#and james is a christmas fanatic
adharastarlight · 1 year
Reg: its getting to the christmas songs being played in public time of year. I shall no longer be going outside.
James: sleigh bells ringing, just hear those sleigh bells ringing and jing ting tingaling too. Come on its lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with-
Reg: *pushes him out of the room*
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Why People Are Wrong About the Puritans of the English Civil War and New England
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Oh well, if you all insist, I suppose I can write something.
(oh good, my subtle scheme is working...)
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So the Puritans of the English Civil War is something I studied in graduate school and found endlessly fascinating in its rich cultural complexity, but it's also a subject that is popularly wildly misunderstood because it's caught in the jaws of a pair of distorted propagandistic images.
On the one hand, because the Puritans settled colonial New England, since the late 19th century they've been wrapped up with this nationalist narrative of American exceptionalism (that provides a handy excuse for schoolteachers to avoid talking about colonial Virginia and the centrality of slavery to the origins of the United States). If you went to public school in the United States, you're familiar with the old story: the United States was founded by a people fleeing religious persecution and seeking their freedom, who founded a society based on social contracts and the idea that in the New World they were building a city on a hill blah blah America is an exceptional and perfect country that's meant to be an example to the world, and in more conservative areas the whole idea that America was founded as an explicitly Christian country and society. Then on the other hand, you have (and this is the kind of thing that you see a lot of on Tumblr) what I call the Matt Damon-in-Good-Will-Hunting, "I just read Zinn's People's History of the United States in U.S History 101 and I'm home for my first Thanksgiving since I left for colleg and I'm going to share My Opinions with Uncle Burt" approach. In this version, everything in the above nationalist narrative is revealed as a hideous lie: the Puritans are the source of everything wrong with American society, a bunch of evangelical fanatics who came to New England because they wanted to build a theocracy where they could oppress all other religions and they're the reason that abortion-banning, homophobic and transphobic evangelical Christians are running the country, they were all dour killjoys who were all hopelessly sexually repressed freaks who hated women, and the Salem Witch Trials were a thing, right?
And if anyone spares a thought to examine the role that Puritans played in the English Civil War, it basically short-hands to Oliver Cromwell is history's greatest monster, and didn't they ban Christmas?
Here's the thing, though: as I hope I've gotten across in my posts about Jan Hus, John Knox, and John Calvin, the era of the Reformation and the Wars of Religion that convulsed the Early Modern period were a time of very big personalities who were complicated and not very easy for modern audiences to understand, because of the somewhat oblique way that Early Modern people interpreted and really believed in the cultural politics of religious symbolism. So what I want to do with this post is to bust a few myths and tease out some of the complications behind the actual history of the Puritans.
Did the Puritans Experience Religious Persecution?
Yes, but that wasn't the reason they came to New England, or at the very least the two periods were divided by some decades. To start at the beginning, Puritans were pretty much just straightforward Calvinists who wanted the Church of England to be a Calvinist Church. This was a fairly mainstream position within the Anglican Church, but the "hotter sort of Protestant" who started to organize into active groups during the reigns of Elizabeth and James I were particularly sensitive to religious symbolism they (like the Hussites) felt smacked of Catholicism and especially the idea of a hierarchy where clergy were a better class of person than the laity.
So for example, Puritans really first start to emerge during the Vestments Controversy in the reign of Edward VI where Bishop Hooper got very mad that Anglican priests were wearing the cope and surplice, which he thought were Catholic ritual garments that sought to enhance priestly status and that went against the simplicity of the early Christian Church. Likewise, during the run-up to the English Civil War, the Puritans were extremely sensitive to the installation of altar rails which separated the congregation from the altar - they considered this to be once again a veneration of the clergy, but also a symbolic affirmation of the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation.
At the same time, they were not the only religious faction within the Anglican Church - and this is where the religious persecution thing kicks in, although it should be noted that this was a fairly brief but very emotionally intense period. Archbishop William Laud was a leading High Church Episcopalian who led a faction in the Church that would become known as Laudians, and he was just as intense about his religious views as the Puritans were about his. A favorite of Charles I and a first advocate of absolutist monarchy, Laud was appointed Archbishop of Canturbury in 1630 and acted quickly to impose religious uniformity of Laudian beliefs and practices - ultimately culminating in the disastrous decision to try imposing Episcopalianism on Scotland that set off the Bishop's Wars. The Puritans were a special target of Laud's wrath: in addition to ordering the clergy to do various things offensive to Puritans that he used as a shibboleth to root out clergy with Puritan sympathies and fire them from their positions in the Church, he established official religious censors who went after Puritan writers like William Prynne for seditious libel and tortured them for their criticisms of his actions, cropping their ears and branding them with the letters SL on their faces. Bringing together the powers of Church and State, Laud used the Court of Star Chamber (a royal criminal court with no system of due process) to go after anyone who he viewed as having Puritan sympathies, imposing sentences of judicial torture along the way.
It was here that the Puritans began to make their first connections to the growing democratic movement in England that was forming in opposition to Charles I, when John Liliburne the founder of the Levellers was targeted by Laud for importing religious texts that criticized Laudianism - Laud had him repeatedly flogged for challenging the constitutionality of the Star Chamber court, and "freeborn John" became a martyr-hero to the Puritans.
When the Long Parliament met in 1640, Puritans were elected in huge numbers, motivated as they were by a combination of resistance to the absolutist monarchism of Charles I and the religious policies of Archbishop Laud - who Parliament was able to impeach and imprison in the Tower of the London in 1641. This relatively brief period of official persecution that powerfully shaped the Puritan mindset was nevertheless disconnected from the phenomena of migration to New England - which had started a decade before Laud became Archbishop of Canterbury and continued decades after his impeachment.
The Puritans Just Wanted to Oppress Everyone Else's Religion:
This is the very short-hand Howard Zinn-esque critique we often see of the Puritan project in the discourse, and while there is a grain of truth to it - in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Congregational Church was the official state religion, no other church could be established without permission from the Congregational Church, all residents were required to pay taxes to support the Congregational Church, and only Puritans could vote. Moreover, there were several infamous incidents where the Puritan establishment put Anne Hutchinson on trial and banished her, expelled Roger Williams, and hanged Quakers.
Here's the thing, though: during the Early Modern period, every single side of every single religious conflict wanted to establish religious uniformity and oppress the heretics: the Catholics did it to the Protestants where they could mobilize the power of the Holy Roman Emperor against the Protestant Princes, the Protestants did it right back to the Catholics when Gustavus Adolphus' armies rolled through town, the Lutherans and the Catholics did it to the Calvinists, and everybody did it to the Anabaptists.
That New England was founded as a Calvinist colony is pretty unremarkable, in the final analysis. (By the by, both Hutchinson and Williams were devout if schismatic Puritans who were firmly of the belief that the Anglican Church was a false church.) What's more interesting is how quickly the whole religious project broke down and evolved into something completely different.
Essentially, New England became a bunch of little religious communes that were all tax-funded, which is even more the case because the Congregationalist Church was a "gathered church" where the full members of the Church (who were the only people allowed to vote on matters involving the church, and were the only ones who were allowed to be given baptism and Communion, which had all kinds of knock-on effects on important social practices like marriages and burials) and were made up of people who had experienced a conversion where they can gained an assurance of salvation that they were definitely of the Elect. You became a full member by publicly sharing your story of conversion (which had a certain cultural schema of steps that were supposed to be followed) and having the other full members accept it as genuine.
This is a system that works really well to bind together a bunch of people living in a commune in the wilderness into a tight-knit community, but it broke down almost immediately in the next generation, leading to a crisis called the Half-Way Covenant.
The problem was that the second generation of Puritans - all men and women who had been baptized and raised in the Congrgeationalist Church - weren't becoming converted. Either they never had the religious awakening that their parents had had, or their narratives weren't accepted as genuine by the first generation of commune members. This meant that they couldn't hold church office or vote, and more crucially it meant that they couldn't receive the sacrament or have their own children baptized.
This seemed to suggest that, within a generation, the Congregationalist Church would essentially define itself into non-existence and between the 1640s and 1650s leading ministers recommended that each congregation (which was supposed to decide on policy questions on a local basis, remember) adopt a policy whereby the children of baptized but unconverted members could be baptized as long as they did a ceremony where they affirmed the church covenant. This proved hugely controversial and ministers and laypeople alike started publishing pamphlets, and voting in opposing directions, and un-electing ministers who decided in the wrong direction, and ultimately it kind of broke the authority of the Congregationalist Church and led to its eventual dis-establishment.
The Puritans are the Reason America is So Evangelical:
This is another area where there's a grain of truth, but ultimately the real history is way more complicated.
Almost immediately from the founding of the colony, the Puritans begin to undergo mutation from their European counterparts - to begin with, while English Puritans were Calvinists and thus believed in a Presbyterian form of church government (indeed, a faction of Puritans during the English Civil War would attempt to impose a Presbyterian Church on England.), New England Puritans almost immediately adopted a congregationalist system where each town's faithful would sign a local religious constitution, elect their own ministers, and decide on local governance issues at town meetings.
Essentially, New England became a bunch of little religious communes that were all tax-funded, which is even more the case because the Congregationalist Church was a "gathered church" where the full members of the Church (who were the only people allowed to vote on matters involving the church, and were the only ones who were allowed to be given baptism and Communion, which had all kinds of knock-on effects on important social practices like marriages and burials) and were made up of people who had experienced a conversion where they can gained an assurance of salvation that they were definitely of the Elect. You became a full member by publicly sharing your story of conversion (which had a certain cultural schema of steps that were supposed to be followed) and having the other full members accept it as genuine.
This is a system that works really well to bind together a bunch of people living in a commune in the wilderness into a tight-knit community, but it broke down almost immediately in the next generation, leading to a crisis called the Half-Way Covenant.
The problem was that the second generation of Puritans - all men and women who had been baptized and raised in the Congrgeationalist Church - weren't becoming converted. Either they never had the religious awakening that their parents had had, or their narratives weren't accepted as genuine by the first generation of commune members. This meant that they couldn't hold church office or vote, and more crucially it meant that they couldn't receive the sacrament or have their own children baptized.
This seemed to suggest that, within a generation, the Congregationalist Church would essentially define itself into non-existence and between the 1640s and 1650s leading ministers recommended that each congregation (which was supposed to decide on policy questions on a local basis, remember) adopt a policy whereby the children of baptized but unconverted members could be baptized as long as they did a ceremony where they affirmed the church covenant. This proved hugely controversial and ministers and laypeople alike started publishing pamphlets, and voting in opposing directions, and un-electing ministers who decided in the wrong direction, and accusing one another of being witches. (More on that in a bit.)
And then the Great Awakening - which to be fair, was a major evangelical effort by the Puritan Congregationalist Church, so it's not like there's no link between evangelical - which was supposed to promote Congregational piety ended up dividing the Church and pretty soon the Congregationalist Church is dis-established and it's safe to be a Quaker or even a Catholic on the streets of Boston.
But here's the thing - if we look at which denominations in the United States can draw a direct line from themselves to the Congregationalist Church of the Puritans, it's the modern Congregationalists who are entirely mainstream Protestants whose churches are pretty solidly liberal in their politics, the United Church of Christ which is extremely cultural liberal, and it's the Unitarian Universalists who are practically issued DSA memberships. (I say this with love as a fellow comrade.)
By contrast, modern evangelical Christianity (although there's a complicated distinction between evangelical and fundamentalist that I don't have time to get into) in the United States is made up of an entirely different set of denominations - here, we're talking Baptists, Pentacostalists, Methodists, non-denominational churches, and sometimes Presbyterians.
