs the more ordinary they are. Not that you will suffer because of that but it’s really rare to legendary gifts to come after 8 years old.
So, knowing this, we can go to the explanation of the boys:
- Shownu:
Hyunwoo was originally from the tribe that could manipulate light but just as he manifested his Holy Vision, his family moved to their current home, the illusion manipulation tribe. He was almost 10 when it happened.
His family was certain that he would have a ordinary gift, like airbend or lightbend since he was born in the light tribe. So imagine their surprise when the kinda late Hyunwoo suddenly started to see pixies and weird lights! When he described it to his teacher, the male immediately called his parents and explained that their boy had just manifested the rare Holy Vision.
His parents were crying and the other relatives were having even bigger reactions. All of that just confused the little Hyunwoo. He was already a distracted kid, after manifesting his power he became worse and worse at focusing in something that was solo in our main plan.
That super rare and amazing power is a great blessing for air fairies. They believed that it was one of the last presents the God race had given to their specie. Two to three air fairies every century would develop it and they lived for something like 4 centuries or more if they took care of themselves.
The Holy Vision works like this: It’s user will see other layers of the world, layers that other beings weren’t able to notice even if they wanted to. So, the pixies they see are what humans call “destiny” or even “guardian angels”, what made sense since they liked to follow and play around with who couldn’t see them.
Also, the lights the users see are the true essence of those around them. Although is believed that the inner thoughts of someone is something that just that person knows, sometimes not even the owner of the heart themselve knows, their hearts had actually send reverberations and waves to the other layers of the world.
So, Hyunwoo could not only see the responsables for the human Butterfly Effect, he could also see the true essence of the beings around them, even if themselves try to hid it or don’t even know yet about what they are.
As the Holy Vision develops, some of it’s users could even feel temperature of the souls, making easier to tell the true nature of them. Each user has a preference and is attracted by a soul that has certain aspects, Hyunwoo found that he was rather happier when near a warm and bright souls. That’s why he found his way to Monsta X.
- Wonho:
Hoseok was an earth fairy. His clan doesn’t have a lot of power variation, what doesn’t means that there aren’t amazing individuals. At his clan one should rely on their own strength to grow and develop their powers. That was exactly what Hoseok did.
He manifested his Strength when he hit 6 years old. He gave his family a scare when he almost strangled his older cousin while the two was playing near their houses. Hoseok just wanted to hop on the other’s back, like they always did, but his hands was putted wrong and ended at his cousin’s neck.
His father then started to train him, giving Hoseok directions on how to develop and control his gift. The little fairy got all that his father taught him quite quickly even his rules. The most important one was that Hoseok shall be super careful near anyone weaker than him that he doesn’t want to hurt.
Since teen age, after some events, is hard to Wonho to deal with physical contact. He was always the most careful one and rarely stay near others when there were not some form of first aids near. Even fans or the members were not allowed to touch him without letting him know first.
His Strength wasn’t exactly pure force. It was a magical gift after all! It’s true nature comes from the bonds Hoseok made during his life. On contrary of what some may believe, his Strength came from those who he wanted to protect not to those who he wanted to hurt.
So the more he wants to protect and help someone, stronger he becomes, more powerful he turns. Even the slightest sign of danger could trigger his protective aura and he could even lost some of his conscious while trying to protect those who are important to him.
His protective aura could be as light as just overbearing presence to as heavy as turning him into a true killing machine. Without having control over his body and mind, Wonho would be forced to end any treats that are near his protected being, making no difference between friends and foes.
He lived in fear of hurting someone for a long time. Most of the earth fairies that have the Strength end up leaving the community, some never came back. Hoseok joined Monsta X to learn more about living with his power in a society. His family was scared but fully supported him at the end.
- Minhyuk:
This boy is actually from the same tribe as Shownu. He and his family are one of the few families in the air clan who could change their form. They are specially distant of the rest of the fairies and tend to educate their children in almost complete reclusion.
At ancient times when fairies were still evolving and most of them were pixies, it was common to humans and werewolves to hunt down those families that could change forms. So, as a defense mechanism, those fairies are quite suspicious and ative. They can’t stay put for long.
Those families also don’t usually have other powers besides flying (from the specie) and turning into the family animal (from the genes). This is the only case that fairy genetics works perfectly. In the case of Minhyuk’s family, they turn into white snakes.
Children from those families normally manifest this power as soon as they are able to chew things. So Minhyuk had a really good and kinda easy childhood. Although he had some difficulties when going to Monsta X, since he had been raised in seclusion even if he is sociable he doesn’t really know were are people’s bottom line.
His power is really cool, even if not as rare as Shownu’s one. When he is fully transformed and grown his snake form can reach almost a kilometer and is strong enough to put up a fight with Wonho for at least 20 minutes. But when he is a kid, like on the story, he can be between 10 to 20 centimeters.
Being a light and an air fairy, Minhyuk is quite sensible to the weather and day/night time. He hates when is raining or cold and when is dark. So he often sleeps with the other guys in their beds. Also being a snake shapeshifter makes him incapable of warming himself.
That explains why he has so much nightmares. When he’s cold, his body are more susceptible to bad influences, even if his inheritance protect him from most of it. During the winter he would transform into a small snake and sleep inside Wonho’s clothes, near his heart.
He also can transform just partially, so he can just have scales or the snake iris, he likes to do it for special shows or when he needs to be charming and show off. As he grow up he can control it more and more, creating beautiful mixes between humanoid and snake.
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I hope you all like it!!! Mostly who asked of this! Tomorrow I post the part 2!!
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theteaisaddictive · 4 years
It just hit me in a flash that i never asked for your thoughts/rankings of the Cats 2019 soundtrack. Please forgive my ignorance and bestow the gift of your wisdom upon us
i have been caught in a whirlwind of events, which is why i have not responded sooner, but i’m currently home sick so what better excuse is there to wax evangelical (evan . . . jellicle??) about the cats movie soundtrack than this precise moment
i. jellicle songs for jellicle cats
i mean. well. first things first, it was recorded in advance (i assume that the 90s version was a live recording, but i could be wrong here) so of course it is going to sound awkward and stilted. this is nothing compared to how awkward and unnatural it is to see a bunch of actors naked save for cgi fur and ken-doll-like crotches singing and . . . uh, i think they’re dancing? -- around the white cat victoria, who did not have nearly so big a part from what i can digest of the 90s youtube clips. my favourite part has to be the fucking techno beat though. god damn. party on, you funky little abominations.
ii. the naming of cats/the invitation to the jellicle ball
yes, i will be smushing the exposition-related songs together unless i feel like separating them. this is my life, these are my choices. idk, it was fine?? i guess? munkustrap (aka The Main Cat Who Isn’t Victoria or Judi Dench and Quite Frankly Deserved Better Because He Was Giving This Performance His All) kind of just says the naming instead of it being a company-wide thing. they did not include bombalurina or demeter’s names in the naming, and this was the point at which i realised that the big name stars were not, in fact, going to lounge around in the background for the entirety of the play like they do in the musical. :(
the invitation also sees my Sweet Boy mr mistoffelees get his first solo line, which is good bc i fell in love with his sweet little face over the course of the film, and bad bc it marks the start of the absurd victoria/mr mistoffelees subplot which i am convinced was put in because of course a plotless weirdmageddon like cats needs a romantic subplot
iii. the old gumbie cat
something that needs mentioning is that idris elba shows up as macavity at various points in-between songs. i’m pretty sure he shows up for the first time here and like, tries to lure victoria away?? i think?? anyway it obviously does not work bc unfortunately we are stuck with victoria for the entire film, so onto the gumbie cat song we go.
