#and it's a bit saddening
flowers-and-pollen · 4 months
Do you think, when telling the Hobbit to his children, Tolkien did the voices?
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elodieunderglass · 8 months
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lunarhobbits · 1 month
i do think the fact that shane is dressed like a supervillain in the announcement is really funny. when he betrays his audience he goes all out at least.
(credit to reddit user Icy_Arrival4510 on r/WatcherSnark for pointing this out)
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i recently went to the actual WH website, saw the cannon Barnaby after months of tumblr brainwashing *cough cough more realistic barn cough* and was taken aback, like i had to look at him for a few seconds. I choose to blame you and that Weevmo feller' for this
you. you haven't. you haven't looked at the actual website? you haven't looked at The Actual Project? i. im.
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khruschevshoe · 5 months
The fact that BBC class never got a season 2 is my Roman empire and always will be. With that ending? With April becoming shadowkin? With the fallout between Charlie and Matteusz and all of Charlie's guilt over using the Cabinet of Souls and losing everything left of his people? The sudden change in dynamic between Ms. Quill and Charlie/Quill saving Charlie's life? Ram's reaction to April becoming Shadowkin? Tanya and Ram dealing with the ramifications of telling Charlie to use the Cabinet of Souls? The fact that they STILL HAVEN'T PROPERLY DEALT WITH THE FALLOUT FROM WHEN THEY WERE TRAPPED WITH THE PRISONER AND THE TRUTH-GUILT ROCK? Feral. Absolutely FERAL, I am telling you. I'm never getting over this. It's been seven years and I am still NOT OVER IT
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sealrock · 6 months
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decembhyur, day 6: memory
you're gonna go far, kid.
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
I know identity reveals are overdone, I know they had more important plot stuff going on, but we gotta take a second and imagine what it was like when Skye/Aoi first learned Yusaku was Playmaker.
You go to highschool. There's all the typical highschool students there, including a quiet kid who sits by himself and never talks to anyone. The closest you ever see to him socializing is the class clown talking at him while he walks away???? He doesn't have any interest in playing the Literal Only And Greatest Game Ever. He doesn't even know your school has a club for that. But one day he shows up, and he doesn't seem interested at all, despite, you know, being there. You look at his cards and another club member says they look terrible and he must be an awful duelist. He shrugs and doesn't argue this point.
He never comes back to the club again.
And then one time you sneak away from class to go fight a vigilante and get in over your head and end up falling into a coma, and this guy, who you already kinda feel bad for because of that awkward social interaction is for some reason hanging out on the roof of the school and notices your unconscious body and calls an ambulance about it. Kinda a weird life event to tie two people together, but hey, now you feel double bad about your literal only two interactions with this guy, so you see him working at a food truck one day (badly) and you figure the least you can do is go buy lunch, thank him properly.
He seems completely as anti-social as he comes across in class. The two of you exchange maybe a dozen words. How is he still employed here.
Then a few weeks later that same guy tells you he's a vigilante cyberslueth that you've been repeatedly working with as you and a few other friends/enemies of the state unravel a criminal conspiracy.
You are Skye Zaizen.
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domesticatedpigeonsoup · 11 months
conceptual issue with sally face lore
(i haven't been invested in the game for a while so bear with me if i get something wrong)
the whole cult thing having native american origins just kind of ruins some of the game for me, not only because "native american curse/magic/cults" is an annoying trope but i feel like it weakens the message
a lot of sally face is about not fitting in with the majority and trying to find peace with that, caring about finding people who will love, accept and cherish you for your true self
and that's why having christians as the antagonists was great at first, those are the people who have historically hated anyone who doesn't fit in and still majorly fight against indiciality and freedom of self and expression
mr. phelps being in a "satanic" cult but at the same time telling his son that gay people go to hell was a beautiful way to show christian hypocrisy and "no hate like christian love" and their corruption
i think the gang defeating them would've been more powerful if they stayed with just christian origins, maybe having their start as some kind of Faust situation, because then it would've been so symbolic... a group of freaks, misfits and outliers taking down their hypocritical opressors
it's just also weird to give a cult that has a goal of taking over the world in the name of their beliefs with violence to native americans who have been colonised instead of colonisers themselves
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kouhaiofcolor · 4 months
I really miss the natural hair community & watching natural hair content generally. That was so good for Black Women; we were thriving at it, too. And as rapidly as it rose to popularity, it’s crazy how dead the whole concept is now. I think it had more to do w all the division created over routines around maintenance than anything else. Everybody was entirely too pushy w trying to make what worked for them personally a staple for taking care of textured hair in general — & that shit walked so that colorism, featurism, texturism & misogynoir could run. Now the same ppl who was riding the wave a few years ago & swearing by all these products, brands, sponsors, wash day & styling methods have put natural hair away as a concept entirely.