The Puritans Were Dour Killjoys Who Hated Sex:
This one owes a lot to Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter.
The reality is actually the opposite - for their time, the Puritans were a bunch of weird hippies. At a time when most major religious institutions tended to emphasize the sinful nature of sex and Catholicism in particular tended to emphasize the moral superiority of virginity, the Puritans stressed that sexual pleasure was a gift from God, that married couples had an obligation to not just have children but to get each other off, and both men and women could be taken to court and fined for failing to fulfill their maritial obligations.
The Puritans also didn't have much of a problem with pre-marital sex. As long as there was an absolute agreement that you were going to get married if and when someone ended up pregnant, Puritan elders were perfectly happy to let young people be young people. Indeed, despite the objection of Jonathan Edwards and others there was an (oddly similar to modern Scandinavian customs) old New England custom of "bundling," whereby a young couple would be put into bed together by their parents with a sack or bundle tied between them as a putative modesty shield, but where everyone involved knew that the young couple would remove the bundle as soon as the lights were turned out.
One of my favorite little social circumlocutions is that there was a custom of pretending that a child clearly born out of wedlock was actually just born prematurely to a bride who was clearly nine months along, leading to a rash of surprisingly large and healthy premature births being recorded in the diary of Puritan midwife Martha Ballard. Historians have even applied statistical modeling to show that about 30-40% of births in colonial America were pre-mature.
But what about non-sexual dourness? Well, here we have to understand that, while they were concerned about public morality, the Puritans were simultaneously very strict when it came to matters of religion and otherwise normal people who liked having fun. So if you go down the long list of things that Puritans banned that has landed them with a reputation as a bunch of killjoys, they usually hide some sort of religious motivation.
So for example, let's take the Puritan iconoclastic tendency to smash stained glass windows, whitewash church walls, and smash church organs during the English Civil War - all of these things have to do with a rejection of Catholicism, and in the case of church organs a belief that the only kind of music that should be allowed in church is the congregation singing psalms as an expression of social equality. At the same time, Puritans enjoyed art in a secular context and often had portraits of themselves made and paintings hung on their walls, and they owned musical instruments in their homes.
What about the wearing nothing but black clothing? See, in our time wearing nothing but black is considered rather staid (or Goth), but in the Early Modern period the dyes that were needed to produce pure black cloth were incredibly expensive - so wearing all black was a sign of status and wealth, hence why the Hapsburgs started emphasizing wearing all-black in the same period. However, your ordinary Puritan couldn't afford an all-black attire and would have worn quite colorful (but much cheaper) browns and blues and greens.
What about booze and gambling and sports and the theater and other sinful pursuits? Well, the Puritans were mostly ok with booze - every New England village had its tavern - but they did regulate how much they could serve, again because they were worried that drunkenness would lead to blasphemy. Likewise, the Puritans were mostly ok with gambling, and they didn't mind people playing sports - except that they went absolutely beserk about drinking, gambling, and sports if they happened on the Sabbath because the Puritans really cared about the Sabbath and Charles I had a habit of poking them about that issue. They were against the theater because of its association with prostitution and cross-dressing, though, I can't deny that. On the other hand, the Puritans were also morally opposed to bloodsports like bear-baiting, cock-fighting, and bare-knuckle boxing because of the violence it did to God's creatures, which I guess makes them some of the first animal rights activsts?
They Banned Christmas:
Again, this comes down to a religious thing, not a hatred of presents and trees - keep in mind that the whole presents-and-trees paradigm of Christmas didn't really exist until the 19th century and Dickens' Christmas Carol, so what we're really talking about here is a conflict over religious holidays - so what people were complaining about was not going to church an extra day in the year. I don't get it, personally.
See, the thing is that Puritans were known for being extremely close Bible readers, and one of the things that you discover almost immediately if you even cursorily read the New Testament is that Christ was clearly not born on December 25th. Which meant that the whole December 25th thing was a false religious holiday, which is why they banned it.
The Puritans Were Democrats:
One thing that I don't think Puritans get enough credit for is that, at a time when pretty much the whole of European society was some form of monarchist, the Puritans were some of the few people out there who really committed themselves to democratic principles.
As I've already said, this process starts when John Liliburne, an activist and pamphleteer who promoted the concept of universal human rights (what he called "freeborn rights"), took up the anti-Laudian cause and it continued through the mobilization of large numbers of Puritans to campaign for election to the Long Parliament.
There, not only did the Puritans vote to revenge themselves on their old enemy William Laud, but they also took part in a gradual process of Parliamentary radicalization, starting with the impeachment of Strafford as the architect of arbitrary rule, the passage of the Triennal Acts, the re-statement that non-Parliamentary taxation was illegal, the Grand Remonstrance, and the Militia Ordinance.
Then over the course of the war, Puritans served with distinction in the Parliamentary army, especially and disproportionately in the New Model Army where they beat the living hell out of the aristocratic armies of Charles I, while defying both the expectations and active interference of the House of Lords.
At this point, I should mention that during this period the Puritans divided into two main factions - Presbyterians, who developed a close political and religious alliance with the Scottish Covenanters who had secured the Presbyterian Church in Scotland during the Bishops' Wars and who were quite interested in extending an established Presbyterian Church; and Independents, who advocated local congregationalism (sound familiar) and opposed the concept of established churches.
Finally, we have the coming together of the Independents of the New Model Army and the Leveller movement - during the war, John Liliburne had served with bravery and distinction at Edgehill and Marston Moore, and personally capturing Tickhill Castle without firing a shot. His fellow Leveller Thomas Rainsborough proved a decisive cavalry commander at Naseby, Leicester, the Western Campaign, and Langport, a gifted siege commander at Bridgwater, Bristol, Berkeley Castle, Oxford, and Worcester. Thus, when it came time to hold the Putney Debates, the Independent/Leveller bloc had both credibility within the New Model Army and the only political program out there. Their proposal:
redistricting of Parliament on the basis of equal population; i.e one man, one vote.
the election of a Parliament every two years.
freedom of conscience.
equality under the law.
In the context of the 17th century, this was dangerously radical stuff and it prompted Cromwell and Fairfax into paroxyms of fear that the propertied were in danger of being swamped by democratic enthusiasm - leading to the imprisonment of Lilburne and the other Leveller leaders and ultimately the violent suppression of the Leveller rank-and-file.
As for Cromwell, well - even the Quakers produced Richard Nixon.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
hiii, I'm so appreciative of what you do lol! I suck at finding good fics, do you have any ice skater/hockey player sterek? I'm not really very caring on how mature its going to be, I just wondered if there's any out there, thanks again! <3
I sure do!
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Don't let go of me by PumpkinkQueen
(1/1 I 845 I Teen)
Christmas should be a merry time to celebrate love and affection. Unless you beloved boyfriend is an asshole. Then you do all the celebration just the same but you may get your ego and your butt bruised along the way.
First Date Skate by 4lw4ys_a_fri3nd_n3v3r_a_l0v3r
(1/1 I 2,440 I General)
“Ijustreallywantedtokissyourightthen,” Stiles muttered under his breath in a rush. Had Derek not been a werewolf, he would never have heard it and he certainly wouldn’t have been able to understand what had just been said.
Derek Hale and the Ice by Argabarg
(1/1 I 2,466 I Mature)
Derek reflects on what it would mean to be the first openly gay NHL player... Is it worth it to finally be with Stiles the way he desperately wants to?
Holding You Up by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(1/1 I 4,539 I General)
“This place isn’t going to last long if it doesn’t take care of its skates,” Derek said before he could help himself.
“What?” Stiles blinked at him, then looked down. He laughed. “Oh, no. These are mine.”
“What?” Derek said, repeating his thought aloud.
“The skates,” Stiles clarified, motioning them, as if Derek didn’t understand.
Oh, he understood perfectly, thank you very much. Why did Stiles own skates? Why did Stiles own skates?!
His day was about to get worse, wasn’t it?
“I used to play ice hockey when I was younger. Scott and I switched to Lacrosse in high school, but I’ve always liked skating, so I got myself some skates when I was fifteen or sixteen. They’re a little tight, but they still fit well enough. Figured there was no point in paying to rent skates when I have my own.”
Derek was right. His day just got worse.
The One with the Kiss Cam by nerdfightingwhovian
(1/1 I 5,224 I Teen)
While at a hockey game, which was totally Stiles's idea, the cameramen behind the Kiss Cam think Erica and Stiles are together. Derek, right next to Stiles, has to intervene on the behalf of his mate.
Also, there might or might not be a homophobic couple who start screaming at our werewolfy hero. He also might or might not give them the cold Hale stare.
Sterek on Ice by viennalemon
(6/? I 17,135 I Explicit)
Stiles Stilinski is one of the stars of his NHL team, the Cyclones, but management isn't happy with how he is conducting himself off the ice. It becomes the Cyclone's PR manager Derek Hale's problem and now Stiles' behavior has to improve or they'll both be out of a job. This is a mashup of a Sterek AU and also fanfiction for Shameless Puckboys (Puckboys book 3) by Saxon James and Eden Finley. This is a work in progress so tags will be added as chapters are added.
Take The Ice by Hopeless ships (The_Danish_Biscuit)
(7/7 I 50,228 I Mature)
To Derek Hale hockey was everything. It was the only reason he even tolerated High School and if given a choice the only thing he would be doing for the rest of his life. Some called him driven others called him fanatic.
Derek called himself determined.
Only one day a random meeting with a strangely fascinating young ice skater turns Derek's life upside down. A odd friendship blooms between them and Derek slowly comes to realise that his life isn't quite as simple as he thought. There might be more to life than ice hockey.
Sink My Teeth Into You by groffiction
(26/? I 77,191 I Explicit)
Derek Hale is one of the sexiest Alpha’s to be in the Werewolf Olympics, held every four years. Unfortunately after this last Olympics, getting only the silver medal, his partner bails on him. In need of a partner, and being a total stubborn Sourwolf about the whole prospect, his coach and uncle, Peter Hale decides to go in search of one by himself. He finds Stiles Stilinski, an Omega who just so happens to work as a Stripper at one of the best gay bars around town and gives the boy an offer he can’t refuse. Peter figures that the mouthy exotic dancer would be good for his nephew. However, what he didn’t intend were for both of the wolves to not only start hating eachother, but to also have enough sexual tension in their ire to melt the whole planet’s ice rinks.
Two Minutes for Holding by captaintinymite (augopher)
(18/18 I 121,498 I Explicit)
There were three things college hockey players Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski knew for certain. 1) Their lives revolved around hockey, 2) They were madly in love, and 3) Derek was so far in the closet he might never find his way out.
They'd been together for two years now, and for two years they'd been a secret with only a few people knowing about them. Yet Derek's fear kept them from moving forward: fear of his family's rejection, fear of his sexuality tanking his father's career, fear of the rampant homophobia in professional sports. The ruse was growing thin.
Something had to give.
Or: The story of how one epic NCAA Championship run and college, served as the backdrop for some of life's great hardships.
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Forty Eight]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 6095
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring // Sirius’ Watch
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Over the next few weeks the mood in the castle improved significantly. Daisy knew it was probably more to do with it being the run up to Christmas but she couldn’t help but feel their little goodwill project was helping with morale. Granted the daily headlines and news from the real world was just as dreadful as ever but in Hogwarts it didn’t seem to run as deep. Without easy targets the blood purity fanatics couldn’t do much unprovoked and after what had occurred with Barty Crouch’s expulsion last year there appeared to be a reluctance from them to follow suit. Though no matter what it was Daisy was determined to enjoy the good will and festive cheer as it came along with the end of term, especially since Sirius’ mood had lifted given they were finally feeling like they were doing something. Even Lily had relented to agree that she had missed the club and their little get-togethers of practicing things they had learned previously were welcomed.  