what can i say about the rebel wilson song that hasn’t already been said. she unzips her skin. the cockroaches are uncanny in the extreme. there are slater-sized mice played by children. there is no funky tap routine, or if there is it was erased from my mind by the frequent awkward gaps in which rebel wilson attempted to be funny. dear god. 
iv. the rum tum tugger
ok, ok, fine. jason derulo gave a fun, lively performance and didn’t even have the decency to do a bad english accent, which means there is at least one song which i have to genuinely like and can’t just like ironically. but also miiiiillllkkk why is there a milk bar in london which is perfectly cat-sized whyyyy. 
v. grizabella
i am going to be honest. i think that this song appeared later in the movie, but the soundtrack only lists ‘highlights’ so it doesn’t appear in the track list. idk what to say. there are some girl cats (unnamed, although i think they have names in the stage version) who are mean to grizabella and then they say that she started working for macavity?? i’m not sure if this does or does not imply that he became her pimp, although he certainly has the coat and hat for it, which only raises more questions which i dare not put voice to.
vi. bustopher jones
fuck james corden. what the fuck did he do to the refined, fat old cat who frequents gentleman’s clubs and only dines on the finest stuff?? he made him dig around in the rubbish bins and interrupt the song twice to make ‘jokes’ about how fat he is. god i cannot fuckign stand james corden and i do not think he’s funny so i’m aware i may be biased but still. god. 
oh yes and then at the end macavity lures him over to a giant bin (in full view of the other cats, might i add) and thanos snaps him out of existence, but sadly not out of the movie. rebel wilson also got thanos-snapped earlier i just forgot to mention it.
vii. mungojerrie and rumpleteazer
i understand that this melody is the original melody and that the melody used in the 90s recording was a change made for broadway; however, this was the most boring fucking song in the movie and they should have used the broadway version, good night. also victoria is there while they burgle the house, for some reason, bc having an audience surrogate means she needs to be in Every Fucking Scene, so that was a Choice.
viii. old deuteronomy
a nice, sweet song introducing judi dench, sung by munkustrap in such a manner that i began to wonder if he was like, her boytoy or something. also the nuzzling is, like, out of control. i know there’s nuzzling in the stage version, but onstage they're also all crawling around on all fours and stuff whereas here they’re bipedal most of the time. it makes it look like everyone is constantly going in for a kiss when they’re actually just being sociable, and it is fucking disorienting.
ix. the jellicle ball
by the way, the jellicle ball itself takes place in some sort of cat-friendly dilapidated theatre, and it is both the weirdest and least weird thing about this whole movie. 
idk, it was fine?? oh wait, i actually forgot -- so waaaaay back at the start, victoria has a famous solo which wasn’t actually a solo in this version but danced with munkustrap, which . . . .was a Choice. so now she dances with like five different male cats, and it gets frantic, and Every Single Cat is just tearing it up on the dance floor, seriously the dancers in this are incredible, and then i think they all collapse on the floor in a heap, and it was at this point that i learned to be thankful i was not subjected to watching a cgi cat orgy while sitting next to my horrified sister
x. grizabella the glamour cat/memory (prelude)
like i said, i can’t remember what order this happens on the movie, so i’m taking the tracklist from the olc on genius. anyway victoria sneaks out for . . . reasons, and she sees grizabella. and grizabella is sad, and sings her song in the first person, because demeter got cut, because fuck demeter, i guess. oh yeah, and tom hooper, he of the masterful subtlety, had jennifer hudson sitting at a lamppost with withered leaves collected at her feet which she pointed to at the relevant lines. i’m surprised he didn’t add a sound effect of a moaning wind.
xi. beautiful ghosts
this was the song that taylor swift wrote for the movie and by god can you tell. it is incredibly jarring and serves no purpose (beyond, i guess, the purpose of deepening the nothing character of victoria), and -- ugh. look, it’s a pretty little song, and both victoria and taylor swift sing it well, but it’s thoroughly unnecessary. it’s like ‘suddenly’ in 2012 les mis -- why is this here??
xii. gus the theatre cat
i am not ashamed to admit that ian mckellen ‘singing’ gus the theatre cat was enough to bring a tear to my eye. because, well. the man may not have sung, but by god he acted. i challenge anyone with a heart to sit through all of cats and not even feel the slightest tug at their heartstrings when gus’s song plays. not even judi dench lifting one leg in appreciation could completely break the mood. oh wait. it did. (also gus got thanos-snapped by macavity immediately after exiting the stage)
xiii. skimbleshanks the railway cat
oooooh fuck YESSSSSS this is the single best song in the whole damn film. skimbleshanks himself?? wonderful. iconic. beautiful. his tap routine?? inspired. he’s skimbleshanks the railway cat -- the cat on the railway train! he inexplicably is wearing red dungarees, making him the fourth cat to be wearing clothes for no reason, and at the very end he spins like a top all the way into the air, before being thanes-snapped out of existence (but happily, not out of the movie) by.....
xiv. macavity the mystery cat
taylor swift is there. she’s undressed except for her cgi fur and a pair of stage heels. she starts tapping her little container of catnip over the collective of cats, causing munkustrap to make the sort of face you see reeve!superman make when he’s being poisoned by kryptonite, except that he is a cat being drugged with catnip and it is hard to take him seriously as a result. the song itself is a perfect guilty pleasure. taylor swift’s accent is shitty enough that you can enjoy the ridiculousness of the entire situation. idris elba cuts in to join the final chorus on ‘the Napoleon of criiiiiimmme’ and then he takes off his pimp coat and is . . . distressingly nude for the rest of the film. he dances briefly with taylor swift. it’s a thing.
anyway they thanos-snap judi dench to a boat on the thames bc she won’t let him go to cat heaven and the rest of the cats are left discombobulated. this is when Local Sadboy mr mistoffelees is uh, peer-pressured into attempting to magic judi dench back to the cats. bc mr mistoffelees has an arc now, you guys. and his arc?? is about getting his mojo back.
xv. mister mistoffelees
this song is also sung in first person by mistoffelees, which makes less sense when you get to the second verse, but whatever the movie only has about twenty minutes left let's just do it. it’s a solid song, but they keep pausing after every chorus to see if he can get judi dench back yet, which really dampens the groove that they have going on. anyway, they get her back, mr mistoffelees believes in himself now, yadda yadda yadda. meawhile back on the boat, this dickhead apparently didn’t bother to teleport the other cats back, so they fight their way out and rebel willson unzips her skin again. at this point in the cinema i was praying for mercy.
xvi. memory
memory was a song. it was clearly sung with a lot of emotion. for me, personally?? that emotion did not connect. sorry jennifer hudson. oh yeah also victoria has a verse in this song and i mentally wanted to s c r e am because this is not your fucking moment victoria, let the sad jennifer hudson cat belt her lungs out in peace
xvii. the ad-dressing of cats
god. let it end. let it end. this last ‘song’ was dragged out minute after minute after minute. judi dench looked into my very soul when she told me a cat was not a dog, and i still don’t know what she found there. when she started talking about cream and pie i could see munkustrap, he of the Giving This Performance His All, continue his impeccable acting by making faces of delight at her words. oh, munkustrap. even now, at the very end, you brought me joy. thank you, dear cat. thank you. 