Also, why the hell did we waste all that energy prefacing everything w, “Stop doing this and do these things for your hair to grow to tailbone length overnight🤡” — just to go right back to weave and perms? All that researching for what? All the dedication to disproving antiblack/misogynoir notions about Black hair for what? All the redefining of protective styles for what? All the trying to unlearn the belief structures around the colonization of Black hair for what? What did we teach ourselves fr? How did we make things any easier for Black Women and little Black girls? It’s tragic af. The Natural Hair Community/Movement is dead, it seems like. I don’t think we fought hard enough to prevent what happened to it honestly :\
#this isn’t to call out or demoralize weave or perms or anything like that either#I don’t think there’s anything wrong w black women doing any of that#but on the flip side I do kind of feel like#maybe weave is a bit of a crutch for us?#even w an understanding of it being a conditioning via white supremacy & antiblackness#I just don’t understand why it was smothered as a movement#& why black women seem to have like…. kind of just rolled over with it?#it was legitimately good for us before everyone else went to bandwagoning for relevance#and I get that too#but I still feel like we did a poor job at defending & teaching each other first & foremost#non black people definitely got in the way of that#but we also got in each other’s way ourselves#everyone I used to be subscribed to on yt for natural hair content stepped away from it#even those w natural hair grown & maintained beyond their waist or whatnot#the switch right back to unhealthy means of taking care of textured hair was flipped so easily#it just saddens me cus we were working at doing better#esteeming ourselves#our nieces#our daughters#our female cousins and mothers and aunties about the way we take care of our hair#and fell just short of actually taking something tangible from it#it wasn’t about having longer hair#it was about giving textured hair representation in ways it mattered#we were so driven in this & it was beautiful#there is no movement or dedication to this in 2024 tho#proud of black women who were independent thinkers & didn’t fall off w all the chaos#them trends had ppl clambering all over each other#& it ultimately killed the movement#nowadays you don’t even hear from the non black women who were vulturing for clout#i be floored w how sparse any content true to the hash tags are anymore
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strawglicks · 6 months
no one gets graham payser like i do, he is so pathetic and ugly and everyone seems to think hes sooo hot and slays sooo hard and im over here wondering if we are looking at the same guy
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hsr: references to jingliu, jing yuan, and yanqing's backstories. interpretations + hcs roughly based on anything up to 1.4
(hi i don't make proper theories or analyses. i just scream my feelings into a void in a chaotic barrage of words.)
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thinking about sword family again.
how jingliu’s readiness to teach anyone swordsmanship regardless of fame, talent, or circumstances transformed jing yuan’s life. i think about little jing yuan, whose passion for swordplay went against his parents' wishes, whose talent leaned far more into cunning than the blade. and yet jingliu acknowledged his desire to learn and acknowledged him as he was. even now, he still speaks of her with respect and fondness.
i then think about how jing yuan now, many years later, is mentoring a student of his own, yanqing. a boy with no known background but had a fiery passion for swordplay. how he went against public opinion to give him opportunities on the battlefield at a young age. the dubious ethics of this aside, i can see little yanqing felt his passion and abilities acknowledged.
i think of them being acknowledged by their masters, for not only their strengths and weaknesses, but their dreams. i can imagine a great sense of hope dawning on them. they will never forget it.
