#and in Stede's case
Honestly, though, one of the things I find bizarrely relatable about Stede can be explained just by that scene where he gets stabbed and just nicely asks, "Did you mean to do that?" Like yes, honey. Yes, he did.
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acianoh · 7 months
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"And if you don't love me now - You will never love me again"
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shugarmelon85 · 7 months
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a girl, her fish, and the boy she kissed
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saltpepperbeard · 7 months
the way several characters have told ed and stede to "shut up" in some way, shape, or form. but when they're both talking to each other, they absolutely cling to every single word. they can't get enough of each other's stories, or ramblings, or little recounts of their days.
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garbomode · 7 months
i just wanna talk about the parallels between 1x05 and 2x07 for a minute
so both episodes start with them trying each other's thing. Stede learning how to be a real pirate and Ed trying to be a gentleman and make a nice(ish) breakfast.
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thennnn we get to the meat of the episode & stede and ed each expect that they'll be the center of attention for the aristocrats and pirates, respectively
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but! it ends up being the other way around!
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sooo they're just absolutely killing it in front of all these people, having a great fuckin time and fitting in
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they get to be a little silly and goofy :)
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then, they have a little talk, saying yeah this seems great, but you need to be careful because these people can be unpredictable.
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and as soon as they're apart, there's a conflict. i want to say that both conflicts happen bc they don't really understand the group but tbh i have no idea why stede did that
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and everything goes to absolute shit
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and then everything goes to even more absolute shit. ships on fire.
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in 1x05 ofc they go back and have their "you wear fine things well" moment but in 2x07 they're separated and we just have to sit with it :(
bonus you also have frenchie scamming people:
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ed not panicking:
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and izzy being a little freak:
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stygmatus · 7 months
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I've gotta admit, the take that Ed and Stede are "running away" from their problems at the end of s2 absolutely baffles me.
The thesis statement of this show, as we know, is "a lot of the things we are taught about being a man are wrong." Harmful ideas of what it means to be a man are at the core of Ed and Stede's issues with themselves: Stede struggle to feel like as much of a man despite loving softer things, Ed's feeling forced into a hyper-masculine caricature of himself. These are the core problems at the heart of these characters, obviously there's more to it but when you boil it down that's what we're working with. This is why Stede's trying to live up the ideal pirate image in s2e7 is important; he's getting a taste of what he thought he wanted so he can choose to leave it behind for what's really important. Ed, too, is still struggling at the end of the season with figuring out who Ed is, once he can break free from the Blackbeard persona.
What would be solved by sailing away, planning to continue as pirates at the end of s2? How would that be addressing their problems or helping them live more authentically? Ed has wanted to leave piracy since we met him, and yes, Stede enjoys piracy, but the idea that piracy is the true and right end-state for him is a very basic reading of the text I think.
Ed and Stede making the decision to try building a life together in their new shack isn't running away from their problems - it's Stede prioritizing Ed over a life of piracy, because piracy isn't what he wanted in the first place. He wanted to be a part of something, he wanted to marry for love, he wanted to be appreciated for who he is. It's Ed finally realizing in the finale that he can use violence as a tool to protect the people he loves, but he's also allowed to step away from it. Will the inn idea work out? Maybe. Maybe not. Who cares? It's not the inn that's important, really, it's that they're both choosing to commit to each other and taking this step towards living more authentically.
We already know exactly what "running away from their problems" would look like, and it's the plan Ed proposed in s1e9. He wanted to run away to China so their old lives could be "gone, dead, never were." Ed just wanted to forget about his past, and Stede was riddled with guilt - wherever they go, there they are. The difference between that plan at the end of s1 and Ed and Stede's new plan at the end of the s2 is, first of all, they're both all in and they know it, and, secondly, they're both getting a lot better at meeting themselves where they're at.