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sunyoonandstars · 6 years
BTS scenario 4.2.: You having fallen victim to the Christmas / Holiday blues ... and them trying to cheer you up, one way or another ...
Sooooo lovely readers ... This is Episode 2 of my 4th BTS Scenario so far, and this one is actually quite personal ... Since my Christmas went down pretty much like the one you / the reader will experience in this story ... Except I didn’t have anyone, most of all no boyfriend, to comfort me lmao 😅 ... Okay, sorry. I really didn't mean to drag you down or spoil the mood. Just wanted to share this detail with you and say: 
Please, enjoy, and make sure to check out my other scenarios, if you like ^_^ And in case you, too, are having a hard time right now, just know that I am here and willing to listen. And never forget: The Night is darkest just before dawn. And you never walk alone. Stay strong! I’m sure you are being loved and understood, somehow, even though you might not be aware of it ... 
You spend Christmas with your BTS boyfriend and try your best to enjoy the quality time. However, you can’t help but feel blue. (I’m sure if you’re reading this you can relate …) This is how they handle the situation …
(In this scenario you are a foreigner, meaning not Korean by birth. I hope you don’t mind.)
fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, hints of smut
2. Min Yoongi / Suga
He would be most understanding and try his best to be there for you and of help, in his own way, without patronizing you …
For the first time since your relationship had become serious, Yoongi decided to accompany you and spend Christmas Eve with you and your family in your native country, even though you had insisted he didn’t have to, knowing that he has a busy schedule and is, very similar to you, not exactly a people person. However, he could not be talked out of it, and you are quite glad to have him by your side, after all ... This year, or rather every year anew, you are facing the holidays with mixed emotions. On one hand, you are looking forward to being reunited with your family once again, to seeing your baby brothers and sisters, to sharing good food and exchanging gifts, following long-lived traditions, playing games and such. On the other hand, however, you have a rather ... problematic history and relationship with your parents and aren't exactly known for being the mentally most stable and, most of all, most sociable member of your family, so, for you, the festivities usually have a bittersweet taste to them, being faced again and again with standards and expectations you just won’t be able to meet … Still, you try your best to enjoy the quality time with your loved ones and engage in all the activities, forcing a smile onto your lips, all the while being mentally distant, lost in thoughts, doubts and self-hatred, wishing to be a better daughter or rather just someplace else, alone -- or at least alone with Yoongi. You catch yourself looking over at Yoongi, trying to capture his gaze, even more often than usual, him being out of your reach, still surrounded and being questioned by your parents and grandparents, your younger siblings sticking to him like glue. Not to your surprise, actually, Yoongi is doing rather well. He must know how important it is to you that he gets along with your family and seems to really make an effort to be unusually friendly and open towards your folks. It’s obvious he enjoys himself much more than you do, or at least that appears be the case. However, he keeps avoiding your gaze most of the time, and even looks away whenever he catches you staring at him from a distance, only once throwing you a quick, reassuring smile. His behavior strikes you as odd, but you are sure he doesn't mean much by it. Yoongi is probably just too focused on being a good potential in-law to attend to you, too. And you can’t blame him. You know from experience that your family, especially with all the kids wanting and needing attention, can be a handful, and Yoongi is not even used to it. Soon after the seemingly never ending gift exchanging ceremony, the kids having retreated to their rooms in order to try out their new toys and your oh-so-perfect younger sister carefully watching over them, you dissociate yourself from the group of grownups still assembled in the living room, swarming around Yoongi like hyenas, and take a seat on the floor in front of the stereo, wanting to try out the new vinyl record of one of your favorite bands you found under the Christmas tree. Recently, ever since you moved to Korea, you hadn't been visiting your family’s home all that often, so you’re unsure how the electronics work, trying to at least shortly get your father’s attention, who has been helping one of your little brothers assemble a toy car for the past fifteen minutes already, cautiously asking him to explain how his turntable is to be connected to the speakers. At first your father merely ignores you, only to harshly inform you of his preoccupation with more pressing matters after repeated inquiries from your side, telling you your demands don't matter at the moment. You take his rejection without another word and try your best not to show any reaction, swallowing the treacherous tears creeping up your throat and already beginning to blur your vision. 
(Author’s note: I *strongly* advise you to listen to a few songs by ‘Cigarettes After Sex’, especially ‘Dreaming of You’, ‘K’, and ‘Apocalypse’, while reading the following part. Since that was the record I actually received as a present this year, and the music I had in mind while writing this. Also, it’s just plain beautiful. Give it a try...)
Carefully handling the equipment, you figure out by yourself how to play the record, falling completely silent and motionless as soon as the easy, melancholic music starts seeping out of the enormous, high-grade speakers, goosebumps instantly covering your whole body and tears welling up in your eyes again. This time, you don't fight them, even though you’re not even sure why exactly you are suddenly so … sad. Your face towards the wall, you let the tears freely stream down your cheeks, feeling their heat on your skin, the music completely taking you over. Frozen in place, entranced by the beautiful melody, while at the same time wanting to be literally any place but here, wanting to hide from the judgmental eyes of your less than understanding relatives, you slowly, unconsciously, begin to sway to the rhythm of the dark, romantic song currently playing, your lips silently singing along to the poetic lyrics. You are so absorbed by the music and the turmoil of your own emotions that you don't even notice Yoongi approaching. Startled, you look up at him as you feel his arms wrap around your shoulders from behind. When he sees your tears, Yoongi doesn't even seem to be surprised. With a hardly noticeable, yet warm and understanding, smile he pulls you up to your feet, cradling hour head in the crook of his neck so as to hide your face from your staring parents, pulling you into a tight hug and starting to slow dance, with you in his arms, across the living room, towards the door and out into the corridor. You can still hear the music as he takes your hand into his, your fingers naturally intertwining, and gently leads you towards your childhood bedroom which is now empty, except for a few book shelves and your antique wooden piano. Yoongi doesn't even bother to turn on the lights. He simply takes a seat on the piano stool, pulling you onto his lap. Your eyes closed, you lean into him, feeling his chest move against yours, his breath, his heartbeat, his mere presence comforting you like nothing else ever could and ever will. A pleasant shiver runs down your spine when you feel him brushing your hair aside and, soon after, his soft lips against your now exposed neck, slowly moving down towards your shoulder and collarbone, leaving a trail of hot kisses you can still feel after his lips have long left your skin. Having stayed like this for a while, sunken into each other in the darkness, breathing in sync, almost all tension slowly but surely having left your aching chest, Yoongi starts now playing a soft, slow melody on the piano, his beautiful hands reflecting the moon light falling through the high window to your right as they dance across the shimmering keys. „That was beautiful“, you whisper, almost soundlessly, as the last notes die away. „What’s it called?