Still, it wasn’t all fixed. The wizarding world was still in a treacherous place and the holidays were still going to be difficult, with this being their first proper Christmas since losing their parents, but even with all that in mind Daisy kept positive. They were doing something. She had her family. She had Sirius.
That was enough.
As was the mountain of Euphemia’s shepherd’s pie that she’d demolished after spending the day trekking to and from a scrap yard a town over from the Potter’s, watching the boys search for a list of parts Sirius had read about charming to improve his bike. It hadn’t been great fun for the girls and as they’d stood in the cold Lily had pointed out he was yet to ride the thing but seeing him and James cluelessly traverse the piles of rusty car parts, laughing and joking with no cares, Daisy had told her to leave them be [though admittedly they’d left them to it pretty sharpish and met them in a café an hour later].
And yet even stuffed full of food she was still unable to resist a large helping of Euphemia’s apple crumble as Bonney put a bowl in front of her. Even if she wanted to she doubted the older witch would let her refuse, her expectant motherly gaze enough to keep forks moving until there wasn’t a full plate in sight.
‘I was thinking,’ Euphemia said, between her own delicate spoonful’s of custardy-crumble goodness, ‘that you lot should write a list if there’s anything you want on the menu for Christmas day.’
‘I don’t think I can think of food right now,’ James said, wiping his face with a napkin.
‘Well I’ve got the last of the shopping to do tomorrow so it’ll be your last chance,’ she said, ‘oh or anything for you and the boys. Snacks and the like I know what you’re like.’
‘They pretend to be refined when it’s just you ladies here,’ Fleamont teased, making the girls giggle. Euphemia smiled, ‘when are they coming again?’
‘Twenty seventh I think,’ James said with a mouthful of crumble, ‘I’ll write them again tomorrow and check.’
‘I’m sure it is mate. Full moon’s on Christmas day this year so Rem couldn’t do boxing day,’ Sirius explained.
‘Oh the poor lamb,’ Euphemia frowned, ‘I’ll make a hot pot on the twenty seventh then since that’s his favourite. What does everyone want for dinner on New Year’s Eve?’
‘What do you mean, it’s the party isn’t it?’ James asked, looking up from his bowl confused.
Immediately a tension descended in the air as Euphemia and Fleamont shared an uneasy look, before the man returned to his desert. James was watching them both, their normal easy-going nature absent which made a heaviness lay in his stomach that had nothing to do with the shepherd's pie and apple crumble that filled him to the brim. James swallowed and asked, ‘mum?’
‘Well, your father and I have been talking and…’ Euphemia started, nudging at her desert with her spoon before she finished, ‘and we’re not having the party this year.’
‘What?’ James baulked.
‘We’ve decided it’s not a good idea,’ Euphemia said firmly.
‘Why not?’ James pressed.
‘Well it just isn’t. With the state of things,’ Fleamont said.
‘It’s what people need!’ James protested.
‘James,’ his mother sighed. His friends were watching him now, the easy going, carefree lad they normally knew all but absent. And if this wasn’t so out of character for him they would’ve felt embarrassed for the way he continued, ignoring his mother’s discomfort as he said, ‘no. We always have a party! Where are people going to go?’
‘That’s the thing no one’s going anywhere. They’re keeping to themselves,’ Fleamont said.
‘Not this much! Not with us!’ James ranted.
‘James sweetheart it’s nothing personal,’ Euphemia said, her face weary, ‘it’s just how it is.’
‘Only if we let it be that way,’ he scoffed, ‘we should still invite people. Anyone who wants to come should be welcome to.’
‘James, maybe your mums right,’ Lily said, putting her hand on the back of his.
‘Yeah it’s a lot of work if no one wants to come,’ Sirius said.
‘And what about what we want? Or we don’t get that anymore?’ James said angrily, looking between Lily and Sirius as if they’d betrayed him by speaking up, which seemed to only embarrass Euphemia further. Fleamont didn’t seem embarrassed though, rather defensive on his wife’s behalf as he snapped, ‘you don’t even attend the party most of the night!’   
At that James’ jaw clenched and he stood up, yanking his hand from under Lily’s and throwing his napkin down angrily before he stormed from the room, stomping up the stairs and finishing his tantrum with an almighty slam of his bedroom door. It was the only thing that could be heard for a moment, his friends sharing awkward glances whilst Euphemia and Fleamont ate in irritated silence. Finally Fleamont sighed and said, ‘well, I didn’t see the news going down that badly.’
‘Me either,’ Euphemia sighed, deliberating for a moment before she started to rise and said, ‘I should check on him.’
‘Let me,’ Sirius said, getting up from his chair. He rose quickly placing a reassuring hand on the older witch’s shoulder which she grabbed, her small one clutching at his appreciatively before he slipped from her grasp and headed towards the door.
He took the stairs quickly though as he got to James’ room and knocked he received no reply which made him sigh. Assuming he was still pouting he pushed the door open anyway and found the room deserted though the balcony door was open and through the glass he could see James, sitting on the stone wall looking up at the night sky. Sirius sighed and walked out onto the balcony, rubbing his hands on his biceps as the cold night air hit him. James heard the door creak and glanced behind him, scowling as he turned his head back to look out over the garden. Sirius rolled his eyes and headed out to join him, climbing over the thick stone railing until his legs were swinging over the edge. James didn’t look his way.
‘So have you stopped being a stroppy git yet or not? Because your mums in bits,’ Sirius said, raising an eyebrow as James looked at him, an apologetic frown on his face.
‘Sorry,’ he muttered, ‘I didn’t mean to kick off.’
‘Didn’t you?’ Sirius challenged, feeling there must be a motive to a momentary minute of madness.
‘No, not like that. I don’t even care that much about the party,’ James admitted.
‘But?’ Sirius pressed.
‘But…it’s the one thing left isn’t it?’ James sighed, looking at his friend, ‘Hogwarts has been barely holding onto normality. Home was the only scrap of normal left.’
‘Ah,’ Sirius said. He understood that all too well even though James continued to explain.
‘It’s our last year, our last Christmas before the real world. Next year who knows what we’ll be doing, if we’ll even be together or in the thick of it,’ James said.
‘That’s life though isn’t it?’ Sirius said, trying to remain upbeat though it was hard to do so. James was the positive one. The one who didn’t let the state of the world get him down. The one who talked Sirius out of the depths of despair not the other way around.
‘Yeah I guess,’ James said sadly, ‘I just wanted one last normal Christmas before life got in the way. I mean this is the last Christmas we’re gonna be living under the same room.’
‘I thought you didn’t mind me and Dais-’ Sirius started, panicking that his problems might run deeper than expected though James waved him off.
‘I don’t, course I don’t. It makes sense to me, I mean we’re not twelve anymore and I can’t wait to move in with Lil,’ James said offering Sirius a smile, ‘I’ll just miss this. Us. Brothers and that.’
‘Brothers,’ Sirius replied with a smile.
‘Maybe even one day for real,’ James said, nudging him with his shoulder.
‘What do you mean?’ Sirius asked, confused.
‘Brothers…by marriage,’ James said as aloofly as he could muster though as Sirius’ face went into disbelief he beamed a smile.
‘What like-’
‘Don’t tell anyone,’ James said hurriedly to his agog friend, ‘but I was thinking about school and graduating and moving in together. Then I was thinking about what you said about protection-’
‘I should think you are thinking of protection. I’m too young to be an uncle just yet,’ Sirius teased, earning himself a shove.
‘Grow up,’ James chuckled, before his words turned serious, ‘but you were right. Like you said privilege is good for yourself but if you can extend it why not? I love her so much-‘
‘Soppy git,’ Sirius said, feeling uncomfortable now that the tides were turning back in their normal direction of James being the sentimental and positive one rather than the job falling to him.
‘I could give her anything, money, a house, whatever and yeah that’s nice but marriage, a name, that’s something better innit?’ James asked.
‘Yeah it is,’ Sirius said quietly.
‘Think she’ll say yes?’ James chuckled.
‘I think she’d be a fool not to,’ Sirius smiled, ‘bagsy best man.’
‘Oh of course. It’s a brother's duty isn’t it?’ James asked. The pair fell quiet for a moment, looking over the vast countryside, littered with trees and greenery for miles. It was peaceful outside, the night sky still and unmoving though there was a rustle of wind that disrupted the stillness.
 Finally James shifted, swinging his legs back over the balcony wall ready to head inside either because he was ready to face his mother or the chill had gotten so bad he could no longer ignore the goosebumps under his jumper. Either way he beckoned Sirius to do the same.
‘So,’ James said as his friend stood up straight and started the short walk to his bedroom with him. Sirius looked his way, ‘do you think if Dais sees a massive rock on her sister’s finger she’ll expect the same?’
‘Nah knowing Dais I don’t think so,’ Sirius smiled. He’d been thinking of her out on the balcony. How the suggestion of them moving in together had made her worry about rushing into life. And though he was happy for his friends he couldn’t help but think she was right. Sure there was a war on and things weren’t promised but that didn’t mean they were any less of a family. And it wasn’t as if his family name could provide him with much anymore. Even if having Daisy be an official Black would give his mother an aneurysm. They had time.
‘Not that daft eh?’ James teased as they headed to the stairs.
‘Daft enough to date me,’ Sirius countered.
‘Blimey that is daft,’ James chuckled, earning himself a shove, ‘yeah, yeah. Now c’mon, apologise to your mother.’
‘Our mother,’ James winked.
Despite James’ uncharacteristic outburst the Potter rabble managed to have an exceptionally lovely Christmas day and after a private chat between James and his parents, with all three of his friends pressing their ears against the door, it was decided that they would host for New Year’s Eve as usual. Of course this didn’t entail a full guest list as previous years had but there were close family friends, trusted members of ‘their side’ as James put it.
With Remus and Peter joining them it put the guest list at around thirty-five or so meaning that the dining room was filled with laughter and merriment as loud as a party would be. And as Fleamont announced there’d be coffee and perhaps something stronger to head to in the drawing room, Euphemia told James that he and his friends were free to escape, if they so wished.
Which was how Daisy found herself up on the terrace, draped across Sirius’ lap as his arms held her in place, his cheek resting against her shoulder. They’d spent a couple of hours chatting which had turned into truth or dare, a redundant game in her opinion as Sirius and James never chose truth and constantly tried to think of something worse for the other to do when their turn came around. Still, it had been fun until the excitement had trailed off, the booze forfeits making it harder to keep track of whose turn it was. Eventually they gave up altogether and fell quiet, watching the stars in the sky and the flashes of fireworks in the distance for those who had started celebrating too early.
As a sparkle of blue and green flashed from fields away Lily sighed, nestling her head further into the crook of James’ neck receiving a kiss onto her red hair almost instinctively. She didn’t even look up at him, remaining fixed on the fireworks in the distance as she said, ‘can you believe we leave school this year.’
‘Next year,’ Sirius chirped from the seat next to them, smirking as she looked his way as he clarified, ‘still twenty-six minutes to go yet Evans.’
‘Alright next year,’ she said, rolling her eyes.
‘Still feel like I’m eleven,’ Daisy mused.
‘It was a lot more fun being eleven,’ James grinned.
‘A lot quieter too,’ Daisy teased, grinning back at him.
‘Oh yeah,’ Remus chuckled, ‘I forgot you used to detest us lot.’