(extra headcanony territory) and then i picture, the student of her student, standing before her, hungry for another contest, hungry to learn more techniques from her. he knows she's deemed a criminal by the xianzhou, he knows her past is full of painful complications beyond his comprehension, but through all that, jingliu is still a brilliant swordmaster, and that's what matters to him. he will acknowledge her as she is. he will cut through her punishing memories with his sharp tongue. "what's the holdup? it's time for swordplay!" and she will smile the sweetest and most sincere smile she had for years, for there's fun to be had.
and so the cycle of hope has come full circle.
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>> disclaimer: i might be too paranoid about this, but i feel the need to note that the positive way i wrote this (and other posts) doesn't mean i think what these characters do for each other is necessarily the best or healthiest (even by in-universe standards, let alone my own). i acknowledge the flaws and greyness of this world, but i prefer to read them in the context of its own setting and focus on the positives for a lot of these posts because it gives me the most joy.
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annoying-moth · 2 months
Letshugo had to blacklist qsmp from the chat bc people kept spamming it to ask when he is playing :/
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randomnameless · 9 months
Funnily enough, Byleth might be one of the more tolerable characters on CF specifically, if only because they just quietly enable Supreme Leader's bs instead of coming up with some character-assassinating nonsensical excuse for why they're helping the person that tried to kill them unprovoked five minutes ago like the rest of the non-Hubert and Jeritza BESF members; it's the only time that them being mostly silent does anything to benefit their character (other than shallow self-insertion that's half-assed in and of itself due to them still being their own character to an extent), since they're one of the only BESF members to make it out of the route with their characterization relatively unscathed due to not being able to say stupid shit like the rest of the recruitable cast (excluding how out-of-character it is for them to choose CF at all, but that's hardly an issue exclusive to Byleth lol).
After Nopes, Engage and FEH that fleshed Billy's character a bit more - Tru Piss!Billy is also Tru Piss'd.
A fwend made a list some time ago, but Tru Piss!Billy is callous and makes "jokes" at people's expense, when Billy doesn't (or when they do, it's in good fun).
Even in my first run I noticed Billy being WTF at Emile joining the gang to besiege Garreg Mach - and they finally get their answer about the Jerry incident and the Mole People thanks to Hubert in his paralogue...
But after Nopes, without taking Sothis into account, you want to tell me Billy wouldn't bat an eye and side with Flamey, whose associates (before Hubert tells them that no, they're mutually hating and using each other) killed their father? I'm not expecting Dimitri tiers of being pissed when Rufus says he killed Lambert, but even Barney was pissed at Clout in Golden Shower for the Randolph thing. Billy is just shrugging until, per chance, Hubert takes them along in their paralogue? Seriously??
Still, yeah, I guess not having lines means they escaped the assassination levels of other characters even if I can't say they escape scot free, plot and story wise, they lose the only link they had to their own mother (and if stroking the player's peepee wasn't that important, they would have lost their friend Sothis).
This makes me think, we see way more people (or used to see?) angry because Billy doesn't react (they do actually, but not in the way some players would like?) to Dimitri's boar mode, but those very same people didn't have the same criticism about Tru Piss!Billy, when Supreme Leader sprouts her "lizards BaD bcs non humans" spiel, her "no matter what we must kill Dimitri", or anything regarding her conquest being for the great Gud who is erring somewhere.
I wonder why?
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lover-of-skellies · 8 months
Welp. Lost my fictional peepaw today. Currently mourning for him on the inside as we speak
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downfallofi · 2 months
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Document the good body days.
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pickled-flowers · 2 years
Something I've noticed during the years I've been out as ace is that no one has ever come out to me as aspec before I had myself made it clear I was asexual; because being asexual is such a lonely experience, and we are most often than not met with honestly shitty reactions, both by cishet and our own community, we literally never know who is a safe person to come out to unless they're ace themselves, and even then! And you know what, as much as I hate coming out and having to explain/debate/justify my identity, I will continue to be out and proud and loud about being ace, because I might make someone feel less alone, like I've done many times now
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