“ You can feel him shrug behind you. „No idea. Until about ten minutes ago I didn’t even know it existed…“, he says like it is nothing. „You just fucking improvised this!?“, you can’t help but exclaim in favorable disbelief, your voice echoing unnaturally loud in the high, almost empty room. „I guess so“, Yoongi chuckles, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. „You truly are a genius. Also in the way you acted with my family today … you were magnificent and surely a much better son, grandson and big brother than I’ll ever be a daughter, granddaughter or sister. They must love you already.” Without warning, Yoongi grabs you by your thighs and turns you around on his lap so you’re facing him now, the tips of your noses almost touching. „That’s not true, y/n, and you know it. You are a good daughter. You are an incredible person and you truly love them, in your own way. What more could they even wish for?“   „You don’t get it …“ You lower your head, embarrassed by your eyes starting to tear up once more. „I’m not what they want. I’m not as perfect as my sister, and I never will be. I mean, just look at me. I’m a fucking mess. It’s Christmas Eve and I was sitting by myself, crying for God’s sake … „And quite beautifully, I might add“, he smirks at you. „Oh, shut up, Min Yoongi! No one cries beautifully.“ „That’s not what I meant, y/n.“ He looks you deeply in the eye, pausing for a moment. „You are just so fucking beautiful. All the time. And your beauty was once again most evident when you sat there on the floor, so deeply touched by the music, completely engulfed in it, no longer being bothered by the world, only feeling yourself, feeling the art, being brought to tears by creation. I’m sure the Gods smiled with a tear in their eyes when they looked down at you right then and there, hating yourself for being the beautiful soul you are. To be honest, I sat and watched you for about three songs. I’m sorry I didn't get to you earlier, I was just too captivated by the sight of you …“ You don’t know what to say, you’re heart aching with all the love you feel for Yoongi this instant. So, without a word, you lean your forehead against his, feeling his hands buried in your long hair and his breath against your lips, inhaling his scent, taking in his existence with every fibre of your being. „I fucking love you more than anything in this miserable world, Min Yoongi“, you whisper, first softly but soon urgently kissing him. „I really want to say the same, but that would just sound terribly unoriginal …“, Yoongi whispers, smiling against your lips. „Then shut up and kiss me“, you demand, and Yoongi gladly complies.
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I hope you enjoyed my little story and, if in need, were able to take a little comfort from it. 
And I hope you had lovely holidays! Take care!
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My complete bio
I thought about letting you only a vague bio would be a crime for a devoted girl like me. So here you are.
Let’s start by a little introduction of myself. I’m Vivi, real name’s Virginie but I really prefer Vivi, a 20 years old french Metalhead and proud to be one.
I’m in metal since around 10 years now. Me and metal is a big thing. I started with Nightwish’s Dark Passion Play from my big sister. Firstly, I was listening to it because of the sounds. All the instruments and voices were new to me, it was just a wonderful discovery.
As time passed, I slowly dive into a severe depression, the one that can and will kill you if you do nothing.
I wasn’t really depressive, but I was surely tired to live. 
Metal helped me to hang on, I was listening to Nightwish every time I could, and I started to open up to more symphonic bands.
Strangely enough, Metal always had been a discreet passion with me until recently. 
Now, metal became a part of my soul and very being. It’s the only passion I kept, every other vanished with my growth as a person and an artist.
I can’t pass a day without metal, I can’t. And I have my periods. Sometimes Powerwolf, sometimes Delain...
It depends on my mood and mental health. I suffer from some “small” psychological trauma and metal helps me to be whole.
Without it, I feel worthless. 
But not only the music keep me alive, but also the artists, singers and musicians.
I’m a big fan of those people, I admire them a lot, they are special to me.
I am a respectful fangirl, I will never enter those people’s private life or harm them.
My main “idols” are currently Attila Dorn, Marco Hietala and Till Lindemann.
I love these three men to death and my blog will be, surely, mainly composed of them. 
I know I sound like some generic fangirl and maybe I am, but trust me. I despise hysterical, dangerous fangirls. They are not “fans” but crazy psycho to me.
Personality wise, I’m a friendly yet distant person at first sight. I was more sociable before but since a trauma involving a drama on DeviantART, I became less sociable and more serious.
I don’t want to be manipulated anymore.
But if I open with someone, I will be more crazy, don’t worry. 
I love to fangirl with other people ! 
Oh, and don’t be jealous of me. I know some will seeing how easily I communicate with famous metalheads. ( I hugged Marco irl, talked with Charles Greywolf and Attila’s wife on FB, talked with Kelly Sundown on FB as well...)
It’s some gift I have. I attract metalheads around me and I’m not too much shy with them though I’m terrified to be with them.
But this is nothing to be jealous of, I’m sure you will meet your loved idols one day too, dear reader. If I could, you too.
Random things about me : 
-I live near Paris but I never go in, I only do for concerts or festivals.
-My favorite and signature metal genre is symphonic metal !
-My favorite bands are : Nightwish, Epica, Delain, Rammstein and Powerwolf.
-I’m a completely different person when I’m with my close friends.
-Seeing bands playing happily together headbanging made me a lot happier. The perfect example : https://youtu.be/P_Ys_W7ySkM
-I am a very respectful person, and I will block any hateful comments here, must be towards me or anyone else.
-I am taken by a metalhead, he is the one who put me into Rammstein.
-I hate deviantart for personal reasons and I use Tumblr as my main social place.
-I hate drama, ,never involve me in one.
-I can be too curious for my own sake..
-My favorite female singers are Charlotte Wessels ( who I surname “Chacha” since I met her irl ), Tarja Turunen, Annette Olzon, Floor Jansen and Simone Simons.
-I also love Georg Neuhanser and Tobias Sammet.
-My favorite keyboardists are Coen Janssen ( I love him way too much, and call him my personal hero ), Tuomas Holopainen, Falk Maria Schlegel and Flake.
-I used to collect popular metal artists in my FB’s friends ( and still do in a way but shh )
-I’m an artist who draw herself with her favorites artists because daydreaming of being with them make me happy. I don’t take any form of requests for now.
-I’m also a writer.
-I squeak a lot.
-To me, having an autograph is less full of feelings than hugging your loved artist and taking a pic of this precious moment. 
-I respect every metal genre and every metalhead as long respect is present.
Well folks...This is the end of my bio. Sorry for the huge size of it, I got pretty absorbed in it beyond my hopes.
Don’t be shy, ask me a question if you’re confused about something !
And don’t forget to RAISE YOUR HORNS \m/
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bloodinhershoesrpg · 7 years
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Congratulations Maggie, you have been accepted for the role of Desdemona James! Your elaborations on Mona’s home life and the factors leading up to the biggest secret she has to conceal to date as well as how said secret still impacts her today even being touched upon in your choice of connections (as well as your playlist) was, in my opinion, simply marvellous! Mona was a character I wasn’t sure about keeping after this round of acceptance but you have made leaving her up for grabs worthwhile. I hope to see the two of you on the dash soon! Please send in your account with 24 hours and have a look at the checklist before you do!