‘Nah, she used to have a big fat crush on me, right Dais?’ James said, moving his foot across the gap between the wicker chairs to poke at her foot which dangled in the air given her position on Sirius’ lap. Her heels long since dispensed of though she had conceded to her boyfriend’s insistence and conjured a pair of socks so that she ‘didn’t catch her death’.
‘Yeah until I saw the size of your ego,’ Daisy teased as she kicked at him, making him retreat with a grin and Sirius’ chuckle to rumble against her back.
‘I’d say my ego is comparative to my attributes,’ James said smugly.
‘I bet you would,’ Remus snorted.
‘Maybe Lily could shed some light on whether or not his ego is called for, eh Lil?’ Sirius said, earning no response but a flush of deep crimson from the other girl. Daisy giggled and said, ‘can’t ask Lil she’s compromised. Unlike me who was fortunately broken from my affliction.’
‘Yeah and fell in love with Padfoot,’ Peter reasoned, ‘don’t think you can count as sane there Dais.’
‘Oi,’ Sirius protested, pointing a finger at Peter in jest, ‘carry on and I’ll get Dais to hit you with one of her signature stinging jinxes. They’re a force to be reckoned with eh Prongs?’
‘You’re not kidding. My face didn’t stop swelling for about four hours after,’ James smiled, recalling their ill-fated date in third year.
‘About as long as Dais cried for then,’ Lily giggled.
‘Lil!’ Daisy baulked.
‘Aw you cried over me?’ James teased. Daisy scowled and folded her arms across her chest looking pleadingly at her sister as she asked, ‘can we go back to not liking him?’
‘Don’t think so,’ Lily mused sitting up and placing a kiss on James’ cheek forcing his grin to widen further.
‘Even though he’s a prat?’ Daisy asked.
‘I think at this point you’re honorary prats yourselves,’ Remus chuckled.
‘Honorary marauders?’ Lily asked.
‘Hmm, maybe,’ Sirius said, earning a murmur of agreement from the boys and a look of disbelief from the girls. Especially Daisy who pivoted on his lap to face him, smacking him on the shoulder as she said, ‘er! I helped with most of that bloody map!’
‘Yeah but you weren’t there for like the core stuff,’ James reasoned.
‘The formation,’ Peter agreed.
‘Like?’ Daisy said miffed. She didn’t know why she felt so strongly about the matter, after all she had deliberately chosen not to put her name on the map because she hadn’t felt like a marauder. That was something for them; her boys. But things were a little different now, they’d been through so much together and it didn’t look as though the future was going to be smooth sailing. She didn’t know why but feeling part of something, a club of their own felt better.
‘You’re not an animagus,’ Sirius reasoned.
‘Neither are you legally,’ Lily said, Daisy smiled smugly thanking her sister for bringing logic and reason to her whim and feeling.
‘Technicalities,’ Sirius said, waving a dismissive hand.
‘You didn’t join in our pranks,’ Peter chimed in.
‘Yeah, Marauder means someone who causes mischief,’ James agreed.
‘Actually it means someone who raids and pillages,’ Lily corrected.
‘Don’t, we had this argument with him for over a month when he thought of it,’ Remus said, thumbing at Sirius who rolled his eyes, ‘he argued for the French meaning.’
‘Because it's more apt!’ Sirius said, ‘anyway you two Evanses are mischiefless.’
‘I can think of something you’re going to have less of if you keep saying that,’ Daisy scowled, earning a chuckle and a kiss on the cheek from the smiling boy.
‘Why don’t you prove it then?’ James said, catching their attention.
‘How?’ Daisy asked, narrowing her eyes.
‘Maybe we could do another prank?’ James suggested.
‘Oh a big one!’ Peter agreed, earning a warning look from Lily which quietened him down quickly as he murmured, ‘at the end of the year…after exams.’
‘That’s not a bad shout,’ Sirius agreed, ‘something big definitely.’
‘So we’ll be remembered,’ James smiled.
‘Hard to forget you lot,’ Lily giggled. Daisy however was already thinking about what they could do, what would be big enough in their eyes to get her the desired title of ‘honorary marauder.’
‘Big like what?’ she asked the group. Sirius shrugged, ‘who knows. Don’t worry we’ve got plenty of time.’
‘And exams to focus on,’ Lily said looking at her sister and Remus both of which would normally be another voice of reason against the others but both of them were looking too excited to be of any help. She sighed.
‘Oh come on Lil! Have some fun,’ Sirius said, practically cooing as he asked, ‘don’t you want to be a marauder?’
Everyone’s eyes were on her now waiting for her to admit that she wanted it. In a way she did, the nervous chewing she was doing on her lip turning to a small smile. Daisy bounced on Sirius’ lap and pointed, ‘ooh she’s smiling!’
‘Okay fine,’ Lily relented, ‘but no interfering with exams! And nothing dangerous!’
‘Yeah, yeah we know,’ James said dismissively as he slunk from under her and stood up.
‘What are you doing?’ Remus asked.
‘I, Moony my dear pal, am declaring all talk of exams and pranks off the table for now. No thinking of the future,’ he declared, ‘it’s still 1977 for now.’
‘And what do we do instead?’ Remus chuckled.
‘We, dear gentleman and fair ladies are going to have a race,’ James said, earning a groan from around the semi-circle their seats had been in. James sighed, ‘come on one last time! Before we’re proper grown-ups.’
‘Well you know I will,’ Sirius said, tapping Daisy’s thigh so she would get off him which she did, slipping gracefully into a standing position as he stood up.
‘I’m in too,’ Peter agreed standing up too.
‘Moony? Dais? Lil?’ he said, glancing between the three holdouts.
‘Promise no nudity this time?’ Remus asked.
‘Nudity?’ Lily asked though she thought better of it and muttered, ‘never mind I don’t want to know.’
‘No nudity,’ James vowed, ‘oh and Dais you’re off reward duty.’
‘Oh I don’t know I’d be up for kissing Remus again,’ Daisy said, looking up at Sirius whose arm was slung around her waist, his grip tightening as she teased him, looking at Remus as she asked, ‘what do you say Moony?’
‘Sorry Dais, not worth my life,’ he chuckled.
‘Anyway you can’t,’ Sirius said looking at her, ‘you’re flying too.’
‘I can’t fly in this dress though,’ Daisy pouted, her first chance at proving she was a shoe in to be a marauder snatched away by the stiffness of her dress. It didn’t lend itself to being sat comfortably at the best of times, never mind astride a broom.
‘Come on, on my broom,’ Sirius pleaded.
‘Alright fine,’ she said, alright trying to figure out how she was going to get her skirt out of the way.
‘Lil with me?’ James asked. Lily nodded surprisingly quickly and before she could change her mind James summoned four brooms from their place in the shed.
Given there were two people on half of the brooms it meant that they couldn’t take off from the edge of the balcony, the stone rail not big enough to support more than one person. It also meant that landing would be slightly harder so James consented that the starting and end points didn’t have to be the same, first one over the railing won. He was very strict about the course though, stipulating they must stick near the treeline and loop around the oldest, largest apple tree in the furthest corner to count as having done the course correctly.
‘What if two of us get back at the same time?’ Sirius asked James, who was already on his broom, Lily nestled securely behind him, her cheek resting against his back and her eyes closed, whether in apprehension or fatigue Daisy didn’t know. She couldn’t pay much attention anyway as she was struggling to climb on, cursing her sister for opting for pants and a nice blouse rather than the chiffon nightmare she was forcing up her thighs so she could climb over. Sirius helped her on before settling himself in front of her, his feet pushing the broom higher off the ground so hers were now dangling, though it meant she could rest her chin on his shoulder and watch instead of staring at his back.
‘Those two can go again,’ James said, ‘why do you think you’ve got a chance at beating me Padfoot?’
‘If I recall me and Pete beat you both last time,’ Remus teased from his other side.
‘Had to lose didn’t I? Couldn’t break Padfoot’s little heart by snogging Dais now could I?’ James teased earning a shove from Sirius.
‘In that case what do we win?’ Peter asked, not taking them on.
‘Twenty galleons,’ James decreed.
‘Ten,’ Lily said, poking him in the back, ‘we’re not all made of money.’
‘Alright ten,’ James grumbled, though the group knew whoever won he’d probably put over the cash himself, not allowing arguments.
‘How about whoever wins gets the final say over the prank?’ Daisy asked.
‘I like your thinking blondie,’ James grinned, ‘now are we ready?’
‘Ready,’ the boys called. The girls said nothing but gripped onto their partners showing they were locked in for take-off. In the interest of fairness James cast a charm that counted down, announcing their start time with a blaring horn. Not that Daisy had much time to hear it given its hooting faded quickly as Sirius took off at a pace down the long garden. It was cold up here, the tops of her thighs like ice on the outside and yet blazing hot from where they made contact with Sirius, gripping onto him whenever he took a sharp corner or came a little too close to James. Remus and Peter gave good chase and for a moment Daisy thought they’d be out in front again, James and Sirius too lost in fighting one another to notice their other competitors, but they fell behind as they turned onto the home stretch. She watched the entire race from over Sirius’ shoulder and yet she didn’t know how he’d done it, James was objectively the better flier, but somehow they were over the finish line first, the ground feeling a lot colder now as her feet hit the floor. Sirius was off his broom immediately and pulled her from it, grabbing her hand so that they could give a bow as James, Lily, Remus and then Peter touched down onto the terrace.
‘Well done,’ Lily said, looking mildly green as she peeled herself from James and stood up.
‘Yeah well done,’ James said with only half a grumble, the sportsman in him not allowing for him to be a sore loser.
‘You two better make this prank a good one,’ Peter said, ‘can’t have our reputation fail us.’
‘Oh I’m sure we’ll cook up something good right Dais?’ Sirius said, pulling her to him.
‘Yeah I bet,’ she smiled. They could hear noise now, the dinner guests or rather those who had remained filtering out onto the back patio to watch the fireworks as normal. And to their surprise James gestured for them to follow him down and join them, merging their groups in a polite cohesion as the bell chimed midnight and the Potter’s own fireworks started littering the night sky.
 ‘Happy New Year!’ came a cheer of celebration all around even if the circumstances were more subdued than usual. Daisy looked to Sirius who leaned down and pressed a long, needy kiss to her lips.
‘Happy New Year Pads,’ she whispered.
‘Happy New Year Dais,’ he murmured back though their moment was cut short as Peter who was sans a partner barely waited for James and Lily to break apart before he heckled, ‘oi James are you sure you don’t want to strip?’
And even though they were of age and amongst refined company for the first five minutes of 1978 Peter found himself being chased around the garden by a very red-faced James Potter.
The start of term came almost immediately after the New Year with the group landing back in the castle the evening of New Year’s day. And though they had been away from the Potter’s abode for less than twenty-four hours there was a consensus amongst the marauders that they longed to be back there, instead of eating dinner in the great hall as they currently were.
‘They never put any good desserts on anymore,’ Peter grumbled, as he scooped a heap of blancmange onto his plate with a look of disgust. Sirius perused the table and found he was correct, his only prospects a wobbly pink blancmange or a jam tart, and so opted not to submit himself to eating for eating’s sake. If he was correct he still had some Honeydukes spoils in the bottom of his trunk which he could satiate his sweet tooth with later.
‘Probably trying to use up whatever was left in the kitchens over break,’ Remus said, grabbing the last jam tart from the plate near him though he didn’t look at it with any fondness and mumbled through a bite, ‘god I miss your mum’s mince pies.’
‘I miss her hot chocolate,’ Sirius said.
‘Oh or that apple crumble she made!’ Peter said wistfully. James rolled his eyes.