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eefaevie · 6 months
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Suddenly, the room goes silent as the front door opens. In walks the single most breathtakingly gorgeous man Stede’s ever seen. Everything about the man is striking; he’s dressed provocatively in a well-worn black leather jacket over dark jeans and boots, and his long, silvery hair is piled into a high bun exposing the bronze expanse of his elegant neck. Stede can see the edges of faint black inkwork peeking out from under the cuffs of his jacket and across the top of his chest, and his short-cropped beard emphasizes an absolutely stunning set of cheekbones. And his eyes, god, his eyes; they’re luminous, as vast and dark as the swath of sky held aloft by the telescope on the hill.
art and excerpt from chapter one of Wave Hello to the Void, an ofmd gentlebeard fic written by @mxmollusca and @zacharybosch with some art by me ❤️ check it out on ao3!
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naranjapetrificada · 7 months
I'm exhausted but we need to talk about
how creepy this is:
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(gif by @chrrispine)
when you remember (and are still waiting in vain for the narrative of season 2 to acknowledge) this moment, much less the entire fucked up scene it's part of:
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(gif by @figmentof)
That Izzy was the one to intrude on their moment was violation enough, but I was legitimately physically uncomfortable with his eyes raking over Ed like that AND Ed's complete lack of reaction to it. I understand that there was meant to be some subtextal discomfort around this new level of intimacy for Ed and Stede but coupled with literally everything else about Izzy's fumbled arc this season, it was even worse than it needed to be. Add it to the pile of inexplicable* decisions they've made around Izzy as a character this season.
*well there are some potential explanations but they're all bummers
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a moment of gratitude for whichever costume designer had the piece of mind to get Stede out of that fuckass wig before “you wear fine things well”
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pastryjay · 6 months
Hey! If you're an OFMD fan who loved S2, including the finale and posts/ reblogs mostly OFMD stuff, can you give this a like this please? I'm looking for more blogs to follow and want to avoid all negativity about the show. Especially hello if you love Ed/ Stede, they are everything to me <3.
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dickfuckk · 11 months
A love letter to the hair team for OFMD
Inspired by and dedicated to @bizarrelittlemew You should also check out her fic Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe that mentions Hair several times ✌️
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saltpepperbeard · 7 months
no because again, i feel like the costuming changes are so very intentional. AGAIN, i am kissing the costuming department on their mouths.
because in the last episode, stede was red. stede was the red silk. stede was a fine thing. he was closer to himself, closer to ed’s heart. he was excited to find new clothes and glowed under the light of the moon.
and he continues to wear red into episode 6 when he’s alongside of ed and encouraging him to “turn poison into positivity.”
but then a switch occurs. in episode 6, he suddenly switches to blue. when he kills a man in cold blood, when a bit more ferocity comes out, he is in blue.
others have pointed out that this color on him represents forced masculinity, that it represents him trying to fit within the stereotypical box of “blue instead of pink.” and i think that’s just it. i think it’s very intentional.
because he’s trying to be ruthless instead of forgiving. hardened instead of soft. what he believes to be a “proper pirate/man” as opposed to someone who got stoned for picking flowers.
blue, and not red. cold, and not warm.
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stil-lindigo · 2 years
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lift me up, hold me down.
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ok izzy being eds father figure is ridiculous so i’m not even touching that, but you know who he is more of a father figure to? the crew. you know who else viewed the crew as more of his children/family and treated them like his children? stede.
they’re the dads of the ship
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scaryhaven · 6 months
It was such a beautiful choice for Stede to say "i know, i know that" to Ed's "I love you" because its not something he would have been able to say before. Despite the fact they'd just had a fight and went their separate ways, something that would have normally made him feel insecure, unwanted and rejected, he'd known all on his own, that Ed actually does love him, he didn't need to hear it. It's a cute parallel to when Stede tried to reassure Ed that he loved him when they were at Mary and Anne's, only difference is that Ed very much did need to hear it, and it instantly made him feel better. I just love it because the obvious response would be for Stede to say "I love you" back, but choosing to say "I know" truly shows Stede's growth, he's becoming more confident and understands his man better than ever, and what can i say, I'm just rooting for those two crazy kids.
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