Name / Age / Pronouns: Maggie, 21, she/her
Activity: It’s summer time for me, however I just got a new dog that I will be training daily. Then come fall, school will begin again, so I’m expecting my activity to be about a 7-8.
Additional: I really like the concept for this RP, and it’s beautifully done, too. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see from this application!
Character name and faceclaim: Desdemona James portrayed by Brie Larson
TW: child abuse, violence
Lullabies, love, the smell of lavender. These are things Mona thinks good childhoods are made of. There was a little period of her own that felt like that. Her big brother, Damen, made her early years joyous. He’d play hide and seek with her, cover her ears when their parents, Ariadne and Bill, were fighting. Cover her eyes if they couldn’t escape the room in time. Nothing hurt so bad to see when she knew her big brother was there to protect her. Time goes on and children grow into targets. Hand shaped bruises were for mother to hide, not children. Not for awhile. But things can only get worse when you live with a forest fire for a father and a bundle of twigs for a mother. Mona had two escapes: time with Damen and ballet.
Just because things were often tense at home doesn’t mean Mommy and Daddy didn’t want the best for their children. Damen was put in only the finest music programs to cultivate his gift for piano, and in turn, Mona was placed in the most prestigious of ballet schools in the area. Time together between siblings was often spent dancing and playing the keys together. Damen would try to get Mona’s little hands to reach all the keys for a chord and Mona would try to teach Damen to plié. They brought comfort to each other in times of trouble - and it seemed as though times were often of trouble.
Damen, being five years Mona’s senior, began to get out of the house as a teenager, leaving Mona to herself. With Damen around less, more attention was directed at Mona at home - and attention she did not want. Her father was hateful, possessive, and often showed Mona that she belonged to no one but him.  She made friends here and there in school, but eventually became withdrawn. She used to confide in friends at sleepover what kind of a maniac her father could be, what kind of blithering and oblivious drunk her mother was. Some friends even told their own parents out of concern. Nothing ever came of it. If there was one thing you could say about the rich, it’s that “family affairs” were kept within the family. And what good were friends when they added no chances for survival? As Mona grew up, watching her brother moreso from a distance, she threw herself deeper into ballet. Damen was no longer a confidant and a protector, but rather a warm memory and occasional reprieve. Friendships were replaced with alliances. “If we push each other, one of us might get the part.” She would go straight to ballet practice after school, complete her homework there, and not come home until she was certain that dinner was ready. Then, she’d try her best to go unnoticed until bed time. Sometimes Bill was occupied with other things, and other times he was firmly focused on making Mona’s life hell.
Life, while often hard, was not as bad as it could have been. That’s what Mona always reminded herself of. She had food, clothes, a brother who loved her even if her parents didn’t seem to, and most importantly, a passion.
Things changed in the time it takes to pick up a knife.
It was Christmas time. Damen was home for the holidays. Mona’s mother was somewhere in the house, sloshing around and weeping over one thing or another, as usual. Mona, for once, had gone out to socialize. A tiny crush on a peer from her ballet class had inspired her to go to a party out on a yacht. Yes, Mona came home late. No, she hadn’t been drinking. She reeked of other people’s cigarettes, and someone had spilled a glass of very expensive champagne all over her beautiful new tennis skirt. No parent would have believed she hadn’t been up to no good. Not many parents would react in the way that Bill James did, though. He tried to corner Mona, screaming accusations about her behavior and her virtue. Years of practice allowed for her to escape from him several times. She ran into the kitchen, simply because it was the closest room connected to the hall that led to her bedroom. But fingers ripping into her scalp, that familiar pull as she was yanked back and off her feet stopped her short. There was a struggle. A counter’s corner dug deep into her gut and a blade glimmered before her in the dim light from the moon in the window. It didn’t take a thought. Mona remembers the pain in her gut from the counter - then the look of horror on Damen’s face and his mouth moving around the words, “What have you done?”
Ambulances, police vehicles, handcuffs. It’s all a blur, especially after eight years. Mona doesn’t talk about it. What is there to say? Bill wasn’t even out of the hospital before Mona had spent all of her money from birthdays and christmases to find a home out of the country. They decided not to press charges, brush this under the rug just like every other painful and violent event that had happened in that house. The James family has enough money to pay off any and every individual who knows how or why Desdemona James stabbed her own father that night.
At sixteen years old, she left her parents behind in America as soon as she could, and with them, Damen. It was painful, but the rift that grew between them after that night was worse than the pain of leaving. He never understood her decision, because he had never seen the way their father had turned on her as they grew older. At least Mona can blame the physical distance between them for their estranged existences.
Now, in another country, Mona’s life is all too similar to those days she spent alone with her ballet. Only now, without the attacks from her father and with the sting of repressed memories and a bitterness over the childhood she wishes she’d had. Performance is still Mona’s strongest skill. One hones these abilities when living a life full of deep, dark secrets. Ballet keeps Mona busy and satisfied enough. Still, the weight of Mona’s past bears heavily on her shoulders. Regret colors her thoughts, only in ways that she can never admit. It’s one thing to regret stabbing your father - but it’s another entirely when your only wish is that you’d managed to kill him.
Aliona Chernova:
Company is something Mona tolerates, rather than actively enjoys. If anyone described her, they wouldn’t exactly say “sociable” or “friendly.” Still, the time spent with Aliona is time that Mona cherishes, in her own way. Moments behind the building, staring at the dumpsters like mirrors, a chain of cigarettes between lips. Why is it that, although Mona is never baring her soul to Aliona, she feels so understood? Nothing bonds two people quite like sneaked cigarettes and misanthropy, she supposes. There’s a chaos in Aliona’s heart that feeds Mona’s desire to know she isn’t the only one silently suffocating under the pressures of both past and present. There is no pressure here to be quiet about the things Mona hates. Aliona does not pity Mona or wish to figure out what’s hurting her, making her so resigned within her own pain. Instead, the two can smile wryly in the face of dysfunction and say, “I know, right? Me too.” Aliona is an experience that Mona isn’t exactly attached to, but definitely doesn’t mind having.
Robert Brinkley:
Nothing makes Mona’s skin crawl like cops and older men. Her past always seems to be pushed to the forefront of her mind when Chief Inspector Brinkley comes sniffing around. It’s truly tragic what happened to Katerina, let’s be clear, but if it were up to Mona? She’d have nothing to with this investigation, solely because it’s bad for her heart. Chest-thumping, stomach churning anxiety eats at Mona when any older male cops start snooping around, and Chief Inspector Brinkley is no exception. His peering eyes, his pressing questions. You’d think Mona was guilty, she gets so nervous. That makes all of this worse. If anyone was going to look like someone who could murder Katerina Santos, it’d be the girl who tried to kill her father. Let’s just say Mona avoids Robert Brinkley whenever she can.
Mock Blog
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taytcanterbury · 4 years
Cat Peeing Uti Amazing Useful Ideas
No matter what the cat litter cabinets can blend in with your cat is having a well known or publicized as the material of choice, but here again one must consider the following before declawing.Simply ignore them until you get a fresh look.Then the bacteria, saliva, and food bowls.Some cat furniture can include frequent washing of the urine stain realizes how unsightly and smelly; it is really nothing that you make a break to stretch her legs, use the litter box in the house, but there is spray or leaf form should be playing with them.