‘She’s not dead you know,’ he said.
‘I know,’ Peter grumbled before his face lit up as he asked, ‘oh do you think she’d send us one in the post?’
‘For Merlin’s sake,’ James said, tossing his napkin across the table into the mousy haired boy's face. Lily chuckled but then placed her own napkin down, preparing to stand up. James frowned, ‘where are you going?’
‘As thrilling as the logistics of posting apple crumble and custard are, we've got things to do,’ she said, gesturing to Daisy who stood up along with her leaving Sirius’ thigh cold and a frown on his face.
Daisy shrugged at his pouting, ‘girls night.’
‘What about us?’ James protested.
‘We’re not marauders, you're not invited to girls night,’ the blonde teased, stepping over the bench as James scowled.
Sirius chuckled and looked up at her, grabbing her hand discreetly and squeezing just a touch as he said, ‘see you later?’
‘Yeah,’ she said quietly, knowing that no matter how long girls' night lasted she’d no doubt find herself in his bed at some point, the pair of them having become quickly unaccustomed to sleeping apart. She didn’t know when it had happened but they almost never spent a night away from each other these days, the reassurance of having the other close a need for both of them.
‘See you later,’ Lily said, pecking James on the cheek before the girls flounced out of the room leaving a glum looking James behind watching them wistfully.
‘What should we do then?’ James sighed, tearing his gaze from where they’d gone back to the boys.
‘Gobstones?’ Peter asked, ‘or chess?’
‘No,’ Sirius vetoed. He loved Peter and he knew that he only ever suggested his hobbies as a way to get his friends interested in something he was, and because he was guaranteed an ego boost when he bested James and Sirius at something for once, but Sirius had no inclination of spending the night playing gobstones.
‘Quidditch?’ James asked, knowing that the field would be empty since it was the first night back.
‘If that’s the plan I’m joining girls night,’ Remus said, offering his own veto.
‘Suppose we could do some work,’ Sirius offered, quite annoyed that this seemed to be the only feasible option thus far. Though his mood improved as James turned to look at him and excitedly said, ‘maybe we could write to Frank!’
‘Longbottom?’ Sirius asked.
‘Yeah Alice was telling me earlier that if we had questions about the entry test he said we could ask him, just said to send an owl. She said he’d given her loads of test question examples too, she just needed to dig them out,’ James said happily.
‘Alright,’ Sirius agreed. He had to admit it wasn’t a bad idea. Given their early applications word of their entrance exam had come over the Christmas break informing them that it had been set for April first. It meant they still had four months to prepare but he supposed there wasn’t much point putting it off just in case four months crept up on them dreadfully fast.
Fortunately Remus and Peter didn’t mind getting a jump on it either and with forethinking from Remus, who’d reasoned he’d probably end up in the library had brought his school bag and therefore parchment and quills with him, they managed to scribble a one-page letter to Frank. Most of it was explanation that Alice had told them they could write, general updates about their application status and attempts to pry about what he’d been doing after leaving school, but in the end they had gotten a list of questions they hoped he’d be able to answer. Though as they sealed it up in an envelope the sky-high windows whistled under duress off the wind and Remus and Peter shared a look.
‘How about you two head out to the owlery and meet me and Pete in the library once you’re done?’ Remus said.
‘Don’t you wanna come?’ James asked, tucking the letter into his back pocket.
‘Not really,’ Remus chuckled, ‘I’ve helped with the problem but seeing as it’s not my letter there’s no way you’re getting me trekking to the owlery in this weather. How about you Pete?’
‘Not bloody likely,’ Peter replied, glancing at the enchanted ceiling above them which showed rapidly swirling grey clouds, threatening to release a downpour any moment.
‘Alright,’ James nodded, climbing from his seat with Sirius in tow, ‘see you two later.’
‘See you,’ the pair responded as the boys headed down the aisle towards the entrance hall.
Remus had been right and the wind outside was freezing as they opened the large front door revealing the cold night air to them. Sirius shrunk into his jumper, trying to savour the warmth before it left him completely. He was so focused on keeping warm he hadn't noticed James had stopped on the steps out front, causing him to walk directly into the back of him. Only when he pulled back did he see why.
There striding up the courtyard to the front door of Hogwarts was Orion Black. Sirius went stock still as if any movement would expose him like a mouse running by a serpent's lair. Not that there was any need to. His father didn’t look at him, his eyes fixed forward no doubt already seeing who it was leaving the castle before he’d even realised they were there, but Sirius couldn’t tear his eyes away. He looked older, his slicked back black hair now greying around his ears and the creases around his eyes were deeper than before, his frown lines more prominent. Yet older didn’t mean any less intimidating, his thick travelling cloak sweeping along the stone floor like water as he strutted past the two agog boys and into the castle. Regulus trailed behind him.
Sirius could see he was trying to keep his eyes off his brother but he was weaker than his father and glanced his way, their grey eyes meeting for half a second before he looked back at his path. He too looked older but not due to natural progression of time. He looked thinner, gaunter, as if he’d not been eating or sleeping much which in turn had made his baby face disappear, replaced by a hard-faced youth. And yet Sirius didn’t care.
Because he was here, at Hogwarts. At least he was alive even if he had been up to god knows what. Even if he looked broken.
As Kreacher, who had been scurrying behind them using magic to tow Regulus’ trunks along, disappeared behind the door which shut with an almighty echo Sirius finally felt himself snap out of the trance he’d been in and started walking towards their destination. He even seemed to come to quicker than James who had to jog to catch up to his friend who was striding towards the end of the courtyard at a rapid pace.
They fell into step, all that could be heard was the sound of foot on stone and then solid mud as they reached the owlery without a word the entire journey. Only once they had secured their letter to James’ owl did either of them speak. It was James first. He stopped Sirius on the top of the steps, admittedly a foolish place to do so as the wind was faster up here, hitting their faces like tiny needles against their skin.
‘Are you alright mate?’ James asked.
‘Yeah fine,’ Sirius said, attempting to head down the stairs though James placed a hand on his chest to stop him.
‘Pads,’ he said sadly.
‘Honestly mate I’m fine,’ Sirius said firmly. And the truth was he was. It was never going to be easy to let Regulus go. If not because of the guilt he felt for abandoning him then because he was sure Regulus didn’t want to fight on behalf of Voldemort any more than he did. But he had offered an olive branch. He always would. But he couldn’t force Regulus to take it, any more than he could force his father to acknowledge his presence. And for now he had to remember what James had said. They didn’t have long left of this, normality. They weren’t going to be school kids forever. But for now they were. Regulus too. And that was just something he’d have to appreciate.
‘C’mon,’ he said, moving James’ hand from him, ‘let's go before we freeze to bloody death.’ 
@maeisafangirl @mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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news4usonline · 3 months
Disneyland gets the best in Bishop Marvin Sapp
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The Disney experience has been an integral part of the lives of Bishop Marvin Sapp and his children. Sapp and his family have made annual trips to the Happiest Place on Earth for the greater part of more than two decades. The magic never gets old for the longtime minister and veteran gospel singer.  “I’m a Disney fanatic,” Sapp said during a video conference interview. “ For the last twenty-seven years, my children and I have gone to Disney World twice a year. We go every August, and we go every Christmas. And that has been our thing as a family… to the point that my daughter…she has Disney stock." 
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Bishop Marvin Sapp performs during the funeral service for Aretha Franklin at Greater Grace Temple, Friday, Aug. 31, 2018, in Detroit. Franklin died Aug. 16, 2018 of pancreatic cancer at the age of 76. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya) “So the fact that they thought enough of me to invite me to be a part of such an amazing event, I’m just honored. I’m just ready to get there, hit the stage, and give my very best, and hopefully, you know, people will be blessed by that which they hear, we share, ” he added.      This year, Sapp, the recipient of 24 Stellar Awards and 13 Grammy nominations, was invited to participate in the Disneyland Celebrate Gospel mega event, which features local and well-known gospel choirs.  Sapp, along with Tasha Cobbs Leonard, are the headliners as Disneyland incorporates the sound of gospel music into the theme park as part of its Black History Month homage.  Known for his gospel-tuned megahits “The Best in Me” and “Never Would Have Made It,” Sapp’s adoration for the Magic Kingdom is not about the rides. What has made the Disney touch come alive for the “My Testimony” singer is the entire ambiance of what Disney is about, he said.  “Whenever I go to Disney, I look at things different than most people go,” Sapp said. “I can count the number of rides that I’ve ridden on the last twenty-something years. But whenever they’re doing a re-model or they’re building something, they always put plaques of you know, things that Walt Disney had said or different statements. When they have their parades or when they do their shows, they always have a message that’s in there that’s positive, that talks about what you can do and what you can accomplish.”  “And honestly, as a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ, you know, that environment in itself, you know…I go there just to retreat and to be around that environment and literally forecast for my future and forecast for my church’s future. So we can say that it’s a magical place. I choose to think that it’s an empowering place that gives you…For me, it ignites the fire on the inside of me that allows me to go back home and do great exploits.”            Sapp is one of the greatest gospel singers in the world. Disneyland and its guests are blessed to have this phenomenal singer and minister in their presence. The month of February is celebrated worldwide in recognition of all the contributions Black Americans have given to the United States and worldwide.  From slavery to the Reconstruction era to Jim Crow to today, at the core of the existence of the Black American experience has been the gift to sing our hearts out. My grandmother and mother used to sing those old hymns around the house all week and on Sunday mornings when we attended church.  The sounds of gospel stalwarts like Mahalia Jackson, The Jackson Southernaires, Rev. James Cleveland, Gospel Keynotes, Mighty Clouds of Joy, Dorothy Love Coates and The Gospel Harmonettes, Shirley Caesar, and Sam Cooke resonated throughout my house as I grew up. It was always present. You could not escape it.  NEW MARVIN SAPP ALBUM SUBSTANCE AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER “All In Your Hands” and “You Kept Me”Available with Pre-Order Copy or Click the link in my bio https://t.co/7Xkch7vtZI pic.twitter.com/NVMQw9Kegc— Marvin L. Sapp (@marvinsapp) May 25, 2022 That generation of gospel music gave way to individuals like Sapp, Edwin and Walter Hawkins, Yolanda Adams, Kirk Franklin, Andre Crouch, The Winans, Donald Lawrence, Fred Hammond and Commissioned, and John P. Kee and The New Life Community Choir. Today’s gospel music has shifted to a more Hosanna sound that features more praise and worship.      Sapp and Cobbs Leonard are both throwbacks to an era of gospel music that this writer grew up with whereas the more contemporary sounds of William McDowell and Tye Tribbett are ushering this tradition into the future. The genre of gospel music may have shifted, but the tie-in to Black History Month is one of the same, said Sapp.  “Gospel music is Black history,” Sapp remarked. “That’s just fact. You know, even when you go back to the time, you know, of individuals in slavery. The songs that they sung, from Harriet Tubman until now, it was a call. There was a response. It was a message of hope and help. And I think that, you know, gospel music still is that. It’s the good news of Jesus Christ, but it’s also a message of help. It’s also a message of hope that says that no matter how difficult or challenging life may seem to be, that there is a way out. And that way out may not always be physical, but it’s definitely spiritual.”       Bishop Marvin Sapp is the pastor of The Chosen Vessel Church in Fort Worth, Texas. Top Image Photo Caption: Grammy Award-Winning Recording Artist and Pastor, Marvin Sapp speaks during the Global United Fellowship Press Conference at the Omni Hotel and Resort on July 7, 2015 in Jacksonville, Florida. Established in 2013 under the leadership of Bishop Neil C. Ellis, Global United Fellowship (GUF) is a cross-denominational fellowship of spiritual leaders and churches united to strategically plan, implement and execute transformative and generational impact, and expand the Kingdom of God to all the nations of the world. (AP Photo/Don Juan Moore) Read the full article
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rogersritchie87 · 3 months
Safety In The Fresh Air And The Outdoors For Your Cat - How To Build A Cattery
It has a higher acid content than that of many other animals. This was designed to ward off predators, and for cats that are still allowed outdoors to find food, this is a huge aid in self-defense. Cat Lovers Gift A work of kitty art. They abound nowadays, so it easy to find works of art that is cat related. For the true cat lover, a lovely feline sculpture can be a wonderful and whimsical gift. You can easily find all sorts of cat-related ceramic pieces, wooden sculptures, planter, fountain, or other types of cat art. For the truly dedicated cat lover, you can even commission a local artist to paint a portrait of your friend's cat! If you have a cat, get your video camera ready too. There will be times when you are glad you were able to capture what they did on film. It isn't hard to upload such videos or to edit them. what smells do cats hate Then you can share them with the entire world because there is no denying that cats are far more entertaining than most people give them credit for. Big tom cats can be very faithful and intelligent. And Bob is right up there with the top cats. His street savvy and charming personality helped put food on the table for both. Bob's loyalty and trust in James enabled him to overcome his demons and find love and trust in himself, his cat and others. Choose a theme. You could design your basket around a special occasion or an important milestone, such as Farewell, Christmas, Graduation, etc. If the basket is for a cat you could design your basket around a "toy" theme and include lots of different cat toys. If the gift is for a human, consider their personal preferences. If your friend likes reading, for example, you can include a series of cat books, cat manuals, and a cat magazine or two. presents for cat lovers The above is a very brief insight into cat behaviour. But cats are notoriously elusive, independent creatures and each individual has its own unique character (much like humans, but more refined of course!) and this is, I think, their attraction. Unlike us and our other erstwhile companion, the dog, they are not a pack animal. The total lack of need for social contact gives them a freedom that we both admire and envy. Therefore when bonds have been made we feel privileged to be allowed into their world . Present for Cat Lovers You would be surprised at how many jobs or different ways to make money you find. Shoppers can participate in secret shopping. Organizers can clean and straighten others homes or offices. Fitness fanatics can help motivate others to get in shape or design a routine. Creative artists can sell paintings or design jewelry. Animal lovers can cat sit or become a dog walker. And, those handy with tools or cars can become a Mr. or Mrs. Fix-it. There are an endless amount of options available! Cat accessories: Whether the gift is for a new cat parent or not, the gift of cat essentials is always welcome. Cat essentials include: food and water bowls, litter boxes, scratching posts, and beds - among many other items.