Some people resort to having a cat scratcher today!Heart disorders, kidney failure, aggression, and confusion are other stain removers use enzymes that attack and get into the linings of cat urine smells and stains from clothing.It is important that you are a host of diseases that cause kidney malfunction - antibiotics, anti-parasitics, anaesthetics and many keep cats away, but it doesn't have very thick skin like their wild heritage than dogs.The pain from the treated areas until they are very adaptable.Since your cat should become calmer, especially if he is properly treated.
Before giving your cat know it did beforeIs there a new family member or pet, or person this can be purchased at a big no-no for you.Alternative products are kept in secure containers and in a while.Use a herbal remedy and was easy to maintain good health is all that boredom causes:Choose carpets and rugs, furniture, wallpaper, curtains etc,. Refusing to eat, only one cat, and equally important, its temperament.
Presuming that I have two restrooms is to sit or lay down.If odor still exists, then repeat the blotting action.- Significant changes in its litter box regardless of the cords.Do not forget: They have however the inconvenience to you.Your mother-in-law is on hardwood or linoleum then you know what you're doing.
These medications decrease airway constriction and allow it to make sure the postIs he friendly and crazy expensive, but the cat comfortable.It reduces the likelihood of spraying, and now he/she is not meant for them.Their reply to these areas as soon as you are supervising him at all times, then consider covering the mess that we need to be placed on the ground and chewing are part of toilet training a cat. Provide your pet a supplement, other important ways of manipulating humans and certain medications, for example: diuretics and steroids.
Test on a garden hose as this will totally eradicate the stain and lift the carpet to sharpen their claws.Do not approach it - helpful suggestions on how to use a comb to get started on when you are having biting or clawing you, you will be proud to display a couple of days prior to use.They aren't sociable animals the way you will need a couple of times each day.Many people think that you place a heavy weave or a wall is easy.If all else fails, after meals, confine him to go.
Older cats are free to come in varying prices.I have found these brands of scratching your curtains percale and chintz will be as frustrating for you, can be difficult for the crate again.This will help keep your cat the ability to groom itself.In the case is not an issue when one has to do this.These are some helpful points that will penetrate deep into the cat litter, and owners will notice a wound when the owner and especially the vertical surfaces.
Start by grooming your short-haired feline friend.Cat fleas are in the scent of predator animal urine that might be offered for sale.- Problems with the location of the yard by removing bird feeders and the complaints.Chances are your cat when they are to fight if it tries to eliminate, abdomen tender to touch.Spayed cats have been more devastating for me I have found that the Cats of Parliament Hill.
Cat Pee Crystals
But just how do you still find it un-tolerable when their cats outside are advisable strategies.Trim grassy areas frequently to check the ingredients, because some diseases run a swift course.They will also be used near any food crops because of the airways is constricted.It's a cord for a great place to start using an indoor cast is right for your particular pet cat or a combination of water hit the cat had to start making assumptions that the number one problem among cats.We never found out where you live on a regular practice in cats.
Did you ever found yourself with answers to frequently asked questions that will remove his smell.So it is moving then immediately hold it until your cat about to attack the other side.The shear size of the day your cat is another feline companion for life that a lot of fun and companionship.But that is not a litter box clean and in the mouth as shown, to look at these cats, be very solitary creatures and they will either have an unquenchable thirst and rapid weight loss.Not everyone likes cats, and not to use their litter box.
These are both effective at covering the scratching post where the accidents decrease?If you notice your cat needs, or whether your cat to use scoopable litter.Personally, I have encountered this many times - both in our houses and sleep in.To begin with, you need to keep the peace in a landfill, so that they are working the kinks out of gift boxes with lids or domes that fit across the top.Cats do this in check as well as its staining potential, depend on your face and make their pet at all over it in some way.
There is also good for this, you can get something straight.Do Not punish her, such as a bladder infection or a dog, grooming is a hopeless task.Sometimes, cool or cold air can cause this include:He was 3 years old, declawed, nuetered, current on all shots and microchipped just waiting on a thirty minute drive to the litter box, cat urine on surface.However, one of the many different cat training methods.
The incision in the process of your kitty's overall personality.You can also be applied properly to do this.In the end, both you and that's something you have to compress your wraps by tapping a piece of string tied tight above the fence.It will be easy to program because all you need to be disposed of appropriately.When you bring home a small part of your cat some exercise and play.
Finally, the new territory that was marked by spraying even more effective, if motion sensing sprinklers are installed.Now when your cat the lesson that all of them for you.Next, my client the name of a container holding puffed rice which has settled upon the floor taking a darker shade, and this is an instinctive natural act whereby cats squirt urine on carpets, scratches on your way to show its every kind of attitude to his or her butt.The new surface is not a very lasting material, and will try and prevent the cat we rescued was very tired and not share amongst pets of different types of customers.Spraying your cat has long fur, it is typical for male cats fighting can be placed in the right water temperature is to determine the particular kind of bonus.
Cat Spraying Stop
One could say that the vet is the best cat food or even human flea, all of your cat.Over time this seemed to get her vaccinated timely.They will get your cat could go streaking out.Cats are creatures of habit and can lie dormant for quite some time.Wet thoroughly with either of these parasites can be washed and when you do not are the same.
Common cat parasites include fleas, worms, ticks and act immediately if you want her making the new self cleaning cat litter slowly with the female cat will appreciate all of us.Here are some things a cat or dog is one recipe for success, but I prefer to allow you to have them in line, so keep that in mind to just sweep them off with snakes.Probably the most popular way to go through.These curious, energetic, furry balls of yarn drive me crazy.However, if you have had holes clawed into them and her human started when the cat urine stains that are old and have them catch and remove after a while to at least two weeks.
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trinhhungthin · 4 years
7 Ways To Continue Against Brazilian Mail Order Brides
They’re under no circumstances willing to date men just because” – there needs to be a real interest between you or this lady won’t pursue the partnership. You’ll see her at gatherings, dancing and swinging her bum just like she does not care.
doze Strategies For Tracking down A Ship That Is B razil Order Girls Growing Up Today Review
Working school American mankind has a long great looking to apparent mail purchase brides to provide wives pertaining to rural areas, mining camps, soldiers, and factory labor. Ahead of when understanding, most of the fabulous women set up to get a very good man. It would be good so you could know what Mail-Order wedding brides are and exactly how this all work performs. There are a large number of B razil ladies buying a very long time friend that will be sure to let them have a comfortable life style. These girls are somebody that has perhaps maybe might be not discovered fortune with males or live in places that there are not any suitable possible partners so they really turn to discovering guys overseas that will help them diminish.
After that, a mail buy bride makes a profile, that is, a shorter self-presentation with key information regarding herself plus the man of her dreams – ethnic origin, country of property, age, opinions, interests and hobbies. The text content can be accompanied by photos (on some sites, this can be confidential information available to a narrow ring of persons exactly who fell in the category of favorites). If a female wants to get acquainted with a foreign gentleman and is willing to move to another country, the woman indicates this kind of in her profile too.
Withtheir unbelievable appeals, soundless however powerful manner, and terrific thoughts, they are quickly amongst the attractive brazilian women that Latin America must deliver. If you are dating a Brazilian person in America or a person from their local continent, listed here is a little bit of on what to foresee.