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 12.6
Abolición del Ejército (Costa Rica)
Adore You Day
Armed Forces Day (Ukraine)
Christkind (Central & Southern Europe)
Constitution Day (Spain)
Dia de la Constitucion (a.k.a. Constitution Day; Spain)
Dogecoin Day
Ed Tech Appreciation Day
Encyclopedia Britannica Day
Give a Secret Gift Day
Gorse Day (French Republic)
Gramophone Day
Halifax Explosion Anniversary Day (Canada)
Ice Cube Day (Astronomy Club)
International Bad Hair Day
International Desk Day
International Memecoin Day
Miner's Day (West Virginia)
Mitten Tree Day
Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Day (Azerbaijan)
Musical Instrument Gift Day
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (Canada)
National Microwave Oven Day
National Miner's Day
National Pawnbrokers Day
National Sunnies Day (Australia)
National Travis Day
Put On Your Own Shoes Day
Quito Day (Ecuador)
Sindhi Topi and Ajrak Day (Pakistan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Make & Bake Day
National ‘Cook For Christmas’ Day
National Gazpacho Day
Samichlaus Day
1st Wednesday in December
Special Kids Day [1st Wednesday]
Independence Days
Åland Islands (from Russia, 1917)
Bophuthatswana (from South Africa, 1977)
Finland (from Russia, 1917)
Ireland (from the UK, recognized in 1922)
Kingdom of Titan (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abraham of Kratia (Christian; Saint)
Aemilianus (Roman Catholic Church)
Akibasan Gongen Hibuse Matsuri (Fire & Water Festival; Japan)
Crossover Doozer (Muppetism)
Day of the North Wind (Pagan)
Denise and companions (Christian; Saints)
Dionysia, Dativa, Aemilianus, Boniface, Leontia, Tertius, and Majoricus (Christian; Martyrs)
Eliot Porter (Artology)
Frédéric Bazille (Artology)
Gamera Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Insult a Religious Fanatic Day (Pastafarian)
James Bernouilli (Positivist; Saint)
János Scheffler (Christian; Blessed)
María del Monte Carmelo Sallés y Barangueras (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas of Myra (Christian; Saint) [brewers]
Peter Paschal (Christian; Saint)
Pirate Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Thor's Day (Norse)
Turnover (The Seasons of Earnings begins; Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [35 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [28 of 30]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [56 of 60]
Adaptation (Film; 2002)
Aeronauts (Film; 2019)
As Good As It Gets (Film; 1997)
Beggar’s Banquet, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1968)
Bullseye Bullwinkle, or Destination Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 3; 1959)
Cinderella (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Day Tripper, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
DuBarry Was A Lady (Broadway Musical; 1939)
Dumb and Dumber (Film; 1994)
Ferry Cross the Mersey (Documentary Film; 1964)
Gimme Shelter (Concert Film; 1970)
Going To A Go-Go, by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles (Song; 1965)
A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1962)
Hip Hip-Hurry! (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
The Lake District Murder, by Ernest Elmore, writing as John Bude (Novel; 1935)
Live at the BBC, by The Beatles (Compilation Album; 1994)
Mary Had a Little Lamb, recorded by Thomas Edison (Song; 1877) [1st Recording of the Human Voice]
Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree (Muppet TV Special; 1995)
19th Nervous Breakdown, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1965)
Popeye (Film; 1980)
Red Bank Boogie, recorded by The Count Basie Orchestra (Song; 1944)
Rubber Soul, by The Beatles (Album; 1965)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Animated TV Special; 1964)
Running on Empty, by Jackson Browne (Live Album; 1977)
Sixteen Stone, by Bush (Album; 1994)
Smoke on the Water, recorded by Deep Purple (Song; 1971)
Squeeze Play or Invitation to the Trance (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 4; 1959)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (Film; 1991)
Still Crazy After All These Years, by Paul Simon (Album; 1975)
The Story of an Hour, by Kate Chopin (Short Story; 1894)
The Stroll, by The Diamonds (Song; 1957)
Sympathy for the Devil, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1968)
Tommy Tucker’s Tooth (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Turn! Turn! Turn!, by The Byrds (Album; 1965)
We Can Work It Out, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1969)
Today’s Name Days
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Austria)
Nikola, Nikolai, Nina (Bulgaria)
Nikica, Niko, Nikola, Nikša, Vladimir (Croatia)
Mikuláš (Czech Republic)
Nikolaus (Denmark)
Klaus, Laas, Laus, Nigul, Nigulas, Niilas, Niilo, Nikolai, Nils (Estonia)
Niila, Niilo, Niki, Niklas, Niko, Nikolai, Nikolas (Finland)
Nicolas (France)
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Germany)
Nikolaos, Nikoleta, Nikos (Greece)
Miklós (Hungary)
Nicola (Italy)
Klāvs, Niklāvs, Nikolajs (Latvia)
Bilmantas, Mikalojus, Norvydė (Lithuania)
Nikolai, Nils (Norway)
Dionizja, Emilian, Jarema, Jarogniew, Mikołaj (Poland)
Nicolae (România)
Mikuláš (Slovakia)
Nicolás (Spain)
Niklas, Nikolaus (Sweden)
Nicholas (Ukraine)
Claus, Ira, Nicholas, Nichole, Nicholet, Nick, Nicklaus, Nickolas, Nico, Nicolas, Nicole, Nicolette, Nikki, Niko, Nikolas (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 340 of 2024; 25 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 49 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 24 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 23 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 23 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 10 Zima; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 23 November 2023
Moon: 36%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 4 Bichat (13th Month) [James Bernouilli]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 74 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 15 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 12.6
Abolición del Ejército (Costa Rica)
Adore You Day
Armed Forces Day (Ukraine)
Christkind (Central & Southern Europe)
Constitution Day (Spain)
Dia de la Constitucion (a.k.a. Constitution Day; Spain)
Dogecoin Day
Ed Tech Appreciation Day
Encyclopedia Britannica Day
Give a Secret Gift Day
Gorse Day (French Republic)
Gramophone Day
Halifax Explosion Anniversary Day (Canada)
Ice Cube Day (Astronomy Club)
International Bad Hair Day
International Desk Day
International Memecoin Day
Miner's Day (West Virginia)
Mitten Tree Day
Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Day (Azerbaijan)
Musical Instrument Gift Day
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (Canada)
National Microwave Oven Day
National Miner's Day
National Pawnbrokers Day
National Sunnies Day (Australia)
National Travis Day
Put On Your Own Shoes Day
Quito Day (Ecuador)
Sindhi Topi and Ajrak Day (Pakistan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Make & Bake Day
National ‘Cook For Christmas’ Day
National Gazpacho Day
Samichlaus Day
1st Wednesday in December
Special Kids Day [1st Wednesday]
Independence Days
Åland Islands (from Russia, 1917)
Bophuthatswana (from South Africa, 1977)
Finland (from Russia, 1917)
Ireland (from the UK, recognized in 1922)
Kingdom of Titan (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abraham of Kratia (Christian; Saint)
Aemilianus (Roman Catholic Church)
Akibasan Gongen Hibuse Matsuri (Fire & Water Festival; Japan)
Crossover Doozer (Muppetism)
Day of the North Wind (Pagan)
Denise and companions (Christian; Saints)
Dionysia, Dativa, Aemilianus, Boniface, Leontia, Tertius, and Majoricus (Christian; Martyrs)
Eliot Porter (Artology)
Frédéric Bazille (Artology)
Gamera Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Insult a Religious Fanatic Day (Pastafarian)
James Bernouilli (Positivist; Saint)
János Scheffler (Christian; Blessed)
María del Monte Carmelo Sallés y Barangueras (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas of Myra (Christian; Saint) [brewers]
Peter Paschal (Christian; Saint)
Pirate Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Thor's Day (Norse)
Turnover (The Seasons of Earnings begins; Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [35 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [28 of 30]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [56 of 60]
Adaptation (Film; 2002)
Aeronauts (Film; 2019)
As Good As It Gets (Film; 1997)
Beggar’s Banquet, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1968)
Bullseye Bullwinkle, or Destination Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 3; 1959)
Cinderella (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Day Tripper, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
DuBarry Was A Lady (Broadway Musical; 1939)
Dumb and Dumber (Film; 1994)
Ferry Cross the Mersey (Documentary Film; 1964)
Gimme Shelter (Concert Film; 1970)
Going To A Go-Go, by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles (Song; 1965)
A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1962)
Hip Hip-Hurry! (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
The Lake District Murder, by Ernest Elmore, writing as John Bude (Novel; 1935)
Live at the BBC, by The Beatles (Compilation Album; 1994)
Mary Had a Little Lamb, recorded by Thomas Edison (Song; 1877) [1st Recording of the Human Voice]
Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree (Muppet TV Special; 1995)
19th Nervous Breakdown, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1965)
Popeye (Film; 1980)
Red Bank Boogie, recorded by The Count Basie Orchestra (Song; 1944)
Rubber Soul, by The Beatles (Album; 1965)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Animated TV Special; 1964)
Running on Empty, by Jackson Browne (Live Album; 1977)
Sixteen Stone, by Bush (Album; 1994)
Smoke on the Water, recorded by Deep Purple (Song; 1971)
Squeeze Play or Invitation to the Trance (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 4; 1959)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (Film; 1991)
Still Crazy After All These Years, by Paul Simon (Album; 1975)
The Story of an Hour, by Kate Chopin (Short Story; 1894)
The Stroll, by The Diamonds (Song; 1957)
Sympathy for the Devil, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1968)
Tommy Tucker’s Tooth (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Turn! Turn! Turn!, by The Byrds (Album; 1965)
We Can Work It Out, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1969)
Today’s Name Days
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Austria)
Nikola, Nikolai, Nina (Bulgaria)
Nikica, Niko, Nikola, Nikša, Vladimir (Croatia)
Mikuláš (Czech Republic)
Nikolaus (Denmark)
Klaus, Laas, Laus, Nigul, Nigulas, Niilas, Niilo, Nikolai, Nils (Estonia)
Niila, Niilo, Niki, Niklas, Niko, Nikolai, Nikolas (Finland)
Nicolas (France)
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Germany)
Nikolaos, Nikoleta, Nikos (Greece)
Miklós (Hungary)
Nicola (Italy)
Klāvs, Niklāvs, Nikolajs (Latvia)
Bilmantas, Mikalojus, Norvydė (Lithuania)
Nikolai, Nils (Norway)
Dionizja, Emilian, Jarema, Jarogniew, Mikołaj (Poland)
Nicolae (România)
Mikuláš (Slovakia)
Nicolás (Spain)
Niklas, Nikolaus (Sweden)
Nicholas (Ukraine)
Claus, Ira, Nicholas, Nichole, Nicholet, Nick, Nicklaus, Nickolas, Nico, Nicolas, Nicole, Nicolette, Nikki, Niko, Nikolas (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 340 of 2024; 25 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 49 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 24 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 23 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 23 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 10 Zima; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 23 November 2023
Moon: 36%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 4 Bichat (13th Month) [James Bernouilli]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 74 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 15 of 30)
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darkstorm1720 · 1 year
0 notes
amontech · 1 year
Detective Knight: Redemption (2022)
Detective Knight: Redemption (2022)
Download Free Movie Titled: Detective Knight: Redemption (2022) – Hollywood Movie Mp4,Mkv,Avi In custody in New York, Detective James Knight finds himself in the middle of a jailbreak led by The Christmas Bomber, a brutal fanatic whose Santa Claus disciples are terrorizing the city. With the promised return of his badge in exchange for taking out the terrorists, the steely-eyed Knight doles out…
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umidb · 1 year
Detective Knight: Redemption
In custody in New York, Detective James Knight finds himself in the middle of a jailbreak led by The Christmas Bomber, a brutal fanatic whose Santa Claus disciples are terrorizing the city. With the promised return of his badge in exchange for taking out the terrorists, the steely-eyed Knight doles out mercy for the just…and merciless justice for all the rest.