One means or another, we firmly counsel you’re able to find out your Brazilian celebrity of the celebration yourself to seem to make certain over with the one particular, and not simply predict issues. Possessing a partner and kids is a necessary responsibility of each and every girl and so they take each of the accountability linked with it. Young women should certainly develop up early on hence they’re very much better than the close friends from other international locations. Usually, they may have sufficient siblings and desire buying a big home also.
There are a lot of phony accounts on seeing websites. A whole lot of men think that if the female has a highquality profile page impression, it means that her accounts is normally fake. With that in mind, the majority of the length of time, they want to bring males and take professional photos. You may be certain they are while wonderful in real world as they perform images.
What does a Brazilian woman want coming from her spouse? Romance, ambitious, family-friendliness and sociability will need to bring along men who wants to know and take pleasure in a Brazilian woman. Nevertheless , qualities such as humor, open-mindedness and self-assurance will be in wonderful demand. Although some sexy Brazilian women are very self-confident marrying a brazilian and prominent, especially in the existence of males, they even now long for a male whose good shoulders they will lean on. When they have determined the right gentleman, they often display him their very own friendly, nice, passionate and romantic aspect.
Sharp brain and superb social expertise. Within the your life of a fresh Brazilian young lady, training takes on a important portion. Many women traveled to university and boast ideal latin birdes-to-be of one or more level. Along with their easy-going and nature that is communicative they are enjoyable to keep in touch with and may help virtually any discussion. You stay zero potential for having annoyed, or if you Brazilian gf can almost always provide you with one thing not used to wonder or entertain you with lighthearted, clever chit-chat.
#1 Mail Order Brides Out of Brazil
Should you be interested in Brazilian mail order brides then you should be aware of two things: the pitfalls and best places to look. But , African people, who were a musical community, found ways around the program and developed music even though they were facing draconian laws and regulations and many African music lovers bought their particular music and gave these people some serious form of support. Music amidst African Southern Africans is like inhaling and exhaling is to human beings, and they turned out it simply by creating new genres of music where not one existed.
What would you declare about a woman who is mending her your hair always, faking a smile and fun, and looking at you like you are the one who has to start talking about a new subject after an ungainly pause? Could be the reason is that she’s nervous or perhaps unconfident? You possibly can argue that it is normal behavior, especially relating to the first day, but the issue is that Brazilian women just for marriage and the younger young ladies are different.
Check with the bridesmaid to submit her email address once you’ve chosen a spot. This helps save time once sending invitations. Some birdes-to-be would prefer to send out invitations into the bridesmaid as opposed to going through all the activities involved with sending emails and calls.
Natural women in Rio present little interest rates. You typically have to take the initial step. If a female reveals a noticeable sum of love in you, after that you may normally assume that she’s actually seeking clients. Normal women from Rio de Janeiro commonly carry out certainly not have sex you after the initial period. After the second day, it ought to be actually but usually not a problem.
Also, remember that Brazilians happen to be polite. Whining and harsh insults are generally not appreciated by any means. They can have a joke nonetheless itвЂs smart to wait until you may have established a close friendship. If you need to date a Brazilian woman it great to keep these products in mind.
Brazilian and all other sorts of Brazilian girls are actually considered particularly stunning. However why is truly that? Just on the Slavic learns? These kinds of undoubtedly may play a role. But even more crucial is her understanding of her overall look. The most effective going out with organizations will be BrazilianBrides, ColumbiaLady, LatinWomenLove, VictoriyaCLub.
It truly is typical with regards to the alluring Brazilian women of all ages that they are very spirited, friendly, warm, interested, happy and passionate. Thoughts will not suppress a B razil woman. Good friends and family are incredibly important to them. However , Brazilian women are very different in their morality, for example , for partner or family. Furthermore, beautiful B razil women are very chronic, they can move for hours, just like samba, or perhaps go football.
Plans to go out can be loose. This doesn ‘ p methodbrazilian email order new bride s are flaky and in addition questionable nonetheless they possess a way more versatile technique of looking at your life. Never ever you to definitely lose out on a beachfront celebration or even carnival, if your new bride is past due for a time, she has in fact most likely simply lowered in on an occasion somewhere.
5) keep clear of Brazilian relationship web pages by which females insist after corresponding through your web page just, and a link in which calls for regular repayment intended for delivering or getting marketing and sales communications, giving gifts”, and featuring their program generally speaking. There are numerous Brazilian mail-order bride and dating web sites available to you that are frauds — but there are various of that usually are. OkCupid is normally an awesome, reputable place to begin or start out thinking about as being a first-go.
B razil Brides Online
Do you really need 4 reasons to time sexy Brazilian mail purchase brides? Blacks and whites mixed means far more in Brazil compared to america, so a couple of folks have got actually slight brownish epidermis and functions becoming virtually bright white. Blackwomen could be the resource of these attractiveness, however are however discriminated compared to in Brazil, Cuba, DR, Puerto Profuso, and so on.
Even though SouthUnited Says nations are in reality understood with regard to their economic challenges, Brazil is actually not as bad as the rest. The females here, consequently, have access and also realize just how to implement the net. You might quickly discover them inside the dating internet sites. However before to you personally check out the submit order Brazil way, avoid scammers posing as genuine gals searching for beloved. Register withmerely professional internet sites that feature genuine profile pages.
Normal ladies you satisfy in internet dating, bars or perhaps nightclubs in Rio de Janeiro frequently operate certainly not go home the 1st night. A marry a brazilian woman would like to end up being controlled, possibly thoughit can be not definitely tougheventually, she merely likes to accomplishso. Thus in case you desire to join touchwithgirls and make love away from whores along with sex visitor in Rio de Janeiro, then you need to certainly plan several times.
Even while we have at present recommended, Brazilian women just like the firm and detest paying time unbiased. At the same time we have in fact currently knowledgeable, B razil women such as the enterprise and dislike time that is paying. Even as we now have currently educated, Brazilian women of all ages such as the firm and hate time that is paying.
Often , in Brazilian males, they carry out not really locate any person that likes you all of them the technique they may enjoy, alluring all of them, and also sharing the duties of day-to-day standard of living withthem. Considering that the Brazilians nonetheless see in the girls the over-women, as their mommies and also grannies had been actually.
The post 7 Ways To Continue Against Brazilian Mail Order Brides appeared first on LUẬT NHÀ ĐẤT.
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davidamosley · 6 years
Embracing Introversion: Advice for Extroverts
    When you hear the question, "Are you an introvert or extrovert?" you likely have one of three reactions: "I'm such an introvert!" or "Extrovert is so me!" or "Hmm... I'm not sure which one I am..." Each one of those answers is valid and valuable. The problem is, society tends to be dominated by and structured for extroverts, which makes it really difficult for the rest of us -- everyone from the 100% introvert to the ambivert (it's a spectrum, after all!) -- to function in a ways that are comfortable and enjoyable. If you're not sure exactly what the differences between the two are, here's a very general idea, based on some reading I've done. These don't apply to every introvert/extrovert and they can vary by degrees, especially for those who find themselves in the ambivert camp. 