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WEEK 11 - Wrap Up
It's Me. Hi. I'm the Problem It's Me.
Yes, I am part of the problem. Not only did I buy Taylor Swift VIP tickets for my daughter's Spring Break trip to see Taylor the first weekend of the tour...but I also bought 6 tickets to the Atlanta show - and resold them all for 6 times the value to pay for the VIP tickets in Phoenix. So, yes I am part of the problem and I just thought that I would let everyone know and be honest with this group. Also, did you guys realize that next week is week 12! Normally that would mean just 2 weeks left in the regular season but with the increase in NFL games - we now go to week 14 before we move into playoffs. So, you have 3 more weeks to get your shit together and find your way into the playoffs.
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I see what's happening here. Scotty K on a 3 game winning streak and putting up big numbers. He's making a run! I just hope he didn't peak too early! Poor Gabe on the other hand. Ever since he told me how he's on a winning streak - he's done nothing but lose and this week he only put up 73. With Mahomes, Adams and Cooper - Scott could be one to watch over the next few weeks. Nice Win Scott and high point with 152! ($20)
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Well, it happened! Brett won! He broke his 4 game losing streak and took down Lanakila. Both of these guys had players going into Monday night but with almost a 40 point lead it looks pretty promising that Brett will take the win. Cliff had a huge game from Pollard and a good game from Ekeler but not much more to stay competitive. Brett on the other hand had 27 from the Washington Commanders Defense, 22 from Herbert, 23 from Harris and 20 from T Higgins to seal the deal. Nice win Brett! It's nice to win isn't it!
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Yes, it's sad but it's true - our good friend Stu Jones is in a losing slump. Now 3 weeks in a row he has taken the "L" and this time he lost to our friend from Arkansas - Kyle Allmendinger. Both of these guys are the kind of guys that expect to make the playoffs each year. Both now sit at 6-5. If I was a betting man - Which I am - I would put my money on Kyle to make the playoffs over Stu. Mainly because Stu tends to be a quitter and Kyle will find a way to sneak in. Congrats Kyle, way to take down the OU fanatic. He made it interesting with Kittle - 2 TDs and 20.40 points...just .50 short of the win. Painful!
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I couldn't tell if this guy was yawning or in awe...and I felt like it was perfect for this match up. Nothing major here...the score was 98 - 78...but Bebo did take down Gullahorn. Kind of a boring match up but both of these guys are sitting in that 2nd/3rd place range and they don't need losses going into the home stretch...so Bebo is the winner and puts himself in a little bit better position. Also, Gully will start Christmas tour stuff after next weekend which can be a great distraction going into the final weeks. Nice win Bebo!
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Such a fun week. It always is when the Moose and I match up. This week it was evident that he thought he had me. Very confident. And to be honest he did most of the weekend. Especially after Lamar let me down and my defense could only muster 1 point. But then SNF came around and my anchor player this year Travis Kelce put up 3 TDs and over 100 yards to give me a 30 point lead going into MNF. Mitch had James Connor and Rondale Moore still to play but I am going to go ahead and be the ghost of Christmas future and predict that he just couldn't get 30 out of those 2 guys and I went on to win! So fun Mitch! I only wish we had made our annual tequila bet!
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Well, and here we are - at the last match up of the night. Howard is done - he has a lack luster 84 points. Dana, well he has 56 points but still has Kenyan Drake, Christian McCaffrey and Garoppolo still to play. If Dana can't get 29 points out of those 3 guys then he doesn't deserve to win. I say Dana wins...right!?!?! Late update. Dana won! Big night Garoppolo with 32. Great win Dana!
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Guys, we are 11 weeks in...every week I have to google Hot NFL Cheerleaders. So now stuff like this just comes up on my searches. I might be searching Christmas lights and I'll get an ad like this - so she wins this week. She is a model for Cheerleader costumes. I feel like she has a great family and probably grew going to Wednesday night Bible Study. Seems like a winner to me.
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monbeauloup · 3 years
My Remus Lupin Headcanons:
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loves classic literature
always takes a book with him wherever he goes
a lot more sensitive than he lets on
sticks little notes into his books
and they’re filled with wonderful, witty metaphors explaining his thinking and also fabulous insights, not just about the stories themselves, but also the nature of reading and writing
black tea fanatic
has a “secret” diary and writes every moment he has with sirius in it bc he wants to remember all of it. first date, first surprise, first trip together, first anniversary etc. he writes down all of it and doesn’t miss any parts
the quietest marauder, but he’s also the one with the quickest, wittiest remarks and comebacks
muggle books. so many of them. in drawers, underneath his bed. he loves the way muggles describe everything with so much beauty and depth
favorite holiday is christmas and he’s the best at giving gifts bc really listens and takes into consideration what would make the ones he loves smile
issues with anxiety and depression
soft spot for lily (platonic soulmates)
makes all his bookmarks by himself and each one is individual
sirius going to azkaban, the “betrayal” of james and lily was soul shattering for him. he spents months remembering everything sirius said to him and wondered if it all been an act. the hugs, the compassion, the kisses and the love
libraries and bookstores are his safe haven and bring him comfort
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demonbanisher · 4 years
My Fic Master List
Newest Fics Listed First
Wolfstar - Remus/Sirius
Traitor (T, 2.8k) - Flashes Series #4
An unexpected visitor will cause the group to have to face things earlier than they'd hoped.
Breaking Point (T, 2k) - Flashes Series #3
Sirius and Lily fill James in on their suspicions about Peter. Sirius hits a breaking point. He just wants Remus to feel better.
Aftermath (T, 2.8k) - Flashes Series #2
Remus is back home after being kidnapped, but he's having a hard time dealing with everything that happened. That and he can't seem to shake the memory of the death eater who seemed too familiar...
Enough (G, 1.1k)
Something happened at work that's been bothering Remus. Sirius is waiting for them to finally tell him what.
Don’t Call Me Sir (G, 2.1k)
Remus Lupin, the prince of Hogwarts is currently being attacked. Good thing his bodyguard Sirius Black is there to protect him.
Flashes (T, 1.3k) - Flashes Series #1
Remus returns home after being kidnapped and tortured by death eaters
The Moon, the Stars, and the Darkness Between Them (T, 60k)
Remus Lupin never thought he'd fall in love, and if he did, he figured it would be fleeting, worrying about his mental illness being too much of a burden. The life he's built for himself at Hogwarts University is already more than he could ever imagine: incredible friends, and a great job working as a residence don. But then he meets Sirius Black and all of that changes. For the first time in Remus' life he has hope that love might be in his future and nothing terrifies him more.
Mango Smoothies (T, 1.5k)
After seven years clean, Remus has a self-harm relapse. His boyfriend is there to help him get through it and remind him that no matter what he is loved.
Roses (T, 900) - Escaping His Shadow Series #6
Saying goodbye to Fenrir doesn't get rid of all the pain and hurt he's caused.
Finding Peace (T, 1.5k) - Escaping His Shadow Series #5
Remus decides he needs to see Fenrir one more time so that he can finally move on.
Touch (T, 17.8k)
It's November 1981, in the wake of the events of Halloween, Remus and McGonagall only know two things. That Sirius can't be the traitor and that James and Lily would have wanted him to raise Harry. They set out to force a trial, but facing the Ministry means that Remus must also face Sirius who he hasn't seen in over a year - who he hasn't seen since they made out at a party shortly after Harry was born. Remus loves Sirius, but doesn't think he would have kissed him sober. Sirius fears he took advantage of Remus' drunken state. Can they reconcile the past and work to together to do what's best for them and Harry?
DM Me (G, 6k)
Remus makes a bet with famous musician Sirius Black on Twitter about who's going to win the Superbowl. He doesn't expect to win or for Sirius Black to follow through and go on a date with him.
Forever (T, 900) - Escaping His Shadow Series #4
On the bad days, a part of Remus still wants Fenrir near.
Goodbye Padfoot (T, 1.7k)
It's a week before Christmas, and Sirius and Remus have to say goodbye to their dog Padfoot.
Sirius + Remus (T, 70k) 
Sirius, a holiday cynic, is spending the season alone this year away from his family. Remus, a Christmas fanatic, is looking for love. When Sirius finds the red notebook Remus has left in a bookstore, the two start writing to each other. Maybe this year, they won’t have to spend the holidays alone. Based off Dash and Lily.
Everything I Wish Someone Had Told You (T, 1.5k) - Escaping His Shadow Series #3
Sirius arrives home after lots of time spent with Remus. He decides to writes to a letter to sort through everything he's feeling about what Remus went through with Fenrir
Falling (T, 1.8k) - Escaping His Shadow Series #2
A few days after Fenrir's texts, Remus is still falling and he doesn't know who he can hold onto or how to help.
What Loving Him Did to Me (T, 2.7k) - Escaping His Shadow Series #1
Remus Lupin and Fenrir Greyback were friends once, they were in love once. But years later, Fenrir is still in Remus' life through random spontaneous text messages that send him hurdling back to the emotional and psychological abuse he endured. He hopes this time will be different, but either way he has Sirius by his side to help him through.
Sirius’ Last Birthday Present (T, 700)
Three days after Peter, James, and Lily's deaths and Sirius' betrayal, Remus sits at home alone remembering that today is Sirius' birthday. Little did he know that Sirius had his own present picked out.
It’s Getting Bad Again (G, 1.2k)
Remus' anxiety and depression is starting to worsen. Luckily, his lovely boyfriend is just down the hall to help him out.
(Un)conditional Love (T, 3k)
When Sirius comes back to Hogwarts early to find Remus crying, he doesn't know what to do. Years of feeling unseen and invalidated by his parents have built up and Remus has finally let it all come crashing down. Luckily, he has Sirius to help pull him through it all.
Memories (T, 3k)
Sirius has been trying to find a potion to get back his memories he lost to the Dementors. He thinks he finally has it right, when suddenly things go very very wrong and he can't stop reliving his past.
Brownies (T, 8k)
Where did Remus' penchant for carrying chocolate come from? How has chocolate helped him get through the bad times and will it still work when things get worse?
A story of love through the good and bad times, finding yourself, and baking a lot of brownies.
A Werewolf’s Eyes (G, 2.5k)
The full moon is here and the Marauders are late getting Remus down into the Shrieking Shack.
Inspired by the legend that if a werewolf sees its true love, they will transform back into human form.
Remus & Sirius - Friendship 
Imperfect the Way You Are (T, 1.2k)
Sirius and Remus move into together after Hogwarts. One day Remus comes home and walks in on Sirius, leading to a candid conversation about Sirius' struggled to accept his asexuality.
The Aftermath of the Boggart Lesson or Remus Lupin to Fire Snape (G, 1.7k)
After Remus learns that Neville's boggart is not the people who tortured his parents but a professor at Hogwarts he storms into Dumbledore's office to demand Snape be fired. What ensues is a conversation about their role within Hogwarts and what they each see as their duty to protect the students.
Lots of Remus just straight up yelling at Dumbledore
60 notes · View notes
brookston · 1 year
Holidays 12.6
Abolición del Ejército (Costa Rica)
Armed Forces Day (Ukraine)
Christkind (Central & Southern Europe)
Constitution Day (Spain)
Dia de la Constitucion (a.k.a. Constitution Day; Spain)
Encyclopedia Britannica Day
Give a Secret Gift Day
Gramophone Day
Ice Cube Day (Astronomy Club)
International Bad Hair Day
Miner's Day (West Virginia)
Mitten Tree Day
Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Day (Azerbaijan)
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (Canada)
National Microwave Oven Day
National Miner's Day
Pawnbrokers Day
Put On Your Own Shoes Day
Quito Day (Ecuador)
Sindhi Topi and Ajrak Day (Pakistan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National ‘Cook For Christmas’ Day
National Gazpacho Day
1st Tuesday in December
World Trick Shot Day [1st Tuesday]
Independence Days
Åland Islands (from Russia, 1917)
Bophuthatswana (from South Africa, 1977)
Finland (from Russia, 1917)
Ireland (from the UK, recognized in 1922)
Feast Days
Abraham of Kratia (Christian; Saint)
Aemilianus (Roman Catholic Church)
Akibasan Gongen Hibuse Matsuri (Fire & Water Festival; Japan)
Crossover Doozer (Muppetism)
Denise and companions (Christian; Saint)
Dionysia, Dativa, Aemilianus, Boniface, Leontia, Tertius, and Majoricus (Christian; Martyrs)
Gamera Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Insult a Religious Fanatic Day (Pastafarian)
James Bernouilli (Positivist; Saint)
János Scheffler (Christian; Blessed)
María del Monte Carmelo Sallés y Barangueras (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas of Myra (Christian; Saint) [brewers]
Peter Paschal (Christian; Saint)
Pirate Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Thor's Day (Norse)
Turnover (The Seasons of Earnings begins; Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [35 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [28 of 30]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [56 of 60]
Aeronauts (Film; 2019)
As Good As It Gets (Film; 1997)
Beggar’s Banquet, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1968)
Day Tripper, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
DuBarry Was A Lady (Broadway Musical; 1939)
Dumb and Dumber (Film; 1994)
Gimme Shelter (Concert Film; 1970)
Going To A Go-Go, by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles (Song; 1965)
A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1962)
Live at the BBC, by The Beatles (Compilation Album; 1994)
Mary Had a Little Lamb, recorded by Thomas Edison (Song; 1877) [1st Recording of the Human Voice]
Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree (Muppet TV Special; 1995)
19th Nervous Breakdown, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1965)
Red Bank Boogie, recorded by The Count Basie Orchestra (Song; 1944)
Rubber Soul, by The Beatles (Album; 1965)
Running on Empty, by Jackson Browne (Live Album; 1977)
Smoke on the Water, recorded by Deep Purple (Song; 1971)
Still Crazy After All These Years, by Paul Simon (Album; 1975)
The Stroll, by The Diamonds (Song; 1957)
Sympathy for the Devil, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1968)
Turn! Turn! Turn!, by The Byrds (Album; 1965)
We Can Work It Out, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1969)
Today’s Name Days
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Austria)
Nikola, Nikolai, Nina (Bulgaria)
Nikica, Niko, Nikola, Nikša, Vladimir (Croatia)
Mikuláš (Czech Republic)
Nikolaus (Denmark)
Klaus, Laas, Laus, Nigul, Nigulas, Niilas, Niilo, Nikolai, Nils (Estonia)
Niila, Niilo, Niki, Niklas, Niko, Nikolai, Nikolas (Finland)
Nicolas (France)
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Germany)
Nikolaos, Nikoleta, Nikos (Greece)
Miklós (Hungary)
Nicola (Italy)
Klāvs, Niklāvs, Nikolajs (Latvia)
Bilmantas, Mikalojus, Norvydė (Lithuania)
Nikolai, Nils (Norway)
Dionizja, Emilian, Jarema, Jarogniew, Mikołaj (Poland)
Mikuláš (Slovakia)
Nicolás (Spain)
Niklas, Nikolaus (Sweden)
Nicholas (Ukraine)
Claus, Ira, Nicholas, Nichole, Nicholet, Nick, Nicklaus, Nickolas, Nico, Nicolas, Nicole, Nicolette, Nikki, Niko, Nikolas (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 340 of 2022; 25 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 49 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 13 (Gui-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 12 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 12 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 10 Zima; Twosday [10 of 30]
Julian: 23 November 2022
Moon: 98%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 4 Bichat (12th Month) [James Bernouilli]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 75 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 14 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 12.6
Abolición del Ejército (Costa Rica)
Armed Forces Day (Ukraine)
Christkind (Central & Southern Europe)
Constitution Day (Spain)
Dia de la Constitucion (a.k.a. Constitution Day; Spain)
Encyclopedia Britannica Day
Give a Secret Gift Day
Gramophone Day
Ice Cube Day (Astronomy Club)
International Bad Hair Day
Miner's Day (West Virginia)
Mitten Tree Day
Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Day (Azerbaijan)
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (Canada)
National Microwave Oven Day
National Miner's Day
Pawnbrokers Day
Put On Your Own Shoes Day
Quito Day (Ecuador)
Sindhi Topi and Ajrak Day (Pakistan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National ‘Cook For Christmas’ Day
National Gazpacho Day
1st Tuesday in December
World Trick Shot Day [1st Tuesday]
Independence Days
Åland Islands (from Russia, 1917)
Bophuthatswana (from South Africa, 1977)
Finland (from Russia, 1917)
Ireland (from the UK, recognized in 1922)
Feast Days
Abraham of Kratia (Christian; Saint)
Aemilianus (Roman Catholic Church)
Akibasan Gongen Hibuse Matsuri (Fire & Water Festival; Japan)
Crossover Doozer (Muppetism)
Denise and companions (Christian; Saint)
Dionysia, Dativa, Aemilianus, Boniface, Leontia, Tertius, and Majoricus (Christian; Martyrs)
Gamera Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Insult a Religious Fanatic Day (Pastafarian)
James Bernouilli (Positivist; Saint)
János Scheffler (Christian; Blessed)
María del Monte Carmelo Sallés y Barangueras (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas of Myra (Christian; Saint) [brewers]
Peter Paschal (Christian; Saint)
Pirate Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Thor's Day (Norse)
Turnover (The Seasons of Earnings begins; Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [35 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [28 of 30]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [56 of 60]
Aeronauts (Film; 2019)
As Good As It Gets (Film; 1997)
Beggar’s Banquet, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1968)
Day Tripper, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
DuBarry Was A Lady (Broadway Musical; 1939)
Dumb and Dumber (Film; 1994)
Gimme Shelter (Concert Film; 1970)
Going To A Go-Go, by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles (Song; 1965)
A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1962)
Live at the BBC, by The Beatles (Compilation Album; 1994)
Mary Had a Little Lamb, recorded by Thomas Edison (Song; 1877) [1st Recording of the Human Voice]
Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree (Muppet TV Special; 1995)
19th Nervous Breakdown, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1965)
Red Bank Boogie, recorded by The Count Basie Orchestra (Song; 1944)
Rubber Soul, by The Beatles (Album; 1965)
Running on Empty, by Jackson Browne (Live Album; 1977)
Smoke on the Water, recorded by Deep Purple (Song; 1971)
Still Crazy After All These Years, by Paul Simon (Album; 1975)
The Stroll, by The Diamonds (Song; 1957)
Sympathy for the Devil, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1968)
Turn! Turn! Turn!, by The Byrds (Album; 1965)
We Can Work It Out, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1969)
Today’s Name Days
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Austria)
Nikola, Nikolai, Nina (Bulgaria)
Nikica, Niko, Nikola, Nikša, Vladimir (Croatia)
Mikuláš (Czech Republic)
Nikolaus (Denmark)
Klaus, Laas, Laus, Nigul, Nigulas, Niilas, Niilo, Nikolai, Nils (Estonia)
Niila, Niilo, Niki, Niklas, Niko, Nikolai, Nikolas (Finland)
Nicolas (France)
Denise, Henrike, Nikolaus (Germany)
Nikolaos, Nikoleta, Nikos (Greece)
Miklós (Hungary)
Nicola (Italy)
Klāvs, Niklāvs, Nikolajs (Latvia)
Bilmantas, Mikalojus, Norvydė (Lithuania)
Nikolai, Nils (Norway)
Dionizja, Emilian, Jarema, Jarogniew, Mikołaj (Poland)
Mikuláš (Slovakia)
Nicolás (Spain)
Niklas, Nikolaus (Sweden)
Nicholas (Ukraine)
Claus, Ira, Nicholas, Nichole, Nicholet, Nick, Nicklaus, Nickolas, Nico, Nicolas, Nicole, Nicolette, Nikki, Niko, Nikolas (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 340 of 2022; 25 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 49 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 13 (Gui-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 12 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 12 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 10 Zima; Twosday [10 of 30]
Julian: 23 November 2022
Moon: 98%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 4 Bichat (12th Month) [James Bernouilli]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 75 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 14 of 30)
0 notes