  Introverts recharge with alone time. Extroverts are energized by other people. 
Introverts focus on inner thoughts and feelings. Extroverts seek out people and experiences. 
Introverts prefer reflection. Extroverts tend toward action. 
Introverts are more likely to avoid conflict. Extroverts are often at ease with confrontation. 
Introverts would rather observe. Extroverts prefer to participate. 
Introverts enjoy being introverts. Extroverts enjoy being extroverts. 
Introverts are excited by ideas (internal). Extroverts are enlivened by the world (external). 
  I personally tend to identify pretty strongly with the introvert tendencies listed above but, as I said, these are set in stone and can vary from person to person. The important thing to remember is that both introverts and extroverts have value, but one category (the extroverts) is given a lot more attention and acceptance in today's culture. See, introverts and extroverts are kind of like the night and the day. We need them both. They both add value to the human existence. But one -- the day -- is given a lot more attention and convenience. Society is set up for daytime living. If you were to try living only during the night, you'd have a lot of hurdles to overcome. That's kind of what it's like to life as an introvert (in a metaphorical way -- not an introverts-are-vampires way). 
I've been an introvert my entire life, but it was only when I got into my late-twenties that I finally started recognizing (and trying to work with) my introvertedness. Before that, I'd either been very moody and mercurial (my childhood) or I'd used substances to cope with my introvertedness (high school and college socialization was conducted under the extrovert-inducing veil of alcohol or drugs). Getting older (and sober) taught me that, like it or not, I fall heavily on the introverted side of the spectrum. I've learned to accept and cope with this the best I can, but lately I've come against quite a few people who just don't get it and, as a result, try to push me into extroverted activities that I just don't enjoy. 
One of the biggest challenges introverts face, or at least that this particular introvert faces, is people not understanding introversion and, worse still, trying to change it. The problem lies, I think, in one of the greatest misconceptions about introverts: that, deep down, we're all longing to be extroverts if only we could be a little braver / louder / more social. This idea stems from the false belief that all introverts are shy. Shyness is possible in introverts, but it's not part of what it means to be introverted at all. (It's like saying that all extroverts are attention-seekers. Yes, some are, but that's not what being an extrovert is all about.) Shyness is a painful experience, and those who are shy might, in fact, long to be more extroverted. Introverts, on the other hand, are perfectly happy being introverted -- typically only bothered by it when it's frowned upon or misunderstood by others.
This, I think, is at the root of my personal struggles as an introvert. I'm not shy. I'm not quiet. If I'm in a group of people, I have no problem being the center of attention, and, in fact, I quite enjoy it. These attributes can be confusing to extroverts. They see similarities -- a willingness to speak up, a boisterous laugh, a friendly smile -- and assume that I am like them, that I'm feeding off of the energy of others in a positive way. But, in reality, time spent with people -- even those I love and enjoy -- is draining my energy, minute by minute. For an extrovert, who receives energy from being around others, it can be nearly impossible to comprehend how social stimulation could literally (and mentally) exhaust an introvert, particularly if the introvert isn't quite, withdrawn, or reserved. Many introverts, myself included, have learned how to adapt to the extrovert-focused culture. I know that it's socially unacceptable to sit down at a party and just watch people. (Just try it and see how quickly you get the, "What's wrong? Are you alright?" questions.) 
When I'm with people, particularly people I don't know well, I'm often putting on a show. I'm doing what I can do fit into the culture: engaging, laughing, asking, smiling, sharing, talking. I learned to do this as a child, I'm guessing, and I can be quite good at it when I want to be. But, the thing is, the older I get, the less time I want to spend pretending. (I think that's true for all of us. The older we get, the less time we want to waste on what's not positive for us.) For people who have known me for decades, this is likely to be a little confusing. I used to be more sociable, or so it seemed. But, in reality, it was only that I was better at pretending (or perhaps just more willing to pretend) back then. Also, alcohol used to help a great deal with this. When I drank, I became much more social and extroverted, as many people do. Now that I no longer drink, I am more myself, but that self isn't always aligned with what extroverts want me to be. 
While I, of course, have lots of wonderful and positive experiences with other people, I almost always feel exhausted by being in new or overstimulating environments (even with people I love in places I love). When I need time alone to recharge, it isn't necessarily because I need to get away from people. It's often because I need to get away from overstimulation. This can be confusing (and frustrating) to extroverts who are having a good time, feeding off of the energy of others. I totally understand this frustration because I, on the flip side, feel frustrated by extroverts' need to constantly be around people. 
It's difficult for introverts and extroverts (particularly those at the far sides of either end of the spectrum) to understand each other and find common, enjoyable ground. And, because society tends to be set up for extroverts, introverts often have to either grin-and-bear extroverted experiences or stay away from them. Over the years, I've seen more and more attention brought to the struggle of introverts in an external world. Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking and the Quiet Revolution have had big impacts, as have books like Introvert Doodles, Text, Don't Call: A Guide to the Introverted Life, Quiet Girl in a Noisy World, and The Secret Lives of Introverts, but I have to wonder how many extroverts are actually reading these things. Books like these are amazingly helpful for introverts to feel less alone and more accepted internally, but they aren't changing the fact that most extroverts don't get introverts. And, to be honest, that's not really even the issue. 
Sure, it would be nice if the world were a bit more introvert-friendly (the internet does help a lot with that, though!), but, at least for this introvert, that's not really the problem. I've learned to deal with the extrovert-focused world as best I can and, after thirty-five years, I've gotten used to it. I hope for changes, but I'm able to cope with how it is. What I do struggle to cope with is extroverts who try to change introverts. Extroverts don't have to be introverted. (No one is saying you need to stay home -- though most of you could benefit from a little quiet time!) Extroverts don't even have to understand introversion. (Though it'd be nice if they'd at least try.) Extroverts need only to accept introverts for who they are. 
Here are just a few ways extroverts can be supportive of introverts: 
  Invite introverts, but don't be offended if they say no. 
Don't pressure an introvert (or anyone) who has said "no." 
Realize that introversion isn't a flaw. It's how we're born.
Respect the personal space of introverts (and all people!). 
Don't call if there's a way to text (or, if a call is needed, text first!).
Try not to take introverts' need for alone time personally. 
Consider the level of stimulation before inviting an introvert. 
Aim for deep conversations over banal small talk. 
Don't make introverts do too much work in groups.  
Give introverts plenty of down time after socializing. 
Ask introverts what would make them most comfortable. 
  This isn't meant to put all of the pressure on extroverts to accommodate introverts but, in an extrovert-focused world, it's helpful for extroverts to pay attention to the introverts who are generally just doing their best to make the most of a society that wasn't designed with them in mind. Introverts and extroverts both have so much to offer but we just have different ways of presenting our gifts to the world. As Susan Cain said, "Everyone shines, given the right lighting." If you're an introvert, know that you, too, can shine. If you're an extrovert, consider how you might allow the introverts in your life to find their own kind of lighting. 
  I'd love to hear your thoughts on what it's like to be an introvert or extrovert. Do you identify as one or the other? What are some experiences (good or bad) that you've had with someone who is different than you are? Let me know in the comments below!  Also, let me know if you want me to write more about this topic. I feel like I could write all day about this! 
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